#as a disclaimer
ezdotjpg · 7 months
wait I have one more ramble in me. botw shows how pinning all of the fate of the world on two chosen ones is maybe a terrible idea, both for how it affects the chosen ones and how it leaves the world doomed if they fail. and it lets them fail! it comes this close to questioning if things have to even be like this at all, if we have to follow what the legends say. but then it can’t really go the full mile, bc this is still a loz game, and you’re playing as link, and only you can defeat the calamity.
but I still think it manages to shake the table in an interesting way. you don’t need the master sword, you can use any old weapon. you can meander around aimlessly forever and leave hyrule doomed if you choose to play that way, and you don’t run out of things to do. your friends (in a more direct manner I feel like than past sages) can do SIGNIFICANT damage to calamity ganon before you even touch him. It feels less like your divine duty and more like you’re righting a past wrong. some of that is a consequence of the new looser open world format but it’s still in the game! It still has story and thematic implications to me! i think maybe that’s another reason why the shift in tone abt how totk talks abt link irks me lol
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missmagooglie · 2 months
No but for real, though. If a strong, sexy helicopter pilot flew me through a literal hurricane to rescue my dad boss, then showed up to my house to reassure me about how much the most important people in my life love me and told me I was irreplaceable, THEN offered to teach me how to fly a helicopter AND do muay thai, and finally kissed me like THAT....
Damn. I'd change my sexuality for him, too.
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creeket · 4 months
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jacks-the-flower · 1 year
darling i just can't get you out of my head, your scent lingers in my old jumper
It was so elusive, so mind-boggling. It put her brain on the edge of an idea and her tongue ready to burst out with the answer.
Hang on, was that her old perfume?
It was a peculiar thing, something so familiar yet so unanticipated. She caught it at the edge of her own perception, sweetly reaching her senses with a dubious flair. It was something she knew well, something that she knew a little too well. What was it? It was right there for her to grasp, but the concept was elusive. Perhaps there was too much going on around her.
She stood before him, simultaneously at home and exposed. What would he think of her now? Did he remember her? Did he still believe in the end of that sentence? Why did he change? Was he alone? What was that smell?
Now she understood it, the floral scent of her past. Her past with him. But why was she discerning it now? Was it the reminder of everything, of what she’d had with him, what they had been? Unless…
She approached him slowly, artfully prowling towards him, making herself known yet advancing calmly and disarmingly. There was no need for her curiosity to scare him off. 
She stopped a few feet away from him, drawn in by her own scent. It wasn’t her scent anymore, however, it was his. It mingled with his own various aromas; the wool coat, the leather polish on his hands and shoes, the grease from the TARDIS, what must be numerous hair gel products he’d used. His scent was quite unique, yes, but under all of that: her. 
“Are you going to say anything?”
Her golden brown eyes flickered to his own green-tinged ones. She’d never thought that any other pairs of eyes would be as entrancing, or scents for that matter. Somehow this version was the most intoxicating, boyish but ancient and venerable, something new in ways that she hadn’t experienced from him. When she looked into his eyes, she saw an openness that hadn’t been there. He was somehow, simultaneously, more guarded than she’d ever seen him, and yet more open to her.
“Am I- is it… good different? Bad different?”
His eyes grew worried and lines started to appear in assent with his fears, she supposed it was now time to say something, “You’ve been using my soaps.”
He gave a light chuckle at that, bowing his head a little in confirmation, “Yes well, I had to, well I- I had to…” he stammered uncertainly, “keep you with me somehow.” He looked back up at her, “I hope you don’t mind, I’ve been, well…” he paused before blurting out, “I’ve been using your room.”
She raised her brows, he what?
“Well some nights, I’m in the hammock; lovely things hammocks, quite comfortable.” 
Ah, a familiar habit. He did so love a good babble, in both of the bodies she knew. Though her first one seemed to prefer it from her while she was cross with someone. He’d had beautiful blue eyes then, though his new green ones were just as gorgeous. He smelt of leather polish in that face too. 
She slowly pulled her hand up, sweeping along the hem of his coat on its way.
“I erm, I can move back out if you’d like,” she kept moving ever so slowly, brushing over his hearts, enjoying his impatient jitters, “who am I kidding of course you’d like me to move out of your very own, very personal room. That’s,” he gasped out as she pressed her hand against his cheek, drawing circles behind his ear, taking in the details of his new face, “that’s just common sense. In fact, it was wrong of me to take up residence in the first place, what was I even thinking? Stupid Doctor, never thinking about what you want.”
And with that, she was thrust back into uncomfortable memories; moments where they were so close, but separated by a wall of fear and uncertainty. Now isn’t that a funny comparison.
