#as someone who spent the better part of her life as a Fun Science Experiment she'd probably be careful with that
konfizry · 5 months
okay i admit i'm mildly intrigued by that ot3 reblog tagged with vhalphion (?) so would you elaborate? are vholran and alphen also involved with each other? is this just alphen->shionne<-vholran? how chaotic is this and how did it come to be? how did the others react? 🎤
Gah! The vholran/alphen/shionne stuff is mostly a meme to me!!!!!!
So, in the context of that post, I think, in my mind, Alphen was the lamb, Vholran was the wolf and Shionne was the dog. So uh, yeah, basically, Vholran and Shionne fighting over Alphen ;o; (i must admit i love taking away agency from alphen. Not necessarily all of it. Just a little. From time to time. as a treat. sorry buddy ://)
 It miiiight also require a bit of tweaking Shionne’s characterization to make her into the “herding dog” archetype here but. I think she has it in her?? She was constantly looking out for him, right? At first to keep him in line and able to fight (the scene where she tries to slap him out of his grief comes to mind. That's her equivalent of nipping at the heels to keep the sheep going where it’s supposed to, probably.) and then it turned into something more but. IDK maybe we can make it a little possessive and toxic, for me. (also i gotta admit this just my preference for dom!shionne showing. what can i say.) And then Vholran, well. He’s Vhorlan. Obsessed with Alphen, wants to conquer and dominate and WIN. You know the dril. It kind of works, right?? So in that scenario, would there also be a kind of tension going on between Shionne and Vholran? M-maybe? It's still difficult for me to picture because Vholran doesn't seem to recognize Shionne as anything more than bait to get Alphen's attention. But she did shoot him in the face so there's probably also actual animosity going on. That's a starting point. If we can turn it around a little bit and get Vhorlan to view Shionne as a Challenging Opponent in the Alphen Contest (that's like the crown contest but you win alphen) worthy of his attention then we might be getting somewhere really really toxic and dangerous so i'm all for it!!!! they can talk in the shadows and point guns and blades at each other thats hot But yes it would be terrible, oh, i dare not think of the consequences any further!!!!!! As to how the others react? IDK they're supportive i'm sure (* ^ ω ^) (very concerned. but i guess the level of sheer Alarm depends on whether we're cramming this all into canon or if it's an AU.)
(BUT ALSO I’d be lying if I said I never entertained the idea of Modern AUs where Shionne and Alphen realize they are dating/used to date the Same Weird Dude. But I think it’s hard to imagine Shionne dating Vholran. Like if she were to do that then she probably has ulterior motives or is being pressured into it somehow (I think). Alphen on the other hand, I can see it happening? If Vhorlan just makes a teeny tiny effort to conceal the egomaniac murder frenzies, that is. True, he’s not exactly shown to be a master of deception in canon, but if he somehow gets it into his head that earning Alphen’s trust and then shattering it is the best way to utterly destroy him… he might just try to do that? Or maybe this is just me forcing Vholran into that Suave, Deceitful, Murderous Bisexual archetype for wish-fullfilment purposes. but thats another story)
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frxshblood · 3 months
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Sorta selective independent roleplay blog for Senketsu from Kill la Kill. Headcanoned post-canon and canon anime timelines.
Written by Alex who doesn't know when to stop. Follows and interacts from @vagabondfromkanto
Muse, mun, verses and rules are all under the cut:
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Name: Senketsu (Senketsu Matoi for whenever someone demands a surname in a human form)
Age: Technically, as a science experiment, less than a decade. Mentally a young adult.
Gender: Again, technically an alien life form and sometimes a walking skirt, but leans male for convenience. He/him.
Orientation: Ryukosexual Something that includes women, he didn't exactly have time to figure that one out.
Canon storyline (Kill la Kill): A kamui (godrobe) created by Isshin Matoi with the explicit purpose of being worn by Isshin's daughter Ryuko Matoi. Which Senketsu very much did, doing his best to aid her in battles and protect her to the best of his (considerable) abilities. Became her friend (and something more) in the process, evolved, learned to have emotions, free will and decide his own appearance. Fell apart because of power overload in the finale and spent his last remaining strength to get Ryuko back into the atmosphere, in which his physical body burned to ashes. Some part of his consciousness, however, is implied to maybe still be up there.
Abilities per canon: Life-Fiber synchronization, morphing parts of his synchronized form as he evolves (blades, flying).
Non-canon storyline for this blog only: Suspend your disbelief entirely and just believe me when I say that having nothing better to do and missing his time on Earth (and his partner in particular) terribly, he spent a few years (Earth time) collecting stray life fibers drifting in space after their defeat. Upon gathering just enough to fashion himself a new body which will survive the impact, he returned on Earth, having no idea how much time has passed, but determined to either find Ryuko or at least learn what's become of her. It doesn't help that he has never in his life been outside of the few areas they've visited, let alone on his own... or that he doesn't fully know what passing as a human is like.
Here's a literary, fanfic-y description of all that.
Abilities per this storyline: Can morph his body in whatever he wishes. Usually he 'wishes' to either pass as a human to avoid problems and navigate the world better, or to make up outfits for his wearer. That said, if the situation calls,then blades, flying, big teeth and other fun stuff aren't off the table. And this time he can do it on his own.
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Icon art is all mine.
How life-fiber synchronization works in this form: Well, either he just transforms into a big dragon-like energy form and carefully chomps the person (see: canonical transformation sequence), or, for special cases, this.
Still needs blood instead of food?: Yes. Though he can attempt to consume human food, it won't bring him much energy or the full taste spectrum like blood does.
Verse: "I will find you"
Generally reserved for all the interactions where he has not yet found his way home or Ryuko.
Verse: "Home"
With @/vindicta-reliquiae and her boys over at @/zantedeschia-praesul. After traveling for a while Senketsu finally made it back to Kanto and got reunited with Ryuko. Now they definitely have a lot to catch up on, issues to work through and things to figure out, but the most important part is that both of them are finally home.
Verse: "Sync and learn what we can do"
Canonical anime timeline interactions.
Verse: "Mix and match"
For interacting with people within vagabondofkanto's verse even though technically this Senketsu does not exist in her verse. Mostly reserved for Karma, who we already headcanoned being friendly with Sen at Honno.
More verses TBA.
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Alex/Tarr, any/all
Very late twenties, therefore of age, been playing for 15+ years
GMT +3, English isn't my first language but I do work with it professionally.
I follow from @vagabondfromkanto, but we DON'T have to be mutuals to interact. If I don't get to you it might be for any other reason.
18+ only regardless of the subject or character.
Crossovers, OCs, multiverses, all good.
Multiship: potentially, Ryuko players take highest priority.
NSFW topics will likely get discussed. As for full roleplays - if they do happen, will be tagged and put under read more. Mun's relationship with writing sex is that one Spiderverse gif. "Can't do it on command". (But can do it. We'll see. Altho keep in mind that Senketsu lived among humans for less than a year and there likely wasn't any sex ed in Honnouji. There's a journey to be had for sure >:3 )
No godmodding or powerplaying. Canon does not limit me much in terms of what Senketsu could be capable of if you piss him AND his mun off. So let's both be reasonable.
There is a possibility I'll suddenly start writing replies longer than what we started with. I get carried away. If that annoys you or god forbid makes you feel bad, please do tell.
Magic anons, cracks, crossovers, yes. Angst, violence, canon-typical bloodshed, darker plots, also yes. Fluff and hurt/comfort absolutely yes as well.
I may answer rapid fire, I may disappear for days, I do not control the life or the work or even this brain of mine. Sadly.
If at any point I seem intimidating or like I know what I'm doing rest assured I do everything that I do through anxious screeching (but I DO it).
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kitsuvil · 2 years
Velvet Cigarettes
Y/N's Friends (sapphics ft. the ally)
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his friends | masterlist
▪︎ Y/N
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They've had a relatively uninteresting life, minus the family problems that eat at their brain until there's nothing left. They were born on a beautiful farm, living with a family that sells fruits for money on the side, but the moment they started college they left straight for the dorms and hardly ever visit home due to their manipulative parents. They were able to make a solid amount of friends in the beginning of college and they've stuck with them since. Currently, they act just like your average depressed but trying to make the most of it college student and in terms of majors they've been messing around and trying everything, at the moment they're going through an art major era, which has been very pleasant for the most part. They've been a fan of Velvet Cigarettes since their debut days, since high school, but they never knew they'd land into the same college as the whole band.
▪︎ Yoimiya
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Yoimiya tends to be the friend who drags the others into her shenanigans, whether they like it or not. She also majors in fashion and more often than not makes her friends wear the clothes she creates. She rarely studies but is somehow passing her classes, though most of her time is dedicated to either her friends, making lifelong memories, or her clothes. She's a big fan of the night time life, goes out at night constantly, especially when there's fireworks involved. She doesn't hesitate to invite others and be kind to everyone, but the moment something really upsets her, she won't hesitate to call them out on their bs either. She's the type of friend to say, "Hey don't make it obvious, but there's a REALLY hot girl on your right," bcs her gay is very obvious and she'll never be the type to hide it. Dorm roomies w/ YN and Lumine.
▪︎ Lumine
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Lumine is hard working, but only when it counts. If you catch her slacking on a simple assignment, no you didn't, but she will hyperfocus on the interesting and complex assignments. She's usually the one who everyone visits because she owns an apartment near the college with her brother, Aether. If the group gets together, it's normally at Lumine's apartment. She works on the side at a clothing store for her money, where she can show her strangely insanely good customer service. She also carries around anything and everything you'd need in case of an emergency and she's known for it in the college halls. Majors in cultural studies. Dorm roomie with YN and Yoimiya.
▪︎ Beidou
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Marine science major, I had to. Beidou is a model who pops up in certain magazines often and has a good amount of fans for her early modeling era, but she still makes sure to take college seriously. But she won't hesitate to have fun, usually the one to buy drinks for the group. You would think she's the mother friend at first glance, but it's actually the gay aunt friend, all a facade. She has lots of money from modeling so she loves treating her friends with gifts, one of those gifts being taking them out to eat after a large paycheck. She has the money to buy her own apartment, but she says rooming in the college dorms is a lot more exciting and a better life experience overall, she's rooming with Kokomi.
▪︎ Kokomi
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Kokomi is honestly the one who studies the most in the friend group but she heavily values her free time especially when spent on creativity or her friends. She's into photography and self-studying her hobbies. She likes going to parades and also protesting for whatever is going on at the moment and she drags the others along with her. Every morning she’d post an inspirational quote as a joke but eventually it ended up becoming her daily self care motivation. You can consider her the mom friend except for when she goes on dates with girls she meets and then it doesn’t go well. She might have a crush on someone in her classes named Sara but the GC keeps it on the downlow. She’s rooming with Beidou and they share their marine science major so you can find them studying together on occasion.
▪︎ Thoma
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Thoma lives at a decently sized house with his rich friends that he grew up with. Said rich friends are Kamisato Ayato and Kamisato Ayaka. Thoma was juggling many jobs at first so he could make the money to pay off everything that was actively going on in his life, but the siblings convinced him to start college so he could have something in his life other than work. He shared classes with Yoimiya and she got to know him, eventually dragging him into the friend group and it’s been like that since. They hang out at Thoma’s place occasionally as well because the house is pretty big. Thoma majors in psychology, studying often, especially while blasting music and not having to worry about any dorm neighbors yelling at him. He also supports lgbtq and goes to parades with Kokomi… As an ally.
▪︎ Yunjin
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Yunjin majors in musical theater, studying everything she learns diligently so it can benefit her in the long run, especially with the singer performer career she is striving for. She happens to be roommates with Xinyan, which was the cause of their meeting and eventually, friendship. She’s happy to be anywhere with her friends and tends to run away from her responsibilities when it comes to things she’s not entirely interested in, might have a bit of an ADHD problem, but she’s trying her best in the things that she knows are important to her. She became friends with the friend group through Lumine, who complimented her in the hallways and quickly became friends. Will not hesitate to join in on the pride parades either, it’s just a sapphic friend group type of thing.
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seratlantisite · 2 years
Spirit of Justice Rewrite
version 1, wherein i tried to work with what's already in the game and the least number of changes to make something more interesting to me. v2 will be where i scrap this game for parts
6.1 the Foreign Turnabout
Every few years Khura’in hosts an international conference for spirit channelling. Every school sends representatives and they share their techniques and knowledge. Because different schools exist in this world. Like they implied in the original trilogy.
As she has been Master of her school for several years now, Maya attends. And she brings Phoenix because it will be fun, like that trip to London ten years back!
Everything immediately goes wrong. Like that trip to London ten years back!
The case proceeds the same but Maya is there as his co-counsel just for funsies.
6.2 Turnabout Storyteller
This case works better as a soft introduction to Nahyuta and a straight forward case for him to have on his exchange trip, I think:
Athena has to take this solo because Phoenix is on vacation and Apollo is already on a case. They’re the Wright agency. They are well known. They get a LOT of requests. Fight me Capcom. They can just work different cases you don't always need to banish people! ...ahem. Nahyuta is very excited to face one of the infamous Wright lawyers in court.
But unlike the other two, Athena has published research about her power and Widget. So Nahyuta spent all night reading all her and her mother’s papers, so he is ready to counter it. This is where his reputation for research comes in. Not about some insecurity nonsense, but because he found a flaw in her technology. Widget is still experimental, it happens. But the player doesn’t know this yet, the testimony just isn’t making sense. But Simon, with some experience with Metis and more importantly experience in being an ass hole sees that Nahyuta is doing something, so he jumps in. That’s his niece dammit no one messes with her but him. Together they figure out what the hell Nahyuta is doing. It ads a “fun” extra layer to the game play because he does not stop his dirty trick just because they figured it out. Simon voice ‘that smug self-righteous little prick’. But like the law, science is ever evolving so Athena will adapt!
After the case Nahyuta comes to congratulate the defence. He genuinely enjoyed himself, it was an honour to face Athena. He leaves and Apollo, only on his recess, comes over to check how it’s going. Athena says the name of the prosecutor and Apollo reacts so hard it hurts her ears. The chapter ends right there.
6.3 the Rite of Turnabout
Maya leaves Nick to his own devices for a bit so she and her new friends can prepare for the Rite. And of course that's when murder happens. The suspect is one of the visiting mediums. Maya, for once, is the key witness! The suspect is her friend, sure, but she barely knows them. She genuinely has no idea if they really did it or not. She cannot bring herself to ask Phoenix to help them but… she can’t just leave them.
Phoenix is faced with the choice – allow someone go unrepresented, or risk his life for someone who might have done the crime. Rayfa is already sure what he will do, and that makes his choice for him. He has to show her that the right to a fair trial is what is important. When he ultimately wins at the end of a gruelling fight, it is pure chance his client was innocent. But they would have been executed if Nick had not tried and this hits Rayfa harder.
“Sometimes my clients are guilty, yes. Then it’s not about setting them free, but getting a fair sentence.” “But you – you help the wicked!” “Well so do your prosecutors every time they send an innocent to jail. You need both, Princess. You need balance.”
Nahyuta prepared for facing The Phoenix Wright, by spending all night coming up with the most batshit insane theories he could. When Phoenix proposes something, Nahyuta already has evidence against it. It takes Phoenix like three layers of nonsense bluffing on an idea to reach something Nahyuta did not think of and finally get some ground.
On the investigation between trial days Phoenix, and I cannot stress this enough, calls his loved ones. He cannot bring himself to tell them what has happened but he just wants to hear his daughter’s voice.
Nahyuta, and I cannot stress this enough, wants to find the rebel hunter. Except he will not and cannot admit that. He keeps pushing Phoenix, giving him weird openings to poke at that identity. Keeps not taking the quick opening for the win because he wants to find the hunter. Phoenix Maya and the judge are so confused but Nahyuta only says he wants the defence to feel like they did all they could.
The case ends on a cut scene of Nahyuta and Dhuke locking eyes across the smoke of the court room as the music swells.
6.4 the Magical Turnabout
It’s been a week since Mr Wright and Maya should have come back from their trip, longer since the end of her friend’s trial. The last the Agency heard from them it was confusing, something about things were a mess. Or maybe the weather was. Maya kept ‘chiming in’ so it was hard to hear. They are missing Trucy’s dress rehearsal but they will get back in time for the actual debut. ...hopefully.
Cue the murder! They have to call in Nahyuta to prosecute because no one who works for Miles can do it, ethically. And Miles doesn’t trust other districts not to try and hurt him through his god-and-or-step-daughter. Apollo cannot believe he is going to have to face off against his brother. He could barely believe Athena but, there he is. Little Yuty, all grown up.
Nahyuta has prepared for Apollo’s powers too, like he has all others. He stresses the witness out so much they are nothing but tics so Apollo can’t find just one. Athena is ready though. She was waiting for Nahyuta to pull some shit. She is paying forward what she learned in her case and is ready with Therapy sessions to calm the witness down and get her own piece of information out of them. Nahyuta just gives a smarmy smile and says ‘that is fine. Unlike some I do not need any underhanded tricks’. Athena almost punches him.
Obviously, the case needs to better explore Trucy’s feelings about the Gramarye’s and having to carry their legacy. When the judge asks her to smile again Athena and Apollo tell him off.
As they stand in the lobby after the case Phoenix kicks down the door, dishevelled and panicked and looking for his daughter and oh thank god she is okay. The flying tackle hug Trucy gives her daddy gets a whole animated cut scene. He had talked to them on the phone yesterday and promised he was already on his way and he is so sorry he couldn’t get here sooner but Trucy is just happy he is here now. Apollo sighs and is like you’re okay. We’re okay. Everything is going to be fine.
6.5.1 the Civil Turnabout
So. Here’s the thing. I am so sick of hostage situations. They keep using them badly instead of actual good new writing just to capitalize off Farewell My Turnabout. No more. I had an idea for this, where Nahyuta is sent to be Phoenix’s co-counsel (watch dog) to make sure he gets the orb. But Apollo gets through to Nahyuta who breaks down and gives Dhurke the locations of hostages he needs to save, via an old rebel code Apollo only half remembers and Dhurke is like… wait no that person? No, they’re fine already lol. And there is this tense moment where Nahyuta can’t trust Dhurke to give the whole truth instead of what is convenient for him so Nick turns to Apollo like is it true?? Is she safe?? And you as Apollo get to chose if you trust Dhurke or not. And if you trust him, Nick is so relieved he literally throws his badge at Paul Atishon’s head like fuck you I quit.
But I am so sick of their hostage situations.
When Dhurke shows up to ask for Apollo’s help Phoenix is already in Kurain because Maya needed his help suddenly. And when Apollo Dhurke and Trucy get there, they learn, oh, the help she needed was dealing with the estate of this suddenly dead man (“Maya you aren’t on trial you don’t need to call me every time someone dies” “IT WAS REFLEX NICK!”)
But then Phoenix sees Dhurke and he. Is so suspicious. And blames Dhurke a little bit for the last case he worked in Khura’in. A lot bit actually. Sneaking him and Maya out of Khura’in did not make up for what Datz pulled. And Phoenix has been talking to Sarge, who is being lied to by Paul. But all Phoenix knows is this newly orphaned child does not want these strangers to take the orb. And his dad instincts kick in. So he has to stand up for this scared little girl so, Sorry Apollo, he won’t let this happen. See you in court tomorrow.
Trucy joins her dad as co-counsel because she’s getting a lot of Weird Vibes tm from Dhurke and she has. Daddy issues. And maybe thinks they can save Apollo from Dhurke. She’s still dealing with some shit alright leave her alone. Athena joins Apollo because she has no stakes either way but Apollo will super duper lose on his own against those two. They will still lose, probably, definitely, but maybe not as quickly if they work together? “Such confidence Athena.” “Teamwork makes the Dream Work!”
