#aster plays ghost trick
ofdreamsanddoodles · 1 year
it's a difficult thing to get used to but sometimes it's actually p comforting to not 100% be sure who you are bc instead of feeling bad that i lost interest in something i'm usually just like "eh that was probably a different guy, i just gotta make sure i keep his stuff safe until he comes back"
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yaldev · 1 year
Meeting with His Judgment
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Every animal instinct told Decadin to throw his body at the bars, to ram them with his shoulder, bend them with the force of his indignant rage and rip them from their slots. An ancient strength he’d never felt coursed through his body, a power bestowed by the desperate will to survive, a dormant force from the days when wild humans lifted boulders if that’s what it took to break free. Decadin reached forward with trembling hands. His fingers tried to grasp the cold metal, but his body was still curled against the opposite wall and his legs would not move.
The Oracle, she was here in the cell with him. But she couldn't be. Even in a world where Decadin’s own empire would imprison him, some trace of rationality remained, and it was too important to abandon.
“You won’t even try?” she asked.
She was a dream, a hallucination.
“You could scream. Maybe they'll realize who you are.”
She was an illusion, a magic trick from the captors.
“I know you remember the stories. The strength that blesses us in dire times.”
“No!” Decadin yelled. He felt the emptiness in his lungs, and he sobbed.
The Oracle bent over him. “After everything else, this is what stops you?”
“Everything else…” Decadin shook his head with eyes held shut. “Everything else was possible.” They opened. “But those bars are steel. Probably manganese steel, maybe enchanted. It’s too stiff to bend even with hysteria in play, and the tensile strength is definitely too—”
“Possibility never stopped you. Would you just be too embarrassed if you failed?”
“I’m saying there’s no ‘if’ about it. There’s doing the impossible, and then there’s ‘my body cannot exert the force to bend these bars under known physics.’”
The Oracle looked no different than the first day he witnessed her, even as he had grown, changed the world, flourished, wrinkled, regretted. Now this ghost-hallucination-trick was here to gloat.
“I think you’re scared.”
Decadin stared up through his brow. “How astute.”
“You've forgotten what panic is, child, how it feels and how to manage it." Her disdain was palpable. "And now you imagine you’re still in control because you’ve kept your composure, you’ve tried nothing desperate, and you know the mechanics of your cage.”
“The only thing I’m imagining is you.”
The Oracle grinned with ancient menace. “You’re a greater fool than you think.”
“And what about your part in my foolishness? You did this too.”
Her smile closed but persisted. Decadin pushed himself to his feet and took a closer look at that immortal face, at the eyes that stared past his flesh, than he had ever dared.
“Don’t act like you didn’t set my course. Yes, I did this, just as you said, but your predictions would have never come to pass if I never came to hear them.”
“Self-fulfilling prophecy?" She was wreathed in a halo of elemental smugness. "Your science has no data to prove it, so you must rely on your faith.”
“You embraced reason since we first spoke, but you were always too smart to let go of your superstition.”
With the strength of dire circumstances, Decadin shoved the Oracle. His hands passed through like a ghost.
He growled. “Revenge for the Old Faiths? Your Deftists, your Eej-Landians?”
Her smile opened. Liquid chaos poured from between her teeth to the floor.
Decadin scrambled into a far corner, staring in horror. “What in Pelbee’s name?!”
“THAT IS STILL THE GOD YOU CHOOSE?” she hissed, closing in with gentle steps. The colorful gas carved runes into the floor, writing in tongues that died before the Ascended Nation was born. “YOU PRAY TO THE CITY THAT EATS YOU?”
“Guards! Come, please!”
“Sweet Aster, protect me!”
The Oracle gasped, savored the stale prison air, and roared a whirlwind of mana into Decadin’s screaming face.
Yaldev is a sci-fantasy worldbuilding project by Ulysses Maurer, with art by Beeple. By looking at narratives, stylized loredumps, bad poetry and little details, we'll witness the story of a planet filled with magical power, the nation which tried to conquer it, this empire’s dramatic collapse and the new world which emerged in its wake. Along the way we'll meet the characters who live here, and we'll explore questions about nationalism, rationalism, the natural world and the quest to master it. For all stories in chronological order, check out the pinned posts at r/Yaldev!
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vgperson · 3 years
Vocaloid Highlights: October 2021
The Vocaloid Collection may be a collective delusion, but what's important is the songs producers made along the way. Highlights Archive
========== Stand-Outs ========== Laika Nothing I Do Goes Well I Am Transparent Boy Newton Dance Transparent Flower Protagonist (Karap-P) Melon Soda Pamela Happy End Aquariumer Ragtime Record Ecstacy Even If I'm Not Hatsune Miku Stagger Pandora Pipibobottto Selfishness Franken Anaphylaxie 4BLOOD Brain Disco Don't Catch a Cold 100x Showtime Ruler
========== Worth Your Time ========== AIDANA!!!! Machine Clique Re:kids Heroine Immoral Education Hide & Hide Canopus is All Lies Interlude I Couldn't Become Music Sakura Tattoo Machine Gun Poem Doll Watering and Pruning With Love. Macro Honeymoon Lost Teenage Spirit Nurse Call (Temporary) Fizzy Love Underdog Artifical Smile Death Cult Mo(u)rning Λishnu Aquamarine Undead Girl Mechanical City Put It Into Song Doodle Cool Breeze Empty Dream Magica Toxica Invisible Honey Trick Panic Chewing Night Downtown Just a Bit Simply Bellowing Love. Ephemeralism TOXIC PARTY Absentee Inhuman Poison Loneliness Design of Words Pandalism Ainori Irony Silver Lining Anthropophobia Answer in the Dark Mass Production Growing Seeds Can't Do Nothin' Shine Raspbunny If I Chant I Love You Love Lone Theory Autumn Poem Surpriiise Break Break Non-Stander Ayumi Tiara Prison Doll Upside-Down Fool Inspiration Shelter Outbreak Merom Gourmet Curse Prick-Prick-Prick Your Heart Bakuromu (Expose) Girly Self-Advertising Sell-Life You and Me Find New Age Beyond the Strange Dream Layer True Colors lpalpa I'm a Kappa and I Have a Girlfriend, So What's You Guys' Deal? Moonlight Dancer quest Ghostly Beat Penguin Run Aster Angelica Protagonist (Utata-P) End in the Bitter Life Approval-Seeking Monster Magic Kara Kagura Serious Mode Poet Unneeded Everybody Except Everyone Else is Me It's Fine to Love, Right? Kobus and Chasing Play ANIMAL Moon and Amber iki Accomplice Ghost Party Muddy Darkness City Life .. (Miku ver.) El Tango Aventador Masquerade Parade Neon City Square Girl Swindler Buzz of Hallow's Eve
========== Adachi Rei ========== Adachi Rei
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fairy-writes · 3 years
Hello!! May I request a Tokyo Revengers and OHSHC romantic male matchup? Thank you in advance!
Hello! I'm Estelle or Aster. I'm 4'1", a slytherin, and my pronouns are : He/They. I'm also Poly-Panromantic Asexual.
I'm an introvert who barely goes out, I usually stay in my room reading manga/manhwa while listening to music. I have social anxiety so I don't do well with a lot of people, especially if it's a crowd of strangers. Though, I have noticed and am quit grateful for, I have very low presence so most of the time, people around me doesn't notice I'm there at all, even if I walk in front of them, they don't notice nor see me at all.
