#at any given moment i am ready to slap someone upside the head
klanced · 6 years
Wtf is it about VLD that leads to fans who get so goddamn worked up about literally anything? Like, the harassment of a VA is an extreme example and I know most people aren't like that, but so much of this fandom is, like, fucking rabid. To the point that I'm not surprised this happened. And I can't figure out why.
At the risk of sounding like a middle-aged white psychology professor, a lot of it has to do with the “Tumblr Phenomenon.”
People tend to overshare a lot on this website. Which makes sense, it’s a blogging platform, and blogs tend to be public diaries. It’s only natural that we dump our personalities all over the place.
But as a result, people are becoming more expectant of reveals. One reason for this is because we’re all kind of young and still coming into ourselves; people expect each other to list their age, gender, sexuality, pronouns, etc because most people are still discovering those things in real time. We’re all sort of voyeurs to each other’s personal journeys, and it shows in our demands for transparency.
People don’t just feel compelled to state their opinions; it’s demanded of them.
But in this like, clogged sea of opinions, it’s hard to stand out. And that’s one of the reasons why social media is so big, right? Because we’re all chasing that feeling of validation. We all want to be acknowledged, we all want to be seen and heart and treated as important. Tumblr is very good at inflating that false sense of importance.
Which is why our actions started to become performative. Yeah, we’re speaking our mind, but we’re couching it in the most entertaining way possible. It’s easier to sell something if it’s been softened with a meme. People are so desperate to be looked to, but we’re also all kids who need some kind of authority figure to point us in the right direction, and that’s why once blogs start gaining a little momentum they tend to end up as Big Name Blogs. But I’m getting sidetracked.
We’re all overdramatic dumbasses. To put it bluntly. There is no such thing as a “happy medium” anymore; we swing between extremes because that’s the only kind of response that’s accepted. Have you ever noticed how many people in this fandom talk like anime villains?? And it’s a given that every fandom has a few poisoned apples, but is it really a surprise how vitriolic these people are now?
Listen, I’m a Poli Sci major, and I am itching to draw a comparison between the rise of anonymous clowns in fandom with the rise in online hate speech as social media grants a platform to voices that were better left in the dark, but like. This response is already long enough and I’m really tired.
TLDR: When you look at the history of this website, specifically at the antics of the fandoms its hosted, you notice growing trends in terms of dramatic speech and extreme hate. In hindsight, it’s obvious we were always headed in this direction; the only thing we can do now is think as individuals about where we want to go now, and how we’re going to do it. Something that’s ridiculously hard to actually achieve.
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
Little Lion | Ron x Reader
Prompt as requested by 2 anons: Naturally as a Slytherin, you exude confidence and intimidation. Ron Weasley, on the other hand, not so much. But that’s what made you so attracted to the other, much to everyone else’s surprise. Question is will he muster up the courage to ask you to go to the Yule Ball with him?
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: IMPORTANT NOTE: I know, I know, I know, the Yule Ball is only around for the Triwizard Tournament, but let’s pretend like it doesn’t exist just then!! I wanted to age everyone up to year six and give Ron and opportunity to redeem himself from the robes his mother sent him hehe. I literally am a fucking fiend for Ron Weasley, my love for him should be ILLEGAL. Ron content on here is MINIMAL TO NONE! If anyone has any great fic recs for Ron, PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY. LOOK AT THAT MOTHERFUCKER!! I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
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All it took was for you to walk down the hall to get people to look at you and start whispering between each other. It wasn’t a bad thing at all, in fact you quite liked it. You were a confident girl and sometimes that confidence intimidated people. It gave you this sense of power that you liked to use when you needed something out of someone. Not to mention the people you surrounded yourself with in your house were also quite intimidating people, one of them being Draco Malfoy. 
You and Draco were best friends, a dynamic duo of sorts. People thought that you two would end up together, falling madly in love. But Draco was like your brother. He took you under his wing when you got Hogwarts and he was the person who helped you unlock that unfaltering confidence within you. Besides, Draco and you’s personalities clashed too much for it to work with you. You were both dominant, confident, intimidating people; Both of you needed to be in control at all times. Far too similar. 
Instead, you took a liking to people who were more reserved. People who thought before they acted upon their impulses. You needed someone who balanced you out. But someone who could dominate you and keep you at bay when you needed it. Only problem was people like that were scared of you or found you unapproachable. Which you understood, but at the same time, you wished that those people could suck it up and make a move.
As you walked down the hall today, Draco made his way next to you. “We should skip Potions today,” he states as you roll your eyes. Sometimes Draco kept this cool boy act up too much and you knew he was a big softie on the inside and he actually enjoyed school more than he liked to admit. “Seriously. We could ditch Slughorn’s class and hang out in the common room or by the Black Lake,” he tries to tempt you.
“Dray, we’re going to class whether you like it or not,” you speak as you continue to walk to class, Draco groaning when you tell him this. “Slughorn is may be old, but he says valuable things,” you push his shoulder.
The blonde boy just sighs. “I hate when you’re right.”
The both of you walk into Potions class, your face lighting up when you see that your other friends from Slytherin were already in class, awaiting your arrival. You grab a seat with Draco on your right and Pansy on your left. Pansy already starts gossiping about people who you could honestly care less about, but you give her the attention she wants anyway, her being one of your closest girl friends in the school. 
As she blabs on about some poor girl from Hufflepuff that she picked on during lunch, you watch as some Gryffindors enter the classroom, your eyes sticking on the Weasley boy. Ron Weasley was someone who you watched from afar. He was one of those boys who had that boyish charm that made you blush. The ginger was funny, for sure, but he had thoughtful and kind mannerisms that made your heart flutter when you watched him. You picked up on how he would notice when Granger would get distressed and he would offer her a sweet from his backpack that he had stored for occasions like this. You watched how he always packed more than one quill because Potter always managed to forget his. You watched how his eyes widened with fear when Slughorn would talk about how Potions can go wrong quickly, the Weasley boy fearfully concocting his. All of those little ticks made you develop a little crush on him after months of watching him.
Ron sat down in his typical seat next to Hermione and Harry, but he could feel a set of eyes on him from the moment he walked into the classroom. “Is she looking at me?” he nervously asks Harry. 
Harry glances over in your direction, watching that your eyes were glued on Potter’s best friend. When you notice Harry looking at you, you quickly turn away and pay attention to Pansy who continues to ramble. “She was,” Harry reports back. Ron nervously groans. “Oh come on, maybe she has a crush on you.”
“I highly doubt it. I bet she’s planning how to rip my heart out of my chest and then serve it to Malfoy on a silver platter,” his voice cracks. “She scares me.”
Hermione rolls her eyes, “Oh, please, Ronald. Just because the girl is confident and knows what she wants doesn’t make her scary; it makes her smart. I don’t know why she would have a crush on someone like you.”
Ron just looks at Hermione. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he exclaims.
With a huff, Hermione turns to Ron and Harry. “It means I’m surprised that she doesn’t have a crush on someone like Draco or Blaise Zabini. She likes someone like you, Ronald. Merlin, I didn’t think I would have to spell it out for you,” she turns back to the board, ready to start class. 
Your conversation with Pansy is interrupted when Professor Slughorn appear in front of the classroom and starts class, telling you to get into pairs. You turn to Draco, who was always your partner, Pansy with Blaise, Crabbe with Goyle. Everyone in the class regardless of their houses worked with the same people. Slughorn notices this and asks, “How about we switch it up and work with different people?” This earns a chorus of groans from the class. “I’m glad all of you are so eager to work with each other,” he says sarcastically. “I’ll assign the partners.” This earns more groans from the class.
Slughorn starts to pair people up with each other. You start to think that Slughorn is trying to make drama in the class when he starts. “Parkinson and Potter,” he announces.
“You’re bloody joking,” Pansy huffs making you laugh with Draco, making Pansy turn beet red. She grabs her things and moves to a work table in the back of the classroom. 
Slughorn continues to rattle off names of unlikely duos. “Miss Granger and Mr. Malfoy,” Slughorn continues as you have to stifle your laugher and Draco whispers multiple profanities, slapping your shoulder, him grabbing his things in a huff. Hermione was definitely not happy about this pairing either as she has a scared look on her face as she looks at Ron before she moves to the back tables. “Miss (Y/L/N) and Mr. Weasley,” Slughorn announces.
Your heart quite literally stops and Ron looks like a deer in headlights. You did not expect this pair to happen. You can hear Draco cackling in the back of the classroom as you whip your head around. “Shut it, you nitwit,” you spit at him as he continues to laugh. You grab all of your belongings and make your way to a back table as Ron follows. Draco is still laughing, so you waste no time, slapping him upside the head, him letting out an ow! as you do so. “Bloody moron,” you huff at him before plopping down at a table with a shy Ron next to you. It is awkward. 
Slughorn calls out the last few partners before giving you the assignment for the  day. After he finished speaking, the class is silent for a long beat before the small chatter beings. You turn to Ron and offer him a small smile which he nervously reciprocate. The poor bloke is afraid of me, you think too yourself. “-so-”
The both of you talk at the same time. “You go,” you insist to Ron.
He shakes his head. “No, no, go ahead, I don’t even know what I was going to say, something stupid probably,” he tells you. His comment makes you lightly laugh. You suggest how you should start the task given. “Yep, much smarter than what I was going to say.”
You laugh again, “I’m sure what you were going to say was not stupid, Ron.” You had him a few vials of liquids needed to craft this potion. He carefully takes them from your hands and you notice how he actively avoids touching his hands against yours as if they were poison. Your heart kind of sinks at this. Were you that intimidating to him? You start, “You know,” you grab a pair of gloves, “I don’t bite. I know other people in the school say otherwise, but I’m not that bad.”
Ron gives you a genuine smile and laughs, looking down as his feet. “I’m sure you don’t,” he tells you as you blush lightly. “I guess pretty girls scare me.” Your heart rate picks up at the compliment, gulping a little bit, not making eye contact, too scare to. This was so unlike yourself. Ron clears his throat, “Anyway, let’s start, shall we?”
Within thirty minutes, you and Ron have completed all of the assignments for today’s class. You still had thirty minutes left of class, but Slughorn comes over. “Everything looks right to me!” he exclaims with excitement. “Well done, Miss (Y/L/N) and Mr. Weasley! Since you’ve completed your work, I can dismiss you early from class!” 
“What? That’s rubbish!” yells Draco from the other side of the room. You stick your tongue out at him before grabbing your things and thanking Slughorn for the great class. 
You and Ron exit the class. “Job well done, indeed,” you laugh as you nudge Ron’s shoulder as he laughs. The two of you walk side by side down the hall. “Um, well, I guess I’ll see you around, Weasley.”
Starting to walk in the opposite direction, you hear Ron call, “Wait! Uh...” You turn around to see Ron behind you. “I have nothing to do for the rest of the day, and I was, um, do you wanna hang out by the Black Lake? I had snacks that I stole from the kitchen this morning.”
You cannot prevent the smile that forms across your lips. “Yeah, sounds fun.”
Ron’s lips form a cheeky grin. “Wicked.”
The two of you made your way to the Black Lake, making small talk here and there until you reached your destination. The both of you sat side by side on the grass as Ron handed you a bag of crisps from his backpack as you thank him for the snack. “So,” he starts, “this might be a weird question, but...why are you friends with people like Malfoy and Parkinson?”
You smile and lightly laugh at the question. “Draco and I are like siblings. He’s the brother I never had. When I got to Hogwarts, as hard as it may be to believe, I was really shy. I didn’t talk to many people and he took me under his wing. He helped me find my voice. I owe that to him. But that’s all that Draco and I are. Friends,” you stress, trying to express that you and Draco’s relationship was simply platonic. Ron nods. “Pansy on the other hand, she and I became friends because of Draco, but to be honest, she annoys me more than she does entertain me.”
This makes Ron laugh. “I thought I was the only one who found her dreadful,” he chuckles.
“What about you? Why are you friends with Harry and Hermione?” you ask him before munching on a chip.
Ron takes a deep breath in. “Like you said, Harry’s my brother. He gets me into deep shit, but he’s my brother.” You laugh at his passing joke, Ron looking at you out of the corner of his eye. “But seriously, Harry and I met on the train to Hogwarts. He and I have been inseparable since. Hermione, on the other hand, butt her way into Harry and I’s friendship. Again, she gets me into some deep shit, too, but here I am...The two of them are much braver than I am though, so I don’t quite understand why they think I’m a good addition to this team.”
You nudge his shoulder. “I disagree with that,” you speak truthfully. “You’re a Gryffindor! You’re like a lion,” you shimmy your shoulders, making him laugh.
“A little lion,” he retorts. 
“More of a lion than I am,” you counter, making him blush.
More classes like this came along. You and Ron partnered up and finished your assignment for the day early, escaping class to hang out by the lake, eat snacks, and clown around. The more time you spent with Ron, the more comfortable you were with each other. But most of your interactions were limited to Potions class and your Blake Lake encounters. Other than that, you hung out with different people, spend your free time doing different things. This made you both cherish your private moments more. 
You sat by the Black Lake today, eating biscuits that your mom sent in a parcel to you. As you munched, you spoke, “The Yule Ball is coming up.” The mention of the Yule Ball makes the both of you tense. Neither of you had dates yet and you both secretly hoped the other wanted to go with each other. “You reckon you know who you want to ask?”
Ron munches on his biscuit quietly before swallowing. “Not really,” he lies through his teeth. I want to take you, Ron thinks. “What about you?” You shake your head no. I want to go with you, you think. “I’m sure you’ll have someone ask you, (Y/N). How could you not get a date? Look at you,” he tells you as you blush. 
You wanted to scream at him to ask you. That you wanted him to take you to the Yule Ball so you didn’t have to go with someone like Crabbe or Goyle. But you don’t. You just sit and finish your biscuit. “I think I’m gonna head back,” you confess, not really wanting to stay any longer with Ron no matter how much you actually wanted to capitalize on your time with him. 
As you rise, Ron watches you gather your things. You bloody idiot, just say it, he thinks to himself. Mustering up all of the confidence he has, Ron stands up and stops you. “(Y/N)?” he asks, stopping you from walking away from him. You look at the Weasley, waiting for him to say something. Anything. Ron takes a deep breath in and then says, “Go to the Yule Ball with me.”
Your heart flutters and the biggest smile appears on your face followed by beet red cheeks. Ron stares at you, relishing in how beautiful you look in this moment with kind eyes and rosy cheeks. “Okay. Yes,” you shake your head, making Ron smile wide.
“Brilliant,” he whispers, picking up his bag, walking back to the castle with you. “I’m glad you said yes.”
Nudging his shoulder, you tease, “Well, you didn’t make it a question, little lion.” Ron chuckles. “I would have said yes either way,” you admit.
The Yule Ball rolled around and you were ball of nerves and excitement. You couldn’t wait to just go downstairs and see Ron and spend the evening with him. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time, smoothing your hands over the satin crimson fabric of your dress. You smiled to yourself, you chose this dress mostly because of how beautiful it was, but also knowing it was the colors of Gryffindor. You wanted everyone to know who you were at the dance with. You were wearing these colors with pride tonight. 
Before you made your way to the ball, you met up with Draco. “Wow,” he claps as you walk towards him, you rolling your eyes. “You look stunning,” Draco tells you as you smile.
“You look fine,” you shrug as Draco teasingly slapping your shoulder. “I’m kidding, Malfoy, you look great.”
Draco offers you his arm as you both make your way to the hall where the Ball was. “I never asked you,” Draco says, “who was the lucky bloke who asked you?”
As you turn the corner to the hall, there Ron was, dressed in a black suit with a jacket that was a smidge too big on him. Probably a hand-me-down from Fred or George. Regardless, Ron looked handsome as ever. Your heart thumped out of your chest when you saw him. “Him,” you whisper breathlessly. 
Draco chuckles at first because he thinks you’re kidding. “You’re going with a Weasley?” he asks in disbelief. You ignore his snide comment, disjoining you from Draco, and you walk over to Ron. Draco turns to Zabini, “Did you know she was going with Weasley?” Zabini shakes his head. “What has gotten into her?”
Ron feels as if he may faint. You looked absolutely breathtaking in your dress of crimson, hair perfectly falling to frame your face. He felt like a fish out of water in his older brother’s old suit, but his thoughts were pushed aside when you approached him. “You are gorgeous,” he blurts, making you blush. “I can’t believe you’re my date,” he lightly laughs, grabbing your hand. “I’m the luckiest guy here.”
Smiling at the boy in front of you, you squeeze his hand. “I can’t believe you’re my date,” you confess. “I have the kindest, handsomest boy as my date to the Yule Ball.” Ron blushes a deep shade of red, almost matching your dress. “You want to go in, lion?” you call him his nickname. Ron nods and guides you inside to the ball. 
The Yule Ball was fun for the first hour and a half. But soon enough you grew tired of dancing and jumping around. Ron looked over at you and spoke over the music, “You wanna get out of here?” You don’t even have to answer him, you just grab his hand and start making your way out. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he laughs. 
When you are outside of the hall, Ron tells you, “Give me one minute. I need to grab something from my room before we go. I’ll be right back.”
You watch him leave, a big smile on your face as you smooth out the material of your dress. This night felt nothing short of magical. Ron was a gentleman, making you laugh, dancing with you the whole night, making sure you were comfortable. He was perfect.
“You went to the ball with Weasley? (Y/N), you can do so much better,” Pansy laughs from behind you. “He’s a complete git.” Anger starts to rise in your chest. “You really could have anyone in this school and you chose the man who wears his brothers’ old clothes. He can barely stand up for himself, he has to let Granger fight his battles for him.”
“Will you shut it, Parkinson?” you snap. “Just because Draco didn’t ask you to the Yule Ball doesn’t mean you have to pick on everyone else’s dates because you are unhappy that you had to settle for Goyle. It’s not my fault that you get upset when people are happier than you. So how about this? Keep your opinions to yourself, because I can assure you no one wants to hear them. Not me, not Draco, no one.” Pansy’s face turns sheet white. “I like Ron. I think he’s brilliant. And I’m going to enjoy my night with him.”
The silence between you is deafening when you finish. Pansy just stares at you as you catch your breath from yelling at her. You hear someone clear their throat behind you. Spinning around, you see Ron behind you. You wished you could feel embarrassed right now, but you don’t. You just grab his hand and leave a shocked Pansy behind. “Merlin, remind me not to make you angry,” Ron diffuses the situation, brilliantly. You laugh at him before intertwining your fingers, leaving the Ball behind and escaping to your signature spot.
Draco leaves the hall and sees you leaving with Ron, hands clasped together. “Can you believe her?” Pansy asks Draco.
Draco just looks at Pansy. “I don’t care who she’s with. As long as she’s happy and they make her happy. That’s all you should care about too,” he speaks before walking away from Pansy with Crabbe and Goyle not too far behind him.
Soon, you and Ron arrive to Black Lake and sit beside each other on the grass in your ball attire, not caring if it gets dirty at this point. You look out at the lake as it shimmers in the moonlight. The night was beautiful. Just chilly. Ron immediately notices you shiver and without hesitation, he takes off his suit jacket and places it over your shoulders. “You don’t have to,” you insist.
“Yes, I do. Don’t want you to get sick now, do we?” Ron smiles at you, wrapping an arm behind you carefully as you lean into him. 
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence, you resting your head on his shoulder as he lays his head on yours. “What did you have to grab from your room?” you curiously ask him. 
You can feel Ron smile against your hair. “Reach into my jacket pocket. The left one.” You do so and pull out a small red rose. Its petals were lightly crushed from being pushed into his suit jacket pocket. You look up at Ron, eyebrows furrowed as if to say what’s this all about? “I wanted to get you a whole bouquet, but they wouldn’t have fit in my pocket,” he jokes as you laugh. “I like you, (Y/N). A lot. I like spending time with you and being around you. You make me happy. So, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend?” 
His confidence is palpable. You’d been rubbing off on him. He must have been rubbing off on you because there is a deep shade of red on your cheeks, you feel almost unable to speak. You finally find the words and say, “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend, Weasley.”
Ron smiles big and just gawks at you. “You’re my girlfriend now?”
“I’m your girlfriend,” you repeat as he laughs. “And you’re my little lion now.”
The two of you just look at each other for a moment before he speaks, “I’m going to kiss you...if that’s okay.” You nod your head and close the gap in between you two. The kiss is gentle and his lips are soft against yours. He kisses you like he is afraid of breaking you. His hand cups your cheek, pulling you in closer. You smile lightly into the kiss before pulling away slowly. “Bloody hell,” he whispers, inches from your face. “I’m so glad that this went better than I expected,” he admits as you laugh at your boyfriend.
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heynikkiyousofine · 3 years
The story is finished! Thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement, I’m so happy with the way this little fairytale turned out. Get ready for a new story to come up soon. Enjoy a little epilogue with some smut!
@keichanz @neutronstarchild
Inuyasha felt the barrier fall beneath his fists, his panic growing as the explosion reverberated through the air. Shielding his eyes from the intense light and pinning his ears to his head, he watched as Naraku’s sword fly through the air to land near his feet. He began to frantically call Kagome’s name, having a hard time finding her through the purple haze that filled the air.
Rushing forward, he suddenly became aware of a large tree trunk in his path, the jacaranda leaves falling about him. Long branches covered in lavender surrounded him, pleasing to his nose. He would have spent more time beneath the peaceful branches if he wasn’t searching for the woman he was in love with. Turning around, he caught sight of her, sitting on her knees, her wings quivering behind her, leaning on her hands, breathing heavy, shallow breaths. Her bow lay to her left, her arrows spilling out of its container.
“Kagome! Are you okay?!” He asked as he rushed to her side, desperately searched her for injuries, taking in her sweet scent, only stopping when she began to giggle.
“Inuyasha, I’m okay, I promise.” She sighed happily. She wasn’t sure she could do what she had needed to do just moments ago, feeling Naraku’s evil aura and sickening soul latch onto hers at the last minute. She had driven all her strength in the arrow, then before his body had touched the ground, she took all the power he had absorbed from his sword, combining her own, and formed this gorgeous tree. It was a sight to behold. “Help me up?”
Nodding, swallowing the lump in his throat, he guided her to her feet, both of them raising their heads to the sound of cheers filling the air. As the last of the smoke began to dispel, Inuyasha and Kagome just stood together, as friends, creatures and demons surrounded them, applauding.
“My dear, you were remarkable.” King Toga exclaimed as the came through the small crowd, towards the couple. “Are you injured?” Seeing her shake her head in response, he began to ask what happened. Kagome smiled and told her of how Naraku was seeking power to overthrow each of the royal thrones, absorbing their power into his sword and in the end absorbed it in himself. His soul had been beyond corrupt and she had used her own combined with the deceased’s powers to create the tree that stood tall behind them. Noting to herself, she realized there was a bit of familiarity when she had combined both powers, wondering if her father had been helping her along the way. 
Smiling to herself, she was caught off guard when Sango barreled into her arms, squeezing her tightly. Kaede had managed to get some of her strength back and wasted no time in making her way towards them. Letting go off the happy woman, Kagome raced to her mother’s arms and began to sob uncontrollably, both of them falling to their knees. Rubbing her arms and soothing her cries, Kaede just held her, while everyone began to inspect the damage, cleaning up the bodies and helping the injured. 
“Kagome, breathe child.” Kaede whispering soft words to calm her down. When the sobs had finished racking her small frame, Kagome sat up, wiping her glistening eyes. “Daughter, you are more than I had ever hoped you could be. I’m so proud of you.”
Hearing those words, Kagome began to cry again. She was so glad her mother was alive, she really missed her. 
“Mother, how did you know that I would do it?” Kagome asked, holding Kaede’s hands in their laps, knees still touching.
“You’ve always been a special child, powerful in the many things you did. I knew that without a doubt, that you would’ve done anything in your power to save everyone.”
“What do we do now though? We have no home to go back to.” She sighed sadly, looking around at the remaining burnt cottage.
“Kagome,” King Toga walked towards them, a silent Inuyasha at his right, King Sesshomaru at his left, “You are a royal. The castle and the Eastern Kingdom is yours. You will always have a home in our kingdom as well if you so choose. I have faith you will do what is right.”
Biting her lip, she watched as a worried look came across Inuyasha’s features and disappear before anyone could notice. She knew what she wanted, her friends, to spend more time Inuyasha, her future mate, her mother back in her life.
“I have an idea, if we could talk in private?” Kagome turned towards King Toga who simply raised an eyebrow at her, guiding her away so they could talk in private.
As everyone arrive into the small village, everyone began to spread out to find housing for the night. The mythical creatures had gone back to the forest to nurse their wounds, mourn their loved ones and wait in anticipation for what their beloved princess would decide. Calliope giving Kagome a tight hug before flying next to Althea and disappearing.
Settling Kaede in a small room for some more rest, Kagome gathered her cloak and pendant, almost putting both on, before deciding that would let her wings be free for the rest of her days. A soft knock against her door and Kagome opened the door to see a nervous hanyou standing before her.
“Inuyasha, what’s wrong?” She asked, almost laughing at his face, before covering it with a grin.
Noting her smile, he blushed, “What did you and Father come up with? He won’t tell anyone besides Sesshomaru what it is. He wants to get back home before announcing anything. He also said the wolves would be arriving in the village soon, so he wanted to bring theirs and his army back with us as well.” He rambled on, “Why can’t anyone tell me? Is it because I’m not a king yet? And now, you’re the Queen of the Eastern Kingdom?”
“Inuyasha, Kaede is resting, let’s go for a walk.” Kagome sighed before gesturing ahead of her, knowing he wouldn’t stop until someone gave him an answer.
Nodding his head slightly, he only followed her towards the forest line, where fireflies had begun to light up the trees around them. Her wings, basking in their soft glow, flapped a few times, before she spun around, making him almost bump into her.
Laughing softly, “Inuyasha, look at me please.” Waiting until he finally raised his amber gaze at her, she began. 
“Your Father wanted to keep it a secret until we could talk things out, but he is fully on board with all of the plans. He also wanted to talk to Koga as well. Before I tell you any of that, I wanted to ask, do you still want me as your mate?”
Growling a yes, Inuyasha reached for both of her hands, admiring how soft they were. Laughing again, she started talking to him about their future.
“Since now I guess I am a queen, I can only be with royalty, which is perfect because you are royalty,” she said with a playful glimmer in her blue eyes, “however, you are in line for your own throne.” Shushing him when he tried to retort, she continued.
“I want a life with you and my mother in it. I want a life where I can truly help people. I want somewhere I can call home, learn more about my past and be happy and I will have all of that with this new plan of ours, given Koga would be okay with it. Sesshomaru is fine, nothing would change much for him, except title.”
Confused now, Inuyasha gave her the weirdest look. Laughing loudly this time, she reached up to kiss his cheek, both of them blushing, “All will be told soon, I promise, but there is something else I wanted to ask.” The confused look never leaving his face, she continued to speak. “We’ve only known each other a short time and in that time, you’ve told me I was your mate. We’ve been through hell and back in that time and I want to have a life with you. I know I said I wanted to take things slow, but after this exhausting day, I want nothing more than to be with you. I like seeing you smile, somehow when I’m with you, it’s like I feel relieved and safe. I want to be by your side forever, if you’ll let me. Prince Inuyasha of the Northern Kingdom, will you marry me?”
As soon as she finished the word me, Inuyasha pulled her closely and kissed her with all the passion he could muster, making her laugh against his mouth, before joining him in ravishing his own. A few claps came from behind him, making him growl in embarrassment as he broke their kiss and turned to see his father, Miroku and Sango smiling broadly at them.
“I thought you would’ve asked her son.” Toga laughed loudly, clapping him on the shoulder, while Sango and Kagome squealed, hugging each other. Miroku simply smiled. 
“Oi, I know that look monk, don’t even think about it.” Inuyasha grumbled at them both, latching his hands with his now fiancé. 
The days passed, as King Koga, who agreed the plan and congratulated the couple on their betrothals, joined what remained of their group as they headed back to the castle. Kagome beamed in happiness the whole way back, receiving many blessings for their union, and knowing looks from a suspicious monk. Inuaysha had to growl many times at him before he backed off, only to be slapped upside the head by the annoyed demon slayer. Kohaku and Sesshomaru even congratulated them, keeping to themselves the whole way back. Kagome could tell in the Western King’s soul he was pleased at the events, he was just also in a hurry to get back to his pregnant wife.
