#astoria falls wip
absentfather · 2 years
hey chief! can i have a lil summary on each of your four wips for reference please!
Okay, you got it!
Echoverse: A universe with multiple sci fi stories with a large 6,000 year old timeline, the main story follows a petty criminal who learns her father is alive and now has to go on an adventure with a princess and her friends to kill the tyrant leader of the universe while also trying to find her missing father.
The Hourglass house: Five superpowered siblings meet up after 10 years for 10 days as it has been 10 years since their sister went missing and they can finally have her funeral, after arriving their father informs them the end of the world is upon us before killing himself and leaving them to fix the mess he made.
The Blood hearts: A story about a crew of pirates as they have to escape from royal guards, while also learning to cope with their actions after killing a siren leads to them having to take care of the princess of the sea.
Astoria falls: A woman returns to her childhood home to find out what happened to her parents that caused them to go into the forest that surrounded her childhood home when she was five, only to discover that not only does a cult lives in the forest, but there is something strange with the people of the town of Astoria falls.
I hope that's enough information! I do like all the stories but it's so difficult to keep up with all of them.
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dramioneasks · 8 months
HP FESTS: The Harry Potter Rom Com Fest
The Harry Potter Rom Com Fest 2023:
Wedding Wars by LenaLumos - E, WIP - One wedding date, two engaged couples. Hermione is horrified to find out that Draco and Astoria are scheduled for the same coveted wedding date that she and Ron have been planning for. It's a battle of wits, pranks, and sabotage, and Draco might jeopardize more than just her carefully constructed wedding plans. Inspired by the movie Bride Wars for the HP Rom Com Fest.
What, Like It's Hard? by rapunzerelli - M, WIP - Hermione's plans for her future are upended when Ron ends their relationship out of the blue and for the silliest reason: she doesn't care enough about Quidditch. When she sets out to prove how wrong he was for breaking her heart, two very unexpected things help her mend it. Inspired by Legally Blonde (and a dash of She's The Man).
No Strings Attached by Goldenbucky - E, WIP - Hermione Granger begs her best friend, Draco Malfoy, to have sex with her. To fuck her with “no strings attached”. They’ve been best friends since first year. They’re also roommates. What can possibly go wrong?
I’ll Never Fall in Love Again by riddikulus_puff - M, WIP - Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have been best friends since the age of five years old, regardless of the way they were supposed to be enemies because of their upbringing. He was Pureblood and she was Muggleborn. And now as they take on life as eighteen-year-olds, they just end up getting separated time and time again. So, they couldn’t possibly be the right choice for one another…or could they? When it came to love, life and making the right choices, it was just everyone else but each other, these two were really their own worst enemies. But when will these two finally realise they are meant to be together? Only time can tell for Hermione and Draco. A fanfiction for the 2023 HP Rom Com Fic Fest Inspired by the 2014 film, Love, Rosie, and inspired by the book 'Where Rainbows End' by Cecelia Ahern
About That Time by MissusB - E, WIP - I’ve always known my family was special. It was something that was drilled into me from the time I was old enough to understand it. My mother would dote on me. Telling me I was her favourite boy. Not that there was much competition being an only child. My father would show his affections in different ways but I always knew I was loved. And that’s the thing about Malfoys. It’s all about love, even if we don’t show it to the rest of the world. It was love that drove my parents to withdraw from society when the war loomed closer. It was love that welcomed Pansy as my sister when she lost her family to the war. And it was love that changed my life in many ways when my father decided it was time to share his secret with me. (Based on the iconic romantic comedy About Time.)
Love, Hermione Granger by nissasxnotes - T, WIP - Hermione has been in love with five people over her time at Hogwarts. Each time she has fallen in love, she has written a letter and hidden it in the bottom of her trunk. As her Eighth year comes to an end, she steps off the train to see four out of the five men she's been in love with holding the letters she thought were stashed away in her trunk. Unsure of how the letters got mailed, Hermione panickily asks Draco Malfoy to pretend to be her boyfriend while she figures out how to let each of the boys she's loved before down.
Ace of Wands by FeInTheClouds - E, 3 chapters - Meanwhile, our platinum-haired playboy has set his eyes on a particular delicacy with curly brown hair - the only one who doesn't want him back.
This fest is ongoing.
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starlingflight · 1 month
Fan Fic Humble Brag Tag
Sometimes we love something we wrote so much we want to knock on every door spreading the good word of our little story. But sometimes we fear being seen as rude or too self promoting. Here is your chance to do a bit of self promo and bragging without fear because some asked you too.
Answer the questions and then tag five writers who you think deserve to brag about their work.
Thank you to @thelighthousestale @ginnyw-potter and @sophie-hatter-jenkins for the tag, I'm sorry this took me so long to do but I am chronically bad at being nice to myself so this was the hardest thing ever.
Answers below the cut (if you read, you might get a sneak peek of a new WIP! 👀)
Tagging @merlinsbudgiesmugglers @lanaturnergetup @artemisia-black
1. The funniest bit of dialogue you've written:
From A Two Step Process (Chapter 2):
Ginny nodded slowly and Harry could practically see the cogs turning in her brain as she tried to work out what had caused this sudden burst of romanticism from him. “Are you pregnant?”
Harry choked on the air he’d been inhaling, causing Ginny to laugh hysterically at his reaction. “What?” Harry spluttered, fighting to regain control of his lungs. “What kind of question is that?”
Ginny shrugged, her laughter easing to a light chuckle. “I couldn’t think what else was causing this behaviour and y’know, you’ve performed impossible feats before.”
“I’m not pregnant,” Harry said, briefly wondering how he'd reached the point of needing to say that out loud. “Are you satisfied?”
2. A story you wrote that made you cry?
Because I Knew You, when Ginny tells Andromeda she held Tonks' hand when she died and promises to make sure Teddy knows what she was like.
3. A story that makes you laugh every time you reread or think about it?
Probably Countdown! Little Teddy is always a source of entertainment.
4. Best moment of canon compliant characterisation?
The whole of ‘Forgetting’? I think this is the closest fic I have to a character study and I loved writing it because I really got to explore a lot of what I think makes Ginny Ginny. 
5. Something you wrote in a fic you secretly (or not so secretly) think is canon?
Ginny trying to fight the Felix Felicis in HBP because she no longer trusts anything that interferes with her perception. (Everything I Wanted, Chapter 10)
6. The most romantic bit you've written?
I actually don't think it's a hinny moment (which has shocked me). I think it's in Homecoming Draco asking Astoria to run away to Paris with him and then revealing that he's already found a stables/yard for Artemisia, closely followed by a decade later when he turns Malfoy Manor into a Hippogriff sanctuary for her (Wayfinding).  