I'm very quiet and awkward at first but once I warm up to someone, I can be pretty loud and shameless. I swear a lot, I tend to hug or have any sort of physical contact with my friends, and I make a lot of sexual and dark jokes.
I'm an indoor person, which means I'm not athletic at all. I enjoy watching sports but I don't enjoy doing them. I do play a lot of board games though, if you count that as a sport.
I'm a night owl who stays up until 3 AM in the morning and I'm usually dancing to K-Pop songs during those hours or coming up with weird ideas or thoughts ( Like those shower thoughts ).
Apart from all that, I am a kind and caring person, friendly too but lately I'm very cautious over making friends because I care too much that it ends up hurting me instead. I commit a lot to friendships and relationships, and I'm usually the therapist friend. I just care a lot and love a lot that I end up bottling up my own problems so that I wouldn't bother anyone. I have self-esteem issues and constant negative thoughts of myself, I cope by making jokes about it though. I do have a short temper and I tend to ghost or push people away when I'm angry. I love playing pranks on people, as well as having deep conversations about fandoms and making theories and such. I like to think I'm a chill person who, when left alone, can be weird ( talking to myself, doing strange dramatic acts, etc. ) Oh, I hate failing, so I work hard to win whenever I can. Be it on games, competitions or school exams, I don't like failing. It doesn't matter if I didn't win first place, as long as I didn't fail. I'm a passionate lover and friend ( though, I tend to call people I love and care for, a bitch, but lovingly 💗 ) Also, I suck at cooking, I'm only good at arts & crafts.
My style is completely androgynous.
My ideal type is someone who's willing to take the time to understand me and to be patient with me. I love a lot and will shower you with affection but I have moments where I need to go into hibernation from socializing so much because it physically and mentally pains me if I force myself to socialize more than I already have. My love language is physical affection, corny/cheesy flirts, and overly affectionate words. I will literally write you a long ass paragraph, declaring my love for you. I'm very supportive, so I want someone to support me too. Free of judgement as well. Also, communication is something I hold very strictly in relationships. If you don't want to communicate with me, we're done. I hate misunderstandings, so please be open with me. I won't rush you but don't hide it from me forever.
Hello lovely! I hope you like your matchups! This is just a reminder that if this is a romantic matchup, it’s in the current Tokyo Revengers timeline!
Tokyo Revengers Matchup: I pair you with… Ryuguji Ken!
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Draken is QUITE a bit taller than you at a whopping 6’1” and still growing! I also see him as a Gryffindor, so you two make a fearsome couple despite the height difference!
He doesn’t mind that you barely go out but will sometimes take you out for rides through the countryside on his bike. He says you need the fresh air, and it gives him an excuse to show off his motorcycle skills! He makes sure to avoid any crowds, so it’s a plus for you! But, of course, he can always sense you, so your low-presence tricks don’t work on him!
Draken loves to hold your hand! So on the off chance, he loses track of your presence, he likes to make sure he’s holding your hand, so he doesn’t lose you. He also doesn’t mind that you are an indoor person! So sometimes indoor and low-key hangouts are just what he needs and appreciates! Teach him board games! He usually spends all his time with Toman, so feel free to teach him all kinds of new things when he has free time!
This big lug loves that you are so kind, caring, and friendly. Draken understands that you are cautious over making friends, so he hesitates to introduce you to Toman at first, but he introduces you after some time. Surprisingly, you and Takemichi hit it off and become fast friends!
Your short temper can be the cause of the occasional fight, but the two of you makeup quickly and apologize to each other after you both have had time to cool off. He definitely takes the time to understand and is incredibly patient with you! He deals with Mikey daily, so anything thrown his way usually just rolls off his back.
Draken knows you need time to yourself occasionally and doesn’t mind when you disappear to hibernate from social activity. He just asks for a text to let him know you’re alright, is all! I see his love language as being gift-giving. He likes buying little things that remind him of you when he has the money! But he loves holding your hand, too, as well as just general physical affection. He’ll always support you! He’d never leave you behind or in the dark about things and is big on communication! Overall, 10/10 would recommend him as a friend or boyfriend!
Ouran High School Host Club Matchup: I pair you with… Morinozuka Takashi!
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Another whopping tall man! He’s even taller than Draken at 6’4”! This gentle giant is definitely either a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor!
He’s a bit of an introvert himself which is funny given he works in a Host Club. He doesn’t push you but often asks you out on dates to go for walks around the park when there’s pretty much no one around. He doesn’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do either but does ask you to come hang out with him at the Host Club occasionally. Given his height, he is noticed pretty much immediately, so it’s something the two of you have to deal with when you go out and about.
It doesn’t take you long to warm up to Mori. He’s the strong and silent type and is a great listener! He enjoys your physical affection and will (somewhat shyly) return it! He’ll also happily watch sports with you even if it isn’t his favorite; he tends to watch martial arts matches instead of things like football or basketball. He’ll also play board games with you as a fun date night!
Mori loves that you are so kind, caring, and friendly! However, he also understands where you are coming from when you say you are cautious about making friends. He’s had too many people try and get close to him just for popularity’s sake. But he grows close to you quickly and opens up as well as listens to all your problems and worries!
His kendo training helps him keep his emotions in check, so your short-temper doesn’t affect him. He also doesn’t mind your pranks; he takes care of Honey, after all. He also admires your tenacity when it comes to working hard, so you don’t fail! He also loves how passionate you are towards him and your friends! Mori is incredibly patient and tries his best to understand you. He gets a little embarrassed at times with all the affection you show him but learns to love just as much as he loves you :)
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twinprime · 4 years
i was tagged by @hanniba1 for this super fun game!!! <333
🎃 Pumpkin: Favourite season? fall or winter but only aesthetically bc the cold makes me Achy 
👻 Ghost: Do you get scared easily? no unless we’re counting hearing loud sounds unexpectedly and then i’ll literally jump out of my seat. but jumpscares? horror? suspense? perfectly fine
🍭 Candy Corn: What’s your favourite kind of candy? lollipops, reese’s, or any chocolate with a caramel center!
