Hello! May I make another request?
Can I request a Frederick x fem reader. Ya know the scene where he pulled out the gun and pushed orphy with it and pointed it on the ground when he told Alice to place the box on the ground? (Him with a gun is so hot) can it be like a similar situation, for example reader and Alice are close friends and they went to the manor together. nsfw
I was just talking to @turbulentscrawl about the THAT scene, buddy only had one round and if he shot it then his glass jaw was done for lolol also based it off this post
Rated Mature | Warnings: Reader has a past (tm)
Alice deserves to be called 'good girl' (listen!)
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“A single barrel pistol,” Cold, “Meaning you have exactly one bullet.” The Composer's eyes narrow at your words, “Once that bullet is gone, you will have only maybe that cane of yours as a weapon or you better start running.” Laying out his choices.
Alice stands behind you, rather you place yourself in front of Alice who looks at you surprised. Back at the orphanage, you always were the defender the children flocked to; Alice too back then looked up to you.
Still does as she knew for this investigation she will need an ally. Someone to watch her back.
“Better make that shot count, Frederick.” This is not your first time being held at gunpoint, sadly as a kid, you were the fighter. It was your only way to survive, none of the adults helped— Whether they cared or not, it didn't matter, you had to fight. As you got older, you got involved with the wrong side of the law. A driver, the type that helps with getaway driving and deliveries– No questions asked, no identification shared on your side.
Frederick looks at you, you know desperation when you see it.
The roar of thunder echoes, blood spills, and Frederick stands there in shock.
You grunt in pain but strike him with a right hook, he stumbled backward holding his face, hand dropping the cane in his hand.
“(False Name)!” Alice catches you before you fall to your knee, blood slipping out of your shoulder from the bullet wound. “Are you crazy!?”
You laugh as Frederick doesn't get up as Orpheus, who so happens to show up after the showdown, restrains him with a rope he found at the stables.
“Is the bullet out?” Alice nods at your question and points to the ground where it landed, “Good. Remember what I showed you?”
Alice does first aid, not her first time patching you up after a firefight.
“Good girl.” A low voice to have only for her to hear you as she makes a sling using your jacket.
“Gonna dump him in the same spot as his great-grandmother's favorite horse?” You ask Orpheus who gives you an inquisitive look.
“She is not my great-grandmother.” Frederick corrects you.
“Whatever, we can just say he went missing.” Shrugging then hissing at the pain.
All of them look at you like you said something horrible.
“He almost killed me, remember!”
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You once told Alice, as a joke, that you would stay with her like the Cheshire cat as she makes her way down this rabbit hole. You are loyal to her, always have been since the orphanage. And even as the world turned to a new nightmare, as the truth about the manor became murky yet clear, you remained steadfast to your word. 
Driver, this is the title given to you upon the first match.
The game is akin to a story you have read once during your late shifts of being the getaway driver. Something about man being the greatest beast to hunt. This game is just like that.
A single hunter versus five survivors. Only, the twist is that everyone has strange abilities that can make or break a game.
Ciphers. Exit gates. Dungeons to escape. Chairs, the fucked roller-coaster ride seats with loads of fireworks under it with a timer attached.
It's a sick game you are forced to play with others.
You try to put science to all this but none of it makes sense. Maybe… You hate having to accept this is outside the realm of science you know or logic that is well, logic.
Alice is not safe, and you aren't either, but she is your priority.
Two ciphers down, fuck this game, the hunter is tailing you like a wolf hungry for meat. You stumble as you climb through a window after using a pair of gloves that boost your speed.
The hunter loses you thanks to a person titled Batter.
You limp over to a toolbox looking for hopefully some form of first aid— That miracle syringe Doctor has.
The people in your group are Journalist, Batter, and Composer.
Yeah, strange seeing— much less being in a group with a guy who nearly killed you run over, after priming the cipher, to you and patching you up the best he can. His hands are steady, nibble, and quick as they all had to learn how to patch each other up. This isn’t a game one can win by playing lone wolf, in order to survive everyone has to work as a team. Even if that means working with someone who tried to kill you.
Now, to say you hang that over his head is not true. In the line of work you had been in, you sometimes had to work under pressure with people who may have threatened you with any form of physical violence. You rolled with the punches, often literally, but you lived. Life hardened you, and you moved on (though moving on does not mean you forgive them). Guilt bites at the Composer in a way that you had not expected.