7. A fic you wrote that everyone else sleeps on, that you know is excellent?
Because I Knew You - I love this fic but it's easily my least engaged with, probably because it’s gen. 
8. Wow us with an excellent excerpt?
First look at the Historical friends to enemies to lovers AU: 
“What on Earth do you think you’re doing?” Ginny demanded, wrenching the window open with one hand and dragging Harry through it with the other. “Do you not think one funeral to be sufficient within the space of a week?” 
Harry spared a glance over his shoulder, peering at the ground two stories below as his feet met the soft rug that covered most of her bedroom floor. “A fall from that height would hardly be fatal,” he said unconcernedly. “I may have suffered some injuries, but I’m confident I would make a full recovery.” 
The window rattled in the pane from the force with which Ginny slammed it shut. She closed her eyes and released a deep breath against the vision of him laying broken and bruised in the flowerbed below her window, she had seen quite enough death and injury of late without imagining yet more dire scenarios.  
 “And what do you expect people would say, upon discovering you'd grievously injured yourself falling from my bedroom window?” 
The question did not require an answer, they both knew what would be said in response to such a thing. They were both perfectly aware of what the consequences would be; special licences had been procured for rather a lot less. 
“I've never fallen before,” Harry said, sidestepping the topic of such consequences with aggravating deftness. “I've made the climb many times.” 
“Not in a very long time,” Ginny reminded him. 
It must have been at least five years since he had last attempted to climb the trellis that stretched from the the garden below all the way up to Ginny's window ledge, the trellis which had become rather more hazardous now that it played host to Fleur's beloved roses and their many thorns. Not to mention that Harry was no longer a scrawny young boy, and carried considerably more weight in the form of lean muscle he’d developed in the intervening years. 
Back then, he had utilised the trellis not as a means of seeing Ginny, but as a convenient means of accessing Ron's room, which was two floors above and impossible to reach by scaling the walls of the house. 
Ron, however, was not home at present, a circumstance which begged Ginny to repeat her earlier question. “What are you doing?” 
9. Five words to describe your writing? 
Descriptive, fluff, longing, tension, romance
10. The fic you are most proud of?
Someone Else's Life, it has a plot which I’m notoriously bad at so I’ll always be especially proud of that and I just really loved watching everyone trying to figure out wtf was going on as I was posting.
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midnightstargazer · 6 months
My Christmas 2023 Fanfic Masterlist
Now that various fests are done posting and it's all out there and non-anonymous, here's the full list of seven Christmas and winter-themed fics I wrote this holiday season. All are rated G or T and no Archive Warnings apply.
Ice Skating
Andromeda learned to ice skate as a little girl, side-by-side with her sisters. Now, she finds herself at a Muggle ice rink with her husband and daughter.
This Is My Grown Up Christmas List
In December of 1997, Hannah's friends comfort her after detention with the Carrows. It's nearly Christmas, but the innocent magic of the season feels further away than ever. Packages and bows are not what they need right now as the world falls apart around them.
Starlight and Snowmen
Their first winter as a married couple, Andromeda and Ted introduce each other to the Christmas traditions they grew up with.
Amid the First Snowfall
Inside the manor, their parents are having tea and exchanging snide remarks, but Draco and Astoria are outside in the gardens, enjoying the first snowfall of the year - and he has a very important question to ask her.
Stockings and Floo Powder
On Christmas Eve, 1975, Sirius runs away from home.
Fairy Lights
The Christmas tree at the Slug Club party is decorated with live fairies in clear glass baubles. Ted Tonks has a soft heart, and glass is not that hard to vanish. Sometimes, Andromeda feels like a fairy in a glass bauble, trapped and on display, subject to rigid expectations and scrutiny.
Narcissa's Christmas Carol*
It's the winter of 1995. Left alone at the manor while Lucius is out on Death Eater business, Narcissa finds herself confronted by four ghostly spirits. She tries to dismiss it as some kind of trick or hallucination, but the first ghost - looking just like her long-dead cousin Regulus - warns of horrible consequences for Narcissa and her family if she continues down the path that she's on. As the spirits that follow remind her of half-forgotten childhood memories and people she's cut off over the years, force her to confront the horrors of the two wars, and give her a terrifying glimpse of what's to come, Narcissa must decide where she stands and what to do next.
*multi-chapter WIP, last chapter will be posted on Christmas Eve
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vukovich · 1 year
10 First Lines Tag Game
Thanks, @the-francakes! You should peep her list, especially I WANNA SEE SOME ASS
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
Extra Rule Vuk Added for Herself: Only use first lines from unpublished WIPs. For spice.
Something is following me home from St Jerome’s graveyard. 
Draco eased the car to a stop, frowned, and muttered the street names under his breath.
"Black coffee, no room for-"
“Heralds!” Queen Zenobia’s hand, a spearpoint of sun-bronzed skin, pointed at the splintered gate of Alexandria.  “Go!”
There surely existed a molecular weight to consciousness, Draco mused.
Astoria Athena Greengrass was created for war, conceived to protect her darling older sister.
January 2nd, also known as Hair of the Crup Day in Wizarding London, was fast becoming Fall Asleep on Your Desk Day in Harry’s office.
"So," Ron said, setting a pair of beer bottles on the table, "when are you gonna make an honest man of him?"
"I'm gay."
