#arthur's not a king here. he's a hero out with his friends
katabay · 1 year
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long ago, in a land of heroes and gods and monsters—
or, bedwyr and cei listen to arthur tell a story
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Caitlin R. Green, Concepts of Arthur
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larluce · 3 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha , @curiously-lazy , @ harriettesthings , @andrealux16 , @wacko-weirdo , @greatdonutenemy , @yougottobekittenme , @anxiousosaurus
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 , PART 17 , PART 18 , PART 19 , PART 20 , PART 21 (You're here), PART 22
I forgot I never showed how Arthur and Lancelot became friends again so here it is:
After the events of "The Poison Chalice". Lancelot in the dungeons.
Lancelot: (lying on the floor, thinking) The luck I have. I came to become a knight and somehow, as soon as I arrive, I end up offending the Prince of Camelot himself (sighs) Maybe that dream didn't mean anything after all. Maybe I'm not fit to be a knight… But then why were the prince and that boy in my dream?
Gwen: (arrives with a plate of food) Uhm... Hello?
Lancelot: (stands up quickly) Oh.. hey! 😅
Guard: (opens the cell)
Gwen: (enters, blushing a little) I...uh... brought your food.
Lancelot: (laughs softly) I can see that (takes the plate) Thank you, my lady.
Gwen: I'm not a lady and don't thank me, it's my job. Well not really, I'm Lady Morgana's maidservant, but Merlin asked me to make sure they were feeding you, so, uhm, it's actually a favor. Not to you! But to my friend Merlin, that is. (thinking) Oh, gods! 😳 Why did I tell him all that?! 😫🤦‍♀️
Lancelot: Merlin?
Gwen: The boy you saved.
Guard: (urges Gwen to get out of the cell with a gesture)
Gwen: Right, sorry. (gets out of the cell)
Guard: (closes the cell)
Lancelot: (stops Gwen before she leaves) Wait! You said "saved". You mean he is alright?
Gwen: (smiles, touched at his worry) Safe and sound. He was just under the effects of a paralizing poison, but it was not letal. He can move now.
Lancelot: (sighs in relief) I'm glad... wait, then why am I here?
Gwen: (confused) what?
Lancelot: For how the Prince reacted I thought I was being arrested for murder! Does the Prince still think I tried to kill him? Hasn't your friend explained to him what happened?
Gwen: (laughs without being able to help it)
Lancelot: (confused and a bit offended) I don't believe my disgrace is funny, my lady.
Gwen: (still between laughs) No! it's not-Sorry, it's just... (turns to the guard, scolding him) You didn't tell him why he was arrrested?
Guard: (shrugs) That's not my job.
Gwen: (sighs and turns to Lancelot) You see-uhm... sorry, what's your name?
Lancelot: Lancelot.
Gwen: Lancelot, the prince didn't send you here because he thinks you murdered someone. He's keeping you here because you touched his manservant.
Lancelot: ...
Lancelot: What? 😧
Gwen: Merlin, the boy you saved, is his personal manservant, but also the token of his affections if you know what I mean and you were found in... a very compromising position.
Lancelot: I was just holding him!
Gwen: For his highness that's compromising enough.
Lancelot: But I saved his life! Shouldn't I be rewarded instead?
Gwen: Yeah, but that also means you stole him the chance to be the hero. Merlin has been defending you, of course, but apparently that just infuriated him more.
Lancelot: Oh...
Gwen: Yeah, you might be here for a while.
Lancelot: (scared) He is not going to execute me, is he?
Gwen: (with a comforting smile) No, he wouldn't go that far. (thinking) He is not King yet. (says) I have to go now. (starts leaving)
Lancelot: (shouts) I didn't get your name!
Gwen: (turns and smiles softly) It's Gwen, short for Guinevere.
Lancelot: (smiles back) Nice to meet you, Guinevere.
Gwen: (blushes and leaves)
Lancelot: (thinking) Suddenly life in prison is not so bad.
Time skip after Merlin moves to Arthur's antechambers. In Gaius's Tower
Merlin: (enters) Gaius, did you call for-What happened?! 😨 (Goes to Lancelot worried, who is being bandaged by Gaius)
Lancelot: Nothing.
Gaius: The prince and the knights decided to use Lancelot as a practice dummy.
Lancelot: More like a practice bag. 😓
Merlin: Wait, that was you?! I thought it was an actual dummy. You weren't moving at all.
Lancelot: It's worse if I defend myself (streches a little). It's no so bad though. I've learned a couple of new fighting technics today! 😊
Merlin: That's still not right. I'm going to talk to Arthur. (Makes a move to leave)
Gaius and Lancelot: (Shout so loud Merlin startles) NO! 😱
Merlin: (confused) Why not?
Gaius: My boy, Arthur is taking it out on Lancelot as bad as it is. Trying to intervine is just going to make things worse.
Merlin: I just don't get why he is treating you so badly. I always talk him well about you.
Lancelot: (grumbling) That's the problem.
Merlin: Uhm?
Lancelot: Do me a favor, Merlin. Talk him bad about me. Maybe that will work.
Gwen: (enters with small package) Good morning, Merlin, Gaius, Lancelot.
Lancelot: (straightens up inmediatly and smiles) Good morning! (smiles, but winces a little at the sudden movement)
Merlin: What brings you here, Gwen?
Gwen: Oh, I just came to bring Lancelot his food.(goes to Lancelot and gives him the package) I know the Prince has been giving you a hard time
Lancelot: (blushing) Thank you, my lady. But I'm not in the dungeons anymore, you don't have to-
Gwen: Still not a lady and it's no problem really. Sometimes there are leftovers in the royal kitchens and I hate to see food going to waste, so you're actually doing me a favor.
Lancelot: By eating the food nobody wanted?
Gwen: Yes.
Uncomfortable silence.
Gwen: Uh... Lady Morgana must be looking for me.
Lancelot: Right, sure. Send her my greetings. (thinkings) "Send her my greetings"?! 😳 Really?! 😫🤦‍♂️
Gwen: Goodbye. To all of you. (leaves quickly as red as a tomate)
Merlin and Gaius: ...
Merlin: Alright, what is going on? 🤨
Lancelot: I don't know what you are talking about. (unwraps Gwen's package) Uhmm... It smells good.😋
Merlin: Yeah, like it's been recently cooked despite it being leftovers that normally by this hour are, you know, cold.
Lancelot: (takes a bite of his food) Uhum.
Merlin: And isn't smoked pigeon Gwen's especiality?
Lancelot: Really? I didn't know. (takes another bite)
Merlin: (takes Lancelot's food from him rughly)
Lancelot: Hey! 😠
Merlin: (accusing) Have you been courting Gwen? 😠
Lancelot: What?! No!
Merlin: Well, she's definitely courting you!
Gaius: (scolding) Merlin! (takes the food from him and gives it back to Lancelot) What's the matter with you? What's wrong with Gwen showing interest in Lancelot?
Merlin: (raises his voice in desperation) That is not how it was supposed to be!
Gaius and Lancelot: ...
Gaius: Merlin-
Merlin: I have to go. (leaves)
Another uncomfortable silence.
Gaius: Aaand I never got to tell him the errands I had for him... (sighs and looks at Lancelot's food) Can I have some-
Lancelot: Mine 😠 (brings his food closer to him, protectively)
Time skip. Merlin in his new chambers watering his lily.
Merlin: (thinking) I shouldn't be this mad. Is not like Gwen is being unfaithful to Arthur. They are not together yet and they haven't shown any interest in the other either. And Lancelot has always loved Gwen, that's not a secret. I want Lancelot to be happy. He's my friend, but... Then who will be Arthur's Queen?
Arthur: (from the door that conects their rooms) You're going to drown it.
Merlin: (stops watering his lily and turns to Arthur, confused) What?
Arthur: The plant. (walks to him) If you give it too much water you can kill it.
Merlin: Oh, right. Sorry. (blushes)
Arthur: You should fertilize it too. Plants don't only live of water, you know?
Merlin: (laughs a little) Since when do you know so much about plants?
Arthur: (his smile wavers) I... read. (Composes himself and jokes) Something you should do more often if you even know what that is.
Merlin: ...
Arthur: Okay, what's troubling you?
Merlin: Uhm?
Arthur: No snarky reply, no insult. It seems serious.
Merlin: It's nothing. I'm being ridiculous.
Arthur: It's not ridiculous if it's bothering you.
Merlin: You wouldn't understand.
Arthur: Try me. (takes Merlin to a nearby seat and sits next to him) Come on, you can trust me.
Merlin: (sighs) Gwen and Lancelot like each other.
Arthur: ... Oh.
Merlin: I should be happy for them. I know I should but I didn't expect Gwen to fall in love with someone so soon! (thinking) Someone that it's not you. (says) And Lancelot is a good man and his feelings are sincere. I know he would make Gwen happy, but... (thinking) She was supposed to be happy with you.
Arthur: Merlin, are you... jealous of Lancelot?
Merlin: What? No!
Arthur: Of Gwen?
Merlin: No! She's my friend. They are both my friends. It's nothing like that.
Arthur: Friend's jealousy perhaps?
Merlin: Maybe? I don't know. I guess I'm just afraid of change. (thinking) And how this will change EVERYTHING ahead.
Arthur: (sighs in understanding) I know that feeling.
Merlin: And how do you feel about this?
Arthur: (confused) What?
Merlin: How do you feel about Gwen and Lancelot having feelings for one another? I mean, Gwen's been Morgana's maidservant since forever. You know her longer than I do.
Arthur: I... don't know. (Thinking) I know I was relieved to know Lancelot was after Guinevere instead of you, but I was also furious with Lancelot for making Guinevere cheat on me with him before. But I'm not mad at him for wanting to be with her now.
Merlin: But it doesn't bother you, does it? (Thinking) If you have feelings for her in this life too I'll intervine, but if you are okay with it I won't. Just tell me.
Arthur: (thinking) It should bother me, she was my wife after all, why doesn't it bother me? (Says) It's her life, Merlin. She can do what she wants.
Merlin: (sighs in relief) You are right. Thank you, Arthur. (Stands up and goes to the door)
Arthur: Wait, where are you going?
Merlin: (from the door) To give the new couple my support! 😊
Arthur: And your chores? Merlin! 😠
Merlin: (already gone)
Arthur: (sighs and keeps thinking) I loved Guinevere, I know I did. I should be at least upset about this and yet I'm not. I decided I would court Merlin instead of her before I traveled back in time. I already had Gwen in my other life and it wouldn't be fair to either of them if I went after both, but... It was easier than I expected. I haven't thought of Guinevere until Merlin mentioned this. (looks at his ring finger with a sense of nostalgia) Guinevere...
Arthur's flashback.
Arthur in his chambers writing a speech on his desk.
Gwen: (enters, in a cheering tone) Hey! They told me you were hiding here.
Arthur: (not looking up from his papers, in a bored tone) I'm not hiding, I'm writing a speech.
Gwen: For tomorrow's ceremony, I know. (gets closer) I can help you with that. Give it a feminine touch as you would call it. This way you'll finish this sooner... (hugs him from behind seductively) And his majesty can concentrate in something more... exciting.
Arthur: (doesn't react at all at her intend) I rather do it myself. Thank you, Guinevere. (keeps writing)
Gwen: (her smile falls and separates the hug, but composes the smile quickly) I was thinking on visiting my father's and Elyan's grave today. (her smile turns sad)
Arthur: (hums in acknowledgement, eyes still on his papers)
Gwen: I haven't done it in years since Morgana... you know... It's silly cause is not like she can harm me now, but I still have this... fear sometimes.
Arthur: (doesn't even hum now, eyes still on the papers)
Gwen: But I can't live with fear forever so I'll go today. I just... don't want to do it alone.
Arthur: (finally looks up from his papers) You won't be alone.
Gwen: (hopeful) Really?
Arthur: Of course not, you are the Queen. You can take all the knights you need. (looks back at his papers)
Gwen: (her face falls) Right... Yes, I guess I'll do that.
Arthur: (keeps writing in silence)
Gwen: (walks to the door but stops midway and suddenly grabs candelabra and throws it at Arthur in full rage)
Arthur: Ow! (Brings a hand to his head) What the- 😨
Gwen: (grabs a vase nearby and throws it at Arthur too, screaming in rage)
Arthur:(dodges it barely, still very startled) What's wrong with you?! Guinevere!
Gwen: (keeps throwing random things at him)
Arthur: (yells) Stop it! (goes to her, being hit or dodging objects constantly) What are you doing?! Guinevere! (holds her wrists to stop her)
Gwen: (shouts, histerical) NO! (frees from his hold and shoves him furiously) I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!
Arthur: Can't stand what?
Gwen: You! This! (points both of them) Us! If there was even an us to begin with!
Arthur: What are you talking about? We are fine.
Gwen: (laughs dryly) We are NOT fine. But of course you haven't noticed! You don't pay attention to me at all! You don't care what I do, you don't care how I feel! You wouldn't even notice I'm gone!
Arthur: That's not true!
Gwen: Really? When was the last time we intimated? Even better, when was the last time we share a bed?
Arthur: ...
Gwen: You don't remember. Why would you? It was so long ago...
Arthur: Guinevere-
Gwen: But you didn't realise it until now, did you?
Arthur: (full of guilt) I'm so sorry. You are right, I've been a terrible husband-
Gwen: Husband? (laughs dryly again) Oh, Arthur, we have long stopped being wife and husband.
Arthur: (heartbroken) Don't say that.
Gwen: Don't pretend you are hurt now. Everyone in the castle knows you stopped loving me years ago. Or maybe you just pretended you loved me all this time.
Arthur: (angry) Who said that?
Gwen: Everybody! The servants, the nobels, the dogs even! It wouldn't surprise me if all Camelot knew!
Arthur: But someone must have told you this rumor-
Gwen: Is not a "rumor"! They told me that to my face!
Arthur: (very offended and angrier) They can't do that! You are their queen! It is a grave lack of respect-
Gwen: You think they respect me? I'm a peasant possing as Queen that can't even give them the heir they want. For them I'm no more than your little experiment at best.
