#ask mini stay puff marshmallows
urmom-richietozier1 · 4 months
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A single girl who works to ghostbusters rp accs 😔
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Has Twinkie gone after the mini puffs yet? Or has she just been a total snuggles fluffy girl?
I've made an effort to keep her away from the Pufts for now, and so far I've been successful- so she's just been really cuddly as of yet. I hope that doesn't change, I really don't want her to run into any... Marshmallow related incidents.
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ask-phoebespengler · 4 months
This took wat to long pheebs >:(
Well... I appreciate the time you put aside to type out the entirety of a Chapelle Roan song in my ask box.
It is a good song, though - I keep trying to learn the dance but I'm far too uncoordinated.
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ask-larspinfield · 4 months
Lars it's the mini pufts here (@ask-mini-stay-puff-marshmallows)
We sent five of us out into the city to look for trev and we didn't see him....anywhere in the whole city...
That's because he's not in the city.
@ask-trevorspengler let me know when you reach the lab doors.
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sophie-greer-rp-blog · 4 months
- @ask-mini-stay-puff-marshmallows
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- @ask-mini-stay-puff-marshmallows
OH MY GOD THANK YOU! Is he ok? Is he hurt?
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HEYYY :3333
- @ask-mini-stay-puff-marshmallows
-.-- . ... / .--. .-.. . .- ... . (YES PLEASE!!!!)
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ask-pukey-the-ghost · 3 months
HEYYY :3333
- @ask-mini-stay-puff-marshmallows
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ask-chris-sharkey · 5 months
So um hi
My names Chrissy (Chris) Sharkey
I'm 17.
I'm aroace.
I go by they/them
I work in the ghostbusters lab.
So yeah um ask me anything!
Have fun!
{Rules and stuff under cut}
If you wanna find out more about Chris they are on my main page @urmom-richietozier1
Chris is my ghostbusters oc.
This is a rp account for them.
I will not expect:
Sexaulising them or any ghostbusters characters
Homophobic people
Trans phobic people
Leave if you are any of these rn.
Have fun!
And this acc is just for fun too!
If I say Anthing to upset anyone pls tell and I will take it down or fix it.
{I also have another ask blog @ask-mini-stay-puff-marshmallows which is more active}
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bunnyramen · 3 years
You know what such a cute headcannon for Kiribaku is?
Bakugou sees Kirishima do something cute and he doesn’t show any kind of emotion on his face but internally he’s freaking the fuck out.
Or vice versa, Kiri watches Bakugou do something cute and out right tells him “that’s really adorable!!” Or “so cute!!” and Bakugou gets visibly red but his face doesn’t change
-Bakugou just watches Kiri’s little quirks, like taps in his cheeks when he’s thinking, or puffs out his cheeks when he’s mad
- and Bakugou just internally clutches his chest while he just stands there with a scowl trying to keep his composure
- If they’re holding hands, Kirishima will rub his thumb over his and it’s just another “oh fuck, heart may stop, call ambulance” moment that Bakugou adds to his list
- Bakugou has this thing where if he would like to see Kiri smile, he points to the corners of his own mouth and mimics a smile
-Kiri thinks it’s adorable and it never fails to make him grin
-Katsuki also likes to put their hands together when they’re hanging out and measure (Bakugou’s hands are HUGE to accommodate his quirk) and Kirishima just dies on the spot
- Kirishima loves calling Bakugou cute nicknames but his favorite one to call him is “Suga’” because yes❤️
-Bakugou will never outright admit it but he absolutely LOVES the name
-Like every time Kiri greets him with “Hey Suga!” Or “How’s my Suga today?” his brain just repeats it a billion times
-Kirishima thinks it’s really charming that Katsuki gets wrapped up in telling stories about himself and his little victories
- He just stares with practically heart eyes when Bakugou just gets into telling a tale of his accomplishment and his hands are moving along to the story
- Bakugou has the habit of drumming his pointer fingers against things when he’s bored (thanks to him joining the band) and he will deny that he does it but Kiri has so many videos for proof
-When Kiri gets bored, he always has a white marker and starts drawing on his shoes and they always look pretty cool
- Bakugou ofc thinks it’s so lovable and just goes “❤️❤️❤️” in his head every time he does it
- Hc that Kiri’s pupils get real big like a cats, so when he sees Bakugou, they just get huge and Bakugou feels his heart squeeze
- Like bro.. you’re pupils got all big.. cause of me bro?? Bro..
