#ask abi
retquits · 4 months
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ms abigail stardew valley 💜
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alkaysani · 3 months
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wake up babe, a new ot3 just launched
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beskarfrog · 9 months
For the artwork post: I think anything ancient greek would be so awesome (I'm a classics major) with dinluke, but if you want a specific reccomendation, I would say the vase painting of Achilles and Patroclus, where Patroclus is bandaging Achilles' wounds. I'm pretty sure I've seen someone draw it with dinluke before, but there can never be too much art!
my friend, that is absolutely galaxy brain!! here you go
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mazeinthemiroh · 11 months
keeping warm.
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genre: drabble; fluff
warnings: none
requested?: yes
synopsis: you and mingi go on a walk in the forest 🍁
please like and reblog if you enjoy <3
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"Are you warm enough?"
He had asked you this multiple times, his fingerless-gloved hand holding your bare ones. Both your arms swayed slightly as you walked further into the forest, and your fingers stayed connected.
"Yes, Mingi," you giggled at his repetitive question. He was being very sweet today. Making sure you were all warm, wrapped up cosy with a big scarf on. He offered you his gloves but you said you were finally. You would settle for holding his hand instead, which sat warmly in yours.
"Mingi..." you started, a quizzical look on your face as you looked at the two paths ahead of you.
You were both faced with signs that you hadn't seen before. Signs which pointed different ways, telling you different locations. But where were you going...
"As we lost?" You questioned, releasing his hand and walking up to the wooden sign to have a closer look at the directions.
"No," Mingi automatically said, his stubbornness spiking free before he could even take in his new surroundings.
But his new surroundings weren't really 'new.' Everywhere in this damn forest looked the same. No landmarks, no fields, no benches. Nothing but mud and trees and leaves scattered all around.
"No, we're not lost," Mingi decided again, walking up to the sign that you were staring at, "we're exploring."
You snorted at his statement, "Okay, Dora the Explorer."
Despite your humour, you were a bit unsettled by the fact that you and your boyfriend were stuck, in the middle of nowhere, both of you hopeless with directions.
"Come on, this way," he grabbed your hand again in his, tugging you along with him down a path which led to who knows where.
You found yourself following him instead of protesting. It was easier that way.
Besides, it felt nice to have his warm hands back in yours.
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ateez taglist: @a-wandering-stay, @xlovehwa, @yeosangsbiceps, @anyamaris, @acciocriativity, @hawaiian-angel, @toolovelyforyou (let me know if you want to be added/removed)
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gideonisms · 27 days
Every time I read one of those tradwife articles I'm so happy and excited to get up and work my boring manual job that pays me just enough to live and then go back to my own apartment which I rent and sleep in my own bed alone. Yet another satisfying day of pushing 30 with a career that is going nowhere 👌
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muxas-world · 22 days
I know this has nothing to do with Valentino and that the media is still hyping up the same old feuds. But since the start of the 21st century, almost all major drama in MotoGP has centered around Valentino. that’s the double-edged sword of stardom—you’re caught up in things that have nothing to do with you. It’s also true that what’s going on now can be seen as a historical legacy. Liberty Media stopped making historical rivalries the center of the narrative when they bought F1, but you really can’t do that in motogp. Valentino Rossi will always be Valentino Rossi, man look what you did.
This also has to do with the fact that we don’t really have any new significant rivalries, and part of the blame lies with the media and Dorna. They are so dependent on Vale and his legacy to sell that they keep dragging everything back to him and Marc, instead of focusing on the new riders. I get that I can't move on from rosquez,but I’m not a corporate executive running a sports company. The thing is, this isn’t going to stop anytime soon, because next year people are already creating narratives about Vale’s protégé going up against Marc, etc. So, we’re just about to see a couple more years of this narrative being used again and again until Marc retires
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homunculuslover · 22 days
Hiya! Just bought your “Best Medicine” comic and absolutely *loved* it 🥰 Very gratifying to see some tummy and belly button focused tickles included as well, even in Abi’s sketches or dreams - it’s rare to see the really top level tickle artists venturing away from foot stuff. All good of course, nothing wrong with that, but my weird brain is preoccupied with a different spot 😅
Can’t wait for the sequel after a setup like that! Thank you for all you do 🙏🏻
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*cries* Oh my goooood. I saw the purchase pop up in my emails and this just made my daaaaaaaay. Thank you.
