#ash and griffen
v0mitbxy · 4 months
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see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.
see no evil: griffin shielding ash from the reality of the world.
speak no evil: ash understands the reality of the world, but is silenced.
hear no evil: ash understands the reality of the world, and cannot unsee it, but is not silenced. he can see the beauty of the world.
art insta: eiji_is_mine
art twt: fvnnyb0ne
please do not repost or claim.
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mark4markaz · 2 years
Shade: What do you think Ash is doing?
Neuro: I don’t know
Griffen: Some kind of drugs or weed
Shade: *stare*
Neuro: The last time you fucking cooked, you burnt my stove.
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a-neverending-story · 10 months
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This Blog runs on a queue.
Cora Sophie Marren aka Lilianne Moira; a walking disaster ☾ ─── ⋆ ❝I have licked the fire and danced in the ashes of every bridge I ever burned. I fear no hell from you.❞  Das Schaben des Feuersteins ertönte, bevor das vertraute Knistern des Feuers die Luft erfüllte. So viele Flammen, wie Lily in ihrem Leben bereits gesehen hatte und doch war jede von ihnen einzigartig. Wie eine Schneeflocke, die binnen Sekunden alles vernichten konnte, was einen jemals ausgemacht hatte. Ihre braunen Augen wurden erhellt von dem rot-orange der Flamme und fasziniert drehte Lily ihr Feuerzeug, bevor sie die Flamme schlussendlich an das Ende ihrer Zigarette hielt. Ein tiefer Atemzug entfachte das Papier und den Tabak, während der Rauch in ihre Lungen stieg. Das Feuerzeug wanderte zurück in ihre Tasche, der Rauch aus ihren Lungen wurde gegen die glühende Spitze der Zigarette gepustet und ließ das Feuer am Papier entlang tanzen. Es war wunderschön. Eine letzte Zigarette gab sie sich noch. Was das wohl waren? 5 Minuten? 10? Jedenfalls nicht mehr. Ihr Blick richtete sich auf die abgetretenen Doc Martens, welche auf der Sitzfläche der Bank standen. Lilys Hintern ruhte derweil auf der Rückenlehne.  Warum normal auf einem Stuhl sitzen? Das war so langweilig und Lily hatte sich lang genug in ihrem Leben langweilig gefühlt. Sie war etwas besonderes. Selbst, wenn dies das einzig Positive war, das Lily über sich selbst sagen konnte. Zumindest für den Moment. Erneut fand der Filter den Platz zurück an ihren Lippen, ein weiterer tiefer Atemzug, der die Stille der Nacht mit leisem Knistern erfüllte. Das Nikotin fand über ihre Lungenden Weg direkt in ihre Blutbahn. Ein leichtes Kribbeln stellte sich unter ihrer Haut ein, welches sich in ihrem gesamten Körper ausbreitete. So lebendig hatte sie sich lange nicht gefühlt. Es war, als würde sie erwachen. Erwachen aus einem Traum, der plötzlich Realität wurde. 
Der letzte Zug an der Zigarette wurde getätigt, dann schnippte Lily sie davon und sprang von der Bank. Ihre Finger griffen nach dem schwarzen Rucksack, den sie sich nur über eine Schulter warf. Ihre Boots hinterließen Spuren im Gras, die man bald schon nicht mehr sehen würde. Immerhin nahm das Knistern hinter ihr eine Lautstärke an, welches Musik in ihren Ohren war. Dennoch steckte sie sich die Kopfhörer in die Ohren und übertönte das verheißungsvolle Knistern mit den Bässen von Wicked Game. 
Ein Grinsen zierte ihre Lippen, als sie sich dem Feenkreis aus Pilzen näherte. Mit einem Augenaufschlag waren ihre Augen nicht länger braun, sie waren blau und Lily kostete es in vollen Zügen aus, als sie den ersten Schritt über den Kreis hinweg setzte. 
Sie war frei. Zum allerersten Mal in ihrem Leben fühlte sie sich wahrhaftig lebendig und frei. Da konnten selbst die Frauen nichts dran ändern, welche ihr folgten wie ein unheilvoller Schatten.