Her hand had stilled and she brought it down to caress his chin, “If I’m allowed back, I can’t do that again, Doctor.”
He stepped impossibly closer to her, knocking her hand down to his chest where she could feel his hammering double-heart rate, and reached up to cup both sides of her face with his hands, staring intensely into her eyes, “It was never, ever an if, Rose Tyler. It was always a matter of when.”
She peered into his eyes, searching for the deceit, the lie to placate her. She found nothing but determination and adoration. He looked amazed, presumably at her, his eyes drifting over her features; she’d almost call it reverent. Did he still have that much faith in her? After all of this time?
“How long has it been, Doctor?” she questioned softly, lips moving faster than her mind. 
His eyes dimmed, skirting from her face, and he withdrew his hands from her cheeks. She missed them.
He retreated in on himself slightly, stepping back and slouching down, bringing his arms in close, wringing his hands. He wouldn't meet her eyes. She missed them too.
“It’s difficult to place exactly, but my guess is around three-hundred, three-hundred ‘n fifty, years.” It was a painful thing to imagine, but not a surprising one. He was older.
Then again so was she.
She couldn't help her regret in not finding him sooner. Centuries had passed and they had to move forward. It changed them. “I’m so sorry, Doctor; I’m so late,” she told him mournfully.
He smiled bitterly at that, still looking to the side, “Something tells me I’m late too,” he said, green eyes finally looking at hers once again. She understood immediately; there was always something of the wolf about her. Though wolves don’t tend to live as long.
He faced her fully again, gazing at her with a great jumble of emotions, “I suppose we’re a bit more evenly matched now, not that we weren’t before but…” At that, his eyes grew more pained and guilt-ridden, conveying what she thought was an apology. Those eyes were always quite expressive weren’t they.
She approached him once more, this time she snaked both of her hands around his neck, his own moving to rest on her hips. She fixed her eyes directly on to his, trying to convey as much love and determination as she could, “You’ve got my forever, Doctor, do I have yours?”
He drew her in closer, resting their foreheads together, “I think you’ve always had my forever, Rose,” he took a deep breath in, “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
She took her own breath in, cataloging his new scent of antiquities and floral soap. She closed her eyes and leaned into him, before confessing, “I love you.”
She knew what would happen next, he never gets to finish his sentence. She was fine with that, content even, only knowing that he felt so much for her. It didn’t have to be said.
“I love you too, Rose Tyler.”
She snapped her eyes open, flitting over his face – nose, hair, ears, cheeks, eyebrows - before settling on his eyes; his ever expressive, blue-then-brown-now-green eyes. He was fixed on to her, transfixed on her face, her own eyes. Amazed, relieved, and genuine all at once. It was not the platitude that she might have expected, it was a truth in the way he looked at her, held her in his arms, caressed her features. In the way that he used her old soaps and slept in her room, three-hundred something years after she was gone. 
“Yeah?” She felt a weight lift from her chest, something she’d never known about. She felt herself brighten and she smiled at him, giddy with the new revelation. She always knew he loved her, but now she believed it.
“Yeah,” He followed suit, lips growing wider and wider, toothier and toothier. It was a marvelous sight for a face so marred by regret and guilt to be so openly happy, so openly in love. She found that it was intoxicating. She found him intoxicating.
Every bit of him - clothes, cadence, scent, hair, freckles - was fascinating and new, but intensely familiar in ways she wasn’t sure he'd readily admit. She found herself loving him all over again.
She always fell right back in love, even when he changed faces and preferences. She just grew to cherish each and every new characteristic and quirk. Like the eyes that were staring at her. Like the lips curved into a small, fond smile.
She slowly raked her eyes up from his lips, leisurely gliding over his features. His eyes were heavy-lidded, no doubt from watching her sultry show. She saw the same feelings that she had reflected within herself; attraction, fondness, intoxication, and love. 
He leaned his head down and she tilted hers up, moving in a familiarity they shared in their old lives. When their lips met, she realized that this was in fact so wonderfully new. They were not so young back then to not have shared a kiss between them, but this one was different. Different in the way they held a tenderness between them instead of stunted longing. Different in the way they embraced each other with care and affection. Different in the way they could taste the devotion and determination they’d been too fearful to commit to. 
His tongue flicked out along her bottom lip and she opened up to him fully, one hand threading through his hair. His left hand slowly traveled up from her hip to the small of her back, nails grazing her skin. The physical and mental effect it had on her caused her to gently pull back for air; the bridges of their noses resting together, their hands in wandered places. 
