argonaughtt · 3 years
A/B/O for the fanfic tropes?
lol damn Artemis you're really trying to call me out.
A/B/O trope: B-
Listen... its ok. Occasionally. I feel like this is a trope purely for smut reasons and I haven't really read an ABO fic with a solid plot. I have mixed feelings on the matter cus on one hand, it's absolutely ridiculous and can be dubcon at times which I'm not cool with then on the other hand... power dynamics are hot. OK THAT'S ALL YOURE GETTING THANKS FOR THE ASK.
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anonthenullifier · 3 years
1 and 4 for the meta writer asks.
Thanks for the ask!!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Post Hoc: this is an AU I started over a year ago that I haven’t updated in a long long time. It’s about two researchers, Vision (a social-cognitive psychologist) and Wanda (a quantum physicist) that are forced to collaborate together. They decide to do a study that requires a fake wedding website which of course means they have to fake date to get the pictures for it. The last time I touched it I had about ⅓ of the next chapter written. I have some quantum physics podcasts I’m listening through now to get back into the mindset for it because I miss this story a lot. This story is probably the nerdiest thing I’ve written but it lets me just let loose with my love of research.
There’s a couple of prompts I’m trying to get to before diving fully into Post Hoc. One is about Wanda getting really injured and how that impacts her family and the other is a detective AU. I’m still outlining/brainstorming those. Both of these are requiring me to push myself in different directions and are challenging, which I think is fun.
I’m still trying to figure out the angle I want to take with White Vision. So it’s not really in progress but I’m always thinking about it and reading various books and research to figure out what I want to do. I don’t actually love this one though, it stresses me out.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
I’ll go with a recent one from Promise Broken with a Vow:
Five years ago he concluded that his life had ended, that he had moved into an existence that ran only parallel to humanity. Except now it has sloped perpendicular, love bringing him over the threshold, guiding him into an acceptance of his worth, into an understanding that he never truly separated from the man he’s always been. It’s all the more fitting then that he packed this suit, one far nicer than their journey required, because its threads hold tight the memories of hot toddies gone cold, of paille maille on a scorching summer day, and of a headstrong woman who bent the rules to slow down the pace of his daily chores. Each line of silver filigree swirling through the waistcoat echoes with her laughter and words, always nudging him just a step closer to the impropriety of allowing himself to feel like a man. The bow tie anchors him, binds him into the reflection before him, all while awaiting the embrace of his (soon-to-be) wife’s fingers to pull him down for a kiss.
Writing this fic was bittersweet because it could very well be the last I write in this AU (or not but I don’t know yet). So this paragraph was me reminiscing about the experience and the love I have for this version of Vision and Wanda. Vision’s clothes had always been a point of symbolism for me throughout Auspice of Scarlet, where his deepest confessions were usually absent the constraints of his butler gear, but this was his chance to own his life, to own the clothes that brought him to where he is and appreciate who he was and who he is now. It just felt right to do it this way and I like the way it turned out.
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scarletvisionss · 3 years
Scarlet Vision reunion sex after some time apart (after a mission, during the stolen moments, whenever you please).
oh yes! fun! i love reunion sex!!!!! thank you!
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[or any pairing]
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brw · 4 years
Scarlet Vision in a fairytale setting for the three sentence ask
Vision had been warned about the witches that hid in the depths of the wood, had heard all the stories of them stealing children in the night, of them burning crops and killing cattle and leaving death and plague in their wake just for the sheer thrill of it.
They'd heard every variation of every tale, listened to people young and old, made notes and read about them and their sorcery whenever they could, and decided, one day, surrounded by parchment and ink, that they would find their own witch, and see what they were really like.
And now, here, as they lay next to a witch of their very own, Vision couldn't help but think that the stories had missed out a few details; none of them mentioned wild manes of curling dark hair, or kind eyes that crinkled in sympathy and understanding, or soft, dark lips pressing, seeking for their own, or heavy brows or snorting laughter or wicked jokes or scarlet dresses or beaded headpieces or, or...
They missed out the best parts, Vision mused, as they curled up into their witch's side.
OK so yes this is 4 not 3 but! I had fun!!! Thank you for sending it 😊 💛
send me pairings & an au and i'll write you a 3 sentence fic!
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themoonlitsojourner · 4 years
🌈 and 💌
🌈 Did you have imaginary friends as a kid?
Boy, did I! Whenever I was in trouble I would blame 'the reddy-headys,' which were apparently some sort of red furred, two headed monster. They were both my friends and my scapegoats. 😂
💌 Have you ever written a love letter? Did you send it or just keep it for yourself?
Well, I don't think I've ever written a love letter in the strict sense of the word. However, I did write an embarrassingly honest and somewhat gushy letter to my crush after he moved away, going on and on about how much I valued our friendship and time together. You know, like 12 year olds do. He never replied... which is probably for the best.
Thanks for the asks!
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orderchaoslove · 5 years
I like your meme. I was just confused because at first I thought it was an anti-Vision post. I was thinking, "Oh, no, what new fuckery is this?" Then I saw you were the one who posted it, and you would never post something like that without criticizing it. So I looked at it again and realized what it was about. It made me smile.
