luna-azzurra · 1 year
Alist of last names with a werewolf theme for your novel's werewolf OCs:
1. Blackwood
2. Silvermane
3. Moonshadow
4. Wolfsbane
5. Ironclaw
6. Swiftfang
7. Stormpelt
8. Nightshade
9. Bloodmoon
10. Wildheart
11. Frostfang
12. Darkmoon
13. Clawthorne
14. Howler
15. Shadowfur
16. Moonstone
17. Lupine
18. Thornblood
19. Grimwolf
20. Stormrider
21. Moonstrider
22. Ashenfur
23. Vargr
24. Silverthorn
25. Bloodfang
Remember to select the last name that best fits your werewolf characters' traits, origins, or the world you have created.
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zenaquaria · 1 year
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I got a new Arcana cleric!~
Designed by @rosexknight​, this is my new drow, Lady Faeliine Khavourell! She’s enamored with all things magic: Arcane, divine, artifice; all of it fascinates her~
Her Matron Mother’s house, Khavourell, moved out and away from the old corrupt ways some generations ago (in shorter-lived-races’ terms). Out from Shadowvale (a land pockmarked with hives of villainry) in Ulei’Var and somewhere more savory in northern or southern Auscives.
She herself lives in Bregarrio! The hotspot of fey and whimsical magics in Ulei’Var! And boy does she want to talk to artificers more than anything. She’s pestered my lone artificer, Ashenfur, already, and might be chatting up another one who belongs to my husband. xD She has the sweetest accent, too. Her opening line to my artificer was, “Aw now chér I don’t bite! I just saw whatcha workin’ on here and thought to introduce myself proper to ya!”
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dragondark54 · 11 days
Ashenfur and Ashfur
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The young Tigerclan warrior, Ashenfur meet in dream a strange cat who look like him.
Ashenfur " Maybe the medecin cat will know something? "
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Name: Rhianna Ashenfur (aka Rhia)
Ht: 6'5"
Wt: embarrassed to say >~<
Species: Hellhound
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Occupation: Accountant for Rowan
Crush: Hellia (one-sided atm)
Personality: timid and shy, but can be assertive if pushed too hard
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Dark Forest Resident: Loachhowl
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Aliases / Nicknames: Lil Guy, Fella, Loach
Gender: tom
Sexuality: asexual, aromantic
Family: unnamed biological mother, Aspenshade, Hazelraven (fathers), Thrushshell, Ripplepearl, Sandfeather, Robinflip, Heathpaw (sisters), Brownhare, Whalerush, Glinttide (brothers) Ashenfur, Birchcreek, Ashenpaw (nephews)
Other Relations: Garlicdust (mentor)
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: medicine cat
Characteristics: childish, strange, clever, does not know how kits are born
Number of Victims: 6
Number of Murders: 5+
Murder Method: vivisection
Known Victims: Lilacbramble, Finfur, Hopereed, Lyrebite, Charredfalcon, unnamed unborn kits
Victim Profile: pregnant queens
Cause of Death: head injury, murdered by Rowanclaw
Cautionary Tale: ??
It started when Lilacbramble tried giving him the talk. Maybe if Hazelmask hadn’t interrupted her, things would’ve turned out differently.
But as things were, the poor queen-to-be was interrupted, and Loachkit had questions. Specifically questions about kits.
So, when Lilacbramble came for a checkup, he tried his very best to find out exactly what caused the little miracles! He tried to calm her, tried to reassure her that they had enough moss to stop the bleeding if she would just stop moving, but she didn’t listen!
So that wasn’t ideal.
Moons passed, and he grew into a kind, competent medicine cat, but he still didn’t understand kits! What was the process?
When Finfur had her litter, he tried to find out again, only realizing too late when poor Finfur was beyond saving.
He apologized the only way he could think of, and became the mentor of her last kit.
For a while, things were good. But then Hopereed announced during a routine checkup that she believed she would have a large litter of kits.
He tried to be gentle this time, giving her poppy seeds for the pain as he examined her, but, once again, that cursed blood stained his paws.
When he found out that his beloved apprentice, Shoretooth, was expecting, he ran away from the Clan for three moons to stop the twitching curiosity that already had caused three and some deaths.
Lyrebite being the first to see him when he returned was simple shitty luck for her.
Briarfreckle’s death could’ve been avoided, he supposed, had she not tripped over the herb stores, then laughed nervously when he asked for help cleaning them up.
Charredfalcon was the last, and, as he walked back to camp, he never saw the final blow coming for his head.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor
--Going in I thought he killed pregnant queens deliberately so at the very least he's just a dumbass.
--Remember parents, this is why sex ed. is important! You're child will find other ways to learn, and even might one day split open pregnant women to see what happens inside them. This has been a PSA.
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higgyisobsessed · 9 months
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Every year or so I redraw a scene of my three evil Warrior Cats characters, Ashenfur (pale gray, blue eyes, super fluffy), Shadedleaf (dilute calico, green eyes, lithe), and Berrytail (cream, amber eyes, sturdy)
I am super proud of this one :>
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In a discord server I was in, there was an art challenge for a certain style of artwork. I was inspired by it and drew my kittypet Warriors character Dawn
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my actual entry for that server art challenge, this is my character Primrosewish!
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I kept getting attached to random background characters in my fanfic. Here's Willowfrost, she's strict and loves to stick to the rules.
