#asterisk instead of quotations
therealsirsticker · 25 days
babygirl (fanfiction authors who do this) I promise it's okay to "quotation marks" to indicate dialogue instead * whatever the hell this is*. it won't hurt. in fact it's even normal. trust me my dear
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taissaswifelowkey · 25 days
Yellowjackets calling/texting you pt.ii!
a/n: DAMNN okay so i really need to figure out how to insert hyperlinks without it showing the whole thing 💀💀 also in pt i, i mistakenly added jackie TWICE instead of including lottie :(( my bad. ig it’ll be up to us to interpret who’s who 😭
i also decided to do a modern timeline for once!! proofread and as usual feedback is always welcome and enjoy 🥶💯💯
italics = texts, dialogues will be known with quotation marks
warnings: mentions of canon elements! they’re light spoilers but i’d rather be safe than sorry about ruining the show for someone. self-indulgent but you already know it yellowjackets gay propaganda 😎‼️‼️
modern timeline
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📚 with meetings, galas and interviews and both of your conflicted schedules taissa doesn’t always have time to be with you (even though you’re often her plus one!) you’re not that much at the house at the same time but she’ll always text you to check up on you, making sure you and sammy are okay. ive said this once and ill say it again, ms turner is an avid ellipses and ok user. also uses the 👍 emoji
I made pasta!!
👍 Nice.
I might come home late…
Whose body do I need to bury??
i think she’ll also send you motivational quotes, or something related to philosophy. or anything that reminds her of your relationship. she can be simultaneously romantic and so nerdy, you love it
You know what this reminds me of? A certain quote of Socrates.
You talk about that guy more than you do about me 😒😒😒
🛹 if im thinking idealistically, it would be random texting with van. anything from memes, to weird statements, to memes again. but if you want my solid truthful opinion? i think she’s not really that big on technology. will mostly call you for hours using her vintage landline. you two however do keep contact with each other in any way when you’re apart, or when she’s on yj business
This TikTok has me rolling and sobbing
TikTok as in…the clock? Why would it make you cry? Are you okay?
phone calls when you are away! she loves hearing your voice :(( and you love hearing her laugh. she swears it’s awful but you like it in a “i like that laugh, hahaha” way. but back to idealist thinking, she would honestly use a list of emojis to communicate like
What’s happening?
I’m saying yes for the groceries get with the times 🙄😒🫤
🕷️ nat will forget to answer your text messages but she’ll still answer you as soon as she remembers? or she’ll just reply to you in person. otherwise than that she’ll take pictures of anything that reminds her of you. idk why but i think she texts in all caps unintentionally. would also have a few typos
Omg are you okay?
would use all sorts of emojis in any context but according to her interpretation. it leaves you confused most of the time like what does 🦵 mean???
🎀 hear me out…same as van i feel that adult lottie doesn’t use her phone that much??? i mean sure a few texts here and there but it’s not allll the time. HOWEVERRRR if, let’s say you’re on some trip or something, she will call/text/facetime you every now and then. would also text you right after calling
Heyyy how are you 🥰🥰🥰
Good :)) and you?
Great but I just miss you
It’s only been 30 secs since we hanged up lot 😭😭
is the type of person to send you recommendations on outdoors or indoor activities like “we should do this 🥰🥰🥰”
🦉 misty is a serial texter (when she has time, being a nurse and a secondhand dexter takes up a lot of time) so, sporadically, you’ll have messages. pictures of her coffee, or to gossip with you and minion memes. im telling you your inbox are spammed with facebook memes to the point of it being slightly concerning? also uses acronyms and 😂🤣
LOL check THIS out I am ROFLING 😂😂😂
This is the 10th minion meme in a day 😭😭
will also correct you. is literally ☝️🤓 but it’s something about those asterisks and corrections that brings a smile to your face
🪵 shauna is basically your virtual reminder. you hardly even use the notes app. sends you voice messages and expects you to reply with the same format. sends you pictures of what she did throughout the day
Look at what I found in our garden today!!
Aww that’s a cute bunny can we name it Mayfield
WILL and WILL expect you to answer directly, or at least answer 10 minutes after. of course that not apply when you’re busy but if she’s doing the groceries and you’re at home you can answer, right? right???
🧸 voice messages with jackie taylor. like, podcasts. lots of tiktok memes, insta reels, just like lottie she will send you couple activities and be like we should do this omggg 😍😍😍 uses emojis, sometimes will spam you and WILL expect you to answer her too.
