#dwarf planet varuna
solarballorama · 14 days
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WHOOOA CHAPTER 4 START! That two week break did wonders, I'm excited to be back on the grind!!
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janmisali · 1 year
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 4 months
Kaito: “So Pluto`s moon Charon is so big, that it orbits it as well. And so does Orcus and its moon Vanth! Speaking of Orcus, it's like the antithesis of Pluto, their orbits take the same time, but Orcus`s inclination is opposite to Pluto! But if Pluto and Orcus are like twins, then Ixion, Huya and Chaos are like their estranged siblings, since they also share the same orbital resonance. Haumea and Quaoar are egg-shaped because of their spins, and have cool dusty rings! Varuna and Salacia are also eggs, but they don't have rings :( Makemake and Gonggong are really red, and so is Sedna, but Sedna is unique in that its orbit is deliberately torn, it reaches the Oort Cloud where every comet is born…”
Shuichi: “Kokichi, why'd you ask him to explain all the dwarf planets, he's gonna be like this for hours!”
Kokichi on his phone already tuning it all out knowing full well shuichi wouldn’t dare to be rude enough to do the same and has to endure the entire rant: uh huh
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Asteroid VARUNA (20000) in your astrology natal chart 💕✨💸
(updated version) - by : brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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<Ok so basically i ever made a post on varuna like maybe 1 year ago if i am not wrong and turns out there is some stuff there that needs to be corrected, so i made this new post>
Asteroid VARUNA code number : 20000
[also just a reminder that varuna is a "dwarf planet" or a "trans neptunian object" not an "asteroid", but i am just gonna use the word "asteroid" to make it easier]
The asteroid Varuna (20000) in astrology represents : being globally known, legendary fame, amazing leadership skills (if relating to politics or being a leader of something), being iconic, being unforgettable, immortality, being believed by other people easily, charisma, immortal fame and power, grandness, fame that is in history, being extremely rich or wealthy (if relating to money or material stuff), having a feeling that the universe is always in their side, being judgemental, being connected to the waters (especially ocean water), immense, vast, hugeness, greatness, immortal fame.
Mythology of the vedic god Varuna : Varuna is the name of an ancient Indian creator-deity. He created heaven and earth and determined their outer limits, as the horizon. He is also responsible for ensuring that the sun crosses the sky each day, for rainfall, and the order of seasons. He is the supreme keeper of human order and god of law, insisting that people be truthful and honour their oaths and contracts. (Just a reminder that varuna is a god in the vedic era but in today Hinduism varuna became the god of the ocean, but he is still a vedic god from the vedic era originally). Varuna, in the Vedic phase of Hindu mythology, the god-sovereign, the personification of divine authority. He is the ruler of the sky realm and the upholder of cosmic and moral law (rita), a duty shared with the group of gods known as the Adityas (see Aditi), of whom he was the chief. Varuna is also the vedic god of the heavens, cosmic and space in vedic. (Please understand that i am not an expert on vedic mythology, so if you are an expert at it you can correct me in the comments if i am wrong)
⚠️ Warning : i consider this asteroid as prominent and brings the most effect if it conjuncts ur personal planets (sun,moon,venus,mercury,mars) and if it conjuncts ur personal points (ac,dc,ic,mc), i use 0 - 2.5 orbs (for conjunctions). For sextile, trine, opposite and square aspects to asteroids i usually use 0 - 2 orbs. Yes tight conjunctions of planet / personal points to asteroids tends to give the most effect, but other aspects (sextile,trine,square,opposite, etc) still exist, even they produce effects. If it doesn't aspect any of your planets or personal points, check the house placement of the asteroid, maybe some stuff/topics relating to this asteroid could affect some topics/stuff relating to the house placement . ⚠️
Some observations about famous people who have the asteroid varuna prominent in their astrology natal charts ✨ :
- people with varuna conjunct their descendant are very influential people but they are alot of fans and alot of haters who really hate them at the same time (example : Eminem, kim kardashian, paris hilton, vladimir putin)
- people with varuna conjunct mars are very vastly well known for their martian qualities (example : maddona)
- people with varuna conjuncting their personal planets but it is badly aspected by other planets are ussualy vastly known but for their bad qualities (example : jacob elordi, shia lebouf)
- people with varuna conjunct their vertex or anti - vertex are fated to be vastly well known (example : alexa demie)
- naomi campbell have varuna conjunct sun opposite her neptune this really make sense she is very vastly known of her shady entertaining personality, i love it 😂
- people with varuna prominent in their chart if they become famous or well known they will be considered as like a "king" or "queen" of something by alot of people
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littledigest · 2 years
Can you do an asteroid observation about the dwarf planet varuna (20000) and what it means in an astrology natal chart and in synastry? since it is very rarely talked about here in the astrology community and people with varuna prominent seem to be very influential but in a "queen" or "king" or even like a "god like" way. like eminem, kim k, naomi campbell, franz list, paris hilton and maddona have it prominent in their chart. Also i observe this asteroid prominent in huge rulers like vladimir putin and adolf hitler.
