#and they are incredibly loyal and can be scary when they want to be
askblueandviolet · 5 months
Who’s the cat-person & dog-person between you two?
Also.. *slowly shoves coffee pudding in front of you* :3
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pollyanna-nana · 6 months
Imagine you’re Delgal. Imagine you were raised from birth alongside the court jester. You do everything together. You look up to him, being so much older. He seems wise and responsible, and always encouraging you and caring for you, more than your own busy parents are able to. In every sense of the word, he is your brother, despite how different you look and the distance of your station. The people around you tell you that he is an elf, the tone of their voice implying that’s something scary or even dangerous. But you disagree. That’s Thistle, your big brother.
But… as you age, things become confusing. You get taller, smarter, stronger, and Thistle is there for you through it all. Only… he never seems to change. In your entire journey to adulthood, he hardly seems to have aged a few years, if that. It’s amusing when you first grow taller than him, then grow facial hair, while Thistle’s short stature and youthful face remains the same. Still, you love him, love his music and his wit and even the bold-faced honesty that gets him in trouble if you’re not around to diffuse the situation. You wonder why such a person has been relegated to the inglorious job of jester, and your father tells you very simply that the magic elves wield is too powerful and dangerous to belong to any other position. But you think that’s nonsense, you’ve trusted Thistle from the day you were born and would do so until the day you die.
It isn’t until what should’ve been the happiest day of your life that you truly start to understand just how different Thistle is from you. Kneeling over your father’s cooling corpse, you take in the elf’s panicked face. He’s so young, so unchanged, and in that moment he seems nearly immortal to you. You’ve heard the stories of elf magic, how their spells could be used to heal wounds and raise the dead, but Thistle can’t do any of that. He hasn’t been allowed to. There’s nothing that either of you can do but watch your father slowly die in front of you.
You never want this to happen again, not when there’s something that can stop it. You make Thistle the court sorcerer, even as your advisors warn against it. But you’re the king, goddamn it, and you trust him. But more than that, you want what he can give to you. A power greater than any tallman could achieve. You become busier and busier, only checking up occasionally on his studies. He’s become incredibly proficient in a short amount of time, but your thoughts are elsewhere. Enemies knock on your door, famine chokes the population, and worst of all your beloved son has fallen ill. It’s just like the day of your wedding, but this time, you have something that can defy that fate. Thistle.
But still, it’s not enough. It seems that even elf magic has its limits, and you can’t help but become angry with him. He reacts like a scorned child— is a scorned child, as you’ve come to realize— and you apologize. But he tells you he has something secret to show you, something he’s been searching for, researching for these past few years. The idea unsettles you, but you’ve become desperate, and you can see that he has, too. So you follow him into the dungeon, watch him smash the statue of your kingdom’s guardian and pull the book from the rubble that would decide your and your people’s fate.
Your son is healed, your enemies repelled, and your people fed and taken care of. You’re happy, and so Thistle is, too. You recognize, vaguely, that despite this achievement the familial bonds between the two of you have never been thinner. But you don’t dwell on it. He did what you needed him to do, and now you no longer had to fear the indignity of death or strife.
But of course, things do not remain sweet forever. Thistle has only grown more attached to you, more loyal, and his behavior has become erratic and strange. He keeps you all cooped up in the dungeon, insisting that the outside world is too dangerous. There’s a hardness to his still-youthful features that you never saw throughout all those years growing up alongside him. Slowly but surely the person in your memory is replaced by something frightening, almost repulsive, after he strips your own son’s soul from his body. He seems so unaffected by it all, so… inhuman.
Eventually he decides to give you what you said you wanted all those years ago: to no longer fear death. To become immortal. But it is not what you had hoped for— every day seems to drag into infinity, with joy and mirth seeping rapidly from the unsettled townsfolk as decades, then centuries pass. Thistle has become entirely unapproachable, spending all his time fortifying the dungeon and watching obsessively for any signs of traitors that might challenge the throne. You feel hopeless in it all. No matter how you beg, he never seems to hear you. His power is overwhelming and you fear how he might react to more direct commands. The guilt is intense… you know you pushed him into this, pushed him to find a way to achieve everlasting peace at any cost. But this cost is too much. How could he not see that?
1000 years. 1000 years of this torture, and the population of your kingdom has dwindled to almost nothing. In your dreams you see the vision of a golden lion in chains, its wings pinned as it pleads with you to save it. To save your kingdom, to put the remaining souls to rest. You know what needs to be done, it’s told you the best way. You tell the mad mage that you wish to have dinner together with the whole ‘family’— just like the olden days— and the way his face lights up is almost enough to make you reconsider. Almost.
It was a lie, of course. While he’s distracted you take your son’s empty body, making your way to the surface as fast as your legs can carry you. You know what’s about to happen. You’ll become nothing but dust, but you’ll be free. And with any luck, soon everyone else will be, too. Breaching the surface you get the first rays of sun on your face in a millennium, take your last breaths of fresh air as you tell the story that will free your kingdom.
As you crumble away to nothing, a last thought enters your mind. Perhaps they were all right. Perhaps it was a mistake to trust an elf.
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llamagoddessofficial · 6 months
llama i must know
do you have any thoughts about siren bad sanses? 👉👈(//ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠//)
do i
Horror: Now, Skull is a cecaelia. But I think Horror would be a little different. A big frightening toothed whale - particularly, a Risso's dolphin. Risso's dolphins have a cool effect where any time they get an injury, their scars lose pigment and remain white forever. Horror is slowly turning whiter and whiter as time goes on.
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Just like usual, he used to be normal sized, but his injury kickstarted a bizarre growth spurt and he's become far larger than he ever should've. He enjoys targeting boats - since he's so big he can easily sink small ships, his favourite 'game' is ramming vessels and seeing who survives after the ship rolls over. He eats anyone who drowns.
I can imagine him falling in love with you from the water, and rocking your boat purely to get your attention. If you ignore him he slams into the hull in frustration. He'd never sink your boat, of course... not unless you were really, REALLY ignoring him, and he lost his temper.
Dust: An oceanic whitetip shark. The beautiful dark colouring. The 'dusty' white edges of the fins and tail. A solitary, wandering creature that's probably responsible for many of the open-water shark attacks attributed to other species... IMO, it's absolutely perfect.
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Before joining Nightmare, he travelled long distances in isolation, avoiding large vessels or groups but hunting down and killing anyone (or anything) he caught alone. He'll follow prey for weeks; he often waits for people on boats to go stir crazy before he attacks.
He's a distant admirer. He'll stalk from afar, but come closer at night, when it's hard to distinguish his dark shape against the moonlit sea. He thinks you'll be a very pretty siren.
Killer: @aka-indulgence suggested Killer is a bull shark and she's absolutely right. Killer is hyperactive and murderous, but incredibly loyal to those he cares about (even if he won't admit he cares). Bull sharks are fast, notoriously aggressive, yet surprisingly social.
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Killer just enjoys... well, killing. He sometimes plays with his prey, but the games are never as forgiving as Horror's, or as patient as Dust's. He likes to bite the limbs off of his targets and watch them struggle to get away.
He's extremely friendly to you. Worryingly so. He lacks any subtlety, he'll come right up to your boat and put his arms over the edge when he wants your attention, flirting like you didn't just watch him murder another siren in cold blood. A swift strike with an oar is usually enough to ward him off - but unfortunately, it never seems to chase him away permanently.
Nightmare: He isn't any one species. He's much, much older. He was something else before his corruption... but times change, don't they? If you don't know what to call him, he certainly doesn't mind the ego stroke of being called a kraken.
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Obviously it would be ridiculous of me to make Nightmare anything other than a cecaelia. He's large, scary, black as midnight sea, beautifully bioluminescent when he wants to be. He has attributes of lots of different deep-sea creatures; retractable hooks in his tentacles, a toxic bite, terrifying teeth, incredible vision. He's not the kind of thing you want to encounter underwater. Ever.
The other sirens would be very reluctant to let Nightmare know you exist. But when all three of his underlings are chasing the same prey... well. You'll catch his eye sooner or later.
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sunshine-dies · 1 month
repost of earlier svsss AU minus the art because i was rudely flagged down smh
art is now available on twitter!
my train stop for the arbour discord event! a lovely little monster!Shen Yuan AU with some classic obsessive affection from both Shen Yuan and Binghe, classic! i gave it the title "PIDW Playthrough: Easy Mode"
in this au Shen Yuan actually transmigrates well before Binghe is born. he's supposed to transmigrate into Shen Qingqiu's body (hence some silmilarities in facial shapes, as much as Shen Yuan currently has discernible facial shapes) but Shen Qingqiu is still very much alive and kicking (and still a street urchin), so the System hits a wall with where to put him. this causes Shen Yuan's soul to "fester" in a way, and grow into a virus that then turns on the System.
yes, he eats the System. as a treat for all the system haters out there. this means that he successfully consumes everything the System contained, including the mandatory story structure and information on nearly every parameter of the PIDW world, among other things. the only issue is that this information takes a lot of time and effort to actually digest, and it puts him in a kind of coma, which means he wakes up approximately a year into Binghe's tutelage and abuse on Qing Jing Peak.
Shen Yuan wakes up as a creature that exists in the blank spaces of PIDW, in the shadows and beneath rocks and in the dark night sky. he also wakes up incredibly weak, with barely any power and in a body that is formless and so undefined that he has trouble interacting with the world around him. he has knowledge though, a lot of it, and he uses it to find his way to Qing Jing Peak and to the woodshed where Luo Binghe sleeps. their first encounter begins with Shen Yuan sneaking in through the gap beneath the door, tugging a small jar of medicine with him. Luo Binghe's body recognises his presence as something ancient and eldritch, even as his mind struggles to see what's so scary about a puddle of shadows with two bright blue, rectangular eyes. and so the saga of Shen Yuan living in Luo Binghe's shadows begins. Shen Yuan gathers his strength while following Luo Binghe around, giving him advice after advice, teaching him, helping him practise. for every punishment Shen Qingqiu doles out, Shen Yuan commits a petty crime or two, although Binghe insists that it's fine. he's loyal to Shen Yuan now, who seems happiest when he manages to help Luo Binghe, and who teaches him more and better than any other hallmaster.
Shen Yuan goes on all available side-quests, saving Liu Qingge in the Lingshi-caves and assisting Luo Binghe and Cang Qiong as a whole during the demonic invasion. he's pulled into the dreamscape Meng Mo builds for Luo Binghe, where Luo Binghe once again refuses to take Meng Mo as his Shizun. when the Immortal Alliance Conference rolls around, Shen Yuan helps Luo Binghe in his battle with the Black Moon Rhynoceros Python when his cradle seal breaks, but hesitates when Shen Qingqiu is about to push Luo Binghe into the Abyss. he ultimately lets him, if only so that Binghe will finally be free from Shen Qingqiu's abuse. they fall together, Shen Yuan cushioning Luo Binghe's landing, and then they search for Xin Mo together. with Shen Yuan's knowledge it's laughably easy, and they resurface in the Demon Realm a few months later, where Shen Yuan insists that they spend some time in seclusion so that Binghe can grow into his new body and his new sword (which Shen Yuan somehow bullies into being relatively docile. he's an omnipotent eldritch monster, he can totally do that. i don't make the rules). neither of them says anything about how nice this seclusion is, or how they kind of don't want to go back to society ever again.
demonic heritage and Xin Mo mastered, they go on a roadtrip to absolutely demolish Mobei Jun and every other Demon King/Demon Noble/etc. and gain power in the Demon Realm. Shen Yuan insists that they do so for the sake of reaching Luo Binghe's "bright, glorious fate" (minus the wives, which he bristles at the mere thought of. his sweet Binghe is too good for those shallow women!). Luo Binghe is not sure he cares enough so long as he gets to curl up among Shen Yuan's silky-soft, gentle tendrils every night and gets to hear him ramble on about this or that random monster they came across. one day, as he's cleaning Xin Mo at the edge of a bloodied battlefield with Shen Yuan at his back telling him what a good job he did, he says so. Shen Yuan is confused - doesn't Binghe want power and riches and revenge? but Luo Binghe tells him he doesn't really care at all, so long as Shen Yuan stays with him.
that's as far as i thought, so cue the obligatory Shen Yuan freak-out (can a mass of non-binary but male-identifying shadows be gay? maybe it's better not to put a label on it) aaaand yeah they totally get married. they probably get a small cottage in the middle of nowhere relatively close to a village and live a quiet, happy existence for the rest of their lives, occasionally interrupted by this or that demon or cultivator appearing to kill Luo Binghe the demon emperor and bring his head back as retribution for his or her ancestors (Binghe totally ditched his half-assembled empire for that monster D. he does not give a fuck). maybe they go on adventures together. Shen Yuan gets infinite chances to infodump, and Luo Binghe stares at him with heart eyes as he listens. win-win.
cut to Shang Qinghua frantically panicking about where the protaginst is. nothing gets resolved, but at least bingyuan are happy, i guess. maybe Shang Qinghua gathers his energy and helps Mobei Jun usurp the throne instead. or not. what do i know.
