#asdf text post
neoasari · 1 month
you dont understand how much i love milk i think i might die without it
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A memory that jus’ randomly hit me:
Me an my irl friends in highschool gathered around a chromebook’s watching asdf movie, an’ panicking as a teacher walked by when one of the joke’s punchline was “that’s for sleeping with my wife”
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deathblizzard · 2 years
;Question I'd love to hear other's answers on:
How does your muse text?/message Do they text? Do they use acronyms? Emojis? Stickers? Are they to the point, or longwinded(maybe they view it like a letter?) Do they correct misspellings or let them slide? Do they send a bunch of small messages at once?
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ellierenae · 10 months
Wait I just saw a lot of replies on a poll that some of us writers were never taught to type and still struggle with it. Is this as common as it looks on that post??
Personally, my answers are 'writer' and 'yes'.
When I was maybe seven years old, my mom made a rule that I had to type up a paragraph of text from her book before I was allowed to start using the internet for the day. No rules on time, just that I had to do it with my fingers resting on asdf and jkl; between presses.
Impatience taught me FAST.
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 8 months
a BUNCH of Garu/Karu meta, part 2: eyes, Karu-fronting units, In Defense of Sexy Garu/Karu, Leroy & Garu conspiracy, Update to Rei/Gramps theory, general "character development"
So over here I wrote a bunch of Garu/Karu meta zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u.tumblr.com/post/737197419853398016/ and I knew that eventually I'd wanna write more, so here's part 2!
Once again, disclaimer that I have not played every event nor watched every intimacy rooms so I am definitely missing some lore. If anyone has additional info to my questions, lemme know! Also, spoilers everywhere!
A) Blue eyes or yellow eyes?
In a couple comments of phaerlax's fics, he suggested that Karu's eyes are actually blue and I thought I'd follow up with some ~canon~ evidence.
Ch7- every mention of their switching involves language, attitude, and mannerisms, nothing about eye color.
Ch13- Kolt is about to kidnap Garu when Karu takes over. It's very fast and happens all in 1 sentence so there isn't space to mention any eye colors, but Kolt doesn't realize they've switched until Karu has kicked him in the face
Master's Gift- when Karu is pretending to be Garu, Eiden realizes it with the language and voice again, not eyes.
Howling Cyclone- when Garu suddenly takes over with no one around, the text narration only says "the wolf yokai closes and opens his eyes before dashing..." No mention of eye color and this time its from the third person text narration, rather than Eiden or any other character's POV.
Misty Vale- when the young wolves encounter Karu, they don't realize that Garu has switched until Karu announces to call him that. At the very end of the MV event when Garu declines joining the wolves, Eiden pats his head only to realize that its Karu due to his reaction.
Binary Starlight- no mention of eye color, but the modeling people, store owners, and Karu's fans, only refer to him as Karu or Mr Wolf Yokai, including when it's Garu taking Karu's place during the competition announcements.
Desert of Dusk- no one realizes when its Garu and when it's Karu
Some people might have noticed this by now, but Garu's ally units all have blue eyes in their sprites. But when you're actually battling, OG SSR/SR/R/N are all Karu voice lines. HC & EG Garu seem to have more Garu battle voice lines than Karu voice lines. I don't have all of them, so if anyone is willing to help me look into EB and FF Garu, please do! In a cool meta way, the fact that the sprites have blue eyes yet its Karu's voice coming out, indicates to me that Karu's eyes are probably blue.
And lastly- have you noticed Garu's battle loading screen pose, OG loading homepage, Bliss promotional pic with everyone's OG poses + new Dante/Blade/Rei, and Garu's sprite in the opening animated sequence? He's manspreading and has an angry face. Yes, we've seen Garu angry a number of times, but in the new loading homepage with Rei and Dante, Garu is smiling and Garu's angry face is usually still quite cute. I think the OG version is Karu and he has blue eyes there.
B) Karu Fronting Units
Ok so slightly following up from that last bit. I had a idea once, where it would've been cool for Karu to front in the offensive/defensive units, such as strikers and guardians, and Garu to front in the supportive units, such as buffers and healers. Especially since the battle voice lines already do that (see point above). This would be extra cool cause it lines up with their lore/personalities and DID system. Karu is the protector alter, doing a lot of the Dead Zone surviving, and it'd make sense for him to do offensive/defensive battle units.