Hi there! I was wondering what asteroid to use to kick off my 'Asteroid Highlight' series, so I’m glad you asked this question! Made a whole post of it below
Also, your list of examples is amazing and very helpful; thank you so much 🧡
Asteroid Highlight: Varuna 20000 (dwarf planet)
Varuna is the Vedic deity of:
the Sky, Oceans, and Rain
These are all-encompassing, take the shape of their container, and/or are boundless in their natural state. 
A drop of water can be insignificant, but rain is hard to avoid. Even more so for oceans; oceans are an awe-inspiring, fearsome, healing, or destructive force.
Rta or Rita (Universal Law)
Meaning justice, order, rule, truth, logos
Responsible for the proper functioning of the universe (natural order, human order)
Satya (Truth and Virtue)
Meaning truth, essence, virtue
Truthful in one’s thoughts, speech, and actions
In Birth Chart:
People with Varuna prominent in their chart are those who can comprehensively understand how people work and what makes the world go ‘round. It’s like they have a sense of the universe and order in them, and they can bend and change shape to match it or have some sort of control over it (although, ultimately, they cannot have complete control over it; they still have to play by at least some rules of the universe/our world). 
When I say bend, I don't mean in a people-pleasing, bend-here-bend-there, wishy-washy vibe; it’s more about knowing who they are and understanding what about themselves is their greatest strength and power (according to aspect, placement, etc.) They are not infallible, although, to others, they may look this way; they have what they think are weaknesses and insecurities. BUT they also understand that they have strengths that could far outshine or overpower those weaknesses, and this is what they focus on and develop. Weakness can serve as the driving force of their success.
Knowing what Varuna stands for, it isn’t a huge surprise that this dwarf planet is often associated with fame, wealth, and power. As human beings, our way of controlling or “being lords of” such vastness and universality is translated in these more human ways. Prominent Varuna people may become famous or powerful in their field or wealthy. Or, they may be infamous, power-hungry, and greedy. This, in my opinion, isn’t an easy vs. hard aspect dichotomy; a single person with a prominent Varuna can experience both in their lifetime. 
Varuna as a guardian of the natural order, could make Varuna prominent people very particular about how they think people should act or how the world should operate. Maybe they are passionate about social behaviors, manners, customs, being honest and truthful, etc. Or they may have a strong stance on political, social, and economic ideologies. Whatever it is, they have a strong opinion on how things should be and won’t have a problem letting other people know. They enforce standards, or they are the high standard.
If Varuna prominent people do become famous and powerful, they may be the force that makes the world go ‘round. They will create big waves in their fields and could be seen in legendary status. They leave a lasting legacy.
In Synastry and Composite:
Varuna 20000
Mithra 4486
20000, 4486
In Hinduism, Varuna is oftentimes paired with Mitra (Mithra 4486). Together they are guardians of cosmic and moral law. 
If a couple has Varuna and Mithra aspects, this is probably an indication of a power couple. Something about this couple commands respect and awe from others. The Mitra of the couple may be more principled and traditional, whereas the Varuna of the couple is more irreligious and materialistic. 
In Hinduism, these two are said to have such a close connection that they twin up and become one unit, Mitra-Varuna. In synastry and composite charts, this could mean a twin flame relationship; something inside calls out to the other, and they recognize a similarity within themselves. Very binding connection.
The relationship could bounce back and forth between two faces; they could be gracious towards one another one day and then be punishing towards each other the next. Mitra-Varuna, the deities, are characterized this way too, gracious and also wrathful.
It is also important to note that even though Mitra and Varuna are oftentimes combined together, their characteristics together are technically the same characteristics of Varuna on its own. So, we might see the Varuna person being more dominant or visible between the two. Or, if there is no Mithra-Varuna aspect but only prominent Varuna aspects, whatever planet Varuna touches will be the area in their relationship where Varuna will dominate the planet person. Could be in a subtle or obvious way, depending on the people involved.
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foxgirlchorix · 4 years
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er-cryptid · 6 years
The largest objects in Kuiper Belt are Pluto, Quaoar, Makemake, Haumea, Ixion, and Varuna.
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
Persona charts give more insight into your planets angels and asteroids. The more prominent the better, regardless the chart is very telling if you know your basic astrology 💋
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Where we have a lot of talent/talent we can be boastful about. Can give insight into what we’re really good at
EX - I have 10th Singer conjunct MC and 10th Moon conjunct MC Gemini. So the public May see that I’m fairly confident in my singing abilities and emotions. Arachne is in Gemini 4H opposite the moon in the 10H so how I feel about my abilities may not match what the public sees.