10. The Shrike Sylvia Plath When night comes black Such royal dreams beckon this man As lift him apart From his earth-wife's side To wing, sleep-feathered, The singular air, While she, envious bride, Cannot follow after, but lies With her blank brown eyes starved wide, Twisting curses in the tangled sheet With taloned fingers, Shaking in her skull's cage The stuffed shape of her flown mate
Tagging @mintawasalreadytaken @oknowkiss @kbrick @peachpety
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tristencrone · 2 months
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Chapters: 8/12 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Lavender Brown/Ron Weasley Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Scorpius Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Dean Thomas, Ginny Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Clare Abbot (OC), Lavender Brown, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Caelum Black (OC) Additional Tags: St Mungo's Hospital (Harry Potter), Post-War, Healer Hermione Granger, Baby Scorpius, References to Illness, Medical Procedures, Medical Inaccuracies, I am trying my best and making it up as I go along, Scorpius is in danger, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, Original Character(s), WIP (Sorry), The Horrors Persist But So Do I (Writer's block is a bitch), Blood Curses | Blood Malediction (Harry Potter), Past Miscarriage, Ron Bashing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Past Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Past Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, injuries, Unforgivable Curses (Harry Potter), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, Single Parent Draco Malfoy, No Beta We Die Like Sirius, Imprisonment, Wrongful Imprisonment, Auror Harry Potter, Harry is a Little Shit, Ron Weasley Bashing, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Infidelity, not between draco and hermione, Ron is a POS, Hermione Granger Needs a Hug, he falls first, Verbal Abuse, POV Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, Molly Weasley Bashing, Ginny Weasley Bashing, Weasley Family Bashing (Harry Potter) Summary:
Head-Healer in charge of the emergency department of St. Mungo's, Hermione Granger makes it through each day by Occluding her way through it. Barely holding it together after years of tucking away the pain of her past, her world is rocked when a distressed Draco Malfoy bursts into her hospital and through her detached mentality with his unresponsive son—begging for help. When the Auror department arrives to take Malfoy into custody for the harm done to his child, Hermione is the only person who believes the innocence he claims. Vowing to Draco that she will care for Scorpius, Hermione will stop at nothing to find the true villains responsible and reunite father and son. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52939102/chapters/133915633
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wrencatte · 1 year
the inherent power of taking your love and dedication to save a sibling and making that a driving force that inevitably pushes you past what you couldve simply been towards something more and even then its secondary to your personal goal,,, very cool of jack!! the jack/sienna dynamic is probably really cool! + rune magic AND inherent magic, both are so so awesome!! amazing of astoria to be that cool woah,,, do you have a plan on what the basis of the rune's looks would be? hope astoria and zinnia have lots of fun togetherrr also 🤝 on using magic in stories fr,, magic my beloved you make things so interesting and fun
you didn't ask for snippets but i couldn't resist. thank you for letting me talk about this <3 also bear with me. I have like 50 thousand versions of mountain story so finding the most recent one is....difficult. and they're 100% wips. but this one! Is about 650 words of the ending of the...beginning really. (under read more bc i also have some of tadpole) Tadpole is fun because i like intermixing social media/media feeds in with stories, but it's actually a little hard to do properly?? Sometimes it just comes out cringe. but I had to do it with tadpole anyway because i couldn't resist. unfortunatly this is getting long, so i didn't include that in here.
Magic doesn’t know how to work anymore, she tells herself. Over and over again. Despite the reason she’s come to these woods. Despite the glittering swords and the shimmering wind. Magic has laid claim to many people. Has taken to the souls of humans and animals and planets and twisted into something else. It’s something old into something new, coming back like a burned back forest reclaiming its land.
It left and now it’s coming back. Please, it doesn’t know how to work anymore. Not without something to work through. Give her this one thing, this one hope, that there’s a loophole into getting her sister back.
“Give her back. Give her back! Give. Her. BACK!”
Jack whirls around and finds herself in a clearing that hadn’t been there a second ago. She slides her feet out instantly, knees bent. She has no weapons, and she can already tell any attempts at hand-to-hand are going to fail spectacularly. But she is more than willing to launch herself at the thing lumbering from behind the tree line. The one that told her no.
They’re tall. As tall as the tallest tree in the forest. At least ten feet taller than Jack’s below average five-foot-six. And, despite their vaguely humanoid shape, they’re more tree than not. Too skinny legs like branches, arms so long their knuckles brush the ground. Too many joints. Skin peeling like birch. Where a face should be – there is nothing. Just a knot like a lost branch, and a cragged, void-mouth. Nestled in the fall-orange leaves that could be called hair, are two antlers in the middle of shedding, soft velvet falling away to reveal blood-red flesh underneath.
Jack swallows thickly, hands curled tightly into fists to hide how they tremble in fear. “Where is my sister?” she says softly, tone still furious—and made all the more dangerous by the volume—but it’s, if you listen closely, lost all the bite that made it sharp.
The creature cocks their head and sways forward until they’re using their knuckles to walk on all four. “No,” they say, and they sound like a thousand voices caught in the wind, trapped somewhere between laughing and screaming. Jack flinches, tears burn her eyes. “You cannot have her back.”
“Please,” she chokes out. “She’s my sister.
Their laugh sounds like a bay of hounds and the sounds of wolves grows further away. “I know,” they say, dragging the words over their teeth. Sharp, pointed teeth, caked in black and death. “But she was not mine to take, so that makes her not mine to return.”
“Lies!” Jack accuses.
Rot dribbles over the sides of their mouth as they smile unnaturally wide. “If you want to believe that, but you know that is not true. It is the same as those things you are trying to convince yourself of. Of no monsters and no magic, trying to keep yourself safe and hidden. It will not work.”
“What can I do?” she begs.
They slide toward her, gouging the ground as they go, black oozing from their touch. “Find the silence in the water,” they say as they reach out with spindle fingers, the tips brushing Jack’s forehead. She doesn’t flinch. “Your night will fall first. Then the day. Soon, this mountain will crumble, and the ocean will burn.”
The ground seems to open and swallow Jack up. She feels untethered yet too heavy all at once. “Who are you?”
There’s silence first. Then their smile grows and grows until the rot pours over their mouth like a waterfall, dripping to the earth. New growth spring forward, then withers away in the next moment. “Why, I am The Slow Ache That Plagues Rebirth,” they say. “But you may call me Pydredd.”
Decay, the winds whisper through the trees. Jack shudders.
And then this one! is a bit of tadpole aka the price of lions
this is where it ends – people are screaming. They’re screaming and crying, a crescendo of background noise that blurs together staticky in her ears. She crouches behind a ruined car, the metal hot, burning, melting hot, against her back. Her chin wobbles, cheeks soaked in tears, her hair clings damp to her jaw. Something explodes and she flinches, ducking down and curling into the tiniest ball imaginable, squeezing her eyes shut as another explosion sounds. Debris rains down, the car burns sun fire hot. A baby cries until it doesn’t cry anymore.
She folds her hands to her chest in an almost prayer, sobbing. She doesn’t want to die. She doesn’t want to die. There’s no other way out of this except through death, she’s sure, and that scares her more than the explosions ringing like fireworks, like thunder. She used to like storms, the crack of lightning on the horizon, crisp and clear, blinding, and resplendent, followed by rolling thunder that rattled her teeth, thrummed her heart, and make her sister shriek in happiness, her arms thrown wide to welcome the angry roiling clouds and the torrent of rain soon to follow. Her sister –
Laughter sounds, echoing and deranged, as the last explosion fades into whispers. She shoves herself under the car, breath held tightly as stones screech at her movement. The car rocks, groaning and burning, then goes still. The whole world goes still, nary a breath to be heard, suspended just in this moment like she is, frozen solid like a prey animal who’s caught the attention of a predator.
