#as well as other differences in the life experiences of him and other sonics. idk how to word that hopefully you get what i mean
sonknuxadow · 1 year
its kinda strange to me how people act like movie sonic is a little kid compared to other versions of sonic and have the other sonics like. baby him. in crossover stuff. yeah movie sonic is a little guy hes like 13-14. but most other sonics are 15 so theyre also little guys and theres really not a big age gap here. and they also have friends who are younger than them that they dont treat like that. so idk why they would be acting like movie sonic is a little 5 year old if they ever met him
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r0b0t1me · 2 years
woke up too early and i have time to kill lets talk about mikey
so mikeys prolonged use of mystic powers is slowly killing him/aging him way too fast, and using vey powerful spells is lethal, we know this.
i think his mystic powers derive some kind of life energy away from himself, like alchemy. energy cannot be created or destroyed so fuck it. become the living battery.
i kind of envision mystic energy working the same way that a lot of sonic fans interpret chaos energy. its something naturally ocurring thats present everywhere but only certain people can tune into it and weild it properly. (Edit: rewatched the finale and totally forgot about empyrean lmao. i still think this idea could be partially useful though.)
how come mikey only gets to do this? idk hes built different (#JustGiftedKidThings). or you could wrap his characteristic optimism/passion/kindness into this but now its twisted into something ugly. just a raw will to survive
i think anti mystic devices and the krangs suppression still works but it just takes a Lot to knock him down. the same way that he can use a lot of power but its very much draining to him after intense prolonged use (the only way i know how to visualize this is with the physical cracks like i did in the cassandra comic). its never permanent though, he'll rest and bounce right back
so what about draxum and the other yokai? i dont know. thats what im stuck on.
actually now that im thinking about it, whats stopping mikey from letting draxum experiment on him with mystic powers if it means mikey could have a chance to save his brothers? others refused because well draxum is still a criminal and this whole living battery situation is potentially very deadly. im sure draxum warned mikey that he might just explode into dust the way we see him do in the movie but mikey was like "no, i wont." with that steadfast optimism and that was that
draxum aint trying that shit on himself because "yes potentially killing the one mystic alchemist on your side is a wonderful idea." also hes already old as shit i think so after 10 years hed poof into dust or something
maybe the other yokai fought over it, the remaining mystic power, split themselves into warring factions and that was their downfall. shrug.
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shadamyheadcanons · 1 year
So which comic/game/animated show has your favorite portray of Shadow (and also Amy)?
Don’t worry, there’s a tl;dr at the bottom.
Shadow: This is basic, but probably Sonic Adventure 2. Great character arc, great interactions with other characters, and my favorite Shadow character model of all time. Nothing compares to the flashy, structured look of Shadow’s quills in that one, and the animation of his skating is so much more effective in SA2 compared to more recent iterations. It’s no wonder he looked so cool in that game. He actually leaned into the strides like a confident speed skater. Some games and shows just have him push his feet forward, like he’s kicking his way through snow. It’s rarely slick like it used to be. He also has his best voice actor in that game (IMO). Sinister when he needed to be, calm and sincere when the time called for it, and he had just a hint of an accent that I’ve always liked for Shadow. I’ve never fully forgiven them for taking David Humphrey away from us after only...what, two or three games? Unforgivable.
Close second for Shadow is Sonic Heroes. I think that’s a less common choice, but it showcases some of Shadow’s best traits, sets him up with his Found Family, and proves he’ll do the right thing for the planet even when he doesn’t remember Maria at all. He’s good because he’s him, and even with the uncertainty of his memory loss, he seemed happier there than he does almost anywhere else. I like to think this is how Shadow would be if the ARK massacre had never happened: serious, heroic, but mostly carefree. I don’t agree that Shadow should have stayed dead after SA2, but if he’d never regained his memories at all and just moved forward with his life from there...idk. He was on the right track before he remembered G.U.N. ruined his life. At the very least, I think there’s a good chance he’d be legitimately happier. It’s worth thinking about. Oh, and David Humphrey voices him in this one, too. A+.
Honorable mention: his absolutely absurd appearances in the bizarre Sonic Dash and Spin comic. He’s portrayed as a delinquent...
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...but he’s so deeply, wonderfully weird about it:
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And he’s just. So...CUTE.
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How did this happen?! I love it! XD
This isn’t even factoring in the CANON crush Amy has on him, though that certainly doesn’t hurt:
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Dash and Spin is definitely the kind of comic you’ll connect with more if you know a bit about Japanese culture. I’m not surprised it wasn’t pushed in the US.
As for Amy, I think my favorite was Adventure Era Amy. She had the perfect blend of bravery and compassion. IDW Amy is great because she’s cool and can defend herself, but her bravery meant so much more when she couldn’t do that. She was the weakest on the battlefield with barely any strength to her name, but she always stepped up anyway. It also fed well into moments like the climax of SA2 because an ordinary girl who was counted out even by her own friends could still make a difference. I’ll never begrudge IDW or the pre-Frontiers comics for giving her the strength she’s rightfully earned by now, dammit, but I’m divided on this.
I also love Heroes Amy. She wasn’t OP like she is now, but she had a few new tricks up her sleeve, and they were hers alone. Propeller Hammer? Tornado Hammer? Her unique style of leadership through positivity that led even a fisherman, a child, and a Chao to victory? Damn impressive while still being believable for her skill and experience level at the time. She was making progress her way, not just through brute force. I usually prefer Lisa Ortiz as Amy’s VA, but Jennifer Douillard does a great job here. I think she’s at her best voicing Amy in Heroes. She finally got to be something other than just sweet.
The elephant in the room is her sudden, uh...aggression toward Sonic. Luckily, this is softened in the Japanese version. English gave us this:
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“This time, there’s no way out of marrying me!”
...but in Japanese, it’s this:
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“Sonic! Today’s the day I’ll get you to marry me!!”
It’s still too pushy, but she’s not saying “I’ll force you to marry me.” She’s saying “You’ll be so impressed with how far I’ve come that you’ll want to marry me.” It’s subtle, but it’s so much better, especially because Sonic pretends to lose and literally flees from her afterward while yelling, “Marriage?! No way!”
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Lmao, what a coward. And Cream knows it.
Localization slandered Amy Rose in a horrible, permanent way IMO. It was after Heroes that the fandom decided she was a “crazy psycho fangirl.” It’s taken years for her to shake off that stigma, and I feel like she lost a lot of her spark in the process, at least in the games.
Thank God she still has it in Mega Drive and IDW.
I’m not the only one who feels Sega threw the baby out with the bathwater. Amy looks and acts too soft now if you ask me.
Girly is fine. Girly is good. This is Amy, after all. But...this?
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Does this look like an adventurer to you? She doesn’t to me. Something was lost along the way. :(
Let her be a proper hedgehog with a backbone! Let her have a bit of an edge to her! Cream can be the soft one.
tl;dr SA2 Shadow, Adventures Era Amy, and elements of Heroes for both. So...my childhood, basically. I don’t think it’s just nostalgia, though.
(Is it obvious I just replayed Sonic Heroes? I actually got to defeat the last boss for the first time!!)
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chaoxfix · 2 years
what do you imagine as the future for the series :0 (ie, where do you see sonic and the gang in ten or so years, in universe?)
fr ty for the ask! this took a while to write but im actually pretty happy with the end results for these guys.
still adventuring, still being a hero. i think he actively distances himself from large groups of people because he would hate being overly famous, and would instead really enjoy the allure of always finding new people and places to explore, and if everyone already knows him then it kind of loses the appeal.
i think any trauma he's been through kinda hits hard at 19 and he starts to struggle a little bit with the whole child/teen hero thing. i think when he turns like 21 he takes a "sabbatical" which is actually him getting semi-willingly sucked into another dimension and staying for a bit longer than he strictly needs to. this lasts for a few years and when he comes back he feels more like his old self, zest for life, etc, because everything is new and exciting again. he'd continue ramping up threat levels and the desire for new and exciting adventures, and would be down for idk, space exploration, saving other dimensions, etc.
something will eventually be too much for him, and im sure he'll never go gray, but i like the idea of sonic just living a long, jam-packed, exciting life. he loves his friends and will always come back home eventually, but he needs enrichment, ok, and his standards for enrichment are extremely high.
10 years later, or, by 25, i think he'll more or less have his shit together but in the most sonic way possible. he'd be a traveling mentor, or a hero-for-hire (not that he really gets paid per say), and is a mythic figure across the galaxy.
he may or may not discover romance but i dont think anything would stick, so he's in like 5 open relationships across like 3 dimensions -- if he's not aroace, which is an equally valid outcome.
appearance-wise, he would have an updated design that somehow feels fight as a linear progression from classic to modern to future, but i havent quite figured it out yet. probably a darker blue, maybe lighter eyes or a different color than before (yellower or something).
tails runs a successful business as miles prower. he's the literal stereotype of 'they want 10 years of experience by the time ur 18' ... hes the reason entry level jobs are disappearing /jk
i think he grows up to be a bit of an oddball because hes very unlike other tech moguls (because he has a heart and morals etc.......). i think he's always going to have a spirit of adventure in him, being basically raised by sonic and all. i think he'll probably feel very bored if he doesnt go on adventures and fight bad guys on his own/with team sonic.
i feel like tails will also grow into having his own nemeses, people that really dont mess with sonic but DO mess with tails (and sonic encourages it low key because he thinks its important for everyone to have a rival<3)
i feel like tails doesnt really focus on romance as an older teen. maybe someday itll happen, and i dont actually hc him as aroace as an adult, just as someone who doesnt really feel the need to start dating yet since, well, he's only 18 in 10 years anyway, thats still super young. but i feel like it'd have to be orchestrated by his friends, as tails honestly has better things to do.
i think hes also the most likely of everyone, despite being the youngest, to adopt a random child. hes already had pets before in some canons (t-pup!) and was raised by a super young older brother. if he sees a kid in need he'd probably take them under his wing.
i love tsaiko's tails appearance-wise, bc its super visually interesting! id also be down for a tails that grows into like, a slightly different color than he is now, since in some universes we already saw that he was a darker orange as a kit and now he's bright yellow, maybe he'll change to a redder color or a lighter yellow, or brighter orange. idk! i think he'd definitely start wearing goggles though, and keeping like a toolbelt type thing around his waist and shoulder strap. he likes to be prepared ok.
i think amy has her shit together as much as she can in 10 years. i think she'd be the most likely to go to school/university/etc of anyone on this list. i think she'd have like. a bunch of different things shes doing at once, and have that be a bit, that shes always doing some new thing. 'wheres amy?' 'at dance rehearsal.' 'wheres amy?' 'teaching her cooking class.' 'wheres amy?' 'fighting in a WWE tournament' etc. she just does it all. but in addition to all of that, i think the reason that she spends so much of her time learning new things is so that she can be helpful on missions, and always know that extra bit of trivia that might save someones life. she studies medicine a lot for that reason too. she continues to be the heart and moral compass of the team, and can still talk would-be antiheroes and villains down from evil. i think she takes a lot of counseling classes to basically weaponize this skill tbh.
she'd have an apartment in multiple major cities and also moves around a lot. she has a lot of tea parties. i think she still sees vanilla and cream regularly, on top of still being on team sonic as often as possible. she sometimes sees big the cat as well, who i think might also eventually attend university with her (environmental biologist big...)
i like the idea of her having a pretty mysterious love-life, too, but that counters with the idea of her just really adoring her partner, who is truly, just some person in this universe.
appearance-wise i think she's wearing her quills longer again, and wears a red romper and uses boxing gloves in addition to her hammer.
still on angel island for the most part. but i think tails would figure out teleportation and give knuckles a teleporter pad so he can come and go easier. maybe even a way to shrink the ME and carry it with him in case of emergencies (though thatd hilariously sink angel island, so... has to be a pretty damn big emergency)
unfortunately, the ME is supposed to be the most important to him, but knuckles lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship (rouge)
no but fr theyre actually really cute together and have a shockingly healthy relationship even if its in no way normal. sometimes they fight on opposing sides, and knuckles always tries to have someone else swap with him so he doesnt have to fight his wife lol. for clarification, she's his wife, he's her boyfriend.
appearancewise i think he's more or less the same at 26. he sometimes wears a cowboy hat and brown leather jacket.
i think rouge would continue to be a thief and treasure hunter most of all. shes now 28 and works the occasional odd job with GUN, but GUN likes her far more than she likes them. they keep trying to get her to become like super high-ranked in GUN, despite everyone simultaneously knowing this would be a terrible idea. she's not even tempted and continues letting them fail and cackling when she hears about botched operations that they execute without her.
she dates knuckles off and on. mostly on, though she'll complain to shadow any time they're fighting and pretends it's a bigger argument than it actually was.
she also still runs club rouge and is a very successful businesswoman.
i think she also relatively looks the same, maybe a design that doesn't have so many cutesy hearts on it. i feel like she'd wear more like her SA1 design, or an updated one that's more like a snazzy purple and black jumpsuit, with intersecting lines that look a bit like the fractal cuts of a gem.
older but still young enough to fight. i think he has a health scare at some point and it scares sonic into paying him a hospital visit and telling him to take better care of himself or else, old man. eggman repays his flowers with an even bigger more exciting robot than usual to smash.
still looking for that DAMN fourth chaos emerald. fr though hes probably working at GUN off and on. sometimes sucked into adventures. he does his own thing and tends to remain a cool loner more or less. by then he'll probably have figured out how to continue existing without being a douchebag (like current mandates have steered him into being). i think he more or less stops aging at 25, which is when the frontal lobe is more or less cooked, so he'll look this old forever after this.
he lives at club rouge with rouge. he spends a lot of his time complaining about how often knuckles comes over.
