#as much as I would love to draw their hyperactiveness I do not wish to burden you all with such horrors
askblueandviolet · 5 months
Who’s the cat-person & dog-person between you two?
Also.. *slowly shoves coffee pudding in front of you* :3
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vriskaserketdaily · 3 months
Announcement; CW for graphic descriptions of medical emergencies & discussions of death/mortality
so, yesterday i briefly mentioned that i had been hospitalized. i unknowingly consumed edibles, became anxious and hyperactive, had a full-blown panic attack, and believing myself to be in the mother of all caffeine overdoses (2 cups of black tea) or having a heart attack or both, called emergency services, and was hospitalized with severe tachycardia.
i genuinely thought i was dying, sitting outside in my pajamas with my back to the mailbox post waiting for the EMTs to arrive. i still thought i was dying two hours later, struggling to breathe in the hospital room with my parents beside me.
i thought about a lot of things in the time between calling the emergency number and being lifted into the ambulance. i didn't want this blog to be my only legacy when i have so much more to do and be and make. i have other hobbies---knitting, crochet, playing guitar & composing music, and especially writing. i haven't drawn or written about my ocs in years, even during the recent hiatus, and i would like to change that.
to that end, i will not be drawing vriskas on a daily basis or consistently updating the fan art queue for the forseeable future. i will still draw vriska, especially if there are requests in the inbox, but i won't be going out of my way to squeeze out fan art when i'm ill, busy in other areas of my life, or generally not feeling it.
i will be keeping this blog up. i will not be changing the url because i fought too hard for a hypen-free daily vriska url and i'm not giving it up that easily. perhaps, after a year or two, i may even resume daily vriskas and normal blog operations.
are you like, okay? i think i'm fine, physically? i was discharged after about four hours in the hospital and was able to move and eat and stuff today. i still feel some soreness/tightness in the chest, but i think that's to be expected given the circumstances.
can we still send requests? YES please omg. the interactions i have had through requests have been so positive and rewarding that it'd be difficult for me to fully give this blog up. even something as simple as "draw vriska" will function as a request. one thing that's been going through my head a lot lately is the thought that i could die and no one here would notice or care, so having tangible assurance that there is at least one person in the world who wants to see my vriska art would be very meaningful in that regard. i may not respond immediately, but i will respond to all requests that conform to the blog rules and mission (no nsfw, no pedophilic/incestuous ships, must involve vriska in some way)
will you consider opening mod applications? no, both because i don't think there would be too many takers for the position and because i know from experience that the fastest way to kill a daily blog is to load it up with a bunch of mods. (i am not the original owner of this blog and have moderated a few other multi-mod blogs before---i am currently the sole mod of the two i stuck with, this being one of them). i'd rather keep this blog half-active with just me than have it be completely inactive with me and 3-6 other people. again, there's a chance that after a year or so of taking things slow, i may come back to it.
can we tag you in art/fics/vriska posts? yes, actually, that would be very helpful. i don't expect anyone to do this, but again, i will no longer be actively perusing the character tag. feel free to @ me in vriska-related posts you think could use a little love.
if i have a daily vriska blog, will you promote me? sure! genuinely, i wish you luck---i've seen a couple of y'all come and go, and it really takes a lot to keep a blog like this running for more than three months. if you can do that you will be certified spiders for real.
where else can we find you? my main blog is @beangods, where i reblog posts that are not about vriska. you can send art requests there, too, but they cannot be related to vriska. that's what this blog is for. i also moderate @theextendedzodiacas, which is mostly fantroll-oriented. i'm on discord, too, but you won't find me on any other social media site.
is the vriskord still up? yes, it is, and you can join it, though the server is not very active. i don't plan on taking the server down or anything like that.
eighth question eighth answer 8ottom text
please feel free to reach out to me, and i'll be happy to answer any questions that i can. thank you for your understanding, and i'll see you . . . in probably a few days when i draw the 1 request currently sitting in the inbox.
thanks for reading all this.
-mod 8
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argentsunshine · 3 months
have you posted about your characterization of Joker? i really like your takes about him and would love if it were explained, but understand if not
i don't think i've posted about it explicitly beyond writing fics and comics, but i do think about it a lot
i acknowledge that everyone picks different options for their akira(/ren, i'll be calling him akira here in case i have to differentiate between his real world and metaverse personas), but imo there are way more basic facts about akira that are the same regardless of what dialogue options you pick than people act like there are
he's quiet
he's not really a silent protagonist unless you're incredibly broad with the term, but he still isn't exactly the most talkative guy. you may be saying mr argent sunshine, this is obvious, why are you bothering to state this. well you see i often joke that i have a test where i back out of a fanfic if anyone describes akira as "loud", "talkative", or anything else to that effect. i have seen this so often and it drives me insane. especially when people portray him as like, a quirky hyperactive ditz constantly saying stupid shit...? people can be funny while saying very few words, guys. (sometimes it's even funnier to say less. wild concept.)
also, while the doylist purpose of his quietness is obvious - making the player pick a line every other sentence would get annoying and would force them to write and record way more dialogue to account for all the responses - i think it's interesting to examine from a watsonian perspective. was he always quiet, or is it a mask in the same way as the glasses are? i personally imagine him always being on the quiet side, but it's a space you could play in.
2. caring so deeply about everyone and everything all the time
this to me is the real core of akira's character. the defining moment of his whole deal to me is the one-two punch of him saving a woman he didn't know and losing everything for it, and, when arsene asks, him saying doing that was not a mistake, i'd do it again if i had to, even though the woman he was trying to save turned around and lied to the police, resulting in his arrest. he comforts ann when they barely know each other, he awakens to arsene in the first place while trying to protect ryuji, who he's known for all of ten minutes. yes, he loves his friends and found family dearly (and i'm sure when i started talking about things that are true no matter what option you pick someone went "oh like how akechi will still be akira's wish in maruki's reality no matter what you do", yeah, that too) but he's also ready to throw himself into harm's way for the sake of people he's never met.
(if someone wants my full rant on this point ask me about sojiro akira parallels but a side point to this is that he's deeply unselfish, to a level that may not be healthy in the long run. he just so happens to have gotten the exact magic powers to make his heroics feasible. i'm just saying, without getting persona powers he still would have managed to draw kamoshida's anger, and he would have been expelled and probably gone to juvie! but he still would have done it because he can't just look away.)
3. oh god i don't want this to turn into a whole full rant so now i have to pick one last point then shut up. oh god oh fuck. i could talk about akira forever but nobody wants to sit through that. let's talk about masks.
i don't think of joker as The Real Akira as much as his metaverse appearance is another facet of him. looking at him from another angle. i think his flair for the dramatic is fun and i love him, but i also think the concept of theatrics and illusion and trickery (ha) being built so deep into him is very important. even though it's always for the greater good, he does tell people what they want to hear a lot (off the top of my head, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of his non-PT confidants are at least somewhat based on false pretenses right from the start, even if they make him come clean in the end, and a lot of the rest involve akira being exactly who the person needs him to be.) you could argue that akira's always pretending to literally everyone fully all the time (I don't think this is true; i think he obscures parts of himself to make himself more useful or palatable to others, but i think arguing his connections are inauthentic is a) edgelord bullshit or, more commonly, shipper brain if they're arguing only one connection is authentic b) just not consistent with the way people work. i'm personally of the opinion that we're all always presenting tailored versions of ourselves to everyone around us - i'm ruder around my friends but kinder around my parents; openly ramble about my interests to my online friends but tend to keep a lid on them irl - these don't make some of my connections fake, it's just a difference in the facets people see. i don't think akira's tendecy to present different masks around different people is neccasarily the best way to go about life (in that i think it Will lead to an identity crisis inevitably) but it's definitely A Thing!
i lost track of what i was saying at the end there so i'll stop talking
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ju-vondy · 5 months
The text I wish I could draw to every Elriel shipper:
What Azriel feels about Elain is lust. The need to fill a void and nothing more. He's desperate because his loved so-called brothers found their mates who ironically were sisters but the third sister wasn't give to him. But what we do know is that Azriel WANTS a mate: this has already become clear at several points in the narrative of the books.
The mating bond is SO much deeper than lust. It's so BEYOND. Azriel will never feel a mating bond snapping with Elain, and guess why? Because she ALREADY HAS A BOND WITH ANOTHER FUCKING MALE. That is true: everyone can smell it, even Azriel can.
So, let Azriel kiss and f*ck with Elain how many time he wants... That will NEVER be a mating bond (that he desperately wants) at the end of the day. That will never be the connection he wants. And I wouldn't bother to see a scene of them going to bed together: I've seen Feyre having s*x with Tamlin, Aelin with Chaol, etc. etc. But did that EVER influenced the end? No. Once them found their partners the past didn't mattered anymore, for God's sake!!
And SJM has already made it clear that when she thinks about "pairing mates together" she always looks for who has the most things in common and also the two people must have a dynamic where one CHALLENGES the other. Like that dog and cat dynamic. Sarah loves writing "bunters."
Do you really think Elain will challenge Azriel, seriously? HOW?! She doesn't fight. She hates violence. She has zero personality. She has no interest in training (seriously, she could have literally shown up at the House to visit Nesta and signed up to participate in the training... But she didn't, clearly because taking care of the garden is more interesting than learning to defend herself, right? LOL). Elain likes SUNSHINE, flowers, baking, gardening, delicate things. Azriel has NOTHING to do with that.
Now: Gwyn is one of those hyperactive people, with orange cat energy. She is the total opposite of Azriel when it comes to communication hahaha and that would be REALLY COOL to see. She being plugged in at 220W and he getting lost thinking "Damn, how can this beautiful thing talk so much?" 😄👐🏻 Gwyn, with this personality, would simply take Azriel out of his comfort zone. Isn't that what SJM likes, after all??! People who challenge each other.