There’s footsteps, slow and steady, and a voice singing a song of mockery and disdain. She twists around until she’s facing the street, hands pressed to her face to hide anything that might indicate she’s alive. And she sees him, dressed in the black and greys of Tmouasto’s High Mages, badges of silvery blue to indicate his rank. It’s a high rank. High enough she doesn’t doubt he’s the only one here.
She questions why he’s here, why her city. They’re far from the border, they have no mages of rank here, why send him to them. Why destroy and murder and tear apart their city in what could only be called a rampage? She wonders how many people are, are dead (– dead and gone and oh gods, what did they do to deserve this?), how many people he deliberately aimed to kill with his magic.
Sobbing, faint on the wind, drifts through the ever-thickening smoke. Something crumbles in the distance, a building collapsing after one valiant last stand. He kicks a rock. It bounces and skips with a hollow sound until it, with a dull thud, hits a bloodied hand sticking out from under a signpost. The hand twitches briefly, but quickly goes still. It only moved because of the rock.
Rage sparks deep in her chest at the sight. Her tears of fear and grief transform into sudden loathing. She clutches the fabric of her dress over her heart, hands shaking and trembling for a whole other reason now. How dare – ! He strolls along, hands shoved in his pockets nonchalantly, his sung words turning into a jaunty whistle. How fucking dare he!
She braces – and hesitates. What is she thinking? What could she do? Confront the Tmouasto man, the same man who can wreck a city’s center into a ghost town in mere hours? The same man who wears smoke and soot and blood as a badge of honor? The same man who’s bent over a body, inspecting his work with a satisfied grin?
And, what could she do against him? Him, a High Mage of one of the best militaries in the world. Him, who can make explosions appear out of thin air that take out two blocks in a single move. Him, who decimated first responders without a flinch. Him, who uses firefirefire – Oh.
Well, if there’s one thing she can do, she can go down defiant.
She uncurls slowly, fingers cramping when she releases her dress, her chest aching when she takes a fortifying breath. Ash coats the inside of her mouth; smoke fills her lungs. Everything is hot and burning, bright white smoldering. She reaches back, looks for the memory of storms, of her sister’s smile with hair plastered to her forehead in the rain. She reaches for the boomcrash of waves the few times they went to the water line. She conjures the coolness of a clean drink, the hum of the washing machine on a quiet day. She thinks to streams and rivers and oceans. To water, pure and rushing, crashing against rock, bringing foundations to their knees, smothering fire.
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dhr-ao3 · 11 months
The Hunt
The Hunt https://ift.tt/rI0SUX6 by costcowholsal3 WIP - Hermione Granger was the Order’s most lethal weapon. Her skills as the interrogator gave her power within the Good. She had never failed to take information out of the enemy. No one had ever sat through her torture and got out alive. It doesn’t hurt that she had the ability to track down virtually anyone. She was tasked to find The Hunter, the man that worked for the Bad. He was equally matched with her in power, and it may prove to be her most challenging assignment ever. Draco Malfoy worked as the right-hand man to the leader of the Bad. Ever since he killed Dumbledore in 6th year, he had to take on the task of The Hunter. It was simple enough. He just had to find the target, bring them back, see if they could give him any information, and then kill them. He could have done the job for the rest of his life, if not for his assignment to kill the Huntress. She had slipped from his fingers a few times, and he needed to bring an end to their chase. What happens when the masks fall down to reveal the others being a person from their past? A person that neither of them had been able to rid of from their minds? Words: 9588, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle | Voldemort Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Blaise Zabini Additional Tags: Dark Hermione Granger, Dark Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Sex Positive Hermione Granger, Rough Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Rough Sex, Mommy Kink, 69 (Sex Position), Murder, Sub Draco Malfoy, Dom Hermione Granger, Switch Draco Malfoy, Switch Hermione Granger, Sub Hermione Granger, Dom Draco Malfoy, Porn With Plot via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/acDjTsM August 02, 2023 at 04:21AM
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warty-hog-legacy · 1 year
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WIP ballgown (version 1) for Clara, its a sunset
I want to give her 3, b/c... why not. a sunset dress, a floral dress, and a velvet wintery dress
also since I pretend Professor Black decides dancing is a *fantastic* replacement for quidditch, there’s an end-of term ball (4th years and up). I havent decided if Clara wears the sunset dress, or a different one, but regardless. She and the other Ravenclaw girls essentially take over the ravenclaw tower bathroom to get ready (this is happening across all the house common rooms).
Sebastian, who did not get up the nerve to ask Clara if he could escort her, waiting with a group of gentlemen for the ladies to finally come down the stairs so the Great Hall can be opened and the ball can start. The 4th years are complaining about the dress robes. Why do they have to wait for the ladies? Ominis is has already pretended to hear them coming (once from Gryffindor tower, once from Sytherin), and a handful of the 6th and 7th years have tried shaping their patchy teenage stubble into some sort of facial hair style. Sebastian’s got a ridiculous amount of gunk to tame his hair back and to keep it from falling into his face, and he thinks Anne would get a kick out of this whole ordeal. Also, his mouth keeps going dry.
Professor Black stalks by, and says them all dressed up and looking Proper is... acceptable. They won’t be embarrassments to the ladies, and that's as much of a compliment as he will give. It still remains to be seen if they can dance.
At this point the girls start trickling towards the ballroom. Imelda’s in a dark gown, mutters something about ridiculous skirts and quidditch. Sebastian’s bowtie feels too tight.
Meanwhile, Clara, Astoria, and Samantha are trying very hard to not break out in giggles as they race down the ravenclaw tower. Samantha cant stop fussing with her hair b/c What if the ribbons fall out. Astoria has her notebook that she’s been using to rank their classmates as dancers (and then she can see who’s been practicing). the 7th years are a couple stairs back arguing over their NEWTs and whether or not so-and-so will be asked to dance by so-and-so. a 6th year has shoved her perfume bottle into her bodice.
They round the final corner and start going down the stairs towards the gentlmen. Clara finds that her hands are damp. She takes a deep breath and heads towards the ballroom.
