#as we've seen in tsc
kevindavidday · 4 months
i was re-re-re-reading lessons in cartography by profenity (as one does) and i was hit with such an insane affection for andreil suddenly like i was 16 reading the same two people fall for each other and thinking yeah that sure is love and almost a decade later my thoughts haven't changed at all? cause ykw that™ sure is love
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joanofexys · 5 months
honestly the implication with what we know of Jeremy's home life thus far that not only is his personality not an act but that he actively chooses to be good despite being in a family where he goes out of his way to avoid his brother because the two can't see each other without conflict, where his sister won't attend his games and is mad at him for sticking with exy, and he still chooses to pursue the things he loves and do good things and be the kindest person he can be despite not being perfect and living in a house full people who seem to hate it is just such a wonderful part of his character
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thousand-winters · 2 years
"Alastair took the spot after Thomas; as they passed each other, their hands touched lightly. They were always touching—Alastair straightening Thomas's tie, Thomas ruffling Alastair's hair—much to Sona's amusement. Cordelia found it quite sweet."
They are sweet, the sweetest ❤️
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helenofblackthorns · 1 year
belial is the worst tsc villian ever because his motivations make no sense and are quite frankly stupid. why did he spend a whole book putting an enormous amount of effort into possessing Jesse and killing a grand total of five people and very briefly summoning his brother to earth to fight one (1) Institute... like in what way did any of that help achieve his ultimate goal of crowning himself King of England I don't get it. mind you he's a literal Prince of Hell and claims he's the one who gave Lucifer the idea to rebel against God like truly why does he care this much 💀
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ninyard · 4 months
how do you think jean would be post tsc duology with his sexuality with jeremy like i feel like he’s been put into this submissive role at the nest but idk if that was something he enjoyed
Oh you’ve opened a can of worms anon. Here’s a not so short but typically messy, as per usual, look into Jean’s sexuality.
Firstly, I think there are a million different nuances and anomaly’s and sides to Jean’s sexuality. Jean Moreau: whose first girlfriend was a plane ticket to the United States. We don’t know much about his childhood, but we can only imagine it wasn’t pleasant; If he’s anything like Neil, did he date at all as a kid/young teen?
So - let’s picture it. We’re a little while into Jean’s time with the Trojans, we're a little while into Jean and Jeremy figuring each other out, and the sex conversations comes up.
Now, personally, I don't believe that Jean's response to his trauma is anything like Andrew's - we've seen he doesn't seem to have an issue being touched, and nor does he seem to have an issue with sexuality in general. But things that I believe he does have a problem with?
His sexuality, and knowing what he wants vs what he believes is expected of him.
I think Jean has an incredible amount of shame around his interest in men. Most of it having been beaten into him, instilled by Riko into him. I think his gut response to pull away and reject advances and pretend his interest in men doesn't exist comes mostly from that, or from hearing Kevin say to him that it was far too difficult a life to be the child of a legacy and interested in men. How the public would react, how professional exy teams and the media would respond; it's always easier to be heterosexual. It always has been.
The first hurdle Jean has to jump over is that; allowing himself to desire men, to feel like that is okay, to feel like he deserves the way that Jeremy looks at him. The Trojans help, far more than they even know. Cat and Laila help. All of the queer couples and out-and-proud folks on the team help. Immeasurably. It normalises it for him, and he sees how safe they are, how unpunished they are, and whether its subconscious or not, being around them all really helps destroy his bone-deep shame. But he gets past it. At some stage he admits that his sexuality is unimportant to him, as it truly is, but he feels comfortable enough say well, yes, his attraction does also extend to men. It will never be more important that Exy. But it exists. It just eventually becomes a far smaller deal to him that it had originally been.
Skip some time, some awkward and painful conversations, and Jean and Jeremy are together. How that happens, I don't know - do they hook up first? Do they date for a while before they get there? But, when they get there, there comes this point a handful of times in where Jeremy realises he has been leading their encounters a whole lot more than Jean is. In fact, when he thinks about it, as comfortable as Jean insists that he is, he is not in control at all. He follows Jeremy's lead. Jeremy thinks about Kevin's awkward comment the day he was asked to sign Jean.
