#asteroid varuna astrology
a-d-nox · 5 months
Hello, can you please give me your take on ☄️ Varuna in the 4h (conjunct IC) and opposite MC, at an aries degree ? 👱
varuna (asteroid 20000), what's his sign/degree, where he sits in a chart, and his aspects
after receiving quite a few asks and comments about varuna aspects and placements i decided to continue the series (reminders: @e11e27 , @cosmiccvnt ).
IMPORTANT: varuna is a slow moving asteroid it is very likely that everyone reading this will have a cancer varuna. mainly the sign/degree section is for the degree. other than that, the house and the aspects made to varuna are highly important in this post!
all of this is in my opinion. some of it you may be like how tf did she come up with this. my answer: intuition and experience with other people's charts that i have available to me. warning i can be harsh: please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. plus let's not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. it's never just varuna. this is just a starting place for when examining a single asteroid in an entire galaxy. take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
*all of these observations are based on a natal chart - solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*
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aries (1°, 13°, 25°): you might feel the urge to control things. it is likely important and even vital for you to control every activity that you are involved it. this may be trust thing - you likely struggle to trust those around you fully; especially, when it comes to your welfare and the welfare of others. you are likely a natural leader. often you may use your energy to get what needs to happen done. the unfortunate part is that people with this placement tend to be forced out of power or even into retirement. often you are likely to use your brain power to take initiative to get things done... however, you might struggle with keeping balance - you might be a bit of an extremist and some may even say you are forceful.
taurus (2°, 14°, 26°): you might find yourself wanting to control beauty standards and your monetary life. early in life, you could struggle with feeling in control of your beauty (acne, inability to keep up with trends, etc) and/or your money. when finally get both under your control via routine and saving/budget, you are likely to cling to the control mechanism for each. in the age of social media, you might find yourself influencing others on those topics - however, you might want to be careful that you don't get cancelled for being to rigid in your thoughts/beliefs on the topics. it might be a lesson for you to learn that there is a fine line to balance beauty and ugly or saving for some day and living life to the fullest. beauty can be found in all things and you can't put a price on happiness.
gemini (3°, 15°, 27°): you likely find yourself wishing to control communication with others and involving others. you might really enjoy gossip because gossip tends to involve knowledge that gives you power. if you can control who knows what, you likely feel in control and powerful... but with great power comes great responsibility. it is very important that you are selective who you tell what to because if you tell someone the wrong thing, you might find yourself having a social fall from grace. in the gossip realm, it could be something like you tell someone something and they then tell the person who it is about that you were the one that told them this gossip. being someone who collects knowledge via communication, you might find yourself a moderator or needing a lot of social recharge time in order to feel at peace / in balance. as a knowledgable person, you likely enjoy reading about philosophy and morals.
cancer (4°, 16°, 28°): this placement has some hardcore domestics vibes - it tends to feel like they are good at all things involving the home. you could even have a naturally green thumb. you know how to sell your vision of the future to those around you. you also could be super involved in local government (stars hollow vibes, if you know, you know, Gilmore Girls fans). you likely have great morality where justice in a community is best served. you naturally wish to protect those in your family (both your blood and chosen family that is) - you will do whatever it takes to do so. there is a chance that your "fall from grace" in the eyes of those around you is just you slowing down and appreciating where you're at in life - it could also just indicate falling off the radar when you go into retirement. a goal for this placement also tends to be, you want everyone to feel safe in your environment.
leo (5°, 17°, 29°): you might have the mindset that you are the rightful leader and that you should be in control of most things. while i believe that you have great leadership abilities (i feel like you are extremely moral/responsible as a leader), i also believe that you may want to be more openminded to collaborating. you are a great organizer, but you should also practice delegating. with this placement, you might find yourself the most likely of the bunch to lose your power... you will want to balance your power with pleasure - while you may derive pleasure from power, you must realize that you can get pleasure from other sources too, like creative entertainment for instance.
virgo (6°, 18°): i get this feeling that you would make a really good administrator or accountant - you are very good at keeping the details under control. but "the devil is in the details" - no one person can be in control of everything... you might find yourself failing to keep everything under control, or that your status changes after you say that you have everything under control. something is bound to happen that will make you realize you have less control than you think. for those in a medical profession, you might believe that a patient is fine one moment then the next they are deceased. these things happen - not everything is predictable. the world is a place of homeostasis - this virgo placements often strive for prefect or a semblance of control that is just not realistic. take the tricky/bad with the good.
libra (7°, 19°): ugh, you guys try the hardest to maintain balance... especially, in terms of relationships. compromise is likely very important to you - often it appears that you can do so with grace, but be aware that your idea of what is just is not the same as everyone else's. others might look down on you for your ego in believing that you know best / what is right and wrong. remember to compromise with others as they compromise with you. anywho you are gifted at elegantly handling many things at once - things that are a struggle for others, often aren't as a big a struggle for you.
scorpio (8°, 20°): i feel like you are often very passionate about having control. you need to know everything and feel like you have some measure of control to feel at peace. you don't mind sleuthing on those around you, so you can make them feel comforted and as though they can let their guard down around you. just like you have the power to end others, they also have the ability to ruin you. at some point, you might find yourself casted out / eliminated by those around you. you need to learn a balance when it comes to purging the world and curiosity. sometimes you have to just be grateful for what you have and let a mystery be a mystery.
sagittarius (9°, 21°): this gives political vibes. i feel like a lot of people with these degrees will find themselves wanting to control whole societies (thus the political vibes). you might find yourself wanting to be in the political realm, otherwise you might just want to influence society (perhaps via social media). usually, this is a morality thing - you are on a moral high ground and have a vision of what is good and what is bad. perhaps it is because you have an innate wisdom about humanity and an idealism that could manifest within this society, if we had mores become norms. unfortunately, you might not have the endurance to withstand dealing with things such as this in the long term sense. you are devoted to spreading wisdom and sharing your vision for the future, but it becomes very exhausting after awhile because so few actually listen and take action.
capricorn (10°, 22°): you seek order, organization, and efficiency - you will do whatever it takes to obtain it. often you might find yourself fighting for order for a very long time - these people typically don't mind cleaning or organizing professionally for a long period of time because it helps them feel at peace, and they like to help others also feel at peace. of course, you will eventually slow down due age - you might feel depressed when you notice clutter accumulating because you realize you simply can't keep up with things anymore. alternatively, you might find yourself forced to retire from your profession - you might feel like you are still sharp, but others will see that you are making too many mistakes which will lead them to force you out of your position. these people often seek balance in their schedule because they tend to have a lot that they wish to do, and as they say, "very little time to actually do so"...
aquarius (11°, 23°): the controlling friend... not the best look and it is funny too because in the beginning you might have really good intentions. you might want all your friends to get together regularly to do something fun, but after awhile people might accuse you of nagging. you might find yourself becoming a moderator in an online group forum and "controlling" what others are allowed to do in that sense. i only mean to make you aware - just because you want to see progress or to have fun and do new things, does not mean that others would enjoy doing so and will follow your every word. you might be someone who believes in altruism - so practice it. don't do things hoping to get praised by those around you. often the people who are around you know very little about who you actually are so try not to present yourself as bossy and as though you seek accolade for every little thing you do. you will quickly notice that others will turn away from you, if you do that. progress over notoriety is key.
pisces (12°, 24°): it is hard to say what this placement would seek to control; perhaps, you are the only one in the mix who doesn't really wish to be in control of anything. you might be the type that prefers to have options - you might struggle with having to come up with everything on your own. the illusion of having control is more important than actually having control. you don't seek absolute power, you prefer limited power likely because you have the tendency of fearing disappointing others. ironically, if you did disappoint someone, you might seek to make it up to them by any means necessary, thusly you give them control over you and then situation. life is an abstract concept and you likely will come to understand a majority of that in you time. you might realize the limitations of knowledge, power, and morality and see that there exists more grey and neutrality then there does omniscience, omnipotence, and pure good.