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loganwritesprobably · 1 month
Your Little.. Boyfriend?
Just a little something because there's not enough male reader content
Tags/Warnings: Crocodile/M!Reader, getting together, jealous!Crocodile, boss/employee, weird npc is obsessed w reader, implied canon-typical violence, possessive!Crocodile, first date
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You'd been working for Sir Crocodile at rain dinners for a while now. You worked on the casino floor, waiting on guests who might need it while most of your co-workers worked the tables or at the bar. You were one of just two waiters, and that meant you were often stretched thin, working twice as hard as your other co-workers in order to do everything you needed to. But, damnit, you did your job well! You had already gotten a small raise, and you'd gotten a bonus last holiday season.
Crocodile wasn't at the casino often, attending to other business that he had. He was a busy man. But on the times that he was at the casino, you were usually sent to tend to him. Your waitress co-worker had been asked once but she hadn't been able to keep her nerve in the wake of such a large, intimidating man. You didn't mind, tending to Crocodile was usually a far less stressful job than tending to the general public.
You'd built somewhat of a rapport with him, to the point where he usually greeted you by name whenever you first came to see him during a visit, taking his first drink order of the day. He asked you for your thoughts on the casino sometimes, asked for information about the usual goings on of a day when he couldn't be there. You answered the questions to the best of your ability, but at first you'd also been prone to telling little white lies - you didn't want to disparage his establishment after all. Now? Now you'd freely tell him about problem employees and customers, things that needed changing, and ideas you had for the betterment of the casino. Sometimes, things changed and sometimes they didn't - he was free to make those choices himself of course, you were just honoured that he asked you at all.
Today, Crocodile was due to make another visit. You'd been told ahead of time, instructed to take care of your section until he arrived, and then it would be closed to help your co-worker while you tended to the man.
There was just one small problem. You had.. an enthusiastic customer, to put it politely.
The customer was a regular, and he always made sure to sit in your section and chat with you. It'd been nice at first, you made sure to give him excellent service for being a loyal customer, and it was nice that he liked you. Then he specifically waited for a table so he could sit in your section even if the entire other section was empty. He'd be there from open until close, buying something just often enough that he wasn't told to leave. He'd attempted to follow you on your lunch break more than once. He was starting to be scary, but you had to put on your best customer service face, because that was your job.
You closed your section, despite much complaining, and the customer attempted to follow you to Sir Crocodile. Thankfully, he spent his time in a private VIP area, so the security stopped the customer from following you. You had less than a minute to calm yourself down before making it to Crocodile, but you were fairly sure you'd managed.
"Good afternoon, Sir. How can I help you today?" You asked, cursing your slightly shaking voice.
"You know, I afford my employees here a lot of free reign, but this is incredibly unprofessional of you," Crocodile said, causing anxiety to start brewing in your stomach, "I'll take a whiskey." You nodded and set off to do that for him, desperately attempting to figure out what you'd done wrong.
And then he was gone. Crocodile had stood from the chair where he'd been lounging and left you in the VIP area out of harms way while he returned to the main area of the casino to find the customer that had been bothering you. The VIP area was soundproofed, so you could only guess what had happened while he was out there, but Crocodile returned with red knuckles and a small spatter of blood on his face. You were able to fill in the gaps.
Your stomach was in knots when you returned to Crocodile, setting his whiskey down on the table in front of him gently.
"I'm sorry if I'm speaking out of turn, sir, but I was wondering what I've done that you consider unprofessional?" You needed to know, and you could only hope that he'd explain so you could fix the behaviour.
"This is your work place, leave your little boyfriend at home next time." Crocodile told you, looking bored as if it should've been obvious that his was the issue, but you only found yourself more confused - you didn't have a boyfriend.
"I think there's been a miscommunication sir - I don't have a boyfriend. I'm single, I live alone." You replied, the tray you'd used to carry Crocodile's drink clutched tightly in your hand.
"Then who is the young man that has been obsessively following you?" He asked, his dismissive tone replaced by one more firm. He needed information and he needed it quickly.
"Just a customer sir." You told him, and you couldn't bear to make eye contact anymore, his hard gaze unnerving for the first time since you'd begun to work for the man.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You've been gone for a few weeks, he only started being so.. interested when you were gone. I haven't had a chance." You admitted. You'd been planning on telling him today anyway, it wouldn't be the first uncomfortable visitor he'd banned from the casino for mistreating his staff.
"Stay here. I'll be dealing with this one personally."
"Sir?" You asked softly, unsure what you were meant to do from here, what was expected of you next.
"I'm taking you out." Crocodile declared, gently taking the tray from your hand that you were still clutching, something to ground yourself with. You looked up at him blankly for a moment, just blinking, processing what he'd said.
"You're what?" You asked, needing some seriously clarification before you were able to process his words.
"Go home, get changed into something casual, be back here in three hours. I'm taking you out." He repeated, ushering you out the door. Out. On a date. Okay maybe you were getting ahead of yourself, maybe it wasn't a date, but just an outing. Bosses did those right? Sure, yeah. That must be it.
You headed home as you'd been instructed to, took a shower and scrubbed yourself within an inch of your life. You sprayed yourself with deodorant and cologne, hoping you could raise yourself to the standard Crocodile might expect from someone he was going.. out with. You agonised over what to wear, sure that nothing in your wardrobe was good enough for wherever you were headed. At least he'd said casual - that meant you were off the hook.
With a pair of nice trousers, patterned and made of a thin cotton that would allow the fabric to breathe to help with the heat, and a shirt in a different colour, only buttoned part way to display some of your chest - it still could be a date and there was nothing wrong with showing off a little on a date - you were ready to go. Go where, you still had no idea, but you were ready for it. Anywhere that Crocodile took you could only be wonderful.
It was definitely a date.
As requested, you returned to the casino to find Crocodile outside already waiting for you. For a second you were concerned that you were late, but Crocodile gave a small smile upon seeing you, using his sand to snuff out his cigar which was quickly disposed of.
"You look handsome." He said as you stepped up beside him, and it caught you off guard.
"Oh- thank you sir. You look quite dashing yourself." You replied and he softly laughed, offering his arm for you to take.
"Please, don't call me sir outside of work. Not unless you want me to drastically change our plans, and take you back to my bedroom." Your cheeks warmed quickly and you froze, eyes widening.
"I- yeah. Okay." You quickly nodded, hardly able to speak nevermind reply intelligently.
Crocodile took you to a small café, which was hardly what you'd been expecting, but apparently they did the best coffee in the area. After tasting it, you believed him. He indulged you by paying for everything, and banned talking about work, only allowing the two of you to talk about yourselves.
When you approached the casino again, the sun had begun to set and you'd only left because the café had closed. It had been nothing short of wonderful, but you had questions that you needed to ask before the two of you parted.
"I hope you had a good afternoon with me?" Crocodile asked, allowing you to take your arm back from his.
"I did, it was lovely. But, I have some questions."
"I'll do my best to answer them."
"Mainly.. why? I don't understand why you'd want to take me out like this. I didn't think I was your.. type." You dodged around the fact that what you really meant was you didn't think Crocodile was gay. He seemed the sort to enjoy having a pretty lady on his arm, not.. you.
"Well, you shouldn't assume those sorts of things. I've entertained both men and women in my life," Crocodile said first, and you were embarrassed to know he understood what you'd meant quite clearly, because you had assumed he was right, "and I suppose I should've made my intentions clearer,"
"at first I was away on business, but I extended my stay after Miss All Sunday notified me of your little fan. I admit it was childish, but I've been interested in you for some time now, and I thought I'd lost my chance. When I heard today that his attentions were unwanted, I took it upon myself to take care of the issue, and then I knew I had to ask you on a date myself. I couldn't risk letting you get away again."
You couldn't see anything wrong with that.
His confession made your head spin and your palms sweat. What? Your own feelings that you'd been harbouring for your employer were requited, and had been for a time now.
"I've had a little thing for you for a while as well, actually. I have to admit. I kind of convinced myself I didn't have a chance with you." You replied, and Crocodile tilted your chin so you were looking up at him, also bending down so you were more level, his eyes locked on yours.
"I think you're stunning. I only wish I'd pursued you sooner, you could've been trussed up in the finest fabrics, sleeping in my bed, and far from the scum that decided he had any right to try to touch you." His words made your heart flutter and stomach flip. He really wanted all of that?
"I should've known you'd be a possessive man."
"Oh I am. Incredibly so. If you agree to this with me, there will be no getting away from it. You'll be mine. My boy."
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SFW Requests Open Only
AO3 | Fanfic Masterlist | Request Rules | Recs
Tags: @claryeverlarkf @uselessboots @cainnoable @discordantwritings
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Rewatching all of OFMD today (#Renew As A Crew) and one thing that's sticking out to me immediately -
Until we see in s2 how relieved Ed is to lose the responsibility of being captain, it doesn't really stick out how fucking...tense Ed is.
When he meets Stede's crew, look at his body language! He's trying to be cool and smooth and everything, and he's charismatic enough he can pull it off, but his body language is borderline nervous, honestly. He's very stiff and cautious in his movements, always keeping at least one hand on his weapons, always glancing around. It's striking to compare it to how he acts when he's alone with Stede - you can almost see the weight grow on his shoulders when he's in front of the crew. No wonder Lucius thinks he doesn't know how to relax!
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He's also extremely theatrical and showy, and part of that is Ed being tied with Stede for Most Dramatic Bitch on the Seven Seas, but it's also immediately obvious that he expects every eye to be on him, always. He acts like he knows he's the center of attention, always. Almost every movement this man makes seems so calculated.
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You can see some of the weight lift when he tries telling everyone to just call him Ed, although a lot of the time he still looks pretty guarded and often holds his hands in front of himself almost protectively. Sweetie pie is trying so hard to be vulnerable but his body language still reads like he's not fully comfortable. It has to be very scary for him but he's being so brave and trying so hard anyway!
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We don't see the big change until he's back on the ship in s2e5 and the crew have put him on probation. Although many of the crew are still pissed at him, Ed is, very explicitly, no longer captain. The crew don't hate him (they're mad at him, but he never lost their love), but they'd push back against orders even if he tried giving them. And what a relief that must be! Ed looks so light this episode! It's no longer his job to make the decisions, all he has to do is fix things up. He gets to talk with Fang as friends, not as The Legendary Captain Blackbeard and Loyal Crewmember. He gets to play, doing a cannonball off the ladder, and have a good time learning how to fish. His body language is absolutely night-and-day.
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And after he gets out of probation? That stays consistent. In s2e6 he gets to play along with the crew, encouraging "the moving of the tub - it's a sacred tradition!!!" getting him a cheer from the crew ("yooo, this dude's devout as fuuuck!!"). He just gets to have a good time. Compared to the first time he meets the crew in s1e4, he's obviously so relaxed and willing to unwind in front of everyone - they were about to dance, and Ed doesn't even fucking hesitate to agree when Stede suggested they join everyone (fuck Ned Low for stealing that from us, honestly).