Leander is staring at Samantha. Arthur Plummly has roses for the poor soul he asked to escort. There’s a 4th year boy being hexed by two girls b/c he asked them both and now they found out. Ominis is leaning against the far wall, tapping his foot impatiently (Clara briefly wonders if he asked to escort anyone- she doesnt think he did), and then she sees Sebastian looking incredibly ill at ease, adjusting his bowtie, and hair combed back and staying there. He glances up at her and does a double take before his face turns pink. Clara suddenly gets nervous (why is she now apprehensive about the ball? hadn’t she been excitedly racing her fellow ravenclaws down the stairs?)
Sebastian is having a horrible teenage cocktail of emotions parade through him right then, and all he can manage to think is- Joking. thoughts aren’t working for him at the moment. His mouth is ridiculously dry.  Somehow he realizes that he is most likely not the only one who would like to ask Clara if he could escort her 50ft down to the Great Hall, so he gives everyone in 5ft radius the stink eye and meets her at the bottom of the stairs. And offers her his hand (like a real gentleman, Professor Black would be so proud), and asks if he can escort her to the ball.
Clara accepts his hand, she’s got the jitters, and finds that his hair suits him all slicked back when he’s dressed up. Does she like it more than the usual messy flop? no. But right then, for the ball, its delightful. And he hasnt noticed that her hand is sweaty. Why is she worried about that?
They end up dancing together 3 times (scandalous for actual polite muggle society). Astoria notes that its very obvious he’s been practicing. The professors are pointing out that these two are oblivious to whats in front of them. Professor Weasley is trying to keep her nephew from spiking the punch. Ominis is being steered around the dance floor by Poppy while she gets into the specifics of mooncalf dances. Imelda only takes to the dance floor when its a faster dance, and only with fellow quidditch players. Otherwise she’s discussing Quidditch. Natty spins her mother around during a country dance, b/c her mother deserves a dance and she will make sure she has one. Leander has some 6th year’s flowers in his hair. there is a 4th year stuffing themselves silly with desserts. A sugar quill was left on Professor Black’s place setting.
And one of Clara’s hair flowers has found it’s way to Sebastian’s lapel.
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moony-saraneth · 2 years
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for the week of August 15 - 22. I spent a lot of time this week catching up on WIPs, which I'm not listing here until they're completed. I still managed to read quite a bit though.
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (T, 5k, Drastoria/Drarry) by sleepstxtic Astoria watches her husband fall in love with Harry Potter.
Too Many Potters (T, 2k, Drarry) by phdmama Draco blinks, trying to make sense of what he’s seeing.
“Weasley,” he says, not taking his eyes off the sight in the cell, “why are there eleven Potters in Holding B?”
“Twelve, actually,” Weasely replies from his desk. “I think one’s tucked away back in the corner.”
57th Street on Fire (30k, M, Wolfstar) by suchsmallhands It's the 90's and springtime in New York. Remus is dealing cocaine, Sirius is looking to get high.
He felt a twinge of paranoia. He thought, This is a junkie. One way or another. You don’t take walks with people you sell cocaine to. And he might be rich. Do not say yes.
He’d never seen grey eyes quite like that before.
Fairy Cake Felicity (E, 7k, Dron) by EntreNous Ron's hidden obsession with cocks becomes manifest in some surprisingly profitable ways.
Holding Back (E, 2k, Dronarry) by p1013 "I know what you really want." Weasley's mouth ghosts over the collar of Draco's shirt. No lips to skin, just breath and anticipation. "Don't think I haven't seen you staring in the common room. You're always watching, Malfoy. And something tells me it's not because you hate me."
"I do."
Weasley's hand tightens like a vice on Draco's wrists. "Doesn't stop you from wanting, though, does it?"
No Fury (NR, 23K, Drarry) by Meri After years of avoiding Draco Malfoy, Auror Harry Potter is forced into a situation where he can't anymore.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) (T, 96k, Drarry) by dustmouth & nekakrose Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
The Seventh Life (E, 18k, Drarry) by corvuscrowned If Draco had looked the other way, he may never have seen him again. But Draco turned, because he always would have turned. He found him, because he always would have found him - in life, in death, or in Paris. OR: Draco is an immortal vampire. Harry is trapped in eternal cycles of life, death, and reincarnation. They meet again in Paris, and the seventh life isn't any less complicated than the first.
All Bets Are Off (M, 31k, Drarry) by dualwieldteacup Harry Potter's latest security assignment brings him to Las Vegas for the International Wizarding Casino World Series. At a magic underwater hotel, he is tasked with guarding the legendary and mysterious gambler known as Snake Eyes. The stakes are high when both Galleons and emotions are involved. Not to mention peacock pool floats, secret pizza, and most importantly of all, second chances.
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absentfather · 2 years
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Yeah, redraws!!!
(Thumbs up if you remember this character)
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crawlhometohozier · 2 years
My teacher came back to me about my wip and told me she ‘didn’t understand the idea of falling in love with a cryptic creature that lives in a forest’ and that was when I realised that not everyone finds Hozier as romantic as I do seeing as I based most of my wip on my favourite Hozier’s lyrics.
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criquette-was-here · 3 years
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Well, that was a lovely Sunday. I was redownloading all the hood decos out there.
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vukovich · 2 years
WIP List Game
tagged by @mintawasalreadytaken
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have wips. 
Drarry: Quicksilver and the Dead A Dog Named Chai Hoist the Colours Written History Bodies in Motion Take as Directed For Services Rendered (Fall, 2022) WHISKY-TANGO-FOXTROT (Fall, 2022) In Fair Verona The Princess and the Pee-pee Dramione The Girl with the Mudblood Tattoo Exactly what to do (eaten by AO3 this week. RIP.) Drastoria, Dark Drarry Machine Gun Astoria
Drarry, Theo/Hermione, Ron/Hermione (untitled) Draco/Harry/Teddy Puer Delicatus Drarry, Dramione Dirty Copper
Ron/Pansy Thundercunt
Dark Luna/Neville Terrene
Cross-gen Garnishes (last chapter) Stoat and Company (Draco, Theo, Hugo)
Mystery HP Pairing Anonymous work currently posting
Non-HP Yer a Wizard, Jesus!
I can't tag this many people, but I want to know what you've got on the back burner, @peachpety @corvuscrowned @wheezykat @tontonguetonks @crazybutgood @avenueofesc @mystickitten42
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desiredmalfoy · 2 years
Always Truly Mine
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Genre: Fluff? Angst? A Little Bit of Everything
Universe: No Voldy :)
Word Count: 2.0 K
Warning: Some can be interpreted as cheating depending on how you see it.
