#as much as i have been annoyed with the writing of s2 i love how sally has stuck steadfast to the character of AL being this archetype
mermaidsirennikita · 19 days
Louis de Pointe du Lac, as originally written, could be regarded as one of lit's most famous "also rans", someone who was originally positioned as Thee Tragic Figure of the series, only to be almost immediately superseded both in the readers' and the author's minds with Lestat. Like, you know Louis because of the original book, but Lestat is the one everyone talks about, Lestat drives the rest of the series, Lestat has all the best lines.
And the movie, as much as I personally don't like it, only sort of dug this further into the pop cultural understanding of the story. Brad Pitt is at his most "I am relying on pretty" boring and sulky; when there is a performance, it's largely annoying. And Tom Cruise... I mean, it's literally nothing next to what Sam Reid does in my mind, but it was at least very off-brand for him at the time, and he was doing SOMETHING, and he (and Kirsten Dunst) have the most iconic Moments, the camp, the arguably most memorable part of the movie (the very end with the Sympathy for the Devil cover playing us off).
So it's honestly SUCH a testament to the innovation of the show's writing and the brilliance of Jacob Anderson's performance that Louis has been reinvented, not only as a compelling protagonist, but as a character that is EASILY as complex and multilayered as more traditionally antiheroic/villainous types like Lestat and Armand and Claudia. He's more than the beautiful, tragic object of Lestat and Armand's affections, he's more than the guy telling us the story.
Louis is self-loathing and self-aggrandizing; he's victimized by Lestat, and he manipulates Lestat, very aware of his own emotional hold over him (might we note how much agency Louis had over Claudia's turning, and how Lestat in no way would've done that if not for Louis... and that act was arguably one of the most selfish in the series, if emotionally understandable). He's controlled by Armand, yet we get hints that he's actually quite dangerous and perhaps in some sort of self-delusion about just how dangerous he is (and Assad certainly plays Armand like he's nervous as fuck about Louis knowing the truth--and I don't think that's JUST about the possibility of Louis leaving him once he finds out).
Louis tells himself that he loved Claudia more than anything and that she was his "spark in the dark", when we see that in reality their relationship deteriorated over time and continued to do so, even after the person who was seemingly a wedge in their relationship was vanquished. We see hints, perhaps, that Claudia was no more the ideal daughter in his mind than Lestat was the ideal lover.
And that last scene in the premiere? When we're not sure who the "you" is? Sad and kind of horrifying, too. Because like--what will Louis do to Claudia to further his own love and obsessions? Who does Louis prioritize more--Claudia, Lestat, Armand? Maybe none of the above. Maybe himself and what or who he thinks will stave off his own loneliness, his need for love and validation and, yes, power.
None of this is a criticism of the character. The show already did something SO good and SO smart by turning Louis from a white slave owner to a Black man with money and social standing, still so held back by the laws and environment of his day. Vampirism gave him agency, yet the show, in season one, showed the potential for Louis to still be the perpetual tragic victim (in episode five especially). And maybe they'll still slip up and do that.
But increasingly, with the reveal in the s1 finale and the s2 premiere, I think we're getting the implication that the thing Louis could be protecting himself from mentally (with some help from Armand--I don't think Louis's memory issues are all Vampire Magic, though) is something horrible that he did. A choice he made. Because Louis does have agency, and the narrative allows him to be someone with conflicted desires and a complicated sense of self. Someone who doesn't love PRETTILY. Someone who is manipulated and manipulates.
Like, I've joked about him being this kind of like vampiric Helen of Troy because of the allure he holds for powerful figures like Lestat and Armand, but I also think it's so powerful to explore the way that Louis uses that appeal and ALSO makes fucked up decisions on his own because he is... into being adored, frankly. Even if the people who adore him also hurt him. He gets caught up in his own romanticized retellings of his life story, whether heartfelt or tragic, because in those retellings he can pretend that he had no choice, he had no ability to say otherwise.
But like--Louis could have stopped that woman from being decapitated, potentially. Louis didn't have to walk away from human affairs. He chose to do so, just like he chose to beg Lestat to turn Claudia. Just like he chose to deny her Lestat's true death.
And I think there's like, an attempt to reckon with this in the unreliable narration of the books, but I also think that this is so dependent, in Anne Rice's version, on spinning to Lestat... That Louis's culpability and untruths are overshadowed by his Everything. Here, the story lets us soak in Louis's mind, and Jacob Anderson's performance really seals that. I find it so smart.
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gingerylangylang1979 · 11 months
Male identity: Carmy and Richie
I’m finding that a certain demographic of fans have a much harder time relating to Carmy but very much relate to Richie. Granted, a lot of this has to do with what fandom platform you observe. I actually kind of hate The Bear subreddit but continue to browse it periodically because it’s super interesting to hear what “the others” are talking about. I rarely engage anymore because it’s mostly nonsense and a totally different vibe than Tumblr. The contingent is definitely very anti-Carmy x Sydney and seems to hate Sydney. I’ve also noticed that while there is a lot of love for Carmy there is even more love for Richie. I’m very intrigued by this perspective. 
This season Richie was definitely a standout. I think Ebon is an amazing actor and am glad he is finally getting nominated for his role. I thought he got robbed with the non-Emmy nominations. But even before S2 I noticed that Richie was the most favored character among the Reddit demo and perhaps a big part of the general audience. That’s fine, people can favor who they like. I know that doesn’t represent everyone but I do think that speaks for what I consider general audience and makes sense considering how society still views manhood despite social progress. This season even a lot of the reviews were kind of meh about Carmy. I get it, I initially was writing him off too, was pissed, and thought he had the worst arc. Then once thoughts settled he went back to being my hero. Deeply flawed, but I just relate to him so much and he’s fascinating to watch. I’m a woman, so maybe that helps my empathy. I also don’t think The Bear would work with Richie as the lead as some have suggested. 
The thing is Carmy is a more difficult character because he has multiple layers of trauma, his work is so specialized and niche, he is a sensitive soul, he’s artistic, and he doesn’t fit the mold of the working class male models he was surrounded by. Your typical man can’t relate to him. And most likely your typical conservative leaning woman can’t either. At the Christmas party he was appalled at how the other guys were talking about Claire. And this is a woman he had a crush on and is present day attracted to. He could have easily been superficial and macho and laughed at the jokes as expected. He didn’t let Richie get away with calling Syd sweetheart. Richie says he’s “woke”. He employs a woman in a leadership role. He’s built different. 
He is struggling in many ways that are hidden and he also lashes out. The hidden ways and the lashing out are interpreted as whiny and annoying by people that can’t relate. He’s been cited as not growing but people can’t acknowledge that his healing won’t be linear. But how can it be when his trauma was collected in overlapping seasons for most of his life? The pain didn’t develop in a linear path. He had a stutter when he was young. There are hints that there is a learning issue of some sort (I’m not going to try and diagnose). He was always the “different” one in the family. The other guys call him “weird”. His father was absent. His mom has mental health issues and is an alcoholic. He witnessed the traumatic incident at Christmas and I’m sure it wasn’t the only such incident. His brother was an addict that pushed him away, then killed himself. He went into a chaotic, highly demanding field that required him to isolate to excel. He is shy and has trouble forming close bonds. He had a mentally abusive boss. He was always super competitive. He comes back to own The Beef and it’s problem after problem. How are people expecting him to be “fun” and have an easy comeback like Richie? 
Richie has issues, too. Stagnant in mid-life, spent years devoted to an addict, failed marriage, feeling disillusioned and displaced, also an absent father. But when we meet Richie he’s not as wounded as Carmy. Carmy is literally sleep cooking, almost starting fires, dissociating, having panic attacks. Richie is sad but it mostly manifests as him being kind of nasty and grumpy. He’s like a sour old man with dated and offensive jokes. His behavior is dismissed because he’s grieving. Which yes, he deserves a pass. But why does he deserve a bigger pass than Carmy who is dealing with so much more or Sydney who seemed to bear the biggest brunt of his outrage and was also struggling? Carmy is literally on the verge of a breakdown and has the weight of trying to keep the staff, the business, and himself afloat. Despite all this Richie gets a lot of indulgences for his bad behavior that Carmy isn’t. 
Richie is easier for a lot of people to digest because he’s funny, he’s the working class representative, he’s tall (yes people have height bias, especially with men). Carmy is viewed as the pompous prodigal son that’s trying to ruin Richie’s delicate ecosystem by gentrifying and kicking out “the working man”. There are people posting in disgust that he dare change The Beef despite it being a hell hole money pit. 
It’s just so interesting that in reality we are dealing with an unprecedented numbers of men who report extreme loneliness, depression, hopelessness. Richie and Carmy both fit that profile. Yet, a man like Richie is broadly understood and accepted and a man like Carmy isn’t. It goes back IMO to the continual coding of masculine/good vs feminine/bad. Richie is the stereotypical red blooded American male. He wants the stripper’s panties. He has a gun. He needs to be alpha. He views anything outside the norm as a threat. He wants to preserve tradition at all costs. Carmy is his foil. Carmy is viewed as feminine. 
I see it even on Tumblr with the persistent identification of Carmy as somehow feminine. Like he can’t be soft and traumatized and just be a man. So what does that say when even people who would probably consider themselves progressive still classify a man in feminine terms if he isn’t a MAN? We accept all types of gender identities but still struggle with a man not fitting the correct paradigm. Society still has issues accepting that men can be vulnerable and struggling without being feminized. People also make assumptions about Carmy’s gender identity and sexuality based on his trauma. Like, of course he has to be XYZ because well, look at him, he’s sad an pathetic. What does that say about men’s sexuality and identity? Are only queer men accepted as sad? Carmy could be a queer character, cool, representation matters. But I just find the semi-automatic equation of queerness with an atypical male to be odd and a bit regressive. 
Edited to add on above: I hope what I’m saying doesn’t get interpreted as dismissing queer people who identify with Carmy. I get it, I support it. What I’m speaking to is the insistence that canon Carmy is queer because of his interests, aesthetic, and mental health as if that is the only identity option. Granted, he could be bi. I also think some people are insistent on this, just as they are on Syd not being into men, as a way to negate the possibility of them being romantic. Again, I’m saying some people. Also, proximity and shared struggle doesn’t equal identity. This makes me think of once when a white gay male bestie claimed we are the same because I’m a black women. I had to kindly correct. We share the same haters, we are both marginalized, but he will never know my experience just like I will never know his. We can bond on the commonalities but we aren’t exactly the same. IMO, it would be a disservice to both of us to claim different.
I’m really rambling, but just thought I would share my thoughts and open a conversation about this. 
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officialtrashbin · 17 days
Ok ok ok ok ok wrap-up thoughts on the season now that the finale is out:
2) ok the subplot with Rogue and Magneto actually grew on me. Like, she’s rejected him ultimately but they still mattered to each other and they still do, it’s just not romantic from her side anymore. I can’t blame magneto for not getting over her rejection I’d never be able to take the psychic damage of losing Rogue
also yeah the age gap was a little weird but I’m living for the drama and the potential for their platonic friendship. I want to make a comment about how their stint is an example of unidentified trauma becoming trauma bonding but then I have to like…write it.
3) I actually think Roberto and Jubilee were super cute and have elected to give their storylines a pass. Like they’re just kids coming into adulthood and have found comfort in each other, that’s good enough for me for now. (Though I’d like to see more of comic-accurate Sunspot being adapted but I digress. It’s only been 1 season.)
Also I think Sunspot awkwardly hanging around the Xmen slowly coming to terms with his speedran adoption is the funniest basis for an arc and have no further comments. Might write a fic later on his Struggles.
4) KURT JOINING THE MOTHERFUCKIN SQUAD BABYYYY and literally just everything about him. Being so supportive of Rogue and holding her and encouraging Gambit and just 😭😭😭😭
6) cyclops was one of my least favs in the original, this show put so much respect back on his name. I actually adore him now—plus the scenes with him doting on his grown ass man child is hysterical. Need more of it. I need this guy telling people this Hulk Hogan of a unit is his lil boy.
If Nathan isn’t seen later at a baseball game with Scott in a Summer 01 jersey and the cyborg arm badly painted over I’m committing crimes.
7) I think Storm needed way more screen time. I know there were scenes with her written out due to budget issues (and also them skipping her goodbye to Gambit made me annoyed) but like. The fact that her centric arc was put across two episodes shared with other episodes was irritating.
7.5) In this same vein I missed Bishop, I got so attached!!!! but here’s to hoping he’s kicking ass again in s2!
8) the rate in which I fell in love with these characters all over again is insane. Like harder than the original show in a fraction of the time.
9) Rogue did nothing wrong. 😭
10) Magneto definitely wasn’t right, but it’s interesting to witness how they justified his view point with Genosha and Bastion, and the ripple effect it had on people who didn’t even agree with him in the first place.
11) Cherik lmfao they were SO gay. I’m all for affectionate besties and dudes being shown as having close platonic bonds but this was Very Affectionate Besties with Seductive Grin Bedroom Eyes Charles Every Two Sentences.
12) honestly want a version of this show though where Charles stayed gone. I actually like him! I just think not having him around to help guide everyone made things so much spicier. Magneto was StrugglingTM for Real
13) Gambit’s death was so good, but I definitely figured he’d be coming back somehow because there was no way they were offing him thinking Rogue didn’t choose him.
14) speaking of, I was mostly joking in my shitposts about Death Gambit cause I had my money on a possible Sentinel Gambit with Bastion’s introduction, but the moment they went to Egypt I started clawing up all my old shit posts.
15) ROGUE DID NOTHING WRONG (lots of wrong but you know what? I love her. She can commit wrongs again.)