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one of my sparse human characters, Michael! him being arachnophobic is plot relevant
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more Warrior Cats characters,, we got Jayfur (gray tabby with green eyes), Hailfeather (gray and white with blue eyes), and Lilystar (gray and white with green eyes). They're brothers yippee
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Rui from Pokemon Colosseum!! yay
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similar to how I redraw my three Dark Forest cats, I love drawing my Warriors OC Foxfur with super dramatic greenish lighting
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some fun OCs, Sephir (being of Life, pinks) and Qliph (being of death, grays) and they're dating
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Michael from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness!! I fell in love with a new brush.
out of the two Pokemon arts on this list neither are Wes. I find that surprising
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Warrior Cats OC looking down into the valley
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Warrior Cats OC Misty. I mainly focused on fun lil charts and timelines and finals this month, so not a lot of finished artwork
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westward-warrior · 6 years
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I love this sweetie so much ;; This is Ashenfur!! She’s a helpless romantic lesbian who loves to bring gifts and flowers to her crush(es)
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
Names for gray cats?
i'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're the same anon who asked for brown cats.
same rules here, i guess; i hope you're in the right place (otherwise you'll likely be VERY confused), and i'm gonna go with prefixes that make me think of the colour grey and generalized, less personal suffixes.
mist / misty / fog
stone / boulder / pebble
puddle / rain / raining / cloud / sky
ash / ashen
frost / frozen / ice / blizzard
lily / flower
gull / albatross / egret / feather
lake / creek / river / stream / brook / wave / pool / tide
it's really difficult to think up general suffixes that i didn't use in the last post, but here's my attempt;
whisker / tail / fluff / tuft / claw for the body-focused suffixes
fleck / cloud / pool / fall for the nature-focused prefixes
talon / flight / wing / feather for the bird prefixes
stem / leaf / bush / breeze for the plant-based prefixes
crash / pool / tide / strike / fall for the water-based prefixes
name suggestions;
feel free to mix-and-match; hope this helped as well!! ^-^
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zenaquaria · 2 years
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“I don’t particularly like hurting people the way I was hurt. But for you, I make an exception. My toxins to cleanse your noxious existence from the mundane!” ~ Ashenfur, to any slaver
Ash, my Warlock/Artificer boy, in the midst of a poison cloud and about to sling a ball of acid! And bandolier loaded with more home-crafted poisons~
Ashenfur can alter his spells to different flavors of damage, as he’s doing here. That would have been a Fireball, if he had left it unchanged! But by his will and adding a liquid reagent, it becomes less boom and more splash. Burns bad regardless! He’s a sweetheart under that mask but up against those who are anything at all alike to those people who stole him from his home and put him through Hell, they best beg for a swift end. The alternative is succumbing to poison’s havoc or acid’s burns.
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ask-off-fandom · 11 years
Hello ashenfur...!
You are follower number 71! Merci! :)
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zenaquaria · 2 years
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A few doodles of some of my D&D characters!
Top is Spooks floating in gross old-castle-dungeon-floodwater because she is simply too short! This actually happened in our penultimate Curse of Strahd session, when the party reached the castle dungeons/catacombs and found them flooded. Fortunately at least two of the party are 6ft tall, and our centaur paladin gave the lil owl some help.
Bottom left is the new boy, Ash, giving some love to his crow-munculus, Blackberry, after some maintenance. He calls Blackberry “she”, and yes she is perched on his tail. x3 The construct is one thing Ash considers his closest friend and he treats her as such. Bottom right is Naruus Kar’kuun, Naru for short, my dragonborn necrodruid. They have fascinations for “unconventional” critters. Leeches, spiders, salamanders, y’know. What the world generally doesn’t see as “cute” but Naru does see as “cute”. They are absolutely fine plopping down in the middle of the swamp to watch slugs winding over a tree, or a knot of leeches in a shallow pool.
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zenaquaria · 2 years
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Ashenfur Refsheet, 2022 edition~
Meet Ash! The first of my D&D 5e compatible Toraion homebrew race, possibly a future playtest of the race, and overall an embodiment of a concept I’ve been trying to pin down for a while.
“Ashenfur” is a name he gave himself, after losing memories of what his parents named him. There’s still some background and game-mechanic wibbly-wobblies I need to work out but as it currently stands, Ash is to be primarily a Warlock, with some Alchemist Artificer on the side!~ Enough to give him some potion/elixir savoir faire and let him have a little construct buddy in Blackberry, his crow homunculus!
Story-wise, Ash was stolen from his homeland in Torai, by slavers in nearby lands and seas surrounding the landmass. The slave master who bought him took his flight, the few precious mementos he kept of home, and his name from him. Shortly before making his escape, Ash entreated some power beyond to help him get out, forming his Warlock Pact. He killed or severely wounded his captor and fled to the nearest sea port, where he stowed away on boats heading west towards the lands of Curoq and Axia.  It is in Axia that he picks up his first Artificer level, as well as learning how to handle firearms. Axia is the leading region for firearms development, and its western neighbor, Breggario, is THE alchemy/apothecarial hotspot of the world. So he spends his time learning here and having his trust in humanoids built/restored. It’s slow going but he is extremely receptive to real kindness; I’m talking big ol Ghibli tears at being shown hospitality for the first time in years. c: 
One day he IS going to go be the freedom fighter he feels he should be. <3
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zenaquaria · 2 years
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There’s a corvid-themed show pirate/tourism corsair in the Axia setting, and I posited to our DM that the captain’s first mate could be a magpie-based Toraion boy! So Jay Swifte came into being~
It’s likely that Jay here came from the same batch of stolen Toraion young’uns as Ashenfur did. Like Ash, his wings were removed; but when this guy stole off to Axia, he found tourism piracy under Captain Jack Dawson of the Raven. Being up there in the shrouds and sails gives him the wind in his fur and feathers that was taken from him, and he’s blossomed into a capable sailor and loyal mate aboard the Raven. And a fancy-footed showman, to boot~
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