-If Bakugou gets injured (like a paper cut or something), Kiri always has a bunch of bandaids in his pockets (Kiri’s skin is more prone to cuts so his hands are covered in bandaids) and they’re really colorful
- Bakugou has a name for Kiri, which is much rarer than “Honey” or “Darling” and its “Mona” ( After Ballad of Mona Lisa and because Kiri is almost always smiling)
-Kiri thinks it’s such a nice name and goes into a little gay panic on the off chance Bakugou calls him “My Mona Lisa” during a touching moment
-Kiri makes mixtapes in his spare time, so Kiri often gifts Bakugou the ones he made for him
- Bakugou keeps every one and even buys a stereo just to listen to them
- Bakugou singing really cutesy songs with his gravely voice and Kiri just wanting to fall on the floor
- Kirishima will give Bakugou gifts because “it reminded me of you”
- He got a skull keychain with light up eyes and refuses to take that shit off his backpack
- He also has a mini bear with a little mad face that sits in the side pocket
- The amount of times Bakugou has lifted/thrown/carried this rock boy omg
- I feel like Kiri gushes about how strong he is, especially those broad shoulders of his
- Oh boy, to hear the guy you like blabber about how strong you are and ask how much you bench, very cute
- Bakugou will flip and twirl any pen or pencil you give him (also thanks to drumming skills) and Kiri thinks it’s so cool
- Kiri likes to sing but only when he’s alone or else he’ll sing badly on purpose, Bakugou hears him all the time thanks to thin dorm walls
- it really helps because Kiri sleeps later than him and it’s almost like having a little radio
- If Bakugou is ever feeling down, Kirishima will hand him strawberry marshmallows (strawberry is his favorite flavor) and it always manages a smile, even if it’s little
- Kiri thinks it’s really cute when Bakugou smiles when he thinks no one is looking
- Like if they’re hanging out with friends, when they’re all distracted, he’ll smile
- Bakugou has a photo of Kiri that he keeps in his wallet
- Kiri has one too and will not hesitate to show everyone how cute his boyfriend is
- Kiri likes to hum while he brushes his hair and sometimes does it in front of Bakugou when he stays at his dorm
- Kiri never misses an opportunity to tell new people that the guy trying to capture a seagull because it pissed him off is his boyfriend and they stare at him like he’s crazy as Kiri looks over at Bakugou with heart eyes
- If Bakugou thinks in video game, do you think he added Kiri to his party or does he see him as an NPC that never goes away?
- Bakugou is a blind shit and wears glasses, and Kiri pretends he’s a whole different person
- They both know Morse Code and Kiri uses it to send love messages to him
- Kirishima actually has a huge potty mouth when it comes to video games and will regularly curse while playing
- Bakugou Of course sits right next to him to listen
- He’s oddly good at crane games and wins Bakugou anything he wants
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phernlee · 3 years
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After seeing this I had a head cannon.
First, there is no way Clint is leaving the store with one box of Natasha's cereal. It would be more like he would leave the store with 8 shopping carts full of all the Avengers different cereal because he's a dad and know that one box of cereal last about 2.5 seconds; Tony gave him, his credit card so it doesn't matter the cost; and there is no way all those personalities will agree on eating the same cereal; and half of the Avengers members consume 2 to 3 times the number of calories the average human does in a day.
So this sparked head cannons on what the different Avengers favorite cereals are:
Bruce: Panda Balls (actual name is Panda Puffs, but we always call them Panda Balls at my house) they're organic, gluten-free, peanut-butter flavored cereal, similar in shape to Kix cereal.
Clint: Cocoa Puffs, and when he's done he puts the milk from the cereal in his coffee.
Steve: Frosted Mini-Wheats any flavor, because he does have a sweet tooth, although if he had to choose he'd pick the blueberry ones, or Grape Nuts. Both of these are more filling than most cereals so it only takes one box to fill him up instead of three boxes like other cereals.
Valkyrie: Shredded Wheat Biscuits. The old school original ones. When she see Steve eating Frosted Mini-Wheats, she asks him why he's eating kids cereal.
Sam: Lucky Charms.
Bucky: Hasn't figured his favorite one out yet, and usually just grabs a bowl of whatever is handy, trying everyone else's favorite to see what he likes. Except for Lucky Charms, which he spends an equal amount of time telling Sam are the most disgusting type of cereal he's ever tasted, and sneaking in to eat all the marshmallows out of before Sam can get to the box of Lucky Charms.
Steve doesn't approve of this, but ends up helping Bucky because those little marshmallows are just so good.
After a few times of this Sam gets wise and won't even eat the cereal if the bags already open. So Bucky enlists Bruce's help to reseal the cereal bag, which he does because all of the Avengers are trolls, even Bruce.
When Pepper finds out what's going on she buys the Lucky Charms marshmallows by the case for Steve and Bucky to just eat, and hopefully leave Sam's cereal alone. But Pepper doesn't give it directly to them she gives it to Darcy to give to them.
Darcy doesn't give them the marshmallows, she doesn't even tell them they exist, she hides the bag, and after Bucky and Steve have eaten all the marshmallows, she sneaks in and replaces them. Bruce reseals the bag for her as well because if Darcy of Natasha ask you to do something you just do it, no questions asked.
Thor and Jane: Pop-Tarts cereal. Both can put away about 4 boxes in one sitting. Everyone is in constant amazement that Jane can keep up with Steve, Bucky, and Thor's appetites, and wonder where she puts it all. Darcy's theory is all the calories Jane burns with the crazy Asgardian sex.