As soon as they had arrived back at the castle, Rin had come barreling out of the wooden door towards them, hollering for Sesshomaru to hurry, that Queen Kagura was in labor. Slapping his oldest son on the back, he ushered everyone inside, while picking up the small rambunctious child, making her squeal in excitement. He announced they would discuss everything after a meal and Kagura’s labor, his fellow kings and queens needing some much needed some rest. 
After what seemed like a lifetime to Inuyasha, he was settled in his room for the evening, when Kagome knocked softly on his door. Yelling to enter, he watched her shut the mahogany door quickly before coming over to the set of chairs near the fire, taking a seat in the empty one, facing him.
“Kagura had a healthy baby girl, Kanna. She looks a lot like Sesshomaru.” She spoke softly, smiling at him.
Smiling back, “I hope she has her mother’s personality then.” Both of them laughing together quietly, “So we will be discussing everything tomorrow then?” He asked, his eyes almost feral in the light of the fire.
Nodding and humming her yes, Kagome began to yawn, stretching her arms up high, her wings shaking a few times before folding along her back. Gold dust covered the back of the chair. “I was wondering if I could sleep here, with you,” she started, a blush coming across her warm cheeks, “Kaede is sleeping in my bed.”
“I would love that, I wonder just what will my mother think?” He smirked at her, getting to his feet and holding out his hand.  
Taking his hand in hers, het thumb rubbing the back of his affectionately, Kagome laughed, “It was your mother’s idea actually.”
“Well, I can’t ignore a royal command then, can I? Do you have everything you need to retire?”
Nodding, Kagome let Inuyasha guided her to his overly large bed, covered in ruby satin bedding. Pulling her closely to his chest, they both closed their eyes.
After breakfast and the good news of the new baby the next morning, the head royals, save Izayoi, sat in King Toga’s meeting room, discussing out the details.
“You would be okay with just being a lord, King Koga?” Toga asked, surprised at his agreement.
“As long I get to keep my land and pack, I’m okay with whatever. Queen Kagome will rule fairly along with Prince Inuyasha.” He shrugged, leaning back in his velvet chair, crossing his arms.
“I agree too,” Queen Ayame chimed in, looking at the fairy queen, “I think you would be fair and just. You could help so many others, better than we ever could, you have a kind heart that would be good for everyone.”
“Thank you Ayame.” Kagome smiled at her, knowing they would be good friends in the future, if only to keep ahold of their mates and their tempers.
“Have you agreed to be Inuyasha’s mate?” Sesshomaru asked when the room began to grow quiet.
Nodding, “I have. We talked about it before the battle and what all it means to be a mate,” she added, blushing, “Along with me proposing to him in the village before we left.” 
Nodding as well, while Ayame squealed in excitement, Sesshomaru turned towards to his father, “Father, I guess it’s time for a celebration.”
“I agree son. You too are okay with this?” He asked.
“The same thing as the wolf, as long as I keep my titles and western lands, I am content.” He simply stated. Gathering their seals, Kagome using her power to create one for herself, they all signed a document stating the new lands, titles and rulership. 
“Now,” King Toga began, standing from his chair, “Let’s plan a wedding and coronation, for our royal majesty, Queen Kagome.”
It had been a busy two months, between announcing to all four kingdoms that they would unite as one, how the lost fairy princess came to be found, the defeat of Naraku, a royal marriage, a coronation and a new royal baby, Kagome couldn’t wait for the full moon to come and go. Her wedding day, she was excited for, and for what was to come after, but planning everything was so exhausting. She was grateful for the help for Kaede, Lady Izayoi, Lady Aayame and Sango to help, however, she missed spending time with her beloved hanyou and her funny little fox kit.
“Well Queen Kagome, are you ready for tomorrow?” An amused voice asked, the hanyou himself strolling into their sleeping chamber.
“Why yes, Prince Inuyasha, I am. But I am not a queen yet, merely a lost princess who found her way home.” She smirked, laying in their shared bed, waiting for her soon to be husband to join her.
“Tomorrow is going to be a lot, it’s also the full moon, are you sure you’re okay with all of this? We can take more time before mating?” He kissed her softly, waiting for he answer.
“I’m positive, I have never been anymore positive in my life.” She stated with confidence, before kissing him again, not of them settling in for the night.
Waking her up before dawn, Izayoi and Sango rushed into their bedroom the next morning, shooing Inuyasha out of his own bed before turning their attention to Kagome. Grumbling to himself, he went to join his father and Miroku before beginning to get ready for the day. His Father had planned to greet the remaining guests, while many mythical creatures that were arriving as well. Kagome had wanted to invited the entire kingdom, knowing this was as important for them as well as for her. They decided to hold the ceremony in the garden outside, so many people could see. Kaede would be performing the coronation, while Miroku would be ordaining the wedding. There was also a small celebration for baby Kanna, announcing her arrival to the world. The festivities would begin around lunchtime and going long into the night.
Brushing her wings away from her lace veil, Kagome turned towards the full length mirror, smiling at her appearance. Lady Izayoi did not disappoint, her dress was stunning and perfectly made for her. She briefly mentioned Sango helped a little with the design as well, Aunt Mara supplying some of the fabric. Her floor length dress fluffed out bit, bit not too much, so not to get in the way of her wings, with still had twirls of gold and silver throughout them. Her hair, perfectly curled down her back, her flower crown up top her head, where later she would exchange it for a new one. Her sleeves, covered in a sheer lace, came up her arm, before leaving her shoulders bare. Her veil hanging in front of her face, obscuring her features, but she new with the light layer of make up, she looked radiant. 
After expressing beautiful remarks and teary eyes thank you’s, the ladies left to gather their seats, Lord Toga would be walking her down the aisle. Gently squeezing her hands together, she waited in the hallway, the doors to outside closed, she could hear many voices and soft music playing. 
“‘Gome?” A soft yip came from behind her.
“Shippo! You’re supposed to be in your seat, we’re about to begin.” She began to fix his small shirt, when she noticed his sad expression. “What’s wrong honey?”
“You’re not going to forget me are you? I know we haven’t been able to spend much time together with Naraku and the wedding and everything, I just miss my friend.” He swallowed the sob in his throat, a single tear falling down.
“Oh, sweetie, of course not. If anything, after today, we can spend so much more time together. I’ve really missed you too.” An idea come to her. “How about this, do you want to walk with me down the aisle today?” She smiled at him, wiping the tear from his cheek. She had no idea he was feeling this way, having not seen much of him since she arrived at the castle the first time they had arrived
He whimpered a small yes, while Lord Toga came around the corner announcing it was time. Raising an eye brow as his daughter-in-law held Shippo in her arms, she left the small bouquet of on a side table and lightly set her left arm on outstretch right. Nodding that she was ready, he smiled and the doors opened before them, music playing against the breeze.
If Inuyasha thought she was beautiful before, Kagome was positively stunning now, he thought as she began to glade down he aisle, Shippo in her arms. He knew the kit has been missing her, hell he had been missing her lately too. As she came down the aisle, flowers around her bloomed fully along the path, a soft scent of sunshine floating across his nose.
Miroku smiled at the two as she let Shippo into Lord Toga’s arms, who simply continue to hold him as he sat down next to his wife. Watching as he began the ceremonial words, Inuyasha took her hands in his.
After the drinking of the sake and blessing their union, the two shared their first kiss as a married couple, everyone bursting into applauds and cheer around them, while Kaede began to set up for the coronation. Lord Toga presented Kagome with a staff and a golden crown. Removing the flower crown, Inuyasha kissed her on the cheek, before stepping back to let his father crown the new queen.
Setting the crown adorned with red rubies and blue sapphires, Kaede finished and blessed the new queen on her marriage as well. Placing a right hand on the new papers they have formed in the meeting months ago, she began her promise, “I, Queen Kagome, will hereby protect all hose who come in need. I will honor those who have protected their country. I will restore peace among every creature, person and demon. I will serve my country to best of my ability. I will serve my people.”
Raising the cup of blessing sake, Toga proudly stated loud and proud, “May I present Kagome Aureila Takahashi, Queen the Four Kingdoms! ” everyone bowing in response. Smiling, Kagome excited to begin her new reign, her new marriage, her new life.
Hours later, after people began to wish the new couple happy blessings, dancing the night away and enjoying a delicious feast, Kagome grew tired and wanted to retire for the night. She was excited to finally mate with her husband. Smiling to herself, she wish a Calliope and Althea goodnight, before turning to look for her husband across the garden, catching his golden eyes, recently becoming her new favorite color.
Walking towards her, Inuyasha was bombarded with Lord Koga, who already a little drunk, blocked his view. Smiling at him sheepishly, Kagome gathered her skirt, heading towards the door, knowing he would find her soon. No one seem to notice, or if they did, they didn’t say anything, as Kagome strolled towards the castle, caressing the flowers along the way, the full moon shining brightly, her wings glittering the moonlight. Making it to her bedroom, she shut the door quietly, and faced the bed to begin the process of taking off her gown.
The door behind her opened and shut quickly, so quietly, she almost didn’t hear it. Gasping lightly, she felt Inuyasha stroke his finger down her trembling wings, before stopping to raise them again, grazing down her arm.
“Help me undress?” She whispered, hearing his gulp. He was a little nervous as well she gathered, this being both their first times. His hands began to untie her laced up back, loosening the corset as he went down. Feeling it completely loose on her upper body, Kagome removed her arms from her sleeves and held her corset to her chest, before turning to face her Inuyasha.
“Wife,” he murmured, “You are stunning.” He held her face as he leaned down to kiss her slowly, feeling her hand grasp his, her dress fall to the gown. When he pulled away from her lips and gazed down, he rumbled in appreciation, her lace stockings and undergarments highlighted her curves, her entire body glowing in the light of the fire. Taking his hands from her face, Kagome began to slowly unbuckle his belt, watching as his gaze never left her body.
Feeling her hands untucking his white tunic and settle against his toned stomach, he reached for her mouth again, settling his hands along her waist, pulling her closer.
“Husband.” She gasped against his lips, feeling his hands begin to roam across her back, soft stroke her wings before continuing down to her backside. She helped him remove his shirt, running her hands up and down his chest as he backed her towards their shared bed.
“Kagome, tonight I will make you my mate.” He whispered as he trailed kisses down her neck and behind her ear. Loving the sensation, she reached for his head to keep there, lightly caressing his ears with one hand, her other running fingers through his hair. Growling his approval, he bit softly on her neck, making her arch her laced breasts towards his own chest and groan.
Whimpering when he backed away from her neck, she felt the soft bedding against the back of her thighs and watched with wide eyes as Inuaysha used his claws to slice away at the binding around her chest, smiling at spike in her scent. Feeling a little more nervous now, she moved her cover her now exposed chest, stopping when Inuyasha grabbed her hands, intertwining them and bringing them to his chest.
“You are beautiful. Please don’t be ashamed.”
“I’m not, I’m just nervous.” She whispered, looking down.
“Koi, this is my first time as well. We will learn together. I’m going to follow my instincts and we have a lifetime to figure out our likes and dislikes.” He tugged on her chin, so she met his smoldering gaze.
Sighing in relief, she reached to pull him close again and kissed him, passion rising up in her. Bending her backwards slowly, he guided her to lay on the led, only pausing to take off his boots and pants. Crawling on the bed to lay next to her, he kissed her again, his body pressed flush against hers, her wings tucked in behind her.
Their kisses growing more intense, each other’s soft moans and growls being swallowed by the other. Kagome stroked Inuyasha’s ears as he started his trail down her neck. When he reached her left nipple, he began to suckle like a newborn baby, using his hand to pinch the other. Writhing beneath him, Kagome felt his tongue swirl in time with her hands stroking. Feeling this warmth in her belly spread towards to her nether regions, she felt more than heard his growl against her chest, before he switched to the other nipple.
As he brought the other flesh colored nipple to beautiful pink color, both fully erect, he started his trek down her tummy, before gazing at her lovingly.
“I love you.” He whispered.
“I love you, too.” She responded, moaning just as used his claws to shred her lace panties, leaving only her stockings along her legs, and cool air hit her opening. Inhaling, his eyes closed in pure bliss and he growled loudly when Kagome’s scent spiked even more, her flowers and sunshine adding a hint of pine and citrus. Purple marks began to appear along his cheeks and sides.
Reaching for her mate, Kagome stroked his marks with her left hand as he leaned in to them, rumbling softly, his eyes opening to gold with red seeping in. Mumbling an apology, Inuyasha kissed her palm before returning to her the area below her belly button, using his clawed hands to graze up and down her opened thighs.
Feeling herself fall back against the pillows fully, her eyes rolled back in her head and she let out a moan suspiciously like his name as his tongue began to lick at her lips. Feeling his smirk against her, the warmth in her stomach now spread through her like a wildfire, almost as if her powers were rising with her. Opening her eyes quickly, she made contact with an intense pair of eyes that gazed back at up her, a deep amber so intense, they could devour her.
Feeling the thread that was beginning to fray within her, she used one hand to stroke his ears once more, while the other gripped the pillow beside her head. By her actions and sounds, Inuyasha was sure she was almost there and judging by the grip along his head, dangerously close to his ears. As he continued to lap at her, he used his right hand to spread her apart, with his index finger rubbing the small button he located earlier. Kagome’s body began to thrash, her hips grinding against his face. Afraid he might hurt her, he used his free hand to hold down her thigh and laid on the other, feverishly speeding up to make her come.
For someone who had never done this before, he sure knew what to do, Kagome pondered, her mind going blank at the string snapped, a pleasure she had never felt before spreading through her entire body. Her vision, now speckled with white dots as her back arched off the bed.
“Inuyasha!” She screamed, causing her hanyou to pin his ears against his head as he licked everything, cleaning up all of her juices. Feeling her legs quivering beneath him, he let up and smirked at her flushed expression. She looked thoroughly ravished and blissful happy, eyes glazed over, staring at the ceiling above.
Gazing at him beneath lower lashes, Kagome beckoned him forward with her finger, reaching up to kiss him as he moved up. Tasting herself on his tongue, she swiped her own against his fang, Inuyasha rumbling, deepening their kiss.
Reaching for his undergarments, she pushed away the remaining fabric, both of them fully nude now. Running her palms down his chest as he was still kissing her, she reached for his cock, gasping softly as the soft skin beneath her fingers quaked. She was barely able to wrap one of her hands around his, but began to tug softly, causing him to grunt and remove his lips.
“If you keep that up, I won’t be able to finish in you the first time.” He kissed her softly, removing her hand from his manhood, before intertwining them next to her head. Nodding her understanding, she kissed his chest right above his heart, smiling softly for him.
Bringing her mouth back to his, Inuyasha continued kissing her, rubbing her body with his hands, before settling himself between her legs once again. Looking at her in question, Kagome nodded again, as he reached down and brought his cock towards her opening, slowly pushing inside slowly. His fangs lengthened, the marks on face and hips a dark purple now. His golden eyes, surrounded by red, gazed down at her lovingly. Kagome rubbed his cheeks soothingly, Inuyasha moving until he was fully situated inside of her. Feeling full, but not uncomfortable, she drew his mouth closer, willing him to move his hips.
What started as slow movements, turned to hard thrusts, causing him to hit her womb each time. Holding her hip in place with one hand, the other still intertwined with hers at her head, Inuaysha continued kissing her. With every thrust, the warmth in Kagome’s body began to spread again, this time burning brighter than ever before. Hearing a gasp from her lover, she opening her eyes to see his staring at her body, Inuyasha slowing his thrusts. She was actually glowing! Not wanting to hurt him, she tried to draw in her powers, but stopped when her soul reached for his, making her gasp as well.
Moaning his name, Kagome felt him pick up his speed again, and his soul opening up to hers. Feeling her climax coming close, she wanted him to fall into bliss with her. Wrapping her legs around his, moaning loudly when he hit deeper, Kagome closed her eyes as Inuyasha nipped at neck, sucking at her collarbone every so often. Knowing the string would snap once again, she let her soul open freely, joining his.
Her body going taunt as she screamed her release and Inuyasha roaring his completion as well, Kagome felt their souls become one, filling with each other’s with love, warmth, happiness and power. They were fully mated, the souls completely connected with each other’s.
Nuzzling her cheek, he pulled out slowly, and gathered her in his arms as she came down from her second high of the night. If sex was like that every time, he was never going to let her leave this bed, he thought happily, caressing lazy circles along her back.
Feeling content and happy, the two wrapped in each other’s arms, whispering soft things to each other through the night. They continued to explore each others body well into the night, before the finally drifted to sleep as the sun began to rise on the horizon, both silently thanking whoever above for the other.
The End.
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pengychan · 3 years
[Coco] Mind the Gap, Pt. 23
Title: Mind the Gap Summary: Modern Day AU. Tired of Ernesto’s snide remarks, Imelda decides to put him in his place and her husband is more than happy to help. It was supposed to be a one-night deal. Things quickly get out of hand. [OT3, mostly porn and humor. Plenty of instances of Ernesto being Dramatic, Imelda getting Sick Of His Shit, and Héctor trying to be the peacekeeper. Don’t expect anything serious.] Pairings: Ernesto/Héctor/Imelda Rating: Explicit.
Art by @swanpit​.
[All chapters are tagged as ‘mind the gap’ on my blog.]
A/N: Long overdue make-up sex? Long overdue make-up sex. Only the epilogue left before this is all wrapped up!
“... I need water.”
Silence. Some shuffling.
“Well, who’s going?”
“I’m not. I went and got Coco back to sleep when she cried. Did my part.”
“I am not getting off this couch.”
“If you make me go, I’m only getting water for myself.”
“I hate you both.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Uugh. No, I don’t.” Ernesto groans, rubbing his eyes before dropping his head back against the couch’s backrest. He grimaces towards the kitchen. “What time is it, anyway?”
“Three in the morning.”
“What! Where has the evening gone!”
“Where has the entire day gone, we began discussing this over lunch,” Héctor mutters, laying upside-down with his legs over the backrest.
He is not wrong, really: they have quite literally spent half a day and much of the night discussing where to go from there. They talked through lunch, through the afternoon with Coco passing from one set of arms to another whenever she was not napping, talked while Héctor changed her diapers with a frequency Ernesto found frankly concerning given the child’s small size. They took a brief break from talking while walking their dogs - best to be careful with their words outside - and feeding Coco respectively. 
More talking ensued as they put Coco in her playpen to watch a cartoon, as they cooked dinner, as they ate it, as Coco fell asleep cuddled up to Pepita while the dogs watched with envy from outside the playpen, with Dante having finally learned that trying to jump in would spell disaster. 
They discussed everything they could possibly discuss - their arrangement, how it could work going forward, whether to tell Coco, what to tell Coco once she was old enough, how to keep it private business without having to actively hide, what family members could be told and what family members could never - coming to the agreement Imelda’s brothers were probably the only ones who could be trusted, at the moment, to possibly know if it came to it.
“I never thought I’d see the day I had to say they can be trusted over our father,” Imelda said as she disappeared to put a very sleepy Coco in her crib, and Héctor and Ernesto were still snickering at the idea when she came back. They sat on the couch with a drink, resumed talking, and never stopped except for the time Coco began crying and had to be soothed by a very concerned Héctor.
Until, of course, exhaustion and thirst caught up with them at three in the damn morning. 
“So, I’m going to be the waiter from now on,” Ernesto mutters, just a little dramatically, as he finally gets off the couch to fetch everyone some water. He guzzles down a glass, fills two more, and brings them back. Héctor and Imelda drink just as greedily while he flops back down on the couch, exhausted and honestly still absolutely stunned.
“... This is-- is this really happening?” he finds himself asking, very quietly. Part of him fears this is all a dream, that he will wake up alone in his bed to find none of this has really transpired. The other two pause, look back down at him - and maybe Ernesto let something vulnerable show a bit too much, because suddenly they’re both leaning down with the clear intention of giving him a kiss. Exactly at the same time. 
With predictable results. 
“Ow!” Imelda yelps, wincing back.
“Agh! Oh God, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean--” Héctor frets. Imelda just slaps a hand over her mouth to stifle laughter, which just comes out of her nose with a honking sound. Ernesto just laughs, his own head unscathed but oddly light. Yes, this is happening. He couldn't have dreamed up something so stupid if he’d tried. 
It is happening, he thinks. We’re giving this a chance, he thinks. For the love of God don’t fuck it up, he tells himself, but says none of those things aloud. He just laughs until he has to catch his breath and it dies down in a snicker. That’s when Imelda leans down to kiss him briefly, this time without bumping her head against Héctor’s.
“I think that means we’re officially too tired to function,” she says. “Let’s go to bed.”
Ah. Right. It is three in the morning. Ernesto clears his throat and sits up. “Of course-- I’ll drop by after lunch, then, so we can go rehearse--”
Imelda pinches his earlobe. “Who said anything about you leaving?” she asks, an eyebrow raised. Ernesto’s words die in his throat. 
Right. Yes. This is happening.
Not that anything physical is going to happen just yet. They are all much too tired to do anything other than shuffling into the bedroom as quietly as they can - “whoever wakes her up has to calm her down”, Imelda threatens - and changing their night clothes - it is odd, finding one of his nightshirts still in their closet, washed and neatly folded - before they flop on the bed. 
At least, Ernesto and Héctor flop down on it. Imelda is decidedly more dignified, and leans down between them. Héctor pulls her close, and immediately holds out the other arm for Ernesto with a grin. Part of him is still wondering if he’s dreaming this, really, but when he slides closer, leaning against Imelda’s body with Héctor’s arm around him, again he knows he will not awaken alone after all. He smiles. 
“Your arms are freakishly long,” he mutters, very romantically, causing Héctor to snort. 
“Oh, thanks, amigo,” he mutters, but his hand keeps resting on Ernesto’s side. “Don’t hear you complain when I give the best hugs ever given.”
“That’s debatable, who decided it is you to give--”
“I said--” Imelda cuts him off, then yawns. Loudly, and without bothering to put up a hand against her mouth. “Sleep,” she mumbled, settling her head back down, forehead against Héctor’s chest and one hand resting on Ernesto’s forearm around her waist. It’s not clear whether it’s an order or just a declaration of what she’s about to do, but they do take it as an order. 
They are, after all, exhausted. There will be time to marvel over getting all of this back in the morning; for now, Ernesto leans down his head, closes his eyes, and sleeps basking in their warmth.
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They get to sleep a grand total of two hours and a half before they awaken to a chorus of wailing, barking, yapping and yowling. It’s hard to tell what started first - Ernesto apparently would put money on the wailing, though Imelda is ready to counter-bet a chihuahua yapped first  - but the fact stays, someone needs to go put an end to it before half the condo is at the door with murderous intentions.
Thankfully, Héctor is out of bed almost immediately. He’s still sleepy and misses the door the first time, hitting the wall before stumbling out with a murmured ‘I’m fine’ to go make sure no horrid monster has attacked Coco in her crib. In his haste he leaves the door open, and two chihuahuas as well as the cat rush in, with the small dogs yapping and trying without success to jump up on the bed. 
The other two as well as Dante clearly decided to stay behind and watch Héctor’s baby-soothing operation. Imelda stifles a yawn, bringing a hand up to her mouth. “Those dogs are not allowed on the bed,” she says the instant Ernesto moves to pick them up, just as Pepita jumps to settle down next to her head.
Ernesto scowls. “That’s favoritism,” he points out, and a little monster yaps as though to agree. One of them whines, clearly trying to move her into relenting. Imelda remains entirely unmoved. 
“Pepita is clean,” she replies, reaching over to scratch Pepita behind the ears. Her green eyes, fixed on Ernesto, narrow. Hard to tell whether it is in pleasure for the ear scratch or in displeasure for the man back on her owners’ bed, but if it’s the latter, she will have to get used to it.
Ernesto makes a face. “I can’t imagine it’s hygienic.”
“She grooms herself for hours on end--” 
“With her it tongue, that’s not cleaning a thing--”
“Well, it’s more than dogs do. I have only ever seen them use their dogs only ever use their tongues to lick--”
“They’re clean! I bathe them every week!“
Imelda blinks. In the next room over, Coco’s wails are quieting down. “... You do?” 
“With a very expensive dog shampoo, too. I advertised it on my Instagram account - I mean, their Instagram account. Didn’t you see?”
Ah. That. “I think I unfollowed both when we-- broke things off,” Imelda admits, causing Ernesto to frown. “It stung,” she adds quickly. “Seeing you.”
“Ah.” He clears his throat. “Well, I-- I haven’t been posting a lot, so you haven’t missed much. Should get back to it. I think the dogs have more followers than I do at this point.”
“Well, they are cute. I suppose,” Imelda concedes. Pepita jumps off the bed, clearly satisfied with her dose of scritches, and is followed outside by both chihuahuas. Imelda props herself up on her elbow. “You should try with shirtless photos,”she adds. It’s mostly meant as a joke, but Ernesto is clearly considering it. 
“I already posted plenty. And a couple where I was only wearing a--”
“I mean, more shirtless photos,” Imelda rectifies, very much aware of what photos he is referring to. Unlike Héctor, whose social media accounts are bereft of any sign of life aside for the occasional photo of a guitar, a music sheet, or Imelda going over his latest work, Ernesto is very much active and not precisely trying to disguise the fact his sexuality is ‘yes’.
“I guess I could take a trip to the beach for a few more shots, after we’re back from Santa Cecilia...” he muses, and Imelda is about to ask if they’re meant to join him for that trip to the beach when Héctor walks back in, a triumphant grin on his face and phone in hand.
“She’s sleeping! Look!” he whisper-exclaims, and gets right back in bed between them before he proceeds to show them thirty identical photos of Coco sleeping. “Isn’t she the most beautiful little girl?”
“She is,” Imelda agrees with a small grin, leaning her chin on Héctor’s shoulder. “Not that I’m biased or anything.”
Ernesto scoffs. “You absolutely are.”
“Not everyone is your mamá, Ernesto,” Héctor snickers, elbowing him. “Telling everyone within earshot how handsome you were going to be once you shed your baby fat.”
“Well she was right, I did turn out-- what! She never said that, pendejo!” He huffs, giving Héctor’s shoulder a shove that almost sends him flying off the bed. He laughs it off, flopping back down. 
“She did too, Ernestito! Heard with my own ears!”
“Mph. Your stupid elephant ears.”
Héctor’s expression turns coy. “Ah, what can I say, it’s my cross to bear. Much like a dick a couple of inches longer than yours…”
“It’s not, Héctor!”
“Is too! We checked with Imelda’s measuring tape, remember?”
“... You did what with my measuring tape now?”
“We had a disagreement to settle, mi amor.”
“And we found it’s-- maybe an inch longer! At most! And mine is thicker, too!��
“Oh no, it was longer than that. Need me to refresh your memory?”
“We can arrange that, if you let me catch another couple of hours of sleep,” Imelda mutters, causing the squabble to die down. There is some grumbling, a few more shoves, but soon enough they’re all settled to sleep again, basking in the warmth and enjoying blissful silence.
For another fifty minutes.
“Oh my God!”
Héctor barely catches himself before he falls off the bed, flailing his arms and only narrowly missing Imelda’s face. He reaches to turn on the bedside lamp, and sits up to look over to the other side of the bed where Ernesto is sitting upright, hair tousled, a horrified expression on his face as though he just awakened from the worst nightmare a human mind can conceive. 
“Ernesto? What is it?” Imelda is asking, concern plain in her voice. She puts a hand on Ernesto’s forearm and he looks back at them, eyes wide and skin ashen. 
“Oh my God, ” he repeats. “My mother has seen my Instagram.”
Ah, Héctor thinks. 
“Ah,” he says, mind already wandering to some photos that are probably not meant for the eyes of one’s own mother. 
“Oh,” Imelda repeats, clearly thinking the same. 
They succeed in staying serious for almost five seconds before Héctor cracks, and Imelda is quick to follow. 
