#as a tall girl this is the only way I can have jeans that cover my ankles
suguann · 7 months
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There comes a point where Simon finally admits that he hates your new boyfriend—not that he’s liked any of your past relationships over the years, but this one he’s more vocal about—with a name not worth remembering. Matt? Martin?
He’d stopped trying after his first week back from work.
“I don’t fucking trust him,” he says one night while at the pub right under your apartment; it’s become a weekly ritual of sorts when he’s on leave ever since meeting you there on Soap’s birthday several years back. 
“You say that about every guy I have you meet,” you tell him in that know-it-all voice that you always use with him. “You hardly even know him, and his name’s Marcus, by the way. It wouldn’t kill you to use it.”
He snorts. “Love, the bloke would put his cock in anyone with tits and a warm cunt.”
“He wouldn’t,” your voice is soft because maybe you already know.
He would.
You’re so fucking oblivious that you don’t even realize this, but there’s nothing except stars in your eyes whenever you look at (or even talk about) the Naval officer who thinks he’s some bigshot because he can fly a plane. 
Even now, at your boyfriend’s promotion after-party in some back alley nightclub, he’s hardly talked to you or offered to get you a drink. You’re always too nervous to order one by yourself, and only Simon—tall and imposing standing beside you—could have the grumpiest bartender reach for the blender to make a blended cocktail. 
When he comes back with your drink—too big fingers unfolding the tiny umbrella for you—he watches your boyfriend (Marcus) flirt with a girl in a tight leather dress on the other side of the room. It’s that moment that he decides he’s tired of you giving your attention to someone who doesn’t deserve it, tired of you lying belly up for men who only want to sink their teeth into you and leave once they’ve had their fill. 
He likes to think he’s a pretty good friend—opening your eyes to something better is a job he takes rather seriously.
“It’s just a bit of fun,” he says after coming back with your third margarita, a small amount of frothy liquid sloshing over the side when he sets it down in front of you. “It’s okay to want it.”
You bite your lip, eyes dropping down to where he’s patting his thigh. “Just fun?”
“Yes, love.” He smiles. “Just fun.”
Let me.
Whether you’re tipsier than he thought or he’s just really persuasive, it’s easy to get you crawling into his lap in the corner of the cracked leather booth. His hands wander the span of your smooth thighs where your short skirt doesn’t reach, and he muffles a groan in your shoulder when you start squirming against the tent in his jeans.
You say his name like a warning when his hands find their way under your skirt, yet you’re biting back a moan and don’t tell him to stop.
Simon undoes his jeans and shifts them down before pushing up the back of your skirt and adjusting your hips to watch the tip of his dick slide between the covered cleft of your ass. Nobody in the room can see what the both of you are doing with your skirt fanning around his lap, but someone could if they were truly looking, and that has him tugging your panties to the side so he can feel you.
"Your boyfriend is too stupid to realize you're sitting here riding my lap. What do you think he'd say if he saw you like this?"
 “W-wait, Simon!” you squeak. “What if he sees—”
He’s almost tempted to roll his eyes at your blind devotion—I’ll deal with it—dealing with it would be him making sure the prick never tries talking to you again.
Then, his fingers, like iron at your hips, jerk you back to impale you on his cock. "Fuck," he says, voice trembling around the edges.
“O-oh! It’s too—ah—too big!”
He wraps a hand around the slender slope of your throat, fingers digging into vulnerable flesh as he pulls you back until his lips are at your ear, nose pressing into the soft skin of your cheek. “Come on, love. I know you can take the whole thing. Right inside this tight cunt.”
Simon thrusts into you shallowly, just the tip going in and out, and you whine, little fingers scrabbling at his wrist—gasping and shivering and bucking in the trap of his arms.
A smirk curls at the edges of his mouth when he finally bottoms out in your hot-wet cunt for your boyfriend to see from the other side of the room. He'd laugh at how his jaw drops, but he can only manage little choked intakes of air at the feel of you wrapped so tightly around him.
“Squeeze my cock for me—fuck, there you go.” He presses a kiss below your ear and reaches down to pet your soaked clit with his thumb. Feels the moment you realize that your boyfriend is watching when you tense up.
“I’ll deal with it,” he says again and again until you’re melting into him, thighs trembling around his. “Promise. I promise…”
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I apologize if you see this again! I was trying to edit it, and it wouldn't format right with the gif. You can find part two here.
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lovebugism · 5 months
hi!! could you write shy!reader where Eddie bumps into the new kid at school and she gets hurt? I’m a sucker when it comes to Eddie doting on people 🙈
i tried to be so normal about this request but then proceeded to write 2k words for it so... hope you like it lol :D — the hawkins high freak takes the new girl under his wing after they run into each other. literally. (shy!r, meet ugly-ish, hurt/comfort, 2.2k)
You clutch a paper schedule in a pair of anxious hands, squinting to see through the scribbles there. Three boys in bright green lettermans made a total mess of it — writing directions in chicken scratch and doodling a sloppy map of the school over your classes. They said they were helping you, but really they’ve just turned you all around.
Fallen leaves crunchbeneath your feet as you walk past the vacant football field. West of the bleachers and down the dirt trail, the stranger with a harsh jawline and quaffed blonde hair told you. His directions lead you directly to a half-decrepit building in the thick of the woods. A strange spot for a biology lab.
You’re trying to make sense of the scrawled notes on your syllabus — eyes narrowed, and chin tilted downward — when you run into something tall and firm. You don’t hit the warm body hard enough to fall, but stumble back in fear enough to slip on the dewy grass. Like a cartoon character and a banana peel, you land comically on your ass.
“Shit. Sorry,” the towering stranger grimaces. “Didn’t see you there.”
Your wrists start to sting, burdened with the weight of catching your fall. “It’s okay…” you tell him anyway. ‘Cause everything’s always okay. Even when it isn’t. 
A ringed hand enters your vision then — lanky, pale, and tattooed. “Here. Let me help you up.”
“It’s okay,” you dismiss with a shake of your head. “I got it.”
Your jaw clenches tight as you rise on your feet. The slippery mud threatens to pull you down again. Your wrists throb with a dull and distant ache. You stand, despite all that, before the stranger you’d stumbled into the back of. 
Eddie watches you wipe your dirt-covered palms together with a lopsided smile tugging at his mouth. He doesn’t have a clue who you are, but he’s getting a few ideas now. You’re a strong, stubborn, and shy little thing. Pretty, too. 
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he cautions with his palms spread awkwardly in front of him. He wants to make sure you’re alright, but he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Strong, stubborn, shy, and definitely skittish, he thinks to himself.
You shake your head again, finally glancing at the boy looming before you. His curls are dark and untamed, billowing in the early spring breeze. His deep chocolate eyes match the color of the frizzy strands — both equally as wild as the smile he looks at you with.
Your breath catches suddenly in your throat. You hadn’t expected to bump into him, of course, but you expected even less for him to be so pretty.
“Don’t say okay,” he interjects before you can start. His plush lips quirk in a genuine smile a second later, to show he’s only joking.
You swallow hard, still hopelessly trying to rid the mud from your aching palms. “I’m… I’m— I’m fine.”
The boy scoffs a faint laugh. “Here. Let me see.”
He takes your wrists in his hands before you can protest. His fingers are long, gentle, and strangely warm as he brushes the mud off your scrapped skin — hardly flinching when it dirties his own. 
He wipes his palms on his jeans after, never minding how it stains the denim. Then he reaches a leather-clad arm behind you and plucks a leaf gently from your hair. He flicks it to the ground again.
“There,” he grins. “Good as new.”
“Thanks…” you sigh, voice wavering from a reason you can’t name.
“Why haven’t I seen you around before?”
“‘Cause I’m… I’m new.”
“Explains why you’re all the way out here,” he jokes. Most people only come around this side of the football field to buy weed off him, and you don’t exactly seem like the type. His chocolate eyes narrow. “You lost?”
You shift on your feet, feeling suddenly very silly about the whole thing. You’ve got to be a special kind of stupid to take advice from a bunch of jocks and hardly bat an eye when they lead you in the exact opposite direction. You’re too trusting for your own good. It’s embarrassing.
“I was, uh— I was just trying to follow this map, but…” you wave the paper in your clammy hand. “I think it just made me more lost.”
Eddie reaches out a ringed hand and takes the schedule from you when you hand it over. His face scrunches softly together as he squints at the sloppy scribbles. You can’t tell if he’s confused or if he needs glasses. Maybe both.
He can hardly make sense of the directions. And the map was designed in a very obvious attempt to confuse you — the sweet, shy girl who’s never stepped foot here before. Something redhot simmers in his chest ‘cause he can’t imagine doing this to someone. Finding someone who obviously needs help and doing them over for a couple measly laughs.
It’s got Jason Carver and the Dick Brigade written all over it. Literally.
“Who gave this to you?” he asks anyway, just to be sure.
You blink up at him with a pair of doe eyes, gaze glimmering with innocence. “Um… A couple of basketball players, I think. They were wearing lettermans, so…”
“Fucking Carver,” the boy grumbles under his breath.
“Nothing…” he sighs. “Here. C’mon. Let’s go.” 
“Where— Where are we…” you mutter in a mousy voice, trailing off when he stomps past you. You get a faint whiff of floral shampoo and woodsy cologne as he goes. Less inclined to stay alone in the unfamiliar forest, you decide to follow behind him. “O-Okay…”
You fight to keep up with his considerably longer strides as the stranger leads you back towards the school. His dark eyes flit over your schedule, squinting to see past the messy lettering covering the typeface. 
“No point in making it to your third period,” he announces suddenly, swinging the heavy metal door open with a ringed hand. The rusted hinges squeak in protest when he holds it open for you with his foot. You slide in past him. He walks on ahead of you again, letting the thing slam shut behind him.
“Why?” you ask the back of him, voice wavering.
“‘Cause you’re already fifteen minutes late. And take it from me— Mr. Kaminsky hates when people are late,” Eddie tells you, flashing you a stern look over his shoulder. “Trust me. I learned that the hard way.”
Your brows pinch as your face swirls with a distant panic. You couldn’t conceal your worry if you tried. The gravity of it all hits you, then — the fact that you’re following a stranger you ran into (in the most literal sense of the phrase), who’d previously been half-hidden away in the forest behind the school.
It’s all a bit odd when you think about it. This. Him. You. 
But this strange boy, dripping in silver and all black, is the very first person to show you an ounce of kindness all day. You don’t know why you’re following him so blindly — only that you don’t mind it as much as you should.
“Okay. So. Uh… Where are we— Where are we going, then?” you squeak behind him.
“Right here,” he answers, stopping short in the middle of the hallway. 
Still a few paces back, you don’t hopelessly bump into the back of him like you did before. You watch with wide and curious eyes as he wraps a pale hand around a rusted door knob. The heavy wooden entrance squeals when he opens it.
“Welcome to my humble abode,” the boy jokes with a crooked grin. Everything about the pink expression glitters with mischief. He flicks on the light switch, letting the flourescent lights buzz on in protest. “Well, not abode— I don’t live here, but… You get it.”
The room smells overwhelmingly teenage boy. A mixture of cologne, sweet soda, and sweat. Most of the chairs have been stacked on top of each other and pushed to the edge of the room to make space for the long wooden table in the center. Binders, notebooks, and miscellaneous figurines sit scattered on a gameboard.
“Is that D&D?” you wonder quietly.
Eddie lights up at the question. “You play?” he asks as he saunters to the desk shoved in the very back corner of the room.
His excitement makes you regret your answer. 
“No…” you waver, then quickly follow. “But I’ve— I’ve heard about it.”
“I’m president of the Hellfire club,” he tells you, nodding to the poster on the wall. The demon in the center of it isn’t nearly as intimidating when you can tell it’s handmade. “You should join.”
The boy eyes you expectantly as he rounds the metal desk. You shift your weight on your feet and wring your clammy hands together. He tilts his chin to his chest and peers at you from underneath his lashes. “Think about it?” he presses.
You nod once. “Sure.”
He ducks down then, out of view behind the bulky desk. You stand awkwardly in place while the boy rummages through the drawers. “Ah, here we go…” you hear him murmur after a few moments — followed by a dull thud when he bangs his head. “Shit!” he swears under his breath before rising to his feet again.
You hide your smile behind your scrapped palm as he walks back over to you. His cheeks glow faintly pink as he rubs the crown of his head with his hand — the one not clutching a first-aid kit. “Here. Shit down. Let me look at your hands,” he urges, still worried about you despite his throbbing skull.
You shake your head rapidly in response. You’re not used to being doted on like this — or at all, really — but especially not from a metalhead, wild-haired, pretty-faced stranger. “No. I’m— I’m okay.”
His chocolate eyes go wide and softly stern. They glimmer playfully down at you as his brows raise behind his fluffy bangs. “What we’d just talk about?” he teases.
You swallow down the rest of your protests. “Right…”
You sit in the chair adjacent to the one at the head of the table. The cheap plastic is a stark contrast to the heavy wooden throne the stranger descends upon — with a sort of ease that tells you he sits there often.
He digs into the opened first-aid kit and pulls out a bandaid for you. He fumbles with the packaging for a moment before ripping it open with his teeth. 
“It’s okay not to be okay, you know?” he tells you, mostly muffled until he spits out the paper in his mouth. It lands on the floor at his feet, but he doesn’t seem inclined to pick it up. “Tell me I’m a shithead who needs to watch where he’s going. I know that’s what you’re thinking.”
Your face screws in offense. “I wasn’t—”
“I’m teasing,” he interjects softly, peering at you with a pair of button eyes. “Even though I am a shithead who needs to watch where he’s going.” He takes your palm between his warm and gently calloused ones. He smooths the large bandage over the raging scrape below your thumb with an impossibly delicate touch. “I’m sorry about that, by the way. Again.”
“It was my fault,” you murmur, gaze averted to the boy’s kind hands — at the six tiny bats tattoed in the junction of his thumb and forefinger. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s just a scrape, anyway, I can handle it.”
“Agree to disagree,” the boy says with a lopsided smile, brushing his thumb over the bandage to smooth it out. He gives your fingers a small squeeze before he parts from you. “There you good. Good as new.”
Your hands buzz with the longing to feel him again. You bring both of them to your lap, wrenching your fingers into a knot and hoping your face doesn’t look as hot as it feels. “Thank you…” you murmur, trailing off when you realize you don’t know the kind stranger’s name.
“Eddie,” he finishes for you.
“You can stay in here with me if you want,” he offers with a nonchalant shrug — trying to be cool despite his thundering heart. “Third period’ll be over in, like, twenty minutes. I can walk you to your next class— you know, make sure all the freaks leave you alone.”
You purse your lips to the side of your mouth in attempts to hide the beam tugging there. It only halfway works. “That’d be great,” you tell him in a mousy voice. “Thank you…”
Eddie swallows hard and leans forward again. You can smell the nicotine on his breath and the musky cologne on his neck. His face hardens into a gently solemn look. 
“And don’t… Don’t hang around Jason Carver and his goons anymore, okay?” he tells you, sounding like he’s half-pleading. “Those assholes that fucked with your schedule? They’re bad news.”
Feeling like he must know this better than anyone else, you nod firmly in response. “Okay,” you answer, though it comes out in a whisper when the word gets caught in your throat. Something about having Eddie to you is making your body go all funny. It’s weird.
“Stick with me, okay?” the boy smiles, pink and pretty and petaled, as he slouches back onto his throne again. “I’ll take care of you.”
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smutoperator · 7 months
King Of Oshiri
Miyawaki Sakura, Nakamura Kazuha, Minatozaki Sana, Myoi Mina, Hirai Momo x Male Reader
Tags: A2M, (lots of) anal, asses, butts, culos, creampies, facefuck, hotwife, japanese, (a little) lesbian, orgy, reverse gangbang, rough sex
Word count: 12911.
You had a longtime fascination for Japanese idols in K-pop. From the first time you saw a cute Japanese girl saying "shy, shy, shy" back on TV, you fell in love with every single one of them. Today, that love reached its biggest point, as you were about to secretly marry your favorite among them all: the queen herself, Miyawaki Sakura. When you first discovered her on Produce 48 and knew her long history in Japan, you thought it would be impossible to even meet her, yet here you are today with the wife of your dreams and all her friends attending the ceremony.
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The honeymoon night was the most intense of your life. Sakura was really into some bed-breaking sex and rocked the night. One day into your marriage, you already had questions about whether you could satisfy such a crazy sexual appetite. Sakura had never shown it to you when you guys were dating, but as soon as she became a married woman, she flipped a switch.
The next day, you found out Sakura wasn't going to lift her foot off the gas. The tiring night before meant you were late to wake up, but Sakura had no issues, showing up at your door wearing just a garter belt tied to her stockings and nothing else. Her tits were completely uncovered, and so was her pussy, meaning she had already graced you with an almost nude frontal sight first thing in the morning. With you still naked in bed and looking at your morning wood under the sheets, you assumed Sakura would be starting the day with a morning sex session. But she had different plans.
"Get up and come here," Sakura asked you, who did it just as she had ordered it. "Let's go downstairs," she said. Sakura grabbed your hands and showed you the way towards the gaming lounge. That confused you. Even though you knew she was very much into gaming, why would she need to play video games wearing barely anything on a cold day? But soon her plan would start to make sense as you saw a fit, tall woman lying on the couch Sakura normally plays video games.
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Sakura greeted her younger groupmate, Kazuha, with a kiss. A little embarrassed, you tried to cover your genitalia in front of Zuha, but she barely looked at you as Sakura kept kissing her. "What are you doing to me today?" you asked, still very confused. But both of them could only laugh before Sakura actually said, "It's a surprise." Trying to break the ice, you complimented Kazuha, saying she was beautiful. "Yes, she is gorgeous," Sakura said, gleefully taking Kazuha's jeans out and unveiling her fit and toned body for you. "Look at her body, baby, isn't it amazing?" Sakura asked you as Kazuha turned around and took off her shirt as well, showing you her sexy back and especially her great ass as she bent over in your direction.
"Good God, you got such a great ass," you told Kazuha. "It's beautiful; it's truly my inspiration," Sakura said as she gave Kazuha's left cheek a kiss. "It's so sexy when you kiss her," you told Sakura. "I can see you like that," she replied. "I love seeing beautiful girls having fun," you said as Sakura pulled Kazuha's bra to the side and started kissing her cute little tits in front of you. It didn't take long until both got very touchy and kissed each other while grabbing their asses. Then it was Kazuha's turn to suck Sakura's healthy tits. "Let me see these hard-trained asses," you asked both as they turned around and flashed them in front of you, grabbing each other's cheeks. Kazuha gave Sakura's butt a little spanking as they giggled with you in awe at both's asses.
Sakura got on top of Kazuha, stacking their asses up. You could see your wife's meaty pussy you had pounded so hard the night before rubbing against Kazuha's white panties. "Maybe we should get her naked," you asked Sakura, but before you had even finished, she had already taken Kazuha's bra off. Both laughed when you started stroking your wood in front of them like a dirty pervert. Sakura kissed Zuha's neck while you looked at the youngster's body. Reaching under Zuha's angelic-looking panties, Sakura started fingering the youngster's pussy in front of you while spreading Zuha's long legs. Mouth in her neck, right hand in her tits, left hand in her pussy, Sakura was doing everything to get Zuha wet as quickly as possible, as the youngster enjoyed her unnie's magical touch.
After a while, Sakura stopped, and Kazuha bent over on the couch, with her unnie taking Zuha's panties off. Her meaty slit, just like Sakura's, showed off, but what drew your attention was the butt plug shoved on Zuha's rectum. "That's beautiful!" you exclaimed. "So shiny and pretty," Sakura added, showing her tongue and putting it close to Zuha's anal plug while fingering her pussy. Kkura then moved towards the plug, trying to take it out of Zuha's tight hole. "Look how shiny it is, baby," Sakura said. Zuha's young butthole as just as tight as you would expect. After both tasted the plug with their mouths, Sakura put it back inside Zuha's anus at your orders, as you wanted her hole to remain a surprise to you, but not before giving a few licks on Zuha's ass and putting her index finger up there. "Her asshole is so nice, tight, and warm," Sakura described.
"Look at this gorgeous body; do you wanna touch her?" Sakura asked you as she placed her thumb in Zuha's clit. You started touching Zuha's firm ass, and your thumb fingered her already wet pussy, thanks to your wife's efforts. "Let me slap it," you asked Kazuha, spanking her beautiful ass multiple times and getting impressed at her overall fitness. You grabbed her butt plug once more, removing it on your own to take an extra look at her beautiful asshole. "Spread it open for me," you asked Sakura, who grabbed Zuha's cheeks before inserting it back in. "Oh my God, this is amazing." You were in awe at Zuha's sexy ass but also at her very enticing pussy right in your eyesight. The only thing preventing you from fucking her right away were the second thoughts you were having about cheating on your wife in front of her on your first day of marriage.
"Stand up and shake your ass for me," you asked Kazuha, who now looked even more beautiful. Her tall frame looked very amazing, and her legs were to die for. Sakura wasn't lying when she said her body was her inspiration. Zuha bent over and started shaking her fit butt in front of you. "Wanna see her pink pussy?" Sakura intervened, spreading it as Zuha finished twerking. "Look how pink it is," Kkura said, but you only had eyes for Kazuha's ass. "Keep shaking. Shake it for me, my  baby, you ordered. Zuha started laughing as her ass bounced. "You're getting him harder," Sakura told her, as both of them were now laughing. "You know, hubby, she's only the first," Sakura said. "What do you mean?" you asked, but both just kept giggling and getting touchy with each other. "Come to the kitchen, baby; there are more delicious dishes waiting for you," Sakura continued, taking Zuha by her hand and moving towards the kitchen. As you three arrived, an angelic, cute woman in white lingerie was waiting for you.
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"Oh, my God," you said as a very recognizable face appeared in your sight. Sana really knew how to fit in everywhere she went. If Sakura and Kazuha were in a group of fallen angels, she made sure to match them perfectly. Sana's giggle was one of the most unique you ever heard of. She was really the only girl that could pull stuff like "shy shy shy" and look like a total hot bombshell the next second. Her amazing duality was now fully on display to you. Sakura got in front of her, giving Sana a few kisses. "She's so pretty." Even though you had known Sana for a long time, all you could muster was a reaction that made you look dumb. They just ignored you as your wife continued kissing her unnie while Kazuha watched.
Sana turns her head and grabs Kazuha's, kissing the youngster while Sakura moves to play with her torso, licking it from top to bottom and giving special attention to Sana's navel, knowing it turns her unnie on a lot, as she moans as soon as Sakura lands her tongue on Sana's belly button. As Kazuha turns her attention to Sana's white bra, Sakura goes even lower and starts kissing Sana in areas close to her pussy, but taking care to avoid it so she can tease her. "Lick it," you order Sakura, who puts her tongue into Sana's fabric while Kazuha teases Sana's bra, moving to take it off but backing off at the last second to tease her unnie.
"Let me have a taste of her," you ask Sakura regarding Sana. "Wait," she answers back. "Stand up, show him your full body," Sakura orders Sana, who shows you her striking beauty. Sana then turns around and showcases her ass. Just like she did to Zuha, Sakura grabs and spanks Sana's cheeks and shows them to you. "That's a beautiful ass that she has," you compliment Sana. Kkura and Zuha touch her together for a bit, and then Sakura moves to take Sana's panties off. "Slip those panties off," Sakura says as she does it, unveling Sana's anal plug.
"Wow, she has it too?", you ask after playing with Zuha's plug a while ago. Sana's butt plug isn't an ordinary one; she has a custom-made plug crafted by Graff, which she endorses, with multiple diamonds that spell her name in Japanese (サナ). Some have diamonds in the sky, in their eyes, but Sana has them up her ass. "Spread her ass; let me see it," you demand. "Those diamonds are such a nice touch," you say, unaware of how expensive they truly are. "You wanna see what her holes look like?" Sakura asks. "Yes, let me get in there," you immediately answer, but Sakura is very protective of her unnie and covers Sana's plug and pussy with her hand.
Sakura then tries to remove Sana's anal plug, but she struggles. Her butthole is just too tight and clenches at the minimal sight of any air entering its insides. The tip of the plug inside Sana's anus bulges as Sakura tries to push it out, changing the tone of Sana's skin around her rectum to an even pinker shade. "It doesn't wanna come out," Sakura says. It takes a while until she finally manages to do so. But your look at Sana's stretched butthole is short-lived, as it quickly clenches just a few seconds after the plug is off her hole. "Such a pretty butthole she has," you compliment as Kkura and Zuha taste Sana's plug and laugh. "Put it back inside," you ask as Sakura tongues Sana's tight anus for her own enjoyment before meeting your demand as Kazuha spanks Sana's butt.
"Turn around for me; I wanna see her titties too," you ask, taking a frontal look at Sana's sexy body. She takes the initiative herself, pulling her bra to the side and showing you her perky tits before Sakura takes it all off. "May I touch it?" you ask her. Kkura and Zuha quickly take advantage of it, with the older Le Sserafim girl licking Sana's left nipple while the young one licks her right nipple. Sana giggles at her boobs being stimulated, and you tell them it's beautiful. Wisely, Sakura also places her hands on Sana's pink slit when you feel jealous of them. "So nice and hard," Sakura says about Sana's nipples while you stare at their hands covering Sana's vagina. "Incredible pussy," you tell Sana while Sakura fingers it. You'll really have to fight your own wife to get it.
