#i love him because this gremlin looks at him like he hung the moon and the stars and is so cheeky about it too
kevindavidday · 4 months
i was re-re-re-reading lessons in cartography by profenity (as one does) and i was hit with such an insane affection for andreil suddenly like i was 16 reading the same two people fall for each other and thinking yeah that sure is love and almost a decade later my thoughts haven't changed at all? cause ykw that™ sure is love
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chubs-deuce · 4 months
With your Chalastor with child AU (I think?), I have a few questions. How did Vox react to Alastor having a child? What do the other overlords think of Alastor being a father? Who is Dawn's god parents (if something happens to Charlie or Alastor or both)?
hi! :D the response here got a bit long so I put it under the cut woops
I'm not 100% sure tbh, but I like to think he had to reboot pretty hard, was then hella in disbelief and denial, then later decides he has to one-up Alastor and tries to find some unlucky brat to take under his wing as an adopted child :'D
Velvette and Alastor are actually friends to some degree, they meet once or twice a month for tea and gossip. Velvette thinks him having a kid is fucking weird and she doesn't like kids, but you bet she insists on being allowed some exclusive rights to design clothes for her when she's older as a form of hush-money for not spreading the news like wildfire immediately. She won't keep Vox from doing so (that's his business then), but she won't snitch either. Valentino couldn't care less unless it infringes on his business in some way :'D Zestial I think would be curious about the circumstances but wouldn't prod impolitely. Carmilla is first shocked, then confused. She half suspected he kidnapped the kid or that it's a trick of some kind, but soon enough changes from confused to concerned because overlord meetings are no place for a child like that and generally keeps judging the shit out of his parenting choices :'D. So she's kind of second-hand mothering I guess? Zeezi (I assume that's her name? We lack confirmation from the show) fucking loves the little stinker, mainly bc Dawn looks at her like she hung the moon and stars in the sky for a long time. Dawn loves any kind of animal that is big and has sharp teeth, so Zeezi's appearance fits that pattern perfectly lmao. She doesn't care for Alastor in any particular way, so she doesn't pay a lot of attention to his role as a father so much as the kid being an adorable little gremline. Rosie I've gone into before in a different post, but to summarize: she adores Dawn right away and ends up providing a lot of other things too like diapers and pacifiers etc. She does give Al a hard time over doing it all backwards, since he had a child with someone and didn't put a ring on her first.
I'm ngl I never had godparents of any kind myself so they were kind of a big mystery to me in terms of what the fuck that even meant, so I haven't put any thought into that concept applied to my AU either woops I guess it'd make sense for each parent to pick one? In which case I think the obvious choices would be Rosie and Lucifer? I'm half toying with the idea of Charlie picking Vaggie too, but I'm not sure where their mutual trust is at by the point such a thing would be discussed >_>
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Omg menaces to society Hawk and gremlin!Reader-
But also imagine like S4 Hawk coming around after being an asshole and seeing Reader hasn't changed much at all. Maybe Sam got her to stop wearing thick af hoodies in the summer time. Moon definitely contributes to Reader's gem collection. And she just sits on the sidelines because she's like everyone's child they have to watch over and make sure she doesn't fall in the koi pond- And Hawk walks in and is like "wait she's kind of cute now"
- gemini sensei
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(Unedited) (This was so much longer but half of it got deleted😭) ( @gemini-sensei )
“I don’t think she’s changed mush at all since you last hung out with her if I’m going to be real with you.” Miguel said as both boys glance over at the chubby girl. She was playing near the koi pond, on her knees looking directly into the water. Watching the pretty new koi fish Daniel had put in a week prior. Slowly she inched her hand near the water.
“Reader no! No touching the fish!” Sam yelled out from across the yard. Everyone in the area looked over to the girl who was now huffing. She reels her hand back from the water and slumps backwards. Eyes still glued to the cold water of the pond.
Hawk feels himself start to blush just a little bit as he watches the unhinged girl. Too him she was definitely different. The last time he had really seen the girl was months ago. While she was still around school all the time he had yet to really see or talk to her. Never letting up with showing up out of the blue and then disappearing just as fast. One minute she was there the next she was gone. It wasn’t as if his view on her had really even changed all that much. Yeah she was hanging out with the “enemy” but it was never as if he went out of his way to target her like the others.
He really couldn’t because she was never there in the first place for him to mess with.
When he was still hanging out with everyone, mostly Miguel she was around them constantly. When he first meet her it was all Miguel’s doing. The girl wasn’t attached to him, it was Miguel who was attached to her. Reader was always doing something that didn’t seem real or made any kind of common sense and Miguel always seemed to be drawn to it. The only thing he could think of was the fact that Miguel was so “puppy” like that he couldn’t get away from trying to keep the girl from doing stupid things. He was constantly trying to keep her in some kind of line, so as not to hurt herself or other.
Hell the first time he met her and saw the two together he thought she was Miguel’s girlfriend.
Miguel was trying to keep her from eating something which he later found out was a literal rock she found. Scratch that it was a large plastic diamond she found at the minimart. But still, Miguel had to threaten to not take her to the mall to get her to spit the little piece of plastic out of her mouth. After that she kinda just wandered away from them. Then Miguel had to jog after her once she tried to make a break to the parking lot where a car almost hit her. He found out quickly that she wasn’t stupid by any means she just couldn’t keep herself out of stupid situations.
It took him a while to figure out that Miguel wasn’t lying and that Reader was just a really good friend. One he tried to keep out of getting in trouble or hurt.
When he started dating Sam things turned because as much as Sam decently liked the girl, it was a pain to keep track of her. Hawk remembered when she said during a conversation “It’s like having a child, but the child is our age and likes to run into on coming traffic for fun.”.
For weeks he ended up spending more time with Reader when he went out with them. Hanging out with the three was fun, until Miguel wanted to go kiss Sam in a corner. The two love birds couldn’t really keep an eye on Reader every second but it seemed like every time they did she got into something.
So after alot of begging on Miguel’s part, he talked Hawk into “taking care of” her for a while. He just asked to make sure she didn’t hurt herself or do anything to dumb. Hawk didn’t see why he would ask him that until he actually started to see some of the weird shit Reader would do.
Window shopping at the mall? More like Reader staring at a window for twenty minutes.
Need extra change? Yeah she’s trying to jump into the coin fountain in the middle of the mall because she wants to.
Oh there is a candle place? Reader is trying to snort every candle while thinking about trying to eat some of the wax because she wants to know what they taste like too.
He doesn’t even want to start on the time he lost her in the middle of the food court only to find her buying half a pint of ice cream and trying to eat it with a fork.
Every time he took his eyes off of her it was something else that she was getting into.
At first he wondered if there was something was going on with her. But after he was able to get her to sit down with him for a few minutes it was made apparent that that’s was just her. She didn’t like following rules, she didn’t like staying in one place, and she just wanted to do what she wanted to do. He couldn’t really even say that she was doing any of it out of rebellion, it was just her. It actually frustrated him to every extent.
Two seconds after that conversation she was gone.
He couldn’t even finish a conversation with her without running off to go do something weird.
Now he was looking at her and was seeing a total different person. Maybe not that different but enough to make him scratch his head a little bit.
“Uh I don’t know she looks a little…”
“If your talking about the hoodie thing yeah we finally got her to stop with that. She almost got heatstroke last month from wearing the stupid hood all they time out in the sun. Moon took her hoodies and Sam basically locked mine up so she can’t get them now. I thinks she’s kinda started to embrace not wearing them now that she can’t get her hands on them. She was kinda pissed at first because now she can’t stuff random things in the pockets.” He shrugs as he goes back to watching the girl.
Hawk feels his cheeks grow hot with a nice pink blush coming on.
The hoodie that once draped over her was long gone. Now replaced by a nice tight tank top that she was spilling out of. He noticed her fat tits that poked out of the top and spilled out the sides. Her chubby belly that every so slightly filled out the shirt just right. He could even see her thick thighs now that they where no longer hidden under Miguel’s oversized hoodie. He sucked on his inner cheek as he watched her move around a little in the grass.
Her nice curves where no longer hidden away and he could see her curves which made his face go even redder. She was hot, he could even go as far as saying she was down right sexy.
He wondered if her ass matched the rest of her. Plump and round, filling out her tight jeans just right.
“Reader no!”
He bit his cheek hard, drawing blood as a sudden big splashing sound made him come back into focus. Both him and Miguel watched as Reader held up one of the huge goldfish. She giggled as she held the trashing fish up in the air. This helped to drench her upper body in cold water. Her tank top completely ruined. Miguel sighed as he watched the girl show off her catch. Sam was quick to jog over and try and pry the poor thing from the chubby girls hands.
The whole time Reader whined and groaned at the brunette’s reaction. Slowly she released the fish back into the pond with a small splash. She huffed as she sat back down and watched the fish swim away. Her eyes still never breaking from the cold water of the pond. Sam was busy giving her a lecture about not touching the fish like that. This just made her roll her eyes and pout.
Hawk felt his heart beat start to pick up a bit more in his chest.
Was he really catching feels for the well know gremlin girl?
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
You ask for Izana and I shall give it to you!-Winky Wink
Y'know, there’s one common trope in Yandere writing that you haven’t touched yet. Darling escape Izana's gremlin clutches.
Let’s just say that Izana's possessiveness and protectiveness were so severe that he justified his crime of imprisonment to protect his innocent and fragile darling inside his own home or rented a place to imprison her. The neighbor were somewhat aware of what was the darling's situation, but everyone ignore her because they didn’t want to mess with the boss of the infamous Toman. Thus, Izana's crime had been unpunished for a long time. Until one day, the cops barged inside their home, arrested Izana on spot and rescue the darling. It was all thanks to anonymous who post a vid of the darling being abused. Legal stuff happened leading to Izana was sentence 5 years in jail.
Darling recover from her trauma and started to live normally again. Those five years was the happiest time for darling till the demon forced himself into darling's life. Despite the fact Izana was imprisoned, he still had connections in the police force, allowing him to gave out command to his gang inside the jail. Once he about to finished serving his sentence, he order his goons to kidnapped his beloved dearest or something like that. Thus, Darling is forced to relived the nightmare she faced 5 years ago all over again
I wonder if this is good enough?
Sorry for the sudden quietness here folks - been bashing my head against this for the better part of two weeks, and its finally completed! Feels kinda weird to be plugging this here given this is a sfw blog, so this will be the first and only time I will ever put any Minors DNI content here. A little (sfw) taste below for the curious!
Please do check it out if you are 18+ on my new side blog (and read the trigger warnings and rules on interaction carefully), link is at the bottom! Back to the usual content soon!
A Waltz In the Dark
Yandere Yazuka Boss Izana
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Twirling a picture between two fingers on one hand, lit cigarette pinched in the other, Izana exhaled, the smoke drifting lazily out through the small crack in the window. The gentle light of the moon did little to illuminate the inside of his cell, let alone the photo he held ever so gently, yet the tanned man could hardly bring himself to care - after all, each and every picture he owned of you had long been burned into the back of his eyelids. He could see them even when he closed his eyes: your doting smile, your bright doe eyes, the loving looks you sneaked when you thought no one was looking. Izana knew them all, and you, by heart. 
The prison was dead silent at this time of the night, though Izana found it hard to pinpoint when this little slice of hell ever bustled like the other parts housing the general population - the solitary isolation ward was made to quash his command over the outside world, and to punish monsters like him. But while tranquility had once been considered a rare treat, a respite from his hectic days running his yakuza empire, the quietness now hung over him like a curse that he couldn’t exorcize. The same silence he was forced to endure alone on that tortuous day you were torn away from his grip, the serenity of the solitary isolation wards only served to force Izana to replay the torment again and again when he tried to rest - a broken, wretched movie on repeat that he had no escape from. 
It had always been you and him against the world. Kind, gentle, innocent you who he worshiped with his whole being, who deserved nothing but the best in return for your love, your affection. Then the onslaught of blue uniforms that broke into the sacred temple he built to protect you from the world, snatching you away from his arms like the unforgiving jaws of a saltwater crocodile. And Izana could only watch as you were forced out into a harsh reality you were never built for, while he was thrown into prison on some superficial charges based on an anonymous tip off, to the delighted howls of pretentious scum.
Read the whole fic here on my (very new) nsfw side blog (mind the trigger warnings!):
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mahixa · 3 years
lando really gives me the vibes of someone who married young? like in their earliest 20-ish? and you will wonder how tf this gremlin is married…
and then you see his husband and the way their interact with each other and be like “ah i understand now…”
see but for example I am (personally of course, you do you) pretty much not into the idea of marriage and definitely not into the idea of getting married at a young age, yada yada, but with Lando and Carlos it's SO different. Like for me, not even personally I am not a fan marriage, I don't really like this concept in popculture as well, but THEN I look at Lando and I am totally the same like you said - he absolutely gives me this vibe! And it's so surprising? Like it almost doesn't make sense but absolutely feels right at the same time? You see this young bloke and you see him in a funny pink hoodie, wearing a beanie with a pom pom, streaming silly things on twitch and chewing bubble gum and falling asleep in the cockpit of his car and THEN you see his fancy black ring with two golden lines elegantly engraved on it and you think "oh, okay?" but then you take a closer look and he notices and smiles and says "yeah, my husband knows me, he knew I'd like a ring like that, it looks cool, right?" and you choke on your coffee because what? this kid is married? you just saw him pouring orange juice into Danny Ric's shoes and giggling like crazy and now he's telling you he is ma- oh. oh but it's the exact moment when Carlos enters the room and it's like the air changes.
