#at first they kind of just leave him alone. they feel a LITTLE bad abt it but they don't know how they'd deal with it
i3utterflyeffect · 7 months
considering he probably does have a lot of guilt resurface whenever he's around Chosen I am thinking abt if Chosen walked in on him having one of those crushing guilt moments. because i imagine it's while no one's there-- ESPECIALLY not the CG-- and just, he's not expecting Chosen to be there at all. so both of them are extremely caught off guard
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ataraxixia · 5 months
sunday brainrot will not leave me ALONE just thinking abt his little "triple faced gods blah blah tell the truth" AURRRGGHH need to be interrogated by him SO BAD
omg yes
I imagine a scenario where you were his little insight spy without your knowledge and he‘ll use the Harmony to coax the information out of you. But this time- he was jealous of someone he didn't know.
i‘m completely normal about this man I swear
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pairings: Yan!Sunday x reader warnings: Yandere, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Reader referred to as „Angel“, god complex Sunday (?)
it was supposed to be a simple meeting with your loving boyfriend.
when he requested your presence, you initially thought he was stressed because of work again and that he needed rest- that he needed you, as usual.
after bidding farewell to the shopkeeper you were currently with, you made your way towards the Reverie Hotel. Some Family members on the way recognized you and gave you a small smile or a simple bow- mostly due to the fact that you were Sunday‘s lover. You reciprocated the kind gesture and gave a quick smile as well, even after having the strange feeling of being watched.
once you were on the plaza in front of the Reverie, you noticed one of Sunday‘s crows on one of the fences, watching you closely. They have always been around the city and Sunday told you to simply ignore them, so you did. But today, they seemed restless; when you left Dewlight Pavillion, when you walked around Golden Hour, when you bought some snacks from a Pepeshi Person- at least one crow was watching you.
opening the doors to Dewlight Pavillion, you were expecting to see Brina behind the reception counter greeting you, but instead, you were met with utter silence- as no one was in the room. A hint of uneasiness washed over your body as you continued to traverse through the Pavillion. Even in the halls, where there were usually some guards, there was silence.
you were filled with worry before rushing towards Sunday‘s office, flinging the door open- only to see him stand leisurely in front of the bookcase.
after hearing you entering, your lover turned around and gave you his charming smile.
„Good, you‘re here, my dear.“ he said, one hand behind his back and the other directing towards an armchair. „Please, sit.“ you slowly shook your head as you turned to the door again, stuttering over your words. „The… e-entire Pavillion- there‘s.. no one.. i-is everything okay?“ as you turned back to Sunday, he gave you a reassuring smile. „yes, everything is fine, Angel. Please, calm down and sit.“ you shrugged before listening to your lover, sitting down. The uneasy feeling in your stomach did not falter one second, but you were telling yourself that you were safe as long as Sunday was there.
„Dear, you seem more stressed than I was a few moments ago. Shall I ease your worries first before I tell you mine?“ you let out a long exhale as you nodded your head. Usually, you were the one calming Sunday down after a long day; stroking his hair, cleaning his wings, kissing his temple- he always said he appreciated these small gestures and you loved to do them.
sunday did the same to you right now. He brushed a few hairs out of your face, held your cheek in his palm and kissed you lightly on the forehead, his wings engulfing your head softly. your body and mind had calmed down by the time he retracted his face and when he smiled again you mirrored it. However, when you looked closer, his smile wasn‘t genuine and behind, there were his crows- their eyes focused on you.
„Have you calmed down? May I now share my troubles with you, Angel?“ he asked like usually and without hesitation, you nodded. „Of course.“
„Perfect. Now, there have been some… ‚issues‘ inside the Family‘s network. The Bloodhound Family has been trying to apprehend a stowaway, and please, don‘t take this the wrong way when I say this,“ the feeling in your stomach only increased and you didn‘t like it.
„you meet a lot of people everyday, and the stowaway was one of them, we believe. You wouldn‘t mind telling me about that, would you?“ Sunday had his hand on your cheek and stroked it softly with his thumb, the fabric of his gloves smooth on you skin, but your breath hitched as his hand traveled to you chin, holding it.
"I'm afraid I don't know a-anything." you tried to sound normal, but the small stutter gave you away, yet Sunday only chuckled. "I don't need any of your lies today, love. My patience has been running thin these past few days." his charming smile was replaced with a small frown and your body was betraying you. You tried to compose yourself, but it was futile.
"I only need truths." Sunday said and his whole demeanor changed.