Except they actually do make ground? They get through to Sarge and Phoenix that this is alright, so Sarge wants to drop the case. But then Atishon jumps in saying, no, a child’s whims do not mean the matter is ended. Phoenix wants to walk away but he realizes Atishon is probably working for someone else, and if he keeps the trial going his kids can wring more information out of him…
After the case, in the lobby Apollo is so worried Phoenix hates him for winning (like Kristoph would have) but all Phoenix saw was Apollo standing up for what was right – what’s there to be mad about? No, he’s not just not mad, he’s incredibly proud. There’s a very sweet family tackle hug with all four of them. Nick’s poor back.
They give Dhurke the orb and he and Apollo have some kind of moment, then he and Datz leave.
But only a few days later, they see on the news. Minister Inga, murdered. Dhurke, the suspect and on the lamb. But they promise to give him a fair trial if he reveals himself. And, importantly, if Phoenix Wright will agree to defend him.
They won’t even execute Phoenix if when Dhurke is declared guilty this time. A special exception, just to prove how magnanimous they are.
Edgeworth: This is obviously a trap. Wright: Yup. Athena: Got our tickets boss! Edgeworth: Phoenix!
6.5.2 Revolution and Turnabout
I am so tired
6.5 is just a mashup of every finale from the trilogy but worse. At least Turnabout for Tomorrow was mostly original. But I would literally have to rewrite the entire murder with something completely new to fix it. Which would also require changing like half the game. And the point of this is fewest number of changes.
So, like, I don’t know just let Amara actually get her hands dirty to kill Inga! Commit to your own story! She thought Dhurke betrayed her, yes but he was still her husband. So, Garan convinces Amara to kill Inga in revenge. And you see her heartbreak on the stand as she realizes, if she had just believed her own husband over her sister, none of this would have happened. Her own sister did all this just to keep her own hands clean. And since Garan was careful with her wording, they cannot get her on conspiracy to commit murder. There is nothing they can do. Garan will go free. That is why they have to dig around for Jove Justice’s murder. Their last hail mary to dethrone her.
The conclusion to Nahyuta’s story, that he turned to aiding Ga’ran because of a single life held hostage, was weak. A pale justification. Instead, own that it was a mistake. He failed because a corrupt workplace will corrupt you long before you can change it from the inside. He lost his ideals along the way and he has to live with that now. That he became complicit in her system. But he is not alone now, if he is willing to take the hand extended to him. He wanted to stop the rebel hunter, a part of him still cares!
So he gives them the final piece to prove Garan killed Jove Jangly Justice.
But Garan still has an entire police force on her side. People who enlisted for a chance of power to abuse, they don’t care about the sanctity of magic on the throne. That’s not why anyone joins the police. She calls for them to put an end to this. And they absolutely would.
But nothing happens.
In the distance Datz starts laughing. Because he and his rebels have been taking out and replacing the guard while the lawyers distracted everyone, and pretending everything is fine to all the troops outside. “Take it home AJ!” Because man oh man, will using the court against her be satisfying. But also please hurry up because they might notice something is wrong soon.
Proving she has no spiritual power is just proving her motive, and a final chance to humiliate the tyrant.
(Also, no delusional break downs. Screaming and spitting with rage as she is forced to accept her fate is so much better.)
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books · 3 years
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Writer Spotlight: Everina Maxwell
Everina Maxwell is the author of Winter’s Orbit. She lives and works in Yorkshire, where she collects books and kills houseplants. She grew up in Sussex, UK, where she was lucky enough to live near a library that stocked Lois McMaster Bujold, Anne McCaffrey, and Terry Pratchett. And so she spent all her spare time devouring science fiction and doorstopper fantasy, her family’s Georgette Heyer collection always a reliable friend when the library books ran out. Everina first took part in NaNoWriMo in 2004 and continues to precariously balance writing, a day job, and watching Let’s Plays of video games she claims she doesn’t have time to play. You can find her online at everinamaxwell.com.
Your book is chock full of tropes—slow burn, arranged marriage, and more. Which trope is your favorite and why?
Slow-burn mutual pining. There’s something incredibly compelling about two people who barely notice they’re falling in love until it hits them in the face, and it’s even better when there’s a reason (it does have to be a good reason) that they both know the other one won’t want them and they can’t take it any further. By this point, they've memorized everything from the shape of the other one’s soul to the freckle on the inside of their elbow, but all they can do is Keep Doing The Job And Not Make Things Weird.
What’s your favorite thing about Winter’s Orbit?
The extroverted, golden retriever, if-I-don’t-get-to-talk-to-anyone-today-I-MAY-die Prince Kiem is probably my favorite. Although he’s an absolute disaster in many areas of his life, he’s good with people, and it was fun to write someone who genuinely likes everyone and wants to be liked himself. Also, I enjoyed the other main character just constantly sitting across from him going, “um, what,” as Kiem carries 90% of the conversation.
Do you ever experience writer’s block? If so, where do you seek out inspiration when it hits?
Everyone’s in different places on the 'planning' to 'winging it' spectrum. I get stuck if I don’t know what’s going to happen over the next few scenes, plus I need to have a vague idea where the story’s going. Writer’s block is usually a signal I haven’t hit the level of planning I need or that my brain isn’t happy with the plan I have. Actual planning can be awful; I usually take lots of long walks with film soundtracks until something clicks.
If you could spend one year on a deserted island with one character from literature, who would you choose?
Miles Vorkosigan from the Vorkosigan saga—he would absolutely have driven me mad by Hour Two, but that’s coincidentally the amount of time it would take him to build a boat out of his left sock and some twine and get us off the island.
Do you have any advice for other writers on Tumblr?
Writing Winter’s Orbit taught me not to be afraid of leaning into what you love since that’s what’s most likely to resonate with other people. It turns out you’re just allowed to throw in all your favorite things, and no one will stop you. So if you’re wondering which direction to go: put in what you like, good luck, and good writing!
Thanks, Everina! You can follow Everina’s Tumblr here. Winter’s Orbit is out today at booksellers everywhere.
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Tali’s Alphys-Centric Fic Rec List
I’ve been meaning to make this for a while!! All fics are oneshots unless marked as a series or with a chapter count.  Thanks to everyone who recced several of these to me on my 12am begging-for-alphys-fics post dfdksdl. These aren’t in any particular order. The “notes” section is my commentary about each fic. No fics are based on full AUs (ex. underswap, horrortale, etc). The only endgame Alphys ship included is Alphyne, though most of the fics listed are gen. Hope you can find something you enjoy here!
Extra Credit by FriedCatfish
Rating: G // Word count: 1,206 Summary: Undyne loses track of time watching anime. Set before the events of the game. Notes: Cute Alphyne oneshot! Short and sweet, very nice characterization
world comes pouring through by feralpheonix
Rating: G // Word count: 1,655 Summary: Alphys reunites with some old friends on the way home from taking care of business. Notes: 2nd person Alphys pov but it surprisingly works? A small moment with Alphys, Bratty, and Catty, which I literally NEVER see content for so it was really refreshing!! Takes place at/near the end of the pacifist route.
white lies to the dead by MiniNephthys
Rating: T // Word Count: 580 Summary: Alphys walks through Waterfall, talking to someone who's not there. Notes: Queen Alphys ending; Alphys “talks” to Undyne after she’s been killed. Hits me right in all the emotions ;;
Found Soul by LibraLibrary
Rating: T // Word Count: 1,331 Summary: Self-worth is a slippery, fleeting little devil, and the bastard flower that killed you isn't helping. Takes place during the final fight of the True Pacifist run, following Alphys from one purgatory to the next. Notes: Very angsty, definitely make sure you’re ready to handle Alphys’s suicidal thoughts, but a very good read! I love seeing the Lost Soul battle from her POV.
And I Feel Fine by Masu_Trout
Rating: T // Word Count: 1,685 Summary: The fallen human is human is fast approaching The Core, and Mettaton is ready to finally take the stage. Now, if only Alphys would stop worrying so much. Notes: Alphys & Mettaton friendship in the no mercy route, but manages to be surprisingly not depressing. Mettaton POV but definitely still deserves to be here. This fic does a great job of characterizing them both and it’s always great to see Alphys working in her element.
Experimentation by pickledragon
Rating: G // Word Count: 1,531 Summary: Alphys is, above all, a scientist. She may watch anime with religious fervor and make horrible Undernet shitposts in her free time, but she is good at her job. She knows what they say about her, behind her back. But when she stands there, time open before her, she resolves to collect data. Each experiment, intentional or not, brings new opportunities to change certain variables and observe others. Alphys is a scientist, after all. Notes: THIS FIC. it’s technically part of a series but it stands on its own (it’s the only one i’ve read by this author). EXCELLENT alphys characterization and writing style. Some Sans & Alphys friendship too which is always stellar. If you didn’t gather from the summary, it’s an alphys starts to remember resets fic.
Memory by Ash_yeet
Rating: T // Word Count: 19,962 // Chapters: 5/20 Summary: It's been two years since monsterkind have joined the humans on the surface, and Alphys is happier than she's ever been. But things can't stay great forever. She starts having nightmares, lapses in memory, flashbacks to things that have never happened. She hopes it will pass... sans is doing his best to adjust to life. When Alphys reaches out to him about her nightmares, he doesn't expect much. He quickly changes his tune. Someone is trying to come back. And they aren't what they used to be.sans and Alphys are trying to move on. But there's one thing they forgot: No matter how hard you try, you can't run from your past. Notes: I’ve only read chapter one so far, but it’s been really good! Looks like it’s going to involve Gaster in some way. Says it’s on short hiatus but was updated in April so doesn’t look abandoned.
Hot and Cold Blooded (Alphyne series) by perniciousLizard
Rating: varies by fic, usually G but a few T and one E // Word count: 36,516 // Works: 18/18 Summary: This series is a place to put all my Alphys/Undyne stories that aren't part of another series. Notes: this series has something for everyone; you can pick and choose which works to read. Most are feel-good fluff and humor, some hurt/comfort too. Some connect to the author’s Sansby series (which i also can’t recommend enough)
When Life Hands You Enantiomers by Kaesa
Rating: T // Word Count: 2,739 Summary: Alphys has a half-finished tile maze puzzle, reams of useless data, and a bunch of piranhas that can't tell the difference between lemon and orange scent. Sans has donuts. Notes: ONE OF MY VERY FAVORITES. Fun puns, science, alphys & sans friendship, piranhas, the opportunity to actually understand organic chemistry references,, it’s so good and fun
Friendshipping by AyuOhseki
Rating: G // Word Count: 4,564 Summary: Sans finds Alphys's secret Sans/Grillby RPF. This won't get weird or awkward or anything, we're sure. Notes: Hilarious Alphys narration, great characterization, it’s just so silly and warms my heart. I love terrible fanfic writer Alphys
social links by simplycarryon
Rating: G // Word Count: 2,525 Summary: Friendship's pretty neat, or so your video games and anime dictate. But you are not an anime protagonist, and you're not sure you know what friendship is any more. Notes: more solid sans & alphys friendship :D
See You Another Time by decamarks
Rating: T // Word Count: 18,500 // Chapters: 1/14 Summary: “Have you ever thought of a world where everything is exactly the same... Except you don’t exist? Everything functions perfectly without you.” Alphys spent a lot of time thinking about what it’d be like to start over. It wasn’t fair for someone like her to escape consequences. She knew that, yet the thought never left her mind—the thought that maybe, just maybe, she could get another chance; that she could abandon her life, her failures—everything—and start anew. But that would never happen. Sometimes, Alphys wondered. Would the world be better off without her? When unexplainable anomalies appear and begin to warp the world around her, Alphys discovers something she was never meant to know: the identity of the former Royal Scientist, and how he met his demise. Doctor W.D. Gaster vanished without a trace; he was erased from reality after an experiment ended in disgrace. Forgotten by the world, shattered across time and space—it’s like he never existed in the first place.And Alphys can’t imagine a better fate. Notes: This is a monster of a first chapter but definitely worth the read!! So much good stuff happening already. I’m a total wuss but I still love the cosmic/existential horror bits going on so far. Great Sans & alphys friendship and Undyne & alphys friendship so far.  All the amalgamates also feel incredibly well written. Can’t wait to see more of this one
(And here are a few of my own Alphys-centric fics as well)
Seventh Time’s the Charm by Taliax
Rating: G // Word Count: 1,519 // Chapters: 1/7 Summary: Six bad "dates" Alphys has been on, plus one that is actually pretty good. Notes: Alphys is my favorite and I love giving her a bad time. First chapter is a “date” she has with Sans. Next chapter which I have in progress is going to be Papyrus. (Alphyne is still endgame of course.) Set mostly before the events tof the game. Get ready for lots of second-hand embarrassment sdlfkjds
Support Character by Taliax
Rating: T // Word Count: 1,814 Summary: If Sans is determined to fight the human, Alphys is going to make sure he's prepared. Notes: Sans & Alphys no mercy route friendship, based on the headcanon that Alphys was the one to give Sans the powers/magic he uses to fight the human.
it's your best life (if it's the life that you're living right now) by Taliax
Rating: T // Word Count: 4,046 Summary: Through messages saved to Sans's phone, Queen Alphys gets a glimpse at lives that might have been.  With so many possibilities... how did this timeline go so wrong? Notes: Sans & Alphys friendship, Queen Alphys ending, mostly angst/hurt/comfort. I’m really proud of this one and it uses my main headcanon for how Sans knows about resets.
The Trans-Underground Alphys-Carrying, Match-Making Road Trip by Taliax
Rating: G // Word Count: 5,713 Summary: From her secret security camera, Alphys gets too invested in Sans's relationship with the voice behind the door.  This wouldn't be a problem if Mettaton didn't decide to take her ship into his own hands. Trying to catch up with a battery-powered robot is hard work, but telling the truth is even harder. Notes: This is a really silly fic with some hurt/comfort sprinkled in. Has some Soriel and Papyton in the background. Has some Alphys & Papyrus friendship as well which is always underrated in my opinion.
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kiddolm · 3 years
Priority Herbert West X Reader
Summary: After so much neglect from a certain sciency boyfriend, can you do it anymore?
Warnings: AFAB, slight cursing, slight hint of NSFW
Word Count: 2,099
He's down in the basement. Again. Like always. Somehow he's managed to spend more time in that dungeon than usual, and it's killing you.
Astonishingly, you managed to get close enough to make the twink your boyfriend in the first place. Back then, he wasn't this closed off. He actually tried to put in an effort into the relationship. But now, here you were, missing the brief kisses he'd give you on the cheek while he momentarily came upstairs. When he'd take small breaks to come to eat, and you would have conversations about something other than his reagent. When he'd finally come upstairs to take the shortest nap ever but would latch on to you like he'd lose you if he let go. Where did all of that go?
You shuffle down the stairs into his makeshift laboratory, fumbling with the hem of your sweater. Was it normal to be nervous to ask your boyfriend a simple question? Probably not, but here you are shaking like you just got off a rollercoaster, merely to ask him if he wanted to go out to eat with you and Dan.
"H-hey, Herbie,"
"-don't call me that."
"Alrighty," you whisper under your breath. Here we go. "Do you want to go out to eat with Dan and me? It might be good to get a little break, and a breath of fresh air might be good for you."
"It's outlandish how you still come down here to ask me these futile questions. I thought you would've learned by now that I don't have time for such useless activities," Herbert mutters.
You deflate, not knowing whether to keep pushing or to let it go.
"Ok," you sigh; he's right. You have learned, and you're tired of it. You're through with the emotional abuse he's been giving. Day after day, you somehow got the motivation to keep going back down, and every single time you got rejected. You're moving out until he figures out what he wants.
Charging back up the stairs, you rush into your shared bedroom and throw a jet-black suitcase on the bed. While you shove God knows what into your bag, you take a look around your room. Before you had moved in, it had been dull, with one or two human anatomy posters hanging up on the wall and a mini-fridge for his reagent. Now it has a bit more life thanks to you. Or now, I guess you should say had.
Dan comes into the room behind you with a puzzled look on his face. He looks around the room and at the clothes and decor that's thrown into your suitcase.
"Uhm, (Y/N), we're just going out to eat."
"I'm moving out. At least for a little bit. Just until Herbert figures out if he wants me in his life or not," you huff, throwing clothes recklessly into your bag.
"Woah, Woah, Woah," Dan objected, pushing past you to stop you from packing. "What happened down there?"
You let out a sigh of defeat and slump down on the edge of your bed, putting your head into your hands.
"I've tried Dan. I have, but Herbert doesn't care about me anymore. He- He's lost feelings or something! We haven't had a real conversation in a week, and- and I can't keep putting in any effort if he's not putting in any in return."
Dan sits down next to you and puts an arm around your shoulder in the hope to slightly relax you. He's always had a unique talent for that when you'd either get freaked out from work or another one of Herbert's experiments.
"I'm sorry you feel like that (Y/N). Really. He's an idiot for not appreciating you. Hell! If Meg weren't in my life, I'd probably be after you. Not- not in a weird way," he says, stuttering through the last part, making you laugh.
"It's not on you, Dan, and thank you. I'm still leaving for a while," you say, looking down at the floor. "I think I just need to be away from here for a while, ya' know?"
"Yeah, I get it. Listen, I'll help you pack and- wait. Where are you staying?"
"I was planning on just staying at a motel for a while."
"(Y/N), come on. You won't be able to live like that!"
"It's just until I figure things out with Herbert. Besides, I can't keep living like this either."
"Alright, that's fair. What all are you taking," Dan asks, standing up and begins to fold the clothes you sloppily threw in your suitcase.
Herbert wanders up the stairs and into his -or better yet, your- bedroom. Except it doesn't look like it belongs to you anymore. Quite a few of your things are missing, and your keys and purse are gone. It's almost like you never had even lived there in the first place.
He sleepily stumbles into the kitchen, looking for you. His eyes dart around the room to find your bright smile that would usually light up the room. He spots Dan instead.
"Where's (Y/N)," he groans, pouring himself a glass of coffee like it wasn't already 8 P.M.
"Why do you care?" Dan scoffs. An obvious annoyance is radiating off of him.
Dan's sudden outburst catches Herbert off guard. What's that supposed to mean? Suddenly Herbert isn't so tired anymore, and it's not just because of the coffee he seemed to inhale.
"None of her stuff is in the room. She didn't tell me she was going anywhere besides out to eat with you," Herbert says, furrowing his brows together to try and recall if you said anything else earlier.
"She moved out," dan responds bluntly with irritation sketched into his face.
"What do you mean?"
"For someone always boasting about being smarter than everyone else, you sure are acting like a dumbass right now." Dan couldn't lie; it was nice having the upper hand with Herbert. But this time didn't seem so fun. The paranoia that was evident on Herbert's features was concerning.
"Where is she?"
"She told me no to tell you."
"She left about three hours ago. Herbert, will you-"
That's Herbert's last question. It's filled with an emotion Dan can't put his finger on. Herbert doesn't show much emotion, so when he does, it's alarming. More alarming than his inhuman lack of emotion.
''I'm gonna let you figure that one out," Dan replies dryly, continuing his homework and trying his best to not give in to Herbert's pleas.
As much as Herbert hated to admit that he needed anything other than science, he came to a quick conclusion in his head that he needs you. One of the classic 'You don't realize what you have until it's gone' situations.
"Dan," Herbert pleaded, dragging out the 'A' in his name, "I need to know where she is."
"What are you going to say to her? You don't even know why she's upset," Dan exclaims.
"You could tell me why."
"And why should I do that?"
"Because we're friends, Dan! Do you want to lose (Y/N)?"
"I won't lose her. I treat her like she's important to me."
"Is- is that why she's upset," he pauses, contemplating Dan's words for a moment. "Does she not think she's important to me?"
"Think about it. When was the last time you actually took a break from your work and just spent time alone? When was the last time you've given (Y/N) your attention?"
"My work is one of my top priorities! She knows that, Dan. She knew it when we first got into a relationship. That can't be it!"
"Can't it? She knows that your work is a priority, but she wants you to treat her like she's at least one of your priorities. Good God, man."
For the first time in his life, Herbert was at a complete loss for words. The silence was almost foreign.
"Where is she, Dan?"