Like the whole atmosphere changes and becomes so cozy and safe and warm and you think "what the hell" and Lando smiles like he never does with other people and Carlos comes closer to him and yes, he may nod at you and smile and say a small "hello" but then he quickly focuses on Lando and Lando only, who is still sitting with his legs crossed and a phone in his hand because he has been playing Angry Birds. Lando smiles at Carlos who lifts Lando's chin with his delicate fingers and places a soft, gentle kiss on Lando's lips, and you once again think "what the hell?!" because this feels like some movie scene and not real life, the kiss is short and rather quick but it doesn't seem rushed? It doesn't seem casual or out of habit? It seems like the first kiss they share, because of the attention and dedication they put into it, but at the same time they are so relaxed and so sure and calm and it all looks like they've done it a million times (which is probably the truth) but it's not sickeningly sweet? It's nothing that makes you uncomfortable? Because then Lando chuckles and starts a very mate/pal/buddy conversation with Carlos and fistbumps him (!?!?!) and they have this sweet and honestly very funny banter going on? and you find yourself laughing with them and joking with them and yes - Carlos looks at Lando as if Lando hung the fucking Moon, but at the same time he doesn't look blinded by the love he has for him? You quickly discover that they disagree on some things but their conversation is not mean, they are talking about Lando's new painting-artistic room in their house and Lando has some ideas but then Carlos gives him some advice on the practical side and Lando nods and they find some compromise and you think, again, "what the hell??????" because normally people start a huge fight in moments like this and blow things out of proportion but these two disagree and then high five each other (high five each other?!) and then Lando kisses Carlos' cheek and Carlos shoves him gently, laughing, and then pulls him closer to himself and kisses his forehead and Lando chuckles and says "uhhh disgusting" but then HE kisses Carlos' lips and you think "WHAT THE HELL" because this is so magical, so natural, not forced, so... friendly? Like how many couples are actually best mates? These two, for sure, are. It's so romantic but not cheap, and it's so beautiful but not for show. And then Lando tells Carlos to drink more water and Carlos tells Lando to sleep more and it's so equal? So balanced? They are just partners in crime? Best friends! Lovers! Family! Lando is younger, yes, and he got married when he was very young, but now you understand why.
They were created from the same star and now they found each other on Earth again and are together and it all makes so much bloody sense.
Lando is the definition of a "if it fits, I sits" - and Carlos' arms are exactly it.
And you think to yourself, "hell to the yes."
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Hayloft p.3
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Pairing: Arvin Russell x F!Reader
Summary: Your dad brings home his new coworker, Arvin Russell, telling you that he’ll be living with the two of you for a while. While attempting to keep Arvin from seeing the disfunction of your relationship with your father, the two of you grow closer than you thought. (Inspired by “Hayloft” by Mother Mother, though that’ll really only be one chapter later on so I don’t know if it really counts…)
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, death, abuse, and sexual assault (depictions of none, though)
Word Count: 5.0k
A/N: I am so sorry for how long this took to publish! Work and school have been CRAZY!
Citation: (This is absolutely cited incorrectly but the poem included was found at this link!) https://rememberingthesixties.wordpress.com/2014/11/15/love-poems
Read the Previous Chapters!
Part 1  Part 2
“No! No! No! I ain’t got time for this today!” You groaned, twisting your key in the ignition only to hear the engine struggle to turn over. You were already running late to work, thanks to you misplacing your shoes, purse, and keys all on the same morning. When it was really only just you, your dad, and Arvin living in your home, it was ridiculous to be losing things as often as you did. It’s not like they were touching them. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think there was some gremlin that lived in the linen closet and hid your things to make life more difficult.
Of course, your car wouldn’t work either. What a fantastic beginning to the day.
You weren’t even sure what could be wrong with the car. It had worked just fine yesterday. There was no reason for it to suddenly fall apart on you. But alas, after several minutes of trying to start the car and checking what basic things you knew about under the hood to no avail, you gave out a groan of anger, “Damnit!”
With an angry kick of your old tire, you stomped back into the house. “Everythin' okay?” Arvin asked from the dining room table, where he sat eating a plate of toast and eggs.
“I was already running late this morning and now my stupid car won’t start,” you grumbled, throwing your purse onto the open chair and taking the phone off the receiver on the wall with more aggression than you intended. You were spinning the dial and putting in the phone number to the diner you worked at.
Arvin leaned forward in his seat, “I can take a look at it for you, if you’d like.”
“That would be great if you’re willing to but-” You began to answer but you stopped abruptly and held up a finger to him when a voice answered on the phone.
“Molly’s Diner. How can I help ya?” A woman’s voice that you recognized as your coworker Charlene asked from the other side.
“Hey, Charlene?” You asked, shooting Arvin an apologetic look for the sudden interruption. She sounded surprised to hear your greeting on the other end.
“Where you at, girl?” She questioned, the ambient wound of the busy diner in the background.
You leaned against the wall, gripping the phone with both hands, “I know I’m late! I’m sorry! My car broke down and I don’t think I can make it-”
“I can give you a ride if you need.” Arvin offered quiet enough for Charlene to not hear him on the other end but you perked up.
“Wait, hang on-” You interrupted Charlene just as she began to respond, “I can actually get a ride in.” You mouthed a sincere thank you to Arvin while holding onto the phone with both hands, feeling a slight glimmer of hope in your otherwise crappy day.
“You know what? Don’t even worry about it. You’re already so late just take the day off and get your car fixed. Just be here tomorrow, alright?” You could almost hear the way Charlene’s hand was waving dismissively from the other end of the phone.
You sighed in relief, “Thank you so much. I’ll make it up to you!” After a few brief goodbyes, you hung the phone up on the receiver.
Arvin stood up and placed his plate in the sink, “So are you needin’ a ride to work?”
You shook your head, “No, Charlene said to just take the day off ‘n get the car fixed. Thank you, though. It really is sweet of you to offer.”
Arvin only shrugged, “C’mon, after all you done for me, givin’ you a ride into town really ain’t much at all. I’d still be more than happy to take a look under your hood if you’d like.”
You blushed and tried to suppress the immature giggles that threatened to slip out at the way he worded his offer. His face visibly paled and began to stumble over his words, “‘m sorry! I didn’t mean for it to come out like that! I didn’t mean take a look under your… erm. I ain’t too good with my words sometimes. Forgive me.”
You laughed outright now, stepping forward and trying to pull his nervously fidgeting arms down, “It’s okay! You’re fine! You’re fine! I would love it if you looked under my hood.” You teased, overexaggerating the way you emphasized his words, throwing them back at him.
He rolled his eyes at you, an embarrassed smile pulling the corner of his lips upwards, before looking back down at you. It was then that you realized just how close you and Arvin were, your fingers still loosely touching his forearms where they had fallen. You looked up into his eyes - those soulful brown eyes - and found yourself wanting to know everything that they’d seen.
That familiar heat rose to your cheeks and you pulled your hands back, running them up and down the white apron you wore over teal uniform, “Well, um, I’m gonna go get changed outta this if I ain’t gotta wear it for work and then I can help you out with the car?”
Arvin’s hands found their way to his pockets and he nodded in understanding.
You had changed into a pair of jeans with a buttoned up blouse before jogging out front to find Arvin already bent over the exposed inner workings of your car. “How’s it lookin’?” You asked, slowing to a pace until you reached the car. You landed beside him, hands falling on the dirty metal as you leaned over to see the mechanics. He fiddled with a few things here and there, things that you didn’t quite understand. You were good with the basics of fixing your car. You could change the oil and fix a flat but when it came to the more complicated stuff, you were a little less well-versed.
He leaned back and wiped his greasy hands on each other, “I think I have the problem pinpointed. ‘M gonna need to head into town and get a part but it’s not a hard fix at all.”
“Thank you so much for doin’ this. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You took a few steps back as Arvin lowered the hood, letting it fall the last few inches with a heavy thud.
“Yeah, well I’m happy I can finally be some help ‘round here to you.”
You rolled your eyes, following Arvin back to the house, “Please, you are plenty of help ‘round here. More help than I’ve gotten in years.”
Arvin gave you a knowing tight-lipped smile and nodded once the two of you made it through the front door. He didn’t say anything for a moment but there was a silent understanding. “You need anything while I’m out?” He asked, changing the subject.
You shook your head, “No, I’m alright. Thank you though.”
It was rare that you actually had time to yourself. While Arvin was gone, you found yourself wandering around confused for a short while until the buzzing silence wore on your ears. You sat on the couch and pulled the radio over closer to you on the coffee table, looking over your shoulder as if someone would catch you at any moment.
This was one of your secrets that you held close to you, knowing your father would make fun of you if he ever found out. Moon River had been a favorite radio program of yours since you discovered it while tuning through the stations a year back. It was full of romantic poetry and slow beautiful music. Everything you dreamt about but knew you could never have, not while you were stuck here at least. But a girl could dream.
“Tonight’s love poem is written by Betty Hayes Albright. We hope you enjoy.
They tell me not to write of love
but what else can I write –
when love is in my heart and soul
and mind both day and night?
“You’re just too young and you can’t know
of love,” (does anyone?)
“you can’t profess such knowledge –
stick to verse and pun.”
They tell me that, and say love poems
are worn out through and through
but I can’t agree with them,
for me love is brand new.
Feelings in me can’t stay down,
my love for him I can’t ignore,
somehow it’s got to be expressed,
“I’ve got no lock upon my door.”
To those who stick to subjects
of the sky and stars, of joy and pain
I write my poems of love because
my heart’s love-blood shall never drain.
Perhaps they too shall love again.”
You sighed as it came to an end and you couldn’t help but see Arvin’s face in your mind’s eye. Love had always felt like something you could only dream of. It was a “one day when I get out of here” thought, not something you saw yourself obtaining for a long time, if ever. Now with Arvin… well you weren’t sure if you could call it love but it sure as hell was the closest thing to it you’d experienced.
Since the words were spoken, they kept swirling around your head: “When love is in my heart and soul; and mind both day and night.” Since his arrival two months ago, Arvin had been that very subject on your mind almost constantly. He was the first face you hoped to see every morning and the last one you wanted to see before bed. Your entire mood lit up every time he walked into the room, even when you were stressed from work or your father. It hadn’t been hard for you to realize that he became the lighthouse in the rocky ocean, promising solace and providing light in the storm that could be your life at times. It was hard to not fall for that.
"Never heard that one before." You whipped around in a panicked start to see Arvin standing in the foyer. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."
You shook your head and tucked your hair behind your ears, "No, no, you're fine. You read a lot of poetry?" You watched Arvin shake his head and walk into the room. He stopped on the other side of the couch and you climbed up, placing your knees on the cushions and leaning over the back of the couch to look up at him.
"I don't like poetry all that much, at least the ones we read in high school… but I like that one." He looked down at where his hand gripped the back of the couch and his weight shifted on his feet.
Your eyes fell to his hands in an attempt to hide the blush that crept up on your cheeks that really had no place being there. "Yeah… me too. It reminds me that there is real love out there in the world."
A silence settled over the room as your eyes anxiously dragged up Arvin’s body till they settled on his eyes but you found yourself unable to hold his gaze. "I, erm, I got the part I need for your car." He took a step back and lifted the hand that wasn't on the couch, tossing the metal mechanism in his hand.
"Oh," you pressed yourself away from the couch and moved back to stand, "thank you for runnin’ all the way out into town."
He gave you a small smile and a nod, “It’s my pleasure. I’m gonna go see if this fixes the problem.”
"That should be it," Arvin slammed the hood back down and wiped his hands on his jeans. "We should take her for a drive to see if she's runnin' alright now."
You nodded, "Alright. Hop in." You took the keys from your pocket and gestured to the passenger seat. Arvin climbed in and you slid into the driver's seat, turning the key. This time, the engine started up without a problem. A big smile spread across your face, "You're a miracle worker, you know that?"
Arvin shook his head, "I ain't no miracle worker. Just good with fixin' things I s'pose."
Your feet were on the brake and the clutch when you shifted into first gear and began to peel out down the long dirt driveway. You stopped at the road and looked both ways, trying to decide which way to go. You looked to your right, the road into town, and then to the left, the way to that field that was oh so special to you. You began to gnaw at your lower lip.
Did you want to show Arvin? That little clearing by the creek had been your secret getaway since you’d discovered it three years ago. You never told anybody about it and you’d never seen anyone else there when you went so, as far as you were concerned, it was yours. Your special hide away, your paradise, your escape. But since his arrival, Arvin had become just that as well.
“You alright?” He questioned, looking over at you with a vaguely concerned expression.
You looked over at him, a nervous twist to your lips, “Can I show you somewhere special?” Perhaps it was an odd question to ask, though you hadn’t thought it was until you saw the curious and somewhat confused look dawn on Arvin’s face. Nevertheless, he nodded and, with a smile, you turned left towards the field.
It was a short but otherwise successful, trouble-free drive. You slowed down and pulled off to the side of the road into the dirt shoulder. “Where are we?” Arvin asked, looking around and seeing nothing but tall grass and trees.
With an impish smile, you turned off the ignition and looked towards him, “You’ll see. C’mon!” You threw your door open and walked around the front of the car towards the passenger’s side, hanging on the passenger door when Arvin finally opened the door to exit the vehicle.
He followed you to the edge of the brush where you walked as if you knew it like home. With minimal effort, you found the overgrown path and pulled him along behind you. The road disappeared behind the two of you as you wandered beyond the tree line, tall birch trees creating a maze that you knew by heart. The path was short and you navigated it with a sixth sense until you led Arvin to a small field. There was an imperfect circle of wild grasses beside a stream that seemingly appeared from nowhere but you knew it was that time of year when the snow started melting off the mountains. Bundles of wildflowers grew mixed in the grass. Just along the bank of the crystal clear creek water was a large dogwood tree with vibrant white flowers.
“Wow…” Arvin breathed out in amazement as he tried to take in the beauty of the place.