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rainbeausobsessions · 2 years
Literally no one asked so I'm building my Sonic HC Library
100% vibing with him being autistic
no wonder I must protec
Gives off he/they enby, but I also don't think he's thought much about it one way or the other, he just feels like he knows who he is and that's valid
Panromantic, may or may not be demisexual.
He has a type(tm) and it's Maria, I mean, the beaniest of beans, I mean, 'the gentle and hopeful and somehow still fully in love with the world despite being forced to face with the cruelest realities of it' type
(he'd probably hear silver's backstory and just suddenly fall madly in love because this bean is such a bean despite everything he's gone through)
(does this count as demiromantic (probably))
Bruh would feel so awkward with a crush but he'd probably seem mostly normal except to people who knew him pretty well (Rouge, and then she'd tease him for it), and he'd get so flustered if they ever tried to make a move on him like 'what are you doing' + internal panic
Looks like he's totally in control, but if he ever gets his own place it will be an absolute disaster cuz our boi don't know shit
Asking him for polyamory would probably result in "whatever, just spend time with me"
They'd probably get overprotective in physically dangerous situations tho
Vibing with the transman fanon rn
I'd say he's on T if it wasn't for the fact that our boi couldn't stay in a single city to save his life
He has a type(tm) and it's Sally Acorn, uh I mean, 'the confident and self-assured but somehow still conscientious leader's type
(I can see him with some of the newer versions of Amy, considering her character growth so far)
(oh look, another demiromantic)
Man can't stick around long enough to keep a long term monogamous relationship tho, so he'd be a comet in a thousand different QPRs
Maybe he's relationship anarchist, idk but it makes sense
Definitely a solo poly guy tho. He's his own primary.
My boi deserves all the love
Would probably come back from the future at some point and then just keep delaying going back to the future because all his friends are in the past and he's so lonely
(oh no, can't go back to the future, accidentally started a family in the past, whatever will I do *lives the rest of his life in happiness and adventure*)
is giving he/they/she
Transmasc goth boi
(I love him)
Seems like he's pretty stable and self-assured. Would probably be really polite and attentive as a partner. Would absolutely just ask his crush out on a date, cuz again, he's in a good place.
(and if he didn't he knows that Vector would stage an intervention for him)
Rouge the Bat
Ngl she's giving transfem/mtf vibes
Absolutely loves messing with people. Probably partly why it's so hard to pin down what her moral compass is, she *likes* keeping people guessing
Can't do that with Shadow tho, they may have even gotten in an argument about it at one point
She still loves him tho, Shadow's a found brother/sibling
Charmy Bee
Baby trans boy
I imagine his Big Brother(tm) Espio started sharing his experiences as a trans guy and Charmy was like "GASP, THAT'S ME!!"
(Someone pointed out to me that female honey bees have stingers and not males, so now it's headcanon)
Unfortunately I can't not see him as the token cishet guy in Sonic's friend group
Probably gets some loving flack about it ("when's your shell gonna crack, big guy" "you sure you don't wanna check out men? I met a really sweet guy at the bar the other day")
May have a reputation for adopting gays.
Might not suddenly be housing them, but he'd absolutely send random care packages
(is this why you're always in debt, buddy)
Definitely has bi wife energy (his wife being Vanilla (eventually))
(more to come, probably, eventually)
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haitherecaringmonke · 2 years
Oh! What do you think lucille and her pokemon in beans day? Imagine the tricky chaos that her pokemon set up
Note: Events are considered as non canon to The Other Side of The Mirror timeline.
Oh it’s definitely chaotic alright.
Lucille is putting all of her experience to use. Taking down on student at a time, they never saw, heard, smelled her coming. She’s setting up traps everywhere. Lucille made herself quite a terrifying opponent.
As for the Pokemons, I like to think that Lucille isn’t allowed to use them, since most of them would all just listen to her, and it would be unfair for the other students.
This idea kinda came from @phoenix-manga a while ago, but I like to think that her Pokemons are strewn across the forest, hiding everywhere. Students can try to convince them to work with them for the duration.
This is to help them earning the skill of communication, persuasion, decision making and calculate the outcome (?, idk if it makes sense). Basically the students need to assess the situation that they’re in, try to convince the Pokemon that work best in that situation to aid said student. If they’re being to bossy, the Pokemon will either leave, or worse, attack them. Vargas and Crowley very much approve of this, thinking it could be good life skills.
Pokemons aren’t allowed to endanger students’ lives, but can fire off an attack as a warning. Damage inflicting moves are only allowed on other Pokemons, status inflicting moves (minus Poison and Fire types) can be used on students however. There are some first aid stations set up around the forest with the ghosts, Chansey, Audino, Trein and Crewel, who have been briefed on healing Pokemons working there to treat injured Pokemons and students. These are neutral zones and anyone who tried anything funny will be reported directly to Crowley. You are not allowed to harm the Pokemons whatsoever, because Lucille will come after your ass.
Lucille isn’t allowed any Pokemon from the start, so she needs to find one hiding in the forest and convince said Pokemon to work with her. She chose her Ariados, a very smart decision considering the environment and her moveset. Onion felt betrayed and threw a fit, burning a tree in the process.
There are other students who managed to convince the Pokemons to work with them as well.
Trey - Alcremie
Vil - Kirlia, Titania the Florges, Vivian the Vivillon
Rook - Decidueye, Aerosmith the Talonflame (the most formidable trio)
Jade - Paras (a terrifying duo)
Epel - Applin (he wanted to pick something strong and badass looking like Jawsephine or Anjawlica but unfortunately Malleus already had her and Anjawlica is a bit of a setback due to how bulky and slow she is on land despite her strength)
Lilia - Sonic the Noivern
Malleus - Jawsephine the Garchomp
(Remember the combat between Lilia and Malleus during the event? Sonic and Jawsephine are also locked in a sky combat, aiding their “trainers”)
Riddle - Budew (quite the formidable pair)
Floyd - Ribombee (a lot more terrifying than you would think)
Jack - Riolu, Onion the Houndoom
Azul - Malamar (he somehow convinced the Pokemon to work with him), Violet the Vivillon (Lucille has four Vivillons in total, all with different patterns)
Jamil - Pachirisu, Nickit
Sirius - Galvantula, Shroomish
Lucille was extremely close to winning tho, but at the final moment Onion threw himself at her and threw a tantrum since she didn’t picked him from the beginning. She made up with him by giving him lots of treats and cuddles.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
the countdown
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— A reflection on what New Years mean and a New Years kiss.
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: fluff, 2020 year rant kinda idk man
word count: 1,679
a/n: this was supposed to be a drabble, but I don’t know how to shut the fuck up at all. I made It as short as I possibly could, took 5 rewrites. so, take this huzzah. check out the rest of the collab here!
New Year’s Eve.
It’s a day of endings, a time of reflection, recollection, and remembering.
Time is a finicky thing, convoluted and twisted in ways that people often spend a lifetime trying to understand but can only come to the conclusion that time is memories.
New Year’s Eve is the time to think about what you did in these past three hundred sixty-six days.
Did you have any New Years’ resolutions this year?
Most people are basic, routine, repetitive. It makes sense that the thing most people wish for every year is to make more money, to lose their hated weight, to become more confident, sexier, and to travel the world. Everyone wants some form of weird self-love because we are humans, and humans are so desperately craving to find happiness in life, taking it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.
Happiness is weird too.
Happiness is a mixture of chemicals in your brain that controls whether you feel normal or not.
Serotonin, dopamine, endorphins.
A terrific trio that the world always sought to have.
It’s not so easy to have all three; humans are made so weirdly after all. Too many chemical imbalances, receptors, and creators not perfect, and sometimes it’s not even that. It can just be the way the sun shines just too brightly through the cloudy skies, and suddenly that trio is gone.
So, humans consume.
We consume and consume and consume.
This year more than most.
Social interactions are needed to be human, many of us found out this year. You may love four people with all your heart, but going a near entire year with just four people when you’re used to so much more can be challenging, strenuous, exhausting.
But we remember the good things that made us happy this year.
We remember the way that the cold air whipped across our bare faces and the way that huddling up with your friends makes you both warm and cold. Reminisce in the way that the sun shines in deep rich purples and pinks as it breaks through the horizon, a simple, powerful portrait for your eyes only because art will never be seen the same by people who look.
We remember the terrible things this year too. The days were you were an asshole, a jerk, a bitch. How you whined and groaned about nothing. How you were mean for nothing. How you lied and cheated and stole. Admitting to it is one thing, but being able to look back on it is another thing.
You’re human; you have to remind yourself, part of being human is making mistakes. We humans are full of errors from our basic biology, so when you make them, recognize them, and make an effort to be better.
Perfection is not what you should seek, but the betterment of yourself and to others.
We remember the sad, too. Bowed heads as we count the ones we lost this year, tears streaming down your face because they died and because you didn’t get that promotion that you worked tirelessly on. Failure is something we all know of; we all experience it, in the many different shapes it comes in, and yet we are still so easily embarrassed by it.
Failure is okay. You can’t be better or grow to be better without failing once, twice, how many times it takes.
But it is New Year’s Eve, so we try not to think about the latter two; we celebrate the future of a new beginning, not the meaning of the past year.
We celebrate because we humans are selfish, loud, demanding.
We scream to the heavens on this day because fuck the world, we made it to another year, and for that, we demand a celebration.
You know this; you always have.
New Year’s Eve is yet another disgusting, selfish holiday, but you don’t mind it.
You want to be selfish.
You want to see your friends and family on the last day of the year and into the new one and groan loudly when someone exclaims that: ‘wow, y/n, I haven’t seen you in a whole year! Don’t hug me; I haven’t showered since last year!’
It’s stupid to be selfish in this way, but it weirdly comforts you. A weird promise that you might not be doing all too bad in this world, in your life. 
But right now, you’re exhausted, so terribly exhausted, you can’t even fight to keep your eyes open.
It’s dark outside. The moon is shining brightly in the vast wide sky, stars barely visible with the city pollution and the great light of the rock in the sky. It’s not a white New Years’ Eve, not this year in Japan at least (a kid with some stupid crazy quirk had actually managed to ban snow for six weeks). In the woods is a house that is large, bright, and warm. There isn’t much going on in the house from the distance, but the closer you near it, the louder the voices become, the more abundant it becomes that there are over twenty loud, near annoying adults who are playing a million drinking games.
Aoyama is hanging on the ceiling, demonstrating how he can get his laser beam to swirl around him like glass art as he spins.
Mina breaks dances on the pool table because someone told her to “break it,” and she might be a bit too drunk to realize what she was doing was not what was asked. Kirishima and Kaminari are stumbling against each other, laughing as they cheer her on, their eyes crossing as they watch the pink girl send ball after ball unintentionally into the holes.
Tsuyu is not surprisingly winning a game of beer pong against Iida. They’re only allowed to use their quirks for this game, and her tongue is better suited for this than Iida’s pipes.
Uraraka is still doing a kegstand, her early proclamations of how her zero-gravity training has made her the keg stand champion seem to be entirely accurate.
Ojiro is currently trying to find a word that rhymes with tail for the Kings Cup game he is playing with Shoji, Tokoyami, Dark Shadow, and Mineta. They’re undoubtedly the drunkest of them all, this is the seventh round of the binge drinking game, and all five of them have yet to tap out.
Kouda is begging Midoriya and Bakugou to stop taking shots as they both pulled the ‘take seven shots’ Jenga piece on the Drunk Jenga set for the third time. They’ve played as a team after being assigned as ‘mates’ in Kings Cup two hours ago. Poor Kouda is not set out to handle these assholes and having a drunk, instigating Sero as his own teammate is not helping in the slightest.
There’s a boom in the kitchen that rattles the windows. Still, no one even flinches as Sato, Hagakure, and Jirou stumble out of the kitchen, their blushes basically radiating light onto the walls as cake mix drench their bodies. Hagakure screams out for their uncaring old class to hear that sonic waves do not cook cake mix.
Momo, who is sitting in a rocking chair, sips her drink smoothly. It’s her eleventh bottle, and the creation quirk holder is barely tipsy; her metabolism was untouched.
And Shouto?
Well, that was easy.
He’s sitting on one of the lover’s seat, his body as upright as he could be, your body flushed to his side as you sleep. Shouto is drinking his own mixed drink that was prepared for him by you, still cool in his right hand. He’s warm, content, and at peace even with the chaos going on behind him. It was normal.
Shouto shifts his gaze over to your sleeping face, his chest warming pleasantly at the sight of your squished cheek and small puffing breathes. How you got so exhausted today was beyond him, he did warn you that daring everyone to start drinking the instant everyone woke up today was going to backfire, and it seems he was correct.