Relationships are not unheard of but rare. One-night stands are not rare but not as common because most do not want to deal with drama while trying to get through a match.
You were open to having sex, it is a destresser and you can do it with no strings attached. Luca was one you had bedded a few times, fun guy. Norton too but he is a messy one, the mood swings had ended the arrangement fast (though you did let him have it when you both got into a fight in the duo match).
Past adventures, the present adventure is the man now kiting with you against Naiad.
The gate currently opened (thanks to Alice), is blocked by the mer-bitch (you… dislike her or rather going against her).
Composer takes a hit to distract as he hasn’t taken any damage during the match. You follow up by shooting the hunter with the flare gun then dashing to follow out.
The match ends in a victory for the survivors.
“See you tonight.” Upon entering the manor you pat his shoulder before leaving off to check on Alice.
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Frederick Kreiburg could be considered boring.
There are not always nights with that raw passion that would make the Gods blush sort of thing. Nothing like romance novels with the life-altering sex the protagonists have.
It is… Well, it is like making love honestly.
With Luca, you had fun. Playful and a lot of teasing. With Norton, it was like a fight, rough and hard that left you swore for days. Even the time you slept with Demi after a long of partying, it was fun and sweet.
With Frederick, this love. He is the composer and you are the orchestra. Each symphony played with care, practice, and with love.
You never made love before. Sex is one thing, fucking around is another, but love is different. It is just as consuming as lust but lingers longer than lust. It has you biting your lip as Frederick removes your slippers from when you bathed, his lips kissing the top of your foot, his hand massaging the soreness under your foot.
It is like being worshiped and adored in a way lust cannot give you.
He travels upward slowly, his gloves tossed to the floor, your leg brought up to rest on his shoulder and the other leg guided to open you up to him.
Like a flower, or something poetic.
“Frederick.” You don't realize how pent-up you are until he kisses the inside of your exposed thigh. The bathrobe opened and slumped around your waist. “Fuck.” Moaned out.
He enjoys making you sing, enjoys seeing that hardened exterior crumble to expose that you are just as starved just as him. He takes his time preparing you. Every action is blessed by a tune he knows you ask later what song he is singing. You enjoy hearing him talk about his music.
When he finally lets you cum, you nearly jump him in your eagerness to get him naked. The Composer is different from you, you like that.
“I love you.”
To think he pulled out a gun and had shot you during the struggle.
“Say it again.” Between his legs.
“I ah l-love you.”
The hum of an old song, Clair de Lune, sounds pretty, as you blow him is fun. He has to guess the song before he cums.
The fun part is after when you let him gather himself before the union. The crescendo (you told him and found it amusing that you tried learning musical terms to flirt with him), the part that you both have to fight to not be so loud. Even if his room is free of neighbors (a few less than other sections), you more than once had to tell Naib to shut up with the teasing about Frederick moaning.
Yes, you possess those moans and the Mercenary does not need to be an ass.
The low, yet comforting part, is the post-orgasm part.
Lying there basking in the glow. You are clingy and praising him endlessly, it is something you enjoy doing with your partners. He falls asleep fast when you ‘overwork’ him, the man needs the sleep and you need to let out some post-match steam.
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nunalastor · 2 months
Thinking of Respectless and the utter BALLS Velvette had to call out the entire overlord meeting like that. We don't know much but what we do know is this,
Zestial is a very notable overlord who, in the short time we've seen of him, has had literally every being with only Carmilla as an exception, that so much as passes him on the street screaming in hysteria, even Alastor is notably nervous in his presence.
Carmilla is a weapons dealer who specializes in angelic weaponry, weapons known to be capable of permanently killing demons no matter their status or power.
Rosie is the leader of Cannibal Town, an entire colony of cannibals who can and will eat people straight off the street with no second thoughts. There's a reason Alastor thought of her when Charlie needed an army, and I don't think it was solely because they were beasties.
And then there's Alastor himself. Alastor may have been gone for 7 years, but we know he is powerful. Form the .moment he appeared on the pilot, he had everyone nervous, and the more we learn about his backstory, the scarier he is. This is a guy who made a name for himself by taking down and killing major overlords. People like Velvette and the Vees probably would have never even REACHED Overlord status if Alastor hadn't gone on his rampage.
I don't know enough about Zilla or the fire headed one that I don't think we ever got a name for but honestly I'd be nervous to try to start soemthing with Zilla si.ply from a size perspective. She absolutely massive compared to the other overlords!
