#ash x sally face
clockypastaa · 6 months
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More Sally Face drawings I've done posted them on all my social media except tumblr 😭
I'm starving with content of them. If you're into Sally Face, and over the age of 18. Spoil me with content 😭😭 I am dying
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lxuizrr · 7 months
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i hope no one has done thsi yet for sally face 😭🙏
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girlboypersonthingy · 4 months
FIRST SALLY FACE POST!!! I know, I’m late to the fandom. But 🤷🏻 ya know…just some cute fluffy Sally Face headcanons about reader’s first kiss with Sal, Larry and Ash. Just can’t stop thinking about kissing them…🫠 ENJOY!
First Kiss 💋
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Honestly, I think he would have wanted to kiss you the day y’all met but…his face :( he’s too worried about his face
Whether yall are dating, just friends, pining hard asf for each other…you will have to initiate the kiss.
You’ll def have to have a conversation about it first, ask his permission and prepare him for it. He’d prefer you ask him/tell him before just pouncing on him.
If you decide you want to kiss him on his prosthetic tho, LITERALLY NO NEED TO ASK, JUST. DO. IT. BABY. He’s been dyingggg to have you kiss his face, even if it’s not his skin, he still feels the kiss, feels his gut drop…feels his hands and feet become hot and tingly with excitement. Kisses over his prosthetic make him smile so hard.
When you finally do get to your first lip-to-lip, no prosthetic kiss, SALLY IS SHAKING IN HIS BOOTS. Maybe you’ve already seen his face, maybe even traced a finger along his scars before…but KISSING?!?? He’s so fucking nervous. And you are, too.
You really had to work up the courage to ask him but you finally do. It goes something like…
“Hey, uh, Sal? Can I kiss you?”
“On…the lips?”
“Oh, heh. Sure.”
“……like…without your prosthetic?”
and he starts SWEATING under his prosthetic as he mumbles a shy “o-oh, okay. C-cool. I’m down.” Internally, he’s excitedly punching the air rn. Externally, he’s shaking like a leaf.
He’s honestly so worried you’ll be scared and/or grossed out by the parts of his lips and cheek that are missing and revealing his teeth. He worries he might drool on you a bit too…just praise this sweet boy after the fact, okay?
“Hey, uh, Sal?”
“Hm?” He responded as he fiddled with the knobs at the top of his guitar, gently plucking the strings and then twisting the knobs accordingly. It took you literally like 5 minutes of staring at him and hyping yourself up in your mind to even open your mouth and say his name. After his short response, you felt you needed another internal pep talk before you said anymore. This strange pause made Sal look over at you. He looked back to his guitar and then did a double take at you, just to make sure he actually saw you staring at him. His room became suddenly silent.
“Can I kiss you?” You finally spit it out, looking him dead in the eye as the words leave your mouth. He seems chill about it, his eyes relaxed, his shoulders slowly shrugging as he leaned back on his bed more. “Sure.”
You take a quick but deep breath, your cheeks beginning to feel hot. You could feel your blush slowly spreading. “On the lips, I mean…” He’s still keeping his eyes on you and you can tell he’s smiling a bit from the way his eyes squint and slightly wrinkle at the corners, his prosthetic covering his actual smile. “Heh, yeah. Sure, (Y/N).”
At this point, it’s almost painful how embarrassed you are and you’re sure you probably have a really stupid look on your face. Shit…this is not going as smooth as you’d like it to.
“Like……with the prosthetic off.” You say bluntly, watching for any sign of a reaction from him. His eyes fell open wider, leading you to believe he was no longer smiling, but maybe had his mouth hanging open in shock? It takes him a moment to process it and respond.
“O-oh! Right uh…c-cool. Yeah, sure.” He lets out a shaky sigh before pushing his guitar off his lap and to the side of his bed. As he reaches behind his head to unclip his prosthetic, you just watch and feel yourself becoming increasingly warm and tingly, your nerves really getting the best of you right now.
His prosthetic falls gently from his face onto his bed. He closes his eyes immediately and leans in quick, hoping you won’t look at his face too hard and change your mind. You can’t help but smile as you watch him for a second before your eyes close and you lean towards him. Your lips meet his and it’s…not what you expected at all. But in a good way! His scarred lips are actually really soft, he must put chapstick on often. And he’s so gentle. It’s just really warm and soft and sweet and the kiss is lingering but very still.
You pull back to see him smiling ever so slightly, his eyes still closed. The smile slowly becomes a frown which becomes a quivering bottom lip. Sal still has his eyes closed as he silently cries. He then spends the next few minutes very quietly telling you about the time he watched some lame romance movie with Larry and asked him if he thought someone would ever love him like that and Larry told him he totally would.
Larry was totally right.
Larry most definitely asked you if he could kiss you. He’s like really fucking into you but also he’s such a gentleman. He’s very considerate and would for sure ask for your consent first.
He’s probably tried to ask you at several different times but he always chickens out. He’d always start by saying your name to get your attention. Then you look at him, your expression is always one of expectation and wonder. He can’t bring himself to say what he really wants to, so it’s always like…
“Oh uh, sorry. Lost my train of thought.”
“Does it smell weird in here to you?”
*insert shitty pun here* (always makes you laugh and makes Sal groan)
You find it very cute that he says your name so often. It sounds nice paired with his small lisp.