His hand reached for your cheek, his thumb stroking your cheek softly, the warmth of your flesh nipping as his colder fingers. You sighed contently in your sleep.
Chuckling, Shouto rested his head against yours, his heart speeding up quickly when you buried your face even further into his neck. Small smacks of your lips raising goosebumps as you spoke of your content even in your sleep.
By god, did he love you.
“Alright, everyone, please make your way over to the living room! We have one minute till the New Year!” Momo yells above the group's noise, and somehow everyone hears her and makes their way over.
“Aw! Look at y/n-chan! Knocked out like a baby!” Mina coos delightfully, her lips in a pout and her eyes shining brightly as she stumbles onto the armrest by you.
Shouto debates whether he should tell Mina to back off or to agree with her, but it’s far too late for him to decide when numbers begin flashing on the screen.
Shouto feels you stirring, your head lifting off his shoulder and your bleary eyes gazing into his. You look tired, sleepy, drunk, and oh so confused.
“Wha’s goin’ on?” you slur to Shouto, voice thick and husky.
“Looks like you woke up just in time,” Shouto comments, his fingers swiping at your face, fixing up the slightly ruined makeup. “It’s the countdown.”
“Oh, good,” you sigh, your arms softly wrapping around Shouto as if he was made of clouds. Shouto laughs at the delirium still trapped in your eyes. “I made it.”
“Thank you for making this year wonderful,” Shouto sincerely states, his hand setting down his drink and wrapping around your waist, pulling you toward him.
“Thank you for loving me,” you cheekily sigh, and with the one still painted on the wall, Shouto pushed forward, kissing your chapped, sticky lips as the year ended and the new one began.
“I’ll always love you.”
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likeadevils · 4 years
hey! for your post about sun moon and rising but with taylor albums, can you list out the characteristics of each album? i'm having a hard time associating them and it'd make it a lot easier, if you could do that :)
oh totally! Its really all about your personal association, so i’ll give vibes for the era and the album. a good rule of thumb is to read the prologue if you want the tone for the era quickly. honestly, there’s no set system, go wild
taylor swift (2006) “debut”
era: blue and teal and brown. cowboy boots and sundresses, wild curly hair, trucks and mud and wildflowers. very 2006, very high school, very country
album: swings between pining from a distance and wanting to destroy a boys whole ass life and feeling like you have no friends and no one understands you in the whole world. like I said, very high school, but also full of whole ass bangers
fearless (2008)
era: yellow and white. 24/7 prom. she’s got the fairy tale aesthetics set in high school, she’s got calling your ex boyfriend out on national television, she's got so many headbands. god to be 8 years old when the joe jonas/taylor swift drama was going down
album: again, fairy tale set in high school. lots of crushes, lots of realizing men aren’t shit. it’s about the pull between childhood ideals and real life tearing them down, and deciding how much you should cling to your dreams and how much you have to let them go. it’s also a pull between knowing that these little moments are kinda ridiculous but also taking everything so goddamn seriously
speak now (2010)
era: purple purple purple. she’s starting to grow up! her look has evolved out of sundresses and prom dresses and into a more preppy style. she’s moved out of fantasy and into this like. circus aesthetic? 30s movie type thing? watch the mean music video, idk how to explain it. her hair is still curly and but under control, and she’s solidly Famous at this point. the idea that she can’t sing is Big, and the man-eater stereotype is starting to get popular 
album: she’s starting to grow out of country. she’s experimenting with rock, but her pop sound is starting to take off. it’s all about Dramatics: she’s experienced her first heartbreak, broke someone else’s heart, and was in an emotionally abusive relationship all within two years. she’s moved out of her parents house and is both infantilized and forced to grow up to fast by the media.
red (2012)
era: its 2012 hipster style. her hair is Straight and she’s wearing vintage dresses everywhere, and she’s posting sketches of red lips and quotes from fitzgerald about heartbreak and finding yourself on instagram. she is dating and breaking up with harry styles Very Publically, and its the last major relationship she’ll have for two more years. the idea that she dates to much is everywhere, and she’s being slut shamed to an insane degree, while also being dismissed as a goody-two-shoes
album: it’s designed so each song has the opposite emotions of the song before it. it’s dramatic and it’s heart wrenching and it portrays these relationships that were toxic and messy and captivating. has the last vestiges of country, some more rock, and the first pure Pop songs, all nestled against each other to give you the epic highs and lows of being 22
1989 (2014)
era: its the height of her stardom, and she’s more beloved then she’s ever been and (probably) will ever be again. she’s cut her hair and moved to New York, she’s wearing high waisted stuff and taking polaroids, and she’s been single for two years and it’s has given her the freedom to find a “tight” group of friends and herself. shes talking about third wave feminism all the time, she’s papped every day, and she started dating c*lvin h*rris; they date for a year, he was the first boyfriend to be posted on social media, and the one she was with the longest (until her current bf). publically, she’s the happiest and most successful she’s ever been. personally, it’s more complicated, especially by the last few months. “she lost him, but she found herself and somehow that was everything” and “from the girl who said she would never cut her hair or move to new york or find happiness in a world where she wasn't in love”
album: single handedly brings 80s pop into the mainstream. (like seriously, her only contemporary influence is lana del rey, and even that is only on a few tracks. listening to this when it came out was a religious experience). it sounds basic now but only because she influenced all of the pop music that came after her. its also her first sonically cohesive album since fearless. subject matter wise, its very 80s movie. it’s the first album without a break up song that ruins a man's whole career— no cold as you, dear john, or all too well type. the relationship is on and off again, but more muted and mature then the tumultuous ones portrayed on red. its very star crossed; two people who just can’t find the right time. she’s also writing about how fame has affected her— blank space, shake it off, and i know places all directly reference it, but the idea that the whole world is watching is woven all throughout the album
bleachella (2016) 
this isn't an album but its definitely an era
taylor has become so oversaturated that people are starting to turn on her, and her mental health is suffering. her relationship with c*lvin h*rris is falling apart, she's changing her hair every couple of moths (most notably she bleaches it, and goes to coachella. so like bleachella), and then all of a sudden The Phone Call happens. kim and kanye release edited footage of a phone call that makes it seem like taylor swift is a liar who intentionally plays the victim to stay in the public’s good graces, and the world pounces on it. between that and the idea that her friend group is super cliche-y and exclusionary, her reputation is ruined and she goes in hiding for months. before going into hiding though, she breaks it off with c*lvin (he throws a FIT on twitter) and starts a whirlwind romance with tom hiddleston that includes them flying all over the world on vacations and meeting each others parents super quickly. this all happens in one summer.
reputation (2017)
era: black and white and gold. very edgy, very rich, lots of snakes and casual wealth. there’s the aesthetic of her being very hurt and defensive and lashing out, but the reality of her being the happiest she’s ever been. she’s still famous, but she’s learned how to have a private life and healthy relationships. the tough times have shown her who and what’s important to her
album: pretty much that. the first half is brash and bombastic and playing off what people expect her to be like, how they expect her to fall in and out of love quickly and manipulate those around her to see her as a good person (while exploring sounds that no one expected her to explore) and the second half slows it down and shows her falling in love more explicitly and sweetly and under cover. “in the death of her reputation she felt truly alive” and “finding love through all the noise”
lover (2019)
era: bright pink and pastels and bright colors and happiness and butterflies!! she’s in love and beloved by the general public again, but all of her past albums have been stolen from her by a man she thought she could trust. sadly cut off short by covid. “step into the daylight and let it go”
album: her messiest album (sonically) since red. a popular saying when it first came out was that it had the writing of speak now but the sound of 1989, which is... understandable? its the kind of thing you have to form your own opinion on. it’s on the surface all bubblegum pop and being in love, but it has some of the absolute saddest songs of her entire discography. a 18 song long rollercoaster
folklore and evermore
preface: these are definitely two separate albums and there’s a definitely a difference but this girl has so many albums and it’s taken me an hour to answer this ask and it’s 1am right now so i’m gonna smush them together. go listen to them, and we’re in the era right now
eras: it been covid so all we’ve got are a couple performances and the album visuals. cottagecore, a return to the small town setting of her first two albums, very understated and timeless. one noteworthy element is that both albums were surprise releases (especially after lover had almost a year of build up that kinda worked against it). she’s reached a level of artistic respect that she’s never had
albums: folklore is a level of sonic and thematic cohesion comparable to 1989, as well as having a similar feeling of like. oh god we’ve been waiting for you to make an album like this for years and you’ve still exceeded every exception and made it surprising. evermore is mostly a continuation of its sound, though it’s a bit more experimental. both albums are incredibly mature, and move into non-autobiographical storytelling for most of the songs. it’s easy to build your own world based on one or both of the albums. their main themes are also mostly divorced from relationships, and more tied to personal identity and mental state (though there is quite a bit about divorce and heartbreak in both)
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yourneighbourpotato · 4 years
An essay and rant on TLOU II
How about naughty dog takes another year or 2 or 3 and does the same thing that sonic movie did and remakes the game and we all agree that part 2 was an unofficial fever dream. And skip to part 3 where everyone gets better development and better not dry deaths or no deaths 💞 and every diverse character isn't there just to be there 💖💖💖 but they are there as people with polished personalities and growth 💞 because as much I'd like to scream gay, lesbian, trans rights I can't.
Although the story needs some or maybe a lot of polishing. The overall ideas aren't that bad but the execution. That's where ND kind of fucked up. Graphics and gameplay may have improved but the game is so slow paced that it can get quite annoying. Graphics and gameplay sadly don't outweigh the minuses of the story.
Now let's get into some spoilers. So yeah spoiler warning.
First of all let's start with Abby. Why? Just why? What's the point of forcing everyone to play as her after she killed Joel who helped her? Also how the fuck did the least trustful character who outsmarted other survivors in 1st game just forgot all survival tactics and experience he had??? Why did Ellie just decided not to use a gun on Abbys group? Or why didn't she think of some plan to distract or ambush them??? Why were we made to chase after Abby the whole game only to see Ellie refuse to kill her? Why did we have to jump around the characters and story so much? Why was the story told in that order??? And etc.
Now. I don't mind ND killing a character but they did it way too early and way too shitty, I wish his death was more meaningful or at least they made a nice build up to that significant moment. Tbh even getting Joel seriously hurt (could've been to the point where he can't live his life like before, can't move legs, looses an arm(so he can't play guitar), can't use his body at all, etc.) that would've been enough to make everyone angry and wanting for revenge maybe even more?.. Or if they(Abbys group) wanted to get revenge on Joel so bad they could've just fucked Ellie up(make him watch her getting tortured/killed maybe) to cause even more pain to Joel who now sees Ellie as a daughter. Abbys part could've been way shorter or at the very least once again done in completely different manner. Because almost no one gave a single shit about Abby and her story and her part of the game. The game could've deceived us into thinking that Abby is a nice pal and she becomes part of Jackson and then she strikes once she gets to know Joel's weak points. Fuck it destroy Jackson like Joel destroyed the fireflies facility. Make it epic. Idk.
Or. Give players more freedom in making choices of what they want to do.? Just a thought.
I don't mind developers that try to be brave and try out new things but if you do it do it thoughtfully with passion that shines through the screen even in the darkest moments.
Now let's move on to the things I actually liked. Obviously I liked graphics they were decent and the environments looked great, not to mention how much fun you can have with photo mode. Music as always was beautiful, loved the guitar in this one too. Gameplay, well it wasn't the hugest leap forward with it because there were stuff that were just chores to lengthen the gameplay in the most boring way possible, such as get this cart to this place so you can climb up or get this wire to start electricity so u can open the gate and etc.(basically the same shit like in the last game or tbh almost any of their games, yes I'm talking to you uncharted but everything else with gameplay such as exploring was more or less fun) Killing enemies was fun, not so much fun killing dogs but you gotta do what you gotta do. Killing Abby at any given opportunity was also quite the attraction. Almost every flashback with Joel and Ellie was enjoyable and brought some tingly emotions in me and also were fun to play and experience. Ellies and Dinas relationship was for more or less okay for me and the 2 of them had some nice moments together (which. Could've been better but oh well, let's not deny that TAAAAAAKEEE E ONNNNN MEEEEEE TAKE ON MEEEE was epic) Also I like how the NPCs that you're with are always doing something even when you are standing in one place(and they also help you out with taking out enemies). I liked that we got some more details about the world of TLOU but it could've been done better. And that's probably about it.
Edit: no that's not about it, the snowball fight was lit. Playing the guitar is enjoyable(guitar hero has nothing on this part). And petting dogs is a plus as well.
Tbh I think ND will have a hard time gaining back the trust from their fans and their ex-fans. It's either they completely remake the story of part 2 or they might as well release some sort of game where we get to play as Joel in that skipped 20 year period. AND IT BETTER BE POLISHED AS FUCK. Wouldn't mind if it went little below the level of 1st game but not below the left behind dlc.
Thank your for listening to my Ted talk anyone wanting to talk and rant. Feel free to do so, share your experience. Video games are art and since art is subjective all opinions are valid. Just because opinions are different doesn't mean one's thoughts are superior to others and there's definitely no need to feel personally attacked by someone else's opinion.
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
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(Sorry for posting this like this but Tumblr won't let me answer your ask properly, idk it's acting weird)
Alright, so I was going to post first the Silver character analyzation and writing tips but I’ll love to answer your question first since I think I need to put this out before the Silver post.