1h: you may feel as though you were born to be in control of the elements around you. you could be a generally moral individual because you constantly self-evaluate. for you controlling your actions and having restraint is rather easy, but, one day, you might give in to temptation and feel as though you are spiraling. it is important that you notice that life has its ups and downs; moderation is the only way to feel you are acknowledging all your actions and inactions.
2h: money is the name of the games. money makes you feel powerful and safe. if you have the money you need, you feel like you have room to give to and receive from others. your aim is likely wealth - ultimately you want to have an emergency fund so that if something were to happen you can still feel like you have the money you need to keep going or so you can retire and still live comfortably. but it is give and take; you can't just hoard money right now - at least a majority of you can't because you have to continue to live and living costs money. make money to live - spend money to continue to make money... give yourself permission to live a little - it is great to save but take a look at what you are saving for. no future is certain.
3h: i feel like this can be such a tricky placement. varuna is about control, but the 3h tends to require openness and flexibility to the world around you... it might be difficult for you because you are constantly being forced to adapt to some sort of new knowledge, new communication technique, or new environment. do not be hard on yourself. control is not everything. you can only control what you can communicate, what you know / are open to learning, and where you go - you can't control what others say, what they know / are open to, and where they go. it will be fine just keep being your wonderful self. communicate, learn, and walk around a bit. new things don't have to be scary.
4h: are you varuna or is someone else varuna? that is up to you to figure out with this placement. typically, i see this as people who are either controlling or controlled by their family. often, i see this as people who are in charge of their household as well; you might be the one who makes the dinner, pays the bills, cleans the house, etc even from a rather young age. it can be a struggle though because after doing all that for such a long time you might find you are exhausted and simply can't do it anymore know that it is okay to be burnt out - it is okay to be overwhelmed when you do everything like you do. alternatively, you might feel like you have no say in your family or in your home. it could feel like you are "low man on the totem pole" - even when you try to help or do something you somehow "mess it up" and a parent (typically, your mother) will take away your responsibilities because "you can't be trusted to do the task".
5h: you can't control anything in this bracket funnily enough, so you are likely to feel very tested... you can't control a child - especially, not your own. you will likely never see half of what is coming until it has already happened where your own child is concerned. you can't control chance, creativity, nor, and most importantly, love. when you try to control any of these, you will notice quite a few things... your children are likely to leave your home the moment they are reasonably capable of doing so. when you try to control chance, others might state you are a "stalker" or a "control freak". when you try to control creativity, you might close yourself off to inspiration and originality. and when you try to control love, you are likely to find yourself alone... so don't embrace varuna too heavily with this placement. instead, be open. this placement is great if you want to be an agent, producer, art teacher, guide your children, be dominant in romance, etc. but a key lesson will be the art of letting go because that is when the magic truly happens.
6h: i can't decide if you are a health guru or a g-calendar wiz. maybe it is both. it is astounding nonetheless because you have unbreakable control over your own elements. you might know what marcos are in your meals, what time blocking is, how long it takes to burn fat, etc. it is great by also i feel like you are incredibly hard on yourself; just because you missing one day does not mean it is over. one missed day doesn't mean you have failed - yes, your routine is messed up BUT it is just for the day. it is just for the day - tomorrow is a new day.
7h: these people tend to have their hands on a lot of contractual things - it feels very lawyer like. you will likely deal with agreements, settlements, contracts, controversy, etc. this is the placement of "i have it all under control" and generally you do. you tend to find yourself in an alliance of sorts; sometimes it is with your public enemy and other times it is with your lover - either way it is likely that whichever one you partner with will take over your power at some point in time. this could be a source of controversy in your life.
8h: another placement were you must learn it is okay to lack control... you can't control change, death, nor what you inherit. change is inevitable - if you refuse to change, you refuse to grow... if you refuse death, you forget to live or you find yourself mourning what isn't lost yet in the waking world. if you try to control what you inherit - well genetically you simply can't - you will be disappointed and find yourself removed from legal will(s) entirely. so you have to be open to change. you have to live. you have to be grateful and live in the moment - not in the future.
9h: be open to learning. you are in control of what knowledge you let sit in your mind. allow yourself to take all knowledge with a grain of salt. it is important that you learn everything that you possibly can - be worldly, get a different perspective, learn different philosophies/religions, etc. you will find yourself at a lost when you close yourself off, are too devoted to a single entity of knowledge, you stay at home, and/or you refuse to follow your intuition. open up and be willing to learn new things - this will help you to be the best version of you possible.
10h: often this placement loves a title - they enjoy having status and power. you likely enjoy the authority and/or notoriety that is associated with a title. the higher up you are the more at peace and comfortable you feel. however, the higher up you are, the further you can fall - so be mindful of your place. often with a high status comes a level of popularity. with popularity you have to be mindful of the power you have over influencing others. you are someone that others look up to, so be worthy of being looked up to.
11h: acquaintances, companions, friends, etc your contact with others make you strong and powerful. you might find that you have a number of people around you that are willing to help you get to high places and to reach your hopes and dreams. however, for this to be the case, you have to be aware of how you present yourself to others and the world around you. you also have to be careful that you aren't manipulating people into doing something solely for your gain. just because the people around you have influence, doesn't mean that you should expect their help. never expect to be given something without making a show of faith and effort. help others to see you are worthy and not just demanding a free hand-out.
12h: you are the secret keeper - a lock box for the unconscious and subconscious. you are in control of what you do and do not share with others. others are likely to lean on you to safe guard their issues, secrets, etc. the one thing you can't control with this placements is karma - karma is in control of it's self and will ultimately catch up with you. this, of course, causes your downfall/woe... the best way to keep in check is to resist sharing things that are meant to be a secret / private.
aspects from varuna to
sun: positive aspects: you might be shocked to learned that when you are in control, people follow your every command. you are someone who was given power because you have earned it. your achievements afford you authority and advancement. i find that these people are the best to be in power because they are selfless - they seek balance and fairness first and foremost - which is highly commendable. negative aspects: you may wish to be in control of most every situation and frequently fail to recognize that your ideals and desires are not everyone else's. you may fail to see that you are not always the best person to be in control of the situation, you may come off as slightly arrogant and/or as though you brag about your accomplishments very often to the point of annoyance. your ideas may not be popular opinion among others - and you have to accept that.
moon: positive aspects: you adapt well - your ability to keep up with the ever-changing world around you is what aids you to maintain balance and control. your emotions are a superpower; you feel for those around you which makes you all the more moral and fair. you might feel like you are popular and/or worshiped simply for showing sympathy/empathy and being flexible. negative aspects: i feel like you often wish for others to change on behalf of you - you likely fail to realize that the world doesn't revolve around you. it is a rarity that people will drop everything to help you regain security/balance. that is something you have to do on your own - which is likely to be what causes you a lot of stress. you likely won't find it fair that people aren't helping you - but that is the task of varuna. you have to do your own thing without the aid of others and most often the "others" that you wish would help you the most are your parents/family... be sympathetic/empathetic towards others as you wish they would be with you. it is not easy being human and even less so when you are depending on others without understanding who they are outside of their connection either you.