“Pretty, ain’t it?” You asked with a smile, the wonder in his brown eyes warming your heart. You were glad that he seemed to appreciate it as much as you did.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face as your heart welled with happiness at his stunned reaction. He stepped in a slow circle, taking in the beautiful scenery. “It’s beautiful.”
“This is sorta my… escape from reality, I guess you could call it. I come here and I’m suddenly in a different world away from all the bullshit of life.” You reached down to run your fingers through the soft blades of grass. Arvin smirked and you looked up at him with a short breathy laugh, “What?”
He shook his head and looked down, hands buried in his pockets as always, “I think that’s the first time I ever heard you curse.”
You rolled your eyes, “I don’t do it very often. My daddy would always yell at me tellin’ me how un-ladylike it was to say bad words. Told me it made me sound ugly. I think his exact words were ‘a dirty mouth makes a dirty woman.’” Your voice dropped to mock your father.
Arvin spoke plainly, “Your pa needs to treat you better.”
You gave him a sad knowing smile and looked down at the ground, “It wasn’t always like this, y’know? I think that’s the saddest part.”
“What you mean?” Arvin asked.
You sat down on the grass, feeling the soft blades press against your skin as you sat back on your hands. Arvin followed suit, finding a comfortable spot beside you and waiting for you to continue. “When my momma was alive, he hardly ever drank. Wasn’t nothing like he is now. I think that’s the only reason I’ve put up with as much as I have. I hate seeing this miserable shell of the man I once knew but I also know that a real father wouldn’t have let himself fall into this pit - or at least stay down there long enough to practically leave his daughter to fend for herself. I just always hoped that maybe one day he’d pull through and… y’know… be my dad again.”
You laid back on the ground and stared up at the sky. The clouds passed by, white and weightless, pure and unaffected by the troubles of this world. You envied them. The way they floated along, either bringing shade and beauty to the sky or raging unapologetic storms, with no constraints as to where they could float and how they could behave… it made you wish you could be a cloud.
Arvin was silent, unsure of how to respond. He wanted to offer words of support and encouragement but he never had been too good with words. He hadn’t really been taught to talk about problems. His daddy had taught him to finish them with his fists. Finally, he sighed, looking out across the field, “I understand. I felt the same way ‘bout my daddy.”
You perched up on your elbows, “Really?”
He nodded and looked down at his leg, which he was slowly rolling side to side just to keep fidgeting in some way, “Yeah… he, uh, he changed into a totally different man after my mama died.”
You looked up at him but you could see he was trying to avoid your eyes. You rested a gentle hand on his knee, “‘M sorry, Arvin. I had no idea.”
He shook his head, “Nah, don’t be. It’s been a long time.”
“D-do you mind if I ask what happened?” You cautiously inquired but quickly added, “Of course, it’s fine if not. You just… you don’t talk much ‘bout yourself.”
Arvin took a deep breath in, “My mama died when I was ‘bout ten. Cancer took her. My daddy tried everythin’ to keep her alive but when it didn’t work… he killed ‘imself too.”
This time you were unsure of how to respond, stunned by the new information you’d just learned. “I-I’m so sorry,” you breathed out in disbelief. For some reason, you had never thought that perhaps Arvin could have had a similar childhood experience to you, like losing your mothers, but your heart went out to him.
“It took a long time for me to understand why he did what he did but I finally realized that he just loved my mama so much that he couldn’t bear to be away from her.”
“He should’ve loved you enough to stay for you.” Before you could stop yourself, the stunning but honest words slipped from your lips. You damn near stopped breathing when you realized what you said, “I’m sorry. That was out of line. I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s alright.” Arvin had been stunned by the words that came out of your mouth but he knew damn well they were only a vocalization of a thought he had had almost every day since the day his father put a bullet in his head. “I’d be lyin’ if I said I hadn’t thought the same thing before.”
A heavy silence weighed over the two of you that was only relieved by a cool breeze. “So what happened to your mama?” Arvin asked.
Your face twisted, “Labor complications. She was pregnant with my little sister. When she went into labor, things just went really wrong. She lost too much blood ‘n died. The baby died too. I think it was just too much loss at once for my daddy to handle.”
“That’s too much loss to make a child deal with on her own,” Arvin commented the same way you had earlier.
You shrugged, wavering your head from side to side. Like he’d said, you would be lying if you said you hadn’t had the same thought. “Looks like we got a lot in common.” You chuckled sadly, “I feel like I lost everyone who ever loved me. My mom, my sister, my grandparents, my dad...” Another silence settled and you waved the thought away, pushing yourself to sit up, “‘M sorry. I didn’t mean to make this all sad.”
Arvin shook his head, “You ain’t got nothin’ to be sorry for.” He paused, hesitant to continue. He hadn’t talked to anybody about what happened back in Coal Creek and Knockemstiff but something was strongly compelling him to. Maybe it was a bad idea to continue but he did, “I had a sister once too.”
Your mouth fell slightly in surprise and you let out a heavy breath, “You did?” The use of the words had and did instead are have and do were not lost on you and you couldn’t help but wonder what had happened.
Arvin swallowed hard and nodded, “Yeah… she, uh, she got into some trouble with this no good preacher that came into town. She was just so lonely, reminds me a lot o' you, but when he saw that and he took advantage of her. Took everythin’ he wanted and when she got into trouble he just told her she was crazy.” He paused for a moment, the memories of his sister flowing through his head, “Found her hangin’ in the shed.”
You were dumbfounded by the story you’d just been told. Anger and sadness were clear in Arvin’s voice despite his attempt to hold on, though you had a feeling that just the way he had been telling you about it meant that he had shared more of himself than he ever intended to . You struggled to wrap your brain around the tragedy he had just shared. “What’s her name?” You finally asked after a few moments of silence.
Arvin looked out across the field again and then back at you, “Lenora.”
“Lenora,” you repeated, “That’s a pretty name.” Arvin only nodded wordlessly. Again, another pause before you continued, “You said it was some preacher that got her in trouble? What happened with that? I mean, you knew? Didn’t anyone else? Is he in jail or somethin’?”
The man tensed up next to you and shot a look towards you that was sharper than one he’d ever given you before. You shrank back ever so slightly, taken off guard by his response to your seemingly simple question. “‘M sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. You don’t have to-”
“Ain’t nobody woulda believed my Lenora if she told ‘em. You know how people see women who got babies ‘n no husband. Especially since he was the preacher…” he trailed off and you were desperate to see the memories that played behind his big brown eyes, “He ain’t gonna hurt nobody no more.”
Your brows knitted together, trying to decipher what that meant. Did he go to jail? Was he fired? Was his reputation ruined? You prayed whatever justice he got was fit for something so atrocious.
"I'm sorry you lost your sister."
"I'm sorry you lost yours too."
After a long silence, Arvin laid back beside you, his body grazing your arm as he lowered himself. The two of you rested beside each other in this new understanding of each other. As you struggled to keep your attention on the sky, your eyes frequently straying from the vast blue expanse overhead to the beautiful man to your right, you couldn't help but wonder if by some insane fantasy maybe he'd be struggling to keep his eyes off of you in the same way.
"Let's talk about somethin' less depressing," you prompted, "How 'bout girlfriends? You ever had one of those?"
Arvin’s chest rose and fell heavily as he sighed, "I ain't never had much time for a girlfriend. Didn't much like anybody in my hometown anyways. Don't think nobody liked me much neither."
You rolled your eyes and audibly scoffed, "I find it hard to believe you didn't have girls bangin' down your door for a date. You're tellin' me you ain't never went out on a single date?"
He shook his head, "Nope. I mean I kissed a girl or two back when I was younger but I never had no time for datin'. Always workin' or helpin' my grandma or keepin' Lenora safe."
You rolled over onto your side and looked down at him curiously, "Where you from anyways?"
Arvin was hesitant to answer, you could see it plain as day, though you couldn't figure why. Finally, he answered, "Lived with my mama and daddy in Knockemstiff but moved to Coal Creek with my grandma after they died."
Mentally, you wracked your mental map for any memory of those towns but found none. "I don't think I ever heard of those," you commented, lying back down.
Arvin stretched his arm up and readjusted his cap, "Not many people have unless you're from near there. Just some small towns you'd drive right through and never even notice. Knockemstiff is near Meade, Ohio."
"Oh!" You exclaimed in realization, "I heard of that one!" You giggled. You didn't live anywhere near there but you'd heard the name at least from a friend whose family was from Meade.
"What about you?" He asked.
You began tracing light patterns on your stomach with your finger, "What about me? You know where I'm from."
"You ever had a boyfriend?"
You kept your eyes staring straight up. “I tried datin’ a few boys back in high school but nothing too serious. They didn’t seem to like me much,” you admitted with a shrug. At the time, it had bothered you a little that you seemed to have a hard time finding a boyfriend but now you saw that it was better this way. Younger you had spent night after night praying for a knight in shining armor that would come and whisk you away to some beautiful new life. All they had done was run for the hills because they didn’t want to deal with your daddy… not that you could blame them. You’d learned not to depend on anybody for anything, certainly not some boy to make your life better. You’d have to do that yourself.
“I think it would be impossible for somebody not to like you.” Arvin said quietly but with no ounce of dishonesty.
You rolled your eyes and rolled over to look at him, “Your just sayin’ that.” Despite the fact you swore to yourself he was only joking, blood rushed to your cheeks.
Arvin’s head turned in the crook of his arm to make eye contact with you, “I like you.”
The sweetly joking smile you had on your face fell in shock. “W-what?” You stuttered less than gracefully.
“I mean it. I like you… a lot.” After your pause, his heart fell but he didn’t need you knowing that, “You ain’t gotta say it back.”
“I like you too,” you admitted quickly before Arvin could continue to doubt himself anymore but when you looked over at him, you could see that momentary flash of doubt in his eyes. You could almost hear his thoughts behind those big brown orbs: Nah, you’re just sayin’ that. So you decided to beat him to it, “I really do.”
A warm breeze couldn’t dispel the thickness that had been created in the air between you two as you both looked at each other, trying to decipher what the other was thinking and what on Earth you were supposed to do next. Neither of you were well experienced when it came to love or romance or whatnot but experience wasn’t needed to feel some higher power, call it God or the universe, pulling the two of you together.
You weren’t quite sure when you and Arvin had started to inch your lips closer to each others’ but when they finally met in a gentle experimental kiss, it was as if fireworks had gone off. Your heart swelled with an emotion that could only be described as longing. Breathing stopped as if the feather-light touch of his lips on yours had knocked the air out of your lungs and you found yourself unable to catch it.
Both you and Arvin were hesitant to pull back and neither of you did until there was no air left in your lungs. It was one of those kisses that left you less. Breathless, speechless, thoughtless. Just less. And yet somehow more. A part of you that you had denied being empty for so long felt like it was now filled by Arvin and, perhaps that was too much credit to give for simply saying he liked you and sharing a mindblowing kiss with you, but damn.
“I-I-I uh…” You tried to stammer out something that would be fitting but there were no words.
“You ain’t gotta say nothin’.” Arvin reached over and gently brushed back a strand of hair that had fallen into your face, “But I’ll be damned if I let you go without tellin’ you you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”
You reached up and covered his large hand with your own, twisting your wrist so that your fingers would interlock with his, “Who ever said you gotta let me go?
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words: 2.9k
pairing: yamaguchi t. x f!reader
prompt: soft dom
warnings: unprotected sex, dom/sub relationship, yamaguchi being a fucking DADDY, yamaguchi with long hair lives in my mind rent fREE
summary: whenever your friends thought of you and your boyfriend, they always assumed that you called the shots; that you were the one in control. boy are they wrong.
a/n: this piece was actually heavily inspired by @introloves answer to this ask about soft dom yams, and i knew right there that i had to write this because holy SHIT that was hot and i hope i did it justice. please check out their blog, it’s literally immaculate.
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yamaguchi tadashi.
if you were to mention that name to any of the main volleyball powerhouse school’s who played in 2012, they’d probably give you an odd look and ask, “who the hell is that?”
although making it onto karasuno’s volleyball team, yamaguchi wasn’t a starter like his fellow first years, and the only time he ever really saw any action on the court was if he was pinch serving.
in all honesty, yamaguchi tadashi was a nobody his first year.
but skip ahead to your last year of high school and you were to mention his name? suddenly the crowd would be alive with chatter, the air practically buzzing.
what had changed?
yamaguchi was a nobody his first year of high school because he didn’t want to be anybody.
since elementary school, yamaguchi always relied on someone else to tell him what to do; for someone to hold his hand and make his actions for him.
and for a while, he was content with that. from such a young age he believed that others were more wise and inept to tell him what to do than himself.
he trailed behind his best friend, tsukishima, and when they entered high school and met you, he trailed behind you for a while, too.
the day yamaguchi met you in the middle of his first year of high school, an unknown feeling embedded itself deeply in his chest. faint, but still there.
you had fit so seamlessly into his and tsukki’s little bubble that it almost seemed as if you were destined to have been friends with them.
you were incredibly smart (you were in the same class as them), you were witty enough to keep up with tsukki’s sass, but also kind and patient, lending an ear whenever he felt that he wasn’t good enough.
your never ending kindness sparked something in yamaguchi, and all he wanted to do was to give you everything you wanted. no matter what it was.
he was drawn to you because you were assertive, confident - a natural born leader. and to yamaguchi, you may as well have hung the moon and the stars in the sky just for him.
it made sense to anyone as to why he fell in love with you - you were all the things he wasn’t.
you realized even before you and yamaguchi began dating that he was more reliant on others than most, and it broke your heart.
even though he couldn’t see it, you recognized the potential in yamaguchi to be better than what he was now. he was such a caring and hardworking young man, he just needed that little extra push.
he recognized when to take charge, he just couldn’t see himself as the one to step up to the plate. in his head, there was always someone else to take the position, someone better than him.
so you decided to change that.
through the years of being with one another, you two slowly learned everything there was to know about each other, and you used that to your advantage.
slowly but surely, you helped yamaguchi overcome his dependability of others. you helped him grow confident in his skin and helped him realize his potential to lead instead of being lead.
like a farmer waiting for your crops to bloom, you watched him flourish with a deep pride.
but as much as you wanted to take all the credit for yourself, you knew that his friends on the team stood by yamaguchi’s side the entire time.
during your last year of high school, which only felt like yesterday (it was literally last year), you could still vividly recall the feeling of pure shock and absolute pride when ukai presented the captain’s jersey to your speechless boyfriend, the bold number one staring right back at him.
when his clear brown eyes met yours, that fire you’ve been waiting to see finally ignited in his irises, you knew your work was done.
now all that was left was to reap the benefits.
you laughed at the loud belch that left tanaka’s mouth while tsukishima rolled his eyes in disgust.
all of karasuno’s old volleyball team sat around a large table outside the cafe, easily catching up with one another and sharing laughs and stories over drinks and food.
you smiled softly at the comfortable chatter of all your friends, chest warm as you felt a wave of nostalgia wash over you. ‘this feels just like taking a break during practice freshman year.’
back then everything felt so simple, the only goal they had in mind was to make it to nationals. and although all of that was in the past, it still brought a sense of comfort to you.
your musings were cut short when you felt a firm but gentle pressure on your thigh, a familiar large hand squeezing you comfortingly.
you brought your eyes to meet with the hands owner, and yamaguchi smiled softly when you raised a questioning eyebrow at him, lips pulled into a cheeky grin.