Hey beautifullll 🥰
Hi :)
Can you pls listen to my voice memo
Jax it’s three minutes long 😭😭
So??? It’s a signed masterpiece LISTEN TO IT
i think she’s also the type to send you playlists but also random recommendations, not just couple stuff. like clothing, jewellery, or makeup if that’s your thing. if you two are apart expect lots of 1 hour facetimes and thirty minutes of texting right after
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aventurine-official · 6 months
((any tips for starting an rp blog?))
(Mod Minie's rp tips and tricks!
I have quite a few tips, but of course, they don't work the same for everyone. Feel free to use only what you think is necessary!
~ First of all, most definitely do make guidelines. Make the rules clear for people who will be doing rp with you, and respect their boundaries in return. It's most definitely okay to tell others you will not be discussing nsfw topics even if you are not a minor. I've just found that having rules is a nice way to set your boundaries and to avoid incidents easily. I have a rulelist in my intro post, and if you'd like to borrow it or interpret it into your own words or adapt it to fit your needs, then by all means!
~ If your rp blog is a sideblog, send your asks on anon, naturally. But no matter what kind of asks you send, it can be useful to tag your url as a signoff so that when the other person answers your ask, you get a notif from the tag.
~ One of the most "obvious" tips is to have different symbols or font styles for different parts of your rp. Every system is different, and none are expected to be alike. For example, many people use brackets ( ) for when they are speaking out of character, and quotation marks " " for when characters speak. I like to use italics and asterisks * * for my muses' actions, but there are many other ways to do so. Don't be afraid to be creative, as long as the difference is clear to identify.
~ Another tip is to slowly make yourself comfortable in the rp community you're in. Don't be afraid to talk to other moderators because most of them are really great people! This is also a skill that will come in handy later if you need to discuss the conditions for a rp thread or about doing rp for a certain ship together.
~ This is not necessary at all, but I highly recommend making tags. Whether it's to separate your asks from your reblogs, to sort interactions with certain other characters, or to identify your anons, tags are super useful for being able to organize your threads. As some people might not want to see the rp threads that get very long on their dash and instead want to see asks, that way other people can benefit from your tag system too by either following tags or blacklisting as they need. Also-- as a person who like showing some of my rp to other people, the tags are handy for me, too.
~ If possible, find a mod with a masterlist for your rp community. In my case, @/dr-ratio-official holds the HSR masterlist :) It can make it easier for people in your community to find you and to interact!
Mod Minie's rp advice!
These next ones are not tips, necessarily, but I find them incredibly important to know, especially if you're a beginner.
~ There is no rush. Rp doesn't have a time limit, and most other mods will be thankful they get a response from you at all and do not mind waiting from a few days to a month. Please do not let anybody pressure you into answering an ask or into replying to a thread when you do not have the energy. Rushed rp might not always be in character.
~ Don't worry about picking a character somebody else has roleplayed for! Picking a new character can be a handy choice to integrate into a community and to make yourself known, but you should only rp as muses you like! Don't worry if you share the same muse as other mods, just have fun!
~ Don't be afraid to have headcanons for your muse! You don't need to run around trying to prove it's true or get it approved officially. If your headcanons apply to your interpretation of your muse, so be it! If it bothers other people, that will be their choice to avoid interactions or not. In fact, I've often seen other mods agree with headcanons lsagdkagskf
~ Do not feel forced into discussing topics you do not want to discuss, whether in character or out. If you get an ask you'd feel uncomfortable answering, just delete it. It's easier and much less stressful.
~ Do not feel guilty about having favourites or about being someone's favourite, if your muse (or someone else's) has several mods who rp as them. Of course, certain people will have bias towards certain interpretations of characters. Some mods like doing more multi-paragraph rp, and will tend to interact more with certain mods who rp a muse versus other mods who rp the same muses. It's the same thing for more silly, less serious rp! It all depends what style you like, and I'm sure you'll find wonderful people who you enjoy doing rp with :)
~ Make sure your rp community (whomever you choose to interact with) is a safe and fun space for you and others! Do not be afraid to speak up if something makes you uncomfortable, and do not feel badly for cutting off interactions with a specific mod or anon if they do not respect your rules or begin to harass either you specifically or somebody else.
~ Lastly, just have a blast. That's what rp is for, bringing joy to yourself and others, as well as growing closer to your muse(s)!