"Tell me what you want." Jeremy says, having thought too much about it, having wondered if he was imagining things.
"You," Jean responds, maybe. "That is all."
Jeremy sits back and he looks at him, and Jean looks back with that gorgeous and confused look draped across his pale complexion. Somehow they talk for a little while, and find themselves at the point:
Is this how you actually want to have sex, or is it just how you think I want you to have sex?
And Jean doesn't know. It's the question that sends him spiralling, because he hasn't even realised it. He hasn't noticed how he is simply complacent, uninvested in his own desires and pleasure in order to keep Jeremy happy. It's not that he doesn't get pleasure from it, of course he does, but he will not take a step out of line if Jeremy is happy. I think he might have to stop for a while, stepping back from sex while he tries to understand his relationship with sex itself. He's too used to being used and having expectations put on him that he knows no different. He doesn't know what he likes. He doesn't know if he prefers to top or bottom, to be submissive or dominant, or any other thing like that; it's a no-mans land that he's spent far too long people-pleasing in that he's forgotten that he's allowed to enjoy it as well. So I think that takes a lot of time and unlearning to see his own pleasure as something worthy of investigating.
Jeremy is patient, of course, and while he sees how much of a "step back" Jean has taken in terms of being okay with sex, it's worth it; sure, Jean never much had a problem with it, and maybe bringing it up caused a problem, but it sparks that thought in Jean's brain. That curiosity about whether or not the role that he plays during sex has been built by the nest, or if it's what he genuinely likes to do. As I say, it takes a lot of unlearning for Jean. A lot of unpacking of what happened to him, and a lot of really, really hard conversations.
His body is his own, and he knows that now. It does not belong to Jeremy. Again, not that Jeremy thinks so either, to be very clear. He knows Jeremy doesn't think so. Not one bit. But he has to understand that himself. He doesn't have to read Jeremy's micro expressions to figure out what he wants him to do, he doesn't have to just keep him happy. Intimacy can only exist in an environment where it is reciprocated. And while he cares deeply for Jeremy, if he is ignoring his own desires in order to maintain peace, he is not being genuine. He is simply submitting because that's the only option he's known. That's the only choice he's ever had.
I think Jean loves sex - I think Jean really, really enjoys having sex with Jeremy. I just think it's also evident quite quickly that he isn't even thinking about how he affords Jeremy all of the control in every scenario. Jean is submissive because that's all he knows. And I feel like it takes a while and a lot of talking for him to leave that habit behind and freely, unashamedly, fuck without expectation for him to be a certain way or act a certain way. That doesn't mean he has to be a top or a bottom. It does mean that he has to stop himself from studying every twitch and tell on Jeremy's face to try understand completely what the Captain expects of him.
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hiimtheproblem87times · 3 months
AvGeo Spoilers Up Ahead!! ⚠️⚠️
Golden Ratio my beloved
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fun fact : we've already seen golden ratio back at animation vs math, at the end, Eulers friends, so... theory. All of euler's friends will be what tsc's encounter in every animation vs educations.
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stiwnty · 5 days
THEORY TIME :)))))))) (yaay it's back)
It's said: I will make the post tomorrow (3 posts actually, each with different topics)
but before, just a thing... Man that looks realistic... But TOO realistic... Where did he get that from??
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We usually think that some things from the PC are drawn by Orange. At first, these were just theories... Like with the Gunslinger short. There were a lot of "drawn" things there; like the hat, the shoes, the stick-circle-thing...
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But the Green's Channel 1st ep actually kind of confirmed this. Cuz we can see Orange drawing the basketball hoop with an art-style similar to the before mentioned thing. And also with colors other than the black-white we see him drawing with.