But also- Binary Starlight Garu should have totally been Karu fronting. Frozen Echoes, while Garu is onscreen more often, is about Karu wanting to sing and then getting kidnapped. But more importantly, the intimacy stories are about Karu's modeling competition. He's also a striker and, as mentioned, I thought it would be cool to have Karu being the strikers.
Endless Banquet Garu probably would have been nice to be a Karu unit because part of it is about Karu wanting to go to the yokai festival, but it was also Garu's 1st event SSR, so it makes sense that he wouldn't be.
So here's to me sending out into the universe that we get a future Karu main event SSR. He's still missing a saboteur and I can see a saboteur going either Garu or Karu.
C) In Defense of Sexy Garu/Karu
People's biggest problem with Garu is usually how young he looks and acts. You are not wrong if you are uncomfortable with Garu/Karu being sexualized! That is totally valid! This section is not for you. This section is for ignorant haters. (Garu/Karu are just fictional characters so I don't think too defensively on this so I won't be offended if you still do.)
First up- Garu/Karu is not a shota. Shotacon is defined as underage/prepubescent/pubescent boys in an erotic/sexualized manner. And yes there are muscle shotas. But Garu is not one of them. Depending on the lore, Garu is 19-33+ (possibly older, see that other post where I calculated his possible age) and he has a young adult proportioned body. However, he has a major babyface and acts puppylike/borderline childlike and does appear younger than the rest of the cast. So it's possible that he's shota-adjacent and I can see why people think he'd be the "1000 year old loli/shota" characters.
Next- puppy play! Have you heard of animal roleplay and specifically leather puppies? Have you met someone whose done puppyplay? Seems an awful lot like Garu right? You'd be right! I'm more of a handler, but a lot (though not all) of the (western) puppy players I know go into a (dumbed down) puppy headspace, act hyper, head scratches, play fetch, bark, treats, and "treats". (Naturally, IA studio is writing from the Asian perspective so the scene might be different there & they probably didn't consult any puppy players anyways, but there's no set "rules".) Sound familiar?
I'm like 99% sure Garu/Karu is supposed to represent puppy play, not shotas. There's a reason the most common imagery of a leather puppy is a pup hood, some kind of gag, collar, chest harness, jockstrap, butt plug tail, and leather boots. Also sound familiar? It's very close to OG SSR and SR Garu, and when the devs gave BS Garu a jockstrap, that sealed the deal. Same with when they made Garu/Karu an omega in the A/B/O event.
Now that we agreed that Garu/Karu is puppy play and not shotacon, one common factor amongst puppyplayers is the sexycute factor. As in, the puppy could be acting cute and affectionate and puppylike while getting fucked. Head scratches while doing a blowjob. And so on. NU Carnival characters fill a variety of sexy roles and while we have 2 other yokai, Garu is the one that fills the puppy play role. He's not a furry, but he's the closest thing for those who are into it. And of course, he (and Kuya) are the token kemonomimi. I'd argue that Garu is actually more human that most puppies I've seen/played with since he is primarily bipedal and talks fully in a human language.
So yeah its fine to sexualize them because of the sexy archetype they fulfill!
D) Leroy and Garu Conspiracy
So this is a wild and possibly impossible conspiracy theory. At the end of Gambler's Paradise, we get a scene between Aster and Rei talking about a mysterious "that group". In ch 13, Rei tells us that Council of Sorcery is trying to replace the need for Huey's essence. Throughout Gambler's Paradise, we find out that Leroy is a recent imperfect familiar that was a result of experiments with Huey's essence. Throughout Misty Vale and Ch 13, we get hints that Garu might have been experimented on by the Council long ago.
So my conspiracy theory is that both Leroy and Garu were experimented on by the same Council of Sorcery, even if they were from different departments. Garu was possibly more than a decade or several decades ago and Leroy was within the past couple months or year cause he didn't start causing chaos in Aster's casinos until recently. This means that either there are different departments focusing on different experiments, but also totally possible that back then, they were experimenting on removing Huey's essence and now they're working on replicating Huey's essence.
Bonus weird similarity between Garu, Leroy, and Morvay- they all really REALLY like eating their choice of preferred food, and get hungry very easily. (Ok Garu technically might be super hungry cause he had very little food for many many years, but still)
E) Update to Rei is Gramps/Garu/Karu backstory
Here I theorized that Rei might be Gramps and other people have theorized or drawn fanart of this too. HOWEVER, Howling Cyclone does have a major problem in that we see Gramp's ghost.