I'm so glad you asked me for advice ahaha it makes me feel more experienced than I am! I hope this helps :) ~ Mod Minie)
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nexysworld · 4 months
Have you heard of... Dopple.ai?
I had not until this ask so I thought I'd check it out. My mini review: Pretty good.
Free unlimited messaging.
Allows NSFW content.
The responses are more similar to CAI than Spicychat at least for my bots that I tested.
Has an app
The UI is pretty good.
The NSFW responses are decent.
Has the same character voice feature as CAI. Cons: My only real gripes are the bot creation itself, and some of the formatting.
The opening can only be 700 characters, and no public parts of the bot can have inappropriate words or content. For example one of my bots has Gojo saying "Holy shit." I had to change it on Dopple when I was testing. I feel like if you're going to allow people to rate bots as 18+ then those bots should be allowed to be more than pg in the opening, just my opinion.
The description is more like a real description than a section for the bot's personality on other sites. Since it's viewable to the public it just means I personally would want to word it in a more appealing way than I usually write them since they're hidden.
The script can only be 3k characters long which is crazy since Spicy has a 4k limit and CAI has 32k.
The bot's seem to default to *actions go in between asterisks and are italicized* While all speech is like this. Instead of where words of in quotations. Which is odd when my bot script isn't written that way. Spicy and CAI seem to better adapt to whichever format the chatter uses, Dopple does not.
Overall for still being in beta, I think it's a really good contender and if they changed the bot creation a little more I think it would be nearly perfect. I'd consider putting more of my bots on there if people are interested - but likely not all of them since I would have to re-write a lot of the scripts entirely for them to fit with their creation system and that would take a ton of time 😭
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ok one extremely funny bit of the audiobook is that they have this echoing effect around a really deep voice for zaltoroth. and this voice is kept when he's in the woman's form making a show of being seductive when he's summoned to kill kihrin at the end and the disconnect is comical
i also find it amusing now that thurvishar has started narrating the end of the book in his own voice but he's still writing himself in the third person
Ooo, Xaltorath having an echoing voice I think would really add to the reading experience. All its lines are just written in all caps (and is formatted with asterisks instead of quotation marks) so when reading I just mentally kind of scream the words. That's not to say it's boring and has no effect in print, I'd just be interested to have the immersion of an echoing voice!
Also I have to admit I'd forgotten about that scene. Xaltorath in what world is Kihrin going to say yes, you can't honestly believe that was ever going to work you're just embarrassing yourself. C'mon man.
And Thurvishar...never change, buddy <3. He is one thing and that is committed. Not to the bit, but to the proper academic rules of writing a report. Everything else was from Kihrin's pov (though technically the end is as well, it's just not magically recorded by the rock anymore), he can't just switch it up on us here! What kind of scholar would he be to make such an egregious error
I love him :)
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tparadox · 1 year
While I was able to use the holiday Monday at work to catch up on stuff I haven't been able to do in the last six weeks I've been doing my job alone, I spent way more of that time than I wanted to in trying to find a way around Excel breaking my labor saving spreadsheet by refusing to follow its own rules.
I help out my supervisor by turning the reports our phone system generates into a chart of call times she can analyze for coverage purposes. There are two hurdles the way it generates the reports creates. One of them is that the date, beginning time, and ending time, are all in the same cell of its line, and the other is that if there's no active call time in that span, it will more likely than not skip that span.
The easiest way I've come up with to find those times it skipped is to break up the time stamps into separate date, start, and stop cells, and then use conditional formatting to highlight the start times that are different from the end time of the line above. Originally I was using text to columns to do this, but then I decided I wanted to automate that. I set up a spreadsheet that would take the file name of the report and fetch the date and time cell from it, then an array of cells using the MID function to pull out the individual pieces of it.
It worked great! I could just tell it the file to look at and it got the data I needed. And then I'd go to add a line for a skipped time span and all of the formulas would break, because they were referenced based on the line number, and Excel ever so helpfully updates those references when your data moves. But it's okay because if you don't want the reference to be updated, there's a character for that. To keep the same line number, use B$2 instead of B2.
I worked out a fancy formula with INDIRECT, LEFT, and the new to me FORMULATEXT function to automatically assemble a new version of the formula with the crucial absolute reference for each row, since the absolute meant it wouldn't update by line if I just filled down and I was not going into over 300 cells to add one character by hand.
EXCEPT! Marking the reference as absolute only freezes the reference for pasting and directional filling! It turns out it totally ignores the $ if you're shifting and inserting! Excel broke my plans because it doesn't follow its own rules!