Darcy: S'mores cereal, because it's like campfires and dessert for breakfast every day. She also uses the milk from it for her coffee.
Carol: Trix. Which Steve hates because while he does have a sweet tooth that is too much sugar in the morning, and all those flavors mixed like that you can't tell what is what, it's too much. Carol tells him he just doesn't get it, because Trix are for kids.
Scott: Eats whatever Cassie's current favorite cereal is.
Wade (Deadpool): Only eats breakfast burritos in the morning. He does eat cereal, but only as a snack or for dinner. And then he just grabs whatever is left over from the others boxes.
(Also because my son asked why I included Deadpool when he's not an Avenger, because he's Deadpool and he does what he wants. Including eating breakfast with the Avengers at the Avengers tower, in the alternate timeline where everyone lives happily together and the last couple of movies never happened.)
Strange: Actually doesn't eat cereal, only egg white omelettes or equally healthy options, except on Sunday's, when the Avengers have brunch with a spread of every breakfast item you could possibly want. Then he eats a little of everything.
Pepper: Oatmeal and Fruit, or Yogurt, granola, and Fruit.
Natasha: Gets up super early and makes Blini with fruit and cream sauce. If you're awake she will make you one, but once she's packed it up for the day no one else gets any. Bucky gets them if he's struggling with his nightmares. Steve occasionally grabs a plain one on his way out for his morning run. Tony, Jane, and Darcy have all had one after late night science benders. Parker eats his with Nutella when he stays at the tower. Loki is the only one who consistently eats them with Natasha because they remind him of Frigga's cooking.
Tony: As a result of poor supervision as a child eats a bizarre combination of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cookie Crisp, and the left over fruit from Pepper and Natasha's breakfast, all in a giant bowl mixed together. The only other person who is even willing to try this mixture is Bucky, who surprisingly also thinks it's amazing.
Parker: Oops All Berries! Which Steve and Tony are constantly trying to hide from him, and convince him to eat any one of the more healthier options available to him. Which is a little ironic considering what Tony eats for breakfast.
Vision: Does not eat food.
Wanda: The first couple of years after joining the Avengers she did run the gambit of cereals and other unhealthy super sugarfied breakfast options. But then she started to miss home. Her mother loved to cook and experiment in the kitchen. Now most mornings find her getting up, just as Natasha is putting away her Blini breakfast items, and making super healthy, fancy breakfast options. Which she encourages the whole team to try instead of the the cereal, but most of them turn their nose up at. Except, of course, Steve, Bucky, Thor, and Jane, who of course can all put away a helping of Wanda's healthy breakfast, and then eat their preferred cereals; Loki who again is reminded of Frigga's cooking; and Strange because Wanda's meals might be the only healthy option in the tower.
Which leads to such scenes as this:
Tony walks into the communal kitchen in the tower, seeing Wanda, Strange, Steve, Bucky, Thor, Jane, and Loki, all sitting around the breakfast bar: Oh God! What is that smell, it's disgusting.
Wanda: It's a spinach, Gouda, and egg white quiche.
Tony looks at the plates of the diners at the breakfast bar: It looks like vomit.
Jane: It's delicious.
Thor, slams empty plate onto the ground, which is plastic because they've learned: Another!
Steve: Thor. Buddy, we've talked about this.
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chrismerle · 4 years
what’s up i spent way too long typing up a post about my thoughts on P5S, and it isn’t even all encompassing. i guess if you’re curious about anything i didn’t mention in this trainwreck just ask.
my spoiler-heavy thoughts/pseudo-review below the cut
The characterization, broadly speaking. If you, like me, loved the Thieves in P5/P5R then you’ll be pretty happy with them here. There are a couple moments that made me roll my eyes (lookin’ at you, hot springs) but on the whole, the main cast are unchanged.
The new characters. Sophia and Zenkichi are great. Sophia is precious and Zenkichi straddles a very fine line of ‘realistically out of the loop, but gives as good as he gets.’ I don’t even care how silly their costumes were. Sophie looked like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man, though I did like her little emoticon visor, but also she had no pants. Wolf’s mask was badass but the fact that his stupid pointy hat was riveted to the top of his stupid disco high collar killed it and I wanted to see someone grab his hat and pull it back to see it fling back into place like a drinky-drinky bird. Even so, the characters were great, and when I noticed that all the attacks for Sophie’s initial pseudo-Persona had question marks after them (Kouga? Dia?), it made me laugh, and Wolf’s a good all-purpose party member because he hits like a fucking truck and nothing is immune to Almighty. Plus in some of his post-battle dialogue he calls them all ‘kiddos’ and they consistently call him Gramps.