I want to first say that I am not doing this to talk negatively about the current writer of Sonic IDW’s comic. This is merely my opinion. An opinion of a fan, who although does not master the art of writing, I am still allowed to express it. However, I still believe that every opinion should be backed up with evidence and that’s what I am going to do. Sorry, if the answer is too long but I think what I am about to write is necessary.
I haven’t read the Archie comics because I heard that was a mess until Ian Flynn showed up, I read he wrote pretty good things. However, because of the whole mess with Archie Comics, SEGA implemented rules as to how people should write Sonic and friends. I don’t know how strict these rules are and if that’s the reason why Flynn is writing a very ‘unlikeable’ Sonic (In my opinion)
I am not here to talk about that but just putting that out there. I am not criticizing Flynn nor SEGA (If we had to blame someone it’ll probably be Ken Penders and SEGA but we don’t talk about that guy in here) but just the writing.
Alright, now that we have that out of the way I am going to say that there are 2 things that I STRONGLY DISLIKE about Sonic’s character in IDW.
1. Sonic manipulating Shadow
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I don’t have words to express just how wrong it is to bring up someone’s past mistakes, use that against them and manipulate them. Yes, this is manipulation. Sonic is using Shadow’s insecurities to benefit him. How does even Sonic DARE to compare Shadow to Eggman? Eggman who has tried to conquer planets, destroy worlds, kidnap innocents, tortured him, tries to kill him (and friends) and started wars? Eggman does all of these when he is CONCIOUS, he does all of those things because he WANTS to. Shadow in the other hand, in SA2 he doesn’t want to destroy Earth but he is doing it because he CARED too much for Maria and the ‘promise’ he made to her. He did everything because of a PROMISE he made to a little girl, a sister, the person who cared for him. The person who sacrificed their life in order to protect him. How does that even compare to Eggman? Who only seeks destruction for his own benefit? Not only that but Shadow redeem himself. He helped save the planet and Shadow continues to help saving the world. He does this for multiple reasons but one of them is that he still regrets trying to destroy earth back at the ARK. He still remembers this incident and the regret still haunts him till this day.
Why would Sonic even bring this up? Sonic out of everyone must know the turmoil Shadow has been through and still he decides to use Shadow’s insecurities against him. He really went out and said “Look I am not saying you are wrong but remember that time you fucked up? Yeah that was bad, you were really evil back then too. You are in the same level as the person who constantly tries to kill me and my friends. Oh, but you saved the world multiple times? Yeah, I know and I don’t care. You are always making the wrong decisions, just listen to me because I am right. Your opinion is invalid because of the mistakes you made, because you were bad.”
Can’t he see Shadow’s hurt face? Can’t he understand how the words affected him? Shadow was again reduced to thinking that no matter what he does, he is always going to be seen as evil. That everyone will remember his mistakes and that no matter what, they will always remember that. Sonic just deepened that wound, he increased Shadow’s insecurity.
And Sonic still has the guts to smile? Boy, what the heck are you smiling at? You just denigrated Shadow the Hedgehog, a hero, to the likes of Eggman. Get out of here.
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“Losing one’s memory doesn’t make them any less dangerous”
And you know what makes me sad the most?
That I am sure that Shadow saw himself in Mr. Tinker. Shadow said that he wanted to ‘destroy’ him. It makes me think that if Shadow could, he would also like to destroy the past version of himself. If the Shadow right now could go back to the past and destroy his past self … He would.
I am sure Sonic knows this. So, still it just makes me wonder why? Why Sonic the Hedgehog, a character who is said to always live in the ‘present’ looks backs at Shadow’s past mistakes and manipulates them to his benefit? To the benefit of a Eggman who he knows has brought pain to him, to his friends and the world?
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You would think that after Sonic Lost World, Sonic would have learned something about listening to others or thinking before acting. Especially when the whole mess on Sonic Lost World was due that Sonic jumped into action without listening to Tails first. Shadow is really telling Sonic to not trust Eggman so easily for two reasons.
1. Experience, Shadow more than anyone knows that losing one’s memories does not make them any less dangerous. (No pun intended lol)
2. He is doing it to protect what is left of the world. In Sonic forces, it is stated that Eggman conquered 90% of the world (Or more, I don’t remember exactly) The world is basically in ruins and after the war they have begun to restore it. If Mr.Tinker remembers he was Eggman, the Resistance would be at a total disadvantage. They have no resources nor people … how can they win another war?
This bothers me as well …
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Sonic doubted Eggman … and he still left him … unsupervised. Like why in the world you trust a man who has attempted to do genocide multiple of times?
2.   Sonic’s lack of guilty
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This? Good
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This? Bad.
“But heroes have nothing to be sorry about.”
           Can he just shut up?????
Was that really necessary to say? Honestly, he could would have said, “But she has nothing to be sorry about.” That would have been great.
When Sonic and Tangle are talking, he is actually apologizing. Tangle tells Sonic that he has nothing to be sorry about and that she knows that Sonic would make things right. At first, I thought Sonic was saying that Tangle was right to reassure her. That way, Tangle could get infected with some peace at her mind. She can go away thinking that her hero didn’t do anything wrong and that he will fix things for everyone.  However Sonic still thinks he is at fault.
That would have shown so more deepness in Sonic’s character. But no, Tangle got infected and he went ahead to make it about himself because he is that self-centered, right?
That line, ruined it. ‘But heroes have nothing to be sorry about?’
This whole thing really went down like:
Tangle: “You have nothing to be sorry about.”
Sonic: “Lmao you are right.”
Because that line wasn’t meant towards Tangle, NO it was meant for himself. He literally is saying that he has nothing to be sorry about. Now, I am not saying its Sonic total fault or that Sonic should be crying saying that he is sorry or something like that. What I am saying is that Sonic was really reckless, overconfident, and naïve (Which is no good because he already has enough experience dealing with Eggman, this can even be see as stupidity.)
Maybe Sonic it’s not at fault that Mr. Tinker got turned into Eggman, but Sonic DID contribute to the problem at hand. To an extent he is at fault.
Letting go of Metal Sonic even when there was the possibility of him turning evil? Of someone using him for their benefit?
Not listening to Shadow and recklessly leave Mr.Tinker alone when there is the possibility that Metal Sonic is looking for him? Or that they may encounter each other at some point?
Deciding to trust a criminal who constantly tries to kill you instead of trusting the hedgehog who saved the world, redeem himself and knows better of how dangerous people with amnesia can be because he himself has being there?
I think what bothers me the most is that we have already gone through this.
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In Sonic Lost World, Tails pointed out that Sonic trusted Eggman more than him. Tails was right, Sonic did trust Eggman more. Sonic trusted Egmman to shut down his machine over Tails. (Sonic has seen Tails do amazing things, why wouldn’t he trust he can shut down a machine? IDK but oh well) Sonic even admitted to doubting Tails’ abilities and then went head and said he was never doubting him again.
So, watching this I was like alright. Sonic learned something, he developed. Sonic will trust his friends, listen to them and won’t doubt their abilities.
But then again, he decided to trust Eggman.
And the worst is that he is no showing remorse whatsoever? Even after they had been through a similar situation before?
He didn’t listen to Tails back then. He didn’t listen to Shadow now and because of that the world is at stake again.
To conclude all of this, I want to say that it just seems that Sonic hasn’t develop whatsoever. He hasn’t learned a thing and won’t ever develop if he keeps thinking that he wasn’t done anything wrong. Mistakes are good because you learn from them but at this point it seems that Sonic is so self-absorbed that he just won’t admit that he made a mistake. Because he is a hero, he always makes the rights decisions. There is just no way that he can be wrong.
Sonic is self-centered and self-absorb. Those are character flaws which would have been fine, the thing is that we have already gone through this and it seems like he didn’t improve at all. Or he is not even trying to improve.
Some may argue that Sonic is just good like that. That his character is made to see the good in everyone. Be good at all costs and accept people for who they are and of course that this fiction and the way the world interacts is different from our world. However, what makes a good character is how they react to different circumstances. You are trying to write a character that is relatable to us, but you can’t do that unless that character shows different sides. A character needs to make mistakes and overcome them, to be vulnerable.
Alright that’s it. This was all over the place lol. Anyways, it’s not terrible writing and like I said this is not to talk bad about IDW. I am just pointing out some of the things that I dislike. I really hope that on the next upcoming issues, Sonic at least develops a little. Maybe he starts to be a little bit insecure about himself or just doesn’t trust anyone that easily. Any type of improvement would suffice. I won’t stop reading IDW because at the end of the day I think the story is good. The characters are decently written and the story plot is pretty entertaining. I like how Flynn has done the other characters.
This is a pretty long post but I hope this the type of answer you wanted? Like I said I don’t like to give an opinion unless I have evidence to prove it. Anyways, thank you for asking! This was fun to write.
For my other followers who wanted a Silver Character analysis and writing tips, that would be up soon enough as well. Thank you!
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rhydium · 4 years
Info dumbo about the StarFinite story?
aright u asked for it anon GET READY [cracks knuckles] this is gonna be long so obligatory cut in 3, 2........
so the uh, the au! the story!! w/e yall wanna call it! full disclaimer, i only began working on this whole thing a while ago, but it's totally taken over my fukn brain. like, we're talking big hyperfixation hrs. am i cringe for being this invested in my own content? yes? cool i do not Care >:3€
i should also throw it out there real quick that i am kin w/ infinite, n this is actually one of my two canons (both of which are my own aus lmfao wow). i didn't go into it expecting it to be but sfsfsgdfs here we are ig!! for that reason it's got extra importance to me n this definitely contributes to the euphoria i get from it!! it's a lil odd writing ur own canon,,? but i kinda just go w/ the flow!
the au n, the story that i will start Eventually, revolves around infinite n starline (obvi) n it's honestly just ... the tl;dr is big healing momence n, what's this? uh oh sisters !!! they are falling in love 😳😳😳
uhhhh so infinite is an android, made by eggman. that's like, the most notable canon divergence here! super important context to have. i've got a whole big theory on the possibility of sega originally intending infinite to be an artificial being (which i explored in the works for my Other canon too), stemming from not only the scene in forces wherein infinite comments on sonic's "data", but a line of dialogue from tails in one of the last stages of the game where he Literally Says "so this is where eggman built infinite". that ... i mean. that contrasts w/ episode shadow pretty hard don't it?? would explain why that dlc was so rushed, n the comic too. ANYWAY adsfsfs um that's a seperate ramblepost. yeah!!!
they are also agender n use they/them (primarily) as well as he/him!! so i'll be refering to them w/ those pronouns!
after the war, infinite is taken in by the resistance n, instead of being dismantled, they're basically given a chance to rehabilitate themselves. it's agreed that they won't be reprogrammed, as despite the potential risks, it feels wrong to do so; like a violation of their free will, individuality n thinking. if infinite is to be a good person, it's not gonna be bc other ppl recreated their entire personality, it's gonna be bc it's what they themselves truly want. robot ethics idk man!! u can't tell me that sonic n co wouldn't offer this to infinite if they offered it to metal in IDW,,,, i am Standing By This!!!
it's, yknow, a bit rocky, at first. infinite has to really fight the urge to return to eggman (something they already tried once, before the resistance found them; they were cast out). it's a struggle against what they were built to do, against giving into unhealthy familiarity over facing a, while healthier, unfamiliarity. new faces, a new life, turning their back on their mission n creator, it's like, a lot.
they work for/with the sonic crew, rebuilding the world they tore down as deemed fitting justice, being closely monitored for a bit as a natural precaution. as it becomes apparent infinite truly no longer has any ambition to harm others (they don't have much ambition for anything, really), they're then granted more freedom, n start taking on more important missions!! it at least gives them something to do, keeps them occupied. they have issues with dissociation, unreality, whether they're truly a real person bc, well, android. feeling purposeless, n a lack of worth, especially. a need to prove themselves. heavy stuff. i'll kinda go into that a bit more in a sec. their work grounds them, if only temporarily.
n soooooo... IDW comic stuff happens. metal virus time. starline gets kicked out of the empire.
now, as the comics are ongoing, n as this is already an au, there's gonna be divergence, n i must admit i haven't planned out all that yet. there's a lot i have to consider!! infinite being w the resistance/restoration is a big game changer ... tho i Do believe that they were absent, likely on a far out mission during most of the chaos. eggman doesn't know abt them, nor does starline or anyone else other than the sonic crew; n some civilians that recognise them.
i'm not 100% sure of Exactly when it happens, but i think it's just after bad guys, that infinite is sent to locate n bring in starline. it doesn't prove too difficult. there's a whole, starline realising "oh fuck it's you???", some bickering n, the two don't hit it off right away. they're both kinda like. not mentally stable ddgddgdds,,,
so uh. starline ends up essentially going thru the same sorta shit as infinite. careful watch, rebuilding, all that jazz, making sure he can be trusted. he's like... very very lost, quite like infinite is. the world has kinda calmed down, in the meanwhile.
it's at this point i'm gonna go ahead n drop a bit of a ramble i subjected my friends to a while ago, to articulate the way i see the two, n their dynamic together!! i was considering making this it's own post a while ago!