You've been staying at this dingy Motel 8 for the past week, and while it wasn't the greatest thing ever, it was better than having to put up with being constantly rejected by your boyfriend. It's time to go back and face your problems, though.
While running away was nice for a little while, the constant state of wondering whether Herbert still wanted you or not was trying.
Sure his work is a priority, but so are you. If he can't see that, then it's his loss. Well, that's what you want to say. Honestly, you don't want to lose him. He can be cold at times, but when he's not, you feel on cloud 9. It's cliche to say you've never loved anyone like you love Herbert, but it's true. When he gives you his attention, you swear you're the only person alive. He's very passionate when it comes to love. Even if things did have to end, he always holds a special place in your heart. Every memory of him will be constant in your mind, even the bad ones. You just hoped he still loves you all the same.
Pulling up to the house gives you a tense feeling, and you haven't even gotten out of your car. You feel the drama before it even has the chance to happen.
With shaky hands, you knock at the door. The worst outcomes fill your head, one being that Herbert gave up on what you both had and ends things without another word.
All of those thoughts evaporate when the door is flung open, and you get the wind knocked out of you by Herbert, who comes out and practically tackles you. His arms wrap around your lower waist, and his head nuzzles into the side of your hair, taking in your scent.
You stand still, unable to comprehend that your once very emotionless boyfriend is showing endearment. It feels so unfamiliar.
"I'm sorry," he whispers into the side of your neck, in between the small kisses he's been peppering all over you.
You're stunned. What happened to your Herbert? Who is this?!
He takes a step back and looks at you; his eyes are glazed over with a pleading haze. "Don't leave."
He looks pitiful.
Part of you wonders what changed. Did Dan talk to him? Did he come to this realization by himself? Whatever happened that changed his mind, did it even matter?
"You have to promise me, Herbert, that you'll start to treat me better. I can't keep being the only one putting any effort in," you whisper. Your voice starts to shake, and you know if you speak any louder, it'll break.
He can only nod his head as he pulls you back into the comfort of his arms. You lift your head and place a passionate kiss on his lips as he grabs your waist tight enough to leave bruises. Without breaking the kiss, he drags you back into the house, towards his room. The sounds that the both of you make are ungodly.
Who knows if Dan just saw the mess of two people stumbling around his house.
Things get heated as clothes start to disappear from both of your bodies. His hands wander over every inch of skin that he missed while you were gone. He zones in, leaving marks on your neck to reclaim you as his. As things escalate, he slowly but surely makes you understand that you're the most significant thing in his life; his sole purpose of the night is to pleasure you.
In the morning, you're stuck together, unable to tell where you start, and Herbert ends. You wake up first admiring him. It was nice just being able to stare at him for the first time in ages. You trace imaginary circles over his chest and breathe in his scent. It feels like home.
As soon Herbert wakes up, he pecks you on the nose and moves some hair out of your face muttering a few 'I love yous' as he gets up and gets dressed to start back on his work.
You're aware this kind of affection isn't something you should be getting used to, but you can't help it. When Herbert treats you like that, you wish it'd last forever. Secretly, he does too.
Later, when Dan asks what had happened between the two of you, Herbert denies everything, too worried about his pride. Once he was down in the basement, though, you fill Dan in on everything assuring him it's all back to normal. And it really is. Your Herbert is back.
Thanks for reading! Constructive criticism is always welcome.
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caramelcal · 3 years
Songwriting and Fake Dating {3}
Word Count: 2.2k
a/n: hey guys! hope you all enjoy this one as you enjoyed the last one...
this is dedicated to charlie’s mustache. rip :(
also thanks to the person who originally requested this, legend behavior hahah :) hope you guys are having a wonderful night lovelies x 
disclaimer: I do not condone the use of my work/writing without my permission. The only place this has been posted is on my (rosemoonmist) tumblr account. This has not been posted on any other platform either. If you see any plagiarism of my work please let me know! <3 People work hard on their fics, so don’t steal them ty.
taglist:@gia-kerks​ @phantompogues​ @thesweetestsinner​ @honeyheartzz​ @ifilwtmfc​ @hoechx​ @merceret​ @katrin-okay​ @diosa75​
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Another line is drawn right through the words he tried to write. Luke wants to throw his notebook at the wall. He can’t think, or write, the words just aren’t coming to him anymore. He claws at his hair as if pulling on the strands will allow his brain to breathe and come up with the lyrics he had been trying to write for the past two hours. It used to be so easy but he knows why it isn’t working. It wasn’t rocket science.
The words came easy when he was with you, maybe it was the excitement of having someone to write with, or maybe it was the emotions that you both pulled from. It just wasn’t the same anymore. It’s almost like you were the inspiration, the lyrics, and now that you were no longer there, the lyrics weren’t either. Even if you guys didn’t know each other that long and you weren’t the closest, you guys seemed to click and you wrote so much better with each other.
Maybe he just needs a breather. That’s what Luke banks on, that once he goes outside and caught wind of the fresh air, the words will come back. He places down his guitar and his pen and sets out for outside.
Before long, he finds himself sitting on the back porch, one knee up next to his chest and the other splayed in front of him. His eyes are trained upon the dark sky, watching the stars. He barely hears the quiet footsteps that approach him but he sees them sit down beside him, knees up to their chest, hugging them.
“Carrie,” Luke acknowledges, not even looking towards his step-sister when he breaks the silence between the two.
They fall back into another silence for a few moments, simply watching the stars together. However, Luke’s attention isn’t really on the stars anymore as he thinks about the girl beside him. He remembered when his mom first told him that she was getting remarried and that he was going to get a step-sister. He remembers when they met, and Carrie was just a little too entitled for his taste, and Luke was a little too “street” for hers. They didn’t exactly get off on the best foot, and there were times that there was still some friction in their relationship which certainly wasn’t helped when Luke joined Julie and the Phantoms, but there were times that they were okay; when they shared a sibling bond.
It was hard for both of them to get used to each other, and their parents getting married. For Luke, it had been just him and his mom for a while, so he couldn’t help but feel apprehensive for this new life, not only for him to have a new step-dad and step-sister, but in case this man hurt his mom too. Yet, for Carrie it was different, it had always just been her and Trevor after her mom died during labor. She didn’t know what it was like having a mom, and she didn’t know if she wanted it. Arguably, she was scared; scared that her dad would no longer have time for her and would be spending it all with Emily but that definitely wasn’t the case.
Actually, everything worked out quite well, and soon enough Luke and Emily were moving into the Wilson’s household. It was a strange experience for Luke like he was invited into a whole other world. They came from very different backgrounds, Luke and Emily had never been well off, but Carrie never had to worry about not being able to pay the bills or anything to do with that, so their personalities were quite different. Yet, over the past few weeks, they had become significantly closer and spent more time talking to each other. Luke would show Carrie the songs you guys wrote, and Carrie would show Luke the choreography that you guys had been working on.
They knew exactly why they had become closer, they weren’t stupid. It was all because of you, you were their common ground. You brought the two siblings together.
“You miss her,” Luke comments, breaking the everlasting silence as he glances over at his sister. She isn’t facing the sky anymore and is instead looking down at her legs. It’s been two weeks since you and Carrie fought, where Carrie kicked you out of Dirty Candy, and she hadn’t spoken to you since.
Carrie is quiet for a few moments, almost as if she is battling herself on whether or not she should answer Luke, but she does, quietly, “Of course I do, she’s my best friend.”
A silence fills the air yet again, and Luke doesn’t know whether or not to answer Carrie. The girl has never actually opened up to him before, so for her to tell him that she was missing you was something that was new territory for the both of them. He knew that she missed you, you would have to be insane not to and he was pretty sure this was the longest that Carrie had ever gone without talking to you, so it was like life had been shifted entirely.
“You miss her too,” It’s a simple statement that Carrie makes, but it makes Luke sigh. He does, of course he does. He can’t even write without you.
“She won’t pick up my calls,” Luke says, ducking his head down as he traces the patterns on the ground of the porch. At this rate, he’s probably called you like twenty times in the last week but he always gets sent to voicemail. He knows it’s intentional, but every time he picks up his phone and presses the dial button, there’s a part that hopes you’ll pick up; that you’ll come over and wrote songs with him.
“I won’t pick up hers either,” Carrie admits, biting her lip as she continues to watch the sky, “The dirty candy girls have been bashing her, for putting the band in second place. I just want to scream at them to stop.”
“You should, it isn’t y/n’s fault. She was on her way to the studio that day but I dragged her up to my room. She lost her best friend for just helping me out with a dumb song.”
Carrie knows that Luke feels guilt for all of this. All three of them are miserable without each other and they all know it. Yet, they’re all filled with too much pride to apologize, or even to pick up one another’s calls. They know that they can’t go on like this, because as it goes on they all just feel worse and worse, but no one seems willing to make the first move.
“She always goes out her way to help others, huh?” Carrie says, reminiscing on the number of people that you have helped in the time that you guys have been friends. She remembers the way you give the Dirty Candy girls your water and snacks when they forgot theirs, meaning that you would often to without, helping old people cross the street and just being generally helpful.
You were always so eager to help anyone and everyone, no matter who it was, and that was something that Carrie always admired about you, “Most helpful person I know.”
After Luke’s statement, they are enveloped in another silence, both watching the sky peacefully before a shooting star flies overhead. They don’t speak of it, simply enjoying one another’s company which isn’t something they often find themselves doing. Deep down, they both like each other’s company, and each other, but they never say anything, both too stubborn to do so.
After a few more minutes, Luke gets up, lightly patting his sister on the shoulder, “You should answer her calls, Car.”
. . .
Being a waitress was actually surprisingly fun for you. Normally, you enjoyed serving customers, interacting with people and it was a way to get some extra money. However, right now you wanted nothing less than to be out of here, despite having hours left of your shift; in fact, you had just started.
Normally, customers were respectful and nice, but this one...this one was testing your limits. What made it worse, was that it was none other than Kayla, Carrie’s replace best friend for you and she was shouting, trying to embarrass you in front of not only the customers but in front of your colleagues as well. She’s with a few other friends, but Carrie isn’t there.
Passing you a smirk, she wipes her hand across the table, purposefully making the cutlery drop, “Pick it up, waitress.”
The rest of her group snicker as you try to hold the embarrassed blush that rises to your face. Closing your eyes momentarily, you sigh, “Kayla, I know I haven’t been the best band member but-”
“I don’t think you get it, y/n,” Kayla cuts you off, standing up and walking right in front of you, “Carrie has already told you that you’re done. I hope you would at least have a bit of dignity and to accept that instead of coming begging to me after Carrie didn’t pick up your calls.”
After she says that, Carrie obnoxiously chews on her gum, the other girls snickering. Looking around at them, their eyes on you as they laughed let you clearly know that you were no longer friends with any of the Dirty Candy girls. They were only friends with you to get in with Carrie and it makes you feel dumb that you didn’t realize that beforehand.
“Pathetic,” Kayla spits, looking up and down at the sight of your ducked head.
“Hey, watch it would you Kayla? I think you forget that even though Carrie is annoyed at y/n right now, as soon as she gets over that y/n will be right where she belongs in Dirty Candy again and as Carrie’s best friend,” Julie speaks up from the booth beside them, eyes squinting at the girl, “I think you’re letting this all go to your head too much.”
“You have no idea what Carrie is like, Julie. Plus, even if you told her that I was being a bitch to y/n she won’t listen to you,” Kayla snorts, rolling her eyes at the other girl.
“She’ll listen to her brother though, and we all know that he’ll believe me over you,” Julie responds sassily, Alex and Reggie who were beside her sharing glances. Often, they didn’t like to get involved in drama, and Julie didn’t either but just hearing how these girls were treating you made them feel horrible.
“Whatever,” Kayla says, rolling her eyes again before standing up, “Let's go girls, there seems to be a loser convention going on in here right now.”
Kayla doesn’t seem to be embarrassed, but you know well enough that she is getting out of there before she shows it. The girls are quick to follow behind her, all brushing you off and acting better than you as they pass.
Yet, you don’t pay attention to them for long as you turn towards the girl, giving her a small smile, “Thanks, Julie.”
“No problem, y/n,” Julie smiles, turning her head towards you sweetly. Noticing Alex and Reggie looking at you, you give them a shy wave and a smile before your attention is turned back towards Julie, “Can you do me a favor?”
“Of course, what’s up?” You’re prepared to take Julie’s order, considering that is what you expected her to want you to do but what she says next surprises you.
“Don’t be too hard on Luke, he really didn’t mean to get in between you and Carrie. And we just wanted to say that even if you don’t get back in with Dirty Candy, our band will always be open for you.”
. . .
It’s much later in the night, the café empty apart from you, humming softly a tune from a song you can’t remember the name of. You’re dancing a little as you give the tables one last wipe down before making your way behind the counter again. It was your turn to lock up for the night, the other waitresses already away home but you actually liked it when it was like this.
You didn’t even have the lights on as you took of your small apron-like thing and hung it up. Reaching for the keys, you stop when you hear the bell ringing, signaling that someone had entered the shop. Could they not read the closed sign?
“Sorry, we’re closed right now-” You say, whirling around and meeting hazel eyes, voice cutting off when you saw who was standing there. Clearing your throat, you shift awkwardly between two feet, “Luke.”
“Hey y/n,” Luke says softly, his hair is messy under his navy colored beanie, but you know you can’t talk, yours probably looks a lot worse. He takes a step towards you before speaking again, his voice still soft, “We need to talk.”
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system76 · 3 years
Behind the Scenes of System76: Industrial Design
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Since moving into a factory space in 2018, System76 has delved deeper and deeper into manufacturing hardware in-house. Three years later, we’ve introduced five Thelio desktops, fine-tuned the hardware, developed our fully configurable Launch keyboard, and optimized our production processes. Helming the design process is Mechanical Engineer John Grano, who wears a number of different hats here. We sat down with John this week to discuss industrial design and the team behind our beautiful open source hardware.
How would you describe industrial design for people unfamiliar with the term?
To me, industrial design is basically the art of making something into a usable product. In industrial design, you have to balance looks and function, and that drives your form. It’s kind of like hardware UX in that it’s really important to have the right feel. If you can make the system connect better with people, they’ll like it more. Adding that softness we do with Thelio, like slightly rounded edges and darker wood, it makes it a little more approachable to have a semi-natural looking system and not something that’s blinking at you with red lights all the time.
System76 itself is a group of hardcore programmers and people that are really into Linux, but I think the idea of trying to democratize Linux is extremely important. If you can create something that doesn’t have that robotic aesthetic, it will provide people with something that feels more familiar and usable. No one really wants to go sit in a car that looks like a square with wheels on it. They want something that makes them feel something, maybe openness or comfort, when they’re in it.
What inspired you to get into mechanical engineering, and how did you end up at System76?
The way my brain works lends itself well to engineering, for better or for worse. There’s a lot of really solid engineers who don’t have much creativity, and then there are a lot of people who have great creative ability, but can’t do math. I kind of fluctuate in the middle; I wouldn’t say I’m the best at math or the most creative person in the entire world, but I have enough of each that the combination pushed me towards mechanical engineering. I like working with my hands, and it’s more of a study of how things work in the real world versus computer science, which is a purely digital and nontangible practice.
During school I worked mainly as a bike mechanic, and that helped me to think about how to build things better. That led me to my first internship at a bike company working in a wind tunnel, which was really fun. Realizing that I could probably never get a job there—or at least one that would pay me enough to live—I started working at an environmental engineering company, where I prototyped scientific sampling systems for R&D that would process materials with all these gasses at really high heat and tried not to die. It was kind of fun making these large-scale systems that were basically just gigantic science experiments, but I didn’t really have the creative outlet I wanted in terms of making something that looks good.
One of the main things that drew me to System76 was being able to have a solid influence on what tools we were able to use and how we were going to push the design. In the past three years, it’s pretty wild to see what we’ve been able to accomplish coming from a completely empty warehouse to being able to crank out parts.
I had also previously, while working at these scientific instrument companies, been working with a local company to design and develop a cargo bicycle, so I had that experience as well in terms of consumer product development with overseas manufacturing. I think that helped get me in the door here.
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Let’s talk a bit about your team. Who do you collaborate with on a typical day?
It’s a very small team and everyone does a lot. I pretty much lead the mechanical engineering team slash design team...slash manufacturing team. Being a small company, we are all wearing a bunch of different hats. Aside from doing the initial design work on all of our Thelio desktops and the Launch keyboard, I also program our laser-punch machine and our brake press and run through all of the design for manufacturing hang ups that show up. Those changes tend to be a result of our current tools, and internal capabilities.
Crystal came on last August as our first CNC Machinist. She heads up all of the machining, trains our operators, makes sure our parts are coming out in a nice clean fashion, and has done a lot of work on minimizing machine time and maximizing the parts we can get out. She also provides really great feedback on what's possible and what kind of special fixtures or tools we'll need to make for a specific part. Around the same time we picked up our first Haas 3-axis CNC mill to start working on the Launch project. That led to some other opportunities to make parts for Thelio and improve the feel of some of the parts that we were pumping out.
We just hired Cary, who came from a similar background as me in consumer product development, as well as low-scale scientific machine development. He’s going to help build manufacturing tools for us, and he’s only been here now for two or three weeks. Going forward, Cary will be heading up the Thelio line long-term, and I’ll be moving to some interesting R&D work.
And Zooey?
Zooey doesn’t really do much. She just kind of sits there and waits for people to feed her their lunch. I take her out for walks during the day so she can get away from everyone petting her. She doesn’t like when they do that.
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What was the R&D process like for Launch?
Launch is a less complicated product in that we don’t have to deal with things like cooling. Even dropping a PCB into aluminum housing deals with multiple processes, like using the laser and CNC machine. This was a start to looking at those processes to see how much time it takes to produce parts, the costs going into making them, and monitoring the cutting quality. You have to be familiar with the machines and know what you’re looking for when you see a tool going dull.
We first let the software experts do their thing and optimize a layout they wanted for their programming life. Then I was given that template, built a couple of sheet metal chassis that we wired up to test that layout, and made a bunch of little changes to that to get that right secret sauce for our keyboard-centric workflow in Pop!_OS. Once we got a sheet metal product that we were sure was going to be usable, we decided officially that we were going to pursue making a keyboard. That came with a whole new set of manufacturing requirements that we would have to look into.
We spent a ton of time working on pocket profile. When you look at a Launch, you’ll see that it’s not a perfect rectangle. That’s because when you’re using a mill, you have a round tool, so you can go through and get close to a pretty small radius on the corner, but you can never make it exact. If we wanted to get a very small, tight pocket, we’d have to use a very small cutter that takes an extremely long period of time.
We’re taking raw billet, which are these huge 12-foot-long sticks of aluminum that we cut down to get our final product. We went with a rounded rectangle so that we could use our cutter and decrease the overall time to machine that part. There was a lot of work in that and making sure the pockets were all 13.95mm versus 13.9mm versus 14.1mm.
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We also did a lot of R&D on how we go about putting the angle bar on. Magnetic assembly seemed to be a good idea. We went from trying to glue magnets in to doing what's called press fitting. The bars come right out of powder coating while they’re nice and warm, when the aluminum is slightly larger than when it cools down. Those magnets aren’t actually adhered to anything in the bars; they’re squeezed in nice and tight from the aluminum cooling and contracting around them. That’s called a press fit, and doing that makes the process faster and less expensive.
It’s similar with the bottoms of Launch; we have steel plates that we press fit into that part as opposed to gluing or screwing, but that we do before powder coating; steel rusts, and we don’t want someone opening up their keyboard in a year and finding a little bit of rust floating underneath their super high-end PCB. So we do that, sand it down, use our media blaster to clean off the surface from the tool paths you see from the mill, and then we powder coat it through and through.
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Word on the Denver streets is that Thelio Major is getting a redesign soon. What does that entail?
We’re bringing Thelio Major a lot more in line with Thelio Mega in terms of a different PCI mount for graphics cards, because we know that’s been a pain point for a lot of our users. We want to provide a little bit more robust installation for these graphics cards, which continue to increase in size and weight. The NVIDIA 3000-series cards are almost a pound heavier in some instances, and that’s a lot of weight to be shipping across the country.