Summary: The point of view of the reader from when Draco falls out of love with Astoria and actually loves the reader. 
Note: I’M FINALLY BACK!!! I MISSED THIS :) I’m so excited to finish all my WIPS.  It’s unedited. Please don’t be afraid to tell me if you see a mistake :)
Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated and adored.
[Never Truly Mine]
{Draco Masterlist} { Main Masterlist}
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{Credit to GIF owner}
You can’t exactly point to the moment you fell in love with him. He has always been there for you no matter what. A constant presence in your life that brought you comfort. The lines were always blurred between friends and lovers you suppose. Never knowing what the two of you truly were.
Unknown to you, it had all truly begun  before you had even realized it. 
You ran down the corridors looking for your best friend. It seemed as if fate as you bumped straight into someone. Almost knocking you over if it weren’t for the firm grip on your waist. You looked to see who you had bumped into when you saw it was your best friend, Draco Malfoy. His girlfriend, Astoria Greengrass stood firmly right behind him. 
“Where are you going? What’s got you all worked up?”
“Dray! I was looking for you!” You said with a smile on your face as the adrenaline still pumped through your veins. “Oh, Hi Tori!”
“Why were you looking for me exactly? Other than to see my handsome face of course.”
You rolled your eyes at this. “Ron asked me out!”
“Weasley? Gryffindor Weasley?” He let go of you and Astoria quickly grabbed his hand and placed it with hers.
You let out a small laugh. “Yes! What other Weasley could it be?”
“There are way too many Weasleys and I forgot you fancied him.”
“Stop being so sour Dray! Let’s go so you can help me pick an outfit for my date.”
“Date? With Weasley?” What you didn’t notice was the internal battle he was having regarding you going out with Ron. 
“Obviously! Did you get hit while playing Quidditch? Well I have to go and get ready! Enjoy the day & stop being so sour Dray!” You grabbed him into a hug quickly as you ran off from the pair.
Looking back, it was the first time you noticed Draco meant more to you was when he first started to date Astoria Greengrass.  He had been dating her for a couple of months now. They seemed like an ideal pair. You didn’t know how to feel, you suppose you felt a bit strange. Strange because the ache in your chest began to rear its head as you felt something that you had yet to decipher its meaning. You pushed those feelings to the side instead to show happiness for your best friend. His happiness was all that mattered to you. 
You attempted to forget about those feelings and thought you were doing a good job when Ron Weasley was the one who you couldn’t get out of your mind. Dating Ron seemed so perfect at first. He would open the door for you, hold your hand, shower you with nothing but attention and affection. But things soon begin to crack within your perfect relationship. You felt him slipping away from you and you didn’t know what to do. He would spend less and less time with you and you didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t until he had finally broken up with you in front of his friends that you knew there was no saving this. You didn’t even fight it as you threw the Cauldron Cakes you had brought him. They hit him right in his face, and a small part of you was satisfied. You turned on your heels and left as soon as you had arrived.
You should’ve known that a relationship started to forget someone would cause nothing but hurt to you. You were truly naïve. 
You don’t know how long it had been but you sat on the floor of the astronomy tower. You wiped the tears from your face as you continued to cry. Cry because you had not only been dumped,  but humiliated. You had thought you could make it work. But it seemed it was not meant to be.
You didn’t know when but you felt a presence beside you. You turned your head and you saw Draco next to you. You didn’t say anything as you lunged yourself into his arms. He grabbed onto you instinctively and held you tightly.
You cried in his arms in silence for what seemed like an eternity. 
“What’s wrong?” He whispered gently into your ear as he slowly rocked you in his arms. 
“He broke up with me in front of all his friends.” 
“Cheer up (y/n/n)! You’re no longer tied to Weasley.” He said as he playfully in an attempt to cheer you up. “Look at that positive side of it.”
“I don’t know what I did wrong Dray.” She was as you cried in his arms. Draco had his arms already wrapped around your frame as he brought you closer to him.
“You didn’t do anything wrong darling.” He wiped the tears from your rosy cheeks with the end of his sleeve. “That git never deserved you.”
“But how come it hurts so much?” You contemplated loudly. “I’ll never be good enough. Not for him or anyone.”
“You’re perfect. Don’t let anyone ever make you think otherwise.” He grabbed your chin and brought your face to look up directly at him. “You are perfect (y/n), don’t ever forget that my dear.”
“Thank you Dray, I love you, you know that right?”
“I love you too.”
You had spent days inside your dorm as you had refused to come out to talk to see anyone. It had been too much for you to see Ron on daily bases still and you wanted to honestly stay away from all the murmurs of the crowds talking. You knew they were talking about you and Ron. You wanted nothing to do with all that. 
Draco would bring you breakfast, lunch and dinner and spend it with you. He would be there as you let everything off your chest. He sat with and just simply listened to you. It wasn’t until one day that he came in furious. 
“What’s wrong Dray?” You got up from your bed quickly and met him halfway to the door. He looked extremely mad as he ran his hands through his hair. 
“Can you believe her?”
“Who? What happened?” You grabbed his hand to stop him from pacing the room. 
“Astoria. She wanted me to leave you.”
“Leave me? Like for lunch?” You questioned him, confused at what he was saying.
“No, like to stop being your friend. She made me choose between you and her.”
“Oh…” It was all you can really say. You looked down at your feet and waited in silence to  “I understand Dray. Don’t worry.”
“You don’t understand do you (y/n)? I told her I chose you.”
You looked up at him with your eyes wide as you attempted to process what he was saying. He grabbed your shoulders as he repeated what he had just said. “I told her I chose you.”
“Draco..” You whispered softly as you brought your hand to his cheek. Your thumb wiping away the few stray tears. 
“I know you probably don’t want to even think of another guy but (y/n) listen to me.” He brought your hands into his, giving them a light squeeze. “You are the most important person to me. I love you with all my heart. You are the one person I can’t live without. Every time I saw you with him, it killed me. I love you (y/n), more than you can ever imagine.”
You were left speechless. You looked at him as a fresh set of tears came down your face and tears started to fall down his face. You didn’t know what to say so you simply showed him. You stood on the tip of your toes and pressed a kiss on his lips. He pulled you in closer as he grabbed on firmly to your waist. He deepened the kiss and you felt as if you were in heaven. 