"Oh, Triple-Faced Soul, please sear their tongue and palms with a hot iron, so that they will not be able to fabricate lies and make false vows."
your whole mind was shooting blanks as you felt an unfamiliar dizziness wash over you. The whole room was becoming too colorful, and your lover's face became distorted as he made you look at him again.
"I apologize for the circumstances, but you gave me no choice. Under the light of the Harmony, all wickedness is revealed." his words were echoing in your ears and you finally realized the situation you were in.
The crows, the empty pavilion, the Harmony: he was watching you.
"Who were the people you met two days ago on the Dream's Edge?" he asked and multiple memories flooded your mind. At this very moment, you were scared. Scared at your Lover. You didn't want to answer but a terrible headache took your mind off the idea.
"...not many, I remember... Chadwick, Colleen, those small birds... and that one... man?" the headache eased once you answered but the Harmony's influence was still present.
"What man? What was his name? What did his appearance look like? What did the two of you talk about?" you wanted to get up from your seat and run away, return to reality- but you knew that your legs had no ounce of strength.
"I don't remember his name, but it was something with A... Adan, I believe...and he had blonde hair, I think... with brown eyes." the room was getting more and more blurry with each second you didn't answer, but the loss of equilibrium made even your memories hazy. "We talked about the view of the Dreamscape... yes, that's it.." Sunday hummed unsatisfied as he heard your answer, clicking his tongue.
"What else? What else did you talk about?"
"I don't remember...! My head hurts..." Sunday held your face in his hands and made you look at him. His hands were soft to the touch and a worried smile was plastered on his lips. "I really didn't want to do this, Angel." he cooed, his face close to yours. "You know I only want the best for you, don't you?" those sweet words made your heart melt as you remembered the times where he took the blame if you accidentally ruined some of the Family's documents or when you broke something in Dewlight Pavilion.
"Angel, I gave you everything, and I can give you even more- I can give you everything that exists in the world, just tell me what I want to know." your breath hitched before he placed a soft kiss on your lips and you think you lost your mind after everything was hazy. Your memory, your view, the voices- everything became duller and duller by the second. Sunday asked something and you answered, but you can't comprehend what you said. You only felt his hand graze your temple before darkness engulfed you and you blacked out.
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the soft humming, a calming scent, and a damp towel on your forehead welcomed you when you regained consciousness. as you slowly opened your eyes, a feather before your eyes greeted you and the humming stopped.
"You're awake. I was afraid you wouldn't wake up today." Sunday said softly, his hand on yours, stroking it gently. "...what?" you groaned as you fully regained consciousness, the headache returning tenfold. The damp towel was replaced by a hand, and you heard some whispering from Sunday.
"...oh, Triple-Faced Soul, may their fatigue vanish completely and let the harmony heal their mind."
you sighed as your body and mind calmed down, your worries from before disappearing. "Sunday...? what happened?" you asked when you saw his face full of worry.
"Nothing that needs your concern, Angel. Please, rest up and let me take care of you. Will you allow me?" you nodded at his gentle words and he hummed contently. His hand grazed over your arms as you felt more at ease before slowly falling asleep again. Sunday continued humming, even as he turned his face to his crows.
"Inform someone from the Bloodhound Family of this individual, and let them apprehend this... "stowaway." the crows disappeared in a blinks eye before he faced you again. The frown turned into a small smile again as he bent down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
"No one is allowed to 'flirt' with what is mine."
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A/N: hehahehafuu I'm going feral because of this man
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angelyuji · 1 year
yandere headcanons :0
across the spiderverse characters: peter b parker, miles, gwen, miguel, hobie, pavitr
warnings: the usual yandere stuff (kidnapping, manipulation, stalking)
(imagine miles, gwen, pavitr like college age) (gender neutral reader)
peter b
literally so in love with you
he’s not the type to sit and stalk you from a far, but he’s also not straight up kidnapping you
he’ll watch you, find out your interests, find your social media, everything he needs to figure out how to be your perfect lover <3
he becomes your friend and integrates himself into your life
if you like him, he has no reason to separate you from your family or friends becuz he’s the perfect boyfriend. no one has anything negative to say abt him
if you don’t… he’ll do anything to make you like him.
convince you your whole family is evil and he’s the only one really looking out for you
he’s awkward and sweet and kind and so funny and it’s hard not to believe him
wants the American dream life: white picket fence, house in the suburbs, marriage, kids
that’s his dream for the both of you and he doesn’t really care if you don’t have the same dream
“you’re my dream, (y/n). everything i do, it’s always been for you.”
miles (aged up!)
miles is similar to peter b but like also not
very stalker but like without knowing, he’d pass your place over and over during his patrols around the city without realizing
he’d never kidnap you or do anything reallyyy morally wrong
howeverrr he’s absolutely in love with you, so like small little things
stalking, stealing small things from you, finding out the shampoos or different things you use or eat.