"It's so wet," Sakura says as she spreads Sana's pussy lips. "Touch her for me," you ask as Sakura keeps playing with Sana's clit and cunt. Sana squeaks a little as Sakura places her fingers inside her unnie's clit. "Check that beautiful pink pussy", Sakura says, leading all three of them to giggle. Her inner lips are very meaty, while her outer lips are perfectly shaped for Sakura to place her fingers between them. "I love that pussy," Kazuha says as they keep giggling while Sakura keeps circling her fingers around Sana's pink hole. "Let's put both pussies next to each other," you ask Sakura, wanting to compare Sana's and Zuha's breeding holes. Sakura touches both of them; they are similarly shaped, but Sana's a little meatier, especially on the inner lips. You touch Zuha's pussy while Kkura keeps playing with Sana's. "I think we should eat both of these pussies," Sakura says as she dives into Sana's clit and takes Zuha's pussy away from you. Your wife is truly leaving no crumbs, as she sucks both dry and gets them wet. "Such a good tongue," Sana praises Kkura, moaning hard as Sakura effectively sucks her cunt like a vacuum cleaner. "Sakura-chan, you're so good, fuck," Sana screams as Sakura sweeps her tongue on her.
"Now it's my turn," you tell the girls. "Sit them on the chair," you ask. Sakura does sit Kazuha in the chair and moves to eat her pussy now while Sana kisses the younger one. The teasing continues as they leave you out of their little menage. Zuha gets ganged up with Sakura tonguing her clit while Sana uses her hand on it and gives a little tap on Zuha's honey thighs. "Alright girls, turn around and put your knees in the chair to show me those asses," you ask them, to which they finally oblige. "Now this is what I want," you say as Sana and Zuha get on their knees with their buttocks facing you. Sakura gives Sana's ass some hard spankings while going soft on Zuha's, who is also the first girl you grab to get eaten out.
You dive between Zuha's cheeks, first licking the base of her anal plug. Sana and Sakura kiss the youngest up top while you yank her plug with much ease and start fucking her ass using it, moving the accessory up and down Kazuha's shithole. You move to Sana and do the same thing, but this time sniffing her cheeks. You get amazed at her rose-scented smell and the care Sana takes of her body, to the point that even her dirtiest holes are good-smelling. Just like Sakura before, you struggle to take Sana's plug out of her asshole. "Oh my God, you're really holding onto it," you tell her, leading Sana to gush out a loud giggle. She really does her best to keep it tight, doesn't she?. "Take your time," she tells you, not long before you finally manage to take it off. Her butthole is so small you could struggle to fit a marble inside, let alone a thick cock like yours.
You savor your reward, diving your face straight into Sana's asshole. "Tongue that asshole," Sana orders you as you grab her cheeks while she dunks your head towards her butt. "Bury that face in that ass, baby; it's where it belongs," Sakura tells you as Sana gives a little ass shake. You go deeper, taking not only your tongue but also your nose as you smell Sana's rectum. "That's where your face belongs, right between those ass cheeks," your wife keeps going, demanding you to keep eating Sana's bumhole as you pick up the pace. "That's right, put that tongue in that fucking little asshole." It's Sana's turn to heat you up as she moves her cheeks left and right as you continue to tongue her anus.
"How does that ass taste?" Sakura keeps teasing you, but you don't hear her. The smell of Sana's ass penetrating your nostrils gives you a primal urge to fuck her. Sana can sense it as she puts her head on the kitchen table, bracing herself for an intense anal penetration. However, you surprise her by pointing your massive, thick cock towards her tight, wet cunt. "You can put it in," Sakura says, giving the green light, and any second thoughts you had disappear as you attack Sana's poon hard from the start. Her moans are soft and almost childish; in a way, she's like one of the few girls that can still do aegyo while a massive meat rod stretches her out.
"Let me help spread her ass for you," Sakura says as Sana clearly struggles with the way you stab her tight pussy. Even for a seasoned veteran girl like her, your cock was in the top 1% of intensity, length, and girth, giving her a pounding she had rarely taken. "FUCK! GOSH!" Sana is already screaming as she tries to please herself, placing her own fingers in her clit. Even though Sana is the fucking subject, your eyes are on your wife's. You really don't want Sakura to feel jealous for fucking another girl in a way you had never done to her, even on your honeymoon. "Don't you like how that tight pussy grips your cock?" Sakura asks you. And indeed, you loved it. Sana's pussy really didn't let anything in besides your cock. No queefing was heard, as no air could even get in. The permanent friction makes her hole super wet, but the tightness means your cock fills her to the fullest in a way even she wasn't accustomed to, as she just closes her eyes and rides the pain of each thurst.
You pull out of Sana's pussy and let Kazuha taste the juices out of your cock; her sloppy sucking provides you with the extra lubrication to go back inside Sana's tight hole and also helps her unnie. With a wetter cock and Sana now acclimated to your big prick, your poundings don't result in her feeling pain and almost crying, but rather make her smile and feel delighted. Sana's juice provides the wetness your cock needs, and after a few thursts, you switch to Kazuha's. Unsurpringly, her young pussy is also very tight, but even with an easier entrance, it proves to be a challenger, as she's much less experienced and doesn't have many reps taking a girth 8-inch like yours, unlike Sana.
Luckily for Zuha, you are kinder to her than you were to Sana, grabbing her hot body and providing her a firm grip to hold onto while not going as hard in her pussy. Her biggest challenge is actually taking her unnies and overstimulating her, as Sakura kisses her while Sana sucks her perky little tits. You three provide Kazuha with a rough but passionate experience, with you increasing the pace as Zuha feels more comfortable while Sana kisses her and Sakura now fingers her pussy down under. "Unnies, I think I'm going to cum. Ahhhhhhhh!" Kazuha moans. Indeed, such ovverstimulation was new to her, as she juices flow into your massive instrument and you pull out of her. She feels overwhelmed but smiles at you, especially as you are a gentleman to her, and you help her get out of the chair.
There is more waiting for you, though. Sakura grabs the two other girls by her hands, guiding them towards your house's main hall. You follow them from behind to keep catching a glimpse of their bouncy asses. Just as you guys enter the hall, a fourth woman appears sitting on a chair while fingering her pussy, probably having impure thoughts of all the noise you four had made in that kitchen.
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Mina appeared in white lingerie similar to Sana's, but she had already taken her panties off a long time ago. The pillow under her chair was already wet with her juices. She also holds a dildo, which she licks while staring at you with naughty eyes. "Do you like her?" Sakura asks you, but you have no time for talking. Noticing her meaty cunt as she already has her legs spread and also the butt plug she has craved in her shithole, you get on your knees and eat Mina's clit right from the start. "That pussy is so sweet," Sana tells you while Sakura kisses Mina up top. I guess she has lots of experience tasting it.
As you keep sucking Mina's insides, Sakura takes Minari's bra off, with her still holding the dildo in her mouth. Sana watches you, probably ready to pounce as soon as she gets a chance. For now, she takes Mina's mouth and grabs her tits instead. Sakura and Kazuha are now having fun together as Zuha eats her unnie's pussy, leaving the affair with Mina as a little menage à trois between you, her, and Sana. "Put that ass up," you order Mina, wanting to see her anal plug and cheeks up closer. Mina's ass is so big, it was almost burying the plug out of your sight. You take Mina's perfectly shaved pussy and eat it out, while Sana now holds Mina's dildo and rubs it against her groupmate's clit as you switch your attention to the plug.
You play with Minari's plug, putting it in and out of her ass; meanwhile, Sana shoves the dildo back into Mina's pussy while kissing her. You look up top and see your wife orgasming with the young Kazuha working her tongue in her pussy. As Sakura climaxes, your eyes set sights back into Mina, who grabs your wife's tits while taking the dildo back from Sana and fucking herself in the pussy. You start tonguing Mina's little anus. "Let's eat her out together," you tell Sana, who takes her tongue out like a maniac and vigorously licks Mina's pussy, who now shoves her little toy into Kazuha's mouth. "Let me get a taste of that ass," Sakura tells you as she joins the fun, and Mina now fingers herself, even putting a tad of her fingers in Sakura's mouth while Kazuha is now the one sucking her tits.
Sana leaves her sloppy marks in the dildo, which Mina grabs back and shoves in Kazuha's mouth. As Sakura puts her middle finger up Mina's anus, Sana spits on her groupmate's cunt. Kkura wants more of it, as she now stretches Mina's asshole with two fingers. Sana does the same, but inside Mina's pussy, with the big-assed Japanese-American girl now getting double penetrated by a pair of fingers. Sakura is the first to pull out, making Mina taste her dirty shithole, to which she laughs. Kkura also gives Zuha some sloppy seconds while Sana takes full control of Mina's pussy, as Sakura also spits on it. You then grab the dildo from Sana's hands, who asks.
"What are you gonna do to her? Are you gonna fuck that ass?" Sana asks. Indeed, you were, but first with the dildo shoved up Mina's rectum. "Yes, spit on it; put it in there," Mina orders as the dildo easily slides inside her butthole. "AHHH FUCK!" Mina screams as once again she gets double-stuffed, this time by the dildo and Sana's fingers. "You like how her ass opens up for you? You like how it's getting ready for that dick?" Sakura kisses you, while Mina enjoys the kisses of both Kazuha and Sana. As these two move down to Mina's nipples, you start thursting the dildo up her ass. Now Mina is the one stuffing her fingers inside her own pussy.
"I think it's time to put my cock in there," you say, removing the dildo and feeding it into Kazuha's mouth, then Mina's, finally handing it to Sana as she fucks Mina's face with it. "Which hole do you wanna put it in?" Sakura asks. You choose the asshole. "Yes, put it right there," Mina cheers as you insert your tip in while Kazuha and Sana overstimulate her sucking her tits. Mina asks you to push it deeper as you finger her pussy. It turns out she has a lot of experience taking even the biggest cocks up that fat ass. Sana spanks Minari's pussy and gets some kisses from Sakura as you conquer Mina's anal cavity. "Oh my God!" you scream as Mina's butthole presses hard against your cock while Kazuha and Sana keep sucking the fat ass girl's tits.
"Everybody, let's spit on this dick," Sakura orders, starting it herself, followed by Zuha, Sana, and Mina herself. The three keep trading spits, turning Mina's thighs into a sloppy mess. "Who wants to suck it?" you ask, pulling out of Mina's asshole. Sana is the first to volunteer, as she really enjoys a dirty ass-to-mouth. She grabs your balls and sucks your prick all the way deep, rewarding you with a huge throatfuck that almost makes you cum when Sakura presses Sana's head into your crotch. Thanks to her help, you go back inside Mina's rectum with much more ease. Mina smiles as you stretch her out with an extra spit added by Sana. All three girls team up to help you two, as Kazuha fingers her pussy, Sana kisses her groupmate, and Sakura dives under you to suck your balls as you thurst in and out. Zuha and Sana then trade positions, with the latter spanking Mina's pussy.
"Baby, you're gonna make me cum," you say as Sakura keeps warming up your testicles, getting you ready to release. You have to pull out of Mina's asshole, but Sakura taking your cock in her warm mouth as soon as you do doesn't help much. You put her finger on Mina's pussy while holding herself back from bursting inside your wife's throat. "So you want the best of both worlds," Mina tells you when you pull out of your wife's mouth and put your cock in her pussy. But knowing you were about to explode, Kkura sets you up as she keeps massaging your balls anyway, leading to a very short stint inside Mina's cunt as you release your seeds inside it, taking her by surprise, but she loves it anyway. Lucky for you, Sana is right there to scoop the cum that keeps glued to your cock, taking it in her mouth and leading to you not deflating as soon as you burst.
Sana giggles as she slaps your cock in her face and jerks you off, helping you regain the erection you had just lost. "Come here, I have some more," Sakura says, with you still recovering with Sana's help. It turns out she isn't even halfway done, leading her convoy of girls towards the living room, where a fifth woman, already on all fours on the couch and wearing sexy red lingerie, waits for them.
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Momo's body never ceases to amaze you. She was so small yet could pack a punch that very few idols could. No wonder Sakura's first question as you four approached the living room was a quick "Do you see her ass?". Of course, you did. "Look at this," Sakura said as the four girls surrounded Momo. Her ass was already on full display, and just like everybody else, she had a butt plug in her bumhole. Momo laughed as the four girls praised her body, gifting the young Kazuha her first kiss while Sakura grabbed her ass and her two groupmates watched from above. Sakura, Mina, and Kazuha were the first three to give Momo a lick in the ass, while Sana kissed her and gave Momo a big smile.
"Let's make her wet," Sakura ordered. You're still out of frame trying to recover yourself while watching the girls make out with each other. Kazuha, as the first to also give Momo's pussy a lick, seemed like she really wanted to prove herself to her more experienced unnies. Momo was already being touched left and right like the main course of a buffet, but as Sakura was kissing her, Sana took the initiative and removed her groupmate's anal plug. Momo wasn't very fond of it. "Put it back in," she ordered, as if she were still saving her anus for something bigger. Sana obliged, but not without saying. "Sorry, baby, I just wanted to see how big that asshole is." Indeed, Momo's asshole was the most stretched out of the five, thanks to her longtime reputation as an anal queen. In the naughty underworld of K-pop, every single one of those girls had already been penetrated by multiple cocks at the same time, with the exception of the still-young Kazuha, including a few times when they had two in the same hole. But Momo is one of the few who once endured having three big rods stretch her ass at the same time. You weren't aware of it, but knowing her reputation, the bar to set was really high.
Sana kept plugging in and out of Momo's asshole while Kazuha fingered her pussy and Mina kissed her, then going further and fucking Momo's mouth with her hands and then spitting on her throat. "Show me the fucking whore you are," Mina told her, fisting Momo's throat deep while Sana spanked her butt and Kazuha tongueed her plug. Sana was particularly obsessed with Momo's asshole. "Make it gape," she ordered Kazuha. "One. Two. Three," she counted after Zuha put it back in, and she ordered another removal to spit on Momo's asshole. "Right down that fucking hole," Sana said as she watched her saliva disappear inside Momo's anus. "Such a nice butthole," Sakura said, which made Momo burst into laughter. "I love watching you girls have fun," she continued as once again her groupmates spread Momo's asshole wide open, and it was Mina's turn to spit inside of it.
"Take it out; we are all going to spit in there," Sakura told Kazuha, who held Momo's butt plug. The girls counted to three and spread Momo's ass, hitting her gaping anus from all sides, laughing at her (literally) sorry ass. Sana and Mina were the ones having the most fun. Sakura spiced things up as she did her classic special of putting your middle finger up a girl's pussy once more, leading Momo to let out a few moans. "Oh, yes, please do it," she demanded. "Do it, do it, do it," Sana added. "Spread that fucking asshole. She fucking wants it," she continued. "What she wants is that fucking cock deep inside her," Sana giggled.
Sakura sat on Momo's face, letting her unnie eat her bushy pussy. "She's a hungry slut." Mina and Sana continued to mock her groupmate as they overwhelmed Momo. "Hmm, look at those titties," Mina said as she slapped them while Sakura continued to ride Momo's dumb face, making her moan. "YESSSS!" Momo screamed as Sana put her thumb up her cunt. Momo then bounced Sakura's ass down her face and started eating her butthole as well. Meanwhile, Mina and Sana continued to go out of their minds, with the former conguing Momo's asshole while the latter was eating her pussy, while Sakura took Momo's bra off. Soon, Momo had girls teaming up in her fuckholes. Mina and Kazuha took her big gaping anus, with Sakura following it later, while Sana had her pussy all by herself. The other four girls knew they could go rough on Momo, and she would take it. She was Japan's top fuckhole, the #1 sex toy, and the girl with millions of followers who would do the wildest things just to get a day or night with her.
I guess the wildest thing you did was marry one of her friends. As you reappeared in the frame fully ready, your cock thobbing harder than ever as you watched this whole debauchery between five hot girls. "Open that ass." You already started giving Momo an order, to which she obliged like the good fucktoy she is. "Bring her closer to me." You continued to give orders, which the other girls followed. For the first time, your massive tip appeared in Momo's eyesight. In a rare thing for her, she looked frightened, blessing herself not to get ripped apart by your massive member. Whatever Sakura may have told her, it truly made one of the fearless girls you've ever met scared. Momo backed off a little, with the girls having to send her back in your direction.
Sana gave Momo a little hug as she spat on Sana's pussy and then started fucking Sana's mouth with her hands. Until she suddenly screamed. "YES. Yes, yes," she said as a tsunami of sensations emanated from her asshole. It was just the tip of your cock getting inserted in her. You couldn't say you didn't feel a bit pressured watching Momo feel so scared of your pole, to the point where you now wanted to confirm her fears and much more. "FUCK!!!!!" she screamed and dove into Sana's pussy to cope with the pain, even though out of your 8 inches, only a quarter were even inside her. Mina was the one enjoying a privileged view of it, as she grabbed both Momo's cheeks and stared at your crotch.
Your dick slipped out of Momo's butthole, giving her temporary relief. It didn't last long. "Come on, Momo, don't be shy, and bounce on his cock," Mina told her. You firmly grabbed Momo's ass and managed to put your length halfway inside as you started drilling her asshole. Momo truly had guts made of steel, given that as soon as your cock entered inside her, the gaping anus she once exibited immediately shut down. Mina dove into Sana's pussy, leaving Momo to fend for herself against your monster cock. "OH GODDDDD!" Momo screamed as you now had 6 out of 8 inches inside her. Just like with Mina, Sakura provided the heat on your balls as you kept pumping, but even though Momo's ass was a little smaller than her younger groupmate, it proved to be a much tougher challenge.
The stimulation Sakura provided to Momo's pussy was what eventually made things easier for you. Your wife's magic fingers made Momo weaker, and her asshole started caving as your cock kept pounding. "Please, please, please," she begged at the same time Sana was having an orgasm in front of her, thanks to the intensity with which Mina was eating her pussy. You pulled out of Momo's asshole for a second and let Kazuha clean your cock, as it seemed she was enjoying tonguing her unnie's ass. Momo tried to recover as the Le Sserafim angels teamed up on your cock, joining Mina on the stimulation of Sana, effectively splitting them into their groups. But it wasn't going to last long, as the only thing that was going to be split were Momo's holes in half.
You put your cock inside Momo again, but this time switching holes. Her pussy was very easy to enter compared to her asshole, but she was still screaming, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Momo yelled as you now stretched her vagina, her ass cheeks full of hands as Sana's and Mina's joined yours. "Stretch that cunt wide fucking open," Mina demanded while Sana moved back and kissed Momo passionately. Momo kept praying to God as Sakura now appeared under her and licked her clit and your shaft at the same time. "Yes, hit those balls on her chin and Momoring's pussy." Mina kept cheering as she used Momo's ass like a pillow. "Let me suck the cock; I wanna suck it", Mina demanded as she licked Momo's anus.
"God, that hole is so fucking warm," you exclaimed as you pulled out of Momo. Mina was quick and took your cock for herself while spitting on Sakura's mouth just under her. "Oh, nice," you said of Mina's blowjoy, which Sakura joined with her classic ball-sucking move. Momo tried to stay out of your range, but Mina kept pushing her, knowing you were a raging bull ready to enter inside her slutty groupmate at any moment as she worked to keep your cock ready. Mina got surprised by a "helping" hand that dunked her head against your crotch, which turned out to be Kazuha's. At the same time, Momo turned around, making it the first time you had a sight of her body frontally. Her big tits and toned abs had you throbbing even harder.
Momo pushed Mina to the side and decided she too wanted to have a taste of herself. "Yes, you slut; taste your dirty holes." Mina talked dirty to her as Momo bobbed her head on your cock while Sakura still tongued your balls. Momo dropped your shaft from her mouth and spat on it. Your out-of-control pole took a swing, hitting Mina's left cheek as she kissed your ball-sucking wife. Sana took advantage of the scuffle and stretched her head out to suck your tip without using her hands, before Mina took it back to herself and resumed to stroke it hard. Momo and Kazuha tenderly kissed each other, not caring about the trio of whores fighting for your cock.
After Mina was done, Sakura took the turn, taking your cock deep in her mouth while Sana licked her neck. Mina kept moving like a maniac, now dunking your wife's head on your shaft. Sana licked her chops as Mina kept shoving Sakura against your crotch. Your wife eagerly took it until she gagged, then swept your cock on her face. "Let me see all these assets; come here; let me see them all," you told them, eliciting a loud cheer from all five. You put Sakura on the couch like she was your personal trophy, grabbing her waist while Mina and Kazuha traded kisses to the right of her. "Line up, ladies," Sakura instructed them as she took the far left side of the couch as you gave her anus a tonguing. "Oh yeah, I love when hubby eats my ass," she said. "Tell me how that tastes; I bet it's dirty," she continued.
You started working your mouth on Kkura's ring, but she would only be the first of many. Kissing and tonguing and giving her a little spanking as you moved to Sana's beautiful tiny asshole, you led her to shake her butt left and right as you licked it. "Eat this dirty fucking ass," Sakura kept saying. All the way on the right side of the couch, Mina and Momo enjoyed each other's mouths. Kazuha was next in the center of the couch. "Why do you still have this stupid plug?" you asked her as the other four laughed. "Let me take it off," you said, staying true to your words as you slowly took Zuha's plug out, unveiling her very tiny hole in the open. "God, look at this tall girl with such a small asshole," you said as you dug your head between Zuha's toned butt cheeks and aggressively tongued it. "Isn't it good?" Sakura asked as she led the girls. Mina was next. Her big fat ass was probably your favorite, diving at full speed to taste it as she also moved it left and right and clinged herself to a needy Momo waiting for her turn.
"Oh My God," you were enchanted by Mina's firm ass and top-notch butthole, but more girls were waiting for you. "The last of the assholes," you said, referring to Momo's, looking at her pair of cavities you had just stretched out a few minutes ago. Momo moved her ass back in your direction and placed her head against the couch's arm, closing her eyes just in case you happened to shove your big cock inside her again while grabbing her cheeks. Your cock truly had inflicted fear in a way she hadn't seen in a long time. But all she got was just a tonguing, just like the other four girls. As you finished the ass-eating session, Mina started twerking, which gave you an idea.
"Shake it for me; shake those asses," you said, spanking your wife's ass first, followed by Sana's. The five girls shook their asses on the couch. It was hard to pick which one did it more enthusiastically, but you really enjoyed Momo, Sana, and Sakura's shakes the most. But all that shaking would be pointless without more fucking. You served your wife first, rubbing Sakura's pussy, which you had used all night long the day before. "Stretched that butt for me," you demanded of Sana, who was right on her side. "In the ass?" you rethorically asked Sakura as she spread her anus with her left hand. "Yes, I wanna see that fucking whore take it in the ass," Sana said as you gave Kkura a little tease with your tip. before finally sticking your cock in the hole she denied you during that almost perfect night yesterday.
Sana gave Sakura's butt a bite as you shoved your cock in. "What a beautiful fucking sight," Sana said as you made Kkura scream with your girthy cock, as Sana muffled it with a kiss for your wife. Sakura truly hadn't saved her ass for no reason, as her hole looked super tight. "Spread it open," you ask Sana, who now serves as your assistant right beside Sakura. Sana placed her hands on Kkura's ass while also licking her armpits. "In and out of your whore wife just like that," damn, Sana was good at dirty talking, and you reward her by shoving your cock on your mouth to taste Sakura's dirty butthole. Sana retributed by spitting on Sakura's ring as she kept repeating those words while Mina was having fun eating Kazuha's ass in the background.
You grabbed Sana's neck and put her back on the couch. "Spread her asshole." You gave the command for Sakura while still fucking her, setting the tone for who was next in line. It turns out your wife is the only one that can gape Sana's tiny o-ring. "Let me fuck it," you say as Kazuha rests on Sana's ass. "Look at that beautiful asshole," the youngest says. However, even with Sakura's help, you struggle to hit Sana's hole, which quickly clenches, leading you to miss your first attempt at reaching paradise. But with a little help from Kazuha's spit and you firmly grabbing Sana's butt, you finally get there. Sana squeezes you from the start with barely the tip in; fucking her ass will be like drilling a steel wall.
Sana smiles as you insert your big prick inside her. She loves taking it up in the ass and starts moving her hips as soon as she spots a cock inside her holes. But this time you want to be the one doing the pounding, pushing it with all your might against her steel-esque cavity. You can barely put half your length in as Sana's hole shuts down around your tip immediately, crushing it in a way that would make any ordinary man cum at the spot. But you're different from the rest, and you keep pushing despite the resistance her tight hole gives you. "So good, so good, so good," you keep repeating almot as a coping mechanism to not cum, while Mina and Kazuha make sure to please Sana and finger her unnie's cunt.
"Okay, your turn next." You give up trying to stretch Sana's hole; there is still lots of time to go. Kazuha is next in line. If her ass is like her pussy you just fucked, you're in for a treat. But first, you make sure to sniff her clean hole, which she loves. Mina spreads Zuha's ring open, as it offers little resistance to your cock. "Holy fuck, that's so fucking good," Kazuha says as all her unnies make sure to help her, with Mina and Momo fingering her pussy, Sakura giving her a good rest on her shoulders, and Sana licking your tip alongside Zuha's ass, showing she was truly a fearless cock-lover and didn't bother putting herself on the line against your throbbing dick pounding any girl hard.
"That's fucking sexy," Sana says as you stretch Zuha's ass. "Hmmmm," all girls react at Sana's words; they love the way she talks dirty, don't they? Sana and Mina trade smiles at each other while Momo sucks Zuha's little tits as the Twice girls take care of their flexible angel friend. Sakura chimes in as she kisses Momo, while Sana sticks her tongue, ready for another ass-to-mouth from a Le Sserafim girl. "Let me fucking taste it; let me taste that asshole from your fucking cock," Sana asks and promptly receives, bobbing her head on your big prick as soon as you pull out of Kazuha.