After like two hours of beating my head against it and reading a bunch of forum help threads where the answer was "just use INDIRECT" when I was already using INDIRECT, using COUNTIF to count only the cells above that had data in them seemed promising, but it kept giving reference errors as part of the INDIRECT, probably because the COUNTIF syntax needs you to tell it what to look for, and I think the quotation marks around the asterisk weren't playing nicely with the quotation marks of the INDIRECT even though I was using " for the latter and ' for the former. Finally I started looking into other COUNT_____ functions and it turns out that plan old COUNT does exactly what I was looking for. Where "count cells that have data" with COUNTIF needs you to specify cells containing "*", COUNT just does it. By some miracle, I found the right syntax to have the INDIRECT assemble the COUNT with a range from B1 to (current cell) in only one or two tries, and now I finally have a formula that doesn't care if I add lines which are empty in the column it's looking at.
Now I just need to automate adding the missing rows and filling in the zero values in the column I'm doing this all for, but that seems beyond what I can do with just Excel on its own. Seems like something that would be simple to execute in Python if I export a CSV, and if I could get anything to work in VBasic I could probably do a macro, but I'd prefer not to step it out of Excel and back in, and I don't think our workstations have Python, and if they don't have it, I can't add it...
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incohearent · 2 months
For Loops
These are commands to do a batch process in a folder in Linux or Windows with a utility that doesn't allow you to glob. File globbing is when you use an asterisk as a wildcard to specify some kind of naming convention. For instance, ImageMagick allows you to glob when you use magick mogrify -path ppm -format ppm *.webp (that is: converting a bunch of Google's WebP into Portable PixMap into a subdirectory called ppm) or, in another example, oxipng allows you glob when you type oxipng -o 1 --strip all *.png (that is: removing EXIF info and colorspace and other metadata from a folder of PNG as fast as possible).
These are the most simple commands so you can understand what works and modify it according to the tool's parameters. For me the most important thing is knowing how to grab the file and then knowing how to copy its name into the output.
I'll use cjxl (or cjxl.exe on windows) from Libjxl as an example.
for i in *.jpg ; do cjxl $i ${i%.*}.jxl ; done
for %f in (*.jpg) do cjxl %f %~nf.jxl
forfiles /m *.jpg /c "cmd /c cjxl @file @fname.jxl"
When you do these commands you will quickly find out that you need quotation marks! So the linux command example is actually for i in *.jpg ; do cjxl "$i" "${i%.*}.jxl" ; done and for %f in (*.jpg) do cjxl "%f" "%~nf.jxl" The best workaround is to not use spaces in your filenames and instead use hyphens or underscores. I'm not going to include any more versions with quotation marks because rules vary depending on the tool. It would take a lot of testing.
I will repeat these examples with c44 (or c44.exe on Windows) into a subfolder called iw44 in high quality (such quality explained in the man page), which is a good example for designating output location in the filename as well as an example for using flags or parameters. The cjxl example didn't have an output subfolder designated and it didn't have any parameters specified. Usually you are modifying these for loops to have special parameters.
for i in *.ppm ; do c44 -slice 72+11+10+10 $i iw44/${i%.*}.djvu ; done
for %f in (*.ppm) do c44 -slice 72+11+10+10 %f iw44/%~nf.djvu
forfiles /m *.ppm /c "cmd /c c44 -slice 72+11+10+10 @file iw44/@fname.djvu"
I was using JPEG for an input format for the c44 example, but on Windows c44.exe could not read the jpeg with error message *** **Unrecognized DjVu Message: ** Message name: ?GPixmap.unk_PPM *** (GPixmap.cpp:502) *** 'void DJVU::GPixmap::init(DJVU::BtyeStream&)'. I am not sure why that happened. But PPM is better as an in-between format anyway, since it is lossless and you can crop and save it in GIMP or Nomacs. When you are done with the PPM you can delete with rm *.ppm or, on Windows, del *.ppm. You can create the PPM to begin with by magick mogrify -format ppm *.jpg
yay for globbing.