Your luck and abundance in money/wealth.
EX - Beyoncé has Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Libra 9th house. She’s worth billions of dollars and makes an influx of most of her money when she goes on her world tours.
VARUNA (dwarf planet) 20000
HUGE fame, immortal fame, historical fame, global fame. Just fame babe.
EX - Michael Jackson has his sun in the 10th house conjunct Varuna and Venus conjunct talent 11th Gemini. Safe to say that we all know who he is lol
GLO 3267
Where you glow (physical and internal) / what shines about you
EX - Marylin Monroe has Glo conjunct her MC in Pisces and she was of course famous for her looks and people put it above her actual personality which makes sense since Pisces is Neptunian and that rules over fantasy and illusion/hidden things
Can give insight into how you can create history in your career
EX - I have sun and NN conjunct MC in Taurus. I might have destined opportunities that will make history in the career field I pursue. Also I have my cancer moon and Saturn conjunct Varuna in the 11th house so whatever I do in my career might be very well known, long lasting, and/or have an emotional effect on people
You can learn more about Varuna HERE and I learned about Kilo from that same tumblr page and THIS POST
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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a-d-nox · 2 years
Can you do dwarf planet varuna (20000) next? Very underrated in astrology
varuna, god of divine authority (asteroid 20000)
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Varuna is a popular god of the Vedic religion - which shaped a majority of modern day Hinduism. Varuna is the ruler of the sky and the god responsible for balancing the cosmos and rita (human morality). Making him a prime conduit and example of the relationship between a god and a human. He is thought to be the creator of heaven, earth, and air - his responsibility was to make the universe work essentially. His powers are all in compassing in that he has the power to grant a human immortality. Varuna has a long list of duties throughout history as well - guarding the world of the dead with Yama, becoming solely the god of water, etc. In later Hinduism, it appears that Varuna loses his authority and other gods take over his roles - Indra takes over in his stead. Leaving him to become a minor deity. There is very little to be found about this god outside of this suggesting that the sacred myths and legends are likely found in the Vedas. IN MY OPINION Varuna in a chart represents a) where you control everything, b) where you may have a fall from power or at least a significant retirement of sorts, c) where you balance everything, and/or d) where you are extremely moral and what kind of morals you have.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of varuna along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of varuna!
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rendellstreet · 2 years
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As mentioned in this previous post, here is the map of the Solar System with its principal stars and respective planets! This does not include distance to scale OR the minor celestial objects such as moons, dwarf planets, and so on. 
Some additional notes:
Binary Stars
Helios - the big star in the binary and the dominant one. Astrophel and the planets revolve around it. It’s known as Sol.
Astrophel - the smaller star in the binary. As far as astronomers know, the orbit between it and Helios is stable, so there’s no immediate threat of stellar collision. It’s known as Phoebus, to differentiate from Sol, as Sol I and Sol II doesn’t seem to roll off the tongue quite well. 
Colloquially, they’re just known as the suns. The formal names depends where you live; in Corona and the Seven Kingdoms, it’s Sol and Phoebus, while in Hellas and Argentum, they’re known as Helios and Astrophel, after the sun god and his son respectively.
Terrestrial Planets
Surtur - the closest and smallest planet of the terrestrials. Tidally locked, one side fries like an egg while the other’s in a deep freeze.
Pallene - speckled by asteroid impacts of ancient times and a barren rocky world. Has two small moons, which are more like chunks of rocks that might’ve been leftover from a planetesimal collision.
Menthe - the first terrestrial to have atmosphere, but that’s not saying much, as it’s a thin wisp covering the planet. Landscape dotted with volcanoes that have long gone extinct. No moons.
Bestla - the first terrestrial to have an substantial atmosphere and stable bodies of water. Life here is very primordial. Think of Proterozoic Earth. Has three small moons.
Cytherea - lush, swampy, very humid. It’s as though the Carboniferous period never ended. Has a ring system from a moon that tore into pieces after coming too close.
Gaia - the largest terrestrial. Lots of complex life and strange anomalies, like humans, live here. It has one moon named Selene. Also known as Terra and Luna. 
Narvi - mostly mountainous and rocky with scattered bodies of water. Life exists here, but not on the same level as Gaia and Cytherea. No moons.
Amalthea - Once a vibrant world, now left high and dry from a double whammy of asteroid bombardment and shift in orbit. One lonesome moon.
Gas Giants
Rhea - the largest gas giant and planet in the Solar System. The original Asteroid Belt was in front of Rhea, until the planet migrated inwards, sweeping the belt clean, ejecting two gas giants out of the system and tearing apart several terrestrial planets before Themisto pulled it back to is current orbit. The remains of those terrestrial planets make up the current one. Has so, so, many moons.
Themisto - the second largest gas giant. Looks like a caramel truffle with mocha stripes. Lots of moons here, with at least eight that are icy on the outside, but water worlds on the inside.