I JUST KNOW that this boy practices what he’s gonna say to you in the mirror like literally every morning. He’ll stand at the bathroom sink, talking to himself. Most the time, he thinks he’s doing good until it dawns on him that he’s talking to himself in a mirror. Then he’ll just facepalm, sigh and continue on with his day, knowing he’s such a chicken shit.
One time, Sal was going to the basement to show Larry some cool shit he’d found on the fifth floor of the apartments and he froze just before he knocked on the bathroom door. He heard Larry, repeating the same thing over and over.
“(Y/N), can I please kiss you?”
“Please let me kiss you…”
“Would it be okay if I-“ *frustrated sigh*
Sal finds it equally hilarious and endearing to witness. He definitely didn’t tell Larry that he heard all of that tho.
Finally, one day, Larry found himself in the perfect position to finally say what he wanted. He called up the whole group and invited everyone to his place to chill. Everyone was on board…until Ash canceled to finish up some homework and Sal canceled bc he forgot he told his dad he’d be home for dinner.
A group hang out turned into a sort of date for you and Lar Bear.
“Damn, what a bunch of losers! How dare they blow us off for homework and family!” You jokingly declare, making Larry look over at you with a toothy grin. “No, really!” He agrees, trying to offer you a genuine smile but he…sort of feels like he has to puke right now. He’s always had a weak stomach. And you make him extra nervous.
The two of you sat in the treehouse, both sitting on the floor across from each other. The room would be silent now were it not for the heavy metal music playing lowly in the background. You didn’t feel awkward though, not at all. It was actually nice to enjoy some peace and some music with your crush friend. Larry kept looking frantically between you and his feet, his breathing speeding up as he readied himself. Right as he opened his mouth-
“Hey, I forgot I-“
“(Y/N), I wanted to-“
You both stop simultaneously and then you both start laughing. “You first.” You say in unison, making you both laugh even harder. “No no, you first, (Y/N).” He insists, holding his stomach from laughing so hard.
So you start, “I forgoootttt I got you something.” You turn and reach into the bag you brought along with you and pulled out a plastic package with a set of paint brushes inside, sliding them across the wood floor to him. “Saw these at the dollar store and thought maybe you could use some more. They’re…well, from the dollar store so they probably suck but…” You shrug and watch as he picks them up. It’s such a small simple thing but…he’s so flattered. Youre so nice. Instead of thanking you or showing any gratitude, he just…
“Can I kiss you?” And you don’t even give him an answer. You just crawl over to him and smush your lips into his. You’re smiling into the kiss, leaning forward on your hands as one of his big hands reaches up and rests on your cheek.
He brings you a painting of a pretty landscape on regular white paper the next day. He’s sure to tell you that he used the brushes you got him and that they are actually pretty good for dollar store brushes.
This bitch
This cute, sweet, amazing little-
I’m gonna try to make hers as long as the boys but
Like what am I supposed to write for her?
She would for sure just press a fat kiss to your lips if yall were alone together one day, chilling in her room while watching a movie.
I’m sorry, she’s all for consent ofc. But…she’s pretty spontaneous and bold asf.
“It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.” That’s her! She’ll just go for it.
Kiss now, ask questions later.
If you’re chill with it, cool. Let’s…do it again maybe?
If you’re not chill with it, she’ll very sincerely apologize and ask you to totally forget about it (and pray you’ll still wanna be friends with her)
She’s also very obviously smart. She wouldn’t just kiss you if she thought you weren’t into her that way. She picks up on your hints and the way you blush and smile at things she says.
She knows you like her. She wants you to know that the feeling is mutual. 😘
So she invites you over for a movie night, tells you to bring pajamas and snacks if you want!
And then she waits until the best part of the movie, when you’re really invested in the plot and not expecting it-
She says your name in a breathy voice and as you turn your head to face her… 💋💋💋
Also doesn’t even bring it up to the boys until a couple days later. Says it very lowkey but she’s totally bragging.
“Oh my god. This movie is actually so sad.” You sniffled a bit as you watched the flashing colors on Ash’s TV in front of you. She laughed softly into her hand, watching you get teary eyed. “Aww, you’re such a softy, (Y/N)!” Ash nudged you playfully, making you laugh along with her.
Ash’s parents had gone to bed already and just you two were awake in her home, both curled up on the couch under the same blanket. Just being under the same blanket made you both so nervous. She kept stealing glances over at you, her smile never leaving her face. You were too into the movie to notice.
Ash pulled the blanket up on herself a bit more, the edge of it now sitting right under her chin. Her hand very slowly crept closer to yours, the whole time she was holding her breath. As soon as her pinky touched yours, you stiffened and she finally exhaled. You tried to keep your eyes on the TV and not look over at her with red cheeks, all embarrassed with heart eyes for her. But that’s exactly what she wanted.
She wrapped her pinky around yours, gently tightening the grip she had on you. Then very quickly, almost too quickly, she pulled away. You wondered what that was supposed to mean. Was that like…a flirty thing? Or a “you’re my bestie” type thing? Or a romantic thing? Or just nothing at all?
Before you could get too deep into your thoughts, she softly cleared her throat before saying your name. It wasn’t a whisper, you could clearly hear her over the TV, but her voice was so low and whispy and her breath smelled sort of minty (as if she was fully prepared for this moment).