Arthur: I had no idea-
Gwen: Exactly, just like you had no idea Morgana had me echanted for WEEKS until Merlin pointed it out. But you did notice when he left your side for more than 5 minutes, you noticed something was wrong with him before you left for Camlann and you noticed when he didn't smile for 3 days!
Arthur: (confused) Why are you bringing Merlin into this?
Gwen: I just don't understand! (tears run down her eyes) Why? Why did you marry me? You went against the council, the law itself just for what? To have me as some decorative queen?
Arthur: Of course not!
Gwen: THEN WHY?!
Gwen: ...
Arthur: (realising his choice of words) I LOVE you. I meant to say-Guinevere! (Stops her by the arm when she starts leaving)
Gwen: (frees herself roughly and slaps him) Don't touch me! (Cries)
Arthur: (utterly shocked) ...Gwen-
Gwen: I should have run away with Lancelot when I had the chance! (Leaves closing the door behind her with force)
Arthur: (touching all the spots where Gwen hit him either with objects or her hands, feeling sudden pain) She's stronger than a give her credit sometimes. (sits on the bed) And does know where to hurt. (puts a hand on his chest, feeling hole in his heart)
End of Arthur's flashback.
Arthur: (thinking) Oh, gods... It's not that I didn't love her, but I stopped loving her way before I did the ritual. And she knew before I knew. (goes to the window and spots Gwen walking with the laundry) Guinevere, I know we were happy at least at the beginning. But even in our best days you weren't as happy as you could have been, were you? You never asked to be queen, you never wanted the title and the responsability. You just wanted a partner that adored you and respected you til the end, and I couldn't even give you that. You always loved Lancelot more... just as I always loved Merlin more. You told me before leaving that you just wanted me to be happy. Even when I made you miserable in our last years of marriage, you wished for my happiness. (sighs as Gwen goes out of sight) You also deserve to be happy.
Time skip. Lancelot at the stables.
Merlin: (enters) Hey... Sorry for how I reacted before.
Lancelot: (gives him a smile that doesn't reach his eyes) It's okay, Merlin-
Merlin: No, it's not! I was rude and mean and you didn't deserve that. I'll understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore.
Lancelot: (laughs) Merlin, I was thrown in the dungeons for you and that didn't stop me of wanting to be your friend, did it?
Merlin: No? 🥺
Lancelot: Of course not. (smiles) And I understand why you reacted that way. Gwen has been your friend for longer than I have and... I'm very aware I'm not the best match there is.
Merlin: Don't say that! You are more than worthy of her.
Lancelot: Really? She is Lady Morgana's maidservant and the blacksmith's daughter. I, on the other hand, don't even have a proper job and I came here with nothing because I have nothing for myself, much less to offer. And I met her when I was in the dungeons! what kind of good first impression is that?
Merlin: Good enough. She does like you. I can see it.
Lancelot: Gwen is a wonderful woman and I'm lucky she has any interest in me at all. But she deserves better than just... me.
Merlin: I think that's for her to decide. Don't you think?
Arthur: (enters) There you are. Lazing around as always.
Lancelot: (nervous) No, I wasn't, Sire! I-
Merlin: Relax, he's not talking to you. (aproaches Arthur) Need me for anything, my lord?
Arthur: No, but Gaius does. Apparently, there are some errands you should have done hours ago.
Merlin: (facepalms himself) Ugh, I forgot.
Arthur: What a surprise.
Merlin: On it! (leaves running)
Arthur: (turns to Lancelot with a serious face)
Lancelot: We were just talking I swear!
Arthur: (throws a sheathed sword at him)
Lancelot: (catches it in reflex) ... Sire?
Arthur: Not bad.
Lancelot: (still confused) Would you like me to sharpen your sword again, sire?
Arthur: Don't worry. I have my own. (points his sheated sword in his belt) What I'd like is for you to kill me.
Lancelot: (even more confused) Sire? 😥
Arthur: Come on, don't pretend you don't want to. Hell, if I were you, I'd want to. (unsheates his sword)
Lancelot: (unsheates his sword carefully)
Arthur: (smirks) Come on!
*insert epic sword fight*
Arthur: (smiles) Not bad indeed. (sheates his sword and puts it aside) It's a shame the Knight code doesn't allow commoners in the calvalry.
Lancelot: (nods sadly) Merlin informed me of that, Sire.
Arthur: I can make an exception for you though.
Lancelot: (hopeful) Really, sire?
Arthur: You just have to do me a favor.
Lancelot: (very happy) Anything! I'm so grateful you are giving me this chance, sire! I am forever in debt with you!
Arthur: Do you know Guinevere?
Lancelot: (confused at the sudden change of subject) Yes, she is lady Morgana's maidservant.
Arthur: Such a beauty, isn't she?
Lancelot: (frowns) She is.
Arthur: I know you two are close.
Lancelot: Oh, we are just friends, but yes. We have grown really close, sire.
Arthur: That's perfect. Then it will be easy for you to do what I'm going to ask you.
Lancelot: Which is?
Arthur: I want you to convince her to join me on bed tonight.
Lancelot: ...
Lancelot: (any trace of kindness on his face gone) What?
Arthur: I would ask her myself, but I want discretion, you see. And since you are so close to her, I'm sure you would have no problem-
Lancelot: No.
Arthur: Excuse me?
Lancelot: I won't do that, sire.
Arthur: Oh, it's a real shame. (sighs) I'll ask someone else to do it then. (turns to leave)
Lancelot: (blocks his way) No! I won't let you dishonor Gwen like that!
Arthur: (laughs) Like she has any honor to defend.
Lancelot: (unsheates his sword pointing it at Arthur's throat, furious)
Arthur: Lancelot?
Lancelot: Take it back.
Arthur: Lancelot, you are threatening your Prince.
Lancelot: (raises his voice) You are NOT my prince! How dare you speak of a maid like Gwen like that! I don't care that you are the Prince of Camelot or of all Albion! I rather die by decapitation for regicide than let such a dishonorable man taint her!
Arthur: (smiles proudly) You are right. Gwen deserves a man that treasures her and defends her of everything and everyone... just like you are doing now.
Lancelot: ... What? 😧
Arthur: Well done, Lancelot. You have my blessing.
Lancelot: Your... blessing?
Arthur: To court Guinevere.
Lancelot: ...
Arthur: You can put the sword down, you know?
Lancelot: (sheates the sword and puts it away, blushing) Sorry, Sire.
Arthur: So, when will you start courting her?
Lancelot: (still pretty confused) I wasn't really planning on it, sire.
Arthur: Don't tell me you don't have feelings for her. You were about to kill me for insulting her just a minute ago.
Lancelot: It's not that!
Arthur: Oh, you think she is not good enough for you? 🤨
Lancelot: No! It's me who is not good enough for her!
Arthur: Because you are a poor country peasant that was arrested as soon as he laid a foot in the citadel?
Lancelot: ...Yes?
Arthur: It may sound ridiculous for me of all people to say this, but titles and possessions don't actually define your value, Lancelot. My father believes that nobelty is defined by blood and the family you were born. I, however, believe nobelty is defined by the actions of men and what they have here. (points Lancelot's chest) And I can tell you for certain you are the noblest man I ever met.
Lancelot: (looks at Arthur in awe)
Arthur: So court her! Fight for her! Even if a lord or a prince or even a king shows interest in her, because they might have riches, but not what really matters.
Lancelot: (nods, emotional) I will. Thank you, Sire.
Arthur: Don't thank me. I can't actually make you a knight, Lancelot, not until I'm king. But I can give you the training meanwhile if you allow me. In exchange of that I do need a favor of you.
Lancelot: You... want me to ask Merlin to join your bed?
Arthur: (blushes furiously) What? No! I would never-
Lancelot: (laughs)
Arthur: (laughs too) Alright, I think I deserved that. No, what I want is for you to protect him when I can't. He tends to get into trouble constantly as you could see and I can't always be around to protect him myself as much as I'd like to.
Lancelot: (smiles) You can count on me, Sire.
Timeskip. In Morgana's chambers.
Gwen: (enters with a couple of flowers in her hair)
Morgana: (compliments) Nice touch.
Gwen: (shyly, blushes) Thanks.
Morgana: Wait, I know that face. (gets closer to Gwen) Are they from someone? 😏
Gwen: (blushes more)
Morgana: Don't tell me. Lancelot?
Gwen: (nods, smiling brightly) He gifted them to me.
Morgana: I can't believe it! Finally! (hugs her) It was about time he made a move. (pulls away) I'm so happy for you.
Gwen: We barely just started courting. It may not last.
Morgana: It will. He'd be a fool to let a wonderful girl like you go. (caresses her face fondly) You know what? You can have the rest of the day off.
Gwen: But you-
Morgana: Will manage on my own just fine. Have a date with your man. You earned it.
Gwen: Thank you so much, my lady. (about to bow)
Morgana: (stops her) Morgana. Just Morgana this time.
Gwen: Morgana. (hugs her) thank you. (pulls away) I'll tell you everything when I get back! (goes to the door)
Morgana: I want every detail!
Gwen: (leaves closing the door behind her)
Morgana: (her smile falls as soon as Gwen is gone) It's fine. (goes to her bed and sits) She's happy. (smiles again, but her eyes water) Gods, I've never seen her... (sobs without being able to help it) so happy!
The events of this part happen just before the events of "Lancelot" for which I already wrote a small fragment and I don't plan to write more on that episode really cause basically the only thing the changes is that Lancelot kills the griffin when it first attacked Merlin since Merlin echants Lancelot's weapon sooner and that's when he properly discovers Merlin's magic (though he already suspected it). I will write a bit more of "Excalibur" though and extend myself in "The Moment of Truth" and "The Labyrinth of Gedref" because there are gonna be important changes there. Once finished with that I'll full on go with Series 2 (where most of your requests are). So enjoy Series 1 :D!! cause series 2 is when everything will go to hell
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Dating Hort of Bloodbrook
summary : general headcanons of dating Hort while being the princess of Camelot.
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Hort x Reader, Sibling! Tedros x Reader
warning/s : discrimination against Nevers and Evers.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I know this is late but this has been on my unfinished works since the movie came out. I fell in love with Hort, he is so cute and loyal to Sophie 🥹. I haven't read the books but I might soon when I need to escape reality again.
You will likely be a year younger than Tedros.
Because of the heir and the spare™.
I know it sounds bad but some rulers actually do those.
Tedros is extremely overprotective over you, especially when Queen Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and King Arthur died.
He's like the typical older brother you see in movies; handsome, buff, (kind off) a meathead, and annoys you to know end.
Will also be the first one to come to your defense.
When you got to the School of Good, you were determined to destroy the image of being Tedros' little sister.
Which results to you preferring to be a hero in your own story than being a queen in someone else's.
As expected, you quickly became friends with Agatha.
Not afraid to stand up to those who think girls are inferior to boys.
While the other Evers found the Nevers horrible for being future villains, you have a neutral perspective towards them.
After all, the School of Good has many stuck up and vain students.
Meeting Hort was definitely a memory to remember. It was when Professor Dovey took the first years to the Wish Fish (Let's pretend Agatha didn't free them).
When you put your hand on the water and begin to think of a wish, you didn't feel the water swirling like Agatha told you she experienced,
Instead, it was hand that intertwines its finger with yours.
And it harshly pulled you down the water.
The girls' screams and the professor calling out your name in panic caught the boys and Tedros' attention, running to the 'rescue'.
Under the water, you see someone smiling at you, or at least that's what you hopes he's doing.
A Never named Hort, son of Captain Hook.
Tedros immediately pulled you out of the water, with Hort in tow.
The angry professor commands the nearby guards to bring him back to the School of Evil and how Lady Lesso will surely punish him.
"It seems like I'm your wish, my lady."
He expects you to be disgusted like the other Evers. To his surprise, you give him the sweetest smile he has ever seen in his life.
"That you are, Hort of Bloodbrook."
To say Hort is surprised was an understatement.
You didn't only smile at him but also knew his name.
Cupid's arrow struck him at that moment. His villainous smirk drops, staring at you with wide eyes as much as he could before they were out of sight.
Tedros, who saw the whole thing, was not pleased and gave you a warning on how Nevers can't be trusted.
After your encounter, Hort seeks you out more.
You didn't mind, he is an odd yet funny companion.
He also doesn't care for one's physical appearance like the girls do or how you're nothing but a pretty face with a royal title like most guys think.
He encourages you to be yourself, like Agatha does.
You two would get judgmental looks from both sides.
Sophie was pissed, not only because Hort was losing interest in her but being the princess of Camelot is everything she wants to be.
So is Tedros. And everyone else who sees you together.
Agatha is just worried and would remind you to keep your guard up.
But you enjoy each other's company, that's what matters.
Hort was in love with you the moment you met but it took you a longer time to realize your feelings for him.
You only told Agatha about it but Tedros overheard.
Believe me when I say that Tedros will demand you to be examined.
"She's not under any spells, my prince."
"Are you certain?"
"Oh my God, I love Hort and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Everyone in the hall heard you.
Silence before a giddy howl ensues.
Hort runs to you and gives the biggest hug you could ever receive.
Despite being initially embarrassed, you returned it.
Before he could kiss you like he always dreamed of, Tedros stops him.
He pulls out Excalibur and points its tip on Hort's neck. Your brother will mercilessly give the poor boy threats if he broke your heart or hurt you in any way. Agatha joined in without words, just sending a warning glare on his way.
Hort would be lowkey terrified but so happy at the same time.
I mean you love him back. He could take a fucking army if you command him to.
Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey would only look at each other in disbelief, worried for what happens next.
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dk-ghostmachines · 7 months
i gotta talk about FourDogs
I really do. 'Cause I posted a lil' passive-aggressive hot take a few days ago, but this is Tumblr not TikTok. Here we can have our 60-second hot takes and eat our long essays too. Kipperlilly Copperkettle was introduced as a rival in episode 3, after which there were a number of posts criticizing The Bad Kids' response to her, labeling it disproportionately mean at best and bullying at worst. I think that's an unfair reading of that interaction and I'm gonna talk about why.
Now, I'll be the first to admit that it's parasocial as fuck over here and The Bad Kids are my personal best friends actually, so where necessary I'll do my best to separate the ((loyalist ride-or-die-bad-boys-for-lyfe emotional reactions)) from the actual points I'm trying to make.