Just saying, the fact Velvette, whose power isn't in her combat abilities but in her skills as an influencer, had the balls to do that in the presence all all these people is very impressive. And stupid.
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doofwrites · 5 months
sally “i loved my kid so much i married this horrid man to hide him from monsters so he could grow up somewhat normal” jackson
frederick “my new wife thought my daughter was a nuisance and i didn’t do anything about it and let her run away at 7 years old” chase
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willgrahamsbecoming · 5 months
Where do u think chilton would’ve gone if he had not pit stopped at Will fucking snitch grahams house and just hightailed it out of Baltimore to go watch all the drama from afar or whateva. Like do u think he genuinely could’ve been sipping Mai tais by the beach without a care in the world or would he be like holed up in stupid hiding place hyperventilating into a bag and hiding his identity w sunglasses and baseball cap when he needs to go buy psychiatrist gossip weekly issue #69 or like some secret third option you’ve fully imagined in ur brain already . I’m curious
i've been sitting on this ask for like a week because it's the funniest thing i've ever been sent and i didn't want to let it go but i think everyone else deserves to see it too
i like to think he'd make it to cuba and no one would hear from him until post-fall when our favourite cannibals show up and lots of lovely one-sided spy v spy shenanigans ensue. actually... none-sided. i want them to be avoiding each other at all costs yet repeatedly crossing paths against their wills. in the most cartoonish ways possible. at the grocery store. decked out for a swim at the beach. bonus points if hannibal smugly makes small talk as if they've never met while chilton tries not to freak the fuck out in the gourmet cheese aisle and will looks like he's about to start stabbing and goes mind fishing to calm down
realistically he'd probably get arrested in about 12 minutes at the gas station because he stopped to call his grandmother on a payphone
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ch6douin · 6 months
now that you've mentioned Frederick, had the silly idea he may try (and get frustrated) to replicate songs Reader may hum or sing at times (totally not bc i play with music sometimes-), but alas, songs are incomplete, not all instruments are present, a few lyrics and melodies there and there...it frustrates him because it's just so incomplete
(may be a little bit ooc since i don't know a lot about frederick, if im not mistaken composer also hums songs during matches?)
Bro is probably ripping his hair off trying to perfectly replicate the melodies you sing while playing with him. You know that he is a composer and he lives for what he loves, is that a challenge? I Bet he is staying awake all night, with prominent dark circles under his eyes and a slight twitch of his eyelids now and then, his body is begging for him to rest, but no no. He will not be able to sleep peacefully if he doesn't make any progress or if he is not sure that one day he can play these songs for you with his own "Kreiburg touch". To imagine seeing your face light up in surprise with every note is to imagine the recognition from an entire audience. If it's you, it's more than enough.
If you hum with him the songs he usually plays inside his head, his character might freeze in shock for a bit, so be a little careful with that...
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t0bey · 5 months
the sterile mask / fungus apocalypse aesthetic fucks so severely. adamil are my favorites, hastur 2nd fav, and luchino's first A tier is a solid third
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danidrawsstuff · 7 months
PruFritz. 2B. Please. That pose is so good
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the price you pay for your hubris, am i right?
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dentiststoothfairy · 7 months
Pardon me, I see that your open and if it not an issue can I get hcs about Aesop, eli clark, and Frederick kreiburg with s/O who rarely use they're voice to sing despite being skilled at it, s/O prefer to use VOCALOID/is a VOCALOID composer?.
Feel free to decline. No pressure!
⚰️ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐩 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 ⚰️, 🦉 𝐄𝐥𝐢 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐤 🦉 & 🎼 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐊𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐠 🎼
𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐕𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐈𝐃 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐒/𝐎
⚰️ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐩 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 ⚰️
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He's a little indifferent at first, he understands that sometimes life is pretty difficult with singing.
He's not that confident either despite having a pretty good voice himself (albeit a little untrained), but he's sure to give you some kind gentle words about your voice, even if it's not necessary.
That's. Actually a very interesting concept. Music may not be a personal passion of his, but he of course appreciates the less traditional way of things. (If you consider embalming less traditional at least)
He's pretty impressed anon, I won't lie.
*His favorite voice? Uh. He's basic and probably wouldn't know what to pick. He just likes Miku.
🦉 𝐄𝐥𝐢 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐤 🦉
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You have definitely caught Eli toying with it a little bit out of curiosity.
