#astro rabby
quirky-vg · 3 months
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From: Astro Rabby
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mysteamgrids · 1 year
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Astro Rabby
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Kabbalah - Tree of Life
Kabbalah (Hebrew קַבָּלָה “reception”, Standard Hebrew Qabbala, Tiberian Hebrew Qabbālāh; also written variously as Cabala, Cabalah, Cabbala, Cabbalah, Kabala, Kabalah, Kabbala, Qabala, Qabalah, Kaballah) is an interpretation (exegesis, hermeneutic) key, “soul” of the Torah (Hebrew Bible), or the religious mystical system of Judaism claiming an insight into divine nature.
Kabbalah became a reference to doctrines of esoteric knowledge concerning God, God’s creation of the universe and the laws of nature, and the path by which adult religious Jews can learn these secrets. Originally, however, the term Kabbalah was used in Talmudic texts, among the Geonim, and by early Rishonim as a reference to the full body of publicly available Jewish teaching. In this sense Kabbalah was used in referring to all of known Oral Law.
Kabbalah, according to the more recent use of the word, stresses the reasons and understanding of the commandments in the Torah, and the cause of events described in the Torah. Kabbalah includes the understanding of the spiritual spheres of creation, and the ways by which God administers the existence of the universe.
According to Jewish tradition dating from the 13th century, this knowledge has come down as a revelation to elect saints from a remote past, and preserved only by a privileged few. It is considered part of the Jewish Oral Law by the majority of religious Jews in modern times, although this was not agreed upon by many medieval Talmudic scholars, as well as a minority of current Orthodox rabbis.
Origin of Jewish Mysticism
According to adherents of Kabbalah, the origin of Kabbalah begins with the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible). According to Midrash, God created the universe with “Ten utterances” or “Ten qualities.” When read by later generations of Kabbalists, the Torah’s description of the creation in the Book of Genesis reveals mysteries about the godhead itself, the true nature of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life, as well as the interaction of these supernal entities with the Serpent which leads to disaster when they eat the forbidden fruit, as recorded in Genesis 2.
The Bible provides ample additional material for mythic and mystical speculation. The prophet Ezekiel’s visions in particular attracted much speculation, as did Isaiah’s Temple vision (Chapter 6). Jacob’s vision of the ladder to heaven is another text providing an example of a mystical experience. Moses’ experience with the Burning bush and his encounters with God on Mount Sinai, are all evidence of mystical events in the Tanakh, and form the origin of Jewish mystical beliefs.
Jewish mystical traditions always appeal to an argument of authority based on antiquity. As a result, virtually all works claim or are ascribed ancient authorship. For example, Sefer Raziel HaMalach, an astro-magical text partly based on a magical manual of late antiquity, Sefer ha-Razim, was, according to the kabbalists, transmitted to Adam (after being evicted) by the angel Raziel. Another famous work, the Sefer Yetzirah, supposedly dates back to the patriarch Abraham. According to Apocalyptic literature, esoteric knowledge, such as magic, divination, and astrology, was transmitted to humans in the mythic past by the two angels, Aza and Azaz’el (in other places, Azaz’el and Uzaz’el) who ‘fell’ from heaven (see Genesis 6:4).
This appeal to antiquity has also shaped modern theories of influence in reconstructing the history of Jewish mysticism. The oldest versions of the Jewish mysticism have been theorized to extend from Assyrian theology and mysticism. Dr. Simo Parpola, a researcher at the University of Helsinki, has made some suggestive findings on the matter, particularly concerning an analysis of the Sefirot. Noting the general similarity between the Sefirot of the Kabbalah and the Tree of Life of Assyria, he reconstructed what an Assyrian antecendent to the Sepiroth would look like.[2] He matched the characteristics of En Sof on the nodes of the Sepiroth to the gods of Assyria, and was able to even find textual parallels between these Assyrian gods and the characteristics of god. The Assyrians assigned specific numbers to their gods, similar to how the Sepiroth assigns numbers to its nodes. However, the Assyrians use a sexagesimal number system, whereas the Sepiroth is decimal. With the Assyrian numbers, additional layers of meaning and mystical relevance appear in the Sepiroth. Normally, floating above the Assyrian Tree of Life was the god Assur, this corresponds to En Sof, which is also, via a series of transformations, derived from the Assyrian word Assur.
