#astrology is real
middlenamesage · 9 months
Thinking about how women, on the whole, have been more open to astrology in these modern times since it’s been shunned by science and religion. That unfortunately also works to the advantage of people who would like to keep astrology known as just a silly, dumb girl hobby.
But astrology has been around in all cultures since before all major religions. People have always sensed that we can look to the sky, containing the macrocosm outside this microcosm, for understanding.
I wonder what that says about women that they have been more open to believing in this connection we have with the cosmos (and nature) than men have been?
I think that merely on a physical level, womens’ bodies have a deeper connection with the cosmos. We have cycles that can sync with the Moon, and we are the sex that brings life from the spiritual to the physical realms, which is a very intimate encounter with sacred forces. Because our bodies are made for an even more intimate connection with nature and the cosmos, I think our minds evolved that way too. I think that on average, we have more developed intuition, and we are more concerned with nurturing life, so we can have a more developed interest and/or ability to see connections between life and natural phenomena.
Black Moon Lilith is still in nearly an exact conjunction with Venus retrograde in Leo, so female empowerment is the name of the game right now. 🖤 I know I’ve been having many thoughts the last few days relating to the natural powers that women have, so I wanted to share some as they relate to womens’ relationship with astrology.
Bask in your primal power today, lovelies!
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littledigest · 1 year
The Long Game. Personal experiences with Planetary Transits and Returns.
Original Post Date: Sunday, February 26, 2023 Last Revised: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 See Results, Journal at the bottom for my personal experiences.
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Pluto will enter Aquarius for the first time since the late 1700s on March 23, 2023. It will retrograde back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius until officially settling into Aquarius on November 19, 2024. Pluto in Aquarius will last until March 9, 2043.
Q: Why am I using myself as an experiment?
A: I am a major Aquarian.
Sun in Aquarius 28 degrees
Moon in Aquarius 13 degrees
Mercury in Aquarius 3 degrees
Uranus in Aquarius 2 degrees
Juno in Aquarius 15 degrees
Descendant in Aquarius 25 degrees
That means Pluto will transit all 5 of these bodies plus more by conjunction over the next 20 years of my life in this order:
BONUS: Neptune in Capricorn 26 degrees 5th
Uranus in Aquarius 2 degrees 6th
Mercury in Aquarius 3 degrees 6th
Moon in Aquarius 13 degrees 6th
Juno in Aquarius 15 degrees 6th
Descendant in Aquarius 25 degrees 7th
Sun in Aquarius 28 degrees 7th
BONUS: Mars in Pisces 1 degree 7th
Next, I will keep track of my planetary returns, most famously my Saturn return.
I listed all the returns of the following planets until 2030: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter (my next Jupiter return isn't until 2031, age 35), and Saturn.
I compared the lists and matched up any relatively close dates.
Mercury Return 2/13/23 + Venus Return 2/28/23 (age 26/27)
Venus Return 3/6/25 + Saturn Return 3/27/25 (age 29)
Mars Return 3/4/26 + Venus Return 3/14/26 (age 30)
Mars Return 2/12/28 + Venus Return 2/16/28 (age 31)
Mercury Return 1/5/29, 1/8/29, 2/26/29 (age 32/33)
End Notes
I will revisit this post to update you on major life events to gain more insight into astrology, Pluto transits, planetary returns, and myself.
Some events I'll be looking out for are:
Career changes
Moving out
This is THE LONG GAME, which will last from age 27/28 to 47. A total of 20 years.
Wish me luck! I wish all of you luck as well :)
Results, Journal
Pluto conjunct natal Mercury-Uranus-Neptune [first posted 2/26/23]
Mercury Return and Venus Return [first posted 3/7/23]
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taratarotgreene · 6 months
The Met Gala 2024 Astrology is Real
Astrology is real. The Met Gala announced its 2024 Theme as “Sleeping Beauties” as Venus entered her home sign of fashionable Libra. https://www.vogue.com/article/spring-2024-costume-institute-exhibition-sleeping-beauties-reawakening-fashion Venus rules Taurus-rich luxurious fabrics and jewels. Saturn is in Pisces, Saturn is old things, antiques and Pisces rules dreams and endings. Venus is…
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astrobydalia · 1 year
My bestie (Taurus Venus+Capricorn Moon) was looking for restaurants we can go eat and she goes “Nah these place only has 4 stars, that’s not enough” 😭
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thiswitchyweirdo · 7 months
This is important to me lol but the bassist in ghost has the same birthday as me and his wife’s birthday is the same as my best friend’s :(((
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ankhmeanswombman · 10 months
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esotericfaery · 5 months
Mercury enters Capricorn & Venus enters Scorpio (December 2023) [Info. and Affirmations]
Dec. 1st, as Mercury (rx) leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn, we switch from feeling adventurous and playful, more into focus towards long term goals. We’re more practical, organized, a grounded into physical realism, and less fun-loving jokester. Humour changes from silliness to a more subtle form; sarcasm.