Not gonna lie, it took me a bit to realise how it could be misinterpreted but now I see. In hindsight, it’s not the best way the meme could’ve been made, haha.
Of course, I just meant Wanda is the top of that particular relationship, not that Wanda is in any way better than Vision.
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visionmcu · 5 years
I totally understand that there's reason for pessimism about Vision's future in the MCU given how IW and Endgame treated him and most of comics history. But I have to believe that there's hope for him to be alive and him and Wanda to be happy together by the end. I may come out wearing my clown shoes when WandaVision and DS2 are released, but it's so early and we still have relatively little information. I think there are still plausible ways everything could turn out alright.
i wrote some thoughts about that here. so that stands but also. we were optimistic enough to think he wasn’t gonna die in infinity war. then he died. we were optimistic enough to think he was gonna just BE in endgame, then he didn’t even get a mention. history tells me the worst thing we assume is probably correct.
it’s still early yeah, but we have plenty of clues. biggest of all is the name and the fact wanda is gonna be in MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS. i mean. i think that says it all tbh...
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maximoffvizh · 5 years
002 -- Natasha Romanoff
how i feel about this character: she’s in my top five mcu characters i love her
all the people i ship romantically with this character: bruce! and 2012 me would slap me if i didn’t also say clint in aus where his family aren’t there lol
my non-romantic OTP for this character: clint! sam! wanda! rhodey!
my unpopular opinion about this character: you could kinda see her death coming and i liked the scene on vormir. also that brucetasha isn’t that bad
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that we’d seen some of her being a leader between aou and cw
my otp: i don’t think i’m super into any natasha ships. if friendships are otps then it’s natasha and wanda
my crossover ship: don’t have one
a headcanon fact: she was the first person to figure out wanda had feelings for vision and the only one brave enough to confront her about sneaking around with him
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I love the spooky icon
Thank you! Halloween is my favourite time of the year, so I had to add something to my account!
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Hi everyone,
I can’t believe there are so many people following this blog. I’m so happy you’ve been around to celebrate the arrival of WandaVision with me. I have already decided to keep this countdown going to the end of the series.
With that in mind, I intend to keep this blog entirely spoiler free. I will continue to countdown, but I will not be including any other content from the show. If you wish to see my thoughts on the show as a whole and gifs and other content, feel free to check out my main blog @artemisegeria. 
Thank you,
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anonthenullifier · 5 years
1 and 17 for the salty asks
Thanks for the ask!! 
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
The two that immediately come to mind are similar in that they are both incest which just, no thank you - so Wanda x Pietro in Marvel and Simon x River in Firefly. 
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Hmm…there are so many things. I’m going to take aim at Infinity War right now. Instead of Vision being taken out of commission in his second scene of Infinity War. I think it would have been so much more impactful if he had been at full strength and able to fight while still having to grapple with the idea/strategy of destroying the Mind Stone if Thanos gets too close. You could still have had the whole set-up of Shuri trying to get it out, but we could have also gotten Vision at full strength and kicking ass. It also would further underscore how damn powerful Thanos is if he is able to get the upper-hand with Wanda and Vision fighting. Now, I would like to say Vision also doesn’t die, but he kind of has to for the snappening to occur. So you could have the other Avengers show up to distract Thanos while Wanda and Vision have their heartbreaking moment of destroying the Mind Stone. 
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visionsofus · 3 years
I am in dire need of fic recs and I was just wondering what some of your personal favourites are?
ooh gee anon I'm not great at recs - to be quite honest I write a lot more fic than I read. But I'll leave a couple of my favourite fic writers here, hopefully there will be something new for you to check out: 
@feeling-weirdy has wonderful drabbles which I highly recommend if you haven't already read. here is their master list
I always have to recommend @ashyblondwaves for wonderful writing and brilliant smut - here’s the masterlist
and finally, @artemisegeria is absolutely terrific at SV fics and has like 100 works up on AO3  
Those are just a few of my faves I've been reading recently, I hope it gives you something new to read - don’t forget to try and leave kudos and such where you can to show support for these talented writers ❤️ 
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brw · 4 years
Simon Williams
first impression - well, at first i only rlly knew him as the guy who has vision's brainwaves who also dated wanda! so i didn't rlly like him much, because obviously there are. those panels of him hurting her and beyond being a bad actor and also not rlly being great to vision those were. the only personality traits he had. but i got interested one day and decided to search him up and? discovered he had an Interesting Relationship with a certain hank mccoy and this didn't rlly add up to what i knew abt him previously so i was inspired to read some stuff and. then i was hooked hsjsjeje
impression now - honestly he is SO underrated. like he. gets written weirdly... a lot and its very obvious that a lot of writers dont know how to write him outside his relationship w/ wanda but he's honestly cool! he makes a lot of mistakes but he genuinely wants to do good for people and he also sees the best in everyone. like he was vocally in support of wanda, and seemed completely understanding & accepting of hank when he told him all the bad he'd done over the years. he's also canonically a victim of abuse at the hands of his father & elder brother, which still seems to effect him and his relationships even now. and that abuse makes his decision to be a pacifist all the more potent and meaningful. he's also been implied to have suffered from an anxiety disorder & an eating disorder so like. he is genuinely an interesting and compelling character, it's just a shame he so often gets reduced to "guy wanda sometimes dates who doesn't like vision and doesn't know how to act" smh :/