Furthermore, Dr. Paropla re-interpreted various Assyrian tablets in the terms of this primitive Sefirot, such as the Epic Of Gilgamesh, and in doing so was able to reveal that the scribes themselves had been writing philosophical-mystical tracts, rather than mere adventure stories. Traces of this Assyrian mode of thought and philosophy eventually makes reappearances in Greek Philosophy and the Kabbalah.
Skeptics would point out that the doctrine of the Sefirot only saw serious development starting in the 12th Century CE with the publication of the Bahir. To argue that the concept of the sefirot existed in an occult and undocumented form within Judaism from the time of the Assyrian empire (which fell from cultural hegemony in the 7th Cent. BCE) until it “surfaced” 17-18 centuries later strikes some scholars as far-fetched. A plausible alternative, based in the research of Gershom Scholem, the pre-eminent scholar of Kabbalah in the 20th Century, is to see the sefirot as a theosophical doctrine that emerges out of Jewish late antiquity word-mythology (as exemplified in Sefer Yetzirah) and the angelic-palace mysticism found in Hekalot literature being fused to the Neo-Platonic notion of creation through progressive divine emanations.
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Ghali esce "Pizza Kebab" vol.1 il disco che torna alle origini
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Ghali esce "Pizza Kebab" vol.1 il disco che torna alle origini Ghali torna alle origini: la trap del 2016 che l'ha proiettato nella stratosfera del pop, dove è stato consacrato con 50 dischi di platino e 15 oro conquistati. Il suo nuovo album, PIZZA KEBAB VOL.1, esce domani venerdì 1 dicembre e si compone di quattordici tracce che sono ritmate e melodiche, introspettive e ultraespressive: diamanti grezzi che brillano al buio dei tempi in cui viviamo. Un tour de force dell'artista che da Baggio ha conquistato il mondo e ora torna alle radici, rivisitando la musica trap nella maniera a tratti adrenalinica e schizzante, a tratti dolente e cullante che è il suo marchio di fabbrica. Canzoni secche e concise di un virtuoso del rap e della trap internazionali. Dopo il lungo viaggio che lo ha portato a Los Angeles e in Corea, Messico, Tunisia, Marocco, Ghali è tornato a Milano pieno d'energia creativa. E ha deciso di mettere insieme talenti e influenze per realizzare un album d'eccezione di puro trap. PIZZA KEBAB VOL.1 è prodotto dagli allievi KIID e Sadturs assieme al rapper di Rabat Draganov e al sound engineer di Los Angeles Night Feelings. Il disco conferma lo status di Ghali come messia della trap italiana e artista capace di parlare diversi linguaggi tanto da raggiunger lo status di icona mondiale della musica urban. L'album contiene featurings d'eccezione come Geolier, fenomeno tra i più clamorosi degli ultimi anni in Italia, il cui ultimo album è il più ascoltato del 2023, nel brano TANTI SOLDI, Luchè, icona del rap nazionale la cui musica non ha confini, in SOTTO CONTROLLO, Tony Effe, Dylan e Side Baby, in PAURA E DELIRIO A MILANO , Simba La Rue in MACHIAVELLI, Soolking in BUONASERA (una trap hit euromed), e Digital Astro in CELINE, oltre alla supercatchy SAFI SAFI con Draganov. STO Ghali torna a trappare. Con STO ovunque, che è l'intro del disco, ma anche l'ultima traccia registrata. Si sente l'energia giusta trovata in studio e la soddisfazione del lavoro concluso. Ghali è fiero del suo nuovo progetto e fiero del progetto decide di aprirlo con un riassunto, dalle origini al comeback. La traccia si apre con una base ipnotica e martellante, un suono di campane apre la coming-of-age-story di Ghali bambino che gli altri vedono come tunisino, che a vent'anni è un ghetto boy, a 25 una star e oggi a 30 fa tabula rasa e riparte dagli inizi: qui sto e qui resto, e l'etichetta Sto significa tutto questo. PAURA E DELIRIO A MILANO (feat. Tony Effe, Dylan, Side Baby) La traccia nasce dall'idea dell'artista di voler riunire i suoi tre amici Tony