Varuna - powerful windstorms. Do not fly a kite here. 0/10. Two baker’s dozen worth of moons.
Dione - weirdly enough, this giant planet has the same axial tilt of Gaia. And Not Like Other Gas Giants ™, it has no moons.
Ice Giants
Titania - flipped exactly on it side and in turn, all of its moons orbit in that direction.
Larissa - Just your garden-variety ice giant. Nothing special here. (RIP Larissa)
Iapetus - no one knows what Iapetus is, mostly because the last time astronomers checked, it wasn’t there before.
Yimr - coincidentally, the same time Iapetus appeared, the featureless surface of the planet became blemished with strange mold-like blotches.
Ijiraq - Farthest planet from the suns. Beyond it are several dwarf planets and their respective moons.
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cupidxbows · 2 years
Hello dear 💕, do you know what the dwarf planet varuna (20000) in synastry means? the reason i ask you this is because I noticed that Amber Heard's varuna is conjuncting johnny depp's sun exactly in a 0 orb so i am very curious about it
»𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐬.
Hi there! Varuna is an asteroid with various features that can be described as a blend of Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto's advances, and it has been thought to have both negative and beneficial changes and effects, such as a link to fame.
Varuna is also linked to the elements of water and air, and this is based on the fundamentals of synastry between these two individuals.
Amber Heard's Varuna is conjunct Johnny Depp's Sun in 0 orb, just as you described from their synastry chart. For me, it explains what is going on in their lives. Since the sun is associated with the ego or self-image in astrology, Amber Heard became famous not just as Johnny Depp's wife, but also as an abusive type of person who damaged and ruined Johnny Depp's life and reputation. Their relationship ended up in a very messy way, but the victim still got justice for what happened.
~I could say that Varuna can contribute to fame but also have a disaster effect. But it can still be better explained by checking other aspects of the specific planets and asteroids in their synastry chart.
| 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔠𝔨 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔫𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫.
*����𝐟 𝐈 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐈'𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
- 𝙣𝙤𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨
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(229762) G!kún||'hòmdímà
(229762) G!kún||'hòmdímà (Newly Named Kuiper Body (Dwarf Planet?): G!kún||'hòmdímà ~ 8 May 2019, Philip sedgwick)
Minor planet body 229762, previous provisional designation 2007 UK126, received a name last week: G!kún||'hòmdímà. Her name comes from the Jul’hoan people of Namibia.
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While the name is difficult to type (cut and paste is handy) and equally difficult to pronounce, from her evocative mythology and her size, we must conclude that she stands as a force with which we must all reckon.
With a diameter of 612 km by current estimates, she hovers in the possible dwarf planet category. While there are differing views of how big a body must be to receive dwarf planet designation, the absolutes consist of Ceres (950 km), Orcus (983 km), Sedna (1,041 km), Quaoar (1,092 km), Haumea (1,252 km), Makemake (1,426 km), Pluto (2,329 km) Eris (2,330 km), and the soon to be named object, 225088 lies well in the fray (1,290 km). Note: all diameter data taken from a Mike Brown (the astronomer who discovered Eris and many more KBOs) online post and may be subject to some variation.
Mike brown and others consider smaller Kuiper Belt Objects (KBO) to be dwarf planets as well. Brown categorizes Salacia (921 km) and 307261 (960 km) as “near certainty” dwarf planets. Further, he indicates Chaos (612 km), Ixion (617 km), Varda (689 km), and Varuna (698 km) fall into the category of “highly likely” to be considered dwarf planets, and there are several yet unnamed KBOs in this classification. Consider that Vesta has been described as a “proto” planet and her diameter seems diminutive at 573 km.
With her strong mythology it stands unlikely that Gǃkúnǁ’hòmdímà gets lost in the fray because of size. Her orbit around the Sun takes longer than Eris - a leisurely 620.17 years. Her inclination is reasonably high at 23.4 degrees and her eccentricity is midrange, 0.4843, but much higher than those of classical planets. Her rotational period (day) runs 11.05 hours. Additionally, she holds a satellite in her gravitational grasp, orbiting once every 3.7 days. This “moon,” G!ò'é !Hú, distinguishes herself by appearing as one of the reddest Kuiper Belt Objects.
According to the lore of the Jul’hoan people, G!kún||'hòmdímà is the beautiful aardvark girl who sometimes appears in stories as a python and sometimes as an elephant. She defends her people and punishes wrongdoers using g \| ám{í}g \| àmì spines (a spiny plant known as Devil’s thorn), a rain cloud full of hail, and her magical oryx (large antelope) horn.” Definitely a force to behold.
Her north node corresponds 11 Leo 06 (heliocentric) and her perihelion occurs at 27 Cancer 58 (heliocentric). As of today’s post, she transits 11 Gemini 46.