16) Beast was so good but I also low key wish he had a bit more screen time. His bitterness after Genosha was short-lived, I wish it had been explored more, like Charles talking it out of him or something and reminding him about their goals or…something.
17) Bastion was awesome no notes, hope he comes back as a horseman for the flex
18) hot Magneto no notes
19) hot Apocalypse no notes
20) crop top Gambit no notes
21) “His name was Gambit! Remember it!” Rogue was so beast in this season, it was cathartic watching her beat the shit out of Bastion. Her and Sunspot honestly make for a cool combat duo and I want to see them interact more.
23) ey yo hold up does this mean Leech and the Morlochs and the perished Genosha mutants are permanently dead??? 💀
24) Logan and Morph were definitely something this season and I adored it, I adored Morph especially. Like Morph really said I Love You even if it was as Jean, I take what I can get
26) Magneto ripping Wolverine’s skeleton out like homie wouldn’t try to kill him with a wooden chair if given the opportunity. If anything now Logan has 0 weaknesses and a personal vendetta he can act upon. Rest in pieces Erik.
27) A goddess, a gravely injured Canadian, and a metaphor for gender identity walk into a bar and all 3 say “ouch” (bad joke. You’re welcome. Don’t worry guys, Storm is there so their arc will be wrapped up in about 12 minutes. Sorry can you tell I’m still mildly salty about her lack of screen time)
28) Rogue launching Cap’s shield is 11/10. Do it again do it again (woulda been top tier humor if the end credits showed him still looking for it frantically as the asteroid got closer)
Mostly that’s all I got. I have various other thoughts including how fucking HYPE seeing my fav duo Cloak and Dagger made me, but these were the key personal takeaways.
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three--rings · 7 months
So it turns out there were a lot of things from S2 I was waiting to pass judgement on until I saw how they played out and...I ended up not thrilled about. And it's all these little things that keep bothering me.
Things I'm not happy with in OFMD S2:
-Jim and Olu feel retconned into not being in love. Like I know we want to talk about happy polycule but it feels like they aren't even very close this season? They were even more of a secondary ship than Lucius and Pete in S1 but we got essentially no good Jim/Olu stuff in S2. Instead we got the Olu/Zheng Yi Sao romance which on paper sounds good, but lacked chemistry. Especially from Olu's side. I feel like they kept repeating that "break in your day" thing cause they didn't have anything else. IDK weird weird decisions were made. I don't mind the Jim/Archie stuff at all but that was also not given any real romance time. They kissed and then I guess that was that?
-While on the subject of Zhang Yi Sao...why was she there? Like, don't get me wrong, I love her character and her inclusion in the show, but while the build-up in the first few episodes was great, then...they did basically nothing with her. Her entire plan was foiled by a moron in a split second and then..IDK she's now just riding on the Revenge and not even in charge? She's come way down in the world and I don't like it.
-Izzy dying. I don't mind the death scene itself, (though i wanted Izzy's friends on the crew more involved) but I think having him die shifts the genre and is disappointing in a way that feels unlike this show. more to be said obviously but not in this post.
-Speaking of that scene I grow more and more annoyed with Izzy saying "they love you, Ed." Not because it's not a great sentiment that would be narratively meaningful, but because it's NOT DEMONSTRABLY TRUE. Who loves Ed on that crew? Maybe Fang? There was absolutely no moments between Ed and crew after ep 3. They tolerate him for Stede's sake is all I can say. They love Stede. They love Izzy. And then Ed just leaves them and they are probably relieved.
-the way the central problem the whole season with Ed and Stede was communication but they never actually do anything about that, just declare victory.
-the way there was no climax or resolution with any antagonist in the last episode, they just barely escape, swear revenge like they're gonna head into battle, and then retire. Which makes ZERO sense and it bothers me SO MUCH.
-The lack of Stede and Ed costuming. IDK if it's because I've been writing a fic for a year centered around the clothing but like the show feels incomplete if they're not getting to dress up. I was looking forward to Ed wearing more than his leathers and we got a rice sack. This is entirely a personal gripe and not important but, yeah.
-Zero focus on the crew and no new info about any of them. I was really, really looking forward to getting more backstory, more personal info on characters like Roach, Frenchie, Wee John, but no.
And yanno, the thing is that I'm not unhappy with what S2 GAVE us. I like most of it. I love eps 1-6. Though 6 is showing the pacing issues badly. But what I miss is what we DIDN'T get. None of the stuff on screen was bad per se or couldn't have fit into a very excellent, cohesive season of TV. But I feel like all the connective tissue, all the thematic resolution, all the stuff that would have made it shine was missing.
Like they had a bunch of notecards of great scenes and filmed them but forgot to write the parts to connect them in a meaningful way? IDK this season feels a little like a first draft?
Not eps 1-3 though. I feel like they were perfect, and then they ran out of time/energy to polish the rest. (4-5 were also great, but they could have fit in with the rest better ultimately.)
I feel like people who are happy with this season are like 'we got this moment and this scene!' and that's great and cool and I also love that moment but I'm still left unsatisfied by the whole, yanno. Sigh.
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carsontumbleweed · 5 months
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So i know I don't shut up about wanting to rewrite clone high but I actually started to put some ideas together. (Only gotten tophers and harriets designs down that's why there's only them. Topher sucks at gym)
But when I started to redesign and rewrite I decided I wanted to go all out cause you know self indulgence
Usually redesigns and yeah I changed the news character a bit. Basically just an au? Sometimes I changed stuff about their designs I didn't even hate like I don't hate the idea of Harriet having poofy pink hair, I don't mind fridas design except the colors I guess, I don't hate tophers design at all but I kind of just ended up changing it anyway for fun so please please please don't see this as me just hating on season two I'm just very obsessed with season one
I didn't make this to particularly hate on season two or anything but I've just been so hyper fixated on clone high recently and rewriting this and putting ideas together for characters I love so much is just so fun?? Like I am so happy doing it I can't even explain it. At first I wasn't sure about actually doing it because some people like season 2 and I think there are alot of things wrong with it but its fine for people to enjoy it of course. But again I'm doing this for fun and mainly kinda self indulgence. Stimming like so much even typing about it ughhh.
So I started to put ideas together. Revamping the new characters in a way. Again please see this as a dumb au this is just my opinions and stuff
Harriet: I actually really enjoy Harriet(not the design) but I was for them to amp her up by a lot? She was quirky she was fun I guess. In the rewrite I took alot of inspo from Ocean from ride the cyclone. I wanted to make her more preppy, more of an overachiever. I imagine she can be a little annoying sometimes but that's the fun of it. I imagine she definitely still talking drama and stuff but she's actually a lot nicer than Cleo was s1(depending if you get on her good side)
Topher: Tophers already an alright written character at least at first before they make him into a plot device to be thrown away easily. Since Abes the main character I guess he'd get more time 'on screen'. He's definitely that weird kid stereotype but I wanted to amp up his meanness, a big thing with clone high is that their stereotypes of teens Abes the awkward teenage guy, Joans the angry emo girl, Cleos popular. So I wanted to go more into his mean aspect and make him kind of 'emo' in a way?? If I had to describe it best it'd be in a 'mom get out of my room!!!!' Sort of way. He makes Abe kind of miserable by being negative and mean and doesn't notice that he brings people down is probably the reason he doesn't have friends. Abe and tophers friendship will most likely be on and off depending on the 'episode' but Topher does end up having an infatuation with Abe despite that.(no the stuff in ep8 doesn't happen don't get me started on the writing) He's annoying about it though. very try hard. Average white male on reddit going 'its fine to kiss your only male friend cause its totally platonic, I'm just preparing to kiss for the women you know. ' the reason he doesn't admit he's gay is cause he thinks being a straight male ally makes him look good despite the fact he's just some annoying and pathetic loser. He also copies Abes homework and steals his stuff.
Abe: I absolutely despise the fact they made him say slurs in the first episode when Cleo Joan and jfk were all right there. S1 clone high condemned them for that too because it was a satire! They literally comment on how bad Cleo is and yet s2 switches that just because it doesn't like Abe. Do not get me wrong Abe is not some perfect angel but I even enjoy when he is frustrating and I hate how the writers just went with the fanon versions of the characters. Okay rant over. Abes still the mc and I do want to comment on how the perception of 'nice guys' have changed. He's not a bad guy, he's just some teenage boy trying to Get a girl though. In the rewrote Abe goes back to being nervous around his crushes(Joan) but he's Still figuring himself out if he truly loves joan(even in the ending cliffhanger he's still unsure!!) I think part of him would be mad that she slept with JFK but also way too awkward to really have an argument about it. Imagine sputtering and stammering and he ends the sentence with hm..... And stares at her longingly and yes there ill be a dumb misunderstanding trope and now she thinks he hates her.
Cleo: girls one of my favorites in season 1 because she's funny to watch however I really hate how its so ignored that she's a bigot to Gandhi and homeless and poor people and lets be real a lot of other people(on the website see how she treats marie curie). Cause she's like that. Something I like about it though is that I always felt it was making fun of HER for being dramatic and shallow, she's a satire of a popular girl who thinks that she's better than everyone and in my opinion she's mainly well written in that way(I do have some problems with the writing obviously but yk) i think I've already explained a little about what will happen to her. When she gets unfrozen, she loses her captain of the cheerleading squad she's no longer the lead if every club and she's no longer the queen bee, her cat dies, her boyfriend breaks up with her and leaves her crying on prom night, and eventually she gets cancelled for saying stuff. I think ill make her kind of become an outcast (it becomes so bad she even resorts to talking to Topher, though its mainly insulting) she actually goes a little crazy and ruins Abes car a little, modern tv dramas usually do go crazy with plots and 'crazy insane girls' is a fair trope so I thinks its a pretty fair thing to say. Also since toots is still dead she still shares a room with Joan. Cleos insanely bitter about it
Frida: fridas basically the cool girl sterotype. She doesn't say much but literally everyone adores her(at least the new clones) ill give her some stuff like she's the class president and she dies run against Abe. She actually has trouble finding meaning in her art cause its kind of bland and she thinks she's living up to her clone mother just fine. She doesn't get with Cleo just yet but this is early in the rewrite and I want to take things slow and let them flow naturally. fridas still friends with harriet, who manages her campaign and stuff and I want to go more into their dynamic.
Confucius: he's mainly the same for some parts, I wanted to make him more than just some stupid tiktok jokes thougjh. I also leaned into more if him being a bad person in a way? (Hint hint Confucius was very into morals) and he'll do just about anything to get clout and stay amount the popular kids. He's in a cringey on and off relayionship with Harriet (think like any highschool couple) they fight a lot but they usually get back together and make out. Its annoying for everyone
Joanfk: I've never been a huge joanfk fan to be honest but since I'm only going off s1 cause s2 joanfk is ooc and soooooo annoying to me. No they don't date immediately, to be honest JFK sleeps with every girl in the school and she was just another one off the list even if he did feel for her issues. Since Joan thinks Abe is mad at her, they do actually end up talking and at first Joan starts to go on about how that was a 'slut thing to do' JFK tries to reassure her and such not trying too much. I do want them to get together for a little bit, Joans probably not used to guys actually liking her so she's a little open to it? But their break up is alot different. I want to go full satire like JFK and her fight like siblings over stiff and they see it as less romantic and more as friends, JFKs very shocked when he actually doesn't want to kiss her and he's all like 'ew!!! I've never liked a girl platonically before!! What the fuck.' (As much as I'm alright with joanfk s1 wise I think liking someone for who they are is the bare minimum in a relationship, its great that JFK likes her for who she is but he also likes every girl for who they are because he's a manwhore and the idea of them being more of a brotp is more fun to me)
Ill still add kahlopatra maybe but slowburn. Cleo IS a bigot though she'll have to real development I'm not just gonna put them together too quickly.
Note if you noticed Topher looks more rat like that is on purpose rats did come over with Columbus in a way and they are also disease carriers. And no he's not skinnier its just more distributed
Forgit to mention a lot more historical jokes cause the fact that they're historical figures just makes everything funnier to me
That being said I kind of hate shipping in clone high cause I always felt it was more about comedy and character dynamics. Shipping is cool I guess but I don't like watching a show just to see two characters kiss
okay I'm done I'm free.
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yourmidnightlover · 2 years
this one time
pairing: steve x mayfield!fem!reader
summary: reader gets mixed up in the upside down drama with her sister (s2 era) and happens to get a good dose of steve harrington, and she vows it’ll only be this one time.
warnings: ohhhh boy, billy being verbally and physically abusive, fighting, season 2 (aka demodogs and whatnot), illuding to an abusive household (duh), reader being independent as hell (like to a fault lmao bc me too sometimes), kinda sad ending (oops?)
a/n: in this fic, steve and nancy never got together in season 2 :) i think that’s the only variation in the fic. i’m ngl i might’ve cried while writing this but that also could’ve just been me being hormonal lol. also my second stranger things fic!! i’m kinda excited and can’t wait to see how this goes!
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you didn’t quite know why he would always stare at you. to be frank, it was getting weird.
at lunch, when you would be waiting for max, basically every time you were in his line of sight his eyes were on you.
you even had a few classes with steve. luckily you were able to sit closer to the back. the downside to that is that the seats were all right by steve. whether in front, behind, or beside. it was worth it to not be in the front row, but still. it sucked.
you just kept your head down and let the day pass as fast as it possibly could, hoping that steve would mind his own business. sometimes he did. other times he would try to start a conversation.
“you do the homework?” steve leaned over to ask, too sweet of a tone adorning his voice to tell his true intentions.
“yes, harrington,” you rolled your eyes. “i did the homework. could your brain cells not keep up enough to finish it?”