As you turned your head, your lips brushed against hers, your noses slight bumping together. She was so still, so calm and relaxed, like she’d rehearsed this moment over and over again. You on the other hand…are taking a moment to grasp the situation here. You sort of just kissed, not fully but kind of by accident. Was that an accident or…? No, why would she be this close to you if it was an accident-
Ash is about to laugh at you and your expression but stops herself. She can tell you’re flustered and confused but also very into this. She smiles with adoration for you, her eyes nearly shut as she leans in. Okay, now you’re sure that was definitely not an accident. You suck in a breath and let your eyes fall shut just as her lips finally rest onto yours. A soft hum vibrates through her as she pushes into the kiss just a tiny bit more.
As you part, the soft kiss noise the two of you make is enough to make you both lose it. Ash is now completely hidden under the blanket, her stomach doing flips as her face continues to burn bright red. She’s laughing, you’re laughing. Finally, she speaks up from her hiding place under the covers.
“Was…that okay?” She asks, seemingly much more shy now. This makes you smile even bigger as you pull the blanket up to join her under it. “Oh yeah! Totally. I…I liked that.” She seems to perk up a bit at your reply, now looking over at you in the shadow of your blanket fort.
“We can do it again. If you want…”
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hearts4golbach · 5 months
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About Me.
Fandoms/people I write for.
My Wattpad.
My Nos in FanFiction.
Join the Emo Lesbian Cult!
Sally Face.
Jake Webber & Johnnie Guilbert.
Billie Eilish.
One Shots. (Billie Eilish x Fem!Reader.)
Paparazzi. (Billie Eilish x Fem!Reader.) -only posted on wattpad-
Double-Winner. (Billie Eilish x Fem!Reader.)
Sam Golbach & Colby Brock.
One Shots. (S.G/C.B x Fem!Reader.)
-Colby Brock.
Mama. (Colby Brock x Fem!Reader) -smut.
Peanut-Butter and Pickles. (Colby Brock x Pregnant!Fem!Reader.)
Hansumfella: Tyler.
His Little Secret. (Tyler x Fem!Reader.)
Tara Yummy.
coming soon...
coming soon...
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andreaheartscats · 1 month
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First kiss >.< !!
Sally face headcanons, includes!->
Sal Fisher, Larry Johnson, Travis Phelps, Ashley Campbell.
Sal Fisher
-> you really think he would take his mask off..? (jk guys..)
-> let's be for real, i think Sal wouldn't take his mask off BUUUUT let's pretende.. OKAAY...!
-> the kiss was reaaally clumsy but cute :) Sal was literally too stunned to speak and he was just looking at you with wide eyes and red face. The first thing that came to his mind is the fact that you saw him without his mask and heck even kissed him! He definitely liked it but wouldn't want to admit it cause he wants to seem all masculine and mighty
Larry Johnson
-> sheesh.. hot. Honestly all i have to say.. Larry knew exactly where to put his hands and how to position his head just the right angel. Very good kisser! Teases you about it all the time obviusly, even tho YOU were the one that made the first move on him. He kissed you a toooons of times after that cause he really really and i mean REAAALLY liked it
Travis Phelps
->i am so sorry to all my Travis fans (including me, myself 😔) but unfortunately Travis wouldn't even let you think about kissing him.. NOW DON'T YOU THINK I'M NOT GONNA FEED YOU ALL!
-> okay soo since he is such a bully and all that, he always seems tough and shit but he likes to be hugged and comforted once in a while too. That's where you come in! You were just comforting him and hugging him telling him it's okay to hsve feelings and kissed him on the forhead! He definitely wasn't expecting it but suprisingly he liked and and yes guess what.. he said do it again I KNOW IM SO CRINGE.
Ashley Campbell
-> OHHH BABEEEE. She has such soft lipsss OMGGG!! When you two kissed it was like match made in heaven!!! She couldn't stop smiling after the kiss, HECK even during the kiss she was smiling the whole time! (those are literally the best kind of kisses omg.). She aaalways leaves her lipstick smudged on your lips and wouln't tell you until you saw it yourself! when she kisses you, she likes to put her hands around your back so she could get as close as possible to you! I love her sm omg!
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redcoralpot · 27 days
May I request a Sally x male reader?
The reader has some ugly scars over his body, mainly thanks to self harm(you can change this part if it makes you uncomfortable!) and when Sal found out, he opened up about HIS own scars.
Some fluff, a bit of comfort if ur okay with that! ;)
Before the Wave Hits - Sal Fisher x M! Reader
Summary: You didn’t want to go too overboard with clothes on your first date with Sal. Even through your curtains, you could see the sun beating down on anything below it, birds singing from their nests. The plan was to go to the dollar store, get some snacks to bring back to your place, watch a half-butchered slasher film, and maybe kiss. To give yourself some credit, this day was nothing short of perfect, so why didn’t you feel perfect?
Warnings: Mentions of scars due to s/h and other accidents.
Word Count: 1.8K
A/N: This is just a warm up before I get back on Smudged! I did tweak it a bit to make the reader a burn survivor, but I did mention s/h in it as well. Tread with caution!
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A hiss escapes your mouth as you apply gel to your shoulder, feeling the raised tissue ripple unevenly against your fingertips. You close the cap with a click and wind an elastic bandage around your torso, covering your collarbone, before taping it firmly on your bicep. Pink flesh peeked from underneath the fabric and your eyebrows pinched, turning away from the mirror to put a shirt on. 
