#ask tchalla
monarch-of-wakanda · 6 months
Do you got that dog in you? 👀
Girl I'm a cat wdym
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tchallasthirsttrap · 1 year
Do you like acrylic nails?
Yeah! and then holding my hand like
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fiprobably · 5 months
Are there any other MCU ships you like?
A lot, actually! I know I post a lot of Sambucky, but I do have other (pretty generic) ships I like, namely Romanogers, PalmerStrange and so on.
Danbeau (Carol x Maria)
I do like Ironstrange and some other, more minor ships as well, but usually only when they get canon content (cough hyper-fixation cough).
Other Sam-related ships I follow are Samsteve and SamT'Challa. And the mixes of said ships (Samstevebucky etc.)
I also have a strong opinion about Stucky, mainly because of the toxicity of the fandom. The ship is cute in and of itself, and I love the abundance of fanwork, but the fans are a little too extreme to really get me into it.
Thanks for the ask! Both of my blogs' askbox is always open for questions, requests and chatting! (pls talk to me i'm lonely)
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housewifebuck · 2 months
Kitten #1 -> Sally
Kitten #2 -> Eddie
Kitten #3 -> Buck (screaming when Bobby's in danger)
Kitten #4 -> T'Challa
Kitten #5 -> Rose
Kitten #6 -> Capy
What is the theme here 😭
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antvnger · 1 year
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Scott flinched some, a bit startled by the sudden appearance of the King of Wakanda. He cleared his throat and straightened his attire some, feeling a little too disheveled to be around royalty. “Uhhh,” he said before clearing his throat again. “Yes, yes. I’m Scott Lang…your highness.” Is that the right term? Scott wondered to himself. He hoped so anyway.
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kenny-lol · 2 years
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pls send moonpanther writing prompts my brain is all shriveled up and crumpled like a prune
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anti-tony-god · 1 year
Wasn't Klaw introduced as T'Challa's arch-enemy?
I just say shit for notes
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griot-of-wakanda · 2 years
For the NSFW headcanon: Star Lord is a little shy when it comes to sex, Black panther helps him through that.
"What's wrong?"
"I-I-I uhm... it's nothing, I don't know why I'm-"
"-Are you nervous?"
The younger man nodded and shrugged minutely, blushing fiercely under his deep bronze. This wasn't his first time having sex, but his stomach was filling up with butterflies in the presence of his beloved King.
"Is this your first time?" the Panther whispered into his cheek.
"Not really, I just- I've never done it with someone like you...."
A smirk formed on the King's lips. "Someone like me?"
"You know, someone who you'd meet again and have a relationship with after doing it... like..." he waved his hand around weakly, but quietened as his lover drew close.
"Don't worry... I'm here, I've been there. You'll get the hang of it in no time." He said, gently taking the Pirate's elbows in his palms.
Starlord bit his lip and melted into the King's proximal body, "I trust you..."
"Well, I am you..."
They chuckled and touched foreheads.
Starlord gasped all of a sudden and felt his face heat up like a sun. A hardness pushed into his hip as he embraced the King, increasing the level of sexual intimacy between them. The look in the King's eyes wasn't any less blush-worthy.
The Panther was hungry. Hungry for a taste of Ravager.
"Hm?" T'Challa paused in his advance, listening.
"I'm not sure what to do..."
A rumble erupted in the King's chest, coming out in a growl that sent blood rushing to the Pirate's dick: "Leave that to me, Kitten..."
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black-wisdom · 2 years
i was wondering if you knew where to find a killmonger fanart/fan comic from years ago. he's in the ancestral plains playing basketball and i think it's shuri who sees him in a vision. it may have been an au where tchalla is actually killed (???). killmonger tells her to go home because "he's not here." i remember the artwork being absolutely breathtaking, lots of blue + purple. it was the kind of fanart that left such an imprint on me but i can't seem to find it anywhere
I wish I could help you but I don’t know. Hope you find it or someone else can help maybe? Thanks for the q btw!
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Heyyy could you write where Erik obviously takes over the throne & gains the queen ( tchallas wife) in the process, after weeks of disdain for Erik.. she caves in/let him have his way with her
To everyone else, T'Challa was the King. He was the Black Panther, beloved by all and adored. Honest, brave, elegant, and caring. He put the welfare of his people before his very life. That was the miracle of T'Challa's rule.
To you, he was your life. He was your partner, your teammate, your support, your lover, your husband. Photos and mementos lay scattered before you as you reminisce, bitterness and twisting thoughts causing you to sear in your anger. You can't help but think that he should still be here. There's no good reason why he isn't.
There's a knock on the door that you ignore. Every time someone in the palace speaks to you, it pisses you off. They are traitors, living comfortably in a palace they don't deserve, serving a murderer.