He definitely saw it more of a entertainment thing than an actual musical instrument at first. Look dear, you can make the robot speak!
When you showed him that. No. It's not actually for speaking. You can tune it to sing and that's it's proper use? He found A LOT more fun in it.
He's genuinely really intrigued. If it makes you happy? He's happy too.
He asks you to show him all the cool little tricks you can do. All the voices you have.
(He loves the kagamines the most.)
Even though you don't sing. He's always sure to make sure you don't really feel insecure about your voice. He knows you're talented and you do too.
🎼 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐊𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐠 🎼
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He was less immature about it than the other too. Straight up
He asks about the synthesizer, whether or not you could tune the AI and if the rendering is easy. Like. He genuinely knows what he's doing.
Which is shocking for a guy like him.
For someone with such love for classical compression, you'd think he'd despise an artificial way of imitating a person's voice. But apparently he's more modern than one would think!
He doesn't mind providing you the background music to the songs if you ever decide to do a more elegant song like Regret Message or something (two of a kind maybe?)
His favorite is actually someone very specific. He likes Miku for her range but he also really likes Kaito because his voice is a lot more mature than the others. (Don't tell anyone but he has a weak spot for Yuki as well.)
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mintytealfox · 22 days
MINTY MY FAVORITE POOKSTER EVER I COME WITH MORE DELUSIONS!!! Pausing my pirate ramblings for a bit but just IMAGINE how hard a tangled AU would go !!! Norton and Flynn have way too many similarities given how both grew up with so little, and hide behind a mask and ego all while doing some questionable things that give him the name of a criminal. Orpheus also 100% works as a mother gothel-esq figure, since gaslighting and manipulation is kind of all Orpheus has going for himself. Is this my excuse to see long hair alice? yes. yes it is.
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And I keep thinking about the "I have a Dream" song with the
Norton: "On an Island that I own, Tan, well RESTED, and ALONE, SURROUNDED BY ENORMOUS PILES OF MONEEYYYY"
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olliesneweyes · 24 days
rapidly spinning potential perspectives of the train au of norton and fredereicj rn god save me
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temeyes · 25 days
Hey bbg u got any fish you like so I can look for them on my trip
can you get me a whale shark,,,?
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can i request “let me stay like this in you for a little bit.” line for frederick :3 i need him being soft during sexy time
He deserves soft times!
Rated: Mature | Warning: none
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This something you brought up some time ago when Frederick was seeking sex with you but at one point lost the motivation to go on. No, not the motivation, rather he did not know how to ask if could simply be inside of you. This is still new for him, this relationship where there are no expectations of him and pace is not sped up by families trying to marry you both off.
“Allow me to remain inside of you… Like this.” His face exposing how much he only wishes to be one with you for however long he can, you nod as you pull him into your arms for him to lay on top of you. The blankets pulled over both as cold slips into his bedroom.
“Is this comfortable for you?” Worried about you. For him it feels very different given he is the one penetrating you.
“Full." Breathing in then out, "Later, I may need you to fuck me.” The crude wording still makes him blush much to your delight. You giggle as he hides his face on your chest, “Make love to me later.” Petting his brushed white hair. 
"Gladly, as many times as you can give me."
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nunalastor · 2 months
Mommy and Daddy von Eldritch see Alastor doing the creepy eldritch tentacle stuff and are like, 'oh, that one was made for us!' and try to convince him to be their boytoy.
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avuck · 1 year
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Excuse me…
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nightwonder7 · 1 year
Hi! I've been on an IDV binge lately, and I love your art! But I'd love to know your IDV thoughts on Novelist :D And/or Composer. Note: I've ended up becoming a novelist main and I don't think there's any saving me.
Thank you! I'm happy to hear! ;0; I think they are both very intriguing characters *cough* with an impeccable sense of fashion *cough* and I hope we'll learn more about them with the Ashes of Memory installment.
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clove-pinks · 4 months
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Here's what you are in Marryat's code of signals! Happy Valentine's Day, friend!
Thank you my friend!! ❤️
In the 1847 (tenth) edition of Marryat's Code of Signals, I believe I found your intended message:
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HOWEVER. The first thing I pulled up was the fourth edition of 1826, which has a distinctly different message for 943:
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Hopefully no one would be sailing around in 1847 with an edition of Marryat's Code over 20 years out of date, but this could set up some pretty catastrophic misunderstandings...
"Update your software code book! OR ELSE."
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