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So I don't think these were drawn by Orange. The main difference I see is that Orange's style when drawing objects is more cartoonish… And Green's stuff in the ig pic is nothing of that...
There before I have two theories:
Google: We've seen that the sticks can pick up things from google images (Lightsaber Duel short). But this theory can be debunked by two facts: The first one being that (as shown in the image) the objects they pick have a cartoonish looking appearance. And the second one being that Green's laptop has a weird looking logo that I don't think is real…
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2. Outernet: We know that the Green's arc happens after AvA s3. There is evidence like:
-Green's videos are being posted now and AvA s3 canonically happened in 2023 (PC dates)
-The modified comment where a person calls Orange by the TSC name and Green first doesn't recognizes it. But then that comment was deleted and they modified his response to recognizing it but still calling him Orange… This means that they either found out about the name in AvA s3 or before in AvLol (welp I'm getting of topic, whatever) (coudln't find it but trust me!!)
So, maybe after AvA s3 they get more ways to go to stick city…
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+. Or here is the other path: Purple (aaaaaaaaaaaaa) Welp it's obvious what I'm about to say. Purple is friends with Green and he has a portal connecting to the Outernet. sooooo Purple may be in the Green's arc.
This also makes sense cuz we know that the relation with the CG and Green has been "breaking" a bit (for reasons I will mention in tomorrow's posts after I finish my homework. And cuz of their lower and lower appearances in the vids.) and Purple hasn't been on the problem so far.... Here a pic of Outernet tech
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Now some personal ranting: I like Purple, and even if I don't like him that much cuz yes. I don't know how to feel about him being in the arc cuz I was kind of hopping the CG would resolve the conflict together and with love and with their 10 years friendship they have and with their deepened care they have to eachother (which was, btw, more focused on in the Green's Channel 1st ep)… Sooo yeah, idk,
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vyl · 5 months
Tsc spoilers
Andreil wrecked me in such a beautiful manner during the course of this book; seeing everything unfold under Jean's observing eye was everything I could have asked for.
Here comes the yapping session for the following situations noticed.
Having someone watch the way Andreil look at each other and act when the other is around has such an intimate level that I understand Jean for not wanting to intervene at any point. “being in each other's gravity” was such a beautiful way of looking at it, because it didn't signal a necessity nor an obligation, like the ravens' partnerships have been
Everything about their relationship screamed choice and even Jean notices it easily; he didn't compare it to Kevin and Andrew's closeness, that had been impacted by the Nest and buddy system. They were there for each other because they wanted to be there, and I imagine that being hard to imagine for the little French man
Furthermore, Jean's perspective on the finals that Foxes vs Ravens went through was so significant. He was watching it from a bird's eye perspective, rendered useless so far away from them and condemned to only watch. He knew no one had time to get to Neil; he knew he was about to die right before his eyes and no one could have stopped Riko from outright live tv murder because even the ravens were too scared to fight him off.
Seeing Jean describe Andrew's intervention as “all hell was at his heels” did something to my heart. Andrew was willing to risk it all for the sassy stricker and nothing was about to stop him, not even the consequences of his own actions, if Ichirou decided to retaliate instead of getting rid of Riko.
If even oblivious Jean could describe it like that, how obvious is Andreil's relationship from the outside, even with them being careful about it? Does everybody see them being tender only with each other? Are they cooing like I am at them? Because we've seen the way they acted at the mountain cabin, but that was before the finals or way premature to Neil being free.
I hold these moments here <3
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ends-chronicles · 12 days
Why does Alan keep duplicating stick figures?
now I get it, its some gag or something, or to show off more fighting scenes with even more characters. But Alan has done this "duplicating sticks" thing pretty much almost 5 times.
Don't get me wrong I love when sticks get duplicated! Showing off their teamwork and fighting combat is cool!! >_<....
though its happening a lot now, for no apparent reason.
first it appeared in AvA1, with victim cloning himself. He does this is a weird way, none which I've seen the others do. He pulls himself out of his files icon(?) physically and boom, alive clones! who shakes victims hand. The fandom likes to make these clones all have their own personalities and names, since they act pretty different from eachother and have each of their own weapons.