ImageMagick Download page
Libjxl binares on GitHub
DjVu Libre binaries
The Forfiles Command by 0612 TV w/ NERDfirst on Youtube from the playlist ffmpeg and command line
official Windows forfiles documentation
Nomacs for windows as nomacs-setup-x64.msi or the portable zip on Github
Misc notes: the cjxl example was losslessly converting legacy jpeg data into the more modern format jxl, and the c44 example was lossily converting uncompressed ppms into a bunch of single-page DjVu documents. Cjxl has two modes to lossily transform (modular or VarDct) that you can access by checking the documentation (it's a lot to explain but I can explain it, type cjxl -j 0 -d 1 input.jpg output.jxl for VarDCT ooooor cjxl -j 0 input.jpg output.jxl for modular lossless...modular lossless is default in this case.) and the output of c44 can be globbed into a bundle using djvm, a tool in DjVu Libre that DOES support globbing. Ah, and now I realize c44 this whole time can glob. Oh but only on the Linux binary? It won't work on Windows; it is giving me an error when I ask c44 or cpaldjvu to glob with cpaldjvu *.ppm but when i write for %f in (*.ppm) do cpaldjvu -colors 5 %f %~nf_fivecolors.djvu that works. there are reasons to want to write for loop commands with c44 like specifying corresponding pbm with the flag -mask. Lots of fun stuff to write about. Be careful with these commands as they always overwrite without asking your permission. Such tools are built for efficiency and are not programmed to keep their users from destroying their own data. I love destroying things. Oh and ImageMagick on Ubuntu uses the old-fashioned commands. So you say mogrify instead of magick mogrify and instead of magick you say convert.
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apimains · 2 years
Boolean search generator
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For example, account* will provide you with results both for accounting and accountant. You could use an asterisk (*) to get more results for the term you’re looking for. If you only look for ‘Web developer’ you’ll probably miss a lot of good profiles that use a different title, like ‘Software developer’ or ‘Web programmer.’ You could combine AND and OR commands to search multiple terms.
Let’s say you want to hire a Software developer. When searching, you need to think from your ideal candidate’s point of view. LinkedIn is useful to search for all kinds of professionals, but for more targeted searches you should crawl niche websites instead. The key here is to look in the right place. You can search through a specific site for candidates with your desired skill set or any additional details that are a top priority for you. ‘site:’Ī site: search is also known as an x-ray search. Here’s a short guide to help you with common searches. Crafting effective commands can be a little tricky, at first, if you’re not familiar with Boolean logic. Using Google Boolean search strings for recruiters will improve your search results and eventually get you closer to your potential candidates. Search for an exact phrase (Consider keywords in quotation marks as a whole word) Group multiple search strings and set priorities *Google doesn’t recognize the operator NOT, so use the minus symbol, instead. Results include either keyword or all of themĮxcludes a keyword from your search (When using the minus symbol don’t leave a space before the unwanted term) Results include all keywords linked with AND Start sourcing Boolean search operators list Boolean operator You’re always top of mind, whether they’re actively looking or not. Workable helps you build and promote your brand where your next candidates are.
Related: How to source passive candidates You should type “customer service” to get more relevant results when sourcing passive candidates. For example, leaving a blank space between ‘customer’ and ‘service’ will provide pages that contain both of the words ‘customer’ and ‘service,’ but not necessarily together. If you want Google to consider the phrase you’re searching for as a complete phrase, you should put it in quotation marks. (A OR B) AND C | (A∪B) ∩ C Quotation marks “ “ But, in a ‘designer OR (developer AND Java)’ search, Java knowledge is important only for the developers you’re looking for – not the designers. For example, ‘(developer OR designer) AND Java’ indicates that Java knowledge is a must-have both for developers and designers. This will come in handy, as most candidate searches are complex and combine different keywords. You can use brackets to group multiple search strings and set your priorities. ‘NOT recruiter’ or ‘-recruiter.’) A NOT B | A – B Brackets () Instead of NOT, you could also use the minus symbol followed by your unwanted term without leaving a space (e.g. The NOT operator excludes unwanted terms from your Google sourcing search. OR is particularly useful for synonyms, like ‘bank OR finance OR financial.’ A OR B | A ∪ B NOT People might use different words to say the same thing. The OR operator, on the other hand, allows us to expand our Boolean search results. This will produce results that include both keywords.
For example, a Boolean search string for recruiting Android developers should include ‘developer AND android’. When you want to include two (or more) criteria in your search, the operator AND narrows down your search. Here are the basic operators for Boolean search strings for recruiters: AND The definition of Boolean search is that it’s a type of search that allows users to combine keywords with operators such as AND, NOT and OR to produce more relevant results. How recruiters can use boolean commandsīased on George Boole’s mathematical theory in which all variables are either ‘true’ or ‘false’, Boolean search on Google is one of the best sourcing tools for recruiters.