mercury: positive aspects: you likely depend heavily on communication - you are very particular about what you say and how you say it. accurate communication is key and then comprehension of that information. personally you are likely very good at communicating accurately and comprehending information. you are even very good at being adaptable to new information. you very easily can find yourself back on track if the communication with you and those around you is good. negative aspects: you can only control what you say - you can't control others or what they take away from what you say. you might struggle with efficient communication which throws off a lot of things in your life. you have to practice only communicating what is true/accurate - try your best to not say things you aren't 100% certain of because you will either find yourself in trouble or struggling to get things back in control (things are likely to get out of hand). you might also need to work on comprehension of verbal and written communication.
venus: positive aspects: you have a very powerful gift - controlling the admiration of others. in fact, you will likely find yourself a social media starlet or "famous" on some level. you could even control how desirable you are to those around you. for you it is not about control or balance, it is about finding bliss. you don't really want control or power, you want to be happy and be loved by others. negative aspects: i feel like you are the type of person who gets rather annoyed when people "mimic" you - even though it is common. "imitation is the best form of flattery" they say... but you? you take it personally; you don't like or appreciate when people appear as a "threat" - you especially hate when they get more attention then you did when using your concept. you desire to be seen as a sole entity but that is just not the way of the world any more - everyone copies everyone and most fame is not long-term (social media trends change, you age out of a concept, cancel culture, etc). you have to be okay with admiration no matter how you receive it.
mars: positive aspects: oof it you aren't in charge, you need to be. you are the one who gets things done. we need more doers in this world. you have a passion for achieving balance in the realm around you. you have the ability to control the activity of many people at once which is good too - you would/do make a good supervisor and/or manager in this lifetime. negative aspects: be very careful that you don't come off as controlling... it is likely that you will be seen as such. varuna a god centered on balance and mars is war and chaos - war is messy and unpredictable when functioning at its finest. so the two concepts do not fit together, thusly making for someone who is overly aggressive in having control or someone who attempts to stay away from actively doing anything at all. often your passions get in the way of you being logical and orderly, or you likely face decision fatigue.
jupiter: positive aspects: you are an incredible advisor; you have such wonderful knowledge and wisdom. you can really benefit a lot of people by sharing and being in a seat of power where you can help others - so explore and learn. you are someone who promotes the expansion of the world around you. you are someone who likes the formality of a hierarchy which promotes respect and loyalty. loyalty is everything to you when you feel like you can trust those around you then life will get a whole lot easier - everything will feel peaceful and you will feel comfortable stepping down from a position of power. negative aspects: you have a lot of learning to do before you teach anyone else - keep that in mind when you are giving advice to others. perhaps there is someone else who is in better spot to teach others - perferably someone with a lot of experience. you might also not be the most ethical person. without ethics you are definitely going to feel the pain and have a fall from grace or be forced to retire. you could struggle with open mindedness and/or honesty... practice leading with innocence and willingness to grow.
saturn: positive aspects: you are super self-controlled. you have a strong will which is rather uncommon for people... you have such strength - you could even resist the things to desperately desire. you are someone who is likely to retire before you are ever forced to quit or into retirement in general. you live a life of moderation, thusly you already follow the elements on varuna. negative aspects: you likely aren't the most self-controlled person... you might struggle with doing things in moderation and waiting in general. it is likely a struggle of yours to resist your desires. this might be something that springs from a mistrust built in childhood... you might fear that while it is there one moment it won't be there the next. you will need to work on your trust issues because while you could be right you are equally likely to be wrong in that regard. so have faith. don't doubt the world around you. you might be the type of person that has to be forced into retirement because you do not realize you are decaying in a knowledge sense - there is likely someone more capable than you and you will just have to accept that.
uranus: positive aspects: you are an extraordinary individual - while nothing is predictable when you are in charge, things are also unpredictable and innovative when you are. you cause growth and forward movement. you get things done and help others to evolve in a positive manner. you likely can juggle many things at once as well. your originality is likely to keep you in business and keep you in power for a long time. negative aspects: you might constantly question if everything you are doing is correct - you likely lack faith in yourself and your ability. you also might have the tendency to want to control things that aren't controllable like the future. you need to learn to have faith in the unknown. you probably struggle with finding balance because you likely do not plan - normally this is fine for a uranus placement/aspect but not where varuna is involved because he requires consistency and control. as for the fall from power - i don't feel like you will have a fall. i feel like it is more akin to estrangement. you might fall out of love or interest with your field and just leave it be.
neptune: positive aspects: astral projection vibes - you have strong psychic gifts, so don't hesitate to use them. you don't seek control which is your greatest gift; you reach a sort of nirvana when you stop trying to control things - it is so rewarding for you too. you don't let blockages set you back - you just go with the flow. negative aspects: you doubt your abilities which really sets you back. you have to acknowledge that you are capable of everything and anything. when you try to control your creativity, you will find yourself bored by your work and you might even create things that seem too simple to get the recognition you seek. you don't resonate with idealism - you want things to be predictable but they aren't. you need to embrace the unpredictable and the impractical. speaking of impractical, you likely won't be a leader, at least not the best leader, because you might just lack practicality where it is needed.
pluto: positive aspects: you embrace the chaos; you aren't a controlling person - you are the opposite a majority of the time. you want change not balance. you might be the least varuna like of this bunch due to this fact. the changes you make are often done carefully and overtime. you aren't someone that wastes time though; you make calculated risks/changes. negative aspects: you likely hate people who try to keep order... you loath those who try to control you most of all. you aren't someone who likes being controlled - if anyone should be controlling anyone you will believe it is you who should be in control. your passions likely overshadow you desire for balance/moderation.
asc: positive aspects: these are the people that you look at and you are like "dang, they have everything under control in their life". you appear so well composed that no one questions a thing. you look fine and like you can handle anything, so you likely find yourself tasked with a lot in life. miraculously, you can handle it too and continue to climb the ranks. you have a classic look about you that makes you look timeless and ageless. negative aspects: you may be controlling or lack control where your appearance is concerned. you should look into better life balance - no one should be living their life concerned about their looks and worrying about whether they will be taken seriously or not OR if they are on trend or not. do what what works for you - nothing more and nothing less.
mc: positive aspects: you may receive a lot of praise for your achievements and ambitions in life. you may find yourself in a high position in your career in which you are in charge or creating the code of conduct for your workplace. you could be a good leader because you are willing to hear others out in regards to regarding functionality. your father could have been someone of great importance who had an important job that allowed you to have a good childhood/home environment from a young age. negative aspects: you might expect to get accolade and it never comes - no doubt you are going above and beyond in your role though. you might feel like you are constantly on the cusp of getting to where you wish to go in life, yet you never get there. you could struggle with following those in a seat of power too because you might feel like they took your position or that you are better than they are at the job. status for you is very important, but it is not something you will ever feel confident about.
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How to check if you are going to be famous using your solar return chart 📸✨
Lets get straight to the point here 😌
We are going to use 4 of these asteroids, which is :
- varuna (20000) 🌷= varuna represents fame that is immortal and bigger than "fame", it represents global fame, fame that is immortal and fame that last for a long long time, fame that makes you considered a "king" or a "queen" of something. Fame that is going to be in history forever. (Example : Eminem had varuna conjunct his midheaven in the year 2000 when he released the song "stan" and his biggest album "the real slim shady")
- pholus (5145) 🌷= pholus represents small or basic things you do going big. This can indicate viral fame. (Example : Naomi campbell had a pholus conjunct venus in her solar return chart in the year 1991 when she started to get hugely famous.)