From the combination of orbital elements and the notations of her lore, it is possible to conjure initial keywords. Some of these are obvious, given creatures mentioned and actions taken by this Namibian goddess:
Positive: formidable, cleansing, nurturing, confidence-inspiring
Negative: vindictive, retaliatory, self-absorbed, meddlesome, insecure, smothering
Mundane: aardvarks, pythons, elephants, antelope, Devil’s thorn, spines and thorns used as weapons, hailstorms, antelope horns
Ceremonial: truth ceremonies, cleansing rituals, shape-shifting, totem meditation
While it is far too early to establish a comprehensive delineation profile for G!kún||'hòmdímà, with the above considerations and applying her to horoscopes of individuals and mundane events, clarity will slowly result. Having seen this sort of naming before, and given that objects with orbital periods longer than that of Pluto supposedly receive resurrection or creation names, I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the astronomical naming process. Realizing that astronomers are keen on subtext, perhaps Gǃkúnǁ’hòmdímà summons healing for personal and global woes.
Next up this month will be the submission of the proposed name for KBO 225088, as determined by crowd sourcing. This name will most likely be accepted. Within whatever name is chosen, it shall state and define an indication of the collective unconscious. Stand by!
It’s a busy month ahead, not only am I in final preparations for Norwac, which is sold out - waiting list only - book a consultation with me for Norwac soon if you’re attending. I am serving as juror for the Prescott Film Festival and now have a slew of films to judge. That means, let’s get you booked in for a consultation sooner than later. Order up one of those Galactic Reports, and if you’re thinking about the Galactic Trilogy collection, I’ll soon be receiving data for G!kún 'hòmdímà and will be running calcs promptly. I will advise when those updates are added.
More soon!
The short film I penned, Otro Lado, screens at the Carmarthen Film Festival on Thursday, 30 May at 13:05. For those of you in Wales or nearby, please visit: Carmarthen Bay Film Festival
Elevator Pitch ~ the Movie     Watch Elevator Pitch for free! Quick Order Form   •   One Stop Shopping   Note: All donations to this site are reported as income for tax purposes.
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voyagearchive · 3 years
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I picked her first name based on vedic astrology. SAFIYA means "pure, serene" and belongs to the 24th nakshatra, Shatabhisha, corresponding to the star gamma Aquarii and deity Varuna.
CHANDRASEKHAR has the words for "moon" and "crown". chandrasekhar is also the name of a famous Indian astronomer and of the chandrasekhar limit, which is the mass at which a star will either stay a white dwarf forever or explode in a supernova.
her birthday is 1/24. 1.4 times the mass of the sun is the chandrasekhar limit, 2 is a recurring number in voyage. genesis 1:24 describes the creation of the animals, while in matthew 1:24 joseph "wakes and does as the angel commands"
her astrological sign is AQUARIUS and her vedic astrology sign is SHATABHISHA. her nakshatra's deity is VARUNA, associated with the sky, sea, justice, and truth. her planet is NEPTUNE, the last of the four gas giants. her tarot card is the HANGED MAN, representing martyrdom.
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Yoga views on E=mc2
                                      Yoga views on E=mc2
                                       Er. A. N. Pandey, M.E.
                                                  Director,                Spiritual Awareness Program (SAP), Hyderabad
Einstein got E=mc2 by intuition and he integrated three fundamental particles namely proton, neutron and electron in a formula which is universally accepted as quantum law for any scientific development. Similarly, Indian yogi gets the integrated function of three Tattva (Particles) namely Varuna, Aryama and Mitra; which are equivalent to three fundamental particles of Science. This three Tattva (Varuna, Aryama and Mitra) are called ‘Apah’ in Veda and the same are functionally expressed in XIV chapter of Bhagvad Geeta. Some difference exists between scientific expression of E=mc2 and the statement provided in XVI chapter of Bhagvad Geeta. The modern science provides the formula for quantification (For obtaining the number); were as, Bhagvad Geeta provides the detail features of each one while integrating and becoming the cause for creation. The article explains the salient feature between the scientific approach and Vedic approach for fundamental particles.  
1.      Introduction:-
Albert Einstein, in his theory of special relativity, determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and he showed that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which an observer travels. As a result, he found that space and time were interwoven into a single continuum known as space-time. Events that occur at the same time for one observer could occur at different times for another.           In 1905, Albert Einstein introduced a new framework for all of physics and proposed new concepts of space and time. Einstein then spent 10 years trying to include acceleration in the theory and published his theory of general relativity in 1915. In it, he determined that massive objects cause a distortion in space-time, which is felt as gravity. 