The gameplay. I mean, yeah, it’s VERY different than P5, but you all know that. And hey! The game no longer immediately ends if Joker gets knocked out (unless he’s the only one left in the party, obviously). It ran pretty smoothly, there’s something weirdly charming about the other Thieves showing up perched on cover points, and the only consistent issue I ran into is that in segments where the camera gets forced into a certain angle, it can switch back so abruptly at the end that you accidentally go walking right off a ledge.
I’ve never really played a Dynasty Warriors-type game before, so it took me a Jail or so to get used to it, but then I was just cackling as I mowed down swarms of Jack Frosts like a weed-whacker in a flower field with a knife the size of Joker’s torso. Honestly, it took me the longest to get used to the fact that the circle button became the all-purpose ‘interact’ button than anything else.
Actually, that’s a lie. It took me the longest to get used to the fact that if I left a Jail, I wouldn’t be losing any time. I’m very used to Persona games having the calendar constantly counting down, which wasn’t the case here.
The story, broadly speaking. It had some hiccups and some issues, which I’ll get into, but for the most part, it was fun. I’m...not going to outline every detail of the story here, but it felt very P5-y and I enjoyed it.
The writing. It was a little inconsistent, beyond just the usual weirdness that I have accepted comes along with Persona games. (//patiently clicks through numerous conversations of the gang going ‘did this super obvious thing that this memory threw in our faces happen? Let’s debate about whether the most likely answer by a huge margin is the answer’ and several conversations of ‘are we sure this person is bad? We saw them playing nice, like literally every other villain we’ve faced’) A lot was great! Like, the bit with the Okinawa locals breaking into the RV while the kids hide in the bushes? Genuinely unsettling! Akane’s Jail and the fake Thieves was fun, and seeing Zenkichi scuttle from hiding place to hiding place without Thief powers was funny, and his Shadow’s glowing eyes watching him before becoming his Persona was both badass and unsettling. The realization that EMMA was actively lying to Konoe was nice. Character interactions were great and I loved that Sophia went with Ichinose at the end. There was a lot that was good. But there were also a lot of missteps.
Like, it kind of felt like the direction for the writing changed partway through. It started out as if each member of the Phantom Thieves was going to get their own time to shine, identifying and empathizing with a Monarch. Ann realized she could have been Alice. Yusuke realized he could have been Ango and also saw redeeming him as sort of like redeeming Madarame by proxy. Mariko was a link to Haru’s childhood and her father. The ghost Jail on Okinawa lured Sophie in and by the end she realized how much she meant to her friends ryuji said fuck. Akane was Zenkichi’s literal daughter. And then it went to Konoe and then EMMA, so Ryuji, Futaba, Morgana, Makoto, and Joker didn’t get a chance to shine in that regard. The switch from ‘a Jail for everyone to identify with’ to ‘whelp here’s the decoy and the end boss’ felt like they came from two separate drafts of the script, and it’s not like they had to watch the time; I got through P5S in about a third the time it took me to get through P5R. It took me about 35 hours. Considering the game kind of relies on you having played P5, they already knew their target audience has a longer attention span than that.
Owada was talked up as kind of a big deal, but he had like two scenes on-screen and otherwise was an entirely off-screen character. There’s a lot of mid-combat dialogue that is very difficult to focus on, which was sort of annoying when some of it was actually relevant. Ichinose’s reveal as a villain is very info-dump-y.
Plus, Joker wasn’t utilized particularly well as a silent protagonist. He’s got more implied personality than basically any other Persona protag. Which means he’s actually pretty expressive throughout the game, but I can probably count his lines of dialogue outside of combat with fingers left over. No one expects Yu Narukami to actually react to anything, so it doesn’t feel odd when he doesn’t. But the combination of Joker being reasonably expressive and having a demonstrated personality means you’re perpetually EXPECTING and WANTING him to say something about the shit going on, and when he doesn’t it feels like mentally missing a stair.
The cut corners. Like, a lot of things just seem lazy. There were scenes that really should have been included that weren’t, like how the Thieves escaped from the hotel after the police showed up; it cut from Zenkichi warning them and getting arrested to them arriving at the temporary hideout, so we never even got to see how the Thieves reacted to realizing the cops were outside. Requests to bond with the other Thieves only got a couple of text boxes, when they could have shown a tiny scene of them hanging out like they had all over P5. Rather than having Sae actually on-screen for her brief scene, the camera instead very unnaturally switched to an angle as if it was from her point of view, which was literally the only time the camera did that in the entire game. All of the Sentries look the same from Jail to Jail, instead of being unique to each Jail. Igor is completely absent for the entire game, and other than a throwaway ‘my master can’t be here’ from Lavenza it’s just not really acknowledged.
The missed opportunities. Like, there is no way to look at this except to assume that Joker was a horrible friend to literally everyone in this world state. Like, I can pass off the fact that everyone has their baseline Personae as being because they haven’t had access to their powers for a while, but when you combine it with the fact that NONE of Joker’s other confidants show up or even know he’s back in Tokyo, it leaves little to assume except that in this world, no confidants got maxed out. On top of that, the Personae are all basically pointless. They could be Pokemon or Stands or Digimon or fucking YuGiOh cards, and it wouldn’t make a difference; NOTHING about the game says ‘these entities are integral to this world and important to these characters.’ Also they could have had Akane actually realize who the Thieves were and it would have been hysterical, but that’s just my personal sulk.