“She has been looking up my account for ages-- she even mentioned it, I had forgotten-- what if my father-- stop laughing!” his voice comes out a whine, and it’s what entirely undoes them. “This is serious! Stop laughing! I’ll have to look her in the eye when we go back for Coco’s christening! I-- uuugh!” Ernesto lets himself drop back on the pillow with a groan, covering his face with an arm. “I hate you both.”
“No, you do not.” Héctor grins down at him and, while Ernesto scoffs, he fails to say otherwise. 
“If she brings it up, I will dig myself a grave and crawl in it.”
Imelda snickers, leaning across his chest. “If they’re that terrible I don’t think she’ll want to bring them up.”
He pulls his arm off his eyes, frowning a little. “Not that I’m naked in those photos, I’m not an idiot, but I--” he trails off with a sudden intake of breath when Imelda’s hand slips beneath his nightshirt, across his chest. Héctor sits back a moment, watching them - Imelda’s tousled hair and the strap of the nightgown falling off her shoulder, the way Ernesto arches a little at her touch. 
It’s not the most alluring sight he’s ever laid his eyes on, but it comes pretty close - and it hits him suddenly, the realization that they have this again. It leaves a lump in his throat and a dumb smile spreading on his face while he watches Imelda lean in and kiss Ernesto’s lips. When they break apart, Ernesto’s breathing is quicker and his eyes wide. 
Imelda grins, and tugs at his nightshirt. “Since we clearly are getting no more sleep this morning, would you mind getting this out of the way and let me take your mind off your mother going through embarrassing Instagram photos?”
Ernesto is sitting up and pulling the shirt up over his head before she’s even done speaking, but he doesn’t get to take it off - not before Héctor moves suddenly to pull them both in his arms, and squeeze tight. 
“What the--”
“And here I was trying to be seductive,” Imelda mutters, face pressed against Héctor’s chest.
“It was a very good effort,” Ernesto informs her, head still tangled in the shirt. 
“Unfortunately, you married an idiot.”
“Oh, like you didn’t stick to the idiot long before I got him to put a ring on it.”
“What can I say, I felt bad for him.”
“... You guys realize I can hear you, right?”
“No doubt you can, with those ears,” Ernesto mutters, voice still muffled by the shirt wrapped around his head. “Can you let me go now?”
“Do I have to?”
“If you want us to get anything done before Coco needs breakfast, yes,” Imelda says against his chest. “Now, if you’d let go and fetch the lube and condoms…” she adds, and Héctor is off them and across the room so fast he almost topples on the floor. 
With most of his blood flow already getting redirected in his nether regions, Ernesto’s power of thought may not be at his highest. However, as he gets the shirt off his head and throws it off the side of the bed, he does pause a moment to think. Or try to. Something is definitely different. 
“Condoms? Not on the pill anymore?”
“Not yet. It already failed, anyway, and I really am not ready for another little miracle. At least if the condom breaks we’ll notice right away.” She reaches up to brush back his hair, and leans against him. She is warm against his bare chest, her lips so close to Ernesto’s own. Her nails rake lightly down the back of his neck, and he swallows. “But it shouldn’t happen, if you know how to put one on properly.”
He makes a face. “Well, of course I know how to put on a--” Ernesto begins, and then trails off. The amount of blood going straight to his cock is making it very hard to think about anything else, but he’s not yet so far gone he can’t catch the meaning of her words. He stares at Imelda, mouth hanging open.
There are...few things they did not at least experiment with throughout the relationship, but at no point did Ernesto get to be in her. Not with his cock, anyway. It simply never happened, Ernesto would think, but he knows deep down that was not it. It was a line Imelda did not want to cross, the one that marked the difference between her husband and the annoying-- acquaintance -- friend turned unlikely lover. Something Héctor could have while he could not. Until now.
He should try and play it cool, of course. Get cocky and say he’s glad she changed her mind there, she has no idea what she has missed out on. Instead, he sputters.
“What-- are you-- sure?”
Imelda’s expression turns coy, a finger running down his chest. “Well, if you’re afraid to disappoint…”
“What!” Ernesto huffs, crossing his arms. “For your information, I never disappoint.”
“Sofía told me otherwise.”
“Sofía should mind her own-- wait a moment, since when are the two of you on gossiping terms?” he asks, just a hint of panic making it to his voice as he tries to run the numbers on the amount of ammunition Sofía may have to use against him. Unaware of his worry, or maybe all too aware of it and hiding it very well, Imelda shrugs. 
“She ordered a pair of shoes and we got talking.”
Talking about what, Ernesto wants to ask, but before he can open his mouth Héctor is back on the bed and kissing his shoulder, causing him to trail off and his breath to catch a moment.
“Here,” Héctor smiles against his skin, pressing a condom in his hand. “Put it to good use, we have no others left until we restock.”
Despite the rising heat, his own quickening breath and the by now unbearable friction of underwear on his erection, Ernesto raises an eyebrow. “That busy, even with the baby?”
“Not really. It’s that Dante found the box.”
“Yes, ah. The vet judged me the entire time. Not that he said anything, but--”
“... Surely we can have this conversation another time?” Imelda intervenes, tapping her fingers against Ernesto’s chest in a motion that is… a little more annoyed than seductive now. Héctor blushes a little, and gives a sheepish grin. 
“Heh. Right,” he says, and without warning he suddenly pushes Ernesto forward, causing him to fall over on top of Imelda. He barely catches himself, hands braced against the mattress, and almost protests - but then he looks down to see Imelda leaning on her back beneath him, head between his arms and hair spread across the pillow. Her skin is flushed, and ah, the way she looks at him. If one could bottle that look to sell it, they’d make billions.
“I can’t help but feel I’m terribly overdressed for the occasion,” she tells him, and starts unbuttoning her nightgown. She barely makes it to half the buttons before Ernesto’s mouth comes down on hers, hard. She melts into the kiss in a way he cannot recall her ever doing before, fingers tangling in his hair and Christ - Christ - it is almost worth the long months without them, waking up in his own bed.
Ah, it’s good to be home.
“Ah--” Imelda sighs and throws back her head while Ernesto’s mouth trails down her throat, to her breasts. He only stops with a startled gasp against her nipple when a pair of familiar hands pull off his boxers, and a very familiar finger begins to probe as him, slick with lube. 
“Oh, don’t mind me back here,” Héctor calls out, and Ernesto can almost feel the grin in his voice when he slides the finger in, slowly but without hesitation, getting another gasp out of Ernesto he barely muffles against Imelda’s skin. “Want me to put on the condom for you while I’m at it? You look busy,” he adds. His other hand closes on Ernesto’s cock in a soft squeeze, and he almost cries out.
“Christ-- don’t do that!” he pants, suddenly terrified he’s going to just come like that, before anything can happen. Héctor chuckles, but does pull back the hand. The other hand pushes in another finger, sending more shivers up his back. God, he’s shaking - this is bliss, never enough and yet too much, how can he possibly hold himself together?
“That horny?” Héctor asks lightly, as though conversing over a glass of wine. Ernesto snarls.
“I’m about to fuck your wife, what do you think?”
“Ah, good point.”
Beneath him Imelda, who somehow managed to unbutton the rest of her nightgown and shrug it off, laughs and forces his head back by the hair to kiss his mouth. He doesn’t resist - how can he resist? - and only lets out a noise of surrender. The finger within him retreats and Héctor is leaning across his back, putting the condom on him with surprisingly delicate fingers. His own cock presses against Ernesto’s thigh, hard and hot and already slick with lube. When he pulls back, Ernesto lets out a whine. 
“Don’t bother with fingers,” he groans. “I can take it-- por favor--”
A kiss on the back of his neck, just as Imelda’s mouth presses on his throat. She has a leg on either side of Ernesto, and his cock brushes against the warm skin on the inside of her thigh. It is only a soft brush, but it’s almost unbearable on heated flesh. He lets out a shuddering breath, and glances down to meet her eyes. 
Are you sure?, he asks without words, and Imelda responds just as wordlessly, pulling his mouth down on hers and arching beneath him. Whatever shred of self-control Ernesto had left is annihilated and he kisses her back, frantic, before pushing his hips forward purely out of instinct and oh--
He slides in so easily and for a long, blissful moment, Ernesto forgets how to breathe or move or think. There is only that tight heat, Imelda’s scent in his nostrils and her breath against the side of his neck as she clenches around him - the soft moan filling his ears and the nails sinking in the skin of his shoulders.
And then Héctor is bearing down on him, mouth on the back of his neck and weight across his back, pushing into him unbearably slowly and all too fast at once. Everything is too much. Nothing is enough. He wants and needs and yearns and yet it’s everything he could possibly ask for, and more. 
As much as he enjoyed the strap-on and Héctor’s ass, this might just be the best variation of Ernesto sandwich he’s ever had.
“Pepita got your tongue?” Héctor chuckles against his ear, settling deep into him, resting his chin on his shoulder and glancing over at Imelda. “You good?” he breathes. Imelda lifts her head to kiss his lips. Her skin is flushed, eyes half-lidded. 
“Oh, yes,” she says, and kisses Ernesto’s neck again. “You are thicker, I’ll give you that,” she whispers, perfectly audible to Héctor, whose chuckling protests are not very believable. Her hand cups Ernesto’s cheek, her fingers calloused from working leather. “Don’t worry about a thing,” she murmurs, brushing a thumb over his cheekbone. “We’ll take good care of you.”
“Christ--” Ernesto pants, and manages to lift himself up on his elbows just enough to get some weight off her, and rest his forehead on hers. He’s so acutely aware of everything - the smoothness of her skin and Héctor’s chest hair against his back, her hand cupping his cheek and his chin on his shoulder, the heat around his cock and the cock in him. “I don’t know-- how long I can last,” he manages to admit. 
“Ah, don’t worry about that, amigo,” Héctor speaks, and tilts his hips, sending a jolt of pleasure up Ernesto’s spine and tearing a gasp out of him. “Wouldn’t be the first time. And we can do this whenever we wish…”
He says something else after that, or Imelda does, but none of their words makes it to Ernesto’s brain. They start moving in tandem, in him and around him and on him and beneath, and it is all that Ernesto can think of or feel. It is all he wants to feel right now. 
The moans that leave him are louder than advisable, with Coco sleeping just a couple of rooms over, but Imelda is quick to muffle any noise he makes with a kiss. Good move, that.
None of them is in the right state of mind to go soothe a cranky baby, after all.
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panharmonium · 4 years
i realize this might be a kind of a weird thing for me to devote time to when i’m one episode from the end but honestly?  i just have to.  i have to.  i have a longer piece of meta in this vein that i’ll deal with some other time when i’m less focused on the end of season 5, but given the content of the last couple episodes i just - cannot restrain myself.  the stunning level of deliberate, unnecessary cruelty i witnessed in that one moment yesterday (guess i was WRONG omg i STILL can’t believe i heard that with my own two ears...i probably have the lowest expectations of arthur pendragon out of anybody in this fandom but even i was shocked) - it tipped me right over the edge.  it threw me for an entire loop.  
so, what i have to do right now is take a second to acknowledge the one character who a) predicted this bullshit a long time ago, and b) could have been relied upon to react to it appropriately, that is to say by punching arthur pendragon in the mouth.
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fig. A: my Son, ‘I Would Sell Arthur Pendragon to Satan for One Corn Chip’ 
i love him.  
i know we only saw him once.  i don’t care.  he’s the only non-villain across five entire seasons of this show who ever told arthur pendragon to get fucked, and that makes him an absolute hero.
this kid snuck up on me and became my most beloved minor character.  when i first met him, i liked him a normal amount, but i wasn’t as deeply invested in him as i am now.  it wasn’t until i got a little further along in the show and started to see how truly painful merlin’s situation becomes without a friend who knows him that i started thinking about him again, and realized how much i actually appreciated him.
so.  will.
will occupies a...fairly unique position in merlin’s circle.  all of merlin’s other friends eventually become knights, or become queen, and they all hop aboard the arthur pendragon train as they get deeper entwined in camelot’s renaissance.  even gwaine, who is a little iffy about arthur in the very beginning, becomes as loyal a knight as camelot has ever seen, and he’s just as invested in camelot’s flourishing as anyone.  and i don’t say this to throw shade at him, or at lancelot, or anybody; those two in particular have absolutely always been true friends to merlin, regardless of the vows they took to camelot.  but there is just something to be said for like - merlin does not have a single person in his life right now who cares about him without also being beholden to arthur.  gwen and gaius and all of the knights are sworn to serve and protect the king.  they are all fully aboard the arthur pendragon train, and on board with merlin’s mission to aid arthur and keep him safe.  gwen, gwaine, gaius, lancelot - even merlin’s own mother is on that train, when she tells merlin he has to go back to camelot at the end of 1.10, saying “you belong at arthur’s side.  i’ve seen how much he needs you.”  
these people would not argue with merlin over the merits of sacrificing things for arthur, because they, too, would do anything for their king.  they wouldn’t necessarily challenge merlin on statements like “his life is worth a hundred of mine,” because they understand what merlin means.  they’re on that same page.  
and that’s nice and all, but given recent events (and forthcoming events, i suspect) i suppose i just am feeling.  a little tired of that.  
i’m tired of the arthur pendragon train.  i want to get off.  i want MERLIN to get off.  and the only other person in the world who ever believed that merlin deserved to get off the arthur pendragon train was will.
all the most recent episodes i’m watching are highlighting for me once again how little merlin settles for in his life.  he can’t be known.  he can’t be seen.  he can’t be accepted.  he can’t be listened to.  he can’t be believed.  he can’t be respected.  he can’t be safe.  he can’t be loved.  he can’t say ‘i am sorry that i can’t go with you to this place’ (for the first time in HOW many years?) without receiving a deliberately nasty, cutting slap across the face.
and we try to rationalize this away; we try to look at the good parts (and yes, there are good parts, of course there are good parts; of course arthur and merlin care about each other) but the ultimate truth is that arthur isn’t merlin’s real friend, not yet.  he thinks he is.  but he isn’t.  a real friend isn’t someone who might kill you if they knew who you were.  a real friend isn’t someone who makes you feel like you have to pretend to be someone you’re not.  
you cannot be loved if you aren’t safe. 
the only person who ever acknowledges this dynamic is will.  will sees the parts of arthur that merlin tries not to look at, and will loves merlin enough to say ‘this situation you are in is messed up.’  he’s the only one, across five seasons of this show, who ever comes right out and says that merlin is fooling himself when it comes to this ‘friendship.’  merlin might have other people who care about him, later, but all of them are as wrapped up in arthur’s well-being as merlin is.  they don’t tell merlin he deserves better.  they don’t tell merlin ‘this is shitty.  this is a shitty situation you’re settling for.  you deserve more than this.’
five seasons, and will is the only person who ever says this.  merlin’s own mother won’t tell him this.
i’ve been thinking about will kind of a lot as i watch these episodes.  
i think...i think will would lose his mind if he could see merlin at the end of this show.  at ANY point in this show, practically.  he would be so devastatingly angry.  if he ever heard “his life is worth a hundred of mine” come out of merlin’s mouth - i mean.  he’d kill somebody.  he'd thump merlin upside the head and then go kill somebody.
will was only ever in this for merlin.  he didn’t save arthur’s life because he’d started to like the guy; he did it because that’s just who he is.  he saw someone about to get shot and his first instinct was to get in the way.  he’s not riding the arthur pendragon train, and he’s certainly not riding the camelot train, but he still makes sure merlin can go safely back to the citadel, because for some unfathomable reason, merlin seems to feel that it’s important.
because - and this is so important here - will doesn’t even know anything about merlin’s ‘destiny.’  they didn’t have time to talk about dragons or destinies or any of that.  all will knows is that it’s important to merlin, for whatever reason, and that’s enough to make it important to will.  even though he doesn’t understand it.  even though he doesn’t agree with it.  even though he personally thinks arthur’s a loser.  he does what he does so that merlin can have what he wants, so that merlin can be safe and happy in the city of his choice.
SAFE and HAPPY.  and merlin isn’t either of those things.  merlin has never been less safe than he is now.  and merlin hasn’t been happy for a very long time.
will would be rolling over in his grave if he could see merlin now.  he would have fought against the sort of...slow self-immolation we see merlin surrendering himself to here every step of the way.  will told a prince to fuck off in front of the entire population of ealdor; he wouldn’t have any qualms about telling ‘destiny’ to get stuffed, either.  and i find myself missing that single-minded devotion, that uncompromising affirmation of merlin’s intrinsic worth, as opposed to merlin’s importance as a prophesied figure out of myth, as the skies darken over merlin’s head and i see him getting ready to (i think) do something that would send will into an absolute rage.  
none of merlin’s friends or family have ever wanted him to suffer, but will was the only one who saw where this was going, a long, long time ago.  he knew from the beginning that it wasn’t right.  and like...people can complain about him refusing to jump on board the arthur+merlin ship all they want, but the reason he doesn’t get on that boat is because he’s always been captain and sole passenger of the HMS Merlin, and he is the only one who has ever understood that these two boats, with the way the world works right now, just can’t sail together.  so much would have to change first.
so like...i miss this kid.  i really do.  and i think merlin misses him, too, but not in a way that he can afford to let himself think about.  how can a person in merlin’s position afford to remember someone who always thought that merlin’s happiness and safety were more important than anything, when merlin has, by necessity, spent all these years forcing himself to finally accept that his own happiness and safety will always have to be his last priority?  how can he handle being reminded of a time when someone unconditionally believed that merlin deserved to live in this world and be happy, not because of what merlin could do or what great purpose he would serve, but simply because he is.  just because he exists.  because he’s enough as he is.  he matters just as he is.  he deserves to be safe and happy just because he is, not because of what he can do for his majesty the prince.
i don’t think someone in merlin’s position can afford to think like that, especially now.  i think it’s like - when you’re overwhelmed or stressed or upset and you’re holding it together but then somebody does one simple nice thing for you or gives you a hug and that’s when you lose it and start bawling - it feels like that.  i don’t think merlin could handle being gentled in that way.  i think it would be similar to when gwaine tells him “not arthur” - that inability to conceive of somebody who only cares about him, who puts him first.  i think if merlin allowed himself to remember that there was in fact a time in his life when he was someone’s first priority, if he remembered what that felt like - he would crack right down the middle.  
i think if someone were to really remind him of what he deserves from this life, to remind him of what he used to hope he would one day have, he would never be able to do what he thinks he needs to do.
the point of all this is just that as i enter the very end of this show and see merlin still - still - being deliberately gutted by someone who is supposed to love him, someone for whom merlin has been totally willing to give up his life a hundred times over, despite never being recognized and never being accepted and never being free - it is making me appreciate even more keenly the very few people in merlin’s life who chose not to treat him that way.  the very, very few people who knew him and loved him just the way he was.  and in particular it makes me appreciate will, who never had eyes for anybody but merlin, and who, uniquely among merlin’s friends, could not care less about arthur pendragon if you paid him.
after the last episode, i’m just really feeling his energy.  
#the once and future slowburn#no kings no masters#meta#anyway i love this boy#more and more every day#esp. now that i've become suspicious that he and lancelot might end up being the only ones whose honest friendship merlin ever gets to enjoy#i used to think (back when i first started this show and assumed it would someday have a happy ending)#that people like will were the 'first' people who gave merlin the gift of honest friendship#and that eventually things would change and everyone would find out and merlin would be able to live openly#now i am starting to worry that they may not be 'first'#i am starting to worry that they might in fact be 'only'#the only ones#in twenty-something years#not that i'm saying no one will ever know#but i'm not sure merlin will be able to benefit from it if you know what i mean#it would be nice to be wrong#because this would be criminal#but whether i'm wrong or not#the one thing you can be sure of is that i will never stop singing these people's praises#they've earned it#they've earned it in a way that arthur pendragon hasn't#they've given merlin something arthur pendragon never could#and to be 100% honest they've treated merlin better than arthur pendragon ever did#their absence is felt - severely - in how merlin's life starts disintegrating once lancelot dies and all of them are gone#merlin has been alone for a long long time#i hate to think he's going to die or be otherwise taken out of the game before that changes#but i suppose i'll just have to see#either way i'm gonna be channeling will's energy of 'i am here for merlin and the rest of you can go jump in a lake'#(ACTUALLY UHHHH poor choice of words omg; they really might lol)#GUESS WE'LL SEE ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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byeoltoyuki · 4 years
Release my heart ⇾ Ch.1
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↳ Pairing: Jimin x You
❧ Genre : Fluff / Smut (later) / slight angst / gang au
❧ Warnings : violence, blood, prostitution, drugs
❧ Words: +4k
❧ Summary: Your world is turned upside down when your father decides to sell you to the infamous gang in order to pay his debts.
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You were a mess, you knew it. For instance, you were barefoot. Your hands were covered with now almost dried blood. Your hair were messy, covered with dirt and probably some more blood, you wouldn’t know. Your face still burned; split lip still stinging along with your jaw that hurt like a bitch. You hadn’t seen your face for hours and you didn’t want to see it either. But by the look people gave you in the street, you could only imagine how bad exactly you looked but you couldn’t find the strength to care, nothing matter except getting to the police station as soon as possible.
You stumbled, your whole body screaming in pain and soreness at you, begging you to stop and rest but you pushed yourself harder, your mind restless, thinking over and over again about the mess you left behind you. You wanted to cry, to turn back and run back to him, to make sure he was safe. But you couldn’t do that. You gave him your word.
You shut your eyes tightly, biting back the tears that threaten to spill and when you opened them again, finally, you spotted the police station at the end of the street. The end of your misery was finally at your reach. The sight of it gave you enough strength to walk faster, but not without stumbling one more time on your way.
I can do it, you told yourself. Except you weren’t sure you really could.
"Miss, are you ok?" A passerby interrupted you - you completely ignored him.
"Miss?" He tried again, insisting.
Annoyed (even in your state of distress), your grip on the jacket only tightened and this time you glanced at him, shutting him up with a single glance that managed to freeze his blood. A glare you learnt from the best.
He flied away as fast as he came, too scared for his life. Not like you could do anything in your state except scowling.
Freed from noisy people, you reached your destination. The impressive door (at least, it seemed impressive to you at that moment) to the station looked so heavy but you pushed the door with shaky arms, legs barely holding you up. It took you all your willpower not to just collapse on the ground and let the floor swallow you whole.
The place was quite noisy, many people gathered inside, policemen, suspects, normal folks wanting to fill some complaints or protest their fines, but the moment you stepped inside, all the noise just died down. All eyes were on you. Some gasped at your sight, others had their eyes opened widely.
Finally. You let out a sigh of relief as you eyed the different officers at the station. Most of them seemed to be completely taken aback by you, by your state and yet one of them grabbed your attention as he was staring back at you with too much intensity.
"Miss L/Y/N!" He ran to you as your legs had finally given up - you fell on the floor, unable to control your body or your shaking. "Bring a doctor!"
You closed your eyes for a short moment, struggling to breathe, your heart was beating so hard you could feel it pulsing on both side of your throat. I made it. I made it, Jimin. His face was on your mind, him smiling gently at you, stroking your cheeks lovingly with his thumbs, promising you that everything would be alright, back to normal. But how could it? How could it when the last image of him was his pained face after being shot in the shoulder?
"Miss L/Y/N?" You felt the man’s hand on your shoulder and you flinched - snapping back from your memories you slapped his hand away, glowering at him. "I’m-I’m sorry."
I am too, you wanted to say, you didn’t want to react so harshly and you certainly weren’t supposed to if you wanted his help but habits you developed for the past months were just too strong. Especially when it came to touching.
He observed you, thinking of a proper way to approach you. Judging by your state and reaction, he could only imagine what had happened to you. He kneeled beside you, hand extended, ready to reach for you but he stopped mid-air and let it fall back to his side.
"Please, let me help you." He asked
"Tell them whatever you want. You’re free Y/N. Go back to your normal life."
God you wanted to cry. Instead, you nodded your head and took his arm. He hurried to help you back on your feet, one hand holding your arm, the other circled your waist but without much success - your legs couldn’t carry you any longer. He did the only thing he could. "I’m sorry." He quickly apologized before lifting you from the floor, carrying you bridal style to an empty interrogation room under curious eyes.
No matter how much you hated the proximity, you let him carry you, eyes shut tightly, you tried to control your heart and your breathing.
He put you on a chair and quickly rushed out of the room to get a blanket to replace your jacket. You accepted the blanket but refused to let go of his jacket that so far was the only thing that brought comfort to you. He noticed it but didn’t ask.
"A doctor will arrive shortly. Can you hold on till then, miss L/Y/N?" The officer asked you, his voice just as soft and gentles as his actions. He tried not to touch you for too long, tried not to scare you any further. "I’m Kang Namgi and I was in charge of your case."
"My case?" You barely managed to say, your throat dry from all the previous crying and screaming but Namgi heard you.
He smiled, satisfied to finally hear your voice, even if it was short. He nodded his head enthusiastically, "Yes. Your friends reported you missing. They were very worried." He paused, "And quite annoying too. Especially your friend, Minsoo? She called every single day to see if I had any leads."
"Yeah, that sounds like her." Your chuckle came out weird, broken and your attempt to smile only made you wince and remember the cut on your lip.
"She didn’t give up on you. I didn’t either."
You didn’t believe your body would be able to produce any more water, you didn’t believe you could cry again but you did. All that built up frustration, pain, anger, longing had finally got you, you had reached your breaking point. The mention of your friends and especially Minsoo wrecked your heart and tears started rolling down your cheeks. They didn’t forget about you. They did everything they could to find you and this only thought comforted you.You brought your hands to your lips, muffling a loud sob, it was too much emotions for one day.
"Miss L/Y/N," Kang Namgi started, hesitating for a second, "I’m not sure where to start. I know you must be extremely tired but I have questions for you. Do you think you can answer them?"
His question made you snap your head to look at him. Right, you didn’t have time to cry or ponder over what was terribly wrong in your life. You didn’t make this long and painful way only to collapse and forget why you were there. You wiped your tears, slapped gently your cheeks before giving him all your attention. "Yes."
He was impressed. "Good. Good. Can you tell me what happened to you? After your friends filed the missing person report, we checked your place and there was evidence of fighting. We assumed someone abducted you. Do you know who they were?"
Unconsciously your grip around the jacket tightened, letting the faint scent comfort you. "I do."
6 months ago,
You woke up with a groan, head throbbing painfully, you got up into a seated position, hands already on your temples, rubbing it to ease the pain without much success. Your head, however, wasn’t the only thing that bothered you this morning, no, your neck was sore and it only added to your dizziness.
"The hell." You muttered to yourself before opening your eyes and realizing that apart from your dizziness, there was something else terribly wrong: the room you were in. You blinked few times before throwing the blanket away, ready to set foot on the floor but you halted.
"I’m so sorry." You remembered reading your dad’s last message before pushing the door to your small flat. It didn’t make any sense, you didn’t remember him doing anything wrong for him to feel the need to apologize. You were left, however, with no time pondering over his very odd message as the moment you got inside your place, you were appalled by the state of it. When you had left in the morning, the place was clean, except it wasn’t any longer. Half of your furnitures were either broken or on the floor, clothes spread all around the floor - it was a big mess. The next thing you knew, someone was standing behind you and before you could have a chance to see the person and fight back, darkness welcomed you.
Right. You wished you could believe that it was a coincidence that right after your dad’s message you were brought to an unknown place that required you unconscious.
You didn’t have time to ponder over your situation - the door to your room was pushed to reveal a pretty, young woman who was undoubtedly around your age.
She halted for a second, staring at you, before closing the door behind her and walked towards you, holding in her hand a glass of water. "Here, I’m sure you must be thirsty."
Your mom would have given you a huge scolding for accepting a glass from someone you didn’t know but this woman was right, you were thirsty. You emptied the glass in one go before returning your attention to the woman. She was tall, thin, nice breasts (they were too exposed for you to ignore them), long black hair, along with a pretty face. And yet, despite her being pretty, you couldn’t ignore how she was dressed. A black see-through shirt, no bras, a black leather skirt way too short, exposing a piece of her ass.
Just looking at her, you had a terribly uneasy feeling. "Who are you?"
"Yoojin. I wish I could say ‘nice to meet you Y/N’ but we can both agree that there’s nothing nice about it." But despite what she told you, a small smile spread on her almost bare face (which surprised you considering the clothes she wore).