“sadly, no,” he sighed, whipping out a softer, pitiful voice. “i was hoping maybe yours were able to make up for the disappearance of mine?”
“this is the last time,” you widened your eyes, trying to remain serious to the annoying little boy. “why do you never do it?”
“well, it always gives me an excuse to talk to you,” he had a sly grin on that stupid face.
you knew him and nancy were once a thing, but after will byers was found things changed. steve found that nancy was different after everything and they had both changed too much for them to make sense anymore.
but that didn’t mean that you and him made any sense at all.
“yea, shut it, harrington,” you scoffed as you let him glance at your paper to copy onto his own.
maybe he was drawn to you because you were a bit stand-offish. you knew you were. it’s because of billy. you had to be the protective older sister max needed. you were her biological sister, but you weren’t always so mean, only when billy and his dad came around.
you would be the one to defend max to billy. on occasion, you would have to defend max against billy’s dad. this might’ve earned you a bit of, punishment, as they would call it. others would say it’s abuse.
regardless, it wasn’t always like this. used to, you would play with max all the time. you were the one to teach her to skate. you had taught her the importance of self confidence. you were her older sister. she loved you dearly, and you did her. you still did, as did she.
it was just the dynamic that had changed. now, instead of being the sweet older sister everyone knew you were the rude, protective one. perhaps you just didn’t know how to shut off the mask you put up so often, in the house you would never call a home.
it was only a matter of time before you and max got dragged into the wild world of the upside down. you had brought her to the arcade that day lucas tried to explain everything to her. as per usual, she told you everything.
“maybe he just wants to impress you?” you scoffed, the story sounding unbelievable to yourself as well.
“why like this?” she rested her head against her fist by the window. “it’s just so stupid.”
“as are boys this age, max. they’re idiots that would say anything to impress a girl,” you gave her a pressed smile. “boys are stupid. why do you think i haven’t had one?”
“yea, maybe i should follow in your footsteps,” max added.
you laughed lightly before gently nudging her shoulder, turning up the radio to the latest kate bush song that had come out.
so when lucas told max that he had real proof, you were practically forced to follow along. well, not forced. max had asked you to come, in case anything funky was going on, and you happily said yes.
little did you know you would be met with dustin henderson and your very own king steve harrington. steve had directed you all, telling you what to do. the experience was rather ominous up to this point, so you reluctantly listened, but only to protect your sister in the case that they weren’t lying.
and once everything was boarded up, you went inside of the bus and waited. and waited. and waited.
max finally got tired of the silence when she asked, “so you really fought one of these things before?”
steve’s gaze from you was finally broken as he simply nodded his head, continuing to play with his lighter in attempt to pass the time a bit quicker than it was going.
“and you’re like, totally, 100% sure it wasn’t a bear?” she offered, being the sassy mini you she always was, you bit back a laugh.
that’s when little dustin decided to speak up a bit, “shit,” he huffed. “don’t be an idiot. okay. it wasn’t a bear,” but he wasn’t done there. “why’re you even here if you don’t believe us? just go home.”
“geesh,” max got up, headed towards the ladder. “someone’s cranky. past your bedtime?” she asked as she began ascending the ladder.
you busied yourself by fiddling with some old peeling fabric from one of the seats to hide the laugh in your throat.
“that’s good,” steve spoke, seemingly proud of the toddler who had tried to insult your little sister. “just show her you don’t care.”
“i don’t,” the toddler deadpanned, staring him straight in the eyes. “why’re you winking steve? stop.”
“really?” you chuckled, speaking up about the stupid situation at hand. “show her you don’t care? that’s the advice you gave him?”
“well, yea,” steve nodded, still playing with his little lighter.
“and does that always work with the girls you like?” you leant down, getting closer to steve on the floor.
you could hear how his breath hitched in his throat as he stumbled to find the right words.
“uhh yea, mo-most of the time,” he stopped toying with the lighter, focusing on dustin who was simply pacing back and forth, mumbling some incoherent nonsense that you figured you probably wouldn’t be able to understand even if you could hear him.
“most of the time?” you scoffed. “so you told him to be a dick to my sister on account of ‘most of the time’?”
“i didn’t say to be a dick!” he threw his hands up in defense.
“well he was being one.”
“i never told him to be one!”
“next time make sure he knows that, asshole.”
a loud growl interrupted your argument. your body became stiff as you instinctively curled into the arm that he protectively threw over your shoulders as you made your way to see what the ruckus was outside.
“lucas!” dustin shouted. “what’s goin’ on!” he demanded to know.
“hold on!” lucas replied.
silence fell over the group as you shrugged steve’s arm off of you, forgetting he had held it there. if you had paid attention to it, it felt a scarier without his arm there.
“i’ve got eyes!” lucas finally informed you. “ten o’clock! ten-ten o’clock!”
“there,” steve pointed at the creature outside of the bus, crawling low and slow.
“what’s he doing?” dustin wondered.
“i don’t know.” steve answered once more. “he’s not taking the bait. why’s he not taking the bait?” he asked worriedly.
“maybe he’s not hungry?” dustin tried to guess before a lightbulb went off in steve’s mind.
“maybe he’s sick of cow?” he replied smartly.
“wait-you mean?” you spoke up for once before steve backed away, making eye contact with you before turning.
“steve?” dustin asked. “steve, what’re you doing? steve?” he worried.
steve turned back to dustin and tossed him the lighter, “just get ready.”
“you’re not going out there alone,” you huffed at the brown eyed boy.
“like hell i’m not,” he replied, turning to face you once more. “you need to stay safe.”
“no, the kids need to stay safe,” you argued. “i’m going with you,” you told him as you grabbed a metal pipe and turned toward the door.
steve huffed as he rolled his eyes at you.
“are you gonna open the door or do you need me to go first?” you offered, teasing the boy before he reluctantly opened the door and headed out first.
“back to back, yea?” he whispered, feeling your back against his own.
you slowly walked towards the creature making the noise, feeling the whoosh of wind coming from steve swinging his bat in circles, probably from the nerves. he started whistling, trying to draw the creature out from wherever it was hiding.
“come on, buddy,” he teased with another whistle. “come on, buddy. dinner time. human tastes better than cat, i promise.”
“cat?” you whisper-yelled at him.
“i’ll fill you in later,” he replied.
when you heard the growl once more, somehow clearer, you turned to face it. you had to know what it was. the dog cleared, giving you sight of the monster you’d been told about.
“oh, god,” you raised your elbow, ready to swing in case of any sudden movement made by the thing.
“steve!” lucas shouted. “watch out!”
“little busy here!” steve roared before you turned around, noticing the second monster.
“oh, god,” your breathing picked up.
“three o’clock,” you nudged his shoulder to inform him of the new situation.
when he turned to where you were faced, his own face became filled with worry rather than mild fear. backed the two of you up a bit before the bus door flung open.
“abort! abort!” dustin shouted. “steve! y/n!”
“run!” the kids were screaming.
but every which way you looked, there was a new monster blocking your path. steve ran for the car, sliding across it before whacking one of the creatures, hearing it whimper and thud against the ground. you heard one behind your own back.
“y/n!” max shouted at you, alerting you that there was one behind you.
you swung and turned your body in one motion, the momentum enough to knock its body to the ground with a whine. another one was approaching your left, so you did the same thing with success.
after turning to where you last saw steve, he was running to you, shouting at you to move. you were too slow. a creature had tackled you to the ground, luckily steve had swung his bat before anything had happened, knocking the creature off of your body and to the side before he scooped you up bridal style and carried you into the bus himself, dustin slamming the door shut on the monsters.
they were easily able to break through the metal covering the door, leaving steve to knock the things with his nailed bat as the kids ran to the other side of the bus. you had luckily kept a hold of your metal pipe after being knocked down, your leg had been hurt but it wasn’t the time to worry about that.
dustin began to radio on his headset for anyone who could hear, seemingly with no hope. max had nudged your shoulder, motioning to the sunroof of the bus, the open sunroof of the bus. you pushed her behind you and made your way to where the roof was, not getting too close.
you could hear the stomps of the monsters above your heads before one approached the ladder. all you heard was max’s scream. the monster began to lunge towards you before steve put himself between you and the creature.
“come on you little piece of shit!” he bellowed. “you want some? come on!”
all at once the creatures began to turn away, no longer banging on the bus trying to get inside. steve had looked at you once more, a look of both relief and worry in his face.
you hadn’t even realized that you had latched onto steve’s arm. you didn’t care. you kept it there for a moment longer, hoping he wouldn’t notice or mind. you were scared, you could make an excuse.
this one time.
after a few moments of silence, steve had began to make his way outside, you following right behind with the rest of the kids.
“what happened?” lucas asked, all out of breath as if he had been the one fighting out there.
“i-i don’t know,” max hesitated.
“they scared ‘em off?” dustin mentioned, trying to find some sort of positive.
“no,” steve told them. “no way. there goin’ somewhere.”
when you all decided to take off in the direction of the ominous sound, which happened to thankfully break lucas and dustin’s little argument, steve had noticed after a while that you had been taking a bit longer than the others to keep up. you weren’t too slow, just a bit out of breath. he hung back for a second so he could ask you.
“hey,” steve began quietly as dustin and lucas went ahead. “did you get hurt? when you got tackled?”
“i-i don’t know,” you replied, more truthful than saying no. you just didn’t want to be a burden to the group, but you couldn’t stay behind. “i’ll be fine.”
“y/n,” he sighed. “which leg?” he pointed at them both before you lifted your pant leg, revealing a bruise all the way up your shin, a bit of blood from a cut running halfway down your leg. “that? y/n…” he trailed off.
he automatically put your arm around his shoulder, his arm going to your waist, acting as a crutch so you two could limp along together. you appreciated it, which was odd. you were always in depended. max noticed this too. and you noticed max holding lucas’s hand earlier. she had been talking to him on the roof of the bus prior to the, ‘demodog,’ as you came to find out, experience.
what was it with hawkins boys knocking down your walls? you didn’t like it. but, your leg really fucking hurt, so you could make an excuse.
this one time.
the rest of the night went by fast.
the noise led you to this… hospital? you had to pick up hopper, the police chief, will, mike, and joyce, wills mom. you had also ran into nancy and her boyfriend? jonathan. you weren’t sure if they were official.
when you ran into nancy and jonathan you only felt steve’s hold on you get a little tighter. you would only let yourself embrace it tonight. only tonight. you made your way back to joyce’s house, who you already felt this motherly hold over you. you enjoyed it. it was different.
you weren’t quite sure what you were doing. waiting, you suppose. they had filled you in on everything. the upside down, this girl named el, will’s whole experience and now what he’s going through.
then mike starting saying how bob, the man who had passed while saving the rest of them, had started the av club. how he couldn’t die in vain.
next thing you know they’re talking about the shadow monster and the tunnels that’re connected with the hive mind. how everything, the demodogs, tunnels, mind flayer, and even will are connected.
then the kids are telling you about this mind flayer character from d&d to relate this new creature to something a little more understandable. how this creature wants to conquer us, and become the master race. and the only way to know how to destroy this monster, is through will.
you all worked to make his shed unrecognizable. you covered it in sheets and foil and tons of bright lights. then your part was over. it was yet another waiting game.
while the kids were figuring out the morse code will was signaling, steve ushered you to the bathroom.
“what’re you doing?” you sighed, already exhausted from the night you’ve had.
“cleaning you up,” he informed you as he tapped the countertop, wanting you to hop up. “it doesn’t need to get infected and with those demodogs that did this to you we don’t know what bacteria they carry. so,” he tapped the counter twice more to prove his point, his voice like satin.
you lifted your hurt leg to hop on the other, grasping steve’s shoulder a bit so you could get on the counter easier. his hand went to your waist to help.
“alright, you wanna squeeze my hand when i pour this?” he asked as he lifted a bottle of alcohol to pour on your leg.
you nodded. only for tonight.
“one,” he began counting, only he began pouring on two.
“fuck!” you grasped his shoulder with your free hand, squeezing his hand that was in your grasp. “shit, shit, shit,” you whispered, trying not to distract the decoding process. “ohhh i hate you steve.”
the smell of him was a bit distracting from the pain. it was sweaty, but with undertones of his cedar wood cologne able to peak through. but that little distraction, the little peak of him you were able to focus on, was worth it.
“aww you don’t mean that,” he put on a small smile at your anger. “okay… that’s it. now i’m just gonna put some of this on,” he held up some neosporin from the first aid kit, “and then i’ll bandage you up, yea?”
“yea,” you nodded. “that shit hurt more than it did when i got it,” you motioned to the peroxide.
“sorry,” steve didn’t know what else to say as he finished his handiwork, releasing your hand before tenderly wrapping your leg in an ace bandage. “it had to be done.”
“i know, it’s just…” you took a deep breath. “damn,” you both laughed at that.
“okay,” steve breathed out, “all done now,” he bent down and placed a soft kiss to your knee as if he kissed it all better.
“thanks,” you smiled before he placed his hands back on your waist, carefully guiding you down. you didn’t have much time before hopper came barging into the house, telling the kids to get away from the windows.
you and steve marched out of the bathroom, you still rolling your pant leg down before they brought an unconscious will back into the house. you swiftly picked up your metal pipe as steve did his nailed bat, nancy held a rifle, hopped held his own gun, and you waited. waited for something, anything.
you turned where each noise came from, hoping to catch it before it caught you.
“where are they?”
“what’re they doing?”
then the noises stopped. you all panned the area, trying to get a feel for where they went. then a demodog came flying through the window.
“holy shit.” you said in unison with dustin.