The Requests. I liked the Mementos missions in P5/P5R. They felt like they had a point. Requests in P5S are all basically just fetch quests. ‘Go to Location A, fight so many of Enemy B to get so many of Item C. Turn in Request.’ Hell, one of them bugged out on me, I swear. There’s a Request to teach Zenkichi how to cook a simple meal, and Haru gives you a recipe including beef. I had no beef on me at the time, because if you want SP restoratives you gotta cook a fair amount and I used it, and I could find literally no beef in the city I was in at the time so I had to abandon the Request. On top of that, outside of getting food or a few moments where another character specifically asks for Joker’s attention, character-specific Requests mostly replace the ability to bond with the other characters individually.
The restoratives. Or, more specifically, the disparity between HP restoratives and SP restoratives. There’s essentially one cookable recipe to restore SP for every four recipes to restore HP. Even if I stopped at every store and vending machine, I’m pretty sure there were a couple cities where I could find NO SP restoratives for sale, while most stores and vending machines had at least two or three HP restoratives. And while it is true that you can go in and out of a Jail whenever you please to restore SP, that doesn’t help you if you run out during a boss fight you weren’t expecting (mini-boss encounters are virtually identical to regular monster encounters) or during one of the times where you CAN’T leave the Jail for reasons XYZ.
The final boss, and not just because I died and had to start over a few times. As a concept, EMMA could be cool, but in reality she just seemed like the writers threw Yaldabaoth and Maruki in a blender and poured the results into the game. Like Yaldabaoth, she is a false god who seeks to control humanity, claiming it’s what they want. Like Maruki, she seems genuinely deluded into thinking it’s for the best and that she’s not doing anything wrong. Her Jail looked like a slightly sci-fi reskin of the Depths of Mementos. The shtick with the multiple platforms and getting to actually SEE an all-out attack at the end were nice, but for the most part the fight itself was nothing special. Ultimately, EMMA had nothing unique going for her except her name.
Plus, EMMA’s entire rationale was that the majority of humans want someone else to control their lives for them, essentially out of convenience. And she’s presented as being more or less right, but that just being one of the hurdles of being human. It seemed a little dour and far-fetched. Like, the Thieves repeatedly point out that struggling allows people to grow, and they’re right, but in my experience, I’ve never actually met anyone who, upon hitting a roadblock, decided ‘Jesus take the wheel.’ Considering the greed with which her weird tentacle arms snatched up the solidified Desires, the pettiness of the complaints she used as a “gotcha,” and the fact that she just kind of reiterates her ‘people want to be controlled’ point over and over, I think it would have felt a bit more true to life and given her more agency if, instead of presenting her as largely correct, it instead acknowledged that everyone at some time or another hits a wall and wants someone to tell them what to do and had her capitalizing on those individual brief moments to hook people in, despite her having reams of data that for most people, those moments are temporary.
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tsukaramachi · 5 years
Hide and seek (Vincent x reader)
(I didn’t have time last time to draw out the drool prompt because I was finishing up school work because it was the last day of the first quarter and I was watching anime aha, but I made this based off of the prompt and that vampiresh Vincent doodle)
Running down the dimly lit alley way, water splashed against your legs as you stepped onto countless rain puddles. The cool air harshly pricking at your skin made your fingers feel numb and the puffs of white breath that left from your lips grew. Even if your feet are aching and your eardrums kept pounding into you head, you never stopped. Oh how dumb you felt for not noticing sooner the season sooner. The crisp red and golden leaves, the cool breeze in the air and the more frequent drops of rain showering the area. It was finally fall and it had been settling in while you were preoccupied with your school work. Yes, it was a time to have fun and appreciate the shift from the fun beaches and hot summer sun to the cool and pleasant qualities of autumn, but you didn’t have time to think about those things.
You had a yearly tradition with your beloved companion Vincent: Hide and seek. The game that many children love to play and even adults for the idea of the thrill of being close to be found. But the fun tradition you played had slowly become more intense. Vincent’s behavior became more clingy as you got older and the pure fun activities you enjoyed so much would sometimes cross the line. The rewards he asked for if he won became more intimate. At first it was a one minute hug then it became five minutes. Then that hug evolved into holding your hand for an hour to having you spend three hours of your day with him. Then a peck on the cheek added on with a hug session. This year, his new proposal was daunting and sent a chill up your spine. For the rest of the month of october, you would free up your schedule and spend it solely with him, day and night. It didn’t scare you at first, but fear of the unknown slowly crept up on you and seized your heart. You felt afraid, nervous, and anxious as to what’s in store for you, but Vincent fed more into that fear with his secretive attitude. Whenever you asked him what he was doing during his free time, he would just smile at you and lift his gloved hand to his lips and pretend to lock his words away with an imaginary key.