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Ed wants so fucking badly to be free of the massive responsibility that's been weighing on him - think about what he said to Stede in s1e4: "they're all going to die, all the men who trusted you, and it'll be all your fault!" He has been living with so much weight on his shoulders, not just incredible responsibility but feeling unsafe to be the softer, gentle, sweet man we know he is.
He just wants to be free to be Ed.
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writerblue275 · 8 months
Heartsteel Ranking: “Scary boyfriend privilege”
(AKA how intimidating they are to people who don’t know them.)
Inspiration: I’ll be honest this is a bit of a random ranking but I thought it would be fun to do and it was!
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Ranking
Type: Fluff? This is meant in a funny way.
Tw: Small mention of alcohol (drink responsibly y’all), and swearing (because I do, in fact, have the mouth of a damn sailor.)
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List goes least intimidating to most intimidating.
Ezreal (One of these days I will do a ranking that doesn’t put him at the bottom! I swear it’s not intentional! 😂)
Let’s be honest no one is shocked he’s here, right? Where else was Ez going to go on this list?? This isn’t a bad thing though! He just gives off such golden retriever energy and it’s amazing and I love him. I want to be at least best friends with HS Ezreal.
Despite the usual happy golden retriever energy, he’s definitely not afraid to tell people off/protect you though. (I feel like he secretly has quite a temper. He’s a Sagittarius after all [love my fellow 🔥 signs WOOT WOOT]. Usually he’s very good about keeping it under control…but if someone [besides you, he absolutely adores you] pushes him too far [ex: by making you uncomfortable]…just see what happens.)
You absolutely have scary boyfriend privilege with Aphelios, but I just can’t rank him higher than any of the other members below. He definitely has that “brooding silent type” down pat, and when he’s wearing his mask, that’s doubled. That air of mystery, baby, he’s got that in SPADES.
We also know he’s tall. Like not Sett, K’Sante, or Yone tall, but he’s got some height on him (unconfirmed 6’). Physically, he’s definitely more intimidating than Ez. Like imagine Phel silently staring daggers at someone. Lmao I’d hate to be whoever pissed him off.
Most of this comes from his height (unconfirmed 6’4”) and the fact he’s one of the gym bros. Like general vibe/personality-wise, I think Phel could be more-intimidating than K’Sante (or even Sett), but have you seen how just MASSIVE K’Sante is? HE CAN CANONICALLY BENCH SETT. Like 😮😮😮
Not to mention I feel like he’d always stick close to you in public, so no one would even dream of trying to do anything to you. (Unless they’re a whole dumbass.) K’Sante genuinely gives me very kind vibes, but he definitely protects those he loves very fiercely.
Sett is (unconfirmed) 6’7” (at least confirmed the tallest in the group), and JACKED AS HELL. Not to mention “allergic” to sleeves so those arms are out most of the time lmao. Only a fucking moron (or someone who is incredibly drunk) would look at Settrigh and go “oh yeah I am absolutely going to mess with this guy.” RIP that idiot.
He also doesn’t fuck around about the safety of the people he loves. Sett genuinely seems like the sweetest guy (I love this giant, ripped, sewing himbo so fucking much oh my fucking god) but he can/will be intentionally intimidating if it’s necessary to keep you or Ma safe (the two most important figures in his life 🥺). Will walk you home/keep you close to him in crowded situations. He always wants you to feel safe when you’re with him (you absolutely do like how could you not?).
So this is based on both appearance and reputation. Obviously Kayn has quite the reputation from his last band (as well as being kicked out of it.) Appearance-wise, he’s not super tall, but he’s tall enough. Not to mention the piercings, tattoos, the fact he’s also in excellent shape (I mean we all saw those abs 😏), has vibrant dyed hair, a very bright red eye, and he is a total metal head. He can also, um, travel through WALLS. (Small detail lol.)
DO I EVEN HAVE TO MENTION RHAAST (even as his stage alter ego)???? Kayn can be pretty impulsive and sometimes acts first, thinks later. (He’s currently working on that with Yone, it’s fine.) Someone would be a damn fool to fuck with him or you. He just gives me very loyal guard dog vibes. (I mean he did wear the damn leash in the mv so….😝)
There is no one (let me repeat: NO ONE) I’d want to fuck with less than Yone. This man has quintessential resting bitch face (RBF), is like 6’ 2-3” (unconfirmed), in very good shaped (based on the lovely titty window of his outfit. Thank you, Riot designers) and is able to (mostly) wrangle the rest of the group. Also (hella obvious but) HE’S AN INTROVERT (INFJ specifically). People are NOT his thing (fucking MOOD).
Yone is the one who gives the most similar vibes to the TikToks I’ve seen that show cosplayers at Cons with their scarier-dressed friends/partners following behind them keeping them safe. (For Yone, it’s the RBF/air of mystery that really sets the tone.) He gives me such mature gentleman vibes as well. He’s always going to walk you home especially at night, or he’ll stay by your side in a crowd and you are just going to feel really safe with him. Top-tier scary boyfriend privilege right there.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Ok so the least and most intimidating were extremely obvious to me. It was everyone else in between that made things difficult. This was really fun to write though, even if the concept is a bit silly! 😂
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maiko-san · 10 months
TADC x Robotic Jester Reader ( Part 1 )
You have a robotic jester avatar that is straight up Fizzarolli.
(Y/o/n) : Your other name
The reader is non-binary ( Reader is a Yes ), age 23.
Ft. Kinger, Ragatha and Caine
Part 2
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The last thing you remember was putting on a headset and boom, you spawned in a circus and forgot your name.
The ringmaster names Caine gave you a new name which was (Y/o/n). You accept your new name and your new life in this circus. Oh, also a new body which was a jester but a robot? You find it cool that you can extend your limbs and is incredibly flexible. At first, you find it hard to control your body parts but "practice makes perfect" and you manage to control your limbs like a pro.
Anyways, you're one of those people that accept your fate and live normally in the circus unlike the others who got obsessed finding the exit, went insane and then abstracted. It was to a point it was only you and Kinger left in the circus. ( Ragatha is actually the second oldest member but I'll make her the third after Reader )
Kinger sees you as a good and loyal friend. Both of you are really close.
After Queenie abstracted, you were there to comfort him. The poor man's mental health had deteriorated after witnessing all his friends abstracted causing him to become paranoid, easily scared and forgetful.
There are times that whenever you're talking to him and the next thing he does is scream due to him forgetting who you were ( you were slightly hurt by it at first but you can't blame him for having a short term memory ).
Plus, your avatar is kinda scary tbh. Glowing eyes, sharp teeth and all?
Anyways, whenever Kinger made a pillow fort, you would help him make a bigger one! A castle pillow fort!
It was lonely and uneventful when it was just you and Kinger but it didn't take long for new members to pop in.
Oh dear lord.
Isn't she the sweetest doll you ever met? Well, really not actually no. Not in a bad way, you could read someone's body language and you know she's forcing herself to be happy in this digital world.
"Come on now, dollie! Don't force that smile, you might hurt those lil cute cheeks of yours~" you giggled, poking her cheeks.
Ragatha doesn't know whether she should blush or weirded out with you.
During her first arrival, she had a hard time fitting in and she avoided both you and Kinger at first.
She also tried to find the exit which she failed to do so.
She knows that you want to have a conversation with her but you didn't force it on her. Which she appreciates.
At that point she can see that you genuinely want to befriend her. After she sees how close you and Kinger are.
As time goes by, she starts to talk to you and Kinger. Man, you are one happy jester!
You get to know about Ragatha more, she's actually a nice person and also she knows how to knit and make embroidery!
She actually made a plushie of you and Kinger, how cute!
"Awwwww~" you awed at the sight of the plushie version of you and Kinger. "Kingy! Hey, Kingy! Look how scary my plushie is!" you said, running towards the chess king like a child who got a present. Kinger holds the plush version of you, but when you show his plush ver "AHH—"
Ragatha couldn't help but giggle at the sight.
Whenever the three of you are in the tent, you usually practice your circus act during your free time.
What is a circus without a circus performer anyway? You would do juggling balls and proceed to do the extreme, like juggling the closest thing to you like chainsaws, swords, chair, Kinger—
Dancing on a tight rope? Check.
Eat a sword? Check.
Blow a huge ball of fire? Check.
Magic tricks? Check.
Ragatha, Kinger and Caine would watch you do the tricks, they were impressed how quickly you learn all of it. Especially Caine, who assists you with all of your circus acts.
He loves how you know how to do circus acts! ( It seems the ai has a favourite child ).
What is the point of a circus without a circus performance? Him being the ringmaster and you're the performer.
Caine did try to make Ragatha and Kinger join in the fun but they ended up failing miserably. Like jumping through a fire hoop and on a spinning wheel?
"I-I think we'd rather be the audience, Caine" Ragatha chuckles nervously as she pulls out a cleaver from her head and pretends it was normal which it wasn't. Kinger on the other hand is shaking uncontrollably from the experience and his robe is on fire which you out. You tried to hold him down, only to have him clip through the floor.
"Kingy!!!!" you let out a panic scream as you scratch the floor after witnessing your bestie glitching into the floor. "Caine! Do something, what if he went to the cellar or worse, trapped in some weird endless yellow room filled with monsters?!" you shrieked, pulling on your jester hat.
Caine with a snap of his fingers teleports the chess king back into the tent, unharmed. Much to your relief. "Kingy? Are you alright?!" you asked the chess piece, pulling his head down and you checked on him. Basically smashing your forehead against his. "I'm totally fine, (Y/o/n)" he said, you let out a sigh of relief. "Did ya see a gameshow under there?" you asked him.
"Anyways! Let's head out for new adventures my fellow friends!" announce Caine, disregarding the fact he nearly set Kinger on fire and threw cleavers at Ragatha, without knowing that he had traumatized them.
Oh well, it seems that only you could do circus performance, well for now.
Anyways! Adventure, here we come!
He really likes how you would go along with every one of his adventures within the digital world and is very adventurous.
It keeps everything lively!
He wishes that the others are as adventurous as you!
Author's Note :
For characters age, Kinger (45), Ragatha (30), Gangle (26), Pomni (25), Reader (23), Zooble (22) and Jax (22).
As for now I do Kinger, Ragatha and Caine. I will do the others in the second part. The reader and TADC casts won't have romantic interest yet. I am not sure about Kinger since he's a middle aged man but I think it's better to have platonic relationship with him.
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m-jelly · 5 months
Mask of the heart - Chapter 1
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Levi x fem!readerRoyalty, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Curses, Curse Breaking, Demons, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Alternate Universe - Magic, Romance, Drama & Romance, Falling In Love, Love, Love Confessions, True Love, Demon Levi Ackerman, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Running Away, Arranged Marriage, Obsessive Behavior, Soft Levi Ackerman, Levi Ackerman Needs a Hug, Protective Levi Ackerman, Possessive Levi Ackerman, Cuddly Levi Ackerman, Masks, Curvy Reader
When the psychotic prince of your country tries to force you to marry him you manage to run away to the next country over and right into the arms of a demon Count called Levi. Levi has been cursed to be forever stuck in his demon form, believing he is ugly and scary to others he always wears a mask. Levi looks after you and helps you learn how to trust others again. While Levi teaches you the world's joys, you teach him how loveable and handsome he is. With encouragement from yourself and a lot of your pure love, Levi starts taking his mask off more and allowing his people to get to know him. With romance blossoming between you, the prince of the other kingdom wants you back and tries everything to get you back. Levi helps you and works with King Erwin to stop the prince of the other land and free the people of his tyranny.
This first chapter mentions blood, the prince hurting workers and possessive behaviour.