Second was with Purple in L.O.L. In Purples very cool cloning spread (yes im going to call it a clone spread). It shows later on that Purple wasnt really there after all, but rather controlling their clones. Purple also mightve made the clones beforehand with code. [So not physically].
Third was in the exact same episode with T.S.C at the ending. TSC clones themselves same dramatic way Purple did. Clone spread..
Fourth way was in AvA 10... In The Box, where victim tortures Chosen for information. He clones himself again, second time hes done this! Victim sure loves cloning himself...
Though, not physically, since he isnt controlling anything in the box, but just Agent. He orders Agent to clone him. (I find it interesting how all stick figures communicate with body language. I also find it interesting with how aggressive victims body language is). Four extra clones... wonder why he can't make a whole ahh army atp. Agent brings them in by copying victim on his panel.
Fifth time was recently with Greenscreen. (Thats what everyone is calling him)... he duplicates him with a button in Adobe. Nothing really interesting about this, though I will look more into this after.
Alan really loves duplicating his sticks, huh.
Though is there a difference between some of these clones? Most interesting clones were victims, as he physically pulls them out of himself. Not with code, not with a button but just pulling them like real beings. Is there a difference between clones and duplicates? how one side might sentient while the other is simply a copy of their original?
All the clones we've ever seen are only shown... fighting.
That brings us to the real question: can clones/duplicates ever have sentience? Can they be different from their originals? Where do they pull the line at control of free will at?
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classicketchup · 5 months
🟢: Have you seen Red? It's been days since I saw him outside his room... What is he doing in there? Doesn't he get bored?
🟡: Oh yeah, I was wondering as well... I thought you'd know, Green.
🔵: Oh it's Baaad...! I tried to knock on his door, but I heard him giggling over something. It's as if he's talking to someone non existent!
🟢: Are you sure it isn't just him talking to his pet?
🔵: Nope. Wait... Thinking about it, I think I heard someone else's voice laughing with him.
Tsc: What's happening?
🟢: This is bad! We need to rush in his room and see what's going on! He may be getting crazy!
🔵: it's no use, his door is lock...
🟡: Wait huh? Didn't the lock of his door from the outside?
🔵: Oh.
【They rushed to unlock 🔴's door】
🟡: Red?!
🔴: Oh! Finally it's opened... I mean, not that it's a problem.
🟣: Hi guys...
🟢: Purple's with you?!
🔵: Ohhh... Is he the one I heard laughing with you, Red?
🔴: Yeah, we've been hanging out a couple of days. What brought you guys here?
🟢: We thought you're going crazy!
🟣: To be fair, he was sad when he told me how he failed to protect the turtle egg he was watching some week ago, so he decided to stay in his room as a punishment.
🟢: Okay, but how did you get in?
🔴: I let him in through my balcony.
🟡🟢🔵&TSC: Oh right... You have a balcony...
🟣: His room is the closest to the storage file, and I saw him crying like crazy—
🔴: Hey! SHH
🟣: *giggle* anyway, I couldn't bear to leave him alone like that, so I brought him some turtle egg and we both watched it until it hatch.
🔴: and they're cute too...! ✨*picks up the baby turtle gently to show* See?! ✨
🟣: See how happy he is?
🟢: ...right...so that's why you're in your room like forever...
🟣: Anyway! Since you're fine now, I need to go back to home world, see ya guys later!