We’re also less likely to get caught up in pretension or inconsistent behaviour. Philosophy changes from exploring a wide range of topics or options, to the precision of what’s most essential. We get to the point, knowing our ambitions are best conquered most efficiently this way.
Watch out for ourselves and others, as cold, harsh behaviour is experienced. Not particularly expressive, Capricorn can be cautious, and may even seem guarded. We should attempt to not have tunnel vision, and to not allow cold behaviours.
For those who do any sort of teaching and guiding as work, we will enjoy this stable and focused energy. It’s great for getting tasks and projects finished faster, and better than when Mercury was in Sagittarius.
How effectively are we communicating both within and without? We’ll have time to work with dependable Capricorn, and figure it out.
We’ll also have a bit of a break from that energy, as Mercury hops back to Sagittarius on the 23rd, then surfs back into Capricorn on Jan. 14th. Mercury gets out the protest signs for Aquarius on Feb. 5th, around the time He finishes His rx exit shadow.
Dec. 4th, Venus leaves one of it’s home signs, Libra the balancer, for mysterious, unpredictable Scorpio. Venus will be there until She meets up with Sagittarius on Dec. 29th.
Passions flare like white water rapids, as the superficial just isn’t appealing, and anything mediocre is viewed with disdain.
Intensely unforgettable romance often happens when Venus is in Scorpio. Scorpio is either all in, or has no interest. You will lose the trust or devotion of someone with Scorpio prominent if you don’t speak clearly about your thoughts and emotions. This is an energy where it can be difficult to trust others, even with no tangible evidence that lack of trust is warranted. Even while Scorpio can be secretive in order to avoid vulnerability, any vague energy from loved ones can be perceived as feeling that person could be hiding something that is important to know. Don’t shut others out, and work consciously to not get shut out.
We can’t help but to have some level of suspicion towards at least some loved ones, though particularly towards those we don’t know well. At the same time, we become engaged in deep, even darker art and activities. Even the profoundly disturbing can have quite the appeal.
Whether dealing with a romantic situation, or anything else, channel in some of that cautious, stable Capricorn energy, as not only Mercury, but Pluto (obsession, domination, mutation, transformation, enterprise, construction) is in Capricorn. The Sun also enters Capricorn on Dec. 21st, amping up the goats energy.
Dec. 3rd-6th, Venus in Scorpio square Pluto in Capricorn (exact first day) - affirm: If I feel socially manipulated and like I want to be rude, I know I have to conform to what others are doing for now. I compromise and work on obstacles, knowing I can express myself later.
Dec. 7th-14th, Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (exact on 12th) - affirm: To maintain the peace, I smooth over feelings for now, knowing that after this transit, something more serious can be discussed.
Dec. 10th-12th, Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (precisely exact on the 10th) - affirm: If I’m sure to be gracious and tolerant, I know I can expand my social life elegantly. I’m careful to not overindulge or show off, as I have a good time. I’m careful to not overspend, be pretentious, or count on more than I could get in business or a social situation.
Dec. 19th-23rd Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (exact on 21st) - affirm: If I meet someone unusual and alluring, I know not to count on anything long-term. Though others may be crass, I’m determined to be agreeable and can attain interest. I avoid being emotionally unstable, knowing this can cause disaster.