"Where am I?" And you wanted to add ‘why al I here’ but refrained yourself for the moment, believing that you wouldn’t like the answer anyway.
Yoojin quirked a brow at you; she expected you to guess by her mere presence and outfit (and you dud have a clue but your brain refused to accept it). "In a brothel."
"You’re joking, right?"
"Not really. No."
No. This is not happening. You winced feeling your temple twitch and a sudden wave of nausea forced you to close your eyes and take a deep breathe. You were upset, frustrated and disoriented. Nothing really made a sense. Not you waking up in a brothel, not Yoojin’s presence, and yet when you closed your eyes, all you could see was you reading your dad’s message.
Yoojin sighed, she hated this part of her job. You weren’t the first girl brought by force to this place and you were certainly not the last but this fact didn’t make it any easier. How was she supposed to explain to an innocent woman that her life was thrown away by someone close to her? How was she supposed to explain that you had absolutely no choice but to obey and accept the sooner the better that your new life began now, in a brothel.
"This brothel belongs to Bangtan." Yoojin started explaining, grabbing fully your attention at the mention of Bangtan. "I suppose you’ve heard of them."
And you sure as hell did but not in a very good way. Your heart leapt to your throat, slowly seeing the bigger picture. You remembered your parents arguing endlessly about them and about your dad’s addiction to gambling. Maybe you should have paid more attention to their fights, maybe then, it would have saved you from a bad situation such as you were in now.
"Why am I here?" You dared to ask despite knowing already the answer. "I don’t belong here."
"I agree. You don’t belong here. Few of us do." She admitted with a shrug. "But I’m sure you are fully aware of reasons that brought you to this place."
"He wouldn’t do that to me." You muttered more to yourself than to convince the young woman before you. Your heart ached with the realization of the worst kind of betrayal. "What kind of father would sell his own daughter?"
"A kind that is too scared for his own life. A kind that is too addicted to games. Most of us have been there."
By the way she said it, you believed she knew exactly what she was talking about which brought only more questions. "How long have you been there?"
"Long enough to be used to this life. And long enough to know what’s good for me." Yoojin chuckled humorlessly.
"Is it even possible to get used?"
Humans could indeed adapt to many things in order to survive but could someone really accept to sell its body? And in what conditions? You had a hard time believing that working in a brothel that belonged to the infamous gang would be a pleasurable experience if you could call it like that.
"Honestly? It gets easier with time. Alcohol helps. Drugs too."
You shuddered in fear and half disgust as another wave of nausea hit you. You couldn’t do it. No.
"From experience, I’d say you’re thinking about a way to escape, don’t you?" She said more softly. "I wouldn’t advise you to try. You can try of course and I won’t even stand in your way but if you get caught and I can assure you, you will, it will get ugly. The guys that work here, they’re not bad when you’re obedient. In fact, they can be quite nice and once they trust you, they will leave you more freedom. But disobey and they will show you no mercy."
"Anyway. Boss wants to see you."
The boss Yoonji talked about wasn’t in fact the real boss but just a substitute to the big boss who happened to be busy somewhere else (and you sure as hell didn’t want to know where and what he was exactly doing). It almost comforted you to know that you wouldn’t meet the big boss so soon, you guessed he was the worst because he was one of the leaders of Bangtan and this only thought scared the shit out of you.
"Try not to anger Jack please. He has a pretty bad temper." Yoojin warned you beforehand.
"As in he doesn’t take no for an answer?" You guessed
Yoojin nodded her head before knocking at the door and waiting for a reply. You expected Yoojin to be the one opening the door, but after a short moment, a man opened it for you and let you get inside. He gave you a look you couldn’t describe. Disgust? Pity? You didn’t like it either way.
As you got inside the big and luxurious office, you stayed close to Yoojin, wishing and hoping she could shield you from whatever you were about to face.
It didn’t last.
The moment you stood in the middle of the room, Yoojin stepped aside, revealing you this way to the so called Jack. One look at him and you decided you already highly disliked him. He was leaning against his desk, hands in the pockets; he wore a dark blue suit with white shirt - in other words, he didn’t look at all like anything you had imagined. You expected to see someone more repellent, with lots of tattoos, maybe piercings and definitely tons of scars. He did have a scar across his cheek but it didn’t look as bad as you thought it would be. Anyone who would meet him for the first time would think he was just another regular man. But what did give him away was definitely the aura around him, it screamed of danger, arrogance and many things you hadn’t figured out yet.
You didn’t dare to speak, too lost in your own thoughts and at the same time too anxious about what was about to happen. Slowly it dawned to you that no you weren’t dreaming or imagining things after all.
"Your father didn’t lie." Jack started, eyes roaming over your body (not like he could see much with your oversized sweater hiding most of it),"You do have a great body" His eyes lingered for a short moment on your legs before finding your eyes. "And the photo he showed of you doesn’t do you justice. You’re much prettier, I’m now sure our clients will love you."
This was a nightmare. You wanted to pinch your arm and wake up. But you couldn’t wake up because this was your reality now. Your own father had sold you to a gang just so they wouldn’t kill him, just so he could spending more money than he earns. It revolted you how selfish he was. Fists clenched, tense muscles, you couldn’t think straight as anger consumed you.
"Strip." Jack ordered
"You heard me, kitten. Strip, I won’t repeat myself."
There was no way you would strip when so many people were in the room. Actually, even if there was only Jack, there was no way you would strip. But Jack knew girls like you and before you could play coy with him, he pointed a gun at you. Your heart was hamming harder than ever, eyes wide as you stared with fear at the pointed gun.
"Come on." He shook the gun, pointing at your head, then aiming for your breast and then your belly.
"Do it." Yoonji was suddenly behind you, putting an almost comforting hand on your shoulder - it didn’t make you feel any better.
I don’t want to, you wanted to say, to cry. The fact that you found yourself among scary people wasn’t the only thing that bothered you, no, terrified you. You were left in a place where people wouldn’t ask questions and would simply kill you if you disobeyed.
With shaky hands, you grabbed the hem of your sweater and pulled it over your head. Yoojin was quick to take it from your hands, making this way sure you couldn’t hide your body from them. God, this is so humiliating. You bit on your lips as you attacked your jeans, forcing yourself to take them off. The room felt suddenly so cold, making you shiver.
Jack hummed in satisfaction as more and more of your skin got exposed. You were left in your undergarments and luckily for you he didn’t ask for more. He took a step towards you, his gun still in his hand (which made you even more nervous than standing almost completely naked), eyes fixed on your body, you were a prey, his prey.
"Oh yes." Jack licked his lips, halting right in front of you and without asking for permission (not like you expected him to), he grabbed your right breast, giving it a rough squeeze. "They will love you."
I’m going to throw up.
Jack grabbed your chin and made you look at him. "You better behave kitten. If you do, I promise I won’t be too mean."
How comforting. But you believed that getting on his good sides wouldn’t be as easy as he made it sound. In fact, you were convinced that there was no way you would get along with him since you had no intention on obeying and even less selling your body.
"You can leave."
"Well. It didn’t go as bad as I expected." Yoojin muttered once you were out of the office, walking down the empty halls of this unknown place.
You didn’t comment, your hands still shaky after your encounter with Jack and the humiliating experience. It left a bitter taste in your mouth and you could only imagine in what state you would be left after your first day of work here. No, you couldn’t let that happen.
"Most of girls cry the first time, so I guess I can applaud you for keeping your calm." Yoojin congratulated you even if it meant nothing to you.
You stopped following her and instead stared at the empty hall. None of Jack’s men were following you and there was nobody else except for the two of you. Wasn’t it your chance to try to escape? You knew your chances to succeed were little if not inexistent but do nothing was worse.
Yoojin glanced over her shoulder, noticing finally that you had halted. She sighed, knowing all too well what was going in your mind. She turned to face you, hands on her hips, she looked sorry. "You can try, I told you I won’t stop you. But I wouldn’t do that if I was you."
"Will you really not try?" You asked, unconvinced. This young woman didn’t seem like the type to just accept and do nothing, there was something about her that reminded you of yourself. And you were right - she didn’t answer. "Thought so."
You inhaled sharply, gathering your forces, your courage - you had to try.
"Good luck." She finally wished you
So you did the only thing you could: you ran. You didn’t look back, your mind went blank as you ran for your life, sprinting through the different halls that all looked the same to you. You saw doors that looked like normal doors that would lead to a room and not to an exit. You turned left hoping for to find a bigger room but luck seemed to have left you and instead of finding a door you found two men. For a second they simply stared at you, taken aback, but then, when they realized what you were trying to do they took out their gun and you ran again but this time even more terrified.
Shit shit shit.
There was no way you would let them catch you, no matter how tired you suddenly felt, no matter how much your legs hurt, you wouldn’t stop. Stopping would mean defeat, would mean accept your fate and eventually to get killed. With this thought on mind, you ran faster and finally you spotted a huge door that you hoped would lead outside.
It did.
The sight of the street should have made you happier, you were one step closer to freedom. Except, in your misery, it had slipped out of your mind that harsh winter was waiting patiently outside. The sky was dark, cloudless, the only source of light came out of street lights and buildings.
Your feet refused to go any further, you stood in the middle of the street, lost and freezing, seeing your own breath escape your mouth. You were shaking like a leaf, desperate to get some help but there was nobody in the streets. Not a soul, except for your lost one.
Tears sprang into your eyes. I can’t do it.
A loud gunshot made you clamp your hands over your ears. Slowly, you turned to look at the two men standing not so far from you, one pointing his gun to the sky (obviously he didn’t want to kill you but only to scare you) while the other one tried to take a step closer to you - you took a step backward.
"Don’t force us to shoot you." The one with the gun pleaded you.
You scoffed, "Do you expect me to go back then?"
"Frankly? Yes. You’re young and there are opportunities for you in there." He tried to defend his opinion which only sounded ridiculous to you. Opportunities in whoring yourself? Now that was amusing.
"Do you even hear yourself? Opportunities? I want my normal life back! Far from you guys!"
"But you can’t." The other one sighed and stopped trying to get closer to you. "There is one thing you don’t understand. If you run away, we’ll find you and everybody you love will be in danger. Jack doesn’t take this kind of behavior lightly. He won’t kill you, but he’ll make you pay. Do you really want that?"
No, you didn’t. Except maybe for your father who dared to put you in this situation in the first place. Deep inside, you knew they were both right, but the side of you that wished for freedom didn’t want to listen - you took few more steps backward until your back bumped into a hard chest. Your whole body tensed, your face paled and you couldn’t breath. Whoever was behind you was not a good thing for you.
"Gentlemen." He greeted the two men before putting a hand on your hip and steadying you before you could fall (you didn’t trust your body anymore, too tired).
Before any of them could react and before you could face the man, darkness welcomed you along with warm arms around your body and a very fresh and fruity scent.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Some Alpha: Part 16
Fandom: Marvel (ABO AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky is an Alpha, but can never seem to find someone who wants him to be their Alpha. Until he finds you, a Beta, who’s as firey as an Alpha, yet also tender-hearted like an Omega.
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Bucky came knocking at your door right on the dot. You opened it and was greeted to a lovely bouquet of roses and your dashing Alpha dressed to the nines. 
“You didn’t have to get me flowers,” you say shyly as you accept them from him. 
He shrugged, “I’m going all out tonight, sweetheart. Now,” he steps in, taking your hand, and twirling you around, “Lemme get a good look at my beautiful, Beta.”
You found yourself giggling like a school girl as you twirled around, the skirt of your dress fanning out in the motion, “Bucky,” you say his name with a chuckle.
“What? I just wanna admire my gorgeous girl,” he says with bright eyes and a lovesick grin, “You ready to go, my lady?”
You flutter over to the couch, grabbing your phone and person, and coming right back to Bucky, who’s offered his arm to you. You take it and say with confidence, “I am one hundred percent ready, my lord.”
“Splendid. May our night festivities await!” he says with properness and a bit of an accent. 
During the drive to the restaurant, Bucky’s hand rested on your thigh, his hand occasionally sliding up close to your core, only to come back down. You felt like he was doing this on purpose, riling you up and exciting you. Teasing you. 
It isn’t until you began to growl at him that he stopped and feigned confusion, “What’s with the growling, my Beta?” he asked with a smirk.
You frowned at him, your eyes narrowing into a glare, “You know what you’re doing and it’s not fair.”
He hummed and pat your knee, “Patience is a virtue, my Beta,” he then proceeded to place both hands on the steering wheel. You already missed his touch. 
Bucky pulled up to the curb, hopping out and placing the keys into the hands of the valet. When you opened your door, his hand was right there for you to grab, assisting you as you stepped out of the car. 
As soon as you place your hand in Bucky’s and you stepped out of the car, your jaw dropped in awe, “You did not!” You stared up at the luxurious three story restaurant, the bright shining sign ‘Stark’s’ staring down at you. 
Bucky kissed the back of your hand, his fingers still intertwined with yours, “I did. Tony is a friend of Steve’s.”
“Bucky, you really didn’t-”
“Yes, I did, sweetheart. Like I said I’m going all out tonight. After everything we’ve been through, after everything you’ve been through, you deserve this.”
You sigh, “I really don’t deserve you, Bucky Barnes.”
“You’re worth it all, my Beta. You deserve this and more. I’m just lucky that you gave a guy like me a chance.” 
A hostess came up to him, asking for the name the reservation is in. After giving his name, Bucky dropped your hand, proceeding to wrap an arm around your waist instead. He could smell the apprehension coming off you. This was you real first time going out in public like this. He could sense that you were nervous and a little bit scared. 
“You’ll be okay, sweetheart. You took your scent suppressants?” You nodded your head, practically curling up into his arm and he spoke again, “Then you’ll be fine.”
“People are staring,” you murmured, feeling the eyes on you. 
Bucky chuckled, which confused you, “It’s because you’re the most beautiful woman they’ve ever seen.” he presses a loving kiss to your temple and then you both follow the hostess up the the third floor and towards a table more secluded from the rest of the restaurant’s patrons. It was right next to the glass paned wall, giving you a lovely view of the city around you. 
“The night’s barely started and I already think this is the best night I’ve ever had,” you say with a big smile. 
You’re given the menus by the hostess and she tells you that your server will be there any moment. You eyes overlook the menu and they nearly bug out when you see how expensive everything is, “Buck-”
“Don’t worry about, sweetheart.” he says, eyes not wavering from the menu. He already knows what you’re going to say.
That’s when he looks up, his eyes shining with confidence and love, “I got it covered. Trust me.” 
You sigh and continue perusing the menu. You pick out what sounds good to you. When you place your menu down, your server comes by with a two glasses and a bottle of wine. 
“Complimentary by Mister Stark,” he smiles, pouring your drink, and then placing the bottle into the chiller, “I’ll also be right back with some appetizers that are also complimentary by Mister Stark.” the man bowed slightly and headed back towards the kitchen. 
You took your glass, as did Bucky, and held it up, “To us.”
“To you, Y/N. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. You’ve gone through a lot, but you’ve been so strong and brave. I admire you, adore you, and love you so much.”
“I wouldn’t have done it without you, my Alpha. I love you.”
“I love you too, my Beta.”
You both clinked your glasses together and took a sip from the wine. It was sweet with a slightly bitter taste at the end, but overall good. 
“So...you’re moving in with me.”
Bucky nodded, “Only if you want me to.”
You can’t help but snort, “I mean, you’re already practically living with me, Buck. Might as well make it official, yeah?”
“True,” he says with a chuckle. He then sighs in disbelief, “You know, I never thought I’d get this. I thought I’d never find a mate, never find true love. I thought I’d be alone until the rest of my days. And then you came along and turned my world upside down. You, a firey Beta with so much sass and attitude. You, someone who deserves so much more than me. I feel like the luckiest Alpha in the world to have you as my mate, Y/N.”
“Not gonna like, Buck, this is starting to sound like a proposal.”
“It does, doesn’t it? Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to marry you, baby doll, but I want to give us a little more time. Who knows, maybe you might change your mind about me-”
“Never,” you insisted, “I want you, Bucky Barnes. Mind, body, and soul. You’re my mate, my Alpha. We may not have the marked claim just yet, but that doesn’t mean I’m not yours and you’re not mine.”
Bucky sighs in relief, reaching over to hold your hands in his, “Even after all this time of knowing you and being with you, you still amaze me with how wonderful you are.” he presses his lips to your fingers and you do the same.
“The feeling is mutual, Alpha,” you get a little daring when you take Bucky’s pointer finger into your mouth and suck it a little bit. 
A deep growl emits from deep within his chest, “Behave yourself, baby doll.”
You smirked as you lightly dropped his hands onto the table and leaned back in your chair, “What’s with the growling, my Alpha?”
“You better stop this now or I won’t hesitate to bend you over this table and claim you in front of everyone,” he threatened in a low, deep tone that shovers down your spine and made your pussy tingle. 
“Patience is a virtue, I hear,” you say cooly, reaching for your glass and taking a sip of wine. 
Over appetizers, more wine, and eventually dinner, you and Bucky discuss the process of him moving in as well as you going back to work. Your manager, luckily, was very understanding and up to date about the things you’ve gone through. When you were ready, your position would still be waiting for you.
Through the idle chatter and lengthy conversations, you seemed to be more daring when it came to the things you said and done. Your feet would slide up and down Bucky’s leg, pressing your chest forward more, “innocently” sucking and licking at your utensils. You were starting to drive Bucky up the wall. He knew it and you knew it too. The smell of his arousal wafting through the scent of your meal. 
When it came to dessert was when he finally had it. 
Bucky pulled out a few hundred dollar bills and slapped them onto the table, “Box up any desserts Stark had set aside for us and meet us downstairs,” he ordered confidently, his eyes never leaving yours, “And keep the change.”
The server, receiving the signal and smell of urgency from Bucky, took the money and thanked him, hustling towards the kitchen. 
“Let’s go, baby doll,” he growls, eyeing you up and down as you swiftly stand up. You eye the tent in his slacks and you feel your mouth and core wetten. 
As you and Bucky make your way back down to the first floor, he murmurs huskily in your ear, “When we get home, I’m officially making you mine.”
You bite your lip to prevent you from moaning as you muster out a “Yes, Alpha,” and follow Bucky towards the car where the valet already seemed to have his car and your desserts waiting for you. 
Some Alpha Taglist (CLOSED): @cametobuyplums | @strugglingsemicolon | @geeksareunique  | @mydemonexorcist | @slender–spirit |  @mrsdeanwinchester19 | @suhhhhhhh-dude | @buckysthing | @learisa | @deanmonunicorn | @uguid | @dianaxx99 | @iamwarrenspeace | @feelmyroarrrr | @xxsirensong | @petersunderoos96 | @stuck-y-together | @stressedandbandobessed7771 | @translucuiid | @titty-teetee | @mamaraptor | @randomfandompenguin | @ayatimascd | @hiken-no-stark | @bubblegum-love18 |   @madisonpillstrom | @hailqueenconquer | @nerdy-bookworm-1998 | @brastrangled | @isthiswhattheycallwriting | @ravennightingaleandavatempus | @undiscovered-misunderstood | @thottywithoutthebody | @blueberrybuchanan | @buckysthighs134 | @crystalwolfblog | @tastefulknife | @bluescorpio1999 | @chuuulip | @celestiallucifer | @mrsalh32611 | @yipthegoddess | @lydklein1 | @jamierdr | @unsent-voicemail | @itsthelittlethingsnlife | @a-daydreamers-day |
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highqueenofelfhame · 4 years
25 Days of Christmas: Rowaelin
Fear and Fire: Chapter Two.
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“I want to try for special ops,” she said, sitting on the edge of her chair and regarding her Admiral with the utmost respect. Brullo’s fingers were tented in front of his face, chin resting on his thumbs as he mulled his words over. 
“You’re sure you’re ready?” His eyes finally met hers, scanning her face for any sign of instability, she was sure. There had been a long while when, after Sam, she had been like a loose canon. At this point, she wasn’t sure how many times they’d had this conversation. That she was ready to join, but that he didn’t think she was ready. After yesterday, she was positive he was going to say no again, but instead he leaned back in his chair and nodded. “Alright.”
“You’re serious?” Brullo’s approval meant everything to Aelin, considering how hard they had both worked to get her where she was at present. Despite it being the twenty-first century, men didn’t take kindly to taking orders from women. Especially women younger than they were, women that were smaller than they were. It usually took her kicking their ass before they would treat her with an ounce of respect. So for him to say that it was okay, to give his go-ahead that she so desperately sought, meant the world. 
“Of course I’m serious. I think it’s time,” he said, nodding to himself as she rushed around the desk and threw her arms around his neck. It wasn’t often that he allowed such things, but when she snuck it up on him he could hardly refuse. Brullo had been friends with her father, was someone Aelin had known since she was a child, and sometimes felt like all of her dad that she had left. 
“I won’t let you down, sir.”
Aelin had never wanted to let Brullo down so much in her life. She knew, weeks ago when she had asked for his approval, that the special ops tryouts were grueling. She had known that Brullo had worked his ass off to make it so she could even tryout for special ops. Up until Aelin had voiced her interest months ago, women hadn’t been allowed. Aelin was the first, and currently only, woman to tryout to be on one of the elite teams of Terrasen’s Navy. 
Now that she had passed the initial test (an intense physical test that included running, swimming, and various other physical tests), training had begun and her life was already hell. Everyone was making sure of it, too. Everyone except for her friends in the Cadre: the twins, Vaughan, and Gavriel. Aelin was pretty sure that Rowan and Lorcan wanted to eat her for a snack. 
Now, with her hands bound behind her back and her ankles tied together, she had been struggling so hard to keep her head just above water that she would have been embarrassed had the men not had an equally difficult time. When the final whistle blew, she took a deep breath and let her body go completely limp to sink beneath the surface while she untied her hands and feet with ease. The knots hadn’t ever been so tight that she wouldn’t have been able to get out of them. With her eyes open beneath the water, she could see several of the men having a hard time unravelling their knots. It was amusing, really, to know that their biggest fear was likely being bested by the only woman and then having to watch it come to fruition when she finally pulled herself out of the pool. Aelin sat on the ledge for a few minutes, untying her boots and depositing them on the concrete beside her. When she tilted them upside down, water poured from inside and she shook her head with a sigh. 
And then the catcalling started. The low whistles, the cheers while she twisted her hair to wring out the water. 
It wasn’t the first time that it had happened. It wasn’t even the first time this week that it had happened. Her rank didn’t matter when she was smaller than all the men on base. The fact that she kicked their asses day in and out before special ops training didn’t matter. What mattered was that she was a woman, she had tits, she had an ass, and these men were wildly deprived on base despite frequent trips into the bars and pubs in town. It was gross. It was wearing her thin, and she couldn’t help but wonder when she would finally snap and beat them all to a bloody pulp, likely getting excused or kicked out of special ops training for violent behavior. 
“Take it off, Princess!” Someone shouted in her direction, and she kept her head down while she squeezed the water from her shirt. The same man that had just yelled at her had stripped his shirt off and tossed it to the side, and Aelin shifted uncomfortably while he yelled at her again, only to be joined by several others. It was disgusting, the male mind in thinking that they were completely entitled to speak to her however they so wished. Just when she’d lost her patience, another louder and more authoritative voice rang clear through the room, echoing off the walls and cutting through the choppy splashing of the water. 
“Everybody outside. Now.” Whitethorn. Nobody hesitated when he or anyone from the Cadre spoke. They were the law as far as anyone was concerned, and they would follow each and every order they were given.
Despite her aching and waterlogged body, Aelin pulled herself to her feet and shoved them back into her shoes, following the rest of the soldiers outside. They all stood in a single line, heads held high despite their aching bones. 
“Galathynius.” Aelin stepped forward, lifting her chin a fraction of an inch and did her best to ignore the low chuckles behind her. 
“About how badly would you like to kick these men’s asses for patronizing you simply because you’re a woman?” The question caught her off guard so much that she huffed out a laugh, her shoulders relaxing the slightest amount. For a moment, she had been worried that he, too, would start reaming her over her gender.
“You would be surprised how bad, sir,” she answered truthfully as Rowan came to stop in front of her. Gods, he was huge. Aelin looked up at him, making direct eye contact for the first time.
 He leaned down then, lips close to her ear and murmured, “Can I do it for you?” 
“I don’t need protecting, sir. I can do it myself.” Something in Rowan’s eyes flickered as he stepped back and gave her an appreciative look. 
“Would you mind?”
“No, sir.” She admitted, not minding at all if he took them down if only because she was too tired with jello limbs to do it herself. 
It was the biggest honor of her life, she decided, watching thirteen men get the life beat out of them in a sparring ring while she got to watch. 
An even bigger honor just to watch Rowan Whitethorn take down men with hardly any effort at all. It was like it came so naturally, so second nature that it took no effort. The only sign that he didn’t possess some sort of superhuman strength was his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths from exertion. He moved in such a beautiful way that it surprised her. Despite his size he moved with such grace that it was almost like watching a dance. Rowan Whitethorn may as well be Superman.
Aelin had been running on the treadmill for too long. Despite the long stamina she had when it came to running, the fact that she had been holding a steady pace for well over an hour while she watched Rowan and Fenrys spar on a mat across the room. There was a stitch in her side, because there were others in the room besides just Rowan and Fenrys. Grave and Cain were two of them, and Aelin refused to slow down lest they decide she was weak and couldn’t keep up a mild sprint for long enough. They kept looking at her laughing as it were, each of them sporting swollen jaws and black eyes from the beating Rowan had dished out earlier in the day. As soon as those two left the work out room, though, she slammed the speed button to slow down while she gulped in large breaths of air. 
Not too long after, Fenrys and Rowan fist bumped and Fen left the room leaving Rowan and Aelin alone. Rowan was dabbing at his brow with a towel, sweat reflecting off the surface of his stupidly pronounced chest. There was such a raw cut to each of his abdominal muscles that it felt more like she was looking in on Brad Pitt filming Fight Club. 
“Sir?” She immediately wanted to die at how out of breath she sounded, how raspy her voice was. Rowan lifted his eyes to meet hers as she finally stepped off the treadmill, though, and raised a brow. “I had a question for you.” 
“Ask away,” he said, tilting his head back to squirt a shot of water into his mouth from his water bottle before spraying it over his face. Shit. He was hot. 
“I’ve never seen anyone fight like you did today.” Not her question, and his answer of a raised brow told her that he, too, noticed it wasn’t a question. “I’m quick. I’m strong. I am very accomplished as a soldier but I was hoping that you might teach me. Teach me how to fight the way you were. I can kill someone with a dagger from fifty feet straight to the heart, but with just my fists I’m not as talented. I feel like if I don’t ask for help where I need it that I won’t get the job I’m trying so hard to obtain and I refuse to not get a promotion because a few men decided I wasn’t good enough.” Her heart was thundering in her chest, pounding like a herd of wild stallions were beating against her ribs. Rowan tilted his head slightly as he looked at her, licked his lips, then nodded once. 
“Only if I can take you out for a drink.” Aelin was torn between wanting to scream yes and wanting to slap him for being like the rest of the men on base.
“That sounds wildly inappropriate. Is that why you beat everyone up today?”
“I kicked their asses because their behavior was bullshit and not something that I tolerate.” 
“So you’re going to approve me for the SO position if I say yes?” Chewing on her bottom lip, she rested her hands on her hips while she watched his face carefully. His cheeks were flushed now, eyes flustered but bright. 
“Asking you out for a drink is inappropriate but trying to get me to hand you a position isn’t?”
“I’m a woman, sir. I need all the help I can get.” It was a challenge, those two sentences. A challenge that if he failed, she would find a dagger and stab him with it for being a hypocrite, but when he spoke she found herself to be pleasantly surprised.
“You don’t need my help getting the job. You’re doing more than fine without my help, you will get SO because you deserve it, because you are capable.” The sincerity in his voice was striking, the lilt of his accent making the words a soft confession that she wanted him to repeat. She wanted to ask him if he meant it, if he truly believed what he said, but the look in his eyes told her that he did. Rowan Whitethorn, if no one else on the base, believed in her. “I’ll train you. The drink is optional, but yes, I will help you train.” 