"Let me get her next," you say as you're ready for a second round at the biggest butt of the quintet. The little Minari is ready; her eyes brighten as her turn comes, giving you her signature twerking as you eat her asshole. Mina moans as you insert your tip in her butthole, while Kazuha comes under her to eat her pussy. The girls cheer as Mina meets your thrusts with more twerking. Momo wants a taste of it as she rests her head on Minari's big, fat butt, begging for it. But you ignore her, focusing on Mina's ring as you keep clapping her cheeks.
Momo finally gets her wish but wants you to bring it back as soon as possible, taking a privy view of the anal pounding you give to her younger groupmate. "I want to taste that ass so bad before you fuck me," Momo tells Mina. Damn, this dumb bimbo is insatiable, you think to yourself. Mina's ass is an easy one to fuck, but you love how round and fat it is—truly a work of the gods. You pull out a little to tease Momo but deny her request, putting it back on for a few extra pumps; after all, there is never too much when it comes to Mina's butt.
You give Momo's ass a little tap, signaling she's next. The final girl on this anal casting couch had to get something special. And you made sure to give it to her. Momo pushed her body closer to your cock, giving it easy entrance as you had already gaped her hole. But she didn't see what was going to come next, as you mounted on her like a bull does to a cow, taking even Mina, who was to the side of her, by surprise. At that point, Momo knew she'd regret asking for that cock. "OH MY GODDDD!" she screamed as you took her hard from the start. No one was gonna help her except for a sneaky Mina who decided to lick her unnie's stretched cunt. Momo was all yours—the perfect submissive sex toy, like she is always ready to be. She can only pray as your monster cock fills every inch of her asshole. Momo loves the pain. "It feels so good," she says, as you increase the pace while Mina heats your balls up before you get so rough that you insert your whole sack deep inside Momo's sore butthole.
"AHHHHHHH~" Momo screams as her voice cracks. Your bull is worth the same as a trio of cocks stretching her ass out. The tiny dancer can only brace herself as you continue the rampage. You don't want this bitch to walk after this, and if you didn't have the other four horny girls to please, you'd probably stay the whole way, just fucking her shithole. "OH, OH, OH," Momo screams as you finally pull out of her ass, ripping it apart as your cock leaves her swollen hole. Sakura is there to taste her best friend's dirty asshole as soon as possible, diving into your cock. Momo also gets on her knees to taste herself, paying special attention to your now dirty balls, which makes Sana let out a huge laugh as she watches both team up on your cock as she kisses Kazuha. Mina soon joins in and wants a taste of Momo as well. They really like that little dancer, don't they? But Momo is the one who wants it the most, taking your whole shaft all by herself and pushing the other four aside.
"I wanna hear you choke on that dick Momoring," Mina tells her as Momo deepthroats you like a maniac. "Give me those balls." Sakura acts like a jealous wife and takes your cock away from Momo, who gets up just fine from your hard pounding. Maybe you need to go harder next time. "Let's suffocate him with our oshiris," Sakura tells them as she puts her ass in your right cheek, with Momo joining from the other side, Kazuha in your forehead, and Mina at your chin. Sana tries to sneak in, but she can't; these butts are just too big and leave her twerking in the air, but you still make sure to find hers. Sakura gets the privileged spot as the wife, fully twerking on your whole face now. "So many asses; that's a lot of asses for one lucky guy," she giggles as you take Mina's big butt for a treat too.
"I want to get smothered," you tell them. "As you wish," Sakura replies, as Mina and Kazuha are the ones taking the most of your face now. You sniff their butts in a clockwise direction, starting with Mina's, followed by Momo's, Zuha's, Kkura's, and finally Sana's, only interrupting them as you ask the next question.
"So who wants to suck my dick?" you say as all five girls answer positively. "Gives us that dick, please, please," Momo is the biggest beggar, as the girls now sit on the couch. All five girls get on their knees, but Momo and Sakura start ahead, with your wife taking her preferred spot at your balls while Momo sucks your shaft. But there is room for everybody as they move to the side for Kazuha to suck it, Mina emerges sucking your balls, and Sana appears at the bottom of the pile, rimming your asshole. Somehow they managed to have all their mouths at the same time, sucking that pole, despite the very confined space. Soon you find out what a dream Misamo triple blowjob looks like as the first two take on your dick by the side while Momo emerges like a thirsty whore to suck that tip.
You can't help but feel overwhelmed as Sana almost rips your balls apart while Momo engulfs your massive sword like it's nothing. Soon Kazuha emerges as the main cocksucker, with Sana bobbing her head against your crotch. Finally, Sana gets her turn to be the main girl, and you regret not doing it earlier, as her no-hands blowjob makes you tremble, especially with the aid of Mina licking your shaft beside her, before she lets Mina take her turn and dunks her head just like she did to Kazuha. "Look at that fucking slut gagging on that cock," Sana says as she and Mina get between your legs once more, and bubbles come out of Minari's mouth as Momo holds her younger groupmate's nose while she gags.
"Let me stand up," you tell them, but as you do, Sana is already backing down and sucking your dick once again without needing her hands. You're soon fully surrounded again, with Momo and Mina to your left, Sana in the center gagging on your cock, and Kkura and Zuha to the right. "You like that, hubby? Five mouths all over your dick and  balls."Sakura asks. "Oh, yes, so good," is all you can say, your head empty of any thoughts at this point. "Fuck her pretty face," the girls tell you as Sana's mouth is too hard for you to resist and you push your cock deep in her throat. You then start passing your cock around each girl's mouths as if they are glory holes to stick your dick on and nothing else. They might be.
"So many warm mouths," you tell them. But there is much more to go. "Get on the edge of the couch," you tell them as they line up once again. This time the couch is empty, and you'll be the only one using it. You start right where you finished last time, mounting on Momo this time to fuck her slutty face. Sana's eyes brighten as you top her whore groupmate while she sucks Momo's big tits. But Momo looks so dizzy that her mouth shuts as soon as you get in. You move next to Sana, who's much more eager to take a pounding until your cock bulges in her throat. Next is Kazuha, who, it turns out, has a pretty flexible throat as well. Minari follows suit as she bubbles all over your dick. For your wife, you decide to be different and just kiss her tits, already having your next move in mind.
"Who wants to make my wife cum?" you ask all the girls. "YESSSS!" they scream in unison, surrounding Sakura as Mina licks and spits on her pussy. Sana follows suit and eats Sakura's ass. Soon, Momo kisses Sakura while Kazuha sucks her unnie's beautiful boobs as you just watch, getting ready for another round. "HOLY FUCK. What the  hell?"Sakura screams as Mina and Sana tongue her pair of fuckholes to perfection and soon find themselves sticking their fingers on them. "Fuck her cunt and asshole," you tell both as they stick their fingers deep into Kkura. "Oh God, I wanna fucking cum," Sakura says as Momo looks at her romantically and gives her a triple kiss alongside Kazuha. "OHHHHH HOLY FUCK!" Sakura screams as her juices fly into Mina and Sana's mouths, and she orgasms.
The girls laugh as they successfully please your wife. Sana pulls one of her dirty little tricks and kisses Sakura's butthole, making her scream. "You girls did a good job; now it's my turn," you say as Sakura lies on the couch, Mina still with hands on her pussy. Sakura lifts her legs as you take her in the ass, with Mina still in your cock's line of sight as she remains addicted to your wife's pussy. Sana keeps her fearless spirit as she sucks on your balls even with your relentlessly pounding your wife's rectum, making Sakura scream as if she were some elite vocalist.
"You like it?" you ask Sakura as you choke her. "YESSS!" she screams, looking at you with her eyes full of lust. "FUCK. FUCK ME HARDER," she keeps screaming. Mina and Sana are the most enthusiastic, as they share a privileged view of you manhandling Sakura, spitting at every opportunity they can. You give your wife hot kisses as a depraved Momo now licks Sakura's dirty toes. "AHHH, THAT'S SO FUCKING HOT!" Sakura keeps screaming as Mina puts the heat up and finger fucks her. "Suck it, suck it," you tell the Twice pairing as Mina tastes Sakura's asshole while Sana literally grabs you by the balls with her nasty mouth.
"Let's bring the next fuck, Momoring," you say. Judging by the last few times, the girls know something insane is about to happen. And they were right, as you quickly smashed into Momo's worn-out butthole balls deep from the start. It truly is your favorite hole of all the 15 you have at your disposal. Mina and Sana stay down low and finger her groupmate's cunt. Momo gets jackhammered as you pump in and out of her rectum more than five times each second while groping her cowbells up top. Kazuha joins the remaining Twice girls under Momo, and they take turns fingering her pussy as your balls smack her clit full speed. "OH GOD," Momo begs as you spank her tits, while Sakura sits on her face to let Momo scream all over her wet cunt.
"You fucking like that in your ass?" Sakura asks Momo, who screams just like she did before. Her big tits are now your playground as you smack, suck, grope, and spank them with no regard. Momo is almost falling out of the couch, holding herself by her right leg as you continue to destroy her. "Fucking hot that whore getting pounded like that," Sana laughs as she taps Momo's pussy while Mina is now the one getting smashed in the face by your hammering balls. "That fucking asshole will never be the same," Sana says, impressed at the speed with which you pound Momo even after many minutes. "Pound it, pound it, pound it," both Sakura and Mina say. Japan's top sex toy, Hirai Momo, is all yours, and you can't help but feel on top of the world as you give her an anal orgasm with one final deep and long thrust.
Sana is already waiting with her mouth as soon as you pull out, taking on her favorite butthole like a champion. "Who wants to go next?" you ask as Sana still hogs your cock in her mouth. "I think Minari should go now; that fat ass needs a hard pounding," Sakura says as Mina takes the same spooning position on the couch as Momo and her. "Give it to me," Mina begs as she rests her head on Momo's tummy while her groupmate is fingering Mina's cunt before you even get in her asshole. You slip a little trying to get in, but Sana's helping hand ensures it isn't long before you're pounding Mina's fat ass once more. You give Mina no rest, fucking her as if you were going for another round with Momo. Big asses ask for rough pounds after all. Sana loves it the most as she licks Mina's pussy while your flying balls hit her cheeks multiple times.
"Can you take this dick like a good submissive whore?" Momo asks Mina while slapping her face, bragging that she survived the rampage you gave her just a couple minutes ago. "Yes, Momoring, I can take... FUCK." Mina can't finish the sentence as you turn up a notch. As Momo shuts Mina's screaming mouth down, Sana and Sakura giggle at each other as they team up on your cock. Holy shit does Sakura love licking her hubby's balls because she's doing it again? Mina has to use her whole strength to survive the four whores surrounding her and your big cock obliterating her rectum. Momo and Kazuha join and help you grope her little tits. "FUUUUCCKKKKK" is all she can say. Her rodeo with your bull doesn't last long as you finish her just like you did Momo, a deep thust that makes her cum.
This time, Sakura is the one who arrives first at the crime scene and does the traditional ass-to-mouth greetings. "Fuck yes, that was insane," Mina says as she steps down. "Alright, who's next?" Sakura asks, acting as the leader of the five whores. "I want the best rider on the team; who is she?" you ask. "SANA! SANA! SANA!" the other girls start to chant as this time you sit on the couch with your pole fully erected. Sana's tight hole has been a challenge for you all day, so much so that even she misses it. "Please put it in," she says, using her cute aegyo voice, and lets Mina insert that throbbing dick in her anus. "Spit on it," Sakura orders, as she and Momo also give Sana a helping hand.
You finally manage to impale Sana, as the surroundings of her asshole quickly turn red with your dick under it. But she bounces hard on your erection nonetheless, even attempting a little twerking and tilting her butt a little to hit the best spots of her rectum. Mina chimes in and licks your shaft while Sana's cute ass smashes her face, before moving up and licking Sana's cock-filled butthole. "Let's fucking do it!" Sakura cheers on Sana, who now takes your cock full length in her ass. You can't resist and try to do your best to drill her tight butthole, as you now thurst upwards and make Sana squeal at each pounding. Momo appears and sits on your face while silencing Sana with a few kisses, making you have a used-up asshole to eat with your tongue and a tight asshole gripping your cock at the same time.
Sakura appears suddenly and is now the one sitting on your face as you eat her cunt, which you used up so well last night, while Sana resumes her ride with the help of Momo. "Yes, spread my asshole," she begs as Momo pushes her down your pole until your cock finally slips out, letting Mina take a turn sucking Sana's anal juices. Mina tries to put it back in as Sana commands, but she almost puts it in her pussy instead, trying to find the already shut-down hole. "Come on, Minaring," Momo says as the Twice trio works together for Sana to have another ride as you two challenge each other with you impaling Sana from down low while she bounces as hard as she can from up top.
"Take it, take it, take it," Sana orders as soon as she pulls out, letting Momo have her moment with her clean asshole as Mina is right there for some sloppy seconds, the Misamo trio working as a perfect unit. "Give it back to me," Sana orders, still not done with your cock. "It's so fucking deep; keep pounding; pump it until I cum," she says until you finally manage to reach the depths of her anus and make her cum, as she instantly puts her hands in her asshole right after. It had been a while since a cock had made her this sore.
As Sana finishes her insane ride and Mina tastes Sana's butthole from your cock, before Sana does it herself as well, while Sakura continues to ride on your face, you start wondering something. "Where is Kazuha?" you ask, but it gets muffled under Kkura's cunt before trying a second time but not finishing as Mina and Sana team up on your cock and make you groan. As the least experienced of the five, Zuha has barely appeared in your sights lately, with Sakura and the Misamo trio handling most of the action. You finally find her, as she looks a bit lost trying to sneak between the Twice girls and suck your dick.
"Come here, baby girl," you tell Kazuha, kissing her in an almost consoling manner for leaving her out of the action. Mina comes under Zuha's tall body and licks her asshole, preparing the youngester for the upcoming pounding. Zuha turns around and sits on your lap as Sana guides your cock towards the youngster's tight ass. Zuha pants as your cock starts impaling her insides as Momo tries to comfort her by fingering her pussy. The girls cheer as your length disappears inside Kazuha's ass, Mina once again appearing to lick more pussy. "Yes, fuck that ass," Sakura commands as you push your dick up Zuha's hole. Meanwhile, Sakura and Sana take some time to have fun together as your wife sits on Sana's beautiful face.
Zuha struggles with your massive cock, twisting and screaming at each strike as you go harder and harder on her. Mina and Momo laugh at her as they are the experienced ones who have taken many of those poundings. Momo now kisses Zuha while Mina takes on the duties of fingering her pussy and grabbing your thursting cock by the balls. You take a much slower approach with Zuha, but her lack of experience shows as she feels the heat in her ass in a much easier way than the other four girls. Sakura then lifts Zuha's legs, leaving her even more defenseless. Zuha approves of it despite never taking such a rough fucking before. The girls really treat it as her innitiation, as Mina places her full hand inside Kazuha's tight pussy while Momo fingers her clit, making Zuha scream even harder.
"OH MY GOD, PLEASE KEEP GOING!" Kazuha screams as your cock and the girls' hands overwhelm her. "Look at that slut being destroyed by hubby's big cock!" Sakura cheers and laughs at her groupmate. Mina and Momo keep providing full stimulation, as the former now sucks Zuha's perky, erect nipples while Momo kisses the youngster's neck and keeps fingering her cunt. "SHIT!" Kazuha curses as Sana caresses her thighs before penetrating her as well, her long nails hitting the depths of Zuha's orgasming pussy. The Misamo trio keeps bringing the heat, as all three now have their hands touching Zuha's vaginal area.
"Make this slut cum," Sakura orders as the three Twice girls continue to work on Zuha's body. Momo now kisses her tits while Mina keeps penetrating Zuha, while Sana now kisses and chokes the youngster. "You fucking dirty slut," Sakura says as she now takes on the role of choking Zuha while Mina and Momo take turns rimming your asshole. It isn't long before they make your wife's order come true as Zuha finally cums, leading to a fight to see who will taste her ass. Sana arrives first, but it's Momo and Sakura who take the most of it before they leave Zuha for a few sloppy seconds as she bobs her head hard on your dick.
"You want another turn?" you ask Sana, feeling like you have unfinished business inside her tight hole. Sana spreads her legs as the other girls surround her. Mina keeps being the nastiest as she spits on her unnie's pink pussy. You finger Sana's butthole, attempting to loosen it up. Momo tries to help, but you decide you have no more time to wait, pushing her to the side as you stick your cock back inside Sana's asshole, struggling to stick even the tip. Mina watches from a panoramic view, her head right at Sana's tight cunt. "God damn it," Sana curses as she starts fingering herself, waiting for your hard pounding.
"I fucking love that," Sana says as Momo is now the one sticking her hands in her pussy. You and Momo move in perfect sync, penetrating Sana as she giggles at every kiss you two give her. You grip Sana by her thighs as you increase the pace, while Mina joins Momo to put a second hand inside Sana's pussy. You finally manage to hit full speed as Sana's butthole loosens up just enough for you to drill it deeper, her face and skin turning redder than her anus as you keep going. Sana becomes a screaming machine as Sakura somehow manages to sneak her hand inside her pussy as well.
"Please give me, give me, give me," Sana continues as your cock goes in and out of her tight shithole in full swing, taking long but fast and deep thursts each time. Her tight hole squeezes you so hard you have to stay collected, not cum, using Mina's mouth as a relief a few times as you pull out of Sana before sticking back in for a harder pounding. Mina now has full control of her unnie's meaty pussy, making sure to eat out every single one of Sana's folds until she cums. Mina spreads Sana's pussy lips and tongues her pussy even deeper as you stay put. You two are now working in tandem to make Sana reach her orgasm.
Sakura joins in as the helpful wife, kissing you as you continue to stretch Sana's asshole out. "Hubby likes this dirty slut's tight hole," she says, now resting her arms on Sana's head as she provides her with a cushion for your rough pumps. As Sana finally cums, you dive to taste her tight, squirting pussy, not giving a waiting Mina a chance to be the first as you reward the beautiful Osaka girl with licks that make her gush more and more juices out of her babyhole. You finally give Mina a chance to lick it as you move to Sana's red and sore asshole, appreciating the work you just did in there. "Put your tongue in there," you then order Mina as Kazuha's large hands now rest under Sana's pussy.
Mina makes sure to eat Sana's anus as much as possible, searching for the taste of your cock there. You give the girls some time to enjoy themselves, as Sakura is now eating Sana's pussy while Momo sucks her tits and Kazuha kisses her. Seeing your wife on her knees while eating another pussy makes your primal instincts take over you as you shove your prick inside Sakura's asshole without warning. "WHAT? AHHHHH  FUCKKKK! Sakura screams as your thorbbing tip pokes her hole. You go all-in from the start, doing to Sakura what you just did to Momo the first time. Sakura spreads her ass, trying to loosen it up, while Mina, always her, is right there to watch.
Dueling screams ensure in your couch as you drill Sakura's ass while Momo and Kazuha eat Sana out and attempt to make her cum again. "FUCK, YOU'RE SO DEEP IN MY ASS," Sakura says as Mina now kisses and bites your wife's shiny butt. You want to make sure to make up for the lost time, ramming Sakura at full force. She has to cling to Momo's big tits in her face, biting them so hard that Momo lactates on Sakura's mouth. "Look at that fucking little asshole taking that whole big cock," Sana says dirtyly as she watches you destroy Sakura. "Look at her taking the whole fucking thing," she continues as she rests her head on Sakura's shaking butt, giggling with her tongue out while Mina fingers your wife's cunt.
"Keep that fucking asshole; stretch it out to the fullest," Sana adds. "Show your hubby the fucking whore you are," she keeps going while Momo now dives under to eat Sakura's pussy. You let her and Mina taste your dirty cock before going back inside Sakura's used-up cornhole. Mina swaps her saliva with Sana while Kazuha spits on her unnie's ass. "Put it back in her," Momo demands, enjoying the pounding she once took, and now you're delivering it to your wife. But you have different plans and want them to make your wife cum. "Lick her pussy," you ask Momo, who's followed by Mina and Sana eating Sakura's ass. Sakura and Momo now perform a 69 with your wife on top as you enjoy them licking each other.
"Fuck, you're making me so wet," Sakura tells the other girls as her hands fist Momo's meaty pussy. Mina now licks Sakura's ass by herself, and you decide to push her deeper into it as you start pounding her massive ass. The chain is now complete as Sana kisses Sakura, then Kazuha sucks her groupmate's tits, and Momo eats your wife's pussy while you bury Mina's mouth in Sakura's asshole at each thurst you give in her ass. It doesn't take long until Sana abandons the other girls to watch you destroy her little fucktoy groupmate, licking her chops as her nails finger Mina's pussy and she spits on her ass cheeks.
"Get on the floor. Let's play a little game," Sakura says as she takes your cock out of Mina's butthole and puts you to the ground. "You're gonna get 4 levels of riding: easy, medium, hard, and extreme, and you can't cum or you'll have to clean up this whole mess we're making. Let's start". Momo is the first to sit on your hard cock as the easy challenger, as you already had loosened up her butthole so much. Her ass is extremely sore, and she can barely walk, but she takes on the challenge of getting impaled. "Put that dick in that fat ass and ride that cock," Sakura says as the girls spank Momo's big butt. "Fucking juicy ass bouncing on that dick," Sana follows.
Momo doesn't last long before she collapses, her asshole completely sore after taking so much of your big cock. Mina tastes her unnie's dirty asshole, and then Momo rewards you with a deepthroat. "That's a great fucking cock," she says. Sakura steps up next, right after you have already used her worn-out hole a lot, but not as much as Momo's. "Spread that ass," she tells the other girls as you impale your hot wife. "Tell me how good this feels," Momo asks. "It feels like my hubby has such a massive cock," Sakura replies. Mina and Kazuha team up to do the spanking while Momo pushes Sakura's ass down your crotch.
Sakura quickly ends her run, tasting her hole alongside Mina right after. "So Sharon is the ass taster of the group," you say as Sana spits on your meat for Kazuha to be the next. Her tight, young ass could be the one that makes you cum. "She's got such an amazing ass," Momo says as she spanks Zuha's cheeks, and Sana and Mina take a bite of it as Kazuha starts to ride. Momo pushes Zuha's ass down as the young girl starts to scream. Kazuha gets too carried away as your cock ends up slipping out of her asshole, leading to a queefing sound coming from her tight ring. Momo and Mina are right there to taste it, but Kazuha wants something as well.
You start to pant and wonder if you could survive the extreme level as Sana prepares to sit on your boner. "Poke this slutty asshole," Momo orders to Mina, who spits on Sana's tiny body while licking your tip at the same time. Mina keeps missing Sana's tight entrance to the point where Sana takes control and puts it in herself. She's so eager that your cock slips out after just a couple bounces, forcing Mina to push it back in with a little sloppy help from Momo. Sana twerks on your cock as Mina decides to be her ass-kisser and worship her butt. The more the other girls spank Sana, the harder she bounces.
"Are you gonna cum all over this fucking dick?" Momo asks but at the wrong person. You're now the one who has to use all your strength not to fill Sana's tight butthole with your seeds. "Cum, cum, cum, cum," Momo repeats, but instead of Sana, he is inducing you to think about it nonstop. You pull out just in time to escape a romp of cum coming out of your canal, getting eased up as the five girls surround your cock to suck it. Mina and Sana take the most of it, like usual, as they warm up your cock for the grand finale.
"Time to empty those balls in your hot wife or you'll be sleeping in the cold," Sakura says as Sana sucks your shaft while Mina puts the heat on your balls. Sana guides your cock right into Sakura's butthole. "Shove it as deep as you can," she says as she starts eating Sakura's pussy. You are very close but want to last a little longer, taking pauses to feed Sana's mouth with your cock. Meanwhile, Sakura is having her best time as Mina now sits her fat ass in her face while Kazuha licks Minari's ass. Momo is now completely out of the picture, dealing with her sore asshole.
You come close once more but use Sana's mouth to bail you out at the last minute, teasing Sakura that she'll need more to earn your cum. But Sana is selfish and takes your cock deep in her throat, making you almost give in on the spot, leading you to take the safer route and pound Sakura as hard as you can. Sana finger's Sakura's now squirting cunt, sticking her tongue out to taste the juices. Your wife's orgasm is too much for you to handle, as her clenching butthole makes you finally cover her anal walls with your white paint.
Sakura releases the cum out of her ass into your recently bough carpet as the four girls fight among each other for a taste of it. Sakura gives you a big smile and licks your shaft before you request something from them.
"I wanna see the girls asses one final time," you say as the girls now get on their knees on the couch. "Yes, you are the king of our asses," Sakura responds as the girls line up. You compliment all the girls.
"Thanks for such a tight hole, Sana. Sakura, you're the best wife ever. Mina, I... don't even have words to describe that ass. Zuha, you're a star in the making. And Momo, it should be illegal to have an ass so dangerous." 
"Stand up," you ask the girls as they gape their pounded asshole for you to check. Sana's butthole is completely red and stands out the most, but Mina's and Momo's aren't far behind. "I think that's it for today, hubby," Sakura says as the girls bow to your cock and crown you their oshiri king.
"Only for today; tomorrow is a different story." Momo finishes as the girls head towards the shower, disappearing from your view. "I'm truly a lucky bastard," you think as a familiar voice interrupts your thoughts.
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sweetsweetjellybean · 3 months
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A quiet evening in, having drinks with your boyfriend and his roommate leads to a tempting proposal.
Part 1 of 2? WC: 1367 TW: kissing, voyeurism, alcohol
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Sugar and smoke cling to your tongue as a frozen fire burns in the back of your throat. Warmth spreads inside you, sending a shiver to your skin. Lip gloss coats the rim of the tall shot glass when you place it on the scarred coffee table next to the bell-shaped bottle. Your tongue collects the remnants from your lips as you lean back, melting into the lean chest of your boyfriend behind you.
“I don’t know how you two drink that stuff,” Steve grimaces, rotating the crystal tumbler full of whiskey in his hand. His other arm is wrapped around your waist, his big hand splayed high on your thigh, toying with the edge of your skirt where you sit with one leg tucked beneath the other.