- fama (408) 🌷= fame.
- klio (84) 🌷 = fame that is in history.
If each of these 4 asteroids is conjuncting (only use orb from 0 - 3) your midheaven, ascendant, sun, venus, mercury, mars, moon in your solar return chart then i wish u luck and success.
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evangelinesbible · 1 year
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(And other objects)
Take what I say with the specific asteroids with a grain of salt these are all predictions about what might happen in my solar return. I don’t go heavily into detail cuz this is just a quick post.
This year might involve me gaining aloof opportunity that'll help heal me, and potentially others. Expanding myself and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. since its the 1H that might involve me putting myself out there more, introducing myself to others/the world more, and learning to express the wounded sides of me, like my insecurities and fears. this year I'll probably strive understand myself more and to figure out how I want the world to see me and how I want to see myself.
It is likely that I might meet my future spouse this year. At the very least I'll meet someone who'll be in a long term relationship with me. I might meet someone who is meant to help me achieve my fate/destiny. This person might have money (since its in taurus I'm assuming). major lessons that I'll learn this year will involve partnership, trust, loyalty, love, self expression, and confidence.
BU48, (33128) represents money, wealth, and success. having it conjunct vertex this year could POTENTIALLY mean that money, wealth and success is fated for me this year. it being in the 6H might mean that it'll happen at work, while I'm working or working on something. I might achieve success/money with something that I do daily. Especially something Venusian, since its in the sign of Libra. I might become a workaholic this year.
Opportunity (39382) is pretty straight forward. It quite literally means what it's named. What opportunities you might get in life. It being conjunct my sun can mean POTENTIAL fame/popularity opportunities. It also conjuncts Neptune which rules over music/melodies so I might get opportunities that involves those themes.
Varuna (20000) is a dwarf star that is linked to worldwide and /long term immortal fame. With Lilith in Leo in my solar return looks like I'll be in my diva era lol. Unapologetically learning to be confident and express myself in ways that might intimidate and scare men. it being in the 5th house can indicate art I express myself this way through my art and creative pursuits. this year I may become obsessed with fame/ popularity or it might consume me in a way that scares me or empowers me. This year I might subconsciously be very prideful and boastful without realizing. Since Varuna is conjunct Lilith I might gain popularity because of this but this is a minor placement and it’s a small chance but still a possibility.
“pholus (5145) represents small or basic things you do going big” - @brielledoesastrology has a post about this asteroid and a few others that pertains to fame in the solar return, go check it out. Pholus conj. MC in the 10H is a good thing for me. I have potential to gain viral fame through my career endeavors. Since it’s in Capricorn I might gain attention from businesses and business people who’d want to work with me.
Enterprise (9777) conjunct vertex means that this year I was fated to enter the career field that is best suited for me, that utilizes my talents/skills and makes me the most money.
Industria (389) similar to enterprise, is an asteroid that tells you what career field(s)/ industry you’d be best suited for. For the solar return it can indicate what industry you’ll be interested in/ apart of. Industria in the 1H could mean that I’ll dabble in modeling, fashion, or really just anything that involves showing off my face/ body. It’s also in Aries so breaking off into a more independent path and doing things for the first time of being the first to peruse a career endeavor on my family. It conjunct Jupiter may mean that I gain a lot of abundance, success and potentially money from doing this. It being conjunct Chiron could mean that the industry that I’m stepping into will give me some wounds to heal from but also help me heal old wounds.
I’m looking forward to the physical transformation I’ll have this year. I have a lot of 1H energy. With Glo (3267) conj. ASC in the 1H this year means that physically something will change about me that’ll become my new shinning aspect. This could also mean that I’ll get a new confidence boost this year.
Midas (1981) is a money asteroid named after king Midas, a wealthy king who turn everything to gold with his touch. Potential to make the most money using my voice, intelligence, writing skills, public speaking skills, creativity, and self expression. There’s a risk of being greedy/ over indulgent with it conjunct the sun.
Felicitas (109) is an asteroid I just found out through @zeldasnotes post here and basically she’s a Roman goddess whose name meant fruitful, blessed, happy and lucky. The asteroid can show where you are lucky and blessed. In my solar return having this conjunct my MC can mean being very blessed and lucky this year in my career
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Just something quick and fun. Nothing too serious. It’s almost Pisces season and almost my birthday 🥳 Do you have any asteroids prominent in your solar return? 💋
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
Hi, here's to hoping that you are having a great day.
I hope I'm not taking to much of your time for asking your insight about these aspects/placements in a Boda Persona chart.
Feel free to just give your general/detailed vibe about said placements/aspects if you feel called to ~
(sorry in advance for the degrees info overload)
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- Stelliums: Capricorn (Sun, Uranus Neptune) & 12th House (Sun, Mars, Uranus
<Also mentioning forgot to remove Varuna in this PC yet I find it out that it's a one degree difference from my natal chart placement: natal = Gemini (29°) 7th Retrograde, Boda PC = Gemini (28°) 6th Retrograde; i find this noteworthy>
<Also my natal and Boda PC are both in Aquarius Taurus degrees>
- interesting conjunctions :
= North node conjunct Sun(6°), Uranus in Capricorn 12th House and Capricorn Rising (13°)
= Regulus conjunct Vertex Virgo(3°), both in 8th house
= Part of Fortune Libra 10th(24°) conjunct Libra MC (23°)
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I was shocked to have the exact same placement as Kim K, Sun Capricorn 6° 12th. Maaaaaaaaaaaaam I gotta work for that wedding lol whyyyyyyyyyyy
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I'm ridiculously private as a person. Gurlllllllll whyyy.
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💞Boda pc💞
Hii! I hope you are having a wonderful night or evening whenever your reading this as well! I love how you listed everything! Here's my opinion on your placements/aspects;
I feel like that cappy stellium may be a indication of your wedding having some type of traditional vibe and thats crazy the fact you & Kim literally have the same sun placement!! Like what!! 🤨
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Ok that part about Varuna is very interesting especially with that 28° that may show that your wedding is very TALKED about (gemini) amongst your family. Or amongst social media???
You definitely may have your wedding in a foreign country or something. (12th house stellium)
Your relationship may even be famous or the person your with as well. If you end up with a famous wedding lmk because that is very intriguing!! 🙁👀
Since you have aqaurian degrees it may be popular on social media and Taurus degrees can make it be very beautiful & luxuriously for sure!
I definitely see you having a very rich & extravagant wedding that's holds a very high reputation, and it's just going to be big that's all I can say & all I see from these placements
With regulus being in the 8th house there's a possibility of it being a little low-key at the same time like maybe not many people are invited or something like that. Idk I would really have to study that in other people's chart but I can't get over that
I'm getting Royal vibes for your wedding and that libra 10th house conjunction its going to be seen as very beautiful and like royal!! There may be something unusual about wedding that's untraditional that's why I said you may be getting married in a foriegn country. But you wedding is still seen as very traditional and straight foward if that makes sense.