They knock again, asking if you'd like to come out for dinner with the new King. Everyone seems to have moved on, you think angrily. Everyone but you.
"I'll come to dinner when that imposter you call a king is in chains and beheaded. Serve me his head on a platter and my appetite will have returned sevenfold."
You pick up a polaroid you took of T'Challa and look at the date. It hasn't even been a month since it was taken, only 9 days since T'Challa's death.
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When the news travels back to Erik that you still refuse to comply with his requests, he isn't surprised.
"Who's been giving her food behind my back?"
You should've been crawling to him, begging for something to eat.
"If I ask again, none of you, including your families, will eat. I'll make sure of that."
Erik noticed the chef look at a Dora.
His finger curved, beckoning her near to his throne. When she was close enough, he threw a blade, striking her directly in the forehead. Her body thudded to the ground.
"And that wasn't even vibranium."
The cook lowered his eyes in horror. The Dora couldn't decide whether to hold their positions or fight back. The palace staff was broken.
"What," Erik challenged. "Y'all look like y'all wanna do something! Come'on," his lip curled under ferociously, bearing gold fangs.
No one stepped forward.
"The next person I hear stepping foot near Ms. Queen without my permission? You can look forward to joining your friend in the afterlife. Am I CLEAR?"
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Typically, Asira would sneak into your corridor, and you'd unlock your bedroom quarters to accept fresh and sweet warm yeast bread and water, but she hasn't shown in two days. You're famished, sleeping it off between bouts of mourning.
Finally, there's a quiet knock. You rush to unlock and open the bedroom door, but it's not Asira. Killmonger pushes the door wide.
"So this is the king's suite."
You start to walk out, but remember your chest of memories and dive to gather the scattered photos, putting them back inside. He steps on one as you grab it.
"You really loved him, huh."
You freeze, weighing your response.
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"I used to have love in my life. It was taken from me. Three times. First time, it was my father. Airships from Wakanda came down from the sky, and by the time I made it in the house... he was dead. I'd never seen so much as a sign of visitation before then. Lost my uncle in the same night. Of course, you called him Zuri."
Your lip twitches, the hint of a snarl forming.
"Uncle James was a traitor just like his nation. Just like all of you. You're all cowards!"
One drag of his boot rips the photo.
"Why should you be happy..."
Angrily, he pulls you up by your shoulder and captures your ornately twisted afro bun in his grip, turning your face so he can look at your cowardice up close.
"You married into a family of murderers and you have the nerve to judge me?! Look up at me!"
Something sharp plunges into his chest, piercing him with familiar pain.
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Your dark brown eyes are vengeful and shining with all the grief and fury you've felt the past few days. Killmonger took your husband, your shared dreams, and the one true king.
You look directly into his eyes, your face scrunching while you push your letter opener into his heart with all your strength. Panting, you look down on him as he labors.
"For my husband."
Turning your nose up at his dying gasps, you turn away. The Dora should've done this. Anyone with allegiance to Wakanda should've done this.
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With labored breathing, Erik looks down at the blood around the jeweled letter opener lodged in his chest cavity. Direct hit.
You step back slowly, thinking you've done something, but all you've done is turn a battle into an all-out war. Not a war between territories, but a war between his will and yours.
"You think you can kill me?"
His eyes on you, he chuckles.
This is the first pushback he's gotten since T'Challa. He watches you closely, grimacing and sweating as he pulls the letter opener from his chest. It's costed in blood, but thanks to the powers bestowed on him by the herb, he'll heal.
Pulling himself to his feet, he goes to take the corner of your pure white duvet, cleaning the blood from the small blade. He pants silently, still in recovery.
"You understand why I killed him..."
He swings the knife low with his gait as he approaches you. "Up until now, your leaders have been content in doing nothing, at peace with the bare minimum. T'Challa-"
"Don't you DARE insult T'Challa in MY presence," you point, stopping him in his tracks.
"T'Challa," Erik stresses, looking you in the eye. "As noble as he was, he needed to be replaced by someone with some real fire."
"You can go to hell," you nearly whisper, enraged.
He steps forward.
"There's one person in this entire palace with the guts to oppose me, and you’re not even a trained fighter... I can take you down at any point. You and I both know that."
"So why don't you?"
"I have other plans. I'd like you to remain Queen to convince our citizens to trust in my efforts. I'd like you to join me as an advisor at my side. Afterall, everything I do as King is for the advancement of Wakanda and the African diaspora."
"I'll never join you. You may as well kill me."