The dim light from the lamp casts a golden hue through the living room, accentuating the haze of the evening. Eddie, sprawled out on your other side, smirks as he watches you. His dark eyes glint with amusement and something else—something that has your stomach clenching.
“‘Cuz it tastes like candy,” you explain, leaning forward to run your thumb over the plump bottom lip of the chocolate-eyed boy, brushing off a gold flake only to have the wet tip of his tongue peek out and chase your finger.
Steve’s skeptical snort vibrates against your back.
“It’s not so bad,” Eddie murmurs, voice low and steady, as his unwavering gaze holds yours. Your inhale is sharper than usual, and his eyes flicker away, dropping to the floor before searching the room.
"Don't listen to him." Steve's lips are warm on your ear. "He never drank that shit before I started bringing you home." He places a kiss on your temple before trailing his lips lower, tilting your head to find the spot that has your toes curling into the carpet.
A moan so soft it’s barely above a whisper finds its way past your lips. Eddie's gaze snaps back to you. His eyes flare as he smooths his palm down his jean-covered thigh.
Heat rises from your neck to your cheeks, not entirely due to Steve or the liquor. You clear your throat with a shallow breath. “Well, I like having someone to take shots with me.” Leaning forward, you reach for the bottle, dislodging Steve’s lips as you fill the two glasses to the brim.
You nudge the other glass toward Eddie, looking up at him from under your lashes. The way his stare follows your movements has a shy smile tugging at your lips.
A huff comes from behind you. “Not that we mind you third-wheeling it, Munson, but it might be nice if you had a date every once in a while,” Steve says, downing the rest of his glass.
When you first met the roommates at a bar on campus, it was Eddie who was the shameless flirt. But after a few weeks, it hadn't amounted to anything. So when Steve asked you out, it was an easy yes. A few months later, and Eddie still hasn't brought anyone home. Steve has mentioned a time or two that he still isn't over the last girl who broke his heart.
Eddie scoffs, rolling his eyes as he reaches for the glass. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll work on that,” he mutters, his fingers brushing yours briefly as he takes the shot.
“I’m serious man…”
A sour taste fills your mouth and you down your shot hoping the cinnamon will overpower its bitterness. 
“We were just talking about it the other day. It would be nice to see you with someone new. Instead of sitting around here shooting brooding looks at the plant.” Steve gestures at the potted fern you brought over a few weeks ago. 
“I don’t brood.” Eddie places his glass back on the table with a little more force than necessary. 
“Dude, you're like the poster child for 80’s rock ballads. Look, we just want to see you happy. Isn’t that right, angel?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, meeting his gaze, “I want you to be happy, Eddie.”
The look he gives you in return is heavier than you can hold. Your eyes lower to your hands twisting in your lap. “Isn’t there anyone you like?”
The air is trapped in your lungs while you wait for him to answer.
“No.” His reply is quiet but firm, making you swallow hard.
“Well, maybe it’s time to–” Steve makes a clicking sound with his tongue, “–Get back on the horse. Stop waiting on Miss Right and find Miss Right Now.”
“Yeah.” Eddie’s shoulders slump as his gaze drifts, “Maybe you’re right.”
“I know I am. We’ve all been there before. All you need is a little confidence boost,” Steve’s hand squeezes your thigh, “Maybe you can help him out, angel?”
Eddie’s mouth drops open as he sucks in a breath. Your head whips around, eyes impossibly wide as you stare at Steve.
“What?” Steve asks his face the picture of innocence. “Oh,” he says after a moment, the light in his eyes turning on. “I meant maybe you could introduce him to one of your friends.”
Your shoulders relax, but tension still simmers in your stomach. Eddie clears his head with a shake, a quiet chuckle escaping his throat as he reaches for the bottle.
“I mean unless you two were up for it,” Steve throws out, leaning closer.
Eddie freezes his knuckles turning white as he grips the bottle. 
“Steve!!” You react the way a nice girl should but shock doesn't explain the heat pooling low in your belly or the dampness in your underwear. 
“You told me you think he's‐” 
You muffle Steve's next words by slapping your hand over his mouth, but he pries your fingers off and turns to Eddie, “She thinks you're hot.”
“I said cute,” you correct, but the clarification doesn’t stop Eddie’s lashes from lowering bashfully or the rose blooming on his cheeks.
“Same thing,” Steve grips your chin, turning your face towards him. “And anyone with eyes can see how beautiful you are. I’ll never forget how damn lucky I am to have you.”
His mouth is an irreverent caress of lips and tongue that has your heart swelling. Your thumb traces the twin freckles on his cheek, his hazel eyes lit up with warmth for you that he's never attempted to hide.
“So let me get this straight,” Eddie's gravelly voice cuts through the moment. “You, Steve Harrington, are offering for me to make out with your girlfriend?”
“You're my best friend, dude. I trust you. Besides,” His index and middle finger run along the bare skin of your arm, raising goosebumps in their wake. “I've always liked to watch.”
“You've never told me that,” you can't hide the surprise in your voice.
“You never asked,” he replies with a wink. He searches your face as his fingers continue their journey, lightly tracing your collarbone, down the swell of your breast, and over the hard outline of your nipple. “There are so many things I want to do with you. We haven't even scratched the surface.”
In the span of a breath, you’re clutching at the front of his shirt, your lips crashing together in a way that’s only happened behind closed doors. One hand tangles in your hair, heavy breaths and the wet sounds of your mouths fill your ears. His other hand seems to be everywhere, leaving little fires under your skin.
Eyelids heavy, you follow his hands as he turns your jaw toward Eddie. “Look at him, angel. He wants you. Don’t you, Eddie?”
Eddie’s dark eyes are almost black, his pupils blown wide, a flush heating his skin. “Yes,” he admits, loosening his grip on the couch to run a hand through his hair. “Fuck.” He looks away, then his gaze locks with yours. “I do. I want you.”
The flames in you rise, chasing the butterflies into taking flight. Your breath catches, lips parting.
“It’s your decision,” Steve’s lips are at your ear. “You say no and it all stops. It’s over. Forgotten. Just say the word and we’ll give you anything you want.”
Eddie sits with tension pulling his shoulders tight, the muscles in his neck cording. His lip is caught between his teeth, his expression unguarded, eyes a silent plea, hoping not to regret his confession.
The solitary word crystallizes on your tongue, the sweetness of your drink turning it sticky, making it impossible to pass your lips.
The static charge freezes the air. Steve's fingers tease under the edge of your shirt, drawing circles on your hip. His question is soft but insistent. “So, angel, what’s it going to be?”
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Thanks for reading! Let me know if you want a second part. Torn's chapters are just so big, I wanted a break with something short and sweet.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Eddie's girl
Plot- the party agreed on 1 thing only, do not let the new girl meet Eddie Munson (fluff)
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Steve and Robin were talking at the counter about his latest date. Well, Steve was, and Robin was mocking him.
 “I'm telling you, she was insane. She poured half the container of salt on her noodles. Who goes to an Indian restaurant and gets buttered noodles? " Steve complained.
Robin rolled her eyes and said, "Jeez, Dingus, you have such real problems in the world." As she checked in, all the tapes were returned.
 The pair's eyes rose when a shadow casted over the countertop. There stood the most gorgeous girl they had ever seen. She had her hair styled nicely, a smokey eye look, eyeliner sharp as a knife, and cherry red lips. Her arms were warmed by a leather jacket; a band tee lay underneath, and they guessed jeans would be covering her legs if they could see. Maybe a pair of sneakers to go with the look. She had her fingers decorated with chunky rings and black nails.
Steve felt drool hit the bottom of his chin. This girl looked like someone who knew how to ruin your life, and he wasn't mad about it.
Robin felt a blush creep on her cheeks. This girl looked like she'd ruined Robin's innocence with one touch, and she wasn't mad about it.
Then she spoke, and it sounded like heaven on earth. "Can you tell me where I can find the horror section?" Her voice was soft, in contrast to how she looked. She stood tall and confident.
The pair of them rushed to go around the counter. Robin stomped on Steve's toe to get ahead. She smiled proudly as Steve clenched his foot with a gasp.
"Follow me," Robin stated as she led the gorgeous girl to the section where horror movies were placed.
As Steve was checking her out, well, the movie as well. He spoke up, "So what's your name?" Robin leaned in close to hear the answer.
"Oh, it's Y/N." She answered with a smile. She could sense the pair were in awe of her, so she threw a wink on the way out the door.
 "She so wants me." Steve melted into the floor.
"Please, the wink was for me," Robin scoffed.
Steve rolled his eyes, "geez Robin I must have missed the part when she said she was a lesbian. " Robin punched his arm and went on with their work day. Both are thinking about her.
Dustin was biking to the grocery store to pick up food for the cat. His mom was in some mood about being scared to leave the house, so a trip after school was on his radar. 
Eddie offered to take him, but he felt like it would be an inconvenience to make him drive him to the store and then back to the school to get his bike, but he appreciated his offer.
Dustin was walking down aisle 3 when he collided with a body that was coming around the corner. The person dropped everything in their hands.
"I'm so sorry," he quickly apologized as he picked up the bags of popcorn and candy off the floor. He went to give him to the person when he looked up and saw the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, including his ex-girlfriend Suzie. 
With a sweet smile, she answered, "No worries, cutie." Dustin smiled, braced teeth and all. He could feel his cheeks turning red and butterflies in his stomach. She looked older and more mature, and he loved it.
He didn't realize he'd been staring until she waved her manicured hand in his face. He snapped out of it. "Oh yeah, sorry again. I'm Dustin. Are you new around here? " He asked. It's a small town, and he felt like he'd seen everyone.
That damn smile came across her face again. With a smirk, she held out her hand, "The name is Y/N and I'm in town for my spring break. I used to live here but moved for college. " He was in awe of how her voice comforted him like a hug. He could smell her sweet perfume as he shook her hand. It was soft and the cold metal of her rings made him shiver. He's a freshman and she's in college. It'd definitely never happen, but you can't blame a guy for having a crush.
Lucas was practicing his shooting at the park when he saw a girl walking a dog. He was dribbling the ball with Jason when he caught her eyes. The ball was stolen by Jason, as he was distracted. 
"Lucas bro, I stole that way too easily. You got to pay attention. " His words went on deaf ears. Jason looked at him, puzzled, and followed his gaze. And he understood now.
 A girl wearing a small tank top, her belly button pierced. Tattoos covered her arms and bracelets lingered on her wrists. She was gorgeous. She was walking closer to them as her dog quickly moved ahead of her.
 She got close enough that the pair could see she was generally beautiful. No makeup covered her skin. She was naturally breathtaking. Jason quickly threw the ball near her feet. He pretended it rolled there on its own. He jogged up with an apologetic expression, "Sorry, lost sight of the ball."
The girl looked up at me with a smile and said, "Oh, it's all good. Are you boys on a team or something?" She pointed to their basketball shirts with the team logo on them. Lucas ran over to join the conversation. "Yes, we are. Practicing for the championship game."
Jason quickly grabbed the ball and introduced himself, as well as Lucas. They both learned the girl's name was Y/N and she used to attend their high school when she lived here. Jason technically wasn't single anymore and Lucas had a complicated thing going on with Max, but you couldn't blame a guy for staring.
It's been two days since everyone was smitten by the girl in their heads. The group was meeting at the video store to wait for Steve and Robin to finish their shift before they headed to Steve's house for movie night.
When Dustin arrived, Robin and Steve seemed to be arguing.
" Steve I'm telling you, she's not interested in you. She was looking at me. " Robin huffed, to which Steve answered with an eye roll.
 "Once again, Robin, nothing about her screamed lesbian."
"People don't always look like lesbians, you dingus."
Dustin cut in—"what are you two fighting about today?" He asked as he placed his hat on the counter.
Steve stood tall, "Well, this hot babe was totally checking me out and Robin had the nerve to think she was checking her out. Which she so was not. "
Dustin's eyes lit up as he remembered the beautiful stranger he ran into. “Speaking of hot babes, I ran into this gorgeous girl at the grocery store. She smelled like a flower. " He gushed.
Steve cringed, "Dude, that's weird." Dustin rolled his eyes and huffed.
"What's weird?" Lucas asked as he walked up.
"Dustin, smelling cute girls at the grocery store." Robin answered as she flipped through a magazine .
Lucas laughed and agreed. " I saw this hot chick covered in tattoos walking her dog the other day." 
Robin began to wonder how randomly everyone was smitten by a girl. "Wait, all of us met a mysterious girl at the same time?" She asked out loud.
Everyone seemed confused about what she was asking. She rolled her eyes. "Guys, was her name Y/N?" To which everyone answered "yes" at once.
They all looked at one another.” Oh come on. Do you all like her? " Steve pouted.
"Like you had a chance, dude. I hear she's in college, too smart for you, " Dustin teased," to which Steve answered, "and too old for you." Dustin pouted at the truth in it. Lucas laughed, but it was cut off when Robin cut in,
 "And you have a girlfriend, so no for you. Which leaves me left”. Lucas rolled his eyes.
 All the guys said at the same time, "She's not a lesbian!" Robin held her arms up in surrender. " We don't know for sure." She tried to explain.
Then it all clicked in Steve's head. "Shit." He cussed. The group looked at him confused.
" She can't meet Eddie." He added to their confused stares. Dustin frowned, "Eddie's not a bad guy. Get over it."
Steve shook his head. " That's not what I meant. She is totally his type. The confidence, the tattoos, rings, leather jackets, and band tees. He'd go after her in a second. And with his looks, good hair, and dumb band, he'd so win. " Steve pouted harder as he crossed his arms.
 " Agreed. Let's plan to keep her away from Eddie Munson. "
Speak of the devil, and he will appear."Keep who away from me?" He asked as he walked up to the group.
The group went dead silent. Eddie started to get confused as everyone refused to make eye contact with him. He almost felt like he hadn't said anything out loud when Steve spoke up. "Dustin's mom. She'd freak if she met you and wouldn't let you hang with Dustin anymore."
The group quickly agreed with nodding heads. Eddie frowned, "Why, what's wrong with me?" Well, that backfired. Now Steve felt like an ass and Dustin quickly tried to save him.
 "Nothing at all. She's a very old-fashioned woman who thinks guys with long hair are no good. " Eddie nodded along, eyes questioning the group silently. He didn't believe a word that was said, but Lucas quickly turned the topic to basketball. And the weird interaction was not brought up again.
 Until the same thing happened that night as the group watched their movies. When Eddie excused himself to go to the bathroom, the group was talking in quiet whispers. Laughing, giggling, and slight arguing. He couldn't make out a word they were saying, and by the time he was close enough, they all went silent. He watched them closely. Everyone was pretending not to notice his stare and acting like the movie was the most entertaining thing they'd seen. " What's going on?" Again, silence. "Guys, seriously?" No one spoke up. Eddie was starting to feel very unwelcome in a group he thought were his friends. He was quiet the rest of the night, just as they all had been.
 The next day wasn't any better. Eddie was returning a horror film and was hoping to talk to Steve or Robin about what was going on. He spotted Robin, and she smiled at his entrance. He smiled back and handed over the movie .
Robin's smile was slapped off her face when she saw the title. It was the same exact movie Y/N rented a few days ago. She rolled her eyes. Another thing they'd have in common to talk about/
Eddie's big brown eyes didn't miss the smile vanish and eye roll. He felt his heart sting a bit in his chest. What has he done wrong? "Did I do something?" He quickly asked. Robin's head shot up with a quick smile. "Oh no nothing. I just hate this movie." and typed in the return. Her eyes were confused to see that it came up under Y/N's name. She eyed Eddie but kept quiet. The computer must have been glitching. She has not, nor has anyone seen them together. There's no way he'd met her and already had a date.
Eddie didn't quite believe Robin at all, but he let it go. As he headed to the shelves for a new film, he spotted Steve. "Hey Munson, how have you been?" Steve waved with a big smile.
Eddie eyed him suspiciously and said, " I'm fine. But what's up with you? And everyone else? You are all being weird with me."
 Steve shot the idea down and said he was just imagining things. But Eddie knew for a fact he didn't imagine Steve looking over Eddie's shoulder, a big grin lighting up his face, then back to Eddie with fear. Eddie went to question him again when Steve grabbed Eddie's hand and dragged him to another aisle.
Steve couldn't let Y/N see he was talking with Eddie. She'd come over to say hi and fall in love with the curly head next to him. So he dragged him into another aisle. "I think these movies are a better fit." He wished he had looked at the aisle first, because they were smack in the middle of the little girls' section. The racks are filled with pink princesses and unicorns. Eddie coughed awkwardly.
 "Yeah, little girl movies aren't quite my thing, Harrington." Steve laughed along, a blush on his cheeks. "You're right. Sorry about that. I thought you'd want to try something new. " And once he saw Y/N walk out the door, Steve quickly left the aisle without saying anything. Eddie felt his shoulders slump. There it was again. Leaving him in the dust without saying why.
 Eddie went to the one person who he knew couldn't lie to him, Dustin. He cornered him in the hallway, by his locker. "Alright Dustin, tell me what's up with everyone before I shove your hat up your ass." He threatened
Dustin knew it was an empty threat, but he still shook in fear. A loud fake laugh left his throat, "Eddie, nothing is going on. You're just being silly. " Dustin was sweating underneath his hat. His palms were wet and his heart raced with anxiety. He wasn't good at lying to Eddie. It was like Eddie had these eyes that could see right through you. With another look, Dustin cracked.
 “Okay, there's a new girl and she's totally hot. And everyone has a crush on her, and none of us can go after her, except Steve, which sucks. But we didn't want to tell you because you'd so be her type and we didn't want you to start dating her. Because then I'd have this crush on your girlfriend and later it would be weird when you got married and had ki-" Eddie cut off the kids' rambling with a hand to his mouth.
"Slow down. I have no idea who you are talking about, so I definitely won't be getting married next week. and seriously? You guys were so afraid of competition that you all iced me out. That's so stupid. "
Dustin nodded, "It does sound stupid when you say it out loud." Eddie let out a laugh. “I'm sorry. And I know they are too. "
 Eddie winked at the apology and said, "I'm so going to use this against Harrington."
 As Steve walked into work the next day, he was racked with anxiety. Robin could sense her friend was under great stress as he paced and stared down the door. 
"What's wrong with you now?" She asked as she picked at her nails.
"I'm going to ask her out." Her head snapped up at that. She had a huge disagreement on her tongue when Y/N walked up. A huge smile was sent to the both of them.
 Before she could say anything, Steve blurted out, "Would you go on a date with me?" 
All three of them went silent. Y/N was caught off guard by the sudden question. Robin was shocked Steve got the words out, and Steve was amazed that it came out in a real sentence.
 Before Y/N could speak up, a teasing voice came from behind her. laced with humor and mockery.
"Harrington, what are you doing asking out my girlfriend?" Eddie wrapped his arm around her shoulder with a smirk.
 Robin and Steve's jaw dropped. Their heads were filled with questions. Before they could ask, Dustin was running in, "Steve I'm sorry I spilled. I couldn't hold it an-Eddie? Y/N? " He looked at them puzzled, then his eyes grew large as he saw them cuddled close.
"EDDIE ? Y/N? " He screamed. Eddie covered his ears and Y/N laughed. She was very confused about what was going on.
"Um, what's going on?" She spoke up, from underneath her boyfriend's arm.
"Steve was asking you out on a date, honey, and you didn't answer him yet." Eddie knew he sounded like an ass, but this was just too good. Everyone was smitten with his girlfriend, and he didn't blame them. He was hooked on her the second he met her in high school.
 "I think we've got the answer, Eddie," Steve said, blushing. He spoke with a sharp tone.
"Wait, so you two are together? Since when? How do you know each other? " Robin asked, she thought Y/N was decently new to town.
"Oh Eddie, we go way back. We met in Hellfire during our sophomore year. We were best friends, then started dating in our junior year. We've been together since. " She smiled at the group. She loved talking about Eddie; it was one of her favorite things to do.
"You made a good impression, babe. You have gotten all my friends to crush on you within seconds of meeting you. " Edie smirked proudly. He finally had something in his life that everyone admired. And he was going to soak it all in.
Y/N blushed. She knew she was a pretty face, but she had no idea that everyone was so infatuated with her. "Wait baby, are these the friends that were making you upset?" She asked as she looked up into his eyes. She noticed his cheeks turning red. She embarrassed him. "Shit, sorry." She mumbled something into his neck as she shoved herself into his chest. 
He cuddled her closer, "It's fine and yes, they are. They probably didn't want us to meet because you'd fall for my good looks and guitar skills. And Stevie here didn't want the competition. " Eddie smirked towards Steve, who sent a death glare to Dustin in return.
 Y/N giggled at the explanation, "Well, for starters, Steve, you are a very handsome guy." Eddie cut her off with a pout, "Excuse me." She put her finger to his lips in return. 
“And I am flattered, but Eddie is it for me and that won't change. And for the rest of you, Eddie adores you, and I wish you hadn't singled him out because of me. I was always scared of leaving him in this town because the people are shitty. But when he'd call me and talk about his favorite kid, Dustin, some chick named Buckley, and his new hellfire boys, I was so happy he had people to take care of him. So please continue to take care of him when I'm gone. "
 The group felt even worse for leaving Eddie in the dark. Now knowing how much they meant to him, they all quickly apologized.
"Baby, that is even more embarrassing. We are leaving. " Eddie pouted as he grabbed her arm and led her to the door. She rolled her eyes and pecked his lips, which had turned into a frown. Feeling her lipstick mark on his lips caused him to smile. Eddie was never one for a quick kiss; he dove his tongue straight into her mouth without missing a beat. He heard gags from around him as he dove his hand into the back pocket of her tight jeans.
He pulled away and placed her ahead with his hand on her back as he was going to open the door. The door opened before them, and there stood Billy Hargrove. He checked Y/N up and down, and a smirk landed on his face.
Before he could even get a word out, the group and Eddie, all together, yelled "NO."
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writervaul-t · 2 months
something about you
chapter four: the wild wolf
summary: chiara calls [name] and unexpectedly sees more sides of benji.
pairing: modern!benjicot blackwood x reader
note: anyone got songs that are reader or benji coded? i'm expanding my playlist 😫
masterlist | playlist
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There were many things [Name] could describe Chiara and one of them had not been predictable.
She had told [Name] she would be out with a couple of friends from her department at The Wild Wolf, a club just right outside the campus and a frequent place most students gravitated to after a torturous month of exams and classes.
Chiara had lived with the concept "Party it out" whenever a mildly inconvenient problem had found itself on her lap. [Name] elected to stay home during those times, either working the night shift at Rhaenyra's store or sitting at home. There were rarely ever days where their street was dead silent and [Name] took every opportunity to enjoy the minimal noise pollution.
That's why she found herself dumbfounded as she stood in front of The Wild Wolf, her phone gripped tightly in her hand as the music from her phone was nearly synced with what she was hearing outside. The guard, tall and burly Cregan Stark, was also the TA at her Data Analytics class last semester. He stood awkwardly in front of her as they tried to decode what Chiara was saying.
"I'm - hic - too druuuunk." Chiara says for the sixth time that night to her. "I'm at the sears by the bar. Do you think you can come gerk me please? I promise I won't ever doew thith agai--"
The line cut off, making both Cregan and [Name] shoot each other exhasperated looks. "I'll let you in since I know you're just going in to get her." Is all Cregan can offer, motioning to the ever growing line at to the club.
"I owe you one." [Name] says in response, letting Cregan stamp her hand before opening the door to the sound of loud EDM and body heat. Lights strobbed all around her, making [Name] disoriented as she made her way toward the booths, hoping to find Chiara quickly.
Worry seemed to work its way up as she couldn't find her friend after three booths. She couldn't have wandered too far away from how recent the call was. Still, it was Chiara of all people and the possibility of her wandering off anywhere while inebriated wasn't a new concept.
"Is that [Name]?" A voice calls out as she passes by a group, stopping her from checking another booth just past them. Her eyes go wide as she makes eye contact with a Tully. Beside him stood his brother and a couple of other people she could barely recognize but they certainly knew her from the way they looked at her. She kept herself still before she finally met a set of familiar dark eyes.
Benji looked as shocked as [Name] was as they made eye contact. His hair had been loose of its usual style, the brown strands covering his forehead and as if he'd run his hand through if one too many times all night. He wasn't dressed any differently then usual but she wasn't sure she'd seen him in the striped shirt and jeans he had on.
Or the chain around his neck and rings on his fingers. Or the girl clinging to his arm. A girlfriend? [Name] asked herself before remembering Chiara mentioning he hasn't been seen with anyone.
"Hi?" [Name] says. Benji pulls away from the girl - his friend group entirely - as he comes up to her. [Name] puts a hand up to stop him from coming closer, doing her best to speak loud enough so only he can hear. "I'm not here to party."
"I gathered that much." Benji says, looking at the starry sweater and leggings she threw on before leaving her apartment. "Are you alright? What's wrong?"
From the corner of her eye, she can spot the brothers put their heads together, looking over Benji's shoulder and waving. The girl he had stood with looked at her curiously as she put her attention back on the man, worry settling in again as she remembered why she was here.
"My friend - Chiara Tyrell. She called me piss drunk and asked me to come get her. Have you seen her?" She asked him hopefully before looking around.
"No, I haven't but let's find her together, yeah?" Benji calls over the music, before turning back to his friends to tell them he would help [Name] and guiding her through the booths.
They checked diligently, Benji asking anyone he knew if they saw a brunette girl passed out anywhere. [Name] had nearly lost hope in everything until she heard a shriek and felt someone tackle her from behind. She nearly lost her footing had Benji caught her before falling over.