What i propose to fix this: we don't know when ch13 or Eerie Escapade happened and realistically it's probably because Rei wasn't created as a character yet. But I can explain this lore away with saying even if Rei died "long ago", we dont know when he was reborn. And hey, maybe for all we know, the Gramps ghost was actually Father, realizing that even if Garu has Eiden, Karu could use some more support and decided to go revive Rei. :shrug: Or maybe they'll retcon the Howling Cyclone ghost like they retconned Aster's dick.
F) Garu/Karu's ~Character Development~ (not H scene specific)
(Warning for rambling!) So in my post about whether or not Kuya has character development and if it's even necessary, I mentioned that Garu & Karu needed character development. In various replies (but not my post), one comparison I've brought up between Kuya and Garu/Karu(+Zuko) is the difference between slow gradual changes and the heroes journey. And I thought I'd elaborate on that some more.
To clarify on Kuya- he's over 200 years old and has been changing slowly over time since forever. He started the story already having changed over time and will probably not stop going through this kind of slow gradual change, simply due to the fact that time passes and he's immortal. And while Eiden plays a part in present day, overall Kuya is not having major story beats causing massive changes.
The cool thing about Nu Carnival's cast, as evidenced by Kuya, is that everyone is on different points of their ~character development~ and Garu/Karu is starting from their very beginning. Yakumo is also starting from the very beginning. Whereas someone like Dante, Olivine, and Edmond are already somewhere further down the adventure. Or they have a different kind of character development path like Kuya, Rei, and Blade.
Now for Garu/Karu. So the classic heroes journey is a story template where the protagonist gets a call to adventure, meets various character archetypes, endures many trials, and returns changed in some way. Obviously it's not a 1:1 matchup with Garu/Karu's story, but he does get a call to adventure (joining the clan), meets a mentor(the clan members), and is currently still enduring many trials. This is what I mean by he has a big "heroes journey development". And using this pattern, we can predict that Garu/Karu will continue enduring more tests, before encountering a major ordeal, conquering it, returning back a changed man.
Now why is Garu, or more specifically, Karu's character development important or necessary? Much like how Yakumo started out his heroes journey as a "newbie", Garu and especially Karu start out as "newbies", with limited empowerment, not that many skills yet, MANY basic things to learn (and amnesia, or at least Garu has amnesia. Karu is debatable). Karu has big dreams, really big dreams, and while they're played for laughs, he absolutely sucks at those big dreams. He's either going to achieve those big dreams, change those big dreams, or lose his delusions of grandeur and that will be character development. His current stage in life, lack of power (and stamina lol), trauma, and unfortunate circumstances are preventing him from achieving those big dreams. Garu is more chill and mostly just wants to have Fun with his Master and help people where he can (including helping Karu). However, he also lacks power, is a newbie to things, and got that traumaTM that just causes him problems. Garu also kind of represents the coming of age plot- they may have gained basic survival skills in the Dead Zone & had no social skills, but have also started dabbling in learning and leadership in Forgotten Fruit, Eerie Escapade, and Misty Vale. He's slowly becoming braver. They also didn't know how to read before meeting Yakumo & Olivine, but now they can sort of write sentences!
As for their role in the story & how it ties in with character development. He's the cutesy comic relief like Blade or Topper, but also, as mentioned in my Kuya post, that they're a victim of the Gemstone plotTM. SPOILER TERRITORY. One major conflict that the plot is coming against in the main storyline is altars going haywire and the Council of Sorcery and Garu (and possibly Leroy) might be the key to solving this mystery. However, with his amnesia and limited empowerment, they can't really progress with it. Therefore, it is crucial for Garu/Karu to experience ~character development~ to move forward.
If you got this far, thanks for indulging in this longass analysis post on my favorite wolfboys to roll around in thinky thoughts. Possibly more to come as more ~lore~ is revealed.
Once again, I haven't played every event or intimacy room, so if you've got answers to my questions or additional contributions, please lemme know!
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
hmmm... how're we feeling about this image for my pinned post?