🧛🏻 Vampire: What is your favourite supernatural creature? vampires!! although i do have a soft spot for werewolves too <3
🧙🏻 Witch: If you could have any superpower, what would it be? teleportation!!! or mind control!! i think they’re both super neat
🍬 Trick or treat: What was your favourite Halloween costume? hmm probably either ghostface when i was like 7 or the joker last year
🐈 Black cat: Are you superstitious? only ironically, and i enjoy messing with my friends who are lmao
🪓 Ouija Board: If you could change your name, what would you change it to? evangeline!! it was orignally one of the names my mother was thinking abt for me and i kinda wish she chose it instead of my current name
⚰️ Graveyard: Do you know any good scary stories? man door hand hook car door.. i actually don’t really know any good ones but i know that the one story that scared the fuck out of me as a kid was the green ribbon. idk just the mental image of a girl removing a scarf from her neck and her head rolling off... anyway maybe i’ll go out and buy a green ribbon to wear around my neck
💀 Skeleton: Have you ever broken a bone? thankfully i haven’t but i did fracture my finger once. not very painful but just really inconvenient
🐺 Werewolf: What is your favourite urban legend? can’t really think of any so i’m just copying ava and saying cryptids!! i was gonna go to point pleasant wva to go to the mothman museum when i drove across the country for college but my dad said “its too far out of the way.” 200 miles off our course is NOT too far away for mothman. but now i’m in oregon so i guess i’ll go look for bigfoot insteag ig
📽 Horror flick: Do you like scary movies? If so, which one is your favourite? yes!!! i’ve only just started getting into horror/thriller recently though so i still haven’t seen a lot of the classics but some of my favorites so far are hereditary, midsommar (i believe in ari aster supremacy), donnie darko, jennifer’s body (which i watched for the first time last night!!), the lighthouse, crimson peak, and as above so below!! (ik a decent chunk of these don’t count as horror but i’m including anything suspenseful or unsettling)
🏚 Haunted house:  Would you prefer to live in the city or the country? city!! as much as i love the thought of living in the countryside i just don’t think id survive without having at least 10 different coffee shops within walking distance
🧟 Zombie: Do you think that you could survive a zombie apocalypse? ok what type of zombies are we talking abt here bc i feel like if they’re the slow zombies id survive. fast zombies? i have the speed and stamina of a three toed sloth
🔮 Cauldron: What kind of potion would you make if you had the opportunity? potion that fixes all my health problems. also ava if u make that potion that turns people into hugh dancy can i have some
🌕 Full moon: Do you prefer nighttime or daytime? nighttime!!
🌽 Corn maze:  What is your favourite autumn activity? driving through the mountains!! also drinking apple cider, playing the danse macabre on repeat, watching scary movies, and layering 14 sweaters at a time
🧹 Broomstick: What exciting places have you travelled to? most of my travelling hasn’t been for vacations so i haven’t had the opportunity to really see anything exciting but i technically visited iceland because i had a connecting flight there and i got to explore london when i went back to visit family one summer... i also got to see the aurora borealis when i was on my way back from canada once
tagging @horrorlesbians @knifehorror @sapphoism @minyardy @nietzscheantrout @cravenwes @sidneyprezcott @trashmouthlesbians and anyone else who wants to participate!!
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Burnt Bacon pt 2
Shortly after Young Justice: Outsiders, The Light Finds Wally West first. 
“I need you to sit down.” 
Dick does so automatically. “Is it a surprise?” he asks his girlfriend playfully. “Is it cake?” 
Barbara looks at him sympathetically. “It’s not cake.” 
“Is it... Lucky Charms?” Dick asks. “Frosted Mini-Wheats?” 
“Dick,” Barbara says. “I need you to take this seriously.” 
He watches her carefully, and it quickly dawns on him that yes, there is something wrong.
Something very wrong. 
“On a scale of dis to aster...what are we talking about here?” he asks, reaching over and taking her hands. 
She squeezes his gently before shifting her chair back towards her computer screens and pulling up a grainy feed from…
“Whoa…” Dick marvels as he gets up to look over her shoulder. “Is that the League of Shadows?” 
“It is,” Barbara confirms, zooming the image closer on Ra’s and Talia. “They’re having a naming ceremony. Inducting a new high-ranking member. Someone they trust. Someone the Team and the League are probably going to face in the not-too-distance future.” 
“They get new members all the time,” Dick comments. “Who’s the new guy?” 
“They’re calling him the Majhul,” Barbara tells him. “Loosely translated from Arabic: The Nameless.” 
“Heh,” Dick chuckles. “Naming ceremony for the Nameless. Always knew Ra’s had a dad joke or two...in...his…” he stops talking, and reaches forward, zooming in on the Nameless, staring hard. 
Barbara takes a breath. “This is why I wanted you to sit down.” 
“It can’t be.” 
“That’s not possible,” Dick snaps. “That’s not...it can’t be him.” 
“I’ve run some facial recognition,” Barbara says. “It’s a match.” 
“Run it again.” 
“Run it again!” 
Barbara swallows and turns back to the computer, zooming in on the face of the man on her feed. 
Early twenties. Red hair. Green eyes. Strong jaw. 
When the program finishes running, it pops with the data. 
                                     MATCH: Wallace West.
“I’m sorry, Dick,” Barbara says gently. “But it could be anything. It could be a Cadmus clone or…” she turns, realizing that he’s gone. “Dick?” 
Bruce isn’t particularly surprised to see Dick.
But not much surprises him to begin with. 
“Tell me you didn’t know.” 
Bruce pulls back the cowl and steps past his oldest ward towards the bat computer. “You’ll have to be more specific.” 
“Tell me you didn’t know Wally West had been nabbed by the Shadows.” 
Dick sounds angry and desperate and wrecked. Like he’s gone through the stages of grieving all over again in the span of an hour. 
But Bruce can’t tell Dick he didn’t know. 
He knew. 
“You son of a bitch,” Dick snarls. “You knew.” 
“I knew that they had what appeared to be someone that looked like the original Kid Flash,” Bruce tells him. “What I wasn’t certain of was whether it was a trap or not. I was waiting. Waiting for them to send that operative out into the field, so we could be certain.” 
“You said nothing. You did nothing. God knows what they’ve done to him and-” 
“And I said nothing to keep you and the original team from getting yourselves killed,” Bruce says firmly. “You and Artemis would have gone in half-cocked, with Miss Martian and Superboy and Aqualad trying to keep you from dying, and your mission to save him would have failed. You are too close to this, Dick.” 
“Too-!” Dick swallows hard. 
“Dick,” Bruce says gently. “He was your best friend. Your childhood best friend. The first friend you made after the death of your parents. How could you not be too close to this?” 
“I have to save him,” Dick says brokenly. “Babs ran facial recognition, it’s him. I have to save him.” 
“Your first assignment,” Ra’s says, handing him a photo. “Is to kill this man. It should be quite simple. He has spent a long time out of his little tights, and his death will serve as suitable punishment for a former operative of ours who should know better.” 
The man in the photo is large, but kind-looking. Red hair. Beard. 
Ra’s rests a hand on his shoulder. “Bring me his head.” 
He nods. 
“Yes, Master.” 
 “This is insane.” 
“It’s him.” 
He rounds on Kaldur, eyes blazing. “It’s him! Look at it! The facial recognition-” 
“This is a trap,” Artemis snaps. She looks angry, ready to punch Dick, but he keeps pushing. 
“They would have made a play by now if it were!” Dick cries. “The Shadows have been quiet for months. Too quiet. Because they’ve been hiding him!” 
“It’s not him,” Kaldur says gently. “My friend, I know you want to believe...but...This is likely a trick. Of magic or machinery, I do not know, but-” 
“You won’t even entertain the possibility that it’s really him?” Dick asks, looking around at them, turning to Zatanna, M’gann and Conner. “What about you three?” 
M’gann frets, glancing at Conner, obviously having a telepathic conversation, before turning back to Dick. “It’s...unlikely that it’s really him. And even if it is...there’s no telling what shape he’s in. If he’s in this deep with the Shadows, the chances he even remembers who we are-” 
“It’s not him,” Artemis snaps, glowering at Dick. “And the fact that you, of all people, would be taken in by Ra’s Al Ghul’s obvious trap-” 
“Give me one good reason why it’s not him?” Dick asks.
“Because he’s dead!” Artemis blurts out. 
“And what if he’s not?!” 
“Believe me, he is,” Artemis tells him, looking him in the eyes.  