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limitedvewor · 2 years
Search for specific file type google
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Want to search a specific website for a PDF file, created between 20, that contains a specific phrase but not another phrase? Go ahead. Here’s an example:Ĭombine these search operators to create more complex queries. The calculator can also convert between units. You can also use brackets for more complicated expressions. Use the +, -, * and / symbols to specify arithmetic operations. Use Google instead of pulling one out or launching a calculator app. You don’t have to Google a word and look for a dictionary link if you want to see its definition. Use the following search trick and you’ll see an inline definition: For example, using the following search will pull up results that contain either the word “Ubuntu” or the word “Linux.” The word “OR” must be in uppercase. The “OR” operator lets you find words that contain one term or another. For example, you could search for only PDF files. The filetype: operator lets you search for files of a specific file type. For example, use the following search to find results about Ubuntu from between 20: For example, if you wanted to see what companies Google has purchased and how much they paid, you could use this search:Ī little-known search operator allows you to specify a specific time range. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard that can match any word. For example, use the following search to find results about Ubuntu from between 20: ubuntu 2008.2010. (Hey, no one ever said Google was perfect.) The Wildcard A little-known search operator allows you to specify a specific time range. For example, if you ran the following search, you’d find search results with words similar to “geek”:Īpparently, “Linux” is the most similar word to geek, followed by “Greek.” “Nerd” comes in third. The tilde (~) operator is the opposite of enclosing a single word in quotes - it searches for related words, not just the word you type. For example, if you’re looking for high-quality references, you could use to only pull up results from. You can also use the site: operator to specify a domain.
Let’s say you’re looking for information on Windows 7 on How-To Geek. The site: operator allows you to perform a search in a specific site. For example, if you’re looking for pages about Linux distributions that don’t mention Ubuntu, use the following search: The minus sign allows you to specify words that shouldn’t appear in your results.
For example, if you search for “mining,” Google will also show pages that contain the words “miners.” Previously, you’d use a plus sign and search for +mining, but now you have to enclose the word in quotes: This same method now works for exact-word queries. For example, perform the following search and you’ll only get pages that contain the word “Hello” followed by the word “World.” This last part will discuss two more operators that you can use to conduct search in Google more efficiently: the file. One of the most basic and widely known search tricks is using quotation marks to search for an exact phrase.
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lasclsay · 2 years
Symbols for numbers in different languages
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Asterisks and other symbols are placed after the elements to which they relate in the same way as footnote numbers and lower-case letters. When more than seven footnotes are needed, numbers are used instead of symbols.
When a series of such footnotes is required, the following sequence of symbols should be used: In documents and publications, asterisks and other symbols are used as footnote indicators when it is necessary to depart from the normal system of numbering or lettering. Lower-case letters are used as footnote indicators in boxed text within a document or publication and in a boxed summary at the beginning of a document. In statistical publications containing tables with numerous footnotes, numbers are normally used instead of letters.īoxed text. Lower-case letters are used as footnote indicators in most tables and figures (see Tables/Notes to tables). A separate series of footnotes should be used for each annex and appendix in a document or publication. In publications containing articles by different authors, footnotes are always numbered separately for each article.įootnotes in a foreword or preface. The footnotes in a foreword or preface to a publication are numbered separately from those in the main body of the text.Īnnexes and appendices. It is acceptable to number footnotes separately in each chapter or section of a lengthy publication or supplement to the Official Records. This numbering system ensures that the footnotes will correspond in all language versions of the report since the replies are presented in the alphabetical order of the names of the responding organizations and Governments and the sequence will vary in different language versions of the report. Footnotes are numbered separately for each reply from an organization or Government that is reproduced or summarized in a report, beginning with footnote 1 each time. Reports containing replies to requests for information from organizations and Governments. In section III (Recommendations), they are numbered separately for each draft resolution, beginning with footnote 1 each time. Footnotes are numbered consecutively throughout sections I (Introduction) and II (Consideration of proposals). Reports of the Main Committees of the General Assembly. In documents and publications, footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the main body of the text except in the cases described below. When more than one indicator must be inserted at the same place in the text, the indicators are separated by a comma.Įditors should check all indicator numbers against the footnotes to ensure that they correspond and that no numbers have been repeated incorrectly or skipped. a comma, colon or period) at the point where the footnote indicator should be inserted, the indicator is placed after the punctuation in English but before the punctuation in French and Spanish. It is placed after a quoted passage, not after the words introducing the quotation. When a statement is being substantiated or explained, the indicator is placed at the end of the appropriate phrase or sentence.