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too simple?? too busy?? i kinda wanna add text of some sort, but maybe i'll do a smaller image right below it bc i feel like adding text might make it a little too busy/crowded. and pls let me know if the clouds look odd beside the dragon bc i tried to find some in a similar art style, but! i wanna know if they don't quite match after all.
i'm trying to keep it simple and greyscale bc that's kinda the aesthetic i went with this time around, and i wanted to show a different muse than k.aigaku since he's my banner already. yubari was the easiest bc i already had a dragon image i could use uvu but also!! he deserves a bit of spotlight <3 but yeah!! any feedback is appreciated bc as always, i'm just winging it asdf
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Test post 2
Test text asdf adf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf end text. Cheers… GregLife is like a bicycle. To keep your balance you have to keep moving. — Albert Einstein​https://gregbikingwithoutborders.blog/#CyclepathOakville, #CyclingOntario, #CyclingCanada, #GregBikingWithoutBorders, #Giant, #Specialized, #TorontoBicyclingNetwork
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neoasari · 7 months
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i know for a fact that i'm the only one who drew these similarities but god are my almonds activated
do you ever have a tall artificial alien lifeform as a love interest, struggled alongside them fighting in a war, and they spend their last moments alive before their species' extinction spending time with you doing what they love, and then disappear into yellow sparkles in front of you, as the they leave one single physical reminder of their presence, and you sit there crying? oh, and by the way, the theme song is playing while this is happening.
yeah me neither.
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lemonbreadd · 3 years
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kinda redrew that one album cover of the offsprings as davesprite because
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acemeaskipper · 4 years
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apostlc-a · 3 years
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Merciful god, you have sent me an apostle. Guard your life, son, you have a calling.
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the-half-blood-nerd · 4 years
Annabeth: *Calling Will from outside the cabin* Hey Will, come out!
Will: *From the window* I’M GAY
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beatriceportinari · 3 years
meant pot calling the kettle black situation but forgot half of the words for some reason. this is why I'm not writing anything myself
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bluesey-182 · 5 years
when my family moved into our current house (a little over 7 years ago) i used dollar store tape to stick a piece of paper that says "gullible" onto my ceiling and i just figured that i'd leave it there till the tape stopped sticking and the paper fell off the ceiling.
the tape's still sticking.
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dzamie · 3 years
VLC YouTube Ripping Tutorial
I keep seeing posts about how Spotify is crap, don’t pay for streaming, yada yada, and every time, someone suggests a different ad-filled, data-harvesting website that’ll probably get taken down within a few months, all for just getting some songs locally.
Well, don’t worry, I have a better solution. The VLC media player is a free, open-source audio/video player with literally zero ads and can easily download whatever YouTube or Soundcloud you want! (and possibly some other sites, but I can’t get Twitch to work and don’t use the others)
So! Let’s download the Magic School Bus intro as an example.
1. Start VLC
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[a VLC media player window, with nothing in the playlist]
Mine goes to playlist view by default, but yours might go to player view (looks like a traffic cone on a black background). Either way is perfectly fine.
2. Copy the YouTube video link
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[YouTube video link for “The Magic School Bus theme HD.” The link has been right-clicked, and “Copy Link” is selected]
You can also just go to the page and copy from the address bar, but that’s a whole other page load and I’m too lazy to wait for that.
3. Open the YouTube URL
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[an “Open Media” window, open to the “Network” tab. In the text box, a YouTube video URL has been entered]
You can find this in Media > Open Network URL, or just press Ctrl+N for the shortcut to this window.
Alternatively, you can just press Ctrl+V rather than menuing:
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[a smaller “Open URL” window, with the same URL pasted in the text box]
Now just press Enter! Or click Play, whatever.
4. Copy the “Location” of the video
This looks complicated, but don’t worry, almost none of it matters.
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[window titled “Current Media Information,” with a bunch of mostly-empty text boxes, a thumbnail of the Magic School Bus opening, and a box at the bottom labeled “Location:” with what looks like a bunch of random letters and numbers]
You can get here by pressing Ctrl+I or going Tools > Media Information. Ctrl+J also works, it just puts you on the Codec tab instead. As long as you see that “Location” box, you’re good.
Then, just select all of the Location (press Ctrl+A or right-click > Select All) and copy it. It’s important to select ALL of it, because just double-clicking won’t give you anything.
5. Convert!
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[the Open Media window again, but this time the text box has the Location text instead of a youtube video URL, and the “Play” button now says “Convert / Save”]
By pressing Ctrl+R or going to Media > Convert/Save, you get this dialog. Put the absurdly long Location in the network URL box. You can also do this in the Ctrl+N Open Network window, but you have to click the little arrow next to Play to choose Convert.
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[window labeled “Convert.” The Location text is in the Source text box, “Audio - MP3″ is selected as the Profile, and a path to asdf.mp3 is in the “Destination file” text box]
If you want the video as well, just click on the Profile dropdown and choose one of the Video - MP4 profiles rather than Audio - MP3. There’s two of them, but at least one should work.