“is it dead?” max wondered.
when hopper shoved its head with his foot, we were assured it had died. but then the lock on the door came undone. it seemed as though you could never catch a break in this town. a girl began walking through the door, converse clad with a nosebleed.
mike stepped forward, clearly having a close relationship with the girl. it was like watching the sweetest of reunions.
you turned to max, “is that-“
“el?” she finished for you
“y-yea,” lucas answered. “it is.”
“i never gave up,” mike said. “i called you every night-every night for-“
“353 days,” el nodded. “i heard,” she stepped closer to him, still not believing he was finally in front of her after almost a year
“why didn’t you let me know you were there?” he seemed hurt.
“because i wouldn’t let her,” hopper spoke up, stepping forward in the group.
part of you felt as though you shouldn’t be seeing this. you were so new to the group, you felt wrong witnessing such a seemingly tender moment.
“the hell is this,” hopper began to question el. “where’ve you been?”
“where have you been?!” she retorted, a bit snappy. you liked her.
they responded with a hug, tears began to prick your eyes a little before mike ruined the moment.
“you’ve been hiding her,” he concluded. “you’ve been hiding her this whole time!” he punctuated with a shove to hoppers back.
“hey,” hopper grasped his wrists. “let’s talk. alone.”
he led mike into a room, away from the group to discuss things with a bit more privacy. in the meantime, lucas and dustin began to say their hellos to the girl.
“we talked about you basically every day,” dustin mentioned, leaving el to stare at him before tapping his teeth.
“huh?” lucas and dustin wondered.
“you have teeth,” el rephrased, a bit confused as to why he had teeth.
“oh,” dustin remembered. “you like these pearls?” he began to purr? you think that’s what that was. it clearly surprised el.
max began to walk towards the girl, “eleven?” the girl just stared at max. “hey, um, i’m max,” she stuck out her hand, “i’ve heard a lot about you.”
el just walked past her, rejecting not only a handshake but what seemed like a friendship. but, el wandered into joyce’s welcoming arms.
“what was that?” you questioned.
“i-i don’t know?” max wondered herself, not knowing where she had gone wrong with the incredibly short interaction.
and with the return of eleven, it was as though the master key to a house was returned. everything fell into place as she stated that she could close the gate. she could fix everything.
in order to get the mind flayer’s grasp off of will before eleven shut the gate, joyce, jonathan and nancy went to burn the mind flayer out of him.
meanwhile you were still at joyce’s with steve and the kids. you had been helping max and lucas clean up the living room while dustin and steve were, for some reason, putting the creature in the fridge. mike was just pacing. worrying.
“mike, would you just stop already?” lucas spoke up, somehow annoyed by his movement.
“you weren’t in there, okay, lucas,” mike shouted back. “that lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs.
“demodogs!” dustin spoke from the kitchen.
“the chief will take care of her!” lucas tried to reason.
“like she needs protection,” you added.
“listen, dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line, you execute it,” steve tried to reason. “all right?”
“okay first of all this isn’t some stupid sports game,” mike rebutted. “and second we’re not even in the game. we’re on the bench.”
“right-right,” steve tried to think of a come back. “so my point is…”
“there’s nothing for us to do,” you finished for him.
“that’s not entirely true,” dustin mentioned, clearly up to something. “i mean the demodogs have a hive mind. when they ran away from the bus, they were called away.”
“so if we get their attention,” lucas interjected.
“we draw them away from the lab,” max added.
“away from eleven,” you finished.
“yeah and then we all die,” steve tried to reason.
“well, that’s one point of view,” dustin retorted.
“no, that’s not a pint of view man,” steve said with an attitude. “it’s a fact.”
“i’ve got it!” mike went into another room, pointing to the drawings of the vines. “this is where hop dug the hole. this is where we get to the vines,” he began to move again. “here, right here. this is like a hub. so you’ve got all the tunnels feeding in here. i think if we set this on fire-“
“oh, yea, that’s a no,” steve interjected, a hand on his hips as he pointed to the child. you nudged steve with your arm, pulling him to the side.
“look, i know i don’t know much about this situation and everything,” you started. “but i don’t think they’ll be able to close the gate at all with all of those dogs for eleven to kill. it seemed like killing only one of them drained her a bit. mike said that place had hundreds, steve. it’s not just our lives on the line. it’s everyone’s.”
he wanted to listen to you. he wanted to help. and he wanted you to know that he cared about what you thought. but he promised them that he would keep the kids safe. he couldn’t break his promise.
while you were trying to reason with him, the kids were still plotting on how to distract the dogs. steve ran his hands through his hair before clapping, getting everyone’s attention.
“hey! hey! hey!!” he shouted. “this is not happening.”
“no buts!” he scoffed “i promised to keep you shitheads safe and that’s exactly what i plan on doing. we’re staying here. on the bench. and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. does everybody understand that?”
“this isn’t even a stupid sports game!” mike reminded him.
“i said does everybody understand that?” steve repeated. “i need a yes.”
you opened your mouth to begin speaking when you heard a familiar engine revving outside of the house. you and max ran to the couch to peer outside and see who was out there.
“shit,” you turned to max. “billy.”
“he’ll kill us if he knows we’re here,” max told lucas.
“just-just stay inside,” steve motioned to you and max. “both of you, please,” the look in his eyes told you he was serious.
you placed max behind your back and nodded to him, knowing that if he saw you would would know max was with you.
you didn’t know or hear anything that was going on outside. you were just pacing around the living room, trying to remain calm. steve could handle this.
then you saw all the kids duck down from the couch.
“what the fuck guys?” you scoffed at them. “max did he see you?!” the door slammed open, billy walking inside.
“well, well, well,” billy scowled. “lucas sinclair. what a surprise. i thought i told you to stay away from him max,” he said as he got closer to your sister, you were both able to feel his breath on your skin.
“and i thought i told you to brush your teeth this morning,” you got between him and the children.
“she knows what happens when she disobeys me,” he chuckled. “i break things.”
he immediately turned towards lucas before you could move him out of the way. billy had your shirt collar in his hands, shoving you towards the wall before he laid a punch on your cheek.
the kids were screaming, begging for him to stop. he wouldn’t listen after throwing two punches, feeling blood trickling down your nose, he held you tightly once more.
“what is it with that fucking mouth of yours huh?” he chuckled. “always such a bitch. i would imagine that your new boyfriend, harrington would like you much more if you would just keep it shut like a good little bitch, huh?”
“you’re the bitch,” you heard steve announce before he laid a fat one on billy’s cheek, shocking his grip off of you.
you nearly fell to the ground, your balance being less than stellar with your leg already hurting. max was there to help you balance, wrapping her arm around your waist.
“looks like you finally got some fire in you after all, huh?” billy began laughing maniacally. “i’ve been waiting to meet this king steve everybody’s been telling me so much about!” he walked closer to steve.
“get out,” steve ordered.
billy swung, steve ducked to miss the shot before landing another one of his own, sending billy across the room. he landed a couple more blows before billy grabbed a plate, smashing it over steve’s head. steve stumbled out of the room, trying to catch his breath while billy followed.
“nobody,” he picked steve up by his collar. “nobody tells me what to do,” he threw him to the ground.
you could sense that he was about to pound on top of steve, so you shoved billy out of the way, reminding him of your presence to shift his focus. maybe steve would be alright if you were able to distract him for long enough.
“look,” billy chuckled. “little princess with the hurt leg wants to save her boyfriend,” he kicked the hurt leg, sending you falling to the ground, but not before grasping one of billy’s legs, taking him with you.
with billy now on the ground, you rolled on top of him, sending a punch to his cheek. you winded your hand back, ready to send another one before he caught your hand, squeezing it so tight you swear your heard some bones pop.
“he’s-“ you tried to speak through the pain, tears running down your face. “he’s not,” you yanked his hair back with your free hand, shocking him enough to retrieve your hand. “he’s not my boyfriend.”
“right,” he smiled with his head back before spinning you two back over, him now on top of you before landing another punch on your cheek. “he never would be, huh?” another punch. “you’re not good enough for anyone in this goddamn town, as terrible as it is. not good enough for anybody anywhere. you’re just a little girl with daddy issues,” he put his face in your own. “trying to feel love even though you know you’ll never deserve it,” he began chuckling, brushing your hair behind your ear. “you’ll always be that pathetic little whore deep down, huh?”
tears were now flowing down your face, embarrassment long forgotten from the pure pain and torture you felt beneath the boy you should’ve trusted. the boy you were supposed to be able to call a brother. as he spat in your face, you realized he had a hold on one of your hands.
he used the free one to land one more blow to your face before steve tackled him off of you. max had immediately come to your aid, but it wasn’t long before billy was back on top of steve. you pointed to steve, then to the shelf that had the sedative.
“use it,” you nodded towards max.
she marched towards the shelf, grabbing the medicine before shoving it in the back of billy’s neck. he quickly got off of steve, turning to face max. you couldn’t hear what was going on, the ringing in your ears a bit too loud. you saw billy hit the floor, smiling with what seemed like laughter before you hobbled up, grabbing steve’s nailed bat before raising it over your shoulder.
“from here on out you will leave max and her friends alone, got it?” you asked.
he just laughed.
you swung the bat right between his legs, underneath his dick before screaming, “say you understand! say it!”
“i understand,” he finally mustered up the courage to speak.
“sorry, what was that,” you wanted him to be louder.
“i understand!”
“good,” you dropped the bat to your side before grabbing the keys from his belt loop. “joy ride, anyone?” you put on as good of a smile as you could while holding the keys up.
you had told max to drive, your leg still absolutely killing you. you sat in the back, steve’s head on your lap as you doctored up his wounds. it was the hydrogen peroxide that made him wake up.
“shh,” you whispered. “i know, i know,” you ran your hands through his hair.
“y/n?” you nodded at his question.
“let me just clean you up a bit, alright?” you finished pouring the peroxide, letting him squeeze your hand to return the favor from earlier before placing a dab of neosporin and a bandage over each cut while the kids were navigating.
you were paying attention to his wounds but he was paying attention to you. how careful you were. how soft your hands felt on his face, how nice they felt in his hair. was his head on your thighs? they were comfy. soft. he could stay like this forever. until he realized…
“oh my god!” he shouted, moving him from his daydream and back into reality.
“relax, she’s driven before,” dustin tried to convince steve it was fine.
“in a parking lot!” mike added.
steve kept chanting, ‘oh my god,’ as max drove, each of the kids trying to calm him down. it was all stressful and probably too loud for his head. there was definitely a concussion, you just weren’t sure how bad it was.
“everyone shut up!” you ordered. “steve, i couldn’t drive. the douchebag hurt my leg even more, i told her she could, she’s really not too bad. now you have got to breath before you put yourself in worse condition than you already are, got it?” you told him, hands placed softly on both sides of his face to ground his attention.
he nodded, taking a deep breath as you animated with him.
“your face,” he reached up to cup your face, you leaned into his touch.
this one time.
“i’m sorry i didn’t stop him sooner…”
“it’s not your fault, steve,” you gave him a small smile. “billy’s just a douche,” you shrugged. “besides, now i can say that i’ve been in a fight.”
you swore he was leaning into you until max nearly missed her left turn, hitting a mailbox and nearly crashing the car. steve’s arms were flailing everywhere until he wrapped one around your shoulder and the other around your waist.
“jesus, max!” you huffed out. “make a liar out of me, why don’t ya?”
a sigh of relief fell upon the entire group as she put the car in park. “i told ya. zoomer,” she added.
“zoomer?” steve asked you, you laughed and placed your hand over his mouth to shut him up for a moment.
you and the kids got everything out of the car, the masks and goggles to protect yourselves. steve was stumbling out of the car, mumbling about how he told you not to go in there, saying that it wasn’t gonna happen.
“look, steve,” you took your metal pipe out of the trunk. “either you stay here and watch the car or something while i make sure they stay safe or you come with us and help me. your decision,” you shoved his backpack in his direction, along with his nailed bat, before hobbling after the kids.
“y/n,” steve called you back. “you’re hurt. your leg. is this really the best decision?”
“it’s the only decision, steve,” you shook your head. “regardless of whether or not you’re going down there, my sister is not going without me. got it, steve?” he nodded. “good.”
steve jumped in the hole before you, able to catch you so you wouldn’t hurt your leg even more with the impact of landing. you quickly took your hands from his shoulders to turn and observe the tunnels.
“yea i’m pretty sure it’s this way,” mike said, his voice slightly muffled by the bandana around his nose and mouth.
“you’re pretty sure or are you certain?” dustin demanded to know.
“im 100 percent sure!” mike rephrased. “just follow me and you’ll know!” mike began to lead the group.
“woah! woah! woah! hey, hey, hey!” steve shouted. “i don’t think so,” he said as he caught up with mike, leaving max to be your crutch beside you.
“what?” mike questioned.
“any of you little dipshits die down here and i get the blame,” steve said. “got it, dipshit?” you rolled your eyes. “here on out, i’m leading the way. come on, let’s go.”
“my god, what is this place?” you looked around. it seemed like a cave that had little extensions.
“alright let’s keep moving!” steve ordered, moving ahead quickly.
“ahh shit!” you heard dustin’s scream “it’s in my mouth! holy shit it’s in my mouth! ahhh!”
you all ran to where he was, you got on the ground next to him, he grasped your arm as he kept trying to spit it out on the ground, coughing before sitting back up.
“i’m okay,” he breathed out.
“seriously?” you shoved him back before steve held out his hand to help you up, letting his hand linger around your waist.
“really funny man,” steve sassed. “nice, very nice.”
this time he let his hand on your waist guide you through the tunnels beside him, albeit a bit worried about something happening to you. you didn’t mind, you felt max’s presence right behind you.