Not to mention Gwyn has a very good sense of humor. That day of the Solstice, Azriel could have simply been rude to her, but he decided to stay and start a conversation with her, joking: "Are you kicking me out?" And soon after, when Azriel said that he had forgotten his dagger and couldn't sleep without it, Gwyn didn't think twice before joking "Ah yes, a comfort for every growing child" and Azriel laughed. Gwyn has a sharp tongue and it would be lovely seeing Azriel losing his mind to it.
Gwyn, like Azriel, is interested in combat. She became the first Valkyrie after hundreds of years (Azriel himself looked at her with admiration when she was about to cut the ribbon) Gwyn likes to sing, Azriel too. She was PISSED when Azriel sneered saying that they wouldn't be able to overcome the obstacles and therefore hadn't thought of a prize for them. Gwyn is competitive and we know that Azriel is too, as Cassian and Rhysand have never managed to defeat him in snowball fights in all these years. Azriel is a master spy, Gwyn spent literally hours sitting up in the trees spying on opponents and monsters when she was in the Rite.
That's and we're the reason why after reading ACOSF I stopped thinking about being Elriel and I'm rooting for the little redhead to be the boy Az's endgame.
She's so much more compatible with him! I liked the idea of Elriel because he had that "forbidden thing" going on and all, but honestly? It would be too cruel to Lucien. And Azriel is too loyal to Rhysand to disobey his orders. Azriel himself said that he didn't go that far with his plans, the only thing he thought about was bitching.
In other words: Az only thinks of Elain as a source of pleasure. But a partnership bond is not that. A bond of partnership is someone who challenges you, complements you and supports you. That's what I want for Az: someone he looks at and admires for who she is, and not just because he feels horny and wants to see how the female will react when he's inside her 🙄😮‍💨
Another thing: I don't want to see him getting some female whose his shadows DISAPPEAR when she is around. That would be too boring! Literally, the bonus chapter already gave us everything: on one page we see the shadows shrinking through Elain's breath and minutes later one of those same shadows intertwines with Gwyn's condensed breathing. And it wasn't just Azriel who calmed down after that conversation, it was the shadows too.
I'm not here saying that Azriel ALREADY DIES IN LOVE with Gwyn, for God's sake! How do you have selective interpretation, right, sweet Elriels?! Guys, Gwyn just appeared in the story (and has already attracted more attention than the plant in 4 books LOL, cry less!) And it's clear that she still has so much to develop! The whole thing just started, you know?
Sarah said she's leaving "crumbs" and "clues" along the way, and clearly the vocabulary says it all. What examples of hints can we notice? The "spark" Azriel felt in his chest and the image glowing quietly even if he buried it down deep. Sarah at one point in the narrative emphasized that Gwyn was "willing to erase Azriel and Cassian's arrogant smiles. Especially Azriel's." Why not let the narration die there in the penultimate sentence? Why did Sarah add *especially Azriel's*? Look at the DYNAMICS there my people 🗣️🗣️🗣️🤏🏻
Also, when Nesta hear Gwyn's singing she describes as if Gwyn's voice was claiming to be freed, to let go! As if there's something inside Gwyn that need to be developed. And Sarah has never been one to leave things loose. Anyway, let's see what fate awaits us!
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
Onward Fan Art Shout Out - 17
Theme: Blazey!
Requested by: @lesliegirl123
And so...after an almost two month long hiatus...ONWARD FAN ART FRIDAY IS FINALLY BACK!!! 🎨 🖌 🎉
Who doesn’t love the idea of a pet dragon?!?!? Aside from catching things on fire at any given moment, it would be so cool! 😍
So for the grand return of my Onward fan art showcase, I present to thee the Lightfoots' lovable energetic pet dragon, Blazey!
If I could name any character from the film that I wish had more screen time it would most definitely be her...a loyal friend in times of need, always ready to share her love to those who need it or even don't need it lol, and with a great knack for tracking things like Phoenix Gems and the scent of her owners, I'd even go as far as saying she's the glue that keeps the Lightfoot family together!
A bringer of liveliness and excitement to the room, here are 10 artists' 10 different versions of our beloved Blazey!
Also side note: some of these artists below also draw dragons and dragons only for a living! And Leslie, I know how much you absolutely love dragons so any artist that has the 🐉 emoji next to it has even more dragon art on their general art page! So feel free to check that out if you want!!
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zandiiangelspit - I really love this realistic take on Blazey! It's definitely very unique in the best way!
ty_fogel_art - YOOOOOO! that blur effect around her is amazing! definitely shows one of her very best qualities: hyperactivity!
drawz_ar 🐉 - I've always loved this sketch of Blazey! It definitely has something to do with her wide-eyed expression and her tongue sticking out lol
makemeadragon 🐉 - love all the different colors in this! and again, that amazing long tongue man...
zipadeeart - AWWWWWW! I love how adorkably goofy she is in this one! So cute!!!
mvmanimations - AWWWWWW (again)! Hatchling Blazey! So precious! This absolutely says: can we adopt her?!?
saphira_vero_95 🐉 - loyal dragon Blazey reporting for duty! Always ready to present her master Ian with his beloved wizard staff, I love it!
cenglishdesigns - how can you say no to that face? this pencil piece says she definitely wants a treat!
victor_calixtosketch - LOL the crossed eyes! And the tiny bits of flame too! So Blazey!
dragonsndoodles 🐉 - this is a very EPIC Blazey all grown up! Who knows if she'll ever get that big or if only dragons in the past managed to do that and no longer can...but that is awesome!
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broken-lycan · 2 years
tagged by @terryfphanatics​!! thank you :D
What book are you currently reading?
Maritime Murder by Steve Vernon It’s not quite what I thought it would be heading in but it is good either way. It’s about a bunch of murders that happened in coastal towns in canada between somewhere in the 1700s to the early 1900s. none of them (so far) actually happen at sea.
What's your favourite movie you saw in a cinema this year?
I haven’t gone to the cinema in a bunch of years. the last film I saw in cinema was either thor ragnarok or the last of the hobbit films.
What do you usually wear?
At home sweatpants and a jumper (plus some layers underneath cause I like to be comfy). out and about, pants and depending on the weather a tshirt, longsleeve, jumper or a combination of those, layering is your friend. and I like wearing my super cool steampunk-ish coat, its about ankle long and I love it. it makes me feel cool.
How tall are you?
173cm. which I think is 5′8?
What's your star sign?
Do you share your birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
Not to my knowledge
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
irl I go by my name, its only five letters long to begin with and it cant really be shortened. online I go by a few names, brokenfannibal, broken-lycan and Fenn have been/are online names. I’ve been thinking about putting Lucian in my bio as a name, cause thats a strong contender for when I at some point get my name legally changed.
Did you grow up to be what you wanted to be as a child?
In some ways yes. As a child I always loved people who dressed alternative (punk, goth, grunge, emo etc) and now I dress like that!!! :D child me would like that.
Are you in a relationship? Who is your crush if not?
not in a relationship and dont have a crush
What's something you're good at versus something you're bad at?
I’m good at creative things generally, mainly writing and drawing. I cant keep even the most simple of rhythms steady for the life of me. I’ve never been good at that.
Dogs or cats?
It’s gotta be cats. I like cats more than dogs, plus with dogs for me its more like... appreciation from a distance. dogs can be very loud and very hyperactive. and I have a cat who I love very much so maybe I’m a little biased.
What's something you'd like to create content for?
hmmm.... whatever takes my fancy at the moment really. I want to write more broadchurch fics. but thats inevitably gonna happen.
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
which blorbo rotates around my head right now? xD ray levine from stay close is a likely candidate.
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
its too early to say for this year (2023) but for 2022 it was that I had hoped to get an apprenticeship spot at one of the zoos I applied at. I even did internships there but nope. didnt get accepted at any of them.
What's a hidden talent of yours?
I dont think I really have one? my craftiness maybe? thats not sth that comes up a lot.
Are you religious?
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
my cat in my lap? xD does that count?
tagging (no pressure): @hurtslikeyourmouth @some-thrilling-heroics @out-grid @look-man-my-onions-are-hutching @made-in-rivendell
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alighted-willow · 2 years
It's interesting how cultural norms, even subcultural norms, can effect how even the most benign and simultaneously fundamental aspects of the self.
Case and point: a classmate of mine back in an art course two years ago conversed with me briefly while naturalistically observing me (as in, you know, existing in the same area as myself for a short time) and asked me before the end of class if I was Italian (I am).
Everyone else asks me when I'll go to counseling or start taking meds to ‘fix’ my fidgeting.
Now, to make an obvious point, those things can be very helpful! I'm actually starting Adderal tomorrow morning to help with my unspecified sleep disorder, memory issues, and proprioception! But it's such an insult to be told or have it implied to you, constantly, that the way I express myself is a problem because it is “counter to societal norms”.
If they were intrusive or disruptive I would get it, but we're talking about drawing while watching movies with the family or cooking while entertaining guests (the food being for the guests)— I'm talking about swaying when standing, talking with one's hands, or pacing a room when laughing. I love these things! People are always saying that we need to move more and that living a too sedimentary life style is damaging, but then they see someone who does that and suddenly the problem is ‘moving too much’???
Unnervingly often of late, folks have been pointing it out to me. Oh no, I sat forward in my chair again. Oh no, I stopped sitting cross legged because it started hurting my hips. Oh no, I made a "clack" noise instead of saying “eyup”. Whatever will your fragile, insecure self doooooo?