he feels closer to you, knowing he knows you better than anyone else.
after a long time, he’ll work up the courage to talk to you (“accidently” bumping into you at a coffee shop or a place you visit frequently) miles (albeit awkward) is a charmer, so you’re instantly smitten.
plus! he loves all the things you do, so you’re a match made in heaven :)
“hey, (y/n)! we meet again!”
gwen (aged up!)
gwen doesn’t try to interact with you much
she’s definitely afraid of putting you in danger or losing you just because you got close
she’ll watch over you and protect you from danger tbh like
for example, sayyy someone was harassing you at work and/or school, you’d probably successfully get that off your ass or at least they leave you alone for the day, butttt gwen would not feel satisfied.
gwen would find where they live and absolutely beat the living shit out of them
seeing someone bother you makes her vision go red like
basically your guardian angel
she would never bother you really just protecting you from afar
you’ll never notice tbh
unless some big bad guy found out that ghost-spider has been following around a random civilian…
well then, she’ll have to keep you safe
she’ll keep you safe in her apartment, whether you want to be there or not.
“every single thing i do, i do it to keep you safe.”
miguel (won’t be writing in spanish cause i don’t know spanish srry guys) (but he def calls you cute nicknames in spanish)
HEHHEHEHEE (my bad im just literally in love)
gwen but like 10000000 times more intense
the moment he lays eyes on you, babes you’re FUCKED
he’s snatching you up
however! the first thing he’ll check is if you’re super important to the “safety” of the timeline
no offense but ur not at all important saurrr FREE GAMEE
he’s definitely kidnapping you and keeping you hostage at HQ
he doesn’t bother with the whole stalking thing or becoming friends or anything like that
he doesn’t care if you don’t want to come with him, your opinions do not matter to him at all
he believes that he’s your protector, that everything that he’s doing is for your own good
you don’t know what’s best for yourself, only miguel knows what’s best for you (at least that’s what he thinks)
his only goal is to keep you with him, he wants a family and he believes that with you… he can achieve his dreams
if you’re a part of the Spider Society, Miguel can’t really do anything to you without other people noticing or disrupting the timeline
but yk… it’s better to be a rando from whatever universe to have miguel’s attention (but that’s just my opinion i suppose)
“you are mine. you will never leave me.”
hobie (will not be writing his british accent sorry im bad at accents)
i love him he’s so funny
you’ve been friends for a long time, he was in a band with you before he quit
he doesn’t really stay in one place for long
he’s a lot like a mix of gwen and miles
he believes keeping you safe is by staying close to you, but he also watches over you when you’re alone
he falls for you because of how positive you are, you never talk badly about anyone, but you’re always down to do anything.
you always join him for every protest, at his every show
he flirts with you constantly, loving how you blush away at the attention
constantly giving you attention and love, but a little manipulative about it at the same time
he never wants to kidnap you or keep you hostage, it’s against everything he stands for
he knows that if you didn’t like him, you’d never be by his side
so he believes that keeping you free is what keeps you near him
“we’re free birds, (y/n). with you by my side, we’re unstoppable.”
pavitr (aged up!) (this is gonna be very non-yandere tbh) (ILOVEHIM)
my little cutie pie i love him
i can’t really imagine being a yandere type character but he would be similar in miles and hobie
no kidnapping or stealing tho
slight stalking, just watching over you all the time, making sure you’re safe
he’s my little cutie pie moroenfakds
he’s flirty and funny
you’d be classmates when you meet him
you’d click very quickly tbh he’s just so easy to get along with
he’s absolutely terrified of your parents, very respectful tho so your parents love him
very passionate about how much he likes you, would quite literally shout it from the rooftops (and he does every day)
ugh i love him
"you're my world, (y/n). i love you so much."
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ju1cyfru1t · 1 year
Yellow!! How are you? Hope you are doing good! Just wanna say your whipped Donnie?? Soft Donnie?? Headcanons?? :((( it was so cute :((( literally I’m like your pfp rn :((( absolutely adorable
Idk if you are accepting requests (if not you can ignore it!!) but could you do a similar one for either Raph or Mikey?? I adore the disaster twins, but Raph and Mikey get so little recognition, Headcanons or scenarios :( if you are not feeling it that’s totally ok!! Hope you have a good day! ♥️🧡💜💙
I’m so glad you liked it!!! Have some soft Raph hcs 🫶🏻❤️ hope this is alright???