🔴: You're always welcome to stay here whenever, Purple!✨
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blindingliqhts · 2 months
i'm so excited about this AHH
i first read it from the 18th november to the 7th december 2023 so it has been 245 days since i finished TKM and i'm re-reading it
ANYWAY... my aim is to post any thoughts for each chapter- who knows how well i'll end up sticking to it cause there's every chance i'll get bored but i'm gonna at least try
oh neil <3333 it's completely fascinating to me how endearing he is as a character straight away and andrew was so right to find him interesting like he REALLY is especially now that we've seen him from an outsider's person (jean in TSC). he's just so into his routines and life on the run that whilst he is aware that his way of life isn't typical, he is so desensitized to all of his thought processes like how if kevin remembers him he can leave PSU straight away
again about neil he deserves so much 😭😭 the way you can just feel how badly (against his better judgement) he wants to sign the contract and NOT ONLY because of his love for exy but because after so many years on the run he just wants some stability for once. like wdym he's being offered the chance to stay in the same place for FIVE YEARS??? no wonder he can barely believe that a Class I team actually wants to sign him on
oh and LAST THING i'm positive someone else will have done this before but anyway i'm gonna count how many times neil says "i'm fine" so TFC chapter 1 he said it twice 😭
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rosemarydisaster · 5 months
I want to ask people to please please accept nuanced characters and not be a bitch about it. I've already seen so many crazy takes and I don't know if I can handle the death of media literacy right now. We've been through this in AFTG, let's not bring that energy to TSC.
For those who have read the book, examples under the cut.
Let's start with the fandom's favorite scapegoat: Thea Muldani. "She thought Jean was a whore sleeping with the defense line". That's what she was told and what Kevin and Jean allowed her to believe. Context is important: Thea was there because she just found out her team (and she wasn't involved at all with the mafia part or Riko's torture) had lied to her about her boyfriend's injuries. She obviously couldn't believe it because, would you!?? And when she sees Jean she's instantly on his side asking what happened to him. She's heartbroken when he doesn't answer and tells her to just believe what Kevin tells her. You can tell she cared about her little duckling and was horrified with what happened under her nose.
Then Kevin. Kevin is the recipient of Jean's unrequited love and that's not his fault. Hell, there's a lot of chances he didn't even know about it, Jean was the closest thing he had to a friend. He didn't seduce and trick Jean for his own benefit, he tricked his friend to survive and regretted ever since. He knew Jean wouldn't run, he knew Jean would have tried to stop him if he told him. It wasn't fair for Jean, but it was Kevin's only chance. I thought this was obvious. Jean is entitled to hate him, but the audience should know better than mischaracterize him like that.
Jeremy and the Trojans are the closest we have to a normal pov. Their way of handling Jean's trauma is not going to be like the Foxes'. They try not to pry too much, to offer him distractions and accommodations. They honestly do as well as they can. The people saying they're so pushy and annoying???? My bestie in Christ you'd probably handle it way worse.
I just think that we as a fandom should appreciate how good Nora's character writing is. Most characters are not fully evil (and those who are you can understand how they turned into monsters most of the time), but they fuck up. Sometimes they fuck up unknowingly, sometimes they fuck up because they don't know better, sometimes they fuck someone over because it's their only way out, sometimes the circumstances get in the way.
That doesn't make things better for the characters that get screwed over. Jean is entitled to his complicated feelings over Kevin. Aaron is allowed to not understand why his brother killed his mother. Just because the current narrator's pov makes it obvious for the audience doesn't mean the characters inside the book have the info and knowhow to do better.
TSC made me love Kevin even more because I'm a sucker for for imperfect victims. I hate the IRL narrative that in order to deserve sympathy you have to be purely the most victimized victim of them all. Kevin had to step over Jean to get out of his situation. Kevin had to witness the abuse, unable to do anything about it. Kevin is a bitch to his teammates and endangers them just by being in their team. He also loves them fiercely and forces them to keep on living.
It's complicated. And if you can't handle nuanced and complex characters please just keep your incorrect opinions to yourself??? Like why is everyone so comfortable admitting publicly they don't understand how to analyze realistic traumatized characters??? Why would you admit you can only see in black and white?? "Well if you're a victim and a good guy then you would never ever do something not nice. Gotcha!" That's how you sound.