Chiara grinned dopily at the two of them, wrapping her arms around [Name] as she stared straight at Benji and said, "Ben! I'm so glad you're here. Do you think you can convince your girlfriend to go out sometime? It would so much more fun if you'd come with us! But I know that this place probably isn't part of your thing--"
[Name] stared her friend down, hand reaching to cover her mouth but Benji interrupts them, helping Chiara stand up after moving [Name] beside him. "Let's ask her when she's not about to kill you." He interrupts, working as a barrier between them and the dancing crowd.
[Name] groans as she puts her friend's arm around her. "How do you weight nothing but everything at the same time?" She huffs at her friend.
Chiara doesn't respond, seemingly falling asleep after realizing [Name] had found her. Benji grabs the other side of Chiara, helping [Name] move her to a booth close to where he originally was. Kermit and Oscar, having watched the whole ordeal, walks up to them, peering over at Chiara.
"Oh, she's gone." One of them chimes in.
"Do you need help?" The other adds, to which [Name] paused at the thought.
Chiara was small but definitely not light enough for her to walk five blocks on her back. She looked from her friend to the three men in front them then to the group they had came with. All of them seemed invested in what was happening, which made [Name] wonder if any of them were made aware of their agreement at all.
"Um, maybe just to take her outside? I can call a rideshare--" She started but nearly felt sandpaper go down her throat as she caught sight of a familiar mass of brown hair coming their way.
"Odd group to see!" Aeron calls out, a smile on his face that could only mean he drank one too many. His eyes blearily focused on [Name]. "Coming to pick your boyfriend up, [Name]? Ulla Greyjoy was all over him just a moment ago."
A pit in her stomach fell. He saw Benji with another girl? A fear struck in her as she realized they might get caught if she doesn't think of something quickly. "Um, no. I was with Chiara all night. We just separated from everyone."
Aeron glanced at her "In that bingo get up?"
[Name]'s cheeks turned red as she remembered her ridiculously put together outfit. Even in the dim light, she probably did look like a displaced librarian who just finished her night shift. Still, she wouldn't let his comments bother him, turning away to check on Chiara.
Being ignored had been Aeron's least favorite activity. [Name] was set on doing just that as she focused on her friend's needs. She pulled at her sleeves, wishing nothing more than to ignore Aeron and even Benji's subtle comments about her clothing right now. Sure, she did dress up like she was going to a flower field majority of the time, but the clothing made her comfortable but should she have more... Variety?
She could only go so far and wonder as she heard Aeron chime in again. "You know, its alright to admit if you made it all up, [Name]. It was pretty obvious when you said it at the beginning and now its clear you didn't even come in with this group."
The words made her blood run cold. She was sure whoever was around heard it. Aeron made sure it was made to be that way. Typical of someone like him. Benji stepped up this time, toe to toe with Aeron as he loomed over him.
"Say another word, Bracken. I dare you." He snapped, shoving the brunette's shoulder lightly. "[Name] is with us. Or are you too drunk to figure that out?"
"She's dressed like a nun on her off day!"
"So what?"
"Stop covering for her, Blackwood. We all know you haven't touched a woman in forever unless you paid for her." Aeron says before looking over at [Name] and grinning. "Though, who knows what [Name] will do to get money. Tyrell might be in on it as well. Didn't know you were into that kind of stuff, Blackwoo--"
A loud smack sounded in their corner of the club, making a few of the dancing club goers beside them stop. Aeron collapsed to the ground, holding his cheek as he stared at [Name]. Her chest heaved from adrenaline, palm burning as if it could still feel the heat of Aeron's cheek.
"I have a lot of patience for pompus, egotistical dolts like you but don't mistaken that as me being a dormat, Bracken." She seethes, walking closer to him. She leans over, making sure he had a good look at her face. "The next time you insult my friends like that, it won't just be a little bitch slap."
She backs away, not giving him a single glance as she grabs Chiara, the newfound adrenaline finding some strength in her to pull her friend up. A crowd had begun to form, Cregan Stark's burly build breaking through the bodies of skinny first and second years that swarmed them all.
"We're leaving." [Name] says to him. Cregan glanced down at Aeron, now standing in drunken disbelief with his friends as they watched [Name] coax Chiara to sit up.
Cregan nods. "Right. Just so you know, though, you're not allowed in for another few weeks. Any of you."
He stares pointedly between Benji's and Aeron's group. Clearly they he's had to speak to them before and this was a final straw. [Name] glanced apologetically at Benji, who only shook his head, motioning to the Tully brothers.
Kermit and Oscar were quick to come to herside, moving her out of the way as they picked up Chiara on either side. Benji strolled beside [Name], rubbing his hands along the length of her arms as he looked down at her.
"Alright?" He asked quietly, only low enough for her to hear and intimate enough between them for people to think they were together. A ploy to extinguish whatever fire Aeron almost started. Still, there was a genuineness in Benji's question. As a friend, he did want to know how she felt and she knew in her heart he really did, especially with how concerned he looks at her.
Play your part. "Yeah." She murmured, leaning into him without a second thought. She hadn't realized how shaken she was from such a simple comment and slap but when she had found herself against Benji's body, she could feel her shaking fingers clutch at his shirt to ground herself. "Just take us home. Please."
Benji wraps his arms around her, one of his hands smoothing her hair as he places a kiss on it, nodding with another quiet, "Okay. Our apartment is closer, so let's go there tonight, yeah?"
[Name] didn't answer, just nodded as she felt Benji pull away from her and grab her hand instead. She felt him plant another kiss to her forehad, maybe an attempt to sell their romance even more or maybe to calm her down, she hadn't known. Either way, she was nearly glued to Benji as they made their way out the club, hand in hand.
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"We'll take Ulla and Aly home." She remembers a voice say. Benji, Kermit, and Oscar nod at them, the four of them (save for an unconscious Chiara who was being carried like a sack of potatoes by Kermit after losing rock-paper-scissors to Oscar) walked down in silence.
[Name] hadn't loosened her grip on Benji's hand, afraid if he might disappear on her despite them walking down a quiet and open street.
"I'm sorry I got you guys kicked out." Was all she could muster.
Oscar was the first to speak up, laughing as he says. "That is the only way we should get kicked out next time. When are you free again after a couple of weeks? I know you and Ben are only dating for a certain time period because of that weird deal and all but you seem like loads of fun with how fast you whipped around to slap Aeron!"
[Name] looked at Benji, who squeezed her hand. "I told my friends, like how you told Chiara. Don't worry, they won't say anything." He promises and she only nods, seemingly trusting his word. So far, anything Benji says makes [Name] comfortable enough to believe.
"She's busy, Oscar. Some people have lives outside of this school, yeah?" Kermit reminds him. "Besides, who would want to hang out with you?"
The two brothers start to bicker right then and there, only to stop when Chiara groans at them to stop. [Name] giggles at her drunk friend as she pushes some hair out of her face.
"You're not allowed to complain, Chiara. The guys are nice enough to carry you and let us stay with them. Say thank you."
"Thaaaaank ye-yewwww." Chiara manages to slur out.
She's going to be so hungover. [Name] thinks to herself, looking over to see Benji observing her as well. They both share a look of amusement as they come to terms with the possible monster they have to deal with tomorrow morning.
When they make it back to their apartment - or more like a renovated warehouse loft - Chiara is set down on the couch. [Name] takes the time to remove her shoes and make up, letting the three men do whatever it is they needed for the night before asking for anything.
She had wiped the last of Chiara's makeup off when she hears footsteps from the metal stairs. Benji had just finished showering, his hair plastered against his forehead. He was holding a blanket with some clothes and a towel on top. [Name] offers a smile of thanks before throwing the blanket on top of Chiara.
A snort comes out of Benji when Chiara starts to snore loudly. "That's how you know she won't be waking up any time." [Name] informs.
"Well, we should all enjoy it until then." Benji comments. "There's a bathroom attached to our spare room. I usually use it because Oscar takes so long but I didn't want to fog it up just in case."
"Right. Thanks."
"And you can keep the clothes. In case you need to convince someone at your apartments you have a boyfriend and all."
"Cool. Got it." [Name] awkwardly fiddles with the sweatshirt and shorts. "Thank you for covering me, by the way. I so was caught up in Aeron and his comments that I could barely even register what I did."
Benji shook his head. "No, I understand. I would've done the same thing if he said that. He deserved that slap and more. You're a good friend for defending Chiara."
"And you," [Name] adds, raising an eyebrow at him. "He almost called you a pimp if I hadn't slapped him fast enough."
He grinned, recalling the events earlier. "Did you see his face? He couldn't believe it wasn't me who struck first."
They both laugh at the moment, remembering the shock and horror on Aeron's face when they all realized it had been [Name] who smacked him. [Name] stared at her palm. For once she felt the anxieties of the world wash away when she told Aeron off. Like a piece of a puzzle fell into place when she defined a line.
"Either way, it drained me. Who knew going to a club does that." [Name] jokes, making Benji perk up a little.
"Its more fun when there's no pricks like Bracken around. Join us next time." He urges. [Name] only nods, not ready to protest and reason right now. Not to mention, she'd get too curious and ask about Ulla Greyjoy.
Benji seemed to have sensed her hesitation from how he opened his mouth before quickly shutting it to not comment on it as [Name] walked up the stairs. She was grateful for his silence, not sure she was ready to open that kind of box yet.
Mingling, socializing, making friends - all of this was a new concept to [Name]. The only friends she had outside of Chiara was Syrax the store cat. It was a strange feeling but it sent a buzz in her system that made her want to continue looking for it. Still, it was a scary feeling and [Name] wanted nothing more than to push it away for now, the club, the slap, and Ulla's hand on Benji's arm still fresh in her mind.
"Baby steps." [Name] whispers to herself, shutting the guest room door so she can finally let the energy from tonight wash away in the shower.
@not-a-glad-gladiator @opheliaas-stuff @sahvlren @nikki-is-a-nerd @weird-things-i-think-about @cxcilla @anakilusmos @haydee5010 @waystarkia @newestobsessionishere @herejhsttostan @hardkiddonut @aisselasstuff @rebeccawinters @aemondsb1tch @radiantdanvers @northofvalyria @accidentpronedork @cafemirka @hobis-hope95 @nixtape-foryou
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hopplessilse · 10 months
The nanny
Joel miller x f!reader 18+ explicit
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Other stories:
Part 2 the nanny
Serie masterlist insta!Joel Dylan's stepfather
Fetish teacher!joel x f!reader
Summary: You've worked for the millers for a while, you love Sarah she's an amazing little girl. Your favorite part of going to his house is being able to see Mr. Miller, and how good he looks in his dress suit.
Warnings: Age gab (in her early 20's, he's middle 40's) pet names, Hard Sex, teabagging, almost got caught, unprotective v in p.
A/N: He has money, he is humble, he has problems with his wife, he loves Sarah and we love him, let him give us good love. if you want a second part let me know sweethearts <3
At the Millers' house, you were drawing with Sarah in the living room, it was afternoon. The Millers almost never asked for your service for many hours, this time it would be all day, until 9 p.m. or until they told you.
Mrs. Miller had an event of her company, which she would attend from 5:30 to 11:00 p.m. On the other side, Mr. Miller worked in the morning but returned home in the afternoon, around 4:00, and would be busy with zoom meetings.So you'd take care of Sarah until he was done.
From the moment you set foot in his house, you found Mr. Miller fascinating. But you were professional and you needed the job, he always treated you well and you were the same, they always asked for your opinion on things, they trusted you in any situation.
He's a good father to Sarah, he's a good husband, despite the constant fights they had lately, he's always respected her, you can see the love he has for her.
Although… You couldn't get it out of your head that day when you were in the pool.
When Mrs. Miller called you to babysit Sarah in the afternoon, you thought you'd be alone, but you'd not. Mr. Miller was working from home. From the pool you could see him through the window that looked out onto his office.
You could see the way he stared at you while he was on the phone, how he looked away from the computer as he typed to check you out. When you took Sarah to bathe and put her on her nap. The way he smiled at you when you went to say goodbye to him, the way he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close to him to kiss you on the cheek.
Today he would have a morning event at work, something a bit formal. His wife, Mrs. Miller, made him buy a suit. He was a man who liked casual clothes, a pair of jeans, some plaid shirts or simple T-shirts. You were deeply grateful to Mrs. Miller for making him buy that suit, because god—" You never thought he could look better than in his plaid shirts.
He is tall, broad, broad-shouldered, in fact his body is very well proportioned thanks to his work. He is a contractor but before he was dedicated to all the loading and repairing part, now he is more in the area of design and site preparation. although it is still doing repair work. His arms are wide as are his forearms, broad back. You could imagine something else wide.
He had a strong profile, stood out in the most beautiful way, his jaw covered by his dark, grayish beard, and his lips decorated by a mustache that barely touched his upper lip.
And his eyes… Well, his eyes were two big, round dark spheres, which every time they looked at you, made you feel like you were the only person in the room, with that intensity of eye contact that brought you to your knees.
You heard his heavy footsteps down the stairs as he spoke to his wife. You looked up as you felt him enter the living room, right in front of you, wearing dark dress pants, light blue shirt, with the last button open exposing his exquisite tan collar… A dark blue tie hung from his hand.
His hair, fresh out of the shower.
"How do I look like?" he said, adjusting his tie behind his neck
"You look better than in your jeans." His wife got up from the couch to walk over to him and help him tie the knot
He looks good in everything, he looks so good
"And the jacket?" his wife looked him up and down
"I'm not going to wear a jacket," he said, buttoning the last button of his blue shirt
"It's a formal event, you must wear it"
"No, it's too early and hot to wear it" he buttoned the buttons of his sleeves as he walked towards Sarah and you
He sat down in the couch behind Sarah to see what she was doing, while exchanging a few words with her, Mrs. Miller went to get the jacket and threw it to the side of him in the couch, he just looked at her seriously as he leaned on the back of the couch and his legs remained open.
"You take it, and you'll tell me if you don't use it," she told him before going upstairs to her room to get ready
After Mrs. Miller left, the air changed. At least for you it did. You felt Joel's gaze on your neck, a feeling of nerves ran through your entire body, although you decided to ignore the fact that his knee almost touched your shoulder, you decided to give all your concentration to Sarah while she told you about the animals you were painting.
A few hours had passed since Joel had left, Mrs. Miller was about to leave, right at the door saying goodbye to her daughter. She, like Mr. Miller, looked beautiful. She wore a purple dress that highlighted her warm skin.
You had a good time when you were alone with Sarah, one of your favorite activities was playing Taylor Swift music and singing at the top of your lungs. You enjoyed swimming, making brownies, and drawing. She was a quiet, obedient and above all honest girl, she even told you secrets from her school.
She loved being with you. Once on vacation when you weren't working, she asked her parents to talk to you so you could spend the afternoon with her. Despite being 8 years old she was a responsible child with her homework, she always reminded you to do it.
You knew things about her, like she knew things about you. You were best friends.
Hours passed, Joel was already at home, but he was in his office working as he had meetings by call. Normally when one of them arrives you always put Sarah to take a nap and go home, after a long day for everyone it was the best solution to lower her energy.
"I don't want to sleep, I want to get in the pool," Sarah said as she pouted sitting on her bed
"You know the rules, no pool after 6 p.m., and you have to take your nap." You said as you closed the curtains a little and turned on her vanity light
"Can you convince my dad to leave us?" you looked at her and she smiled at you, cocking her small head
"No, I can't," you laughed and saw her eyebrows gather in anger
"He won't say no"
"And why wouldn't he say no" You looked at her with a thoughtful face
"Because he likes you," she smiled at you and her hazel eyes sparkled
You opened your mouth in surprise
"And where do you get that?"
"Because he was telling my mom again that you were one of the best babysitters I've ever had."
"Do you think that?"
"sure" she smiled to you
"Well anyway I can't do it honey, you'll have to take your nap, on the weekend we'll probably be able to swim okay"
She just went to bed with a pout on her face
"Can I at least read the story myself? it's just that I'm not very sleepy."
"Do you want to read it alone?" You took the book off the shelf and gave it to her
She just nodded happily.
"Okay, I'll let you read the book, but you promise you'll fall asleep?" You pointed to it as a warning
"Yes, I promise"
"Little hand" you made your hand a fist, placed your thumb on your lips while extending your pinky finger in her direction, she did the same as you, and they joined their pinky fingers in an embrace.
You walked to her door and waved goodbye, telling her to keep quiet so her dad wouldn't hear her.
You closed her door slowly, then walked down the hall and headed for the stairs. The house was dark, you had left a lamp on the side of the stairs to light them.
Going down the stairs you turned to enter the living room. When you looked up you jumped and put your hand to your chest, Joel was sitting on the couch with only 2 lamps on that reflected a dim light in the room.
He had reports on the coffee table and his laptop was resting on the edge of it. He looked up at you. He was wearing dark square glasses, in his hands he held a notebook and pen and, he was still in his clothes from this morning.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said, leaving his notebook and pen on the side of his laptop along with the rest of the papers.
"Don't worry" You got your posture back by watching it from the entrance "I thought you were in your office"
"I was there, but I needed air, I couldn't last another minute"
You both stared at each other, you trying to control your nervousness as he looked you up and down.
"Sarah's already fallen asleep?"
"Yes, she just fell asleep" You walked over to the couch where he was, your bag resting a few feet away from him. You took it, looked at him and just smiled and walked away
His raspy voice rang in your ears.
"Hey, I wanted to know if you couldn't stay another hour" You looked at him confused "I'll be busy with another meeting"
"Oh okay sure, no problem" He just gave you a smile and started typing on his computer, you just sat next to him on the couch, saying nothing.
Sitting next to him, you couldn't help but look at him and see how sexy he looked in the dim light in the room. What would it be like to be loved by him? How would it feel to be touched by him? What would it feel like to kiss him?
No, you can't think that, it's Mr. Miller we're talking about, that's not healthy or right, he's married and has a daughter, a daughter that you take care of in the trust of their house.
The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up below his elbows. You could see the hair in his arms, and his veins underneath them.
He was so focused on what he was doing.He looked calm, you couldn't think why he and his wife were always fighting, you would be very happy by his side.
You came back to reality when his eyes turned to look at you, and a smile appeared on his face. You just settled back on the couch, a nervous smile on your face. Joel stopped writing and leaned back on the back of the chair, and like this morning, his legs spread, his knee touching yours.
"So… How's college going?" He put his left arm behind the couch, leaving his hand behind your shoulder.
"Mmh I… I don't go to college anymore, I graduated a few months ago."
His brows furrowed, "Mmj, and what was your career?"
"Architecture" you smiled as you nodded and looked away from him
"You haven't looked for a job yet"
"Yes, I have, but… Since I'm still new to the field, they don't accept me in any of them" You played with your fingers as you watched them intertwine.
"If you want, you could be an intern in the construction I work in"
You looked at him and your eyes softened "for real"
"Of course" a soft grimace was on his lips, causing his eyes to become small and the edges of their eyes to appear wrinkled.
You just smiled at him in the same way, and when you lowered your head to your lap, you felt his hand, the same hand behind you, caress your hair. You turned to look at him and his eyes wandered over your breasts that were slightly shown by the collar of the shirt, his eyes ran over it until they reached your face.
"You are so beautiful, did you know that?"
His eyes were even darker with the light, his lips parted. It didn't help you stop your thoughts.
"Yes, I know," you said in a whisper as you saw his lips, his face, his eyes
His hand went from being in your hair to being on your cheek. He stroked you with his knuckles slowly, as he watched the places where he caressed you. You didn't take your eyes off him. He came closer to you being inches from your face, while his hands rested on your jaw, following the shape of it to your chin and resting his thumb on your lips.
"You have beautiful lips" His thumb caressed your upper lip to your lower lip slowly.
You didn't know what to do or how to react, you never expected this from him. Why was him this way just now?
He came up to you and left a kiss on your cheek, close to your lips. You could feel his breath brushing your lips. Until you just decided to put your lips together with his.
You closed your eyes to the contact. Your lips moved in time, slowly as he held your face with his left hand.
The kiss only intensified when you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, sliding your hands down his chest. You parted for lack of air, but your foreheads stayed together.
"Is it okay for us to do this?" you asked him, begging him to say yes, that he wanted to kiss you, to feel you… But a little part of you told you it was wrong
"I want it, I've wanted it for a while" He caressed your face and brushed his nose with yours "Do you want it to happen?" He looked straight into your eyes
"Yes.." you swallowed seeing it "But… your wife."
"Don't worry about her, she won't know this happened"
You stared at him gasping for breath, thinking of a million things that could happen. If she found out you would lose your job, you would be embarrassed if your parents knew the reason why they fired you, it would be a torment in your head if they separated because of you. You didn't want to be the other woman, but if it happened one time, you put the feelings aside, you could enjoy it.
You could have this experience and not be left wanting.
You joined your lips with his, making your teeth collide, the kiss was intense, your tongues caressed each other, asking for more. You couldn't help but slide your hand from his chest to his crotch, you felt a bulge through his dark pants. You massaged him up and down, feeling his harder length.
You heard him growl with pleasure from your hand, your movements so soft, your hands on him and your panties getting wetter and wetter.
Your hands went to his belt, undoing it with a speed that showed how impatient you were.
"shh calm down, I know you want this cock inside you honey"
"I want it in my mouth too" you looked at him with puppy eyes as you got off the couch and knelt in front of him, you positioned yourself between his legs and guided your hands to unbutton his pants and unzip him.
"oh baby, you will be the death of me"
He settled better on the couch, he helped you lower his pants, staying in boxers, he placed his right hand on your head, caressing it.
You guided your head and your hand close to his member that was still covered by his boxers. You could perfectly see the shape of its length, the thickness of it. You placed your mouth on it, leaving a trail of kisses along its length on the fabric. A growl left his lips, prompting you to pull the hem of his boxers down a little, making his head peek out.
You turned to look at him, he smiled at you and nodded for you to continue. You licked your lips and placed a kiss on the tip, this made his hips rise a little, he was asking for more, but you wanted to play with him a little before putting him in your mouth.
You stuck out your tongue and ran it along his length as you landed your lips and gently sucked on the sides of his member. Your hands wandered over him, you touched the tip of his head with your right hand and felt how he moved due to the cold contact of your hand on his very warm length.
"Come on baby, show me what that little mouth can do." He told you in a low tone and with his raspy voice.
You pulled down his boxers so you could free his member. Your jaw dropped when you saw it. It was thick, definitely not too long but it wasn't small either, it was a size that you considered perfect. Its length rested on his stomach which was still covered by his blue shirt.
"I know you can take it, show me how well you suck it."
Damn, with that language I would let him do whatever he wanted to me
You took his length with your right hand, a smile forming on your face when you realized that your fingers were not touching your thumb on the other side. first time you had one like this and you were going to enjoy it. You left kisses on the tip and then put the head of his member in your mouth, delicately sucking it, while you heard moans and grunts come out of Joel's mouth.
Both of his hands were placed on your head, urging you to take more of his length into your mouth, and so you did. You opened your lips wider to give him access to more of him, his hands guiding you up and down as a trail of saliva ran down his member. Your right hand didn't stop moving, it followed the same movements as your head.
you wanted to give him more, you wanted him to feel satisfied by your mouth. You took his member from your lips, only touching it with your hand, you looked at him through your eyelashes and you could see how excited he was, his eyes screamed for your attention. You lowered your head so you could kiss his balls.
You put one in your mouth as you slowly sucked him, while your right hand masturbated his member. You looked at him and watched with his head thrown back while moans and moans left his lips. He lowered his head to look you in the eyes, you saw how his teeth pressed together, how his neck would tense and his neck veins would show through his sweaty skin, his eyebrows united in excitement .
You continued sucking and touching his member while he undid the knot of his tie and tossed it aside on the couch.
Joel leaned over to you, pulled his testicles out of your mouth, and grabbed you by your armpits to pull you up.
"I don't want to come in your mouth honey, I need to do it inside you" as he told you that he placed you on his lap, each leg on one side of his hip.
You were wearing a shortboard skirt, so he had easy access to your underwear. With his hands he pulled your skirt up until it folded up to your back, and with both hands he pulled your panties down. You lifted one leg so you could pull it out of your panties and leave them hanging by just one.
He slid his right hand between your legs so he could caress your clit that ached for attention. You moaned at the touch of his calloused fingers on your soft skin. You were so wet that you could feel the remnants of your wetness on your inner thighs.
"Hell sweetheart, does this tight pussy cry for attention?"
You suppressed your moans by biting your lip as you looked straight into his eyes, the only thing you could see in them was your reflection as his eyes were darker than they were, you could see how he needed this as much as you did.
"Just fuck me please," the words came squinting from your lips as little whimpers followed.
Without telling you, he placed you on top of his cock, you felt how he guided the tip in your entrance making you sigh, without further do, he entered you suddenly. You let out a loud moan that caused you to bend over and bite his shoulder so you could silence your scream.
He began to move and penetrate you tightly while holding you firmly by the hips. Your breasts were a few inches from his face, practically bouncing off his chin. The place became a sauna of sweat, moans and gasping breaths from both of you. You straightened up so that you could take control of the situation, seeing your action he let you take control and ride him.
He looked so good from above, you could feel the firmness of his hands, as they traveled from your breasts, to your hips, waist and buttocks squeezing them firmly, he spanked you to encourage you.
"You're so good, God you look so beautiful from here," he said in a voice choked from lack of breath as he approached your breasts and kissed them over the fabric biting a little over the top.
"Shit" you couldn't control your moans, the more you felt your orgasm build, as you watched the gestures on his face, the way his neck tightened, your hands on his hair, on his face as you leaned in to kiss him. A deep kiss that led him to stick you to his chest, hold you in place and penetrate you hard.
His balls bounced off your ass, echoing around the room as it mingled with your whining between his lips.