"Tempting," Erik's eyes narrow. "But no. I believe in my vision, and that vision includes you. You have the opportunity to use that anger to help a lot of people. I believe... after you've spent a few more days in here without food or water, you'll either come to the same conclusion or you'll waste away quietly. Either way."
He looks you up and down. Whatever you choose, he's prepared.
"As long as I live, so will his legacy. I will never stop fighting you."
"I believe you," he nods. "Even as I approach you with a knife, you don't run. You're not suicidal. You've been planning your next attempt on my life."
He stops inches from you and trails the bejeweled letter opener from your cleavage up your open and smooth brown chest, up your neck.
"I like it. You tough."
The light bounces off of your supple skin. It looks soft and bouncy, covered in a layer of raw shea butter.
He brings his face close enough to your neck to smell your gentle fragrance.
He doesn't acknowledge the sound of your gurgling stomach or your glare of hate as he dangles the blade in front of your face.
"Whether you join me or die is completely in your hands, but as for this? I'm keeping this."
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He leaves, and the door closes behind him. When you open it, the Dora you once loved are blocking you in. They stand firm with their spears, shame on their faces as they avoid your look of judgment.
Asira isn't among them, which means she's probably dead.
You close yourself back into the room as you resign yourself to join her and your husband.
The hours are long. The hunger and thirst is strong. You patch the ripped photo and stash it safely with the other memorabilia, meditating and sleeping as a distraction. It's already been a couple of days with no food or water. Still, you hold out.
Four days in, you're dying slowly in a torture that feels unbearable. As honorable as your intentions are, T'Challa wouldn't want to see you suffer this way. You imagine he's with you, lying next to you. Right after teasing you about your body temperature being too high for cuddling only to bring you in closer, he'd tell you to take the food. Live at any cost. It feels selfish when you know T'Challa can no longer enjoy these things with you, but you know it's not. You're doing it FOR HIM.
If you're going to kill Killmonger. You have to eat.
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When the news travels to Erik that you've finally come to your senses, his elbows prop on the dining table in wait of what's sure to be another interesting encounter.
You arrive in a modest white dress and matching headwrap, the traditional mourning color. He killed your man, and you want him to feel guilty seeing you as widow. He doesn't. He doesn't even really care.
"Sit closer."
He stares, watching you play musical chairs to keep your distance until you're right beside him. You look perfectly weak, tired, and hungry... More willing.
He doesn't miss the hesitation as you consider using the dinner knife as a weapon. Part of him hopes you'll give him a reason.
"I'm not your enemy."
The subdued murderous rage seeping from you despite your exhaustion is admirable.
"You are my sole enemy as far as I'm concerned," you mutter.
He turns to you fully, having been thinking about telling you something specific since he last saw you.
"I've done nothing but try to show you a system that's been broken from the start. I didn't SNEAK into the borders, though I could have. I EARNED passage by killing the black market arms dealer who murdered Wakandans and somehow eluded not one but two of your black panthers. I did that, and I didn't SEIZE the palace, though I could have. I followed your protocol and let you arrest me, taking me straight to the King who I defeated by YOUR OWN customs. You wanna vilify me? Go ahead. I didn't start this. You did when you killed my parents. I'm finishing it."
You stab at the food as he watches the conflict in your mind. His words are reaching you even if you hate him.
"I haven't been challenged in my power and authority since T'Challa," he repeats. "You're the only one who seems to give a damn that he's dead."
You look up quickly.
"-and that's a broken system. I've been where you are. Even being from the Panther Tribe, these people destroyed my family, betrayed my father's memory, and abandoned me. They are the weak links who, out of fear and tradition, won't challenge authority. They won't stand up for what's right. They wouldn't know right from wrong. They are selfish, and they are cowards. They are the traitors."
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His words reflect how you feel. Everyone has fallen in line to the new regime as if T'Challa wasn't just here a couple of weeks ago, walking the halls. They smiled to his face then, but act now as if he never existed.
"We're not so different." He holds up a finger for you to listen. "Our responses have been to rebel. To honor the memory of our loved ones. But this goes deeper than us and our pain. I'm asking you, will you remain Queen and fight alongside me to change this broken system for good?"
You hesitate, wondering how it would look. Despite that, having the power to supervise Killmonger and affect change is appealing.
"As long as it's made clear that we are not together, I will agree... to keep an eye on you."
You watch him closely as he's watching you.
"What is your plan?"
"First, we have to unite the tribes," he says without thought, but the tribes are already united as much as they can be. The council exists. You kiss your teeth.
"There's tension with the border tribe... You haven't had contact with the Jabari in decades."
You look him up and down, rolling your eyes back to your food. You wonder about his approach to politics.
"How would you unite the tribes?"