“I love you too, more than you can imagine.” You placed your head on his chest. You felt the most at peace then you had in awhile. 
You had felt the happiest that you had in a while. Draco had made you the happiest person and you loved that he was by your side. He would hold your hand everyday and he would randomly bring your hand to his lips and would place a gentle kiss on your hand. 
One day you were sitting on the couch of the Slytherin common room reading one of your books as you waited for Draco to show up. He was meeting up with Theo and Blaise for something Quidditch related and he had said he would meet you at the common room. You flipped through your book aimlessly as you heard a voice you hadn’t in a while. 
“You really have no shame do you?” Astoria sneered as you lifted your head at the sound of her voice. She looked down at you as you placed your book down next to you. 
“Excuse you?” You were confused at what she was talking about.
“I find it quite funny you act like you’re innocent in all of this.” Astoria rolled her eyes at you.
“In what exactly am I innocent? I don’t think I ever claimed any innocence.” You had now stood up and were face to face with her. 
“You stole my boyfriend and you know it.” 
“I didn’t steal anyone and Draco was never your possession to take.” Now it was your turn to roll your eyes as you crossed your arms across your chest.
She crossed her arms over her chest as she took a step towards you. You took a step back not wanting any physical confrontation with her.
“I’m not sorry for falling in love with him.” You said after a small period of silence. “I’ll never regret that.”
“You’re nothing more than a sl-”
Astoria didn’t get a chance to finish that statement as Draco walked over to you and her. He placed himself in front of you and faced Astoria with anger all over his face. 
“You don’t get to talk to her like that.” He said to her with anger lacing his voice.
“Why don’t I? She’s the reason you broke up with me.”
“No. You know the reason we broke up.” 
“Because you stopped loving me because of her!” Astoria exclaimed loudly.
“I never loved you!” Draco countered quickly. As the words left your mouth, you were shocked as well,  and your hand flew to your mouth. 
“I see”, Astoria whispered barely audible to them. The only reason you heard her was because of the silence that had overtaken the room.
Draco didn’t say or spare another look at her. Instead he bent down to grab your things and then your hand to storm up to his dorm. You followed him up the stairs as he walked toward his room.
He dropped your things on his chair and grabbed you into an embrace. He did say a word as he pulled you into his bed. You laid down in silence with him as you placed your head on his chest. He softly ran his fingers through your hair in order to relax you.
“I love you.” Draco whispered into your ear as he embraced your figure as the two of you laid in between the silk sheets on his bed. The coolness contrasts the warmth of the boy you loved. “I hope you know it will never change.”
“I love you too.” You mumble as you feel the heaviness of your eyelids finally overtake you.
You suppose to some, you're nothing but someone with no remorse. Someone with enough callousness to take someone else's boyfriend. But it's hard to really care about the opinions of others as you lay in your lover's arms. You weren’t seeking anyone’s approval. The only thing that mattered to you was that you now had him.
@daisyyy2516 @id-kill-to-be-an-assassin @slytherinambitious @bonkybabe​ @phatcrackdad @instabull @gwlvr @belladaises @dracostruelove @dawnmalfoy @sycathorn-slush @cpetrova @joanaaadss @dracoswhore007 @nctxrejects @potterheadtwilighter @beforeoursunsets @automatic-tragedy @wh0re4blaise @a-dusty-emerald @marauder-hoe @sw33tgirl @dracomalfoys-wh0re @burninggracesandbridges @galiciasamantha84 @xlauren-malfoyx @dlmmdl @dracoscumwh0re @microwavedhampster @youreso-golden​ @malfoyxxdraco23 @miraclesoflove @marrymetheonott @littlemissnoname13 @willowmores @houseofhufflepuff @sapphicprinc3ss @gather-potter-heads @lyramalf0y @bungunz @woods-and-lyrical-flowers @alyxa07 @thatlosernoonelikes @your-hispanichufflepuff @curiositychild @elevatorsdoor @lieswithoutfairytales @elltoulouse @louweasleymalfoy @hrrrysttyles @minsuuwu @teenwolfbitches28 @drxsbvttrbr @angemalfoy5678 @tranquilitybqsehotel @ayaosk @malfoys-slut @tyraasimone @dracomalfoyishotlol @shrimplicity1 @lunar0se10 @hogwarts-102 @harmqnia @henqtic
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dramioneden · 3 years
do you know of any fics where there’s a pregnancy scare or Draco accidental gets hermione pregnant?
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Dramione Unplanned Pregnancy Fic Recs 
Hi Nonnie, Sorry it has taken me soooo long to reply to this ask. To answer your question, yes I have a few (76) “accidental”/unplanned pregnancy Dramione fic recs to offer - because Draco and Hermione seem terrible at planning pregnancies. So I’ve broken this down into ones I’ve read & recommend and ones on my TBR you might want to give a try. I also categorized the fics into Teenage Pregnancies, Wartime Pregnancies, “Adult Draco and Hermione forget contraceptive” Pregnancies, Marriage Law Pregnancies and “Hidden” Pregnancies. So here is the ultimate guide to Dramione Accidental Pregnancy Fics, hopefully there is something on this list that will satisfy your ask. Happy Reading!
Teenage Unplanned Pregnancy:
Recommended Fics
Snow Storm by kblynne
8th year Post-war healing coping, Head Boy and Head Girl, teenage pregnancy.
Always Mine - A Dramione Fanfiction by SamadiW
8th year, Head Boy and Head Girl. The unplanned pregnancy is more of a secondary/later arc. Main arc on development of relationship between Hermione and Draco. Mixes the right amount of angst with the right amount of sexy.
Fics on my TBR that you might want to try:
From Venice with Love by jamieblye
In Private by acro acro
Locked In by goldhorse
His Sweet Dream by Supernerd22
I Didn’t Know by TriDogMom
Of All the Idiot Things by Lady Imara
Unbreakable by cleotheo
What Happened After The Canaries by Silver Lioness
Wartime Unplanned Pregnancy
Recommended Fics
Broken Chains by Leave It At That
Another Dramione, where Harry and Ron escape, but Hermione is left behind. As Draco and Hermione are forced together by a very perverted characterization of Voldemort, they realize they must rely on and trust each other to survive Voldemort’s demands. Forming a tentative trust and rare magical bond, together they set about playing the roles expected of them until they can find escape.
Resistance by GracefulLioness @graceful-lioness
Very well written, 7th year divergent. Instead of spending the war camping with Harry and Ron, Hermione spends it camping with Draco after they escape a battle together.