You didn’t want to go too overboard with clothes on your first date with Sal. Even through your curtains, you could see the sun beating down on anything below it, birds singing from their nests. The plan was to go to the dollar store, get some snacks to bring back to your place, watch a half-butchered slasher film, and maybe kiss. To give yourself some credit, this day was nothing short of perfect, so why didn’t you feel perfect? You sighed, tugging jeans past your boxers. The gel and remaining bandages were carelessly thrown into your bedside drawers as you sprayed cologne on your neck. Not too much; you had known Sal long enough to know he had some breathing sensitivities. The memory of when Neil had tried a new perfume in order to impress Todd in their shared apartment brought shivers down your spine. 
Keys jingled in your hand as you locked the door behind you. Your neighbor waved as you passed by, water spraying everywhere as they dipped a sponge in a bucket of water. Somehow, their back was still in great shape despite driving a Dodge Caravan, and you respected that. You returned their gesture, unlocking your similarly uncomfortable car. Your father had absolutely zero taste when it came to buying automobiles and you’d rather take anything else on a date, but you were broke. A little less broke than before, thanks to your summer job, but if someone were to shake you upside down, only a few pennies would fall out. The engine hummed as you took the wheel, chip crumbs biting your ass. 
Pulling into the parking lot of the shopping plaza practically made your heart beat out of your chest; Sal was sitting on a bench by the store’s main entrance, bangs covering most of his face. A portion of his hair was tugged back into a ponytail while the rest flowed down his shoulders, and fuck, he was handsome. College had changed both of you for better or for worse, but with junior year out of the way, you had some time to be curious. The slam of your car door broke his focus, the silhouette of his snake blinking, and Sal looked up at you. Sometimes, it was hard to discern his expressions through his mask, but you could guess he was quite unimpressed.
“Hey,” you grinned.
“Hi,” Sal said, raspy and muffled.
Gum was stuck on the ground beside his foot, so you offered him a hand, “Ready to go?”
“Sure. Though, you owe me something extra for ruining my high score.”
When Sal grasped your hand in his, you shook it, leading him inside the store. Newspapers were stacked by the counter, each detailing the latest trends and gossip with bright yellow font splattered all over. A grainy photo of the winter olympics, held in Japan this year, caught your eye. You held it up, “I remember when my parents dragged me to every ice skating rink they could find. Which, around here, there was only one.”
“You like ice skating?”
“Eh,” you shrugged, placing it back, “I kinda went for the food trucks.”
Sal ran his fingers over a cheap, small, plastic guitar on one of the shelves, “That’s pretty relatable. I was never into sports when I was a kid.”
You bumped your shoulder into his, wincing, “That’s ‘cause you were cool. Are cool. So, tell me, what kind of snacks do cool kids like?”
“Real smooth, man. I like applesauce and fries, but nothing chewy or coffee flavored,” he stated. 
“You’re telling me you wouldn’t eat dill pickle taffy?”
He watched as you shook a suspiciously bright green bag, “Ew– what?”
“Maybe not as cool as I thought.” Your tone was playful while placing the bag back on the shelf, eyes immediately drawn farther down. Glass clinked against metal as you reached for an applesauce jar, hidden in the depths of the store, hopefully not expired. You passed it over to Sal. Your other hand grabbed a generic snack, hell, you didn’t even know what it was. You were too busy looking at Sal. He tilted his head when he caught you staring, rolling his flannel sleeves up to his elbows. 
The cashier had his nose stuck in a newspaper as the two of you approached, and when you interrupted his reading, he glared at you as if you had thrown his children out a window. He certainly looked old enough. Regardless, his eyes lingered a bit longer on Sal’s prosthetic and the cashier carefully took the money from your fingers. Three dollars; one-fifty each. Kind of hypocritical of the dollar store, you chuckled. You almost said as much to Sal before the cashier interrupted you, “It’s a little early for Halloween, don’t you think?”
His breath smelled like weed and the bones in your neck popped as you turned to look at him, “What?”
“It’s a prosthetic,” Sal corrected, calm, much to your astoundment.
“Oh,” the cashier said, “close enough.”
Sal tucked the snacks underneath his arm and went on his way. You glanced at the cashier, already back in his reading, and then ran after your date. His one eye looked at you, while the other stared straight ahead. You unlocked your car door and Sal placed both snacks on a towel, then slid into the shotgun seat, fingers already toying with the radio knob. He switched through plenty of channels before settling on one that satisfied him; grunge with occasional death metal. You thought back to his electric guitar, always perched by his bed at his shared apartment. Sal was a funky guy. His fingers were moving once again, never still, wiggling as he hummed. You grinned, adding your own voice to join him. At some point, your voice cracked in a way that it hadn’t since you first started puberty, and Sal laughed. Laughed, with his full chest and his head cocked back to bounce against the headrest, eyes squeezed tightly shut. It wasn’t rare, per say, but definitely more scarce than in high school. 
After a few seconds, Sal allowed himself to breathe again, taking firm inhales through his mouth. The image of the cashier was far in the back of your mind. Now, there were more serious matters to discuss. 
“So, what movie do you wanna watch? I have Scream, IT, even Clueless and Interview With a Vampire if you’re into that kind of stuff.”
He paused, “Those are pretty random. Scream’s a hit but IT’s a total classic, so I can’t choose. Why do you have those last two?”