Part 2
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Pleasure flowed through the prince as he pressed the hot symbol against his servant’s chest. Every scream that was emitted from the man was incredible. The prince took joy in hurting others, it was his favourite pastime. When he wasn’t hurting someone, he was busy partaking in the flesh of many women. Never loyal to one woman, there was always another each night. Sometimes he’d have them for just a week.
However, a part of him longed to have someone he could devote his heart to. No matter how many times he met countless women, not a single one of them stirred his heart or moved him. As he placed the hot brand against the man’s flesh again, he decided that a ball was needed. The prince was determined to meet the woman of his dreams.  
He lifted the hot iron and inspected the skin clinging to it. “Mr Clarke? Organise a ball for me and make sure that every single bachelorette of age is invited. I want a wife.”
Mr Clarke gazed at the prince as the words settled in his head, it was shocking to hear his master tell him to gather women so one can find a bride. Prince Jareth Lovell was a cruel man to all those around him, yet charming and alluring to those he needed to be. It was hard not to be captivated by the prince with his chiselled jawline, angled cheekbones, almond eyes were icy blue, lips plump that always held a wicked smile, a tall frame to tower over others, muscles over every inch of him, small waist, large hands and a mane of long silver-white hair with a few pieces at the front to create layers.
He bowed to the prince. “Yes, Your Highness.”
Jareth lowered the iron and gazed at his helper. “I want it soon. I crave a wife. No more temporary lovers. Make sure the ones I have are cleared out.”
“Understood, Your Highness.”
The whole palace was in a frenzy about organising the ball, as soon as everything was in order the invites were sent and news broke out. The charming prince was after a wife. Most women were excited to be the one the prince married, especially those who had taken him as a lover some nights. However, one rare woman despised the prince and the country after everything that had happened.
Your parents had owned a lot of land, and your father was a well-loved Lord by many and cared for those in need. The royal family were not keen on your father and his influence on people. Your father and mother wanted to take their money and run away to the next country over. During a trip to the border to organise their escape with you, their sweet eight-year-old daughter, there was a carriage accident. With every fibre in your body, you believed the royal family did it.
After your parents died, your uncle and aunt took you in. The two of them were obsessed with money and fame, so they tried everything to take what was your father’s but thanks to the will your father made, it was all yours. When you came of age, you moved out and returned to the land your family owned and lived in a small home. However, your aunt and uncle were always around and wouldn’t leave you be.
Today you were even more irritated by them because your cousin, who was younger than you, was screaming about an invite from the palace. “Ruby, please stop screaming.”
She shoved the white invite card in your face. “The prince has invited us to a ball!”
“Am I supposed to be excited?”
���Yes!” She huffed. “It’s a chance to be a princess and then a queen!”
The idea of being a royal did not interest you, so you looked back down at your work. “I’m good.”
“I’m telling mum!”
You rolled your eyes. “You do that.” It didn’t take long for your young cousin to rush out of the room and return with your aunt and uncle. “Before you speak, no I am not going.”
Your uncle huffed as he said your name. “She is only 20, she is of age to marry the prince. You don’t need to go as a potential bride, but you could at least escort her! She’s younger than you and she’s not used to those types of places. At least escort her.”
You glanced over at your cousin. “You do know the prince is a monster. His whole family are terrible.”
Ruby pouted. “I just wanna go to a ball.”
Part of you felt bad because she’d never been to a ball or a grand event but you had. So, you decided to push your issues aside. “Very well, I’ll escort her.”
“I ah…” She hesitated.”
You cast your gaze on her. “Yes?”
Nerves began to show on through her playing with her dress. “I do not have a ball gown.”
Your aunt moved closer. “Help her, please? We aren’t rich enough to get her something so fine and beautiful.”
You rose to your feet. “I know of a local lady in my land who will give us a good deal.” The clacking of your heels on the wooden floor echoed in the room. When you noticed no one was falling you paused. “Are you coming?”
It was a nice day with Ruby in the shop, to see her so happy dressing up warmed your heart a little. For a long time you’d been hurting and rather closed off, it had become so bad that your ex left you and said you were a cold-hearted bitch that didn’t understand love. It was true, that you were rather cold-hearted but you did know love and it wasn’t for him. A part of you craved and longed for love, but you believed it was somewhere out there, not within this country. You were going to finish what your parents started, you were going to take your money and power then leave this place and never return.
Sometimes you would feel bad about leaving, mainly because Ruby was sweet and the people you looked after in the small land you owned were incredible. There was this sweet bond that was between everyone in the town and you, so walking away was going to be hard. The land was near the border on the beach, so a part of your plan was to possibly sell the land to a royal or lord in the country bordering this one. Someone had to be better than your royal family.
After helping Ruby with her dresses, you spent a few days teaching her how to dance and greet royals. You ensured she knew that her head must be slightly bowed and eyes downcast when she spoke and only to lift your head when requested. The greeting bow was also important, the deeper the bow the more respect you had for the royal. Ruby had told you she was going to go for a very respectful bow, which you supported.
When the day of the ball arrived, you felt sick to your stomach about going but you had promised Ruby to take her. Ruby was too young to go alone and was not educated enough to speak to royals and powerful people. It was sweet seeing her bounce in her carriage seat, but for you, your anxiety was eating away at you the closer you got. Wearing a corset and a tight ball gown was a little bit soothing for you, it was like a tight hug.
As you walked up the stairs and held your dress you gave Ruby the last bits of information. “Now, when we go in there they will announce us. You will have a Miss as a title and I Lady. This is a little odd because the prince will already be there. Normally at balls, the prince or royal enters last, but he wants to see every woman enter.” You stopped at the top. “This is like a parade of things he can shop for.”
Ruby nodded. “I understand. Are we first or last? It’s always good to be around there.”
You handed over the invites to the butler. “We’re middle.”
The butler checked the cards. “Correct, you are in the middle. Do not worry miss, the prince cares for all ladies.”
“A word?”
“But of course.”
You moved to the side with the butler. “Ruby is a potential bride, but I am not. I am here as her escort.”
He was in utter shock. “My Lady, you were invited as a potential bride.”
“And I decline that invite. I am just an escort, nothing more. Please announce me as the escort.”
A slight fear shot through him, he was sure the prince would not like this. “A-Ah um…very well, my Lady.”
The grand white doors with gold leaf trim were pushed open to reveal a large hall with a white marble floor sprinkled with gold. In the ceiling were paintings of battles, women taking lovers and grand scenes of royal successes. Two chandeliers sparkled in the light like the sunlight bouncing off the sea. Below was an overhearing throne with the prince sitting upon it, quivering behind him was Mr Clarke and a few women on the floor begging for attention.
As the soft music played, the prince brought his gold chalice to his lips and felt unamused by the women so far. Not a single person had interested him and he was beginning to get antsy. When the doors opened he dragged his bored eyes up and felt his ears prick with interest when he heard Ruby being announced with a female escort. As soon as he heard your name, he held back a laugh and couldn’t believe you had come here.
Jareth smirked. “Is that the girl whose parents died due to my father?”
Mr Clarke leaned closer. “Indeed, Your Highness.”
“It’ll be interesting to see that little welp. I find it amusing that she is an escort and not a potential bride. She must have rejected me.” He downed some of his red wine. “Rightly so, that disgusting…” Words failed him as soon as you walked out with Ruby in your figure-hugging dress and hair up and away from your stunning face. “Such beauty.”
“She is a fine one. Let’s see how she bows.”
Jareth saw Ruby give a deep bow, but you gave a small one which was disrespecting the prince. Rudy was blushing, but you could not care less about this occasion and didn’t even bother to sneak a glance at him, like most of the ladies tonight.
Clarke gasped. “How disrespectful, I am so sorry Your Highness.”
Jareth rose to his feet. “Don’t be. I liked it. What a hypnotic creature.” He moved past the pleading women as Clarke scrambled to follow. “I must have her. She will be my bride.”
“Your Highness?”
Jareth turned to his helper with a glint in his eyes. “Being a lady means she is well educated. She is beautiful like a goddess. She is willing to speak and act her mind even though there could have been a risk to her life. She was bold too by rejecting me of all people. Send an invite to her. I wish to see her in private.”
Clarke bowed. “Yes, Your Highness.” With quick movements, Clarke made it across the room to you. Getting closer to you now, he was beginning to understand why the prince was so taken by you, you were a vision. “My Lady?”
You turned with a glass in your hand and a smile on your face due to speaking with a rather charming Lord, a friend of your father’s. “Yes?”
“The prince would like to see you privately.”
Your nail tapped against your champagne glass. “Does he now?” You flicked your gaze to the prince as he watched. “Tell him I decline. I am an escort tonight and I am conducting business. I am not interested in marriage or a roll in the sheets with him.”
Fear shot through Clarke. “M-My Lady! Please.”
“I understand your situation, but I decline. He can find a play toy elsewhere.” You returned your attention to the man you were speaking to. “As I was saying, I am happy to meet up to create a contract of trading between the two of us.”
The gentleman chuckled. “Excellent. You remind me so much of your father, he was a good man. He would be so proud of you.”
“Thank you, that means a lot to me.”
Mr Clarke cried out your title and name causing people to stare and the prince. As soon as you turned to him he spoke. “His Royal Highness would like a meeting with you.”
“As I explained to you the first time.” A strained smile spread over your lips. “I decline his invitation. I am an escort tonight, that is all. If it upsets him so much that I say no, then he can come here himself and I will tell him no to his face.”
Mr Clarke felt irritated when he saw people were trying to hide that they were laughing. “Fine.” A part of him was excited at telling the prince you said no because then you would get tortured, Clarke rather liked it when that happened. “Your Highness.”
A tingle rushed through Jareth. “Well? When is she meeting me?”
“She declined.”
Amusement and excitement now consumed him, this was even more exciting. “Declined?”
Clarke glanced over at you. “She did.” Seeing you be strung up and tortured by the prince was exciting him. “She said you can talk to her and she will reject you to your face.” He gazed at his prince and waited for a reaction of disgust, but was shocked.
Jareth laughed. “What a woman. I will speak with her.” People parted out of the way as Jareth’s long and muscular legs moved him over to you. He towered over you with his height. “Excuse me.” He softly said your name and felt arousal when you turned to face him. To him, you were incredibly beautiful and your plump breasts were wonderfully pressed in your dress and corset. “I was told you wanted to tell me your response to my invitation.”
Your neck hurt a bit looking up at him. “Goodness, you are too tall.” You huffed a little. “I informed your little messenger that I will not meet with you in private. I am escorting my cousin Ruby, that is all. If you want so woman to roll around in the sheets with for a night or few nights, I am not the woman for you. So, no I will not have a meeting with you.”
“I am not looking for a woman to lay with. I am looking for a bride.”
You bowed your head to your friend and started walking away. “You are not husband material.” You stopped in a hall half open to the garden. “Knowing you, you would have countless affairs. You cannot stick to one woman.”
He grabbed your upper arm and yanked you to him, he made sure you looked him deep in the eyes. “You are different. I will give everything to have you. I will destroy anyone in my path. You are everything I could ever want and more.”
“I do not want you.”
He gripped tighter making you wince. “Perhaps I will have a word with your uncle. You may be a lady and have power, along with being well over the age of 18, but he still has the final say. The law states that the male of the family has the final say on marriage.”
A cold fear went through you. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“I enjoy a challenge and you are the biggest challenge. I desire you deeply and I will make you mine.” He pulled you close and forced a kiss on you. “I will visit your uncle soon.”
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It hurt deeply in your heart that your Uncle and Aunt went against your pleas. No matter how much you told them both you did not want to marry the prince, it fell on deaf ears. Arrangements were being made for you and as soon as your Uncle said yes, you were whisked away to the palace. Being in the palace was so deeply lonely and soul-crushing. The prince was deeply obsessed with you in a very disturbing way. Anyone who said anything against you was tortured personally by his hand.
There was only one good thing about the palace and that was one maid and a carriage driver. The two of them cared for and looked after you, they even made sure you stayed mentally healthy. Sometimes when you were alone with them, you would just talk for hours which gave you a boost to keep going. When they saw you weren’t going to get any better, talks of escaping started and a plot of you running away began.