"I'm coming Joel" his name came out mostly in the form of a moan
"Come on baby, let me hear ya"
Your orgasm hit you hard, you couldn't help but let out a loud moan that echoed through the room, whining coming out of your lips as joel penetrated you mercilessly. Joel's moans were present as he kept pace with his lunges. From one moment to the next you could feel his movements losing pace as moans came out of the back of his throat.
You knew he was about to end when the sound of an engine came through the entrance. You froze, you knew it was his wife, you looked at him and he had his eyes closed as he penetrated you, you knew he was concentrating because he heard him too.
"Joel," your voice cracked from the friction your was receiving.
The grip of his hands around your hips intensified as he opened his eyes and looked at you, his movements were slowing down but you could see through his eyes how he was collapsing little by little.
It wasn't enough a couple more thrusts and the sound of a car door closed, so that he came down hard inside you, silencing his moan on your lips as he penetrated you deeply a couple more times to empty itself completely into you.
Hearing the keys in the lock, you both got up, you fixed your skirt while he quickly buttoned his pants and shirt. You got away from him by taking your things.
Joel adjusted his hair as his wife's heels echoed across the floor of the house.
You could feel Joel's fluids trickle down your inner thighs. You could feel your cheeks red and hot from all the blood that went down your face, the heat you felt emanating from your body.
His wife thanked you for taking care of Sarah. Before leaving you were saying goodbye to his wife and you turned to look at him, he was behind her a few meters away from you, he smiled at you, but this time it was different, it was a smile you had never seen, your eye contact ended with a wink from him.
You didn't know how the hell you were going to work for them.
You didn't know how you were going to walk into that house every day and see him leave, see him come home from work while you take care of his daughter.
But if you knew anything….. This wouldn't be the last time it would happen
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sentientcave · 6 months
Fuck-ass Mohawk
Contains: Alcohol, smoking (cigarettes and cannabis), Soap being Soap, Ghost being Ghost, uninvited touching, tall fem reader
Short little thing about Johnny liking it a bit when you're a bitch to him (And Ghost likes it too)
868 Words ~ MDNI
You’d rather stay home and play board games, but Laurie had convinced everyone that it was a good night for clubbing. You hated clubs— The noise, the crowds, the smell of sweat and alcohol and hormones— and spent the better part of club nights standing outside chain-smoking, or crammed into a dirty bathroom stall holding back a friend’s hair as she threw up blue curacao because she didn’t listen to you when you told her to eat dinner before going out. Tonight didn’t look like it was going to end up with anyone puking their guts up, at least. Laurie’s flirting with a gorgeous hunk with a devastating smile, and Alex and Hannah are dancing, so you go out the side door into the alley for some fresh air. Or air, anyway, since the alley’s where folks go to smoke. You light a joint, because at least that will dull the effect that the sound is having on your head. It’s getting close to midnight, which at least means the night is almost over, so long as someone doesn’t drag you along to some weirdo’s house. “Hey, wha’s a bonnie thing like ye doin’ out here all alone?” A voice purrs in your ear. You jump, surprised that he could get so close with out you noticing him, especially once you turn and really look at him. He’s huge, not that tall, probably your height when you’re not wearing boots (You have about an inch and a half on him in your shit-kickers), but broad and way more muscled than anyone has any reason to be, wrapped in a too-tight shirt, and smiling at you, bright blue eyes fixed on yours with unnerving intensity. He pats your shoulder. “Didnae mean to scare ye, lass, just wanted to say hello.” You take a big step to the side, establishing a new bubble of personal space without him in it. “Well, hello,” you say dismissively. “Goodbye.” There’s a snort from a few meters away, a big fellow with a kn95 mask dangling on one ear, his hand up in front of his face, a cigarette clamped between his fingers. “Och, dinnae be like tha’, hen.” “Don’t like it?” you ask, glaring at him. “Go away. Plenty of girls in there’ll go for whatever all this is.” A sweeping, unimpressed glance from his boots and ripped jeans up to his stupid mohawk would usually do the trick, but it only made this fellow smile wider. “No’ enough fer ya? I can sweeten tha deal some. The big fella doesnae mind sharin’ a sweet lass with me noo and again. There’s plenty of ye ta go around.” “Johnny,” the big fellow in question says sternly. His mask is back in place, covering the lower half of his face. “Dun’t look like she’s interested.”
“Tha’s where you’re wrong, LT. She just doesna want to admit it. Hen’s got pride. Wants to make me work for it, right lass?” He winks at you. “No. Don’t like your fuck-ass mohawk.” You puff on your joint, keeping your face still while he splutters, indignant. “Fuck-ass mohawk?” he asks. “What do ye mean by tha’?” “I mean it looks like you have a contentious relationship with your father,” you say. Maybe you’re being a bit mean, but it’s always fun to take a cocky fucker down a peg or two. “I don’t fuck with men with daddy issues. Most of ‘em are cops or military lads.” The big guy— LT?— laughs aloud at that while Johnny’s still looking at you with his mouth hanging open. The side door opens, and your friends pile out, Laurie arm in arm with her hunk, and Hannah and Alex clinging to handsome fellows of their own. “There you are,” Laurie says. “We’re going back to Hannah’s. Are you coming?” “Uh. I guess.” Laurie beams at you, and looks up at her hunk. “Kyle, do you need to find your friends?” “Nah. These lads right here.” He gestures at Johnny and LT. with a grin. “Knew Ghost would be out here, and Soap’s always followin’ him around like the big puppy he is.” “Ah’m no’!” You fall into step at the rear of the group. You’ll probably head home rather than join them, but Hannah’s flat is on the way to your own. Johnny and his handler flank you, matching your stride when you slow down or speed up. Annoying. “So what, is the big guy your replacement daddy?” you ask. “Wha— No!” Johnny says hotly. “He’s just my lieutenant.” “Could be your daddy, if you like,” Ghost says, putting a heavy hand on the back of your neck. “Got a thing for caustic little cunts.” “Oh fuck off,” you say, trying to shove his hand off. His grip squeezes a little tighter, and you try to ignore the way that core clenches around nothing. You channel the heat into anger, and dig your nails into his wrist hard. “Don’t fucking touch me.” He grunts, but doesn’t seem all that affected by your claws. “Look at you, ‘issin’ and spittin’ like a puffed up alley cat. S’cute. But save it for later, eh? Don’t want you to tire yourself out too early.”
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onismdaydream · 11 months
build me up
sweet stepdad!leon x fem reader
tags: mdni. 18+. stepcest. afab reader. sex toys (dildo). slight voyeurism. masturbating. pet names. oral (f receiving). multiple orgasms. daddy kink. not proofread.
notes: first actual fic i'm posting in.. 2 years? pretty proud of myself even if i'm really rusty lmao anyway, this is based on an ask i sent to @lipglossanon of sweet stepdad, so hopefully i did it justice!
You didn't hear the creaking of the old wooden floors as Leon came home — you didn't even hear him call your name when he didn't find you in your usual spot on the worn couch. He said he would be working late tonight, that an emergency came up at the office and they needed his expertise. So, needless to say, you didn't realize he was watching you from your door, his tall and muscular body leaning against the frame, enjoying the show you were unknowingly putting on for him.
Quiet moans escape your lips, your face scrunching up in pleasure, as you work the toy in and out of you. You’re on your back, flimsy shirt pushed up so you can tease your perky nipples, while your other hand holds onto the thick base of the dildo, pushing as much of the length in as you could. A deep blush covers your cheeks and stretches down to your chest, coloring your skin with a pretty shade of pink. Your legs spread slightly more as he silently observes, almost as if your body knew of his presence, giving him a better view of your glistening pussy. Evidence of your arousal make the light shine off of your inner thighs and the silicone toy, drawing Leon's attention even more. Who could blame him for the way his cock twitches, stiffening at the irresistible sight in front of him.
"Feel good, sweetheart?"
You start from the sudden voice, eyes shooting open before they settle on him and you visibly relax, shoulders falling back to the mattress.
"My poor baby just couldn't wait for me, huh?" His voice is thick with arousal, the rough sound making your pussy clench around the thick dildo. Leon takes a few steps forward, licking his lips as his eyes rake over your captivating body. You open your mouth to say something — apologize, maybe — but he cuts you off before you get the chance. "Don't let me stop you. Keep going, darling."
You hesitate for a moment, suddenly feeling self conscious despite everything the two of you have done together. Masturbating and pleasuring yourself with a toy just seems so… intimate.
"Go on, show daddy how good you can take your little toy." Instead of teasing you like you initially anticipated, he watches you with rapt attention, palming the front of his jeans. A surge of arousal flows through you at the movement, feeling your heartbeat quicken at his heated gaze. Licking your lips, you nod shakily and begin moving the silicone dick again, quickly returning to your previous pace.
“Such a good girl,” Leon praises, grunting softly as he squeezes his shaft through the rough material. “You were made f’r taking cocks.” You gasp sharply at his words and rub at your clit with your other hand, feeling the familiar build up in your abdomen.
“D-daddy.” Your needy whine is barely audible over the loud squelching noises from your pussy. “G’nna cum.”
Leon hums, taking the last couple of steps necessary before he’s at the foot of your bed and climbing onto it. He walks on his knees, stopping in between your spread legs and placing his large hands on your thighs. “C’mon, baby. Wanna see your pretty face when you cream on this fake cock.” His touch sends electricity through you, rubbing your soft skin as your legs begin to tremble. You cry out his name as you feel a gush of slick oozing from your still stuffed cunt.
You’re only vaguely aware of your surroundings, the soothing timbre of his voice making the come down feel syrupy and slow. Blinking up at him, he smiles at you — a soft one, filled with adoration and love — before he leans forward to press light kisses to your neck.
“Did so good, sweetheart,” he murmurs, his slight stubble scratching against your skin, breath warm. “‘m so lucky to have a girl like you.”
You sigh contently, your fingers finding their way into his silky hair. One of his arms rests next to you, holding his weight up, the flexing muscle visible out of the corner of your eye. He continues to cover your throat in kisses, all sweet and caring, before his teeth gently scrape at your skin. It’s a barely there sensation, but it makes you whine nonetheless. Leon lifts his head enough to look you in the eyes, his hand trailing up your side before it stops at your ribcage.
“Want something, pretty baby?”
You nod, shivering at the warmth of his hand, your eyelashes fluttering shut. “Want you, daddy.”
He groans faintly and moves his hand up to cup your breast, kneading the fat gently and rolling your sensitive nipple between his fingers. “Mmm, so lucky…” Leon watches in reverence as you react to his touch, committing every single detail to memory. Ducking his head back down, he leaves a trail of wet kisses down to your soft tummy. When he moves his hand to grab at the toy that’s still partially in you, you expect him to replace it, filling you up with his thick fingers or fat cock like he always does.
But he doesn’t.
Your breath is knocked out of you as he pushes it back in.
The angle that he has allows the toy to penetrate you even deeper. Each thrust has his fingers brushing against your swollen clit, making you writhe in pleasure. You can barely keep your eyes open when the tip rubs that sweet spot, back arching off the bed.
“That’s it, baby,” He whispers. You aren’t even sure when it happened, but Leon’s mouth found its way back up your body, his tongue darting out to lick at your areola. His breath teases along your skin, your nipples hardening as he places more sloppy kisses around your breast. “Want you to feel good.”
Leon’s spent enough time with you to know how to coax an orgasm out of your body and he uses the knowledge to his advantage. He presses the toy as deep as it can go, the tip pushing against your cervix, making your legs kick out under him. “Pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to lift a finger.” He uses his thumb to rub at your clit, fast circular motions that make you see stars.
“D-daddy, please,” you manage to whine out, panting as you feel yourself getting closer to the edge. It’s hard to focus on anything other than where he’s touching you, making you feel lightheaded as another climax washes over you. A pleasant, almost numbing feeling courses throughout your entire body, your cunt weakly spasming around the toy as he slowly begins moving it, easing the fake dick out of you. You whimper at the drag of it against your raw pussy, but he just shushes you, pecking the corner of your lips.
“Such a good girl.” He mutters, tongue pushing easily into your mouth. Leon kisses you slowly, savoring each moment, until the need for air becomes too great for both of you. He’s breathing heavily as he pulls away, his eyes taking in your swollen lips and flushed cheeks. He just can’t get enough of you.
He shifts again, this time pressing his mouth against your lower thigh, right above your left knee. A high pitched whine leaves your throat when his lips travel higher. He gently nips your skin, his warm tongue soothing the slight pain that follows it. “Just one more, baby. Wanna clean your pretty pussy.”
He waits for your shaky nod, squeezing your doughy thigh lightly before he laps at the slick that’s still drooling from your cunt. You’re a little looser than usual from your earlier orgasms, so he can effortlessly press his hot tongue into your hole, fucking in and out. Your hips buck up, pushing his nose against your sensitive button. The vibrations from a deep moan makes you cry out his name, body thrashing weakly underneath him.
“Always so sweet,” he groans, drawing back slightly to sloppily kiss your clit. “Could spend ages here.” He sucks the bundle of nerves in between his lips, latching onto it, making your third climax sweep through you. You can’t even form a coherent thought as you coat his lower face with your cum, his tongue cleaning up everything he can.
You feel too spent to try and move, your entire body feeling heavy with exhaustion. He pulls away from your sore pussy, pressing a loving kiss to your stomach. You don’t catch what he says as your eyes begin to droop, but when you open them again, he’s carefully wiping your thighs with a wet towel. You make a low whining sound, looking at him with pleading eyes, wanting him to come closer. He smiles as he notices you’re awake, gently brushing his lips against your forehead.
“Feelin’ alright, darling? I didn’t overdo it, did I?” He grabs a water bottle that he must’ve brought with him, offering it to you.
“‘m fine,” you mumble groggily. “Just tired now.”
He hums and opens the bottle for you, helping you drink some, before laying you back down fully. You fight to stay awake longer, but your body feels drained and the warmth of Leon holding you against his chest makes it nearly impossible. You drift off to sleep as his hands rub your back soothingly, whispering hushed praises against your head.
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my-marcel1ne · 4 months
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𝐈 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐄𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡!
Synopsis: 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐌𝐚𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟𝐟. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐮𝐩 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭?
Content: explicit content / Porn w plot / Maki x fem! reader / fem! x fem! reader / jjk x fem! reader / jjk smut / pet names / modern day jjk / time skip / friends with Maki and Mai as kids / Sibling Fighting / Pussy Eating / Degradation / Maki fucks her anger out on you / little bit of angst / angst to fluff / resolved angst / Maki and reader argue / happy ending / aftercare / cuddling
Word Count: 2.3k words
Mai hated Maki.
Okay maybe “hated” was a strong word, but she couldn’t stand her. Always flirting with her friends, tucking her hair behind her ear, and purposely getting her friends to fix her glasses when Maki made them crooked on purpose. Little stuff that irked Mai, but she had always ignored.
Okay, maybe Mai made a passive aggressive comment towards Maki every once in a while, but she never really ‘did’ anything about Maki’s annoying flirting.
It was tolerable, until she became friends with you.
“I don’t get why you hate her so much.”
Mai slammed her locker in your face, her frown now being clearly visible to you without the red locker door covering her lips.
“We’ve already talked about this y/n. She clearly has a thing for you. I mean, seriously, she eye fucks you every day!”
Your jaw drops and you bring your finger to your mouth, making a fake vomit noise.
“Please, me and Maki?! I would never date her! We’re nothing alike.”
You walk with Mai to your shared class and sit down as the bell rings. A flash of light blinds your eyes as your hand instinctively moves to protect your eyesight.
“Dude what the hell?” you say, looking at the black camera pointed directly in your face. When the lens moves, dark green hair hanging down the shoulders of a tall girl with glasses meets my face.
“Hey y/n. Sorry about that. Trying to take candid photos for the year book photo and didn’t realize how close I was to your desk. I’d love to take some different photos of you some other time though. For the year book, of course.”
Your blonde haired teacher taps a ruler to his desk and fixes his glasses, adjusting them off his nose.
“Maki, head to your desk. I control when the class starts, not you.”
Tucking her camera away, Maki makes her way to the back of the room. Lowering her hand down as she walks by, she places a note in your pocket. Mr. Nanami starts the lesson and you feel the note burning in your pocket, like coal made of secrets burning in the fireplace of your jeans. When the bell rings signaling the transition to your next class, you quickly head to your locker and open the note. As you read the messy, hot hand writing, your legs instinctively clench and your face burns red.
“I also wanna take photos of you that only I can see. That only I can fuck myself too.”
The bell rings and you shove the note far back in your locker, slamming the door and heading to your next
class. The end of the school day comes and Mai texts you on your phone.
“Wanna hang out today?”
Just getting home from school, you immediately fall down onto your bed and throw your face into your pillow. How can you face Maki again after that note? Your thoughts race as you frantically try to decide what to do. Mai would be devastated if you acted on any feelings with Maki. With that being said, would she rather be your friend and have you be with Maki, or not have you at all?
You open and close your phone, your thoughts race. You decide to text back.
“Hey Mai! Sorry I can’t hang out today, and I don’t think I’ll be able to for a while. Finals are coming up soon, and since this is our senior year I really gotta study!”
Your message turns blue as you hit the send button. Perfect. It’s the perfect excuse. You have to let her go because you love her. She’s your best friend, you like her sister but you love her.
“but I love her.” November 22nd, 2022.”
“That’s what I wrote in my diary about you!”
Your friend responds with a defying belief of what you said.
“I know I can’t believe it either.”
Your voice rings throughout your room as you sit on your bed, calling your former friend Mai on your phone. Mai sighs and begins to speak.
“I can’t believe you let our friendship end over a crush on my sister! And to think eight years later we’d end up getting accepted into the same company. I still can't believe you recognized my last name!”
You giggle before responding. “Yeah me too. Hey, did you wanna meet up tomorrow? I’ve been super free recently and would love to get together.”
Mai responds eagerly. “Actually, me and some of our old friends I've stayed in contact with are going to my beach house tomorrow. In fact, one of our friends' girlfriends got sick so he stayed behind to take care of her. We didn’t know what to do with the extra ticket but now..would you wanna come with us?”
You hesitate out of nerves but ultimately decide to go.
“I would love to. Thanks for the invite, are you sure everyone else won’t mind me coming? I am a stranger after all.”
Mai sounded hurt at the word stranger but still spoke softy.
“You aren’t a stranger y/n. To them, you’re still a friend.”
The silence on the line wasn’t comfortable, but it was filled with a depressing remembrance. After a short moment that felt like forever, Mai spoke.
“Well I have to go but thankyou so much for talking with me again. It was nice catching up with you. I’ll text you all the details for the trip! See you soon! Bye!”
You smile and speak.
“Bye Mai!”
You hang up the phone and sit in the silence of your room.
“I should have asked if Maki was going.”
Day of Beach Trip. June 8th, 2028.
Music blasts throughout your car as the wind from your rolled down windows whips your hair around. Your nerves laugh at you as your mind races. What if she’s there?
Your blue jean shorts reveal the plump skin on your thighs, covering your tits is a lacy, black, bathing suit top. The beach house slowly makes its way into your view as you pull closer into the driveway. Standing outside is a girl with short brown hair, next to her is Mai and-
oh fuck.
You park, breathe, and finally work up the courage to get out of the car.
“Hey, you. Been a long time, hasn’t it?” Maki looks you up and down, you bite your lip and do the same.
“Not long enough..” you mutter under your breath and head inside. Maki rolls her eyes and follows you in.
“So, who invited you? I’m guessing my sister.”
Maki meets your eyes and you quickly blush and look away.
“Yeah, she told me I could come.”
Maki giggles and you look at her questioningly.
“I just didn’t know you still thought about cumming all these years later.”
Your jaw drops and you jab her with your elbow.
“Fuck you, Maki.”
Maki smirks and leans down to whisper in your ear.
“If you insist.”
She takes your wrists and pulls you up the stairs.
“Maki, what the fuck?! Where are we going?!?”
“Just follow me y/n. Please.”
Something about her tone makes you forget all other circumstances and you follow her with no complaint.
She leads you to a room, black out curtains block the light from the sun. She has her back to you until the sound of sniffling causes you to tap her shoulder and turn her around.
“Maki?” you inquire.
“Why didn’t you ever act on any feelings for me? We both liked each other and yet you just left!”
She throws your hand off of her shoulder and crosses her arms.
“Mai pretends like she doesn’t care but she’s still hurt over it too! Why did you just stop talking to us y/n?!?”
You pause, tears attempting to stream down your face.
“I never wanted to leave you guys! I wanted to be with you, but I didn’t want to hurt Mai. So I left. I know it was cowardly, and you both deserved better. It was the only thing I knew how to do at the time.”
Maki sits in silence before uncrossing her arms and walking towards you.
She wipes your tears and leans down to move some hair behind your ears.
“Can I kiss you?”
You turn red and attempt to push her away.
“M-maki- You- I mean, you can’t just say that!”
Her arms snake around your lower back, and she holds you close, keeping you from pulling away. Her fingers go under your chin, and with her pointer she brings your face close to hers. Gently, she places a kiss on your lips. You slowly sink into the kiss, and place your hand on her cheek. You lick her lips, your tongue licking hers. You explore her mouth, your spit mixing and leaving a string when she pulls away. She picks you up and carries you over to the bed.
“Maki the door! It’s not locked.”
She giggles and rolls her eyes, walking over to the door to lock it. Making her way back to you, she places her hands around both your thighs and pulls your underwear down. Carefully she places her glasses on the side of the bed and places soft kisses around your thighs.
“M-Maki! Stop playing around.” You whisper shout at her, hoping to speed up her teasingly slow actions. She kisses your pussy and slowly licks the outside of your lips with her tongue.
“Please go faster Maki! And suck on my cl-“
Maki’s tongue dives into your pussy, her tongue snaking its way up to your clit and sucking on the bud. Her warm mouth makes your head feel fuzzy as you rock your pussy in her mouth.
“M-maki~ nmmmgh~ don’t stop~”
Maki sucks harder on your clit, causing you to moan out and throw your hand over your mouth.
Your hands fly to her hair as your hips desperately ride her tongue. You cum in her mouth, her spit mixing with your juices and cum, making your pussy feel wet and warm. Maki kisses you, her tongue letting you know how fucking good you taste.
“How’s that for a kiss?”
Someone knocks on the door as you frantically sit up and try to cover your naked body.
“Hey sorry! I’m getting changed!” You shout, hoping whoever’s behind the door won’t come in.
“Y/n? Is that you? It’s Mai! We’re gonna start some party games soon, so don’t take too long!”
You nervously laugh and reply.
“Okay Mai! Be down soon!”
Mai takes a step forward but then turns back to the door.
“Hey by the way, have you seen Maki anywhere?”
You gulp and hope Mai didn’t hear. Maki smirks, her fingers snaking up your thigh, teasing your entrance.
“N-no I haven’t. If I see her I'll make sure to let you know.”
Mai lingers for a sec before you guess she’s decided she’s satisfied with your answer.
“Maki, we have to go soon.”
You complain, but don’t stop her hands from teasing your clit and making you buck your hips into her hands.
“Don’t you want me, my pretty slut?”
You moan in response and urge her figures to go inside you.
“Maki please. I wan’ you so bad. I need you.”
You slur your words and Maki lets out a cocky, breathy laugh.
“Your pants and moans are so pathetic. You’re just a greedy, cum whore whose brain is leaking out of her cunt, right? Say it. Say you’re a pathetic cum whore.”
You bite your lip and moan as Maki shoves two fingers into your wet cunt.
“M-maki fuck. I’m a pathetic cum whore. Please js’ fuck me.”
Maki moves her fingers in and out of you slowly. She curls them up, making you moan out. As you go to beg her to speed up her movements, she starts slamming her fingers in and out of you fast.
“If you weren’t such a greedy, selfish, slut we could have done this ages ago.”
Maki’s fingers make you see stars as she relentlessly moves her fingers fast and faster, not giving you a chance to catch your breath. Her stamina was insane, her fingers never tiring as she curled them up into that one spot that had you barely concealing your moans.
“Maki- m-aki maki- i’m cumming! fuck It’s so good!”
You grip the bed sheets as your cum leaks out onto Maki’s fingers. She pulls her fingers out and licks your cum off her fingers. She grabs your chin and kisses you, leaving you breathless and panting.
“Was that okay? Are you okay? Do you need anything?”
Maki scoots to the end of the bed and pats a spot next to her, signaling for you to come over.
You slowly and sorely crawl over, and your head lays on her chest. Maki’s hands play with your hair as you talk to her.
“That was more than okay. Everything was perfect Maki thankyou.”
You go silent, and so does Maki. Eventually you decide to break the silence.
“Maki, what are we? I mean I know we don’t know each other, but maybe could we-“
Maki interrupts you by bringing your chin up with her fingers and placing a kiss on your lips. It’s soft, and you melt into it. You feel safe.
“I was just about to ask you to go out on a date with me. We have a lot of missed time to catch up on.”
You smile and place your head back on her chest.
“What are we gonna do about Mai?” You ask.
“Oh i’m sure she’s losing her mind right now” Maki says with a spiteful smile in her tone.
You lay there, your head on Maki’s chest, her fingers in your hair, and for once the thought of the unknown future doesn’t bring fear into your heart. In fact, it’s not even on your mind. The only thing haunting your thoughts is how fast Maki’s heart is racing.
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just a girl 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible cheating, low self-esteem, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you move in with your sister when your luck turns for the worst.
Characters: Walter Marshall, possible Andy Barber
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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It isn't your proudest moment. You don't have many of those. There is little remarkable about, nothing of note, nothing admirable. You might stand a bit taller than most but it's rarely given as a good thing. 
You never expected much of life. You resigned yourself to living in the shadows. In particular, you knew you would always bet outshone by your sister's light. You can't hate her for it; it's your own shortcoming. Besides, no one can hate Riannon, she's just that nice. 