Days turn into weeks as you listen to Killmonger's wild ideas that border on treason. He seeks power, that much is clear, but he has a plan for reform that you're beginning to believe in. You've been walking the palace and even traveling the country alongside him, training and directing him, showing him the ropes. He's adapting quickly and surprisingly open to your suggestions, quick to adapt your corrections.
"Yes, queen," has been his public response when you've chastised him. He's made good progress. It almost makes you not want to kill him anymore... Almost.
"When are we doing something about the ritualistic combat component in the road to becoming king?"
"I'll let you think of that," he says, leaving it to you. You'll have to think about it and come back.
You head back to your quarters to think alone, passing the treacherous Dora who only guard the throne. You haven't forgotten. Turning your nose, you close yourself into your vast bedroom and sigh, removing your dress and headdress. Lying down, you're in your thoughts for a while until you fall asleep with dreams of T'Challa.
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You've been away for a couple of hours, and it's time for dinner. Erik looks up from his work load. You haven't returned to the discussion. He needs you to look over a new idea regarding vibranium, and you can do that over dinner, so he goes to your door and knocks.
When you don't respond, he confirms with the Dora that you are in fact in there. They unlock the door with a spare key. Clearly, he announces himself on his entrance.
It's not enough. You're asleep in lingerie, a peaceful expression on your face. He's never seen you without lines in your forehead.
Sitting on your bed, he strokes your face, watching it turn more and more angelic. You must be having a good dream. Slowly, he leans and kisses your lips. You'll never know it when you wake. He leans off of the bed, but in your sleep, you reach out, so he sits back down.
"Ms. Queen," he whispers, trying to wake you before deciding, "Fuck it."
He pulls off his black robe that he'd been sitting in all day along with his black pants and loafers. Sliding under your duvet, he lays in what must've been his cousin's spot, holding you against his chest. Your skin is soft and the gentle smell he's gotten accustomed to fills his nostrils.
He remains awake, lying there through dinner until he realizes you're not getting up. Then he can sleep.
Something suddenly doesn't feel right. He feels your body shift from his arms. At this point, he's been asleep a few hours. Instead of opening his eyes, he waits. He can feel you hover as if you're hesitating. You're probably going to stab him. He prepares mentally to sense where your blade might go. How big is it this time? Is it a kitchen blade? Did you get your hands on a spear? You're stronger now. Still not strong enough to actually kill him.
He waits and waits, but the blow doesn't strike. Opening his eyes, he finds you sitting on the side of the bed with a defeated look in your eye. When he sighs, you flinch and look over. You thought he was still asleep.
"Well... Don't feel bad," he grumbles, still groggy. "It's always harder to kill someone at their most vulnerable."
"That's not it..."
Oh? He waits for you to elaborate, but he can see it the more he looks at you and tries to put himself in your shoes. You're conflicted about more than just killing him.
"There was so much life left in him; so many dreams we shared and planned to live out. I wanted children. I wanted to travel the world with him as parents. I wanted us to grow old together. I never once considered that I'd lose him so soon. I thought you had time. And YOU killed him," she looks back suddenly with a growl. "You took that from me."
He lays still, watching your expressions as tears drop from your eyes. Either you're venting or having second thoughts. If it's the latter, it means damage control.
"So then... why," you gasp. "Why do I feel like this? I should hate you."
It wouldn't be wise to move. Letting you vent would be best. Again, he'd been there to know exactly how you feel.
"Look at me!"
He's already looking. His eyes widen in apology. He can't give you the one you want and you know why. He isn't sorry for killing T'Challa. He'd do it again if he could.
Your face scrunches as you crawl back in the bed, and after assessing the situation, he decides to put his hand on your arm to show you you're not alone.
To his surprise, you pull his arm to hold you for comfort. He does and for a while the two of you lie there until you turn over, seeking something more to dull the ache in your heart.
He knows exactly what he can offer for that. Gently, he kisses your expose skin. Your shoulder, your arm, your stomach, your thigh, your knee, your leg. When your thighs fall open, he kisses up the inside of your leg and thigh up to the outline of your panties. He looks up to check in.
"You sure?"
'Cause ain't no going back. You grab his locs, guiding him down and he pulls your panties off, tossing them off the bed. With one last look, he goes down.
You sigh and moan under him, ultimately whispering T'Challa's name. You must be thinking of him, but Erik doesn't care. Not yet.
Right now, it's T'Challa, but with time, it'll change. With careful guidance, YOU will change... just like everyone else in this palace who's come under his submission.
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens-blog @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @tgigoldie @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybee @playgurlxoxo
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monarch-of-wakanda · 2 years
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There are 3 GOATS in this picture
I am a goat? :(
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tchallasthirsttrap · 1 year
Do you like pole dancing?