So you were stuck, trapped in this yearly game. You didn’t want to go back on your word, but you had stopped winning these games after the time limit to stay hidden became longer. You kept on losing and you were now risking your freedom for the whole month. You feel you aren’t in danger, but for the strange dread that continues to brew within you, it sure feels that way. Going up to the local library, you looked up at the darkened gray sky as it gave the tall building a dreary vibe. You make your way in and see that there are only a handful amount of people around, so you head towards the back area to a place you know no one would ever look. Walking past the walls of books, you slip into a door in the back that lead to a separate room from the rest of the library.
Gliding your hand against the wall to find the light switch, you stop. Realizing that the light might crack through underneath the door, you didn’t want to take the risk of getting found. So you stepped in, slowly closing the door behind you. It was too dark for you to really see anything, but the light from the other side of the door slightly leaked through. You could make out some of the objects in front of you and cautiously make your way to the back. A small gap behind a bookcase revealed a large empty box and you step inside. Lowering yourself down, you bring the lid down as well and hug your knees to your chest. It was small, but it wasn’t uncomfortable so you can manage. Taking out your phone, the screen illuminates the image of you and Vincent smiling happily together. Putting the phone to mute and shutting it off, you place it on the side and wait silently.
Minutes pass and maybe even an hour, but you felt confident that you wouldn’t be found. You never had tried to find use the library before and Vincent wouldn’t know about it. Your previous hiding spots were in locations you had visited with Vincent, but this year you specifically went out by yourself to find a good hiding spot. Although, you feel as you should have planned out a better way to pass time as you waited for you were stuck here now for almost the whole day. This library is special due to it staying open 24/7 for college students to pull all-nighters, but waiting alone in a dark room in an enclosed space isn’t the best spot to keep yourself busy. So closing your eyes, you begin to count the seconds that’ll lead to your freedom.
“Excuse me miss…are you alright?”
Opening your eyes, you feel a slight coolness present on your chin. You reach to wipe it, but realize that you had drooled from probably dozing off. Quickly, you vigorously wipe away the saliva on your chin with your sleeve. Giving your attention to the stranger, you’re struck by awe at his features. A sweet smile paired with kind ruby eyes and snow white hair bangs that framed his face; you feel your heart skip a beat as he helps you out of the box. You feel embarrassed at how you were found by someone so cute, but you realize that you don’t know the time. Grabbing your phone out of the box, you check the time. A sigh of relief flows out of you as the time is 11:50 pm. A small smile creeps up on your lips as victory will soon be yours. Turning to the white haired boy, you ask him for a small favor. “Can you help me find a place to hide for a bit? Somewhere quiet and not well known is good and uhm…I’ll also explain why I was in a box…”
“O-Oh sure, um here we can go into the break room. I’m the only one on the night shift so we can go there.” he says as he points towards the checkout area. As you follow the worker to the back, you noticed that there was no one within the library. But even though there was no one around you still had to be cautious until it reached midnight. The white haired boy pulls out a seat for you as you walk into the room with a tan table in the center. You thank him and sit down while he heads to an adjacent room. You hear him shuffle around and a stove turn up. You’re curious as to what’s he’s going but you decide to sit and wait. A few minutes later, he comes back out with two white mugs of hot cocoa.
“Here you go.” He says with a smile. You take it gratefully and give him a small smile. Blowing over the hot surface, you try to cool it down before taking a sip. The boy smiles at you while he takes a seat opposite of you, holding the mug in his hand. Rich hot chocolate and cream glides down your throat and you’re able to taste some of the mini marshmallows inside. You let out an exhale as the warm liquid settles in your tummy.
“Is it good?” he asks as he stirs his drink with a spoon.
You nod happily, “Oh right, um sorry I didn’t introduce myself before but my name is (Y/N), and you are..?”
“Ah I’m sorry, my name is Yuuto. Oh, would you like some whip cream with your chocolate?”
“Yes please! I actually like to put some in after my hot chocolate has cooled down and it’s the perfect temperature.”
He nods and goes back into the kitchen and comes out with a can of whip cream and a small piece of chocolate. He walks over to you and you hand him your mug, he puts just the right amount before handing it back to you along with the piece of chocolate nestled in the top. You thank him again and you take another sip.
“So miss (Y/N), why were you hiding in the storage area?” Yuuto asks as he takes his seat again.
You finish the last of your hot cocoa and pop the piece of chocolate in your mouth, “I was playing hide and seek with a friend of mine. I thought the back was a good place and it really is! It’s almost midnight and I’ll be free.”
“Free from what I may ask?”
You lean in your chair and let out a sigh, “My friend Vincent, he’s always won but this year I had to give up my whole month to him. But now since I’ll be winning, would you like to exchange numbers? I-I’d actually like to get to you know better and repay you for the hot chocolate…”
Looking up, you notice that Yuuto’s staring at you with a dazed expression, “Yuuto…?”