You are dark smear on the family name. It's why you didn't even think to ask your parents for help. You didn't even ask your sister, she offered, insisted really. You could never deny her and in this instant, you couldn't afford any other option. 
It’s just for a while, you keep telling yourself. You’ll find a new job and a place soon. For now, you’ll just stay out of the way. It isn’t very hard; you take up much more room than your few possessions. 
You keep yourself holed in the guestroom as you settle into your second day. You have your laptop on your thighs as you scroll the job boards. You have the experience but you expect your reference would be any good. You didn’t exactly end on cordial terms. Starting from square one, though the industry isn’t exactly even ground for men and women alike. 
You hunker down to search through the various postings within your purview. Every classification is ticked off, even the years, it’s just that little note about contacting your previous employers that makes you nervous. Well, you at least have to try. 
A knock comes at the door as you edit your cover letter once again. You sit up and close the computer. You slide it aside and get up. You cross the room and crack the door open. You sister smiles from the other side. 
“Am I making too much noise?” You ask as your music plays music from its tiny speaker. 
“No, no, not at all. Um, so you know Andy is out of town for the day so it’s just us,” she rocks, “and there’s a barbecue down the street so... I thought you could get to know the neighbourhood.” 
You look down at her, the offer catching you off guard. You were prepared to spend the whole day hidden away and poring over job listings. Even when you had your own place, you tended to spend most of your own time inside. 
Still, she is doing you a huge favour and it would be rude to say no. You shrug, “okay.” 
“Great, I have some potato salad I'm bringing,” she chirps.  
“Uh,” you look at her blue checkered capris and pristine white blouse, “should I change?” 
“It’s up to you. I'm just going to get packed up. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” 
Her excitement is palpable. She probably expected you to say no. You don’t want to let her down again. You’re tired of that feeling. 
You close the door as she bounces away and you retreat to search through your still unpacked suitcase. Your clothes hang over the sides. You pick out a band shirt and a pair of dark grey jeans. You don’t have any shorts and you know your repertoire of dark colours only draws in the sun’s fury, and like of the vaunted HOA, but you don’t have many options. 
You emerge with a pair of converse in hand and head into the kitchen. Rhiannon snaps the lid onto a big bowl as she beams up at you. You don’t understand how you share the same blood, she’s so different than you. Where you’re tall and gangly, she’s small and dainty; where your dour and reticent, she’s bright and bubbly. Your parents even kidded that you must’ve been switched at the hospital. 
“Ready?” She asks. 
You nod and look down at yourself. 
“If you want to borrow a skirt or something, it’s pretty hot out.” 
“It’s fine.” 
You don’t take her offer as any comment on your choice, only genuine concern. If it was your mom, you would know it was more than that. To be fair, your mother is very direct with her critiques. Besides, even if her clothes would fit you, you don’t want to risk ruining any of her things. 
“Alrighty, well, Marge will kill me if I’m late again,” she sings and sweeps around with the bowl. “It’ll be nice to get out, huh?” 
“Mhmm,” you grumble and follow her down the hall to the front door. 
She steps into her wedged sandals as you sit to pull on your converse and lace them up. You stand and get the door for her as she prances towards it. She thanks you and you trail her out. The sun hits you like fire. It’s so hot, though you think some of the heat comes from your own self-consciousness. 
As you catch up to your sister at the bottom of the steps, you slow down to keep from outpacing her shorter legs. Even with her platformed soles, she’s still ahead shorter than you. You turn down the sidewalk as you shy away from the strange faces headed in the same direction. 
“You want me to carry that?” You offer. 
“Hey, I might be small but I can handle a salad,” she chirps. 
“I know, I wasn’t--” 
“I’m teasing. It’s fine, I got it,” she assures you as she hugs the bowl to her stomach, “I just want you to have a good day. Don’t think about everything else, okay?” 
“Mm, okay,” you keep your head down as you slink next to her jouncing steps, “sorry, I'll try not to be too grim.” 
“Whatever, you’re awesome,” she nudges you with her elbow, “you just be yourself and I know you’ll find some good friends around here.” 
You try to smile but it hurts. She always sees the best in others, even when it’s not there. You keep pace with her and turn up another curated lawn. The walk is perfectly laid and the blossom tree sways overhead. 
Rhiannon is welcomed through the open gate by one of those blonde women she has her book club with and you shuffle in with your hands in your pockets. You feel the woman’s harsh gaze and peek up. She looks at you the same way your mother does. Her name is Marge and her friend is Callie and there are dozens of the Stepford-like figures posted throughout the yard. 
“Come, let’s put your salad out,” Marge insists. 
Rhiannon looks at you and you chew your cheek, “go, I'll be fine.” 
She looks reluctant but you’re already walking away. You ignore the smell of sausage and beef rising from the barbeque and the splash and laughter of children from the pool. You aren’t going to find any friends here. That much is clear. Housewives and little kids, you don’t really fit the bill. 
You find your way to the far end of the lawn and stand by a tree you might just blend into. Or maybe you might bury yourself in the rose bushes. You pull your hands from your pockets and hook your fingers into your belt loops, swaying as you watch a bumble bee hover over the grass. 
“Foo Fighters, huh?” A low drawl brings your head up as a man approaches with a beer bottle in hand. 
“Um, yeah,” you look down at your shirt, tugging on the hem. 
“You go to a show?” He asks as he stops near you, drinking from the bottle as he waits for your answer. 
“Never been to one,” you cross your arms, “but I listen to them.” 
“Ah, yeah, well, they put on a hell of a show,” he wiggles the bottle as he talks, “lot more fun than these things.” 
You look up the yard towards the mingling of voices and sound. Despite your efforts to hide in a corner, you must have stuck out like a sore thumb. Shoot, maybe he thinks you’re trespassing. 
“I came with my sister,” you point and shift towards the party, “sorry, um, Rhiannon. I didn’t... I was just looking at the roses.” 
“Not my party,” he scoffs, “I don’t care.” 
“Oh,” you blink and look at him. He's about your height, dark curly hair, and vibrant blue eyes. His dark beard is thick and stubble prickles along his neck. He wears a plain white shirt and jeans; the bare minimum. “Right, er, well...” 
“Not a bad idea, hiding behind a tree,” he remarks, “but you're missing the key ingredient.” 
He stops and stares, crooking a brow as if you should know what he means. 
“Alcohol,” he raises his bottle, “they got a keg even. Probably the only good part about these bull—these things.” 
“I don’t drink,” you mutter, “but thanks.” 
You put your head down and stare at the grass around his shoes. You don’t know why he’s bothering you if it isn’t to make you leave. Obviously, you don’t belong. 
“Never too late to start,” he snorts and stays as he is. 
You don’t know how to make him leave you alone so you say nothing. The bee dips into a tulip’s mouth and you turn to watch it. Maybe he’ll take your silence as a hint. 
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lokis-army-77 · 1 year
Pretty Girl and her Hoodie Guy
Modern!Eddie Munson x fem reader
Word Count: 2.4k
It was supposed to be a sunny day until it wasn't, but that's okay because maybe love is right around the corner... or the bus stop.
Warning: E for everyone!! This is just really cute and if you don't read it I'll be very mad at yall >:(.
The first part of this is based on some pictures I saw on tiktok but I totally forgot to save it so I could give credit for the idea that it gave me.
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It has rained almost every day in Chicago for nearly a week. So, the one day the weather forecast called for bright sunny skies and nearly eighty-degree weather, you decided to leave your umbrella in your apartment along with your umbrella. 
The bus ride to campus was dry as could be, the weather was perfect and the slight breeze tickled as it made your skirt flutter around your thighs. The walk to class after getting off the bus was also crystal clear, not a single cloud in sight and the sun beat down brightly, you were thankful for the shade of the trees. 
Three hours later, as you exit the English building, you notice it has gotten darker, clouds have begun to roll in. You sigh as you begin walking to the bus stop, hopeful that the weatherman was still correct about having no rain. 
You and the meteorologist were both proven wrong when, halfway to the bus, the bottom fell out. Big, heavy droplets of rain started pouring down out of nowhere, almost instantly soaking you to the bone. 
You begin to run as fast as your bag full of books and laptop will allow. You can only pray that the rain hasn't seeped through your backpack and ruined your things. 
The bus stop is only a couple more feet away and when you make it under the awning you have a breath and set your backpack down on the bench. Today was such a bad day to wear a white shirt. The water had made it nearly see-through. Your white bra practically shining through the thin cotton fabric like a spotlight was on it. 
As you try to squeeze the water out of your clothes you hear a deep cough, like someone clearing their throat. You look up. To your left is a guy, he's tall with shaggy hair and bangs almost covering his eyes. He's wearing a black hoodie and black jeans even though it had been almost eighty-three degrees mere hours ago. Your eyes catch on the glint of piercings in his ears before they wander to the peak of a tattoo showing just above the collar of his hoodie. 
He looks at you with impossibly big, brown eyes, something you'd imagine only a puppy or a newborn baby to have. 
"Here." He says before tugging the hoodie off. The way he reaches up and grabs the back of the garment to take it off has the shirt under it riding up. You can see an expanse of ivory skin covered in charcoal-black lines, tattoos. They cover almost every inch of skin and you suspect they go farther down, past the waistband of his jeans. 
He shakes the hoodie out in front of you and you hesitate to grab it so he forces it into your shivering hands. The rain and the sudden drop in temperature are making you freeze. 
"Put that on. It'll keep you warm and away from prying eyes." His smile is big and bright as he watches you put his clothes on. 
It's big on you, more than big, enormous. What was a perfect fit on him, swallowed you whole. The hem came down almost to the back of your knees and the sleeves might as well have been a mile long. 
"Thank you," you say softly with an even softer smile back at him. 
"No worries." He then points at your hand and motions for you to reach it out to him. So, you do, without hesitation. 
He grasps your hand in his and with the other, rolls up the sleeve. He then produces a pen from seemingly thin air and scribbles something down. 
When he lets go of your arm, you hold it up. 10 scratchy numbers are etched over your forearm as well as a name. Eddie. 
You go to ask him why he's given you his number when he beats you to it. 
"Call me. I'll be needing that back." He grins, holding his fingers like a phone to his ear. You can't help the shy giggle that leaves you. 
The guy, Eddie as you have just learned, then sprints through the rain and into the bus you hadn't even realized had stopped moments before. 
He leaves you speechless and giddy. Butterflies are fluttering around in your stomach, making you dizzy. You have to sit down or else you think you might faint. 
Never have you had an interaction like this. Something so simple and sweet. He drew you in front the first second you laid eyes on him. 
It only takes you a few minutes to remember to come back to reality. Quickly you put his number in your phone under "hoodie guy (Eddie)" 
It's a few days later when you finally work up the courage to call hoodie guy. It’s maybe three in the afternoon and as the other line rings and rings your nerves begin to eat at you as you wonder if he did really want you to call him, maybe a text would have been better. 
Your thoughts are cut short when a rather chipper voice answers. “Y’ello?”
“Hi, is this Eddie?” You swear your anxiousness can be heard in your voice. 
“Yeah… and who is this?” He questions. 
“Oh, um. This is the girl you gave your hoodie to the other day, remember?” 
“I remember you.” You could almost hear the smile stretching across his face. “Was beginning to think you wouldn’t call.”
You had it bad. Really bad. Just speaking to him for these few seconds had your heart racing. “Sorry about that. I wanted to wash it before I called.” You give him your name then, shyly introducing yourself. 
He chuckles in response, “Pretty name for a very pretty girl.” 
You’re glad this is a phone call, otherwise, Eddie would see how badly you are blushing. Your face is white hot and beet red, a dead giveaway to how this stranger has totally smitten you with two limited interactions.
You don’t realize you have been quiet this whole time until Eddie speaks up once more. “Hello? You there pretty girl?"
"Y-yeah," you stutter. "I'm here." You blush impossibly harder. 
"Would you like to meet me at the coffee shop by the bus stop we met at? It'll be my treat." There's a hopefulness to his question. 
You nod only to realize he obviously can't see you. "Yes," you answer. "I'd love to."
"Great! Can you be there in thirty?" 
"Sure. I'll head that way now."
Excitedly you begin to get ready, putting way too much effort into your outfit, but hey it's not wrong to want to look good for the guy you find insanely attractive.
Thirty minutes later you are walking into the coffee shop dressed up in a cute, green corduroy pinafore dress, perfect for the upcoming fall weather, and a giant hoodie in your grasp. 
You don't notice the large guy coming up to your side until he's poking a finger into your shoulder to grab your attention. 
You jump at the sudden poke and turn to face the culprit. 
"Oh'" you say surprised. "Hi."
"Hi." He smiles back. "I'm sitting over there if you want to take a seat. What do you want to drink?"
You're quick to shake your head. "You really don't have to do that. I can pay for my part." You start fumbling for your card in the back of your phone case. 
He places a hand over yours. "I insist. What would you like?”
It doesn’t take much for you to give in and tell him your go-to order. After he repeats it back to you, you head to the table by the window Eddie had pointed to. His denim jacket was hung over the back of the chair, leaving you the booth seat to settle into. 
The cafe is relatively empty, save for the two baristas behind the counter and the older man seated at the corner table reading a book, so it doesn’t take long for Eddie to come back with two coffees carefully balanced in one large hand and a plate with a warm croissant. 
You try to help him but he tuts you away, quickly saying, “I got it, I got it.” He sets the plate down first before placing your glass in front of you and his before him. Then, he sits. 
You both take slow sips from your coffee and as he looks intently at you with those eyes, you try and avoid them. 
“This is for you.” He pushes the bread in your direction with the knuckle of his forefinger. 
“I- thank you.” A fierce blush starts to creep up your neck and you busy yourself by drinking some more.
You know that Eddie can tell you’re nervous. Who wouldn’t be able to tell with your seldom eye contact and soft, stuttering words? He starts the conversation off slow, easing you into a more comfortable state, you’re grateful for it. 
Questions like “How’s your day going” to his only little version of twenty questions finally get you to break out of your shell. He makes you laugh, a lot, to the point your stomach hurts and your muscles ache. 
Conversation flows easily after the initial bump in the road. You’ve talked about college and life after; he’s studying in the music department with plans to eventually become a professional musician. He tells you about his dreams and ambitions and you can’t help but feel inspired. You tell him about the book you would love to write one day and he listens intently. He even asks questions and refers to things you stated previously in the conversation. Never have you had such a connection with anyone, not even your closest friends. 
Eddie is so charming and witty that it barely even registers when both of your hands meet in the middle of the table. His larger fingers play with your smaller ones and you converse in your own little world. 
You’re only broken from your state of enchantment with the other when a cafe worker approaches you.
“I’m sorry guys but we close at four on Sundays and it’s ten till.” The worker gives you a strained smile, the underlying message, “Please leave.”
You gasp in shock. “How have we been here for three hours?”
Eddie looked at you, just as surprised. “Well, time does fly when you’re having fun, pretty girl.” 
You shake your head. The complement turned pet name making you blush every time he said it but not as hard as when your name rolled off his tongue. 
“Come on,” he says, standing to his feet. “I’ll take you home.”  He reaches for your hand and pulls you up after you quickly gather up your purse and his hoodie. 
As you walk out, you both apologize profusely to the two workers for staying right until closing. 
“How are you gonna take me home?” You ask. “You took the bus the day we met.” You really didn’t want him spending an extra bus fare just to escort you home.
He gives you a lopsided grin. “I took the bus 'cause I had an inkling not to listen to the weather. This is my usual ride.” Eddie arcs his hand out in front of you both, gesturing to the sleek black motorcycle resting by the curb. 
“Woah. That is actually really cool.” You gush. You had always wondered what it would be like to ride on a motorcycle. 
Eddie reaches out and grabs the helmet strapped to the seat and hands it to you. “Wear this.” 
“What about you?”
“You’re precious cargo, far more important than me.” He answers before helping place it over your head and buckle it under your chin. Then he takes his hoody from your arms and ties it around your waist. “That should cover you up enough.” He gestures to your dress. You hadn't even thought about that detail and his mindfulness had you swooning. 
He gives you a small but thorough lesson on what you do as a passenger before getting on and then helping you on after. 
He drives slowly, taking less busy streets to the address you gave him, and the whole time you cling to him. Your heart beats wildly in your chest at the feeling of freedom as the wind whips around you. Every so often, Eddie will reach for your hand at his waist, or when you are stopped at a red light he automatically reaches back to cup your legs, fingers dragging up the back of your calves. 
You’re sad when the ride comes to a stop outside your apartment building. You are slow you follow him off the bike and even slower to let him remove the helmet. This amazing time was coming to an end and you desperately didn’t want it to. 
You can feel his calloused fingers tickle your chin as he undoes the strap. He’s careful to pull the protective gear off, fixing the strands of hair that fall out of place when he’s done. You cherish the warmth coming from his palm and it really feels like he’s about to kiss you. And you wouldn’t mind if he did. No matter if you only just met him or if this seemed to be moving fast, you wanted to know what those plump lips felt like on your own. 
He leans in and your breath hitches in your lungs, your eyes close as you prepare with the one thing you need at this moment. Only, Eddie doesn’t kiss your lips, instead, he places a gentle peck on your cheek. You deflate, sad his target was somewhere else. 
“Eddie?” You ask softly.
“Yeah?” He mutters your name, eyes staring into yours. 
“I had a great time.” 
“Me too, pretty girl.”
“Thank you for bringing me home.” 
“You’re welcome.” He backs away from you and you frown just a bit. “You should get inside.” 
“I should… I’ll text you?”
“Nothing I’d want more.” He slides his leg back over onto his bike and you turn to walk away.
“By Eddie.” You only get a few feet before you pause. “Oh, wait.” You untie his hoodie from your waist and rush back to Eddie’s side. “Here.”
He shakes his head. “You keep it. Looks better on you than it ever will on me. Plus, it’ll give me a reason to come see you again.” 
You become shy again and the mention of seeing him again, hopeful that this wasn’t just a one-time thing to get his clothes back and that he will answer when you text or call him.
“Bye, pretty girl.” He grins and you watch him put his helmet on but he doesn’t leave just yet. No, he only leaves after he sees you enter your building and you waive to him from beyond the glass door. 
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lunariasecret · 9 months
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A week had passed since Michéle’s brother had punched the boy who had played a joke on her. Of course she felt anger and embarrassment when water soaked up her entire school clothes but now that her brother was on the brim of getting expelled and her classmate had possibly lost an eye, she only felt utter guilt.
Her mind was clouded with all the possible outcomes that could come with her brother getting expelled. Would she even be able to keep staying at her new school? Would her parents also blame her? My god, Jean-Pierre will hate me forever! She thought when suddenly an arm wrapped around her shoulder.
“Morning!” Simones smile was brighter than ever that it could even make her feel a little better. “Morning Simone” Michéle replied but her voice came out different than she expected. “Oh my, are you still thinking about that dumb boy? It’s been a week, everyone’s already forgotten all about him.” She reassured her friend although it didn’t help much. “I’m not really concerned about him but more about my brother.” Michéle dragged her feet to school which she dreaded more than ever, her teachers and classmates all assume that she’s stuck up and gets a free pass because of her uncle now. Way to start off the new school year.
Can this get any worse? She thought to herself. “Don’t worry. I’ll always be by your side.” Michéle smiled, at least one person was making her feel less awful. As soon as the two friends entered through the school gate it was chatter all over the place. Yet the real talk of the school would enter minutes after. There he was, Joseph Descamps with an eye patch covering his left eye. It was dead quiet while he walked towards his friends, not missing a single glance at Michéle. She felt intimidated and scared although she was convinced he wouldn’t try doing something to her again because of her brother.
For a week she had been trying to reassure herself that he had it coming and that it wasn’t really her fault in the first place. She pressed her lips together tightly, her brows furrowing as she glanced at her friend once more, a similar expression on her face as well. Arm in arm they walked to class silently even though Simone tried to change the topic from time to time it was no use.
Time had passed and Michéle was sat in Latin for her second period. For the whole day she had been glancing at Joseph from time to time, even though he pretended not to notice he shared her glances a few times which left Michéle embarrassed and scribbling on paper, pretending to do something. “I’m so not ready for pe in third period. My bruise is so big! You cannot imagine how embarrassing it’s gonna be if people notice.” Simone whispered. “I don’t think it matters that much. That’s noting compared to Jospeh’s eye.” Although Michéle hadn’t intended for her reply to sound funny , Simone who felt absolutely no remorse let out a small cackle which caught the attention of the teacher.
“Is something funny?” Mr Douillard asked with an irritated tone which left the girl’s shaking their heads profusely. “You can stand outside if my lesson is boring you two!” He demanded and pointed at the door. Good, got in trouble once again. Michéle shut her eyes tightly as she and Simone left the classroom to stand out front. “He really needs to tone it down a bit. So dramatic!” Simone exclaimed in a louder tone than necessary which made Michéle alarm her to keep her voice down. “We have thin walls here, he can still hear us!”
Not a second later the door opened and left Simone and Michéle wide eyed. Had he really heard them?! A tall figure with his hands in his pocket appeared in front of them. It was Joseph. His eyes landed on the red haired girl as he stood there for a few seconds, watching her play with her fingers. Michéle averted her gaze as he walked past them, his shoulder intentionally bumping into Michéles smaller frame. “Watch it!” Simone yelled in an angry tone. “Who does he think he is?!” But Michéle knew that he was angry and was probably going to let his anger out on her…
It was during break in which Michéle noticed her brother looking nervous and sweating profusely. Yes, today was his disciplinary hearing. “Are you even listening?“ Simone asked. “Huh? What?” Michéle looked at her friend that was sitting across from her. “No, sorry what were you saying?” “Ugh, I was talking about the new movie that just came out!” Simone’s voice faded into the background as she scanned the whole school yard but her brother was nowhere to be found. Then she saw Joseph walking to the bathroom, even though it seemed normal something was odd about the way he walked nervously looking around. As soon as their eyes met she knew something was wrong. Before she could do anything the school bell rang. “Simone you can go first, I’ll be running a little late, okay?“ “What? Why?” “Just go.” She said and ran to the boys bathroom as the yard was getting emptied.
Her hand reached for the doorknob when the door suddenly opened with a mischievous laughing Joseph. His smile disappeared once he saw Michéle standing in front of him. “The hell do you want?” His gaze was filled with anger and disgust. Gosh, he really hated her. “Oh, did you wanna go in for a quickie?“ he smirked but was only met with Michéles confused face. “Is my brother in there?” She ignored his weird statement and tried to look past his shoulder before the door closed. The only thing she could see was a broom locking a door and few faint yells. Panic set on Michéles face as she put the pieces together. “Did you lock my brother in the toilet stall?!” She yelled and tried to push past him.
“Oh no, leave my brother alone!” He mocked her voice as he blocked her way into the boys bathroom. “Stop it! Both of you!” Michéle and Joseph looked at Mr Bellanger who would definitely not let Michéle in or get into the bathroom as well. “Have you lost your mind? Fighting like this on the school yard!” “But Uncle, my brother-“ “I will be seeing him in the teachers office for his disciplinary hearing. Don’t make this any harder for him, Michéle. His options aren’t looking too good right now.” Michéle looked at him, brows furrowed as she felt the guilt she tried to suppress resurfacing and swallowing her whole. Suddenly the three of them heard a commotion in the bathroom and then a loud yell. The door opened and an angry Jean-Pierre was met with three surprised faces.
“I’m so sorry, Mr Bellanger. I was.. locked in the bathroom stall by this idiot! My Jacket, it’s ruined!” He stated. “Am I late? Do we still have time?” Michéle had never seen her brother this distressed before. He was usually so put together calm and rational but now she was causing him trouble. “You can wear my jacket and you two better get to class right now!” Her uncle exclaimed as she made her way to the gymnasium with Joseph.
“You’re horrible!” She stated and gave him a dirty look which he did likewise. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and grabbed the girl by the arm, yanking her back to him. His finger pointed at his eye patch. “I’m horrible? Look at what your fucking brother did to my face!” He said, his tone angry but he didn’t yell. “All because of you.” He whispered. “You started it!” She yelled and tried to push him off of her. “I felt bad in the beginning but now I realise you completely deserved it!” She retorted which only made the boy tighten his grip around her arm.
“Let her go!” A voice appeared behind the two of them. Michéle looked past Joseph’s shoulder and met eyes with Laubrac. A wave of relief washed over her as Joseph let go of her and she quickly made her way over to her classmate. “Well if it isn’t the foster kid and the deans niece.” Joseph smirked, putting his hands back into his pocket.
a/n: i’m really not sure if this was written okay and I hope you guys like the idea! I really wanted to ask you for ideas but I thought I couldn’t keep you guys waiting any longer. Im really open for any visions and stuff that you guys have just comment them or put on my ask thingy (I’m not even sure I have one tbh). Just bombard me with some ideas I’d really like that<3 i hope you guys liked this
tags: @ssnowville @
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
hi! i don’t know if you take requests/fic suggestions (if not feel free to ignore), but i love your writing (where the heart is ruined me in the best way!!) and thought you would write this idea super well. basically i saw this instagram reel (and watched it on repeat like 10 times) where a dad tells a waiter that his daughter thinks he’s cute and i thought it could be a cute meet-cute-scenario for eddie (or steve if you write for him)! that’s pretty much it lol, i hope you’re having a good day!
This may just be the cutest request I've ever gotten. I enjoyed writing this so so so much. I have to thank @munson-blurbs for suggesting I make the reader Hopper's daughter and adding another layer of hilarity to it for me. Fun fact, this scenario happened to my brother once. Only he was like, 11, so nothing was going to come from it and it was just purely my dad trying to embarrass him lol. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this!
Words 2.2k
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“Hey, welcome to Breadstix. My name is Eddie and I’ll be your waiter.”