“Meh, I got them while fishing through the thrift movie pile. I thought Larry would appreciate, uh, vamp-ified Brad Pitt.” You pulled your keys back into your pocket, rushing to open the door for Sal.
“Jeez, now I gotta watch it,” Sal rolled his eyes, trailing behind you, watching in interest as he stepped into your home.
You raised your eyebrows, “You like Brad Pitt?”
“No, of course not! I like to get informed before I trash on something so I can trash on it expertly.”
You waved your hand in his direction, and then gestured towards the kitchen, “My mistake. Say, go get yourself a bowl of applesauce in the kitchen and I’ll get the movie set up, yeah? Vampire Brad Pitt it is!”
Sal’s footsteps grew fainter, slapping against tile as he entered the kitchen. You heard a thump and soft cursing, then cabinets opening. You shook your head, turning your attention to the tapes stored underneath the television, squinting at the messily written labels on faded cases. The Outsiders, E.T– you actually forgot you had that one– and many more from across the last two decades. Interview With a Vampire was in the very back, rarely touched, since your parents thought Lestat and Louis were a little too close throughout it. You snickered at the memory and slipped it out of its casing. When the television roared to life, it displayed a menu detailing a range of options, such as credits, extras, and playing the actual movie. With two clicks of the remote and an uncomfortable twist of your arm, the latter was chosen. 
The carpet was soft under your feet as you waited, staring at a frozen, black screen. You shifted your arm back and forth, unable to find a comfortable position for it. Sal swerved the corner with a bowl, seeming to lean extra far to avoid the wall, and returned to your side. He placed it on the table, sinking into the floral fabric of your couch. Tension leaked from his body, practically making a puddle at his feet, before he reached his hands towards his prosthetic. You looked away, the feeling of intruding on something so private gnawing at your stomach, especially on the first date. Sal only loosened the bottom straps, slipping the spoon in the space he created. You released a breath that you didn’t even know you had been holding.
Finally, the movie played, and the fun started. Sal made comments throughout, but stayed almost eerily silent during what he deemed was important. Those times, you could only hear tragic music and the sound of his breathing. You tried to relax with him, you truly did, but the hot air had dried you out in more ways than one. Your bandages became itchy and dragged against your scars with every movement; you had to subtly try to adjust them every time the issue came back with roaring vengeance. You needed to change them, but the bathroom excuse wouldn’t suffice– Sal knew where the bathroom was, and it wasn’t your bedroom. Sal was anything if not observant. You could feel his eyes, or eye, trailing your every move when you attempted to be sneaky.
“You okay?” Sal asked, plainly. 
You laughed, but it was humorless, your hand holding the collar of your shirt away from your body, “Sure, yeah, I’m just kind of uncomfortable, you know?”
“Obviously not with the movie,” he said, putting down his bowl, “but even that would be pretty understandable.”
“An old injury’s just acting up.”
He clipped his straps back on fully, “Scarring? Yeah, it can get sensitive sometimes.”
Does Sal know how on the dot he gets shit sometimes? You felt your cheeks, shoulder, and even self-made scars that you had all but forgotten about burning in the embarrassing spotlight placed on you. Too similar to the vampires you had witnessed on television. However, there was no judgment in his eyes; no malice nor pity. Sal just simply pressed the ‘pause’ button on the remote and spoke, “Do you have any ointment? I can help reapply if you need it.” 
You really wanted to kiss him later. 
@hexthemushroom @skitzomutt
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0yuri-chan0 · 8 months
~ Don't leave me ~
Wait.. Wait Sally Face fandom isn't dead? YES! No, because I love sally face like he a murderer but hes my murderer 💅 So you guys like demolished Levi Ackerman and I'm not mad about it. I know this is basic but he's gonna show you his face for the first time. Fluff with a pinch of romance because y'all eat that shit up anyways no more ranting. Enjoy!!
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Paring - Sal Fisher (Sally face) x Gn reader
Warnings - None
Genre - Fluff
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Yes it was true you and Sal knew eachother for the longest. It also wasn't a secret to the group you liked Sal, well everyone knew. I mean who wouldn't fall hard for the blue haired boy he was sweet and gentle, caring, selfless. Basically near definition of perfect in your eyes. But in his, not so much he didn't see himself like you saw him. He knew he fit the description of a kind soul but definitely not a beautiful one. It was all because of his face, sure you never saw it only Larry, Ash, and Todd had. And if your honest it bugged you a lot, not just because he didn't show you his face no, no, no not that. It was the feeling that he didn't trust you enough to do so. The feeling of sadness that washed over you every time you thought about it. He told you before that it was a hard topic for him to talk about. And you respected that; you really did, it just confused you why you hadn't seen it in all the years of knowing Sal Fisher. So of course you had to find out.
It was a normal day, well not so normal Larry couldn't hang out with you and Sal because he was with Ash at the towns oh so very small mall. Todd said he couldn't hang out because he had a science project which was fine before, you and Sal would hang out all the time doing whatever without the gang. You didn't know why this time was any different. It was awkward you both sitting in his room watching TV as gizmo layed on the bed next to you. Sal on your other side playing on his gear boy. You couldn't help but look at him stealing a couple of glances his way.