It was hard to plot your escape, mainly because the prince had spies all over the palace who were very loyal to him. Plus, the prince made sure he was with you as often as possible and took you on countless dates. The prince wanted you to fall in love with him, he knew it was a hard job to do so wearing you down first was the best option and hoping the Stockholm syndrome would kick in.
Today you were hoping for an easy day. You’d been sleeping more and hardly eating, so you were weaker than normal. You were a plump person, but the weight was starting to drop off. It scared you that it was happening because you liked your curves, you were proud of them and Jareth was just draining you of so much happiness and health.
Your maid moved closer to you as you sat up in your grand bed. “Good morning, my lady. Did you sleep any better?”
You shook your head slowly. “More nightmares. I don’t know if I can keep doing this. Marrying him…” Bile rose in your throat. “I feel sick.”
She helped you out of bed and to the bathroom. “I will get you some water, my lady.”
Jareth shoved your bedroom doors open. “Doll! Where are you?”
The maid flinched at seeing the prince. “Your Highness.” She bowed deeply. “My lady is in the bathroom.”
A devilish smirk spread over his plump lips. “Bathing?”
“N-no, she is unwell.”
The smile faded away. “Unwell?”
“She had a restless night and is currently being sick.”
You walked out of the bathroom and hummed. “I am fine before you start a tirade.”
Jareth was soothed as soon as he saw you. “Doll, you look so cute in your night dress. Your maid has told me you struggled with sleep, perhaps sharing my bed would help.”
You glared at him. “I would rather sleep on a bed of broken glass.”
“I do adore your sharp tongue.” He clicked his fingers. “Maid, dress my bride up in something beautiful; it’s date day.”
You walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. “Are you not tired of this constant charade?”
“It’s entertainment for me.”
You released a grow. “Leave so I may change.”
A dark and deep chuckle came from him. “Leave me waiting until the wedding day, hm?” He glanced at his maid. “Hurry up and dress her, I don’t like waiting and if I am not pleased…”
You stormed over to Jareth and shoved him out of the room. “I asked you to leave. Please don’t pressure my maid either.”
He stopped outside your room as he chuckled. “You continue to surprise me.” He turned to face you. “Such a beautiful thing.”
You slammed the door in his face. “Let’s get this over with.”
It didn’t take long for the maid to dress you up into an incredible dress that fit you perfectly, you were like a walking goddess. Jareth was speechless and over the moon about how you appeared. After joining him, you were escorted all over the palace so he could show you off. Eventually, he took you to the garden for some lunch together.
Jareth paused while eating and noticed you weren’t. “Why are you not eating?”
You sighed. “I’m not hungry.”
“You haven’t eaten all day!” He stood and dragged his chair closer to you before sitting again. “You need to eat.” He put some food on a fork made of gold. “You like fighting me all the time. You can’t fight me if you’re weak.” He offered the food to you. “Besides, your plump and curvy frame is divine.”
You released a long sigh and knew he was right. You had started to like how you looked and you needed your strength. “I will eat but, please don’t feed me.”
He handed the fork to you. “I will get you to love me.”
You started eating your lunch and rather enjoyed it. “Mm.”
He caressed your cheek. “So cute and precious.”
“Do you really think I’ll love you? You’ve used your power and the law to force me to be your fiancée.” You downed some of your drink. “Love will not happen between us.” You flicked your gaze to him. “Are you even capable of love?”
He leaned his cheek on his hand as he took you in. “I love you, so yes.”
“You torture workers for your amusement and I am sure your father was behind the death of my parents.” You leaned closer to him. “You love it when people get hurt or die by your hand. Plus, you have slept with so many women who knows what diseases you have inside you. I would never want to touch you or let you near me. I will never give you a child because I don’t want your infected body to touch mine.”
The rage inside Jareth built up, he had never been called disgusting and infected before. As soon as you finished talking he flew into a fit of rage. When he stood up the chair scraped loudly against the floor. It all happened in a blink of an eye. One minute the butler was standing waiting for instructions, the next moment Jareth had smashed the hot teapot against him. Blood flew through the air when Jareth’s fist connected with the butler’s face over and over.
You launched yourself at Jareth and hugged his arm. “Stop!” You pulled hard. “Stop it!”
A fearful scream escaped you when Jareth grabbed and threw you across the grassy floor. The thud of your body was loud when it connected with it. Jareth didn’t give you a moment to think because he was on you pinning you against the ground. His large bloodied hand gripped your jaw and mouth in a painfully hard squeeze. You breathed heavily through your nose causing his hand to heat up.
Jareth panted a little as his silvery white hair created a curtain around you both. “I am not disgusting or dirty.”
Part of you hoped someone would come to pull him off you, but no one would dare because he would break them. Plus, it seemed a lot of people who worked for him enjoyed it when he was violent. You were doomed if you stayed with this man. As he pinned you in place you knew that you had to run away because no one was ever going to save you.
He leaned down a little more so he was inches from your face. “I might have enjoyed fucking a lot of women or having them suck my cock, but I ensure that everyone was well protected. I don’t want a dirty child being made from them. You have me all wrong, little doll. I never came inside a single woman. I protect my seed.” He released your face and caressed your cheek. “I am saving myself for you.” He dragged his thumb over your bottom lip. “I was to fill your breedable cunt with all my seed. Our children will be perfect.”
You went numb when he leaned down and kissed you. You didn’t kiss him back, so for him, it was like kissing a doll. Even when his teeth pulled at your lip, you didn’t react. As soon as he gripped your breast, then you got angry. You slapped him hard causing him to pull back. You sat up and wiped the blood off your lip and felt annoyed by him.
Jareth sat back and rubbed his cheek. “Doll.”
You stood up and gently rubbed your jaw. “You will never have me.” You glared at him. “I won’t allow it. You don’t deserve a woman like me.” You released a long sigh. “I am done with this date. I don’t want to see you for the rest of this day.” You walked over to the hurt butler. You took his hand and helped him to his feet. “I’m sorry you got hurt because of my words. Let me care for you.”
The butler shook his head. “I’m okay, my lady. We have a medic.”
You pulled back and smiled. “Let me know if you need anything.”
Jareth stumbled to his feet. “Doll, please don’t leave me. I am sorry for my actions.”
You turned to your maid. “Please could you take me to my room?”
She bowed. “Yes, my lady.”
After returning to your room, the maid helped you change. The room was silent for a while before the maid started talking about helping you escape the palace. It was unexpected to hear her want to do that for you, but you weren’t going to turn her down. So, you started plotting your escape. You worked hard and passionately, but something seemed off with your maid and she seemed to be putting a bit of her ideas in the open.
The way your maid was sometimes with you was a little harsh after how romantic Jareth had tried to be recently. Even though not everything seemed right, you still had some sense of hope and you made a little backup plan with the carriage driver just in case. Your carriage driver was a wonderful older man who seemed the most genuine.
One day your plans came crashing down and breaking your heart. You were enjoying some peace in his grand garden, which seemed to be the only nice place in the palace. Your peace was ruined when Jareth came storming over with two guards and Mr Clarke. Whatever he wanted brought him some sick joy because he had a smirk on him that said he was going to hurt someone.
“You think you’re so slick, don’t you?” Jareth chuckled. “You thought you could get away with this.”
You closed your book and looked up at him, but it seemed he wasn’t looking at you but your maid. “Jareth?”
He glanced over at you and kissed you. “Not you, my doll. You’re a good doll. Someone has taken advantage of you to get my attention.”
“I don’t understand.”
He played with your hair. “Your maid.” He smiled as he took in your beauty. “I still can’t get over how beautiful you are.”
You looked over at your maid as the guards grabbed her. “What are you doing with my maid?”
She smiled at you. “Looks like I’ve been found out.”
“Found out?” Fear shot through you, it had to be your escape plan. “What do you mean?”
Jareth sat next to you on the loveseat and released a long sigh. He pulled you close and held you. “Well, have you ever wondered why you’ve been so unwell?”
You gripped your book. “I thought it was due to stress.”
“Well, this little bitch has been poisoning you. While she’s been doing that, she has been leading you on and pretending to help you go on a trip.”
You felt a pain in your heart. “Oh…why?”
Jareth hummed a laugh. “Why indeed. Why don’t you tell us why, little bitch?”
The maid huffed. “You have had countless women, but you never once wanted me!” She shook a little. “I could give you everything you could ever want.”
Jareth held the side of your head and pulled you close so he could kiss your temple. “You are nothing because you are not my doll.” He held you close. “Clarke, you know what to do with this bitch.”
Mr Clarke smiled. “Yes, Your Highness.”
He waited for everyone to leave before speaking to you. “I am ever so sorry for the treatment you have received, but now you are protected and safe. We’ll get your health back on track.”
Tears stung your eyes. “Mm.”
He hugged you tightly. “Now it’s just me and you, no more maid in our way.”
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A few maids hurried around you as you were pushed and pulled into your wedding dress. The number of layers and the tightness of the corset were too much. Since your maid was taken away, Jareth was with you every second he could meaning it was impossible to plot your escape. It seemed like there was no escape for you and you were stuck. All you could think about was having to sleep with Jareth because of the royal rules that the marriage had to be consummated.
“My lady?”
You lifted your head and registered your carriage driver standing at the door of your carriage. “Today is the day that I die. As soon as I marry him, everything inside me will die.”
He watched you sob into your flowers. He reached inside your carriage and placed his hand on your arm. “I won’t let that happen.”
You sniffed. “What do you mean?”
He clenched his jaw. “It has been an honour.”
You flinched when he slammed the door and climbed into his seat. “What is happening?” You yelped when he cracked the reins and the carriage sped off. Your back slammed into your seat as the carriage raced off. “Harold!” You clambered over to the other seat and opened the little window to the driver seat. “Harold?”
The loud thumping of the horse's hooves and their breathing was so loud, but he managed to shout over them. “I’m setting you free. I’m getting you to the border!”
“Harold, he’ll kill you.”
He sighed. “I know, but I cannot let you do this. Run across the border, do not look back. Get yourself safe and find love.”
You let the tears fall. “Thank you, Harold.” You pulled back and started pulling at your dress so it’d be easier for you to run. You yanked your engagement ring off and tied it to the flowers. After shoving the door window open, you tossed the flowers out. “Freedom.”
As the carriage shook and travelled along the road to the border, you sat back and closed your eyes so you could enjoy some peace. A shout made your whole body jump. It seemed like Harold was shouting about something. You leaned out the window and looked behind you to see it was the royal guards in the distance racing towards you as well as Jareth.
Harold cracked the reins. “Don’t worry, my lady! I’ll get you close to the border! We’re almost there!”
You breathed out to see it was cold out. The mountain path was the only way you could escape. “Harold, thank you!”
“I’ll race into the woods. You need to jump out and start running, okay? I’ll draw them away.”
You nodded. “Okay.” You braced yourself against the door. “I’m ready!”
He turned the carriage into the thick snow-covered woods. He glanced back to see you were out of view. “Now!”
You threw the door open and leapt out and into the snow. You cried out when your body slammed against the floor on a bank then you started rolling. You yelped as your body rolled over hidden rocks. You kept rolling until you banged into a tree causing the air to be knocked out of you. “Ow.”
As you lay there in the snow you heard the carriage race away. Horses hooves and shouting got closer, meaning Jareth was getting close to the carriage. You winced as you leaned up and listened closely to what he was ordering, it seemed like he didn’t know you had jumped. Knowing you’d be safe for a bit, you pushed yourself up onto your shaky-cut legs and started sprinting as fast as your broken body could take you.
Time seemed to mean nothing to you as you stumbled through the forest. It was hard to see where you were going now, but you were sure hours had passed. You had prepared for your sham wedding in the morning and now it was the middle of the night. The bright moon lit up your path as you stumbled around. The once glamorous wedding dress you wore was not ripped, wet, dirty and had your blood on it.