“Dick…” Zatanna says gently. “I know how much you want to believe…” 
“Fine,” Dick snaps. “Fine. Whether he’s a clone, or the real thing, he doesn’t deserve  whatever the Shadows have done to him. I’m going to get him. Are any of you coming with me?”
No one gets a chance to respond. Their communicators all go off: high priority. 
Dick picks his up, engaging the speaker option. “Nightwing to Watchtower-” 
“It’s NOT The Watchtower,” Will Harper’s voice wheezes. “I was just attacked in my own home. By a ghost. Get your asses over here now.” 
His first attempt...unsuccessful. 
He’s not certain why.
Looking into the man’s eyes...he just…
Didn’t want to kill him, suddenly. 
Try again.
They help Will into a chair. He’s bleeding from his nose and mouth, and he’s got at least a couple of broken ribs and a sprained wrist. 
He coughs and sits back, looking up at the six of them. 
“Would one of you like to tell me why a dead man just tried to kill me?” 
They all look at each other. 
Dick is grinning. “It’s him.” 
“It is not. Him,” Artemis snaps. 
Kaldur sighs and looks to Will. “I am sorry. Dick received intel that the Shadows have trained a new operative. One that looks hauntingly like our deceased friend. 
“Because it’s him!” Dick repeats. 
“Wally is alive?” Will asks, looking emotional. “But-” 
“He isn’t,” Artemis snaps. “Wally is dead.” 
“We don’t actually know that,” Conner points out slowly. “There was no body, after all…” 
“No,” Artemis tells them. “Zatanna sent me to Limbo to see him. He’s...he’s gone.” 
M’gann cringes. “Actually…” 
Conner closes his eyes. “M’gann. Tell me you didn’t.” 
“It’s on me, Conner,” Zatanna says quickly. “M’gann went along with my plan.” 
“Plan?!” Artemis yells. “What plan!? What did you do?!” 
“Hello!” Dick cries. “Guys, we have a brainwashed killer speedster on the loose! We have to find him before he does any more damage!” 
Barry punches Bruce in the jaw, sending the Batman reeling back from the Flash’s force and speed. 
“You KNEW?!” 
“I was biding-” 
“You knew,” Barry points at him accusingly. “And you didn’t say a word!” 
“What matters now is that we find him,” Kaldur says firmly. “Nightwing and Miss Martian are tracking him down.” 
“What about Tigress?” Green Arrow asks, looking concerned. 
“She’s...taken herself out of the equation,” Kaldur tells them, before turning to Zatanna. “What did you do?” 
“She was threatening to go to Mordu,” Zatanna explains. “Ask him to send her to the spirit world to see Wally one last time. But...but nobody can do that. Not even Fate can do that.” 
Doctor Fate nods. “It’s true. It is an impossible task. The most likely outcome is the spirit being pulled from the body for good. He would have killed her.” 
“So…” Zatanna goes on. “I...asked M’gann to set up an arena in Artemis’ mind. A space where she could really process her grief. Come to terms with that loss. Gain closure once and for all. She wasn’t mind controlled. Nothing was suggested to her subliminally. But we thought telling her would do more harm than good...letting her believe it was really him…” 
“Is a lie,” Conner snaps. “You lied to her. And about this? You’re supposed to be her friends.” 
“You know what, Conner?” Zatanna snaps, clearly over his attitude. “It was either try to do something to help her, or let her go to someone who would have gotten her killed. She left us very little choice.” 
Conner glowers at her. “At least the choice would have been hers.” 
“You should have tried harder to talk Artemis down,” Dick says over their psychic link. “Lying to her was wrong.” 
“She didn’t leave us much choice,” M’gann says sadly. “My worst fear was that she’d go to Mordu or Klarian, and they would...they would bring Wally back.” 
“Why would that have been a bad thing?” 
“Haven’t you ever paid attention to Zatanna when she talks about these things? He would have come back wrong,” M’gann explains. “Look at the mess we’re in now. Wherever he was, he clearly did come back wrong.” 
“We can get him back,” Dick tells her as they move quietly through Star City’s streets. 
“What if we can’t?” 
“We can-” 
“But what if we can’t?” M’gann asks. “What if...what if this is just who he is now? What if there’s nothing left of the Wally we knew and loved?” 
Dick stops running, turning to glower at her. “Listen to me. Wally is our friend. And he’s alive. We will get him back.” 
“I will get him back.” 
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johnny-writes · 6 years
List of muses
This is a cheat sheet of all the muses available on this blog, and it’s also a summary if you want to interact. My fandomless OCs have no verses besides the “standard” (and any verse is a variation of it), talk to me if you want to create one. Most of my main muses have their own separate pages, so if you want more details about them, click on their names.
Active muses
Marcos Grzbowski - OC, thinks he’s smart, Duning-Krüger hasn’t been nice to him, emotional guy disguised as a rational one, the “meta-guy” Rebecca Z. Mishko - OC, awkward girl, stutters, loyal like heck, rational girl disguised as an emotional one, could be a queen bee in an alternate timeline Talyna - OC, not an actual vampire, an alien that looks like a vampire, wants to go home Marya - OC, sassy fairy, travels a lot, dying is no big deal, a sun that never sets, secretively the worst tsundere ever Eagle - Ace Combat Zero/OC (gijinka of Pixy’s F-15), has a scary face, actually socially awkward, can fly and kill you in 13 different ways, tries to make friends Mara and Tojava - OC, they are as night and day, oil and water, two sides of the same coin, and yet are the same
Archive of muses
I used to play these muses. They are still open for PLOTTED threads and QUICK interactions, like one off asks and RPs with less than 10 turns.