Then just click “Browse” and choose a place and name to save to and press Start!
6. Success!
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[a file named “asdf.mp3″ among a number of other asdf-named files. Part of a VLC window shows that “asdf.mp3″ is playing]
Now you can listen to Magic School Bus whenever you want, however many times you want, for absolutely free, with no “upgrade to Spotify Premium” or other ads, and there’s not a DAMN thing Google can do to stop you!
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love-songs-for-emma · 3 years
2012 buzzwords and phrases
one direction video diaries
dan & phil radio show on BBC1
"rose tyler, i-"
covering things in patterned duck tape (tie dye, lime green/pink arrows, that terrible purple)
oovoo/skype video calls<33
roblox dot com "can i haz chez burger too?"
o.O xD :3 (:
frantically skipping over fucked up shit on omegle (we should Not have been able to access this site)
using twitter to tweet shit like "@NIALLHORAN I LOVE YOU!!!!" >>0 likes 0 retweets 5 followers (best friend, internet friend, internet friend, & two porn bots)
tumblr girl
unironically saying "I'm not like other girls" "EPIC" "ROFLCOPTER"
troll face rage comic
top text bottom text memes
"shut up and take my money!"
desperately wanting those mini polaroid cameras
mario galaxy 2!!!!
mindlessly playing the wii/wiiu for hours on urs or ur best friend's couch
(for americans spec:) that random obsession with british people and drinking tea???
2012 mayan calendar ending,, the end of the world!!
(spec to east coast US+) hurricane irene & hurricane sandy on halloween
hot topic thick rubber bracelets
walking around ur local mall for hours w/ like 3 friends, just to end up buying over-priced taco bell in the food court
high top converse!!!!
colored skinny jeans!! (bright red w/ suspenders & a striped t-shirt, the louis tomlinson look)
"hug me" t-shirts (ty niall horan:/)
black & white checkered studded belts, seatbelt-looking belts
the cinnamon challenge
kony 2012
starting a youtube channel on ur own and/or with ur best friend (only to forget the password & nvr come back to it)
hobbies?? outside of school?? (i.e. dance class, musical theater, gymnastics, tennis, horseback riding, baton twirling (why is it always baton twirling), etc.)
boyscouts/girlscouts (wasn't me but i Saw y'all)
the scary maze game
making cringe 4 panel memes of urself to post on this new app called instagram ("hey um.... >~<" "did you know that..." "like..." "you're really beautiful :)")
science side of tumblr
"you were the bravest man i ever knew, the most human... human being i ever met" (if u dont still cry ur lying)
"okay?" "okay." or,, throwing tfios when reading The Part
the green brothers!! & vidcon!!
jennamarbles (i miss her sm & i hope she's happy & safe & doing SO well) & her spiderman poster
"what boys are like" "what girls are like" YouTube videos
the maximum ride series/reading anything by james patternson
/reading late into the night
camp, sleep-away camp, babysitting or being babysat while ur friends/ur parent(s) worked in the summer bc u couldn't stay home alone (this prob isn't 2012 specific but it is to ME)
or,, staying home alone
& listening to music so loudly????
hiding headphone wires up ur sleeve to listen to music in class
going to "the computer room" in urs or ur friends house (bonus points if it was in their basement, u had to share it with siblings, and/or ur/their dad would kick u off it to idk check his email)
divorce qkjxsjjdkd (again,, prob not 2012 specific but LMAO)
three way calls on The House Phone
calling ur friends house & saying, "hi. this is x, is y there?"
hand games, like quack dilly oso & concentration 64 (do ppl still play these ones in particular)
"IMA FYARIN MAH LAZER BLARGH!" "doctor octogonopus BLAH!" (i.e.,,, the laser collection)
the asdf movie(s)
charlie the unicorn, llamas with hats
fedoras...... unironically my beloved..........
y'all think furries are bad?? remember bronies??
i'm yours by jason mraz, someone like you by adele, hey soul sister by train being the only songs that exist
bangin' ur ankle with ur metal razor scooter,, those soft grips on the handle bars, pressin' in the lil metal buttons to twist & push out the handles for some reason
comedy central: tosh.0, its always sunny in philadephia, south park, etc.
THE GREATEST FREAKOUT EVER!!!! (vid where guy shoves remote up his ass bc his mom canceled his WOW account)
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