Exhaustion bit away at your body, you needed to stop and rest but another part of you was telling you to fight. You slowed down and spotted a light from a lantern moving closer to you. A boost of energy rushed through you. You ran towards the light and saw a man dressed in black with a long cloak with a thick fur collar. When he moved into the moonlight you felt breathless.
The man was muscular and of average height. The clothes he wore indicated that he was rich, but likely not a royal. His hand gripping the top of the lantern was not fully human, it was black with claw-like fingers that seemed so soft and warm. The cold winter air blew his raven undercut hair a little to show off his stunning face that was dotted with black markings and some scales. Two reddish horns curled from his head and framed his handsome features. There were dark marks under his eyes to show he lacked sleep. A tail flicked behind him as he looked around. The most beautiful part was his steel blue eyes, you wanted to look deep into them for the rest of your life.
Levi had gone out for a night walk because he had heard there was a runaway bride who had escaped the prince in the neighbouring country. He had heard that the love of his life would run right into his arms and break his curse. This runaway bride might be his destined love that the one who cursed him was pissed off about. Levi had been cursed by someone who loved him but he didn’t love them, they tried to see Levi’s love future and saw a woman dressed as a bride running into Levi’s arms. So, they cursed Levi to be unable to change out of his demon form.
Tonight Levi had not worn his mask because he knew he wouldn’t meet anyone, so no one would be scared of how he looked. Levi was ashamed of how he looked, he believed he was frightening and ugly. He moved his lantern a little and squinted to see there was a figure running towards him. Something hopeful gripped Levi’s heart, it was just like he was told. His beloved bride and the love of his life seemed to be running right to him.
A gasp escaped him when the light caught you, you were his bride. Levi felt a hot rush go through him, you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen even though your wedding dress was ripped. He dropped his lantern when you jumped into his arms. He held you close to him as butterflies fluttered in his stomach. He glanced down at you to see a sparkle in your eyes.
You reached up and caressed his cheek. “You’re so handsome.”
Levi felt a rush of emotions, one was panic that you saw his real face but pure happiness and love fought with the fear because you saw the real him and liked it. “Th-Thank you.” He studied you. “My bride, you’re hurt.”
You rested your head against him. “Worth it all because I ran into your arms.”
He blushed hard. “Mm, yes.” He gazed at your pretty face. “You’re cold.” He yanked his massive cloak off and put it around you. “Here.”
You hugged it around you. “Smells wonderful.” You looked up at him. “You smell nice.” You cupped his face. “My saviour.” You leaned up and kissed Levi.
Levi wrapped his arms around you and kissed you back, but then you went limp. “My bride?” He pulled back to see you’d passed out. “Poor thing.” He grabbed the lantern and scooped you up. “Let’s get you home.”
The walk was short to his black horse, but he knew the ride would be a little long. It was spring in his land which meant the mountains were covered in snow, but when he took you down from the mountains to his home, it’d be a lot warmer for you. He made sure you were held against him as he rode back down the mountain path.
As the excitement of finding you died down a little, he realised how awful this was for you as well as how bad you looked. There were cuts and bruises all over your body, along with your toes and fingers looking blue. He was going to get you back and help you soak in a hot bath. Levi was very aware of the terror that was the prince in the other country because he was working closely with King Erwin to help people cross the border and escape him.
The land Levi lived in was welcoming and loving. It was a mixture of humans and other magical beings. Levi, like King Erwin, was part of the demon clan but preferred to appear human in form. There were a lot of policies to keep things fair and people to be treated equally. The balance between the poor and rich wasn’t massive, people were happy and comfortable. The biggest focus right now was making sure people fleeing Jareth’s country were cared for, kept safe and moved somewhere they wanted to go.
Levi dragged you off his horse once he arrived at his stables. Using the darkness, he rushed you inside his grand home and upstairs to his room. He lay you on his bed wrapped up in his cape and hurried over to his mask. He pulled on the mask that only showed his eyes and felt comfortable now he had hidden away.
Once Levi felt comfortable, he rushed out of the room and found a maid. “Ah, Anne. I need your help.”
Anne gazed at her kind, shy and sweet master. “Of course, I’m more than happy to help you.”
He fiddled with his hands. “Th-thank you.” He turned and hurried down the hall. “This way.” He opened his room door. “I ah…I found my bride running through the snow up in the mountains.”
Anne walked over to you as you slept, she could see the damage on you was horrific. “Poor thing, she needs a good bath, lots of food and new clothes. “She is very beautiful though.” She smiled at Levi. “Did she run into your arms like you were told she would?”
“Y-yes.” He smiled as his tail flicked. “She’s perfect. I-I want to help her.”
“Could you carry her to the bathroom for me?”
Levi nodded. “Y-Yes.”
She followed her master. “Is she the runaway bride? I heard that the tyrant prince lost his bride yesterday.”
Levi carefully lay you on the lounging sofa in the bathroom. “I think so. She must have been really scared to run all this way and get this hurt.”
Anne knelt by you and started undressing you. “Could you check your pool bath? It should be warm. I think something nice should be added to it.”
Levi checked the different bottles. “Ah, lavender.”
“Perfect.” She held you close and light woke you. “My lady, I know you are tired but we need to bathe you.”
You inhaled deeply and hummed. “Okay. Thank you.”
“Anne. It’s lovely to meet you.” She looked up. “Your Lordship, I need to get this lady naked.”
Levi flinched. “S-Sorry. I will get some clothes.”
You hummed a laugh. “Cute.”
Anne giggled. “The Count is as sweet as anything.” She helped you out of the last of your clothes and then over to the bath. “I’ll help you bathe.”
You sat there for a while as your body warmed up. “Is the count married?”
“No, he is single. Why?”
You released a long sigh. “I think in my ill state I kissed him.”
Anne smiled. “That explains why he’s so happy.” She washed your hair. “He’s a good man, very shy and gentle. He helps out those in need. All of us who work here for him have escaped your country.” Anne lifted her dress and showed you that one of her legs was a prosthetic. “The prince is a monster.”
You reached over and touched her leg. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m happy here and I have a handsome boyfriend.” She giggled. “So, it’s okay. Now it’s your turn to be happy and okay.” She helped you out of the bath and dried you off. “His Lordship will take care of you. You won’t be hurt anymore.”
You welled up. “I’m so glad.”
Anne hugged you. “You’re safe here.” She smiled and then ushered you out into Levi’s room to see he was fiddling with some clothes. “My Lordship.”
Levi flinched. “A-Ah! I uh…I bought clothes. A-are they okay?”
You walked over and looked them over. “They’re beautiful.” You smiled up at Levi. “Thank you.” You leaned closer and kissed his mask right where his lips would be. “You saved my life. I owe you everything.”
Levi gulped hard. “Y-You’re welcome. A-Ah, you should r-rest. Y-you can use my room.”
You held his clawed hand making him flinch at the contact. “You’ll be sharing it with me, right? I’m afraid to be alone.” You looked down and welled up as your body shook. “What if he comes back?”
Levi wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against him. “I’ll stay. The bed is massive.” He released you and turned his back. “Anne? Could you help her?”
Anne took the towel off you and dressed you in a lovely night dress. “Here you go, my lady. So pretty.” She stepped back. “She’s all ready for bed, your lordship.” She bowed and moved to the door. “I will take my leave.”
Levi turned to face you as soon as Anne left and was glad he had a mask on because he would be bright pink with a blush. To him, you looked incredibly beautiful with your hair down, the soft white nightdress on and it being lowcut. “P-pretty.” He went to reach for you before pulling back. “S-sorry, I shouldn’t touch.”
You smiled. “You’re nothing like him. That makes me so happy and safe.” You let out a big yawn and looked so adorable to Levi. “Mm, tired.”
You looked up at him. “Bunny?”
He whined. “Sorry, you remind me of a cute bunny.”
He walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers for you. “Bunny’s are amazing. They’re strong, durable and determined little things. They might be cute, but they have a mean kick.”
You climbed into the bed. “You don’t see me as a fragile thing?”
“N-no.” He tucked you in. “I will change.”
You lay back and felt so exhausted that you didn’t fully contemplate your situation, that some demon man had scooped you up, brought you to his massive home, washed you up and now had you in his bed. Your thoughts and slight worries washed away when Levi walked back over in a very loose and lowcut white shirt and high-waisted comfy trousers. The muscle you could see was plump and kissable with a few black markings and scales on.
Levi stopped on his side of the bed and whined. “S-sorry, my body is ugly.”
You sat up. “It’s the opposite! You’re the most handsome and beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”
Levi sat on the bed and felt confused. “Jareth is supposed to be that.”
You shook your head. “No, you are.” You reached over to his mask and lightly touched it. “I wish I could see your wonderful face again.”
“Mm, you won’t like it or me after you’re well rested.” He helped you to lie back. “Sleep.”
You softly said your name and title. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
Levi smiled behind his mask. “Count Levi Ackerman. I am the right-hand man to the King.”
You tried to fight sleep, but it was hard. “Mm, pleasure.”
Levi watched you drift off. “Pleasure is all mine.”
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slasherscream · 5 months
Any general Yandere!Dennis Rafkin headcanons? Like general relationship headcanons?
A/N: love that you specified you wanted some general yandere relationship hc's!!
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Depending on the environment you meet him in you'll either walk away from that first meeting thinking he's certifiable, or thinking he's a little high-strung, but sweet.
If you meet him in day to day life, such as at the grocery store or while picking up food, you'll think he's a little odd, but cute.
If you meet him because you both work for Cyrus you will think he is insane. There is no in-between.
Either way, you find him charming enough to interact with him on a continual basis. Why you choose to do so might vary. Do you pity him a little? Sense the loneliness that he hides beneath his snark? Do you just want to figure out what his damage is? Up to you. But you keep coming back for more.
Starting a relationship with him will be slow going. Hell, becoming his friend was like pulling teeth out the mouth of a tiger.
But there really isn't a person more worthy of waiting around for. While he may have done some things he's not proud of, Dennis is incredibly loyal. Saying he keeps his social circle small is an understatement. His social circle is actually almost nonexistent. 
Once you have a place in his life, even one of friendship, he’d be willing to die for you. 
He knows he’s strange. He knows that he might throw people off with his seemingly random mood swings, or outbursts. He knows the way he shivers at random, or goes blank faced in certain rooms can be scary. He’s grateful you stick around anyways.
He becomes a yandere as slowly as he lets you take up room in his life.  
Every step forward you make in the relationship makes him a little more obsessed with you. 
He does put you on a pedestal. Why shouldn’t he? You’re the best thing in his life. Where other people have abandoned him because of his gifts, or thought he was a freak, or nothing but a tool to use, you just see him. Dennis. Who could let that go after a lifetime of looking for it?
You’ll be dating for a few months before he starts integrating touch into the relationship. Like everything else, it’s slow going. He takes an extra dose of his medication to try and prevent himself from having a seizure. 
If you’ve had a particularly traumatic life/experiences, Dennis asks how sure you are of touching him. Because he’ll see it all. Even the most honest person lies to others or themselves, sometimes. It’s human nature. If you want to downplay something, or don’t want him to know it happened, Dennis won’t touch you. Not until you’re ready for him to know. 
When you do touch it’s small. A simple touch of the hands. Depending on the type of life you’ve lived he’ll either smile at you when he pulls away or he’ll cry. He didn’t think he was going to cry, but the tears start to fall before he’s even finished seeing the memories. 
He’s seen some truly awful things before, with his powers. But seeing you in any type of pain is different. It’s you. You can’t hug yet, but he holds your hand, and maybe you cry together. 
The more he touches you the less likely he is to have a seizure. It’s like exposure therapy. He’s never liked another person enough to bother trying to desensitize himself. No one’s stuck around long enough to even try. 
He’ll still get flashes of your life at random. Your first day of school when you kiss his cheek. The first time you went to a funeral when you hug him. The first time you got your heart broken, when you link your arm through his. Your first time eating your favorite food, when you sit in his lap. 