If I had to sum it up based off of these I would say it's a wedding that is based off of traditional values and is taken serious. You may have the choice of your wedding being very popular but you choose to invite view people and get married in a secluded area, next to a large body of water, or in a foriegn country. There may be something unique at your wedding I'm really getting its like yall are alone at a beach pr foriegn country & you post it online..because regulus is in 8th house @ 29° so maybe it's like a popular secret but nobody knows exactly until you tell them and this is how the Boda in gemini plays out
your very lucky in the sense of how your wedding is percieved its diplomatic & beautiful. Charming in nature. I also want to add since uranus is in cap it may be a little less untraditional.
Ps: Do you Neptune in the 1st? Because that would make a lot of sense.
Thank you for sending in your ask & I love these placements!
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littledigest · 2 years
Can you do an asteroid observation about the dwarf planet varuna (20000) and what it means in an astrology natal chart and in synastry? since it is very rarely talked about here in the astrology community and people with varuna prominent seem to be very influential but in a "queen" or "king" or even like a "god like" way. like eminem, kim k, naomi campbell, franz list, paris hilton and maddona have it prominent in their chart. Also i observe this asteroid prominent in huge rulers like vladimir putin and adolf hitler.
Hi there! I was wondering what asteroid to use to kick off my 'Asteroid Highlight' series, so I’m glad you asked this question! Made a whole post of it below
Also, your list of examples is amazing and very helpful; thank you so much 🧡
Asteroid Highlight: Varuna 20000 (dwarf planet)
Varuna is the Vedic deity of:
the Sky, Oceans, and Rain
These are all-encompassing, take the shape of their container, and/or are boundless in their natural state. 
A drop of water can be insignificant, but rain is hard to avoid. Even more so for oceans; oceans are an awe-inspiring, fearsome, healing, or destructive force.
Rta or Rita (Universal Law)
Meaning justice, order, rule, truth, logos
Responsible for the proper functioning of the universe (natural order, human order)
Satya (Truth and Virtue)
Meaning truth, essence, virtue
Truthful in one’s thoughts, speech, and actions
In Birth Chart:
People with Varuna prominent in their chart are those who can comprehensively understand how people work and what makes the world go ‘round. It’s like they have a sense of the universe and order in them, and they can bend and change shape to match it or have some sort of control over it (although, ultimately, they cannot have complete control over it; they still have to play by at least some rules of the universe/our world). 
When I say bend, I don't mean in a people-pleasing, bend-here-bend-there, wishy-washy vibe; it’s more about knowing who they are and understanding what about themselves is their greatest strength and power (according to aspect, placement, etc.) They are not infallible, although, to others, they may look this way; they have what they think are weaknesses and insecurities. BUT they also understand that they have strengths that could far outshine or overpower those weaknesses, and this is what they focus on and develop. Weakness can serve as the driving force of their success.
Knowing what Varuna stands for, it isn’t a huge surprise that this dwarf planet is often associated with fame, wealth, and power. As human beings, our way of controlling or “being lords of” such vastness and universality is translated in these more human ways. Prominent Varuna people may become famous or powerful in their field or wealthy. Or, they may be infamous, power-hungry, and greedy. This, in my opinion, isn’t an easy vs. hard aspect dichotomy; a single person with a prominent Varuna can experience both in their lifetime. 
Varuna as a guardian of the natural order, could make Varuna prominent people very particular about how they think people should act or how the world should operate. Maybe they are passionate about social behaviors, manners, customs, being honest and truthful, etc. Or they may have a strong stance on political, social, and economic ideologies. Whatever it is, they have a strong opinion on how things should be and won’t have a problem letting other people know. They enforce standards, or they are the high standard.
If Varuna prominent people do become famous and powerful, they may be the force that makes the world go ‘round. They will create big waves in their fields and could be seen in legendary status. They leave a lasting legacy.
In Synastry and Composite:
Varuna 20000
Mithra 4486
20000, 4486
In Hinduism, Varuna is oftentimes paired with Mitra (Mithra 4486). Together they are guardians of cosmic and moral law. 
If a couple has Varuna and Mithra aspects, this is probably an indication of a power couple. Something about this couple commands respect and awe from others. The Mitra of the couple may be more principled and traditional, whereas the Varuna of the couple is more irreligious and materialistic. 
In Hinduism, these two are said to have such a close connection that they twin up and become one unit, Mitra-Varuna. In synastry and composite charts, this could mean a twin flame relationship; something inside calls out to the other, and they recognize a similarity within themselves. Very binding connection.
The relationship could bounce back and forth between two faces; they could be gracious towards one another one day and then be punishing towards each other the next. Mitra-Varuna, the deities, are characterized this way too, gracious and also wrathful.
It is also important to note that even though Mitra and Varuna are oftentimes combined together, their characteristics together are technically the same characteristics of Varuna on its own. So, we might see the Varuna person being more dominant or visible between the two. Or, if there is no Mithra-Varuna aspect but only prominent Varuna aspects, whatever planet Varuna touches will be the area in their relationship where Varuna will dominate the planet person. Could be in a subtle or obvious way, depending on the people involved.
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ellmeria · 2 years
Hi, Ria! How are you doing?🌟
I’m not really very advanced in astrology, that’s why I wondered if you could help me with understanding an aspect in my chart - specifically Moon in Conjunction with Varuna(20000) in my natal chart. I recently found out about this asteroid, that’s why I would like to learn more ^^
Thank you in advance for your time and energy! I wish you a wonderful morning/day/evening/night!💕🌿
Hello, Aline! I'm doing well. How are you? I apologize for being so late. Thank you so much for asking! 🤍
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐚 (𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎) ✧
Brief background:
Varuna was discovered on November 28, 2000, by Robert S. Mcmillan. In Astrology, where Varuna is in your chart can tell you what areas of life you may gain grand-scale fame (for better or worse), leadership position, and long-term influence. Natives with prominent Varuna are often seen as someone who have charisma and incredible skills that can make people gravitate towards them. Some say that this asteroid has the combined influence of Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. It can bring forth large fortune, new knowledge, rebirth, and even destruction.
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Moon Conjunct Varuna natives may influence others through the use of their emotions. They may be known as someone empathetic, sincere, emotional, nurturing, and motherly. They may possess the most charismatic feminine energy. If underdeveloped, these natives may use emotions to appeal to other people's sympathy to acquire a specific goal.
This placement is also seen in people who are talented and renowned in artistic fields. Some examples are Vincent van Gogh (painter), Jean-Paul Sartre (playwright), Daniil Kharms (poet), and Alain Delon (actor). Arts can be a wonderful outlet for expressing your emotions.
Moon also represents the mother. In my opinion, it can also indicate that the native's mother has hugely influenced the native and their upbringing. They can gain fame through their mother, or their mother is quite famous and influential.
Another thing that Moon represents is intuition. With that said, I have noticed that Moon Conjunct Varuna natives often have a powerful intuition that they can utilize to obtain luck and recognition. It may also indicate psychic abilities.
Side note: I hope it helps. Have a lovely day/night, Aline! Take care. 🤍
Reference: x
The photo is from Pinterest. Credit goes to the rightful owner.
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psychesonu · 1 year
hello gois!! so I was just wondering if anybody can tell me their insights on my varuna placement?