I'm currently working on the second comic and it's going to be longer and there's gonna be plenty of upper body tickles. It'll be have some foot tickles, but don't worry. I prefer upperbody tickles too. ;3
I can also say, Abi has a very ticklish navel. ;3 ~
But here's a page of it. A taste of the second chapter! >:3
I also submit each complete page into my patreon and paywall server! X3
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Thank you again!!! This put such a big smile on my face. This means a lot!! >u<
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wolfawaycamp · 4 months
Hello! I would like to request a realistic aftermath of the shotgun amputation ;)
🐰 Okay, so, this was discussed on Discord prior to Torch's request (thank you Torch!) and Cas really thought we should get to see Kaitlyn plucking buckshot out of Dylan's arm. You're not actually supposed to do that, but it IS realistic that a bunch of teens/young adults might not know that. This is another long one from me because I'm incapable of being brief, but so far I've I've gotten positive feedback on my 'ficlets' that are so long they're basically just one-shots. I started my Quarry fanfic writing career with chainsaw hurt/comfort, so of course I had to inject some of that here! Hope you enjoy! :3
When Ryan shoots Dylan’s hand off with his shotgun on the floor of the radio hut, he really doesn’t have time to panic. Some kind of black venom is visibly spreading up Dylan’s arm and, at that moment, Ryan agrees that it needs to be stopped. So, he stops it. He doesn’t second guess that decision at the time, because something huge and ugly is stalking the two of them and their fellow counselors. The fact that he’s just blown the left hand off the boy he’s spent the better part of the evening casually flirting with, the one he kissed for the first time a few hours before, can barely sink in because he’s trying so hard to finish engineering the feedback loop and keep them all alive. But once he’s sounded that earsplitting noise and chased the immediate danger away, Ryan’s better able to take in the horror of the scene that remains.
Dylan lies in a pool of his own blood, and the unrecognizable lump of tissue that used to be a hand sits inches from the mutilated end of his wrist. There are holes in the floor where buckshot has passed through Dylan’s flesh and bone entirely and into the aged wood. Ryan, still fueled by adrenaline, tells him his plan worked. He is genuinely impressed with Dylan’s ingenuity.
“It did the trick,” he says, “Nice work, Dylan.”
The bloodied boy on the floor begins laughing in a way Ryan finds deeply concerning, as if he’s completely delirious, before the chaos in front of him seems to sober him up. “Oh fuck, my hand!” Dylan exclaims, like he’s just noticed it. “Why did you do that?!”
“You told me to!” Ryan bites back in disbelief.
Does he really not remember?
“That was a bad idea,” Dylan admits, still holding pressure to the bleeding stump of his left arm, “aw fuck.”
At that very moment, the door bursts open, scaring the absolute shit out of both the boys. It’s Kaitlyn, likely having heard the gunshot and certainly the sound that followed. She’s come to see what’s become of the two of them. 
Kaitlyn manages to get out the words, “You guys all right… in… here?” before she begins processing the gruesome scene in front of her. Ryan watches her take in the handless Dylan, the pool of blood, and the detached former hand in silence, her mouth hanging slightly open for a moment.
“‘Sup Kaitlyn?” Dylan drawls from the pool of blood he’s lying in. He gives her a slight nod as a greeting since his one remaining hand is busy holding back arterial spray from where his other hand was once attached.
“What the fuck?!” Kaitlyn says breathlessly, “what the fuck happened here?!” 
“I—he—that thing bit Dylan’s hand and I, uh…” Ryan struggles to explain the situation, struggles to even understand it himself. 