analysing their characters a bit... let's look at starline. Like. so we have this, in bad guys, which SENT ME tbfh;
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i feel like it's the moment that triggers starline onto the path he is rn canonically,,, he's clearly like. rly mad n bitter. the core of this?? he wants his work n his efforts to be acknowledged.
he's big angry. still kind of in denial at this stage. he has himself obsessed w/ the idea of making eggman see him as Worthy, that if he just tries hard enough, that'll happen. he's dependent on eggman's validation, n i mean, it's no surprise; he's followed him a Long Time by the sounds of it.
then in the recent issue, hold the fuck up, bc we got, This;
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god. my god it's all comin together now homies. this???? this right here??? it is the CLASSIC "i have to do this to prove i'm strong n powerful n smart n worthy n should be respected please Give Me Acknowledgement" ..... n who else is Like That? can u see where im going w/ this?
i think most ppl are aware of infinite's character being extremely indicative of self worth/esteem issues n the need to prove themself, right?? the extreme adversity, repulsion, perhaps even fear toward the idea of being weak. the compulsion to prove otherwise, to show their strength, to become powerful, to conquer to make a point. their theme exudes this same energy as their behaviour in-game; an aggressive attitude, trying to assert themself, while if u rly listen...? the lyrics are actually really sad in places. it reeks of cover up, although composition wise, a v interesting thing to note is a lot of the more telling lyrics are prominent while some of the affirming ones are in the background. indicative of a desire to have their true feelings be heard but caught in a vicious loop?
okay okay that's yet Another different analysis. AHEM.
not to get deep on main (oh who the hell am i kidding that's the point of this entire thing) but i think starline has issues w/ his worth in a similar way to infinite. they both seem to have this need to Prove something, whether it's to others or themselves, n get caught in a toxic spiral of doing worse n worse things for Some kind of validation or acknowledgement. they'll go to really big lengths chasing that, n both of them ultimately sought validation in the wrong place n wrong way.
this is a big part of my starfinite dynamic,, n so, what happens, as they get closer n open up??? we have them BOTH realising together that they don't have to do fuck all to prove anything to anyone. they don't need to do all this to show they're strong n smart n worth something, not to anyone else OR themselves. they're enough as they are. they bond over that shared feeling that they have to do xyz, to prove themselves, n that desire to just finally be acknowledged n appreciated n help each other thru it. to help each other understand that other ppls approval, or lack thereof, doesn't define them, their strength, intelligence, and worthiness.
i feel like they have an interesting parallel between them in like... the above could be taken as a general analysis, but to go more in depth on this au specifically?? ...
starline followed eggman for presumably a long time n it no doubt left him feeling a heavy and deep regret for all that time wasted n spent on an unhealthy path. infinite kinda teaches him that what matters is what he's doing Now n also reminds him that if none of it happened, starline wouldn't have learnt a lot of the serious skills he has. n while starline still feels bad, he also realises himself that, he likely never would have crossed infinite's path if none of it happened. for that reason, he wouldn't take it back.
infinite has only been recently made, on the other hand. they haven't really existed long, yet, but so far their experiences haven't been very positive n it can be .... discouraging. starline sorta, shows infinite their limited experiences w/ the world are a very tiny fraction of what's out there, n things can absolutely change, yes, including for the better; that's the essence of life, a neverending, constant flow of change.
it's a big tale of moving on n letting go, honestly; made easier as they're doing it together. n as they heal n grow, well... these bitches gay. sfshshdgds like, ig that's putting it p bluntly but!! they start to trust each other, understand each other more. as they get to truly know who the other is, they both start developing The Feelings. they're both pretty oblivious n the reveal is totally unknown so far!! yeah, i know, bummer. i suck. boo. adafsfsds however i can say there will be lots of content in the making!! if that soothes the soul! i've got of ideas i hope to bring to life.
ofc there's still a lot of more specific things i haven't covered here so! if y'all want more juice hmu w/ more focused questions but !! this is the overview n i hope it was a decent read now that gave some uhhh! Cool Insight! yea!!! ✌
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Survey #322
“you will hear it when your god cries  /  you will see it when the sun dies  /  upon the altars of change”
What is your favorite nickname that you’ve had? "Bee," from my old best friend. I don't want others calling me it, though. Where did you go on the best date you’ve been on? A big arcade. It was a super fun double-date. Have you ever gotten a professional massage? No, and I don't want one. It'd be so awkward. What’s your favorite milkshake flavor? Chocolate. What act would you be most likely to perform in a talent show? I got nothin'. If you had braces, do you wear your retainers still? I don't. If you had braces, have your teeth moved since you got them off? Yep, because of the whole "not wearing my retainer" thing. Whose was the first baby shower you remember attending, and for what baby? I'm unsure. Possibly my sister's for her first daughter. Do you know anyone personally who’s lost a child? Many people. When was the last time you did something that felt like rebellion? So every now and again, I get a massive craving for soda at night, so I grab one from the kitchen and can hear my sleeping mother rightfully nagging me about it, haha... What is one present you got for your last birthday? Ashley got me this really cool skull bank that says "tattoo fund" on it, aha. I love it. What is one thing that you took to show and tell as a kid? I have a clear memory of bringing a Snorlax plushie one day. Do you remember losing your first tooth? Not my first, no. Are you afraid to pop a balloon? Not really, but it's kinda easy to make me jump just a lil bit when one is popped. When was the last time you laughed when you shouldn’t have? I don't know. Which was better: the first The Lion King or the second? That is fucking HARD. I adore both, but I think the original is slightly better. Do any of your grandparents have a tattoo? I'm pretty sure none of them did. Do you believe that your pets feel love towards you? My cat, definitely. As for my snake, I'm aware that snakes' brains simply aren't developed enough for love, but she clearly trusts me. Are you proud of your body? Fuck no. I'm humiliated by it every waking moment. Watermelon or cherries? I don't like either, but if I had to pick, watermelon. Favourite brand of cookies? I don't really have a favorite brand. Have you ever stuck gum under a desk/chair? No, that shit grosses me out. When shopping at a grocery store, do you return your cart or just leave it? Return your goddamn cart. What is one thing you’d never want your parents to find out? Uhhhh. I guess places I've "done it." When you were little, did you like Dr. Suess books? I did. Do you like eating out at restaurants? Yeah; at least, before Covid. What was your least favorite year of your life so far? Fuck 2016 into the next millenium. Do you like fried bologna? I haven't had it in so long that I don't really remember the taste. I think I would. Have you spent money on a game online? Yeah, very briefly with WoW. Mom was nice enough to refresh my subscription after the breakup (Jason paid for it prior), but from then on, I was rich enough in-game to use monthly game tokens to "pay." Do you put a line through your "7"s? Yes. What about your "Z"s? Also yes. Do you like cold pizza? Yeah, yummy. Do you like broccoli and cheese? Yessss. Toaster or toaster oven? We've always used a toaster oven. What are you most known for? Being artsy, I guess. Do you have any reputations? What are they? *shrug* What was the last thing to leave you speechless? No clue. What is the curviest part of your body? Well, I'm overweight, so it's difficult to tell where I'm naturally curvy... but I guess my hips. Even when I was at a perfectly healthy weight though, I don't think I was exceptionally curvy anywhere. What is your opinion on sex change? You are entirely deserving to feel comfortable in your own body. If you’re still a virgin, how important is your virginity to you? I'm not, though I thought I was when we were together, when we were really just using a loophole. It was a denial thing BECAUSE my virginity was so important to me. If you have lost it already, do you regret it? No. Would you take a break after graduating from high school (like, postpone going to college for a year or so)? I didn't. What regret keeps coming back to haunt you daily? Things I said to Jason. If you could cure yourself of one allergy, what would it be? Pollen. Would you ever post a picture of yourself crying on social media? No. Have you ever held a newborn baby? Yeah, my most recent niece I actually held. I don't THINK I held Aubree or Ryder as newborns because I was so afraid of not doing it right and hurting them. Do you know anyone who has twins? Yeah. Are you following in the career path of any family members? No. What is your favorite country in Europe? Germany. How many times have your comments been top comments on YouTube? A few times. I rarely ever comment, but if I do, it's because I feel like I really have something worth saying. Would you ever wear a wig? I'm not opposed to it. Do you like the moon or sun more? The moon. Do you like turkey or ham more? Ham. Have you ever slapped someone’s butt? Yes. Do you think dimples are ugly? I think they're cute, actually. Have you ever deleted Facebook friends for a significant other? No. Have you ever spent the night in jail? No. Do you consider yourself a good kisser? I assume I am from experiences. Do you watch Pewdiepie? Not anymore, no. His current content doesn't interest me. The most recent thing I watched was his playthrough of The Last of Us 2, because I adore the first game and definitely wanted to see him play the sequel. I think he's pretty funny and have no personal issues against him, though then again I am so uninvolved in the fandom that I have no idea if he's done something stupid again. Do you like "Despacito?" Haha, my mind went to The Dark Den's bearded dragon before the song... I'm not a fan of it, no. Did you ever color your hair pink? No, but I absolutely want to dye it pastel pink one day. :( I even edited a picture of me "testing" different hair colors out, and pastel pink looked suuuuper pretty. Do you drink energy drinks? No, they're too strong for my taste. Do you have any subscribers on YouTube? I don't now how many I have, but I know it's below 100. Do you have a Steam account? Yeah. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? No, but I enjoy the franchise. I'm not totally clear on all the lore, though. Do you like religion? Quite honestly, no. Do you swear in front of children? No. What is the next craft you are going to make? There's no telling. I don't really do crafts. What was your favorite Backstreet Boys song? Maybe "The Call." Favorite *N Sync song? I don't remember enough of them, at least not right now. Which of those two bands did you like best? The BSB, baby. Do you learn choreography easily? When I danced, I'd say I learned at a fairly average pace. What’s your favorite candy to receive on Halloween? Reeseeeeeee's. <3 Do you have a bobblehead? No. Have you ever had a lead role in a play? No. Have you ever been insulted or called names by a significant other? No. I wouldn't tolerate that shit. What’s your favorite movie battle scene? Oh man, idk. Maybe something from Troy, though I honestly barely even remember the movie by now, haha. Have you ever been to a same-sex wedding? No, actually. Who takes care of your pet(s) when you’re out of town? Hypothetically, one of my sisters would come to feed and water Roman and clean his box. I'm certain I couldn't talk either into spraying Venus' cage, though... What was the last thing you wrote down on paper? Some group work during therapy. Did you have a Walkman when you were a kid? No. What’s your favorite recipe you’ve come up with? Oh dear, I don't make those. Do you like celery? Yuck, no. By what age could you swallow pills? I dunno. A normal age. Do you like to drink alot of water? I need to drink more. :/ I've gotten better, though. For years, I literally never drank water. How I even survived, idk. How many times have you gone fishing? Countless times. Ever been to a roller-skating rink? Yeah. I loved having bday parties there as a lil'un. What do you refer to your mother as? (Mom, momma, mommy) Mom, Ma, and Mama. Have you ever swam in the ocean? Yeah, multiple times. What is the last movie that made you cry? I think the remake of The Lion King. What would you like to swim in other than water? Nothing? If you could uninvent one thing what would you chose? Damn, just one? Maybe cigarettes? Have you ever read someone's diary? Absolutely not. I respect people's privacy. Have you ever played in a waterfall? No, but that'd be dope. Who has inspired you the most in your life? Probably Mark. Is there a place where everyone who lives near you tends to hang out? Idk. Teens sure do love to hang out at Sonic, though, reving their stupid fucking trucks. Does your alarm clock wake you with music, or with an annoying buzz sound? Music. Did you make it all the way through the Oregon Trail game? Yes; I was obsessed with those as a kid. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Which one are you more scared of? I feel like being alone with a tiger would scare me most. Though let's be real, I'd probably try to pet it. Have you ever changed your favorite color? From what to what? It was originally red, but then became pink when I actually understood it was its own color. Then it was maroon forever, and now it's back to pink. On a scale of 1-10, how competitive are you? Eh, 4-6? It depends on the situation, I guess. At what age did your have your most memorable birthday? My 21st, because I was in the psych hospital for it. Yes or no: Guys in skinny jeans? Yeah, man. Yes or no: Girls with dreads? Some people can pull it off. Have you ever attended a themed b-day party? What was the theme? Oh yeah, plenty. Do you have any Eminem on your iPod/MP3 player? I do. Has anybody ever given you a promise ring? No. What do you think about putting ‘spinners’ on cars? So long as they're not too distracting, I don't care. Do what you want with your car - again, so long as it is not disruptive. What celebrity do you wish would have a big comeback? I wish poor Britney Spears could catch a goddamn break and be happy again. She's a legend that doesn't deserve to feel like a puppet. Were you outdoors or indoors more as a kid? I'd say there was a pretty even split. Do you or have you ever owned a horse? No, but I LOVE horses. Have you ever had a relationship that began via text? (weird, I know, but it happens…) Most of my relationships started through a text message. Did you believe in unicorns as a small child? I don’t think so. Would you ever date a guy with longer hair than yourself? Yeah; I have short hair anyway, and I also like long hair on guys. Do you watch the show Wizards of Waverly Place? I used to love that show. Have you ever been to the rainforest? No; humidity aside though, that would be so amazing. Bats are not spooky or are they? I think they're precious. Do you like the song "Womanizer?" I sure do, actually. Do you like ice cream cake? Not really, but I'll eat it. Do you know how to change a tire? Nope. What kind of headphones do you have? Just cheap earplugs. Do you experiment a lot with new looks on yourself? No. What were some fun experiments you did in science class as a kid? Dissecting a frog was my favorite, and doing the same with an owl pellet was also very cool. What was the last strong emotion you felt? Guilt. I lied to get out of group therapy early because I was just NOT feeling it whatsoever that day, and I hate lying. Do you use dry shampoo between washes? No. Have you ever lived with someone you didn’t get along with? No. What types of animals have you had as pets? Jeez, what haven't we had... We've had cats, dogs, snakes, rats, gerbils, a rabbit, hamsters, lizards, fish, guinea pigs... Hell, I'm probably forgetting one or two. Can you name three good things about your most recent ex? She's so creative, a real advocate for proper reptile education and appreciation, and very kind. Name three bands/artists that you hate. Uhhh The Talking Heads, Bob Dylan, and The Police. What’s the best memory you have of your father? Playing softball with him in the front yard, and when he taught me to ride a bike. Should tattoos be meaningful? You get a tattoo for whatever reason you damn well want. I don't plan on all of mine to be meaningful. Some stuff I just want because I think it's cool. Are you afraid of the dark? No. Have you ever been through a trap door? No. What's the most recent good news you’ve heard? Hm. Who was the last person in your family to have a baby? My older sister. When’s the last time you used the microwave? Last night. What’s the worst thing in your life right now? Financial struggles. Have you ever owned a tire swing? No. Does anyone you know own a bird that can talk? No. Have you ever been someplace tropical? Yeah, Florida. Have Jehovah'ss witnessess ever called to your door? Yep. when was the last time you went to mass/church? I have no idea. It's been many years. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? Thank heavens no.