((That being said, the fuck was FourDogs talking about? Y'know? Like what was she on about, for real?))
Here's what's true: over the course of their time at Aguefort, three adults directly related to The Bad Kids - Jawbone, Gorthalax, and Gilear - have been instated as faculty or staff. And if I'm a third-party, especially another student, then for sure. It's giving nepotism, it's giving cronyism, and I'm drinking my Haterade about it every morning. But favoritism is about treatment. It's about actions, rewards, benefits - and ma'am, if you're gonna levy a charge like that, I'm afraid you're gonna need receipts!
What actual benefits have The Bad Kids received from the school that is not available to other students? In freshman and sophomore year, The Bad Kids get detention like anybody else, they don't make it on the Bloodrush team, Gorgug in particular was always not doing great in Barbarian class, they take their midterms, they have to complete the big 60%-of-the-grade spring break project, etc. And now this year, Fig is getting punished for not going to class, Kristen is getting consequences specific to being a kid with ADHD who doesn't live at home anymore, Gorgug's still getting the literal opposite of favoritism from Porter, and Riz, Adaine, and Fabian are all getting the treatment from professors that is proportional for historically successful students in good academic standing.
((And someone else brought this up but, re:that 60%-of-the-grade project, miss ma'am, what were you doing in the Far Haven Woods?? In addition to saving the world again, The Bad Kids endured borderline psychological torture for their final grade, while the Buttcrushers got to step on bugs in the neutral zone??? But they're the privileged ones, no, for sure))
Whether or not saving the world is as big a deal in-universe as it would be in our real world is up for debate. Brennan said it was an outstanding feat in the scope of student adventuring at Aguefort to consistently complete Class B and C quests, but then, when TBK comes back from Hot Yorb Summer everyone acts like they went on a class trip to Six Flags. Either way, unearned success is the wiiiiiildest claim to lay at the feet of consistent world-savers.
Freshmen year it was the Helioic Fundamentalist Apocalypse and the Emperor of the Red Wastes. Sophomore year it was the Nightmare King and the Night Yorb. They've saved the whole school, they've saved specific students at the school. They My Little Pony-ed Ragh, one of the biggest actual bullies Aguefort had, and then Fabian killed toxic masculinity! Even if the favoritism was in the room with us, would it not be the natural result of all this hero shit??? Aguefort hasn't done The Bad Kids any favors he wouldn't do for the rest of the student body, but even if he had I'd get it because KRISTEN APPLEBEES SNUCK HIM INTO HEAVEN AND THEN BROUGHT HIS ASS BACK TO LIFE.
Again, maybe not remarkable in a world where Revivify is just a thing you can learn, but y'know! Shit!! Diamonds aren't free!!
Also FourDogs' whole tone of disdain for the "eccentricity" of Arthur Aguefort's administrative decisions truly boggles the mind, because we found out in freshmen year that he has some kind of mass Power Word over the government of Solace that allows the students of his school to do crimes, AND in sophomore year he has that auto-call-ex-machina that students can evoke when they're in danger overseas. His "eccentricity" is the reason the school can function at all, put some respect on man's name.
Now, let's get word-perfect.
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That's the American Psychological Association.
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And that's StopBullying.gov, which is managed by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Here's what's true. At moment 00:00 of their relationship, Kristen said something pretty freakin' mean to Kipperlilly for an audience of her friends with like, no provocation.
Kipperlily then revealed that she has based her entire campaign around addressing the perceived privilege that "some students" have under Arthur Aguefort's rules. And THEN, Jawbone revealed that Kipperlilly had been snooping around asking questions about Kristen's relationships with her god and trying to get general dirt on The Bad Kids. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE, in the preview for episode 6, we get Murph's line of "Kipperlilly's team is trying to get us kicked out of school".
Does that excuse the thing Kristen said ((yes it was hilarious)), no. Not at all. She didn't know that stuff, Kipperlilly just failed a vibe check. In the moment though, that's all it was. The Bad Kids met someone they didn't like and perceived as a threat, and Kipperlilly had something mean said to her by people she already didn't like and already wants to see brought down. While she was not threatening them in that moment, Kipperlilly is a threat. She's not a victim, she is an equal with opposing goals. And now that Ruben has the song of the summer, The Buttcrushers are probably just as popular as The Bad Kids. There is no greater imbalance, they're just adversaries.
Ultimately, Kipperlilly's got them fucked up. But she's a kid. Kids are allowed to get shit fucked up and misdirect their anger at systemic unfairness. TBK are also kids and well within their rights to feel what they felt when Four Dogs walked up with self-righteous vibes and started yappin about academic privilege in what is already the most academically stressful year of their lives.
As the audience, we not only know all the shit TBK has gone through that Kipperlilly does not, we also are aware of how Brennan is introducing her in the story. As soon as he brings her into the scene, you know what's up. The voice he gives her, the tone, the actual things he's saying - if you watch everyone's face after the line about favoritism gets dropped it's the culmination of the whole interaction. Oh, she's our enemy, like our specific enemy and her team is coming for us, specifically.
So what do we gain from ignoring all that? From ignoring the JUICE of this rivalry and flattening it into "the bad kids were mean :/". I actually love Kipperlilly, the rivalry is giving and I love feeling big emotions and getting to use angry, feral, fandom language. FourDogs, can't wait to see you next week, and I can't wait to read the 40k word, FourDogsxKristen, enemies-to-lovers fics. And y'know, shout out to all the people who kin her because she found the rogue teacher, it's pretty goated, I won't lie.
But also. Bad Kids Supremacy. Buttcrushers, stay mad.
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olympeline · 24 days
(Part 6 of my Catch the Queen USUK omegaverse/cardverse AU!)
Last time a sickly young Arthur’s true identity was revealed to Alfred in a suitably (🥁) dramatic fashion. And as bad as his secret coming out was, at least Arthur could finally explain to Alfred why he was so terrified of being found out. Alfred had the Talk after he saw the family cat getting “friendly” with some of the neighbours’ kitties. So he knew what sex and heats were all about. He knew from school that the Queen of Spades was an omega and the King was an alpha and it was their job to rule and have lots of babies. Knew but never thought about it much. The fate of the throne-bound King and nest-bound Queen were just more Adult Things: boring to young Alfred.
Not any more. Not with Arthur clinging to him, near tears, and begging Alfred not to tell. Not to make him go back. Arthur had always been tough and fiery. He was a kid who lived in the woods by himself for months for Spades’ sake! To see him frightened like that had Alfred almost crying himself. But then Arthur fell into another choking fit, coughing up blood onto Alfred’s nightshirt until it’s splattered red, and as Alfred held him he felt something start to change deep inside. Arthur was someone he’d come to love, even if in just a childish, puppyish way. Alfred is a hero at heart. He wanted Arthur to be safe. He wanted to protect him. A little of his future second sex starting to show? Maybe. But that’s just how Alfred is anyway, you know? So he held Arthur close and rubbed his back until he stopped coughing - yeah the roles have really switched here lately, heh - and said he wouldn’t tell. Arthur made him promise, swear on his life, and only calmed down when Alfred said the words. Arthur trusted him: he knew his friend was honourable.
After Arthur fell into an exhausted sleep, Alfred lay awake thinking. Arthur needed a doctor but any doctor would obviously want to examine his chest. Yeah, no good. Big predicament there. Alfred could only think of one answer: he’d have to find a way to cure Arthur the way Arthur helped him. A magic cure for a magic illness. Alfred had no magic skills but Matthew was coming home and his brother had just started learning to be a mage. Maybe Mattie would have some ideas? It was a childish hope but what other option did Alfred have? When Matthew did come he was ecstatic to see his twin restored but surprised at how down Alfred was. Alfred explained the situation with as few details as he could, making it seem as if Arthur was a simple runaway rather than an escaped Queen. Matthew was suspicious because what ordinary nine year old runaway was that powerful? But he agreed to try and help anyway. Arthur still slept with Alfred most nights and Alfred had forced him to spend the rest of his time in the Jones family stables. Arthur refused to be in the manor house during the day while the servants were awake, so it was the best compromise they could come to. For a brief period Arthur lived up in a corner of the hayloft. It was risky - there were always stable hands around - but Arthur was beyond staying in the woods. He spent most of his time in feverish sleep, waking up to suffer through coughing fits or to eat whatever Alfred brought him. Fading fast but still so, so stubborn. That’s Arthur for you. He’s a proud, obstinate character at the best of times and always struck me as getting a hundred times more when he’s frightened. And he was more frightened of being the Queen of Spades than anything.
Alfred brought Mattie to see Arthur and it didn’t go well. Arthur was spitting mad from the moment Alfred woke him up and he saw his friend wasn’t alone. Alfred had taken his promise to mean not tell any adults who would take Arthur back to the palace. Arthur took it to mean not tell anyone about him, not even Alfred’s own twin. They had another bad fight (poor Matthew standing around in the background just so awkward oh god) and Arthur pushed himself too far for the last time. Had himself another fit and this time it just didn’t stop. Alfred held him as he vomited gouts of blood onto the stable floor but no, the voice was wrong. It was Matthew holding him - Arthur couldn’t tell at first as preoccupied with dying as he was - but Alfred had gone. Then suddenly he was back and not alone for the second time: he’d brought help in the form of their local doctor. Yes, Alfred broke his word. It killed him to do it but the writing was on the wall. There was no way Mattie could fix whatever this was, and Alfred wasn’t going to let Arthur die, promise or no promise.
Didn’t stop Alfred’s heart breaking at the sheer look of betrayal Arthur gave him as he was carried away. Alfred held his bloody hand as long as he could, tears falling the whole while. He wanted to keep his word, to protect Arthur, to be his hero. But how could he? He was too small. Just a frightened child, so far out of his depth.
“I’m sorry, Arthur. I’m so sorry…”
Those were Alfred’s last words to his best friend. Of course Arthur’s Mark of Spades was discovered and he was immediately taken back to the palace. The Jones family had been good to the doctor - who had treated the twins’ mother before she died - and he kept Alfred safe by lying and saying Arthur was found by chance. Fortunately the palace accepted this falsehood as the court officials were so distracted by their Queen-in-waiting being at death’s door. It took a full team of elite healers from the Kingdom of Hearts (the Suit with the most powerful restorative magic) to patch the tear in Arthur’s soul and save him. And even then, even with all their skills, the mages of Hearts couldn’t banish the after effects completely. Arthur grew up slighter than he should have and still spit blood on the anniversary of the day he healed Alfred, but these drawbacks were manageable. The greatest cost wasn’t physical but mental: Arthur lost his memory. Magical wounds are strange and, for whatever reason, healing this one robbed Arthur of all his months on the run. When he finally woke up, weak as a kitten, there was nothing but a grey fog. Maybe sometimes a fragment or two: golden hair, the scent of a sickroom, the feeling of someone holding him tight, bright, joyful laughter, but that was all. Arthur was saved and the price he paid was forgetting Alfred completely.
But Alfred never forgot Arthur. How could he? Arthur was his best and dearest friend. Since the day Arthur left, Alfred never stopped missing him. Never forgot that he had to break his word to save the boy he’d come to love. He heard about Queen Arthur’s amnesia through the local gossips but it didn’t dent Alfred’s desire to see him again. To someday get back to Arthur and help him. He never forgot how scared Arthur was, how much he wanted to escape the oppressive life of the Spade Queen. A life Alfred had returned him to. Matthew told his twin (correctly) a thousand times that he wasn’t to blame. Alfred was only a child when it all went down! Besides, his actions saved Arthur’s life. How could he have possibly done anything else? Any reasonable person would have done the same. Alfred heard him, accepted the logic of Matt’s words, but the guilt gnawed at him even so. So Alfred trained hard and, with the help of his super strength plus his own sheer grit and determination, became the heroic knight he always wanted to be. One who helped the helpless and defended the weak. One who would one day travel to the palace and see Arthur again.
And there you have it! That’s the USUK backstory of this AU. That sunshine knight who caught the undefeated dark Queen? Turns out the knight’s shock victory was only possible thanks to the two great gifts - health restored and unnatural strength - that the unknowing Queen had himself bestowed on him, years before. Not to mention the long buried feelings that made Arthur’s magic turn traitor and stopped him harming a hair on Alfred’s golden head. Even to save himself. How’s that for some bitter irony for you? Poor Arthur. No matter what the universe, his bad luck is truly in a class by itself 😂
(End of Part 6! Can you believe this was meant to be a short AU with like, two parts at most? Oh lord, lol. And if you’re wondering why Alfred chose to duel Arthur if he knew how much Arthur didn’t want to be a caught Queen? Well, fear not because all that and more will be explained. Next time 😉)
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albentelisa · 8 months
Hello ☺️
I know you've done general Jim, jlaire, and troll dad Blinky headcanons, but do you have any specific to the new timeline and even beyond? I love all of your ask posts btw, such fantastic Au's and our hc generally almost always align!
Thanks for your kind words ❤ ❤ ❤
My oldest headcanon about the new timeline exists since July, 21, 2021 (when I wrote this oneshot https://archiveofourown.org/works/32729335 ). This one is that Jim keeps the new amulet and Excalibur in the new timeline.
My other headcanons about the new timeline and beyond were build through the two and half years (a lot of stuff keeps expanding, to be honest).
So here's my really long post about the happy ending for everyone.
Jim has managed to make everything right in this timeline, even with some stuff he didn't predict (like Enrique was still kidnapped - it just happened on a different date).
Everyone in the new timelines has these odd hunches about things they experienced in the first timeline. Like Claire having some odd attraction to Jim, Blinky being fatherly to Jim, and Barbara getting random thoughts that Strickler might be inhuman. Toby has it the worst as he can't help but think that everything is not his adventure and that Jim would be a better hero.
Because of hunches both Claire and Barbara find out the truth way earlier.
However, Toby is the first who realize that Jim somehow knows about all the incoming events. Jim has no choice but to confess about the time travel. He keeps the details from everyone though, especially those that might cause complications.
Jim brings Douxie into the team before the final encounter with Bular. Claire requests Douxie to become her magic teacher once she joins and he agrees.
Aja, Krel, and Varvatos join once they arrive on Earth.
Draal lives. Vendel is injured but also survives.