Rise! Raphael x reader
fluff :D, gn reader, romantic
soft raph hcs :(
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- the first time you told him you loved him he just said “thank you” out of panic but tbh it was the funniest shit ever and his brothers never let him live it down.
- More than happy to help you with anything, he is doing it ALL for you.
- Opening and holding every door for you
- You can’t reach the top shelf? Don’t worry, Raph’s got it.
- You need help carrying your groceries in? You need help changing that lightbulb? You need someone to walk you home? Literally anything at all? He’ll be there in 5.
- You’re tired? Sure, he’ll carry you!
- He would pick up hot coals directly from a fire with his bare hands if you asked him to.
- He loves quality time and the little things! Like watching movies, playing games together, having lunch together, almost anything! All that matters to him is that he’s with you.
- He is so scared that he’ll accidentally hurt you yk cuz he’s big and spikey :( so, so gentle
- Treats you like you’re made of glass sometimes
- you make him very nervous, he’s scared he’ll say or do something wrong
- he lacks confidence sometimes, poor Raphie
- will explain all of the Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim lore to you as best he can + would insist that you watch all of the movies together (he just wants to spend time with you but he doesn’t know how to just say that)
- tries really hard to think of gifts that you would like
- protective and always looks out for you, not in a possessive way but in the way that he just wants to keep you safe yk? they got a lot of enemies
- “LEO! I told you not to make a mess!” “It was me, sorry-“ “don’t worry about it, let Raph take care of everything.”
- He wants to take care of you. It’s just how he’s used to showing his love.
- esp from his dumbass brothers (Mostly Leo. Donnie and Mikey USUALLY let you live in peace)
- -> “I thought I told you to leave Y/N alone!” “Whaaat? I was just saying hi!”
- Softens and completely drops his usual intimidating, angry demeanor whenever he sees you and the quick switch is painfully obvious. He just thinks you’re so cute. but don’t worry his brothers won’t forget to point out how obvious he is (LEO)
- idk why but I feel like he would have some kind of stuffed animal that you guys act like it’s your child and you take turns taking care of it 😭 yk what I’m talking abt?
- one time he accidentally called you babe in front of Leo, Mikey, Donnie, and April but denies it ever happened
- would never let anyone say anything bad about you
- really appreciates your private moments when you two are alone, he feels much more comfortable this way
- Hesitant, but he will be vulnerable with you because he knows he can be without judgement.
- Please give Raph any kind of reassurance and he is misty-eyed. Tell him he has nothing to worry about, that he is a great leader and boyfriend and you’re proud of him, too many things to list. TELL HIM HE’S PRETTY.
- He LOVES to hold you to his chest, it makes him feel like he’s keeping you safe that way.
- Stares at you all the time, and is embarrassed if you catch him. “sorry-“
- if he were to call you a pet name, most likely to call you ‘baby’ or ‘babe’, maybe even a ‘babydoll’ if he’s feeling bold
- very very sweet overall :(
ty for reading <333 rlly appreciate all the notes on everything
still working on + accepting requests !
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chihirolovebot · 6 months
being so normal and regular abt modern domestic physouma . he makes sure phys takes their antidepressants every single day. he knows when theyre having a bad day , when they curl up on the bed or sofa under the weight of a bunch of blankets, head turned against the sunlight , and he's just sort of there, hovering ,never leaving them alone. quietly opens up all the windows and brings them food under the guise of having leftovers . holds them a little tighter when they sleep. and you know he kicks up a fuss if phys doesnt want to share the bed ( or couch, or wherever because ouma can sleep anywhere ) .
like whatever . phys likes buying flowers and plants to look after because it gives them a routine and something to get out of bed for even on days when they dont feel like it. they make ouma sneeze but he'd die before he says anything about it.
theyre both bad at cooking but ouma can make a couple of basic meals and phys likes experimenting . i think phys makes breakfast and ouma makes tea/dinner and beyond that they Scavenge . phys drinks a relentless amount of tea and hot chocolate but ouma isnt allowed caffeine . neither of them like spicy food . phys likes making eggs in the morning but is finicky about texture and finds that the safest way for them to eat them is either as an omelette or hidden in something else ( ouma encourages them to keep making eggs because theyre good for you ) .
they have a strict laundry day because they both know they'd let it slip otherwise , ouma because he hates doing it and phys because they'd get distracted and forget.
phys starts working a salaried job with the professor as soon as they graduate university ( which they do at seventeen or eighteen ) and he buys them a cute little apartment in the city. ouma moves in not long after they get together ( maybe they met at hopes peak .. ? ) and they share the space . and phys watches this apartment with a nice view of osaka turns into Their Home. every time they come home from work exhausted , sensory overload with stuff sticking to their neck and shoes too tight and hair in their face , ready to throw their bag down and scream—they see him . curled up like a cat on the couch or experimenting (to detrimental effects) in the kitchenette or sometimes just waiting for them to come up and they just feel themself light up .