She had taken a few moments of stillness before realizing how mentally connected they had become. A soft presence was intermingled with her mind, sharing in her love and admiration as they became closer than they previously dared. 
She opened her eyes and found him, his own eyes already wide and fixed on hers. She smiled softly and sent a warm wave of emotions to him, focussing on reassurance and determination as well as tenderness and adoration.
He breathed out a short puff, breaking out into another disbelieving smile. He brought the hand from her hip up to her cheek and kissed her again, this time with excitement and enthusiasm. His tongue dipped into her mouth again, energetically brushing over the back of her teeth and soft palate. A small laugh bubbled up from her chest and he pulled back, sharing in her euphoria.
He settled back down, loosening his hold to a comfortable embrace. “Am I dreaming?” he breathed out.
She hummed at him, “That depends, what would your dream say?”
“No.” he said, shaking his head slightly.
She smirked thoughtfully, tilting her head to mock-think, “Then yes,” she decided, giving him a tongue-touched smile that she knew made his mind misfire. And misfire it did, if the stumbling rush of consciousness brushing against her was anything to go by.
He rocked forward excitedly, before pausing, eyes alight with mirth, “Well hang on now, is that a yes to me dreaming or a yes in contrast to what my dream would say?”
She just smiled wider, “Can I stick around and find out?”
“Darling, you,” he kissed both of her cheeks, before looking right at her, genuinely, “can move in with me.”
She felt giddy at that, sharing it across their connection, but outwardly maintaining her playful demeanor, “Weeeell,” she drawled out, “your home is pretty big, infinite, you could say.”
He chuckled, holding her tight, “That she is.”
He slowed for a moment, taking a deep breath, before looking at her in earnest, “Be there when I wake up?” he asked hopefully.
She reached up a hand to brush his hair, giving him a fond smile and a caress of conviction and certainty. 
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blaze42323 · 2 months
Listen Roman and Seth own my heart…but I’m seeing the vision for Seth and Cody
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perroulisses · 4 months
ngl Outis and Penelope would look cool as hell in Hellboy's art style
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cruxsims · 1 year
sssso, returning to this one poll I made a while back, most people that voted requested more work on my ts4 cc masterposts.
I've been making sure to keep my big Genshin one up to date, but I wanted to begin working on a new one. Which leads me to my new question...
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andydrarch · 2 years
Hey hey guys there’s this new fucking exploit on scvi that’s absolutely buck wild. If you fail a 5 or 6 star raid, everyone but the host will get the items from it they would have gotten for winning. I just wanna share this bc it’s insane. And also if anyone wants to join in with the losing my sibling and I will be starting this method tonight around 7EST
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callmepip · 1 year
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Yesterday i was delirious and made this tier list of fnaf characters by how hot they are
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"what's the appeal of drag kings" because women are my favorite guy next question
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moncuries · 6 months
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guess what i watched on new years (a redraw kind of)
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incredubious · 8 months
can I please get the Replying From Sideblogs Feature Please. im so tired of looking like this every time someone says something to me.
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cemeterything · 7 days
will never understand the misogynistic inclination to pigeonhole every female character into the "exasperated sensible mom friend" role as if there's anything better than a woman so devoid of maternal instincts that she makes wire mother look soft. woman who rolls over and walks out onto the balcony to smoke a post-coital cigarette alone and leaves without a note or any kind of acknowledgement after sleeping with you because she can't stand the vulnerability of sleeping next to someone, or waking up beside them the following morning. woman whose idea of relaxing is abusing substances alone in a dark corner somewhere, and snarling and snapping at anyone who approaches her, regardless of intent. woman so emotionally unavailable she fails or refuses to notice that her lame ass partner is trying to push the divorce papers until they've taken the kids and left a heartfelt but scathing note pinned to the fridge. woman with more vices than genuine friends. woman whose expression stays blank and arms remain limply at her sides when you wrap her up in yours for a hug. woman without a gentle touch in her body, with nothing but rough edges and sharp angles.
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sadcypher · 1 year
How to feel like a person?
dont live with your mom
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Personally I think that Azula should have been redeemed simply so that she can become Zuko's horrible little advisor who whispers evil little plans to him so that he can do the exact opposite
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genderkoolaid · 2 months
hello and i love you to tboys who don't do any voice training and don't/can't work out a lot and get jacked and who are short as fuck and who have thick hips and who have "shitty" facial hair they don't shave and who won't/can't get top/bottom surgery and who won't/can't get on or stay on t and who just generally do not and will never have the Can You Believe He Used To Be A Girl??? kind of before/after photos. especially the crippled and the poor tboys.
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