Not wanting to get caught staring at him like so many times before. You averted your gaze back to the TV. Now acting like nothing was wrong, it was eating at you and on top of that you didn't think he'd trusted you to show his face. You usually were a outgoing person, a person who voices their concerns. Being quiet was unusual for you and of course Sal noticed, I mean if he did he didn't say anything. You couldn't just blurt out "Sal why don't you show me your face? Do you not trust me?" That would make him anxious and you didn't want to do that to him. I mean who would do that do him? Not you. You looked back at him playing his gear boy. His long slender fingers pressing buttons skillfully might you add. A soft sigh escaping your lips. Trying to hype yourself up to ask him or at least express your feelings. Basically in that moment you were trying to grow a pair as fast as you could.
You opened your mouth and closed it. You needed something to say it could be like 'Sal I need to ask you something' then ease you way into telling him. That was your best option and only option, so you really didn't have a choice. "Sal." You called his name in a soft manner. He only hummed in response not looking away from his gear boy. "Why don't.. Am I the only one who hasn't seen you're face, Sally?" His fingers stop moving in result his character died. His screen showing a red 'Game Over' his head turned to you his eyes focussed on yours.
Did you mess up? Maybe but you really can't think at the moment. You turned your gaze to the floor and exited a deep breath through your nostrils. "What I mean is like. I feel like.. I know I'm. Probably the last to see your face in the gang and I know it takes a lot of trust to let me see it." And there you go, you were rambling nervously because he was looking at you. Your stomach doing flips and heart beating so fast it might give you a heart attack. "You want too see it.. My face?" Now those seven words stopped you from talking. Lifting your head up you looked him in his one good eye the other a prothsic. You nodded your head slowly. "I don't want to force you to show me your face. I want you to be positive you want to." You started picking at your hang skin on your pointer finger. "I want to" Was all he said before he uncliped both the buckles. He held the mask up on his face with his hand and looked down. The gear boy clearly discarded on the bed.
"Don't be scared of me [Y/n]" He said in a shaking voice already very nervous. You sat on your knees facing him on the bed you raised your hand slowly hooking your fingers under his mask. Your pace slow giving him time to pull away if he wanted. He didn't "I would never be scared of you Sal. Your my best fucking friend." He let out a sharp breath when you lifted his mask. His heart was pounding his plams sweaty. He quickly grabbed your wrist with his free hand. "Promise me you won't leave me.." His voice wavered while he spoke. Your gaze soften and a pleasant, calming smile appeared on your face. "I wouldn't dream of it." You truly did love Sal. You looked him into this eyes while he retracted both of his hands back to his side.
You slowly pulled his prosthetic away from his face. Once you saw his face your grip tightened on the plastic mask. His face had a lot of scarring. His nose was deformed as well as his jaw. His jaw was crooked his cheek torn showing some of his top teeth. You could tell chunks of meat were removed from his cheeks. You could clearly tell his left eye was a prosthetic, it being more dull and only staring straight ahead instead of looking at the ground like his other eye was. You brought your hand to his cheek gently. His flinched soon his eyes finally meeting yours. "You're beautiful.." Was all you could say your thumb stroking his cheek gliding over his scars gently. Tears falling from his eyes with ease his hand grabbing your wrist once more. "You really mean that?" He asked in disbelief once you muttered out those two words.
You nodded and leaned forward your lips connecting with a bit of difficulty. You knew this man was touched starved so you let him get use to it. His lips were kinda chapted and the kiss was kinda clumsy but it felt so good at the same time. You felt him visibly relax as you pulled away with a small smile on your face only to be pulled back by his hands behind your neck reconnecting your lips to his. The kiss got more desperate, and more needy.
You finally pulled away with a airy chuckle. "I mean it." He smiled it honestly amazed you how you never saw him smile but it was better then you imagine. "I want... Will you be lover?" You grin and kissed his forehead. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear those words." He laughed and grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him. "How long?" He said with a raised brow. "Too long" you mused and kissed him again.
At least you finally know what's under the mask and its beautiful...
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Its finished! I had a hard time with this for no reason. Thank you for reading. I have another problem the you guys can solve 🙏 I have no clue what to write next so my request are open to you! Please use it 👀
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signed-loni · 1 year
Okay, so my lil request is like sal and y/n sleep over. There all nice and cuddles up and enjoy their night. but when tention hits the rom it's a crumbling set of emotions. like emotions all over the place as they make out. but that's cut kinda short when ash and larry walk in with drinks and they're high as the roof. Basically a friendly lill cock block if u will
Heehee. Yes🕺🏻
ALSO I APOLOGIZE FOR TGE LATE RESPONSE, I have been having to motivation to write, so please enjoy :)
(Since its gonna take place in highschool, no mentions of alcohol. Obviously, not their freshmen year, you guys are in your senior year. You and sal ate both 18.)
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ⚠️: 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐟𝐰, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐮.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏,𝟏𝟗𝟕
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You and your friends, Sal, Larry, and Ash, were all walking to your class the three of you had together. Math was always easier for you nowadays since you had friends to talk to in class with.
Mrs packerton had her back turned to the class and you were writing in your notebook everything she was jotting down on the chalkboard. “Any questions?” She asked, turning around to face the class. The room was silent for a moment. “Alright! I’ll be at my desk, you all figure out this problem.” She wrote a quick problem down that would surely take the whole class about 10 minutes to complete. Quickly, you copied the problem into your book, starting to figure it out, when you felt something hit your arm. It didn’t hurt at all, felt crumpled up though. You glance at your arm a d too the floor, where you see a crumpled up piece of paper. Picking it up, you read the words
-“Wanna come over for a sleep over? Larry and Ash are coming to”
-You knew it was from your beloved boyfriend sal. You two had been dating for about a year or two now, and you didn’t actually have a sleepover yet, despite the fact you lived in the Addison apartments along with Larry.