Angor gets his soul back this time. He isn't happy with Strickler but decides to let it go per Jim's request.
Toby spares Bular (much to Jim's shock). Bular starts to live in Toby's house, trying to reconsider his ways. Initially, Draal watches his actions and they eventually become friends.
Morgana fails to possess Claire. She possesses Angor instead.
Strickler manages to convince some changelings to switch sides, so more changelings survive.
Jim doesn't allow Merlin to transform anyone into a half-troll. He shows Merlin Excalibur (leaving the latter speechless), so Merlin begrudgingly agrees to try Jim's plan first.
After Gunmar's death, Bular inherits Decimaar and uses it to liberate all the trolls his father controlled.
Jim and Claire talk Morgana into trying to give co-existence a second chance. She isn't convinced fully but agrees to wait.
The residents of the Trollmarket never go to New Jersey, which means that Aja and Krel have more people to help them.
Jim is deadset on never letting anyone be hit with an onyx shard. He ends up taking the hit for Claire - only to discover that it has no effect on him (as Excalibur cannot harm his owner and Jim is technically another owner because of the time paradox).
Merlin isn't happy to learn that the Green Knight is actually King Arthur. The same goes for Morgana, but she blames Merlin for her brother ending that way.
Merlin finally realizes that he has been too stubborn all the time, refusing to see other options. He uses all his magic to seal Bellroc and Skrael and entrusts Douxie with leading the new king of Camelot.
Jim is technically the King of Camelot now, which makes him rather uncomfortable at first. However, with Douxie's encouragement, he realizes that more than an authority figure, he's King of knights, a noble protector of both humanity and magical beings, and the first among equals.
Claire continues with her magical studies, fully determined to prove that shadowmancy isn't always evil and can bring much good to this world. She consults a lot with Morgana, even though she still considers Douxie her teacher.
Toby is still this timeline's Trollhunter but lately, he mostly deals with small errands from Bagdwella and other trolls. He doesn't mind as it feels a lot like vacation after everything the team has gone through.
Blinky succeeds Vendel as the leader of Trollmarket. He thinks about bringing some reform to the Tribunal and some obsolete traditions, thinking that trolls should start a new page in their history.
Aaarrrgghh always helps Blinky in his endeavors, but he protects peace in Arcadia. He's much like a local celebrity and kids love him.
Mary and Darci start a blog about various magical creatures, trying to show humans that the supernatural isn't that harmful. Mary also tries to date a troll at some point. It doesn't work, but only because of personality differences, not because their species are too different.
Barbara returns to drawing. Strickler uses some of his connections to promote her art a bit. Surprisingly, Barbara's art becomes really popular.
After some consideration, Strickler opens the school where different creatures, aliens, and humans can exchange their culture. He takes over as a principal and also teaches human history. Blinky comes over for troll history lessons, and when Claire is older she starts to teach Human World Literature there.
Eli is still the Earth ambassador at Akiridion-5, he's rather popular there. Eli is also the one who proposes the start of technological exchange with the Earth. Due to his efforts, Earth's technical progress is busted tremendously.
Steve the head of New Camelot Knights. However, eventually, once he is sure that everything is peaceful on Earth, he moves to Akiridion-5 to support Aja and help Eli. Even though Steve is officially married to Aja, he isn't that accepted at Akiridion-5 as it is technically breaking traditions. This time Aja informs him about all the nuances of akiridion reproduction. They still have kids, but only once both ready and consented to that.
Aja has a lot of stuff to solve, dealing with all the consequences of her parents' rule. She brings in lots of reforms and eventually limits her own authority, taking over the role of the main Akiridion-5 protector, while leaving everything else to those more fitting for it.
Krel moves to Earth, becoming Akiridion-5 ambassador and trying to popularize interstellar travels and exchange. He also has a side career as DJ Kleb.
Varvatos retires and starts living with Nana. Toby calls him granpa, which he doesn't like.
Douxie and Zoe go on the world tour with ADP once the world destruction is prevented. Claire, Mary, and Darci join them as Mama Skull.
Douxie opens his own cafe together with Jim. While they both are co-owners, Douxie enjoys taking over as a waiter occasionally, while Jim often cooks. It's the place where every creature is welcome, and well the Guardians often use it as their gathering spot.
Nomura becomes the leader of changelings who wish to return to troll society. Draal helps her a lot to fight for acceptance and against prejudices. They claim each other as mates, which causes an uproar in some circles. Even though both claim to be disastrous parents, they are great once they have their own kids.
Vendel retires, fully enjoying his rest. He comes to give blinky advice occasionally, but he's mostly a grumpy grandpa for everyone at the Trollmarket.
Dictatious takes over the troll library, adding some stuff he learns.
Angor goes on a travel (for an atonement, as he claims). He's seen all over the world, fighting against slavery and injustice at night. Soon enough he becomes a kind of city legend, and a lot of criminals are scared of him.
Bular goes to the Darklands, fully intending to reform the Gumm-Gumm tribe and get rid of the stigma they have.
Barbara and Strickler have their planned wedding and adopt some of the changelings' familiars, including Strickler's and Nomura.
Ironically, despite Jim and Claire being sure of each other feelings, Toby and Darci have their wedding first. It's the final push that makes Claire propose to Jim.
Enrique grows up to be a party monster, much because of NotEnrique's influence. They both tend to start parties which only Jim can stop.
Zelda (Nomura's familiar) is a huge fan of classical music, so they both can chat about it for hours. No one else is able to follow.
Wallie (Strickler's familiar), however, finds history boring. He's more of an IT and Math kid and is extremely talented. Strickler tells him the truth about their connection, and Wallie goes to live with Jim for some time to sort out his feelings. He forgives Strickler after some time though.
The world keeps changing as humans and supernatural beings learn to co-exist. Trolls take over dangerous mining, trading some difficult-to-get minerals. Humans also realize that trolls can eat some waste, which creates new ways to save nature. Nari feels that it's the world she, Bellroc, and Skrael wished to have before giving up and hopes that one day the rest of the Arcane Order will be unsealed and admit they were wrong.
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bbcmerlin-reversebang · 4 months
BBC Merlin Reverse Bang Masterlist
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Thank you to all the fantastic artists and writers who participated in this round of the fest! Without further ado, here is the masterlist for the 2023-2024 BBC Merlin Reverse Bang!
So Familiar A Gleam
Artist: MerlinLikeThe Bird
Writer: Excited_Insomniac
Summary: They say the druid in the forest who guards the sword in the stone has never woken. Unchanging, no matter the season, no matter how many years go by; lost in a dream that will only be broken by the Once and Future King.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54501022
Artist: Papysanzo89
Writer: ironfamjam
Summary: “I’ll give you whatever you want,” the king says, shoulders drawn back, “just help me save my people.”
The sun strikes his face and for a moment, Arthur looks made of gold. Pretty, Emrys can’t help but think. But still just a man. 
“Whatever I want?” Emrys’ smirk widens, “I want your pride. Now bow down to me and beg.”
When long-time immortal and full-time hater of humanity, the great Emrys himself, finds the newly crowned King Arthur at his doorstep asking for his help, he gets way more than he bargained for on their journey to revive Camelot’s old wards and save the kingdom from war. Unfortunately for him, he's going to make friends, fall in love, and become a hero whether he wants to or not.
Or, Merlin's been waiting centuries for something to believe in.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54417334
Dragon of the Dawn
Artist: LikeAPaperPlane
Writer: SlantedKnitting
Summary: To avoid war with the Druids, Arthur lifts the ban on magic in Camelot. As a sign of peace, the Druids gift him a dragon egg. Now Arthur must decide if it would be wise to bring a dragon into the world, or if his interest in the egg is only due to the handsome Dragonlord who wields the power to hatch it.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54702940
World Within a World
Artist: MerlinLikeTheBird
Writer: Sage_Owl
Summary: "Stories never really end. They can go on and on and on. It's just that sometimes, at a certain point, one stops telling them." ― Mary Norton, The Borrowers
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54609637
Touched by Magic / in time of daffodils
Artist: willoswmarika
Writer: archaeologist_d
Summary: “When you’re touched by magic, nothing’s ever quite the same again.” Charles de Lint.
Five people discover Merlin’s magic. Their reactions might vary, but sometimes, acknowledging it is the hardest thing of all.
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54803929
Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54802045
All That Lies Between Us
Artist: MerlinLikeTheBird
Writer: thetreeofwillow
Summary: With a gasp, Arthur wakes.
He wakes to the warmth of the blankets around him, the sight of the stars above and Merlin’s hand grasping his. He wakes surrounded; by softness, by love, by light. Gasping in breaths, he wakes holding tightly onto Merlin’s hand, tethering himself to the word through that strong, sure grip.
He wakes and he’s not alone and everything's better.
He settles back down, his breath not quite steady yet, but getting there. He holds on tight to Merlin’s hand, looks up at the stars and lets himself drift back off to sleep, safe in the knowledge that he’s free.
Merlin and Arthur are held captive together for a month in the dark.
Back in Camelot now, the two face all they went through with the help of one another, their friends, and the night sky.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54826897
Till Death Do Us Part
Artist: Sunfall_of_Ennien
Writer: Pearl09
Summary: The battle of Camlann is now, and Arthur just manages to survive the battle thanks to the sacrifice of a sorcerer who had strangely taken Camelot's side. When he later learns out that sorcerer was a disguised Merlin, however, he's left to try and patch his broken world back together. Meanwhile, Merlin thought he was dead but instead wakes up in Cenred's prison, the man in question having rescued Merlin to try and force him to join his army.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54895198
Malediction Amplexus
Artist: griffonskies
Writer: Camelittle
Summary: Arthur is only trying to protect his idiot flat mate from a deranged person who claims to be a witch. But then she goes and blasts him with a "hug or die" curse. Not only does this force Arthur to swallow his pride and seek hugs from those who care from him, but also it turns his rationalist world view on its head. Despite all his best efforts to deny the fact, he's forced to confront the idea that maybe, just maybe, Merlin wasn't kidding about having magic after all.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54400465
Overhead Of The Aqua Blue
Artist: Dollopbrain
Writer: lavenderspice
Summary: Merlin is not in love with Arthur. Arthur is not in love with Merlin. It's as simple as that.
But then, an impulsive decision made in the heat of the moment changes everything between them. The casual, friendly touches turn into fleeting kisses and meetings in hidden alcoves.
It's not anything serious though. Merlin and Arthur are still definitely not in love.
Or are they?
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54988165
Light and Shadow
Artist: griffonskies
Writer: sacredraisincakes
Summary: "If love is light, then fear is its shadow." - LJ Vanier
Basking in the dawn of the golden age of Camelot, Arthur doesn't question anything when he is given the small token from Gwen and Lancelot's daughter. Why would he? He doesn't see anything wrong with the way his life is heading... Merlin, of course, questions everything, but the arrival of his mother with life changing news puts his questions aside for now.
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55041709
Art: https://www.tumblr.com/griffcreations/747145662845616128/merlin-bbc-reverse-bang-202324-light-and-shadow
Guardian Angel
Artist: Mirayla
Writer: ClotpolePoet
Summary: Set in a world where magical abilities manifest wings proportions to their power, Merlin, Arthur and the knights are sent on a months-long mission by the king.
Merlin struggles to find time to preen and care for his large wings during the journey, but when Arthur finds himself in danger, Merlin is forced to reveal them in order to save the prince and in doing so gets himself kidnapped and tortured.
Arthur and the knights are faced with saving Merlin from a deadly man whilst dealing with Merlin’s magic reveal revelation.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55075855
The Totality of Partial Impressions
Artist: OnePepperCorn
Writer: s0mmerspr0ssen
Summary: Arthur starts his first year at Camelot University hoping to elude his father’s influence. But Uther’s control persists and Arthur soon faces the same pressures he had hoped to escape. To make matters worse, his roommate proves to be a complete pain in the arse, though Merlin thinks the same about Arthur. Unfortunately, Arthur is not only infuriating but infuriatingly attractive, and Merlin cannot help but wonder if Arthur’s guarded looks convey a deeper meaning – one he’s too afraid to admit to.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54425791
The Other Side Of The Door
Artist: monoisbored
Writer: SaltedKiss
Summary: Arthur Pendragon chose to take on a fake name and major in History of Magic at Camelot University after finding out about the atrocities his father did to the magical community. He looked forward to learning more about magic users, but never expected to be attacked by an actual dragon the first time he met a sorcerer in person.
Starring: Cannonball Aithusa, Arthur "American Football Cosplayer " Pendragon & Merlin "Any excuse to take Arthur's shirt off" Emrys.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55103026
a single thread of fate (tied me to you)
Artist: azimuthal
Writer: remaymber
Summary: Merlin paused, took a deep breath, and a delicate, red band appeared in front of him, softly flowing in the breeze. It was wrapped around his wrist and then disappeared into the distance.
Merlin took it between his fingers, held it as he focused on the gentle pull he felt. With his eyes, he followed the faint thread into the distance and couldn’t help but wonder who might be awaiting him on the other side.
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55104175
Art: https://www.tumblr.com/azi-muthal/747649862663864320/my-contribution-to-the-bbcmerlin-reversebang-this
Devouring Glory
Artist: Mirayla
Writer: gil-galadhwen
Summary: When a person with magic dies, where does their magic go?
Merlin has been feeling peculiar lately. The sun seems too bright and his skin feels unusually sensitive beneath his clothing. His magic seems to be growing too, in a way he’s unsure he can control. Like an unruly garden. Like he’s overflowing with it.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54716203
Live for the hope of it all
Artist: Papysanzo89
Writer: MyKingdomComeUndone
Summary: At sixteen, during a hunt gone wrong, Arthur meets a strange boy in the woods—a boy who uses magic to save him, and goes by the name of Merlin. This is the story of an unlikely friendship, a friendship that ends up changing not only Arthur's life, but the future of all of Camelot.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/53840449
Up Pendragon Creek Without an Oar
Artist: eachpeachpearplum
Writer: Laurieonalark
Summary: When Agravaine betrays the Pendragons, they lose everything- their money, their property, their status, it's all gone. With nothing to their name, they are forced to relocate to the sleepy town of Ealdor, living in the rundown Camelot Bed and Breakfast. It's nothing like any of them were prepared for, but it may just be exactly what Arthur and Morgana need.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55276900
Towards the Stars
Artist: treasureguardingdragon
​​Writer: just_snakess
Summary: The year is 2372. When King Arthur finally returns, Merlin is on the other side of the solar system, and is helpless to prevent him being swept up by the government. Thus begins a journey across the solar system, crossing paths with crimelords, rebel leaders, and very, very old friends. Will it be enough to free Arthur? Or will the Once and Future King fall victim to a mysterious plot that threatens the very border between life and death?