Lumi - Vocaloid, jellyfish goddess or android with a peculiar design, either way she’s clumsy, believes too much her stories Mayu - Vocaloid, is processing 108 ways to kill you per second, actually cares for her family, yandere for fun, that rabbit is a cyborg Yohioloid - Vocaloid, depressed genius, sabotages himself frequently, needs a slap from himself Maika - Vocaloid, preciosa, can’t get sad, that can be a problem Anon - Vocaloid, shy, stays at home, Smash champion Kanon - Vocaloid, extroverted, has a job, fears she’s stunting her sister Cubi - Vocaloid, infernal creature, what was Hio thinking, tries to light him up IA - Vocaloid, cinnamon roll, can befriend Mayu Gumi - Vocaloid, romantic, can’t understand her feelings Yukari Yuzuki - Vocaloid, edgy to the circuits, cares only for IA Lily - Vocaloid, issues orders, actually a good boss, just wants a break, needs to smile Tone Rion - Vocaloid, nurse, overworked, secretly has a talent for being an idol, hates it Lapis Aoki - Vocaloid, cinnamon roll, forgetful Merli - Vocaloid, aloof, there’s a reason for that Yan He - Vocaloid, was a mistake, doesn’t care (cares a lot), please hug her Padparadscha - Houseki no Kuni, manliest rock ever, nice hair, will be your big brother, can destroy others if requested, wants to die Alexandrite - Houseki no Kuni, nerd (nerd), overbearing teacher, goes berserk, champion of self-control Rutile - Houseki no Kuni, a doctor better than the one below, hopelessly in love with Padpa (again, who doesn’t?), might be a yandere Obsidian - Houseki no Kuni, weaponsmith, behaves like a valley girl, cheerful, just don’t mess with their swords Yellow Diamond - Houseki no Kuni, smiling, depressed, survivor’s guilt, old Presea - Tales of Symphonia, a girl trying to understand what the heck happened to her, be nice with her Kazuma Satou - Konosuba, the worst hero ever, wants to be a NEET, has to get involved in wild adventures instead, wants to dump his teammates, returns to them in a co-dependency relationship Darkness - Konosuba, masochist, looks pure, is anything but, but can actually be, cares about her duty Megumin - Konosuba, chuuni, likes explosions, has a hot temper, cares a lot for her teammates Aqua - Konosuba, useless goddess, good party tricks, not very smart Mitsurugi Kyouya - Konosuba, thinks he’s the hero (spoiler: he’s not), well-intentioned, but a goddamn (in the most literal way) imbecile, thinks the world revolves around him, but he’s too imbecile to realize Izumi Makino - Konosuba/OC, Kazuma’s former childhood crush, doesn’t like him, think he’s a creep, but knows a lot about him, secretly wants to mend up things, but too proud to admit, otherwise she belongs in a biker gang Tanya Degurechaff - Saga of Tanya the Evil, magical girl who’s also a libertarian economist and willing to be morally gray King - One Punch Man, the biggest hero-by-accident case, hates his life, just wanted to play videogames Natalia - Idolm@aster, girl with a big heart and small common sense, likes belly dancing and kitchen experiments, like banana sushi Gahata Meiji - UTAU, witch, geography teacher, has no idea why, just needs Kamina - Gurren Lagann, manliest man ever, will be your unorthodox big brother, will punch you, can’t survive without his little brother Kotaro Tatsumi - Zombieland Saga, a loud idol producer, can turn anything into an idol, ANYTHING Hitomi Shizuki - Puella Magi Madoka Magica, rich girl, emotionally strong, wants to help, forgets to consider others’ feelings Dr. Danny - Angels of Death, thinks he has a good disguise, doctorate in tongue twisters, hateshateshateshateshateshateshates Rebecca Info-chan - Lovesick: Yandere Simulator, does not know recognize the meaning of privacy, sadistic, h@cker, hates hates hates Osana Najimi Yuri - Doki Doki Literature Club, smug reader, fancies herself to be smart, can be good at parties, sees people as games Donovan Truck - OC, Truck-kun personified, kind kid, believes in you, trusts you can overcome your suffering, for that reason he won’t care with them Suwako Moriya - Touhou, was tossed away, speak in enigmas, gets anime for Sanae Pixy - Ace Combat Zero, hates borders, chill, can use a gun
I attempted to write or I wrote enough to be relevant remembering, either NPC or one-off
Matcha and Azuki - Vocaloid, they are like a comedic duo Tohoku Zunko - Vocaloid, big sister, tired of Lumi’s crap Momoko - Ghost Stories, can’t fear anything, God is with her, 10 years of theological education to write this Ruby Rose - RWBY, loves her gun, tries to discover the meaning of fun Tohru Adachi - Persona 4, looks like a bumbling police officer, actually is an edgy loser that wants to watch the world burn, but can keep his word Star Butterfly - Star vs the Forces of Evil, princess from another dimension, brighten up your day, may or may not be in love with Crona Marco Díaz - Star vs the Forces of Evil, just wanted to help, almost unleashed a monster and went RULES OF NATURE Janna Ordonia - Star vs the Forces of Evil, smug, wants to star a hentai with Marco Koakuma - Touhou, flirty and cocky towards humans, wants to eat your soul, but can look cute doing it Simon - Gurren Lagann, needs his big bro, serious, Kamina’s character makes no sense without him Dokis - Doki Doki Literature Club, treated as one, the same as canon but with ultra-smug Yuri The ballpit from Dashcon - OC?, there’s a story behind it
Oh hi Mark
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toomanyfeelings5 · 6 years
Top 5 love stories, and top 5 original characters!
thank you!!!!!!!
love stories as of right now, in no particular order:
1. chiron and kevin, moonlight. “what is there to be sorry for?” screams about these two forever 
2. lady hideko and sook-hee, the handmaiden. “you thought you were tricking me?” iconic, show-stopping, spectacular, they love each other so much 
3. theo and aster, an unkindness of ghosts. this book makes lines like “i…care about you a great deal” read like the most tender and romantic line in all of literature, BECAUSE IT BASICALLY IS, these two!!!!!!!!! love each other so much and they GET each other and i’m not over their adorable flirting and they’re just so good with each other 
4. priscilla and zacharias, the sorcerer’s crown. a slytherin with a scheme and a ravenclaw who just wants to study the magic of hedge-witches end up becoming an unlikely duo and they fall in love and gahhhhhh, zacharias’s proposal to her in his adorable garden where he also has bee hives and priscilla becoming increasingly flustered over how handsome and nerdy and good zacharias is, these two are amazing on their own and even more amazing together
4. karen and franklin’s friendship, my favorite thing is monsters. their friendship only showed up for a brief time but it hit me so hard??? when karen describes franklin’s scars as light shining through him, how he has so much fun in the art museum with her,  i cry :’’’))))) these kids are so good
5. max and anne, black sails. so tender! their scene in the snow! the most well-developed love story in black sails, fight me on this. (caveat is that i do wish that max didn’t have to always be the most emotionally intelligent one in her relationships, like god bless her she needs to be surrounded by people who know how to deal with their shit, but on the flip side i really do see anne providing this blunt counterpoint to max and anne growing into being someone who can really be there for max in an emotionally resonant way)
top 5 original characters, how dare you, asking me to pick favorites among my children, dfgdsf jk jk here’s the list, as always in no particular order:
1. sarah wong, from my stranger things fic under pressure (all devils here now). i regularly forget that she isn’t a canon character. she was so fun to write and develop and she’s one of my favorite characters in stranger things. 
2. you know what i love my old lady orc ranger folk hero ma boneset, also chip the hermit barbarian dwarf. when i finally play dnd it’s over for u hoes
3. fitzherbert, from my hp fic seekers of love. what can i say, i love house elves, and fitzherbert is such a fun grumpy badass to write.
4. nneka from my black sails fic, what is a king but a heavy name. such a breath of fresh air and a ray of sunshine to write, like she’s happy as an act of rebellion and i love her, also her scenes with ruth are so fun, she’s the bravest person in boston.
5. ekundayo from the black sails fic. like, technically he’s the canon character “mr. scott,” but 1. did i stutter? 2. at this point ekundayo basically is an original character and this whole fic is filled with original characters, i love them all and they all go on this last spot tbh. 
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fruitsclipper · 1 year
thank you all for coming to my sporadic liveblogging of ghost trick Phantom Detective for the nintendo ds. its hd remaster is also on like, modern consoles and also steam i think. do it for missile. Please 👍
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yaldev · 2 years
Meeting with His Judgment
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Every animal instinct tells Acolyte Decadin to throw his body at the bars. To ram them with his shoulder, bend them with the force of his indignant rage and rip them from their slots. An ancient strength he’s never felt courses through his body, a power bestowed by the desperate will to survive, a dormant force from the days when wild humans lifted boulders thrice their size if that’s what it took to break free. Decadin reaches forward with trembling hands. His fingers try to grasp the cold metal, but his body is still curled against the opposite wall and his legs will not move.
The Oracle, she’s here in the cell with him. But she can’t be. Even in a world where Decadin’s own Empire would imprison him, some trace of rationality remains, and it is too important to abandon.