Kaitlyn looks from Dylan to Ryan and back again, over and over, finally clocking Ryan’s bloodied face and the shotgun in his hand. Her shock gives way to fury. “Oh—oh my god, Ryan, what the fuck have you done?!”
“He—” Ryan points at Dylan like a child tattling to an adult, “he told me to!”
“I would really like for the record to show,” Dylan says, entirely too steady for the state he’s in, “that I said ‘cut it off.’ Not shoot. Cut. There’s a perfectly good chainsaw right over there.” He jerks his head toward the workbench where the chainsaw sits along with the other power tools.
“Why?! Dylan, why on earth would you say that?!” Kaitlyn asks. She wheels around to face Ryan without giving Dylan a chance to answer, “and why would you listen to him?!”
Kaitlyn glares at Ryan like she might bite him. He thinks he would probably deserve that. He can’t seem to get a word out to explain why blasting a hand off with a shotgun seemed like a good idea at the time but, for better or worse, Dylan is still fairly talkative despite his devastating injury.
“Hey, it’s okay Kaitlyn,” Dylan says, trying his best to sound normal and not quite achieving it, “you kinda had to be here to get the full effect, I guess, but there was this black stuff going up my arm, and we had to stop it before it got any higher, and this did stop it! I’m okay, really… I mean, I’m not, but it doesn’t hurt. I don’t even feel it. Which is… weird, right? I feel like having your hand shot off should hurt more than this.”
“It’s probably the adrenaline,” Kaitlyn explains, “or else you’re going into shock. Either way you’re going to be in a world of hurt sooner or later. You’ve probably got a bunch of buckshot still in your arm. Jesus fucking Christ, I can’t leave the two of you alone for a minute.”
Ryan thinks this is a somewhat unfair assessment of what they’ve accomplished here, given that Dylan’s plan and Ryan’s execution of it saved Kaitlyn’s ass as well as theirs. Dylan, for his part, laughs at Kaitlyn, because he’s apparently gone insane and lost all fear of death. Kaitlyn looks like she’s considering snatching Ryan’s gun, blowing Dylan’s head off, and calling it a total loss instead of trying to patch him up. She inhales deeply and lets it back out, as if meditative breathing will repair the rift in reality they’re currently experiencing.
“Ryan get the first aid kit,” she says, her tone more measured now, “we have to stop the bleeding before we move him, but if we can get Dylan down to the poolhouse, we’ll at least have running water to rinse this wound off. That’s where I sent Abi and Nick when I headed up here.” Kaitlyn kneels next to Dylan, then she grabs his arm roughly and he cries out in pain. “Stop moving so much!” she snaps, though the boy with the shot-off hand has barely moved a muscle.
“Fucking hell, Kaitlyn, be careful!” Ryan barks at her, and Kaitlyn’s head whips to the side to face him with a challenging look.
“Oh, I’m sorry Ryan, should I be as careful as you were when you turned Dylan’s hand into raw fucking meatloaf?” The boys are speechless at her outburst.
Wow, Kaitlyn’s being a kind of a bitch, Ryan thinks, and then it clicks in Ryan’s head that she’s not actually angry, not at him or at Dylan, she’s afraid. This is what fear looks like on Kaitlyn Ka, who he’d mistakenly thought was fearless. It’s raw and ferocious. Other than Jacob, who she’s known most of her life, Dylan’s the person she’s closest to at camp. Kaitlyn expresses her concern like a mother bear and if Ryan isn’t careful he really might get mauled by her before whatever the fuck bit Dylan gets a chance to sink its teeth into him.
Kaitlyn fashions a tourniquet out of bandages and a screwdriver, warning Dylan that it’s going to hurt, and Dylan winces as she twists the metal tool over and over to tighten it around his forearm, just below his elbow. She hands him a bottle of what appears to be ibuprofen from the nurse’s station, saying it’s the last of the supply after she gave some to Nick. 
“Ooh, fun,” Dylan says, throwing back the pills and swallowing them dry, and Ryan can feel Kaitlyn rolling her eyes at him even if he can’t see it.