(I’ve been searching about this asteroid, but I’m still having a hard time interpreting it in my chart)
Varuna Asteroid 20000
Varuna in Cancer
Varuna placed in my 11th house
Varuna conjunct with my Mercury (at 4°) & Venus (at 1°)
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narciartist · 8 months
I need someone to tell me what these conjunctions mean in my varuna (20000) persona chart please 😩
It's crazy
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777rare · 1 year
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disclaimer :
THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs and bad words so please scroll if ur below 18+
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Mercury in 1st house natives are very talkative beings lmao🙊
Mars in fixed signs(AQUARIUS,LEO,TAURUS,SCORPIO) won't take anybodys shit no matter what..if somebody ain't treating em right, they're always ready to fight back
Mars in cardinal signs(CAPRICORN,CANCER,LIBRA,ARIES) can control their temper and toleration levels when somebody's acting all shitty but when they can't take it anymore, you're done for.
Mars in mutable signs (PISCES,GEMINI,SAGITTARIUS,VIRGO) will most of the time tolerate ur shit and get pissed off internally. They won't show it although they do sometimes, its mostly always internal. suppressed anger and frustration.
Apollo-venus/neptune folks are very admiring. Apollo-venus/ 8th house people are charming and alluring whereas apollo-neptune/ 12th house people have ethereal or outwardly beauty. Apollo aspecting ascendant are attractive too. Ex: alexia demie has Apollo quintile venus, zendaya has Apollo in 8th house.
Adams-sun/moon/asc/Mc natives have a very masculine character or mascular body in a man's chart ex: Chris evans has Adam's trine sun, Dwayne Johnson has Adam's sextile moon.
people with aura/ascendant in harsh aspects with moon(esp. Square) could mean people sense ur aura/ energy to be "too emotional" or "cold ass bitch" vibe. the tension in these aspects can also manifest according to the placements, degrees and other aspects.
natives with sirene conjunct jupiter could have such a raw seducing energy and lots n lots of it by the way! They tend to have a very mysterious,sexy,alluring touch to them. its like they have this "cremé dé lá cremé" persona blended in them..it's just so fucking hot..I also feel these natives catch too much attention sometimes even when they don't intend on trying to catch anyone's attention. It can sometimes get really annoying for them too.
In your varuna persona chart usually I feel the native is born to gain world wide fame if their sun/moon conjunct asteroid varuna.
Melete-chiron/sun/moon/asc harsh aspects tend to become victims of anxiety disorders, panic attacks. Check the houses and signs to get more insight as well. Ex: zendaya has melete semi square moon and sesquiquadrate ascendant
Lacrimosa in 12th house natives emotions gets overwhelming when they're in bed or at night. These people could feel overwhelmed with grief and sadness at times and cry themselves to sleep
chiron in aquarius/ 11th house, can show a native getting severely wounded or experiencing trauma, anxiety, grief because of online platforms, social media, technology, anything techno like phones,laptops etc.also these natives never have good, honest friendships. It's always fake friends and getting cheated or left out by friends. These natives should be very careful when it comes to making friends as well. Ex: I have this placement and when I was 10 yrs old, my closest friend food poisoned me. still don't know why.
Saturn-venus natives are beautiful but it's somewhat of an energy that's sleeping in them or yet to sprout. These natives need to put in some self love and work to glow up, especially showing themselves love.these natives tend to dislike the way they look or always try to find some flaw in themselves but their beauty will truly shine only when they begin to love themselves and work on themselves more. (Esp. Harsh aspects)
Virgo lilith natives have a very reserved sex appeal. These people tend to be very picky and minimalistic when it comes to their sexual partners.people most of the time assume these natives to have less knowledge about sex but deep down these natives are just crazy internally. You'll know it when you meet a virgo lilith native.🤠💫Aspects and houses can differ too.
I feel like asteroids in special degrees 11°, 22°,0° also have a really strong or special effect on the native.
sun-mercury natives always look younger than their age. The native can also be very childish even after ageing so much.
Planets in Scorpio sign or where your scorpio is placed is where you keep things hidden, out of reach from others or have deep information about. Thats why when scorpio falls on someones ascendant they are seen as very mysterious and secretive. Ex: I have scorpio over 8th house and i keep my sexual life hidden(8H= sex,money,etc), my brother has scorpio in 3rd house and he knows a lot about my past than my mom, and also about the people in our neighborhood(3H= siblings,neighbours), my mother has scorpio moon so she does hide her emotions a lot. My sister has scorpio jupiter and she does lots and lots of researching and has a lot of knowledge about books and countries that most of the people don't know about.not even me🙂.
Pallas-ascendant(positive aspects) natives look wise and mature
Lots of planets aspecting to chiron can show a native who has been wounded so so many times in their life.
Sokrates conjunct neptune or in pisces/scorpio/ in 8th/12th house natives love deep conversations.they hate small talk and just wanna go so so deep.
Pallas conjunct neptune natives have so much spiritual wisdom.
Tone-pluto natives tend to have a raspy,deep touch to their voice.
Asteroids mentioned above :
apollo - 1862
Adams- 1996
Aura - 1488
Sirene - 1009
Varuna - 20000
Melete - 56
Lacrimosa - 208
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Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻 Hope you all enjoyed. Thankyou.bye!❤ have a great day ahead!🏝☀️
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tinselxoxo26 · 2 years
𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸 𝓞𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓥 🍃
[Note: I'm not a professional astrologer so please don't take these personally if it doesn't resonate with you, this post is about tropical astrology. Tbh this has been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks now lol. Hope y'all enjoy reading this long post! ]
Part 4
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🪴 Pisces Mercury could be known as someone who likes to randomly sing whether it's at school or in public, as Mercury rules Gemini & Virgo which could represent education or daily lives.
🪴 People who consider becoming a teacher as a career has their Saturn conjunct MC, or Saturn - MC aspects, or 10H/Capricorn placements, Saturn - ASC aspects. It makes sense since Saturn represents authority figures.
🪴 Scorpio Mercury are ruthless when it comes to roasting people when they have to, otherwise they tend to be selective with their words.
🪴 Cancer placements/Moon dominants people might like lullaby or songs that gives off a lullaby feeling or nostalgic vibes
🪴 Your dominant planets in the signs & houses can tell you who you attract/attracted to like your friendships (degree also applies)
[Example: You're a Sun dominant & your sun is in Taurus in the 10H at 12 degree. You could attract/attracted to Taurus placements/2H placements/Venus doms, Capricorn placements/10H placements/Saturn doms, Pisces placements/12H placements/Neptune or Jupiter doms, or Leo placements/5H placements/Sun doms.]
🪴 Mercury in the 12H might find it hard to fall asleep, the 12H represents the subconscious & what is the subconscious related to? Sleep. Mercury is the planet of the overthinker, so the native who has this placement will overthink at night & find it hard to fall asleep.
🪴 We usually see Jupiter representing husband in a female's chart but what about Mars? I feel like Mars in a female's natal chart is so underrated when it comes to crushes specifically male crushes.
[Example: Cancer Mars, having a crush on cancer men or men who have traits of cancer (nurturing, loving, caring, knowing how to cook etc.) The house & the degree it's in is still as important]
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🪴 Having asteroid Juno in the 12th house indicates someone being a hopeless romantic.
🪴 Having your asteroid Juno conjunct other person's planets in the 1st house in synastry chart indicates that you see them as a marriage material and you want to be in a relationship with them.
🪴 Having asteroid Varuna conjunct the sign of your MC (Midheaven) mean that you could get well known in that field/workplace.
[Example: Varuna conjunct Taurus MC, Taurus deals with food related things, you could be well known for working in a restaurant, a chef, a waiter etc.]