We also want to continue to make Thelio Major cooler and quieter when it’s running with these new GPUs. Our new brake press allows us to make radius bends on parts, so we’re starting to run through R&D of a laser-welded external. It’s a wholesale departure from us using custom brackets and 3M VHB tape. That will provide a nicer finished product to our end user, and it’ll allow us to make our product faster with less material and less steps.
What qualities do you look for when adding someone to the team?
Creativity is extremely important. As a small manufacturing company, our priorities can shift on a day or in an afternoon where we don’t have the full line of product anymore. There are all sorts of examples in the past few years of times where you have to react pretty quickly. The motherboard’s been EOL’d, or we have to change our sheet metal design, build a new part, things like that. Making sure that someone can adapt to those changes on a moment’s notice is one of the key parts of the job.
We also want people who get excited about a new challenge and have the desire to keep improving something. I look for people who like to make things and go back in and refine it and not hold it up on this pillar. It’s good to not look at something like it’s perfect.
You have a lot of love for your Audi. What do you love about it over other options?
I like German cars. We have a family of them. They’re high-performance and not too expensive if you do all the work on it yourself. There’s a huge after-market community that tunes and changes these cars, which is pretty fun. Plus I prefer the metric system. Having a standard system drives me nuts, because what the [REDACTED] are fractions?
My real love, though, is bikes. I love tuning and riding bikes, and I love that more than I like to work on cars. It comes out of tinkering. I work with carbon fiber, I’ve done a lot of repairs on bikes over the years—there’s a certain sense of freedom you get from riding a bike that you can’t get from anything else. Not motorcycles, not cars.
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thebibliosphere · 4 years
My Heart’s In The Highlands by Amy Hoff (Book Review)
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Hey fam, we ready to talk about a Scottish lesbian time traveling romance? 
Also, just an upfront disclaimer on this one: I received an ARC (advance review copy) copy of this book from the Publisher and am writing this review voluntarily.
A Quick Summary:
My Heart’s in the Highlands by Amy Hoff is a sapphic time travel romance set in Scotland, starting in the late 1880s.  Lady Jane Crichton is a learned woman of science (based on the historic ‘Edinburgh Seven’), who has spent her lifetime railing against the restraints of Scottish Victorian life and the expectations placed upon her. Fortunately for Jane, she finds herself in a marriage of convenience (he’s gay and needed a beard to protect his political career, and she needed the financial freedom and support of a wealthy patron. They’re buds about it.) and with the help of her husband, Jane is able to fund her own research and builds a functioning time machine. 
Unfortunately for Jane her time machine malfunctions during one of its voyages, and she finds herself thrown back in time, crash landing into the 13th century. And also into Ainslie nic Dòmhnaill, who is next in line to inherit the great Clan Donald. Which is one hell of a way to find out your a lesbian, but also 10/10 would willingly fall back in time and into the arms of a buff Scottish warrior woman. But Jane also holds a secret. She knows what will become of these lands, and to the people that live on them, and she must choose between her fairy tale romance, or the harsh reality of history that lies ahead. Can her and  Ainslie’s love survive? Or will they be torn apart by time? 
Okay, so for some perspective going into this review, I am a Scottish editor, and I have worked extensively in the realms of Scottish Historical Romance. Most of you have probably heard of the term ‘Britpacker,’ so if it helps, think of me as a ‘Scots Sifter’—I catch chunks of inaccuracy and gently nudge the phonetic (mis)spellings toward the realms of the accurate. And as a Scottish person who reads romance for both fun and work, it’s a breath of fresh air to read someone who knows what they are doing in this regard. The historical details many readers crave are there in spades, lovingly rendered through beautiful and flowing prose. The (accurate!!!) use of Scots and Gaelic are also masterfully included in the dialect without feeling contrived, and overall enriches the narrative. Hoff is someone who loves Scottish culture and knows it well, and it shows.
(A note for history foodie buffs: I caught one slip-up in the form of potatoes being mentioned in the 13th century when they didn’t arrive in Scotland until 1739. I am, however, willing to concede that perhaps our heroine Lady Jane is perhaps not the first time traveler to have crash-landed into the Highlands. The others were merely better supplied. EDIT: I’ve been informed this error will be corrected in the next print.) As a heroine, Lady Jane is charmingly out of time and place even before she sets foot in her time machine. A woman in her later thirties (a novelty I’ll never tire of in Romance), she holds many convictions and beliefs, both about history and herself. All of which are proven wrong the moment she is flung back in time and meets the charming (and I cannot stress this enough) incredibly buff warrior woman, Ainslie nic Dòmhnaill. Setting aside my more analytical interests in this text, allow me to just say, I would die for Ainslie; something which I feel secure in saying would not happen, as Ainslie would murder anyone that tried. (And I would hold her golden torque and flower all starry-eyed while she did it.) However, there were one or two things that jumped out at me, both as a reader and an editor. While some scenes are concisely eloquent, there are a areas where pacing (and grammar) fall down, and the book feels like it could use with tightening up with another pass at editing. There was very little build up to the romance itself, which is fine, the instant true love trope is a well-loved trope for a reason. But it felt out of character for Jane, who presents initially as either on the demi or ace spectrum, but then falls immediately, if not in love, then certainly in lust with Ainslie. If this was intentional, I cannot say, but her sudden switch in dynamic is jarring and could have used a little gentler development.
Once the romance begins, it is sweet and enjoyable for the most part, but also again not without issue. There’s a distinct lack of verbal consent which modern readers might find discomfiting, especially in the LGBTQ+ spheres which paved the way for better consent and relationship dynamics in modern romance, and if I were asked to tag this book, I’d likely opt to tag it as “dubious consent” just to cover any potential triggers for people who would be unsettled by that sort of thing. (“Tell me no” being met with silence is not the same as consent. It might have worked 20 years ago in publishing, but it wouldn’t/shouldn’t fly now.) I like the characters dearly. Ainslie is smitten with Jane the moment she sets eyes on her, even if Jane is initially very awkward and prickly. Jane is also taken with her glorious redheaded warrior, and frankly, who could blame her? The book also has several of my favorite romantic tropes in it, including the all-time favorite “There’s Only One Bed”, though I wish more had been made of them. The sex scenes are hot and also sweetly endearing at times, though again I would like to see more explicit consent. Overall, it’s not a bad debut novel into the forays of Romance for a first-time Romance author. It’s enjoyable, but I am left with nagging the feeling that it could have been so much more. To my mind, where this book truly excels is Hoff’s love affair with history and Scotland itself. Their narrative shines in moments of reflection, and the subtle and nuanced injections of historical detail, which in my experience, are rarely done so well in this genre. But this is however a Romance novel, and the time-traveling scientist lesbian and her buff redhead warrior girlfriend felt second fiddle to the history at times, which was disappointing because how often do you get to say those words together? Not enough, in my opinion. Overall, I’d rate this as 3.5 out of 5, though it would have been a solid four were it not for the issues surrounding pacing and consent. If Hoff chose to continue the series, however, I’d absolutely be down for more of it. I want to see the characters grow and thrive. I just think a little more experience with the genre (and better editing) is needed first. My Heart’s In the Highlands is available now on Kindle, Paperback, and most other online retail stores. You can also buy directly from the Publisher.
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psychosistr · 3 years
I know this isn’t your usual thing- but do uou have any negaverse headcanons or ideas for dt17???
 Hmm...not really a lot for the good guys........but, as always, I have ideas for the bad guys in FOWL having negaverse versions xD
Bradford: Used to work for SHUSH, but was sickened by how corrupt and amoral he saw the organization becoming- especially after Ludwig Von Drake started calling the shots and making everything worse- he wanted to grant people freedom to live their lives happily, not under the secret control of those who just wanted to steal from them. Teamed up with Black Heron after freeing her from SHUSH’s prison and created FOWL as a way to secretly fight world tyranny and help those in need. Eventually ended up in Scrooge McDuck’s board of directors as a way to keep an eye on him while also secretly embezzling money from him to help fund FOWL’s bases, food banks, and hospitals in secret- working for him is sickening, but necessary for the greater good. Bradford wants to believe he’s doing the right thing in the long run, but has a horrible guilty-conscience leftover from his days in SHUSH and worries that he’s secretly a villain for his more underhanded and sneaky actions.
Black Heron: Used to work as a solo-hero to fight against evil organizations like SHUSH, but was too headstrong and kept getting captured or injured in the process. Was freed by Bradford and went on to create FOWL, recruiting more likeminded individuals so they’d have a better chance fighting against evil.  Continued going on missions for FOWL until the fight against Agent 22 and Scrooge McDuck cost her her arm, leaving her with lasting trauma and anxiety that made it hard for her to do fieldwork for many years. Later recruited Steelbeak and has a caring teacher-mentor relationship with him, often leading to her fretting over him every time he gets injured for rushing into danger without thinking to save someone- he reminds her a lot of herself when she was younger and she worries about him going through what she did. Has a bad habit of delivering heroic speeches in an attempt to convert others to the side of good, often coming off as the “preachy hero” type that makes her adversaries cringe from her genuine sappiness and good-natured attempts to “help them find their way”. (Bradford and most of FOWL also find her speeches cringe-inducing, except for Steelbeak who admires her heroic personality and wants to be a hero like her one day)
Steelbeak: Joined FOWL after being arrested for illegal cockfighting- he wasn’t actually a participant, though, he just worked as a sparring/warm-up partner for the real competitors and cleaned up the building for money and a place to stay at night since he was destitute. Had a bad habit of getting emotionally attached to the fighters and would often put himself in harm’s way to protect them from opponents who took things too far, often getting beaten himself in the process. Got arrested during a police raid of the building and had his beak broken by the cops when he tried to run away. Black Heron heard rumors about him through her contacts in the system  (they said he kept trying to be a peacekeeper during inmate brawls and getting hurt for it) and felt bad for him, so she paid his bail and recruited him for FOWL. He’s still not very smart, but he’s earnest and sincere in his desire to help others, which often leads to him running head-first into danger and getting injured, despite his team’s protests. Has a good heart, though, and will never hesitate to do the right thing, even if it costs him his life.
Rockerduck and Jeeves: Faced off against Scrooge and Goldie years ago after they tried to steal the gold that Rockerduck rightfully earned through hard work. He’d planned to use the money he would’ve gotten from selling the gold to help the town and others like it prosper, but that plan was ruined and he nearly fell into bankruptcy trying to keep his promises for improving the various towns. Still, he held onto just enough money and made some good investments that helped him regain some of his former wealth. He soon realized that someone like Scrooge was going to be a problem years down the road if he kept amassing wealth, so he invested in cryogenic research and froze himself at multiple points over the years to prolong his lifespan- trusting his loyal butler, Jeeves, to look after his body and find trustworthy allies in their fight against McDuck. Jeeves eventually found these allies in FOWL, but had to wait several years to wake Rockerduck up again and introduce them safely, leading to him volunteering for some of FOWL’s riskier experiments to prolong his own life and continue serving his boss for as long as possible- despite the warnings that it could negatively impact his mind and leave him with limited intelligence as a result. Rockerduck was both touched and heartbroken to find out what his butler went through for him.
Phantom Blot: After seeing his home and family destroyed during a magical battle that involved Magica De Spell (who was the protector of his homeland) and an unnamed enemy, the man who would go on to become the Phantom Blot was horrified to see the damage that unrestrained magic could cause and vowed to find a way to contain it so no one else would suffer such loss. Spent years studying, analyzing, and experimenting with ways to contain or take magic away from those who abused it, often consulting with Magica whenever he ran into her to ask for more information and ways to improve the weaponry he relied on in his battles against violent or evil magic users. His work eventually earned him the attention of FOWL, who appreciated his tireless dedication to protecting others and offered him help and funding to continue advancing his research. He’s still a bit hesitant about opening up and trusting others again after losing his family, but he’ll still do what he can to help his companions in need.
Gandra Dee: Always had a knack for building dangerous machines that no one else understood or appreciated, giving her a pretty cynical view of people in general and ultimately leading to her experimenting on herself to avoid drawing attention to her actions while giving her a way to always be prepared when people turned on her when her inventions angered them. Originally joined FOWL at Bradford’s request to help provide them with technology in exchange for keeping her out of jail and allowing her to work on her own projects on the side- so long as she didn’t cause too much trouble. For a while, she was more of a neutral party at best, but that changed after she started associating with Fenton/Gizmoduck and realized how much more fun she could have as an evil mad scientist. Ended up quitting FOWL and joining Fenton and Gyro as part of Scrooge McDuck’s evil science coalition. Now, she’s free to create the most dangerous and twisted things she can think of with no restraints or morals getting in her way.
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felassan · 4 years
Highlights and insights from the N7 Day cast & crew reunion panel
[Rewatch link]
In case a text format is better for anyone. There are some NSFW references. Cut for length.
(Some paraphrasing.)
“Some of us are inebriated”
“Patrick Weekes, the killer of man and beasts, the breaker of hearts”
JHale put the whole thing together, it’s the biggest ME cast reunion to date
The cast had no idea that the remaster was a thing
Lots of ace discussion about what the magic of the MET is (“it captured lightning in a bottle”)
Lots of warm fuzzies between the cast, crew and community, and lots of fun behind-the-scenes anecdotes
Lots of great discussion on the diversity and inclusion in ME: on gender, sexuality, representation, empowerment, the core message in the MET that “we’re all in this together or we’re screwed”, the progress made in the portrayal of female characters in gaming, etc. “Everything behind what went into these characters was authentic, we [the VAs] could tell that so much research, texture, authenticity etc had gone into them. It really made a difference”. JHale: “I’ve spent my career kicking down ceilings [barriers and so on women actors experience] with my steel-toed boot. To get to be a part of this game that has now created the expectation that there now be a female PC, ‘duh’, is once of the great things of my life. BioWare listened and put her on the box. The first time someone dropped the box in front of me I held it over my head and screamed over the crowd, ‘Casey Hudson, thank youuu!!’ It was a divine moment. This game was the moment the boot finally crashed through the glass, pushed by millions of women.”
The panel received many messages from the question submission from fans expressing that MET really helped them through very dark places and periods in their lives. The cast have had a lot of interactions with fans over the years where the fans expressed similar sentiments to them
ME was one of the first games Keythe Farley (Thane) acted for that had branching dialogue/dialogue choices, and when he saw the script with that when he went in, he was like “wow���. ME was the second big game D. C. Douglas (Legion) ever did. In his first audition he didn’t know it was for a robot-type character as it was disguised as something else with a military-feel. The second time it was to do a speech/lament at someone’s funeral and he knew it was for a robot. He said playing Legion for him was a case of “wake up, drink some coffee and go to work”
Jack was really special to her VA Courtenay Taylor because she relates to her so much and had a lot of similar emotional problems and personal troubles in her past. Jack helped her become who she has became. The host added that in his interactions with Courtenay over the years, he realized very quickly that she is very much like Jack
AWR has two moms, something which she hasn’t talked about/expressly said publicly before. Talking about recording lines between Sam and Femshep made her tear up. She said that being raised by two moms in the 80s was tough due to societal attitudes at the time, and so to see a loving relationship between two women depicted in a game was a big deal for her. When recording the white picket fence conversation, she was actually crying (“and then I’m crying because of the lesbians”). It was a huge moment for her to represent her moms’ journey. When she went home she told them all about how her character is gay and wants a white picket fence and everything “just like we had”.
When PW was working on Sam’s arc, one of the things they did was show it to one of their colleagues, who is a lesbian, asking what things she’d like to see in an arc like that and what things she felt were missing from it. The white picket fence conversation came from the colleague’s feedback (“we wanna see the nice, healthy, happy domestic stuff”, as it’s often missing in portrayals of wlw relationships)
As the VAs got more into their characters, they sometimes had feedback and input to the process to offer, like “I don’t think she’d say [this] like [that]”. Sometimes they knew their characters even better than the crew did sometimes. JHale waxed lyrical about Caroline Livingstone’s awesome direction, with the host adding that he has interviewed a lot of the VAs over the years and they all talk about Caroline like she’s Gandalf the White coming to the rescue in LotR. AWR expressed that Caroline is really funny (“don’t worry it’s not you, PW was sick when they wrote this line that’s why”) and emotionally in-tune with them and this makes long hard sessions with her a joy
When Mark went into record for the Citadel DLC one day he asked Caroline “wouldn’t be great if Shepard’s clone had been made to be the opposite gender? Then the two Shepards could fight each other!”
William Salyers (Mordin) likes the way Mordin’s story ended and felt that it was wonderful to be able to play that. He feels like the luckiest person because as he wasn’t the original VA of Mordin, he got to come in late to something that was amazing. “Caroline helped me get to where I needed to be emotionally to play that final scene. It was one of the most moving things I’ve ever gotten to do personally for a piece of interactive art”. PW related that with Mordin’s writing, they didn’t realize how much they were asking for. They thought William was amazing doing all the science-speak/technobabble, as they themselves didn’t know what it meant, and then suddenly having to deliver emotional heartbreaking lines. William’s always been a secret science nerd and so he loved that fact about Mordin. “It was a real treat to say your words”
Karin: “I always claim credit for the Scientist Salarian song even though I had nothing to do with it. I opened that door for PW”
Steve Blum (Grunt) found it a real treat playing Grunt as Grunt is a tough soldier on the outside but a [babey] on the inside, while he is more the other way around (softer on the outside, fight-y inside). He isn’t a gamer and so didn’t know what to expect or what he was getting into. There was the big pile of words, they showed him the picture of Grunt, and he just ran with it. “Grunt was kind of a perfect character for me in that respect”. Side note: his wry comments throughout the panel were hilarious
“Casey Hudson, our glorious loving overlord”
Courtenay jokes about “interspecies snorkeling”
The women Courtenay met working on this game are her friends for life. Ali Hillis (Liara) gave her her number the night of the ME3 drop and was like “let’s hang out!!” “JHale is the shit. I go to England and there’s AWR and I have this friend for life”.
“We’re a family”. The host comments that you don’t see this kind of closeness between the people on a lot of projects
Kimberley Brooks (Ashley) thinks things have and are changing for the better in terms of roles for women, and roles for brown and black women. This year she has noticed increasing awareness of inclusion and of where it’s lacking. “The copies I’m being sent for auditions, it’s drastically changing, I’m seeing it change before my eyes. It’s really exciting, there’s more and more roles for me.” “Ash is such a strong character and I felt very badass playing her, it was life-changing”. She’s excited that the remaster is going to be a new way to see these characters that they’ve been so lucky to voice. Kimberley/Ash was the first female character Karin saw in the studio, when she saw her she was like “Wow, she’s so kickass and inspiring”. At this point Karin hadn’t been working at BioWare for all that long, and she wanted to thank Kimberley, because she saw her and heard her voice and had a personal ‘this changes everything’ moment
Raphael Sbarge (Kaidan) finds it very moving how many women were encouraged into gaming due to ME
Raphael: “Everyone here has awesome varied careers, but because ME was so collaborative [and so on], [it was something really rare and special]. Nothing else I’ve done has been so important or impassioned, it has almost a religious experience to it, which you can see from tears in fans’ eyes and tattoos and people talking about it 10 years later”. “I’m so grateful for it.” “Clearly we’re going to do this again next year! :D” D. C. added that it’s going to follow him for the rest of his career. Courtenay says it has catapulted her career
PW talked about how it’s great that the female chars in ME were allowed to have real, realistic flaws and dark periods (as opposed to nonsense stuff like ‘her flaw is that she’s clumsy’)
Having the male and female PC be voiced was a big, expensive commitment for the studio. Karin commented that at the time, it was a risk that the pretty-much almost entirely-male leadership of BioWare at the time decided was important to take, and so she was happy that these were the values her colleagues had
PW was “the junior baby writer on ME1. I’d just gotten to the studio and Mac Walters fell down a flight of stairs and hurt his back, and they pulled me in while he was healing”. Karin: “Mac was very understanding when PW fell on the ice and hurt themselves during ME2.” PW: “My job in ME1 was to come up with conversations between followers to pass the time in the elevator loading times. I was throwing stuff at the wall to see what would stick”
Steve turning his volume down before he shouts classic Grunt quotes down the mic
Caroline: “Do you know how many tears were shed in the booth? How many times have we all cried in the booth...” JHale: “We were recording the end of ME3, which I never call the end, because I’m always like I’M HERE! [wink] The goodbye Garrus lines” - these lines got right under her skin and when she went to say her lines she couldn’t speak because she’d burst into tears. “It was all I could do to say those words... and then there was silence... [and Caroline had gotten choked up too].” This was one of the last sessions they did. PW: “John Dombrow wrote Garrus in ME3 and I’m gonna tell him that he got you both to break.”