Yes, I do enjoy it.
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mbakuxblackpanther · 9 months
Meeting the Jabari leader
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Warnings or triggers: none
Characters: Shuri, Tchalla, Queen Ramonda, Mbaku, nakia, okoye, kuba(m'baku's helper)
Story type: MbakuxReader
This is my first imagine on this page so it may be a little bad but it'll get better as I write more of them😂
Excuse any errors and Enjoy the story!
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Y/n pov:
I was in shuri's lab helping her make parts for T'challa's new suit when she called me over to her. "Y/n come here please" she said. "Yes princess" I said laughing. She hated when I called her that considering I was her bestfriend. "Bast y/n please stop with the formalities I beg of you" she said sighing playfully. We both laughed and sat down. "Your help is needed in jabariland. They are having trouble with their trading system and are in need of a Trade manager." Shuri said. "What will the job consist of?" I asked nervously. I didn't like talking in front of people or presenting things. I was very shy and quiet. "Nothing much all you have to do is help the Jabari tribe manage their trading business with the merchant tribe" shuri said. "Oh ok. That doesn't seem too hard" I said taking a breath of relief. "Very well your flight leaves tomorrow. Here are your communication devices in case you need me for anything." Shuri said handing me a kimoyo bead bracelet. "Thank you so much shuri." I said pulling her into a hug. We parted ways and prepared for my departure. The next morning I packed my suit cases and waited outside with shuri. Today was also the day T'challa returned home from his mission with Nakia. Suddenly, I felt a big blast of air wash over me. I looked up and noticed the royal talon fighter landing. The king-to-be and nakia stepped out of the aircraft. Shortly after, the dora Milagé came to take nakia and prepare her for the upcoming ceremony. "So suprised my sisters both came to see me before our big day" tchalla said smiling at us. I wasn't his real sister but tchalla always treated me like family. Every since me and shuri became besties at 7 years old he's always referred to me as his sister. "You wish, Im here for the emp beads I've developed an update. I'm also here to see y/n off for her departure" shuri said smartly. "Update? But it works perfectly" tchalla replied. "How many times do i have to teach you, just because something works doesn't mean that it cannot be improved." Shuri said to tchalla. "You are teaching me? What do you know?" Tchalla said as he handed the kimoyo beads to shuri. "More than you." She said while walking off to the royal talon. "I can't wait to see what kind of update you make to your ceremonial outfit" tchalla said. shuri flipped him off as she walked away to take me to the royal talon. "Shuri!" Queen Ramonda said. "Sorry mother" shuri said quickly putting her middle finger down. Shuri walked with me to the royal talon. Okoye was going to be taking me to Jabariland. "If you need anything use your kimoyo beads to contact me" shuri said pulling me into a hug. "I will. See you later shuri" I said getting into the aircraft. Shuri waved to me as the royal talon took off into the air.
"Y/n we are here." Okoye said. As we landed in Jabariland, I grabbed my suitcases and prepared to go to my chamber where I'd be staying (imagine a big room but with fur couches/ furniture and big windows). "Y/n Mbaku wishes to speak with you" Kuba said leading me to him. *what could he possibly want? it is 12:00am* I thought. Kuba led me to M'baku's room. I was greeted by two female guards with both of them standing at each side of the door. "Ulapha ukuza kubona inkokeli yesizwe" (she's here to see the tribe leader) Kuba spoke in Xhosa. The two guards nodded and motioned for me to walk into the room. "Welcome to Jabariland" Mbaku said with a deep,raspy voice. He was very sleepy considering it was now 12:15am. "Thanks for the welcome" I said smiling. "I have some things I wanted to give you" Mbaku replied reaching into his closet. As he looked through the items, my eyes scanned his body. He was very tall with curly black hair, had strong muscles, and thick thighs. I find him very attractive. I was knocked out of my daydreaming by a hand waving in my face. "Hellooo y/n you there?" Mbaku asked. "Yes I'm sorry I was daydreaming." Mbaku chuckled at my slightly embarrassed face. "Here are some of the things you may need for your stay here." He said. I was given a warm blanket, documents for managing the trading business, and also a brand new wooden spear. "What's the spear for?" I asked. *i thought only warriors get those* "you are new to jabariland. It would be rude if I didn't give you anything to protect yourself now wouldn't I?" Mbaku replied. *he does have a point.* I thought. "Thank you for the gifts" I said smiling happily. "No problem nkosazana ." Mbaku said smiling happily at me.