“You won’t even try?” she asks.
She’s a dream. A hallucination.
“You could scream. Maybe they don’t realize who you are.”
She’s an illusion. A magic trick from the captors.
“I know you remember the stories. The strength that blesses us in the most dire times.”
“No!” Decadin yells. He finally feels the emptiness in his lungs, and he sobs.
“After everything else, this is what stops you?”
“Everything else…” Decadin shakes his head with eyes tightly shut. “Everything else was possible.” They open. “But those bars are steel. Probably manganese steel, maybe enchanted. It’s too stiff to bend even with hysteria in play, and the tensile strength is definitely too—”
“Possibility never stopped you. Would you just be too embarrassed if you failed?”
“I’m saying there’s no ‘if’ about it. There’s doing the impossible, and then there’s ‘my body cannot exert the force to bend these bars under known physics.’”
Decadin had sought out the Oracle when he was a boy. She looked no different now, even as he had grown up, changed the world, flourished, wrinkled, regretted. Now this ghost-hallucination-trick was standing over him to gloat.
“I think you’re scared.”
“How astute.”
“In your academy days, you learned how real panic felt. Then you forgot, and now you imagine that you’re still in control because you’ve kept your composure, you’ve tried nothing desperate, and you know the mechanics of your cage.”
“The only thing I’m imagining is you.”
She grins. “You’re an even greater fool than you think.”
“And what about your part in my foolishness? You did this too.”
Her smile closes, but persists. Decadin pulls himself to his feet and takes a closer look at that immortal face—at the eyes that stare past his flesh—than he had ever dared.
“Don’t act like you didn’t set my course. Yes, I did this, but you’re the one who set my imagination running. I don’t think your predictions would have come true if I never came to hear them.”
“A self-fulfilling prophecy? Your science has no data to prove it, so you must rely on your religion.”
“You embraced reason since we first spoke, but you were always too smart to let go of your superstition.”
“Is that why you did this to me?!”
Decadin shoves the Oracle. His hands pass through the image. He growls.
“Revenge for the Old Faiths? Your Deftists, your Eej-Landians? I never thought I’d have to let that poison into my mind again.”
Her smile opens again. Liquid chaos pours from between her teeth to the cell floor.
Decadin scrambles into a far corner, staring in horror. “What in Pelbee’s name?!”
“THAT IS STILL THE GOD YOU CHOOSE?” she hisses, slowly approaching. The colorful mana carves runes into the floor, writing in tongues that died before the Ascended Nation was born. “YOU PRAY TO THE CITY THAT UNMAKES YOU?”
“Sweet Aster, protect me!”
She gasps, savors the stale air of the prison, and breathes a torrent of gaseous mana into Decadin’s screaming face.
Yaldev is a sci-fantasy worldbuilding project by Ulysses Maurer, with art by Beeple. By looking at narratives, stylized loredumps, bad poetry and little details, we'll witness the story of a planet filled with magical power, the nation which tried to conquer it, this empire’s dramatic collapse and the new world which emerged in its wake. Along the way we'll meet the characters who live here, and we'll explore questions about nationalism, rationalism, the natural world and the quest to master it. For all stories in chronological order, check out the pinned posts at r/Yaldev!
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avoutput · 6 years
Family Drama || Hereditary
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For most people, no bond is stronger than that of family. Its a bond that takes shape from birth and is one of the hardest ties to cut, because try as you might, you can never truly sever it completely. They exist inside of you, passed down to you, a part of your very DNA, undeniable. Because these connections are so strong they easily pierce our emotional barriers, every interaction magnified. Everything from love to hate, closeness to distance, trust to betrayal has an undefinable depth that can feel like a tangible tether anchored to your heart. Hereditary is a film about the ties that bind, accepting loss, acknowledging grief, taking responsibility, and the terror of trusting those closest to us.
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The first thing you will come to recognize about Hereditary, is that it’s not your typical horror film. Unlike horror films of the past 20 years, it has lofty theatrical goals, hearkening back to 60’s and 70’s horror films like Rosemary’s Baby or The Shining. Predominantly, this film is about family, maintaining a slow burn throughout before descending into madness. By the end of the film, I had the feeling that its creation was just shy of genius. In his first major film release, writer and director Ari Aster crafted a love letter to horror films of the past, and in doing so creates a film that, on the outset, feels totally original. I honestly wasn’t sure what was going to come next because for the first act of the film, it’s a dry family drama with that Kubrik-like twist and attention to detail that keeps you a tad on edge, like seeing a sad clown with a bent smile. The film features large, open rooms with wide shots that leaves the details just out of focus, playing tricks on your eyes, but begs you to look closer. Aster also plays tricks on your ears, introducing sounds and music at the beginning of the film that signal ideas as the film gets deeper. These are all hallmarks of classic horror and cinema in general, but really work well when done with such careful attention. Yet, this is where I feel Aster is just shy of true genius. In one way, he was able to identify what makes a stellar horror film, what puts off the audience, even what may have terrified him personally, and put it into action. But none of these techniques feel original enough to separate themselves from their influence. The same goes for the films story, which plays a bit like horror jazz. All the elements of the composition are familiar, but they tumble out to the beat of their own drum, which keeps you guessing in the beginning, but at its culmination, any experienced viewer understands where the film will end.
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Just as deservedly, the cast did and amazing job. Toni Collette knocks it out of the park as a challenged mother Annie, grieving the loss of her estranged mother while simultaneously trying to find time for work and alleviate stress on her family. Milly Shapiro plays Annie’s troubled loner daughter Charlie, who like her mother is absorbed in a world of her own making. She pulls off a level of intensity that comes straight through the screen and is framed perfectly within the chilling tone of the film. Alex Wolff plays son and brother Peter as the typical high school junior who has the desire to flex his independence, a desire that becomes fully qualified as the story unfolds. As dads tend to do in family films, Gabriel Byrne remains in the background, maintaining his family as best he can, but still somehow becomes a memorable character throughout the film by playing a dual role as both audience and actor. What really serves all of these actors is the incredibly tense drama at the core of this film. Honestly, Hereditary could have shed the horror and still been a completely engaging story, having a level of realism and authenticity that beats at the center of its tell-tale heart.
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Hereditary was either a genius film or a genius homage to other genius films. One thing I had read multiple times before viewing this movie is its relationship to films like “The Exorcist” and “The Sixth Sense”, which I think is a bit disingenuous, primarily because neither the tone nor the feel is anything like either of them. I spent part of the film looking for these relationships, but it only felt superficial. It has much more in common with older Japanese horror films, driven by tales of ghosts and supernatural visuals that creep out at the corner of your eye. I will instead put in your mind “Rosemary’s Baby” for feeling and “The Shining” visually. Either way, this isn’t the film for slasher fans, gore fans, or in general shock horror fans, though it does serve them at various points. It’s much more psychologically sinister, the perfect mix of sight, sound, and story. By the end, you will wish you didn’t want more, but that mixture and endgame will have you wanting to watch again, just to pick apart the meat. To end, admittedly, I am torn. What at first feels like a deep ocean of lore could be smoke and mirrors cast on a shallow puddle. But either way, that’s the magic of cinema.