Effe, Dylan e Side Baby. Tutti e quattro in studio, lavorano congiuntamente alla realizzazione di Paura e delirio a Milano. Una notte incredibile, di grande sintonia tra gli artisti che in puro sciallo chiudono una hit magistralmente prodotta da Sadturs e KIID. I trapper romani cospirano con il muezzin della trap milanese per restituire un ritratto sonoro della Milano allucinata del 2023: non la Las Vegas di Hunter S. Thompson, ma la Milano di oggi, in preda a paranoie securitarie, ostaggio di notti selvagge e giovani dei quartieri. MACHIAVELLI (feat. Simba La Rue) Questa traccia nasce il giorno successivo al rientro dal recente viaggio in Egitto, quando Ghali insieme al producer della sua label KIID e tutto il suo team si sono lanciati nell'impresa di questo disco. Ghali e KIID si incontrano in studio e parte il freestyle. Ghali barra per barra entra in un mondo tutto suo, e ha qui come complice Simba La Rue, l'artista di origine marocchine agli onori delle classifiche e delle cronache. Si tratta di una traccia pesantemente onirica, rappata quasi come in un sogno REM, piena di visioni cupe e criminali, un rosario di angosce represse e rabbie espresse. SOTTO CONTROLLO (feat. Luchè) Continua lo stesso metodo. Beat di KIID, in freestyle al microfono, trap vera. Nello studio passa Luchè, che ascolta il progetto e sceglie di collaborare a questa traccia. Grande sintonia tra i due artisti, che scrivono insieme e chiudono quello che è uno dei pezzi preferiti di Ghali. SOTTO CONTROLLO allude al suo opposto, lo stato di caos e confusione mentale mentre passi da una frontiera all'altra ancora in hangover dalla notte prima. Il ritornello è scanzonato, le rime sono ficcanti, la canzone s'incide nelle reti neurali dell'ascoltatrice/tore. COCO La traccia cambia completamente il registro. Era un provino nato a casa di Ghali, in un periodo di "riscaldamento della scrittura". Ghali registra COCO a casa sua sul beat di Finesse. A pochi giorni dalla chiusura del disco Draganov, producer e cantante marocchino venuto in Italia per impacchettare il disco dell'amico Ghali, svolta la traccia con il tocco che trasforma una canzone bella in una canzone indimenticabile. COCO è il soffio romantico dell'amore sussurrato, una composizione piena di affettuosa nostalgia per una relazione con una ragazza che ha aperto il cuore a Ghali, che la ricorda con tenerezza e gentilezza. TANTI SOLDI (feat. Geolier) La traccia nasce come bisogno di Ghali di descrivere cosa succede nelle strade, lui che ci è cresciuto, ma che fa parte di nessuna "gang". Il pezzo parte con uno storytelling di un beef tra rappers finito male. Ecco un rap classico da origini gangsta rap dove Ghali è assieme a Geolier. Il pezzo si apre con una voce Mina che definisce la scena. Parte Ghali con un incipit quasi omerico, con uno storytelling di un beef tra rapper finito male. Quindi il coro con Geolier e l'epica di un amore contrastato sullo sfondo del cash che piove su giovani rapper che cercano di dare un senso a questa vita, sorprendente e maledetta. ZUPPA DI SUCCO DI MUCCA Un pezzo che resta indelebile nella memoria perché distilla il Ghali sound. Con una base in levare, il genio di Baggio si autoanalizza liricamente mentre prende di mira le ossessioni foodiste della civiltà contemporanea e tesse un elogio della pizza kebab piccante, il cibo della compagnia del parchetto. DIMMI LA VERITA' Una ballata agrodolce in autotune su un amore contrastato ("diamoci un bacio o diamoci un taglio") poi finito male, nel senso che ora frequenta un'altra in giro per la città. Ma in quella che è anche una confessione, Ghali sente dentro di sé una metamorfosi avvenire e al contempo il timore della vita pienamente adulta (vedi lo sfuggente accenno alla paternità come categoria del possibile). Soprattutto, sulla canzone aleggia il sentimento della mancanza ("a letto eravamo fuego"). SAFI SAFI (feat. Draganov) In studio durante una pausa dalle registrazioni, Ghali decide di far tornare Draganov il grande rapper che