-Quickly responding on the paper, you threw it back to sal
-“Of course! I’ll just have to ask my parents lol.”
-Sal silently sighed and nodded to himself. Your damn parents always were so strict. It bugged him sometimes to say the least, but he never pushed you to go against your parents word. They weren’t pushy about you going out with Sal, going on dates, hanging out with him and Larry, going to the fifth floor (surprisingly) but whenever it came to you asking to sleep over? No.
But,sal digresses.
Finally, your mom picks up. “Hello?” She asks. “Mom,” you start, carefully. “Can i sleep over at Sals house tonight?” You blurt out. Your mom is being quiet so shes thinking. Thats kinda surprising, she always just straight up says no. “My friends Larry and Ash are gonna be there to so it wont just be me and him!” You quickly say to convince her further to let you go. “Sure honey, go have fun.” She says sweetly. “Really? Thank you mom!” You say, hanging up so she doesnt change her mind-You quickly text Sal, Larry, and Ash in the group chat you guys had that you could go. -You rush home to pack a bag, and you’re out as fast as you were in. You walked to the elevator and took it up to sals floor. The elevator door opened with a loud ding! and you were on your way to his apartment.-You knocked on the door and sal let you in, opening the door a little wider for you.-You went into his room and processed everything, seeing as though it was youre first time in his room, you were fascinated by everything. His posters and paintings on the wall, the old record player he owned, the records he owned (all heavy metal of course).
(Sals mask is off in this part).
Its about 9:00 now and your other friends still aren’t there. You don’t mind of course, you just wish they would have let you know ahead of time that they were gonna flake out. You don’t mind only being with Sal of course, but you did kinda want to have an actual sleepover with your friends-
You and sal lay on top of his bed, watching a scary movie, you cuddled on his stomach with his hand on your head, playing with your hair. You get sorta bored and you start moving around a but. You sit up and sals hand falls off of you and onto your lap (accidentally, sal wouldn’t touch you there without consent). You look at Sal and he looks away, pulling his hand back. “M’sorry” sal uttered. “I-its okay. Don’t worry about it.” You said back with a little smile. That same fucking smile that makes sal go crazy. That same smile he loves to feel when he locks lips with you. That same smile that got him to fall in love with you.
-Sal started to stare, and once he noticed, he quickly turned red. Tension hit the room as soon as he looked away. Accidentally touching hands and locking your eyes together. You did it once more before sal finally couldn’t take it.-Sal quickly looked hack at you and turned your head towards him, pulling your faces closer together. And once you nodded, sal immediately pulled you into a kiss. Not even 1 minute in and you guys were already making out. Keep in mind, you guys don’t check the time frequently, and it was about 9:10 since you guys started making out. The kiss went on and on for a while, pulling away only to breathe.
-Sal got on top of you and kissed even more passionately. It was starting to get sloppy. Tongue slipping out and falling back u to yours.
-Once he got on too of you, you could feel his growing boner. And it was getting harder by the second😭-
His hands found their way to your hips, bringing you even closer to him than you already were, if that was even possible. His fingers went up and down your thighs and found their way to the waistband of your pajama pants. -As soon as he got your permission to dispose of your pants, Larry and Ash burst in,higher than the roof. -
“Fuuuuuuck..” larry slurs. “Woah woah woooah, were you two about to fuck right now??” Ash giggles as she sees sal on top of you. “Sal quickly grabs his mask and straps it onto his face and gets off of you. You sotuate yourself and sit up along with sal. “N-no, we weren’t..” sal responded. “You fuckin liars, we toootaly saw you on top of them.! You cant hide it from uuus” Larry says, falling onto Ash slightly. “What the fuck are you guys on?” You say, half embarrassed, half genuinely confused. “Heh, a lil weed, mayyyybe crack” ash says dizzily. “You guys need sleep” sal responds. “Yea yea, sleep schmeep whatever.” Larry says and he collapses on the ground, taking ash with him. And just like that, boom. They’re asleep.-
You sigh and fall back onto the wall, looking at sal, visibly red. You smile and give him a kiss on his prosthetic and fall back onto his bed. “I love you, Sally face.” You say sleepily. “I love you to, baby” sal responds, falling back onto his bed with you, taking off his prosthetic and wrapping his arms around you.
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codybees · 7 months
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ummmm…….. uuuuuuummmmmm……
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
What would the sallyface gang think of a plus sized s/o (like me :> ) I wanna see some rep and fluffy stuffs
The Gang with a Plus Sized SO
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: Sure thing love bug. I also ended up only doing the main three! <3]
Sal Fisher
He's quite the supporter! I feel like Sal is much more emotionally aware of other people's wants and needs because of his own face, so he's very in tune with you.
He loves you so, so much. Supports you whenever things get rough, emotionally speaking. You're allowed to be upset but he won't allow you to speak down about yourself.
Gods he loves to cuddle with you. Wants to hold you in his arms and caress every part of you. Especially likes it when you spoon and he's the big spoon. You can also lay your head on his stomach and he m e l t s.
Kisses everywhere! Every inch of you is so loved and adored by him. I can see you becoming his muse - always has to take photos of you, make art of you.