~* 9/10 *~
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asterlly · 6 years
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
They reach a hand inside the inner pocket of their coat, retrieving a black leather book bound with red string. On the center of the cover is a fluorite orb embedded into the leather, with golden arrows and stars adorning the gem and outer corners. A gloved hand unties the ribbon and flips through the pages.
“It’s not just a journal, it also functions as a grimoire. Albeit, I am the only one who can open it. ” A finger halts on one of the pages, hesitating. “It’s uniquely precious to me… but so are you. You may read to your heart’s content, if you so wish.” Aster hands over the journal with a gentle smile, resolved in entrusting such a vulnerable part of herself with you.  
When you look down, the journal is already opened to a specific page:
Entry #358
1 year, 17 days since extraction
     I’m just now realizing that I haven’t seen the sun in two months. Maleficent still won’t tell me anything about what I’m training for. Every time I cast that spell for her, it hurts… it’s like being shocked by a taser. I don’t know if it’s the shadows playing tricks on me, but my hands… are they turning black? Please, please, if someone can hear me through the words that I’m writing now, come save me.
There’s a long break between the next block of text.
     Heavens above, I miss them so much. Every time I close my eyes, I see the two of them. Maybe their ghosts are haunting me, although I wouldn’t even mind if they were. Those memories, they were all just data, but… they felt so real. Even now I can’t look at anything in this castle without being reminded of that life. I just… I just want to see them again. It’s all that’s keeping me going now. All that I’m fighting for. I won’t give up, I’ll push through the darkness- side with it if I have to.  Wait for me…
                                                                                                        …Lea, …Isa
There are faint water spots at the bottom of the page.
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
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The intricacies of what does and does not get pushed on Netflix fascinates me. Some of their original movies get notable promotion, highlighted on the front page and premiered at film festivals. Other stuff is nearly impossible to find, such as today’s premiere of “Malevolent,” a vicious little slice of horror starring Florence Pugh, who was so fantastic in “Lady Macbeth,” and is in a number of exciting upcoming projects, including new films from David Mackenzie, Greta Gerwig and Ari Aster. Now, “Malevolent” is far from perfect—it kind of sabotages a solid first hour with a clunky, tone-changing climax more likely to leave you queasy than scared—but it’s still better than A) a lot of theatrically-released horror films and B) a lot of Netflix original films. And yet I had to dig to find it this morning—it wasn’t even listed under New Releases. Genre fans may want to dig too.
“Malevolent” starts with a great deal of promise and effective filmmaking, anchored by an excellent performance by the clearly-a-future-star Pugh. The set-up is a familiar one (and an odd cousin of another movie I reviewed this week, “A Crooked Somebody” if you think about it). Angela (Pugh) and Jackson (Ben Lloyd-Hughes) are con artists of the highest caliber. They run a fake ghostbusting ring in Scotland, going into homes that their clients believe are haunted and “exorcising” them of their spirits. They have an elaborate set-up, including prerecorded sounds and scripted speeches designed to send the undead on their way. Angela is a bit conflicted about the scam, but Jackson owes some very bad men some money, and so he’s desperate for a big job. They think they’ve found one when they get a call from Mrs. Green (an excellent Celia Imrie), the owner of an old foster home. She just wants the dead kids to be quiet. Moral of the story: Never go to a haunted foster home.
Of course, the story of the non-believer shown the hard way that they shouldn’t mess around with forces of evil is as old as the horror genre itself, but there’s a surprising amount of effective filmmaking in the first hour of “Malevolent.” It’s mostly due to Pugh’s grounded, in-the-moment performance that sells both her fear and understanding that she’s seeing something supernatural, but there are also some interesting themes tossed around about family secrets and even messing around with other cultures. Angela and Jackson are Americans, and when the latter toasts “To the Scots and their haunted land,” one gets the impression that these are cocky Americans messing with a history and culture they don’t care to understand. Most of all, the set-up works because of Pugh’s commitment. We believe her, and director Olaf de Fleur plays with her perspective, often grounding the camera on his star as she realizes something’s not right—such as in a fantastic scene in which a ghost is foregrounded but we stay on Pugh’s face, as we see her realize something is in the room and convey the “should I look” fear on Angela’s face. It’s a nice beat that other performers couldn’t sell.
However, even in that first hour, there are some cheap filmmaking tricks that can be frustrating. It’s a not a film overly reliant on jump scares (although there are definitely a few) but there are too many scenes of characters moving slowly as something like a leaky tea kettle whistle gets amped up on the soundtrack. (Cut that out, filmmakers.) And then “Malevolent” jumps the rails. Without spoiling anything, it goes from an effective ghost story into something closer to Eli Roth or “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre,” and the tonal jump to something unexpectedly vicious is jarring—and probably the reason Netflix had no idea how to sell this flick, and so buried it.
The horror genre is overflowing with stories of people who messed with the devil and got the horns. But there’s something more going on in “Malevolent” than most other straight-to-video horror flicks that play with the same themes. It’s not going to be anyone’s favorite new horror film this holiday season, but it’s a solid enough start to the month when temperatures drop and it becomes cooler to tell ghost stories. If you can find it.
from All Content https://ift.tt/2DYdPME
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chiildrenxftime · 4 years
Undertale - DW verse.
Long ago, There lived a species on the Planet of Ebbot called Monsters. They lived in peace, their main motto being Love every one and treasure them. Each type of ‘monster’ had an ability and they came in all shapes and sizes. The Planet had different climates and area. - Snowdin, with its snow and constant cold. Waterfall with its rain and water and humidity, Hotland with lava lakes and scorching heat and then the Homelands with the Capital call Home... the king- he isn’t that good at naming things...
Then one day, they were visited by ... the human. They, the human colony had came, at first, peacefully - the young King, Asgore, Welcomed them with open arms, and allowed them to settle on their Planet.
They lived together for centuries, the humans started to thrive, settling in the PlainLands, where the weather was fair and nice for the Humans to live. They traded together and the children played together... 
till one day... The current Human king, the descendant of the captain of the voyager ship that first arrived - decided that he wanted the whole planet for himself.
Thus started the Human-Monster war.
The Monsters, Fought back, driving the humans away, fighting back, before they finally drove them away. The Humans, what was left of them, made a peace treaty with the Monster King, Promising to leave....
But the Humans, while leaving, did something more. The Scientists of the Human colony, activated something, some kind of barrier one that surrounded the planet - forcing them all to be stranded and trapped, and forced out of sync with the rest of the universe, never to leave their planet again.
Years went by - a thousand - the humans that left, spread the word about the monsters, turning them into a legend, a story, lost to time and space. A Prophecy was past - when an angel appears from the sky, break the barrier and The monsters shall be free, to once again go and explore the stars.
Dr W.D.Gaster. : WingDin G’aster
Age: (over 3000) - (was about 2000 when the war ended.) Ocupation: Royal Scientist. Place of living: Planet Ebbott - Snowdin. Species: ‘Skeleton Monster’ He/Him - Hight: 6′5″
Lives with his two ‘young’ Adult children, Sans and Papyrus.
Dr Gaster is Ebbots world-renowned Royal scientist appointed by the King himself after he helped create the CORE. - A geo-thermal energy converter, that uses the lava lakes in Hotland, to create electricity.
Gaster was around during The War, and worked a double job as the King’s advisor, on top of being the Royal Scientist. He lost his wife during it, leaving him with two very young son’s Sans and Papyrus.