It warms him to be able to know you in a way no one else could ever know you. 
Once you start to touch he craves it. He’s gone a lifetime without being able to share the casual intimacy everyone else takes for granted. He likes to come up behind you and just hold you against himself, rocking you gently side to side. 
Dennis is always gentle with you. He’s seen too much violence to ever touch you unkindly. His kisses are gentle. The way he holds you is gentle. In a world of pain he wants to be good to you. He wants you to be good to each other.
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A/N: if you enjoyed this piece consider reblogging, leaving a reply, or a sweet anon! a writers fuel is engagement. xoxoxo
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emonydeborah · 1 year
SNW role swap ideas
Captain M’Benga wanted to help people all over the galaxy. Command track. Worked his way up on aid missions, got in enough scrapes and used his ingenuity that he got noticed. 
First Officer Erica started as a pilot. Excellent, scary manager in the face of incompetence. Easygoing until she isn’t. Fiercely loyal. 
CMO Dr. Pike wanted to see the galaxy and all the scientific discoveries it would bring. Very compassionate and empathetic. The crew go to him with their problems 
Head Nurse Spock was fascinated by physiology, and how simple interventions can make such a difference. Nursing school gave him an in depth look at all kinds of illness and it was one of the quicker ways to the stars. 
Engineer Una runs a tight ship. Enjoys puzzles and takes pride in the smooth running of her engine room. Knows every inch of the ship and who is most likely to break it. 
Pilot Christine watches stars flash by and feels an incredible rush. Adventurous and bold. Teases M’Benga. She’s the only one who can. 
Security Chief Hemmer is still a pacifist. He has never killed anyone, but he sees protecting the lives of his crew and other innocents as his calling. Justifies some violence, but only in defense. (wrote this before he died, so alternatively:
Pelia the security chief is absolutely unhinged. Some punk is about to try something and she is There. She was not There Before.)
Science Officer Nyota finds patterns in everything. Language, cells, energy, asteroids. Wants to study everything. 
Communications La’an learned the Gorn light patterns and knows there are a lot of ways to communicate. Watches and listens and knows when people are lying.
ik I'll never write this
intrigues me though
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fantomette22 · 2 months
Okay but what do you think about each of 'main seven' SoTE NPCs? (Leda, Freyja, Hornsent, Ansbach, Moore, Thiollier and Dane)? Which one is your favourite?
I'm glad you ask! But again I can't have ONE FAVORITE I'm bad at choosing one above all. ALL THE TIME!!!! 😂
Ok anyway I think each of those characters are very well done! Both individually and as a group!
They are all unique and quite interesting and I love their designs! And it is just so rare to have a big group like that of 7 SEVEN WHOLE PEOPLE who clearly have connections and interactions in a fromsoftware title like Hello?!?! (not just implied or in the lore).
Usually we have just a couple of like 2-3 characters per quest who really interact with each others. (and not just acknowledge/know the persons. Like Gideon & co or Sellen/Jerren quest or even Eileen/Henryk/Bloody Crow quest. It's usually a very limited number of npc per quests. Even for Ranni's quest there's not that much characters. As for Oedon Chapel all the characters don't really interact for each other besides Arianna/Adella and it's not positive XD
I found amazing they finally made a group of npcs we can really picture and see for our own eye!
Even if it's just in a cinematic of all of them together once lol or a battle to death. Just look at this...
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I mean, in Bloodborne, many people do agree that, for exemple many important lore characters actually knew each others or even were hunters together at the same time (because it's up to interpretations, simpler and really fun & create cool& crazy stories!) but we can never be fully sure. For exemple did Laurence, Micolash, Rom, Caryll actually went at Byrgenwerth around the same time? If not years/decades apart? Same for old hunters like Maria, Ludwig, Izzy Gratia & co etc did they really hunt side by side and nit years apart?
On the contrary we are sure that Ornstein, Artorias, Ciaran & Gough fought together, same for Gwen & co but we don't really see it in game with our character.
I mean idk how to explain but it feel very impactful and unique to have all this unique characters work together/have links and made us the player, and our characters do quests with all of them! I'm glad Fromsoftaware did that at least!
And can we talk about this masterpiece of a fight and music?!!? they went so hard! omg it was incredible and so emotional! 10/10
Now what do I think of each of them? Oh boy
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Well first they are seven of them. Like the seven guardians of light of kingdom hearts and many other thing. Like the number of runes we got on the main bosses 👀
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This is a joke yes
-Ok let's go with Leda now
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Since that artwork pop out I'm absolutely in love with the aesthetic ❤️ absolutely beautiful! Was very intrigued for sure. A dear a loyal follower of Miquella, what many people wanted to see or be! What an occasion. I appreciated her quickly for helping us!
But the more I advanced in the dlc the more I grew concerned, worried, scarred and even a bit terrified of her! I think no one expected it but she's capable of coldly doing the worst & killed past allies and that's terrifying. We know her sword literally have the blood of the past other needle knights too 😰 Still, I want to give a bit of nuance because it's up to interpretations but perhaps they did killed each others one by one and Leda just didn't kill her old squad all alone scary that things repeat itself... man must have been a big mess I really wonder what went down... probably a big tragedy too.
-Freyja : I really enjoyed her the antic/grec armor! That's so cool. It's so funny but when I met Freyja it went like this :
*Arrived in front of the npc* Hello sir! *talk to the npc*
*Freyja start to speak*
Me : Oh hello Ma'am?! 👀
I think many had assumptions with just the trailer! 😂 Likewise for Thiollier, on first trailer impression I would have assume a woman.
And I'm just so so happy that actually basic trope are swap! It just even more cool I love them so much!! <3
I really like her link with other characters and her quest in the storehouse. Girl is really the strong friend that need help in maths XD also her backstory with Radahn & Miquella is very interesting
-Speaking of Thiollier, I really like the guy too! <3 poor baby just wanted a hug from Trina... same fr I pity him a bit during that but after he calm down I know he's a true homies that will stand with me! I'm very intrigued by his backstory too... fell sad.
-Moore : aww look at this little guy 🥺 who like to collect stuff. So much autistic vibe jckfbh. Anyway he deserved better 😭
-Dane: really mysterious and interesting character for sure. I beat him first or 2nd try I thinK? Not that hard but he don't have weapons and is very strong respect! I like that he leave us message/ stuff around waterfall too
-Hornsent : very intriguing too 🤔 Also I screw up his quest kinda 💀 forgot to help him against Leda before Messmer dcnfnvnjfv also his link with Grandam (scorpion stew etc) and potentially Romina are very interesting! Why Romina? Well when I couldn't beat the final boss I discovered bro invade us just before Romina somehow?! I have no idea how did I missed him ?! So yes he try to block the way to the tower but more directly Romina. And he's a hornsent. So idk maybe there's a connection ?😅
-Ansbach : ah the goat! Of course I like the grandpa with a scythe and a helmet like the cainhurst one! 😂 What can I say I really like this character, he's wise and very kind towards us and looks so cool! He help us a lot. he have crazy ass revelation too O_O the only thing I can reproach him is that he used to work for Mohg and when he was younger probably did some very wild if not awful thing... he really don't feel that now hm? Anyway really like him too!
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An overly passionate post about Hank Pym and Jan Van Dyne
I’d like to preface this by saying Hank Pym is my favorite Ant-man and that I don’t think he deserves all the hate and controversy he gets, however I’ve noticed a lot of his fans tend to villainize Jan Van Dyne for reasons that I think are personally sort of stupid. A lot of Hank’s fans try to defend him by painting Wasp as a creep who took advantage of him during a psychotic break/the time when he was in that fugue state as Yellowjacket by marrying him during that time- but that’s not how it went down! She married him out during that time out of fear of what he’d do to her (he tried to force harsh kisses on her and sexually harassed her etc) and out of genuine concern! Jan clearly loved Hank and would constantly try and build up his nonexistent self-esteem but didn’t know how- She would try and prop up his ego but kept accidentally feeding into Hank’s weird complexes instead. I will say that Jan flirted with other men a lot but that wasn’t her being unloyal so much as her natural personality- but when you cross that with her being more successful and younger than him and he took that as a sign she wasn’t loyal/thinking she only liked him out of pity or to make herself look better. 
 She wasn’t manipulating him for her own ends, she wanted to help and have a healthy relationship with him. Still, she didn’t know how to handle the situation properly- Hank needed a therapist, not a girlfriend who thought maybe if she complimented him enough, maybe if she propped him up enough they could be good together- she comes off as a person who had no prior experience with mental illness like this- no frame of reference, no idea what to do, and she didn’t seem to understand what was going on- so she accidentally enabled him and made things worse but she didn’t manipulate him. It’s pretty relatable- If you’ve ever had a mentally ill friend or whatever but had no prior knowledge of mental illness, you tend to mishandle things- you become insensitive/mean without meaning to, or you end up enabling bad behavior- it’s scary and Jan’s case she was in actual physical danger! 
I’d also like to say that Hank while not at all stable had some lucidity when he hit Jan, and prior to him hitting Jan he was already displaying emotionally abusive behaviors (Destroying her costume, practically interrogating her) so no you can’t blame it his mental illness- he still had enough awareness of what he was doing (That being said who in there right mind let Hank rejoin the Avengers after he had a severe disassociative episode-I would have demanded he’d go to therapy or be institutionalized if he refused) 
I do like Hank, he’s a complex/interesting character. He has an inferiority complex so deep he’s tried to kill himself, he’s made preemptive strikes to prove his worth to others, he gave himself health issues from becoming Giant-man and it’s again tied to his insecurities. Outside of his suicidal tendencies, he’s got anger management issues, suffers paranoid delusions, disassociates, etc. He’s also incredibly self-sacrificing and is a strong believer in second chances- redemption is what he wanted for himself- what he tries to convince others he can have- so he hopes he can give to others too. Also, he’s a badass mad scientist (Literally that’s what sold me on him as a character) but the point still stands he was a domestic abuser, he refused to get help for a long time until it reached a breaking point and his reputation both in-universe and out can’t ever make a full recovery- like I said he’s complicated, so you can’t just paint him as a wife-beater or say absolved of his misdeeds because of his insanity or someone else egging him on, Jan was a victim plain and simple even if you point out some of her enabling behaviors
But my ultimate hot take? EMH’s Hank and Jan are the most annoying couple- separately I loved them but whenever I saw Janet whine or Hank moan about the other all I could think was- “Please, the love of God just break up!”- I was like kid preteen btw and still found that drama annoying
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hiso03 · 6 months
Justice League dog version
It's just me again, rambling about what breed the league members would be if they were dogs.
(I hope to later add other DC characters and other members of the league. For example: Dinah and Ollie, or even Wally)
Bruce Wayne: Doberman
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Bruce would definitely be a doberman. This breed of dog is characterized by being very territorial and at first glance they tend to be quite scary or give a warning of danger to others, but it is known that they are very hard-working and brave dogs, and they are also usually quite docile with their masters and do not hesitate. to defend them if the situation requires it.
Clark Kent: Labrador retriever
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For Clark, I first thought about using the breed that inspired (according to what I know) to make Kripto, however, it seemed more appropriate to use a labrador retriever since I think it fits more with Clark's personality. It is a very playful, loyal and sociable dog, which has no difficulty living with children, strangers and other animals. Sounds like Clark to me.
Diana: Spaniel enano
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It was much more difficult for me to choose a breed for Diana, since I wanted a strong, but loyal and intelligent dog; So that led me to think of two options. One was a Belgian Laekenois and the other is a Miniature Spaniel. The first race is known to be very protective of their people and property, and are quite good with children, while the second (the one I chose) is a very intelligent, elegant, friendly race and are known to be a perfect to alert when they perceive any strange noise
Barry Allen: Golden retriever
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Barry was definitely the easiest to choose. He is a golden retriever. Since they are considered one of the most intelligent breeds, they are very kind and calm, in addition to being really good at taking care of children. But what stands out most about them are their incredible tracking skills and that reminds me a little of being a police officer. In addition, these dogs are very popular, since they tend to be very effective therapy dogs.