Larry Johnson
he's such a thigh guy. Look me in my multiple eyes and try to tell me otherwise. Just try. You can't do it, can you? He's ALWAYS going to be holding your thighs.
Will absolutely destroy someone for even thinking to bad mouth you. Won't allow it. You're a deity in his head. Larry doesn't tolerate disrespect period point blank.
Just a bit of a pervert. Won't elaborate, just know he's really, really into you.
Of course, that's not to say he doesn't love your personality but yeah, Larry prefers an SO like you. I think he likes it when you two snuggle when it's cold, or when he wraps his arms around, just the feeling of holding you grounds him.
Ash Campbell
I think she's crazy over how soft you are. Thinks you're adorable, sexy and beautiful all in one, and can't get enough of you.
She's also a thigh gal and tends to settle between your legs. Loves how strong you are, how warm, the plush feeing as she rests between them.
She's really big on covering you with her lipstick! Everywhere!! Your neck, your chest, arms, your stomach, your legs, you need to be covered in her lipstick kisses. She's got the most adoring eyes when she does so.
No insecure SO. She loves you SO SO MUCH, validates you, thinks you are the ultimate vision of beauty and your body, who you are, that's exactly why. No part of you ever needs to change unless you want to. She adores you.
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clockypastaa · 5 months
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I love drawing Ash so much 😭😭😭 love you so much Ash!!!!
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lxuizrr · 7 months
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ashley and sal as mermaids 🩵💜
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areydell · 1 month
How do you feel about ash × sal ship?
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Great ship, kinda canon as well? it's also one of my fav ships in the game side by side with travis × sal, and here you go some sketches i drew for them 💕
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hearts4golbach · 2 months
Sally Face. (Masterlist.)
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art credit: I found it on pinterest, if someone knows the artist please tag them!
part 1.
Light Shower. (Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader.)
part 2.
part 3.
part 4.
part 5.
part 6.
part 7.
part 8.
part 9.
part 10.
part 11.
part 12.
part 13.
part 14.
part 15.
part 16.
part 17.
Zombified. (Larry Johnson x Fem!Reader.) co-written by @cupid-isgone.
part 1.
part 2.
part 3.
part 4.
part 5.
part 6.
part 7.
part 8.
part 9.
part 10.
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andreaheartscats · 3 months
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Sally Face Characters taking care of you when youre sick
characters: Sal, Larry, Ash
-> im feeling a bit stuffy and sick so i got this idea :)
-> panic, panic, panic, panic!!
-> he is always around you and making sure you have everything you need
-> constantly checking your temperature
-> "are you feeling any better?" "do you want another blanket?" and just keep on asking questions.
-> doesnt really know what to do and instead of letting you sleep it off and rest he is always there with you, making sure you have everything you need.
-> asks his mom what to do cause he has absolutely no idea.
-> once his mom told him everything he needed to know, he made sure you were comfortable in your bed while he made you some soup
-> since youre sick and cant do much, he hangs out with you and watches movies with you, also makes sure youre gonna be fine
-> when you run out of any meds you need for being sick or anything you need in general, ge would SPRINT to the closest shop/ pharmacy to get you what you need
-> since hes been around you a lot, he got sick himself too.
-> girl was ready for this!!
-> she knew you were gonna get sick soon, since you didnt wear your jacket last night when you were hanging out.
-> she got your meds ready, some soup, everything you could ever need!
-> as much as she loves you and wants to take care of you, she also keeps her distance since she doesnt want to get sick too
-> i mean whos gonna take care of you if shes sick too, am i right ?
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mollyp0cket · 2 months
ash headcanons!!!!
okay, i seriously love ashley campbell sm. she's actually my favorite girl evaaaaa. anyways, i decided to post some of my head canons for her like i did sal! this is kind of x reader btw :3
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♡ i think of her as unlabled. although she doesn't know what to consider herself, she's definitely not straight
♡ i also think of her as alternative! in her freshman year, she had a bit of an awkward phase, but now she's super comfortable with her style
♡ she'd LOVE giving you little make overs. she'd "make you look like her." (whether she'd succeed is questionable)
♡ would do your eyeliner while sitting on your lap
♡ very nonchalant. very blunt too. she's super open to physical touch
♡ this can get y/n flustered
♡ she loves letting you borrow her clothes
♡ seriously dude, after you met her pretty much half your closet is full of her clothes
♡ "i need some new mascara.." ♡ "here, have mine!"
♡ amazing memory when it comes to you. she remembers things about you that even you forgot.
♡ like, she's here remembering what you said you had for dinner two weeks ago, while you can't even remember where you put your phone...
♡ she's not the nerdiest person ever, but she's definitely open to learning about your interests, like shows or books you like :)
♡ she has a photo album full of pictures of her friends
♡ when she has a crush on you, that album becomes more centered around you than anyone else
♡ she'd make you so many weird little gifts. she's super crafty, but not in a 'conventional' way lmfao
♡ ESPECIALLY her little dudes. omg. she'd make you two a whole family of them
♡ would suffocate you with hugs
♡ literally. she loves being all up on you.
♡ she doesn't have the best sense of personal space, which might get annoying or uncomfortable at times, but she doesn't mean any harm
♡ if needed, you can help teach her more about personal boundaries
♡ she's such a cutie patootie dude. i love her SO MUCH AHHHHH.
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