“what? do i have something on my face or do you just want a picture?” hinata snickered at your teasing words and yamaguchi rolled his eyes playfully.
“although a picture would be nice, i just wanted to know what you were thinking of, love.”
a soft smile replaced your mischievous grin from before and you looked around the table full of all of your closest friends, eyes full of happiness.
“oh it’s nothing, honestly.” you muse, pushing around a stray strawberry from the cake tsukishima insisted they ordered after lunch. “all this just reminded me of our first year of high school, s’all. y’know, like the breaks during practice.”
“i can kinda see what you mean.” daichi hummed while asahi and suga nodded along sagely.
“oh? if this is going back to your guys’s first year, does that mean yamaguchi is still being lead around by (y/n)?”
noya’s loud voice carried across the table, and suddenly, everyone’s eyes were on you and your boyfriend.
“hah?” you questioned, headed tilted to the side in confusion. yamaguchi rolled his eyes again while the table snickered to themselves.
“oh don’t play dumb, (y/n)! we all know that you basically had a leash on yams all throughout high school.” tanaka remarked playfully, waving his hand causally through the air.
“yeah! it was like you wore the pants in the relationship, not yamaguchi.” hinata joined in with a mouth full of cake, and you stared them down flabbergasted. your face flushed as even the third years nodded their heads in agreement.
“yeah, and it seems like she’s still wearing ‘em.” kageyama muttered and you choked on your spit while noya and tanaka howled.
yamaguchi scoffed, face pinkening as a playful smile curled his lips at his friends teasing. some things never change, it seems.
“what? do i really still seem like a pushover?” yamaguchi joked, but his eyes widened slightly in shock as the whole table nodded seriously.
some (see: tanaka and noya) even wiggled their eyebrows suggestively at the young couple. “yup, i bet (y/n) even takes charge in the bedroom, too.”
the mortified sound that left your lips fell on deaf ears as the table erupted in a bunch of juvenile hoots and hollers as yamaguchi lightly spluttered over his words, cheeks positively glowing now.
“are you denying it, (y/n)?” suga’s words silenced the table as everyone settled their eyes on you. even yamaguchi peered at you from beside you, curious to see what you would say.
while you were pretty sure you were dying from the embarrassment, there was a gremlin inside of you that wanted to tease your boyfriend in front of your friends.
so like an idiot, you went along with her.
“while i usually don’t kiss and tell, his voice is rather lovely~” you say with a wink, and genuinely laugh when the table interrupts into full blown chaos.
your amusement is short lived however when the hand that never left your thigh gave you another firm squeeze, but this one felt just a bit harsher than before.
you nervously turned to face your boyfriend, already knowing what was coming.
yamaguchi simply smiled sweetly at you, eyes full of love and humor. but his firm grip squeezes your thigh once more, and you know it’s a warning.
“you’re so cute, (y/n).” his words are light and sincere, but there’s something darker underlying them, just a tad bit menacing and you know what he’s really implying.
the only person to pick up on this little interaction between the two of you amidst all the hollering is tsukishima, and he smirks to himself as he takes a sip of his drink.
if only these idiots knew.
surprisingly, suga’s words stayed with yamaguchi for the rest of the day without his permission. like a leech, they imbedded themselves in his head and refused to leave no matter how hard he tried to focus on something else.
they stayed with him for the rest of the lunch with his old teammates, long after the conversation shifted to something else.
they stayed with him as you both said your goodbyes and headed back to your shared apartment near the university you both were attending.
they stayed with him even as he slowly undressed your body in your bedroom, calloused fingers gently trailing over your smooth skin as his lips connected with your neck.
“dashi~” you moaned as he gently left a red mark on your neck, sucking harder than usual so it would stick, staining your skin with his affection.
you yelped softly when yamaguchi gently pushed you to sprawl against the mattress, brown eyes looking at you with a gentle mixture of love and lust swirling in them.
but like earlier, there was hint of something harder behind his loving eyes and you knew it had to do with the conversation from before.
like any sane person would’ve done, you know you should’ve just left your boyfriend alone and not tease him about the earlier conversation. the last thing you’d want was to upset him.
but that same gremlin from before wanted to see how far you could push your normally sweet boyfriend. she wanted to see how far he’d bend till he broke.
so like an idiot for the second time that day, you indulged her.
with hooded eyes, you slowly rose to your knees and crawled towards your boyfriend who still stood at the foot of the bed, eyes watching your swaying frame with curiosity.
the large tent already forming in his jeans made your mouth water, and with teasing eyes you leaned forward and hooked your teeth on his zipper. your gaze never left his as you dragged it down, and you smirked at the way his kind eyes seemed to darken.
with practiced ease you pulled his jeans down along with his boxers and practically moaned as his long and heavy cock sprung from its confines, slapping against your cheek softly.
a soft groan left yamaguchi’s lips as your wrapped your warm and wet mouth around his weeping tip, eyes slipping shut as you lightly sucked on the head before bringing it deeper into your hot mouth.
you weren’t joking when you said his voice was lovely.
just as he was about to thread his hands through your hair to encourage you to take more of him into your mouth, you pulled away suddenly.
yamaguchi opened his eyes and settled his gaze on your giggling face, teasing eyes staring back at him as you gave his tip a coy lick before pulling away with a grin.
yamaguchi doesn’t falter, eyes never straying from yours as he simply smiles down at your teasing figure. bringing a big hand up to your cheek, you lean into his soft touch immediately before he trails down to your neck.
you freeze as his fingers wrap around your throat, squeezing firmly enough to take away your breath.
he only keeps his grip on you for less than a second, relaxing his fingers immediately. but as his index finger curls back to gently tap against your carotid artery, it’s his turn to gaze at you teasingly.
again, you’re reminded who’s really in charge.
“you really are cute, (y/n).”
you shiver as his words from earlier dance in your ears, and that same undertone of something else is laced through them, just a tad bit more forceful than before to give you the same warning. he only needed to squeeze you once to remind you.
with a nervous gulp, you stare into clear brown eyes as yamaguchi pulls his fingers away from your throat, watching in satisfaction as all traces of your earlier bratiness practically disappears.
he gives you another soft and loving smile as you scoot back on the bed to lay on your back, spreading your legs for him just like he taught you so he could get an eyeful of your wet and glistening folds, cute little hole clenching around nothing.
he didn’t have to say anything to keep you nice and obedient for him, he already had you trained so well. after all, you both knew who really called the shots.
yamaguchi tadashi may have been a nobody his first year of high school, but ever since you came into his life, for the first time ever he realized he wanted to be somebody.
and that somebody was someone to give you everything you wanted, no matter what you asked for.
this is what made him the perfect soft dom, the perfect lover. he was always willing to give you what you asked for.
you’d ask for him to touch you harder; to thrust into you faster. you’d ask for all of his love and affection and he would hand it over to you on a silver platter.
but he also knew how to keep you in your place, and you thrived off of it. it was the gentle way he went about it, the kind manner he spoke to you in that made it all the more tantalizing.
it reminded you all too much of a sleeping lion, waiting to be awakened.
like the way he was in his everyday life, yamaguchi was gentle with you. he never would do anything to hurt you on purpose.
he was gentle in the way he asked you to spread your legs for him. he was gentle in the way he’d pull orgasm after orgasm from your twitching and gushing cunt.
you thought he had forgotten about your two little slip ups from earlier, but you obviously didn’t know your boyfriend as well as you thought you did.
he doesn’t intentionally bring up your bratiness from earlier, but he thinks you get the message of his lesson as he folds your body in half, thick cock spearing you open as he pounds a little harder than usual into your dripping core.
you may have said his voice sounded lovely, but you’ve obviously never listened to yourself as he fucks you nice and deep, cock stirring up your insides with each thrust and grind.
“d-dashi! t-too much!” you squeal out, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he ignores your words, pumping his hips into you steadily.
his tip was hammering right into your poor cervix, dragging against your g-spot with each pass and you felt like you were going to hyperventilate.
he watches the way you attempt to cling onto any bit of sanity you have left, nails digging into his shoulders hard enough to leave marks as drool drips down your chin.
he moans your name softly as he pounds into you, eyes filled with adoration at the absolutely lost look on your face, cute brows furrowed in the pleasure that he was giving you.
he flushed at the way your walls fluttered around him, wet cunt practically sucking him back in every time he pulls his hips away, only to stretch you back open as he slams in balls deep.
he knows this position allows him to sink in deeper than he usually does, and he knows you’ve learned your lesson when you beg him to slow down, voice growing higher in pitch as you approach your orgasm.
instead, yamaguchi increases his speed, hips hammering into yours as he groans out your name again, relishing in the way you tug on his hair until it’s pulled from the loose ponytail he placed it in.
soft green locks curtain your faces as you both breathe in each other’s breath, eyes locking as yamaguchi steadily brings you towards your climax.
the only time yamaguchi will hurt you on purpose is when his teeth dig into your neck as he prepares to tip you over the edge, hands gripping your waist tight enough to leave bruises behind for tomorrow to see.
he pulls his lips away to watch with a possessive satisfaction as you fall over the edge, toes curling and nails breaking the skin of his shoulders as you scream.
your voice is broken and shot as you babble his name into incoherency, body twitching from overstimulation as his deft fingers never leave your clit, working you through your first orgasm and gently beginning to bring you to your second one, his hips slowing down but never stopping.
his eyes are full of pure adoration and love as you weakly cling onto him and babble out slurred ‘i love you’s. he knows you’ve learned your lesson, and he knows he’ll have to teach it to you all over again.
through the haze of your orgasm and the gentle building of your second one, you know he’s not done with you yet as he smiles down on you, freckled cheeks resembling a strawberry at the red blush dusting them.
“you’re such a good girl for me, (y/n). do you think you can give me another?”
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taglist: @lovelypasteldreams @living-for-drama @arixtsukki @month-seasoning @bakarinnie
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hood-ex · 3 years
No capes au is AMAZINGGGG also bc dick is 16 are the titans involved in the story? Like dick sometimes changing plans bc he’s got siblings or taking them with him bc they think he’s got the coolest friends (or perhaps someone really doesn’t think their cool whatever works lol)
I hadn’t planned for anything with the Titans, but now that you mention it, I can imagine a scene like this:
Roy: “Cool. Who’s house are we going to? I vote Dick’s.” 
Dick: “No way. Let’s go hang at Gar’s.” 
Wally: “What’s wrong with your house?” 
Dick: “It’s full of baby gremlins that won’t leave us alone.”
Roy: “You just don’t want me there because the gremlins think I’m cooler than you.” 
Dick: “You? They tolerate you, they love Wally. Probably like him even more than me.”
Donna: “Oh, stop. They look at you like you hung the moon. You could cough and you would have their complete, undivided attention.” 
Dick: “I tripped over the carpet yesterday and they all laughed at me.”
Wally: “Who wouldn’t? Tripping is hilarious.” 
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secret-engima · 4 years
Here I am. The anon who enables. The enabler anon. Send forth your RWBY verses' rambles *opens arms wide to receive* (only if you want to of course)
-Blake isn’t sure what to expect of her new teammates, but Ruby having a GIANT WOLFDOG is not one of them. It takes- a long time for Blake to not flinch and throw herself onto something high whenever Mercury shows up, even though he TRIES to not be a gremlin and bark or prank her.
-Weiss lasts maybe three days before she breaks out the baby talk. Because while Mercury is big he’s still a dog and we’ve seen how Weiss responds to Zwei. Mercury is annoyed by the baby talk and ignores her until Ruby convinces Weiss to “please just talk normally”. Then he will permit the scratching of ears.
-Weiss and Blake are both going to be SO SHOCKED (and upset) that Mercury is actually a person and they were never told.
-Ruby gets super into prosthetics and the building of them because of Mercury. She knows they can get him a prosthetic human leg, but it’s not going to transform into a wolf leg when he does. That technology just- doesn’t exist in that specific way yet. So Ruby decides at age ten or so that she’s gonna make one.
-Ruby: It’s transform when you do and it’ll be great and it’s also gonna be a *gun*.
-Mercury: Ruby I have teeth and claws, I don’t need a gun for a leg.
-Ruby, excitedly drawing prototype blueprints: GUNLEG.