He looks down and begins to let out a low chuckle, “My my miss (Y/N), isn’t it quite cruel to not want to spend time with your friend but with a stranger?”
“Wh-What are you talking about” you ask, pushing yourself more into your chair. You watch as Yuuto stands up, but his head continues to hang low. His bangs casting a shadow over his face. Slowly, he walks over you as he slides a finger against the surface of the table.
“You know miss (Y/N) I find it strange that you can speak so casually to a stranger,” his hair begins to grow longer and fall along his shoulders, “and not be worried about being in a room alone with a male…” his smaller petite stature gradually changes and so does his clothes. Long white hair that fades down into a gradient of pink and a pitch black cloak that shadows over a white buttonup shirt and black pants. He’s now towering over you.
“And you never asked me for permission. It hurts my feelings you know? To be left all alone.”
You’re frozen in place as you’re staring straight up into Vincent’s vermillion eyes. A smirk is etched into his face as he looks down on you. The chime from the clock outside in the library echoes throughout the building, and your fate is sealed. Crouching down to make his face close to yours, he lifts your face with a gloved hand and kisses your lips.
Still frozen in place, you were processing what just happened. For the kind worker you thought was just a stranger actually knew you this whole time. The specific way the hot cocoa was made to how he had never even taken a sip of his drink were all hints. You had lost and you didn’t even realize it until now.
Moving close to your ear he whispers in a low husky voice, “Time’s up my beloved, and now you’re mine.”
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lovingalexlots · 5 years
Throw Back Thursday v.6
It’s December now, so of course this week’s throwback is Slippery Slopes, which is the second Christmas Special I did.
Ao3 Link
Posting date: 12-27-2018
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1,447
Relationships: Destiel
Other Tags:  Winter, winter holidays, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Accidents, black ice is a bitch, it sucks ass, Hot Chocolate, Fluff, Dean is sweetheart, Cas is clumsy, Adorkable Dean Winchester, Adorkable Castiel (Supernatural), Helpful Dean Winchester
Prompt:  “I slipped on ice outside your house and you ran outside barefoot to help me. Quick, let’s get inside and under a blanket!”
Dean looks out the window to check how much snow fell so far when he sees Cas bite it on some black ice. He rushes out to help the stranger and invites him inside to warm up.
(Fic below cut)
The microwave gives off a high pitched beep.
Dean takes out his mug, being careful of the hot handle, and mixes it a little with a spoon before adding a few mini marshmallows. He blows on it a few times to cool it off while he makes his way to the living room. The TV plays a hallmark movie in a low volume, but he’d eat his own foot before admitting that he even has the channel.
It’s been snowing for the better part of the day, but when he glances outside, he notices that the snow has stopped. Dean moves closer to the window to see just how much has fallen. He takes a sip of hot cocoa as he observes how the snow gives everything a nice white coating.
Christmas lights and sunlight sparkle off the white crystals. Baby has a light coating that Dean’ll have to swipe off, along with clearing out the walk way again. Similar to the neighbor across the street, who’s already outside sweeping the inch or so of snow off his driveway.
Not many people are out right now since it’s already Christmas eve and it’s starting to get late. However, Dean does notice a man in a long beige coat making his way down the sidewalk. He’s carrying one large present and a few littler ones. The man is wearing a light blue scarf that hides most of his face, along with a blue snowflake patterned beanie with a white pompom on top.
The stranger has just passed by Dean’s driveway when his feet start to slide. Before the man can react, his feet shoot out from under him and he falls, presents flying into the air and landing in the snow bank at the edge of Dean’s yard.
“Shit,” Dean spits, setting his mug on the side table and rushing to his door. That fall looked pretty painful. When he steps outside, the man is still laying on the ground.
He rushes over to the man, making sure to stay off the black ice the man slipped on. “Hey, are you okay? That was a nasty spill!” Dean says as he helps the man to his feet.
“I’m… I’m okay. I didn’t see the ice…” The man sounds utterly humiliated and Dean has the urge to comfort him.
“It’s alright, everyone slips at some point. Especially with this kinda weather. Damn invisible black ice.” Dean offers his hand to the man. “I’m Dean by the way.”
The man takes Dean’s hand with his gloved ones. “Castiel.” It’s then that Dean gets a good look at the man. His scarf has been moved out of the way of his face, revealing chapped pink lips and a stubbled chin that could’ve been carved by Greek sculptors. The man’s blue --holy fuck, really blue-- eyes look Dean over and Dean has the decency to feel his cheeks burn.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but aren’t you cold?” The man -- Castiel damn it, call him by his name-- asks him. Dean looks down, only now noticing that he rushed out here in just his fuzzy Christmas socks, flannel pj pants, and an ugly Christmas sweater. Now that it was brought to attention, he’s fucking freezing!