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 The Legacy of E=mc2 can be applied in Scientific processing related to topics like   Big Bang, The tug of gravity, Continuum, Black holes, Supernova, White Dwarf, Electromagnetic Force, and Gravitational waves. The Scientific community is well aware that the Quantum Theory of relativity has wide application in the field connected with starting of creation of Universe for inanimate & animates World. During creation, the different domains (Loka) like physical, cosmic and spiritual domain were established for existing the Planets, Solar System, Galaxy and Stars. In scientific term, the existence of different processing like Bing Bang, Black Hole processing, Collider, Fusion & Fission Energy formation, and balancing the heavenly networking (Energy) and trafficking (Space) of stars, galaxy and solar system were established. Similar kind of yogic approach has been discovered many centuries ago to establish the totality in energy transformation through Kundalini yoga and other principles. Yoga and Meditation can harvest the crop concerned with pure energy through different steps of Aastang Yoga. There, a yogi can attain the zone of intuition.
2.      Intuition for scientist and yogi:
Scientist can get the intuition in deep cognition and contemplation. Yogi can also get the deeper zone of intuition with the help of inner yoga (Antarang Yoga). There, a yogi adopts the step by step process of concentration and deep meditation. It is stated that Albert Einstein could get this formula (E=mc2) through intuition. Intuition is a zone or filed where Unknown concepts of creation exists. This (Intuition) can easily be obtained by intellectual, Scientist and Yogi. The understanding of basics fundamental principles and processing of energy and space can be obtained by means of intuition; which Yogi gets easily. This is because; he follows the fundamental approach in meditation. The Scientist can also get the same (Intuition) with deep cognition and contemplation. Einstein was able to establish himself in this zone.
2.1  Process for obtaining the intuitive knowledge
At the time of going ‘insight’, the mind of intellectual or Scientist has to be concentrated and expanded. Naturally, there cannot be any attachment either to one thing or the other in a person who has the established conviction that the self is the Universal Consciousness and everything is included in it. Though, deep concentration is followed, but activity does not demand the reality of the objects (Consciousness or self) to which it is directed. Einstein would have gone for similar kind of concentration while diving into the unknown reality. The essential factors for any activity are the availability of the means of activity, such as the mind and the senses, and the feeling of reality in regard to external appearances, called objects. Einstein could have achieved the purity of his mind and senses before withdrawing (pratyahara) and making them introvert.
For obtaining unknown knowledge through intuition, there should be primary and secondary means. Primary means is the process of deep meditation and secondary means is the process of deep concentration. In the absence of primary means, Yoga prescribes concentration of mind as secondary means for achieving the zone of intuition; provided the mind and senses are kept pure. The concentration on special concepts is prescribed, by which the fluctuation of the mind is removed and the same enables to reflect Truth. In the spirituality, knowledge or Gyana is prescribed for higher minds with the help of meditation and for the lower ones Yoga is recommended.
 2.2  The Importance of Intuition
Intuition is a field or domain where ‘Unknown of the universe’ is revealed. This field starts whenever universal consciousness (free from human intelligence) is attained. This consciousness is different than the general consciousness prevailing with intelligent people at the awakened state (Jagrut Awastha). Common consciousness exists at centre of eyebrows (the nucleus of human intelligence).Universal Consciousness has to be focussed as a direct action along the lines of Concentration on a single thought. Universal consciousness exists at third ventricle or Bindu Visarga, which is having the possibility of the dispelling of ignorance. General consciousness cannot destroy ignorance, because it does not act to dispel distorted Vritti (Rajasic qualities). The destruction of ignorance is possible only when action is associated with concentration and meditation.
 The scientist or intellectual can touch the circumference of intuitive zone by observing the righteous means of living (keeping minimum level of six temperament), learning the subject systematically with complete knowledge of the subject and  loving the work in hand with attitude of ‘work is worship’. Keeping these in mind, intellectual or scientist can concentrate on the subject along with slow breathing (inhalation and exhalation) to move towards the intuitive zone (as shown in image).  This is possible when they are in the range of Alpha or Theta zone of the brain. 
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       It is very interesting to note that the universal Consciousness is not opposed to ignorance. It (Universal Consciousness) denotes the speed of light in vacuum; were as, ignorance would not have consciousness and the same might not be volunteer to expand mentally. But by exploring Ignorance, the universal consciousness can be attained. By the term ignorance, it does not mean that someone is completely vague on the subject. This means that one is unable to lead towards the field or domain of pure universal consciousness. The intellectual and scientist can overcome this kind of hindrance with help of deep concentration and meditation on single thought. This process (concentration and meditation) will eliminate the fluctuation (vritti) related to hypothesis or thought. In turn, concentration and meditation will eliminate the turbidity (Tamas) and distortion (Rajas) aspects of mind.  Whenever human intelligence is turned into Viveka (special kind of cosmic intelligence), this will lead towards universal consciousness & the same will get opened up. This is also known as removal of ‘Avidya’ in Yoga.