As per tradition, Skeleton monsters are named after the Font of their voice. - and are not named until they start talking at one year old. 
Gaster and his son’s live in Snowdin, and he works in the science lab in Hotland. People would agree that its a big trip there and back, but this skeleton has a TON of tricks up his sleeve - Teleportation being only but one of them.
A scientists job is rather dangerous. Gaster has a rather large crack going down from the top of his head to his eye on his right side and from the bottom of his left eye down a to the corner of his mouth. He got this during an explosion.
Sans : Comic Sans Serif Aster
Age: (over 1000) Ocupation: Scientist. - also helps his brother with Sentry Duty. He is also secretly the Judge. He is the one that you see before you can go and visit the King. - very few know about this. Place of living: Planet Ebbott - Snowdin. Species: ‘Skeleton Monster’ He/Him - hight: 5′0″
Sans Is the Older of the two brothers, even tho he is the shortest. He is protective of his younger brother and constantly calls Papyrus ‘the Coolest’. Sans Loves Puns - constantly tells them even if they don’t make sense - driving his brother crazy. Sans also loves pranks and jokes, but doesn’t make them too often. He has Narcolepsy and is quite laid back - that is until you threaten his family - them watch out cause you will have a BAD TIME.
Sans keeps his ability to teleport and his ‘Gaster Blaster’ - weapons and ‘pets’ that only skeleton monster have the ability to summon which resemble a skull and can shoot large beams. - a secret, along side his Job as the Royal Judge. Everyone just see him a weak lazy monster who enjoys naps. in reality he is among the strongest of monsters.
Sans works with his father in Hotland Lab’s and has a PHD in Quantum physics. He tends to ‘help’ his brother with sentry parol duty - but in reality he just ends up selling hot-dogs to people.
Sans was only 8 when they lost their mother, born near the end of the war.
Papyrus : Papyrus Aster Age: (over 1000) Ocupation: Royal Guard in Training. - Sentry patrol duty. Place of living: Planet Ebbott - Snowdin. Species: ‘Skeleton Monster’ He/Him - Hight: 6′0″
Papyrus is the Younger Brother. He is a happy, positive skeleton, who sees the good in everyone. He is rather flamboyant and presents a confident, charismatic image of himself - Calling himself - The Great Papyrus. He works hard and, despite his brash personality, is kind at heart.
He is also occasionally oblivious and nonobservant, but can be cunning at times, as is not above using reverse psychology if needed.
Papyrus ‘Hates’ his brother puns, each one drawing out an overreaction, and shouts at his brother, who enjoys the youngers reactions. in reality Papyrus loves them but says that sans over-uses them. 
Papyrus dreams about getting into the Royal Guard. But Undyne - His best friend and the Captain of the Royal Guard -  He has so much faith in his abilities that he waited outside of Undyne's house all night and begged her to accept him into the Royal Guard. Seeing his persistence, Undyne offered to train him but instead gave him cooking lessons.
He adores cooking spaghetti in his spare time, Loves advanced puzzles, Japes and watching Mettaton's TV shows on tv. (A robot possessed by a ghost monster - created by the second royal scientist Alphys.)
He also like having his brother read to him ‘Fluffy Bunny’ bedtime stories before bed. - He is a little childish, and loves to collect action figures. Which makes people underestimate him, a thing he actively takes advantage off - but he is very smart and knows what people think about him. (If Papyrus wanted to, he could also get a phd like his brother and father, but doesn't see the point.)
Papyrus is very strong in his abilities, his favourite being able to summon large bones - even going as far as keeping some of his attacks in the cupboard under the kitchen sink. - Papyrus cant teleport, but he can summon Gaster Blasters - Which he also keeps secret from others.
Papyrus was 2 when they lost their mother. There is a 6 year difference between him and his older Brother.
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thegloober · 6 years
The intricacies of what does and does not get pushed on Netflix fascinates me. Some of their original movies get notable promotion, highlighted on the front page and premiered at film festivals. Other stuff is nearly impossible to find, such as today’s premiere of “Malevolent,” a vicious little slice of horror starring Florence Pugh, who was so fantastic in “Lady Macbeth,” and is in a number of exciting upcoming projects, including new films from David Mackenzie, Greta Gerwig and Ari Aster. Now, “Malevolent” is far from perfect—it kind of sabotages a solid first hour with a clunky, tone-changing climax more likely to leave you queasy than scared—but it’s still better than A) a lot of theatrically-released horror films and B) a lot of Netflix original films. And yet I had to dig to find it this morning—it wasn’t even listed under New Releases. Genre fans may want to dig too.
“Malevolent” starts with a great deal of promise and effective filmmaking, anchored by an excellent performance by the clearly-a-future-star Pugh. The set-up is a familiar one (and an odd cousin of another movie I reviewed this week, “A Crooked Somebody” if you think about it). Angela (Pugh) and Jackson (Ben Lloyd-Hughes) are con artists of the highest caliber. They run a fake ghostbusting ring in Scotland, going into homes that their clients believe are haunted and “exorcising” them of their spirits. They have an elaborate set-up, including prerecorded sounds and scripted speeches designed to send the undead on their way. Angela is a bit conflicted about the scam, but Jackson owes some very bad men some money, and so he’s desperate for a big job. They think they’ve found one when they get a call from Mrs. Green (an excellent Celia Imrie), the owner of an old foster home. She just wants the dead kids to be quiet. Moral of the story: Never go to a haunted foster home.
Of course, the story of the non-believer shown the hard way that they shouldn’t mess around with forces of evil is as old as the horror genre itself, but there’s a surprising amount of effective filmmaking in the first hour of “Malevolent.” It’s mostly due to Pugh’s grounded, in-the-moment performance that sells both her fear and understanding that she’s seeing something supernatural, but there are also some interesting themes tossed around about family secrets and even messing around with other cultures. Angela and Jackson are Americans, and when the latter toasts “To the Scots and their haunted land,” one gets the impression that these are cocky Americans messing with a history and culture they don’t care to understand. Most of all, the set-up works because of Pugh’s commitment. We believe her, and director Olaf de Fleur plays with her perspective, often grounding the camera on his star as she realizes something’s not right—such as in a fantastic scene in which a ghost is foregrounded but we stay on Pugh’s face, as we see her realize something is in the room and convey the “should I look” fear on Angela’s face. It’s a nice beat that other performers couldn’t sell.
However, even in that first hour, there are some cheap filmmaking tricks that can be frustrating. It’s a not a film overly reliant on jump scares (although there are definitely a few) but there are too many scenes of characters moving slowly as something like a leaky tea kettle whistle gets amped up on the soundtrack. (Cut that out, filmmakers.) And then “Malevolent” jumps the rails. Without spoiling anything, it goes from an effective ghost story into something closer to Eli Roth or “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre,” and the tonal jump to something unexpectedly vicious is jarring—and probably the reason Netflix had no idea how to sell this flick, and so buried it.
The horror genre is overflowing with stories of people who messed with the devil and got the horns. But there’s something more going on in “Malevolent” than most other straight-to-video horror flicks that play with the same themes. It’s not going to be anyone’s favorite new horror film this holiday season, but it’s a solid enough start to the month when temperatures drop and it becomes cooler to tell ghost stories. If you can find it.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/malevolent/
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fruitsclipper · 1 year
kamilaaaaa my daughter . My daaaughter
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