He wraps his arms around his torso and his teeth begin to chatter as all the cold floods him at once. “Now that you mention it? Hell yeah. C’mon, inside, I’ll get you some hot cocoa and we can both warm up.” Dean rushes to pick up a few of the presents and practically jogs back inside, hoping that Cas follows. He does.
Dean sets the presents he carried on the table in the kitchen and Cas follows suit. Before doing anything else, Dean goes over to a vent in the floor and pulls out the hem of his sweater, letting it puff up with the warm air from the vent. He lets out a contented sigh, “much better.”
He doesn’t notice the way the corner of Castiel’s lips twitch upwards.
“Okay, let’s see… I promised you hot cocoa. Go ahead and sit down, make yourself comfortable.” Cas takes a seat at the tiny island while Dean busies himself getting the ingredients together. He works quick and efficient with the ease of someone who’s done this countless times before. He mixes everything together and places it in the microwave. “Quicker this way,” he reasoned, thinking that Cas might find it odd that he doesn’t just use the stove.
While the microwave is going, he slips into the living room real quick to grab his own mug, pleasantly surprised when he finds it still nice and warm. He comes back and the microwave beeps.
“How many ‘mallows?”
“I’ve never had it with marshmallows before.”
Dean gives an ever exaggerated gasp, putting his hand over his heart in offense.
“Never had marshmallows in his hot cocoa.” He says it as if Cas has offended his very way of life.
“We gotta fix such an outrage!” he declares, plopping at least six marshmallows into Castiel’s cup. “Try this. It’s the good shit.”
Cas gives a soft chuckle before accepting the mug and taking a tentative sip.
“You’re right, it is really good. I’ll definitely be adding them for now on.” A big smile splits Dean’s face. “Awesome. Knew you’d like it.”
There’s a moment of silence where they both enjoy their cocoa. It’s a comfortable silence where people can just soak in the other person’s company.
“So, what were you doing walking down the street at a time like this?” Dean asks, sitting down across from Cas.
“Well, I was heading to my brother’s house --me, a few of our siblings, and some friends gather there every year-- but my car broke down as I turned onto the street.”
“I can take a look at it if you want. I’m handy with anything that got a motor.”
“Thank you. That would be great.”
Dean lowers his mug, “wait, who’s your brother?”
“Gabriel Novak. He lives with our cousin Balthazar a few houses down from this one.”
“Oh those dudes. Honestly? Don’t see the resemblance.”
Cas laughs. “We get that a lot.”
Once they’re both done, the two bundle up into their coats, Cas putting the presents in the backseat of Baby while Dean throws some tools in the trunk, along with a small can of gas just in case.
The two go down the road and Dean laughs when he sees Castiel’s car. “Oh dude… no wonder you broke down!” he jokes as they get out.
“Hey, this car has been good to me so far!” Cas defends.
“Yeah, well, that doesn’t change the fact that this ol’ girl is about ready to retire!” Cas unlocks the car and gives Dean the keys accompanied by a pout. It only takes Dean one try of turning it on to know that it’s out of gas.
Cas blushes. “My-my gage must have broken…” Dean just gives him an amused look over his shoulder and grabs the little gas can from his trunk.
And with that, the car starts right up. Turns out the gage really was broken, saying that there’s three-fourths of a tank even though Dean had only put in half a gallon or so. Cas gets in and rolls down his window, letting Dean lean down on it. There’s a pause where neither of them know what to say.
“Well… uh…” Dean scratches the side of his nose with his thumb, “you should be able to get that checked out real easy. Um. My uncle owns the shop in town, Singer’s auto? I could call him and put in a good word for you.”
“Thank you Dean. For everything.”
Dean rubs the back of his head “It-It was nothing. It was nice meeting you. Uh, maybe we could meet up again at some point. Shouldn’t be hard seeing how your brother lives right down the street and all…”
Cas gives him a sweet and encouraging smile. “I’d like that.”
Dean’s face splits in a smile once again. “Awesome. Guess I’ll see you around then.” And with that, they say their goodbyes and Cas drives away.
Dean stands on the side of the road watching him drive away for a few moments before shaking himself out of his thoughts and driving back home. It was too cold to be standing outside having a mental breakdown about how cute the neighbor’s brother is.
It’s only a few days until New Years when there’s a knock on Dean’s door. When he opens it, there’s Cas, holding a pan of what looks like leftovers, and a shy little smile on his face.
“Hello Dean.”
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sophie-greer-rp-blog · 4 months
Fav singers/artists/bands?
dont tell anyone but i am a massive fearnot. i have pretty basic music taste, taylor swift, billie eilish, olivia rodrigo etc but ill listen to basically anything.
ps. if its you @ask-mini-stay-puff-marshmallows then ily guys but you scare the shit out of me.
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@ask-mini-stay-puff-marshmallows why is one of you in my house? Better yet why does this little guy seem to be completely docile, he isn't violent at all.
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