The footnote indicator is normally placed after the full title or description of the source or item being referenced and should always be positioned so as to leave no doubt about the subject of the reference. Asterisks and other symbols are used primarily in decisions concerning the election of members of intergovernmental bodies. Indicators in resolutions and decisions. Numbered footnotes are used in resolutions and decisions, including any annexes to the text. Asterisks and other symbols are used as indicators in the specific cases described below (see Footnote indicators/Footnotes indicated by asterisks and other symbols). Lower-case letters are normally used as footnote indicators in tables, figures and boxed text within a document or publication. In documents and publications, numbered footnotes are used in the main body of the text and in annexes and appendices. Indicators in documents and publications. Footnotes indicated by asterisks and other symbolsĮvery footnote has a corresponding footnote indicator – a number, lower-case letter or asterisk or other symbol – typed in superscript in the text. Footnotes indicated by lower-case lettersĮ.
Editorial Manual | Footnotes and other references IX.
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veilofvliens · 2 years
Chapter 1
The world was far too big and all too small for the girl in the car.
The trees went by so fast they began to blur, but the moon stayed steady and stationary, not moving at all.
Oh how she wished to live like the moon; changing, day by day, in small, barely noticeable ways, never the same for long, but always constant in the way it's always there in the sky, even if you don't see it.
Alas, fate's humor is dark and her longing wish seems farther each day.
And today is the day it seems the farthest.
58 kilometers far to be exact.
58 kilometers behind her is the home she lived in for more than 10 years.
And 8 kilometers in front of her is the "Welcome to Seattle" signboard that seemed fatalistic in it's bright but faded colors.
Seattle had done nothing to her, yet she hated all that it stood for.
Hated the schools it boasted about where she knew no one and would be all alone. Hated the streets that she has never walked before and held none of her favorite shops. Hated the vast number of stores that she had to explore, on a quest to find comfort she couldn't in her home. She hated that everything was new and she couldn't find an ounce of familiarity in any inch of this new city.
A little girl with pigtails stomped her glitter covered shoe in her ribcage; again and again, saying the same thing again and again in a pitiful tantrum; *i hate it, i hate it, i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate it*
*i want to go home* she whined.
*oh little one, it doesn't exist anymore* her jaded older self thought.
*the home you were born into is now an empty apartment that will be filled with another's life soon*
*you have to build a new home for the first time in your life*
*i don't want to, that's not how it's supposed to be* the little girl stomped
*and to that i reply with grief's words "oh, but that's how it is"*
tears swam in the little girls eyes, and dribbled down in thick drops, as big as the pearls her dad says they are
the older girl blinks her own dry eyes quickly
the little girl, safe in her chest, can cry all she wants without a second thought
but the older one that sat unguarded in the car had her parents to worry about
parents that would dive in with their recorded positivity that couldn't drown out their wails of regret no matter how loud they turned up the volume
she didn't rebuke her parents for their decision
she knew that they didn't have a choice
but at some point in her past years, when she was that little girl in pigtails, they had a choice
they had the choice that they didn't have now
but perhaps they never did
they never stood a chance against their own disposition
they were a crooked slave to themselves
they resented their actions and performed some more
you can't change who a person is, she had learnt
but if she could only have one wish for her entire life
it would be to make it so that she could
people are a product of their place
the place they grew up in, their place in the arbitrary societal hierarchy
if she could only have one wish for her entire life
one wish that all the gods, all big and small, had to grant
she'd wish she had the power to change
change her fate
change her parent's past
change the world
she wish the world was as malleable as the dirt it was meant to be
and her hands, so slick with tears, could create people and places and pasts and presents
all with a twist of her wrist
the power, the security that no matter what happens she had the means to change would save her from so much heartache, so much regret, so much pain
*but that would make you god, and you are but a mere mortal, it is mortal fate to feel regret and pain and feel a heart break*
*then let me be god* she thought *i am made in his image am i not? let me be god, i do not want to be human*
*this humanity that was spoken of, that was gifted at the price of Prometheus's liver, this humanity that is innate and humane, is not as kind as my teacher taught me it was*
*the way most humans are, you would think humanity is a synonym of tyranny, of cruelty and needless violence, humanity is wars and wins, humanity is dynasty's that fall beneath pride, humanity is stolen pleasures and unpaid debts, humanity is greed and hunger, humanity is fear for an after where our consequences finally affect us,*