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heyyylittlemo · 4 years
Ask game
1. Where did you hide the body??
Me: *pause* No, where did you hide the body—
*police stare at me with disbelief*
Me: there’s no—there’s not a single body here—well stop looking at me like that, you’re the cop! You should know! Why are you asking me for! Body? Whaaaaaat. Ahaha.
*cops shake head*
*whispers to my friend* Guys I think I pulled that one off
Police: you know we can hear everything you’re saying
me: 👁👄👁
2. Favorite rock? The 1975. Dominic Fike. Arctic Monkeys. Bad Suns. The killers. Pale Waves. Etc. That good good shit 👌
3. Most aesthetic season? Fall. Love them orange colors. The leaves falling. Though spring is also neat if you have a bunch of flowers bloomin in shit and winter is only aesthetic when it’s snowing. Boring ass summer tho just be heating me up.
4. When texting do u shorten words or spell out? I used to write stuff out all the time mostly but now it’s like half and half bcuz its just faster and nobody got time for it 🤣🤣
5. Vintage stuff? Hell yeah, but maybe not anything too expensive since some old stuff IS hyper expensive.
6. Colors that pop or blend? Not sure I understand what u mean abt them blending ahaha u mean like when they’re so similar to another?? Well I think it’s nice but honestly I prefer a pop and a bang, y’Know?
- At this moment I realized I was answering the last few questions from a completely different ask and felt like a dumbass 😂 anyways the actual number we’re on is three so imma just kickback
3. Worst dream u have ever had? I had sleep paralysis but was imbetween that and a lucid dream. At first I was paralyzed and could see my bed but my eyes felt closed and open at the same time?? A giant dark demon looking dog had towered over me and began to tear at my neck. It looked and felt very real I started to try to scream and it felt like a scream was coming out but no sound exited. Then I went into a lucid dream where I was being chased by this dog and running for my life I was running by and nobody could save me nobody in the dream when it caught up to me I was back in my bed and it was trying to eat me again. I was so terrified I couldn’t sleep for a whole week.
4. Lyric that comes to your mind? “And I don’t think I can be there. I’m paralyzed,I’m terrified of being alone. When you said I deserved what had happened.”
5. Blood make u uncomfortable? Yes, I passed out once when getting my finger pricked and a VERY small blood sample and another when dissecting a fish.
6. Even or odd numbers? Well I like the number 5,7,9, 3 so odd. (Like me 🤣🤣)
7. Something I hate that I love? Anything I’ve ever loved becuz love can be frustrating. Bruh.
8. 1st initial of someone I hate? Hmm...do I hate someone tho? Not that I can think of...
9. *Skipping down the lane* NOPE
10. Corn dogs? It’s funny cuz when I think of corn dogs my mind will always go to when we first moved to our current house because at our initial town we never had Sonic and while we were getting the house fixed up and moving stuff we use to always get Sonic since it was the closest to us most times to eat and that was a bunch of corn dogs and hotdog days 🤣 so thnk u corn dogs for ur service
11. I’m not a huge movie person so...I looked up movies from 2005 and movies Inlike from this time are Brokeback mountain bcuz it’s gay af, Shark Boy and Lava Girl damn I rewatched the shot out of it when I was younger, Narnia and the Chocolate Factory(although it low key creeped me out as a kid, and idk why).
12. Least fav music genre? Most country, most EDM, dubstep, screaming/really hard rock, some pop music, mumble raping.
13. As someone who waits on tables, my job is my least favorite restaurant experience 🤣🤣 just dealing with ppl...like ok, I’m half Hispanic right?? But I look white. Well, I work at a Mexican restaurant and so sometimes racist costumers will say shady shit just bcuz I guess they think it’s appropriate to say it to me just bcuz I’m not Hispanic in their eyes?? But it pisses me off and I feel like I can’t say anything without causing a drama which I hate and when the “costumers always right” it can be hard to budge and stand up and say “bitch wtf did u just say??” And there’s just folks who take things the wrong ways or ask too much at once or give u a hard time or just say something that sticks onto you for the whole day. One bad move can turn my whole day upside down.
14. 3 things never come near me? Cockroaches, Needles, and close mind ppl
15. Worst way to die? With regrets. Something really brutual, random, or where something just happened to go wrong (accident). Being killed by someone u love.
16. Unusual habits? Doing a Michael Jackson esque “hee-hee” after every sneeze I make, being extremely clumsy and making every task 100% more difficult, having the ability to talk as if I have an accent that comes from nowhere in particular just stupidity also I can’t speak my own language half the time 🙃getting words confused or misusing them in a sentence so I sound dumb having a very weird imagination and thoughts, I swear it like I never went to school and don’t know how the world works, plus many many more
17. Clothing style u want? I want to dress in a way that screams who I am and is a blend of both femininity and masculinity. A little vintage. Grunge. Urban maybe?? What do I know abt fashion 🤣🤣
18. Song or artist that deserves more? Dijon, hands down. I love his stuff. He’s like Frank Ocean meets light-singing beautiful lyricist with a more rock vibe?? Hidden gem. I also think Durand Jones & the Indications needs more love along with BadBadNotGood they sound like old-times but are new!! Oh, and Pale Waves is like a female The 1975 and kicks it. Bad Suns is a good alt rock band that no one seems to recognize :,D Toro y Moi too! His song with Flume “The difference “ is a banger!! Kid Cudi is my man when I want a blend of rock and rap. Also Dominic Fike,King Krule, and Roy Blair, who are all amazing!! Ok I need to stop 🛑
Duck I answered the past questions from a different post I’m sorry 😐
17. Emoji never used? There’s a bunch since I reuse the same over and over again. Lmao
18. 3 sentence Gatorade horror story? A faint quiver overtook the small freezer the Gatorade lay in; no one had come by in days, hours, weeks; when was the last time he met the lips of a thirsty body? They’d forgotten about him, as his last sips remained glued to his hollowing entrance. ‘Help, ‘it wanted to say, but it’s frozen lips could not be moved; It’d stay here, die here...just like the rest.” What am I doing with my life 🤣🙏
19. Do u know what an old bay is? A bay that is old? And old ocean? Idk!!!
20. Can u dance? Sometimes I dance when I’m alone but nothing spectral lol
21. What first comes to ur mind when u see ropes? 2 extremes. Sex and death. Hm. Ok. Moving on.
22. Make an obscure reference. “Even a bra couldn’t hold these nipples” *Holds a water gun to chest*
23. Fav balloon color? Pink or yellow.
24. If u were in court would u be innocent or guilty? Depends, what am I in court for 🤣 lmao jk honestly idk bcuz I don’t think I’d wind up in there
25. Are u hungry ? Nope
26. Unlucky number? Hm I don’t think so but I have a lucky number “123”
27. What’s “JMD”stand for? I’m guessing...Jamming my d—- 💀lol jk ahaha why am so dirt
28. Random inside joke? *chirpy squeak* I’m making a double batch of cookies
29. What sends chills up ur spine? Seeing disgust food or smell disgust or talking abt disgust things like gore
30. How many questions are in ur inbox? A pathetic zero ahaha no one want to ask me anything 😂
31. Someone real who scares u. 2 of my ex friends. One when I was 10 said disturbing things and I was kinda forced onto the friendship and everything they said make me fear for others lives...and then a different ex friend who seemed normal at 1st but became both low key psychopath cult leader type stuff and I booed out of there—-.
32. Run or hide? Uhh probably hide because I’d say even if ppl say “u can run but u can’t hide” u CAN just hide! that’s the point of hiding they not find u xD also why not combine them? Hide then run somewhere far away once I got them off the trial.
33. Last person who made u angry? A frickin beetle that flew at me and pinched me in the middle of singing in the shed xD also my autocorrect
34. What’s going on in ur head? I should probably pee soon—
35. Little thing that makes u Smile? A lot of little things bruh.
36. Are u a descisive person?
Not sure.
*pAuse *
Ok, I guess I’m not then 🤣
37. Would ppl say I’m paranoid? Hm maybe about certain things social situations, singing in front of others what ppl think abt me etc etc
38. Store least likely in? Any southern clothes shop, Abercrombie & Finch types shit, lol
39. Do I like hats fave type? Hm not wear many hats but I think they’re cool any type is cool for different ppl and their aesthetici just can’t rock a hat.
40. Bow ties or ties? Don’t really care but now want to see more bow ties
41. Who? You.
42. What? Reading this shit
43. Where? In ur ass
44. When? Now.
45. Why? Not even u know why.
46. How? We all want to know
47. Do u collect anything? Vinyl records.
48. What tome is it? Time to get a watch
49. Fav transportation? My car or walk is possible
50. Would u ever kill someone to save someone? Don’t want to think about that
51. Make a joke. Yo, it’s time to make a joke—so the other day I was working. And I was practicing my Spanish, yes? Anyone whose trying to learn anew language k n o w s that sometimes words can be so close to another u just confuse then! So apparently churros in Spanish is a desert but if u say it more harshly (it literally sounds almost the same) it makes a whole different meaning—diharrea, but like I didn’t know that so I legit just walked up to this person and asked if they would like some shit to eat. So yeah, that was great. Let’s not forget that I mixed up blood, watermelon, and sangria which is a wine. I legit once said I had mixed wine in my vines and another time watermelon 🤣
52. I’m really confused so I skip
53. Would ur dash be confiscated SFW? By dash do u mean this account? Um not 😬
54. Do I like to cuddle? Hell yeah and manhandle ppl all the time it’s my affection
55. What makes u angry? Close minded ppl or ppl who jump too fast to conclusions, strict schedules just dumb stuff that people try to force when I just want to be carefree 😭✌️
56. How many voices are in ur head? 😐
57. Do U consider urself mentally stable? 😐
58. Are u easily offended? Well U just called me mentally unstable and asked it there was voices in my head!!
59. What’s wrong with taking the backstreets? Uhm...
60. Any questions u want ppl to ask u? Nothing in particular but it’s be nice if someone care to ask me something abt me from personal question to my opinions on shit to 19 days fandom related junk 😌
Woooo I’ve finished this game! Thanks to @seiji-amasawa for introducing me to this ^^
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praphit · 5 years
The X-People: DP Degrees of BS
Frickin Phoenix!
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(What does that even mean? “Every hero has a DARK side?” She kills people! Are all of our heroes murderers? - but I’ll get to that later.)
I'm mad! That's right, people! I'm mad at MYSELF! Why? Well, I could have taken the kids to go see "The Secret Life of Pets 2", so we could laugh our asses off (Idk what kids I'm talkin about - just randomly picking kids up off the streets and taking them to see movies... prob best I didn't do that). 
I could have seen something cultured like "Late Night" or "THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANSISCO"; which I admit is a stupid title, but it seems like it's a good movie. But, no, people! My comic book geekiness would not allow it!
Instead I went to see this bullshit right here - “X-Men: Dark Phoenix”. 
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Don't look at me that way, Sansa! You know dag gon well this movie is some ol' bullshit!
You know! The rest of your acting squad knows, the director knows, the writers know - I knew from the first trailer! I knew from the first time they announced that they were taking another crack at a cinematic Phoenix story. Why?? Cuz we've done this before! Yep! 
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There it is! - and it was terrible! 
What’s going on with that poster? Apparently, they didn’t have any confidence in that movie either. Why is Wolverine running at me like Sonic the Hedgehog?