Extra point because he's blonde.
Hal Jordan: Husky Siberiano
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Hal was the most difficult of all because it is not easy to find a dog that shares several characteristics with him. I chose a Husky, because in my experience they are animals that, although they can live with other dogs, are usually very jealous, since they like to have attention on them. Despite this, they are very pleasant dogs to live with and tend to socialize easily although sometimes they can be somewhat dramatic and quite disobedient, but that is part of their charm. Not to mention how noisy they are.
Arthur Curry: Portuguese water dog
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I think Arthur could be a Portuguese water dog, since these are very independent, friendly dogs that can get along well with other dogs and even cats, in addition to that, they are quite intelligent dogs, but above all agile and active. They are incredible swimmers and it was believed that these dogs help sailors fish.
J'onn J'onzz: Bloodhound
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I think that these dogs, along with the Saint Bernards, are one of my favorite breeds, since they tend to be extremely calm and peaceful dogs, they are not dogs that make a lot of noise and they usually adapt well to any other living being they live with. They are loyal and affectionate dogs, but they are not territorial, despite that, they have their little heart and BloodHounds do not tolerate loneliness well. For me this breed is the one that best fits J'onn, although I also thought of a Saint Bernard.
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qsmpcensusbureau · 1 year
The woman walks delicately through his farm, dress between her hands, lifted as she walks, barefoot, towards him.
“Lovely farm, Chayanne.” She says, gently. Her voice is elegant, eerily echoing as though trapped in a room, even though the sky stretched on above her. "It reminds me of a friend."
He remains silent. He didn’t know her. When she reaches the end of the farm and crosses onto the yard, he steps back.
“You do not have to fear me, little warrior. We are closer than you realize.”
“Who are you?” He asks. 
“Hasn’t my husband told you about me?” She chuckles lightly. Chayanne thinks she is very beautiful. Her hair falls like rivers around her shoulders, ebony black and shining in the sunrise’s pale light. She wears a large sunhat, stark white against her dark hair. “I am Kristen, Goddess of Death.”
“...Kristen.” Chayanne repeats quietly. “...If you are Death, have you come to take me away? Do I get to play on your dragon?”
She laughs, and he briefly wonders if there is anything about her that is not elegant. Was Death really so beautiful? She did not seem like something to fear, she did not seem like the end of a beaten road. 
“I haven’t come to take you away. But you know about my friend, do you? Very good, very good. Philza is a very good storyteller, no?” 
“You know my father?” Chayanne eyes her up and down, and she reaches out her hand for him to take. After a moment, he does. It is soft and warm, large where he is small. “How?”
Kristen blinks warmly, turning the hand Chayanne holds slightly. Glinting on her finger in the sunlight is a silver ring, the gem inside as dark as her hair and cut in the shape of a skull. 
“We are wed.” She explains. “Your father made a promise to me. The rings are the physical manifestation of that promise, our love to eachother, and to the glory of death.”
“It’s beautiful.” He gasps. “I thought death was supposed to be scary and sad. But I’m not scared of you.”
“My dear, I can be scary, and I can be sad. But death is a part of life, so I may appear in all forms.”
“What about my dad? Is he Death too?”
She signals for them to walk. She walks close to the fence, as if surveying the island below. Chayanne holds onto her hand, trying to match their footsteps, although hers outreaches his.
“Would you like to hear a story?”
Chayanne nods. 
“Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there was a massive kingdom underneath the earth. It was called Tartarus. It was dangerous to get there, but it was an oasis, a paradise, where souls could go on and live peacefully for all eternity.” She blows into her palm and from smoke a kingdom appears, just as incredible as she described. “And in this kingdom there was a Princess.”
They stop, overlooking the spawn area. It stretched on for miles and miles. She watches it quietly for a moment.
“This Princess didn’t want to be queen. She wanted to command the Royal army. After decades and decades of asking, her father- the king- finally relented, and she was given command of a special branch of the army. The reapers. 
They were the most involved with the upside, tasked with bringing the souls from the dead to the underworld. Sometimes, if they died in war, they were allowed to join the forces of the army. Sometimes, they were born down here. Just like the princess, and like her favorite soldier.”
She sighs, a gentle smile across her face as she continues. 
“He was rowdy, a rulebreaker, but loyal. He was going to be taken off the reapers until the Princess arrived. They bickered and bickered and bickered until eventually she saved his life on the front. After that, he followed her until the end of the earth, vowing his life to her, and eventually, she vowed hers to him. 
 She eventually had to become Queen, and with that she would have to abandon her life at the front, and her love. Unless, he suggested, they wed. And he becomes king. It was unthinkable to the princess. Usually royalty only married royalty. But she loved him more than law, so she agreed. And he promised her. He promised her that he would never turn his back on her, he would never leave her, and even in death, they would be eternally in love.”
Chayanne stared up at her in awe. “That was an amazing story. Is it about you and Dad?”
“Yes, little one. It is.” She sighs, getting down on one knee. “I must go. The island does not want me here for long. Please tell Phil that I miss him, and that my heart longs for him, always.”
“Yes, Mother, I will.”
She presses a kiss to his head, cupping his face in her warm hands.
“Goodbye, little reaper.”
And then, he wakes up.
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Hi! could you maybe do more of Florence being pregnant? they are the cutest stories to read, and i dont see alot of them, sadly enough. But if you do, thank you!<3
btw i love your work!!
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗻
paring: mum!florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): pregnant flo, fluff, r being worried about being a mother, flo reassuring r <3
warning(s): pregnancy (?), grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 1.3k
note: I feel like this is similar to 'Little Daisy' but also different (?), I tried my best. I'm having a majors writer block so if you guys have any requests please send them in. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you like it, nonnie <3
requests are open! + check my rules here <3
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At first you didn’t notice the changes in Florence’s body, even though they were right there, hiding in plain sight. 
It all started with the nauseas. You thought she had a virus but a quick visit to the doctor told you otherwise. She wasn’t sick at all, she was full of life. A tiny human was growing inside of her. 
Your eyes winded once the doctor gave the both of you the news, horror and confusion and anxiety on your face. Florence, on the other hand, had the biggest smile on hers, her eyes sparkling at the doctor's statement. 
You tried to pretend everything was fine, you faked a small smile and quizzed her hand in assurance. But as soon as she and the doctor got to talking about her body and the baby, you zoned out, taking in the information. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to have a baby, no, that wasn't the problem. You would love nothing more than to form a family with her, but you weren’t sure if you were ready. A baby was a huge deal, it was a human being after all. They need to be taken care of, and you weren’t sure if you would be able to do that. One thing was taking care of yourself, another thing was taking care of Florence, and taking care of a baby was a whole other thing. 
Florence didn’t notice your odd behaviour until the both of you got in the car and you were still silent. She then realised that since the doctor had told the both of you the news you hadn’t said a word. 
“Y/n, baby, is everything okay?” she placed her hand on your thigh, gently squeezing it in reassurance. 
You looked at her, tears burning your eyes. 
“Baby, what is it?” the look on your face worried her instantly, her hand found your cheek trying to comfort you. You leaned into her touch. 
“I just, I don’t if I can do this, Flo,” you whispered, not actually wanting her to hear you. 
She looked so happy when she found out she was pregnant, you didn’t want to take that away from her. You didn’t want to disappoint her. 
“You mean the baby?”, she asked softly, not wanting to scare you more than you already were. 
You slowly nodded your head. “I just, I don’t think I will be good at it. I’m going to fuck up, and I don’t want that for them. I don’t want them to be like me, I won’t do that to them,” the tears you tried so badly to stop from shedding were now rolling down your cheeks. 
“Y/n, listen to me. I get it, it’s scary, it’s new. You have every right to feel like this, but hear my words. You are the most incredible human being I ever had the pleasure to meet. This baby would be the luckiest baby on earth to have you as their mother. And I would love nothing more than for them to be exactly like you. Because you are everything, Y/n. You are kind, you’re funny, you are loyal, compassionate, courageous. You are the most marvellous person I have ever met,” she gently wiped your tears. “And you are not alone, baby. I know we can do this, okay? I wouldn't want anyone else to share this baby with. I know we didn’t plan this, but maybe it’s meant to be,” she pressed her forehead against yours. 
“Flo, I’m just so scared.”
“I know, baby. I know. But, hey, we have about six more months before they are here. We have plenty of time to figure our shit out,” she joked. 
A giggle escaped from your lips.
“We got this, okay?”
She gently pressed her lips against yours, wanting nothing more than to kiss all your worries and fears away. 
“Holy shit,” you gasped. 
“I know right?” she smiled at you. 
Your hand was on her now 6 month belly, feeling the strong kick of your child. Billie, laying beside Florence on the bed, was also paying attention to the little kicks of the tiny human growing inside her owner. 
“His kicks are so strong.” 
“Yeah. Wait,” she looked up at you. “His?” she raised her eyebrow at you. 
“Yeah, he’s definitely a he.”
“And how would you know that?” she playfully smacked your arm. 
“I just have a feeling.”
“Well, since I’m the one carrying the child I know for a fact that he is in fact a she.” 
You shook your head.” No, it’s a boy. But it doesn’t matter, as long as he is healthy I don't’ care what he is,” you placed a soft kiss on her belly. 
“Or what she is.”
“Whatever they are, right Billie?” she heard your calling and barked at you. “See, she knows I’m right. Billie can also feel it.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Florence threw a pillow at you. A smile formed on her lips. 
Her heart warmed everytime you would talk about the baby with so much love in your eyes, knowing that you finally admitted to yourself that you were going to be great at motherhood. 
“What about Matthew?” 
“For the baby?” you nodded. “Even if it was a boy, which isn’t the case, we are not naming our child after some dude with a vigilante complex, Y/n.”
“Oh, come on. Matt is a great lawyer and a great dude. This baby would be lucky to be named after him.” 
She squinted your eyes at you, not sure if you were being serious or not. 
“Okay, Matthew is a nice name,” she gave in. “But that doesn’t mean it a yes, okay?” you pouted. “Don’t give me that look, Y/n. I said I’ll think about it,” she smacked the pillow into your face once again. 
“Stop doing that,” you chuckled, snatching the pillow from her hands. 
“What about Primrose?” she tried. 
You sent her a death glare. “Just because your name is flower related doesn’t mean our child’s should also be.”
She rolled her eyes at you. “Okay, new rule. If flower names are discarded, so are marvel names.”
“You monster,” you pretend to be shot in the heart. “Okay, deal,” you shook hands. 
Florence grabbed her phone looking for baby names, you took advantage of the fact that she was now distracted, leaned into her belly and whispered only for the baby to hear. 
“Don’t worry, little one. I’ll make sure you have a cool name, even if it isn’t Matthew.”
Florence bit her bottom lip trying to hide the smile creeping on her lips. 
“What do you think about Robin?” you whispered, trying not to wake up the small human being in your arms. Your eyes never left their tiny body, so fragile yet so strong and healthy. 
It had been about 17 hours since you and Florence arrived at the hospital, 5 hours since she started to give birth to your child, and now 10 minutes since you first held them in your arms. 
You were slowly swinging them back and forth, trying to keep them calm. But also soothing yourself. You felt like you were going to explode any minute, not just by excitement and love for the tiny baby in your arms. But also anxiety and worry. But, somehow, the moment your skin made contact with theirs, every doubt you had ever had just washed away. 
Florence felt immensely happy, not only had she finally met her first born, but she got to share the moment with you. Her eyes got watery as she watched you rocking back and forth the tiny human. She couldn't believe you had ever doubted yourself. 
“Yeah, it means bright, shining.”
“You sure it’s not a marvel character's name?” she playfully asked. 
“I, um…” you trailed off. 
“I like it,” she knew it was a marvel character’s name, but she didn’t care. “Our little Robin,” she smiled at you. 
“Hey, little Robin,” you whispered to the baby, tears burning your eyes.
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