“alright wheeler,” steve announced. “i think we’ve found your hub.”
it was huge. like a big cave with little extensions in every direction. the little particles dancing around made it hard to see, even still with your adjusted eyes.
“drench it,” mike said.
you all began pouring the flammable liquid you had gathered everywhere, making sure to cover as much surface as possible. this thing would burn. and you wanted to make sure of it.
“you guys ready?” you asked, they all nodded. you turned to steve, his nod ensuring that they were ready before you flicked the flame alive, tossing it onto the ground.
immediately the vines began to come to life, screeching from pain and writhing, trying to escape it.
“let’s go,” steve yelled. “let’s go! let’s go! lets go!” he ushered the kids away, you not too far behind him.
when mike tripped, screaming for help, you were able to whack the vine with your metal pipe, sending it screeching back away from his leg, you ordered the others to keep running before a dog came before you.
“dart?”dustin had asked. “is that you buddy?”
“trust me!” dustin ordered. “hey, it’s me, it’s me. it’s just your friend. it’s dustin,” he took his goggles off to prove it to the creature. “just dustin, all right? you remember me,” he crouched down to the dog’s level. “will you let us pass?”
the dog snarled at him, seemingly telling the child no.
“okay, okay. i’m sorry,” dustin tried to reason. “i’m sorry about the storm cellar. i know it was a pretty douchey thing to do. you hungry?” he reached into his backpack. “yea? i’ve got our favorite. see? nougat,” dustin began to unwrap the candy for the dog to eat, placing on the ground. “look at that. yummy. here, all right,” he backed away from the dog, waving for everyone to pass the creature while he was occupied. “there’s plenty, i’ve got more,” he offered.
you began to ignore his reunion, instead ensuring that max got across safely, your hand on the square of her back as steve led the group at the front. dustin quickly earned his footing ahead of you before you saw the rope.
steve began lifting the kids up the rope as he heard the roaring of the dogs. first max, then lucas, mike, dustin, then the dogs were too close.
“steve?” you looked at him, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.
he grasped your hand, “i’ve got you,” but you opted for wrapping your arms around his torso, his going around your shoulders. you tucked your head into his chest before realizing that they hadn’t attacked you. they were going around.
“eleven,” mike realized.
steve was able to hoist you up, letting the rest of the kids help pull you up before he grasped your hand, you and the kids doing the same for him. once you were all on safe, solid, normal ground, you noticed the headlights of the car getting increasingly bright. eleven was doing her thing. you had helped.
one broken tibia and a month later, hawkins was seemingly ‘normal’ again. you were adorned in a pretty little cast while waiting for max outside of the snow ball dance. you think her and lucas will kiss, she might’ve mentioned wanting to during one of your sleepovers.
you were parked outside of the school, reading the shining for what felt like the 50th time, when a car parked next to your own. you looked across and saw none other than steve harrington in the drivers seat, a dorky grin on his face as he waited for you to wave your hand and motion for him to join you in your car.
“hey,” he opened the door and plopped in. “so, uhhh…”
“yes?” you asked, wanting to know why he had that dopey grin on his face. while it was an obnoxiously cute grin, you still wanted to know what put it there.
“how’s the leg?” he motioned to the one that was bent in your seat, still a bit of grief hit him when he remembers how hurt you had gotten that night.
“y’know,” you shrugged. “it’ll be fine. hurts like hell, though.”
“i’m sorry,” he dropped eye contact with you, opting to look at his hands that were currently cupping his knees.
“for what?” you chuckled. “you didn’t do this.”
“yea but,” he breathed out. “i could’ve. i saw billy when he-he shoved your leg in. you have no idea how-how angry that made me. and how he spoke to you? i just… you are deserving of-“
“hold it, steve,” you put your hand up. “i don’t need you to give me this whole ‘pity speech’ about how i deserve love and how im not broken, okay?” you rolled your eyes. “i know i am and im fine with that. what i don’t need is some guy who thinks he knows me try to tell me that im good enough for him or for anyone else. because frankly, i don’t-i don’t even feel that way, okay? so, please,” you felt tears prick your eyes. “don’t bring that back up. because bill-billy somehow knows my deepest thoughts and fears and i-i don’t want anyone else to even think about them. i just can’t handle it right now.”
“y/n,” he grasped your hand with his own. “it’s okay. it’s okay to not be able to handle something-especially after what you’ve been through,” he brought your hand to his lips. “i care about you. i want you to be able to talk through it, even if it isn’t with me.”
“i can’t,” you shook your head. “i can’t talk to max about this. i don’t want her to see me like this.”
“then she doesn’t have to, okay?” he reached across the console and wrapped his arms around you, letting you cry on his shoulder. “i’m here, it’s okay.”
“it’s just…” you dragged on. “home isn’t good. it’s not even a home. i just try to make sure max is never in the mix when things go down but then i-then,” you choked on a sob before he continued to stroke your back.
he pulled back after a second, “if you and max ever need to just… escape, you know my door is always open,” his eyes searched yours for some sort of confirmation but found a bit of weariness. “my parents are like never home, so you won’t really have to worry about them not wanting you guys around.”
“i wouldn’t want to do that to you,” you shook your head, insistent on the idea that you would be too close to a burden on him.
“do what?” he scoffed with a smile. “rid me of my… i’ll admit, loneliness?”
“steve harrington? the king of hawkins high, lonely?” you rolled your eyes. “yea, i’ll believe it when i see it.”
“then you will come over?” he acknowledged with a shit-eating grin. “see the loneliness, first-hand?”
“maybe, steve,” you sighed. “maybe.”
and maybe you should’ve let yourself hold onto him a little longer. you should’ve let your walls down for him. but you couldn’t. you barely knew him. well, you knew him now. but not outside of trying to save the world. you didn’t know how he was when he was sick. you didn’t know his favorite color.
so for tonight, you let yourself feel. you let yourself weep and break and crumble apart in steve harrington’s arms. chances are he would forget what even happened the next day anyway.
this one time.
tomorrow came. and no sign of steve. then the next, then the next. for some reason you felt disappointed. after everything… no.
you don’t need him. you don’t want him. you are perfect without him. your walls are still intact. you have yourself. that’s all you need.
but max, well, max needed you. sometimes she wouldn’t admit it, but she really did need you. so, you were there.
you drove her to the arcade the fifth day, deciding to stick around and watch her do her thing from inside, cheering her on and handing her more quarters once she ran out.
when you heard the other heathens arrive, you knew who was dropping them off. you opted to not even look out of the glass door. he doesn’t need to know you’ve even thought of his name. maybe you have a bit too much.
“y/n,” steve’s voice rang through your ears. you turned to face him with an obviously forced grin. “sorry i never called, my-“
“oh, doesn’t matter, harrington,” you shrugged. “all is well.”
“i just thought that you maybe wanted to talk since…” he dragged on, not wanting to spill too much with this many ears around.
“look, harrington,” you turned to actually look him in his eyes. “i get that we got a bit close and all because of some life or death situations but you don’t need to pretend to care or be my friend anymore. i just-i need to make sure max is taken care of, and that takes a lot more work than you would think,” you chuckled, trying to break the bridge before your walls became irreplaceable to the brown haired boy before you.
“i was never pretending, y/n,” his eyebrows furrowed at your word-vomit taking a step closer to you while reaching for your hand. “you realize i just want to help, i want to be there for you.”
“i don’t need anyone,” you shook your head, pulling your hand away from his. “i’m fine, harrington. i’ve been fine without someone this far, and i’ll continue to be fine.”
“you deserve to be better than fine, y/n,” he argued, letting your hand fall from his own, as much as he missed its warmth. “and what-what’s happened to ‘steve’? what’s with this ‘harrington’ bullshit again?”
“it’s your name,” you shrugged, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of you. you could feel how close you were to caving in. but you couldn’t. you just… you couldn’t risk it. “i’ll use it how i please.”
“when you decide you want to be more than fine,” he sighed, knowing how stubborn you were. “i’ll always be here. waiting for you.”
you turned around before saying with tears in your eyes, “don’t hold your breath, harrington.”
you felt his hand linger over your shoulder, hesitating to leave his touch before you felt the warmth of his presence retreat. the only sign that told you he was surely gone was the ring of the bell on that glass door and the revving engine of his car.
you wouldn’t have noticed if the glass door had shattered as distracted as you were with the feeling of your own heart doing the same. this wasn’t supposed to hurt. you weren’t supposed to feel anything. but now you felt everything. from the one night, that was supposed to only be one time. so why did you want him all the time?
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frozenwafflesagain · 1 year
I spent the first hour of my 25th birthday thinking about Ben Hargreeves, as one does.
And thus I present…
A Collection of Ben Hargreeves Thoughts And Theories
- INSANELY misunderstood in my opinion
- There is a difference between how Ben was as a child versus who he is as a (ghost) adult
- The Hargreeves all remember the child Ben was, while Klaus knows who Ben became and loves him for it
- Ben as a child: sweet, quiet, kind, gentle, polite, snarky, serious, timid, fearful, still, obedient, know-it-all
- Ben as an adult: loyal, determined, jaded, unapologetic, realist, tough love, practical, sad, sarcastic, caring, desperate, annoyed
- Everyone says Ben was “the best of them” when they were teenagers; I imagine that he was always there for whoever needed it with a kind word or just a hand to hold. Ben just wants to help, I think that’s one trait that stayed with him into adulthood.
- He was afraid of the Horror growing up, obviously. He didn’t want to use it, we can assume from this that he never took pleasure in the death and destruction it brought. He literally says “I didn’t sign up for this.”
- Seemed to go along with Klaus’ pranks, even enjoy them. He might have had a bit of a wild side as a teenager that faded a bit after he died.
- We know he was scared to move on to the afterlife when he died. I think it was because he didn’t want to leave his family yet.
- He stayed with Klaus all those years, and he didn’t have to. He CHOSE to. I think he wanted to stay with Klaus, give him someone to hold on to and watch out for him no matter how frustrating it got.
- But even though he wouldn’t abandon Klaus, Ben very clearly got angry and frustrated and annoyed with him, and understandably so. He had to watch Klaus waste away the life he didn’t get to have.
- When he says as much to Klaus when they’re at the motel, I don’t think this was Ben choosing to rub the reality of his death in Klaus’ face. I don’t think he was doing it to be malicious, because that’s not Ben. I think that he was trying to give Klaus something else to focus on while he was reliving his trauma. Tough love - yeah, what he was saying was undoubtedly hard for Klaus to hear, and I’m sure Ben was airing out his own grievances, but I think it was in the name of distraction more than anything else. If Klaus could think about what Ben was going through instead of focusing on the memories, that could help him in the end.
- In regards to the S2 possession: I chalk that up to poor writing and poor characterization. Ben ASKING Klaus to possess him makes sense to me, but everything else that he does without consent I see as a failure to understand Ben’s character. After everything they went through as kids, after everything Ben himself went through, after the things he probably saw happen to Klaus on the streets, I simply refuse to believe that Ben would have “no regrets” about taking control of Klaus’ body like that. The person the writers have set up Ben to be prior to those scenes would NEVER have been okay with that. Honestly, in my mind, those Ben scenes are not canon.
-That being said, his decision to save Viktor makes perfect sense. As much as he clearly wanted to stay with Klaus, he knew he would finally make an impact on his sibling’s lives if he could get to Viktor and help him control his powers. Again, he showed Viktor tough love along with compassion: he didn’t let him give up.
- But wanting a hug as he goes? There’s the Ben they all knew as kids.
- I think he probably regretted not getting to tell Klaus the truth in his last moments, which is why he asks Viktor to do it. He didn’t want Klaus to carry around the guilt he must have felt at the idea that he made Ben stay. Ben, despite growing harder and more jaded in death, is still kindhearted.
- Predictably, dying greatly affected his personality and the way he saw things as he stayed with Klaus.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
that bit where Blitzo tries to snap Stolas' neck in the circus is wild because the fandom barely ever talks about it. Like back in s1 the show could probably get away with that kind of black comedy beat, because it treated demons being violent towards one another as relatively normal. but s2 follows that scene with a dead serious 'This is Domestic Violence' PSA between Stella and Stolas, which is complete whiplash, but even within the seduction scene itself there's constant tonal issues going on. HezuNeutral covered how the tone kept ping ponging back and forth in her video and I don't think she even mentioned the neck snap moment, there was already that much to talk about
also like - why didn't we get a moment where Blitzo is surprised or annoyed the neck snap didn't work? Was he legitimately trying to kill Stolas or not? Honestly at this point I'm willing to suspect a lot of Viv and Adam's scripts are first drafts and they have no one else checking them or doing revisions. Tbh I'd love to see a documentary doing an autopsy on the writing process and why it got so bad in s2; if it's just that Brandon was less involved then boy was he doing a hell of a lot to keep the show's writing decent. No one's mentioned it but I also get the impression he barely talks about Helluva on his socials outside of that one gag video he made?
First draft is the impression I get with Viv's stuff too. Like, if I just dumped out what I've been working on right now and didn't do another thing to it? It would be Helluva Boss, a mess of plot holes and contradictions and things I thought sounded good in the moment.
If the fandom did talk about this one more, I bet it would be to vilify Blitz and nothing else.
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archieimagines · 1 year
vaseline | kuina hikari
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Summary: Kuina is more stressed about your chapped lips than the wounds from her death match.
gorgeous kuina. that’s all i have to say for myself. i’m weak. warnings: s2 spoilers, mentions of violence, elements of grief, blood and injury, smoking. a bit of angst, a bit of fluff, maybe a kiss. word count: 1302 requested by: anon (this is the reuniting with kuina/chishiya request. i’ll be writing a chishiya one separately!) written by: archie support me on ko-fi!