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promo © | 21+ - MDNI!, crossover and multiverse-friendly, Smalltalk Deeptalk+Plotts, low activity atm, currently OPEN for Plotting. TW and more. , CARRD
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A cold case comes ashore at Moon Lake, Pennsylvania, when a close friend purchases a lakeside Cabin, which is quite the fixer-upper. The cabin was once owned by a prohibition-era gangster by the name of Mickey Malone. Soon mysterious happenings start to occur at the cabin, now alone in the woods, Will these ghostly legends remain buried?...Find out when they come knocking at your door.
Lauren ash as Emily Griffen
The owner of Emily's Emporium, with an aversion to helping out, Is she possibly mudding the water of this case? Or is she simply strictly business?
Alfred Enoch as Jeff Akers
Local Park Ranger of Moon Lake, with access and knowledge of the area, constantly ensuring the protection of the park. Is the park really what he wants to keep safe ? Or is he simply protecting something he doesn't want anyone to find before he does?
Alfred Molina as Red Knott
An avid bird watcher, who sticks to the shroud of darkness and camouflage, what else could he be hiding from the light?
7.DOG 10.SHA 11.CUR 13.TRN 15.CRE 16.ICE 17.CRY 22.TOT
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ac3th3shark · 9 months
Eiji gets the news that ash is dead.
you might wanna read tags before reading idk.
Eiji had barely been back home in Japan for a week when he got the call.
When he got it, he thought that Max had just wanted to check up on him. He had given him his number right before he left, and he hadn't called or texted yet. Honestly, he was excited to see how Max was doing, being back with Jessica and all.
"Hi max! How are you guys doing?"
"Oh, uh, I'm fine, I guess. Look, uh, I have something to tell you. Don't freak out or anything, ok?"
"Ash uh, right after you left... Ash.. uh, died."
there was nothing but silence for a few minutes while Eiji was trying to process this. Ash was dead? no. No, he must have misheard something, Ash wasn't dead! No! Ash was way too strong to die! He was alive, he had to be, he was going to finish everything up and come visit him in Japan! Ash wasn't dead, he just couldn't be. Eiji wasn't sure when he started crying, or when and how he ended up on the floor or how long Max had been saying things, but he couldn't make out what it was that he was saying. Ash wasn't... Ash couldn't be... Ash.. Ash was.. Ash was dead. Ash is dead and there's nothing Eiji can do about it. His boyfriend was dead, and he couldn't do anything at all.
Eiji snapped out of his thoughts, becoming very aware of the hot tears pouring down his face and the choked sobs coming out of his mouth. He tried to respond but all that came out was more poor attempts at sounds.
"Eiji, it's ok...it'll be ok." Now that he payed attention Max was definitely crying too.
"No..." He managed to force out. It's not ok. Ash is dead. He never should have left, Eiji should have stayed there, in America. He should have stayed there with Ash, protected him, maybe then Ash would still be alive. "No..It's not..It's not ok.."
"Oh, Eiji..." Max doesn't know what to say either, he's been crying too. He couldn't save Griffen, he couldn't save Ash, he can't save anyone can he? And he can't even comfort Eiji.. oh Eiji... He thinks about how upset Eiji must be about this. He cared about Ash a lot, but Eiji was in love with Ash.
The two just sit there for a while, silently crying in each other's distant presence. Neither of them know what to do or say or if they even can say anything. The silence is finally broken when Eiji speaks.
"When... uh.. when's the funeral..?"
"Probably early next month, I'll tell you when I know for sure."
"...Ok, thanks.. I'll see you then."
"Yeah, sure."
Eiji hangs up but continues sitting there on the floor. He curls up into himself more. Ash was really dead. Ash was really dead and there was nothing he could do about it.
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Code Lyoko x Ninjago AU x3
So for those who know about my little tangent post about crossovers…
I already posted the first one which is basically where worlds collide, I have the plot laid out and even some extras, which I could add on to later.
Now this is the other idea, well ideas, as I said I had options. Each one would follow the main plot as Code Lyoko, just with Ninjago characters, although each one would have its own twists and turns that would separate them based on who does what.
So several AUs for the same concept, just different characters would have different executions.
I could go into a bit more if I made separate posts for each one, but for now, here’s a general layout.
Warning this is a generally rough idea/outline.
Trapped in the computer
Founded Computer:
Created the Supercomputer:
(These wouldn’t change)
Lyoko Warriors:
Other Students:
Principle & Teachers:
Would you believe that the only reason I’ve had a resurgence to Code Lyoko was because of an abridged series?