*time skip*
As I prepared for bed, the events of the day flooded my mind and a particular word came to me. *Nkosazana I wonder what that means* I thought. I tried to go to sleep but the word kept ringing in my brain. I thought of an idea and quickly grabbed my kimoyo beads that shuri gave me. *it has an automated ai voice system that can answer any question I have. Almost like the internet but better* "Griot" I spoke into the bracelet. "Yes y/n. What May I help you with?" Griot the ai voice said. "Transalate the word Nkosazana into English and tell me the language." I replied. "The word Nkosazana means "princess" in English and comes from the Xhosa language." Griot spoke. "Thank you Griot" I said.
*princess. He called me princess* i thought.
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Thank you for reading! This is my first imagine so it may be a lil cringe but I promise it gets better 😂let me know if y'all want a part two. I also take requests.
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camilaxmartin · 2 years
Hey, can i request a shuri x afab reader where the reader is an avenger sent after tchallas death to help protect wakanda(preferably a superhero with wings or something like that) and shuri falls in love with her and they both confess at the same time after reader gets jealous of riri. Please. Thank you <333
ღ the scientist II
hi! thank you so much for requesting this! i changed it a bit so i could fit it into the story, i hope you don’t mind that much, but this idea was just stuck up in my head and your request captured it almost ideally!
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navigation // request // me and find the rest!
summary: shuri meets riri and the reader gets jealous of riri (the confess part is gonna be in another part)
notes: that’s the awaited part two! i hope you enjoy!
part one // part three // part four
all tree of you get out of the car at the parking of your workshop. there was a light turned on inside, you could see it through one of the windows. she was there.
you quickly passed shuri and okoye being the first one to enter. with a slight amount of strength, you pressed the handle and in no time you smelled home.
opening door for the two women you get out of the way for them to come in and also going fast to your stand looking for the thing you originally came here for.
shuri was literally amazed when she saw everything that you and your friend were working on there. she couldn’t pull away her eyes.
“yo” suddenly you heard a voice. you knew it’d finally happen.
“hey” you responded. shuri and okoye were standing in a line with a confused looks on their faces, a really precious picture if i’m gonna be honest.
“woo, whose that?” your friend asked finally emerging from her stand.
“that’s shuri, princess of wakanda and her friend who’s also her bodyguard” you explained to the poor girl.
“hey” shuri greeted herself and riri immediately smiled at her.
“hi princess” she greeted too and you not intentionally rolled you eyes at her words. you haven’t noticed you were being watched.
“YOU BUILT THIS?” shuri scream looking up and seeing riri’s armor.
“yea, almost everything in here was built by us.” she responded looking really proud.
“you guys are incredible.” shuri said still not pulling away her eyes.
“geniuses.” okoye commented also looking around.
you finally approached your stand and turned on your computer with all your plans and everything inside.
“you keep such important plans on your laptop?” okoye asked you looking very concerned.
“you wouldn’t have a chance breaking into it.” you said feeling a little bold.
“imagine forgetting one of those passwords.” shuri laughed watching all of your works.
“there was this one time,” riri replied, catching shuri’s attention. “i forgot it, and spend a whole semester breaking into my own account” she laughed at which shuri just smiled.
you felt your blood boiling. even though you didn’t know why.
“that’s what happens when you’re forgetful.” you sarcastically smiled at your best friend.
“why so mean?” riri asked which came out more rhetorical. you huffed. okoye on the other hand, smiled to herself watching this whole interaction.
“how long did it take you to build this?” shuri asked her, pointing to the armor under the metal ceiling.
“almost my whole life.” she replied also looking up at it. “the work of my life.” she laughed and shuri did the same.
“without stark’s plans you’d have nothing.” you said sounding more mean that you wanted.
“that’s half true tho.” riri responded not catching or just ignoring your tone. “but help is always appreciated right?” she said smiling and shuri just nodded.
“you also have a lot of talent i mean, without it you’d be nowhere.” shuri replied looking at riri with pure excitement. similar to the look she gave you when you were at the campus.
“to be young, gifted and black, right?” riri said, which earned her a chuckle from okoye and a bright smile from shuri. oh, and another roll of your eyes but they probably haven’t noticed that.
“it’s beautiful.” shuri said turning around and glueing her eyes to the motorcycle.
“one of my works.” riri replied claiming everything you did on it, to herself.
“you wish.” you whispered but everyone in the room heard you.
“don’t even think about it shuri.” warned okoye seeing the glint in shuri’s eyes.
“of course i won’t.” she responded shrugging her shoulders like it’s the clearest thing on the planet.
“y/n helped a bit with renovation but making it work was all me.” riri said, lying again.
“you sure about it?” you asked taking out the keys from your pocket and pushing one of the buttons you had attached to your pendant. the motorcycle immediately got to work and started making noise. you then quickly turned it off.
“fine. she helped a bit.” riri said with a rather jokingly tone. “but! i was the one to even bring it here” she said which was also half true.