*humanity is hubris with a soul*
*the soul makes it salvageable, does it not?*
she dismissed the voice with a shake of her head
*does the fact that a human, no matter how cruel, still has a soul, not leave a chance for redemption?* the voice persisted
*their idea of redemption is a 5 minute prayer and a disregard for religion outside of their benefit*
*they seek shelter in the arms of their protector in times of danger, is that so wrong?*
*they seek shelter but do not follow the rules of the shelter, every religion has only common rule; be kind to all, and yet the one thing that one is, regardless of religion, is unkind*
*unkindliness prevails more than death*
*do you presume you can avoid death if you are kind?*
*i assume less people would be afraid of death if they were kind*
*most of the fear stems from the judgement they'll face, if they're kind, make the effort to be unfalteringly kind, they wouldn't be afraid of judgment*
*do you think most are purposefully unkind?*
*that's what i see*
*so it is your presumption, you're set of traits that you compare them against, that yields the result that they are unkind*
*...i guess*
*are you not being unkind here then?*
*such is the plight of being human i guess*
*cop out*
*you aren't even real, shut up*
*you're the one who listens, no?*
*shut up*
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tvmblrsillyman · 3 years
i have thoughts about the whole quotation marks in tags thing.
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katy-133 · 4 years
The Bilingualism of Disco Elysium
An interesting thing I've noticed in Disco Elysium's writing is that it, like the game's aesthetics, is a mixture of various things, using conventions from US, UK, and, Canadian English.
(Disco Elysium spoilers below.)
Some observations:
- UK vs US English: Tires are spelt as "tyres" (UK) in the game's narration, but a torch is referred to as a "flashlight" (US), the bookshop is called a "bookstore" and the word "apartments" is used instead of flats.
- Punctuation: Quotation marks are placed before commas and periods. Italics are represented with *asterisks.*
- Text in background art: The floor graffiti you can set on fire is in French ("UN JOUR JE SERAI DE RETOUR PRÈS DE TOI"), but is translated to English in the game's narration ("ONE DAY I WILL RETURN TO YOUR SIDE"). This is similar to Canadian labelling conventions (having both French and English written on purchasable products, signposts, etc).
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However, other graffiti (specifically, graffiti YOU paint) is in English (examples include, "FUCK THE POLICE" and "KIM IS THE BEST").
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And company buildings have their logos in a mixture of English and French ("FELD ELECTRICAL RECHERCHE et DÈVELOPPMENT")
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- Skills and Thoughts: Some skills and thoughts (for the Thought Cabinet) are French expressions that have become English idioms: Esprit de Corps ("Spirit of the Body"), Savoir Faire ("Expertise"), Jamais Vu ("Never seen before").
Studio ZA/UM's comment on the French text in the game:
Hi there ZA/UM began as a cultural movement amongst like minded individuals and friends and has grown to include people from all around the globe. The main team are located in Brighton and London, and additional developers are located in China, Poland, Romania and Estonia. Maybe that helps answer your question :)
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Source: Steam - General Discussions: "Why is this game so french?" (sic)
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taylorswiftandx · 3 years
When ever I search for a specific word, it never works with punctuation. For example, if I were to search for the word can't it says no results but if I search for the worn can it does work. I was looking for "don't". Anyway there were SO many for because, that's crazy. lol
Okay I think I figured out a solution! Try using quotation marks around the term and using a space or an asterisk instead of the apostrophe. So instead of typing in don't into the search field try "don t" or "don*t". It seems to be working for me on desktop at least.
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Do you Rp?
Sometimes, but I’m pretty strict with who I rp with.
I prefer that an rp partner have a good grasp on the English language (and use quotations and a proper grammatical structure instead of just using asterisks), and that you’re willing to plan out the beats of the story before the rp begins
Ik it may seem a bit restricting, but I’m a writer myself, and I put a lot of time and energy into everything I write. If I’m RPing with someone, I ask that they put in effort as well.
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systlin · 4 years
hey plauntie, why do you use quotation marks instead of asterisks when you do something like *shrugs*? is it a personal style choice or an Old Fandom Thing?
No reason really, I’ve just always done it. I don’t recall picking it up anywhere in particular, I just started doing that while writing in my diary at like 7 and have done so since. 
So personal style choice, I suppose you could say. 
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