The bleeding appears to stop, though there’s so much blood already that it’s difficult to tell. It seems stable enough that the three of them can set out for the poolhouse. Dylan is a bit wobbly at first but once he gets a few steps in he seems steady on his feet. Kaitlyn and Ryan flank him with Kaitlyn on the left holding onto his injured arm. Ryan carries the first aid kit with him, even though there’s another one in the poolhouse. It can’t hurt to have more supplies.
On the way, they get into a minor argument about whether the pellets of buckshot from the shotgun shell should be removed from Dylan’s arm or left in. Ryan thinks they should come out, he’s seen that in a number of TV shows and movies and while he knows those aren’t always accurate, he doesn’t think it seems right to leave foreign bodies in a wound. Kaitlyn is more hesitant. She knows that doctors will remove pellets from wounds but if they’re deep they might do more damage trying to remove them. In the end, Dylan says it’s his arm and therefore they’re his buckshot pellets and he should get a say, and he thinks they should compromise and get the ones that seem close enough to the surface to grab with tweezers and leave the others.
When the three of them make it into the poolhouse, Abi has Nick laid out by the showers, resting on a stack of rolled towels. She turns to them, saying “I was wondering when you guys would…” and is cut off at the sight of Dylan’s bloody arm stump. She shrieks. “Oh my god, ohh my god Dylan, what happened?!” Abi is keeping her eyes off of Dylan’s arm. She looks like she might cry, or faint, and Ryan watches, stunned, as Dylan tries to comfort her instead of the other way around.
“It’s okay Abi,” he says, a little too jovially, “just a flesh wound.”
“It’s literally not,” Ryan corrects him, thinking of the bits of bright white bone he could see in the remains of Dylan’s obliterated hand, and Dylan shakes his head at him to keep him from saying anything else.
Kaitlyn explains the situation much more succinctly than either of the boys could, then she sends Abi to find the poolhouse first aid kit while she and Ryan drag Dylan over to the sinks to rinse his wound in warm water. Dylan flinches when they direct the flow of the water over the end of his wrist but he doesn’t pull away. As the coagulated blood is rinsed away, Ryan can see exposed bone at the end of Dylan’s arm and several perfectly round holes that, as Kaitlyn predicted, almost certainly contain pieces of buckshot. The sight of it makes his stomach clench with guilt and worry.
Kaitlyn sits on the floor, picking through the two first aid kits for what she needs. She assembles gauze, more bandages, a small set of forceps, only slightly larger than standard tweezers, that Ryan assumes were intended for pulling splinters out of campers, some rubbing alcohol, an empty glass bottle she’s found to corral the pellets in—Ryan thinks it likely once contained apple juice, though the label has been peeled off—and a lidocaine spray intended for sunburns. It’s the best they have, under the circumstances.
Kaitlyn tells Ryan to join her on the floor and instructs Dylan to essentially sit between Ryan’s legs. Dylan raises an eyebrow at this and Ryan sighs and gestures at him to hurry up. Dylan sits where he’s told.
“This is not going to be fun,” Kaitlyn warns Dylan, then she looks to Ryan and says, “you’re going to have to hold him down, hold his arm still so I don’t cause any more damage.” 
Ryan swallows and holds Dylan’s left arm down, pinning it between his own arm and his bent knee with his hand steadying the wounded forearm just below the wrist. He reaches over Dylan’s right shoulder with his right arm and presses his hand to the middle of the injured boy’s chest, encouraging Dylan to lean back against him. It’s already pretty intimate, with Dylan's head resting on Ryan’s shoulder, and then Dylan grabs Ryan’s hand with his and interlocks their fingers, needing something to hold onto.
“Okay,” Dylan tells Kaitlyn, “let’s get this over with.”
Kaitlyn dunks the forceps in the rubbing alcohol and sprays around the wound and all the pellet holes she can find with the lidocaine spray. It’s not very strong, and she tells Dylan it’s only going to numb the surface, everything below that he’s going to feel. He nods, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, and Kaitlyn gets to work.