favourite moment - ooo boy... its hard to say. but. probably his arc where he calls the avengers out on their bullshit in what i think was avengers vol 4. and it's a shame they kinda fucked it over and chalked it up to him being unstable because he genuinely had points. he wasn't wrong. like sure i think. threatening to chuck the avengers tower or whatever into the sea was a little extreme but he did genuinely have a point. and also then straight up told hank he loved him so I'm. hsjsjhjehjjrje. this was a good arc anyway and it's a shame they ruined it. special mention though to his talk w/ hank in uncanny avengers vol 2 #28 (i think it was 28 but it could also have been 25 i. can't remember jsjsjej) because that was genuinely also super sweet and shows how he's willing to grow <3 another special mention to his scenes in vision and the scarlet witch because i think we deserve more content of simon and vision being good family members
idea for a story - with our current understanding of child abuse i would LOVE to see him explore his past and actually get help for it. because it did genuinely affect him for some time and while i think him becoming a pacifist did help i also know that. isn't enough to make years of repressed trauma go away lol. i also think were he to meaningfully think about what he went thru w/ his brother eric, he'd be better able to build a stronger and less strained relationship with vision. and i also think it would be helpful if simon, with our current understanding of eating disorders, had that be a canonical part of him. because he doesn't look like someone w/ an ED. and i think it would be important to see a man who looks muscular and healthy struggle w/ that. just generally. character development. i think it would also be good to bring up his issues w/ amora the enchantress (who was implied to have r*ped him) because while his 90s solo series did bring it up it was also. the 90s jajsjsjsjs. i just basically think something similar to his other series but with better writing and a better understanding of what we're talking about.
unpopular opinion - probably that his relationship w/ wanda is um very unhealthy, on both sides. on one hand, when simon was unstable he violently attacked her and tried to kill her. and that is... not good in the slightest, and him being in emotional distress and physically being unstable due to his ions doesn't excuse that in the slightest. simon also had an issue of putting wanda on an unattainable pedestal, which as someone who did that exact thing with a past partner is not healthy at all. you should be able to admit your partner has flaws and is human, and he did not and could not. but also, wanda hasn't been awfully good to simon either. like for a while she refused to be upfront about her feelings to him, and she slept with him while he was still in incredible emotional distress and upset. and imo because of that he. wasn't rlly in a position to meaningfully consent. so yeah. his and wanda's relationship, even without the relation to vision (which makes it worse) has never rlly been healthy.
favourite relationship - his and hank's! tbh it's probably the best one he has. those two. really love each other it is very sweet. they've both obviously grown a lot but i still think they're good/best friends and their relationship, romantic or platonic is obviously very important to the both of them. they're. very close together and i hope that at some point we can. see them be avengers together again because they were so funny sjshwnsnejen. but i also really like his relationship w/ vision when it's written well, because the two of them have. obviously been thru a lot in their own familial relationships so seeing the two of them have some semblance of "normal" with each other is very sweet. i also like the mental relationship of him being viv's uncle a lot. its not canon yet but i have hopes 🤞 he was a good uncle to tommy and billy growing up so by logic he should be a good uncle to viv too!
favourite headcanon - hmmm, probably the one i have now that he is jewish. idk it just. works with him! he is after all a kirby creation. but there's also one i have where he played the violin when he was younger, which also works with him. like idk. it's seems like a thing rich ppl make their kids do and it fits with him 😊
send me a character!
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argonaughtt · 3 years
Tag Game!
Thanks to @ashyblondwaves for the tag, this was fun!
Relationship status: recently single
Favorite color: it shifts between violet, blue, and orange
Favorite foods: My weakness is chicken parm and pasta. Always.
Song in my head: Diamonds by Sam Smith
Last song I listened to: We’re Good by Dua Lipa
Last thing I googled: Various cities in the world of Game of Thrones, doing research for my fanfic xD
Time: 11:04 AM EST
Dream trip: I would love to visit London or maybe Greece
What I want to become: More active, during the summer it’s easy to get outside so I’m going to try to exercise more.
Something I am excited about: Starting school in the fall. I’ve been stuck at home all year and I desperately want to go to my university for in person classes.
Tagging: @englishmajor226 , @greyisbetterthangray , @artemisegeria , or anybody else who wants to give this a go <3
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orderchaoslove · 5 years
Wanda and Vision for the MCU ask game
Wanda Maximoff - What’s one of your biggest fears?
Turning into my mother. I won’t go far into it, but she’s made some pretty awful decisions that I don’t want to repeat.
Vision - Do you play any video games?
Yeah, I do actually! The Mass Effect series is my favourite game series of all time, but I also really enjoy Dragon Age, TES, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry and many, many more.
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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visionmcu · 5 years
this or that for the inbox thing - Wanda in AoU or Wanda in Endgame?
aou. idk an “endgame”
💌 fill my inbox 💌
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