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55300255
Learning to defy expectations
Artist: treasureguardingdragon
Writer: Ace_Teagirl
Summary: When Arthur gets sent away by Uther to secure a treaty between Camelot and Tir-Mor, what should have been a normal diplomatic trip turns into more than Arthur could have expected. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about trust, friendship and the weight of duty.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55365187
Hide Yourself
Artist: ClotpolePoet
Writer: bang-the-smoke
Summary: When Merlin finds out about an assassination plot against Arthur that is set to happen sometime during the annual three-day masquerade ball that Camelot hosts, he is forced to enter the ball, disguised. How will he be able to save Arthur's life when the prince attempts to court him during the ball?
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55301731
All My Scars Are For Him
Artist: Dollopbrain
Writer: ApproachRoach
Summary: “I was here a week ago,” Arthur blurted out. “Before, it was a desert—it almost killed me. Now it’s a rainforest.” Arthur stated. “I’ve only ever heard about rainforests in tales about magic, and in those stories, the magic was dormant. Its only purpose was to keep the forest alive. Here, I can even feel the magic in the air. And if I’m honest, it feels a little like coming home. It feels safe.” He stated it so simply Merlin almost didn’t realise the magnitude of what he was admitting.
His admission, if he was anyone else, would have him hanged.
Arthur Pendreagon is a lot of things; he is his fathers son. Camelot’s Prince. The Captain of the Knights. Himself, is rarely one of them.
What if, for once, he was not the things he was supposed to be and was simply, himself? He confesses something he had never really thought much of and somehow everything else does not matter anymore. He is himself and that is all that is important, he is finally, who he is meant to be; the Golden Prince
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55073416
Four reasons to kill
Artist: wortvermis
Writer: Brechtjeeatscheese
Summary: George Brass has been killed.
Merlin is an undercover agent, it seems an afwull lot like the attack was meant for Uther Pendragon, CEO of Pendragon Inc. After some inspecting, Merlin can only come to one conclussion, his son, Athur Pendragon, has motive and oppurtunity, unfortunatly he has an alibi.
Merlin needs to go undercover in order to prove Arthur did it. What he didn't account for was that he would fall head over heels in love with Arthur. There is only one problem that rests, if Arthur didn't do it, then who did?
A tale about falling in love, hiding who you are, sacrificing everything for your job, and trying to catch a murderer while doing it all. No wonder Merlin is stressed and depressed.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55362367
Le Démoniste et Le Dragon
Artist: Pearl09
Writer: Salamandair
Summary: Merlin moves to Camelot after the death of his mother to help his Uncle Gaius in his Apothecary and to get a fresh start away from his small village where no one liked his magic.
In Camelot, however, most people hate magic too. But why? What happened here that made everyone hate magic so quickly? What is Gaius keeping from him?
When Merlin is forced to seek refuge in an abandoned mansion a month after his arrival due to being chased by magic hating men, he is thrust into a world that will turn his request for a ‘new start’ on its head.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55453966
Echoes of Magic and Nature
Writer: HadrianPeverellBlack
Summary: After the lands of Camelot lose their life, it seems that hope for the kingdom is lost for good.
That is until Prince Arthur decides that he would save his people.
But he will not make this journey alone. He will have allies, even in the most unthinkable places.
After all, to heal the wounds made by an impure heart, it is needed the purest of them all.
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55790572
The Blue Butterflies Follow You (so do the moths)
Artist: zazrichor
Writer: Crimson_Fanfic_Writer_7
Summary: Arthur is fed up. He trusts Merlin with his life but he doesn’t think the same goes for Merlin. Merlin is hiding something, has been hiding something the entire time he has known him. It’s eating at him, it’s tainting their relationship in a subtle way he can’t even name.
Fortunately for him, there is a young druid who – even if not for the same reason – is fed up with Merlin’s lies as well. The young druid has grown up on stories of how the great Emrys will help the Once and Future King to unite the- blablabla yeah well WHEN is that going to happen though?! It’s been ten years, the oh so great master of magic could finally get a move on! Maybe he needs some incentive. Maybe he’s grown too accustomed to lying. Well, no more.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55807864
You are Someone Else (I am still right here)
Artist: Stelle_Loves_Reading
Summary: “After Lancelot is gravely injured by a group of druid hunters, he’s found by the most unlikely of rescuers: the fearsome Monster of the Darkling Woods and her companion, Merlin, who really wishes she’d stop bringing him broken creatures to fix.”
Art: https://artstelle.tumblr.com/post/750041304120033280/you-are-someone-else-i-am-still-right-here-art
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babygirldilf · 11 months
Merlin is... the most iconic and complex and interesting character. He is the good hearted -never had the privilege of being naive- young man, he goes through so much pain and suffering and insane decisions he has to make, and gets tasks with responsibility and destiny and fate from such a young age. He never gets a choice and yet still chooses it, chooses to be a savior and an unknown and unrecognized hero. No one knows, and even those who do, do not understand and could never understand him fully. He constantly faces countless moral dilemmas where he has to choose between two unthinkable possibilities, and it kills him more and more every time he buries a friend. Every time he lies to a loved one. Every time he understands, yet again, that he is alone. Really, truly, alone. No one understands. No one sees everything he goes through.
No one but us.
We are the only ones who know, and see, and feel, and even we have no choice but to stand on the sidelines and watch as his heart grows colder and his walls are built higher and his smile falters as he struggles against everything that is thrown at him and pulls him in different directions and eventually becomes a stronger, yet colder, sort of hero. He never got the privilege that Arthur got, to be truly gold hearted for the rest of his life, because the only reason Arthur even got the opportunities to make choices that paint him as the hero is that Merlin had to make the rougher, more ugly decisions that paint him as the villain.
He never had the chance to stand in the light side of things because he kept being dragged into the darkness.
And there, everything is not pretty and pink, and he doesn't get a crown for his hard choices. No. He is standing on ancient ground, roots growing into it without his knowledge, and his skin is damp, the air is crisp, there is blood dripping from his hands, and everything smells of earth and rain and is unavoidably real. This is real. The pain he feels in his bones and has been feeling for years now, the thick, warm blood, the pouring rain, the green wilderness, and the ugly, painful truth that this is his reality. This was always going to be his reality. Here, buried knee deep in the dead bodies of his enemies and his loved ones, watching Arthur rise up while he guards him from behind his back.
And then, even years into his journey, he is forced to remember again how it felt like to first save someone using his magic. How it feels like to create the image of butterflies and strawberries out of thin air. To feel the gold shines in his eyes while he creates a path for his love, for his king, to walk upon, towards what is supposed to be a new Era, one where he himself doesn't have to hold his breath anymore. One where he doesn't have to constantly hide.
And then, after everything he sacrificed for this future, and even more importantly to him, for this man, even that gets brutally taken away from him, and he is left alone again. Only this time, he is cradling the love of his life in his arms, one last time, knowing he has to be the one to bury his dead body, too.
Insane, crazy story. I hope they bring him back.
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lxvenderjewel · 8 months
song/ship analyses part 5: merthur and "the archer" by taylor swift
this is more about merlin than merthur but i'll call it what i want
“Combat, I'm ready for combat
I say I don't want that, but what if I do?” after so many years of protecting arthur and borderline killing people for him, and also he’s constantly trying to get mordred to just fucking die already
“I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you” the many many times merlin could have told arthur about his magic
“I jump from the train, I ride off alone” merlin often goes off to protect arthur on his own, of course lancelot and gwaine did come with him occasionally along with some other but usually he’s by himself
“I've been the archer
I've been the prey” pretty self explanatory. he’s fought and defeated but he’s also been hunter like in the witchfinder episode
“Who could ever leave me, darling?
But who could stay?” so many people are devoted to merlin but they also often end up dead, like lancelot, freya, even arthur
“Dark side, I search for your dark side
But what if I'm alright, right, right, right here?” he knows he should be weary of arthur but he can’t help being comfortable in his presence
“And I cut off my nose just to spite my face
Then I hate my reflection for years and years” he goes against kilgarrah’s advice to justlet mordred die and ends up regretting it
“I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost
The room is on fire, invisible smoke” this is just a ptsd lyric i think
“And all of my heroes die all alone
Help me hold onto you” his dad, lancelot, many of his other allies end up dying and he wants arthur to you know. not do that
“'Cause they see right through me
They see right through me
They see right through
Can you see right through me?” despite the fact that his magic should be secret, people do know about it, gaius, lancelot, probably gwaine as well, and it’s the fear that arthur knows too and is waiting for a reason to execute him
“All the king's horses, all the king's men
Couldn't put me together again” after arthur’s death the knights probably tried to make him feel better but it obviously wouldn’t do anything for his guilt
“'Cause all of my enemies started out friends
Help me hold onto you” morgana and mordred started out as his friends, and if arthur found out about his magic, he would probably turn against him as well
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merlinbingo · 2 months
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Aaaand another month trundles on by.
In July, 16 of you created 44 fantabulous fills. Three people chose not to have their fills listed here, and of the remaining 41 we have 39 fics, one artwork, and one podfic!
In terms of ships, we have all the usual contenders making an appearance. Merlin/Arthur comes top with 17 fills, while gen is a close second with 15. After that, we've got Merlin/Gwaine with four, and then one each for Merlin/Lancelot, Arthur/Gwen, Merlin/Arthur/Knights, and (our very first crossover ship!) Merlin/Percy Jackson!
As for the fills themselves, you'll find them below the cut, sorted by ship and then rating. Remember to check the warnings, avoid anything that might upset you, and leave a whole load of love for our wonderful creators!
No ships/gen
Why would I lie when I can tell you the truth? ~ Chapter 2: Merlin starts to doubt Arthur's memory ~ and he misses Lancelot by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Merlin is a Little Shit (Merlin), Prince Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Oblivious Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Crack Treated Seriously, Humor Summary: Merlin is amused by Arthur's bad humour. He shouldn't be, he knows, but he is. Well, it isn't his fault if Arthur is a blind ass
When an immortal knight confronts an immortal heroes' trainer: or Counseling for Parents of Rascals by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Immortal Leon (Merlin), Protective Leon (Merlin), POV Leon (Merlin), Awesome Leon (Merlin), BAMF Leon (Merlin) Summary: Leon calls out Chiron's mistakes
I see my reflection in your eyes by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Merlin (Merlin), POV Merlin (Merlin), Merlin Needs a Hug (Merlin), Percy Jackson Needs a Hug Summary: Merlin and Percy discuss about their lives.
It's movie night! by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Movie Night, Slice of Life, Some Humor, Jokes, Family Feels Summary: The new reborn souls, Percy, Merlin and Leon have a movie night!
The Seneschal of the King ~ Chapter 2: The king's choice by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Seneschal Merlin (Merlin), Smart Merlin (Merlin), Protective Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Good Friend Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Good King Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Summary: Merlin yells at Arthur and Arthur explains his choice
Storm House by cynthia1314 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Bookshop AU, forced proximity platonic edition TM, Enemies to Friends Summary: Arthur ran into Merlin's bookshop on a stormy day. Merlin realised Arthur wasn't just a posh git. Just the usual.
Living up their expectations by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Episode: s04e04 Aithusa (Merlin), Deleted Scenes, Merlin Needs a Hug (Merlin)Merlin, Protective Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Soft Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Summary: Merlin and Arthur talk about thei desire and need to make their fathers proud
making friends (and maybe enemies) by eachpeachpearplum Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply, minor threat of violence Major tags: Fluff, first meeting, friendships, insecurity, canon compliant Summary: Percival never intended to get involved. He was there for a drink, and that was it. (Or: Percival makes a friend)
bi arthur by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: digital art, digital painting Summary:
Boiling Point by VikingSong Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Steampunk AU, enemies to friends, jailbreak, humor, banter Summary: Merlin’s posh cellmate cleared his throat. “What are you, uh, what are you in for?” “Oh, treason,” Merlin said glibly, turning back from examining the complicated cell lock to face him. “You?” The corners of the man’s mouth twisted up into a bitter half-smile. “Something like that.” Or: Forced Proximity Tropes - Platonic Edition(TM), featuring a steampunk jailbreak
Immortality shared ~ Chapter 1: A name, a burden, a curse by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Angst, Implied/Referenced Suicide attempt, Immortal Merlin (Merlin), Depressed Merlin (Merlin) Summary: Merlin knew his immortality was a burden. And, somehow, something changes
Emrys and the three Queens ~ Chapter 1: The Sorcerer and The Queen by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon Finds Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Morgana Knows about Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Merlin & Morgana Friendship (Merlin) Summary: Arthur overhear Merlin's conversation with Agravaine. Things change.
[Podfic] Queen of Swords by cynthia1314 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Married Gwen/Arthur, Fluff Summary: Arthur realizes his wife has been practicing and is instantly starstruck by this new common passion.
Do you like my accent? by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Summary:
I’ll never tell by Salamandair Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pining, not actually unrequited love, introspection, pre-slash, canon divergence Summary: Elyan is watching the new knight train, but he’s really only watching one person on the field.
Maybe the next time by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Time Loop, Merlin is So Done (Merlin), Merlin is a Little Shit (Merlin), Supportive Lancelot (Merlin), Aliens Ship Lancelot/Merlin Summary: Merlin was really starting to hate that shirt. Usually, he only wore the red shirt on special occasions. Like the first day of a new season, or when it was someone dear's birthday, or when Gaius took him to do something for the first time. Now, after wearing the red shirt thirteen times in a row, he hated it.