🪴 Just a theory, the sign your asteroid Varuna sits in your natal chart can tell the people around you that might/already be famous.
[Example: Varuna in Capricorn, your father/authority figures could be well known in their workplace or your male friends could be well known in the future. ]
🪴 People with vertex aspecting their venus especially Venus conjunct Vertex might have been offered to do modelling before or offered to do with anything related to venus themes (makeup, beauty, decorations etc.)
🪴 I've seen people with default Lilith in 2H in Virgo/Gemini can make someone struggle with their self worth a lot to the point where they would hide themselves in their home & never wanting to come out; since Virgo is ruled by Mercury & it's related to thinking process, in their mind they would judge themselves quite harshly. It's even worse if they have their Lilith in Virgo/Gemini degrees. (I hope ppl with this placement are doing okay ❤️)
🪴 Having asteroid Talent in the 1st house in asteroid Webb persona chart could indicate that you like to show off your talent on social media.
🪴 While having asteroid Aphrodite in the 1st house of Webb persona chart could indicate that you like to incorporate venusian themes on social media. For example, music, poetry, art, makeup, beauty, flowers etc.
🪴 Having a Scorpio Ascendant in Webb persona chart indicates that you like to keep things private in social media like putting your Instagram on private.
Asteroid codes:
Juno (3) | Webb (3041)
Aphrodite (1388) | Talent (33154)
Varuna (20000) | Vertex
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🪴 Men with Cancer Mercury could be seen as someone cute during their primary years or age 7-14 years or seen as someone who likes to hang out with female groups.
🪴 Men with Virgo Mars are seen to be serviceable to his guy friends or someone who can be a pushover-
🪴 Men with Cancer Venus are seen to be popular/desirable with females.
🪴 Ik this is specific but I can't help but to notice how men with Aries Sun & Moon can blush really easily or turn red easily, like the whole face can turn red really easily.
🪴 Men with Gemini Mars could have an interest with guitars as Gemini deals with the body part of hands & arms, guitar involves with hands & arms.
🪴 This is just a thought but the sign & houses the Moon & Venus is in for men can represent the type of woman he befriends with.
[Example: Capricorn Moon, befriends with older woman, or woman who are mature/serious etc.}
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Thank you for reading up until this point, make sure to stay tune for the next post, love y'all 💕
~ 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑥𝑜𝑥𝑜26 🌸✨ ll masterlist
all rights reserved © tinselxoxo26
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[ Pics credit: Pinterest ]
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uyuforu · 5 months
Hello 🙃 your thoughts about asteroid Apollo in ♉, in 17° degree in 12th house biquintile Pluto??
I know asteroid that asteroid apollo has to do with shinning, fame and talents and pluto 👀 ???
Hello! To me Apollo Asteroid is related to shining in talents, what talents do you shine in. Apollo Taurus could be talents related to beauty, aesthetics, so interior designs for examples, beauty, fashion, food related too like being a good cook, having a nice eye for good presentations related to food, or decoration. It could also be having a good voice. Good painter. You could just be good for details, art, also relationships/ love. So being a romance writer, or a counselor. It's all big ideas depending on your natal chart, and other asteroids, and planets placements.
The 17° is Leo, so you this could also be a talent related to jewelry. The Leo degrees make you shine extra usually. It makes you more passionate in the field you are good at.
The 12H could be also talents related to spirituality, sleep (looool), dreams, 5D, esotericism, astrology, psychic abilities, drugs, alcohol, addictions, the unconscious, emotions, art, poetry, water, madness, shadow work, endings, etc. This aspect can make you have a very beautiful soul, and very beautiful eyes (eyes are windows of the soul lol).
Because it's aspecting your Pluto, it could be that your talents will transform your life, it could indeed bring unexpected fame one day, and your life will never be the same. It could also be a harsh fame, because it could be unexpected and so in your pov, not at the right time. Check other aspects and other fame/ talents asteroids:
° Fama (408) (fame, rumors, gossips)
° Europa (52) (fame and recognation)
° Mireille (594) (easily gaining people’s love and admiration)
° Glo (3267) (glowing shining, attention)
° Lumier (775) (where do you shine)
° Populus (8647) (being popular and well known)
° Musa (600) (inspiring other)
° Starr (4150) (shining, standing out)
° Zeus (5731) (gaining fame)
° Varuna (amazing and incredible fame) (20000)
- uyu
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a-d-nox · 6 months
masterlist of vedic myths & legends
last updated: january 29th, 2024
the blog's masterlist
paid astrology reading options, prices, and rules
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varuna (20000)
signs, degrees, houses, and aspects
question about varuna persona 4h sun, 12h uranus, 4h varuna, sun-varuna, uranus-varuna, and mc-varuna 
what's a varuna persona?
varuna persona observations -> part 1 (coming soon)
vishnu (4034)
question about vishnu in pisces and virgo, 7h vishnu, and sun-vishnu aspects
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Asteroid VARUNA (20000) in your astrology natal chart 💕✨💸
(updated version) - by : brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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<Ok so basically i ever made a post on varuna like maybe 1 year ago if i am not wrong and turns out there is some stuff there that needs to be corrected, so i made this new post>
Asteroid VARUNA code number : 20000
[also just a reminder that varuna is a "dwarf planet" or a "trans neptunian object" not an "asteroid", but i am just gonna use the word "asteroid" to make it easier]
The asteroid Varuna (20000) in astrology represents : being globally known, legendary fame, amazing leadership skills (if relating to politics or being a leader of something), being iconic, being unforgettable, immortality, being believed by other people easily, charisma, immortal fame and power, grandness, fame that is in history, being extremely rich or wealthy (if relating to money or material stuff), having a feeling that the universe is always in their side, being judgemental, being connected to the waters (especially ocean water), immense, vast, hugeness, greatness, immortal fame.
Mythology of the vedic god Varuna : Varuna is the name of an ancient Indian creator-deity. He created heaven and earth and determined their outer limits, as the horizon. He is also responsible for ensuring that the sun crosses the sky each day, for rainfall, and the order of seasons. He is the supreme keeper of human order and god of law, insisting that people be truthful and honour their oaths and contracts. (Just a reminder that varuna is a god in the vedic era but in today Hinduism varuna became the god of the ocean, but he is still a vedic god from the vedic era originally). Varuna, in the Vedic phase of Hindu mythology, the god-sovereign, the personification of divine authority. He is the ruler of the sky realm and the upholder of cosmic and moral law (rita), a duty shared with the group of gods known as the Adityas (see Aditi), of whom he was the chief. Varuna is also the vedic god of the heavens, cosmic and space in vedic. (Please understand that i am not an expert on vedic mythology, so if you are an expert at it you can correct me in the comments if i am wrong)
⚠️ Warning : i consider this asteroid as prominent and brings the most effect if it conjuncts ur personal planets (sun,moon,venus,mercury,mars) and if it conjuncts ur personal points (ac,dc,ic,mc), i use 0 - 2.5 orbs (for conjunctions). For sextile, trine, opposite and square aspects to asteroids i usually use 0 - 2 orbs. Yes tight conjunctions of planet / personal points to asteroids tends to give the most effect, but other aspects (sextile,trine,square,opposite, etc) still exist, even they produce effects. If it doesn't aspect any of your planets or personal points, check the house placement of the asteroid, maybe some stuff/topics relating to this asteroid could affect some topics/stuff relating to the house placement . ⚠️
Some observations about famous people who have the asteroid varuna prominent in their astrology natal charts ✨ :
- people with varuna conjunct their descendant are very influential people but they are alot of fans and alot of haters who really hate them at the same time (example : Eminem, kim kardashian, paris hilton, vladimir putin)
- people with varuna conjunct mars are very vastly well known for their martian qualities (example : maddona)
- people with varuna conjuncting their personal planets but it is badly aspected by other planets are ussualy vastly known but for their bad qualities (example : jacob elordi, shia lebouf)
- people with varuna conjunct their vertex or anti - vertex are fated to be vastly well known (example : alexa demie)
- naomi campbell have varuna conjunct sun opposite her neptune this really make sense she is very vastly known of her shady entertaining personality, i love it 😂
- people with varuna prominent in their chart if they become famous or well known they will be considered as like a "king" or "queen" of something by alot of people
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
Persona charts give more insight into your planets angels and asteroids. The more prominent the better, regardless the chart is very telling if you know your basic astrology 💋
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Where we have a lot of talent/talent we can be boastful about. Can give insight into what we’re really good at
EX - I have 10th Singer conjunct MC and 10th Moon conjunct MC Gemini. So the public May see that I’m fairly confident in my singing abilities and emotions. Arachne is in Gemini 4H opposite the moon in the 10H so how I feel about my abilities may not match what the public sees.