-She does in fact build him a transforming gunnel with Velvet’s help. Mercury is a goodnatured Sigh.
-MercuryxEmerald is the eventual ship planned, and Yang teases him mercilessly for it once she’s sure Emerald is serious about defecting to the good guys. I’m also dabbling in Rosegarden (is that the ship name? OscarxRuby) because the idea of Ruby going from “ew crushes” to having one of her own amuses the heck out of me.
Always I Dreamed (Raven AU):
-Raven has a propensity for adopting things, as evidenced by Ozpin and later Emerald. But it doesn’t stop with them, and her habits are infectious. At various points in Yang’s childhood, she gets a gruff ex-assassin sibling from Mom (Mercury), two adorable cousins from Uncle Qrow (Ren and Nora), one angry older sister bandit (Vernal), a Cool Big Sister Figure with Fire Powers (Amber), and of also another Big Sister with Many Issues of The Anger that Raven carefully helps her work through. This particular big sister is a fav of Ruby’s because she can make cool toys from black glass.
-Yes Raven is fixit adopting Cinder
-No I didn’t see that coming either, neither did Raven. It just kinda- happened.
-Raven absolutely sings RWBY songs sometimes. Usually “Home” as a sibling lullaby for Qrow and later Team STORQ, then later All Our Days for her kids. But sometimes she can be heard humming other themes under her breath.
Azur verse:
-I’ve mentioned that Ozpin is a former Khara and proceeds to adopt Azur the feral Khara child, but I can’t resist touching on how Azur and Qrow meet.
-Azur is feral bby. He woke up in this world in the wilds and his Semblance (or magic, Oz is still not sure which it is) saved him from Grimm, and Azur tended to follow Grimm everywhere because they kept the other predators away. So this child is very feral when Oz finally coaxes him into his house. Azur is also protective and dedicated and knows that the only two people who come here are Ozdad and Housekeeper Lady.
-So when Qrow, very drunk and newly returned from a mission, decides to crash on Oz’s couch, Azur doesn’t have a clue that this is normal and fine. Cue Qrow being attacked and knocked out by a very persistent and angry 7-10 year old.
-Ozpin comes home to a trashed living room, a very proud Azur, and a Qrow who has been tied up using every bit of rope, string, or wire Azur could find and is nursing both a concussion and a hangover.
-Ozpin unties Qrow and explains he’s welcome here once he’s stopped laughing himself sick.
Dragon Yang:
-Yang really likes Ozpin. *Really* likes him. It’s not a crush or anything, but she went from a world soaked in magic to Remnant which has barely any left and it makes her feel off balance and numb. Then she goes to Beacon and the Headmaster HAS MAGIC. She can feel it. So she starts to heavily gravitate toward him when possible because he feels “normal”
-Ozpin, who has been the object of many school hood crushes, takes a bit to realize that Yang is not yet another student with a crush. And then he’s confused on why she keeps falling into his orbit when possible.
-He has no idea that in this magic-starved world, he is basically the living equivalent of dragon slayer catnip.
-Ruby also thinks Yang has a crush and is thoroughly grossed out because *Yang he’s a TEACHER*. Yang just laughs at her baby sister’s discomfort.
-Luna wakes up slowly, in fits and starts and dreams of rain and a knife in her side. She wakes up to the cold, to the loneliness, and then wakes up further because no child should have to deal with this.
-Luna wakes up when she is once again eleven years old and stares at herself in the mirror.
-Weiss Schnee, second daughter of Willow and Jaques Schnee, looks back. And looks *tired*.
-Her sister has already joined Altas academy and is on the fast track to the military, and though she loves her sister, it smacks greatly of Ravus from a lifetime ago and Luna cannot bear to look at Winter sometimes because of it.
-She dotes on her little brother, on poor Whitley who is neither stubborn like Winter or an old soul like Luna and yet is stuck in this abusive, neglectful household. She tries to shield him from mother’s blank stares and father’s sharp bursts of temper. She has lived with bruises like this before, better she take it than Whitley.
-When she is young, she hears on the news in school that there was a mining accident, that a great many Faunus died. While the rest of her classmates titter, one girl who Luna always avoided because she hung out with a crowd Luna didn’t trust, bursts into tears and turns bright blue. The other girls recoil. Luna sits down next to the girl and holds her hand, not hiding the tears falling from her own face at the thought of such massive loss of life.
-She never sees the Faunus girl again, but it is a wake up call. A reminder that something is very likely *wrong* with her father’s company. So she investigates.
-She is twelve the first time she sneaks out in a hoodie and a little painted theater mask. She makes it all the way down to Mantle, and there she reaches for blistered hands and weary souls. She is no longer an Oracle, but magic is of the soul and she remembers it well. When she calls, golden magic answers. She heals until she is exhausted, and somehow she manages to make it home without falling over or getting caught by Klein. She does it again, in between recitals and school and taking care of Whitley, she continues to sneak down to Mantle. Never speaking, never showing her face (they would hate her for her blood if they knew, she knows, reject her help if they saw her white hair and blue eyes), but always helping and healing where she can.
-The people of Mantle name her. Ghost, they call her.
-Moon Angel, the Faunus whisper. Helper, healer, lost soul.
-When she is thirteen, Luna signs up to a combat school despite her father’s disapproval. When Whitley clings to her in fear that she too will abandon him as Winter has (Winter visits to rarely, and always her attention rests solely on Weiss when she does and it makes Luna so *angry*), Luna tells him her plan. She will become a Huntress, and when she has her license, nothing will stop her from coming and taking him away from this place. She will be able to make money to provide for them, to free them from this cold palace of finery and recitals and empty wine bottles and bruises under their clothes in the shape of a man’s hands.
-When she is seventeen she applies to Beacon rather than Atlas, in defiance more than desire. She bids Whitley goodbye and promises once again to come back for him, he just needs to hold on a little longer.
-There is faith in his eyes as he waves her off. Luna died keeping her word, her duty, in another life. She will do no less here.
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
hi! I dont know if you are still taking request, or even active but if you are, could you do a headcanon with todoroki having a s/o that loves drawing him ? they could be already on a relationship or not ur choice
Hi anon! If you're reading this I previously replied that I am sort of taking requests, but I was inactive until recent. In order to make that up to you I'll give you both a scenario fic and headcanons since I was struck by inspiration to write this! Hope you enjoy!! I kinda spiraled off topic asdfgh 
Pls accept my word-vomit like I’m a cat giving you a dead rat. 
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The Campos 
Todoroki x Artist!Reader
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"How is it possible for anyone to be that handsome." 
Even you were surprised by the words tumbling out of your own head, stopping your pencil in its place and as you froze like a still frame. It wasn’t long before you felt heat creep up your body, painting your cheeks all the way to your ears with a red like the sunset. 
It was always like this. 
There was nothing artistic from the way his image always flowed from your pencil in hurried lines and messy scribbles, and there was no beauty from how you always hunched over into the collar of your shirts whenever you felt the burning of your emotions. You wrote Todoroki [Name] and [Surname] Shouto in the margins of your notebook as if you had reverted back to primary school, doodled among little tiny hearts and sketches of his side profile. 
Maybe your parents were right. You should’ve just gone to art school like they had said and fallen down the path of them and so many of your other relatives. But at fourteen you were just so caught up with wanting to be different. You had to be. You had to get off the beaten path and flow out of the frame you were confined in. You said that in this family you would never be the best artist, but you could become the best Hero that the [Surname]s had ever had. You were a Hero-in-training, but you knew that at heart you would always be an artist. 
And now at sixteen you were at a loss. You were at a loss because whenever you looked over at the last window seat in 1-A, your talents always fell short. There was nothing you could draw that could bridge the distance you felt, to calm the foreign feelings in your body. Your drawing skills had not diminished while you practiced war, but you were backtracking now. Perhaps you really should’ve gone to art school instead. 
Maybe then you would find a way to express how you truly felt. 
Nothing you wrote or drew now could match up to the endless admiration you had for one Todoroki Shouto. 
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Everyone else was mere background noise to Todoroki when he set his gaze on you. 
Although Bakugou and his group of friends were in the common room shouting and making a ruckus and Todoroki’s own friends were giggling at the back of him, tossing frosting, floating bowls of batter to Iida’s ire. 
His eyes always sought you out. 
It was difficult to explain why. Even now, with you in a baggy sweatshirt and loose jeans rolled at the ankles, Todoroki wondered why he was paying you so much attention. The world around you was spinning and you were at an impasse. You were only writing in your notebook, probably jotting down notes at a speed he couldn’t comprehend. Your head was always buried in that Campos notebook.  
With a loud screech, Kirishima bumped his hip on the dining table, jostling both you and him from your standstill, pencils rolling across the wood. Your eyes immediately flashed up and met with his wide heterochromic ones. A deer in the headlights. The two of you turned away as quickly as it came, ignorant to the pink that bloomed on both of your cheeks while a spark flickered across his left cheek. 
“Whatcha drawing there, [Name]?” Kirishima asked boisterously, pulling out the chair beside you while you heated up like a furnace, waving your arms around wildly and sputtered like a train engine. You couldn’t snatch it away fast enough and his dark eyes fell on your doodle-ridden pages with a soft, “Oh.” His lips formed a small O shape. His eyes carefully looked up at the hot-and-cold boy before dropping back down to your page. You carefully averted your eyes, fixing [e/c] orbs on some faraway wall until he carefully pulled your notebook toward him and quickly scribbling something down, pushing the pages back toward you. 
When you snuck a peek at the drawing of a blond gremlin with spiky hair like a porcupine, and a crude drawing of a K and B underneath an umbrella, a loud laugh tumbled out of your mouth. 
It was as if Todoroki didn’t exist anymore as you gave Kirishima your full attention, laughing to whatever jokes he made or witty one-liners. 
He wasn’t a poet. He didn’t know the words. 
Others could talk about how selfish he was for having his mother’s pretty face and his powerful Quirk; boys and girls have tried before, handing him letters in his locker and bouquets of flowers, but that never mattered to him. Only you have stayed on his mind. His attractive features and his Quirk only had stock to it if it helped him win over your affections. 
In crowded places and busy gatherings, when he stood in solidarity, when his hands hung by his sides and his eyes were left with nothing to see, he wondered what primitive part of him was always acting out. How his hands wanted to cut off all connection with the logic in his brain and reach out to grab yours. How he always silently watched you from faraway, physically unable to tear your visage away from his eyes. His body always acted without reason — the heavy palpitations against his rib cage, the rose against his skin, the sweat on his palms, the dilation of his pupils. 
He wondered how he was in Heaven just by being near you. 
He wondered what it would take to get you to look at him for once. 
But your eyes would just be deep within the confines of your Campos notebook, impervious to his lingering thoughts of you.
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Surprisingly it was Todoroki who offered to clean up after his friends while they went into the showers to wash away the flour and frosting that coated their hair and skin. The night had already been long by the time they turned in, heavy and drowsy after making several tins of uneven, ugly cupcakes. He had to do something with all of this energy, he thought, scrubbing away at stubborn stripes of sugar that painted the counter tops.
The lights were off and only the streaks of moonlight filtered through the large windows of the dorm room. You had left with Bakugou’s group several hours earlier, accepting Kirishima’s invitation to go to the nearest konbini for ice cream with an open hand. 
Now it was just him. 
Tossing the rag in the wash bin, he was about to make his way back to his room when his eyes fell upon the dining table and he found your notebook. 
How could he not know it was yours. He had seen it within your hands more times than he could count, more obsessively than Midoriya’s Hero Analysis for the Future No. 13. He wondered if that was why he was so interested in you. Your dedication to your studies were admirable. Nearly twenty-four-seven. 
Carefully, he crept closer to it, as if it was a bomb going to detonate before he picked it up. 
The pages curled and crinkled in his hands, and he debated opening it. 
It was just a school notebook, right? You probably only had notes and worksheets hidden inside of it. 
Maybe he could get an answer to your time. He could discover the subjects that you were struggling at, or even find one that you were better than him at. You were a couple ranks below him in the class grades. When he returned your Campos to you he could ask to study with you. 
He flipped it open and his heart stopped at the sight. 
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Shit, shit, shit! you thought, running down the stairs, taking two at a time. It was late enough that the elevators were locked for curfew and you cursed Aizawa-sensei for putting your room at the very top of the building. After you had gotten back from the konbini with your friends, cheeks hurting from how hard you were laughing at Kaminari’s antics and Sero’s sarcasm, you had completely forgotten that you left your notebook on the kitchen table. You only remembered when you dug through your bag only to scramble around when nothing came up. If anyone like Hagakure or god forbid — Mineta, found it, you would never live it down. You were lucky enough that Kirishima was a good sport about it. He knew how to keep his mouth shut, but everyone else? 
You wondered if it was too late to transfer schools. 
Your feet landed harshly on the carpeted ground after the final step, head snapping back and forth for your notebook, but froze at what you saw. 
Even in the dim light of the moon and past the hand clamped over his face, you could see the heavy pink on his cheeks. 
Your heart dropped. 
“I — “ His hand fell to his side and you were given a full view of the strong flush on his face. “That’s my notebook... Todoroki-kun.” 
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When the Campos dropped to the floor and he dashed across the common room, hand around your waist and his lips on yours, you found that you didn’t need flowery words or an arsenal of artistic techniques to express how you felt. 
Your hands wrapped around his neck, locking him deeper in the embrace, fingers cording through his soft red and white hair. 
The instinct to be closer to him would be all you need to overcome the division between a desire for him and the stillness of your body. 
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After you two get together and it becomes more obvious that you’re drawing him, he’ll coax you out of doing it in secret.
He’ll ask to take pictures of the drawings on the margins of your notebook or if you’re drawing it on scrap paper, he’ll ask to have it after you’re done with it. 