I'm talking about this mostly because I've brought up that I'm seeking treatment for my memory issues (ADHD), proprioception (ASD) and sleep troubles (hiiigh, Long-Covid) to a few friends, family, and medical professionals— and the responses have been staggeringly consistent. My online friends have been absolutely lovely in their support and actively helpful, giving me advice where I needed it and helping me maintain my spirits as time dragged on. In person folks… did not.
The first friend I talked to, while meaning well, could only respond with how much less I'll squirm once I get the proper medication. I love her, but I really wish she phrased things differently. My bio-Mom (long story) has been pretty firm in being against me getting treatment (but I'm an adult so she can go pound sand) and has routinely pointed out little quirks or oddities in my movements (such as the sitting forward thing). The nurse practitioner I saw tried to convince me that my issues were all stemming from anxiety and that all I needed was counseling to help me conceal my hyperactivity and so that I could “learn to live” with all of the issues I had gone to her for. My doctor, thank the stars, vetoed her when I wasn’t around and so I received a call a few hours later telling me to go to the pharmacy in a day or two.
Is there a point? Did I have a reason for writing this all out other than to vent out my frustrations? Not really. I've been waiting for my lentils to boil and then cool so this was just me waiting out the clock. The closest thing to a moral is this: if someone reading this has a problem with one of their friends jittering their leg, ask yourself why.
Why are you so offended by someone standing when your sitting? Why do you find it annoying when someone's drawing instead of watching? Why are you so incensed and offended when someone does something as innocuous and benign as walk from one end of the room to the other and back? Ask yourself that and go fix your problem so that you stop nitpicking and brow beating the people around you.
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petitelepus · 2 years
hello! if that's okay, can i get a twst matchup? i'm a short panromantic girl with shoulder-lenght dirty blonde hair and greyish eyes! my mbti is ESFJ and my ennegram is 8w7, my sign is aries! i'm very lively and hyperactive and love making people happy or see the smile on their faces, so usually i like to draw my friends or random people to see them happy! <3 I'm pretty confident in my art, i always have my tablet with me and love creating new original characters and giving them all kinds of dramatic backstories. my hobbies are drawing (as i previously mentioned) and playing rythm games. i have adhd and tend to get distrocted very easily, i don't take medications. some people see me as crazy because of my extravagant personality but i can't really do much about it. i love talking, would always talk and never stop if someone doesn't tell me to. i'm also a good listener though! my love language (giving) is gifts and physical touch. i'm basically blind without my glasses and can't see a thing. thank you very much! <3
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I match you with Cater Diamond!
ESFJ people are natural leaders, much like Aries are also. You don't like it when others try to control you or order you around, as you are a free-living soul and it shows in your art.
Cater is one of your biggest fans, he loves your art and at one point he asked if he could create you a user on this one art website he occasionally used to scout good pictures from.
#amazingart, #phenomenalart, #girlpower, #niceart, he uses all the tags and more to describe your art and get you more and more followers, eager to see what you come up with next.
While you are friends, Cater starts falling for you. You are almost always happy and ready to help people in need and it really appeals to him.
You don't boss Cater around like Riddle does and you are a very happy and open person who just wants to make people happy with your special magic, which you wield with your art.
Cater uses his phone all the time so it's only natural that he finds a game or two to play sometimes. It isn't until you introduce him to rhythm games that he realizes how fun they are... But what is even more appealing is to watch you play them with such focus that you should harness them in History class.
The young man doesn't mind your ADHD one bit. No, it gives you more personality and he honestly loves it when you act a little "crazy". As he mentioned it only adds more character to you and makes you stand out from the rest of the people.
Your gifts are honestly the highlight of his day. You are so thoughtful, always taking notes on what Carter dislikes, like sweets, and what he likes, like salty treats, and your art in its purest form. No matter what you do, you always bring a smile to Cater's face and he wished to bring that smile to your lips also.
Also, you can't see without your glasses? That's maybe one of the cutest things he has ever heard.
You like giving gifts? Cater will gift you a whole photo album with pictures of you smiling with your best friends. He wanted to show you how your smile can reach out to so many people and to him, as his attempt to woo you and asks you to be his girlfriend. What do you say?
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areislol · 3 years
♡ albedo having a shy! s/o
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“Love-struck' means being hit in your heart by the emotion of love.”
• hmmmm, now albedo is not the one to always talk and be hyperactive. • albedo is very understanding of u being shy, he also doesn't talk much so u guys get quite along pretty well. • he could sit in a room, painting in quietness. • albedo loves u too much to get mad at u. ur his s/o after all! • he doesn't mind u being shy at all :) • i think he would make up a secret language for u.. • so if ur ever in a uncomfortable situation or you feel sick because of all the pressure on u or maybe there's too much people - u just say something out of nowhere and albedo is quick to push u out of the crowd or situation ur in. • as i said before, he does not mind u being shy at all. • he actually finds it quite cute! • if ur sitting down or maybe just staring out a window, he would definenetly draw a portrait of u or paint u <3 • will show u the masterpiece later and enjoys seeing ur reaction! • gives u a soft and reassuring smile when you're feeling down or getting all shy. • if ur shyness leads to anxiety or worse, he will always help u. • lets say for instance, ur getting rlly hot from the crowd, they smell all sweaty bc it has been a hot day and ur head starts to get dizzy • albedo notices what's happening and instantly(he's v observant when it comes to u) puts his hand on your back to lead you out of the crowd • once everyone is out of view, albedo grabs a handkerchief and places it on ur forehead then the back of your neck - ur all sweaty. • u get shy most of the time when it happens, bc how could u let ur own s/o see u like this? • but it's fine, as long as ur okay - albedo • will buy some popsicle or something cold for u when u feel dizzy from whatever reason. • albedo would never take advantage of ur kindness/shyness • and he doesn't allow anyone to do that to u. • u being shy means that u can't rlly communicate well, so he always offers to help u whenever u start to stutter or start to sweat from the pressure of everyone's' eyes looking at u. • albedo would never judge u for being shy, nor judge u for never leaving the house. he understands ur fear of the public(if u have one) and will always reassure you when u DO go out. • whenever he's at work and ur too shy or nervous to knock on his door - he'll make a tool where u can press a button which'll alarm him that ur outside the door(btw it's ONLY made for u and is in a secret place where only u know where it is.) and he'll immediately get out of his seat and greet u wish a big bear hug and pamper u with his kisses. • u also give albedo motivation to draw <3 most of the time, ur always occupying his mind so he'll most likely end up drawing u subconsciously(cute.) • when he finally comes back to reality he realized what he has done and smiled at the drawing, thinking of u ofc. • albedo is 100% understand and therefore, the best bf out there.
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a/n: it u enjoyed this pls check out my other genshin hcs/like + follow + reblogs r appreciated!
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stephreynaart · 3 years
Gravity Falls - “Waiting”
Pop-Pop AU
Stan sits in a hospital waiting room, thinking about his life and the people he loves.
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This is kinda old, but I realized I never posted it on tumblr. Hope ya like it!
Lots of fluff, the only ships are Soos and Melody.
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It had a square aspect ratio. Ink pen and watercolor on white heat pressed cotton paper in a bland white frame. One single blue flower in a red vase with what looks like a yellowish shadow. One shadow going left, the other going right. The lack of confidence and inexperience was obvious, the lines were unfocused and jagged, the color plainly filled the shapes and gave no other visual interest to the image.
Below the frame was a small white card that read “Painting donated by Jessica Blaise from Gravity Falls Elementary School”
Stan scanned the painting at least 20 times while sitting in that chair. The too rough and too soft at the same time chair that had similar copies populating the almost white room he sat in. The wallpaper bouncing off light pinks and blues with tiny ducklings as a makeshift wainscoting was starting to irritate the old man. It was too bright, and the consistent buzz of the fluorescent lights seemed so loud. Stan adjusted himself in his chair, switching his crossed legs to a wider spread and leaned his head against the wall.
The only other stimulus in the room were a few posters promoting proper hand washing techniques, the play area with a small table and chairs with large blocks, crayons and that weird “game” with the metal wiring and wooden beads that’s in every waiting room Stan’s ever sat in. He played with the toys to give himself something to do after he read all the magazines. The novelty wore off fast.
The television mounted on the wall was airing some cooking channel with no sound and no subtitles. Looking at food when you haven’t eaten in a few hours was practically torture, so Stan had been averting his eyes.
There were other paintings on the wall, one was less of a painting, but instead a print of a painting. He doubted that the artist got any compensation from it, if they were still alive. The other was a charcoal drawing done by a student from the community college a town away. Another square, but the entire image was black, the brightest thing on the page was an intruding infant hand coming from the left with the arm fading into the dark background. The fingers seemingly mid-twitch and grabbing at something. The lighting was dynamic and interesting. Stan swore it was a drawing of a penis the first time he glanced at it, which resulted in his brother’s laughter. Stanley smiled at the memory, it was only a few hours ago, but he relishes any time he can make Stanford laugh.
Stan’s eyes darted at the door in the far corner when it opened suddenly. He eased back into his chair when the nurse crossed the room to talk with the receptionist. He couldn’t hear the conversation very well, but could tell they were just gossiping and making jokes. Nothing that was of his interest. So he looked back to the elementary school child’s painting and analyzed it again. His eyes were dry and he was tired. He wished he could sleep, the chair wasn’t comfortable enough and when he did managed to sleep, his neck was sore when he woke up. He was only lucky Ford let him use his shoulder as a pillow for a while. He looked to his left and noted the book his brother placed in the seat. It seemed thick and in what looked like Hebrew. Stan wasn’t very surprised Ford was fluent in the language they were acquainted with as children. Their grandparents on their father’s side were the last to be fully fluent in Hebrew. It was like his brother to be curious of their heritage, but Stan only remembered a few phrases and words he learned from holidays and special event when he had to recite anything in Temple.