With flying colors, he passed. So after a few beats, after she willed her heart to calm, she took a step back and offered him a small smile. “You can pick me up at seven.”
tags: @starseternalnighttriumphant @mariamuses @keshavomit @faefromthenorth @ifyouwouldseemysoul @murlymoo150 @faerie-queen-fireheart @impossiblescissorspeachpaper @feyre-therabeaux @runawayrowan @someonemagical @stormymeow @singme-t0sleep @tswaney17 @shyvioletcat @city-of-fae @kandasboi @mynewdreamwasyou @tangledraysofsunshine @aelin-is-my-heart @empire-of-wildfire @mynameiscelaenasardothien​ @myfeyrelady​ @schmlip-scribble​ @musicmaam​ @nalgenewhore​ @westofmoon​ @aaronwarnvrs @acourtofrowaelinandfeysand​ @im-not-rare-im-rarr​
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redschillzone · 4 years
Hello 👋! I hope everything is swell with you! I was wondering if you can do 33 and 34 with Iden? 🥺 👉👈
Hello! I’m doing well and I am so sorry this took so long to get out! I had some shopping to do but alas, here is your request! ❤️
Iden Tag List: @allfiguredout
Fluffy Friday
“Do you believe in love at first sight?” The words had suddenly left your mouth and you were quick to slap a hand over your mouth as Iden raised an eyebrow at you, shifting her gaze from her food over to you as a blush had suddenly spread across your face. You didn’t mean to ask such a question but you just couldn’t help yourself at this point. Del couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped him as he sat across from you and Iden, shifting his gaze between the two of you.
“Well Iden? Do you?” Del pressed your question, quite eager himself to know the answer. Iden just gave an eye roll as she continued to eat her food in the cafeteria, thinking your question over in her brain; She did, but she wasn’t going to just outright say it. The moment she had seen you after they had joined the Republic she knew she didn’t want to spend her time with anyone else. She was more than ready to make a life with you and you alone, so long as you would have her, that was. She didn’t have the time to ask you out officially, but then again when was the right time? Most certainly not in the middle of a war, she thought but Maker, some of the best risks were taken in tough situations.
“Mmm.. I suppose I do.” Iden had commented as she shifted her gaze over to you and Del; Both of you having a shocked expression on your faces. You both weren’t expecting such an answer from the Iden Versio.
“So wait, do you have your eyes on someone then?” You had blurted out once more and wanted nothing more than to smack yourself upside the head; You needed to control your mouth, but how could you? You were head over heels for Iden and wanted to make her yours but just as Iden thought; Was in the middle of an intergalactic war really worth it?
“Again, I do.” She spoke as she continued to eat. You had shifted your gaze to Del as he hummed lowly.
“Is it someone we know?” He teased, wanting to dig this new bit of information out of her; He was going to figure it out, even if it killed him. You were honestly interested as well; You wanted to know just who the competition was that you were up against and whether or not you stood a chance. You could honestly feel the butterflies flying around in your stomach as Iden just chuckled lowly at the two of you and turned her attention away from her food to the both of you, her eyes mainly focused on you.
“You really want to know?” She questioned, an eyebrow raised as you both gave a nod, suddenly eager to hear what she had to say. She had taken a deep breath, glancing around the cafeteria quietly as she thought it through; Was now the time to do it? To confess her love for you? She felt as though it was, despite everything she had said about confessing during a war. You could die at any given time and she wouldn’t be able to tell you how she felt, so she was going to do just that; Trust her gut and confess to you right in the middle of the cafeteria.
“It’s you, (Y/N). Sometimes I just can’t control myself when around you, and I’m fully aware of that and 100% okay with it. I just.. You’re smart, beautiful, cunning; Everything I could ever want in a partner and just.. This war is going to hell and it’s only going to get worse before it gets better, so I figured you should know.” She had told you, looking at you as you remained frozen to your seat. Iden Versio had just confessed her love for you and you were shocked; It took at least several seconds for your brain to comprehend what she had just said and once it did, you were blushing a dark shade of red. You were speechless at the moment and Iden took the chance to chuckle lightly.
“I uh.. So yeah, there you two have it. Now you know.” She informed you both as she shifted her head to look at you, a squeak escaping her as you all but crashed your lips into hers; You could feel the blush growing on your face as you placed a hand on her cheek, your eyes shut tightly. Iden had slowly begun to relax, her eyes shutting as she kissed you back; It was a rushed kiss for sure but she could feel the love and passion you put behind it. You were the first one to pull back, the blush still evident on your face.
“I.. I love you too, Iden.” You had told her, a grin on your face as she grinned back. You two were staring into each other's eyes for at least a few minutes before Del cleared his throat.
“I uh- I think I’ll leave you two alone. Just don’t fuck on the table.” He spoke as he got to his feet and left, leaving you and Iden alone to laugh and talk it out. Despite the war going on, you were glad Iden had finally told you because now you had another reason to fight. And that reason was Iden Versio.
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polvillodecanela · 4 years
OC- Tober  Day 2: Mercy
Uh oh I really enyojed this one. At first I thought of making it mercy-less, with lots and lots of gore and soul sucking but… my character just… not? like Idk what happened. It ended being really mercy-ful  and I think that is beautiful.
I got to know my character more and more.. I think we are friends now that we understand each other more or less good. So enjoy as much as I did.
This, as the last one is in spanish and in english. 
The young man was hanging upside down. Oh well, Hong wasn’t quite sure if the hanged was young or not. Everything was deceptive with them. Everything worked against him. Until two minutes ago, Hong thought the hanged was human. He had been wrong and almost paid dearly for his indiscretion, if the boy had been more willing to fight. He wasn´t. That too could be misleading.
Hong was also deceptive himself. Walking through the crowded streets of the towns looking at jewelry and stealing emotions. Harvesting, rather, emotions. He particularly liked the taste of wonder. It was sweet but not overly sweet, like joy; It wasn’t sticky either, like adrenaline; it was warm without being hot, like shame; it wasn’t just lukewarm either, like desire - who would say ah? -. The hanging boy groaned and Hong lifted his head.
The young man was trying to loosen up, he saw the little rays coming from his hands. A new convert then. Hong hit the young boy’s head with a bat. Let him hung up lax again. Hong sat on the floor waiting for the boy’s “owner” to arrive. While he waited, he gave himself a second to ponder. How come such a simple mission had gone so wrong? It was supposed to be a relatively easy mission. Find the colony of yellows, extract the riches and eliminate them. But of course, the intelligence had been defective and they had ended up in that British camp heavily seized by soldiers.
They were idiots, those Westerners, with their firearms and their pretense of knowledge, with the arrogance that their stature probably gave them. Human beings are pathetic in many ways, he told himself. He had to lack any mercy and eliminate them all. Pride tasted like meat gone rotten, yet neither he nor his men were going to waste what they were given so freely. The soldiers now seemed like if they were asleep all in their beds. If someone came they would not know exactly what had happened. No, he corrected himself, if someone came and they had already left, otherwise it would be another unnecessary bloodbath.
Then there was the young man. He was dressed as a servant and appeared to be stunned. What was the two well-placed blows to the head doing. The young man was not yet very dexterous and he was a yellow - of that Hong was quite sure - because of the color of his eyes and the rays that came from his hands. If he was a recent convert perhaps his “lord” was looking for him. If he had escaped … well, he was going to give him 2 hours or so, if he didn’t show up he would get rid of him. Maybe the boy had answers.
Hong adjusted his long braid and addressed the young man’s face. He was a Chinese boy just like everyone else. Same as his own. He seemed little fed. It was more likely that he had escaped then. He slapped him twice on the face. The boy’s eyes widened.
“I’m going to speak only once. I don’t like being interrupted. I don’t like repeating what I say. Was I clear?”
The young man nodded.
“What is your name?”
“Zhan WuCheng.”
“Good, WuCheng. Who created you?”
The boy looked puzzled, or was his face hanging at a strange angle? Maybe, still, Hong wasn’t going to let him go.
“I don’t understand what you mean, sir.”
“Now, let’s see. Have you been in a lot of pain lately?”
The boy paled.
“N- No. No sir.”
“You are about to , so you better answer me. I already said, I don’t like to repeat myself. Who created you?”
“I don’t know him” then he added quickly  “sir.”
“Could you describe him?”
“More or less, sir.”
They stared at each other for a few seconds until the young man understood.
“He … calls himself >”
Qiannián! Finally, a lead.
“Keep going.”
The young man’s face was starting to turn an unhealthy reddish color. With a twist of his dagger the hanged fell to the ground. It sounded like a sack of rice.
“Good” the young man cleaned some dirt and sat on the floor “I… I-I escaped, sir. I overheard that they had done this to me” pointing to himself “because they wanted to feed a baby and I was scared. I ran and the soldiers found me.”
A baby. Twisted bastard. A baby. How? Qiannián’s special convert was a man. That was blacker magic than that was allowed. If you violate nature more than she allows it, she will take revenge. Hong and her men were nature’s revenge.  Hong Smiled.
“Okay” he said sitting down on the floor “tell me where they had you.”
He handed the boy a piece of parchment and a piece of granite. The boy did his best to make a fairly recognizable map of the mountains: ups, downs, a secret passageway to get behind the monster’s mansion. He also tried to explain to Hong about the unusual amount of things in that house, how the servants looked like puppets. Hong knew they were, a > without a soul is even worse than a human without one. Hong tried to smile as warmly as he could. He was feeling a cold feeling on his chest. He liked the boy.
“Well” Hong looked the boy in the eye “ I’ll have to tell you something. You will die”
“ Good Sir please, no, don’t kill me! Have mercy on me!”
“I am merciful, believe me. But the moment I finish with … that, with the one who did this to you” he touched the young’s shoulder solemnly “you are going to evaporate, it could be painful, we don’t know. I can’t do anything for you.”
“So… Is it better if I go on my terms?”
“It can be arranged, yes” he hesitated “How old are you?”
“Fourteen, sir.”
Misleading. Acid rose in his throat. The boy was thinking of leaving on his own and he wasn’t going to stop him. He took his dagger and blew some of his sadness into it. With emotions it hurts less, if Hong wanted to make it explode he would do it with his blood. He gave it to the boy.
“When you’re ready, WuCheng.”
“By the way, sir. They have peacocks. They are very pretty.”
Then, Hong turned his face away until he was sure the boy had done it. Only his clothes remained. He had – hopefully - peacefully vanished.
With the sour taste in his mouth Hong decided to take his men and, using the boy’s map, they climbed the mountains and found the house. It reeked of death.
Death, in case you want to know, tastes strangely… delicious, it varies from devourer to devourer, it varies even with the mood of the prey. To Hong, death tasted like an exquisite piece of pork tenderloin, slowly smoked and cooked underground in its juices with a glass of cool, cool liquor. The problem with drinking from someone until they died is that it is addictive and you end up - like Qiannián - renewing life to take it away again and again. It was monstrous.
Now, the taste of death was wonderful, but the smell was the same that humans could, if they tried, smell. They obviously didn’t, otherwise Qiannián wouldn’t have that much power. He couldn’t have created a baby. Hong had a strange and twisted curiosity to see the strange baby. Maybe he hadn’t been born, that was something he had to consider. He would not let it be born.
They entered right through the tunnel the boy had described. They eliminated three or four servants.
“Divide. You have to find the clan owners before they escape” then after a pause  “there are peacocks, very pretty, my mother will like them. Send the signal for those who are close by enough to come.”
He walked calmly through the corridors, stabbing some servants who exploded in colors and lights. Without making a single noise, by the way. They were more dead than alive.
Hong thought he was doing them a favor and he was probably right.
“Sir! The other knows we are here. He was going downstairs. He looked… round.”
Perfect. He grasped his sword, stained with his own blood, and ran like a madman through those alleys that wound further and further down. The yellow ones lightly illuminated the path with their multicolored explosions and the smell of burning meat grew stronger and stronger.
In front of him and his men: A huge, heavy door. However, the screams of a woman could be heard. She spoke english. She asked for mercy. Laughter was heard. Hong nodded his head once and his men entered like a flock of wild birds. With their swords they finished off the two monsters.
When Hong walked in he saw the milky little jars on the floor and up, up, suspended in two cages. There were two people.
“ Chandra” said one of them, the young man.
They were very badly dressed. The poor girl’s black curls were in an indefinite mass and her pretty green dress was in tatters. The young man was not so bad. They both had green eyes. With another nod of his head his men carefully dropped the cages.
The young woman could not remain standing. Hong held her very carefully. She was crying in silence. The poor thing smelled very bad.
“I have saved your life, human” he said, looking at the young man “ you owe me something.”
“If you’re going to milk me, I’m already broken,” He answered defiantly.
He wasn’t broken at all. Hong laughed. The young man was startled.
“No, no, no. A few years of your service would be enough for us.”
“Years you say” the other frowned.
The young lady was so tired that she had collapsed on the floor. One of hong’s men was offering her some water. She drank like she hadn’t in days. Perhaps that was the case.
“Yes, maybe fifteen”
To his surprise the other young man laughed out loud. No, he definitely wasn’t broken at all.
“ You are insane, buddy.”
When the girl reacted from her stupor, she got up and lunged at the other young man. It sucked the air out of his lungs.
“ God “V”, you’re going to kill me”
She was grinning. Her lips were chapped, her face looked like unpolished silver, and her dark circles were strongly marked. Nonetheless, she looked beautiful. Hong found himself staring at her more than he should. Hong extended his hand to the young man
“Hong” he said solemnly “my family’s name is Hong.”
“and yours?  Like… your name“ The young woman asked him. She was open with curiousity.
“It’s none of your business.”
“Bradley” the young man replied with a squeeze “my family name is Bradley, hers is Quincy. Thanks for saving us.”
“ It was nothing, actually, we were looking for the peacocks.”
El joven colgaba de cabeza. Oh bien, no era muy seguro si era joven o no. Todo era engañoso con ellos. Todo jugaba en contra. Hasta hacía dos minutos Hong pensaba que era humano. Se había equivocado y casi paga muy caro por su indiscreción, si el chico hubiera estado más dispuesto a pelear. No lo estaba. Eso también podía ser engañoso.  
Hong también era engañoso en sí mismo. Caminando por las atestadas calles de los pueblos mirando joyas y robando emociones. Cosechando, más bien, emociones. Le gustaba particularmente el sabor del asombro. Era dulce pero no hostigarte, como la alegría; tampoco era pegajoso, como la adrenalina; era cálido sin ser ardiente, como la vergüenza; tampoco era demasiado tibio, como el deseo - ¿Quién lo diría ah? -. El chico que colgaba soltó un gemido y Hong levantó la cabeza.
Estaba tratando de soltarse, veía los pequeños rayos de sus manos. Un recién convertido entonces. Le golpeó la cabeza con un bate.  Volvió a colgar laxo. Hong se sentó en el piso a esperar que llegara el “dueño” del chico. Mientras esperaba se dio un segundo para cavilar ¿Cómo es que una misión tan sencilla se había torcido tanto? Se suponía que era una misión relativamente fácil. Encontrar la colonia de amarillos, extraer las riquezas y eliminarlos. Pero claro, la inteligencia había sido defectuosa y habían terminado en ese campamento británico fuertemente apresados por soldados.
Eran imbéciles esos occidentales, con sus armas de fuego y sus ínfulas de conocimiento, con la arrogancia que su estatura probablemente les daba. Los seres humanos son patéticos de muchas formas, se dijo. Tuvo que carecer de piedad alguna y eliminarlos a todos. El orgullo sabía cómo una carne echada a perder, sin embargo, ni él ni sus hombres iban a desperdiciar aquello que se les daba con tanta libertad. Los soldados ahora parecían dormidos todos en sus camastros. Si alguien llegaba no sabría exactamente qué había ocurrido. No, se corrigió, si alguien llegaba y ellos ya se habían ido, de lo contrario sería otro baño de sangre innecesario.
Luego estaba el joven. Tenía vestimenta de sirviente y parecía estar aturdido. Lo que hacen dos golpes bien puestos en la cabeza. Aun no era muy diestro y era un amarillo – de eso estaba bien seguro – por el color de los ojos y de los rayos que salieron de sus manos. Si era un recién converso tal vez su “señor” lo estaba buscando. Si se había escapado… bueno, le iba a dar 2 horas más o menos, si no aparecía se desharía de él. Tal vez el chico tenía respuestas.
Hong se ajustó su larga trenza y se dirigió al rostro del joven. Era un chico chino igual que todos los demás. Igual que el propio. Parecía poco alimentado. Era más probable que se hubiera escapado entonces. Le dio dos palmadas en la cara. El chico abrió los ojos desubicado.
-          Voy a hablar una sola vez. No me gusta que me interrumpan. No me gusta repetir lo que digo ¿Entendido?
El joven asintió.
-          ¿Cómo te llamas?
-          Zhan WuCheng.
-          Bien, WuCheng. ¿Quién te creó?
El chico parecía perplejo, o era que la cara le colgaba en un ángulo extraño. Igual no iba a soltarlo.
-          No entiendo lo que me quiere decir, señor.
-          Ya, veamos. ¿Has sentido mucho dolor últimamente?
El chico palideció.
-          N- No. No señor.
-          Estas a punto de sentir mucho, así que más te vale que me respondas. Ya dije, no me gusta que me hagan repetir. ¿Quién te creó?
-          No le conozco – luego agregó rápidamente – señor.
-          ¿Podrías describirlo?
-          Más o menos, señor.
Se quedaron mirándose unos cuantos segundos hasta que el joven entendió.
-          Él… se hace llamar “el milenario”
¡Qiannián! Finalmente, una pista.
-          Continúa.
La cara del joven estaba empezando a ponerse de un color rojizo no muy saludable. Con un giro de su daga el convertido cayó al piso. Sonó como un saco de arroz.
-          Bien – el joven se limpió un poco de tierra y se quedó sentado en el piso – yo… y-yo escapé, señor. Oí, sin querer, que me habían hecho “esto”- señalándose a sí mismo – porque querían alimentar un bebé y me asusté. Hui y los soldados me encontraron.
Un bebé. Bastardo retorcido. Un bebé. ¿Cómo? El convertido especial de Qiannián era un hombre. Eso era magia más negra de la que se podía usar. Si violentas a la naturaleza más de lo que ella lo permite, se va a vengar. Hong y sus hombres eran la venganza de la naturaleza. Sonrió.
-          De acuerdo – le dijo sentándose en el piso – dime donde te tenían.
Le alcanzó al chico un pedazo de pergamino y un trozo de granito. El chico hizo lo posible para hacer un mapa medianamente reconocible de las montañas: subidas, bajadas, un pasadizo secreto para llegar por detrás de la mansión del monstruo. Trató también de explicarle sobre la cantidad inusitada de cosas en aquella casa, como los sirvientes parecían marionetas. Hong sabía que lo eran, un vacío sin alma es aún peor que un humano sin una. Hong se dedicó a sonreírle lo más cálido que podía. Tenía un frío en la espalda. El chico le agradaba.
-          Está Bien – Hong miró al chico a los ojos - Deberé decirte algo. Vas a morir.
-          ¡Señor por favor, no, no me mate! ¡Tenga piedad de mí!
-          La tengo. Pero en el momento en el que acabe con … eso, con el que te hizo esto – le tocó el hombro solemne – vas a evaporarte, podría ser doloroso, no lo sabemos. No puedo hacer nada por ti.
-          Entonces… ¿Es mejor que me vaya en mis términos?
-          Puede arreglarse, si – titubeó - ¿Qué edad tienes?
-          Catorce, señor.
Engañoso. Le subió acido por la garganta. El chico estaba pensando en irse por sus propios medios y no lo iba a detener. Tomó su daga y sopló un poco de su tristeza en ella. Con emociones duele menos, si quisiera hacerlo estallar lo haría con su sangre. Se la dio al chico.
-          Cuando estés listo, WuCheng.
-          Algo más, señor. Tienen pavos reales. Son muy bonitos.
Y volteó el rostro hasta que estuvo seguro que el chico lo había hecho. Quedaban solo sus ropas. Se había esfumado pacíficamente, o eso esperaba.
Con el sinsabor en la boca decidió tomar a sus hombres y, usando el mapa del chico, subieron las montañas y encontraron la casa. Olía a muerte.
La muerte, por si quieren saber, tiene un sabor extrañamente … delicioso, varía de devorador a devorador, varía incluso con el estado de animo de la presa. A Hong la muerte le sabía a un exquisito trozo de lomo de cerdo ahumado lentamente y cocinado bajo tierra en sus jugos con un vaso de licor frio y fresco. El problema con beber de alguien hasta que muere es que es adictivo y terminas – como Qiannián – renovando vida para quitarla una y otra vez.
Ahora, el sabor de la muerte era maravilloso pero el olor era el mismo que podían, si se esforzaban, percibir los humanos. Obviamente no lo hacían, de lo contrario Qiannián no tendría tanto poder. No hubiera podido crear un bebé. Hong tenía una extraña y retorcida curiosidad por ver al dichoso bebé. Tal vez no había nacido, eso era algo que debía considerar. No dejaría que naciera.
Entraron justo por el túnel que el chico había descrito. Eliminaron a tres o cuatro sirvientes.
-          Divídanse. Hay que encontrar a los dueños del clan antes que se escapen – luego, después de una pausa – hay pavos reales, muy bonitos, a mi madre le gustarán. Manden la señal para que los que estén cerca vengan.
Caminó tranquilo por los pasillos, acuchilló algunos sirvientes que explotaban en colores y luces. Sin hacer un solo ruido, por cierto. Estaban más muertos que vivos. Hong pensó que les estaba haciendo un favor y probablemente estaba en lo cierto.
-          ¡Señor! El otro sabe que estamos aquí, iba hacia la planta baja. Se veía… redondo.
Perfecto. Empuñó su espada, manchada con su propia sangre y corrió como un demente por aquellos callejones que serpenteaban más y más hacia abajo. Los amarillos iluminaban levemente el camino con sus explosiones multicolores y el olor a quemado se hacía cada vez mas fuerte.
Frente a él y sus hombres: Una puerta enorme, pesada. Se oían, sin embargo, los gritos de una mujer. Hablaba inglés. Pedía piedad. Se oían risas. Hong asintió una vez con su cabeza y sus hombres entraron como una bandada de pájaros salvajes. Con sus espadas terminaron con los dos monstruos.
Cuando Hong entró vio los frascos lechosos en el piso y arriba, muy arriba, suspendidos en dos jaulas. Había dos personas.
-          Chandra – le dijo el joven.
Estaban muy mal trajeados. La pobre joven tenía los rizos negros hechos una masa indefinida y el bonito vestido verde estaba hecho trizas. El joven no estaba tan mal. Ambos tenían ojos verdes. Con otro asentimiento de su cabeza sus hombres dejaron caer con cuidado las jaulas.
La joven no podía permanecer en pie. Hong la sostuvo con mucho cuidado. Lloraba en silencio. La pobre olía muy mal.
-          He salvado tu vida, humano –  les dijo, mirando al joven – me deben algo.
-           Si me vas a ordeñar pues ya estoy roto – le contestó, desafiante.
No estaba nada roto. Hong se rio. El otro joven se sobresaltó.
-           No, no, no. Con unos años de su servicio nos bastaría.
-           Años dices – el otro frunció el ceño.
La señorita estaba tan cansada que se había dejado caer en el piso. Uno de sus hombres estaba ofreciéndole algo de agua. Bebía como si no lo hubiera hecho en días. De pronto ese era el caso.
-           Si, unos quince tal vez.
Ante su sorpresa el otro joven rio fuertemente. No, no estaba nada roto.
-           Está demente.
Cuando la chica reaccionó de su estupor se levantó y embistió al otro joven. Le sacó el aire de los pulmones.
-           Por Dios “V”, vas a matarme.
Ella sonreía abiertamente. Tenía los labios partidos, la cara parecía de plata sin pulir y tenía unas ojeras fuertemente marcadas. No obstante, se veía hermosa. Hong se encontró mirándola más de lo que debía.  Le extendió la mano al joven
-           Hong – dijo solemne – el nombre de mi familia es Hong.
-           ¿y el tuyo? – La joven le preguntó. Desprendía curiosidad.
-           No es tu asunto.
-           Bradley – el otro joven respondió con un apretón – el nombre de mi familia es Bradley, el de ella es Quincy.  Gracias por salvarnos.
-           Bueno si, buscábamos los pavos reales.
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sloshi · 5 years
Sasusaku Fanfic - ch. 1 preview
Title: Captain!
Pairing: Sasusaku
Summary: Passing lewd notes in class is all fun and games—that is, until it smacks a certain baseball captain upside the head. Japan!highschool AU [will be Slow burn / eventual smut]
Read the Prologue here
Because this was so kindly received, I decided to post a preview of the next chapter :D I’ll upload to FF.net when I have about 5 or so chapters down and tweak it a little more; enjoy!
Chapter 1
It’s only at her locker that she catches her breath, hunching over with hands on her sock-covered knees, desperate for lost oxygen that doesn’t necessarily have to do with running. Her heart races against her chest. Pink hair falls over her shoulders and into her eyes, when suddenly a pair of shiny black flats enter her line of sight.
“Sakura!” Ino exclaims, exasperated and breathless as if she, too, had taken off running in pursuit of her pink-haired friend. Sighing in defeat, she straightens upright to face her best friend. She’s surprised to see guilt marring her feminine features, but it doesn’t make her feel better in the slightest. “Goddamn, you’re quick! Seriously, how the hell do you run so fast?”
“Are you kidding?” Sakura almost screeches. Several curious heads turn to look at her as they pass through the hallway. “Sasuke-kun just read our disgusting note, Ino!” Sakura drops her voice to a harsh whisper. “Which—by the way, is all your fault—and you’re worried about how fast I can run?” She throws her hands up in disbelief before they slap against either side of her green-and-gold plaid skirt in frustration.
Ino’s perfect brows cinch in anger. “My fault?” She’s defensive immediately, as usual. “How the hell is this my fault! You’re the one who pitched the note like it was a fucking baseball across the room! Suddenly it’s my fault?!” She scoffs haughtily. “Oh, congrats on the home run by the way. And the crowd goes wild! Woo-hoo!” Ino waves her arms hysterically, openly mocking her.
That does it. Sakura jabs an accusing finger to Ino’s collarbone, completely ignoring her stupid sarcasm. (Which is totally not funny.) “Yes! Your fault! If you hadn’t thrown that note in the first place, none of this would have ever happened, Ino! And Sasuke—“ she breaks off abruptly, bottom lip trembling like a leaf as she’s reminded all over again the nightmare of which she has just been flung into. “Oh, gods, Sasuke-kun. . .” Covering her face with her hands, she tries to hide the tears that are swiftly filling her eyes to the brim. She’s so embarrassed, it’s nauseating. “What am I going to do . . .” She finishes with a defeated whisper and a sniffle against her palms.
Ino’s warm embrace surrounds her immediately, comforting and familiar. But it doesn’t help.
“Let’s just go to lunch, and try to forget this ever happened, okay?” Ino’s voice flips like a switch, not a sour note perceptible in her now soothing tone. Sakura blinks, wondering if she’s imagining things, but when Ino pulls away, a bright white smile shines back. Sakura almost has to squint.
(Ino is so weird.)
When they enter the cafeteria, Sakura hides behind Ino’s back, eyes darting around frantically as she shuffles behind the blonde, as if Sasuke will somehow jump out of nowhere and pounce like an angry lion. He’s in here somewhere, hiding in the underbrush. (She knows it.)
“Will you relax, Forehead?” Ino complains when Sakura jumps in fright, dramatically clutching onto the blonde’s shoulders and nearly pulling her backwards as a kid with black hair (not Sasuke) strolls by. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“I’m being cautious, Pig. There’s a difference.”
“Well, can you be a little less cautious so that I can get my lunch in peace, please. People are staring.”
Sakura squeezes her shoulders. “What if he comes up to me?”
“He won’t.”
“You don’t know that!”
“I’ll make sure of it, Forehead, now get off me!”
Sakura groans, but acquiesces reluctantly. Although she steps back to give Ino some breathing room, she trails behind her like lost puppy as they make their way to the lunch line. Every spot of black in her peripherals has her jumping in her own skin. She doesn’t think Sasuke will actually confront her, but she’s not taking any chances, dammit.