 3.      How Einstein could explore the Intuition?
Einstein got E=mc2 by ‘Intuition’. Intuition is a field or domain where all ‘unknown’ knowledge is available.  This (intuition) zone consists of complete knowledge of Energy (Networking), Space (Trafficking), & working concepts of primordial matter (Prakriti or Nature). The subjects related to Big-Bang and primordial matter (Prakriti) for creation consisting Proton (Equivalent of Varuna in Veda), Electron (Equivalent of Mitra in veda) and Neutron (Equivalent of Aryama in Veda) are existing in the preview of E=mc2. Those, who could achieve this (intuition) zone with certain specific concentration of mind, can get the solution which will be out of range of logic & systematic hypothesis.  That is what; Einstein got the formula for ‘Theory of Relativity’ in intuition. The same (knowledge obtained in intuition) is beyond logic.
Then, the query arises ‘is it possible to reach the field of intuition’? Yes, the same can be achieved easily if Aastang-yoga, especially inner-yoga (Antarang Yoga) could be followed.  But Albert Einstein never followed the yoga. Then, how could he experience ‘the intuition’? Einstein was a deep thinker of his hypothesis while working on processing of fundamental particles (Proton, Electron & Neutron) in quantum zone. Quantum zone is a domain beyond primordial matter (nature, prakriti). Diving in this zone needs deep kind of concentration (completely free from turbulence or vritti of mind).He would have crossed the point of deep concentration and then by default he would have gone to the zone of meditation. Normally, great thinkers and scientist can reach this (Expansion) zone by the power of deep concentration. We can recall the invention of great Mathematician and Scientist like ‘Archimedes’ during his tenure. The Scientific approach for invention is based on primordial matter (Prakriti or Nature). Because of which, Scientist has many huddles to reach the zone of intuition. However, yogi takes into account the primordial matter along with consciousness and real or self. In this way, yogi follows little different approach to obtain the reality. Inner yoga (Antarang Yoga) is the best possible solution for obtaining intuition; in which, the concentration & meditation is the part for obtaining intuition.
Einstein, while concentrating on his problem on ‘Theory of relativity or Quantum Theory’ could have reached to the very pure Zone related to specific point of concentration; from where the expansion of mind becomes the mind stuff (Chitta). This type of contemplation happens in specific zone obtained by deep cognitive process. This kind of approach can lead to intuition zone by scientist and also by Yogi. Then, another query arises about the concentration of other scientists, who normally go while experimenting or formulating but not getting real intuition. The missing link for them (common scientists) could have been ‘not reaching the specific point of cognation and contemplation’. The hurdle could be overcome by following the process & principle of meditation.
4.      Yogic approach
All yogis normally go to the intuition zone and they obtain the knowledge of related specific field for which they meditate.  That is why; we find many Upanishads where a Rishi or Yogi gave their findings in intuitive zone. The above analysis clearly endorses the way Albert Einstein has obtained E=mc2. The utility of E=mc2 of modern science is attained by Yogi while experiencing different laws of creation during meditation. In this way, the legacy of this equation is experienced by yogi during contemplation in space.
For example, yogi transfers matter (gross in form) into subtle matter by means of Bandha, Mudra and Pranayama. Further, the subtle matter is transformed into subtlest matter (Purest form of matter); where yogi uses the concept of E=mc2. In higher plane, yogi turns the subtlest matter into pure form of energy by using Collider (Accelerator) principle by means of meditation.
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This equation (E=mc2) is having some missing links like absence of consciousness and transcending approach to reality. In higher zone of meditation, this Lacuna (missing links) are getting corrected to E=mc2; by which yogi experiences the complete form of Reality or Truth. By this way, yogi transmutes ‘Individuality’ (material form) into ‘Universality’.
5.      How Intuition help to reveal the Truth (absolute)?
Whenever there is an absence of desire, anger and greed, the mind becomes pure. In the process of elimination, there will be Vritti like self- control and magnanimity, by which there will be happiness on account of the cessation of Rajas and Tamas. This kind of satisfaction (happiness) is obtained because of purity of mind. It is interesting to note that whatever happiness exists in this world is a reflection of Self (Brahman) in the introverted Vritti of the mind. The quarry arises that how to obtain introvert nature of mind so that deeper intuition’s domain could be achieved? It is only when there is a turning back of the Vritti to the Source. The vritti otherwise remains an obstructed revelation of the nature of truth. Generally, the truth, not being an object, cannot be seen through the senses.