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I tried to find a better poster, but...
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Here they look like they’re posing in some 80′s rock video. TAKE THAT STAND:)
I was mad back then with the first trailer, because I knew that this moment would come. And I actually really liked the first two movies of these particular X-Men. It was Apocalypse that ruined everything. 
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People thought that movie was so bad, that it erased all the good that this franchised has done (even going back to the older X-Men):
The ground-breaking 1st movie (tho it prob doesn't hold up),
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(Creepy old Magneto is coming for dat ass!)
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(it's hard to imagine anyone playing him better than Hugh Jackman. And he should have won an award for how cut he got... and he was so modest. If I ever  end up looking like that, WHEW! - ladies look out:),  
I loved Patrick Stewart as Prof. X, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender's intense hot & frigid bromance (though we never got our make-out seen:), Quicksilver (man, I wish we could get more of him), "Logan" (excellent comic book movie), and I'm not sure if we'd have Deadpool without them ruining that first Wolverine movie. Not to mention that they marketed the hell out of this movie franchise and made so much money! But, then this guy showed up and effed it all to hell!
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("Everything they built will FALL... ")
- you ain't lyin, jack!
And while that movie was terrible, it wasn't as bad as everyone said. Bullshit sure, but... there are different degrees of bullshit. Apocalypse was forgettable BS, sometimes there's BS that makes us laugh, or think, or cry - what type of bullshit will Dark Phoenix be? -  Let's take a look:
This movie kicks off with the X-Men in space. Yep! SPACE! Since when are the X-Men astronauts? Which movie did they get training for any of that? How did they build an X-Jet for space travel? Did they learn it on YouTube? And even if that were the case, how's the government allowing this? If a group of talented minorities built a functional space craft, do you think President Trump would allow them to come and go as they please? Shiiiiiii In the movie they don't even test it first. Xavier just says that they'll be fine, and sends the kids off.
I think that there needs to be an investigation. Prof. X is trying to kill these kids. He keeps sending them on missions that they shouldn't come back from:
X-Men: "But, professor, we don't know how to disarm a bomb!"
Xavier: "You'll be fine."
X-Men: "But, professor, the X Jet isn't built for deep sea exploration, we don't even know where we're going!"
Xavier: "Y'all will figure it out."
Then, as they come back, he's counting to see if they all made it - "Ten kids left, and coming back, I count... ten DAMMIT! But, wait, one is injured... doesn't look like he'll pull through. YES! (as he drinks some bourbon - which he does at an alarming rate in this movie... prob to block out all the kids he has killed).
While we're on the topic of him - did the movie "Split" ruin James McAvoy's take on Prof X for anybody else? This is all I kept seeing when he was on camera.
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But, as you know, cuz they did this exact plot in "X-Men: Last Stand" Jean Grey gets possessed by some space entity while they're up there, and becomes Phoenix.
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Jean (played by Sophie Turner, who actually does a good job) is found to have done something horrible. Xavier (and this is no spoiler, cuz again X-Men: Last Stand") blocks out the bad stuff she has done to try to protect her, this eventually wears off, and now we get DARK 
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...wait, sorry.
Now we get DARK PHOENIX! 
There we go!
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(”Where’s my money?!”)
Now, Jessica Chastain is in this as well seen here, experimenting with bleach,
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 who's leading a group of aliens to manipulate Jean (I'll get to them later). But, if JC is in the house, you can be sure that a women's rights message will be in there somewhere (#drinkinggame) And BOOM, there it was - "Don't let some MAN in a chair tell you what you are? - what you can and can not be! Don't let him controoool you!" 
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I'm all for girl power, buuuuuut she HAS been on a bit of a carnage streak, and she has been killing people, annnnnnd isn't Jessica Chastain also trying to control her? But, imma let all that go... what do I know?? :)
I gotta be honest, I was digging the first half of this movie. They were capturing everything I love about the X-Men: social issues, political issues, teen struggles. They have lots of real drama going on amongst themselves. There are times when you'll cheer the X-Men on and times when you'll agree with some of the humans that THEY GOTZ TO GO! I love the flaws of the X-Men; it makes them relatable. I even love the struggle with having so much power, and yet having to try to walk a line of morality - which they suck at btw.
The professor sucks at it the most, which made me kinda sad, actually. BUT, to be fair, he has the power to control people's minds... would any of us with that power be able to consistently resist certain temptations?? Def not giving him a pass though. He does a lot of messed up stuff (some things they draw attention to, and others that they don't). Some things that made me cringe, even though MOST of what he was doing was out of love. I can't depend on none of my fave leaders anymore - not even the fictional ones.
We were getting into some deep stuff! BUT, then it was as if some big shot walked on the set and reminded them that they have a "Blow shit up" quota to meet, and that the plot points were slowing them down. Soooooooo, they burn the script and start blowing things up. Some people might say "Praphit, this is a comic book movie, how much script can you expect?" If this were 20 years ago, I'd agree.
Plus, it's more the fact that nothing makes any sense at this point.
Magneto (who's always the voice of reality in these movies, in my opinion) wants to kill Jean (for very good reasons), but he knows that he can't take Phoenix by himself, so why is he trying? He's a smart dude; why not come up with a better plan? Prof X wants to talk to Jean, to reason with her... the problem with that is that they just tried that a few days ago, and that couldn't have gone any more terribly than it did. The aliens in this movie (which lack all personality btw), who's objective is to control Jean, also know that they can't really do that or take her out (which was plan B), so... what the hell are we doing? The aliens are supposed to be the smart ones!
Prof X should have just controlled everyone's minds, and played a big game of immoral chess to take Jean out - that would have been a cool movie. But, this (though the effects are VERY COOL:) simply became a shoot-out! Not to mention, that right before all of this awesome, but confusing damage takes place, they have a big speech about restraint and not doing harm. Literally, a minute later, the X-Men are blowing buses up!
But, all of that is not even what makes this movie bullshit (grade: D+ btw). What makes this movie bullshit is the fact that it's the last one before Disney takes over.
You'd think that they would have given it their best, so that they can go out making us miss them! But, it felt like half way through the movie the team was told that this is all over, and that Mickey Mouse is coming to collect, but instead of going out with their best, they said to themselves "bleep it" and mailed-it-in.
The way that the final battle scene ends doesn't make any sense. It's one of those scenarios where "If you could do that... why didn't you do that earlier and save more destruction?" and a lil bit of "Well, if you had THAT much power, then none of these other altercations should have even been close."
The way it ends after that too! Man! It's like they just fast forwarded through the parts they didn't feel like acting out. This is the last one, people! Just lazy!
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Yeah you!
I've got a spoiler, sooooo if you don't want it, skip through the text after Patrick Stewart - and start reading again when you see his handsome face again:)
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(this is back when I learned to love this man)
So, Jean is... gone (possibly dead), and the X-Men name the school after her "Institute of Jean Grey" or something like that. Also, Prof X steps down (maybe due to guilt of his misatkes with Jean, who knows for sure, cuz they didn't act it out), and leaves Beast in charge in with the other teen X-Men to instruct the 'young kids at the school. "Other TEEN X-Men" Did they just make these kids professors? And what qualifies Beast (at this stage in his life) to run the school? Plus, Jean Grey was kind of a murderer wasn't she (and this wasn't a secret from the rest of the world)? Come on,kids, let me sign you up for "Ted Bundy's School for gifted youngsters" Would you be onboard for that? Hell no!
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(Here’s PS fresh off a bender. “I promise, Timmy, I’ll try to think about never touching the sauce again, but this hair says that I will.”)
So... I'd say, entertaining bullshit. The effects (especially) at the end are great! But, the rest... and to go out like this... ugh.
There's a cool quote in here from Mystique (played by J.Law) who clearly didn't want to be there. It was a quote about how the women in the X-Men seem to be sticking their necks out and saving the day way more than the men, and that  maybe Xavier should change their name to “The X-Women”. I thought that was not only funny, but a damned good point. I say do it!
I'd love it if you had a a big strong manly man of the team go ahead of the action and stand up to the enemy, and when asked "Who are you?" he replies
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"We're the X-Women."
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vampire-hubby · 6 years
hi, would you mind doing a murdoc x reader? 💘💗💝💖💓💞💕
!Oh my a request!!!! (I’ve never gotten one thank you so much I feel needed ;w;)(Phase one)
I couldn’t help but stare at my email. My mother had just emailed me for the first time in 3 months, and this is what she tells me: “Get married, you’re fucking 29.”
Really, woman. I don’t see you getting romantic with dad anymore.
My new apartment in the Upper East Side, in Manhattan, wasn’t the biggest, the brightest, or the nicest, but they had internet and good rent. I had only moved in a few weeks prior, and I finally set up my big, clunky desktop, which had become most of my life. I emailed people I didn’t even know from around the world, talking about almost anything with them, from the crappy content on MTV to when we could afford cell phones. I had been chatting for hours on end, hardly getting up except to eat and pee.
I closed out of my mother’s rude email with a rough click of my mouse, and entered my favorite chat room with four different people and me. I had never seen their faces.
Sara: Yoooo, wut’s taking u so long?
Dylan: Yea, where ru?
Imani: *sonic voice* Im waaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiting
(y/n): I was emailing mom. srry.
Bobbi: Its chill. hey, i got a friend from england who just got email. want me 2 let him in the chat?
Ooh, a new friend, I thought sarcastically. Bobbi had this thing where he’d bring in new people and then kick them out a bit later because they’d swear too much. I hoped this wasn’t the case.
Sara: I think thats ok, just dont let them swear.
Sara: seriously
Dylan: I didnt like the last chick u let in
Bobbi: Yea, srry bout that. He wont swear. He only does when hes tired.
Imani: pls let that be tru :(
(y/n): yea let him in.
I leaned back and waited for a solid 30 seconds, before I heard a trademark blip from the speakers.
Murdoc has joined the chat!
Nice name, bucko. Nice name
Murdoc: Hey, people.
(y/n): Greetings, Lord of Hell
Murdoc: nice, I get some respect.
Imani: OOooooooOOOOOh.
Bobbi: Hey man, wasup?
Sara: Dude, is that ur real name
Murdoc: Well, my older brother was named Hannibal
Bobbi: thats scary
Sara: what does ur name mean?
Murdoc: I heard it was irish or celtic or something. Seafarer, Seaman? idk
Imani: cool. do u like the ocean?
Murdoc: It’s nice i guess. I am overseas right now in NY. I’m in a concert
Sara: cool! isn’t (y/n) from Manhattan?
(y/n): I just moved up there, but ive been here so much i know everything.
Bobbi: guys get like a codeword and find eachother
Murdoc: What kind?
(y/n): seriously NY is so big I doubt murdoc can find me
Murdoc: are you going to any concerts soon?
Sara: dude Manhattan is 1/5 of NY itself
(y/n): Yeah the Gorillaz one
Murdoc: I’m going there too! That band is my heart and soul!
(y/n): u’d better not be the bass player, as your name suggests.
Murdoc: I’ll surprise you. Go to the entrance and when its 5 say ‘seaman’ you’ll find me:)
Imani: Oooooooooooh Murdoc and (y/n) have a date!!!!!
(y/n): my mom says i need to get married, so i’ll take it as a date. anything to make mother happy ;(
Bobbi: aww, sorry. hope u guys have fun
Sara: I gtg, dinner ready. hubbies special
Imani: same, I gotta work on my finals
Bobbi: Ive spen enough time on here. u 2 can talk if u want! bye bye!
Sara has left the chat.
Bobbi has left the chat.
Imani has left the chat.
(y/n): if this date goes well, im moving to england with u.
Murdoc: Great! you can see my car. You might not like my house though, its so fuckin run down,
(y/n): man u swore
Murdoc: the others aren’t on here i can do what i want
(y/n): true.
And I kept chatting for another hour. ‘Murdoc’ was somewhat nice, although he talked shit about his dad and brother. In a way, he was charming. He told smooth jokes that made me laugh until my side hurt. He also seemed to be a little bitter about romance, as he had an unfortunate experience with his friend’s girlfriend a few years back. I left the chat room because my eyes hurt too hard and my bad felt like it would snap. I signed off and headed to bed, staring and the Gorillaz concert ticket on my bulletin board. The concert was next week, and a shiver ran up my spine. I couldn’t wait to see them onstage. They really were a band to behold.
I rolled over and plopped a pillow on my head as the heater kicked in, a loud, angsty cluncki-click noise and thrummed wildly like an out-of-tune instrument.
The day soon came, and I knew I couldn’t be late. I had awoken early, and eaten my fair (and disgusting) share of all-bran cereal.
I opened my window, to the smell of exhaust, perfume, and cigarettes, and the sound of cars honking and driving.
The smell of cigarettes seemed different today. Perhaps the drugstore ran out of Camels. I went back to my room and pulled on my clothes, hoping to get a fresh start to the day, despite the fact I had awoken at 6:30. Ugh.
I went back to my computer and booted up Half-Life and began to play.
*****let me timeskip I’m lazy*****
4:55. and I had spent the last hour in traffic.
Man, people surely like Gorillaz or something. I had barely gotten there in time. I left at four, totally certain I’d beat traffic. Oh how wrong I was.