Stan crossed his arms and glanced at the clock on the wall and let out an exasperated sigh. It had only been 10 minutes since he last checked the time. He wanted to be at home, be in his soft warm bed and getting ready to eat pancakes at this time in the morning.
He and Ford were on the porch of The Mystery Shack when Soos rushed them off to the hospital the yesterday afternoon. What he originally thought would be a couple of hours of waiting turned into almost twelve. Apparently labour can last a long time.
Stan wished he could be a witness for Soos and Melody like he was when Dipper and Mabel were born, but Melody wanted her privacy, which Stan could respect, but Soos wanted him there…..so he and Ford waited in this bright, annoyingly pastel waiting room, twiddling his thumbs awaiting the arrival of the new member of the mystery family. He was glad he was in at least comfortable clothes, some gray sweatpants and a sweater Mabel knitted for him that read “godfather”.
He was never clear on what the title entailed, but it was mentioned a few times by Soos’ grandmother and the kids insisted that Soos was intending to ask him. He hadn’t, but he didn’t protest Stan wearing the sweater. Whatever job godfathers had, he was willing to play the part if Soos were to ask him.
Stan looked at the double doors a few feet away that lead out of the waiting room and into the halls. His brother left to find something for them to eat, but was taking his sweet time. The turkey being basted on the television was no help in aiding his growling stomach.
He distracted himself by returning his thoughts to Soos and Melody. Just down the hall they were experiencing the strange and beautiful phenomenon that was witnessing the arrival of a brand new person. Stan remembered the feeling so clearly. His entire life he’s felt the presence of human beings. It’s inherent in most people to feel when someone is in the room with you, the other soul sharing the same space as you. Imagine being in a room with a set amount of people and someone else comes in, but imagine they came in without using a doorway. Just appearing seemingly out of thin air. Suddenly another person is with you, and they’re brand new to the world, a life full of potential and power. Yes, today is indeed a happy day, but no amount of positive thinking would ease Stan’s nerves. His foot began to bounce and his hands unconsciously began to fiddle with each other. He didn’t want to think anything would go wrong with Soos’ baby, but anything can happen and life is so fragile, especially at the start of it.
He recalled his nephew’s nervousness the day Dipper and Mabel were born. His hands were shaking and he was constantly checking on his wife and asking the doctors loads of questions. He didn’t fully understand the twins’ father’s behavior until the end of that day.
Mabel’s birth was swift and easy. Her mother only needed to push one and a half times before she was here. It was as if she was eager to meet everyone waiting for her. She cried like most babies do, but Stan could’ve sworn they were tears of joy. While Mabel was greeted with, “hello, beautiful”, “hi, sweetie” and “she’s perfect”, Her brother’s introduction to world started with, “what’s wrong?”, “wait, let me hold him”, and “he’s not moving”. Dipper was rushed out of the room before his mother got a chance to look at him. Stan managed to catch a glimpse of the horrifyingly blue tint on his great nephew’s tiny face. The memory still gave him chills. He remembered how much he wanted to hold Mabel, who began to fuss and cry, obviously missing her brother. He was terrified at the prospect of another incomplete set of twins in their family. After the longest 30 minute of his life, Stan’s great-nephew returned with a bright pink face, wailing with all the power his little lungs could produce. Once the twins were reunited in their mother’s arms, they settled down almost instantly. The doctors told their parents Dipper was significantly lighter in weight than his sister, but both were very strong and healthy. Every so often Stan thinks about Dipper and how much he has impacted his life. His thoughts lead to darker places and he questions if Ford would be here if Dipper wasn’t there to find the third journal. He shook his head as a cold shiver went up his spine.
Stan did his best to distract himself from revisiting the scare that Dipper caused him 16 years ago.
16 years…..17 in August
Stan blinked. The squishy, bright faces that stayed with him that first summer had changed significantly. They stayed in contact all year round and visited every summer since they were 12. But every in-person meeting was always a shock. Dipper was developing the square jaw Stan, both his brothers and nephew shared. He started to regularly wear glasses their second summer with the Stans. Poor kid will grow up looking like Filbrick like the rest of the Pines men. He reminded Stan of Ford at that age.
And Mabel…..
Stan will never get over how much she looks like his mother. It didn’t strike him until Soos and Melody’s wedding and she put her hair in a bun. She’s calmed her hyperactivity down a bit, but not by a lot, she still brightens his day with her wit and creativity. They’ve both matured physically, but not much has changed personality wise and they still acted like big children when they’re around each other. Stan loved them very much, and wished he could see them more often. He wondered what the future held for all of them. Would they still visit town after going to college? Would they move here? Or somewhere else?
He’s had several conversations with them to see how they’re managing the prospect of separating. They’re much better at communicating than he and Ford were and they seem actually excited to have some independence. It made Stan nervous, but he was sure their close relationship wouldn’t suffer.
Wendy chose to be elsewhere for the next few years. She and her friends booked a plane ticket and plan to backpack and hitchhike around Europe and the UK. Stan hopes they stay safe and watch out for each other. Lotta weirdos in Amsterdam. She was set to leave in the coming days, Wendy wanted to wait until today arrived so she could meet Soos and Melody’s kid before going away for who knows how long.
A tap on the shoulder woke Stan from his deep thoughts. His brother arrived with some warm sub sandwiches and coffee.
“Any word yet?, he asked Stan
“Nothin’ yet”, Stan felt helpless not having any clue how Soos and Melody were doing.
Stanford took his seat next to Stanley and they both silently enjoyed their late breakfast. Since arriving they’ve witnessed families reuniting and going past the door in the far corner to meet their children, grandchildren or siblings. Stan looked at the clock again. How has it only been another 5 minutes? He sighed, leaned back and finished the rest of his sub. One hand holding the sandwich, the other went back to gripping the arm rest, then a six fingered hand went down to rest on top of it. Stan let go of the armrest and tangled his fingers between Ford’s and held onto it with a, hopefully not too tight, grip. It was like an anchor to reality, much better at easing his anxieties than any words could. Over the past 4 years, Stan and Ford’s bond grew stronger. Stan still feared one day he would wake up and find himself still in that basement surrounded by broken machinery and languages he didn’t understand. He hasn’t yet, and was enjoying the time he had left with his twin. Stan took a moment to look at his brother again, Ford made eye contact and smiled then continued to read his book. Hands still intertwined
Stans thoughts went back to Soos…
It amazed Stan how much he had grown and it still baffled him that Soos idolized him as much as he does. Before Soos, Stan had no one. His brother was….gone, the rest of the family didn’t talk to him much outside of the holidays and special occasion. There hadn’t been any sense of consistency in Stan’s life for years, decades even, until he hired the chubby little kid he barely glanced at one random Saturday. Soos always arrived to work early, sometimes with breakfast for both of them. Stan didn’t know how much he needed a reliable companion until he had it and he enjoyed the 10 years he had with that kid… or man he should say. Here he was…a few rooms away, becoming a father.
Stan used to daydream a lot about the prospect of having kids when he was younger. He’s was always good with them when he had the chance to babysit his nephew, then later Dipper and Mabel when they were toddlers. He loved having kids in his house that first summer. He loved the energy and the sense of adventure the twins brought. They gave him a sense of purpose and belonging he hadn’t felt in years. He wished he was brave enough to have his own children. Not that he was ever with anyone long enough to want to have kids with him. He supposed it was for the best that he didn’t subject a child to homelessness or an unhappy marriage. He was also terrified at the idea. His dad used to say having kids ruined his life. He wondered who his father was before his older brother was born. Did they really ruin his life? Stan often wondered if he would be like his own dad if he has children of his own. Would he change and become that annoyed parent that resenting his children?
He thought about Soos again
That was probably the closest to parenthood he ever experienced. The first time he felt like one was when Soos asked him for homework help after closing. He initially told Soos no, he wasn’t exactly smart and didn’t think he would be any help. It apparently upset the kid, so Stan sighed and gave it a try. It was fairly simple middle school math, he didn’t remember everything, but helped Soos do more than half of it. Soos thanked him and went home happy. Stan felt weirdly proud, he was glad he made a small difference and managed to teach Soos something he didn’t even know he knew.
The second time was when Soos was a teenager. His grandmother wasn’t able to teach Soos to drive, since she had forgotten how and her late husband used to do the driving, she mostly walked everywhere. Soos offered to work for free so Stan could teach him. Stan loved driving and found teaching Soos cathartic. He was a fast and eager learner, he only bumped Stan’s car once while trying to figure out parallel parking. Little did Soos know that he was getting paid for his normal work hours. Stan just put it away long enough to help buy the kid some old used truck in the junkyard for getting his license. They fixed the truck up and in only a few weeks it was ready to be on the road. Soos has taken good care of it and it’s still his ride to this day
Stan was very proud of Soos. He taught the kid some basic self defense and managed to be a decent influence in his life. Soos at least has his priorities straight.
Stan was even glad to see that Soos was willing to question him. When the portal was reaching the final countdown, he didn’t hesitate to protect the kids from him when he thought Stan was dangerous. He didn’t know, none of them did, so he didn’t blame Soos for distrusting him. He hoped he never had to betray him again. They both had crappy dads, and Stan knew how Soos saw him. Stan was never really sure if he reciprocated those feelings. It felt natural to act the part, but to put a label as important as “dad” on Stan was daunting. Soos definitely deserves better than what he was given, Stan wasn’t sure if he was it.