è. Freestyle al microfono per una grande hit italo-marocchina: cantata in francese e italiano, è un inno alla gioventù multietnica dell'Europa mediterranea. L'espressione vuol dire "ok, va bene così" in arabo marocchino. Cantata in francese e italiano è un inno alla gioventù multietnica dell'Europa mediterranea. C'est fini, cantano i due e alludono alla fase eroica della trap, che si è conclusa con la sua piena legittimazione in quanto prodotto culturale che parla a tutte le città del mondo. CELINE (feat. Digital Astro) Dopo l'inserto sonoro 2:30 AM dove si parla di una Rolls Royce che potrebbe scomparire nella notte brava di Gotham, si apre CELINE CELINE con Digital Astro, membro del vivaio di Ghali che già aveva collaborato a SENSAZIONI ULTRA al brano Peter Parker. Tutti e due davanti al microfono si alternano divertendosi trasportandoci nel mondo della vita da star. Il brand di lusso è in realtà una scusa per un pezzo mesmerico con effetti synth e il ritornello incalzante "mamma non ti preoccupare, continuano ad entrare". SENZA PIETA' Fra sinistri rintocchi di campana, Ghali cantilena l'alienazione di troppi party scialbi e forzati e il disorientamento della condizione giovanile contemporanea. E' un momento senza pietà della storia del mondo e il musicista deve astrarsi da quelli intorno a lui per capire cosa avviene e pensare al nuovo disco. BUONASERA (feat. Soolking) Una traccia reggaeton che va dritta al cuore. Sinuosa e impetuosa, colma di influenze e melodie arabe, è una hit potenziale. Ha ritmo ma è anche venata di poetica malinconia. La sinergia col cantante algerino Soolking è perfetta, quando entra Ghali il binomio scintilla. PECCATI Il pezzo, dolce e freschissimo, è una confessione personale e un'invocazione di perdono. E' l'ammissione di Ghali che ha peccato come una rockstar ma è sempre il ragazzo del quartiere non importa dove va. Ecco perché Ghali è unico, perché è amletico, roso dal dubbio, in bilico fra due mondi in questa esistenza maledetta ma sublime.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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saint-casual · 4 years
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a weird video game!!! love it
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gaygamer · 6 years
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Something that just struck me: a lot of Japanese GameBoy game manuals feature cute “bonus” illustrations on their back covers.
To see more of or learn more about these old GameBoy manuals, check out the following links:
Bubble Ghost
Kitchen Panic
Penguin Land
Moguranya (aka Mole Mania)
Astro Rabby
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animatedscreenshots · 7 years
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Astro Rabby
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obscurevideogames · 7 years
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moonjump - Astro Rabby (Cyclone System - Game Boy - 1990)  
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princesseblade · 8 years
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Mahō Shōjo Astrobunny quick sketch inspired by: 
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quirky-vg · 2 years
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From: Astro Rabby
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professorspork · 3 years
do you have any feelings on penny as superhero? as in the archetype? the thought keeps running through my head but i never got deep into comics lore in any capacity so i don't end up getting anywhere significant
I SURE DO HAVE FEELINGS. I’m not sure I have thoughts, is the thing, or at least... I’m not sure I have thoughts that aren’t comically on-brand and difficult for me to articulate, but I will do my best. Because you asked ME of all people can we read Penny as a superhero, and my ears will only ever hear that question as is Penny Jewish? And I am a parody of myself so obviously I think the answer is yes.