Caroline was also really teary during Keith David’s (Anderson)’s performance where he tells Shepard she’s like his daughter. This moment was one of JHale’s favorites to act
BioWare came up with a proprietary VA recording system which JHale describes as a secret sauce as-yet not widely-used in the industry
Lots of fun in the line-reading portion at the end. The lines/scenes were sent in by fans. This starts around timestamp 1 hour 50 mins. There’s a break where they discuss more anecdotes after a bit then some line-reading resumes at 1 hour 59 mins 18 secs
"Salarian Vorcha Conrad Verner simmering sexual tension scene”
One of PW’s fondest memories is of ME3 when JHale and Mark got to play off each other (which they naturally didn’t get to do very much), when PW had shoved the entire script of the Blasto movie into random ambience throughout the Citadel. They knew Mark was going to be Blasto as he voiced most of the hanar. PW: “We had to have Blasto’s elcor partner’s hot sister... And I was like could it be JHale?? Because they hardly ever get to talk to each other. It was one of my proudest moments”. Mark: “Not only that, we had a romance.” JHale: “Yeah, it was hot”.
“Think of the poor cold freezing Edmontonian hanar”
PW’s story about Sam’s toothbrush: They wrote it as a throwaway line but AWR did it so well that PW wanted to bring it back in the Citadel DLC, as that DLC was the action-comedy one. So they decided the toothbrush was going to save the Normandy. The art director at the time was in an early playthrough of the scene and in that version of the scene Sam held up her empty hand. The director was like “We gotta make the toothbrush? Really? It’s gonna be thousands of dollars to render the toothbrush.” It then got to the next few lines and the director deadpanned at PW “Okay that’s pretty good, we’ll make the toothbrush.” PW: “Good, I got my toothbrush.”
It was John’s idea that we find out that Mordin had been working on a crime noir novel. There was a period in the development of the Citadel DLC where PW was feeling like “Mordin’s gone, he had his big moment, I want to respect and honor that” and the entire team were like “I think Mordin needs a couple more songs dude”. “Well alright!” By that point William had shown them he could deliver literally any line
“Oh I need a shower that was so steamy hot”
PW got in trouble with Localization over Jack’s “Save some of your energy, we’re gonna do it on the pool table” exchange. Localization were like “Um could you explain what Jack means by this??” These lines were PW’s, Karin as an editor got the question about it and passed it on to PW like “nope this is your fault”. “The best part is it was France that needed PW to explain the joke while apparently Germany were like ‘Yes please confirm that this is regarding the possibility of oral sex-’”
Keythe on voicing Thane: “Thane was a real lesson in opening up to the character, allowing this beautifully conflicted character to exist. Each character in the MET has conflicts within themselves and a tragic flaw that is revealed through the course of conflict.” He also waxed lyrical about how the MET was akin to Star Wars and Citizen Kane, and about the interconnectedness and representation in it
D. C.: “I have a question for you guys. Was it a conscious decision to not have Legion as a romance? Because there are a lot of upset people out there!!” “Voltage problems.” “A lot of creative reuses of ‘There was a hole.’” PW: “It was a process of us figuring out what we wanted to do. If we had known... The number of people who were like ‘I don’t know, are people gonna wanna romance Garrus? Liara? She’s blue and has no hair. Are people gonna be okay with that?” Karin: “We were young and naïve, now we know BioWare fans are thirsty.”
Derek brought in the first picture of Thane to show Caroline and she was like “He’s really hot, that’s gonna be a killer character. People are gonna want to romance that gentleman”
Raphael asked the BioWare team if there’s ever been a point where they thought about doing more DLC content or some kind of revival. “Has that ever come up?” “We’re legally obligated not to say, sorry, we’re going through a tunnel right now, bad reception!!”
D. C.: “Does this country have a soul?” “It does.”
“An N7 Day to remember! Go forth and heal.”
116 notes · View notes
sabraeal · 3 years
Sic Semper Monstrum, Chapter 5
[Read on AO3]
Written for @vfordii​‘s birthday which was....five months ago. BUT LISTEN, it’s still better than last year’s six months so like...improvement. IMPROVEMENT.
“You know why I called you here.” The Marshal’s voice is soft, barely louder than the hum of the fluorescents. “I presume.”
Shirayuki catches herself at the edge of her seat, chest pitched forward, neck craning to decipher every word and--
She settles back with a frown. Even a PhD isn’t a defense to the cheapest tactic on the pop-psych bookstore self-help shelf, it seems. Worse, Izana knows it, his mouth tipped so subtly toward a smile. And now he knows she knows it, and--
Her mug has gone cool, but it’s at least a credible distraction, a convenient way to buy some time and save face. Not something she ever expected she’d care about. Doesn’t mean she won’t take the opportunity.
“Zen.” The ceramic clacks like a shot as she sets it down. “You want to talk about the drift.”
“Yes.” He breathes, long and labored. “And no. I want him back in the cockpit.”
Come see me at your earliest convenience, his email had said, practically polite by PPDC standards. Manners atrophied when a body spent so much time in the higher altitudes of the chain of command.  I’d like to discuss a few things with you.
She’d known what this would be about. What it was always going to be about. And still--
Shirayuki is still disappointed. “You have to be joking. It took him three years to get him into a jaeger at all, and you want to just...push him right back in.”
“No,” he hums, fingers still and steepled over his desk. “I want you to do it.”
There are rules of engagement for tangling with the Marshal. Voices are to be kept low, steady. Think before speaking. Don’t react. Showing an emotion in front of Izana Wisteria would be as good as handing him a rope to hang her with. “I’m not his commander.”
His fingers knit, knuckles popping in the silence-- “I know that, Doctor.”
Her own are curled into fists; at least then he can’t see them shaking. “Then I don’t know what you expect me to do.”
“I wouldn’t presume to tell you how to do your job,” he tells her, with only a pause for breath before he does. “I am merely suggesting that it is far past time to remove the kid gloves you have been handling him with.”
Her fists clench, hard enough to leave vivid crescents in the meat of her palms. “I believe I’m the judge of that.”
“Of course.” Every word drips with insincerity. “But I’m sure a little encouragement from you would--”
“I’ll do what’s necessary for the health of my patient,” she informs him, words clipped. “You’re not my commander.”
Izana stills, gaze riveted to her. “I am well aware of that, doctor. But I need him in a jaeger yesterday.”
“You’ve needed him in a jaeger for the past three years.” Shirayuki bolts to her feet, and oh, if only she could locate at least another foot of height, she might be able to finally have the high ground in one of these arguments. “I don’t see what the rush is now.”
His voice doesn’t raise above a pleasant chat, but bitterness weighs down every word. “You should.”
Shirayuki doesn’t believe in violence. Or rather, violence is a choice, and she doesn’t believe in choosing it unless no other option remains that causes less harm, but, well--
She’s got a very short list of people who deserved a black eye, and Izana Wisteria sorely tempts her to put his name on it. “What do you mean by that?”
The Marshall is all tense lines behind the battlement of his desk, a buttress against the fall. “Aren’t you a part of K-Science?”
The only distinction that mattered in the dome was between combatants and non; that a licensed therapist fell more into the ‘administration’ box rather than ‘research scientist’ was the least of their concerns. At least as far as the placement of her office. “Tangentially.”
“Well then.” His tension washes away like debris after the storm. “It’s all in the numbers.”
Shirayuki has been trained extensively in conflict resolution, in effective communication, in managerial manipulation, and still, still-- annoyance dogs her every step, nipping at her heels as she loses herself in the dome’s labyrinth of corridors. For once it would be nice to leave the Marshal’s office with something more like a sense of purpose and less like a reprieve in shoving boulders up a muddy hill in Tartarus, but this far into her tenure with the PPDC, she knows better than to hope for impossible asks. It’s not a new feeling by any means-- there’s certainly a hole worn in her heart for just this sort of fruitless anger and a monkey on her back with Izana Wisteria’s face, but he’s certainly devised an entirely new way to get her hackles up today.
Long limbs insinuate themself next to hers, a white-clad arm weaving its way around her elbow. She looks up-- not far-- into a pearl white, movie star grin.
“Well, well,” Yuzuri lilts, halfway between a drawl and singsong. “Someone’s looking stormy.”
Shirayuki doesn’t know how tall a person has to be to be considered thunderous, but if the crinkle to Yuzuri’s eyes are any indication, she’s well below the mark. “I was meeting with the Marshal.”
Yuzuri swings a single, impressed note. “Yeah, that’d do it. Or, I’d imagine it would. Not like he asks to see many of us in K-Science.”
Funny, she doesn’t say, since he’s so comfortable quoting your data. “You should probably count yourself lucky on that one.”
“Oh, yeah.” Yuzuri waves a hand, bangles jangling down her wrist. “Garrack handles him. Honestly, I think she enjoys the aggravation.”
Knowing Garrack like she does, Shirayuki certainly wouldn’t discount it.
Slender fingers flick out a sharp snap. “Hey, maybe you can send her the next time you need to deal with His Majesty. I’m sure she’d kill for a distraction just about now.”
“Oh, no! I’m-- I don’t need any help, it’s just...” She frowns, rifling through the satchel slung over her shoulder. She hardly has anything in it-- lip balm, her notes, a pack of tissues, her civilian identification, her wallet-- but still, her keys are shifted underneath the whole of her life, jingling just out of her reach.
It’s a metaphor, probably, but her love affair with literature is at too much of a standstill these days for her to bother unpacking it. Not when it’s probably going to end in her storming back into the Marshal’s office and demanding he show her some form of respect if he expects her to do her job.
Yuzuri’s mouth curls into a sly smile. “He’s top brass that’s used to having full grown adults ask how high rather than why?”
“That’s part of it,” she admits begrudgingly. “But it would also be nice if he could say what he means, instead of--youch!”
Metal teeth digging painfully into her palm, but she holds on anyway, dragging the ring right out, hair ties and all.
“Instead of...?” Yuzuri prompts, far too amused.
She heaves a sigh, plucking rubber bands off her hand. “Making it all some sort of...logic block word puzzle.”
Blonde brows slant skeptically. “I thought you loved those things.”
“For fun. Not for...” She waves a hand, keys jingling and brightly as Yuzuri’s bangles. “...Professional conversations. I’m not here for his entertainment. I don’t have time for-- for games!” 
“Not when you could be doing your actual job.”
“Right.” Her actual job, which has almost exclusively been managing Zen’s feelings regarding Izana for months now. “And now he wants me to...“
She hesitates, teeth sinking into her lip. Outside the dome, patient confidentiality is the backbone of her profession, but here, when everyone eats and breathes and lives on top of one another--
“Lemme guess,” Yuzuri drawls, “get that boy in a pilot seat?”
-- it’s impossible. “I just wish he would show some faith.”
“In you?”
“No.” That’s asking far too much from a man who has only ever trusted as far as the drift could take him. She heaves a sigh, flyaways fluttering in her peripherals. “In Zen.”
A laugh huffs out of Yuzuri. “That’s asking a bit much from an older brother, don’t you think?”
Shirayuki has never, strictly, had a sibling. Ryuu certainly straddles the line between friend, colleague, and family, but she’s never doubted his drive, or the rigorous course of his research. He wouldn’t be her first choice to stand in front of the PPDC committee and defend her findings, but in a pinch, she would trust him wholeheartedly, with no reservations, to do the job.
That does not seem to be the unifying sibling experience. “Is it?”
Yuzuri grins. “You are definitely an only child.”
She restrains her scowl to a disapproving frown. “Maybe, in this case, that’s a good thing.”
They turn down a corridor, and relief floods into her-- this is it, the hall that holds her office at the end. She takes a step forward, but Yuzuri holds her back, gaze fixed leagues away.
“Do you really think he’ll do it?” She blinks, eyes finally focusing down on Shirayuki. “You really think he’ll get back in that jeager?”
Yuzuri recoils, blinking. “Wow, no hesitation on that one, huh?”
“None,” she agrees, a smile lingering at the edge of her lips. “I know Zen might be hurting right now after--” the most disastrous drift she’s witnessed in her entire career-- “everything, but he...”
She takes in a breath, putting her back to her door. “No matter what happens, Zen always does the right thing.” It’d been that unwavering moral compass that had drawn her to him, a shining bright light among the downtrodden heart of the dome. “He may need a little time to pick himself back up, dust himself back off, but he knows that one day, he’ll have to sit down and talk this out, not run--”
“But not today, it looks like.” Yuzuri’s hand darts right over her shoulder, plucking something off her door.
Shirayuki blinks, letting the yellowed square of paper come into focus.
Something came up. Rain check ~Z
She stares, fingers numb as she swipes the scrap out of Yuzuri’s hands.
“That sunovabitch,” she grits out, paper dinting beneath her grip. “He’s avoiding me.”
“So.” Yuzuri cocks her head, mouth stretching wide. “Wanna grab some grub?”
“I’m just saying.” Suzu’s hand scribbles across a napkin, dropping symbols more arcane than any rift. “If I could just get any of the brass to take a good look at this, things would be different.”
“Different how?” Kazaha drawls, accusation dripping from every word. At least, that’s how it sounds-- it hadn’t taken Shirayuki long to realize that’s just how the man speaks, every phoneme meant to cut glass. The asshole accent, Yuzuri calls it. “Does this somehow improve the quality of life in the dome? The world? The--?”
“It’ll certainly improve my quality of life if I don’t have to hear about it,” Yuzuri deadpans. “C’mon, we’re eating dinner. Let’s put the toys away.”
“It’s not a toy, it’s a tool,” Suzu grumbles, finishing it with a flourish. “And if we used it, we’d know when the kaiju would show up, instead of just waiting for them to wade into the Sea of China or whatever.”
That, at least, gets the team to bow their heads over it, passing around frowns and furrows alike.
“If that was the case,” Kazaha sniffs, pushing it away. “Garrack Gazelt would have already put this in front of the Marshal.”
Suzu scowls, yanking it back. “You know that none of those jarheads appreciate good science! Until I get this paired up with some pretty little graphs, I might as well be speaking Japanese.”
Izuru perks up at that. “Doesn’t the Marshal speak Japanese?”
“That’s besides the point.”
“Hm.” Ryuu squirms next to her, craning his head over the napkin. “I think you’re missing a variable.”
“Impossible.” Suzu stares down at it. “Just look here--”
Shirayuki glances down, letters and numbers do-si-doing between roots and over fractions. Izana might shove her office all the way down in K-Science, but that certainly didn’t give her the training to decipher this little bit of mathematical prognostication.
Suzu pitches forward, felt-tip pen rolling across his knuckles in a bit of sleight-of-hand she would have never thought him capable of. “--you’ll see that by putting ‘a’ over ‘n’ squared--” 
“All right.” Yuzuri’s fingers knit in the cotton of his button-down, dragging him back down onto the bench with a thump. “I think we’ve had quite enough of that.”
With a lift of his brows, Suzu’s face shifts from fox to puppy in eight muscles flat. “But, Yuzuri--”
“No buts.” Her fingers pluck the pen out of his, dropping it back into a pocket with a firm, warning pat. “Now, as I was trying to say: His Highness is avoiding you.”
Shirayuki blinks, gaze dragging up to where Yuzuri waits with an impatient smirk. “N-no! That’s not it at all. Something probably came up--”
“Izana’s avoiding you?” Suzu swings a wide, gaping stare at her. “Didn’t you just have a meeting today? What did you do to him?”
Her hands fly up, waving off the accusation. “Ah, no, I didn’t--”
“No, not His Majesty, His Highness,” Yuzuri corrects, blowing on a spoonful of the mess’s finest chicken noodle. “And he is avoiding you, which is bullshit.”
She has to bite her cheeks to keep her lips from peeling back into a grimace. “Zen has lots of work to keep him busy--”
“What work?” Kazaha scoffs, meticulously cutting his chicken into bite-sized pieces. “He’s a ranger without a co-pilot. It’s not like he can just jump into a jaeger and fight kaiju with half a working mecha.”
Yuzuri swivels toward him, hands held out with a level of emphasis Shirayuki can’t help but feel is more than the situation truly deserves. Especially since some of the rangers are starting to peer over their way. “See, even Kazaha knows it’s bullshit.”
His mouth purses into a tight frown. “I don’t know why it’s even Kazaha--”
Yuzuri’s brows make a dubious stretch toward her hairline. “I’m pretty sure you do.”
“--I’m very socially astute, even Shidan--”
“--just because he lets you out of the lab doesn’t mean you don’t offend people by breathing--”
“I dunno.” Suzu’s forehead furrows, tapping a spoon on each of his oyster crackers, drowning them in broth. “Zen seems like a real upright guy, you know? Forthright. If he had a problem, he’d say something, not just ghost you.”
Yuzuri stares at him. “He buys you one bubble tea, and now he can do no wrong.”
“Do you know how hard those are to get out here? He had to go all the way out to--”
Whatever else Suzu means to say, it’s lost in the siren.
This isn’t Shirayuki’s first time in the dome-- far from it-- but it’s never easy.
The siren’s moan shivers through the air, something she feels rather than hears. Her teeth rattle in her mouth, and there’s nothing she wants to do more than curl up beneath the table and ride it out, eyes squeezed shut and hands over her ears. She wouldn’t be the only one; already half of K-Science is on the ground, tears streaming down more than one ashen face.
Man’s worst enemy is fear. Grandpa had told her that, letting her dip her toes into the bay. She’d been small, young enough that she still wondered if kaiju might lurk under the surface, waiting to pull tasty little girls beneath the depths. Kaiju can only kill you once, but fear kills a hundred times. His hand sits heavy on her shoulder, a comfort, a cage; and she--
She gets up.
Pilots and personnel scramble; one tech stands up too fast, boot hooking on the bench’s edge and sprawling face-first into the floor. It’s only ranger reflexes that keep her from getting trampled, dodging around the splay of her fingers with a dexterity that would make Shirayuki’s jaw drop if she wasn’t trying to keep all her molars from jittering out of their sockets.
There’s a hand on her shoulder. She hadn’t just imagined it, a goad to get her standing. She traces the hand back, up ranger fatigues to dark hair, brows raised, and beneath them--
It’s violet eyes, not gold. Not Obi, but a ranger she’s never seen before, his mouth quirked with cold consideration.
“It would be safer,” he says, voice somehow Altantic-crisp over the cacophony, “if you stayed in your seat.”
Her mouth opens, working around the sounds to thank him, but he’s already gone, disappeared into the crowd of PPDC personnel around her. Shirayuki’s eyes shift over the mob, trying to-- to find him, maybe, or at least a face she knew, someone that she could talk to, someone to memorize one last time--
She finds one, silver-blond hair shimmering at the door, too pale to be anyone else. Zen. It’s Zen looking right at her, those deep blue eyes inscrutable, mouth carved into a line more grim than he’s ever shown her.
He turns away.
“It’s too soon, though,” Suzu murmurs, staring down at his napkin. The screens are on now, muted by the siren’s wails, and there’s a Kaiju on it, frill rigid around its reptilian face as it tears a city to twisted metal ribbons. It’s just buildings, streets, impossible to tell which one, but all that matters right now is not here.
“As I said,” Ryuu says, only just audible over the drone. “You dropped a variable.”