Stan looked up at the familiar voices running towards him from the double doors.
“Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford!” Mabel waved to them
The two teenagers and Wendy walked in holding a balloon and various toys. They took some seats across from the Stans and asked how everyone was doing and if the baby arrived yet.
“Not yet, hopefully soon” Ford answered
Stan relaxed and silently enjoyed his family’s company. He laid his head back and leaned slightly on Ford to rest for a minute. His eyes shut as he listened to the kids joke around and talk amongst themselves. He squeezed Ford’s hand one more time before drifting off.
He knew he should’ve tried sleeping earlier, he wasn’t out for more than 15 minutes when Soos came into the waiting room. Stan’s eyes shot open and he was on his feet faster than he did when he was being chased by angry costumers as a door to door salesman. Soos’ red eyes sagged and he seemed exhausted, but carried a proud, wide smile across his face. He sniffed and wiped his eyes.
“It’s a boy”, he squeaked, “mom and baby are okay”
Dipper and Mabel were first to start the hugs, and the room filled with cheers of congratulations and love. Stan felt light as a feather giving Soos a hug and joking about child labor.
“Can we see him?”, Mabel bounced with anticipation
“Yeah, dudes!”, Soos gestured everyone past the corner door and into the suite. “But only for a little while, Melody has to sleep”
The room was small, dimly lit and warm. The Pines crew collectively lowered their voices as Melody came into view on the bedding holding a bundle of blankets decorated with small yellow ducklings. She was leaned back on a large pillow, covered in blankets and toted a soft smile on her face. Soos stroked her hair and picked up his little son to show to the Pines’. The younger twins got a look at him first,
Mabel squealed and cooed at the tiny infant. Then Wendy, who said hi to the baby and told Soos she’d make sure to send him gifts while she was away
“What’s his name?”, Mabel asked Melody
“I named him after my dad”, Melody replied, “Jacob”. She smiled sadly at the memory of the father she lost the year before.
Soos approached the Stans, Ford smiled and complimented the couple on a having such beautiful little boy, but shot Soos a look, who silently replied with another one. Something was up.
Finally Stan got a look at baby Jacob. “Wow” Stan smiled, patting Soos’ arm. “He looks exactly like you”
Soos laughed, “really? I think he looks like Melody”, there was a short silence before Soos spoke up again.
“Do you want to hold him, Mr Pines?”
Stan looked at Soos and smiled, “heh, sure”. He held his arms out. Soos lowered his arms to pass the baby to Stan, who scrunched his face up and started to fuss. Stan took the infant and managed to hold him with one arm. He bounced and shushed little Jacob until he calmed down. “Heya kid”, He’s held babies dozens of times, but something felt different about this one. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but Stan felt an almost magnetic pull towards him. Jacob settled comfortably against Stan and continued his rest. Stan softly beamed at the tiny person in his arms.
“Hey, Stan?”
Stan lifted an eyebrow and looked at Soos, who was fidgeting with his hands and nervously smiling.
“Uh..”, he paused, taking in the sight of Stan holding his child. “You know about my dad”, Soos looked at Ford again, who shrugged and nodded. Stan studied Ford’s face, who’s eyes strayed away as he hid a small smile. Soos got his attention again.
“You uh…he wasn’t…”, Soos choked up, his voice strained a bit, “I met you when I was probably the loneliest I ever was in my entire life”. Stan pictured the little boy he hired on the spot, he didn’t remember him until Soos showed up at his door step the next day ready to work. He didn’t know how much that quick, thoughtless decision would change his life.
Soos perked up and walked across the room to a table and picked up the piece of paper sitting on it. Soos glanced at it, then at Stan and smiled, gaining some emotional strength it seemed.
“You mean a lot me”, Soos, “you were there when I really needed it, you gave me a job, taught me just about everything I know. I don’t think I ever thanked you for that”
Stan got a bit nervous, Was this him asking to be the godfather?Everyone was silent and curiously watching. Soos held his hand out and handed the paper to Stan. He adjusted his arm to properly hold Jacob in his arm and took it. Stan flipped the page and noticed it was the baby’s birth certificate. Stan eyes bounced off the page and read the various information: birthdate, weight, parents, but he froze when he read the full name. Stan’s wide eyes questioningly studied Soos’ face.
“Are you…”, Stan felt his own throat tightening, crap. Come on, not in front of everyone “really?”, he asked. Soos gave a genuine nod and sniffed.
“I uh” Soos cleared his throat, “I was wondering, since Jacob doesn’t have one…if you wanted to be…. his grandpa?
There it was
Stan felt dizzy and took a small step back before remembering who was in his hands and regained his balance. Ford came to his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Stan decide not to look at his brother and chose to stare forward, then his eyes went back to Soos, who look deflated. Oh man. Stan was terrified, he didn’t want to say no and hurt Soos, but if he said yes….he wasn’t sure what made him so nervous. The entire concept sounded so alien to him, like he didn’t deserve the title. He always considered Soos, Melody and their son a part of his family. But to bare a title like “grandpa”, had to mean he had children that that children. That he was already a parent without his knowledge. It all felt so natural to want to lean into this and become part of this family like Soos wanted.
He heard something make a noise from beneath himself. Stan looked down at little Jacob, who was mid yawn. The baby’s mouth grew wide opens and inhaled, scrunching up his face and suddenly shut. Suddenly two tiny eyes opened for just a few seconds, enough time for Stan to make eye contact before Jacob shut them and got comfortable again
Everything was different now.
Stan didn’t notice how quiet the room had gotten nor the tears forming in his eyes. Stunned by beauty and overcome with pride and a sense of purpose. The pride he felt teaching Soos math, how to drive and attending his graduation all combined just looking at the perfect being in his arms. If he said yes, he would want everything that came with it. Stan lifted the birth certificate up to read the name again.
Jacob Stanley Ramirez
“Y-Yes”, he heard a shaken voice say, almost not realizing it was his own “of course”. He looked at Soos, tears in his eyes and a bright smile on his face. He still wasn’t sure if he deserved this, but Stan wanted it. He wanted it all. Why not indulge just this once? He gave the certificate to Ford and used his now free hand to pull Soos into a hug. Gently sandwiching his…..grandson in between him……and his son.
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sehunniepotwrites · 3 years
puppy love | l.jn
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synopsis: in which a new chance at love crashes into you when you least expect it to genre: dog park!au, strangers to lovers!au, fluff pairing: lee jeno x gn!reader word count: 1,392
author’s note: happy jeno day, czennies! i hope you’ll find this drabble as sweet as the birthday boy! (this is unedited, i’ll look back at it later!)
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Tired of seeing sulk about being lonely, your friends suggested something that sounded great at the time. 
Get a dog, they said.
It’ll be a lot of fun, they said.
You always dreamed about having a pet. 
Well, they forgot to mention how much work having a dog was. Terriers were mostly known to be low maintenance dogs that were moderately energetic--your pup did not fit into the norm. 
Though small and compact, Nana was a hyperactive dog. A morning trip to the dog park often tired her out during the day, allowing her to sleep the majority of the time you were away at work. Playing with her granted you the exercise you desperately needed and while fun, you tired out very easily. There were times you wished for Nana to have a canine companion. You wished for it as much as you hoped to find a companion of your own. 
Your friends and family also played with the idea of meeting someone and their pet at the dog park-- kill two birds with one stone--but that storyline was damn near impossible. The only other regulars you saw at the park were either coupled off or just not in your age range.
Nana began to whine as you drew closer to the gate, the dog insistently tugging against your hold. “Hold on, baby, we’re almost there,” you said groggily. Looking around the area, you noticed that none of the regulars were there that morning.  Maybe it was because you came thirty minutes later than your usual time. 
“Seems like your friends aren’t here today, Nana,” you said dejectedly as you opened the gate. That meant you had to play with her--your morning fix of coffee didn’t hit you yet and you hope you did soon. You couldn’t keep up with her when she was like this. Your dog rushed in, her paws scurrying from the paved sidewalk to the grass covered in morning dew. Her feet impatiently stomped as you slammed the gate shut, waiting for you to release her from her leash. 
Hearing a loud bark, your head shot up to see a tall person in a hoodie running after a fluffy Samoyed that was heading your way. “Chief, wait!” 
Just as you unbuckled Nana from her leash, the larger dog leaped in your direction, almost bulldozing over your smaller pet and straight into you. The unexpected impact was too much for you, sending you back into the wet grass. Large pants and a heavy weight kept you from getting up and you glanced to see that beautiful Samoyed hovering on top of you. Its tongue stuck out, tail wagging rapidly as it stared down at you before nudging your hand for some love. You laughed in astonishment before carding your fingers through its soft fur.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” the owner profusely apologized as he reached you, “Chief still isn’t used to how large he is.” His voice was charming just as it was deep and once you caught his eye, your breath caught in your throat. If this dog was beautiful, then its owner was absolutely divine in the early morning light. His hood slid down to reveal more of his face, allowing you to see the man’s kind eyes, sharp features, and clear skin. His black hair was styled messily due to the hood but the look still suited him. 
One rough pat to the Samoyed’s side was enough to nudge him away from you. “Let me help you up,” the handsome stranger said, offering his large hand out to you. You tentatively slid your hand into his hold before he pulled you back to your feet with little to no effort. “Thank you,” you said in reply to his kind action. You hoped he didn’t notice the embarrassed expression on your face. 
“It’s no problem,” he smiled back, his eye scrunching into the cutest curves. He looked like the dog that just knocked you over. How was that even possible?