incompatible sleep schedules but once phys is asleep Theyre Asleep so its okay . they go to bed anywhere from 11pm-2am and ouma will go with them but not sleep for ages . combo of fucked up sleep schedule , undiagnosed insomnia and trust issues abt falling asleep in front of someone first . hes a creep and stares at them whilst they sleep bc he finds it kind of adorable and also , like , theres a person so close to him in a way that he never thought there would be , like theyre here and theyre asleep and vulnerable and they trust him and its so surreal he has to jam his fist in his mouth before he screams sometimes . hes a stick insect once hes asleep btw . phys wakes up at 7am and hes clinging to them like a koala bear.
the Big Light never get used . they have so many lamps and phys loves stringlights so much . ouma find fun and cute and creative ones with coloured lights and cute shapes and they hang them up everywhere , all over the doorways and walls, and instead of doors they have those beaded curtains that hang down because they both like how they swish and ouma loves using them to make dramatic entrances and exits .
casual touch . sleepy nights curled up on the couch watching shitty 70s spy flicks , ouma with his back to phys' chest with his head lolling on their shoulder whilst they fiddle with his hair to keep their hands occupied .
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HEYY AGAINN! So, more platonic modern Bill hcs cause I have such a soft spot for them lol. Can you do one where reader is his kid (teen) and they're kinda bad at school? Like disrespecting teachers, not doing work yknow, but they're actually just acting like this cause they're stressed and unmotivated and teachers are dicks?? If ur comfortable with it male reader but if not gn :)
(Hello! So sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy!)
Modern!Bill Kaulitz x Son!Reader
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I feel like at first he would be very confused
Probably because you were never like this before and he wanted to see what was going on
He tries to get you to talk to him about it but if you're one not to talk he didn't get much
He didn't want to make you upset so he left it alone for a little while
I feel like he was the parent to always try and help you with school
Or was very involved in your academic career as you grow up
But as you start decreasing with your academics no doubt he is worried
Especially when your grades get bad and he just wants you to be able to graduate or move up
He raised you to be respectful, honest, and kind
So when you started disrespecting teachers he was shocked
Or surprised at least
And you still wouldn't tell him so he thought it was just a bad attitude at first
Especially when he started getting notified you didn't do work and your attitude lasted in school also
He was disappointed and probably grounded you because he didn't know the full story
Not for your grades but for being disrespectful as he didn't know Abt ur teachers yet btw
He thought it was just a teen thing, something he, Tom, Gustav and Georg all went through
He kept coming to you and telling you, reassuring you to tell him and he would understand
And if you did, great
If you didn't he still found out some other way
He found out it's because of your stress, unmotivation and your teachers are straight up dicks
He feels a little guilty he didn't notice or know sooner
He vowed to be a good dad to you and no he feels like he failed a little with helping you
He feels so sorry your stressed
He knows what it feels like to be stressed out, as he always was when he was your age and everything going on in his life
He wouldn't pressure you but he would like you to just take some time and relax for a little while
Or he would help you get your mind off of things
With your unmotivation he doesn't really know what to do about that unless you tell him something specifically
He just doesn't know because he had a lot of that growing up, but he had to deal so he never really confronted that head on
When your teachers are dicks he may have a few words with them and thel principle
How dare they treat his child like that he says
He either has you switched, gets the teacher to leave you tf alone or he has them "take" a hike without that paycheck
After he started helping you with your schoolwork as much as you liked
Probably ends with you both crying over math homework
But it's fine as you guys get food to celebrate getting an equation right
If your teachers still mess with you in class just call him
The teachers phone rings the second you hang up and you can hear the yelling
Your dad picks you up early a lot now too
Schools stressful but nothing compared to being picked up by your dad and uncles for the day
He's always the dad when you do something in school or sneak off and he gets called in he's like
"Do you have evidence of this?"
He's your #1 alibi even if you were in Mexico and your uncle's are sitting shotgun istg
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2knightt · 4 months
hey! thought your writing was pretty awesome. saw your requests were open and decided to take a crack at one
the gang with a trans masc reader? doesn't have to be romantic at all, but that'd be awesome too! really just like he's tight knit with all of em and stuff, but since it's the 60s not everyone likes the reader for being trans you know? so they only have the boys and such
have a nice day and thanks for hearing me out!
୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ that’s a kindness you can’t afford. ⋄ 𓍯
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tags/warnings: transphobia(no explicit words/threats being said, but the gang just being defensive?), can be seen as both romantic & platonic, kinda short
ೃauthor notes⁀➷ hey boo omg i love your work you’re mad talented
Johnny Cade
y’know how after he got jumped by soc’s and he became a little bit shut-in? it’s GONE the SECOND anyone tries you.
“aren’t yo-“
“isn’t your girlfriend cheating in you? go worry abt that and stay outta y/n’s business, you dirty soc😒 tf.”
i feel like he kinda admires you for like being true to yourself and kinda having that ‘idgaf what people say, as long as i’m comfortable i’m alright,’ mindset.
i mean, you’d have to have it in the ‘60’s.
you did, however, have to explain what changes were being made. (if you met him pre-transition.) if you didn’t, he just wouldn’t ask questions.
to your face, of course. he goes to pony for that since he doesn’t wanna make you feel bad.
is very…aware of how you feel. probably more than you are.
like is always wondering/thinking ‘y/n wouldn’t like it here. there’s too much soc’s. i should tell them to stay away.’ or like ‘y/n’s been sleeping more, i wonder if their parents got to them.’
is constantly worrying over you above himself. why? he doesn’t know !!!
genuinely just wants to protect you from everyone
he might see you as an object to be babied but he’s getting to the right mindset it’s okay he’s almost there
Dallas Winston
scary dog privileges !
if someone who thought dallas wouldn’t speak up if they said smth about u, THEY’RE SO WRONG
he’s shoving them, punching, kicking, bodyslaming, etc.
he does NOT play about you. NEVER !!!!
“you’re a-“
“you wanna say that shit louder? huh? you wanna say that shit louder, asshole?😐😒”
he’d totally berate them while like shoving their shoulder LMFAO
was kinda(very) clueless about you being trans. like, he didn’t understand, but he kinda did? it was confusing for him at first, but he got the hang of it at the end !!!!
he just needed a little bit !!!
i feel like he’d give you his old, beat up jackets if you didn’t have much masc clothing.
“???you’re giving me your old leather jacket?😞☹️???”
“don’t mention it. or destroy it. destroy it and i kick your head in.”
since ur transition, he probably got a little more…aggressive? but not in a bad way!!! like, you know how dudes like slightly shove their friends or like teasing them and it genuinely sounds mean??
that’s what he does now, not often.
tough love, i guess!!!
ponyboy curtis
asks questions. not in a bad way—never. he loves you too much to be mean to you!
he’s just very curious.
“how’d you find out? how long have you known?”
gets very defensive of you too, but more in a gossipy way. like he’ll just glare at the person and then when you two are alone he’ll lay into them and spill their secrets!
“i don’t know why they were talking. they literally just got caught with mary jane awhile back. they should be worryin’ ‘bout that charge and not what you wanna be.”
gives you hair grease and if you let him do your hair—you’ll NEVERR regret it!! you always leave lookin’ sososo handsome<3
draws you?? you know how he draws dallas?? yeah. yeah…
sodapop curtis
if you EVER and i mean EVER need advice for clothes, hairstyles, shoes, etc—GO TO SODA. he’s the gang’s prettyboy for a REASON.
he’ll make you feel like the most handsome boy on the planet.
however, do not trust that boy with scissors. he WILLL fuck up ur hair LMFAO
defends u like it’s his job. forget the fucking DX—WHAT DO YOU MEAN A SOC CALLED YOU STUPID AND DIRTY!?
“hey, you! the grease with the-“
soda’s affectionate asf. no matter WHO it is.
tell him you’re feeling a little insecure and his kissing your temple while telling you you’re the most handsome boy he’d ever seen.
darry curtis
if you’re tryna get all buff, darry is so happy to take you exercising with him lol
it’d be such a cute bonding moment😭🫶
“push to 75lbs, y/n.”
“easy, now. go slow toward it.”
he doesn’t need to shout or yell at anyone. darry just stands behind you with his arms crossed.
mmm personal bodyguard darry is real.
if you wanna be the textbook definition of a manly ass dude, copy darry. he’s fucking him
steve randle
he teaches you about cars because he thinks it’s manly.
if you don’t like cars—HE DGAF LMFAOOO just stand there and pretend you’re listening frl.
teaches you how to fight. like seriously is acting like this is boxing lessons. steve is making you hit the palm of his hand while going ‘not good.’
even when your punches hurt, he’s gonna be holding back a groan while still saying u gotta hit harder.
gets a little tough on you sometimes, but always fixes it with a little hair ruffle and a, ‘you look good today. real handsome.’
two-bit mathews
“omg twinning🤭🤭🤭”
“you held me at knife point.”
lol what a cutie😔
he totally gives you his mickey shirts<3 he’s so kind isn’t he…..😊😊
isn’t afraid to stab a bitch for you. he doesn’t care.