The first pellet is close to the surface and Ryan watches it pop out of Dylan’s skin easily with the fascination some people feel for those pimple extraction videos online. Kaitlyn drops it into the glass bottle where it makes a satisfying plinking sound.
“Oh!” says Dylan, that wasn’t so—OW!” He’s spoken too soon, and before Dylan can finish his statement, Kaitlyn has gone back in for another pellet. This one must be deeper, she has to fish around where the anesthetic spray hasn’t been able to reach before it comes out. Dylan has a vice-grip on Ryan’s hand by the time this one joins the other in the glass bottle.
“Two down,” Kaitlyn says, “only… six or so to go?”
“Awesome,” Dylan says sarcastically, and even in the dim light of the poolhouse, Ryan thinks he looks paler than usual.
Dylan is clearly in pain now as Kaitlyn digs for buckshot in his forearm and Ryan feels terrible about the choices he’s made. He’d thought the shotgun would be cleaner than the chainsaw, leave less chance for infection than a rusty tool Chris Hackett uses to carve up firewood, but Kaitlyn doesn’t seem to think it would’ve make that big a difference. She had warned him about the shotgun’s spread earlier, and though he’d taken the shot pretty close to his target, they certainly wouldn’t be playing this very advanced game of Operation right now if he’d gone for the chainsaw instead. On top of everything, the light from Abi’s phone flashlight keeps wavering, making it difficult for Kaitlyn to see what she’s doing.
“For fuck’s sake, Abi, can’t you hold that thing steady?!” Ryan snaps before he can stop himself.
“Ryan!” Kaitlyn chastises him as another pellet of buckshot clinks into the glass bottle.  
“I’m trying! You know the sight of blood makes me nauseous!” Abi nearly sobs the words and Ryan immediately feels bad, realizes he can, in fact, feel even worse than he had a moment ago. He’d forgotten how much she hates blood. She’d nearly fainted earlier in the summer when one of her campers had a nosebleed. It’s a rough night for all of them, certainly roughest for Dylan and Nick, but Ryan finds some sympathy for Abi—it’s a particularly bad night for anyone who hates the sight of blood.
“Sorry,” he mutters lamely.
“It’s all right,” Abi says, “I’ll try to do better.”
Ryan doesn’t think of himself as having a particularly comforting presence, but for Dylan he does his best, murmuring a steady stream of reassuring nonsense like he might if his little sister crawled in bed with him after having a nightmare back home. “It’s okay,” he says, “it’s okay, you’re okay. Just hang on, all right?This’ll be over soon. I’ve got you. Just stay with me, Dylan. I’m here. I’m right here and I’ve got you.” 
It’s bullshit, he knows it and Dylan probably knows it too—his wounded friend is in bad shape and Ryan hasn’t got shit, nothing is under control and nothing is okay, but Dylan squeezes his hand, his head turned so the right side of his face is pressed against Ryan’s shoulder, and Ryan can tell he’s trying very hard to be brave. Dylan holds back from crying out for the most part, expressing his pain through bitten off groans that he tries but can’t quite silence. Occasionally, he sucks air through his teeth and swears. Dylan’s trembling a little and sweating and he sniffles from time to time because he can’t keep the tears from streaming down his face, dampening the fabric of Ryan’s Cult Damage t-shirt.
Kaitlyn digs for a pellet at the very end of Dylan’s wrist, and he’s completely quiet for a moment, then he goes limp in Ryan’s arms.
“Oh, shit. Dylan?” Ryan hears the panic in his own voice when he speaks.
“Fuck, he passed out.” Kaitlyn pats at Dylan’s cheek, not all that gently but not quite hard enough to qualify as a smack. It does nothing to rouse him. Her fingers press into the side of his neck to feel his pulse, but she doesn’t seem overly concerned with whatever she finds there. Ryan can feel Dylan breathing, but he’s terrified by this development just the same.