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the signs as;
Aries: Ice Pick Joe
Taurus: Goncharov
Gemini: Valery Mikhailov
Cancer: Sofia
Leo: Katya
Virgo: Sofia
Libra: The Clocks
Scorpio: Martin Scorsese
Sagittarius: Ice Pick Joe
Capricorn: Andrey
Aquarius: Matteo JWHJ0715
Pisces: Goncharov
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hex-rated-thoughts · 2 years
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1eos · 9 months
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this is blowing my mind bc just the other day elsie pointed out an idea i had was so inflammatory 😭😭😭😭
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middlenamesage · 3 months
I think peoples’ failure to make sense of how astrology could have valid connections to our lives, especially when they’re having trouble wrapping their head around how ALL the planets and everything out there could play in, is that they’re looking at it from the angle of “how could all this different stuff AFFECT us?” That’s not the right angle to be looking at it from. We are part of a web which interconnects everything in existence, so what is out there in the cosmos MIRRORS us, it doesn’t “affect” us.
Science currently operates from a very human/ego centric view that doesn’t recognize the interconnection of everything though, so don’t expect it to even realize how distorted the lens has been anytime soon. We aren’t the fully self-standing beings we think we are, but this misconception is what makes us inclined to ask “how could *other source* be having an effect on me?” It’s not having an effect on you; it is you! (in a sense!) Man is a microcosm within the macrocosm. The dynamics above mirror the dynamics below, which trickles all the way down to microcosms as “micro” as an individual life.
We all are reflections of the divine energetic order in the UNIverse, where all parts form a single whole. But we each reflect this order from a unique vantage point. 💖
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littledigest · 2 years
Evidence that Astrology is Real (or maybe just coincidences? 👀)
I've been keeping track of Pluto transits in relation to my natal chart. Here's a recent list of things that I've experienced personally that seem to match what was happening in my life at the time.
When I graduated from college:
Transit Pluto was sextile my natal Boston 58221 when I graduated from college. Boston is where my school was. It was also conjunct Svyaztie 37556 (ties) and sextile Atropos 273 (cutting of ties, endings).
It was also conjunct the last name asteroid of my roommate and close friend from school too. She and I are still friends, though, so no cutting ties there
When my cousin got married/ quarantine:
Transit Pluto was semi-sextile Philagoria 274 (fond of assembly) when quarantine was in place. When it was ok to start meeting again, my family/relatives and I met even more often than we usually did pre-covid. We also all got together for a virtual and in-person wedding ceremony for my cousin. Lots of meeting up (safely, of course). My sibling, who was living away at the time, came back home too.
When my friend moved away:
Transit Pluto was trine my friend's name asteroid when we found out she was moving away.
When I started an animation class:
Transit Pluto was conjunct natal Neptune EXACTLY on the first day of 3D animation class. This was kind of an impulsive-ish decision for me, and I only found out about this transit after I started. Neptune has to do with film, illusion, arts, etc. It was a pretty big decision for me to even do this in the first place.
It's funny cause I also made a note three months earlier that I was thinking about animation and coding pretty seriously, and at this time, it was also very closely conjunct Neptune. But it went retrograde and then came back again for my first class.
Also, worth noting that my Neptune is in Capricorn in 5th conjunct my 6th house cusp. Animation (and coding) requires creativity (5th), but it is also highly technical, and you need a lot of patience (6th). I seriously thought about this as a career option (Capricorn). But it didn't happen 😕
Near the end of the course, I wanted it to end so bad because I had no real free time. Last day of class had transit Pluto sextile Eleutheria 567 (freedom, liberty).
When I first started writing about astrology:
Transit Pluto was square Coelum 15388 (heavens, sky) and square Stargazer 8958 (someone who looks at stars).
Thinking of making posts about "astrology evidence" from time to time.
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 years
My Gemini mars is at 4°44. Today when transiting mars was 4°40 I got stung by a bee 😭😥
On my pinky finger 😭😭😭
I kid you not.
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taratarotgreene · 1 year
Jupiter at last degree Pisces, World's largest free standing Aquarium bursts
Jupiter at last degree Pisces, World’s largest free standing Aquarium bursts
Ah, Astrology I love it, and it is so literal. I just came across this news item. In Berlin Germany a huge free-standing Aquarium, the largest in the world burst open, at 5:45 a.m. December 16, 2022. Around 1 million litres of water poured into the hotel and street area, together with the 1,500 fish hosted in it, devastating the interior of the hotel and causing a large-scale deployment of rescue…
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cuntyko · 1 year
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its so funny how I don't see it myself but people always complement my hair... like it could be looking crazy and people will complement it like.... thats how I really know I am a Leo rising
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But is anyone surprised that Hope Sandoval is a Cancer??
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