But it’s only when she and Ino have their lunch trays in hand and headed towards their usual table that she finally spots him. He strolls through the double doors of the cafeteria coolly, hands deep in the pockets of his beige slacks, expression indiscernible and unruffled as always.
His KHS uniform is in perfect shape—the forest green blazer is unwrinkled, the rich golden tie tucked beneath the dipped V collar, and a stark white dress shirt underneath. The matching gold KHS logo is sewn into the left breast of the jacket. A mop of spiky midnight hair sits thick and messy on his head, moody black eyes just barely peeking through his overgrown bangs, yet somehow it’s still perfect.
Mouth dry, Sakura nearly drops her tray.
“Oh, god—there he is, Ino. He’s right there!” She whispers harshly, terror ripping through her gut, leaning to try and hide her face from Sasuke’s line-of-sight behind Ino’s shouder just in case.
He’s far away enough that she thinks he probably doesn’t see her, but that doesn’t stop her fingers from trembling as her eyes follow his graceful stride to the lunch line behind them. (Even his walk is flawless!) Sakura quickly takes note of the several pairs of eyes following the very same baseball captain she’s basically ogling. She’s surprised, however, when she catches a few angry glares sent her way. She averts her gaze.
“Okay, and?” Ino prompts, unimpressed, as they finish their trek to the lunch table where they join their  typical ring of friends. Tenten, Hinata, and Karin wave them over excitedly.
“And—how are you not freaking out about this?!” Sakura squeaks incredulously, trying and failing to keep her voice down.
“Freaking out about what?” Karin asks casually when Sakura and Ino shuffle in and take their seats, always ready for whatever juicy gossip she can snatch.
“N-Nothing!” Karin blinks at her strange behavior. It’s not like her, Karin thinks, when the pinkette shifts her eyes warily, as if she expecting someone to come up and stab her at any given moment. Sakura casts several looks over her shoulder. What, did she suddenly become schizophrenic overnight?
“Is e-everything okay, S-Sakura-chan?” Hinata asks kindly, pausing in the middle of wrapping stringy ramen noodles around her chopsticks to observe her pink-haired friend with concern.
“Yeah, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Tenten adds unhelpfully around a mouthful of rice.
“She’s fine.” Ino says with a roll of her blue eyes.
Sakura doesn’t protest Ino’s remark, and when Tenten and Karin exchange glances with a shrug, they start gushing about a science project (At least she thinks that’s what they’re talking about; she can hardly pay them any attention.) And because all  seniors share the same biology class, just different intervals in the day, Sakura quickly tunes them out.
(Wait—Did they just say project?)
Sakura blinks, but then thinks better of it and doesn’t bother to ask; she’ll just ask Kakashi-sensei about it tomorrow. She decides she doesn’t need another stressor today.
Hinata returns to her ramen, and Sakura is left to stare down at her miso soup, appetite zapped. She knows she should eat something, but her stomach won’t stop flip-flopping. A tiny square of tofu floats lazily across the gold liquid. (She’s gonna be sick.)
Next to her, Ino tucks into her extra-light salad, coated with a light (low-fat) dressing, slivers of raw carrot, and two measly cherry tomatoes. Sakura grimaces, opening her mouth to unleash a lecture Ino’s already heard thousands of times. But really, Sakura worries. All thoughts of Sasuke are momentarily forgotten in light of her friend’s health.
“You should really eat more than just lettuce everyday, Pig, it’s not healthy. As much as you’d like to think so. You need protein—like an egg or something. I swear to god you’re one leaf away from turning into a pile of dust and bones. One day you’re gonna’ wake up and Poof!” She makes an exploding gesture with both hands. “Just like that.”
Ino looks offended, stabbing the lettuce with a little more force than necessary to prove it. “My weight isn’t going to maintain itself, Dr. Billboard-brow. But thanks for the advice, I’d like to check out now.”
“Hey!” Sakura frowns at the mockery of the career she’s chased since she was a child. “I really will be a doctor one day, Ino. And the minute I graduate from medical school, you’ll technically have to listen to me.”
“S-She’s right, you know.” Hinata says quietly, supportive as always, pearl eyes blinking innocently under her dark purple fringe.
Ino sniffs, lifting her chin in defiance. “I don’t care. I’ll eat what I want, how much I want, and when I want. And none of you—“ she sweeps an accusing manicured nail at each girl at the table. “—can stop me.” With that, she pops one of the only two cherry tomatoes in her mouth.
Sakura rolls her eyes, but gives up. (For now. She’ll try again tomorrow.) Ino’s so stubborn it almost hurts. But she’s skinny—the forest green and gold KHS uniform that once fit her snugly just a few weeks ago is noticeably looser. It’s more than just being an aspiring doctor, she cares about her best friend’s wellbeing. Sakura has seen the magazines plastered on Ino’s wall; the one-hundred pound American model women posing fierce and beautiful. But gods, so underweight. She really hopes Ino knows better than that.
Sakura opens her mouth to change the subject, when a boisterous laugh erupts through the cafeteria. Even though loud noises normally wouldn’t bother her (or even catch her attention, honestly, because it’s the cafeteria and it’s always loud.) She’s already on edge, on guard, and she jerks her head and cranes her neck, searching for the source of racket.
A few tables away, she sees it in the form of blonde hair and mirthful blue eyes. Not the pale blonde hair or baby blue eyes like Ino’s, no. His colorings are saturated; full of color and light. He’s laughing so hard he’s wheezing—though at what, who the hell knows. But it’s not Naruto Uzumaki or the several other impossibly cute guys in his groupie who has her heartbeat skyrocketing instantaneously, it’s the onyx haired man sitting right next to him. Sasuke looks irritated, if not totally pissed off, as he tilts his head back and sips his water bottle.
Sakura inhales sharply, heart leaping into her throat, because the second she blinks, his dark, dark eyes somehow catch hers just as he’s tipping his head down, lowering the plastic bottle from his lips.
“No!” Sakura squeaks, dropping her eyes to her lunch-tray so fast she has to blink furiously to bring herself back to reality. It happened so fast—so fleeting and quick she has to wonder if he even registered their brief eye contact.
(But he’s a genius, stupid. Of course he totally caught you eyeballing him! Pull yourself together!)
“Forehead? You good?”
It takes a second for Sakura to catch her breath, anxiety sweeping her whole frame and filling her stomach with tingles that she’s not quite sure feel good or bad. Its his eyes, she thinks. They’re so . . . Intense. So dark and strange and filled with something she can’t explain. It makes her feel like jelly all over.
(And technically, that’s the second time he’s ever looked at her!) Sakura mentally drops her head in shame. So pathetic . . .
“—you okay?” All of her friends, except Ino who sits next to her, blink at her from the other side of the table, concerned.
Sakura snaps back to earth and smiles a little too brightly, waving her hands as if to dismiss their worry. “Y-Yeah! Totally fine. Peachy. Absolutely perfect.” She laughs nervously, palming the back of her neck with a twitching smile.
Karin’s expression turns serious and Sakura almost reels in surprise. “No, really Sakura. What’s up with you? You’re being all . . .” Her lips purse in thought as she tries to find the right words to describe her mousey pink friend. “Skittish and weird.”
Tenten and Hinata bob their heads in sudden agreement, as if just now realizing Sakura’s strange behavior themselves. Ino merely sighs, parting her lips to fill them in on all the details when she is rudely interrupted.
“Sakura! Sakura!” A feminine voice shouts (shrieks) from behind her and Sakura jerks her head over her shoulder in alarm, long pink hair—pulled halfway back and fixed with a yellow ribbon—whipping Ino in the face.
A girl with short purple hair runs full speed towards her, huffing and puffing when she makes it to their table, as if she had ran across half the country just for Sakura. The pinkette blinks in astonishment. For a moment she considers covering her head, because surely the sky is falling. “Ami?”
Still huffing, bent over with hands upon her sock-covered knees, she breathes quickly. “You—I can’t believe you threw a love letter at Sasuke-kun’s head! What the hell were you thinking, stupid! Have you even heard what everyone’s been saying!”
Several chairs screech backward when Sakura—along with Karin and Tenten—leap like frogs from their seats, palms slamming upon the table. Her forgotten miso soup sloshes over the rim when the surface shakes.
“What!” They all scream in unison, sharing the same horrified expression.   Hinata merely squeaks.
The cafeteria immediately falls silent at the outburst. Even though every head is turned in their direction, Sakura becomes hyper-aware when she knows without a doubt that Sasuke is looking at her—all loud and obnoxious, she wonders how she can ever redeem herself in those dark eyes that are burning holes onto her face right now. She doesn’t even dare look.
(God, he’s judging you so hard right now.)
But it’s not like she could help it! She totally did not give Sasuke a love letter, dammit! Sue her for being upset; she should have known rumors would begin to circulate. It wasn’t like she was fucking subtle about it when she nailed the side of Sasuke Uchiha’s head with a wad of paper in front of the whole biology class of forty-five people.  
Hinata looks like she wants to run to the bathroom in humiliation at the sudden limelight, and Ino is slack-jawed, speechless. Tenten and Karin exchange disbelieving looks before turning back to Sakura slowly, carefully, as if afraid of scaring her off with their next sentence. “You. . . You did what?”
When not-so-hushed whispers and stifled snickers start to erupt all around them, Sakura plops back into her seat, properly mortified—again. Heat fills her cheeks, lips trembling when she whispers: “I didn’t. . .”
The second Karin and Tenten settle back into their seats, Ino stands abruptly, chair scraping noisily against linoleum. “What the hell! Sakura didn’t give anyone a love letter, it was for me!” She snaps at Ami, who edges backward at the rage in Ino’s voice. “We were passing a note back and forth and Sasuke just happened to intercept! Tell your little friends to stop spreading false crap and get your facts straight or i’ll—“
“Ino!” Hinata gasps when the blonde starts rolling up her uniform’s sleeves. But Sakura is already laying a hand on her friend’s forearm in warning.
“Ino, you’re causing a scene!” Sakura bites out through clenched teeth, nearly groaning out loud in irritation. Just how many times is she going to draw attention to herself today! “Sit down!”
“I—I’m not trying to cause trouble, you idiots! I came here to warn you.” Ami casts a shifty glance from side to side before dropping her voice so that only their table can hear. “I overheard it in the hallway; everyone’s saying you smacked him in the head with a love letter. Somebody else said it’s because he rejected you.”
Sakura’s mouth flounders in incredulity. “That did not—what! That’s not even . . . “ She glances around the cafeteria and its only now that she notices the waspish looks being thrown her way. Glares. So many of them. And they’re whispering. Sakura groans, shoving her tray away and crossing her arms over the table, burying her head. Because not only has she ruined any chance of being in good graces with Sasuke ever, she’s also drawn a big fat target on her back.
Why me . . .
“There, there, Forehead.” Ino says lightheartedly with a pat on her back as she sits back down. “It could be worse.”
Sakura straightens up at this, her face awash with disbelief. “How?!”
Ino simply smiles. “He could have actually rejected you.”
She tries to think of a nasty retort, but Ino’s kind of right. (For once.)
“Yeah!” Tenten chimes in cheerfully. “Besides, it wasn’t actually a love letter right?”
Sakura shakes her head, sick to her stomach. No. It was so much worse. At her sudden change in expression, Karin takes over carefully, crimson eyes narrowed in uncertainty. “Sakura. . . What exactly was in that note?”
Her locker is jammed.
Of course it is, she grumbles sourly to herself, because clearly she can’t catch a break today. Her fist bangs against the cool metal in frustration.
Breathe, Sakura. Just breathe—
Her mood plummets even further when a trio of girls she’s never even seen before pass by, pointing and sniggering at her expense.
“—the girl Sasuke-kun rejected.”
“No way, I would hate to be her.”
“Did she really throw a love letter at his head? How embarrassing.”
Sakura scowls at them darkly, but instead of scaring them off like she hoped, they only laugh harder behind their manicured nails before disappearing down the hallway corridor.
Filthy witches, Sakura seethes inwardly.
The warning bell trills through the emptying halls. She’s going to be late if she doesn’t get this stupid thing open. Her chemistry notebooks are in there and unfortunately, that’s the one class she actually needs to take notes in. Cursing, she yanks the locker handle, hiking her foot against the wall for better leverage.
(Come on, come on, come on—!)
By some miracle, the locker finally bursts open. She stumbles backwards while everything inside spills to the floor in a waterfall of loose leaf papers and notebooks. Yanking on her long pink tresses in aggravation, she tries not to let out a high pitched scream. She huffs, bending over and attempting to scrape the papers up off the floor when a sudden (large) tan hand shoots out.
Sakura jumps back, startled.
“Woah, hey! Relax—I just thought you looked like you could use some help.”
She blinks stupidly, eyelashes fluttering several times in succession before she takes in the friendly cerulean eyes, strange whisker marks and sunshine hair.
“You’re—you’re. . .” Her mind stutters and she swallows hard. He’s taller than her, she notices immediately, the tip of her head just reaching under his nose. His shaggy blond hair falls carelessly over his crinkling eyes and Sakura can’t help but feel starstruck by his charming presence.  
“Naruto.” He introduces cheerfully before laughing at her baffled expression. It’s a sound so genuine and pure that Sakura’s mood lightens immediately. She’s grinning before she can help herself.
“Ah—Right, right!” Shaking out of her daze, she quickly bows to introduce herself. “I’m—“
“Sakura Haruno,” he finishes for her, taking her by complete surprise. She straightens up and cocks her head to the side.
“Y-Yeah . . .” She drops her gaze bashfully, toes curling inward. “How’d you know?”
(Since when do popular guys know who she is, anyway! She’s a nobody!)
He scratches the nape of his neck sheepishly before bending down to sweep up the rest of her papers. “I—Well, I don’t know if you’ll remember but,” Sakura leans down to help pick up the last few pieces of paper before he passes over the rest of her stack. She cradles them to her chest, nods in thanks and listens intently. “freshmen year we were in math together. I really sucked at it, you know?” He chuckles uneasily and Sakura can’t help but wonder if he’s somehow nervous. But that’s not possible because why would Naruto Uzumaki ever be nervous around her? “But one day I was stuck on a certain question, god it was so stupid, but you were sitting in front of me and Iruka-sensei wasn’t looking so I tapped your shoulder and asked for your help. You were the first girl who ever bothered to help me. You know, before I joined the baseball team that is.” His grin turns sheepish and there’s something about it that suddenly makes him look like a child. His cheeks are pink. “It’s . . . kind of hard to forget something—someone—” he corrects quickly. “—like that.”
Sakura thinks there’s no way she would forget something like that, but considering Naruto hadn’t really risen in popularity until Sophomore year, she supposes it would make sense that she hadn’t even bothered to remember his face. As terrible as that sounds, it just wasn’t a striking memory. She feels bad.
Sakura bows apologetically, pink hair spilling over her shoulders. “Please forgive me. I don’t remember—“
A firm hand on her shoulder has her squeaking in surprise. Her head jerks up, green eyes wide. “It’s okay, really, Sakura-chan.” Pink eyebrows raise in astonishment at the sudden endearment, but his smile is so contagious and it sounds so natural coming from his deep raspy voice that her shoulders slacken a little. “I just figured I’d tell you, you know, so I don’t come off as some kind of a creep.”
“Of course not!” She blurts with a little more volume than necessary.
(Because, gods, this is Naruto Uzumaki! The man who helped win KHS’s national baseball tournament three years in a row! And practically Sasuke’s right hand man. He’s so cool, how could he ever think he was a creep?!)  
Sakura voices none of these inner thoughts, but flushes immediately at his puzzled expression. “S-Sorry it’s just—“
“Hey, wait a second. . .” He begins suddenly, face inching closer as cerulean eyes squint in scrutiny, studying her like she’s a curious specimen under a microscope. Her heart picks up the pace and she takes a hesitant step back. (Because why is he looking at her like that!) She immediately shrinks, uncomfortably vulnerable beneath his hardening gaze. “You—aren’t you the one who threw the love letter at the bastard this morning?”
Sakura nearly chokes, heart thumping  like a war-drum inside her chest. (I guess this is my life now.) She flushes several shades of red before stuttering out: “No! That wasn’t—I didn’t—!”
He looks taken aback by her discomfort, and he quickly waves his hands defensively. “Relax, Sakura-chan! I wasn’t going to tease you or anything. In fact, I was laughing so hard when I heard I nearly fell off my chair! I wish I hadn’t been sleeping in Biology, I would have paid to see his face!”
Sakura grimaces, cheeks pink, clenching the papers against her chest tighter, as if it could protect her from this humiliation that has so quickly ruined her life. “It wasn’t a love letter.” She grumbles sulkily.
He simply laughs. “You should have seen the bastard’s face at lunch when someone brought it up. He was so embarrassed!” So that’s what he was laughing so hard about, Sakura muses with dread. But then her heart twists painfully when she registers what Naruto just said.
‘He was so embarrassed!’
Oh, man. Sakura screws her eyes shut. (I’m so sorry, Sasuke-kun!)
“T-That wasn’t my intention.” She says earnestly, hoping Naruto understands.
Naruto smiles brightly, shifting to shove a lazy hand in the pocket of his slacks and waving dismissively with the other. “Oh, he’s fine. He’ll get over it. It’s definitely not the first time he’s gotten a love letter,” he pauses in thought before adding with a cheeky grin: “although, I’m pretty sure it’s the first time one’s ever been thrown at his head.”
“Well, I’ll see you around Naruto.” She abruptly spins on her heel, intending to walk away before he can make her feel even worse. Cute, popular guy be damned. She doesn’t even bother putting the rest of her stuff back in her locker. She’ll carry her whole damn academic career in her arms if it means escaping from the blond who is so clearly poking fun at her misery.
“Wait! Sakura-chan, I was just kidding—!”
Sakura walks faster, picking up the pace when she hears his dress shoes clacking against the linoleum behind her. Nope. Not happening. And when she feels him closing in on her, she breaks out into a run (she’s going to be late and she needs to get away from this guy before she spills ugly fat tears!)
When the final bell rings through the hall, she careens down the corridor like she’s being chased by a rabid dog, frowning when she still hears his footsteps behind her.
Naruto pumps his legs wildly, desperately trying to keep up with Sakura’s incredibly insane speed and he can’t help but stare after her in amazement. God damn this girl’s fast!
Running even faster, she bolts down the next hallway, huffing and puffing, before she swiftly rounds the corner—
“Uaah!” She slams into something hard.
Sakura flies backward, arms flailing, papers bursting into the air and fluttering like snowflakes all around her before they float innocently to the ground. Her head smacks the hard tile and for a moment everything goes white. Stars swim across her vision.
I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. I died. I’m dead.
There’s a soft, pained grunt a little ways from her, but her vision isn’t clear enough to see what—or who—it is. Slowly, she struggles to sit up, rubbing at the lump forming on the back of her head underneath her satin yellow bow. She moans quietly when the pain shoots from the back of her head to the base of her spine. Yup, definitely a trip to the nurses’ office.
“O-Ouch.” She mumbles.
She cracks an eye open, only for every muscle in her body to freeze.
Because there, sitting on the ground in front of her, is Sasuke Uchiha.
(Yeah, she’s definitely dead.) .
Sakura tenses like a coiled spring, bristling with a hurricane of emotions.
Because first of all: ‘you.’
(Not: ‘Are you alright?’ ‘Are you hurt?’ ‘I’m so sorry’ ‘Let me help you up’)
Nope. Just a very deep, accusing ‘you.’
Sakura’s not sure what hurts more; the fact that he hadn’t even addressed her by name, (because he definitely knows it by now.) or the fact that he bypassed her wellbeing completely in favor of glaring muderously at her. She stiffens when he rises effortlessly to his feet—he really is tall—and has to crane her neck to look up at his scowling expression from her pitiful position on the floor. He impatiently wipes the dirt from his spotless uniform.
She gulps.
There’s a desperate clack-clack-clack growing ever closer, the sound of shoes against tile echoing in the barren halls, and it’s only when she hears the obnoxious “Sakura-chan!” that she winces. “Sakura-chan, are you—oh.”
Naruto skids to a screeching stop when he takes in the situation before him, head swiveling left and right. Large cerulean eyes blink at Sasuke’s arrogantly cocked eyebrow, before Naruto’s expression darkens considerably.
“Watch where you’re going, you stupid bastard!” Naruto chides, immediately at her defense as he helps Sakura to her feet. His loyalty would be endearing if it wasn’t Sasuke Uchiha he was aiming to piss off. When she finds her balance, he begins to fix the yellow ribbon that fell askew during her graceless fall. She can’t help but blush.
“T-Thanks, Naruto, but I don’t need—“
She’s interrupted by a bitter scoff. “She ran into me, idiot.” His dark eyes lock onto Naruto in blatant irritation before they flicker almost reluctantly to hers. She wants to step backwards at the animosity she sees in them, but his intense gaze skewers her in place. “Watch where you’re going next time. . .” The Uchiha promptly side-steps them.
“. . .annoying.” He mumbles as an afterthought when he brushes past her shoulder, continuing his way down the corridor as if he’d never been interrupted in the first place.
She blinks after him, openly gaping at the audacity. The nerve! The absolute gall of that guy! Her foot stomps childishly before she can help it and she crosses her arms with a huff.
But Naruto, clearly having none of Sasuke’s usual bullshit, swivels around immediately, lips floundering indignantly as he jabs a finger at his best friend’s back. Obviously, he’s not going to let Sasuke get away so easily.
“Now you wait just a minute, you bastard! Get back here and apologize to Sakura-chan right now or I’ll—!”
“Shh! Naruto!” Sakura reprimands fiercely, yanking his accusing arm down. “S-Shut up!” She casts a terrified, fleeting glance at the Uchiha’s back, praying he would ignore Naruto’s unfinished threat and pretend none of this ever happened.
(Because the last thing she needs is to provoke the very guy who could crush what’s left of her reputation in an instant!)
But because she’s somehow subject to torture, Sasuke’s tall form has already paused mid-step. While a brief moment of tense silence hangs in the air, Sakura considers jumping out one of the windows that line the hallway. Since she’s on the second floor, she calculates the possibility of whether she’d die on impact or simply cripple herself.
She stiffens, spine snapping straight as a toothpick, when Sasuke suddenly throws a challenging glare over his shoulder, black bangs flopping over narrowed eyes. “Or you’ll what?”
Naruto reels, clearly taken off-guard by the sudden intensity of the Uchiha’s threatening tone.
Wait a second, aren’t they friends?
Sakura looks between them helplessly, head swiveling side to side as if watching an intense match of tennis, wondering if she should say something to ease the tension when Naruto’s jawline tweaks in anger. He tilts his chin downward and without warning, once-friendly blue eyes fill with pure rage and a raw promise of pain that would send a lesser man screaming with his tail tucked between his legs. “Or I’ll beat your fucking ass.”
Sakura can’t stop the sharp gasp that escapes past her lips. She takes several steps backward because Naruto looks simply terrifying and she swears his pupils shrink to slits.
Lightning crackles dangerously between them as they stare each other down.
W-What the heck is wrong with these guys!
Oh gods, she’s needs to get out of here, right now! (She has a chemistry class to get to, dammit!) There’s no time for this! Before either of the boys have a chance to act on whatever personal ill-will they have towards each other, Sakura skirts around the hallway in a pink blur, scraping up her lost papers and notebooks before scampering down the hall in the opposite direction.
“—WasNiceToMeetYouGottaGo!” She nearly trips over her own feet in her haste but she doesn’t slow down nor does she dare to look back.
“Wait, Sakura-ch—!”
But she’s already rounding the corner at the opposite end of the hall and out of sight.
Seriously, how is she so fast?!
Thoughts? :D Lmao this is so fun to write, if i’m being honest. Dorky!sakura is the best sakura... 
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 5 years
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 35: The Sports Festival Part 8: Round Four—FIGHT!
Presenting the next raw and unedited chapter of my on-going, next-gen, My Hero Academia fic, Their Hero Academia!
Earlier chapters can be found here
Mika hadn’t seen Shiro since his fight with the moth girl from General Studies.  Which was worrisome.  Her ex-tweenage boyfriend was moody under the best circumstances and not always the world’s most gracious loser.  If he hadn’t rejoined his 1-B classmates in the stands, then it meant one of two things.   Either he had been hurt a lot more than it had looked or he was somewhere sulking.  
Her money was on sulking. With having Doc Clock and her Rewind Quirk for a doctor, competitors taken out of the fight generally got back up pretty quickly.  Plus, she just knew Shiro.
As expected, she found him on a bench in one of the hallways beneath the stadium, just outside the waiting rooms, hands folded in front of him, head down.  He’d lost to the moth girl and thus any shot at fighting Kirishima-Bakugo.  Kirishima-Bakugo had lost her own fight too, but she supposed that was small consolation to him.  Who’d known Todorki had had it in her?
When she’d talked with him at lunch with Kana and Anime, they’d offered him fairly contradictory advice. Kana had suggested cutting out the theatrics and just having an honest conversation with Kirishima-Bakugo. Anime had suggested a wacky scheme in which he pretended to be dating Kana in order to make her jealous (that had been shot down as both a) not desirable by either party, b) illogical because Kirishima-Bakugo knew Kana was interested in Haimawari and c) something that only worked in bad manga and soap operas).  Mika’s suggestion of hijacking the broadcast equipment and making an anguished declaration of love on the big screen had also been shot down.  Of course, she hadn’t been completely serious about that, but it would have been hilarious to see him try.  She’d ultimately sided with Kana.  Just because she loved drama didn’t mean she wanted to see him get hurt.
She plopped down on the bench next to him.  “You okay, ‘ro?”
She put an arm around him and scooted a little closer, until she was pressed right up against him. “You wanna talk about it?”
“Okay, you don’t gotta if you don’t wanna.”  She gave him a little squeeze.  “You wanna touch my boobs?  That always cheers me up.”
“You just been down here the whole time?”
He shook his head.  “I brought a post-victory gift to Kocho. She’ll need her strength to keep fighting.  I’d intended to check on Kirishima-Bakugo too… but lost my nerve.”
Well, at least he was talking.   “I’ve got some time before my next fight.  You want to tell me how to beat Dashi?”
“I’ve got to stand with my Class.  But I’m sure you can figure something out.”
So much for that.  “You want me to just sit here with you for a while?”
Sure, Shiro was a pain in the ass.  But he was also her friend.  She could be here for him, for a little while at least.
Koharu held her breath for a moment, then let it out slowly, thoughts racing through her mind faster than she could keep up with.  Sitting in the Waiting Room, getting ready for her next fight, she should have felt exhausted from everything she’d done so far, but instead only felt wired with nervous energy.
She’d beaten Shiro Monoma and made it to the second seed.  It was, frankly, almost unbelievable.  She’d taken down a Hero Course student.  Granted, she’d had an extremely favorable match-up.  She was pretty sure she couldn’t have taken down Deku’s kid or the bird girl.  But she couldn’t let psyche herself up like that.
Absently, she unfurled her proboscis and inserted it into the protein pouch she was holding, slurping up the contents.  Being unable to eat solid foods was inconvenient sometimes, but she managed. There were a surprising number of options available on the market these days; insect Quirks like hers or other variations were surprisingly common.  
Surprisingly, Monoma had actually brought it to her.  She’d meant to get one from one of the food stalls, but had gotten caught up watching the other fights before her next.  She’d tried to apologize for beating him, but he’d waved her off. Said he just wanted to support an up and coming talent, now that he was out of the running.
She didn’t know what to make of that.
And, of course, her next fight would be one of the few Hero Course kids she actually knew.  She liked Ojiro and her friends, Sero and Sato. They’d been more than welcoming and encouraging in just the short time she’d known them.  On the other hand, she was pretty sure there was very little Ojiro could do to her if it came down to it.  She just had to stay out of her way.  Even if she went invisible like she had in her fight against that cartoon girl… Well, Koharu might have a couple tricks up her sleeve for that.  She’d never tested them against someone invisible before, but she supposed there was no time like the present.
She wondered just what the odds were of making it to the Hero Course.  The famous Hitoshi Shinso, the Underground Hero known as the Voice, had gotten knocked out in his first fight, and yet had impressed Eraserhead for him to take him under his wing.  He was still a legend in the General Studies Courses.