“What? Why would that happen?!” He demands of Kaitlyn. “Why now?”
“I don’t know!” Kaitlyn says, “Pain, I guess. Shock? Maybe that last pellet was near a nerve? I barely scraped a B in anatomy.”
“Blood loss?” Abi offers, her expression grave. She looks over at Nick, who adjusts his position a little, and then turns her attention back to Dylan.
“Let’s just get this finished,” Kaitlyn says, “then we can get him cleaned up.” 
She plucks three more pellets from Dylan’s arm, dropping them into the bottle, and then declares that if there are any more, he’ll need an x-ray to find them and trying to dig for them blindly would do way more harm than good. She sends Abi to the sink for a couple of wet washcloths and Kaitlyn wipes down Dylan’s arm while Abi dabs at his face.
Dylan begins to stir, finally, as Kaitlyn is working to bandage his wound. Ryan watches his face intently as he comes around, his brows scrunching and relaxing, eyes moving behind his closed lids. He groans softly before his eyes flutter open and he blinks up at Ryan, seeming to search Ryan’s face for clues as to what the fuck is even happening right now. 
“Dylan,” Ryan says, relief washing over him, “hey! You’re awake.” 
“G’morning Hacketteers,” Dylan rasps weakly, his voice a pale imitation of the one that has boomed out over the PA all summer. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Cap’n Crunch,” Kaitlyn says, rattling the bottle of pellets, “it’s the ‘Oops! All Buckshot’ flavor, unfortunately.”
“Oh, no thanks,” Dylan snorts, “I’m full.” He looks down at the bandaged end of his left forearm. “Though… less full than I used to be, apparently.”
Dylan’s jokes are as obnoxious as ever and Ryan is thanking the cosmic space gods that he’s coherent enough to make them.
As Kaitlyn finishes taping up the bandages, Dylan looks down at his remaining hand and seems to realize it’s still loosely entwined with Ryan’s. He grips Ryan’s hand and Ryan squeezes his right back.
“Thanks you guys,” Dylan says, almost uncharacteristically earnest, and Ryan is reminded of their conversation about his blasé persona and ‘Dylan-Dylan,’ which feels like it happened weeks ago.
“Don’t mention it,” Kaitlyn says with a smile, “just, never do anything this stupid again if you can help it, please.”
Dylan nods. Ryan doesn’t really need to hold onto him anymore, but he is just the same.
“I’m just glad you’re still with me, buddy,” Ryan says in a half whisper.
“Oh, I’m not going anywhere, Ryan. You know how the old saying goes, ‘hand a man a gun, he shoots for a day, shoot a man’s hand off with your gun and you have to, um, let him hold your hand in the hand that he has left. Forever. Or at least for one date. But probably forever.’”
“Yeah,” Ryan deadpans, “I can see how that became a proverb for sure. Real snappy.”
Kaitlyn bursts out laughing. Even Abi giggles at this, putting a hand on Dylan’s shoulder before hurrying back over to check on Nick.
“What? He can shoot my hand off but I can’t shoot my shot? Seems unfair. I—”
Dylan’s words are cut off when Ryan leans down and kisses him on the mouth, his hands pressing to either side of Dylan’s face. It’s the only thing he can think to do to express his relief and concern and gratitude at that moment, to say that he’s sorry but also not. And another feeling is in the mix there, something soft but undeniable and deeply unfamiliar, something that, Ryan’s terrified to realize, might actually be love.
“Let’s save our strength with some quiet time, hm?” he says, still holding Dylan’s face in his hands.
Dylan looks back at him, awestruck. He nods, slowly, and then there’s a gunshot outside. A howl of inhuman agony follows and then a splash. 
Something big has just landed in the pool.
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danidoodles124 · 2 months
Weird question to ask.. but if you're alright with it.. could you draw your favorite the quarry ships? As a mulishipper, I am very curious :DD
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can you tell i have a bias
and sorry to disappoint rylan shippers, i’m just not the biggest fan of them 😭
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 9 months
Have you met any of the trolls? Do you have a favorite?