Merlin/Percy Jackson
“Hey, it’s me. It’s just me.” by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Beach Holidays, Pining Merlin (Merlin), Oblivious Percy Jackson, Merlin Needs a Hug (Merlin), First Kiss Summary: Merlin and Percy spend some time alone
wandered out in the world for years (the king and the knight remix) by eachpeachpearplum Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Episode tag, deleted scene, remix, fluff and angst, established relationship Summary: Gwaine doesn't like Arthur. Respects him, sure. Admires his fighting prowess, yeah. Envies his freedom and pities his lack of it in equal parts. He'll follow him into battle and mostly follow orders as he does so, because chances are Arthur’s on the right side of a fight, and even if he isn't he's got Merlin to push him until he is. But he's more than capable of all that without actually liking the man. Or: Arthur and Gwaine search for Merlin during the deleted scene from A Servant of Two Masters.
Never alone again by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Summary: Gwaine realised that Merlin was hiding something. And in a panic, Merlin denied it and hid behind more lies. How could their relationship be based on lies?
No. I have magic. by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Summary: A magic reveal with a twist.
I like when you protect me by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Omega Merlin, Alpha Gwaine, Protective Gwaine (Merlin), BAMF Merlin (Merlin) Summary: Well, Merlin had been warned. Indirectly, from the protective glances of the Knights. Directly, from Morgana and Gwen's comments. Now, he could only try to limit the damage.
Fatal Unions ~ Chapter 2: Arthur by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Mentioned previous characters deaths, Good Friend Leon (Merlin), Supportive Leon (Merlin), POV Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Worried Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Summary: Arthur's pov of his marriage
This Song and Dance (The 'Balancing Act' Remix) by queerofthedagger Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Circus AU, First Kiss, Developing Relationship, Grief/Mourning Summary: Between circus shows and late nights, Merlin and Arthur figure themselves out, one step at a time.
The Mawkish Crown Prince of Camelot by jcardonacardona Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Summary: After an arduous battle against yet another creature of magic, being pampered, bathed, and massaged with tender care by your lover (and manservant/secret sorcerer), is the least the Crown Prince of Camelot deserves—says Arthur Pendragon, Crown Prince of Camelot.
My Heart Stumbles On Things I Don't Know by bebravedearheart Rating: Mature Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Gift Giving, Ygraine's Sigil, Angst, Hopeful Ending Summary: “Sometimes you do puzzle me,” the prince said with the hint of a smile in his voice. It was almost their usual teasing, and Merlin felt steadier though his stomach still flipped and his heart still beat too quickly. “We’ll defeat the dorocha. We will. Together.” Merlin made the pronouncement to steady Arthur too, truly believing it. He knew Arthur often did not believe in himself—despite having proven himself many times over, he still doubted his own abilities, and Merlin often decided he would not stand for it. Arthur gives Merlin his mother's sigil. Merlin understands what that means.
Into the Inward Places of Our Souls by thesongistheriver Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: established relationship, fluff and smut, domestic fluff, top merlin, bottom arthur Summary: In the chaos of concert prep and play rehearsals, the boys lose track of the dates ... and then they make up for up.
No Magic Required by SauraUnderscore Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Compliant; Cursed Arthur; Magical Healing Sex; Bottom Arthur; Summary: Arthur Pendragon and his stupid hobby of touching cursed magical artefacts and getting himself bloody cursed in the process. Merlin’s not prophesied to help raise the Once and Future King, no. He’s doomed to fall in love with a prat of a prince too silly to fucking listen. That’s it. That’s the story. Oh, well; there’s also the magical healing sex, too.
Treat Me Warmly by tansyuduri Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Hurt/Confort, magic reveal, snuggling for warmth, getting together, cannon au Summary: Arthur and Merlin have been pining for each other for a while now. Trapped in a remote hunting cabin by a storm, Merlin and Arthur's hidden feelings for each other are finally revealed. Now Merlin must push past his fear and reveal his magic to the man he loves. How will Arthur react? And what if the storm is more than it seems?
A Time to Fall in Love ("A Time to Mourn, and a Time to Dance" Remix) by TrebleMaker07 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Drunk Arthur Pendragon, Masturbation, Hallucinations, Missing Scene Summary: After a night of drinking with Morgana, Arthur goes home to wind down.
Our Stars Still Shine Together: Chapter 17 by tansyuduri Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: temporary character death, Merthur, Arthur bring Arthur, Immortality, The godess Summary: As the find the last badguy the unthinkable happens
Make It Flow (Everything In the Afterglow) by thesongistheriver Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternate Universe - Bookstore, Getting to Know Each Other, Bookstore owner Merlin, Lawyer Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Baker Gwen Summary: Merlin had thought he'd escaped small-town life for good once he'd finally left for the big city. Then he inherits his great-uncle's bookstore. Still, it might be a good thing. Even if he has to move home, and put up with a posh, irritating city lawyer named Arthur Pendragon, for it.
Chivalry Fell On Its Sword by BeBraveDearHeart Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: plot what plot/porn without plot, dildos, rimming Summary: Gwaine lounged in his chair. “Whose cock did you suck for a night off then?” “Nobody’s. That’s sort of the point. The prince’s laundry is horrendous and I keep walking in to him—” he made an unmistakable gesture to demonstrate. “You’re sure he’s not timing that on purpose?” Leon asked lightly, as if it was the most reasonable of assumptions. “That’s what I said this morning. He didn’t take that well.” “Oh dear.” “I said you’d give him a hand,” Merlin told Gwaine. “He didn’t like that either. Sorry mate.” “Prick,” Gwaine laughed. Leon smiled in agreement but, as ever, stepped in as the voice of reason. “You’d be tetchy too, if you wanted to be touched but couldn’t have it.” Prince Arthur must keep his virtue until his wedding night, though it leaves him frustrated and unsatisfied. Merlin, well-versed in the art of loopholes, offers him help.
The Claiming of Viscount Pendragon by ravenwilds Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Victorian AU, PWP, Smut with feelings, bathing/washing Summary: In which Merlin decides to help himself to the Viscount's bath and they are both surprised by the consequences ... Well not that surprised, given their record to date ...
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Ehy guys I just dropped the first chapter on AO3 (below is the link, but if you want you can also read it here on Tumblr)
Hope you guys enjoy it!
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In the beginning, there were trolls, magical beings born from the hearts of special stones and become alive by forces unknown to us, and humans, devoid of any kind of magic.
In time, these supernatural forces that we think of as magical, crept into the hearts of humans and thus wizards were born... But wizards were not well liked by either humans or trolls and only a few of them were accepted in King Arthur's court, two of whom were Merlin and Morgana.
Merlin was very powerful and worked for King Arthur following his every order, but Morgana... No, she was a real rebel. She found trolls to be wonderful creatures, unlike her king, and believed that they had just as much right to live on earth as human beings. Perhaps that is why she sided with Gunmar, a powerful troll born from the heart of a rotten Heartstone from within, certainly not the kindest of trolls or the most tolerant of the sorceress's human nature, which he by habit calls "fleshbag," but still smart enough to recognize great potential in her.
The two had a plan: to create eternal night, so that trolls, vulnerable to sunlight, could live on the surface without fear of being brushed by the sun's rays, but to do this, Morgana needed to create spies who would bring information to both her and Gunmar and who could mix among humans without being conspicuous. And that is what happened: Gunmar ordered the Gumm-Gumms to raid every troll village, capturing the cubs and killing those who opposed his rule. Many baby trolls were captured during those bloody slaughters and many more died as a result of that unrelenting violence. The baby trolls were thrown into cages and kept segregated in the deepest darkness of the caves, away from the light and their families.
The cage cave was large, very large, and cold. The humidity could freeze the stone skin of the little prisoners and scratch their wills better than whatever torture their torturers had in servitude for them. Not seeing the starry sky, being far from their families, and the knowledge that they would never again be able to taste the flavor of freedom often made them beg to be killed there and then, so as not to further prolong the torture that, without the sensor of passing days, seemed endless.
The Gumm-Gumm often enjoyed torturing, beating and abusing them, but no hero in shining armor would come to their rescue....
The "loveless," as they were called by their tormentors, would all die of starvation, hunger and fear after endless and unspeakable tortures, and only death, their friend and salvation, would come to grant them sweet eternal rest.
This went on for years. Every now and then a cub would be taken out of its cage never to return, and it only withered those little hearts that had now lost all hope as far as an escape or a possible return to their villages was concerned.
That was the case for everyone, including the Izit cub, a race of trolls accustomed to living in the thickest forests under the starry sky. A tenacious specie, but too weak to be able to escape the clutches of Gunmar and his army.
The little guy had lost so much weight that his arms were as thin as bone, and the bright spots on his skin that once characterized his coat had faded over time, blending with the dark blue that covered most of his body. His horns, still just small stone lumps on his head, trembled from the frost along with his tusks on that dark, cold night.
He was hungry, but there was no food for him. There was hardly any.
Looking around he could make out fellow prisoners in the cages hanging from the ceiling and those on the ground like his own. All were huddled together, some asleep, some crying, and still others seemed not even to be breathing, perhaps dead for days.
One of the few moments of respite for the Loveless.
The Izit cub tried to warm his paws by blowing warm air on them, but his breath was reduced to a gasp. So, trembling, he clutched his knees to his chest and hid his face against the cold stone skin.
He remained like this for a long time, until a song rang through the air.
The notes were sweet, the voice singing to her melodious.
Little Izit strained his long ears and listened intently; it was not the first time he had heard that voice, yet, each time it caused him a strange sense of curiosity and surprise.
With the witch's song also came light. A faint light of course, but still a light.
Many trolls raised their heads in search of that spark in the dark, others fled into the darkness, aware of what was about to happen: there was only one reason why the light chose to come and visit the captives, and it was nothing good.
Only one among the hundred or so awake cubs remained still: the Izit.
The woman, continuing to chant, moved forward looking ahead. She did not seem particularly interested in the contents of the cages or in assessing how Gunmar's prisoners were doing, rather she seemed serene. She kept murmuring the notes of a song in a language the little trolls had a hard time chewing: human.
The witch advanced until she passed the cage of little Izit, who meanwhile dared not look up or move even a muscle. He would have liked to see the light, but to what end? It would only remind him how much he missed the freedom and the starry sky that he had so loved to look at when things were not yet so hopeless.
The footsteps suddenly ceased and with them the divine singing.
There was a clang of metal and the cage door opened.
Not even at that moment did little Izit look up. It was only when a hand was extended toward him and the smell of living flesh permeated his nostrils that he let his four bright eyes wander until they met Morgana's green ones.
She was beautiful. The red hair, the thin lips, the gentle smile... she was so bright.
"Hey little one..." She whispered, cautiously. She tried to caress his face, but Izit's pet retracted his head slightly, startled by Jade's hand.
"I will not hurt you..." The woman continued in a melodious voice.
How could a voice sound so sweet?
"How long have you been here?"
The puppy did not answer, but his eyes spoke for him: He did not remember; he had forgotten what it was like to be brought to that place and thrown into a cage, he had forgotten what his name was and what his parents looked like.
His mind was a blank slate, perfect for what the witch was looking for.
Morgana's gaze softened incredibly, giving way on her face to an even warmer smile.
"Come here..."
The woman's arms picked up the troll's slender little body and lifted him effortlessly. He offered no resistance; after all, if his fate was really to disappear as the other "Loveless" before him had done, he might as well go along with it. Even if he had wanted to, he would not have had the strength to fight anyway.
As the witch stepped away from the cages, walking between two massive trolls with a creepy iron mask on their faces, she stroked Izit's head, running a hand through the blue hair and feeling the still-developing horns.
"Now that you have me, you will no longer be alone." She whispered into his animalistic ears. The troll cub snuggled up to her and let her song lull him as his eyelids grew heavier. Although he was afraid, Morgana's presence helped calm him and for a moment he wondered if indeed that witch would be able to make him feel loved again.
And so it was: Morgana gave that puppy all the love that only a mother can give.
She fed him, gave him a name, a warm bed, educated and trained him...
And then... She slaughtered him.
She broke his bones, changed his nature and made him unrecognizable in the eyes of the other Izit.
She transformed him into something that nature would never have combined: an impure troll, capable of walking among men in the sunlight.
She transformed him.
She turned him into a changeling.
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magog83 · 1 year
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Link to Radio Times article
Can't believe Capps and Co are still out here making me feel rage in the year of our lord 2023. Anyway, some extracts under the cut if you don't fancy clicking through...
(Also HOW has it been 15 years??? Can we get a Fandom Retrospective instead please??)
Bradley James was first choice to play Prince Arthur, having previously worked with Capps and Murphy on the 2008 BBC TV movie Dis/Connected. "He had all the qualities that we wanted in Arthur – Brad is a fantastic actor, but also he's brilliant at comedy, and we wanted a Jeeves and Wooster feel, where Arthur is 'a hero', but he's not really the hero, the hero is the underdog, Merlin.
Colin Morgan – a relative newcomer who'd memorably guest-starred in the Doctor Who episode Midnight – was hired to play Merlin, with Angel Coulby cast as Guinevere ("Gwen" to her friends) and Katie McGrath rounding out the regular cast as Morgana.
Matt Smith, two years prior to his Doctor Who debut, was also "hugely high up" the list of potential names to play the show's title character, while his future companion Karen Gillan was in the running to play Guinevere. "We met lots of actors – and lots of them are doing unbelievably well now," says Capps.
"Colin and Bradley had fantastic on-screen chemistry – they just lit the screen up with their fun and their humour and their brotherly love for each other, so that made us able to write really intense emotional stories between the two of them, as the characters got older and as the stakes of the story got higher in each season. Because they were so good, we could write much richer stories for them."
Fans latched on to the close bond between Merlin and Arthur, with some calling for the relationship to evolve and go down a romantic route – with the benefit of hindsight, knowing the strength of the reaction to the pairing, does Capps think the series should have explored that dynamic?
"No, I don't think so. It was a beautiful friendship and there was a huge amount of love with them, but I don't think you'd want to take that any further. I think there's something very beautiful about a really intense friendship between two people that is non-sexual – that to us was the beauty of it, this extraordinary friendship."
The series hinged on Arthur remaining oblivious to Merlin's magic – though other characters would learn the young wizard's secret across the span of the series, the now-King Arthur would not learn the truth about his friend until the very final episode and there was never any discussion about an earlier reveal.
"As soon as Arthur knows that Merlin has magic, we felt the format of the show was over," Capps explains. "Because the format of the show was that he had to hide it. It's the end of the story – or the end of this version of the story."