“shut your trap before i make you.”
and then he turns around to comfort you, mumbling that you’re so handsome as he plays with the curl on your forehead!!!
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
i need to know what you think about uta being ace's and sabo's sister too... like imagine a perfect world where uta existed without the mess of film red (i did enjoy it but also uhhhhhhhh there are a lot of weird things abt it bc i dont think shanks would actually take in uta like that considering he did experience piracy as a kid. so why would he put uta through that even if she'd stay put on the ship–) ANYWAY. so lets say shanks found uta after obtaining the devil fruit and takes her to the nearest island (dawn island.) then found makino and luffy and convinces her to stay w them or whatever.
i imagine that ace and uta do bicker w each other a lot. however sabo is very kind and excited to have a sister!! he's protective of her and enjoys her songs. (which brings out a surprising singing side from sabo ehe...)
i also imagine that uta is as rowdy and gluttonous as her brothers tbh. i mean, she's the only girl there so she's more than likely to be influenced by them. ALSO imagine uta being raised by dadan wheewwwww.... i think if she was raised alongside asl bros, she'd end up way different than she did in film red and well- actually become a pirate– (maybe rivaling with her brothers? that or she acts as luffy's biggest rival to be pirate king as her way of supporting his dream) (idk im just thinking as i type)
so everythings the same but uta is there with three insane brothers (shes as insane too... she is their equal). though it's lowkey clear dadan has a favorite (she loves a tough daughter) and god everything w garp would be so insane too like. before sabo was accepted and started living with the bandits, garp was happy to have a granddaughter (till she said she wanted to become a pirate too 😭) BUT he makes sure ace and luffy treats their sister right and is again being a favorite– however, she wouldn't suck up to him like that. like how the brothers would shield each other from garp, she would also shield them from garp !!
"leave my little brothers alone, old geezer!"
and yes, even if uta is a year younger than ace and sabo, she still would call herself a big sister (especially for knowing luffy longer than the other two. shes just used to being the older one)
anyway... lets say asul au is a tjing, now consider ASUL + S as we love talking about asl+s. with uta around, sanji likely thinks that all sisters are good because shes nice to him too. and how she clearly loves her brothers too. but ofc, uta surrounded by brothers while claiming to be the big sister, makes sanji incredibly jealous about their sibling relationship. it reminds him of reiju and his brothers, how they never really got along. while asul got along really well. they fight a lot but it's never with the intention to hurt each other or make the other feel worthless.
and who am i if i dont bring up sabosan at some point LOL. (also mb that this ask is so long i just love uta sm and i love aus sooo bad <<3) uta is definitely one of the first to notice her brothers' fondness of sanji. she is fond as him as well but not the same way as them lol. she tells sanji some secrets about sabo and sanji just cannot tell if shes actually serious or not because of how mischievous her smile is. and uta absolutely teases sabo about sanji, especially when hes not around like– that little song that little kids sing when it comes to someone havinf a crush.
"sabo and sanji sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g !"
and luffy definitely chimes in while sabo is beet red and begging them to shut up fkldjfldj. makino and uta Looooves gossiping about sabo and sanji. makino does ask to tone down her teasing, which she does, but she can't help but push each other's buttons.
idk theres just a lot to think about if uta was raised with asl brothers and uta growing up to be a pirate :^)
THIS IS SO CUTE !!!! Honestly, Film Red never sat right with me but not exactly because of Shanks' decision of keeping Uta. I see that pretty much in character for the guy-- What I don't like is the way they rushed the ending and the way it all ended, in general. It's just obvious they wanted to do Uta's story but in a way that didn't affect the canon and it's just- Stupid. Idk.
But let's say Shanks meets Uta and spend some years together and she does consider him her father (as I see it, because in this sibling group all of them have to have daddy issues. Except Luffy. Because more than daddy issues he just. Doesn't care-) but he leaves her with Luffy because he says it will be good for her. I think she wouldn't agree with his decision and something like in the movie would happen. Where he just... Leaves. And Uta ends up hating him or at least resenting him a bit. And it's obvious he did for her and he had good intentions but she's just a kid, so she genuinely takes it personal. So, yeah, the girl stays as Luffy's older sister, basically. At least this is how I see it.
Then Sabo and Ace appear and- It's chaotic.