BRO: Could'a sworn I answered this one already.
BRO: Nope, don't know any of the troll kids personally. All I know about 'em is second hand and even that's limited. Can't exactly have a favorite if I barely know anything about 'em.
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 4 months
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Month of Emmet 7: Voice
I wanted to draw something relating to the scene in the Conjoined AU where Emmet speaks for the first time. Some rude adult questioned if Emmet was his own person or just a "parasitic twin."
Emmet responded by speaking for the first time. When the twins got home after the incident, Ingo cheered Emmet up by sharing his excitement at hearing Emmet's voice and they had their first verbal conversation
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sargeantsarmy · 6 months
A very specific headcanon ask for the entire The Quarry gang, but what is their bedtime routine (do they even have one, or like what kind of "pyjamas set" do they like to go for) ?
Realized this is less routine and more habits but erm here you go
Abi: She does have a pj set, very princesscore, fluffy and soft, and she sleeps with a million pillows and a million plushies, and bundles up in blankets like she’s going to die from frostbite. When she’s sleeping with her bfs, she uses less blankets but thats just bc Jacob is practically a portable heater and she’s usually stuck in between them
Emma: Usually sleeps in her bra(sometimes she’ll swap it out for a tank top bc ow) and underwear bc she doesn’t care enough to have pjs, but if she has friends over, she’ll add a tank top and shorts. She sleeps either with the windows open or a fan running just to have some breeze on her
Kaitlyn: she is the biggest night owl, mostly due to her caffeine intake throughout the day. Girly is so tired, Emma needs to force to her to sleep sometimes. She wears an outfit similar to her workout outfit, just optimized for sleep so her tibbies aren’t in pain
Laura: No routine. Sometimes she just forgets to sleep until the sun comes up. Esp post-game, she’s tried medication to help her sleep, and usually just takes a couple melatonin before bed, hoping that it works. She wears nightgowns, owns dozens of them
Max: Bro cannot stay up for the life of him. Occasionally he’ll try to stay up with Laura, but she sends him off before he passes out. He sleeps with a quilt that his grandma made him, and sleeps with socks on, much to all of his friends(excluding Jacob) horror. He’s a little spoon but only because he’s already asleep when Laura lays down and is usually facing the wall
Jacob: sleeps in nothing but boxers. He doesn’t care who he has over, he’s not sleeping in a shirt(not that his partners mind). Little spoon in a big spoon’s body. Bro just wants to be held but wtf is abi supposed to do??? she can’t even get her leg over his torso. Nick will gladly spoon him tho. He is known for moving around and hitting people in his sleep. Also sleeps in socks regularly
Nick: I’m sorry but he has one of those blue and white striped pj sets with the fucking lil hat and matching slippers. He goes to bed whenever he wants, but no later than 2 am. He falls off the bed haha idiot
Dylan: He has a pj set, matches with Ryan’s, he just forgets to wear it. Sometimes he’ll go to bed in jeans bc if he’s worn them all day he doesn’t even think about it, they’re just part of him now. Is cursed with night owl and early bird tendencies, and really only goes to bed on a decent time bc of Ryan. Would rather die than go to bed without his teeth brushed, he just feels icky if he doesnt. A total little spoon
Ryan: Has an entire routine, times for everything, etc etc. If even one thing is changed he will be upset and he will probably cry a little. Goes to bed early and forces Dylan to join him bc he can’t go to sleep without cuddling him. Refuses to ever sleep in socks or anything heavy/thick. Wears his matching pjs sometimes but thinks they’re kinda goofy. Also shares a weighted blanket with Dylan
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asexualconfessions · 3 months
i'm demisexual, but i somehow feel sexual attraction to fictional characters and celebrities. albeit, it's a pretty limited group, mostly just my favorites from my hyperfixations. i think it's because i'm sex-favorable and my brain likes to find people i can fantasize about, but it makes me feel like i am an invalid aspec person. my friends joke about how i'm "not a true demisexual" and it makes me really upset but i don't really know how to set boundaries.
