#ask the urine
ura-niia · 28 days
Chins scritches for nari,,,, he need s themb...
You know eho i am most likely but shhh
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no cats are immune to chin scritches, including Narinder.
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focsle · 3 months
Excsue me, a protein shake full of DEER ANTLER gave you BLOODY PISS?
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horatio-fig · 5 months
Obsessed with the implication that Wedge has been holding his piss since 2BBY.
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cupophrogs · 3 months
“Drew’s spraying him with water, right?”
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Epic prank!!1!1!
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nicosraf · 4 months
okay wait… how big are the angels then?? i always imagined them human size but are they ? not? are the archangels bigger than the other angels? are they beefier or just taller? what’s their bone density like (because they’re able to fly—or does their power of flight come from their divinity)? are they more fragile because of their bone density or are they stronger because they’re angels? i have never been so curious about angel proportions in my life
this is stated pretty directly in A&M but all the angels tall! Not excessively though
I imagine them to be about 6.5 feet (....?) so they're not huge but they tower a lot next to ancient humans in particular. Archangels are the same size as other angels, though Uriel is especially tall, I think, at maybe.... 7.4 feet? Michael is probably nearly 7 feet; Michael, though, is Very beefy so he's quite wide. (And in my last post, it's a combination of being wide and wearing bulky armor that gets him stuck)
I imagine it's mostly divinity that makes them fly, but I do think their bones and organs are sort of weird in general. In a way, less complicated; they're missing some organs that humans have. I don't think they have kidneys, for example, and I think they have a tiny liver. I think their stomachs are larger (and tougher; they can digest absolutely anything). I think their big/small intestines work differently and are also smaller. I imagine their bones are much, much, thinner but stronger because.... well, divinity.
thank you for the ask :>
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sharpth1ng · 1 month
Billy and stu coded if stu was a cat instead of a dog
Help, pissing together? Yeah they’re crossing streams, so romantic
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transmechanicus · 10 days
Wait…! No first, I’m sorry for the hate mail your getting.
Im a cis male and now I’m seriously wondering….. am I not supposed to pee sitting down?!
Like outside standing pissing against a tree always! But I clean my own bathroom and sitting down is just way more comfortable 😅
In public restrooms most of the cis guys I know default to the urinal if they don't need to go No. 2, meanwhile I'm a stall only gal (still using the mens restroom bc i do not pass and i don't wanna make old lady PIs on my floor uncomfortable bc I'm a lil bitch coward).
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moonilit · 9 months
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Updating my modern AU 💫
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ura-niia · 29 days
Yknow, on a retrospective, it is interesting how the COTL fandom puts Narilamb as a devoted and hateful relationship.
In other words, I would actually love to know why we love this ship so much.
I’d love to know your point of view!
I finally have time to answer this!! I am SO GLAD that you asked.
I was extremely interested about the dynamic of this ship, you could watch it from all angles and it would still be a lovable duo; whether it be comedic, overly toxic, unrequited love/devotion, requited romance/devotion, it would still be enjoyable for everyone in the fandom. I believe that there's no bad version on how anyone portrays their relationship!
It's kinda difficult for me to see them in a light-hearted angle. Other people in the fandom have shown this kind of dynamic very well and they have all my applause.
How I portray my vision of narilamb, I still haven't fully fleshed out their story, but basically when Narinder was still a god, Lamb's devotion is for him entirely because they truly thought that The One Who Waits was their saviour and shining grace, handing them down a chance to live once more and avenge their kind. Narinder didn't pay this no mind, then plays the lamb around like a tool, speaking of honeyed words to keep the lamb up on their feet.
And by the time when Narinder told the lamb that he was just using them for his freedom and they'd just die once they surrender the crown to him, everything just came crumbling down to them. The dawning realization that there will be no hope for lamb kind, and that filled them with so much intense emotions they ended up killing Narinder along with his disciples.
Time has passed, Lamb became the new god of Death and continued to serve for their cult. Though they still pray as if there's still any other god be because that's kinda how they cope with all the change. Unaware of the forces that were trying to come back up. Narinder has used up every last drop of his divine magic to resurrect himself with the intention of killing the lamb by his hand and take the crown, but that ended up being a fail so...