The show's final scenes see a surprise leap into the present day, with an immortal Merlin still waiting for the Once and Future King to rise again.
"We'd run out of legend, so you couldn't really take it any further," Capps says of the show's final arc. "It just kind of came to us – there was just something really lovely about... he's waiting for the next incarnation of Arthur, there's something sort of sadly beautiful about that."
There were, however, "quite advanced talks" about a series of Merlin movies, planned to be produced after the drama had wrapped but to feature stories set within the timeline of the television show. "But it all got a bit complicated and then, you know, with these things, they fall apart, but we did very seriously talk about it.
"The idea was to have a trilogy of movies, and the movies were going to happen in-between the series – that was the idea, in those kinds of timelines. It would have been really good fun to do them."
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joemerl · 6 months
The Whumps of March 2024: "Hell is empty and all the devils are here." (Shakespeare, The Tempest)
A series of vignettes based on Arthurian legend, collected on AO3 here.
Almost as far back as he could remember, Mordred wanted to become a Knight of the Round Table.
He could he not, with all of his older brothers already in Camelot, lauded as some of the greatest champions in the kingdom? The rare times when they came home, he was regaled with stories of their adventures, and of the glories of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, and the knight Lancelot, who was Gawain's best friend and Gareth's favorite mentor. Songs of their exploits were find their way to the Orkneys, each one whetting his appetite for adventure.
He spent long hours fantasizing about how it would happen. He would arrive dramatically, during a feast, and his uncle would be so pleased that he would knight him in front of everybody. Or maybe he would sneak in like Gareth, and surprise them all with his hidden mettle. In the end, it was nothing so spectacular—he was sent to the court as Agravaine's squire, and a few years later was knighted alongside several other boys for fighting against a petty rebellion. And he soon realized, sheepishly, that he was not the greatest swordsman or jouster at the court, and that it was hard to be seen as anything but the youngest in a familial set.
It didn't matter. He was now part of the Round Table, renowned as the most valiant and noble knights in Christendom.
It was, perhaps, less rarefied than he had imagined—some of his fellow knights were rude, or boring, or what have you. It was foolish, he supposed, to imagine that they wouldn't be, especially when he had four of them in his family. But he had his friends, Sagramore and Gingalain and Galahad, for a while. More to the point, he had his calling. Defending the needy, upholding the righteous. He would play whatever small part fate demanded in maintaining King Arthur's rule.
He didn't believe the story when he first heard it. The queen and Sir Lancelot? It sounded too much like gossip. A scandalous prospect, outlandish in how little it fit their sterling characters.
Then he saw Lancelot slip into her chambers.
And then Agravaine and eleven others, dead. Mordred himself left unconscious on the floor. Lancelot, the murderer whom he always admired, abandoning his mistress and fleeing like a coward.
"You knew, didn't you?"
Gawain winced, but he didn't answer, didn't even turn toward his brother. Just kept staring into the distance, just like he had since he first heard the news.
Mordred took his brother's shoulder and shook him, roughly. "DIDN'T YOU?!"
"Mordred—!" Sagramore grabbed his arm, but Mordred pulled away, snarling.
"Did you know, too?! That's what I'm hearing! Did everyone in Logres know, except the king and those of us who walked into a slaughter?!"
Everyone was staring at Mordred, but he didn't care. He felt dizzy all of a sudden. He still had a bandage wrapped around his head. The doctor had told him to stay calm, but there was little chance of that happening.
His eyes burning, Mordred pushed past Sagramore and stormed out of the room, leaving the Knights of the Round Table—the same noble heroes who had let this all happen—to gawk at his back.
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wanderingmagee · 2 years
Excalibur’s wielder and The Sorcerer:
["I believe the sword will make the right choice today." Father's words replayed in my mind as I stood in front of the legendary sword Excalibur.]
A story set many years after red shoes and the 7 dwarfs movie. Most of the Fearless Seven have settled down and had families of their own, but if they want to retire from F7 they need replacements, others to keep the magical lands safe from monsters and beasts. They must train a new team to take their places, and who better than YOU and their children, huh? How will your new team fair against the dangers of the magical lands? What curses will you guys get casted upon yourselves like your fathers? I can't wait to find out!———————————————————————
Chapter 1: Princess and the sword
“You will still be my daughter rather you pull the sword or not. But I believe the sword will make the right choice today.”
Father’s words replayed in my mind as I stood in front of the legendary sword Excalibur. It was a coming-of-age ceremony father had started with my older brother, Dallan, two years ago. Each of King Arthur’s children would attempt to pull Excalibur from her bashed-up stone prison.
My eyes cast to Dallan, who stood with our parents and six-year-old sister, Shyla. He gave me a thumbs up, but I could tell he was nervous I might free the sword. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t prayed the sword would choose another to free her, like my sister. I knew it was selfish to wish the burden on her.
“How lovely a young woman of eighteen my daughter has become. It seems she was playing fearless seven only yesterday with her little friends.”
Father spoke lovingly, wiping a tear from his eye giving me a proud smile. Embarrassed by his mushy words, I blush, looking to Excalibur. I glance around at the crowd surrounding me and the sword. A bright smile finds my face when I spot some of my childhood friends, children of my father’s friends. Curly red hair catches my attention first: Prince Goran, Son of Prince Hans, and Princess Aurora. My eyes move to the strawberry blonde beside Prince Goran, Princess Juniper, daughter of Prince Jack and Princess Attina. The two gave me big smiles and supportive gestures, which made me smile. I scan the crowd once more, not seeing the one I had hoped would be here today. Frowning, I clutch my dress.
“He promised…”
I mumble to myself, feeling sadness lying within my chest.
“Now, enough of this old king’s words! Let’s witness the choice of the stone on this special day.”
Father had been giving the same speech he had given at brother’s ceremony. Everyone now stared at me expectantly. Focusing back on Excalibur, I gulp, feeling the anxiety in my throat. My shaking hand reaches for the handle, feeling the lather touch my fingertips. With my hand gripping the handle, I take a deep, shaky breath before moving my hand to pull Excalibur.
Excalibur slips from the stone as if it had never been stuck at all. The surrounding crowd erupts into gasps and cheers. I stare at the shaped metal in my hands as if it was a ghost. Fear fills my body. Why me? Why couldn’t it have been my brother? I’m no hero… I’m barely a princess. This is all wrong.
“Excalibur has chosen! My Daughter is the wielder of the sword of legends!”
A hand settles on my shoulder, making me jump back to reality. Father is smiling so brightly it’s blinding me. I look over Mother’s shoulder as she embraces me. Dallan’s figure catches my eye. He looks beyond angry as he clenches his jaw and storms off into the crowd.
‘I didn’t ask for this, dear brother. Please… forgive me.’
I think to myself, watching Dallan disappear. Trying to will away tears, I brought my attention to the sky. Fireworks are going off overhead. Not just any fireworks, I could tell from the feel of familiar magic filling the air. He was here, after all. My eyes follow the trail of fireworks to meet a pair of honey orbs staring back. A charming grin found his lips as he leans against the large white Colum. My best friend since I could crawl, Prince Rainer, Son of Prince Merlin and Queen Snow. He wasn’t hard to miss, tall and handsome as his father, with short dark brown hair and fair skin the only thing different from his father was the rosy hue on his cheeks and he wasn’t as slim as his father was at his age, but it only added to Rainer’s handsome factor.
Father tells the story he’s told us kids a billion times before, of how Queen Snow offered to pull Excalibur for him. I slip away and make my way to Rainer.
“I take it you’re not too happy about free Excalibur, hm?”
I huff out a sigh, reaching up and taking my crown off.
“No, of course not. How could I be? My brother hates me and now I have to live up to everyone’s high expectations of this thing…”
I squeeze the sword tightly as tears well up in my eyes. Rainer steps closer, placing a warm hand on mine and my grip loosens on the sword. I meet Rainer’s soft Honey gaze and he takes my crown, placing it back on my head.
“Dallan doesn’t hate you, he can’t, he loves you too much. He will come to terms with it all, as will you.”
Rainer tucks some hair behind my ear. My cheeks flush as I look away, nibbling on my bottom lip, a nervous habit.
“I thought you weren’t coming.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle, taking a step out of my personal space.
“Well, I’m here, aren’t I? I had to help my father with some things… Don’t pout, Princess.”
My cheeks erupt in color at the nickname and the quirk of his brow. He’s used the royal title to tease me since we were little, and it still gets to me every time.
“Wait, what things?”
Rainer pats me on the shoulder with a nervous laugh.
“You’ll find out soon enough at dinner later.”
Now I was worried. What will I find out at dinner?
“(Y/n), Rainer! There you two are!”
I turn around just in time to get smushed into a hug by none other than Goran. I try to speak, but Goran’s chest muffles my words.
“Uh Goran, you’re suffocating the new Excalibur wielder.”
Rainer crosses his arms, laughing. Juniper, who had run up with Goran, joins in laughing with Rainer.
“It’s only been maybe fifteen minutes. At least let her bask in the light of Excalibur a while longer before you suffocate her.”
Juniper playfully smacks Goran’s arm as she chuckles.
“Oops… my apologizes, (Y/n)."
Goran releases me, and I gasp for air.
“Woo.. it’s alright, Go.”
“By the way, we met your grandparents on the way over. They said they’d like to speak with you.”
With a nervous feeling building up in my stomach again, I look to where Juniper pointed to my grandparents, former King Uther and former Queen Igraine. A frown finds my lips.
“I had hoped they wouldn’t come.”
I hang my head. My three friends give me looks of sympathy. Juniper hugs my arm, placing her head on my shoulder to comfort me.
“It’s just for one day, then they’ll leave again.”
They all knew I was never my Grandparents’ favorite grandchild, not because I did anything wrong, but they have their preferences. My grandparents love and care for me, just not to the extent they do for Dallan and Shyla, likely because they are the most like our father in looks and personality. Whereas I look and act like my late grandmother on my mother’s side of the family, with my (H/c) locks, (E/c) eyes, and (S/c) Complexion. A large hand on my lower back pulls me from my thoughts.
“We’ll be right here. Go, humor them, Wielder of Excalibur.”
“But Rainer.. I-I- eh-”
Rainer gives me a gentle nudge toward my grandparents. My friends give me a thumbs up as I reluctantly start walking. I love all three of them, but they could be so mean… a small smile graces my lips. I held the sword in both hands like I was to present it, or as if it was fragile. Putting on my best smile, I greeted my Grandparents who were engaged in conversation with my father.
“And what of suitors?-”
“Grandfather, Grandmother.”
I bow my head slightly in respect, hoping I did not interrupt something important.
“There’s the Princess of the hour. Well, will you look at our grandchild, Igraine? She will have her own books of legend written of her.”
Grandfather smiles, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. Grandmother smiles as well.
“Yes, dear, such a lovely young woman she has become.”
I give my thanks with a sheepish smile.
“My, what beautiful details on this sword.”
Grandfather takes the sword from my hands, holding it so the sun’s light reflects off its surface.
“I assured you it was a sight to see many years ago, Father, did I not?”
My Father let out a hearty laugh, sticking his chest out proudly as he did. Father then puts a hand on my head in a gentle manner.
“You did, my son. Yet, you never let me see before you placed it back in the stone.”
Grandfather teases father, making him rub the back of his neck guiltily.
“Come, Love, the rest of the Kingdom is waiting for the Wielder of Excalibur at the banquet.”
I chuckle as Grandmother leads me away before Father and Grandfather bicker about old times.
I now sat in the carriage with my mother, grandmother, and Shyla, watching the trees as we pass them.
“Blanchette, have you thought about what we discussed?”
Grandmother addresses my mother. I tune into their conversation.
“Yes, Mother, I have. I just don’t think it’s quite time for suitors right now. She just pulled the Sword of legend from the stone. It could cause problems.”
My eyes widen as realization hits me. Suitors!? Horror fills my face and heart as I look to my Mother and grandmother.
“It is best to get the hard part over with before they send her to protect the future of her brother’s kingdom.”
There she goes talking like not here. My eyebrow twitches in frustration.
“Suitors? I think I have a right to be included in the decision of this conversation.”
I look between the two older women.
“Dear, don’t take this the wrong way, but you know this decision is your Father and mothers alone.”
I frown, looking at mother in hopes of a different answer, only to receive an apologetic look. I turn away from the both of them, focusing back on the forest with an empty expression. Today was not my day, and the days to follow weren’t sounding any better.
We arrived back at the castle, and guards escorted us to the ballroom. The room, once full of scatter and music, turned silent upon our arrival. Everyone stares silently, then Father draws everyone’s attention to him.
“Our legendary hero has arrived. Let the celebration begin!”
Father bellowed with a hearty laugh. The room quickly erupted in cheers and beautiful melodies. I follow mother over to her friends, or as I’ve called them since I was little, my uncles and aunts.
“Nice going, Kiddo! About time someone got that sword out of that stone before your father went crazy.”
Uncle Merlin greets me with open arms. I giggle, hugging back him back.
“Thank's uncle Merlin.”
“Aw, I want a hug too.”
Aunt Snow said, joining in on our hug. We separate and the Triplets hug my legs, Pino, Noki, Kio. Who are still dwarves after choosing to live with the curse they received many years ago. It’s a long story I never tire of hearing.
“Your favorite uncles have made you a gift to help you with future adventures with Excalibur.”
“Yes, Uncle Noki engraved your favorite (Your choice) on it.”
“And Uncle Kio made sure it was your favorite color.”
The three release my legs and present a (F/c) back scabbard with beautiful engraved Silver accents for durability.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you so much, uncles.”
My gracious smile is contagious as my family around me smiles as well. A familiar figure catches my eye as I look up to see Dallan standing off in the corner by himself. A grumpy look on his face.
“I’m very thank full for the gift, uncles, but do you mind holding on to it for a bit longer?”
I ask, and the triplets nod. I hand over the scabbard, making my way through the crowd to my brother. Dallan spots me and tries to make a run for it, but I block his path.
“Brother, we need to have a discussion. Please?”
I give him puppy eyes and he huffs out a sigh, crossing his arms like a stubborn child.
“There’s nothing to discuss, dear Sister.”
Dallan’s words were bitter. He tries to brush past me, but I hug his arm.