Dusting yourself off, you noted that Nana was no longer at your side. Just as you were about to shout for her, you found her playing happily with the Samoyed. “Oh good, I was afraid that she wouldn’t have a playmate during this time,” you let out a sigh of relief. Finding a need to explain yourself, you added, “I usually come earlier in the morning.”
“Decided to sleep in today?” the man asked with a teasing chuckle.
“Yeah, pretty sure I pressed my snooze button a couple of times,” you giggled.
“I usually come around this time but no one’s here,” he said, “It’s nice to see someone else at the park for a change.”
Before you knew what you were doing, you shot back with, “Maybe you should start coming earlier.”
With the same tone, he answered, “Or maybe you can keep hitting that snooze button.” You brought up your hand to cover your smile and mute the laugh that slipped through your lips.
Grinning at your positive response, the man extended a hand out to you. “I’m Jeno,” he started off. “And that, over there,” he gestured off to his Samoyed playing with Nana, “is Chief.”
Placing your hand in his rougher one again, you introduced yourself with a shy smile. “That little one is Nana.”
Jeno let out a loud snort and laugh before covering his lips. His shoulders shook as he tried to calm down. Shocked, you looked at him. There wasn’t anything wrong with that name, was there? You thought it to be quite adorable. 
“Oh no, sorry for laughing. I’m not laughing at you, I swear,” he waved his hands to reassure you. “It’s just that my best friend’s nickname is Nana. His real name is Na Jaemin.”
Tugging his phone out of his pocket, Jeno lit up his home screen to show you a picture of him, another handsome man, and Chief smiling at the camera. “Cute,” you commented with a smile.
“Who-- Nana?”
His sudden question flustered you. “N-no, I mean, yes? I mean--”
“Damn, I was hoping you were referring to me,” he said, the grin on his face growing larger.
“Well, I mean, um--” Oh, this was so going well. A cute guy with a dog talks to you and you can’t even form a full sentence. Why were you like this?
“Hey, no. It’s okay. I was kidding.” He lightly patted your shoulder as you took a swig out of your water bottle. ‘Not going to lie, though, I was hoping you would say I was cute.”
You barely missed choking on your drink. “Oh my god, it’s too early for this,” you muttered under your breath. “I need more coffee.”
“Sorry, am I coming off too strong?” Jeno chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s been a while since I’ve tried to flirt with someone.”
“So you admit that you’re flirting?”
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
“Yup,” you turned away to watch the two canines chase each other’s tails. “Definitely need more coffee.”
As if they knew you wanted to leave the park, your dogs charged towards you at full speed. Unlike before, Chief stopped right before your feet, tongue dipping into a bowl filled with water. He made space for your tinier dog to drink from the bowl as well, the two acting like best friends even though they just met thirty minutes prior. Tugging treats from your jacket pocket, you commanded them to do a couple of tricks before rewarding them as Jeno watching fondly in the background. 
“Hey,” Jeno called, drawing your attention to the two dogs nosing your hand.
“You said you needed coffee, right? Wanna grab some with me? I know a good cafe down the road from here,” he offered a bit timidly, his ears turning a bright shade of pink. “It seems like the two little ones want to hang out more. I think they like each other, I’ve never seen Chief act this way with another dog before.”
You heard a couple of yelps and quickly shifted to see Chief and Nana playing tug of war with a tree branch.
“Must be puppy love, then. And yeah, I’d really like that.”
When Jeno smiled at you, you swore he shone brighter than the sun. “I’d really like that, too.”
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2021
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sitp-recs · 3 years
hi love! Hope you're having a good day ❤ thank you so much for everything you do. I've been craving some really romantic drarry fics lately, do you have any recs? Like fics that make your heart wrench but in the best possible way. Maybe something where one of them just sits there and realizes that "damn. I love him so much"? Sending you lots of love and sunshine, I admire you so much!
Thanks so much anon, this message made my day! Earlier this week I posted a reclist with fics that include the glorious “oh” moment - you can check them here. Btw I love the way you describe it: “fics that make your heart wrench but in the best possible way”! There’s nothing as fulfilling as finding a story where they’re so in love it hurts. I’m listing below a few of my personal favorites combining heart-wrenching romance with soft, low stakes angst. I can’t promise they’ll work for everyone, but I hope you enjoy ;)
Light Years Away by @lettersbyelise (2019, M, 2.5k)
No one told Harry about the training courses young Aurors and Curse Breakers have in common, just like Harry never told anyone about his one-night encounter with Draco Malfoy two months prior.
Still Life by orphan_account (2019, M, 3k)
The Long Fall by @tackytigerfic (2021, M, 3.6k)
It's supposed to be a simple house renovation, and maybe it's just the paint fumes, but Harry is feeling dizzy around Draco Malfoy. And what's the real meaning of family, anyway?
Sun Stroke by @peachpety (2020, E, 4k)
Draco, Harry, and a handful of friends take a summer holiday at the beach. With the help of a sultry sea setting, encouraging friends, and a fisherman’s jumper, Harry and Draco's mutual attraction swells and things get hot on a salty summer night.
Like Gold by @the-sinking-ship (2021, E, 4.5k)
Draco runs away from home on the back of his boyfriend’s motorbike.
Our Little Life by @tackytigerfic (2020, M, 7k)
Sometimes Harry dreams. Only they're not really dreams at all, and Malfoy is always in them. It's time travel, but not as we know it, and Harry just needs a good night's sleep.
the keys to your kingdom by thistle_verse (2016, E, 7.5k)
It was nothing so elegant as fucking, the first time they came together. It was teeth just a little too sharp— against a collarbone, on the right-side curve of a jaw, drawing blood from the plushest part of a bottom lip.
Stories in E Minor by huldrejenta (2014, E, 8.7k)
Draco has found his place in the Muggle world. He's got his music, he's got his neighbours and he is content. Until a certain someone from the past enters his life again.
Life goes not backward by @shealwaysreads (2020, T, 9k)
Harry still isn’t used to gifts, but this one is different. A story of coming home, finding safe ground, and the wild courage of putting down roots.
fine i'll hold my breath / til i forget it's complicated by teatrolley (2015, M, 11k)
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it's more complicated than it actually is.
Evolution by @potteresque-ire (2016, E, 13k)
Draco Malfoy was condemned to live a Muggle’s life for his three-year probation. His wand was locked away, and he was forbidden to set foot in Wizarding Britain until Hermione Granger secured a job for him in the Aurors’ stock room.
The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth by @cibeewastaken (2020, T, 19k)
Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved!
White as Snow by @bixgirl1 (2018, E, 19k)
After a quick escape from danger, Harry and Draco find themselves trapped in a blizzard, a small cabin their only refuge from the storm. It's the perfect place to recover and regroup — and to have a long-overdue conversation or two.
A Hyperactive Fruit, a Nasty Neighbour and a Love Story by synonym4life (2017, E, 20k)
Potter’s pet Niffler is wreaking havoc in Godric’s Hollow and Draco, the Assistant Head to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, is the one who has to deal with it. Repeatedly.
Nice Things by aideomai (2020, M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Waiting By An Open Door by Femme and noeon (2017, E, 29k)
Draco starts following Potterwatch secretly during the War. He wishes Potter would come save him too. But that sort of thing only happens in fairy tales, and Malfoys don't get fairy tale endings, do they?
Against All Odds by momatu (2015, E, 53k)
Beauxbatons is hosting the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe, and Harry has promised to enroll Teddy as his birthday present.
Little Compton Street (One Rainy Night in Soho) by @writcraft (2018, E, 65k)
Draco is lonely, Harry hates the press and it won’t stop raining in London. Harry discovers a magical street that’s close to disappearing forever and Draco realises he’s one rainy night in Soho away from finding everything he’s been searching for.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by nerakrose and dustmouth (2018, M, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Far From the Tree by aideomai (2020, E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
adventure time wizard city liveblog
 well here we go
my last adventure time liveblog, i havent actually done one of these in MANY years... probably not since 2014
this takes place at the same time as obsidian?
yeah i know that’s bufo, they only made it enormously obvious, tsk tsk
@spaceacepearl​ joked about us seeing choose goose get sent to hell but i diDNT EXPECT IT TO HAPPEN
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This music is i assume by one of the many musical artists Adam Muto listed on twitter, it rocks. It’s not as hardcore as Obsidian’s intro, but it’s suitably chill for the scene. 
“get offa my bus kid”
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Those wizards in the left and far right groups appear to be new! 
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i bet hanna and co had fun making these signs
my favourite is the cat with “FAMILIARS HAVE RIGHTS”
cadorka..... wow
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We’re not even four minutes into the ep and peppermint butler has already killed someone in front of a large group of witnesses
“this smells of DARK MAGIC” “yall kids know thats illegal right” peps watches the other kids nod before later joining in, LOL
i cant believe pep started the great gum wars and got killed by golb
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SOMEONE has been playing Overwatch... 
i-- i still cant believe choose goose is fucking dead
how long was he stuck in hell for, or was that recent to together again after new death showed up 
i have to admit im not a big fan of spader, too perfect, and not in that funny way either. i hope they give him some characteristics that make him stand out. 
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im getting flashbacks to OK KO and Owl House here...
Cadebra using music is a reference to Abracadaniel’s love of interpretetive dance in Play Date. 
“they only laugh because youre different” “i know” “SO STOP BEING DIFFERENT” oh my god it’s like talking to my own parents cadebra is actually... a LOT like me, less in her hyperactivity but more in her nonchalant enthusiasm and almost acceptance of the inevitable bullying because it means more time in people’s consciousness
ahhh - it’s quietly revealed here that she is responsible and a skilled magician, she is just bored of magic! i like that she parents abracadaniel instead of being downtrodden by his ramblings. 