He keeps it in a box uwu and he has to upgrade every year because it keeps on getting full. 
Even if you’re not drawing him, you ask him to pose for you so you can take references for your other drawings. He’s just so proportionate!! 
It makes him so happy every time he sees it!! He nearly catches on fire every time. 
The fact that you’re expressing your affections in this special way makes him so soft?? 
He once tried to draw you in return but he has like zero to none art experience. Even had no experience in his childhood because all he wanted to draw was All Might and Endeavor wouldn’t allow that. 
Instead you offer to teach him the basics on how to draw and you two continue bonding that way!! You sit on his lap because that’s the best spot to be close enough to guide him and show him how to draw while you drone on and on about shadows, anatomy, perspective, and he’s just nodding along without a single word going to his brain because he’s just staring at you the entire time. 
[“Shouto-chan, did you get that?” 
If you draw him complete pictures he keeps it on his wall, and eventually his dorm room looks like he’s about to string red yarn around it because it’s blanketed with paper all over like he’s uncovering a murder conspiracy. 
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A/N:  The picture that I used for the page breaks is Anselm Feuerbach’s “Peonies” and I actually saw it in real life at the Neue Pinakothek!! It’s one of my favorites and I even got a mousepad of it bc I’m a dork asdfg 
The Kirishima and [Name] scene is inspired by this comic by marbitss and I was inspired to write a lot of prose after reading Nicole Krauss’ The History of Love!
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candychronicles · 4 years
unrequited love, or not? // k. bakugou
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A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this, and thank you for being so patient!
CHARACTER PAIRING: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of being drunk, blood, mutual pining, dumb best friends
SYNOPSIS: you’ve been best friends since you could remember, but what if you wanted more?
the first day you met Bakugou Katsuki was on the first day of school, ever. you were bubbly, upbeat, someone who introduced yourself to everyone and made as many friends as possible. nothing could get you down, well, besides Bakugou. despite your best attempts, he was mean, sassy and definitely didn’t want to be your friend. for awhile, you resigned yourself to all your other friends, but the grumpy gremlin never left your brain.
over the following years, you slowly broke down the anger and superiority of his childhood, peeling back the layers to find a kid who wanted to save lives and be a hero, a kid who used his confidence to keep himself going against all odds. it wasn’t until your years at UA high that you really figured out who he was to you, but by then, things were too late, him being too focused on climbing to the top to even spare anything other than a friendly glance your way.
it wasn’t as if he ignored you. in some ways, that may have even been better, for you would’ve been able to push aside your feelings, but no, Bakugou was anything if not an attentive friend. he was one of the few people you trusted with your life, and vice versa. he came to you for everything, with everything, about everything, because you were his partner, his best friend. this closeness only complicated things, but you persevered, determined to be the greatest sidekick you could be to him.
your friendship wasn’t one that many people understood. while you were bright, extroverted, smiling brighter than the sun, moon and stars, he was grumpy, reserved, focused, but it worked. he called you annoying every day, and yet you two were inseparable, eating together, doing homework together, shopping, spending holidays together and taking selfies that, when you posted, he threatened to blow you up. 
you watched as he blew every challenge out of the water, both literally and figuratively. from every challenge that came in high school, all of the death and destruction that you two fought together, coming out on top despite the pain, and continuing to help save people as he became a sensationalized pro hero practically overnight.
despite his constant successes, he wasn’t the number one pro hero, and until he achieved, and consistently maintained, his biggest goal of his life, there would be no other priorities in his life. you slowly watched, year after year, as he worked tirelessly, throwing away other opportunities in order to continue to pursue his goal. it wasn’t until you confronted him casually one day that your worst suspicions were confirmed.
“Katsuki, why haven’t you ever dated someone?” you questioned not so innocently one day, waiting with baited breath to hear his answer.
“Becoming the number one pro-hero has and always will be my number one priority,” he replied casually, shrugging his shoulders and continuing on with eating like he didn’t just shatter your heart into a million shards.
little did you know, his heart was also breaking, threatening to rip his chest open from the inside, suffocating and strong. he liked you, loved you, for longer than he could remember, but he was sure you didn’t feel the same way. he thought that every lingering touch, every suffocating hug, every time you called him when you were sad and drowning in tears, begging him to make you feel better, was just you being a best friend, nothing less and nothing more.
you became a bit more distant after that, nursing your hemorrhaging heart, attempting to fix it back up, using any stitch or glue that you could find so that you wouldn’t bleed out. this need to not hurt led you to a very drunk night with Mina and Jirou. it started off innocent enough, but as the night drug on and the alcohol tickled your veins, your blood began to thin and pour out of your mangled heart, and the tears followed soon after.
“why did i have to fall for him? he doesn’t love me, he never will. i’ll have to sit back and watch him continue on with his life, blissfully u-unaware that there is someone here who loves him so much that it hurts. i’m so dumb, so so dumb,” you rambled on, liquid pain streaming down your face as you cuddled a bottle of wine.
the girls tried to console you as best as they could, snuggling deeply into you and rubbing your hair, wiping the tears off your face and assuring you that you were loved, before you promptly passed out, the bottle of booze replaced with a pillow that you clutched tightly to your chest, attempting, even in your sleep, to fix the ache in your heart.
you awoke with a pounding headache and a steely resolve to distance yourself from your best friend even more than you already were. while you knew it would hurt, nothing could compare to the emptiness you felt standing next to him knowing he didn’t feel the same way. texts were replied to hours later, calls missed, and you once even pretended you weren’t home when he stopped by randomly to check up on you.
Bakugou didn’t know what he did wrong, and it was eating him alive. he texted, he called, he even tried to break down your door, knowing you were home, but you still barely responded, claiming you were busy. never in your combined friendship had you went this long without talking, even when you were truly mad at each other. 
the lack of communication took a toll on Bakugou and he finally decided to confront Mina about it one day, despite not wanting to look desperate.
“why has she been avoiding me?” he asked the second she picked up the phone, not bothering to even say hi.
he heard a soft sigh on her end of the phone before she replied, “i’m not supposed to tell you.”
“bullshit. if she’s hurt, mentally or physically, she should be coming to me. i’m her fucking best friend.”
“and that’s the problem,” she replied cryptically.
“what the fuck is that supposed to mean? does she not want to be my friend anymore?”
“well, yes and no.”
he swore, at those four words, his heart stopped.
“if she doesn’t want to be friends with me anymore, then she needs to man up and tell me. i don’t have time to waste on cryptic shit. i’ve got more important things to do.”
“and that’s the problem!” she suddenly exploded, before replying more evenly, “all you care about is being the number one pro hero to even see what’s going on in front of your very eyes. someone cares about you very, very much, probably more than your shitty ass deserves, and you can’t even return those feelings because you can’t and won’t prioritize more than one thing in your life.”
Bakugou hung up on her after those words, immediately calling you, to no avail. he grabbed a jacket and some shoes and raced out of the door, heading towards your house with nerves of steel. 
how stupid could i be? does she really feel the same way? 
once he reached your house, he barged in, not even bothering to announce his presence as he headed towards the kitchen.
you appeared out of nowhere, alert and ready for anything, before relaxing your body, though there was still tension squaring your shoulders back. 
“what the hell are you doing here?” you asked, confusion and a little bit of anger tinging your voice.
“do you love me?”
you quirked your head at him, face heating up in embarrassment, not sure how to respond.
“are you ignoring me because you love me and you don’t think that i love you back? are you so dumb to think that if you confessed to me right now, that i would reject you?”
your mouth gaped open and closed, unsure of how to take his questions, so you nodded meekly back, before responding, “you told me that being the number one pro hero was your number one priority-”
“my number one priority right now, sure, but that doesn’t mean you’re also not one of my priorities in my life. sometimes you’re even my number one. i don’t spend all my time with you, tell you everything, help you with everything, just because you’re just one of my ‘friends’. you’re my other half, you idiot. will you go out with me?”
your head cocked side to side, mouth still open, attempting to process his words, all the information that he had just thrown at you like it was nothing. he liked you? he wanted to go out with you? 
“the question isn’t that hard. you also look like a fish. close your mouth and just tell me how you feel, how i know you feel now, so i can kiss your dumb face.”
at those teasing words, your face broke out in a smile before you rushed forward to capture his lips in your own, pouring all of that pent up pain and sadness into the kiss, allowing your heart to finally stitch together.
“you’re such an idiot. of course i like you, and of course i’ll date you. i’ve loved you for a long time, maybe even since you were a snotty nosed little brat, but not much has changed since then,” you teased, eyes twinkling in mischief.
“hey, just because you’re dating me doesn’t mean i still won’t kick your ass for being rude.”
“catch me if you can lover boy,” you called out, leaping away from him and into the kitchen laughing.
he shook his head, finally allowing himself a moment to breathe, feeling the heat rise into his cheeks and his blood pumping throughout his body, before he called out threateningly and began chasing after you around.
i’m in love with my best friend.
maybe being number one pro hero wasn’t the number one priority in his life anymore.
TAGS: @jojosmilktea​​ @redbeanteax​ @softforshigi​ @katsuki-bakugous-lady​ @katsukisprincess​ @secondhand-trash​
Want to be a part of my taglist? Message me!
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Any chance of getting something maybe set in the future or smthng where percy is telling either his kids or young demigods about how good and powerful jason was or just recalling some of their old adventures and its Percy's way of getting closure for jason? Can be angsty can be fluff whatever floats yah boat:)
I am not afraid to admit I teared up writing this. I am an emotional bitch. Anyway I hope you enjoy Anon!
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"Come on boys, your sister's already in bed." Percy got up from the couch to pick up the stray toys and blankets still littered around the room.
"Can we get a story tonight Pops?" Charles looked up at him with big brown eyes.
"Sure baby, what about?"
"About," Lee looked to his twin and then back at his father, "About daddy?"
He released a soft breath, crouching down so he was at eye level with them.
"Of course, I'm always happy to tell you about your dad."
"Thanks Pops!" They beamed and then raced off to get ready for bed.
Percy stood up to lean against the wall, letting the ache of missing his husband wash over him. It pressed against his ribs, made breathing an impossibility. Blue eyes, bright with laughter flashed through his mind. He blinked the tears away, now was not the time to break down.
"Zoe, you want to come listen to the story?"
"What's the story?" She scrunched her nose, "I don't want to hear about the princess and the dragon. Everyone knows she should have made friends with the dragon and gone on amazing adventures."
He struggled to hold in a laugh as she rolled her pale green eyes, "You don't have to worry tonight, it's a story about dad."
She lit up then, smile as bright as the sun, "You're gonna tell us about dad? Yes let's go!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her brothers' room.
He didn't bother to keep his laugh in this time, letting her drag him through the house.
In a matter of moments the boys were tucked into their beds. Zoe was climbing onto his lap as he tried to get comfy on the bean bag sat in the middle of the room.
"Okay you want to hear about a time we killed a monster or time at camp or something else?"
"Monster!" Zoe and Charles cheered.
"Camp," Lee said softly.
"Okay you little gremlins how about both? I'll tell you the story about how your dad accidentally stabbed me."
They nodded, smuggling deeper into their beds and looked at him expectantly.
"It was around the middle of summer, actually your dad's birthday. And I had planned to have a picnic in the strawberry fields. We only had the day to be together because it was Capture the Flag that night and you know your Aunt Annabeth was a tyrant when it came to camp games," He winked, making them giggle.
Lee furrowed his little brow. "Why were you going to the strawberry fields?"
"Yea why not the woods, or the beach?" Charles asked.
"Your dad never really liked the beach. He says there's too much sand and too much water," He laughed softly, "And the woods aren't really that safe. It's better to stay well within camp boarders."
"But why—" Charles started up again.
"Charlie," Zoe scolded, "Let Pops finish the story. You can ask questions later."
"Nobody asked you Zoe," He stuck his tongue out.
Lee untucked his arm and held it off the bed expectantly. His twin sighed and clasped their hands together.
"Later Charlie,"
Percy's heart skipped a beat, as it always did when the twins acted like this. It was Jason's favourite thing about them—that silent understanding, that unspoken bond.
"Carry on Pops," Lee nodded solemnly.
"We had a little party for dad in the dining hall with a silly lightning bolt shaped cake and cloud cupcakes." He didn't tell them that all the drinks were same shade of green as his eyes because that was his husband's favourite colour. Or that Jason had pulled him in and kissed him so hard they had almost started a hurricane right there.
"I had asked my friends to help me set up a picnic blanket and a basket in the fields so we could go after breakfast. But when we got there everything had been trampled and broken."
Zoe gasped, slapping a hand over her mouth.
"Oh no," Lee's face pulled in horror.
"Who did it Pops? What happened?" Charles was sitting up now, his hand still firmly holding his twin's.
He gave them a wide eyed look, struggling to hold back his laugh at their intent expressions.
"Well we were both very confused and quickly took our swords out but then we heard a rustle from behind us. We turned around and sitting on a rock was this huge serpent. It was brown and swampy green with two giant horns on its head. And it was just staring at us."
"Your dad tried to get closer but before he could strike his sword this thing was moving towards us. It jumped on me and I fell to the ground."
They all let out a comically loud gasp.
"My sword fell out of my hand. But your dad was there and he sliced his sword down on it. Except he missed the monster because it moves so fast and his sword hit me instead."
Charles groaned, falling back onto his pillow.
"Come on Pops what happened?" Zoe bounced, looking up at him.
"So I'm injured, the monster is still slithering everywhere and your dad is trying to make sure I'm not gonna die. Before he could get me some ambrosia the serpent is back and striking at him. That's when I finally grab all the water from the strawberries and throw it at the monster. And then it crumbled to dust. Guess it wasn't thirsty huh?"