Now that Narinder was in the lamb's cult, they feel obligated to watch over him. They think it's really pathetic that the former god is ultimately struggling in the mortal life. One time Narinder tried to run away from the cult and got himself in danger during it so Lamb has to swoop in to save his ass.
“It seems like that you are still in need of me." They said, but there's no smugness in the tone, it's pure disgust and malice. “You don't get to pull the strings anymore, my lord, you're under my domain now.”
I'll make this one very quick bc this is becoming long 😭 So anyway, Narinder (begrudgingly) stayed in the cult because he didn't know how to stay alive in a mortal body, and the more Lamb took care of him, the more dependent he became of them(albeit extremely pissed about that realization and acted aggressively at first then came acceptance that he's hopeless without them), the lamb was aware of this, however thought that this was just another tactic of him to get their guard down, so they pulled the strings so they wouldn't get attached again.
Soon the lamb decided to let themselves get close to him while still being wary, then suddenly became "lovers". Narinder had thought that it was the right course considering how much time they spent with eachother, though hadn't acted on romantic actions. However Lamb thinks that this is just another one of their lovers they have to deal with, so it was still very unrequited.
Then by time it became a requited relationship, unknowingly truly falling for eachother in the process. They somehow know that they're terrible for eachother, but they still work on it. Their devotion for eachother became a devotee to genuine lovers.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
I saw this and immediately thought of it as Smithy forgetting to turn on stealth mode in part 18
PFFT. If FF forgot to turn off stealth mode and was next to a man going THROUGH it like that he would simply:
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He would have completely zoned out of whatever the fuck was going on next to him except he heard that other last name that Captain Neil used to have. Sooooooo....
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You can call Brendon whatever you like but where exactly is Ryan Ross - exactly nowhere. Hello there - he totally failed his own career. That's facts. He isn't that amazing. At least Brendon is doing something and Ryan is a has-been that never will be.
and he doesn’t want to! ryan doesnt want to be a massive star like bdon does. he hasn’t failed anything, because he never wanted to be big. ryan is a prime example of someone doing it for the ART, he was in this business because he loved making music, i wont deny, bdon used to be like this! in fever/p.o/hell, even vices to doab era, it seemed he really cared for his craft. as ryan used to. now, bdon evidently does not give a fuck and wants to ride the coattails of ryan, dallon, etc who started him, and create radio hits.
and, you can’t say ‘ryan isnt that amazing’ while listening to early and even current patd music. ryan STARTED the band, he wrote the first two albums (and if theories are to be believed, a tad of the third). without him we wouldnt have the likes of i write sins, lying, but its better if you do, nine in the afternoon, northern downpour, and so on: a lot of the greatest hits! plus he named the band, named the album, he was even supposed to be the frontman before bdon came along. just because he’s chosen to life his life out of the spotlight now, does not mean he didn’t help this band to become who they are today
and anyways, ryan doesn’t owe us music? he doesn’t owe anyone anything. he’s allowed to continue living his life out of the public eye, that doesn’t make him a failure
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the-overanalyzer · 4 months
I hope you're all having a good Valentine's day, I'm spending mine trying and failing to take a drug test
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psy-pug · 7 months
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answersfromzestual · 5 months
I am currently trying to create a very informative post on my experiences and most likely medical information from another source (I will always post source if I use even one) on urination after Urethra Lengthening (UL) procedure.
I hope this would be of interest to many of you.
I can not speak for metoidioplasty and UL (Urethra Lengthening) procedure in this upcoming post.
If you are interested in urinating after Metoidioplasty, maybe maybe I can find some testimonials and articles online to provide some more insight on the procedure at a later date.
Stay tuned!
Stay Golden ✌️ 💙 🩷
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one thing i love about the goncharov tumblr renaissance is that finally i get to see it referenced constantly somewhere besides in my never-ending gilmore girls rewatches
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 6 months
does Home have a urinal
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