“okaaay.” you said feeling the need to end this conversation and wanting all the attention to be directed back at you. “now i just need to find the file and we’ll be done.” you said like it was the most important thing you’ve ever said.
“great.” said okoye. “then we can head back to wakanda finally.” she added feeling the need to make her statement.
“you didn’t say anything?!” riri shouted coming up to you and hitting your arm. “an adventure in wakanda! girl, what happened when i was here?” she said not believing your words.
“yeah, yeah, i would prefer to be in class right now.” you said, eyes still glued to the screen.
“i’m not believing ya.” she said gesturing. “you are in for something you probably won’t forget till the end of your days. how could you pick school over it?” she asked rhetorically but you wanted to answer so bad, so you did.
“school has something to do with my future.” you responded harshly.
“you say that like this wouldn’t have something to do with you future.” she said directing her attention to shuri again. you didn’t quiet catch what she meant.
“i can’t believe you got access to those plans” shuri said suddenly breaking your conversation. she come up to the big board with so many papers sticked to it and started reading everything. riri was next to her in no time and wanted to explain everything but shuri didn’t let her. “i would love to work with these one day.” she said touching one of the papers wanting to look under it. riri wanted to show her more of the plans so she also touched the paper. suddenly their hands met while grabbing one of them. riri quickly looked at shuri and a small blush was creeping up on her face while she took her hand away the fasted you have ever seen. your attention which was directed at the two of them from the time they started standing before the board, came back to the laptop screen pretending to be searching for the file hard. you heard okoye laugh at the whole situation.
“oh princess.” she started and you knew it wasn’t gonna be good. “i think you should come to the city more. the girls here are pretty crazy about you.”
and you lost it.
impetuously you closed the computer getting everyone’s attention once again. “done.” you smiled sarcastically and this time riri rolled her eyes at you. you knew she wasn’t seriously mad it was just for the act. you came up to okoye handing her the laptop.
“great we can go ba-“ okoye started but at the same time all of us heard a siren. a police siren.
“you brought FBI and police to our place?!” riri screamed and shuri automatically shut her mouth putting a hand on it.
“riri, use the secret door. i’ll see you when i’m back.” you said worried. she nodded and quickly came up to you, for a hug. you squeezed her tight and then let her go watching as her posture disappears behind the little door.
“i thought it’d be peaceful for once.” you exhaled while grabbing all the papers from the board and thrusting then into a can, to burn them.
“girls get in to the car, we need to be fast.” okoye said walking to the car.
“be careful please!” you shouted not caring for a moment about people outside. “it’s… special.” you said and shuri nodded at your words.
“of course.” she said walking up to the car too, and attaching something to it. you turned on the torch and just threw it to the can with papers.
“i’m not going with you.” you stated and both women looked at you with shock.
“y/n you need to g-“ you interrupted okoye.
“no. i’m still going with you two i’m just gonna try something.” you explained clicking one of the buttons on your desk. suddenly the ceiling opened even more to expose something you were working almost all your life on.
“that must have taken you all your life” shuri said amazed by you again. “and tell me you also built it alone and i’m gonna throw hands.” she said immediately looking up and seeing metallic wings attached by strings to the final window on the ceiling.
“it took only like eighteen years.” you smiled and pushed another button making wings not so slowly come down to the height you were able to take them off the strings and put on your back.
“open the gate for us.” shuri demanded and you did just that, loving how you could finally use almost all of the buttons.
“okay, now, shuri get in.” okoye said sitting behind the wheel.
“i’m sorry okoye but we’ll catch up! griot drive!” she quickly said and the engine get to work.
“yes princess” the al answered her.
“shuri!” okoye screamed while being driven away from your workshop.
“she’ll be fine.” shuri said to you and you smiled at her, putting on your wings.
“i’m certain.” you smiled even more and shuri quickly came up to you. you weren’t sure what was happening.
“now, have this.” shuri said putting something behind your ear. “it’s a tracker so you can be in touch with us all the time.” she said and her hand cupped your cheek for a bit. she was looking right into your eyes and you felt like you’re gonna melt any moment now. she smiled seeing the blush forming on your face.
“thank you princess.” you said the only thing that came up to your mind at that moment. she licked her lips still smiling and suddenly took her hand away going towards her desired machine.
“now let’s go, we need to escape them.” she said hopping on the motorcycle and immediately starting it, which you weren’t sure how she did it. but besides that, you didn’t need to be told twice. shuri drove right out of your workshop and in no time you flew after her.
you couldn’t believe you were finally using your wings. the thing you worked most of your life on and one of your biggest dreams. it was like a dream come true, literally.
all of the action were happening so fast you didn’t know how you could catch up. but you did. and you did it excellent.
after shooting down the huge drone you landed on the bridge; the place all three of you were supposed to meet up again. and right in the moment when your feet were about to touch the ground you felt an unimaginable pain in your ankle. and it that moment - everything went black.