He didn't tell them he choked that creature till it didn't know the difference between blood and water, didn't tell them he nearly died trying to control so much with an injury. Didn't tell them the fury he felt when it had tried to attack his boyfriend.
"Uncle Grover was not happy with me because all the strawberries died but your dad and i made it back to the infirmary and we got all better. Which was great because Aunt Annabeth and Aunt Clarisse would have killed us if we couldn't participate in Capture the Flag." He laughed.
"What was the monster Pops?" Lee asked, earthy eyes wide.
Zoe frowned, "Yea and how did it get in? I thought camp was protected. "
"And who won capture the flag?" Charles waved his hands impatiently.
"We found out the monster was called Cerastes and it probably dug itself up under the borders. There was a whole maze running under camp, but it collapsed after Aunt Annabeth and I helped the creator out."
Zoe squealed, "Can we hear that story next?"
"Maybe another night, princess. And to answer your question Charlie," He smiled at his son, "Clarisse's team won capture the flag. Your dad and and Aunt Clarisse made us clean toilets for a week because we lost."
"Aw daddy," Lee scrunched his nose.
"Yes Annabeth was very unimpressed with them. Alright, time to sleep now."
"Pops," Zoe hugged his neck, "I miss dad."
He wrapped his arms around her little body, "Me too princess. But someday we will all see each other again."
Lee looked at him curiously, "How do you know?"
"Because your dad is in a very special place and if you guys continue to be brave and kind you will also go to that special place and you will see him again."
"And will you be there?" Charles tugged at his hand.
"I hope so. I think if you all give me kisses I'll be able to trade them in when the time comes."
They pounced on him, dissolving into giggles as he kissed them back and tickled their little feet.
"I love you guys, and your dad loved you more than all the stars in the sky." He looked at each of them, green eyes bright with love and sorrow.
"We love you too Pops." Charles let out a yawn.
"Yea, love you Pops." Lee climbed back into bed, "Are we getting pancakes tomorrow?"
"It is birthday tradition," He grinned at them, "And especially since you're becoming old men. Pancakes are soft so you don't have to chew when your teeth start falling out."
"Our teeth fall out?" Charles gave him an appalled look.
"Only if you don't brush your teeth Charlie." Zoe said matter of factly.
"Thats right," He held in a laugh at her serious expression.
"Goodnight little ones." He picked his daughter up, switching off the lights and closing the door halfway.
"You ready for bed princess?"
"Mhm Pops," She blinked slowly, "Can I help you make pancakes tomorrow?"
"Yes please," He laid her down gently, "You're the best sous chef ever."
Her answering beam made his chest tighten.
"I love you Pops. Thank you for the story."
"Was it to your satisfaction?" He flicked her nose softly.
"I like when you and dad save each other," She burrowed into her blankets, "It's much better when you do things together, instead of those silly princes who want to save the princess but don't let her help."
He shook his head in amusement, "When you go on your own adventures remember to do things together."
"We're gonna be a team." She gave him a determined look and then yawned.
He kissed her forehead and pulled up the blankets before leaving the room.
With a sigh he escaped to his own bed, sitting down with the heaviness of longing.
Jason and him weren't just a team; they were the question and answer, the sun and the moon, the beginning, middle and end.
He picked up the framed picture of them on their wedding day, Jason's blue eyes bright with happiness, and Percy looking at his husband like he hung the stars in the sky just so their glow could shine onto this love.
"I miss you my Saving Grace," He whispered.
And then laughed, as he felt the soft caress of wind brushing over his damp cheeks and dancing between his fingers.
"I love you."
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black-wolf066 · 4 years
An Au where Five dies young in the apocalypse.
(((I originally wanted this to be something more happy-ish, despite the Au idea, but my Muse demanded angst; so angst it shall have. Warnings for the general Klaus-ness of... well Klaus (he's my favorite of them all so I’m not hating on him, but we all know the warnings that come tagged with his name by now) as well as mild language and again angst. 
This story is posted over on my Ao3 account under the same pen name (blackwolf066) I would link but due to people posting phishing links, I'm weary to do so. The story is called [Not an End of All, Only an End of Something])))
Klaus is not quite twenty-four, just a little over a year before the inevitable publishing of Vanya's book, when Five pops up out of the blue. And at the worst possible moment too as Klaus OD's on the ground of some seedy alleyway.
When he wakes up in the back of an ambulance, he thinks it was all just one big twisted hallucination. But then he looks over the EMT's shoulder and sees a glaring, near murderous Ben, which is not an uncommon sight at all considering where he landed himself (again). No, it's the pale figure standing beside Ben, a very rattled and pale ghost with the face of little number Five and--
"Well, shit."
Is all he can really articulate.
Ben just glares harder.
After coming to grips with it (he will never come to grips with it) and after hearing Five's sad tale; he seeks out the rest of their living siblings.
Really, he shouldn't have even bothered.
Much like how no one believed Klaus about Ben in the beginning, they sure as hell don't believe him about Five, or the bullshit he spits about the apocalypse being real (courtesy of Five telling him and Ben what all had happened after he disappeared). Klaus truly believes his brother's story, the proof of it clear enough on his ghostly corpse. The layer of soot that was too ashy and grey to really be grime. The slight wheeze to Five's words even though the boy was dead and no longer needed air. The hollowness of his cheeks and the clothes that hung too big on his too small, bony frame.
It’s a scary thought, to know that all of humanity rests on Klaus' shoulders; and all because none of his siblings could be bothered to give Klaus the time of day.
"We're all doomed." Five puts eloquently.
Klaus hisses at him, but he knows Five is right. He's the last person anyone should put their faith in and yet Five didn't have much of a choice.
Klaus didn't need the reminder.
Nor did he sign up for this shit.
(None of them did, not Ben and surely not poor little number Five, who Klaus still has a hard time keeping long bouts of eye contact with; the image of his too small brother and the clear suffering he had gone through, far worse than when Ben had appeared all bloody and shadowed in the corner of his room at Seventeen).
Meanwhile the Commission are left scratching their heads and wondering what in the hell happened. What killed Five in the first place? Was it the starvation that did him in; or the ashy air that caused his lungs to stop filling altogether? Or was it the expired Twinkie that was the straw that broke the camel’s back?
(They don't dwell on it for long. What will be will be and all that jazz)
With two nagging brothers instead of one, Klaus has a harder time chasing and keeping his continued highs. Though he doesn't want this responsibility, would rather sit back and watch the world burn during his lower moments of weakness; Klaus finds, much like Five, that he doesn't have much of a choice either.
(The disappointment on anyone's face had always been a natural state in regards to Klaus. He was the family fuck up after all, the useless number out of the lot of them; and that included Vanya. He was used to it by now, but to see that disappointment on his kid brother, hurt more than he'd ever like to admit aloud).
So he gets clean, or clean enough, no longer allowed to go for the harder stuff (the topic of Sobriety is a fight Ben and Five realize they will never win). Klaus needs something if he's to do this with his sanity still intact, the ghosts are just too damn loud, too unpredictable and too uncontrollable (not like he could ever control them in the first place) to really go full on cold turkey.
At least it's a start in the right direction, so Ben and Five will take whatever they can get at this point.
With no leads other than a glass eyeball no longer in Five's possession, there isn't much Klaus can really do but wait for nightfall and break into the Meritech facility; a company he had never even heard of (until that day) that apparently the eyeball originated from ("Obviously it came from there, Klaus, pay attention!"). With Ben and Five acting as his lookout and scout respectively (to warn of any security wandering the building as well as to point out all the cameras to duck around and avoid), it doesn't take Klaus long to find the file room, but none of the files on hand have the serial number Five rattles off and they're back to square one.
Between the span of the next six years, the harbinger of death will lose an eye and none of them know when exactly that will happen or who said harbinger will be.
And life continues on.
Klaus manages to get a job despite his record, and even a small apartment to live in. It's a shitty little studio in an even shittier part of town. It's all he can really afford, but it's the home he made for himself and his brothers and he couldn't ask for much more.
Vanya publishes her book, and though Klaus silently cheers on her ballsyness (even--deep down--understands why she did in it the first place) he would have liked it better had she not callously attacked him like she did everyone else. He debates on using the damn thing for kindling in the fireplace, but somehow can't bring himself to do it; not when it's the only picture he has of his sister despite the betrayal he feels burning in his chest.
It sits collecting dust on the bookshelf instead.
Then one day Vanya randomly appears in their ghostly midst and Klaus is honest to god ready to throw hands.
"You know this is not what I ever had in mind about getting the four-corner squad back together again." Klaus mumbles.
"There never was a 'four-corner' squad," Five grunts, "You always just invited yourself along anyway."
Fair, Klaus thinks, and smirks faintly at the twin smacks that resound in the apartment from Ben and Vanya hitting Five's arms. The little gremlin’s hissing as he threatens and dares them to do something like that ever again, do nothing to lighten the fact that Vanya is still very much dead and standing in the middle of his apartment.
"It would explain why I never found Ben or Vanya among the rest of your bodies." Five states sometime after Vanya is filled in on the whole stopping the world from ending shin ding.
Klaus doesn't ever meet her eyes the entire time they talk; skirting around the guilt laden looks she keeps shooting in his direction upon learning he was speaking the truth this whole damn time.
(Meanwhile the commission is scrambling to right this wrong, and they almost go back to save their bomb from getting hit by that car, until they realize the apocalypse is still happening)
Which is fitting, really, that where Vanya ends the world the first time, it's Klaus that ends it the second time (the commission just don't know it quite yet).
And god doesn't that just suck to know he was the cause of his brother's suffering, even if the whole damn thing was nothing more than an accident.
Reginald still kicked the bucket (ding dong the abusive bastard’s dead). Harold still somehow managed to get his hands on the damn journal and was still hellbent on getting his vengeance against the umbrella academy; even without Vanya by his side.
With his living siblings distracted in their fight against Harold and the commission (still believing that Harold is the fuse somehow in all this chaos), Klaus is still kidnapped, tortured and forced to go cold turkey (but this time it's because he knows too much, Hazel and Cha Cha being sent out to find out how Klaus even knew about the apocalypse in the first place). He still gets saved in the end, still ends up back in time alone, fighting in a war because he was too scared to use the briefcase again and end up somewhere far worse. He still gains and then loses the love of his life (his Dave, his everything). Still dies, talks to dear old daddy and comes back--to the land of the living where his dead siblings all hover worriedly around him.
And all of this spirals with Klaus being absolutely and utterly done with everyone's shit: with the added scary bonus of secondary powers he didn't realize he even had (nor can control) due to said cold turkey experience.
In the end Harold really was the fuse, and the world is ended because his ghostly siblings couldn't penetrate the fog of Klaus' panic attack to calm him down (a panic attack induced by a mix of PTSD, the complete lack of faith his living siblings still have in him, and the resulting battle that ensues as Harold strikes the mansion).
His already uncontrollable telekinesis goes ballistic when the mansion explodes from C-4 Harold had planted around the block. He doesn't see the fighting that results from it, he doesn't see Luther rip Harold's eye out either (an eye he gained from pissing off the wrong people at the wrong time in his incarceration). All he hears is the fighting, the loud explosions, and the crumbling of the building around him. All he can smell is the smoke. All he can feel is the heat of the flames as they begin to lick teasingly at his skin and before he knows it, he finds himself back in that god forsaken jungle.
And so, ends all of ‘something’.
it's not a moon chunk to end everything in a fiery blaze of death, but an earthquake as Klaus' power unintentionally shifts the tectonic plates enough to set off every volcano in the world (dormant or otherwise).
Oh well.
C'est la vie
What will be, will be.
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star-linedsoul · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Erica Winchester!
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Born June 17, 2016, my Supernatural OC Erica would be four years old today!
So, I thought I’d share a moodboard featuring the father-daughter relationship between Dean & Erica and was inspired to write a passage centered around the special day, which can be found beneath the Read More due to length.
It includes Daddy!Dean, fluff, & a cameo from the Colonel (because Sam & Dean should have kept him and you CANNOT change my mind!)!!!
This was written all in one sitting and given only a moderate proofread, so any mistakes are mine to be ashamed of later. 😅
I hope y’all enjoy!
As always, my ask box is open for questions or requests to be added to a taglist for Legacy!
Taglist: @wordspin-shares​
This is perfection.
An open highway stretched between rolling pastures, the asphalt shimmering in the heat of the mid-June sun. A black Impala cruised over the blacktop, its rumbling engine accentuating the guitars wailing from the radio speakers as Dean Winchester drummed on the steering wheel in sync with the bass line. Sam Winchester was not reclined in the passenger seat, however. The car wasn’t cruising along a highway somewhere on the far side of the country, making its way toward a town in the midst of being terrorized by one of the many creatures that went bump in the night. So what gave Dean the idea that this casual drive through the farmlands of northern Kansas was the epitome of idealism?
He looked up at the rearview mirror with a grin. A baby-faced girl with curly blonde pigtails sat in the backseat, secure in a purple, high-backed booster. She kicked her feet in time with the rhythm of the music, weaving her head side to side as she babbled her own made-up lyrics from a mouth stained snow-cone blue while her hands were busy gently stroking the ears of the aged German Shepherd with its head in her lap.
“Erica Jo!” Bright green eyes immediately met their match in the rearview mirror as Dean called the girl’s attention. “What is today?”
She grinned, her teeth as stained as her lips. “My birthday!”
“And how old are you today?”
“Four!” she squealed, raising one hand as she turned her thumb in to display the appropriate number of fingers.
“That’s right!” Dean confirmed, hitting his brakes and his blinker simultaneously as the pastures on either side of the road were replaced with lines of business-fronts. “And do you know what that means?”
“We’re having a party!” Her attitude was infectious as she clapped her hands in delight.