Your luck and abundance in money/wealth.
EX - Beyoncé has Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Libra 9th house. She’s worth billions of dollars and makes an influx of most of her money when she goes on her world tours.
VARUNA (dwarf planet) 20000
HUGE fame, immortal fame, historical fame, global fame. Just fame babe.
EX - Michael Jackson has his sun in the 10th house conjunct Varuna and Venus conjunct talent 11th Gemini. Safe to say that we all know who he is lol
GLO 3267
Where you glow (physical and internal) / what shines about you
EX - Marylin Monroe has Glo conjunct her MC in Pisces and she was of course famous for her looks and people put it above her actual personality which makes sense since Pisces is Neptunian and that rules over fantasy and illusion/hidden things
Can give insight into how you can create history in your career
EX - I have sun and NN conjunct MC in Taurus. I might have destined opportunities that will make history in the career field I pursue. Also I have my cancer moon and Saturn conjunct Varuna in the 11th house so whatever I do in my career might be very well known, long lasting, and/or have an emotional effect on people
You can learn more about Varuna HERE and I learned about Kilo from that same tumblr page and THIS POST
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year
NewJeans chart analysis please? <3
NewJeans birth chart analysis
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HYBE's astrologer deserves a raise this chart is fucking fantastic.
So they have a Taurus rising which is reasonable. When they popped into the scenes people said they were a "breath of fresh air" and they also were seen as a stable, youthful group with a young aura. The Moon in their first house can also point to their youthfulness. In kpop birthcharts Mars can represent choreographies and one thing people know about NewJeans is how they have fun choreos. The Moon conjunct Mars shows why the Hybe Boy choreo was a hit in S.K. Their choreo's were not as complex and also was fun. (Mars is at 11 degrees which explains how they always go viral for their dances) Uranus in the first house shows how they quickly took over people quickly. They are seen as titans and have claimed their spot. NN in Taurus shows they were going to be successful.
Venus in Cancer can represent the music and NJ has soft, relaxing music that is well liked in their home country and in the media (Third house). PoF in Cancer yeah that explains how they are so successful in S.K. Sun at 28 degrees??? Yeah it shows how they are seen as youthful, etc. Also with mercury the way their songs are written and how they express themselves is quite emotional (Baby (baby), got me looking so crazy (crazy) 빠져버리는 daydream (daydream) Got me feeling you 너도 말해줄래?). Asteroid Varuna in LEO??? Varuna can represent extreme fame so...
Asteroid Asia is at 5th house which makes sense. They are seen as artists and talented in S.K. but the 2 degrees, they are going to get their bags!!
Fama and Vertex are in Libra 6th house so it can mean destined to be famous by music in your day to day life.
I would expect them to have a Gemini MC but Cap MC makes sense when you think about it. They are seen as modest, quiet and natural beauties. Pluto 10th house shows how much they are "Shaking the industry, Quaking reality, Making it iconic" (ifykyk!).
Saturn 11th house can mean a mature group. They know how to work well and are smart.
Jupiter is in the 12th huse shows how successful they are abroad. However Chiron 12th? I hope nothing terrible happens behind the scenes.
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littledigest · 2 years
Hello there 🤍, who do you think the effect more stronger and powerful? Asteroid varuna (20000) or asteroid zeus (5731) prominent? Because i have them both prominent in my chart?
Thank you 💜💜💜
Hi there! 🤗
In their respective mythologies and religions, both Zeus and Varuna are seen as strong and powerful deities. I sometimes think that because Varuna is a dwarf planet and not an asteroid, it holds a bit more weight and can affect us more if prominent. Just to give you a comparison, Pluto is also a dwarf planet, and you know we go crazy about Pluto in the astrology world. 
But I think this also depends on whether you identify with Vedic deities more or Greek ones. Maybe there are other parts of your chart where asteroids for Vedic deities are prominent, more so than Greek ones. In that case, the Varuna prominence might shine through more. And vice versa with the Greek deity asteroids. So, it’s all highly personal and individualized in my eyes.
Both are authoritative and powerful but with different vibes.
Zeus 5731 is an asteroid.
Varuna 20000 is not an asteroid but a dwarf planet.
Zeus is the god of the sky, thunder, and lightning and the king of all Greek gods.
Varuna is the Vedic deity of the sky, seas (pretty much the whole world), justice, truth, and moral law.
Zeus involves taking power, challenging power, being creative and productive, and potency. 
Varuna has to do with understanding order, universal law, justice, and truth. He is omnipresent.
Zeus gives me almighty King vibes.
Varuna gives me all-knowing Judge vibes.
Zeus feels more energetic, warm, and optimistic.
Varuna feels more serious, heavy, and wise.
Zeus (and many of the Greek gods and goddesses) sometimes make mistakes and cause problems. Greek gods, goddesses, and mythological figures are like exaggerated forms of humans, human life, and nature. This is why myths are relatable and can teach lessons. How each god/goddess plays off of each other and off of mortals tells us something about life.
Varuna feels more like a concept in the form of a deity. He is a guardian of moral law and can punish, but he does not seem like a ruthless deity that punishes anything that does wrong. It is only when a wrong is done without remorse. Because Varuna is about the moral law, his character is upright; he does not do things without reason. Varuna and other Vedic deities definitely tell us about life, but in my opinion, it feels like he is a larger concept that rules our world rather than an “exaggerated” part of ourselves/life.
In astrology, I can see a Zeus-prominent person almost acting like Zeus. They are very creative, have leadership qualities, and are goal-oriented. Where Zeus is in your chart can show where/how you are creative and authoritative and how you reach your goals. It can also show how you use or abuse your powers and where you direct a lot of your energy.
Varuna-prominent people could be like Varuna in that they have a strong opinion on how their lives should work or how the world should work, whether others agree with them or not. Where Varuna is in the chart can show you where/how you feel and understand the whole of something and where/how you harness and exercise your strengths and powers.
Overall, Varuna could have a stronger effect than Zeus in a single chart. But I don't think I could ever say that one Varuna prominent chart is stronger than another Zeus prominent one.
[My knowledge of both deities, especially Varuna, is based on information in English I found on the internet. I realize I could be missing some religious and cultural nuances.]
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