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The sounds of battle rang through the centre. Cries of anguish, the clatter of metal, screams of the dying. Even just listening wasn’t easy.
You sat against the wall of the sports centre’s atrium, knees parted to rest your elbows on. You’d intended to be in the dojo to search for Kuina but… Well, after hearing it, you couldn’t help being glad you’d missed registration.
You were split from your girlfriend on the run from that damn King of Spades, and after so many days of searching for her, you were struggling to resist your harrowing thoughts. That the King was too good, that she was amongst the litter of bodies on Shibuya’s streets.
But, you’d reason, she’s too tough for that. She’d been through too much, fought for too much. Her own struggles, her mothers’, the things society would hold against her... No, Kuina wouldn’t be wiped out by some nameless, faceless entity. She was far too strong. To worry about her like that was an insult.
So, you searched, game after game. Asked survivors if they’d seen a tall, beautiful girl with dreads, a blue bikini-- they’d only ever shook their head, half of them with pity in their eyes. So many people had lost their loved ones to this land, and they saw you as just another of the bunch. 
They didn’t realise how stubborn you were, nor how powerful Kuina could really be. If anyone were to be left standing after all this, it’d be her, a beacon amongst the dust and smoke. Your beautiful Hikari.
Hell, you missed that face. Somewhere in your search, you’d vowed to carry a physical picture of her in your wallet once you got back home together. But until then, you’d have to close your eyes and remember, as you’d done every time the search got hard.
The way her brows would pull together playfully when you teased her, the way her eyes would scrunch and she’d slap your arm or shoulder as she burst into laughter. The way her whole face would light up when you let her dress you at the boutique, and then that smile when you’d buy it all. God, that smile. You needed to see it again.
After searching game on game, you finally found an ounce of hope.
The Jack of Spades. Yes, her kind of game. You’d hunted out this game specifically just to see if she may be at the registration, and when you saw its setting, your spark of hope burned brighter than ever.
A dojo.
Surely, a dojo game would be the place to find her. Surely, she was behind those doors, kicking everyone within an inch of their life. You strained to hear any scream of effort, any curse that carried her tone of voice, but there were too many to focus on. If she was in there, she was drowned out amongst the masses.
You bit at your lip. The whole place was dark, barely a peek of light from the dojo door. Was it a blind game? Were her ears astute enough to carry her through martial arts blindly? Was she even in there?
The taste of iron seeped into your mouth. Fuck, you’d been chewing your lip too much. If she’d come out of that dojo and see you bleeding, she wouldn’t hesitate to scold you, and the thought brought a bittersweet smile to your chapped lip. You’d give anything for her to come out and scold you, to feel her dainty fingers rub vaseline on your skin like she always did, cigarette hanging from her own mouth. “Look after yourself,” she’d whine around the stick, “No lover of mine can have bad lips.”
Oh, the amount of times you’d plucked the cigarette from between her teeth. “What about this, then?”
“Hey, bad lungs are only on the inside,” she’d give an almost annoyed laugh and take it back. “And smoking looks cool on the outside.”
You chuckled to yourself in the darkness. It was a foreign sound in this land, even to your own ears. The kind of sound that only she could bring out of you.
She had to come through those doors. She had to.
Minutes ticked by, soon reaching almost an hour, and finally the violence from behind the door started dying down. Less screams and less sounds of impact - whoever was left was growing tired.
You squeezed your eyes shut and hoped against hope that she’d be out soon. That she’d come through that door with those bright eyes and pull a face at the state of you.
The door slid open.
A few pairs of footsteps trod the floorboards, barely visible until the blimp outside caught fire.
It lit up the air with its orange firelight, the smell of fumes and oil dropping from the skies, seeping in through the windows. It lit the trio that battled the length of hallway, falling forwards on heavy feet, one after the other.
And a pair of those feet clad in platform flip-flops.
The fire lit the side of her face, battered and bruised.
You shot up to your feet, mouth running faster than your mind. All you knew was that you needed her eyes on you. “Kuina!”
And they found you.
Her whole existence changed. Where she was before so visibly exhausted and hunched, aching and bleeding, her eyes lit up and a smile hitched the corners of her lips. She pushed past her fellow survivors and hobbled up the corridor as fast as she possibly could, though she couldn’t possibly match your sprint in her current condition.
You flung yourself at her, arms thrown around her waist as she clung to you, willing the tears not to fall from your eyes, “Fuck, I thought-”
“You thought I was dead?” She held tighter, a disbelieving, laboured splutter of humour parting her lips. “I’m not easy to kill, you know.”
“Not for a moment,” you pulled back with a shake of your head, unable to stop the trickle of a tear that fell from your eye as you held her face, cuts and bruises in abundance. “I didn’t think that for a moment.”
The fellow survivors passed without a word, and she took this time to look over your own face. She was so relieved to see you, her eyes so gentle and pretty-- and then, there it was. That little furrow of her brow, the quiet hint of irritation. “You’ve been biting your lips again, huh?”
A bubble of emotional laughter burst in your chest, raising a hand to wipe over your lip. It must’ve been only a spot of blood, but of course, she’d notice it. “I’ve been stressed without you.”
“What kind of excuse is that?” Her face lightened, gently taking yours in her hands. Those delicate thumbs ran over your lips, wiping away that minuscule drop of crimson before bringing you into a soft, indulgent kiss. She simply took a moment to share your breath with that closeness, live with you once more as if you were her cigarette.
You kept her close even once it’d drawn to a close. Fingers rubbing gently over the bare skin of her waist, careful to not hurt her, but you’re so aware of the slight raises on her skin, the trail of blood that your fingers slip on.
You give a soft sigh. It hurts your chest physically to see her like this, a gnawing ache that you just had to fix. “I saw a bathroom back there. Let’s get you patched up, darling.”
“Wait-!” Her eyes grew as she reached behind her, patting at her back pocket as if to check something. Then with a relieved breath, she nodded, her smile bright. “I didn’t drop my vaseline. I knew you’d need it.”
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deimosbreakfrost · 4 months
Total Drama Island (2023) S2 "Rewrited" au
A possibly cringe Fan Fic that I'll hate on the future
So, this is a fan fic of an Rewrited au of mine... """""Rewrited""""" because I'll change alot of things and I am just making this fan fic for fun while showing you guys what I would change.
Okay, let I start this modern tragedy already.
First part:
Episode 01, The kids will (not) be okay:
-The episode starts with Chris, Chef and the entire cast from the Total Drama island (2023) on a plane, going to a new season in a "new" place. Chris was talking to someone by a Walkie Talkie.
???: Mr. McLean, seriously that you're lying to them saying that they're going to some kind of "total drama: World Tour" 2?
Chris: umm... Maybe--?
???: McLean! That's pratically clickbai-
Chris: Hey! Don't you dare use this "modern generation" language on me! Anyways, be ready because we're almost getting to there.
???: ah, ok-
- Chris ends the transmission
Chris: wow! That boy still annoying...
Chef: Chris, we're recording!
Chris: Ah, don't worry! After this introduction we will be finally free! ... I mean, just me, not you!
Chef: grr...
Chris: ah, calm down! Anyways, it's been a year 'total drama fans'! Since we don't see Each other THAT long, I'll give y'all a quick recap.
Last season on Total Drama Island:
16 new contestants showed up with the dream of taking that 1 million dollars price.
And the eliminations we're surprising!
Caleb was just there. until he even had the chance of doing something, Bowie made everyone eliminate him! Poor boy...
Nichelle humiliated herself Infront of everyone.
Emma HAD a chance of showing to everyone on live tv that Chase is (or was) a horrible person, but Chase was luckier than her.
Julia was boring, the way she talked, the "spiritual, love and peace" things that she normally talks about was annoying enough to her team.
Wayne would do anything and everything for his best friend Raj, and he was more than happy when he found out about his buddy's secret!
Scary Girl was Creepy, but not for Axel and Ripper! They we're her Unic friends that she had in a while, and the Unic ones that think that her actions are more annoying than scary.
Priya was pathetic! Seriously that she think her parents are so great that she easily go insane when someone criticizes them? Pff, surely the most well deserved elimination of that season.
Mk was smart, a little too much. And because of that, she went from being Bowie's Allie, to be a traitor! Well, it was that, that Bowie made everyone believe.
Raj has a secret, he loves Bowie! And because of that, he made our fandom go wild for them! The fandom loves them! Especially that people from that one Social Media that has "Tum" on the start...
And Chase knowed About that! The fact that Bowie and Raj we're dating, of course. Not the fact that the fandom is crazy for them. So, as a indirect revenge for MK, he was double eliminated with Raj!
Ripper and Damien have a... Interesting friendship. A "nerd hater" and a nerd!
Ripper was... Adorable? Yeah, he went from being a pathetic alpha male wannabe, from being a even nicer version of Owen, and because of that "adorable" personality that he gained he made Damien, Zee and especially Chase be his best friends! (Axel and scary girl too) Good for him, I guess.
Damien screamed a lot until His friends convinced him that being public humiliated in live television isn't that bad!
And Millie was nice, she tried to write a book about how much this generation is potentially bad, but after Priya's elimination, she learned that it was just a exception! There IS good people from this generation, you just need to find the right ones! (Priya not included)
And let's go to the final 3...
Axel, she had everything to win! The strength, the power, the personality... But, Ripper and Scary Girl missed her, so they finded a way to make her go back to them! That's what you gain when you are friends with a fake emo and ex-bad boy.
Zee, how did he got in there?! He could easily be eliminated until the merge but no one wanted to! And if wasn't for the "milk" part of the last challenge, he would have won! But he didn't.
And Bowie won! He used and eliminated half of the cast not counting with Wayne and Raj, of course.
Chris: So yeah, EVERYONE that I mentioned is back!
-Then it cuts to Chris in the passagers cabin with the 16 participants.
All the 16 participants are in here
The one that went out first:
Caleb: I'll make YOU guys regret voting me off...
-Caleb said in anger, while pointing at Bowie
Bowie: geez...
Ripper: you got a bit 'edgy' after 1 year, huh?
Caleb: what?
The most misunderstood one:
Ripper: huh?
Chase: wait, since when Ripper is misunderstood?
And the worse one:
Chase: excuse me?!
Emma: pff...
And of course, the winner:
Bowie: yeah, exactly, me!
Chris: well, I don't know if you guys noticed but Bowie was the Unic villain after a long time that won a season, the Unic one that did that was heather.
Bowie: wait, reall-
Chris: okay, this is slowly getting boring! So let's make the things end quickly!
-the ground below all the participants opened up, making all the participants fall into The water.
Chris: Ahaha... I'll miss that, and Chef already leaved without even saying "bye"!!
-Chris quickly ran to the drivers cabin, grabbing the plane's volant and taking control of it.
Chris: arg! Okay, I'll be quick! This surely the last time you all will see me hosting this program! Yeah, this is Sooo sad! But listen up! The future is bullet proof and the aftermath WILL be secundary! And time to them do it now and do it loud! I am Chris McLean, and I'll never, EVER see y'all again! Bye, losers!!
-after Chris leaved everyone behind, the scene cuts to the brand new hosts
Topher: Yeah, we're finally hosting our favorite reality show ever!
Sierra: But it's just so sad that Chris is gone for like... Forever?
Topher: nah, judging by the way he is he'll surely randomly appear when we Least expect it or something. But anyways, yeah, Chris finally gave his role as host for someone else!
Sierra: two to be exact.
Topher: yeah, right! Anyways, I am Topher! I was a participant of Pahkitew island!
Sierra: and I'm Sierra--!! I was a participant of World Tour!
Topher: and if you haven't noticed yet...
*Both Sierra and Topher say together*
We are the brand new hosts of total drama island
Topher: season 2.
Sierra: you don't need to explain it to the Audience-
Topher: okay, now pull the opening already.
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nakianshuri · 1 month
Penelope is a flawed character and it annoys me how the fans refuse to accept it and only see her as some kind of victim who has been done wrong. Yes Penelope has been bullied by her family and Cressida, and ignored by the society for not being what they consider "attractive" but she like you said is a manipulative character who used this invisibility to collect private conversation and then spread them for the whole ton to see and judge. She has ruined reputations of people who trusted her ( Marina, Eloise) judged people who did nothing wrong to her ( calling Daphne unmarriageable first season) and used her power to destroy others to protect herself ( ruining a seamstress reputations so that madame delacroix won't expose her secret). Season 3 should have Penelope face the consequences of her actions and own up to the mess she had done through her words, but they most likely wouldn't do anything like this. Also how the heck is Colin going to react when he finds out that she is the one who ruined both his sister reputation and his engagement? Like they better not have him be cool with it, he despised Lady Whistledown during the second season.
I agree. Penelope is a flawed character, like all the other Bridgerton characters. I love flawed characters. I adore barely reformed mean girls. I just need them to admit their flaws. My complaint isn't so much that Penelope's done wrong but that she hasn't admitted that some of her choices were bad.
Personally, I would just like to see some self-reflection from Penelope about her role as LW and the impact that has had on people closest to her.
I also want to see Pen realize that lying to Eloise was a betrayal of trust because that to me is the real issue between them. I don't think Eloise resented Penelope for being LW as some believe. By season 2, Eloise isn't that impressed by the LW gossip and has moved on to more explicitly political writing by Wollstonecraft, whose writing Pen calls "haughty." LW isn't giving Eloise what she needs emotionally, intellectually, so I'm not convinced she's envious. She wants LW to do more with her talents, but otherwise s2 was about Eloise discovering more stimulating thoughts outside of gossip.