What hurts most, once her teeth stop rattling and her heart ceases to pound in her chest, is that Yuzuri is right-- Zen is avoiding her.
“The sessions are his choice.” Labeling tubes isn’t quite how Shirayuki had envisioned her evening going, especially with her mind half-away, pondering over the Pacific, but it’s something to do. “No one can force him to come.”
“Sounds like that’s half the problem,” Garrack mutters, forehead pressed to the hood, leaving a faint, oily smear across the glass. “Free will. Foils gods and men alike, doesn’t it?”
Her mouth pulls down at the corners, a bow stretched too tight, just like her patience. “I don’t want him to be forced. Therapy only works if the patient wants to change.”
Which, by Zen’s conspicuous absence, tells her he doesn’t. He’s happy as he is, wearing the fatigues but never getting in the cockpit, waiting for a copilot that’s already shown how little he cares about anything but lining his own pocket.
“Of course. You can lead a horse to water, but you’ll never make it drink.” It’s impressive to watch Garrack work; even in rubber sleeves, her grip never trembles, never slips. In the same position, Shirayuki can barely close a fist, but Garrack’s got the same dexterity in the hood as she does out of it. “Good thing you get paid regardless.”
Shirayuki flushes, heat pricking at her pride. “I’m not worried about that.”
“No, I wouldn’t think you are,” Garrack murmurs. “I’m just saying it’s nice. Salaried, with room and board to boot.”
Her frown falls further, flirting with a glower. “I’m aware that I’m in the unique position of not having to care in an official capacity if he bothers to come back. But personally--” her breath catches, stomach doing one, solid somersault-- “I do. I want him to want this.”
Garrack hums, not an agreement or judgement, but an acknowledgement. Tactic permission to proceed.
“Izana wants me to tells him to climb into a jeager, to use my-- our personal connection to manipulate him into the cockpit, regardless of what his personal feelings are.” Her breath rushes from her lungs, suddenly ragged, frayed at either end. “No, encourage. That’s what he told me. That it’s my job to do it for humanity.”
One thick eyebrow arches under Garrack’s cap, her eyes bright with interest. “And how do you feel about that?”
It’s strange being on the other side of this question, to be the analyzed instead of the analyzer. She squirms, teeth worrying at her lip, mind racing with possibilities.
“C’mon now,” Garrack chides, mouth hooking into a smirk. She picks up her rack, rattling the small tubes in their holes. “I gave you those for a reason. Idle hands are the devil’s playground, you know-- at least, that’s what people say when they’re afraid of what you’ll get up to if you start thinking.”
She tosses her a wink, ejecting the tip of her pipette into the trash before fitting on another. “Too bad they don’t know that drudgery clears your mind. Have all my best ideas when I’ve got a sharpie and a hundred two-mils to get through. So come on--” she grins, all conspiracy-- “tell me. What do you think of our illustrious leader’s idea?”
Her teeth click shut around her first opinion-- saying Izana Wisteria should go suck eggs would not only please Garrack far too much, but would be around the rest of the base by morning. The last thing she needs is the Marshal inviting her into his office and reading that off one of his hundreds of emails. “...Think that’s beyond my professional scope to comment on.”
“Oh please.” Garrack waves her off, one rubber arm flailing behind the glass. “I’m not asking you to issue a formal complaint about the marshal’s policies. I want to know if you think that kid should get in that steel coffin and kick the closest kaiju in whatever passes for their balls. If throwing another body at the breach is what’s best for humanity.”
It shouldn’t be. There’s more rangers on this base than jaegers to fit them; one career pilot pulling back to fill the ranks shouldn’t be more than a drop in the bucket, a chair to fill. But this is no ordinary jaeger-- this is Rex Tyrannous, the most advanced piece of machinery to roll out of a PPDC facility before or since. Rebuilt from the same blueprint as the Mark I, reconfigured with the best technology the Mark III could offer, the Mark IV’s older, more deadly brother, and--
And the money for it hadn’t come out of Defense Corps coffers. No matter how many hopefuls washed up at the dome, the King of Kaijus wouldn’t come out of its box for anyone less than a Wisteria, not as long as at least one was still standing.
“Yes.” She spits the word out like poison, but still she feels unclean. “There’s no one else that can do what he needs to.”
Garrack’s mouth twists in a wry curve. “Then there you go.”
“It’s a conflict of interest!” Shirayuki insists, the sharpie in her hand shaking as she tries to form a 4. “If there was anyone on this base that had the credentials, I’d-- I’d put in the referral myself. He deserves someone that’s impartial--”
“Shirayuki.” With exaggerated care, Garrack pulls her arms from the hood, letting her hands fall down to her lap. “Do you think there is a single soul in this dome who could do the math you did and not be partial?”
Her mouth works, opening once, twice, before settling shut with a snick.
“I didn’t hire you because you lacked bias.” Garrack’s voice pitches low, softer than she’s ever heard her, knuckles white where they clasp her knees . “You wrote a paper about PTSD in rangers that lost a partner in the drift. A paper, might I add, that showed a great deal of knowledge in jaeger production and use. The sort of thing no one learns unless they’ve been locked up under a dome for years before being released in the wild.”
It’s not an accusation, not yet, but Shirayuki’s hands still anyway, clammy beneath latex.
“Because of that useless wall, we’re years behind in jaeger production.  We need new mechs, and Rex Tyrannous is the best model we got left, whether it’s been sitting in its box for half a decade or not. ” She settles back, brow arched. “But I don’t need to tell you that, now do I?”
No. Her fingers clench hard around the sharpie. She doesn’t.
“Shirayuki, I know you’re a good kid, but you do get to be selfish sometimes.” Garrack grins, too pleased at the prospect. “You’re human, just like the rest of us. There’s no one who doesn’t have skin in this game.”
“I know,” she murmurs. “But it’s my job to do what’s best for him as my patient, not just--”
Garrack snorts. “Oh, is the discontinuation of the human race not going to affect him?”
Shirayuki frowns, opening her mouth to-- well, to say something quelling, no doubt. But-- “Oh.”
Garrack hunches over her lap, forearms braced on her thighs. “I know the Wisterias put on a good show of being gods, but they’re flesh and blood like the rest of us. It doesn’t do anyone good for them to sit out the apocalypse. Not even themselves.”
“But, I...” She sets the tubes down, gloves crinkling into fists. “I don’t know what happened in the drift, just what the readouts said. It could have been a failure on Obi’s side just as much as his, and if they’re not compatible--”
“Then just ask him,” Garrack sighs, swiveling back toward the hood. “You don’t need to try to read minds.”
“But he’s not talking--”
“Not that Wisteria prick.” She chucks her chin toward the door, toward the vague direction of the dome beyond. “The other one. Seems like the real problem there might be getting him to stop talking.”
“Obi?” She blinks. He’s friendly, sure, but she wouldn’t say he’s been one to volunteer information.
“If that’s the one that’s down here every other day, talking my ears off with Suzu, then yes.” One rubber arm flails at her through the glass. “Now get out of here, and get those two little shits inside their tuna can before a Cat 5 can make it down the coast and make us regret it.”
When she steps into the hall, Shirayuki has every intention of following Garrack’s advice. It’s solid, after all; in a two-sided problem where one solution makes itself unavailable, the obvious answer is the best approach-- especially when in this labyrinth of a dome, there’s only so many places where he can hide.
She stops by the mess for a peace offering. Obi might be disposed to be friendly toward her at the moment, but she knows all too well how far good will will get her if she’s going to start rummaging around in things he’d rather keep cooped up behind that smile. Quality coffee and some contraband cookies might not mend the bridges she burns, but it’ll at least keep them standing while she’s walking over it.
It’s a good plan, a solid plan; she just doesn’t anticipate the company.
“Shirayuki.” Dark circles ring dark eyes, but Mitsuhide smiles just as warm as he always does, sprawled stiffly on the bench. “It’s good to see you.”
“I should be saying the same thing!” she gasps, her and her tea sliding in across from him at the formica table. “I thought you’d be out...” in your tuna can.
She bites her cheek, just hard enough to keep the words from spilling out. Sometimes she really, truly wishes she didn’t listen to Garrack quite as much; her mouth and Garrack’s words made a volatile mix. The sort that would get her a dishonorable discharge, if she weren’t a civilian-- or careful.
“We were. I mean, I was. Both Kiki and myself.” His body twists with a good, solid shake, eyes clearing. “Sorry, just had to exorcise the ghost. You know how it is.”
She doesn’t, but she does. There’s papers on the subject; reams of them-- Longevity of neural imprints in active rangers had been a favorite when she’d been in undergrad, as well as the far more entertaining, Ghost Drifting: How does one leave a ghost while still alive? It’s still novel to witness it, to see that spectral presence cling to the neural stem so long after--
“We just got back a little while ago.” He shifts, his right leg stretching long across the floor, knee bucking stiffly. “Kiki hit the rack, but I needed to, ah, take a walk.”
That’s his-- his good leg, as Kiki likes to call it, the half of him that becomes Redwood Dancer to pair with her left. That’s what makes them first line defense, even in an older Mark III; Kiki’s a real lefty, not one made by the drift. When Dancer throws a punch, both sides come full powered.
That’s what you get being the best of the best, Zen would say, envy and wistfulness thickening his voice, everyone knows they can count on you to serve.
That seems less like a good thing as Shirayuki sits across from it, watching the shadows shift in Mitsuhide’s eyes.
“Did you see it?” she asks, voice a whisper in the cavernous lair of the mess. “The kaiju?”
Mitsuhide grunts, shaking his head. “No, we were kept on standby. Got there after some of the boys in Hong Kong did, and they handled it.”
He doesn’t offer how well; she doesn’t ask.
“Ah,” she hums instead, hunching over her mug. “So it was out that way?”
“When they get that far down, yeah.” One of his large fingers wraps around the handle of his mug, bringing it to his mouth for a long, steady drag. “Not many wander out this way.”
“Yeah, there’s a few up north, and I think Seattle always has a good sweat when that happens, but...” His brows furrow, just a small wrinkle in the center of his forehead. “Not so much down here. Not anymore.”
Her palms press against warm ceramic, lips curling into a thin smile. “I guess we don’t have what they want. Whatever that is.”
His mouth gives a wryly twitch. “Thank God for small blessings.”
It would be nice to let the silence between them mellow, to allow herself a companionable respite after swallowing around her heart for half a day, but--
But there are things that won’t keep, no matter how much she’d like to set them aside, set them down even for just a moment. “Mitsuhide...”
He stiffens, the way a dog does when it hears its name shouted in the key of trouble. There’s two ways to respond to conflict, they used to say, fight or flight; years later they added freeze with as begrudging a reception as any change to common wisdom was given. But Mitsuhide does none of those; he just hunkers, eyes warm and dark and wary when they meet hers, hedged by hunched shoulders. The sort of man who grew up in a place where natural disasters are weathered in bathtubs and basements, or else watched from afar on front porches.
“I meant to talk to you.” Her fingers knit into the natural ridges of her mug; the only way to keep them from trembling. “After...after. I mean, not this, but before. The, um...”
It’s ridiculous how many calamities can cluster in a few hours. She’ll need to start numbering them to keep them all straight.
“The drift,” he rasps wearily. “Zen's talked about it with you, hasn’t he?”
Her mouth works; her duty to her profession says to keep it shut, to keep her patient’s business confidential, but her duty as a member of the human race, of a species that is growing more endangered by the year-- “He skipped his session.”
Shirayuki couldn’t have moved him if she hit him, but this rocks him back in his seat. “I’d been hoping...” He shakes his head, mouth curling into a rueful smile. “I thought I’d be the one trying to work something out of you.”
“Ah.” She bows her head, watching the leaves swirl in her tea. “So you haven’t had any luck either?”
Her shakes his head, disappointment stark in every sway. “He won’t talk about it. After he got out of the hanger he went and locked himself in his rack. He only agreed to come to the mess if we promised to drop the whole thing.”
Shirayuki winces. “I’d normally never ask, but when he didn’t show up to our usual appointment...”
Mitsuhide lets out a noise somewhere between a laugh and a sigh. “I don’t know why he’d do that. I’d give some of my teeth to let someone else listen to my head sometimes.”
She blinks. “You’re always welcome, if you wanted to.”
“No.” His mouth rucks up in a rueful curve. “I really couldn’t.”
“The thing they don’t tell you before you get into that cockpit is--” he takes a deep breath, the air emptying out the tension in his shoulders-- “is that the second you hit the drift, all your secrets aren’t your own anymore.”
“Oh.” The drift is two minds laid bare to one another, the deepest form of trust, but in all her studies, she’d never thought what that meant. How tangled and deep a mind could become in things that weren’t theirs to know, weren’t their secrets to carry. “Can I ask you something?”
His eyebrows ruffle up an inch, curious. “Of course. Anything I can answer.”
“When you first came to the dome, you were...” Shirayuki bites her lips, considering. “You were Zen’s copilot. But then Kiki came...”
The PPDC might be the one that’s stamped on the letterhead, but the Wisterias are the spine of the jeager project as well as its face. Their neural net stretches far and wide through the Corp’s hierarchies, fingers in every pie, and although Zen might not be in the upper echelons of leadership, the sort of state secrets someone might glean from the casual details rattling around in his head...
Well, it’s a good thing the Seirans were just as entrenched.
“Why did you do it?” she asks finally, though it’s miles away from what she means. “Why change when you already...?”
“Ah, well...” Mitsuhide’s shoulders heave awkwardly. “It was an emergency, at first, and then...I don’t know how to explain it. We just fit. Not that I didn’t with Zen, but this was...”
He hesitates, smile edging towards a kind of self-deprecation that doesn’t quite fit him. “It was different. If that makes sense.”
“It doesn’t,” she admits. Not to her, at least, someone who has never been in a cockpit, who has never drifted over a set of pons and tried to make a connection. But to someone who has, who has spent the last half decade rotating through a list of hopefuls and throwing them all in the trash-- “But I think...maybe it could.”
Shirayuki would love to say that she’s experienced a perception shift, that a few words with Mitsuhide gave her a clarity that she needs to pore over before acting on, but the fact of it is-- she’s too anxious to approach Obi, pure and simple.
Not that he’s given her much cause; he’s scarce after that failure of a drift, but his absence lacks the marked purpose of Zen’s. It’s hard to find anyone after an attack; everyone’s on high alert, hypervigilant, waiting for another call to come like an aftershock. It’s never happened before, but to assume that means a double event is out of the question--
Well, humanity stopped making assumptions about what lurked beneath the Pacific the day Trespasser ripped the Golden Gate off its moorings.
She catches a glimpse of him every once and a while, always going the wrong way but with a smile to share before he disappears. He’s not avoiding her, he’s avoiding everyone else, and she’s just too much of a cog in the dome’s machinery to not be a casualty of it. It’s nothing personal, she’s sure, but with all the people giving her a wide berth lately, it’s hard not to feel that his absence is pointed.
Still, there are things that just won’t keep. She can’t just keep avoiding this because she’s afraid of one more rejection.
And that’s how she finds herself in the middle of the dome’s combat room, on the business end of Obi’s smirk.
“Doc,” he hums, kicking the end of his staff up to yoke his neck. He makes it look easy, like the jo is an extension of him rather than a separate piece. She can’t help but think of what he might do with a hundred tons of jeager strapped to him, how easy he might make it move. “Funny seeing you here.”
She nods, rocking on her toes. “It’s been a while.”
He swaggers toward her, stopping barely an arm’s length away, hip cocked. Sweat dews along every inch of him, his tank damp and clinging to the hard planes of his stomach, tighter than the lycra in her own gear. His pants swing low, leaving a sliver of skin between it and his shirt, and she--
She should really be looking elsewhere. He’s not a giant, not like Mitsuhide, but when she looks up, it’s a long way to meet his eyes. They’re laughing at her when she does.
“You’re not gonna get anything out of me, you know,” he says as if he’d like to see her try; a challenge rather than a defense. “What happens in the drift stays in the drift.”
Her mouth works; this time stuck less on the sweat crawling over his skin and more on how quickly she’s been made. “I didn’t say I was going to.”
“You had the look.” He shifts, hips drawing her gaze with them. When she glances back up, he seems to find that funny too. “Besides, why else would you come in here? Most shrinks I meet aren’t, hm, combat ready.”
“I-I work out!”
His eyebrows raise, mouth following suit. “That so?”
She flexes arm, baring what, in her humble opinion, is no small bicep. Kiki might have her beat, but in K-science terms she’s practically buff. “See?”
Obi slinks close, hunching over, jo and all, to give her offering a good squint. With a hum she’d like to think is at least mildly impressed, he straightens, suddenly so close she can smell the sweat on him and the faint whiff of his deodorant.
“Well then, I stand corrected.” His smile stretches Cheshire-wide as he steps aside, sweeping out a hand. “Don’t let me stop you.”
Shirayuki peers past him, fighting to keep the grimace from her face. She works out, sure, but more along the lines of slow and low. Yoga. Tai chi. Pilates. Things that promote mind and body balance. But even in the gym, all the equipment is meant for bulking muscle, for building the sort of bodies that can bear up a skyscraper. And the combat room...
Well the only equipment here is the jo in their rack and the tatami on the floor. This isn’t for people looking to do a pull up, it’s for rangers looking to spar.
“Tell you what, Doc,” Obi says, no small amount of amusement or pity in his voice. “I could use a cool down.”
His jo whips down from his shoulders, lightning fast, hands thrusting out in the air, and she--
Her hand rises to match, catching the jo mid-air. She sags under it, a little heavier than she expected from a stick that size, but keeps her feet under her. She glances back at Obi, wide-eyed, but he just lifts his brows, impressed. “How about we go a round, you and me?”
It’s a normal request-- maybe not to her, but the rangers certainly aren’t shy about taking conversations to the tatami. But Obi’s voice does something with it, pushes it down into a register that feels more mattress than mat, and she shivers as she lets the jo drop more naturally into her grip. “Me?”
“Well, I really thought you wouldn’t catch it.” His chin juts toward her staff. “But it looks like you at least know how to hold it.”
Her finger flex around the wood, settling against its smooth surface. “I’ve done it once or twice.”
A half dozen years ago, but he doesn’t need to know that.
His mouth twitches. “Great.”
Obi’s not a mountain of a man, not like Mitsuhide, but when he falls into stance, he could make himself one. It would take an earthquake to move him, and she has the world’s smallest lever. “Come at me.”
Shirayuki shuffles awkwardly on the mat, twisting the jo to rest on both her hands. It feels like she’s got two left ones holding it-- neither one of them are as good as Kiki’s-- but muscle serves her better than memory. Center yourself, Grampa told her, yanking her chest above her hips, feel the earth come to meet you. You’ll be part of it one day, and it’s ready.
Morbid, but it works. Her spine jolts into a straight line, weight teetering between her feet, and she takes her swing.
Obi doesn’t try to dodge. He could-- even in that split second, his muscles twitch, goading him to flee-- but he just raises his staff, a jolt she feels right down to her shoulders. The puny clack echoes in her ears. It’s nothing even close to how him and Zen were sparring.
“Go ahead.” He shifts his weight as she recovers, bracing himself. “Again.”
Right. Her feet flatten against the mat-- or at least they try to, pressing instead against the foam of her sneakers. Her sneakers that she’s still wearing, since she came in here thinking there would be an elliptical, or weights, or not this.
That won’t do at all. She toes them off, setting them at the edge of the tatami, the only spectators to her impending humiliation.
She hesitates, fingers peeling socks over her heels. Obi’s already said she won’t get any information out of him; she doesn’t need to do this. She could walk away right now, and the only consequence would be his teasing. And yet--
And yet, Shirayuki walks back, feet grounding against the weave beneath them. The jo settles between her hands. Obi grins.
When she moves again, it’s with more confidence, memory fueling her strike. He catches it again, but this time it doesn’t rattle her. At least, not until he moves too, viper fast, and then she’s scrambling again. She’s no noodle-armed K-science geek, no matter what Obi might say, but when she thrusts her staff up overhead to meet his swing, her arms tremble, teeth jangling in her mouth.