Koharu had already gotten farther than he had.  She didn’t dream of winning, not with the people in the other matches.  She wouldn’t last a minute against Todoroki, she was certain.  Maybe she could take Mineta, if she could keep out of range of those sticky balls she shot.  Maybe.
The door to the waiting room opened.  “Kocho?”   She looked up to see a cat-eared woman with dark hair at the door.  One of the teachers from the Business and Management Courses, she thinks.  “They’re ready for you.”
She took another breath. This was it.
“And we’re back and ready for the second seed!  First up, Koharu Kocho, the Moth-Maiden of General Studies!  She’s already made her mark getting this far, surpassing even some of the Recommendation Students!  Will her winning streak continue?  And facing her is Kimiko Ojiro, the Invisible Girl of the Hero Course!  She proved her stealth and skill already, but is it enough to last?”
“You do realize this is a serious competition and not some reality television show?”
“It can be two things!”
Ojiro gave Koharu a friendly wave.  “Oh, man,” she said, “I can’t believe we’ve got to fight!  Totally unfair!”
Koharu shrugged apologetically.  “Just how the matches worked out, I guess.”
Ojiro crossed her arms. “Yeah, well…” she said, then pointed dramatically, “don’t think I’m going to go easy on you just because I like you!”
She smiled.  For someone invisible, Ojiro obviously had a flare for theatrics. “Yeah, well, I’m not going to go easy on you either!”
“Ladies,” Hawkeye said, sounding very tired, “if you’re ready?  FIGHT!”
Immediately, Ojiro winked out of existence, her clothes becoming as invisible as the rest of her. Koharu drew in a deep breath, then flapped her wings hard, lifting off the ground.  Before she had gotten more than a foot up, though, she felt a leg smack into her midsection, knocking the breath out of her and knocking her back to the ground.   Another blow came almost immediately, punch upside her head.   Ojiro was obviously faster than she looked (Which, given that she was invisible, probably wasn’t hard.), having closed the distance between them quickly.  A third blow followed, another punch that made the world go blurry.
She had to do something, had to get back in the fight.  She couldn’t just get smacked around like this!
She flapped her wings hard, forward instead of down, feeling her left wing slap into Ojiro.  Koharu used the brief moment it bought her to let loose with a blob of String-Shot, unfocused and messy.  A yelp let her know she’d nearly hit Ojiro, who winked back into existence briefly, before turning invisible again.  
Another pair of blows slammed into Koharu before she could get her guard up and she lashed out with her wings again, flapping wildly until she her right wings connect with Ojiro again. It didn’t give her much time though; Ojiro was tough and Koharu was forced to bring her wings back in, folding them in front of her protectively.  They served as a shield for a moment, blocking several fast blows. Koharu winced. Her wings were tougher than they looked, but they couldn’t take too much of a beating.  She tried to swat Ojiro away with them, but missed each time. Ojiro was clearly getting her rhythm.
The blows stopped through and the sound of shoes on concrete suggested Ojiro was trying to get behind her. Koharu flapped her wings as hard and fast as she could, desperate to get airborne.  A rush of air behind her suggested she’d done it just in time. Now in the air and out of grabbing range, she actually had a moment to think.  She could unleash her Scales, but unless she knew where to aim, she’d have to throw them pretty broadly and even then, she might miss Ojiro.  And if she used up enough of them before she took Ojiro out, she’d be unable to fly and then they’d be right back where they started. So first things first, she needed to find her target.
“Hey!” came a voice from somewhere down below.  “Get back down here and fight me!  What’d am I supposed to do now?”  A broken piece of rubble floated up in the air for a moment before it went flying at her, but Koharu dodged it easily.  There weren’t any would-be projectiles big enough for Ojiro to hurt her with, even if she could throw that far.
With what most have seemed to onlookers like a violation of all common sense, Koharu closed her eyes.
The feathery antennae that sprouted from her forehead, which normally hung loose, lifted up and began feeding information to her brain.  For a moment, it was overwhelming.  Her antennae brought forth all kinds of sensory information, very different than the information returned by her eyes, ears, or nose.  It took a few seconds for her to make the switch from one set of senses to the other successfully.  But once she did, she was aware of where everyone in the stands was, aware of countless foods being eaten, of all kinds of conversations happening, and, most importantly, where exactly Ojiro was.
“HAAAACK!” Koharu shot out a thin stream of her String Shot, quickly entangling Ojiro’s legs.  The invisible girl let out a cry of alarm as she tripped and went down.  But she caught herself, keeping her from hitting her head or otherwise injuring herself.
“Hey!  No fair!” Ojiro said.  “I’m invisible!  Lucky shot!”   Koharu’s eyes snapped open and she could see that Ojiro had returned to visibility and was working to try and free herself.  This only served to get her hands stuck as well.  “Oooh, yuck!  This stuff’s disgusting!”
Koharu took another breath, then dove down, swooping in at Ojiro.  She grabbed the back of the girl’s gym uniform and kept flying, right up to the edge of the ring. Once there, all she had to do was let go and Ojiro went flying out of bounds.
The crowd exploded with applause.   “Ojiro is out of bounds!” Hawkeye announced.  “Kocho wins!”
“I think we’ve got a rising star here on our hands!  What’s a girl like this doing in General Studies? The Hero Course is missing out and the second seed is off to a bang!”
Koharu walked over to Ojiro. Her String-Shot was already starting to dissolve; she hadn’t put too much effort into it, she’d just needed Ojiro immobilized for a few moments.   She offered Ojiro a hand up and felt a hand wrap around hers.
“Thanks,” Ojiro said, as she helped her up.  “Also, gross! That stuff came out of your mouth! I’m gonna be washing my hands for a month!”
Koharu had to laugh at that. “You’re not the first person to say that.  Really am sorry about beating you, though.”
Ojiro shrugged.  “I didn’t even think I’d get this far. Besides, somebody’s gotta win!”
Koharu didn’t think that someone would be her, not beyond this.  But she was proud of what she’d done.  Maybe… just maybe, this would all work out.  Placing was no guarantee; there were stories of General Studies students who’d made it to the Tournament round more on luck than skill and hadn’t moved anywhere.
So she guessed the real question was, was she lucky or skilled?
She just had to keep fighting to find out.
“And now we’ve got Mika Miketa back again, facing off against Kimiko Dashi!  I’m really hoping for a good, clean fight this time!  Nobody needs a repeat of the last time Mineta got in the ring!”
“It’s the kind of trick that only works once anyway, Mic.”
Mika stepped into the ring, across from Kimiko Dashi.  The tri-hair colored girl looked pretty relaxed and that really wasn’t surprising. Her match against the wheeled girl from 1-C had taken less than five minutes, since all Dashi’d had to do was freeze her and then accelerate her out of the ring.  Which meant she couldn’t get hit, not even once, or it’d be all over for her. And that might be a tall order. She was pretty light on her hooves, but if all she had was one shot…
“Tetsutetsu warned me about you, you know,” Dashi said.  “And I saw your match against Kan.  I’m not going to fall for your mouth.”
“Really?  Kana’s ratting me out?  That is just so incredibly rude.”  Mika gave Dashi her best smile.  “You wouldn’t believe the number of people who’ve said that though.” She got a glare in return.  Must have been doing something right.
Hawkeye pinched the bridge of her nose.  The English teacher seemed to be having a bad day.  There had been a lot of talking and not fighting today.  But she knew the job was dangerous when she took it.   “Are you done making a mockery of things, Mineta?” she asked.
“Sure thing, Teach,” Mika said.
“My apologies for the delay,” Dashi said.  Mika made a face.  Suck-up.
“Then… FIGHT!”
In a snap, Dashi brought up her arm and fired a red “stop” beam from it, but Mika was already moving, the beam sizzling through the air where she had been.  She lowered her head and fired an opening volley of sticky balls from her horns, not really bothering to aim, just to disorient.  If they stuck to Dashi, so much the better. But even if they didn’t, they might trip her up later.  Mika would just bounce off.
She kept running, hooves slamming into the concrete.  Dashi kept firing, red beams racing through the air.  Hopefully they weren’t hitting anyone in the stands or anything.  Provocation probably wasn’t going to work here; she was actually going to have to fight.
Mika turned and fired, launching another volley of her sticky balls at Dashi.  Dashi was quick on the defense though and fired a red beam again, stopping them in mid-air.  They hovered there without stopping, neither moving forward nor falling. Just like she wanted.  Mika took a running start then jumped, sailing over the blasts Dashi put her way.  She landed on the hovering balls and then bounced, launching back up into the air.  
Dashi tracked her ascent for a moment then fired a yellow beam.  Mika hadn’t known she could do that!  Crap!  She’d only seen the blue and red beams so far. It struck her dead on and time seemed to slow to a crawl.  She was still falling, but at a fraction of the speed before.  Below, she could see Dashi moving out of the way, seeming to be a blur.  
After what seemed like an hour but was probably only a minute or so, Mika hit the ground.  Fast as she could, she spun around throwing a roundhouse kick.  Just like she’d predicted, Dashi was right behind her, about to fire another beam. The kick connected, hitting the weird traffic light looking gizmo Dashi wore on her arm and throwing off her aim. Probably helped her focus her Quirk or something.  A red beam went wild, heading towards the stands again.  Mika followed up with a second kick, hitting Dashi in the stomach and sending her flying back a few feet.
Mika fired off another sticky ball, a single one from her left horn.  Dashi, still dazed from the kick, fired off a series a red beams, none of them hitting it.  Instead, the ball smacked right into her open right hand with a slightly wet plop sound.  Dashi tried to shake it off, but it held fast, and would for a while yet.
Then, Dashi brought her hand up and jerked in surprise as nothing seemed to happen.  She looked down at her hand like it had betrayed her, trying again to shake the sticky ball from it.   .  “What the?”
She brought her hand up again and this time Mika could see the barest hint of red flashing around the ball.  Slightly bigger than a softball, her sticky ball had been large enough to cover Dashi’s palm and fingers.  And with the ball blocking the beam, Dashi’s Quirk was effectively taken out of the fight. All this time and Mika hadn’t seen her ever fire a beam out of her left hand.  Combined with her support item there, it had suggested to her that Dashi could only fire her beams from her right.
She’d been correct in that guess.
Mika raced across the ring and Dashi’s face twisted up in anger.  “You’re… how did you…  You’re not supposed to be this smart!”
Closing the gap, Mika lashed out, kicking again with her right leg.  Dashi sidestepped the blow, trying to return a punch of her own, but Mika ducked away from it.  Still partially ducked, she rammed into Dashi’s middle, horns on either side of her. With a jerk and a twist, Mika lifted Dashi, and gave her a toss out of the ring.
“Dashi is out of bounds!” Hawkeye announced.  “Mineta wins!”
“How about that, folks?  Class 1-A’s horned girl takes the win again! And all without a single dirty joke! I guess we won’t have to edit the home video version of this fight after all!”
Mika grinned.  And very quietly, she spoke to herself.  “I’m more than a pretty face,” she said.  “Or a foul mouth.  That’s just more fun.”
Isamu jumped when the door to the waiting room flew open.  He’d been so deep in thought that he’d lost track of his surroundings.  But it wasn’t one of the teachers come to fetch him for his match.  No, it was the person who scared him most in all the world.  Kirishima-Bakugo.  Her red eyes were locked on him in an intense glare that, if she’d had some kind of eyebeam Quirk, would have meant he was dead.
“Yes?” he said.  “Me?”
Apparently his mouth was running on extra stupid today.
“You’re fighting Izzy.” It wasn’t a question.
“Ah, yeah,” Isamu replied, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.  He was pretty sure he could get away from her before she could kill him. And somebody would surely be here any minute to fetch him.  He probably wouldn’t die today.
Kirishima-Bakugo crossed her arms and frowned, hesitating, as though searching for the right words. Probably searching for the best way to describe how she’d explode his head.  It seemed to be her go-to intimidation tactic.
“If you’re going to threaten me,” he said, “can you just get it over with?”
That got a laugh out of her, which, in all honest, was far scary than any other sound he’d ever heard her make, including all the different times he’d heard her scream “die!” He scrambled up out of his chair and towards the back of the suddenly too small room.  There was no escape.
Katsumi recovered from her laugh and he thought, for just a moment, he saw something like amusement or approval in her eyes.  “You’re starting to grow a spine,” she said.
“Ah, maybe?”
She shook her head.  “And now you’ve blown it, Newb.”
“You were, you were saying something about Izumi?” he tried.
She nodded.  “Right.  I don’t like you, and you don’t like me.  But we both like Izzy.”
He nodded.  More like he was terrified of her, but not setting her off was probably in his best interest, so he was just going to be agreeable. Unless she was here to threaten him if he wound up hurting Izumi when they fought.  Which would probably be pretty hypocritical, given how all out he’d seen her go against their mutual friend, but he also wouldn’t put it past her.
“Izzy, lots of people treat her like she’s fragile.  I did. More than I should have.”  She jabbed a finger in his direction.  “So don’t go easy on her.  She wants a fight?  Give it to her.  Or you’re going to answer to me.”
Okay, he was not expecting that.  He didn’t claim to understand the full extent of the friendship between Izumi and Kirishima-Bakugo; he only knew how protective the latter was of Izumi.  That had certainly seemed to shift in the fight between the two.  A now, she was telling him to fight instead of trying to scare him off?
The coma theory continued to look more and more likely.  Coma dreams didn’t have to make sense.
“I can…  I can do that,” he said, finally finding his voice.
“Good,” Kirishima-Bakugo growled.  “Remember it, Newb.  I find out you went easy on her…”  She made a cutting gesture across her neck, then turned and left.
Isamu realized he’d been holding his breath and finally let it out, sucking in gulps of air greedily. That girl was going to be the death of him some day, he was sure of it.
But for now, he had to survive his next match.
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dprwolfgang · 5 years
Lights Down Low // Jay Park Series
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15. Lights Down Low : The Final Chapter
After a year and three days,here’s the final chapter of Lights Down Low.Fair warning it’s not proof read and it’s a bit confusing lol but I hope you all enjoy -if y’all still read my works anyways- Thanks for all the support.Love y’all.
Leya’s P.O.V
Walking into the house, the last thing you expected was the silence that greeted you.Usually it’s always noisy.The mess in the kitchen however was no surprise as you knew how lazy Jay could be at times.
“Babe,” You call out as you make your way up the stairs. Peeping into Kai’s room, he’s fast asleep with Oscar at the foot of his bed and Pj in his arms.Closing his door you head to yours and Jay’s bedroom at the end of the hall.
“Jaebum,” You call out but upon opening the room you’re greeted by darkness and the soft snores of your man child.Careful not to make any noise you put your bags in a corner and grab a change of clothes using your phones light and head for the bathroom. You were in need of a shower after that train ride from Busan.
What could have possibly made my boys so tired that they’re out cold and it’s not even 8pm yet? 
I know for a fact that Kai would sleep straight into tomorrow but Jaebum on the other hand would be up sooner.
Drying my hair, I toss the used towels into the hamper.Jay now laid on his back as he mumbled incoherent things in his sleep.Climbing into bed,I straddle his lap and shake him lightly.
“No…don’t leave. I’m sorry.” He mumbles.
“Jay.. Baby wake up,” I shake him again.He tosses a bit but doesn’t wake up,still mumbling.What the hell is he even dreaming about?  
Shaking him roughly a couple times I curse when he still doesn’t wake up.God, please forgive me for I’m about to do.
“Wake your short, pointy ears having ass up,” I shout before slapping him across his cheek and he jolts forward, his head colliding with mines.
“Owww! Bum what the fuck?” I groan,rubbing at my forehead.
“No shit Sherlock.” What was she doing here? Didn’t she get married? Why was she straddling my lap?
“What are you doing here?” Jay questions reaching across to the bedside table and turning on the light there.
“Uh, I live here? I know I was gone but damn baby it’s only been two days.”
“No you don’t and why are you on my lap?” He replies pushing you off.What the fuck?
“You’re married to that Gregory guy so why are you here?” Who the fuck is Gregory?
“What in god's name are you on about? If this your way of telling me you don’t wanna get married anymore,it’s a bit too late for that.” You say to him,getting off the bed.
“This is not real,it’s just in your head Park.Wake up.” He mumbles before proceeding to slap himself a couple times. “how long have we known each other? What year is it?” He suddenly asks.
“It’s 2019 and I’ve known you since I was 20 Jay,you know this.”
He’s off the bed before he can give you a reply.Grabbing at the nearest pair of shoes and a  hoodie,he slips them on before reaching for his phone and wallet on the nightstand.
“Where are you going?”
“For a drive…I need to clear my head.” Before you can say anything he’s out the bedroom,down the steps and out the door. The only thought running through your mind is ‘What the fuck just happened?’
One week later.
“What’s up with you and Jay?” Kiseok asks.He had come to me to work on some tracks for his album and we’ve gotten closer since then.
“I’ll give you an answer when I find out.We haven’t spoken since he practically ran out the house last week and he’s been ignoring my calls.I’ve been alone finalizing a wedding that may not even happen Ki.” I had no idea what was wrong or how to even fix it but in all honesty…at this point I’m not sure Jay even wants to marry me anymore.
“Aye,none of that sulking.This is a happy place.” Kiseok says. “Now I know we weren’t always as good as we are now and I wasn’t the nicest person when we first met but I can one hundred percent assure you that Jay wants to marry you.The guy bought the damn ring five months into y’all officially dating. I know things may seem uncertain right now but in two weeks time you’re going to be Mrs.Park Jaebum and you’ll look back at this and laugh.If anything he’s just scared that you’ll leave him hanging at the altar. You two have to get married,if you don’t then love ain’t real.Now turn that frown upside down and come join me on Instagram live.” He says pulling his phone out his pocket and hopping back onto Instagram after being gone for so long and looking like a damn bowl of spicy ramyeon.
“Thanks.” Was all I managed to say before his live started.
My fingers hovered over the piano keys as I tried my best to stay awake.Kai was with his grandparents for the weekend and without him or Jay around, the house felt rather empty.
With only one week left until the big day I had no idea where Jay and I stood.He just left and I hadn’t heard from him since then.
I had no idea when I fell asleep or how I ended up on the bed but the smell of caffeine woke me up.Sitting up and stretching, I get off the bed and head down to the kitchen to turn off the coffee maker because I’m positive I took it off automatic. I pause when soft humming hits my ear,I move slowly along the wall to kitchen.
Before I could peek in, a voice I know all too well speaks up. “I already know you’re there baby,sneaking up on me won’t work. I knew the moment you got out of bed.” Stepping out from where I was,I spot Jay sitting at the counter with breakfast laid out.
“Stop staring and come sit.” He says without turning to look at me.Hesitantly I make my way and sit opposite him.
“Eat.” He still isn’t looking at me and I don’t like it.
“Where have you been?”  
“Look at me and tell me where the hell you’ve been for the past two weeks Jaebum.” I try not to raise my voice but that doesn’t work out.How the hell does he expect me to eat when he just shows up after leaving us for two weeks without even a text or call.He doesn’t answer but he does look at me. “Was that your way of telling me that you don’t want to get married anymore?” I fiddle with the ring on my finger when he still doesn’t give me an answer.
“I know the way in which I left must have given you doubts but let me assure you that I am never going to change my mind about marrying you.You’re my special someone,both you and Kai and someday soon I’m going to put a baby girl in you but that...that dream felt so fucking real and it messed with my head a bit. I’m sorry for how I left,more importantly I’m sorry if I gave you any doubts.”
“Where were you and what dream?”  
Pulling me out my seat and onto his lap,he wraps both his arms around my waist and starts telling me about his dream and where he’d been.I’ll admit he could have just spoken to me about it but I also understand that he needed space but above all that I’m just glad that he’s finally home.
“I know we have our moments but no relationship is perfect.It was just a dream,I’m here and it’s where I’m going to stay because there’s no other man that’s ever gonna make me want to fight and love him at the same time.You’re it for me Jaebum and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“I can’t wait either and that’s why I need you to wake up.”  
“Come on Leya wake up.” I hear Sunghwa’s voice as Jay starts to fade.
“You gotta get her up before Jay starts losing his shit at the alter.” Another voice sounds but I can’t make out anything as I struggle to open my eyes. What the fuck was going on?
“I think she’s coming to..that’s it Leya.Open your eyes please before your man kills us.”
It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room I’m in once they’re open but once they’re cleared I see Chase,Hyukwoo and Kiseok high five each other as Sunghwa lets out a sigh of relief.
“Why are y’all looking at me like that?”
“Ohh! I don’t know! Maybe it’s the fact that you didn’t eat or stay hydrated when I told you too.” It’s Hyunjung who’s popping out from behind Chase.That’s when everything starts making sense.Them being all formally dressed. I was getting married today.Holy shit! I’m getting married.
“Somebody’s finally back,” Chase chuckles. “We gotta get back out there,Hoody ensure that she’s good and we’ll continue in ten minutes.”
As soon as they’re out the door she’s rushing over and hugging me.
“Woman! I swear to God you better not scare me like that again. I almost told them about you know what.”  
“I’m sorry,” I sigh. “I had the weirdest dream though.”
“As much as I’d love to hear about it,we have four minutes to get you out there before Jay comes barging in here like a caveman.” She helps me stand and adjusts my dress. “I can’t wait to see him cry,” she snickers and I laugh lightly knowing exactly why she said it.
“How much did you bet with them?”
“In total...two hundred million wons and Hyukwoo has to where whatever I pick out for him the week before he leaves for army duty.” She smirks devilishly and I can’t help but smile.
They were a crazy bunch but I love them.Each and every one of them have  become such an important part of my life that I have no idea what I’d do without them.Before I can get any deeper in my feelings there’s a knock at the door before Dean sticks his head in.
“You ready Sofrito?” You’d think he’d get tired of calling me that after all these years but he hasn’t stopped. I smile and nod at him as he fully opens the door and sticks his hand out.
“Never thought I’d see the day someone tied Jay’s ass down nor someone tame your crazy ass.” He chuckles lightly,linking his arm with mine as he walked me towards the entrance.
“Tame?? I’m still crazy and he knows I don’t play.” I smile at him.Dean was as much a brother to me as Ronnie was and that’s why I had them both walking me down the isle.Once we're outside the door Ronnie sticks his head in, most likely signaling to whoever that we were ready.The classic bridal tune begins and the doors open as Ronnie links his arms on my right.Both him and Dean walk me down the isle before handing me over to Jay who looked like he was about to cry.Halfway through my vows,the first tear slips and I couldn't help but chuckle because Hoody had just won. Chase and Sunghwa mouth the word 'finally' to each other once our vows are said and the priest announces that 'you may now kiss the bride.'
Jay pulls me in and kisses me softly before resting his forehead against mine,"thank you." he mumbles.
"what are you thanking me for?"
"for giving me everything I've ever wanted…a family to call my own,your love and affection even if I get on your last nerves just…just everything. And with that he's kissing me like it's the last time he'll feel my lips.
After everyone gives there speeches at the reception and our first dance,Chase announces that we have put together a little performance for our guests.Everyone knew this day wouldn't be complete if Jay didn't invoke some kind of competition.We hadn't picked a honeymoon destination just yet and so whoever won this got to choose as well as to see who could give who the better wedding present and knowing my husband he's fully confident that he has this in the bag. Oh if he only knew.
I'm made to sit on a chair in the middle of the ballroom,facing the stage.I smile as I see Kai get up on stage with his guitar."Hi,mama." he smiles brightly and the crowd coos at him in his all white suit just like his dad.Seconds later Jay appears with two stools.Kai hops up onto one and Jay helps him with his guitar before he sits on the other and adjusts his microphone.
"Just want to thank everyone for coming out and celebrating this new chapter in our lives with us," he speaks "but y'all know this day wouldn't be complete without a little friendly competition." he smirks and the audience groans playfully.
"This first thing is my wedding gift to you.i know I've said this a million and one times for the day already but thank you and please don't leave me cause my mom would legit ring my ears if you did."
"Damn right," Mrs.Choi speaks up from her seat and everyone laughs.
The light dims after that and suddenly little crystal like lamps are lit around them both on stage and a light fog rolls in.Kai starts playing his guitar and the screen behind them starts playing videos from when we'd first met.
As Jay sings,Kai occasionally joins in with adlibs and I can't help the tears that start streaming down my face. Thank god for water proof makeup.
Is this what they'd been sneaking around with for the past few weeks?
Everyone bursts into cheers as they come to an end and I can't help but find myself on stage wrapping both of them in my arms.Jay ushers me back to my seat after and few moments and he proceeds to perform some of his songs that he knows are my favorite,even bringing Chase and the others in for one that they'd recently done together.Once he's finished,it's my turn to give my gift and knowing how big of a Beyonce fanboy he is,I know he'll enjoy what I have planned.
Ensuring that my mic-pack is securing the music starts and I make my entrance. 
The small peacoat that covered just until mid-thigh was enough to hide the surprise until the end.Jay sat with his mouth open or smiling and cheering throughout the entire performance and as our gathered in around him, the spotlight shines on me standing sideways,I unwrap the coat and smooth my hands over the very visible bump that I've been hiding for the past two months.Everyone is quietly as it takes a moment for Jay to process before he's out his seat and wrapping me in his arms,laying kisses all over my face.
"You're pregnant? I'm gonna be a dad again?"
"yes,yes and you got your wish," I smile at him. He doesn't get another word in the guys are clapping him on the back and congratulating him.
As the night draws to an end Jay and I find ourselves seated at an empty table with the family.His parents left over an hour ago and Ronnie had to go pack for his early flight out as well as Dean.My feet in Jay's lap and one of his hands draped over the back of my chair as we reminisced. "Remember when we first met and Leya dragged you by your ear out her studio?" Sungwha laughed along with Hyukwoo who adds, "what about when I asked if she had any Korean in her and he almost blew a gasket." We all started laughing at that. We had come a long way from a message on Instagram.
"Thank you." I mouth to him and he smiles before leaning in and placing a kiss on my forehead and then my lips before leaning back and sighing happily.
My life had changed so much since I've met each and everyone of them and I can't wait for this new chapter in our lives that we're about to begin.
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satbiym · 5 years
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Both Alike in Dignity by satbiym
Breaking News!
This just in, according to the Lotus Pier Police Department, Walmart has now banned local man for driving an electric cart while drinking wine from a Pringles Can at 9AM.
Walmart Employee, Wei Wuxian, who first reported the drunk man, when asked for about this ban said, “Nah man, we’ve all been there, you know? Let he who hasn’t had the exact same urge cast the first stone!”
The man in question could not be reached for any comments.
We’ll keep you updated as the story progresses.
Next up! Is your cat plotting to kill you? Find out, after the break.
Lan Wangji hadn’t thought his recent (unwilling) transfer to Lotus Pier, brother’s engagement (to a complete and utter asshole) and his (first ever) heartbreak would impact him much.
But if the police officer in front of him was to be believed, he might have to reconsider some of his earlier considerations.
Like where he got his groceries and sandalwood moisturizer, because it appeared that the logistics of shopping at Walmart were now… legally complicated.
When the Walmart Employee who started it all starts challenging him at every turn, Wangji’s life is turned upside down yet again. Thus begins a journey of saving bunnies, breaking engagements and starting a cult.
… and somewhere along the way, maybe falling in love.
AKA: The not-so-tragic Romeo-and-Juliet love story that shook the foundations of Lotus Pier, now with 1000% more Walmart representation!
ACT 1 Prologue
O, here
Will I set up my everlasting rest,
And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars
From this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last!
Arms, take your last embrace! and, lips, O you
The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss
A dateless bargain to engrossing death!
Lan Wangji woke up to the sound of clucking, the smell of hay and the taste of what appeared to be all the grime of the world; his mouth was - Lan Wangji was certain - now housing the occupants of Pandora’s box, presumably to accelerate Lan Wangji’s descent into the abyss from sheer, unfiltered anguish.
And no. Lan Wangji was not being a - as his dear brother would claim - drama llama, and the fact that you thought so makes you complicit in the heinous system of victim blaming. Stew in that.
However, putting aside your blatant enthusiasm for contributing to a systemic socio-economic issue, the point was, Lan Wangji had woken up disoriented, not quite ready to do so and all the more resentful for it.