I went near the gate, holding my ticket and trying not to look suspicious to security. I had to wait a painstaking five minutes just to see the guy I was having my mystery first date with. The Gorillaz murals, however, were nothing short of wonderful, so at least I could spend time looking at them.
I felt a chill up my spine as I gripped my jacket closer, and my ticket tighter.
At last, it was 5. I stared at my watch, unable to believe it. It only dawned on me later on that I was supposed to do something, but what? Say something? What did Murdoc tell me in the chat, Dammit?
“Uh...” I looked around, and hesitantly called out,  “S-seaman?”
The security guard looked over at me, and raised a choppy eyebrow. “Say again?”
“Seaman. I’m supposed to say that and meet some-”
“Come with me,” He said shortly. “And I’ll take your ticket.”
“W-where am I going?” I asked.
“I was told about a special somebody here, and that she deserved a backstage pass with her new boyfriend,” He said simply. “Don’t worry, I’ll scan your ticket.” I fearfully handed the man the ticket, and he proceeded to lead me to a door that said ‘Backstage- security and band only.’
He opened the door. “Your friend is inside, but be careful. He may or may not be drunk.”
“He’s what-” but he slammed the door and and I was left in a dimly lit hallway.
I decided that there was nothing else to do besides walk down to the dressing rooms. And, like every idiot in every horror movie, I did.
My feet echoed louder than I wanted them to, and I shivered. I caught a whiff of that same cigarette smell from this morning, but I shook it away as I forced my feet to march to my inevitable fate. That hallway seemed to grow longer and longer, and I soon heard voices from a door I was approaching.
“-and I tell ya, the kiddo had blue hair like me! ‘e did!” a stuttery voice cheered
“D, he probably dyed it.” came a deeper one, probably from a black man.
“I know, but I fought it wazza’bit cool, eh?”
“Dents, get your sodding mind out of the gutter! I have a guest coming.” Ordered a gruff, angry voice.
“Watashi wa kireina josei ni aitaidesu!!” a Littler girl spoke, but I didn’t understand. Was she Asian or something?
“I know you do, babygirl, just wait.”
I knocked on the door, and the voices went silent.
It opened, and a little Japanese girl stood in the doorway, wearing a radio helmet and a jacket covered in patches that was too big for her.
“Anata wa kireina joseidesu ka?“ She asked
“Umm..” I stared at her.
“She jus; asked yew if yew were the pretty lady Mu’doc’s been talkin’ bout.” said a voice from inside.
“I don’t know if I’m pretty, but can I see Murdoc?” I hunched my shoulders.
“Ē! Kare wa koko ni iru -“
“Let her in, Noodle.” came the gruff voice, and I head a metal chair creak.
“Ā, daijōbu, Murdoc!” the little girl stepped aside and grinned at me. ‘Noodle’ looked too young to be with these men.
And then it hit me once I walked in.
I stood face to face with a man in his thirties. His nose was a lumpy mess, and his eyes lay just under his greasy black bangs, one red and one brown. He scratched a tanned cheek and grinned a crocodile, crooked-toothed grin. He wore a sweat-stained grey shirt, displaying his tattoo-covered arms. He had oddly trimmed white fingernails, which fiddled with a guitar pick. His ripped jeans seemed too small, and he had a pair of Cuban heels on his feet.
“You must be (y/n),” Murdoc seemed to play with my name on his snakey tongue. “It’s me, from the chat room.”
(sorry to end off on a cliffhanger)
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2014/2015/2016/2017/2018 New Years Survey
1: What did you do in 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018 that you’d never done before?
2014: Had sex
2015: Got further in my love life
2016: Went to the PAC 12 Championship, and about to go to a bowl game
2017: Graduated and moved in with friends
2018: Had a real film client
2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? 2014: I don’t think I actually made any. I might try to this year
2015: I kept a lot of them, and I will probably make new ones
2016: I can’t remember what they were. I might make new ones
2017: I can’t remember what they were. I am making new ones
2018: I can’t remember what they are, and I might make a couple new ones
3: Did anyone close to you give birth? 2014: No
2015: No
2016: My mom’s ex-boyfriend’s daughter
2017: No
2018: No
4: Did anyone close to you die? 2014: No
2015: No
2016: My friend Zach, although we hadn’t really talked much for a couple of years so we weren’t close anymore
2017: No
2018: My cat and my great aunt
5: What countries did you visit? 2014: I stayed in my home country this year, but hopefully I will travel more in 2015 or 2016, I am planning to study abroad
2015: I stayed in my home country but I am planning to study abroad in 2016
2016: I studied abroad in Italy :)
2017: I went to London with my mom
2018: I stayed at home
6: What would you like to have in 2015/2016/2017/2018/2019 that you lacked in 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018? 2014: A boyfriend, more confidence, and a more interesting personality
2015: A boyfriend and more confidence
2016: A boyfriend already goddamnit it’s time
2017: An official boyfriend and a film job
2018: A boyfriend, a film job, and probably a car
7: What dates from 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 2014: 12/13/14, the day I had sex, and it was interesting because I had my first kiss on 11/12/13
2015: 9/3/15 was the day of the Old Chicago watch party where Hawaii flirted me.
2016: 6/8/16 the day I found out Zach had died
2017: 8/21/17, the solar eclipse
2018: 8/7/18 moving into the B Flat
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year? 2014: I think my Blank Space video was cool. Also I got a job
2015: Maybe finally starting to go to the gym and get confidence
2016: My short film Pancakes, which had a full film crew
2017: Graduated college
2018: Did some film work for Sonic Octane
9: What was your biggest failure? 2014: Letting myself remain unhappy instead of figuring out how to change it
2015: Losing some of the confidence I gained in the fall
2016: Kinda giving up on trying, in various ways
2017: Did not get back into working out
2018: Not letting myself try things and fail
10: Did you suffer illness or injury? 2014: I had a trifecta of stomach flu, pink eye, and common cold during finals week. I also cut my foot open at Water World and it got infected
2015: I was sick for a month from kissing Hawaii
2016: Yeah, that month-long Hawaii plague kinda turned into a year-long strike from my immune system. Also, I got a node in my thyroid. So far it’s benign, just a weird lump
2017: I had to get surgery to remove the thyroid node
2018: I had a cough for 2 months
11: What was the best thing you bought? 2014: A Netflix subscription
2015: My TV
2016: All my Italy souvenirs. Idk I can’t pinpoint one thing
2017: Sebastian the pirate merman ornament
2018: I think the gold Giani Bernini shoes were this year
12: Whose behaviour merited celebration? 2014: My mom’s boyfriend is finally apologizing to her and trying to make up for cheating on her last year, and he actually seems to be working really hard to change
2015: Vincent has become close friends with me and shows a lot of bravery in how he handles things
2016: The football team finally got good
2017: My film class for all we accomplished and helping each other on projects
2018: My coworker and I actually became friends even though I didn’t like her at first
13: Whose behaviour made you appalled? 2014: There were a few guys who bailed on me without explanation, but the biggest one is my friend who stopped talking to me, apparently because I vented to her too much, but did not give me any chance to fix it and seems to hate me now
2015: All the guys who were too cowardly to text me back
2016: This one dude in Italy on my study abroad program made out, etc with me, then told me not to tell anyone because there was a different girl he wanted to get with
2017: My friend and his girlfriend got mad at me for seeking out another ride because they drove recklessly
2018: A guy who cheated on someone with me, and me a little for enabling it
14: Where did most of your money go? 2014: A lot went into camera and film equipment rentals. Unfortunately quite a bit also went into the vending machine
2015: Random stuff, and more than usual went to holiday presents
2016: Groceries and clothes and knick knacks
2017: Rent
2018: Macy’s
15: What did you get really, really, really excited about? 2014: I went to the Telluride Film Festival with a school group
2015: Getting to go on a band trip
2016: Getting to go on 3 (three!) band trips
2017: Graduating and London
2018: Las Vegas film shoot
16: What song will always remind you of 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018? 2014: Songs tend to remind me of people, and the songs that remind me of the people of 2014 are “Don’t Cha” for Captain and “Wildest Dreams” for Marble. Also, Blank Space for all of them
2015: Taylor Swift’s 1989 album
2016: Shut Up and Dance
2017: Not sure if I have one. Maybe the Anastasia soundtrack
2018: Maybe Waving Through a Window
17: Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? © richer or poorer? 2014: A) Maybe a little sadder. I’m just getting more desperate as more time passes with me single. B) About the same, maybe a couple pounds fatter. C) Richer, now that I have a job
2015: A) Happier. B) Thinner. C) About the same, maybe a little richer. I’m not excellent at saving
2016: A) Happier. I was about to say sadder, because I think this year as a whole I’ve been sadder than last year as a whole, but I remembered that in december I was trying to get over Hawaii and that sucked ass. B) Fatter. C) About the same, maybe a bit richer
2017: A) About the same. Maybe a little sadder, I kind of miss college. B) Probably about the same. C) Probably poorer because I actually have to pay rent now. But I also make a lot more money so maybe it evens out
2018: A) Maybe a little happier. B) Fatter. C) About the same
18: What do you wish you’d done more of? 2014: Adventures, swing dancing, and maybe a little more textbook reading
2015: Enjoying myself and trying new experiences, and getting the most out of school
2016: Exercising, making friends in Italy
2017: I wish I had done more in college as a whole
2018: Making friends and flirting, and learning how to work hard
19: What do you wish you’d done less of? 2014: Fighting with my parents, perhaps, and maybe less being sad or worried around people because clearly it pushes them away
2015: Worrying about things
2016: Thinking about Hawaii
2017: Strategizing
2018: Overthinking
20: How did you spend Christmas? 2014: With my mom’s boyfriend’s family
2015: Oops awk, I’m doing this early. But I will spend it with my mom’s boyfriend’s family
2016: Lol I’m doing it early again. I think I am just gonna be chilling, I’ll probably do Hanukkah that night
2017: I keep doing it early. Idk maybe watch a movie or something
2018: I’m gonna chill and maybe see a movie with my mom
21: Did you fall in love in 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018? 2014: No, I don’t think so. Maybe, with Captain a little
2015: Not quite
2016: I stayed in love with Captain. I’m pretty sure that started before this year but maybe not. I told him that I loved him this year, though
2017: Almost maybe, but not quite
2018: No
22: What was your favourite TV program? 2014: Supernatural
2015: How to Get Away With Murder
2016: Suits
2017: Friends
2018: Dexter or Criminal Minds
23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? 2014: My friend who hates me, I’m starting to hate her back
2015: I still don’t really hate anyone
2016: Don’t really hate anyone
2017: Yeah. Didn’t know her last year
2018: Not really
24: What was the best book you read? 2014: Mistborn
2015: The Testing, maybe
2016: Mistborn series
2017: Mistborn series. Also not quite a book but the Choices game
2018: Here Lies Daniel Tate
25: What was your greatest musical discovery? 2014: Blank Space
2015: Shut Up and Dance
2016: Collabro
2017: Anastasia the Musical
2018: Dear Evan Hansen
26: What did you want and get? 2014: A job, new experiences
2015: More confidence, losing weight, better friend relationships
2016: A bowl trip, a summer abroad
2017: I may be on the path to getting a boyfriend?
2018: Film work, good roommates
27: What did you want and not get? 2014: A boyfriend, to lose weight, more confidence and conversational skills
2015: A boyfriend
2016: A boyfriend
2017: Cadence
2018: A boyfriend, to lose weight
28: What was your favourite film of this year? 2014: The Imitation Game or Guardians of the Galaxy
2015: The Martian or Inside Out
2016: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
2017: Coco
2018: A Star Is Born
29: What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? 2014: Being in college
2015: Better friend relationships
2016: The football team doing well
2017: Graduating
2018: The B Flat
30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018? 2014: Lazy
2015: Thift-shoppy
2016: Lazy
2017: Lazy when I was in school except for the days I saw Cadence, and then more fashionable when I got my job
2018: Business Lazy
31: What kept you sane? 2014: Hope for the future
2015: Belief in myself I guess
2016: Genetics and environmental factors that have not yet caused insanity
2017: Not sure
2018: Structure
32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? 2014: Chris Pratt
2015: Still Chris Pratt I think
2016: Chris Pratt is a sexy, sexy man
2017: Yup. Or Kit Harington
2018: Maybe Tom Holland
33: What political issue stirred you the most? 2014: Probably the Leelah Alcorn suicide that just happened
2015: The presidential debates are happening
2016: The presidential election, first one that I got to vote in
2017: Maybe Net Neutrality
2018: ICE Internment camps for immigrant kids
34: Who did you miss? 2014: My friend who hates me
2015: Hawaii
2016: Hawaii and Zach
2017: I missed Jessie while we were fighting
2018: Kylie
35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018. 2014: Let it Go
2015: Bravery means going after what you want
2016: The importance of storyboarding
2017: Strategizing just wastes time
2018: I don’t have to be the girl who never has a boyfriend
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. 2014: Got a long list of ex-lovers, they’ll tell you I’m insane
2015: I almost brought him up, but you start to talk about the movie that your family watches every single Christmas, and I’ll talk about that, for the first time, what’s past is past
2016: Buffaloes, Buffaloes, Go CU
2017: School’s out forever
2018: I’ve learned to slam on the brakes before I’ve even turned the key
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