It is the Supreme Subject and hence it can be known only in inward intuition. Inward intuition is difficult to obtain even by great thinkers, intellectual and Scientist. But the same is not impossible. It requires deep cognition and contemplation. Yogi like Patanjali has given the approach in Aastang yoga while describing concentration, Meditation and Samadhi. By the three approaches of Patanjali, Existence, Consciousness and Bliss aspects of truth or Absolute could be achieved in introvert intuition. However, influence of three qualities (Guna) cannot be ignored. If any intellectual or scientist is in grip of tamas (turbidity in mind), he or she will be able to attain the ‘Existence’ aspect of energy or power. Similarly, the intellectual and scientist can also attain existence and consciousness aspects in spiritual domain; provided, they are under the influence of rajas quality (Distorted mind). It is worthwhile to note that when scientist and intellectual are reinforced by Sattva Guna (Transparent Quality of mind), they will enjoy the existence, consciousness and bliss aspects of divinity.
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Hey! If you're answering asks, can you please talk about the placements or asteriods which make someone being idolized by others?
Thank you so much ❤️ you're really incredible 💖 i love reading your posts and i usually come back to your account to check out your posts again.✨
Sure 💗💗💗 @ji-jii-visha
👸 Asteroids placements in astrology natal chart that Indicates being loved and worshipped by other people 👸
- asteroid konig (3815) prominent
- asteroid queen (5457) prominent
- dwarf planet varuna (20000) prominent
- asteroid king (2305) prominent
- asteroid zeus (5731) prominent
- asteroid pallas (2) prominent
- dwarf planet pluto (134340) prominent
- asteroid chariklo (10199) prominent
- asteroid vishnu (4034) prominent
- asteroid siva (1170) prominent
- asteroid hatshepsut (2436) prominent
- asteroid athanasia (730) prominent
- asteroid nefertiti (3199) prominent
- asteroid cleopatra (216) prominent
- asteroid amun (3554) prominent
- asteroid ramses (4426) prominent
there are a lot more indicators and a lot more asteroids in astrology that attracts admirers and respects from other people, but this is all i know 🌟
I hope you enjoy it, thank you 💗🙏
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littledigest · 2 years
Hello there 🤍, who do you think the effect more stronger and powerful? Asteroid varuna (20000) or asteroid zeus (5731) prominent? Because i have them both prominent in my chart?
Thank you 💜💜💜
Hi there! 🤗
In their respective mythologies and religions, both Zeus and Varuna are seen as strong and powerful deities. I sometimes think that because Varuna is a dwarf planet and not an asteroid, it holds a bit more weight and can affect us more if prominent. Just to give you a comparison, Pluto is also a dwarf planet, and you know we go crazy about Pluto in the astrology world. 
But I think this also depends on whether you identify with Vedic deities more or Greek ones. Maybe there are other parts of your chart where asteroids for Vedic deities are prominent, more so than Greek ones. In that case, the Varuna prominence might shine through more. And vice versa with the Greek deity asteroids. So, it’s all highly personal and individualized in my eyes.
Both are authoritative and powerful but with different vibes.
Zeus 5731 is an asteroid.
Varuna 20000 is not an asteroid but a dwarf planet.
Zeus is the god of the sky, thunder, and lightning and the king of all Greek gods.
Varuna is the Vedic deity of the sky, seas (pretty much the whole world), justice, truth, and moral law.
Zeus involves taking power, challenging power, being creative and productive, and potency. 
Varuna has to do with understanding order, universal law, justice, and truth. He is omnipresent.
Zeus gives me almighty King vibes.
Varuna gives me all-knowing Judge vibes.
Zeus feels more energetic, warm, and optimistic.
Varuna feels more serious, heavy, and wise.
Zeus (and many of the Greek gods and goddesses) sometimes make mistakes and cause problems. Greek gods, goddesses, and mythological figures are like exaggerated forms of humans, human life, and nature. This is why myths are relatable and can teach lessons. How each god/goddess plays off of each other and off of mortals tells us something about life.
Varuna feels more like a concept in the form of a deity. He is a guardian of moral law and can punish, but he does not seem like a ruthless deity that punishes anything that does wrong. It is only when a wrong is done without remorse. Because Varuna is about the moral law, his character is upright; he does not do things without reason. Varuna and other Vedic deities definitely tell us about life, but in my opinion, it feels like he is a larger concept that rules our world rather than an “exaggerated” part of ourselves/life.
In astrology, I can see a Zeus-prominent person almost acting like Zeus. They are very creative, have leadership qualities, and are goal-oriented. Where Zeus is in your chart can show where/how you are creative and authoritative and how you reach your goals. It can also show how you use or abuse your powers and where you direct a lot of your energy.
Varuna-prominent people could be like Varuna in that they have a strong opinion on how their lives should work or how the world should work, whether others agree with them or not. Where Varuna is in the chart can show you where/how you feel and understand the whole of something and where/how you harness and exercise your strengths and powers.
Overall, Varuna could have a stronger effect than Zeus in a single chart. But I don't think I could ever say that one Varuna prominent chart is stronger than another Zeus prominent one.
[My knowledge of both deities, especially Varuna, is based on information in English I found on the internet. I realize I could be missing some religious and cultural nuances.]
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