The Importance of Breeding by Jessiy  @jessiyl
Interesting twist on “what both sides of the war decide to do about the dwindling wizarding population”. Voldemort comes up with a “perfect mate” spell - guess who Draco’s perfect mate is?  
Manor of Conception by psiphifan
Harry and Ron, escape without Hermione. As punishment to the Malfoy’s for letting Potter get away, Draco is given Hermione to “breed”, thereby sullying his pure blood line. As dark as the set up is, Draco and Hermione adjust to their predicament quite adeptly. A “wartime subversion” read that hurts a bit … but climaxes a lot).
Fics on my TBR that you might want to try:
The Gift of Joy by biscuitsforpotter @biscuitsforpotter 
I Spy by gnrkrystle
The Power of Love by cleotheo
The Edge of the World by phlox
Balaur by two_ff
Tergeo by LadyKenz347 @ladykenz347
Consequences of War by NJ Coffee Queen
The Letter by RN2017
Haeres Genitus: The Begotten Heir by little miss moonlight
“Adults who forgot a contraceptive” - Future fic Unplanned Pregnancies
Recommended Fics
Precious Things by herbeautifullie @herbeautifullies
Beautifully told in a series of vignettes that take place every Christmas over a number of years. The author conveyed and developed Draco’s introspection as he falls in love with a family he never expected or wanted. Well written, emotional character/relationship study.
Liking by Ladyoneill
An adult affair between Draco and Hermione leads to adult conversations (with some input from Narcissa).
Fics on my TBR you might want to try:
A Year and a Day by Mistrus
Best Laid Plans by persephone_stone @persephonestone​
Careless by wish123
A Series of Very Bad Decisions by damnedscribblingwoman @fearsometinywit​
Unexpected Gifts by cryptaknight
Unintended Consequences by rainsrabble @rainsrabble
Knocked Up by dolphinroxy
The Side Witch & The Gift and My Witch & Her Gift by SeptimaBode
Once Upon a Night by longdistance
Ordinary People by inadaze22 @inadaze22
Surround Me by Taintedembrace
The Sweetest Downfall by xXBeckyFoo
A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy by Countess of Abe @countessofabe
Beautiful Mistake by pinayflava90
One Night Stand with Consequences Series by ruthy4vrsmoaked @ruthy4vrsmoak-ed
Constellations in Flourish and Blotts by MarshmellowMcGonagall @marshmallowmcgonagall
Gasping, Talking, Screaming, Crying by Gette
Heaven Forbid by empathaique
In the Heat of the Storm by xxDustNight88 @xxdustnight88
whispered through the trees by notawitch2580
Back to You by NJ Coffee Queen @mnem85
Circle by wanderlustfaery
Freedom’s Consequence, Rapture’s Reward by CelticSass
Marriage Law (but still unplanned) Pregnancy
I read and recommend all three fics in this sub-genre:
Desperate Marriage by x.Chrissy.x
Nice twist on the Marriage Law trope. After breaking up with their current fiancés when they find them cheating (Ron x Astoria), instead of letting the Ministry choose their spouses for them, they choose each other. Note: I don’t want to give spoilers away, but I think it should be noted that though it’s not tagged, be aware that a couple loses a pregnancy in this. As someone who has lost a pregnancy before, I was not put off by how it is handled, but found it emotional and relatable. There is an HEA and there is a happy healthy pregnancy and I did enjoy the fic completely even the emotional part.
Ninety-Five Percent by HufflePuffMommy @hufflepuffmommy
Draco and Hermione are 95% compatible - who would have thought? ;) I really enjoyed this marriage law fic - has courting quality to it, through all the tension and angst (and denial).
An Unconventional Escape by Ariel Riddle @ariel-riddle
Loved this twist on the “marriage law”. Voldemort has won and his wizarding world is facing population problems due to infertility of purebloods. He enacts a new law that purebloods can choose captive muggleborns as spouses. The only muggleborn for Draco is Hermione - and she’s suspicious, but clever enough to figure out his dastardly persona is more pretense for show.
Secret Child/Hidden pregnancy trope: Not only was the pregnancy an accident, it was kept a secret from Draco.
Recommended Fics
Amongst the Mango Trees by ViolaMoon @violamoonfanfic
Post-war, while in a happy affair with Draco, Hermione discovers his family has him engaged to Astoria, hours after she finds out she’s pregnant. She decides to leave and start over in Australia with her parents.
Breathe by RZZMG @rzzmg
In spite of a loving affair with Hermione, Draco feels obligated to see through his engagement with Astoria. But when he runs into a pregnant Hermione months after they break-up, he must dig deep to be his own man and not his father’s.
Seven for a Secret by Musyc @willhavetheirtrinkets
Anonymous sex during Beltane, has Draco putting pieces together when he encounters an 8 year old spitting image of himself.
Unspoken Words by LilithShade @lilithshadefanfic
Post-war, Future fic. Hermione and Draco have a one night stand. Nine months later, Hermione shows up at St. Mungo’s in labor. Draco is the doctor on duty.
Always You by Emerald2402
When there is trouble in paradise between Ron and Hermione, Draco just happens to be in the right place at the right time with a shoulder for her to cry on. A couple years later, the child she brings to St. Mungo’s with a fever, bears a striking resemblance to him.
The Trouble with Love Series by bentnotbroken1 @bentnotbroken1fanfiction
8th year Hogwarts setting. Accidental pregnancy is secondary arc, post-war coping/healing and Dramione affair primary arc. Note that the first in the series: The Pitfall is complete, but the second in the series is still a WIP (as of time of post 11/2020).
Fics on my TBR you might want to try:
Consequences of War by bentnotbroken1 @bentnotbroken1fanfiction
Aparecium by LadyKenz347
An Awfully Big Adventure by NJ Coffee Queen @mnem85
The Best of Me by MrsRen @mrsren
Choosing Destiny by AkashatheKitty @akashathekitty
Let There Be No More Curse by lexiatel @lexiatel
Nowhere Left to Run by FallenInDreams @fallen-in-dreams
Rose by longdistance
Second by LadyAlinor @ladyalinor
Seventeen by smithandbarrowman @smithandbarrowman
The Silver Dragon by KittenShift17 @kittenshift-17
Webs We Weave by mayghaen17 @mayghaen17
What’s in a Name by ImSlytherinatHeart
Full Body Control by lun27
Growing by the Minute by lozlol
Heartbreak and Horntails by AtHomewithWords
The Taste of Honey by Buzzy
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