By the smells and sounds assaulting his senses, he could deduce that he was not the sole occupant of the space he had somehow found himself in.
Lan Wangji forced his eyes open with a repressed hiss at the bright light that caused him to almost empty his stomach right then and there, and looked around.
He was in a barn.
He had never been in a barn before. Lan Wangji looked around with curiosity, only to lock gazes with someone whose very glare seemed to scream: Colonizer! Begone!
It might have been his equal parts fascination and disdain for British history, but it did seem like his co-occupants weren’t very pleased about his presence in their midst.
The rooster cocked his head and, with a considerable amount of self-importance and flair for the dramatics, as if the audience had only validated his illusions of self-grandior, crowed.
Lan Wangji flinched back, unable to bear a sound he had only ever read about and heard in movies or ironic ringtones born from phones of people he never spoke to again, especially as his head felt like it was splitting itself apart.
Clutching his pounding head with his hands, Lan Wangji offhandedly wondered if this was how Zeus had felt right before Athena had been born out of his split skull.
The rooster continued its morning call, caring naught for Lan Wangji’s lifelong practice of vegetarianism or his regular recycling habits. The world truly was not kind to those who tried, Lan Wangji despaired.
His clothes were dirty and disheveled, hair unsightly and a rooster was loudly proclaiming that Lan Wangji was not welcome in his territory. He couldn’t remember how he had ended up in this situation. The last thing he could recall was loud laughter, turning instinctively (as if he could do anything other than heed the siren call of that laugh) and watching as We-
Lan Wangji got up.
Answers could wait. He needed to first get out of here and maybe get some food. For some reason, despite it being early morning he was ravenous.
Only, before Lan Wangji could proceed with his plan, the barn door abruptly opened, hinges creaking and even silencing the self-aggrandizing rooster.
Lan Wangji looked at the newcomer with trepidation, making sure his face remained as stoic as the muscles would allow.
A woman stood with sharp light behind her, making her seem all the more ominous. Upon seeing Lan Wangji, she stopped, doorknobs still held in her hands.
They surveyed each other for a second, but before the twisting in Lan Wangji’s stomach could get too much, the woman broke out in a wide grin, open and unerringly friendly.
“Doctor! What’s a fella like you doing in a place like this?” She boomed, voice echoing off of the rafters of the barn.
Lan Wangji blinked. He had never before understood how someone could relate their complex and intricate human experiences to pithy existential questions that were carelessly tossed en masse. But, it seemed like today was a day for revelations.
Lan Wangji bowed slightly and intoned, “Apologies for trespassing, Ma’am.”
The woman’s eyes widened and her face seemed to somehow become fevered, as if she was coming down with the flu. She fluttered her hands, almost dancing in her place, and giggled, “Oh, don’t worry about it, Doctor! It must be the lack of apples in my diet!”
Lan Wangji decided this conversation wasn’t worth the emotional toll as of this moment and with another bow took his leave. He very firmly did not run, he simply… power walked. It was better for the cardiovascular system.
But as he reached the door his stomach made itself heard. Lan Wangji paused, he wasn’t familiar enough with this area to be able to locate a restaurant quickly enough. He turned back, the woman was turned towards him presumably watching him leave to ensure he never darkened her doorstep again with his trespassing.
“Excuse me, Ma’am, where is the nearest restaurant that serves breakfast at this time?” He asked.
The woman laughed and said, “Doctor, I think even you’d find it difficult to find a diner serving breakfast at 2 in the afternoon.”
Lan Wangji’s eyes widened against his permission. He had never woken up past 5 AM since the day his Uncle had taken him in. But then, why…
“Your rooster. He was…” Lan Wangji trailed off, unsure how to describe the unholy shrieks of anarchy the beast had been emitting to his definitely demonic overlords.
The woman slapped her knee as she shook with laughter, “Oh, that’s just Henry for ya! He is up and cock-a-doodle-dooing at all hours of the afternoon. My husband likes to tell me it’s because he’s working on a different timezone. ‘We, Bertha,’ he says, ‘have gotten ourselves a foreign rooster!’” The woman continued, voice much softer and fonder than before.
Look, Lan Wangji was a certified veterinarian.
Lan Wangji even had a PhD!
But no amount of wet lab or theoretical knowledge of “roosters can crow at any time of the day” could prevent the inherent wrongness of the realization that the movies had lied to him.
“But if it’s lunch ya want, then there is Mellie’s diner right down the road, next to the Walmart.” She continued, positively brimming with good-natured joviality but that didn’t stop Lan Wangji’s traitorous heart from lurching at the end of her sentence.
Lan Wangji nodded, ignoring his inner turmoil and after sending one last look at the anachronistic hell bird, walked to the direction the woman had indicated towards, recent memory still evading his grasp.
Maybe it was the headache still pounding away or his avoiding thinking about recent revelations by trying to recover his lost memories, but so engrossed in his own mind was he that it was almost a surprise when he reached the diner cheerfully proclaiming itself as being Mellie’s.
Straightening his clothes and wishing he had had the chance to wash up, Lan Wangji walked in, the bell at the door chiming sweetly, announcing his presence to all the other patrons.
The diner was full, Lan Wangji noted. Not that you would know it by ear, seeing as they all fell silent and turned to look at him like he was a particularly interesting alien species.
Lan Wangji waited until a man wearing a garishly cheerful uniform walked up to him nervously.
“Table for one.” Lan Wangji said, voice level and seemingly oblivious to the way the many eyes had not moved past him.
The server nodded and with a look of confusion but as if directed by an external puppeteer as he played a role he hadn’t realized he had auditioned for, walked Lan Wangji to the nearest empty table, which was, to Lan Wangji’s consternment, right next to a raised television playing the local news.
As Lan Wangji moved, the eyes of the diner’s patrons followed.
But at this point, Lan Wangji was used to it. The stares, the open differential awe you’d give to a limited edition figurine, prized but untouchable. Alien and inalienable.
It seemed as if moving to a new town hadn’t been the answer to this particular quirk of circumstance.
The server cleared his throat, a sound that reverberated in the silence of the diner, sounding like a caricature of the act. Lan Wangji looked at him, askance.
“May I take your order, Doctor?” The server asked, seemingly flushed for some reason.
The server, Lan Wangji offhandedly noted, had gray eyes. Eyes which were somehow too reminiscent of another pair of eyes and at the same time, not gray enough to be an apropos comparison.
A pair of eyes that danced into being more silver than gray on any given day and answered more questions than Lan Wangji had been prepared to have had answered when he had moved to this town.
“Salad.” Lan Wangji intoned.
The man bobbed his head and clutching the unopened menu in his hands, walked away. Lan Wangji resumed staring ahead at nothingness and contemplated the recent disorder that had been wrought on his life: abrupt, unwelcome and without even the good grace of having sent a courtesy invitation.
Dear So-and-So,
You have been cordially invited to witness the anarchy that has befallen what many experts could identify as the remains of a perfectly fine life that didn’t deserve to have experienced the full spectrum of human emotion when it was perfectly fine without it, thank you very much.
The noise returned gradually.
Lan Wangji tuned back in just as the news anchor changed to a woman he had heard at the grocery store last week as she shouted about deadlines and leads into her phone while carefully cradling a carton of eggs.
Maybe it was that familiarity bred sustained patience for the a person’s presence, but Lan Wangji found himself turning his attention to the television as she spoke, almost jumping with preppy excitement. The excitement made sense a moment later as the television flashed with red signs alerting the other patrons of an incoming breaking news story.
She cleared her throat and clutching her ear-piece, said with alacrity, “This just in! According to the Lotus Pier Police Department, Walmart has now banned local man for driving an electric cart while drinking wine from a Pringles Can at 9AM.”
Lan Wangji blinked, Who in the world-
A video of a long-haired man grinning cheerfully flashed onto the screen and Lan Wangji’s thoughts halted to a stop.
She continued, her voice loud and clear in the silent diner as all awaited the rest of the story, “Walmart Employee, Wei Wuxian, who first reported the drunk man, when asked for about this ban said and I quote, ‘Nah man, we’ve all been there, you know? Let he who hasn’t had the exact same urge cast the first stone!’”
The diner’s patron’s hooted and some laughed as someone yelled, “Yeah! You tell ‘em, Wei Wuxian!”
The news anchor continued, “The man in question could not be reached for any comments. We’ll keep you updated as the story progresses. Next up! Is your cat plotting to kill you? Find out, after the break.”
A cheerful anthem broke the segment, signalling a break and an advertisement of the local Walmart and its services filled the screen.
The patrons were still laughing and loudly discussing the news.
“That Wei Wuxian, he will never change!”
“Why should he? He is just perfect!”
“Oh, please. He is so out of your league. You know he is going to be the one to inherit Walmart after Madam Yu steps down as President of the franchise, right? Stop dreaming.”
Lan Wangji clenched his fist, hidden by the table.
“Forget his hopeless delusions! what about that story, right?! Who in the world could do something like that?!”
Lan Wangji turned back to his staring at nothingness, eavesdropping was prohibited, even if they were making it really hard to not eavesdrop with their loud voices and inclusion of the whole diner into their conversation.
The diner bell chimed.
Lan Wangji paid it no mind, at least until he sensed a presence coming towards him. He looked up. It was a uniformed police officer. The officer stopped before his table and waited until he had Lan Wangji’s attention before speaking “Are you Doctor Lan Wangji?”
Lan Wangji, with a foreboding feeling in his gut, inclined his head. The other diner patrons, at this point, weren’t even pretending not to be listening in. Clearly, they hadn’t been brought up by Lan Qiren.
The police officer nodded, pulling out an envelope which he handed to Lan Wangji.
“I am here to inform you that you have hereby been banned from Walmart for the foreseeable future in light of the incident that took place this morning.”
Lan Wangji blinked, a sort of rushing sound echoing in his ears. He didn’t understand.
“I am afraid I do not know what you are referring to, Officer.” Lan Wangji said, outwardly calm despite a dawning in his chest, like he had almost grabbed hold of an late-blooming epiphany but it was still dancing out of his reach.
The officer looked back flatly and said, “I am referring to your operating an electric cart while intoxicated at walmart at nine o’clock this morning.”
Lan Wangji stilled.
The epiphany had stopped dancing out of his reach, simply vanishing into a whiff of smoke and regrets.
And it appeared that so had he.
… Or so he wished.
“I am afraid you have the wrong person, Officer,” Lan Wangji said succinctly, not believing even his own words because somehow that - considering how disobedient, contradictory and unruly his life had been behaving - sounded… about right.
The Officer raised an unimpressed eyebrow and pulled out a credit-card sized object, handing it to Lan Wangji.
It was a... picture.
In it was a laughing Wei Ying, hands tied together with a white ribbon throwing up peace signs regardless, flushed and all the more beautiful for it.
It was a lovely picture and Lan Wangji wanted copies, but how was this proof of his alleged crime? If this was some kind of joke-
The officer, probably impatient with Lan Wangji’s lack of enlightenment, pointed behind Wei Ying, at…
Yeah, alright. That was him riding an electric cart while drinking from a pringles can.
Lan Wangji nodded, pocketing the photograph, focused on making sure the internal screaming remained internal, “Noted. Anything else?”
The officer raised his other eyebrow and said grimly, “Not at this moment, no, Doctor.”
Lan Wangji inclined his head and turned back to stare at the spot he had been staring at before, dismissing the officer and uncaring as he walked away.
Everyone pretended they weren’t staring at Lan Wangji, though somehow he felt their presence more keenly than before when they hadn’t even been trying to conceal their stares, as the server walked up to him.
“Um, D-Doctor? Your meal.” The server stumbled out, hands quickly depositing the plate on the table before swiftly walking away before Lan Wangji even had a chance to look at the food.
Lan Wangji looked at his plate.
It was not a salad.
A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
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eliniei · 5 years
Those Hard Days - Chapter 36
Summary: Rae’s brother always made sure she was tough as nails. But when her father flips her world upside down, will she find that there’s a limit on how strong she can be?
Warnings: Rape/Non-con (non-graphic, fade-to-black), child abuse, underage drinking, underage smoking, drug use, violence, major character death
A/N: not sorry.
AO3: here Fanfiction.net: here
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Chapter 36 - Fade
The next two weeks passed slower than any time in Rae’s entire life. She felt herself spiraling into the darkness, that feeling and thought in the back of her mind growing larger until it overcame her. 
She’d stopped eating- except for a few bites here and there. She couldn’t handle the food. Everything made her sick to her stomach. Curly tried to coax her with her favorites, but she just...couldn’t. She lost weight and she could feel herself wasting away, although she couldn’t find it in her to care. 
Rae felt so stupid-so naive-to think she’d have been home by now, cooking dinner with Barb and helping Ponyboy with his homework. Playing cards with Two-Bit and laughing with Carrie. Hanging out at the Curtis house, all of her friends surrounding her. It all seemed so unreachable now. The hope she’d placed in her brother was quickly fading away. He couldn’t stay out of trouble long enough to help her when she needed it most. 
Ms. Douglas made it clear that she was worried. But when Rae starting breaking rules, it made her mad. The woman didn’t show it-but she knew. She’d tried to sit her down at have a long, serious discussion, but it only went in one ear and out the other.
At first, she started sneaking out after everyone was in bed and sneaking back in before they woke up, but eventually she didn’t even bother coming back in the mornings and skipped school entirely. She went to an abandoned warehouse deemed the Shepard gang hangout. She’d sit around a barrel fire with them, passing around bottles of hard liquor and getting shitfaced. Occasionally someone would bring a radio and they’d dance until they passed out on the old couches they’d set around the firepit.
Curly was the one who usually found her after each night out, dark circles under his eyes. The one who held her hair back as she puked her guts out. He did his best to comfort her, and she knew it. But, he was at his wit’s end, so high-strung that one morning he couldn’t wipe the despair off his face as he almost broke down crying, begging her to eat something. To stop destroying herself. 
But he didn’t understand. She felt like her brother had betrayed her- that she had a hole in her chest where the faith she’d stored for him lived. Maybe it didn’t seem like a big deal to him. It wasn’t like she was far away from her friends, right? She still had him and Tim and Angela, right? But this-this was the biggest part of her life. For years, she only had Dally...and now it was like he didn’t even care. 
She felt horrible. She really did. But, if he didn’t care, then why should she?
Finally, Tim started threatening the members of his outfit with bodily harm if they let her have anything harder than a couple of beers. Fearing for their limbs and skulls, they’d blocked her, told her what their almighty leader had ordered, and then abandoned the warehouse early. Rae just laid down on the musty couch, staring at the flickering flames before falling asleep.
That’s where Tim found her the next morning, alone. She was curled up into the corner of the couch, legs hugged to her chest, forehead resting on her knees. She heard him approaching, and suddenly she couldn’t hold it back anymore. Her entire body started shaking as tears started falling freely from her eyes. For the first time in nearly two weeks, she was stone cold sober- and she fucking hated it. Everything hurt. Her head, her heart...
“Tim,” she said, her voice high, threatening to break. He sat down on the cushion next to her. 
“Yeah, kid?” His voice was low, gentle. 
“I’m so lost.” He sighed. 
“I know.”
“I’m...I’m hurting everyone, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, you are.” She let out a shuddering sob. 
“What do I do?”
“I think you should go see Dally.” At that, Rae lifted her head and peered at him. 
“What?” she asked him, thinking she must have heard him wrong. He flashed her a grim, close-lipped smile. 
“Yeah. Quit cryin’ and come with me.” He stood and walked towards the door. 
Once she’d dried her face and ran her fingers through her hair, she met Tim just outside the warehouse. He pulled a black baseball cap out of the pocket of his jacket and handed it to her. 
“Put this on and keep your head down.”
Rae did as she was bid, and followed him back to his truck. He drove them to the Tulsa County Jail and told her to let him do the talking. Together, they approached the security guard in the lobby. The oldest Shepard sibling gave him a short wave as they got close.
“Hey, Billy.”
“Oh, come on. You know my name.”
“You know I gotta ask, man.”
“Tim Shepard. My sister, Angela Shepard.” The guard took a look at Rae, although she refused to make eye contact with him. 
“Ya’ll look nothin’ alike,” he mumbled as he took a note. 
“Inmate you’re here to see?”
“Come on, man, really?” The guard gave him a pointed look. “Fine, fine. Dallas Winston.”
“Alright, go on back. You know the way.”
Tim opened the door next to them when it buzzed and led her back to an open area, tables and chairs spread out all over the room. He picked a table and sat her down in one of the plastic chairs, then sat across from her.
“Do you come see Dally a lot?” she asked him, looking down at the surface of the table. 
“Been a once or twice.”
 The next few minutes were quiet, but when Tim stood up, she heard footsteps approaching from behind her. She didn’t move until she was sure the guard had walked away, then look up to see Dally and Tim slapping hands. Her brother wore a blue jumpsuit. 
“Hey, man,” her brother said, a smile on his face. “Nice to see ya. How’s the kid?”
“Don’t ask me,” Tim said, tilting his head towards her. Dally looked over as if it was the first he realized there was someone else there and his eyes went wide. 
“Rae?” came his loud whisper as he hurried over to her. Without warning, she was lifted from her chair into a tight bear hug.
“Dally,” she breathed into his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him as well. 
“Careful, man,” Tim warned. “Don’t break her.” When he finally put her back down, he moved back to take a look at her. His eyes hardened and he gave his friend and icy look. “That’s why we’re here. Talk.” Tim moved to another table and dropped down into a chair, facing the window. 
“What’s this about?” her brother asked as she carefully sat back down. He pulled up a chair and sat in front of her. She looked down at her lap for a few moments, chewing on her lip. “You look like shit, Rae. You need to tell me what’s goin’ on.”
“Sorry. I-I haven’t eaten in a few days.” 
“A few?” 
“A-and maybe I’ve been drinkin’ a bit.”
He sat back with a heavy sigh. 
“Look, I already know, okay? Curly...came here the other day.” She sighed as well and rubbed her eyes with her fingers. “He’s real worried about ya. Told me this all started when ya found out I was in jail. He wants to help but doesn’t know how. That little twerp failed to mention how back it was, though.”
“I thought,” she started. “I thought…”
“It’s alright, I ain’t gonna get mad.”
“I felt like you’d given up on me, Dally,” she finally admitted, outloud. “I thought that you’d gone off the deep end and if you did, then it was okay for me to give up, too.”
“Rae Lee Winston,” her chided, his voice stern. The tone in his voice caused her to look up. He crossed his arms and shook his head. “I can’t believe you. Honestly, I can’t.”
She tried to keep her mouth from falling open. She stared back at him, waiting for him to continue.
“Have I ever given up in my entire life?” he asked. She hesitated for a moment, eyes wide. “Well?” 
“And you choose now to doubt me anyway?” 
“But then-?”
“Rae, the guy stiffed me. He refused to give me the money so I punched him. This ain’t about anythin’ more than that.” She felt like she just got slugged in the stomach. Dally sat forward again, leaning his elbows on his knees. “I’ve been tryin’ real hard to be on my best behavior, yeah? They could let me out early. Charges could be dropped.”
“We just ran into each other. Got talkin’ about old times, ya know? Thought about maybe givin’ it another chance.”
“So stop beating yourself up over this. It’s nothin’. I ain’t givin’ up. Soon as I’m out, the hunt’s back on. I know it’s takin’ a bit longer than we thought, but we ain’t givin’-”
She jumped on him before he could finish, hugging him as tightly as her weak arms could. He buried his face in her neck as he hugged her back. 
“I will never give up on you. Do you hear me?” 
“I love you, Dally.”
“I love ya too. Feel better now?” Rae nodded as she released her hold on him and wiped her eyes. “Now, get goin’. And eat some food for fuck’s sake. If someone wanted to jump ya, you’d get bulldozed lookin’ the way ya do.”
Tim rejoined them when her brother stood up to leave. They shook hands again.
“Appreciate it, Tim,” he said with a quick nod. 
“Yeah, no prob.”
“Don’t you ever bring her back here,” her brother ordered, poking a finger in his chest. 
“Yeah, yeah. Desperate times.” 
Dally turned back to face her. They stared at each other for a moment longer, his eyes searching hers for something. When he was satisfied, he broke eye contact and turned to head back to the security guard waiting for him at the other end of the room. She took a deep breath and turned back to Tim with a small smile. 
“Ready?” he asked, lifting his hand to reposition the hat on her head. 
“Yeah, I think I am.”
“Alright, let’s get you to school.”
She nodded. The bad feeling was still there, at the bottom of her stomach, but at least it wasn’t as strong anymore.
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illidariyoungblood · 5 years
The soup at the inn was... not great. Even with tainted senses, she could tell. Whoever cooked it was lacking in skill and taste. But, it was noodles and dumplings that she didn't have to make or share with anyone else. A little taste of home without the effort. All she had to deal with was the ugly looks and curious stares from those around her. Ah, but she could tune those out and focus on her sad soup.
Off to her side came the sound of someone setting dishes on the bar. 'That's an odd place for the bus bin,' she thought but paid it no further mind.
"Once again, you don't have to bring me your dishes, ma'am. It's included in the price." The bartender sounded exhausted. Someone laughed, and the sound of it almost shot noodles out of Adarlassa's nose. She had to slap a hand over her face and swallow hard to keep that from happening.
"Once again, I am just being a good guest! Now hand me a rag, I will wipe the table."
'Oh no, oh no, please, Elune, don't let it be...' Adarlassa focused her Sight on the figure. Sure enough, it was her worst nightmare and also her wildest dreams. A short, stout little panderan woman, black spots littered with graying fur but her hair dyed bright colors to hide the same hairs in her mane.
She let out a small whine that seemed to go unnoticed as the woman argued over being allowed to clean up her own mess at an inn. Quickly, Adarlassa gulped down the rest of the soup and shoved the rest of the dumplings in her mouth. She choked once but fixed it easily with her tea. The sound of her coughing caught the ear of the panderan, who turned to look at her.
"Slow down! Chew and enjoy your food! Someone worked hard on it!" She said, wiggling a finger at her. The bartender huffed.
"Yiuling, stop lecturing my other customers, I'm begging you."
"I am not lecturing! I am only-"
Adarlassa tuned them out and dug in her pockets for a handful of gold, easy more than the soup was worth but she wasn't going to stand around and wait for change. They could keep it. She had to get away, before either she cried or Yiuling realized who she was scolding.
Stepping out of the inn might have been a mistake. Almost as soon as she had, the old familiar name reached her ears and she picked up the aura of a handful of male panderan on the balcony overlooking the street.
"Look at that, isn't that-... Ada? Ada! Is that you?"
'Shit shit shit shit damn no, not like this!' She snarled and quickly summoned her serpent from his hiding place around the corner.
"Look, it's Luu! That has to be her! Ada!"
She mounted and kicked the three-legged creature into the air to make a fast getaway.
Two sharp notes and two low ones sounded in a whistle, and Luu rumbled pleasantly and looped around on himself to head towards the whistle, even with his rider shoving her claws into his scales to try and control him. But no, the dumb animal was far too food driven, and never forgot the noise Shuukin would use to call the serpents for dinner.
"No, no, no! You idiot-!" She tried to climb out of the saddle and flee, but Luu's one front leg touched down on the rail of the balcony and great big furry arms grabbed her in a soul squeezing, bone crushing hug.
"Ada!" Shuukin bellowed in delight, twirling her around and coaxing the meal back up into her throat for a second. No sooner had he let her go than the other two jumped on her, showering her in hugs and pats from their big paws. "Ada, it is good to see you!"
Well. No point in anything now, she supposed, and sighed in defeat before smiling and returning the hugs of her brothers.
"Hi, Baba. Hi, Mokka, hi Tokka. What are you doing in Dalaran?"
"Vacationing! Mama wants to see the world! Why did you run? Did you not hear us calling?"
She bowed her head and shrugged.
"I... was not and still am not ready for you to see me like this. I'm... kind of an ugly monster." She said, frowning.
"That is nothing new! You were ugly last time we saw you, too!" Mokka laughed, and she smiled and jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow. Their father huffed and took her cheeks in his big paws.
"That's untrue! She's beautiful! Even still, she is as beautiful as the day she left." With one paw, he took the sedge hat off her head and placed a tiny nuzzle to her hair before turning his attention to the hat. It was in good condition, but still showed signs of wear from battle. He sat down to work on it.
"Yeah," Tokka said, reaching over to lay a paw upside Mokka's head. "She's prettier than your ugly mug!"  As the two boys bickered, with each other, Shuukin reached over with a big paw and pulled Adarlassa to his side and sat her on his knee. It was a little awkward. She was bigger than the last time that happened, and she had to balance to fit. But, it was comforting and relaxing in a way that soothed her felflame soul.  “You put holes in the straw, on purpose?” He asked, still fidgeting with the hat. He set it upon her head for a moment and made a noise of realization.  “Yes, Baba. I, uh, I sprouted-” “Little horns! Just when I thought you couldn’t be any more unusual.” They shared a small chuckle and he returned to working. Her brothers crowded her soon after to pull her up and look her over, from claws to fangs to the lack of eyes, to the wings tucked under her cape as they healed from a pulled muscle. They seemed thrilled and excited, not at all repulsed and frightened like she had expected. And Shuukin just... didn’t seem to mind. Just as usual, nothing seemed to faze him.  Yiuling’s aura waddled its way up the stairs to the tiny bedroom they shared and reflexively, Adarlassa pulled her two brothers to form a wall. It only lasted a second before their mother shoved them aside.  “No, I heard her! She is here!” She shouted loudly in her native tongue, and instantly threw herself at the elf to hug her tight. Adarlassa stood shocked for only a second before she returned the hug, burying her face in the soft old fur on Yiuling’s shoulder. One of the two began to shake and sniffle. Adarlassa swore it wasn’t her, but two gentle paws grabbed her face and rubbed at her cheek bones. “No! No, no, no, no crying! This is happy!”  Adarlassa could only nod and kneel before hugging her adoptive mother again. “I’ve missed you, Mama. I’ve missed you and Baba and the boys so much. I’m so sorry I’m like this.” “No! Don’t be sorry! You’re wonderful! You’re my daughter! You’re my wonderful daughter!” Her short snout buried between Adarlassa’s shortened horns and planted a tiny kiss on her scalp. “You are a little shocking though, I will not lie. I didn’t recognize you at first.”  Shuukin waved the hat from his chair, a piece of straw held in his teeth. He spoke around it. “You did not even recognize the sedge, woman!” “I did recognize it, Baba, I’d recognize your handiwork anywhere. I just thought she’d given it away to a friend. She is generous and sweet like that.” “No, Mama, she would not! We made this hat together!” He scoffed. Adarlassa grinned and nodded.  “Yes, it does mean a lot to me. I wouldn’t get rid of it for anyone. They’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead claws if they want it.” Not that she could think of a single person who would want it. Even standard issue Illidari gear was better at protecting than the sedge. It held more sentimental value than anything. “Where are you staying these days?” Shuukin asked as he finished up the hat and placed it gently on her head. She huffed and adjusted it to fit around her ears and horns. “And you haven’t been eating, have you? You know Mama worries about that.” “I have been eating! Just... I burn more than I eat sometimes.” Maybe more than just ‘sometimes’ though. “But I’m staying on the Fel Hammer. It’s kind of our base of operations. It’s just outside of town. Kind of. The portal is, I mean.” “Oh! I would like to see it!” Yiuling said, grinning.  “It’s a base of operations, Mama, I don’t think she can take you.” Mokka protested and shook his head.  “... I mean, I could take you to the Fel Hammer. You can see it, if you’d like. I can’t really give you a tour, though. That might be too far.” Adarlassa shrugged. Surely she could get just one Panderan to the bat roost.  “Then let’s do that!” Yiuling nodded, paws on her hips and maw split in a toothy grin. “Mama, don’t get her in trouble!” Shuukin rumbled, shaking a paw. “Stay here insetad! We’re on vacation! You’re already causing enough trouble here, don’t raise more for her!” “It’ll be fine, Baba,” Adarlassa grinned. “A short sight seeing visit, and then we’ll come back!” “Yes, show me the sights, Ada. I am on vacation, after all!”
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