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kevinsdsy · 4 months
asking this is in the most respectful way but why is lucas in ur au when there are other trojans who haven't had a hand in .... what happened at the end of tsc
oh i added lucas because he's one of the trojans that we've seen more in the books and i'm trying to have the au as much trojans focused as possible.
and even though i don't think i'm really accurate with everything, i try to keep it as accurate as possible and i figured it'd make sense he would interact with the team.
but honestly if y'all don't think it's appropriate or it's either triggering or y'all simply prefer to see less of him i totally understand and i could definitely make that work :)
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bloody-wonder · 5 months
assuming you've read tsc, what are ur thoughts?
mixed feelings, anon!
on the one hand, tsc is just another confirmation that nora is a talented writer - i think the dialogue especially is where she really excels. the reading experience was overall very fun, i did enjoy seeing my faves again. neil is an icon, obviously. the culture clash between jean and the trojans was Comedy Gold. and it was interesting to see an exploration of a different trauma response than we've seen in aftg in jean.
on the other hand, i feel like jean's story in tsc mirrors neil's story in aftg - a troubled youth joins an exy team where he will make new friends and get better mentally - but is like. a simplified and less compelling version of that. it's good that jean is his own character, i don't need him to be a copy of neil, but i gotta say - neil's cameo appearances totally stole the show and made me wonder why i wasn't reading a book about him instead. however, it's all the other characters who were the real problem - it felt like i'm reading a version of aftg where a less fun iteration of neil joins an exy team consisting just of the upperclassmen and nicky hemmick which uhhh,, if you've read some of my old posts you know how i feel about him so there was no chance in hell i'd like cat alvarez and her whole shtick. the foxes felt good for the soul bc there was a balance between the upperclassmen's and the monsters' type of care for neil - and crucially neil chose the latter group to be his close circle, among other things, bc he felt they could understand him better. by constrast, jean is alone with the trojans who don't give any credibility to his claims that they just can't understand what he went through, don't respect his right to keep his trauma private and just keep trying to force his "recovery". aftg felt like a bunch of freaks with various but equally fascinating issues put in close quarters and you watch them sometimes butt heads, sometimes uplift each other in the most unexpected ways. tsc however felt like a bunch of normies bullying a traumatized kid - so basically one of those obnoxious fics where the upperclassmen are all in neil and andrew's business.
jean's bisexuality was a double-edged sword too: on the one hand, i felt very smug reading about how his attraction works bc 1) it's so obviously different from neil and 2) wow turns out years of psychological, physical and sexual abuse do not in fact take away your sexuality! le gasp! surprised fucking pikachu!! crazy how through all of this jean is still bi. the human spirit is unbreakable. (unless your mom hits you for kissing a girl, then it's breakable). so i did feel vindicated but at the same time this was not relatable to the point that i can't see myself getting invested in jean and jeremy's developing relationship. nothing is more of a turn off for me in fictional romances than when both of them are immediately attracted to each other and let the reader know in no uncertain terms. where are the mind games? where are the intricate rituals? it feels like a lazy shortcut. but good for them, i guess?
sooo idk. i didn't hate tsc by any means but i'm sad i didn't enjoy it as much as my mutuals😭
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helenofblackthorns · 4 months
this is your invitation to talk about all your two theories :))) thoughts on janus? the role of the princes of hell? pleaseeee feed me
thank you for this opportunity anon, as it turns out I have far more to say on this than I thought (buckle up for a massive amount of yapping)
firstly, Janus. He's an interesting character given all we know about him, but he also feels very straightforward. At this point he is being presented as an antagonist, a very central one at that, but in the scheme of things he seems very minor. He is nowhere near the same level of threat as the other antagonistic forces that we know await us in TWP, which brings his role in things into question. Normally, a tsc antagonist has some connection to the main character(s) and there is a specific reason why they become entangled (eg. Valentine is Clary's father, Mortmain created Tessa, Malcolm needed the Blackthorns to raise Annabel etc etc). Janus as a villain however has no obvious connection to any of the twp mains, and it's the total opposite when it comes to Ash despite the fact his motivations are known. He is focused around Clary, Jace, and the other tmi mains and given what we know its hard to see why he would come into conflict with Kit, Dru or Ty. There is the parallels between him and Livvy, but this doesn't seem antagonistic to me, he just represents a possible future for her (as Magnus said in gotsm, if she does not do great things, she will do terrible things).