@retirement-home @mrsmunsonlaufeyson @lololo392 @liliana-byers @originalcollectionpirate  @jeniyona-ame
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antvnger · 1 year
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I decorated gingerbread cookies today!!!!! Can you find you??? Also you can name any of the people you can identify…some of them are just fun!!!!!
Also I have another cookie picture to show you once you find you! 😉
HERE I AM!! With Hope!!
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We look soooo cute!! You did such a great job with these cookies!!
Okay okay, sooooo we’ve got….
Top row: Tony, Cap, Thor, Bruce, Nat, Clint, Spidey, Wanda, Pietro I think those are the twins anyway
Second row: ummm Ghost(?), no idea, a TVA dude?, King T’Challa, ME, Hope, no idea, a reindeer
Third row: a dude with a mustache in a suit that reminds me of the Monopoly guy, a monkey, no idea but is that a bow tie and a vest I see? And more reindeer!
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I love these! Now show me the other picture please 😁
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nexusnyx · 1 year
Idea for a shuri fic: maybe a tchalla and nakia moment with shuri and y/n where she goes to rescue y/n and freezes when she sees her
i'm obsessed with the moment when t'challa freezes in front of nakia so of course i had to deliver this one. thanks a lot for the request <3 | shuri x f!reader ; 0.7k
Adrenaline rushed through her whole body—everything enhanced in her vision. Shuri could spot a snowflake from a mile away with the way blood rushed through her veins, but all she could think about was Okoye's words.
"Kingi will be your way out."
"Kingi?! Since when is she working the fields again? I thought she left Wakanda for the diplomatic—"
"Shuri. I will tell you everything you want to know in boring detail when we're coming back. Now is not the time. Kingi is your way out. Do not leave the premises without the vial. And most importantly... do not freeze when you see her."
Freeze?! Shuri lifted a single finger, held back from a scoff, and dropped out of the airplane with the sound of Okoye's laughter in her ears. She did not freeze.
Except—she did, maybe.
A couple of times (not that anyone was counting). Both of them were justifiable by a lot of means, the more that she thought about it.
"How do you know I froze?" Shuri had no recollections of Okoye being present in either one of the first times.
In her ear, she heard a dry chuckle. Disbelief, she imagined. "This is what you're thinking about right now?"
"I'm curious."
"You're in the middle of a mission."
Now Shuri laughed. "Please, Okoye." Taking candy out of children was harder than this—Shuri would know. You worked at a school with Nakia for the past two years, and she dared coming around sometimes. Children could be devious. "I'm serious—who's telling on my every move to you, hm? That's kind of disrespectful."
"No one told me anything, you whiny baby. I've seen the way you act like a doofus whenever she entered the room on the last Day of Bast. Puffing out your chest. Walking slower..."
That proved nothing. Shuri scoffed. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
She pretended that Okoye stayed silent, the same way she pretended to not know.
It was impossible not to know.
Shuri imagined that if her mother was alive, she'd be endlessly mocked by now. Very few people knew this about Ramonda, but the ruthless tongue served for sarcastic remarks and the most terrible (best) jokes possible.
She imagined that she would've heard some words of encouragement, too. A little bit of pushing. Of prodding. Of "the doe eyes are cute, but will do nothing for you in the long run" too.
Right there and then — blasting around seven men up in the air — Shuri decided she would not freeze.
It had been months since she'd last seen you—months since the day of the funeral, the week of the Coronation, times when you spent by her side in a silent shadow, as quiet and as comforting as you.
She saw very little of you back then, but it was enough to give her strength for and maybe hope for better days.
This time, Shuri would... flirt.
She would say something witty, something smart to get your attention, and maybe laughter.
With the vial in hands, Shuri starts searching.
Malo Kingi. The small and incredibly deadly jellyfish—no one sees it coming, and next thing they know—
It was beautiful.
There were you—gods.
"Hello, Panther."
Shuri's body is eight, maybe ten feet away from you, and you would never in a million years do anything to hurt her, but she might as well have been one of your victims.
Stung by the sight of you in her creation—the jade green and black suit did wonders for you, and Bast, how can she find the words when this what you do to her?
"Shall we?" you ask.
Shuri nods, breaking the spell on her body motions.
She froze. Again.
When you pass by her side, your hands brush on her fingers, and she feels it on the tip of her claws as if something electric touched her.
She might've frozen, but it's okay. When she takes off the mask, so do you.
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