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dontlookforme00 · 2 years
The Masterlist
Tournament of Elements- But with Polls instead of Chen.
I love democracy. Anyways I asked if I should do this and majority ruled yes, so this is the masterlist of all the fights that are going on. Go vote for your faves or their powers will be stolen and they'll be forced to make noodles underground <33
Also, I used the actual bracket shown in the show. I won't change it like Chen did because unlike him I am a fair ruler and not a dictator. You're welcome
Word of warning, try not to let it end in a death match between all the ninja. Thanks
Round 1:
<Griffen> vs Gravis
<Jay> vs Mr Pale
Bolobo vs <Neuro>
<Cole> vs Shade
<Kai> vs Ash
Jacob vs <Skylor>
Karlof vs <Tox>
<Lloyd> vs Chamille
Round 2:
Griffen vs <Jay>
Neuro vs <Cole>
<Kai> vs Skylor
Tox vs <Lloyd>
Round 3:
Jay vs Cole
Kai vs Lloyd
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oppositeslut · 1 year
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rozsune · 2 years
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so im just like posting my school projects now but here was one based on a song lyric. I chose that BATIM song miracle because it reminded me of Chen so, I drew that. squishing in 18 characters was so damn hard and I was thinking of also adding in Clouse and Zane. Thankfully I didnt.
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mika-c0re · 4 years
Anyone who is
- a Ash kinnie
- a lesbian attracted to Ash/Shorter/Eiji
- a Yutlung cosplayer
- someone who's favorite character is Jessica
- someone who make Sing fan art
- someone who draw pre-garden of light yuesing fan art so Sing is the shorter one
- someone that makes Skipper fan art
- someone who doesn't forget who Griffin is
Good Afternoon, how are you? I hope you're doing well :)
Hi to everyone else ig
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daisychains111 · 5 years
I loved this episode so here my thoughts. Enjoy
I love bellarke and I’m sad that we didn’t get a lot of them really but after last week, the bar was definitely high. 
Just want the Blake siblings to stop fighting, ugggggg
Very angered that Luisa and Lindsey were not in this episode. They are my favorite and I’m mad that Luisa isn’t main cast already
Echo missed once, Ash never missed again
Like backstory please and thank you. 
like echo who???
“So you can say I’ve been erased already”
Like what???
I freaking love her. Don’t get me wrong bellarke is my true love but I freaking love her.
If she dies, I might die a little inside
She’s also a nightblood now which i’m kinda excited on how that plays out
speaking of nighbloods, Madi
Kinda really want lexa to come save our bean
She’s being to murdery, I cant deal
speaking of murdery 
Murphy, my son, my love
You speak trig and that made my week 100% better
Honestly, I freaking love him
Also, please pick a side
Please let it not be the murder your friends side
I just miss Shannon Kook
He’s freaking perfect
Also(II), Marper’s legacy can’t die, we need Jordan alive
Miller just being there and useful makes me happy
Diyoza better came back because her just dying like that...
I’m Peeved
Bob’s directing made me happy
I’m proud, he’s way older then me but I’m proud
Everyone’s acting was amazing
especially Tasya, she was my favorite this week.
to my very rare friends who stan echo and ship bellarke, yes we exist, I’m here for it
Ok yeppers hope you enjoyed my ted talk. Later gators
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v0mitbxy · 6 months
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“sorry i’m not around as often anymore—“ 🌾
art insta: eiji_is_mine
art twt: fvnnyb0ne
please do not repost or claim.
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mark4markaz · 2 years
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shitposting some art mwuahahahahah
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keithtreason · 5 years
Banana Fish | In The End
An overnight edit when I couldn’t sleep. I know it’s pretty rough but I was just trying to lay things out. I’m still getting familer with this series’s clips.
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bananaflavoredfish · 6 years
On Today's Episode of BF Thoughts That Depress Me
Yall ever just think about how Griff never even knew about all the hardship Ash went through after he left for the military and that even if he did he couldn't like, properly comprehend/express it because he was so far gone from the drug. He stuggled so hard to keep his younger brother safe throughout their childhood and that shit fucks me up.
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coffeenotess · 6 years
If the 100 were to have an actual title sequence, this is what I’d imagine it to be like!
All credits to the CW
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