Dean felt his own grin grow into a full smile as he turned onto a street lined with modest houses, seeking out a familiar blue two-story with a wide front porch that already had several cars parked in front. As he wheeled into the driveway, he spotted his brother standing in front of the garage, already lifting the door so that the Impala could be parked inside. Erica was unbuckling the car seat before Dean could shift into park.
“Uncle Sam!” The birthday girl threw herself from the car as he opened the door, giggling as she was swooped into long arms and lifted high in the air.
“There’s my favorite niece! Happy birthday, kiddo!” Sam brought Erica down and rested her on one hip, stepping away from the car to give Dean room to get out. “Perfect timing, man. We’ve got all of the decorations up and I’ve got the grill ready for you.”
“Hey, I’m just glad I got the easy job!” the elder Winchester returned. “Keeping the birthday girl occupied for the afternoon was cake. We had fun, didn’t we, Slugger?”
Erica grinned and nodded. “Are we gonna have cake now?”
“Soon,” Dean promised. He then looked around at the cars lining the driveway and the street. “It looks like just about everyone made it.”
“Almost,” Sam agreed. “We’re waiting on…never mind.”
The brothers watched as a yellow Gremlin turned the corner and slowed to a stop at the curb in front of the house. Sam suddenly found himself in possession of a particularly wiggly four-year-old who took off for the car as soon as he returned her to the ground.
“An’ Carlee!” Erica cried as she raced across the front yard as fast as her legs would carry her.
The redhead who had climbed from the driver’s seat of the car quickly crouched down to catch the little girl in a hug. “Hey! How’s my favorite Winchester?”
“What’s up, bi—best friends?” Charlie greeted the brothers as she walked across the lawn hand-in-hand with Erica, quickly correcting herself as she side-eyed the birthday girl.
Dean was grateful. Erica was in that stage where she was a sponge for new words or phrases, and he & her mother had already had the trouble of explaining why she couldn’t call her little brother a “son of a bitch” when he took her toys. It had not been an enjoyable experience, nor had the lecture he had received afterward about watching his mouth around the kids.
“Hi, Charlie,” Sam said, pulling the redhead in for a warm hug.
Dean crossed his arms over his chest with a mock pout. “I thought I was your favorite Winchester.”
“That was the past,” Charlie returned with a melodramatic sigh. “I’m ‘An Carlee’ now. The times have changed.” She dropped the act for a wide grin, joining Dean in a tight embrace before holding up a Star Wars-themed gift bag. “So where does this need to go?”
Dean quickly ushered everyone into the house, sending Charlie and his brother on to join the rest of their guests while he steered Erica into the kitchen. There, they found the most beautiful woman in the world arranging food trays.
“Mommy!” Erica cried, surging forward to wrap her arms around Cameron at the legs.
The blonde smiled as she stopped her work and wiped her hands on a towel before returning Erica’s embrace. “Hey! I thought that was you guys I heard…did you and Daddy have fun today?”
Dean could feel himself smiling like an idiot as he watched the exchange between two of the people most dear to him as Erica gushed about their afternoon of fishing, snow-cones, and the park while Cameron listened with rapt attention on their daughter. He still didn’t know how he had gotten so lucky.
He had thought the evening plans might be derailed when Erica protested changing into the dress Cameron had picked out for the princess-themed party, but Cameron had quickly cut off the threatened tantrum before it could begin, waiting for the strong-willed little girl to disappear up the stairs before looking at Dean and releasing a long-suffering sigh.
“Don’t look at me!” Dean said, holding his hands up in surrender as he leaned against the counter. “She gets her stubbornness from you.”
“In your dreams,” Cameron returned with a scoff as she approached him, cupping his face in her hands and looking him dead in the eye. “That is one hundred percent pure Winchester, my love. God help us when she’s sixteen.”
Dean smiled down at the woman who had so readily built the home he had always wanted but never felt he deserved. “Aren’t we lucky?”
“Every day we’re breathing,” Cameron returned easily, offering a wide smile of her own before pressing her lips against his.
Before Dean could consider taking her captive and sneaking away from their own daughter’s birthday party, Cameron had pulled away and was disappearing upstairs with the order to start the grill before their hungry guests began to mutiny.
The evening passed in a blur of laughs and smiles shared between the gathered crowd of family and friends-that-had-become-family. Erica had been quick to grab the spotlight once she joined the guest in her princess dress and crown—though Dean was quick to notice she was in sneakers rather than the glittery sandals Cameron had painstakingly picked out. They had learned there were some battles that simply weren’t worth fighting. The guest of honor danced between the throng, accepting their birthday wishes with the charismatic enthusiasm reserved for happy children. Dean was happy to fade into the background and let her shine. He retreated to a corner of the yard, sharing a beer with Sam and relishing in this moment he had rarely dared to imagine in the days when his life had been focused around the darkest corners of the world.
“Did you ever think we’d be here?” He ventured aloud, trusting his brother to know what he meant.
“I’d hoped we would,” Sam returned. “Even when we were at our worst, I hoped we’d find a way back.”
“And we did. We made it, Sammy. We’re home.”
Sam clinked the neck of his beer bottle against Dean’s. “Yeah. We are home.”
The soft rushing of little feet through the grass alerted the brothers to the fact that they were no longer alone. In the same motion, they shifted and crouched, catching the two girls recklessly charging forward and swinging them up in the air.
“Just what do you two think you’re doing?” Sam demanded, lightly shaking the girl in his grip. His daughter dissolved into a fit of giggles, so he looked to his brother. “Uh-oh. Mine seems to be broken. Can you get any information out of yours?”
“Mama says it’s time for cake!” Erica reported immediately, unafraid where she hung slack in her father’s grip just over his head.
“Cake? We don’t have any cake over here, do we Sammy?”
“Nope. Just raspberries!” Sam blew against little Mary’s cheek, making her shriek and laugh.
Erica groaned, kicking her legs as Dean still held her in the air. “No! You gotta light the candles!”
“Oh! Well, why didn’t you say so?” Dean swung her back down to the ground as Sam did the same with his daughter. Taking the pair by the hands, their moment clearly over, the brothers returned to the party.
Dean lit the four candles of the birthday cake as everyone gathered their phones and cameras. Stepping back beside Cameron as the singing began, he watched the shadows dancing across Erica’s excited face in the candlelight. She screwed her eyes shut as she made her wish. Dean relished in the knowledge that he’d been able to give her a life where she was able to make the normal wish a four-year-old made over their birthday candles: a pony, a house made of candy, or a trip to the moon.
This was perfect.
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saint-patrice · 5 years
In light of this post, about different types of ways you may feel about your favourite hockey players, getting an awful lot more notes than expected, I thought it would be fun to have a more detailed look into what kind of responses people were giving! I accidentally deleted the damn thing a few months ago and it took me a while to find it again, but on the plus side it accrued a lot more notes during that time - I have responses from 150 people, covering 119 different hockeys! This is pretty long, so all the good stuff is below the cut :)
So, as I said, there were responses from 150 different people (thank you all) - 119 individual names were mentioned for a total of 429 answers, accounting for 25 NHL teams. I’m going to link the Google Sheet at the end of the post, but first I thought I’d go through some of it :)
There is obviously going to be some bias towards the teams I am about on my blog since that’s where the post originated from, but with that many responses, the results are pretty varied. Anyway,
First are some of the most common players assigned to option one, which, as per the post, was “he’s perfect and i will not hear otherwise. i look at him like he hung the moon, because quite frankly, he probably did. he is the lord’s perfect creation and i would happily die defending his honor.” 
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As you can see Jamie Benn is the pretty clear winner, and very satisfyingly so, as he has the same number of votes as his jersey number. From what I’ve seen, Stars fans are very passionate about their captain and I love that! I don’t think there’s really any surprise appearances on here, although I wasn’t expecting Crosby’s name to crop up this much, maybe that’s just because I’m not necessarily a Pens fan. These are just the most common answers. People’s opinions were far more varied on this than the other option; on a quick count, I tallied 75 individual players being named for this one! As a result, most players that were mentioned in this category only appeared once or twice, like Ben Bishop or Seth Jones (both good choices). There does appear to be a considerable bias towards Canadians, with (if I’m right) 10 appearing on this graph. The rest of the players are European, so not much love for the Americans…interesting.
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Category 2: “this little bastard creature. how dare he. how dare he make me love him. he’s a gremlin that’s crawled up from the depths of hell and i hate him with all my heart even though i love him. he’s the literal worst man alive.”
 People were much more in agreement on this option - even as I was typing up the answers it was clear that TK and Seguin were almost unanimous across hockeyblr. It doesn’t seem to matter which team you support, you probably hold a little bit of rage for one of them anyway. 
I think Nolan Patrick making a pretty even appearance on both lists is interesting, and I can’t say that EJ or Jimmy Vesey were names I expected to see mentioned here. Matthew Tkachuk’s Friendship Tour runs rife even on Tumblr, it would appear. Most people probably would have predicted a lot of these names for this one.
(This post is from a fair few months ago, and from a quick scroll through the tags it does appear that most mentions of AMatthews are from before the allegations surfaced in September. Just something to note.)
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This is where things get interesting - I noticed some players were appearing numerous times for both categories, so I thought I’d pick out some of the most common ones, and see how opinions were split. Of the 38 times Travis Konecny was mentioned, only 2 people thought he belonged to category 1 (represented by the green bar), so I hope those people are out there living their truths. Seguin showed a similar pattern, whilst Barzal, Patrick, and Tom Wilson had opinions split close to 50/50. Surprisingly, Marchand was deemed more “perfect” than “gremlin” but that may be the result of this post being circulated a fair amount among Bruins blogs. That being said, and we’ll get onto it in a second, it does appear that hockey fans on Tumblr were fairly evenly represented in this, so maybe not.
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This is a summary of how the number of players mentioned were distributed by team. There’s some more info in the Google Sheet about how many players represented each team - e.g. the Capitals, despite only making up 7% of answers, had the most players mentioned at 14! This chart is interesting, and in my experience a reasonable portrayal of hockeyblr, although a few teams are probably a little under-represented. That being said, it is probably more reflective of hockeyblr on the whole rather than on a team-by-team basis. Players who tend to be pretty popular, or at least subversive, regardless of your allegiance - Konecny, Seguin, Marner - have definitely influenced this.
The Hurricanes, Red Wings, Kings, and Lighting have been omitted from the above chart as their players were only named once or twice, and so amounted to 0% in the grand scheme of things. No players from Ducks, Oilers, Panthers, Canadiens, Senators, and Winnipeg were mentioned at all. The Ducks and Senators weren’t really too shocking, but I did expect to see a player or two from the others in there. I would assume this is a result of those fanbases not being all that big on here. 
That’s all I’m going to get into here, but the whole workbook can be found of Google Sheets through this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cUFz4eSM_j-Ipjz7lhsAkaXqpw5M_08NcYiWBM1Zxec/edit?usp=sharing
It has all of the tables I made the graphs/charts from, as well as the whole list of the responses, some of which gave me a good laugh. And like I said, there’s some info on how teams were portrayed which might be of interest. It’s certainly not an exhibition on how you should be presenting your data, but it gets the point across :)
Thank you again for the awesome response to that dumbass post, and thank you to anyone who has read this far! I spent way too long on this so I really really appreciate it. That being said, it was good fun, so please feel free to let me know if you enjoyed reading this :^)
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kinglucaslallemant · 5 years
I love that in the last few clips the soulmate energy is through the roof. Like you can feel that they both truly believe that they’re the luckiest person in the world to have the other. And they’re both right. They get each other completely and they have this balance, like even though they just truly got together it also feels like they have been together their whole lives.
People talk about that kind of connection but we’re actually seeing it. They’re so different, polar opposites in so many ways yet they also fit together perfectly. They’re both exactly what the other needs.
Matteo is such a dork, he’s an absolute disaster. But he loves so big. He has such a huge heart and once someone sees that it’s impossible not to love him. He needs someone calmer, wiser, to center him and balance him out. He needs someone that can see all of him and can be trusted to protect the gentle part of him that he doesn’t show many people. Someone he can be a weird ass gremlin with but also be the kind of boy that wears his heart on his sleeve for the right person.
David seems to be a little more on the serious side, he’s been through some shit and finding this sweet boy that looks at him like he hung the moon, while kicking him and pulling his hair is exactly the kind of light-heartedness his spirit needs. Not only that, but that wisdom and that life experience have made him the kind of person that can see past the chaos to that soft sweetness that is at Matteo’s core. David needs someone that will always try to support and understand him, whether it’s by climbing fences and exploring abandoned buildings or looking at his art and telling him how talented he is.
They are the epitome of what soulmates are supposed to be. A perfect balance. Like with the clip today - they have been apart less than 24 hours. There is no way with the chat that it could have been more than that. But David steps into Matteo’s apartment and immediately kisses him and tells him he missed him. Matteo falls into David and his body language is screaming “oh thank god, these last few hours have been the worst.”. That is some honeymoon phase type of stuff.
What makes it more is the way that David hugs him back. He’s not surprised in the least that Matteo needs that affection. When they sit on the couch and they settle in together it’s like they have done it a hundred times. There is no hesitancy at all. The twine their fingers, they laugh together, their gestures are similar. It’s so comfortable and familiar, you would never guess they have only been at this point for a few days. But the trust and the intimacy of the first two clips make it so clear why that is. They’re at peace when they’re together.
They’re just so next level. It comes across as so intrinsic and instinctual. Their reactions to each other are so in line with the connection we have been shown. I was keeping my expectations low just in case but even if they had been high this would be exceeding them. They just fit. Communicating that can be difficult, it can feel forced or fake, but druck is nailing it at every turn. Like they had their faults throughout the season but this is not proving to be one of them. I am fully committed to the idea that David and Matteo will be spending the rest of their lives together. Because these actors and this show have made it to where I literally can’t imagine them ever being apart.
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