It's that Eloise has been nothing but an opened book to Penelope and was actively searching for LW and trying at one time to protect her. And all the while, Pen was playing in her face. I want to see Pen feel some remorse for that. I don't know what other consequences I could reasonably expect her to deal with this season, but at the very least, I'd like her to reflect on her own privilege as a writer and what she's done with it and the impact of the secrets she's kept about herself vs those she's revealed about everyone else.
ETA: I don't know how they'll whitewash the Marina thing. Colin mentioned in s2 his regrets about how he treated her and how LW exposed her so brutally. I don't know how he'll reconcile those feelings with his relationship to Pen. I think they'll have to have him get over it, and it most likely won't be satisfying in any way because the person she really needs to apologize to for that is Marina. And even if she were to reappear, which I doubt, she'd probably tell Pen that it needed to happen and it's all in the past. So I have to reconcile with the fact that part of the storyline will just remain unfinished for me.
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snailsnfriends · 1 year
I simply refuse to see dsmp s2 not happening as ctommy dying for nothing because honestly? what good does that do me or any of us? what good does it do to sit and sulk and act as if ctommys story was pointless or "for nothing?" idk about any of you but these twoish years have been so so so fun for me. my analysis skills have grown so much and I've seen how that impacts my work outside of the smp. I started writing again, I made some of my closest friends through ctommy.
and even story wise, ctommy believed that he was the cause of all issues for so long. it was all he was ever told. he was a burden, annoying, dirt under everyone's shoes. but he wasn't. and during his finale, he was explicitly told that he wasn't. he finally realized that it was cdreams insecurities that caused him so much pain. ctommy was tortured not because he deserved to be, but because cdream was jealous of what ctommy had: love. that's it. ctommy had all the love in the world from his friends, and cdream hated that. and still, in death, ctommy was surrounded by love. he finally received the inner peace he had always wanted.
so no, I don't think he died for nothing; that implies that his story was pointless. it wasn't. it was about being young, about living and dying over and over again, about love. that's not for nothing to me.
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myreygn · 1 year
HELLO I SAW WHAT U SAID ABOUT DEMON SLAYER (THAT YOULL KISS ME LMFAO) BUT I WANTED TO ASK FOR MAYBE LEE ENMU??? YEAH IK HE JUST IS SO UNDERRATED IN THE TK COMMUNITY- idk why I’m yelling sorry but I need Lee or ler enmu anything pls 😭 my love for that man is indescribable and HE HAS LIKE NO TK CONTENT and that makes me sad awawaw but anyway have a good day or night or whatever time it is for u <333
Unhand me!
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summary: Akaza allows himself to take a day off from the mission he was assigned and decides to stay at Mugen train - surely he and Enmu can avoid each other for the time being. Only that Enmu seemingly has no interest in avoiding Akaza and Upper Moon Three isn't one to turn down a challenge.
an: HI I'M SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG ALSO PLEASE YELL AS MUCH AS YOU WANT WE SUPPORT YELLING ON THIS BLOG- okay good news is i finally finished it and i had a lot of fun with it, i also learned to appreciate enmu more during the time i had this in my inbox and finished the manga so i feel like i was able to write for them a lot better than i would have been three months ago! thank you for the request - i went with akaza's pov for this one because i find his easier to write than enmu's, i hope that's okay ^^ it's set somewhere between s1 and s2, enjoy!
wordcount: 1765
tagging: @giggly-squiggily because i stole your rui/akaza-dynamic and @duckymcdoorknob because it's your husband <3
warnings: it's an akaza pov so lots of swearing!
Akaza was exhausted. Which was ridiculous, considering that demons, let alone Upper Moons, shouldn’t even be able to feel something as mundane as exhaustion. Yet this stupid mission managed to- no, it wasn’t a stupid mission, there was no way he could even think that when there was so much as a chance of Muzan-sama listening in on his thoughts at that very moment. 
A noticeable shiver ran through Akaza’s body and he jumped through the opening in the train’s roof (whatever purpose a damn skylight on a train had but alright). It would probably be best to just not think about this mission at all for a few hours. He had worked hard these past few weeks, he could take a day off. And while the company of Lower Moon One certainly wouldn’t be his first choice in any other situation (except maybe if it was between them and fucking Douma) the train they had brought under their control would do as lodging for now. Especially because it was in the engine shed which meant that there were no people around to disturb him and enough space to get away from Enmu in case they got too annoying.
Akaza slouched down in one of the seats, not bothering to open his eyes when he felt a poorly covered presence approaching. “I’m just crushing here for today, don’t make a fuss about it.”
No answer, but the presence was still there. Okay, weird, but it was undoubtedly exactly who he thought it was and he wasn’t gonna open his eyes for Enmu of all people. A little voice in the back of his head started squeaking about how disrespectful the lower ranked demon was being but honestly, Akaza didn’t have the energy to scold them right now. Who cared anyway, it was just the two of them and Enmu knew very well that Akaza could obliterate their ass within two seconds, so whatever.
He crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back and enjoying the silence. Well, while it lasted.
Nope. Absolutely not.
He was not gonna sacrifice his peace of mind for whatever bullshit Enmu was up to.
Tap tap. Taptaptaptaptap- 
“GAH!” Akaza felt his eyes fly wide open and his foot crashed into the floor next to his seat at something squeezing his knee. A few quick tapping noises and a soft snicker that seemed to come from the walls rather than from the hand that sat patiently in the middle of the gangway, an aura of fake innocence and smugness to it that would’ve driven Akaza up the wall on any other day.
Today though? Maybe it was really only because he was so fed up with this not at all stupid, so much fun mission that he had been trying to complete for weeks now but he had to admit, he felt rather… playful. Daki and Gyutaro had plenty of playfights whenever they all came together and although he’d rather walk straight into the sun than admit it out loud, there was always a sting of jealousy in his chest watching them. He had no one he could do that with - these days he hardly ever came across anyone who a) matched his strength enough for them to actually do something like that, b) had the guts to challenge him and c) didn’t make him want to rip his own head off whenever they opened their mouth. Fucking Douma, honestly.
And sure, Enmu was only a lower moon but they still matched two out of the three necessary criteria, so maybe it was gonna be fun. The hand tapped the floor with its index finger and a mouth appeared on it, stretched into a wide grin. Fuck it, why shouldn’t he play along.
“You have balls, I’ll give you that.” He lunged forward, missing the hand only by a mere inch or so. Hm. Surprising enough. Of course he hadn’t used his full speed but he still had planned on catching the hand. Little fucker was quick - that, or he was more exhausted than he had thought. Maybe both. Probably both.
“That was a good one, Akaza-sama!”
Heavens, he didn’t need this creepy thing giving him compliments- “Hey!” In the brief second he had been busy thinking about how weird it was to literally talk to the hand (he had seen Enmu pull the talk to the hand move on one of the other lower moons once and begrudgingly admitted to himself that that had been pretty cool), said hand had lunged forward to squeeze his knee once more. That brave move brought an end to its attempt at a reign of terror though.
“Gotcha!” Akaza held the hand up by the fingers, pressing them together in a way he hoped wasn’t too painful - he was still having fun and didn’t really want that ruined by Enmu getting hurt and inevitably becoming horny over it - and smirked at the struggling limb. “What do you think you’re doing, huh?”
“Oh, I thought we were playing a little game,” Enmu chirped through the hand’s mouth (hands shouldn’t have mouths, jeez, Enmu was so weird), “Akaza-sama seemed so down on the bench, I thought I might as well try to cheer him up.”
“By sending your creepy hand to squeeze my knee?”
“Yes!” The thumb wriggled excitedly and Akaza was glad he was holding the other fingers hostage so he didn’t have to see them do it as well. “Douma-sama told me about Akaza-sama’s knees being quite, hum, sensitive, I wanted to see for myself!”
“He said that, huh?” Akaza felt heat boiling in his stomach but he couldn’t really tell whether it was anger or horror at the prospect of Douma spreading this particular weakness of his around like hot gossip - not that a vast majority of demons could manage to utilize it against him if he didn’t want them to. Still. Fucking Douma. “Did he tell you what would happen if you got busted by me?”
The hand seemed to stiffen a little at that and Akaza couldn’t help but let out a low chuckle. “That’s what I thought. Tell you what, if you show yourself right now I might go easy on you.”
Silence. He lifted the hand to eye level. “Alright. You brought this upon yourself.”
A shriek echoed from the train’s walls and Akaza felt the corners of his mouth pull up in amazement. All he had done was gently scratch at the soft skin right where regular humans had their artery. “If your wrists are this bad, what about the rest of your hand?”
“Wahait, wait, Akahaza-samahahahaaa!”
Akaza snickered to himself, relentlessly dragging his blunt nails over Enmu’s wrist. (Enmu’s hand’s wrist? This was Enmu’s hand, right? He wondered whether they carried substitute hands in their pockets.) “I am waiting, waiting for you to come out so I can look at your face while I annihilate you.”
There was no real bite to his words and he was sure Enmu could tell - otherwise they would’ve probably thrown themselves in the dirt in front of Akaza already, begging to be left alive. Not that Akaza had the authority to kill the last remaining lower moon just like that but Enmu probably didn’t know that, and honestly, they didn’t need to. He was allowed to keep at least a little bit of his threatening exterior.
Although how threatening could he seem, standing in an empty train and tickling a detached hand? Probably not very, but whatever, looking threatening wasn’t the top priority right now. The top priority remained getting that little weasel Enmu to leave their hiding spot and if he had to bring out the big guns for that, then fine, he’d bring out the big guns.
“AIEEE! Ahahahakazaha-sahahama! Nohot thahahahat!”
Enmu was losing it now and the whole train vibrated as if shaken by their high and shrieky cackles. Akaza allowed himself an evil chuckle. There was something very satisfying about hearing that normally melodic and breathy voice brought to such loud and, dare he say it, ridiculous noises. Especially considering that he wasn’t really doing much aside from gently scribbling over the palm of the hand - as he knew all too well from countless humiliating interactions with Douma, a light touch was often enough to really get someone screaming and Enmu didn’t seem to be the exception to that.
“Ahakazahaha-sahahamaha, unhahand mehehe!”
“Oh, you think you’re really funny, huh?!”
Growing more hysterical by the second.
“You know what to do if you want me to stop.” Akaza smirked to himself when a low thud behind him notified him of Enmu’s long overdue surrender and he stopped his attack on the hand to turn around to an absolutely demolished looking lower moon. As soon as he took his fingers off, the limb went limp (Ha ha.) and he gave himself a moment to relish in the sound of Enmu desperately gasping for air. “There you are, you little freak. So I guess that means I win.”
“Ehe, indeed you do. Well played, Akaza-sama.” Enmu got on their knees and grinned up at him, cheeks flushed and lips stretched into a pleased smile; a smile Akaza found himself returning, much to his surprise. “May I have a turn now?”
The upper moon hesitated for a moment. Pausing and really thinking about it, this was beyond inappropriate, but then again… it wasn’t like Muzan-sama didn’t already know about the tickle fights amongst his Kizuki. And even if Enmu went on to tattle about this to Douma, well, it wasn’t like Douma didn’t know about Akaza’s tendency to goof off with the lower moons as well. Or at least his tendency to goof off with a former lower moon. 
Akaza felt the ever so slight hint of a sting in his chest; he knew he shouldn’t, but damn, he missed Rui. He remembered their tickle fights, their games of hide and seek, Rui demanding piggyback rides. And grief was such an embarrassingly human feeling to experience, but to call it anything else would be a lie. For a moment he wondered whether Rui missed him too, watched him even - wouldn’t Rui want him to do this? He could almost sense the kid nudging him from the afterlife - Do it! I haven’t seen you laugh in a while! And Enmu was still there, still looking up at him so expectantly and fuck it, why the hell not! 
“Bring it on, sleeping beauty.”
Maybe it was okay to feel a little human every now and then.
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trashlie · 2 years
Bee’s Age and Cardamon’s Origins
I never got around to writing all of my Bee and Puppycat thoughts before the new series dropped and I’m definitely annoyed with myself for it but OH WELL! 
I’ll go ahead and put a cut because I have some rambling musing about the 3 new episodes, so I’ll mar them for spoilers for those who can’t/haven’t watched (lol it’s only day 1 so) 
I know a lot of people have their gripes with the way the 3 new espidoes/s1 recap were done but I think a lot of that is probably on Netflix. If they’d given them 5 episodes to recap everything and better flesh it out, those 3 episodes would feel far less rushed than they do. But that’s not the fault of the writing as much as Netflix being continuously abysmal in general but especially to animators. Those episodes take SO LONG to create and having to cram everything into three episodes? So hard!
But I appreciate the newly added lore SO MUCH. I’ve always suspected Bee is a LOT older than we think - much like Puppycat. The fact that the arcade was so overgrown and had a WHOLE ENTIRE TREE growing inside of it was a pretty big indicator that Bee hadn’t been there in a LONG ass time. But the new episodes REALLY play into this, with people referring to Bee as “old young lady” or whatever, and Bee’s remark about the forest growing denser every time she comes through - which means not frequently at ALL because the rate at which trees grow is NOT fast lol. She herself even refers to herself as REALLY OLD, as if she doesn’t actually want to come outright and admit it - as cavalier as she is about some of her more robot-y aspects in these eps, she is also really hesitant to outright admit it. 
(Likewise, Puppycat is OLD old, too, it would seem, he was already pretty grown when BEE’S DAD was a TODDLER. And then we now know he was already in his Puppycat form babysitting little Bee?! If Bee is OLD, Puppycat is ANCIENT.) 