“You know I didn’t want Excalibur. Please, don’t be angry with me.”
I lower my voice for only Dallan to hear as to not cause a scene. Dallan brushes me off.
“Just leave me alone, (Y/n). Enjoy your party.”
Dallan’s defeated bitter words linger in my heart as he retreats from the ballroom. I bite my lip to try suppressing my emotions, but I make a beeline for the balcony doors. Once out on the balcony, I take in a deep breath, feeling the need to scream become urgent. My brother hates me. I’m going to be sent to protect the magical lands, and to top it all off, I’m going to be married off to someone I haven’t even met. I gaze down at the ground from the balcony. It was looking pretty inviting nowadays to just jump. I shake the thoughts from my mind.
“Stop being such a selfish coward, (Y/n).”
I mumble to myself, running a hand through my hair in frustration.
“You’ve never outgrown the habit of talking to yourself, have you, Princess?”
I jump, spinning around to face Rainer, who’s making a worried expression. My cheeks reddened at his teasing and I turn away, putting my hands on the balcony railing.
“And lucky for me, you somehow always hear it.”
Rainer lets out a hearty chuckle at my words, giving me butterflies.
“I think it’s becoming a sixth sense, honestly.”
He gives me a playful wink before leaning his back against the railing next to me, looking up at pink and orange sky. The sun is setting already. I sheepishly glance over to Rainer, only to meet those Honey eyes that are reflecting the sunset. He’s so breathtaking, and he gives me this feeling of safety. It’s easy to forget my problems when he’s present. When had I fallen this hard for my best friend? But he sees me as a sister rather than a woman. Yet another frustration in my life.
“I saw what happened with Dallan.”
Rainer softly mentions as we break eye contact.
“I don’t know what to do, Raine… He could barely look at me.”
My voice quivers with the growing need to cry, hands clutching the railing below them.
“He’s stubborn like his father, but He’ll come around. Just let him cool off for a while.”
I give a small nod at his words. Rainer looks back at me.
“Us being the same age, Dallan has always been angry when he can’t do something I can. I’m sure it stems from the burdens he has on his own shoulders. I mean, how is he supposed to be a king when he turns werewolf every full moon? He thinks it would have been easier to be the wielder of Excalibur rather than the future King.”
I really am being selfish. I hadn’t even thought of that, because I didn’t inherit our mother’s curse like Dallan and Shyla had.
“I’m such a terrible sister. I hadn’t even thought of that.”
I groan, running my hands over my face.
“Hey, Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it. It means you see him as an equal and you don’t think of him any differently for his curse. I know how much you look up to Dallan.”
I meet Rainer’s eyes again, a tear slipping down my cheek as he continues.
“The rest of the kingdom is the problem here. My Mother has always warned me about the people who think appearance means everything, but it doesn’t. It never will. I know it and you know, you’re not selfish, you’re scared. Scared of the future, but I also know how strong you can be, (Y/n). ”
Rainer comes closer, reaching up to wipe the stray tear from my cheek. His eyes seem to search mine, his face leant down to be level with mine. My eyes move to his lips and my cheeks warm under his hand.
‘Too close!’
I think to myself, panicking.
“Rainer! (Y/n)!”
Me and Rainer quickly part from each other and look to Juniper, who came rushing out to the balcony.
“What is it, Jun?”
Rainer asked with a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest.
“King Arthur and Prince Merlin want to see us. Come on, slowpokes!”
Juniper gleefully says. She grabs Rainer by the hand to pull him along. I look at their intertwined hands as I follow behind them. Juniper is in love with Rainer, too. I don’t know how Rainer feels about her or any girl, really. We’ve never talked about crushes or relationships before, but Juniper is better for him than me; I know that, yet the thought makes my heart ache. They are both my friends and I want them to be happy, even if that means I’m not, so I keep my feelings hidden in hopes I wake up and don’t have them anymore. The three of us made our way back into the ballroom, where we found my father and uncle Merlin. Standing with them were the Triplets, Goran, and Dallan.
“Good, you are all here. We’re going to explain why, but not here. Follow us.”
My father motions for us to follow.
“Father, what about the celebration?”
I quickly ask.
“It will still be here. We have important things to discuss first.”
His reply made me more nervous than before. What did we need to discuss that’s so important?
[Thank you for reading have a lovely day! <3]
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JLU/Fate/Stay Night: Fealty
This kind of just poured out of me. This takes place during the episode "Patriot Act." The premise? What if someone else had blocked General Wade Eiling in that final fight with the Shining Knight?
      Sir Justin’s vision swam.  The monstrosity that had once been Wade Eiling had nailed him with a kick that left him in agony.  Though his enchanted armor took the brunt of the blow, though every instinct screamed at him to move, he couldn’t.
      “Superman and your `Justice League’ are a threat to a safe and stable world,” Eiling declared as he walked towards a car.  With an effort, he hefted it above his head and turned.
      A girl, perhaps 15 or 16 years old, stood between him and the injured knight.  A slender slip of a thing, her light blonde hair was tied back with an elaborate braid, one errant cowlick slipping forth.  Blue-green eyes that seemed so much older than she looked glared at him, judging him.  She was in an ordinary white blouse and a blue, knee-length skirt, and clunky-looking brown boots.  She held her arms out.
      “The only person who believes that delusion is you,” she said, her voice clear and unwavering.  Behind her, people gathered around the fallen knight.  A young boy with red hair glared at Eiling with golden-brown eyes.  Beside him, a girl with green-blue eyes and black hair in twin pigtails gripped his shoulder.
      An older woman came up next to the girl.  Her arms were akimbo, scolding Eiling as if he were an annoying neighbor kid.
      “You think killing Superman is going to keep us safe?  Or killing this boy?” She gestured to the fallen Sir Justin.  “Or us?
      “Tell me,” she continued, “how many of us do you have to kill to keep us `safe?’”
      If Eiling scowled, it was hard to tell.  His new tusks made his expressions hard to read.  “They’re the ones I’m after, not you,” he argued as he advanced with the car overhead.  “I’m not the menace; metahumans are.  Superpowered beings.”
      “Do you see anyone here with powers?” the girl asked.  She stood firm and unyielding.  “You are the only one here.”
      Eiling’s gaze raked over the crowd that surrounded Sir Justin.  They all glared at him silently in judgment, perhaps none more so than the blonde girl.
      Eiling made his decision.  He hefted the car high over his head—and dropped it to the side.  Everyone except the blonde girl flinched.
      “All right, I’ve become what I hate,” Eiling admitted.  “But in the long run, you’ll see that I was right.  You’ll see you need the likes of me to protect you from them,” he told the crowd.
      He turned and leaped, bounding off the sides of several buildings.  It was only when he was gone that everyone relaxed.
      The blonde girl sighed and gently made her way towards Sir Justin.  She knelt beside him and laid a hand on his shoulder.
      “Call an ambulance, if one has not been called already,” she commanded the crowd.  “I will stay by his side.”
      “Come on, come on!” the girl with pigtails waved impatiently.  “Give us some room!”
      When most of the crowd had dispersed, the girl’s commanding presence faded.  She managed a tiny, private smile as Sir Justin’s eyes fluttered open.
      “Stay still, my knight,” she said gently.  “The battle is won and it is time to rest.”
      Sir Justin blinked.  “My…liege?” he grunted.
      “Of course not,” Saber said quickly.  “King Arthur is long dead.”  She paused as her friends flanked her.  “But if he were here, he would not blame you for not being at Camlann.  He would be proud that you still carry the ideals of Camelot with you.”
      “We could have taken him,” Shirou argued.  “Why--?”
      The pigtailed girl smacked the back of his head.  “Idiot!  We’re not supposed to expose that to the public!”
      “Furthermore,” Saber added, “we would have won the battle, only to lose the argument:  Ordinary people can be heroes.”
      “I…see,” Sir Justin said.  Comprehension dawned in his eyes.  “Then…`young lady,’ I am in your debt.”
      Saber smiled.  “I merely repaid your fealty, your duty—to protect the common people, of course.”
      Sir Justin winced as he tried to smile.  “Of course,” he agreed readily.  “Will I…see you again?”
      Saber shared a look with Rin and Shirou, one that would brook no argument.  There were some things that took priority over the laws of Magi.
      “We will meet again, good knight,” Saber promised.  “I will explain the…circumstances.  Until then, rest easy.”
      “Until then.”  Sir Justin nodded slightly.
Comments? Questions?
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triviareads · 1 year
Thank you.
Can you recommend for me a contemporary romance with kink?
I'm guessing in reference to this ask
Hi! This is a pretty broad ask but I can rec my favorites (some of them are erotic romances btw):
Can I start this list without beginning with Sierra Simone? Nope. Sierra writes erotic romances that have this amazing combination of kink, heart-wrenching emotion, queerness, and religion
Misadventures with a Professor: Might be a good place to start your Sierra journey; Oliver is someone you get the sense needs kink to have fulfilling sex, and possibly a fulfilling relationship. He is very into the professor/student thing (so D/s with a lot of "good student" praise, chastisement, and some teaching) and Zandy is 100% into it too (much to Oliver's shock... poor guy has been kinkshamed in the past and then proceeded to kinkshame himself to hell and back).
Priest: The start of my Sierra journey; D/s dynamic between a Catholic priest and his new congregant. It's almost entirely from Tyler's point of view but I loved Poppy as a character because she was so unabashed about her lifestyle and her desire to be dominated. I'd strongly recommend entire Priest whole series, though book 2, Sinner, is less kinky there are... undertones (that are fully realized in a bonus scene lolol), and book 3, Saint, plays around a lot with chastity..... and cock cages.
New Camelot series: A modern political romance between Ash (King Arthur; the president here), Embry (an unholy combination of Mordred and Lancelot; the VP), and Greer (Guinevere; the First Lady). Ash is a Dom and had a longstanding D/s relationship with Embry, who is a switch, and both men were involved with Greer in the past until they all intersect. This was one of the first books with kink I read and it made an impression, suffice to say.
Thornchapel series: Okay there's definitely a magical/fantasy element to this but it's set in the modern world and I really love the relationships depicted in the series. There's the main throuple which consists of a dom and two subs; Auden is actually taught by his friend how to be a good dom, and that friend, Rebecca, is in a D/s relationship with Delphine (one of the few well-written wlw romances with kink as far as I've seen). There's a looooot of denial in this one; celibacy, orgasm denial, teasing, etc. It makes for GREAT tension on top of the already gorgeous romances.
Try Sierra's Salt Kiss, which is the first in her Lyonesse Trilogy which is based on the story of Tristan and Isolde and Mark (and the only book out so far). For the most part, it's m/m; Mark is a sex club owner and Tristan's dom and boss. Tristan has a breeding kink which goes both ways, in that he wants to breed Isolde, and wants to be bred by Mark.
Sara Cate's Salacious Players Club is a good series to introduce you to kink. All five of the books are kinky to varying degrees. Praise has a D/s relationship with lots of praise kink stuff, Eyes On Me is exhibitionism/voyeurism-forward, Give Me More is about a couple falling for their best friend and vice-verse and has some exhibitionism/voyeurism/bondage, but I think the most interesting point, kink-wise, is that Hunter, the husband, initially thinks he wants to be cuckholded (watching his wife and best friend have sex) but it turns out he's working through internalized homophobia and actually just wants to be a part of a throuple with his best friend and wife. Mercy also has a D/s relationship with an older domme and her best friend's son who is a brat.
Jennie Kew is an Australian author whose Bennett's Bastards series I overall enjoyed. She writes very... earthy heroes and heroines and it makes for an interesting vibe. My favorites are Third Time Lucky, which has a D/s relationship between the main couple (and goes into how kink can be weaponized in abusive relationships). His Own Heaven also has a D/s relationship between the main couple, and it actually falls outside the bedroom too (ex: she sits at his feet and he feeds her).
Priceless by Miranda Silver: Christina initially agreed to sleep with Patrick for money which, for her, is inherently degrading, and then there's more degradation on his part. The kink feels very... natural, If that makes sense. Not a lot of bells and whistles; just two college students figuring it out in a frat house bedroom.
Katee Robert writes a fair amount of kinky romances but I do think her sweet spot might be writing daddy-dom types. Try her Your Dad Will Do and My Dad's Best Friend series if you're looking books with a daddy kink. Also—
Desperate Measures: A grown-up take on Jafar/Jasmine except he's a mobster and she's a mob princess. There's daddy dom stuff, plus some consensual non-consent.
Neon Gods: Hades/Persephone; Hades runs a sex club out of his house and there's a good amount of exhibitionism and voyeurism, also, Hades does have the daddy dom quality even if she's not outrightly calling him Daddy.
I've read a few books by Eve Dangerfield but plot-wise the one that stands out the most is Act Your Age; There's a lot of sleazy step-daddy roleplay so its a good amount of degradation, and some CNC.
Mila Finelli's Kings of Italy mafia series has kink; Mafia Mistress and Mafia Darling (both with the same couple; the heroine is initially engaged to marry the mafioso's son except he wants her for himself) has a lot of daddy (paparino) stuff and some generally rough sex and roleplay, and Mafia Madman (heroine is kidnapped and thrown in a cage on a yacht by the hero) I'd say has an M/s dynamic with both a degradation and praise kink and some CNC. Gia is also a Brat.
Heather Guerre is really good at getting the soft domme vibe right; in Preferential Treatment a billionaire pays his employee to domme him (there's some impact play from what I remember, and orgasm control). What Was Meant To Be is about basically an arranged marriage, and Rain just naturally likes to take charge in the bedroom and Wes is very down, just very much a Good Boy.
Sink or Swim by Tessa Bailey has a pretty unique sexual dynamic imo; Andrew a service top in that he's the more dominant one but he really gets off on Jiya telling him what to do (sexually and otherwise) and as it turns out, so does she. I really like how Tessa subverted the "submissive Asian woman" trope in this book.
Adriana Anders wrote Daddy Crush which is your classic daddy kink romance with an age gap, but it was just written really well. Would recommend.
Dana Isaly and Hannah Murray both write shorter, erotic romances with similar vibes. I liked Dana's Games We Play (mask kink, degradation, bondage, etc.) and Hannah's The Sadist and the Brat (I actually reviewed this one).
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