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PEP NO--- oh i see the problem, he hasn’t got his Bug Milk... sorry Martin Olsen fans, no Hunson today. At least we get one more Phil Face for the road! 
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candy people in their natural habitat
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Ahhh that’s Doctor Calidoneus! The voice actor was at the recent Distant Lands panel alongside Pep and Blaine’s actors. 
“pretty sure hes just trashcandy” - i like you, sassy antler lady
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the mystery of how he gets clothes
and once again spader is proving to be the most irritating distant lands character of the lot, there is no subversion here. where is the subversion?  
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what is going on here? are pep and peppermint the same person or not? im sure they must be, but there is something going on here with peppermint butler’s soul being trapped in the body of his child self who hasn’t got the same memories. 
OH, HYNDEN WALCH DID A NEW LINE yes this is what im here for, special over 
peppermint butler cursed himself... of course he did - Shado was correct!!!
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love the reference to astral plane, of course pep cant astrally project because cursed pep is still inside of him 
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wow, blaine, wow
they have a crush
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i love the dynamic between cadebra and abracadaniel, imo so far it’s the heart of the special. im not really gripped by peppermint butler’s school troubles. i imagine someone else probably will be but i want to run past that shit as far as possible. 
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ILL SHOW YOU WHEN NICK POSTS THE VIDEO and then ill tell you who made the prediction because i... think it was nick himself, insanity 
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who plagiarized finn’s signature???
turns out pep really DID take over wizard city!!!!
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i love this band
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i understand your pain peps
you probably have a bit too much in common with your mother, and i imagine it isn’t easy being turned into a kid and not being able to do stuff that came so easy. you’re disappointing yourself! (he’s literally disappointing himself)
I’m less than halfway through the special, what the fuck. I wasn’t wrong when I said Wizard City had a lot on its plate. It’s noit that I’ve been particularly gripped up to this point, though to be fair I didn’t pause at all during the other specials barring Obsidian. 
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that... that poor kid is still a rock
and then the preview happened and bufo casually revealed to the audience that, yes, he killed choose goose
i dont know whats happening with pep but it seems he needs to be exorcised of... pep. which is a shame. i hope they learn to coexist. 
i have to say the background work in this special is really good! like, really damn good. 
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oh thats right - abracadaniel is cadebra’s uncle! this must be abracadniels sister. sorry, folks, he doesn’t fuck. 
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Where are they? Is this anywhere near Wizard City? It’s an unpopulated prewar wasteland. 
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my child
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is this an art style choice or did they get the people from that one studio to make this
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the red jacket he wears and his head pill shape is a big kaneda reference actually, which i suppose makes sense considering he’s a rival to our protagonist, but it’s a bit on the nose
bufo killed one of his own students? but why????
“no one likes a rat”
i actually really like blaine, though im confused. did their VA change halfway through the special?
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did doctor caledonius steal the trophy,,,? 
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MONMSTER HUNJTER DISCOVERY NOISE, this time it’s a tetsucabra
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god i wish this is what this special was about, i miss adventure time
these remind me of the comics with their art style :) i wonder who designed them? the one on the right with pb and pep, in particular, very comics-y. 
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fdgfhgf because he’s like 500
“pep can be kind of a jerk but he wouldn’t kill anyone”
sorry, cadebra, i have news for you
is doctor calednoius the true villain? if bufo’s out of the picture, she MUST be, 
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oh no, he might gbe stuck in wizard city :( 
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the writing on the wall...
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okay im not surprised all the teachers at wizard city are cultists in worship of peps, maybe they killed spader and bufo because they bullied peps T_T
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wait no, they thought spader had the potential, but sadly not
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sorry, i was distracted by the pretty dope fight sequence and now the special is over????
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fucking jesse, hes probably at least partly responsible for the cult nonsense
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This credits art is by Maya Petersen!!!! Holy shit it’s adorable!
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okay, it’s over :) 
first thoughts out of the way: not a big fan of this special. it’s like watching a completely different show. it’s not got the PZSHAHH of the normal wizard city stuff and there weren’t a lot of funny jokes or even hearty moments in the thing. 
it suffers from a lack of invested character interactions, much like BMO did. there was not a single main cast member in the whole thing! and like i said before, much of peppermint butler’s character in the show is based on his very sweet relationship to his mother, princess bubblegum, so when they showed a single (hilarious) photo of them together it made me sad we didn’t get any scenes with them together. it would have STOLEN this episode. and they teased the hunson golf photo, and death!!! and jake appeared in a photo T_T last jake appearance. 
it also suffers because Peppermint Butler is clearly not himself, imo he was way more entertaining in the Together Again special, where we seem him back to his “normal” self. 
i dont think peps being a dark wizard was something to “kill off” exactly. i wonder what was going on there? was that actually peps, or was that a spirit he cursed himself with based on himself? we at least know in the future he does become a dark wizard again, and even princess :) this special didn’t answer those questions but lol. 
THE GOOD STUFF, because yes, there was a lot of good stuff! 
God, I’m with Aracle and Maya on this - I LOVE Cadebra and her relationship to Pep. I wish she was even in more of this - I would love to watch the adventures of Cadebra and Pepbut in their first year of school, like in the end credits.
That, imo, is where the heart of the special lay - Peppermint Butler’s attempts to impress himself, versus Cadebra’s self acceptance and desire to follow her dreams of being a goofy goober, no matter what other people thought of her. 
It turned out that Cadebra is a responsible student and family member. I really liked that. Her scenes with Abracadaniel were, somehow, my favourite in the entire special! 
I like that theres a lot of cool magic towards the end of this special, and a lot of HORRIFYING DEATH. It wouldn’t be adventure time if you didn’t randomly kill off child characters. Poor Spader, I hated you but damn, what a grim fate. 
I like that Bufo and Caledonius had this crush/hatred thing going on, but they were part of the same cult in the end. 
I didn’t like the giant peps scene at the end, the monster was extremely milquetoast compared to the madness we usually get in AT. Obsidian, for example, had the awesome Larvo design. Nemesis had some INSANE dark magic!!!!  I wish they drew more from that episode. 
Considering how much Steve Little appears in this special, I do feel bad for Mace (little Peps). He said he would have really benefitted from coaching, but recieved none. He had to re-record his lines 3 times! Judging from his description of events, Wizard City was a hard time for him. 
The wizard school did remind me, heavily, of both The Owl House and OK KO. Personally I was hoping AT would offer me something more insane, but I do love both of those shows, and I know Wizard City was on a really tight schedule. 
I think they should have spent less time on the school bullying plot, and skipped straight to MURDER. 
We did have a cold opening, not on par with Together Again’s at all, but damn!
I am wondering where I would put this in the watch list? I do think it should sit after Obsidian as the third special. The intro scene makes it clear this takes place at the same time as Obsidian!!!
Well, that was it, the last ep of AT for the next few years at least T_T
i think together again was the better finale, definitely. but wizard city feels pretty detached from AT for me, despite the familiar characters it tonally isn’t like the show other than the awesome brutal death scenes. I thought the last 11 minutes was easily the best in the special! Which, honestly, is how it should be, though I do wish it gripped me more. Maybe I’m just not the target audience for Wizard City? It feels like something I would find very compelling if I was a bit younger! 
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keikakudori · 3 years
[[oooooh whats the pre-divorce vibe for aizen and the vizored? Also all highly ranked officers !]]
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when it comes to aizen and the other vaizard, it's ... typically less complicated. typically.
by and large, he knew most of them in some kind of fashion or another because they were shinji's friends which means he had varying levels of exposure to them over the course of his career as fukutaichou, some more, some less.
truthfully, aizen and hiyori did have a friendship. i will say that flat out that i absolutely refuse to believe that was not the case for them; because of her friendship with shinji, this meant that she and aizen got to know one another fairly well over the years and he would often help her with paperwork if she needed it ( by way of editing it or giving it the red pen treatment ) or going out for lunches together and other such things. he would always wish her happy birthday at the very least every year and would, from time to time, definitely get her presents. most often food, but one year, he definitely got @viciousvizard 's hiyori a kanzashi because he saw it and thought she would like it very much. he also tended to never draw her ire the way shinji did, so they got along very well together! and you can believe me when i say that aizen and hiyori would absolutely have sessions where they'd share tea and rag on shinji together. it's actually a very cute friendship in my head and i love it.
additionally, kensei came more into aizen's orbit when kaname transferred to his division and, well -- aizen knows. he knows just how much, ah ... closeness they had with one another. because guess who told him about it. he definitely has looked at kensei from time to time and while he's of the opinion that kensei is very much bark and not as much bite, he rather oddly likes him. aizen thinks that kensei probably sees him as only a nerd or something, however, at that point in time and maybe even a bit of a nag because he would come fetch shinji from trying to skip out on work. does aizen have a teensy little crush on kensei? he might. he definitely likes that kensei shows his arms off, okay? ( he's gay, harold. ) but he does like him. aizen's not sure if the feeling is mutual and he's not going to ask but he does think kensei's hot-blooded nature and temper can actually be really entertaining.
lisa is also probably the other one he's got a fairly friendly relationship with, given that i just feel like she'd rope him into all kinds of shenanigans. do i fully believe that aizen and lisa and hiyori would absolutely get up to pranks together? yes. she probably has flirted with him a few times and aizen just teases back because i feel that'd be how they are. no one else is ever certain of how it might go down but i feel like that it'd definitely be a lot of teasing on both sides and lisa somehow has this knack for getting aizen to unwind and show that he's not so stiff and proper by and large.
rose, love, and hachi are ... of the less exposure. he's polite to them, more or less, and definitely has likely wound up having to drop by the divisions from time to time if only to see if shinji's there and he has always been respectful with them, but they don't ping high on his interpersonal radar the way others have done. he does think love is very easy going, rose is dramatic, and hachi is simply ... stoic.
mashiro is probably the only one that he has no idea how to handle because of her hyperactive and loud nature so aizen just works on avoiding her on a regular basis. it doesn't always work, of course, given that she's kensei's fukutaichou and the monthly lieutenant's meetings means that sometimes he winds up having to spend time around her. but overall, he is fairly polite to all of them because it's just how he is.