... but let’s zoom out a little.
I talked about this a little in my chosen one post-- how it’s kind of inadequate to apply the classic “with great power comes great responsibility”* superhero dogma to RWBY when, in theory, this is a field that’s open to all. Anyone can become a Huntsman with enough training; everyone has Aura. there’s no one class of people or circumstances that will grant you powers others can’t get.
[*which, again, cannot emphasize how fundamentally Jewish this is as a thought. It’s straight from Pirkei Avot: “If I am not for others, who am I? And if not now, when?” “You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” One of the fundamental tenets of Judaism is tikkun olam, repairing the world. You’re here to leave the world better than you found it. That’s your job.]
the first exception to that rule-- the idea that everyone’s working with the same building blocks of potential--  is the Maidens, who have access to old magic. 
the second is Penny, who was created with a purpose. 
Which is to say that in the parlance of the show, Penny’s a superhero twice over, even in a world already populated by them. Second, later, because she chose to take on Fria’s mantle (the protector of mantle, they call her). but first, and fundamentally, because Penny was designed, not born. And her project was greenlit with a particular task in mind: to save the world. she tells Ruby as much, when she comes out.
Penny’s base story surrogate is clearly Pinocchio, and the argument for Astro Boy is incredibly compelling. all of these characters share a basic premise: they are the lifeless made living; theory made praxis. A concept made real.
in other words, they are golems.
as anyone who’s read The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay will tell you, if you scratch just about any superhero created by Jews in the 30s hard enough, you’ll find a golem underneath. a golem is an automaton, an avatar of mud and clay whose purpose is to protect a (Jewish) community; something powerful designed to shelter the powerless. you activate it by writing a word on its forehead: EMET. truth.
[if that sounds like superhero shit, well, that’s because it is. truth, justice, and the Atlesian American Way. “you plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and say no. you move.” holding up the last beacon of communication, just to get the message out. because people need to know what’s coming.]
the thing about golems, though, is that they have this habit of turning on their creators. the classic golem does not think for itself, so-- sometimes it takes its orders too literally, and goes too far. sometimes it just gets too powerful, too strong, and refuses to be controlled. they get dangerous, and have to be stopped.
but that paradigm takes for granted that the golem’s creators are in the right. that they’re the wise rabbis, the ones with the best interests of the people at heart. and as we know, Mr. Teeth has never met a trope they didn’t want to subvert.
so what happens when that’s not the case? when the creator is reckless and paranoid, and a little too trigger-happy with their creation? well, then the golem has to decide whether saving Atlas means saving the people, or the place. because that’s the choice: follow the letter of the law, even if it allows harm to happen, or act in the spirit of the law, even if that means breaking it.
in other words, to become a vigilante.
if ONLY there were a GENRE OF FICTION that was, like, OBSESSED with vigilantes, what IS it, it’s on the TIP OF MY TONGUE...