Obi retreats, amusement clinging to his lips, and she huffs. Maybe she can’t take the same sort of beating Kiki can, but she isn’t about to be some pushover.
She comes at him again, lower this time, on the outside. He’s not prepared-- she can tell the way his eyes widen-- but reflexes smooth his response, drawing her back with a few of his own strikes, and then--
Then it’s just trading blows. Not like his spar with Zen; he’s too skilled and she’s too inexperienced for this to be anything but a planned draw, for him to do anything but go easy on her. But still, still-- there’s a strange electricity every time they meet, more than just their jo rising to meet each other, an anticipation--
Obi steps back, brow furrowed. “Hm.”
Shirayuki’s panting, drenched, and he’s barely broken a sweat. “Is something wrong?”
It certainly doesn’t feel wrong to her.
“N-no.” He plucks her jo from her grip, the swagger gone from his hips as he mounts it on the wall beside his. “Just. Interesting.”
“Interesting?” she prompts hopefully.
Obi shrugs, like there’s an itch between his shoulders. “Did you need anything else, Doc?”
“I...” She bites down on the impulse to ask, to demand to know if he felt it too. “No. I should, um. Get going.”
“Nowhere to go but people to see, huh?” he laughs, but it’s weaker than his usual, stilted.
“Yeah,” she breathes, turning away. “Something like that.”
We just fit, Mitsuhide said with that strange look on his face, a yearning she knows now. If that makes sense.
“Obi?” Even to her own ears, her voice sounds distant, like it’s coming from another mouth, not her own. Maybe it’s just because she’s bent in half, working cotton over sweaty toes. Maybe it’s because it feels like she’s only working with half a body.
His head swivels, chin peeking over his shoulder. “Yeah, Doc?”
“It wasn’t you, was it?” He blinks, head tilting with confusion, and she clarifies, “It wasn’t your failure.”
His breath tumbles from his like wind over water; she swears she can feel the ripples of it even where she stands. “No,” he says, so soft it’s nearly lost over the rattle of the vents. “Not yet.”
The static fizzles on her skin, belly rocking as she bends to slip on her sneakers, and oh, Mitsuhide’s words might not have made sense before, but--
But she’s worried they’re starting to now.
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Re-post from r/MeehanSurvivors Reddit Community. An Enthusiastic Sobriety Counselor Survivor Story.
TW: References to child pornography, conversion therapy, homophobia, masturbation, and sex.
I would love nothing more than to preserve my admiration for the program, if only for the reason that it would be easier to do so, but after years of being deceived, I find it utterly absurd to disregard any contempt on the basis of the misplaced gratitude that it saved my life. While the program undoubtedly contributed to my success in a number of ways, it has nevertheless become clear that I’ve walked away with trauma that, even after all of this time, I fail to wholly understand. What I do know, however, is that my disillusionment with enthusiastic sobriety is heavily rooted in how I was treated, as the people who claimed to love me evidently made it their mission to eradicate who I was and, likewise, transform me into a duller, lesser version of themselves. I will never know who I could’ve been had they honored the parts of myself that needed nurturing, only who I am today and the damage I’ve since been left with.
From the moment I joined the program, I knew exactly what its expectations were. It was made abundantly clear throughout the treatment process, where I was bombarded with endless conversations about what it meant to be a winner - a concept given context far beyond a sober individual working the twelve steps. I was not only told how to behave, but what to believe about every area of my life. It did not matter if those areas were deeply personal, as evidenced by the countless discussions related to sex; in fact, I would not only learn who we could and could not fantasize about while masturbating, but what we could and could not do sexually - as if we could not be trusted to determine for ourselves the actions we take in our own bedrooms. I also found myself on the receiving end of many conversations revolving around whether or not it was acceptable to shave one’s own pubic region, as was a commonly held belief that a shaved pubic region was not only unnecessary, but a product of one’s own vanity that, incidentally, mimics child pornography. Perhaps more disturbing, however, was the ideology surrounding pornography, in general, that we were ordinarily subjected to. We were first told that no self-respecting woman would want to be with a man who’s actively watching porn; then, we were told that it alters a man’s behavior so much that women will be able to recognize whether or not they watch it. The possibility of romance was used as a weapon against us by the counselors, as well as group members, to conform to their principles, rather than allowing us to establish our own and when that didn’t work, personal attacks were their next best option. I remember being asked if I really wanted to be the guy who’s strung out on porn the rest of his life, as if it was some kind of crippling addiction that would keep me from getting anything I ever wanted out of life. Even more importantly, however, it was through these frequent exchanges that I became familiarized with “Pavlov’s Dog Theory,” a scientific study so bastardized by the counselors that it existed solely to explain away the possibility of any non-heterosexual orientation. Being insecure with my own sexuality, it was of course music to my ears to discover that my attraction to the same sex, a perversion as I then recognized it, was the result of watching too much porn and could be easily resolved by the work outlined by the program. For the next few years, I would work endlessly to alter my sexual orientation back to “normal” and apparently did so well enough that I was eventually asked to attend the Meehan Institute of Counselor Training.
When I was in counselor training, most of what we discussed had very little to do with counseling; in fact, the information required to pass the state-mandated test was tossed aside in exchange for the radically inappropriate teachings that came directly from the program itself. Examples of this, of course, include the explanation that non-heterosexual orientations were not only “unnatural” but an expression of one’s perverse desire for instant gratification, usually resulting from either their addiction to porn, as I had already learned in outpatient, or their unresolved childhood trauma. It was also reasoned that an attraction to the same sex was often a natural consequence of being in an abusive relationship with a member of the opposite sex, a belief supported only by the theory that the person, in question, had unlikely resolved their own fear of getting hurt again. Some people were just “pussies” that had decided to seek the “easier, softer way,” an almost comical assumption given that there is nothing “easier” or “softer” about being queer. I would actually be referred to as a “pussy” while sharing to one of the program's many directors that I had sexual thoughts about other men. His solution for me was that since “there is nothing romantic about two men butt fucking each other,” I should spend the time wasted fantasizing about that on where I would like to take a girl on a date. It’s these ways of thinking that we, who’s families spend $5,600 to send us to counselor training, learn for the three months that we’re there. It’s these three months, where we are taught that absurdity is a natural substitute for science, that earn us the right to then counsel others, many of whom are children. I never could've imagined the abuse that would follow, despite the seeds that had been sown throughout the better part of my recovery.
A few weeks after I graduated from counselor training, when I was working the Step One shift, a couple of the program's directors took me away from it to smoke cigars with them. It was there that they talked to me about how I needed to work on developing more masculine qualities, perhaps by engaging in a hobby that was, according to them, “outside of my comfort zone.” Later on, one of my coworkers would lecture me for the way I had reached out to a girl in the group, explaining that she, along with others, might think that I’m gay for agreeing to watch a “chick flick” with her. Another coworker would make fun of me for crying to a song that reminded me of my dead parent, for the reason that it was, according to her, a “gay” thing to do. In one of the monthly purpose meetings, the director made jokes about me being “inside” of another male counselor - something that was received only with laughter. Bob Meehan himself would even tell the training class following my own that while I deserved the upmost respect for taking everyone’s shit, I was probably gay. When I would share how I felt, in reference to these incidents, I was told that my options were either to “change it” or to “own it.” I began to internalize all of this and, due to my own desire to be accepted, I began working even harder to change these qualities that had been deemed unacceptable by those around me. I would later be celebrated in a purpose for denouncing a dramatic television show for the reason that when I watched it, it made me feel like a “faggot;” however, even that wouldn’t satisfy those around me, as my sponsor, who was also my coworker, would suggest that I stop watching Friends, as well, due to the fact that it was the kind of show his wife watched. I would experience similar criticism from yet another coworker who suggested that I only liked “girly shit” for “shock value” and that it was nothing more than my ego attempting to differentiate myself from everyone else. If by now you’re wondering why I even participated in these conversations, all I can say is that it was always in pursuit of becoming a better man and I trusted that the staff had those answers. I couldn't have been more wrong, as I can't help but notice today that what I was subjected to is in direct opposition of the very laws that protect employees from this kind of treatment by their employers; however, in the program, what’s illegal is classified as “spiritual.”
For years, I felt relegated to a subclass of human existence and for what reason? I spent years working on the things that made my life unmanageable primarily because the people around me decided that it was. Furthermore, I was promised that if I stopped watching porn, which I did for years, my brain would rewire itself and I would no longer be attracted to men. As stupid as that sounds now, why wouldn’t I, as an 18 year old, believe what I was hearing from who I only presumed to be trained professionals? I trusted them and really worked hard to take their every suggestion, going as far as becoming a member of Sexaholics Anonymous, despite the fact that I had never even had sex at that point. It was nothing if not incredibly painful to do the same thing over and over again, only to be told to get up and try again by the very people who would describe that as insanity in any other case. I was never once told that what I was doing wasn’t working for me; instead, I was told to try harder. In all of the time I spent in the program, I was never even given the option to try something different until after quitting, when someone told me that my sexual orientation, whatever it may be, was perfectly acceptable and far from a determining factor in my ability to effectively work a program. It took years to hear that, the majority of which were spent somewhere that I definitely should have. That is not only unacceptable but they should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.
Alas, the problem I have with the program is not necessarily that they’ll never apologize to me, but that they lack the self-awareness to even consider it. When I shared my concerns about the program with one of their counselors, he dismissed them with the statement that it’s a perfect program ran by imperfect people and that I should judge them not by their actions, but by their intentions, which coincidentally, contradicts the program’s reliance on a quote from the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous that states exactly the opposite. He also told me that I was angry and resentful, despite the fact that I was neither. When I shared my concerns with another counselor, he dismissed them with the suggestion that perhaps the counseling I received, in regards to my sexual orientation, resulted from how I presented it to the staff. His feedback was not only highly insulting, but a complete bastardization of the facts. Not only was I brutally honest about that area of my life, so much that it's all I spoke of, but I was the client and it was far from my role to ensure that the counselors did their job. I was little more than a child at the time; nevertheless, the implication that my negative experiences were all my fault only served as evidence that any attempt to cooperate with the program, and convince them of the ways in which I was harmed, is futile. Why would I want to, anyway, after years of watching any criticism of the program be rationalized as the delusions of “bailed kids” or “disgruntled ex-staff?” The only answer would be to prevent it from happening again, although to think that outcome is even a possibility appears naïve at best. They’ve made it abundantly clear where they stand, that they’re right, everyone else is wrong, and there’s no reason for them to change anything - lest of course it threatens their credibility, which in that case they only become more insidious in their transgressions.
TLDR: The program not only intrusively dictates the sex lives of their clients, but has proven itself to be particularly unloving toward those who are LGBTQIA+. It is a cultural issue that can not be reduced to a few examples of bad counseling. It is clear that they see no reason whatsoever to change this.
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Writer Spotlight: Everina Maxwell
Everina Maxwell is the author of Winter’s Orbit. She lives and works in Yorkshire, where she collects books and kills houseplants. She grew up in Sussex, UK, where she was lucky enough to live near a library that stocked Lois McMaster Bujold, Anne McCaffrey, and Terry Pratchett. And so she spent all her spare time devouring science fiction and doorstopper fantasy, her family’s Georgette Heyer collection always a reliable friend when the library books ran out. Everina first took part in NaNoWriMo in 2004 and continues to precariously balance writing, a day job, and watching Let’s Plays of video games she claims she doesn’t have time to play. You can find her online at everinamaxwell.com.
Your book is chock full of tropes—slow burn, arranged marriage, and more. Which trope is your favorite and why?
Slow-burn mutual pining. There’s something incredibly compelling about two people who barely notice they’re falling in love until it hits them in the face, and it’s even better when there’s a reason (it does have to be a good reason) that they both know the other one won’t want them and they can’t take it any further. By this point, they've memorized everything from the shape of the other one’s soul to the freckle on the inside of their elbow, but all they can do is Keep Doing The Job And Not Make Things Weird.
What’s your favorite thing about Winter’s Orbit?
The extroverted, golden retriever, if-I-don’t-get-to-talk-to-anyone-today-I-MAY-die Prince Kiem is probably my favorite. Although he’s an absolute disaster in many areas of his life, he’s good with people, and it was fun to write someone who genuinely likes everyone and wants to be liked himself. Also, I enjoyed the other main character just constantly sitting across from him going, “um, what,” as Kiem carries 90% of the conversation.
Do you ever experience writer’s block? If so, where do you seek out inspiration when it hits?
Everyone’s in different places on the 'planning' to 'winging it' spectrum. I get stuck if I don’t know what’s going to happen over the next few scenes, plus I need to have a vague idea where the story’s going. Writer’s block is usually a signal I haven’t hit the level of planning I need or that my brain isn’t happy with the plan I have. Actual planning can be awful; I usually take lots of long walks with film soundtracks until something clicks.
If you could spend one year on a deserted island with one character from literature, who would you choose?
Miles Vorkosigan from the Vorkosigan saga—he would absolutely have driven me mad by Hour Two, but that’s coincidentally the amount of time it would take him to build a boat out of his left sock and some twine and get us off the island.
Do you have any advice for other writers on Tumblr?
Writing Winter’s Orbit taught me not to be afraid of leaning into what you love since that’s what’s most likely to resonate with other people. It turns out you’re just allowed to throw in all your favorite things, and no one will stop you. So if you’re wondering which direction to go: put in what you like, good luck, and good writing!
Thanks, Everina! You can follow Everina’s Tumblr here. Winter’s Orbit is out today at booksellers everywhere.
1282 notes • Posted 2021-02-02 15:00:47 GMT
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Tumblr Exclusive: Forestborn
Do you like shapeshifters, epic quests, magic, dark forests, and obstinate princes? Well, have we got an exclusive excerpt for you!
Forestborn is an upcoming @torteen novel by debut author Elayne Audrey Becker. Becker graduated from Vassar College with a BA in classics and history. She is currently continuing her education at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland after time spent as an editor with a New York publisher. She grew up with a lake and woods as her backyard, spending long days outside and visiting national parks with her family.
Forestborn will be available at bookstores everywhere from August 31. Read the exclusive excerpt below, and thanks again to Elayne for sharing her inspiration moodboard with us!
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Writer Spotlight: Martha Wells
It’s finally time. Martha Wells returns to her bestselling Murderbot Diaries series with a new novella, Fugitive Telemetry. A seasoned writer of sci-fi and fantasy, she is known for The Wizard Hunters, Wheel of the Infinite, the ‘Books of the Raksura’ series, and the Nebula-nominated The Death of the Necromancer, as well as YA fantasy novels, short stories, and non-fiction. We sat down with the winner of two Hugo Awards, two Locus Awards, and a Nebula to ask her about the new installment of the series, what inspires her, and Murderbot’s blogging habits.
Can you tell us a little bit about Fugitive Telemetry? What made you want to revisit the Murderbot timeline, and what excites you most for fans returning to the series?
There’s a scene in Network Effect where Murderbot shows Thiago a video clip of when it stopped an assassination attempt on Dr. Mensah with the help of Preservation Station Security. In the clip, Murderbot has a good working relationship with the Station Security people. I wanted to go back in the timeline a little and show how Murderbot’s relationship with those characters developed; the rocky start when Murderbot was still getting acclimated to the station, and how the people on the station got acclimated to Murderbot. And I’ve always loved murder mysteries, so that seemed a fun way to do it.
N.K. Jemisin once described Murderbot as a “loveable, snarky, gender-subversive killing machine.” What first inspired you and continues to inspire you in the writing of this distinctive voice?
Whenever I start a new story, the character voice is the most important part. Once I get that, I can build the world and the plot around that voice. I got the idea for the story that became All Systems Red in the summer of 2016, and the world seemed to be going to hell in an even worse way than it usually is. I had also been thinking a lot about escapism and how books and TV can be so important to self-care and providing a mental refuge, how they can help give context for your emotions and help process trauma. I was thinking about what a character like Murderbot would go through and what it would really want, and somehow I came up with the first line of All Systems Red. The voice just followed behind it, bitter and vulnerable but also snarky and fed-up and deeply sarcastic and jaded by what it had seen of humanity.
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Do you have any advice for folks who are writing sci-fi, maybe engaged in fanfic communities, and wondering about making a career out of their writing?
Write what you love, what really appeals to you, what you’re most interested in. Also, if you want to be traditionally published, do your research and learn as much about the publishing industry as you can. There’s a lot of misinformation floating around, and it can really hurt your efforts. (Places like the resources section of the SFWA and the “Commonly Used Terms” section on Bookjobs can provide you with a lot of good information.) No matter how much you love it, professional writing is a job. It can be a very difficult one to succeed in and very rough on your emotions.
Do you have any hopes and dreams for the future of the sci-fi genre? What would you like to see more of?
In the past few years, there’s been a lot of new voices in the genre who are writing some fantastic work, pushing the boundaries of the genre in new and exciting directions, to the point where people have referred to this time as a new Golden Age of SF/F. I hope that that trend continues and that the genre continues to expand and grow.
As a writer, how do you practice self-care when juggling work commitments and the creative processes of writing and editing?
It’s not easy. :) Right now, I’m trying to go easy on myself and not push to get too much done in one day; just take it a little bit at a time. Even though I’ve been writing professionally since 1993, and I’m fairly experienced at wrestling with self-doubt, depression, and anxiety, it can still be rough.
If Murderbot had a blog, what would it be called, and what would it contain (fandoms/mood boards/incorrect quotes, etc.)?
It would probably call it something so basic as to be annoying, like “Blog.” It would have nothing except stills, publicity photos, and gifs from the shows it was watching, especially Sanctuary Moon.
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Thanks for taking the time, Martha. Fugitive Telemetry is out today!
3154 notes • Posted 2021-04-27 16:05:31 GMT
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Writer Spotlight: Alexis Nedd
It's New Release Tuesday! We caught up with Alexis Nedd (@alexisthenedd) to talk about her debut novel, Don’t Hate The Player, which is out today. Alexis is a Brooklyn-based pop culture “fanthropologist” who has only ever loved things in a big, obsessive way. As the Senior Entertainment Reporter at Mashable.com, she covers television, movies, and video games, focusing on sci-fi and fantasy universes like Game of Thrones and the MCU. When she’s not writing for money, Alexis is writing for no money on her socials, where her feeds consist of deep dives on weird history and analyzing pop culture as an artifact of society.
Don’t Hate The Player is a YA romance novel that follows two competitive eSports players as they navigate school, parents, and other IRL stuff, while preparing for their biggest (and only) tournament yet. As real life and online life collide, both find the boundaries between online and IRL slipping into each other.
Can you start by telling us a little bit about Don’t Hate The Player?
In one corner, we have Emilia Romero, a popular, high-achieving Puerto Rican girl who secretly plays Guardians League Online with the elite Team Fury. No one in her real life knows she games, and everything hinges on it staying that way. In the other corner is Jake Hooper, a quiet, detrimentally empathetic nerd who’s had a crush on Emilia for years. He plays GLO with Team Unity and thinks he’s otherwise invisible.
When Guardians League Online announces a huge tournament in their city, Jake is shocked to see Emilia competing. Jake is now the only person who knows her secret, and they have to work together to keep it...all while the tournament brings their teams closer and closer to an ultimate Fury vs. Unity showdown.
Outwardly, Jake is an awkward, suffering bundle of anxiety, quite successfully hiding his integrity and wit. What was enjoyable/difficult about writing a neurodivergent romantic lead?
I started working on DHTP around the same time I learned I had ADHD. Getting that diagnosis as an adult ushered in a really strange and painful period of reevaluating my childhood, knowing that I was neurodivergent and didn’t get the help I needed. I gave a lot of the traits I used to think made me “wrong” or “bad”—the anxiety, the spinning thoughts, the self-deprecating coping mechanisms—to Jake because writing them into a lovable character felt like correcting the narrative I had grown up writing about myself.
It was difficult to excavate all of that because that level of self-evaluation totally sucks and takes forever, but by the end, I could look at Jake and think, “if I can’t hate him for feeling this way, I have no business hating myself for having felt that way.”