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kirieshhhka003 · 4 years
Hi! can I get hcs about the bucci gang having an artist s/o who likes to draw them? But its the kind of drawings where you exaggerate someone's facial features to make it comical xD who do you think would like it and who would get actually angry? Thanks uwu
Thank you for your request, my dear anon💚
Sorry, I’m far from drawing and stuff, and I don’t know much about it, so here are some things that came to my mind:
Bucci Gang x S/o that draws in a strange manner
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Bruno Buccellatti
When S/o showed him their drawings he was very excited about them. It seemed like an illustrations to some book with fairy tails, all characters have some individual features and details that make them look very cool and elaborated. He’s sure that S/o spent lots of time and affords creating every one of them
When he flipped the page in their sketchbook, Bruno saw himself, sitting on the beach and fishing in some weird hat with hooks and shiny beads in it. He couldn’t hold his laughter, the way how silly and adorable the drawing of him looked, made Bruno feel happy and his lips curved into wide smile without him noticing. He muffled S/o’s hair gently and asked - “So, this is how you see me, huh?”
Leone Abbacchio
When Leone first saw S/o drawing he silently stood behind their back and watched them passionately scribbling something in their sketchbook. “Gibberish” he said softly and kept on watching S/o drawing. “Fuck ooof” they responded with a drowl and slightly poked silver-haired in a stomach with their elbow
In Abbacchio’s eyes it’s all just some kind of childish scribbles, but more detailed, S/o are just wasting their time and money. But as long as drawing keeps them busy and calm Leone is totally okay with their hobby
Guido Mista
Guido is so so far from art, especially drawing. All those styles and techniques, if it looks good - it looks good. S/o’s works look great, they’re kinda childish, like some kind of cartoon, but they have some... charm?
Guido asked S/o to draw them and when he took a look at the sheet of paper they gave him Mista was happy like a little pup. He also asked to add some fancy hat with stars and clown shoes to his look. Why? Mista doesn’t know. But it’d look great
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia is utterly excited about S/o’s drawing skills and style. When he was strolling through their sketchbook and noticed a drawing of a young guy, he took a closer look and realization hit his brain. “It’s ME!!!! You really drew me!!!” Gosh, he was so hyperactive about that, S/o wish they never shoved this drawing to him
Narancia often asks S/o to draw him something random like airplane, dragon, bird, boat or gnome. He gets so excited about it, like a little child. He asks for dinosaur daily and if S/o draw dino with the same design as they’ve already drown, Nara requires to remake it
Pannacotta Fugo
Fugo was raised in very straight family and they always told him that all arts, that don’t follow the rules of academic drawing , don’t count as art at all. So when he saw S/o’s drawings he was confused because yeah, it’s really good, but it’s not a real art, right?
When S/o showed Fugo a drawing of him, blonde was really confused about it. Yeah, he could recognize himself in this drawing, but his features was changed, the clothes were really different, he doesn’t have this t-shirt with a strawberry S/o drew him in. But, it’s still lol cute and he appreciates S/o’s work and time they spent on creating it
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno noticed S/o’s sketchbook poking out of their backpack and he asked why it was. They showed Giogio their works and blonde was really interested in them. Pretty much like Bruno, Giorno was excited about every character, every one of them made him feel different emotions - this boy is gotta be silly, and his old man looks evil etc.
He loves to watch S/o drawing, the way simple lines and dots become a whole drawing amazes Giorno. It looks so easy when they draw, blonde feels like he can do the same, but the moment when he grips pencil in his hand all confidence immediately leaves his body and he just stares at the white sheet in front of him
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stillebesat · 4 years
Mother’s Day
Sanders Sides: Janus (Remus, Virgil, and Logan are talked about.) Blurb: Janus has never liked Mother’s Day.  Fic Type: Hurt/Comfort Warnings: Remus related antics are mentioned. Taglist in reblog. 
Janus’s eyes flashed open at the sound of his door opening, though experience had taught him long ago to keep up the pretense of sleeping. 
He drew in a slow breath, closing his eyes once more, grateful he had the covers pulled up over his head as he listened to the barely audible footsteps sneak closer to his bed. 
There was only one reason. One day in particular that someone would try to sneak into his room instead of just barging in like normal because knocking was an action that Remus couldn’t comprehend unless it involved knocking out another person.
Mother’s Day.
Janus hated this day.
It wasn’t like he was even a real Mom. Just because it felt like he spent most of his time keeping track of a bunch of hyperactive children didn’t prove a thing.
No. If anything Janus would have loved for it to be just another ordinary albeit noisy morning. Where nothing ‘special’ happened to him.
It wasn’t meant to be though. 
Not when one Duke of Creativity was involved.
It had started out innocently enough when they were younger. A large mud pie on his bed when he awoke. A crude kindergarten drawing on the night table. A full day of being called “Mommy”, “DeMom” or “Mother Dee.” 
It had been...cute...in a way. Considering Remus hadn’t been able to cook back then and hadn’t yet discovered just how dark his creativity could be instead of just plain gross.
But as the years had passed….Remus had grown and with his growth...had come far more...well, interesting, was probably a better word to describe the ‘breakfast’ and ‘presents’ left for him to wake up to on Mother’s Day than awful. 
Janus worked to stay relaxed, breathing slowly and evenly as the footsteps paused near his side table so as to not give away the ‘game.’
It was all he had on this day. To pretend to sleep in longer. It was a feat accomplished pretty easily since the Others did their best to remain quiet on Mother’s Day and not wake him up at the crack of dawn with noises akin to feral cats fighting to the bloody death.  
That was a much easier present to accept. Because the Others didn’t think of him as a Mother. Just as their Gatekeeper.
Remus though? 
He’d loved the concept of DeMom far too much.
And...and...Janus grimaced, digging his fingers into the mattress. Virgil had too. 
Little Annie’s gifts had been the one bright spot to this awful day. His presents had always been small, easily hidden and easily overlooked when compared to Remus’s more...extravagant gifts. 
But Janus had loved them. Kept them. 
A small spider made of wire, a little stuffed snake made from yellow fabric, a flower crafted from the door handle Remus had broken the week before, and a scrap of paper with a little poem about Deceit’s hat that still made him smile after a hard day. 
Mother’s Day hadn’t been so hard with those little tokens to look forward to.
Until they stopped coming. 
But Janus wasn’t known as Deceit for nothing. He was good at hiding the hurt that first year. Good at pretending he didn’t notice that with Remus’s literal lava cakes and vivid recreation of the Scream painting...no little gift had appeared from Annie. 
The two of them had been more distant at that point in Jr. High. But Janus hadn’t realized just how much Virgil wanted nothing to do with him until he gave him nothing for Mother’s Day.
A fluke. 
He told himself. 
A one time thing.
Until it repeated the next year.
And the year after that.
And the year after that.
Where the only presents to appear had been from Remus. 
Annie had remained distant. Had gone to spend more time with the Light Sides.
And Deceit had pretended the entire time that he didn’t miss the little gifts. That he didn’t care that Virgil was treating him more and more like the enemy.
It had been hard.
To pretend.
Even more so that first Mother’s Day after Virgil’s acceptance by the Light Sides when he’d seen Logan walk by with a little metal star in his fingers.
It had hurt when he’d listened in later and heard them, heard Virgil referring to Logic as Mama Lo. 
No, Janus had never liked Mother’s Day. 
He hated it more than ever now. 
Now that he could feel the jealousy burning and writhing in his chest at the thought at the little presents Virgil would leave for Logan today instead of for him.
After all, Mama Lo would never wake up to an army of fire ants invading his bed, to piles of slime dripping into his hair, to multiple bright yellow flaming knives hanging point down over his head on Mother’s Day.
Janus forced himself to draw another slow steady breath, to relax his fingers. He knew Remus was just...being himself.
But Janus wished his gifts were a bit more...well like Annie’s. 
And that wasn’t fair to Remus. Not when Janus could see that the Duke meant well. That these were gifts that he’d thought out and tried to create just for him. That Remus wanted him to feel...special.
Janus grimaced, opening his eyes, glaring at the weave in his sheets, steeling himself as he heard the soft thud of something being placed on his nightstand that he would soon have to ‘find’ and ‘like’ because there was no way he would not compliment and admire Remus’s gift when The Duke rarely received praises from anyone else for his...ideas. 
Though now that Thomas was aware of his Darker Creativity and accepted him enough to allow the Duke access to the Light Sides...he had wondered...if Remus would give him anything at all this year or if he’d pull a--a Virgil and jumped on the Mama Lo train and give Logic his ‘special present’ today instead.
That would be a laugh and a half to see Logan’s reaction to Remus’s particular brand of gifts. 
Or would the bitter twisting feeling in his stomach only increase knowing that the Duke would be so quick to change who his ‘mother’ figure was too? 
No. There was someone in the room with him. Remus had still chosen him over Logic this year unlike--
A warm weight settled by his knees. “I know you’re awake, DeMom.” An achingly familiar voice quietly said.
Janus froze, heart leaping in his chest, not quite daring to believe he was hearing who he thought he was hearing as he peered out from under his covers to the shadowy figure sitting on his bed.
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