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1-highscore · 4 years
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New high score on Astro Rabby (Game Boy) by Larquey 6,910 https://ift.tt/2XOJyaO
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laresearchette · 2 years
Sunday, May 01, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE PREMIERES?: THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA (Slice) 8:00pm NAKED AND AFRAID XL (Discovery Channel Canada) 8:00pm THE COLOR OF CARE (Smithsonian Channel) 8:00pm VICE (Crave) 8:00pm I LOVE THAT FOR YOU (Crave) 8:30pm STANLEY TUCCI: SEARCHING FOR ITALY (CNN) 9:00pm NOMAD WITH CARLTON MCCOY (CNN) 10:00pm ZIWE (Crave) 11:00pm
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT DUNCANVILLE (FOX Feed/Premiering on May 08 on City TV at 7:00pm) RIDLEY ROAD (PBS Feed) THE FAST HISTORY OF... (Premiering on May 02 on History Channel Canada at 10:00pm) WELCOME HOME NIKKI GLASER? (Premiering on May 02 on E! Canada at 10:00pm) ALOHA WITH LOVE (Premiering on May 07 on Super Channel Heart & Home at 8:00pm) LOST CITIES OF THE JUNGLE (TBD - Science)
CRAVE TV VICE (Season 3, Episode 1)
IIHF WORLD UNDER 18 CHAMPIONSHIP (TSN) 8:30am: Bronze Medal (TSN) 12:30pm: Gold Medal
NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS (SN1) 1:00pm: Bucks vs. Celtics  - Game #1
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:30pm: Astros vs. Jays (SN Now) 2:00pm: Yankees vs. Royals (SN1) 4:00pm: Tigers vs. Dodgers (TSN2) 7:00pm: Phillies vs. Mets
NHL HOCKEY (TSN3) 2:00pm: Kraken vs. Jets
ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL (CBC) 7:00pm (SEASON FINALE): It's Christmas in Darrowby and Helen and James realize they haven't agreed on where they're spending Christmas Day; a beloved local pet falls ill.
THE FABULOUS SHOW WITH FAY AND FLUFFY (Family Channel Jr.) 7:00pm/7:10pm: Fay and Fluffy talk about how sometimes people do things others may think are odd, but when it comes to being a good friend and making new ones, it's best to ask questions and get to know them better.  In Episode Two, Fay and Fluffy explore the magic of music; special guest Sook-Yin Lee comes to visit and leads an interactive jam session with everyday items, showing that anyone can make music with anything.
FIRE MASTERS (Food Network Canada) 7:00pm: Three chefs bring their signature dish in the Wildfire Round; in the Crossfire Round, it's stout versus IPA.
SHERLOCK (CBC) 8:00pm: A whirlwind adventure and the return of arch-nemesis Moriarty lead John to believe that Sherlock is dead.
PORTRAIT ARTIST OF THE YEAR (Makeful) 9:00pm: Barry Humphries
MLS SOCCER (TSN5) 10:00pm: LAFC vs. Minnesota
ISLAND OF BRYAN (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm: The Baeumlers encounter roadblocks with the build as they look towards an uncertain living situation; Bryan's parents visit Florida.
THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND (History Canada) 10:00pm: Marty Lagina makes an incredible discovery on Oak Island; on the other side of the Atlantic, Rick finds evidence that could tie the Knights Templar to the construction of the Money Pit.
LANDSCAPE ARTIST OF THE YEAR (Makeful) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  Joan Bakewell and Frank Skinner find the nation's best landscape painter.
CAL FIRE (Discovery Channel Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): The first major fire of the year erupts in Southern California, and engineer Dudley risks missing his daughter's birthday; in Redding, Station 43 gets a call to put down a fast-moving blaze in an area filled with dangerous power lines.
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rosarabbit · 7 years
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“Astro Kitty” prints are officially up on the store.  You can buy them here: Red Velvet Rabbit The larger poster sized one is not available online yet. I currently do not have the proper shipping materials for one of that size, but the smaller ones are ready to go.
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gaygamer · 7 years
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The gorgeous image above showcases the front and back covers of the instruction manual that accompanied copies of a 1990 Japanese GameBoy game called Astro Rabby.
Although the illustration on the back cover (left) is pretty great, the interior of Astro Rabby’s manual features a number of others that are similarly stunning.
You can see them in all their glory--along with the rest of this intriguing booklet’s content--by checking out my latest “Manual Stimulation” blog post. 
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gamephd-wallpapers · 6 years
Play Astro Rabby (Japan)
Play Astro Rabby (Japan)
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Nominate for Retro Game of the Day!
Play Astro Rabby (Japan) Online
Play this GB game in your web browser, here on GamePhD! Use Chrome/Firefox if Internet Explorer doesn’t load the game.
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