You look up from your menu and do a double take at the beautiful man standing there. He’s tall and thin, his black t-shirt showing off his tiny waist and the light jeans showcasing the length of his legs. He has brown curly hair tucked in a bun at the nape of his neck, with a few loose frizzy pieces framing his face. The tattoos that are scattered along his arms catch your attention; your eyes being particularly drawn to the colony of bats taking flight on his forearm. But it’s when you look into his eyes that you get lightheaded and forget your own name, let alone what you were going to order for dinner. 
Going out for a family dinner with your dad and sister was never something that was particularly exciting, but it just got a hell of a whole lot better. 
“The special today is the brown sugar pork chops with a sweet potato on the side.”
“Huh,” your dad hums, eyes scanning over the menu once more. “That sounds good. I’ll take the special and a coke.”
Eddie takes down the pen that’s tucked behind his ear and scribbles down on the pad in his hand. He looks at your sister next and she gives him a sweet smile.
“For you?” Eddie asks.
“I’ll have the mushroom and Swiss burger, please,” El says. “And a water.” 
He jots that down as well then turns to you. When his eyes land on you, your mouth goes dry. Eddie shoots you a smile and you swear your stomach is too full of butterflies to eat any food. 
“And what can I get for you?” Eddie asks.
A cold shower? A date? An orgasm? 
“Um, I’ll have the spaghetti and meatballs. A-And a Diet Coke,” you manage to get out.
“Ah, my favorite,” Eddie says with a wink that nearly kills you as he writes your order down. “I’ll put those right in for you.”
He walks away from the table, and you feel your body deflate, letting out a breath and finally relaxing. You drop your head down on the table to hide the smile spread across your lips.
“What’s with you?” your dad asks.
“Hmm?” You lift your head up and look at him. El is giggling in her seat next to you, clearly knowing why you’re acting strange and bubbly.
“What’s with this sudden…mood change?” Your dad waves his hand around in front of your face, gesturing to your dopey expression. 
“I know,” El snickers and you reach over to playfully shove her. Your dad leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest as he watches the two of you. He raises his eyebrows at you girls as you nudge one another back and forth with your elbows.
“Well shit, someone slipped something into your Wheaties this morning,” he says.
But your dad isn’t dumb. As chief of police, things rarely escaped his notice. He’s just waiting to see if you’ll cop to it or not.
“No, it’s just…” You trail off, shaking your head.
“It’s what?” 
A red flush comes to your face and El covers her mouth as she lets out another giggle.
“He’s so cute.”
“Who?” Hopper asks, just flat out playing dumb now. 
“The waiter!” you say in exasperation.
“Eddie.” El says his name, leaning in towards you and wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Ah,” your dad says with a laugh. “That’s your type, huh?”
“Dad!” you admonish, face becoming even redder. 
He lifts his hands in surrender as El dissolves into laughter. Before, you wouldn’t have described yourself as having a “type” but after seeing Eddie, you can’t imagine having a type that didn’t look like him. It was hard to pick out one thing that turned you on about him the most. The package of Eddie as a whole was so overwhelming that you could practically feel the sharp stab of Cupid’s arrow jammed in your back.
You spot Eddie approaching with the drinks, so you swat at El to get her to behave. She bites her lip and stares down at the scuffed wooden table in front of her, so she doesn’t lose it again.
“Here we go. Water, coke, and a Diet Coke. Your dinner should be coming out soon,” Eddie says. “Everything okay here?”
You’re praying your dad keeps his mouth shut as you smile and nod your head at Eddie. When he gives you a smile in return, El covers a laugh by pretending to cough into her hand. You’d throttle her when you got home. Hopper seems to pay Eddie no more mind than he would any other waitstaff that his oldest daughter didn’t find absolutely beautiful.
After Eddie leaves again, conversation thankfully steers away from your romantic inclinations and into the topic of ridiculous calls that came in at the station today. El also tells you about a school project that’s coming up and tells your dad she needs to get a book for her next book report at the library. It’d be easy to think that your father forgot all about your attraction to your waiter, but when Eddie comes to deliver your meals, it’s obvious he didn’t. Sometimes the universe just liked to pull the rug out from underneath you.
“Alright,” Eddie says. He’s balancing the large tray carrying your plates on one hand, muscles rippling under the skin of his arm as he holds it up. The only thing that tears your eyes away from his bicep is when he places your dish down in front of you. “Anything else I can get you guys?”
“I think we’re all set,” your dad says. Eddie nods and tucks the tray under his arm. As he goes to turn away from the table, Hopper lifts his hand and swivels towards Eddie. “Oh, one thing.”
Eddie licks his lips as he spins back towards the table, a friendly smile on his face. “What can I get you?”
“Oh no, nothing,” your dad says with a shake of his head. “It’s just that my daughter here thinks you’re very cute.” He reaches over and pats you on the back so there’s no mistaking which one of his children he’s talking about. 
El bursts out into laughter as you raise your hands to cover your face, wanting to die on the spot. The heat in your cheeks is enough to make sweat break out along your hairline, only made worse by how fast your heart is pounding. The adrenaline rush flooding your veins is real. Being a high school student, you’ve been embarrassed plenty of times before in your life, but you think this takes the cake. Having the police chief as a father also came with its own moments of teasing and joking, but this seemed extreme even for him. Somewhere deep inside, you find the courage to peek at Eddie from between your fingers. There’s a shy smile on his face as he looks at you, his own cheeks dusted in a light bit of pink. 
“Well, that’s very sweet,” Eddie finally says, resting his hand over his heart. He opens his mouth again, but nothing comes out and you realize that not only did your dad put you on the spot, but Eddie as well. “I’m flattered.”
Slowly your hands fall from your face and into your lap. Peering up at Eddie from under your eyelashes, he dips his gaze quickly before meeting yours again. The smile on his pretty mouth makes you feel as if there’s an animal jumping and banging around inside your heart, trying to break free. 
“Let me know if there’s anything else I can get for you,” Eddie says before walking away.
Part of you feels a bit disheartened. But what did you expect? Eddie to ask you on a date because your father told him you’re attracted to him? Right in the middle of his shift? God, your dad better give him a big tip on the check. 
“You’re the worst,” you mumble as you twirl some spaghetti onto your fork. But there’s a fond smile on your face as you shoot a glare at the chief.
Eddie comes by twice more while you’re eating to see if everything is okay, and both times you can barely meet his gaze. El thinks it’s all hilarious and has a grin on her face for the rest of dinner. 
Once everyone is finished and your and El’s leftovers are boxed up, Eddie comes over with the bill. You expect him to put it down on the table right in front of your father, but he walks around him to come up behind you and reaches over our shoulder to lay the check down right in front of you.
“I figured you’d be taking care of this,” he says. You can’t see him from where he’s standing behind you, but El catches sight of the smirk on his face and her expression lights up in glee. 
It’s hard to concentrate on anything with Eddie standing so close to you that you can smell the trace of cigarettes under a spicy cologne wafting over you. When he speaks, the scent of mint is added into the mix, so you assume he’s chewing a stick of gum and you’ve never been more jealous of a piece of candy in your life. 
When Eddie walks away, you have to fight the urge to reach out and grab onto him and make him stay. El moving the check in front of you snaps your attention back to the task staring you in the face. You give El’s hand a light smack so she drops the slip of paper. You’re able to snatch it up and hold it up to your face so El can’t read it from where she’s sitting. 
I hope your dad is currently unarmed since I’d like to say that I think his older daughter is very beautiful. And inquire if she might like to go on a date with me? 555-0527 xoxo - Eddie
Your wide eyes can’t believe what you’re reading. It takes a minute for it to click in your brain what you’re actually looking at. The smile spreads across your lips next, making your cheeks ache from the intensity of your grin. 
When the paper gets plucked from your fingers you whine and furrow your brow at your father. 
“What, you going to pay?” he asks as he digs for his money in his wallet. 
“No. But I was reading that,” you say.
“Well hang on, I gotta know how much to leave don’t I? You can kiss his phone number once I’m done.”
The blush flares up on your face at his words. You weren’t going to actually kiss the paper. But the fact that said paper could lead to a kiss is what’s got you so wound up. Hopper slaps some bills down on the table and hands you the precious check back. You securely fold it and clutch it in your hands, afraid to let it out of your sight for even a moment. El grabs the takeaway boxes and the three of you head towards the door. As you take one last look over your shoulder into the restaurant, you see Eddie coming out of the kitchen. His eyes lock with yours and he gives you that smile you swear could stop time. 
“Maybe I should embarrass you more often, huh?” Hopper says from behind you. 
“No!” you and El answer in unison. 
“I’ll be right back,” you say, glancing back at your family. 
“We’ll be outside,” your dad says.
“Have fun,” El adds with a smirk before she follows your dad out the door. 
Taking a deep breath to relax your system, you start to walk over towards Eddie. 
“Hey,” he says once you’re standing in front of him.
“Hi. Look, I’m sorry if you felt embarrassed or put on the spot. He can be a bit much sometimes.”
“No, no,” Eddie assures you with a shake of his head. “First thing I thought when I walked over to your table tonight was how beautiful you are. The Chief kind of did me a favor, actually.” 
“Oh. Well, I’m glad then,” you say, face glowing from his compliment. 
“I take it you got my note?” Eddie asks, reaching up to scratch the back of his head. 
“I did,” you say, still clutching it in your hands. “And I, uh, would like to go on a date with you. So, I’ll definitely call.”
“I get off work at nine,” he tells you. 
“You’ll hear from me soon after that then,” you say with a shy shrug of the shoulders. 
“I’m really looking forward to it, uh…”
He trails off and you realize it’s because he doesn’t know your name. You introduce yourself to him and extend your hand. Instead of shaking it, like you expected, he takes your hand in his and leans in to press his lips against your knuckles. You’re pretty sure you’re going to spontaneously combust. Or have an aneurysm. Or just flat out melt into a puddle on the floor. 
“I’ll talk to you tonight then,” Eddie says.
“Tonight,” you repeat, slowly backing away from him. You don’t want to go, but you know your dad will come in and say something even more embarrassing than he already did if you make him wait too long. 
“Bye, Eddie.”
“Bye, beautiful.”
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fayeforrosie · 1 year
And So We Meet
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Part 3
Karina x Fem! Reader 
Finally getting the chance to meet you, Karina can’t help the butterflies swarming her stomach. Finding herself lost in your eyes, unaware of her members (un)patiently waiting at home for her arrival, anticipating how it went 
Part 3 to The Only One I Want
Warnings- Swearing
Word Count- 2.4k
It was a simple response, and yet Karina couldn’t help the aching of her heart as it rapidly increased at the sound of your angelic voice. It was only two words that escaped your tongue from the opposing side of the door, and yet Karina stood before the entrance with her hands still shaking, a drop of sweat swiftly passing her brows. 
Nevertheless, it was not the time to be nervous, and Karina knew that. She was finally going to see you once again, and the hole in her heart can at last be reimposed in the shape of you. So, thereafter, Karina leans forward and opens the door, half expecting you to have a class going on and she would be faced with an immense amount of embarrassment.
Instead, as Karins opened the door, her eyes flew to your silhouette immediately, her gaze finding yours in an instant. 
She notices how your eyes widen, almost as fast as your breath hitches at the sight of the girl stood tall amongst the doorway.
As much as you were surprised, you can’t deny the amount of confusion that hastened through your head. Why was she here? How did she find you? Are you in trouble?
Your thoughts are soon cut by the sound of Karina’s voice, finally speaking up after being silent for so long in your presence. 
“Y/n”, is all she can say. 
Truly, Karina is surprised she could even get that much out. The leader knew how thrilling this moment be, fully anticipating her standing dumbfounded at the sight of you, hell she dreamt about it, but even after all the scenarios she paradoxically created in her brain, nothing could have prepared her for this moment. 
You looked astonishing. 
Karina was truly speechless, noticing your hair tied back into a messy bun, a bandana covering your hairline in attempt to keep your hair out of your face. Your jeans were splattered with differing paint colors all over, and your wrinkled shirt seemed to have better days. 
You truly looked like an artist. 
So, yes, all Karina could embarrassingly say was your name, if she even said it aloud. Who knows, maybe she was so caught up in admiring your figure that she created yet another scenario in which she called out to you. 
“Jimin, I-”, you took a second to recognize the state the idol was seeing you in, and you instantly strived to clean yourself off just a bit, although Karina evidently could not care less of how you looked. She appreciated seeing you in such a way. 
“It’s nice to meet you again, I guess”, you looked past the leader to see if maybe a camera crew was attached to her hip, possibly filming a vlog of some sort in which she surprises her fans or attempts to recieve art lessons. 
‘What the fuck is she doing here?’ You thought. 
“Y-yeah, it’s great to see you...”, Karina paused for a moment, trying to find what she could say next, but instead she stood in the doorway still, awkwardly staring at you, giving you the task of continuing the obscenely weird conversation. 
“You can come in if you’d like”, you stood and pulled a chair over to yours, tapping the seat for the leader, indicating for her to sit next to you. Karina bowed slightly, offering a smile before she took upon your offer and sat herself down beside you. 
“What are you doing here?” You continue. 
Karina’s mind falls blank on what the most appropriate response should be.
She could confess and say that she needed to see you as soon as possible or else she might as well die a lonely soul, but that obviously was not happening. She could make up a lame excuse and say that you forgot something at the museum, pulling her own elastic off her wrist and pretending that it was yours, but that would defeat the purpose of her visiting you. She could tell you that she was now interested in art because of you, and wanted extra lessons, which seemed to be a valid answer, and could also possibly lead to more moments with you. 
“Um...”, Karina paused and cleared her throat, “after meeting you back at the museum, and seeing how well your artwork was... I just thought I needed to meet you again and like... maybe I could like... like take art lessons from you, considering how amazing you are.”
The leader cringed at her last sentence, seeming a bit too forward to her liking. She hoped you didn’t find her to be weird. 
“Oh”, you smiled that perfect smile Karina had remembered from the day before, “yeah of course. It’s nice that you came back to see me. Is there a reason I made you take such a liking to art?” 
“Well”, Karina thinks how she could approach such a question once again, however, unlike her what the previous angels on her shoulder commanded her to say last time, she thinks to herself that she could possibly be more upfront with this one, and try and get somewhere with the conversation. 
“I remember just listening to you talking about your painting yesterday, and I felt like you were so immersed in it, I just... wanted to feel that feeling as well. It would be nice for me to come here often, I could see you and you could help me get better at art.” 
Karina shifts her gaze towards you, catching you by surprise. You feel your cheeks begin to heat up, an unfamiliar feeling making its way down to your stomach. Her eyes held such beauty it intimidated you, and if you had the courage, you would stare right back into her piercing glare. 
But, she was too angelic for you, so you nod your head with your eyes trained on the wooden floor. 
“Yeah totally, I would love to do that. It’s nice that you came all the way here to see me.” 
Karina’s smile drops when she sees how your eyebrows furrow, as if you were thinking hard about something, and she hopes to God that you weren't overthinking this situation. 
“Wait”, you glance back up at the leader, this time, she’s the one struggling to hold eye contact, “how did you even find me? I didn’t tell you I worked here did I-”
“You did!” Abruptly, Karina arms swing out, her hands motioning back and forth as a sign for you to stop before she cuts you off. 
“You told me before you left that I could find you here, remember?” 
You think to yourself about the girls words, however your memory fails to recognize the conversation ever happening. Maybe you were blabbering on too much about your stupid painting that you forgot ever telling Jimin such a thing. Maybe the leader was making some sick thing up in order to save herself the embarrassment. 
Whatever it was, you decided not to press her on it, and your lips downturn into a deformed smile as you simply nod your head. 
“Huh... I guess maybe I did. Thanks for remembering”, you scratch the back of your neck, unsure on whether or not you should be creeped out, so you turn around and rip a sheet of maybe out from your desk. Your hand reaches to grab the closest pen nearby, and Karina watches as you write something down on the white sheet. Karina pivots her head to better her ability in seeing what you were doing, however, much to her consternation, she is unable to see anything of what you are doing. 
As if it were one-hundred years later, you spin cheerfully on your chair and slip the leader the paper that had once occupied your time. 
“Here”, before Karina could open the paper up and see what you wrote, your hand comes down atop hers, ceasing her advances. Karina pays notice to the warmth of the contact, and wishes she could stay in this moment forever. 
“Don’t open it yet, read it when you get home.” 
Karina nods, and thenceforth, the atmosphere became tranquil, and you took this as a good time to say goodbye to the leader. 
“Well, I have to go back to work, but I hope your day continues to go well”, you smile and stand up, as does Karina. 
“Thank you Y/n." Usually, after Karina made a friend that was a girl, she would feel comfortable enough to hug them, even if the two had just met. So, as she walked out the door, it was instinctual for her to lean in for a hug, however before you could reciprocate, the girl pulls back in embarrassment, leaving the two of you at an almost staring contest in the doorway. 
Unable to deal with the awkwardness, you give the leader one last smile and shut the door in front of her, sighing as you make your way back to your desk, preparing for the next upcoming class. 
“Ok ready?” Karina asked her members, all of them surrounding the girl as the note you had given Karina lay in her hands under everybody. 
“Yes open it hurry!” Ningning shouts next to the girl, grabbing hold of her shoulder and shaking her back and forth endlessly in anticipation. 
“Ok ok”, Karina laughs and slips her thumb under the flap of the paper, “here we go.” 
Heres my number, text me to set up a date for our art lesson (or for anything else) I look forward to it <3 
xxx-xxx-xxxx :)
“Oh my goodness!” Karina hugs the note to her chest and begins to jump up and down, similar to what Ningning had previously done, a bright smile adorning her expression as she continues to run across the room with rosy cheeks. 
“Hey I didn’t finish reading!” Giselle shouts, chasing Karina around the dorm. 
The two run after each other in a fit of laughter, crashing onto the floor after thirty seconds of endless running, too tired to even speak on the matter. 
“So what did it even say? I didn’t see it either?” Winter questions, making her way over to the two on the floor. 
“Yeah you took it away too fast and started screaming!” Ningning adds, following the short-haired girl into the living room. 
Karina giggles and hands Winter the note, where the other two members crowd around the girl to read alongside her. Once done, a high pitched squeal from both Giselle and Ningning rings in Karina’s ears, her vision instantly black as Ningning comes tackling onto the leader, throwing her into the couch. 
“Yah Karina do you know what this means!” The youngest repeatedly punches the girl, jumping up and down on her body before she continues, “it means she wants to keep talking to you! She doesn’t think you’re a weirdo!” 
“Ning you’re going to suffocate her”, Winter laughs and helps her off of Karina, where the leader instantly takes a strong breath to regain her consciousness. 
“So”, Giselle takes a seat next to her member, leaning into her shoulder, “what are you going to text her?” 
Karina thinks to herself before speaking, “should I text her now?” 
All three members nod their head in unison, Ningning and Winter taking a seat adjacent to Giselle. 
“You should text her now so we can help you come up with something”, Winter announces, where the other two agree. 
“Ok fine”, Karina pulls her phone out from her pocket, swiftly entering her password and reaching her messages app. Subsequently, she has the youngest read your number out loud as she fervently types it in to her phone. 
“Ok so”, Karina begins typing up a message to send to you. 
Hi this is Karina, thanks for giving me your number. 
“Is this good? I’m too nervous to add anything else”, Karina shows the three next to her, and as a response, Giselle rips the phone out of the leader’s hand and begins to type her own. 
“That’s terrible Jimin! You sound so boring, be more enthusiastic it’s not like she’s an old lady!” 
Hi Y/n! This is Karina! Thanks for giving me your number, I look forward to our first art lesson ;)
“Here”, Giselle hands the phone back, and Karina only gets a few seconds to read the message before the phone is once again swiped out of her grasp, this time by Ningning. 
“Aeri that’s terrible, she needs to be more upfront about what she wants! And what’s with the wink face? Fucking weirdo.” 
Hi, this is Karina! Thanks for giving me your number :) I was hoping we could start the art lessons sometime this weekend, is that alright? <3
“A heart?” The leader asked as she reads the newly formed text, cringing at its forwardness.
“Yes a heart! She put one on your note!” Ningning remarks, holding the note up in front of her face as if giving more evidence to her case. 
“No that doesn’t work, she’s gonna think Jimin is a creep”, Winter claims before the phone is snatched out of Karina’s hand for the third time. 
Hi Y/n, it’s Karina :) Thanks for giving me your number! We can start our art lessons whenever you’re free
“There we go”, the phone is handed back to the leader once again, and hopefully the last. Karina takes a look at it, analyzing the possible tone you could approach the text with. Would it be alright? Would you even reply? All these thoughts begin to cloud the girls head, distracting the leader from the fighting among the three younger members over which text is the best.
“Enough guys!” Karina is pulled out of her trance and instantly shuts the argument between the members down, a headache barely forming as she does so, and the three of them stop to look at Karina. 
“I’ll just combine all three of yours into one text, how about that?” 
With that, the three members nod in agreement, shrugging their shoulders as they take their original seats on the couch. 
Hi Y/n, this is Karina! We can start the art lessons whenever you’re free! I’ll be looking forward to it :) 
Karina checks over with her members for approval, making sure she’s in the clear before pressing send on her phone, throwing it down into the couch and jumping up in the air in anticipation. 
“And now we wait”, Aeri giggles. 
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bosinclairsgff · 3 months
Haii I saw you fix about slashers seeing ur sh
Scars and I have a request can u write Otis driftwood catching her Relapse
And he also finds out that she has also been struggling with an eating disorder
And can it also have smut in it :3
(Nf) Ur my fav slasher writer luv ya bye :D
Otis Driftwood x reader
Warnings: self harm, eating disorder, nsfw, cussing, abuse
A/n thank you for the kind words! Hope you like this. It’s messy I fear. I’m bad at writing smut IM SORRY. But I hope it’s good enough. I luv you too!!!! Also idk what your or you’re to use idc at this point.
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You had tried so hard, you really did but life with Otis isn’t always easy to cope with. That’s why you relapsed. Cutting was the only way you knew to get some relief from the pain. But you had promised Otis to stop it. That’s why you’ve been avoiding him and making excuses not to be touched on your upper arms. But tonight that would all change.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
“Come here girl” Otis shouts downstairs. You quickly make your way to his room. “What is it?” You ask. “Take your shirt off.” He states. You freeze and try to think of an excuse fast. “I’m tired Otis I’m not in the mood for this I’m sorry.” You say. He walks closer and points his finger at you. “Take off your fucking shirt right fucking now!” He yells. Shaking your head in response you take a step back. Otis pulls his knife out and pulls you by your wrist. Before you could get away he cuts your shirt off your body. As it falls off you, you quickly cover your upper arms. “Otis stop!” You scream. “What did I fucking say about doing stupid shit like cutting yourself huh!? You want to feel fucking pain, huh bitch? Is that what you want?” He slaps you across your face. You fall to the floor letting your hands catch you. He crotches down to your level and holds your chin in his hand. “I know you haven’t been eating either. So not only did you not listen about cutting but you started to fuckin starve yourself. You dumb bitch.” He lets go of your chin. “I-I’m sorry Otis please I’m sorry.” You whimper out. Otis stands tall above you, looking down. “If I catch you cutting one more fucking time. One more time. I’ll skin you alive. Got it?” He says calmly. You nod your head as you start to silently cry at his threat. Otis lifts you up by one of your arms. He kisses you softly. “Stop fucking cryin. You’re fine.” He states while wiping away your tears. “I…thought you liked to see me cry.” You say in a shaky tone. He chuckles slightly. “I do mama but when I’m balls deep inside you.” He says with a smirk on his face. Your face turns a dark shade of pink. Otis leans down and kisses you roughly while bringing his hand up to your throat. Pressing just enough to make it hard to breathe. He backs you up until the back of your knees hit the bed, making you sit down. “Take off your underwear mama.” He states. You hesitate for a second but then do as he says, sliding them off. He starts to quickly take his jeans off along with his boxers. Your eyes widen, he’s already completely hard. Otis laughs when he sees your eyes widen. Pushing you down fully on the bed, crawling in between your legs. “You ready mama?” He whispers. You nod and let out a slight whimper. He lines himself up and slowly pushes in. You let out a small gasp, you don’t think you’ll ever get used to his length. Otis lets out a small groan. “You’re always so tight mama.” He says in a low voice. Then he bottoms out, staying still for a moment. Then he takes himself almost fully out before he slams back into you. You let out a loud whimper and he laughs. Keeping with his brutal pace. He’s hands go to grip your stomach. “Fuck girl you’ve lost to much weight, gotta get some meat on your fucking bones.” Otis whispers in your ear. You moan in response. That only makes him be rougher. Pounding into at an ungodly pace. “Fuck mama…feel so fucking good.” He growls. He doesn’t slow down. The sounds your bodies make filling the whole room. Whimpers, whines and moans. Otis pulls out and flips you over on your stomach. He grabs you roughly and easily slide back in continuing his brutal pace. “Otis! Too much wait!” You yelp. He doesn’t listen and goes even faster. You can feel the tears welling up in your eyes as the pleasure was just to much. “Fuck girl at this pace Imma cum in minute. God you are such a fucking slut, did you know that?” You whimper in response. When you don’t answer he grabs a fist full of your hair pulling your head back. “I asked you a god damn question bitch now answer!” He states. “Yes, yes I’m a slut yes!” You answer in a whiny voice. Otis laughs in response. “Otis I’m gonna…I can’t take it.” You whimper out. He grunts in response. “Cum for me mama.” He says in a husky voice. Otis uses one of his hands and starts to rub your sensitive bud. That sends you over the breaking point. He feels you tighten all around him, which makes his release follow quickly behind you. He lets both of you catch your breath before he slowly pulls out. You whine in response making him chuckle.
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