All this is to say I think Janus is a massive red herring and not the person we should be worrying about. I think his relevance as a antagonist is going to come from his alliance to the Seelie Queen, who's motivations we know nothing about. She has been entangling herself in matters ever since she requested their audience in City of Ashes and we do not know why. It's especially obvious she's up to something when you compare her relevance in the modern timeline to the historical one, where I don't think she mentioned at all. Some of her actions are also suspicious, such as how she went out of her way to ensure Meliorn was the faerie representative. It's a plot point that gets resolved with the reveal she's working with Sebastian, but Sebastian was dead when she did it and I doubt even she would have known Lilith was going to raise him from the dead. This implies she had different plans that she then abandoned to aid Sebastian, because he could give her something she wanted; Ash. Ash clearly holds more significance to her than simply being her child as the Seelie Queen has only ever had two children, Auraline and Ash, and they were born over 200 years apart. There is clearly intention behind this, there is something that both the Unseelie King and Sebastian have in common that the Seelie Queen wants her children to have. What her plans are, we probably won't know until twp, although there may be hints in the Better in Black short story.
Like the Seelie Queen, the Princes of Hell are also likely up to something big behind the scenes. The last time we've seen from any of them was in 2010 with tlbotw; they're entirely absent from tda. This is strange as it makes tda the only series where they do not make an appearance or play a role in the story (side note I do include Lilith as a Prince of Hell even though she's technically not). Which is extremely suspicious and it's very likely that not the case, and that it'll be revealed that they have been influencing things in twp. Thule especially is something I think they're involved in, for a number of reasons. We're told the thing that altered the timeline was a powerful demon giving Lilith the strength to kill Clary, and CC said on tumblr the demon is one who is associated with Lilith in mythology. At the time (2018) CC was very mysterious, but we know enough about the PoH now to make a very educated guess that it was Sammael. Also, it's always struck me as odd that there was such a massive passing of time between Annabel & Ash coming to Thule and Emma & Julian following them. Every other time someone has gone through the portal, time has passed more or less the same and if there was discrepancy it's very minor, nowhere near the years that Ash was in Thule for. I would not be surprised if someone (Belphegor?) manipulated the portal to ensure Ash was in Thule for a certain amount of time before Emma and Julian could interfere with anything. Why the PoH would want any of this I have no idea, except poor Ash is seemingly a pawn in their plans (again) (free him for all these evil plans hasn't he been through enough?)
There is also Lucifer, who is by far the most mysterious tsc character and we know next to nothing about him. However, in the PoH art series CJ did, it does say on Belial's page that a) he claims to have convinced Lucifer to rebel and b) he is sometimes called the "father of Lucifer." A lot of the information in these arts come from preexisting Jewish & Christian mythology and can be easily googled, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Either it's more obscure or CC made it up herself which is slightly terrifying because what does that mean. is Nate losing the title of Tessa's worst brother 137 years after his death?? ig we'll find out in 2026
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fortheloveofexy · 6 months
I don’t know how but I forgot that TSC will have dual pov 💀 I got so focused on the poor tragic boy Jean agenda that I managed to store that info away somewhere at the back of my brain and it just dawned on me now. Can you believe it? A dual pov! that’s insane I can’t wait I’m so excited to learn about Jeremy 🥹 (and we’re getting lesbians as well that’s like Christmas levels of cheer for me)
Me too! I can't wait to get inside both of their heads <3 It's funny, they're both characters we've seen before but it honestly feels like we're about to meet them both properly for the first time!
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