DHTP comes alive in its use of online gaming maps and chatrooms. How did you approach getting those virtual places right?
I made my first internet friends when cameras on phones or laptops were still rare, so I got to know a lot of people through chatrooms and forums. People’s personalities, real or constructed, come off so strongly in those rapid-fire conversations. That solved one of the problems I knew I’d have coming into this book—how do I introduce the reader to a group of characters who aren’t going to show up until the end and make them seem like part of the story the whole time? Answer: Spy on their group chat.
It was so fun to play all five roles in those chapters and determine who uses acronyms or memes, who always punctuates, what their in-jokes say about them, and so on. Truly some of my favorite parts of DHTP are in those chats.
How important do you think it is to meaningfully include online culture in YA literature?
After the year we just had, when most social interaction moved from the analog space to the digital, I consider the transformation of “online culture” into just “culture, full stop,” complete. I say this knowing I am a fully discourse-poisoned individual, and other people or writers may have the freedom to think less about that all of the time. A significant chunk of life takes place on screens these days, so if I’m writing about life... I’m going to write about the screens.
One of the big themes of DHTP is that what happens online is real whether you like it or not. So what looks from the outside like a mummy and a snake beating a guy up outside a space church can actually be the beginning of an IRL love story. Just because it’s silly doesn’t mean it’s not important.
What makes a good beginning to a story?
I don’t have any definitive advice on this, but with DHTP and the second novel I’m currently working on, I think my favorite method is putting your main characters in a situation designed to make them act the most themselves. For DHTP, we meet Jake at a party he was invited to out of politeness, so his discomfort and anxiety are front and center. Until he meets Emilia, who is only at the party because it’s in an arcade where she can indulge her gaming obsession without her parents watching. There, now we know some important things about both characters, and from here, it’s a 75k+ word journey to get them to kiss.
What’s the first book you remember loving?
This is the hardest question anyone has ever asked me. Are you sure you wouldn’t like a nice explanation of string theory instead? I’m sure I had others, but one of my formative obsessions was A Series of Unfortunate Events because as a child, I was so often frustrated with adults who didn’t believe a single word I said just because a child was saying it. Those books capture that frustration and, more importantly, do not resolve it, which I think was kinder than telling young people that everything would be OK if we read a lot of books and placed value on facts.
As a writer, how do you practice self-care when juggling work commitments and the creative processes of writing and editing?
I simply do not. After two years of working full-time and writing this book (most of it during a global pandemic), I have mastered none of the skills required to unplug and take care of myself beyond remaining alive and upright. I do not want to project the image of someone who has the self-care matrix figured out.
You don’t have to have it figured out to make something you’re proud of. You can be exhausted and smelly and know you should probably work on that soon and still create. I don’t recommend it, but it’s possible. Ask for help when you can.
What would Emilia or Jake’s blog look like if they were on Tumblr? What kind of content would they (re)blog?
Emilia’s blog would be a secret Guardians League Online stan account. She’d reblog fanart and write incredible deep dives on strategy and lore. No one would know it was her blog, but talkswithknox.tumblr.com would be required reading for people who want to know the deep magic of the game.
Jake is mostly here to read good takes on his dashboard and learn something he didn’t know when he logged in. He has never written an original post, and that’s fine.
Thanks so much for taking the time, Alexis! Don't Hate The Player is on shelves from today (and it's really, really good).
3986 notes • Posted 2021-06-15 16:06:11 GMT
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Writer Spotlight: Loryn Brantz
Loryn Brantz is the creator of the best-selling board book series Feminist Baby, The Good Advice Cupcake, Jellybean Comics, and Blanket: Journey to Extreme Coziness, as well as being a two-time Emmy winner. She is currently a Creative Director at BuzzFeed, where her work has been as silly as Disney princesses with realistic hair and as serious as mental health advocacy. Loryn lives in New York City with her husband, architect Jake J Brotter, and (non-architect) baby Dalia. She is trying her best.
What was the inspiration for Blanket: Journey to Extreme Coziness?
This book was actually inspired by a comic I made a few years ago, which was formerly inspired by a real-life occurrence! It took a while to translate it to a children’s book, though.
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How did you begin writing children’s literature?
I’ve been writing stories and drawing pictures for as long as I can remember—so it was just a natural progression as I got older. I initially went to school for traditional animation, but I missed being able to have a hand in every part of the process: story, character, colors, etc. So I started taking any book illustration job I could get while pitching my own ideas.
You’ve got a unique art style—what tools do you use to create your illustrations?
It depends on the project, but for BLANKET, I used photoshop, photographs, and various textures to create a more collaged hand-done look. But more often than not, I just use a photoshop brush on the ol’ Cintiq.
You’ve written for television, the internet, and have authored books—how does the writing process vary for these different forms?
The ideation process is surprisingly similar. The main difference, I think, is formatting and production—whether it’s printed on paper or you press a “publish” button, and it rockets into the internet-sparkle-space. For everything I do, I’m always thinking: “What do I wish I could see in this medium,” and “What would benefit people the most in this medium.”
What parts of yourself have you put into your characters?
Oo, this is a funny question! See below:
Jellybean Comics: My general human feelings—being tired, trying your best, being in love, insecurities, just trying to get through it all.
The Good Advice Cupcake: The feeling of being underestimated for acting “cute” or feminine but knowing I can f*ck shit up when I need to. Also, aggressive optimism (which comes and goes for me but is stable for Cuppy).
Feminist Baby: We both don’t like being told what to do!
Blanket: Loving to get COZY.
How do you practice self-care?
Unfortunately, I have been having trouble finding time to care for myself lately—between the pandemic, parenting, my kid’s special needs therapies, full-time job, and freelance jobs 🙃—but I do try to do this thing I call the “15 Minute Flail,” daily. I put on some music and set a timer to flail about for 15 minutes. It’s shocking how much better I feel during the day with just a little bit of moving around. I jump in place, punch the air, kick, do crunches, etc.—and then I always lay down and just focus on breathing for the last minute. Highly recommend it!
Do you have any advice for writers and illustrators on Tumblr?
Create the work you want to see in the world! Also, I always have to remind myself that with art, often the best part of the process is creating it! So don’t worry about the outcome as much—just try to be present while you’re making cool shit.
Thanks, Loryn! Blanket: Journey to Extreme Coziness is available now at booksellers everywhere. You can follow Loryn on Tumblr at @loryn-brantz-illustration. Her website is https://www.lorynbrantz.com/.
4813 notes • Posted 2021-02-11 16:30:55 GMT
Get your very own Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
21 notes · View notes
Happy new year everyone 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I know 2020 has been hard for everyone.
And I want everyone to know, suffering isn't a contest and we all suffer in different ways. But I feel I should give my year in Review. Just some things that happened to me personally.
This was an intense, and long and spiritual and emotional journey for me...
I really discovered what it meant to have community, family and what my life means to me.
But I feel I need to get this in writing cause I can remember the year with vivid detail and I will probably forget if I don't get it down.
Do I have to share this publically online to my tumblr account for a bunch of strangers to see? not really.
Do I want to?
Yes. I think so. Just from how so many people on tumblr and real life have touched me.
This is kinda long and no one needs to read this.
(idk how to do a readmore on mobile. But this is where I would add it later. No one needs to read if they don't want to.)
January/February: (and some background on the last five years of my life cause.....well. it's important.)
As people knew, I got way into Invader Zim last summer. I spent most of my waking life working a dead end job at a grocery store. I lived a sad lonely life, going straight home to a single dark studio apartment. With not many material possessions outside of games, my laptop and my tablet to my name. Half of my material loves, such as home furnishings and books were still in boxes from when I moved in. In case I ever had to move again, or get some "big screenshot or copywriter" job in the city.
I lived in that city in the same dead end job and apartment for five years.
No friends. No social life. I often refused to make doctor appointments or attempt to establish myself in that city. I didn't even talk to anyone in my workplace.
Work. Go online. Go to sleep.
I lived like that for five years.
I thought it was good.
Even my therapist thought I was doing well.
When I really wasn't. My main character flaw I struggle with is motivation.
I can talk to someone about very detailed plans I have to fix a problem... But I tend to never follow through.
Just because I can describe in detail how to fix my personal problems, it doesn't mean I will do it.
(I have gotten better at this but it's a major struggle)
I might have been a Zombie during the day...
But by night I was pouring my soul into my AU and my analysis.
After being so thoughly ignored or overlooked by the Naruto fandom and the Undertale fandom, I felt like I had finally found my home and was settling into a community there.
I just loved that people loved what I had to say.
Especially my AU.
It's no secret that a lot of themes in my au revolve around found family, grief, and loss.......
Fatherhood, in particular.
What it means to be a father, how much do you need to try when you mess up, how willing should a child forgive their parent, especially those that have wronged you and how much of it is factually accurate and simply a self projection of what children want their parents to be and visa versa... What amount of forgiveness and change is nessasary...is it needed?
It's no secret that a lot of my AU is a giant coping mechanism for my Dad's death. Espessially the falling out and growing closer with a lot of my family members throughout the years following his death. (Most of the time I keep it ambiguous to how it relates to my personal life unless I include a readmore that states so outright. I feel my au can be enjoyed by a variety of people in the fandom who don't need to know me as a person or my life story.)
My Dad passed away in 2016 in February and my family still feels the aftershocks to this day.
It's part of the reason I moved to the city, alienated myself from my family and people that loved me and refused to experience life for five years.
My entire world was Zim, and I was okay.
March: When America finally realized and started to feel the effects of the pandemic....
A lot of people got scared.
Me included.
I didn't have any streaming services or access to the news. So I only heard accounts from my mom.
I didn't understand why the store was so dead quiet and empty for a few days, then it went into mass chaos and panic in the span of two days.
It felt like Retail black friday in the worst way. Everyone was packed like sardines. Everyone was yelling. The lines at the registers bled into the clothing department.
I was witness to customers shoving others for toilet paper, being rude to cashier's and just overall unpleasantness.
At the time, I didn't even fully grasp what the pandemic was, and I feel a lot of people at the time didn't either.
I ended up absentmindedly scratching my eyebrow in front of a customer and she screamed and villanised me for it. That they didn't want groceries touched by my "unclean hands"
I ended up breaking down into tears.
The customer behind me gave me a hug and told me I was doing a great job.
But the damage was done. It was the final straw, I couldn't stop crying and I was breaking apart.
Thankfully my Boss (the one who likes me) pulled me aside and asked what's wrong.
It was then that I quit. No notice. Same day. I had to get out of there.
I was planning to move to an apartment with my sister in the summer, but my Mom offered for me to move back in with her temperarily just so I can get out of the city and away from the pandemic.
So I did.
I got scared, broke my lease a month early and quit my job of five years that gave me nothing back.
He told me, "take care of yourself and your family, I won't keep you here, do what you need to do."
So I did.
A very eventful few months.
My mom offered for me to live at her place, but for some reason she was acting like I would live there forever. That this wasn't a temporary arrangement, and that I didn't have an apartment set up already.
This was in large part to my sister, who had lived with my mom taking advantage of her for years.
Even though my sister and I were going to move in together, I was just never sure about it cause of how she never packed her stuff or made any effort to find a job.
My mom often acted like I was lazy and not searching and was treating me like... Well, an unruly teenager instead of a woman of 29 years. She acted like I was a failure for returning home when it was her idea in the first place.
I would have just been petrified in the city.
Like usual, I retreated to my au again.... And in the spring, something eventful happened.
In may, 8th 2020:
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I was invited by @rissynicole to join an invader zim discord.
Now, I've never really used discord before. I always thought it's interface is too confusing.. and I'm a member of a few other iz discords and I usually don't follow them that closely.
Rissy assured me it was different cause some friends of thiers made it and it was smaller.
Before I knew it, I was sharing memes and getting to know everyone there.
It wasn't long after I invited my partner in IZ crimes, @paketdimensioncomic who was genuinely wary of iz servers due to a bad experience with the last one they were a part of.
But soon they were sharing memes and laughing with everyone else.
My eyes were starting to open and I was able to connect to fans of my work in an interpersonal way. And I was able to discover new artists and aus I never knew about.
I was also able to meet so many others of the community and invite them to the server myself.
The moo-ping 10 server kept me sane while I was living with my judgmental mother.
Not only that, the summer was very productive for my au.
Drawing was all I did, and it was a huge break from the job as a cashier I had.
Not only that, June came, and with it, me and Ceph's first collab fic:
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A result of us just going back and forth in our DMs constantly about Professor Membrane and how he changed in ETF for the better and how much we adamantly stan "trying-to-be-a-good-dad-brane" and how much of his ETF development has to be implied off screen in order for the emotional resolution in the movie to matter.
The only reason I never professed my love for Membrane as a character in the fandom before the fic dropped was.... Well....
Membrane can be a decisive character in the fandom and I was so worried people would hate me if I did an analysis on him, simply because he's not the best parent in the world. (As an understatement)
Ceph and I really encouraged each other to scream our love for the science himbo loud and proud more frequently and so often.... I actually start to see less Membrane hate posts and breakdowns then their used to be.... I like to think it's a combination of Me and Ceph's influence, along with ETF and the Quarterly's painting Membrane in a slightly more nuanced light then he was previously.
I never wrote a collab fic before and it's such a rewarding and fun and unique experience that I don't think I'll ever have again. And I love working with Ceph on our fics so much.
So much so we did it again...
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I never thought I would be one of those people who writes NSFW IZ fic... But here I am.
The Brainbrane au started.... An au of my au where Membrane and the Computer fall in love and Membrane makes him a body.
This ship was based around the idea where we joked that Membrane and Zim's Computer would have funny interactions if they ever met, under the pretense Membrane thinks Computer is Zim's parent.
Our headcanons morphed and shifted until we just full blown started shipping them.
Just because Membrane and Zim's Computer have overall REALLY entertaining chemistry.
It's a character dynamic never seen in the show or comics (yet) and I imagine thier interactions to be nothing but entertaining banter.
The fic was also born from spite... Making fun of the troupes and cliches that we found personally destestible in some questionable zadr fics.
So an angry ace and a demi-bisexual collab on a porn and end up blessing the fandom with
Compapa headcanons,
Computer being recognized as a more common used fanon character,
The ship of Brainbrane.
The fandom having a crisis of "oh God, not only are we xenophiles we're technophiles too!!!" Or "why you gotta give Zim's Computer an ass"
More android Computer designs
It was an eventful summer.
In the midst of all this, I moved into my new place, got a new job, and I was able to see my friend (who is def my platonic straight soul mate) who lives in Indiana.
She came to visit, showed me how to decorate and how to take care of my body better! Things were looking up! It was great.
My job was at a boat store. If was approaching the fall and my hours were being severely cut.
I was getting into a rut of depression again.
I thought things were changing but the same routine I was trying to escape from was the same thing coming back.
But instead of letting it take hold, I decided I was going to do something about it... I was gonna visit a museum and go with my sister. Just... variety stimulation.
Well that didn't happen.
I talked about this shortly in my au itself...but..
My sister had a complete mental breakdown.
She stopped taking her meds, went off the deep end and was in the hospital a total of five times throughout November.
A lot of it was acting out and the perfect storm of environmental factors that made her scream and act out so she would keep going back to the hospital.
It was traumatizing for me.
I just can't explain what it's like. For her and for me to be in that position.
I'm not telling the full story and a lot of bullshit things happened I won't share here.
She got diagnosed with bipolar one and my mom expected me to be a caretaker for her.
I threatened to disown my family and move away out of state.
It was just too much for me to handle.
So much I was a nervous wreck.
I tried to pick up a second job... Cause my sister was in the mental ward so frequently and couldn't pay the bills.
But I was fired within a week cause I was so stressed I couldn't retain the basic information they were training me for.
It was an office job.
My dream.
It could have been.
I was fired from something I really wanted.
I was only there for three days.
I could not retain any information.
I was a mess.
My sister was a trigger, my mom wanted me to live with her. I couldn't live like this.... I had to get out.
I had to get out.
Remember my Indiana friend?
Well the first week of December is my birthday.
My 30th to be exact.
While I did pick up a seasonal position at Target (not my first pick)
I took the first week of December off so I could spend time with her. Cause she agreed, I needed a break from this crap.
Surviving 30 years is cause to celebrate and if I had to celebrate with my sister I would have cried.
I know there was a risk traveling out of state during a pandemic...
But I needed out, I needed a friend..
And I kinda wanted to look at the place since I was considering moving there.
My friend's mom was sick so she avoided me and her daughter and got us a hotel room.
It was fun! I got to swim in a salt water pool, we talked about Naruto, I showed her the iz and su art books I brought, also Computer and Membrane tea.
I also got to meet her other friends and get crunk. And her bf who is super nice and funny!
I had a super fun birthday....
Until her mom told my friend that her grandparents had covid and that was what she had. And my friend got sick within that same day.... As did I.
I owe so much to her family.
I was an entire state away...about a ten hour drive from home.... She let me stay at her house. "The covid house" we called it.
Cause everyone (except the father. He avoided everyone and booked a hotel immediately cus he was an ER doctor) had covid within a day.
I called in, the test results were positive and I had to stay with her family for ten days quarantine before I could work again.
Which would have been fine....
If my tumblr didn't log me out perminately of my old account. @dana-chan325 .... Which really sucked cause I had a constant headache and was too sick to engage with tumblr or much of the fandom. I didn't want to make a new account when my head was in a bad fog and I could barely breathe or smell.
It's not like I saw much of my friend either.... We all slept at different hours and she had more symptoms then I did.
It was just netflix, danganronpa v3 and cry.
I was miserable, but at the same time.... Not?
I really feel like God himself was the one who pulled me off from tumblr, and my living situation.
Maybe a whole extra week feeling like a bobblehead was what I needed.
It gave me some much needed clarity on my relationships with my mom and sis and friend.
Running away to Indiana was not the solution here.
Once I was better within ten days and no longer had a leave of absence, I drove home.
I am glad I fully recovered (but from how I understand it, my dear friend is still ill. I'm praying for her)
I might have gone to work a bit too soon, cause I had an asthma attack after trying to unload a single cart in the span of six hours.
My boss lectured that my speed was unacceptable, and even though I explained the covid situation and breathing problems many times, she threatened that I'd be fired if I'm that slow again.
Que the next few days of work where they put me on register.
Instantly I was sent into a panic remembering the last time I was on the register and how that panic attack caused me to quit.
I even asked if I could go back to stocking, since my breathing had improved. My boss assured me that I was put on the register cause they needed help and nothing to do with my covid thing.
Then as December concluded and the new year began, my boss said that this was the last shift for me cause my position was seasonal and they were letting a lot of people go.
I then asked why I was on the schedule for Sunday, and he told me to ignore it and I'm free to reapply for full-time.
I mean.... They can act smart about it...
But putting your general merchandise stocker onto register after she had an asthma attack and missed working the first two weeks of December due to covid.....
Not a good look.
So once again, I'm jobless once more.
Will probably continue to live with my sister for awhile.
But I do not feel as if it's a bad thing....
I met so many good people this year....
My friend's family even gave me 500 usd to cover my rent since I couldn't work for a majority of December.
I've seen evil and good from humanity this year. I've seen acts of god, good friends and what my real family means to me as well as friends I consider family.
This year really made me look back at the person in the mirror and say,
"I deserve better."
And actually worked for it this time.
Oh and after Christmas I got a horrible yeast infection that burns over most of my body currently.
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Very accurate doodle to the pain I'm in right now.
(seriously my body is a fungus.)
But hey, good news, I respected myself enough to go to the doctor about it!!
So that's progress.
I really hope 2021 holds good things for me.
Thank you to the mooping 10 server for always being there and keeping me sane,
Thank you tumblr for liking my au and everything.
AND A SUPER SPECIAL THANK YOU TO @evartandadam and her family for housing me and my dumb diseased ass. Everyone, she is an angel and I can't express how much she means to me. Please check out her art and buy her stuff on redbubble.
Anyways... Byebye 2020.
I look forward to what I can accomplish for myself this year.
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