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mazeinthemiroh · 11 months
I think watching a scary movie w ateez as ur s/o would be so cute cuz there giants so if get scared u can hide behind them but if they get scared then u would bd trying to calm them down like some big puppy or smth 😭
ateez watching scary movies with their s/o
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genre: headcanons; crack, fluff
warnings: cursing
please like and reblog if you enjoy <3
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so loud and for what
the only time he asks for cuddles is if he's watching a horror movie
otherwise, he just plays hard to get ahem
halfway through the movie, he starts criticising the acting/directing like why-
his anticipation of something bad happening intertwined is all too much but hongjoong can't help but comment on the cheesy music chosen for this particular scene-
cuddles up close to you
claims it's to comfort you but...
we know he'll need it too
arms around you at all times in some sort of death-grip
shields your eyes aware if there are any really horrible bits
but can't seem to tear his own eyes always and then he's traumatised
in my opinion, yunho is the safest option here
for one thing, he digs horror movies
he likes to cuddle in general so will totally let you snuggle up to him if you're scared
and he doesn't get particularly scared himself so he chill
will comfort you like the good man he is
just so <3333
seems unbothered through most of it
but jolts and jumps out of his skin at the jumpscares
he's not particularly scared tho
doesn't let go of your hand throughout the movie but that's just cos he's comfy like that
it's what yall do!
prefers watching stuff like coraline and nightmare before christmas rather than actual horror movies
this poor man's nerves-
comfort him :( pretty please?
he questions his life choices bcs how on earth has he wound up watching a horror movie?
not happy, very sulky
buries his head into the crook of your neck
super clingy but very cute <3
you'll have to comfort him the whole night
scared and just not ready for this type of intensity
just wants a chill night, he didn't sign up for this
will talk during most of the movie to distract himself from the scary parts
even though he's a big boy, he's clinging onto you when it gets more tense
screams in your ear like a banshee
you'll probably be deaf by the end of the night
shrieks till his heart's content
you guys usually watch movies in his bedroom so every time you scream the members come in and tell you guys to shut tf up
which you don't.
likes making fun of the characters sometimes
and mostly telling them
"don't go in there it's a trap... you idiot??????"
not afraid of anything
will take the piss out of you if you're scared, laughing in your face because it's so hilarious to him
but also tells you to be quiet if you're yelling too loudly cos he wants to watch the movie
rude >:(
but makes up for it by letting you eat his candy and popcorn :)
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blubary · 5 months
dylan and ryan doodle pleaseeeee🫶🫶🫶
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For you🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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ghostradiodylan · 9 months
Did you notice that when Emma comes back to the lodge while everyone else (minus Jacob) is at the cabins/radio hut/poolhouse, she calls multiple times for Ryan, Abi, and Kaitlyn, but doesn't once call for Dylan or Nick?
Yes I HAVE noticed that! Partially because my ears perk up at mentions of Dylan like he’s my crush or something lmao. But the omission of the two of them is kind of glaring.
This is SO interesting to me though, I’ve actually thought about it a bit before! It makes sense for her to call for Kaitlyn and Ryan as the de-facto leaders of the group, right? And Abi because they’re besties and possibly secretly in love.
Emma’s a smart girl, maybe she knows that she will find Dylan if she finds Ryan and Nick if she finds Abi because she knows they’re following their crushes around like lovesick puppies. Or maybe she assumes that Dylan and Nick are off doing something useless like getting high and eating picklecicles in the walk-in. But either way, she definitely isn’t looking to either of them to help her out. And who could blame her really? We’ve discussed Nick’s whole… deal. And Dylan has so far likely not proven himself to be capable of more than comedy relief in front of Emma.
She also may be hesitant to even mention Nick if she thinks Abi will hear because, well, that didn’t go great. She doesn’t know Nick is injured either so she’s not thinking to be worried about him.
Thank you for the ask and I’m super interested to hear what others think on this tidbit of counselor relations!
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