I also loved the update to Bee and the candy - the casual mention of how she and Cardamon have shared it before?! The way the energy burst forth when she broke it in half like when her dad smashed it?! AAAAHHHHHHHH love that and how it ties those threads together - in og s1, nothing happens when she eats the candy and she shares it with Puppycat, so while it made sense that they were the same candy and that it may even help “power” her, it was hard to confirm, but now it’s very in our face and connects to s2 so much better. I know there’s been theories that Cardamon is not fully human, too - as far as we know, there’s no father around - but they are a little bolder about it this time around. Previously we didn’t find out Cardamon is supposed to be asleep until during Lazy in Space but Bee just! Up and goes oh you’re up what about your mom? 
So Bee knows they’re SUPPOSED to be asleep? Or?! 
I will say because of how much they had to rush the s1 content there’s some things that still come across as confusing - or more confusing. Bee seems so cavalier about Cardamon’s mom - was everyone just.... content to be like “yeah the landlord and her child are just hibernating nbd” and also hOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN ASLEEP LIKE THAT, THEN?! Is that why everyone is behind on rent? 
Another thought I’ve had and hadn’t had a chance to write up is: in the apartment complex, Violet and Bee’s dad are clearly related by their history as Candy Chasers, and Puppycat has babysat Bee and was close to Violet and Bee’s dad. The Wizards.... like I’ve always thought it interesting that the Space King sent his warlocks after Puppycat and now they live in the same apartment complex as Wizards. I’ve always felt there may be more to them than the show lends us - they’re not just a family Bee is supposed to watch over, right? I mean like, narratively, what is their purpose? I don’t think they are with the warlocks (at least, not the kids) and Cas was always calling things weird so if their parents dipped out to space I feel like that would be weird, right? I don’t have a coherent thought about this, clearly, but it’s like HUH surely they tie into this more than being innocent bystanders? 
idk I have other thoughts but I have to rewatch things but I wanted to throw these ones out before I forget about them afljafkajf 
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mommyashtoreth · 2 months
not aboit cro&azi but: opinion on the shallowness and frankly odd pacing of nina and maggies relationship? like one day theyre having stilted conversation, the next maggie is crying over how in love she is.
Hmm. Strokes my wizard's beard. Good question. Good Omens fans have caught on to how much I love the sound of my own voice but not on to the other facet of my deeply annoying yet hilarious and charming personality, which is that I love being contrarian. So, in that fashion, I must disagree with this assessment. As we discovered last night it's been a while since I've watched goomer (I may rewatch it soon, I may not, who knows) but I still think it's abundantly clear that Maggie has a huge crush on Nina from afar, and uh. this is gonna sound crazy but when you have huge unrequited crushes on people it can make you nervous and awkward when you talk to them. Idk I come from an Az-and-Crowley school of relationships myself, where you hang out with someone for eight kajillion years as Totally Platonic Girl Best Friends until one day you just fucking snap you NEED to fuck them so badly, but lots of people experience relationships the way Maggie does, it's a suuuuper common romance trope, and that doesn't make it bad writing! I think we're just so used to seeing this kind of trope be applied to straight relationships and the "platonic gal pals for eight kajillion years until one day you just fucking snap" thing be applied to gay relationships that people aren't ready for this "awkward stuttering and blushing because he looked at me! He let me borrow his pencil!" sort of trope being applied to a wlw relationship. I don't really think their relationship is oddly paced at all, it feels "awkward" because it IS awkward. Nina is someone who, like, barely knows Maggie exists, was in a presumably-monogamous relationship up until very recently, and got a bunch of water dumped on her and then had a trade meeting turned into a Regency ball because these two freaks who are her and Maggie's narrative foils can't just talk to each other normal. And she reacts normally to that I think! I don't think their relationship is badly written (it's probably paced better than, like, Newt and Anathema's, for instance, but I understand the difference in tone between s1 and s2 making those feel like two different cases), it's just yknow, under weird circumstances. Idk I just think it's funny how many goomenheads are completely convinced that Crowley is somehow in total unrequited gay love with Aziraphale (who literally wants him back so badly it makes me sick), and yet I'm here talking about how Maggie is kind of in semi-unrequited gay love with Nina and that's Fine. It's a good character thing. They parallel Az and Crowley in a lot of ways (a romantic obsessed with something near-obsolete who Doesn't Drink and a fast-living cynic who deals with bad shit by instantly initiating Wine Drunk With No Man To Feel Up Wednesday; they're even cast to kind of Look similar which I think is funny), but the structure and context of their relationship is not the same and thus cannot be compared. It's not a Writing Flaw or a Plot Hole or anything to me, it's just the simple difference between "crush before friends" and "friends before crush"
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leverage-ot3 · 3 months
What are your k drama recommendations??!? I need new ones
omg my time has come thank you anon for giving me the opportunity to ramble about shows
I ended up talking WAY too long so I'm putting everything after the first one under the cut
all of us are dead- show about high schoolers as a zombie apocalypse starts. very funny and relatable, literally they call the police and are like 'have you seen train to busan?' bffrrn. has a lot of social commentary and there are references to the sinking of mc sewol (a cruise that sunk where the captain deserted it and left a large amount of high schoolers to drown). commentary about how adults save themselves first/leave youth to fend for themselves. one of my comfort shows and although they didn't intend for more seasons, it was received so well that they have been renewed! I am also an ot4 truther and sometimes talk about them on my international shows sideblog: @nam-on-jo
sweet home- (disclaimer: I am not caught up and have not yet seen s2 which came out a little while ago) honestly I have no idea how to explain this so I'm gonna copy-paste the blurb: as humans turn into savage monsters, one troubled teenager and his neighbours fight to survive and to hold onto their humanity. basically people turn into monsters for [redacted] reasons and everyone in his large apartment building is stuck inside trying to fend for their lives.
my name- I'm just going to paste the blurbs going forward because it's easier: Following her father's murder, a revenge-driven woman puts her trust in a powerful crime boss -- and enters the force under his direction. bro some of these twists I expected but others caught me off guard. I love the main character and am a little gay for her but I think that's valid because she's a bamf. there was a plot point at the end of the second to last episode that I really didn't like and made me very upset. narratively I get why they did it but it made me sad so I'm still pissy. might get around to writing a fix-it fic one day when motivation strikes because my girl deserves better things.
the guest- a detective, a catholic priest, and a psychic join forces to fight crime caused by supernatural forces. not to say they are my ot3 but they kinda are. (other ppl interpret it is a lesbian and her two bi/gay bffs which I also accept but. ot3 tho). LOVED every twist and turn and how the three of them go from not trusting one another to being family. genuinely one of my favorites from all the kdramas I've watched over the years and I want to rewatch it again soon
happiness (tvn)- The residents of a high-rise apartment fight for their lives against a deadly infectious disease while Sae-bom and Yi-hyun try to find the person because of whom the virus spread. bro I adored this. some characters annoyed me (which means they were written effectively) but it has so much. fake dating/marriage (they wanted a better apartment lmao). annoyances to lovers. mean/rude woman soft for sunshine man. what you will do for the people you love. morals and humanity during a catastrophy. *smacks show* you can fit so much into this. no but seriously, I thought this was a really interesting take on the zombie virus! so some of the time you come off completely asymptomatic and 'normal', so people can get away with acting normal and hiding the disease around other people, so the paranoia and mystery is REALLY amped up. had me guessing a LOT. sae-bom and yi-hyun are both cops/detectives and you find out really early (ep 1/2?) that sae-bom is immune which gives a really interesting dynamic that leaves her (to yi-hyun's exasperation and heightened blood pressure levels) to be kinda reckless in the pursuit of truth and salvation. I'm rambling now because this is making me watch to rewatch but yeah as a zombie/dystopia/apocalypse lover this was a good watch. it's more story-focused than violence-heavy which was a cool and refreshing twist
alice in borderland- okay y'all I am aware people had mixed feelings about s2 but overall I did enjoy the series. 'Obsessed gamer Arisu suddenly finds himself in a strange, emptied-out version of Tokyo in which he and his friends must compete in dangerous games in order to survive.' what can I say, I love a dystopian-esque setting.
the silent sea- imma be real, I only watched it for loml bae doona from sense8. 'During a perilous 24-hour mission on the moon, space explorers try to retrieve samples from an abandoned research facility steeped in classified secrets.' basically earth is in severe crisis mode as they run out of water to drink. water has recently been found on the moon, and although there was a mysterious tragedy that happened previously to researchers looking for water in a base on the moon, they have reached a level of desperation where they have another mission to look for moon water. mystery, paranoia, a couple of good twists ensue. I thought it was pretty good even though I have some mixed feelings about the open ending.
semantic error- yes I am sliding a bl into this list. bitch you thought. of course my bl-loving self would mention this (I forgot about it until I looked up good kdramas to remind myself of stuff I have watched). 'A strict, rule-abiding computer science major must work together with an artist with a polar-opposite personality to his.' confident cool boy meets bitch boy. it's great.
and of course...
leverage con artists- I would be fired from running this blog if I didn't mention the beloved korean spinoff of leverage. 'The series follows the story of Lee Tae-joon, a former insurance investigator who forms a team of thieves and con artists to target the rich and wealthy. The team was also formed to avenge Tae-joon's son's death.' I've posted about it before so I won't go super into it but it's VERY camp, a good time, and the ot3 is alive and well. debatable more overt than their predecessor!
other mentionables:
I tried watching kingdom (again for bae doona) but couldn't really get into it. might try again later because it's critically acclaimed (I think) and has even gotten a spinoff series
my roommate really liked mr queen. I didn't really pay attention when we were in the same room and they were watching it but it's fruity
the island on amazon prime was good! interesting plot but not in my top 10 or anything. worth a watch if you're looking for a kdrama to watch in your spare time. features girlboss businesswoman being thrown into a world of the supernatural because [redacted]. supernatural black horse man keeps her safe while keeping a life-changing secret.
let's fight ghost was a thai show that I saw and loved that was adapted into a kdrama called bring it on ghost, but honestly I couldn't get through it because I liked the thai one better.
train to busan is technically a movie but it's iconic and well-known and I highly suggest watching it if you like zombie/apocalypse movies. disclaimer: kdramas do not have the slow 'walker' zombies. they are fucking fast and the stuff of my nightmares. would probably just jump off a bridge if this actually happened ngl
I did think that extraordinary attorney woo was cute. I never finished it and know that there are VERY valid criticisms about the perpetuation of media portraying people with autism in the stereotypical savant ways. however, I liked how the love interest accepted her for who she was, loved her because of who she was and made efforts to accommodate and learn how to comfort her in ways that would work for her
business proposal was pretty decent if you like lighthearted romance- I didn't finish it but would like to at some point
tale of the nine tailed was another one that my roommate and I started watching but never finished. it was alright! just lost interest
shows on my watchlist:
black knight (netflix)- 'In a dystopian future devastated by air pollution, the survival of humanity depends on a group of deliverymen known as the Black Knights who navigate the wastelands using unconventional means.'
copycat killer-
hellbound (netflix)-
shop for killers (hulu)- 'A nephew who lost his parents and grew up in the hands of an uncle who runs a shopping mall faces a new truth after his uncle's sudden death.'
the legend of the blue sea (viki + hulu)- 'A magistrate's plan to release mermaids into the ocean backfires when they're caught by fishermen.' (legit I just miss mermaid media)
gyeongseong creature (netflix)- 'In the city of Gyeongseong in 1945, a group of young people thinking only of their own survival encounter a monster born of human greed and ask themselves what humanity is.'
dark hole (viki)- 'A mysterious black fog from a petrochemical factory's sinkhole turns people into bizarre figures; people who are not infected try to survive in this middle of pandemonium.'
the cursed (multiple)- 'An enthusiastic social issues reporter, fighting against the evil hidden behind an IT conglomerate, meets a teen-age girl who is possessed by a spirit and has special abilities.'
blood (multiple)- 'Dr Park Ji Sang believes in the sanctity of human life, and struggles to treat terminally ill cancer patients and save lives while at the same time being a vampire.'
the ghost detective (viki)- 'In this horror thriller drama, a detective who catches ghosts tries to solve the case of his younger sibling's death with the help of his assistant.'
possessed (netflix)- 'A smart-mouthed detective and a reclusive psychic medium join together to get rid of the ghost of a murder who was executed 20 years ago.'
connect (hulu)- 'A man is kidnapped and one of his eyes removed by a gang of organ hunters; his eyes was transplanted into body of a serial killer; the unwilling donor now has terrible visions as he witnesses terrifying attacks on the residents of Seoul.'
and now just because so many of these only have het romances, I looked up k-dramas with lgbtq representation... (some of these recommendations were from articles from screenrant, movieweb, this subreddit, herzindagi (bl-focused), allkpop)
schoolgirl detectives (viki)- 'Five teenage girls join together to investigate mysterious incidents that occur at their school, as well as help classmate deal with bullying, depression and other crises.'
be melodramatic (netflix, viki)- 'Three 30-year-old best friends, Jinju, Eun-jung and Hanju each pursue different paths in both career and love. Despite life's difficulties, the three friends can always return home at the end of the day and support each other.'
lily fever (available w/subtitles on youtube)- 'The story revolves around the budding relationship between Kim Kyung Ju and Jang Se Rang who meet when Kyung Ju can't find her passport and has to go to her friend's house to try and find it.'
love alarm (netflix)- 'In a world in which an app alerts people if someone in the vicinity likes them, Kim Jojo experiences young love while coping with personal adversities.'
nevertheless (netflix)- 'The story of a romance between a man who is annoyed with relationships but likes to flirt and a woman who wants to date but does not believe in love.' (wlw side couple romance)
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