Imo, she's still a diva and she still loves music because it's in her blood and also, she spent some time with Shanks so she already has a bit of her personality made. But being with them makes her learn more about protecting herself and being a bit ruthless, although I think she's more of the type to ler her brothers do the dirty work and only follow them in their shenanigans if they go "You only say that because you can't do it!!" (<- Ace, definitely) and she has to prove she can be as strong as them. So she's a diva but she's a bit more impulsive and reacts in a more violent way. Especially with food too.
I think she wouldn't get along much with Ace at first because he's a mess and she's also a mess and they're really similar when it comes to being Luffy's older siblings so they wouldn't agree on most stuff. But daddy issues are a good way of bonding and I'm pretty damn sure that if Ace ever said "Should I have been born?" in front of her, she would go insane trying to make him see that everybody deserves to live.
With Sabo, though, I think they'd get along pretty well. Sabo is still chaotic but a bit calmer than Ace and he has a strong ideology that Uta would definitely share. He wants to make a statement for freedom and Uta agrees and tbh, he's a writer and she's a singer and there's no better friendship than that one.
Her relationship with Luffy is pretty much the same, except that she now acts way more as a sister and not only as a past friend. Of course. She joins them drinking too!!
Ngl, you can hate me for this but I think the events of Red could easily happen... Again... I mean... Not exactly those events but-- Uta's dream would obviously be to reach everyone with her music. To make them feel seen and loved and making them see they should live. Because after spending so much time with her brothers, she wants to sing songs for the rest of the people that feel the same way they do. She always has them in mind when she sings and she always, always, tries to make them have fun and enjoy life. I think Uta's perception of living and freedom would clash a lot with Ace's and she'd try to make him want to live through music. Same with with freedom and Sabo/Luffy.
But then Sabo dies. And Ace dies. But Sabo comes back and-- I am sorry, and I know it partially was the mushroom's fault, but she's kind of unstable mentally (who isn't in this show tbh) and it wouldn't surprise me that her blatant optimistic views would make her want to do exactly what happens in Red again. But I think this time it should be Sabo and Luffy the ones saving her and, you know, idk, maybe Shanks is there too but this isn't about him today. Whatever. She doesn't hurt anyone and it has a good ending, but it's not the point of the post--
So Sanji is there with them! Following what we've already been saying about Sanji staying with the ASL bros but now adding Uta!!
Uta would absolutely. Adore. Sanji. He's the perfect little sibling. He's cute and knows how to cook and he's literally everything that's right in this world. She complains about Luffy crying but when Sanji does so she only says it's cute and that he deserves to cry-- Uta likes cute stuff canonically and Sanji is the cutest thing, so it makes sense. Also, Sanji just assumes every woman in the world is perfect from that very second because between his mom, Reiju and now Uta he has only had good experiences with girls. He does feel kind of left out at first remembering everything that happened with the Vinsmokes, but Uta always tries to include him in every little thing!
She really likes teasing him and Sabo, though. Uta might adore Sanji but that doesn't mean she isn't a little bit mean to him. It's obvious that they like like each other because, you know, they're kids. Look at them. It's obvious. Uta knows, Luffy knows, Ace knows... Sabo and Sanji spend so much time alone and Sabo always tries to be next to him and he looks at Sanji with like, literal heart eyes.
Uta: Do you like Sanji? Sabo: Sanji? No. No. No. Sanji's just a friend... Uta: Why are your eyes shaped like hearts? Sabo: Allergies...
Uta is an artist. A singer. She's 100% a hopeless romantic. I will die on this hill. So while Ace is extremely "ughhhh" *disgusted noises* by Sanji and Sabo's flirting and Luffy couldn't care less (he just likes teasing them because it's fun to see them panicking), Uta tries HARD to get them together. They're listening to her songs? She will sing a romantic one. They're alone? She will gently push one of them closer to the other. They eat spaghetti once and she goes all the way to try to do the thing where they eat the same one so they kiss. Etc etc etc. She won't stop being a little brat about it too, teasing both of them. And it's driving Sabo crazy. Makino asks Uta about the kids because she knows the girl is as invested as her in the relationship. Funniest thing in the world.
Now I can't stop thinking about them spearating when Sabo dies, following what we said etc etc etc And Uta becomes a famous singer. She doesn't kill anybody, okay? Let's leave it on her just- Doing a huge concert. Sanji and Sabo have already reunited but please, imagine these two not dating just yet. They're in love and pining but not dating. Everyone hates it. And then Sabo joins them for the concert, ofc, and when Uta sees them again (and sees Sabo is alive?? Because what the fuck why didn't they tell her???) one of the first thing she says is "Okay, okay... So you two are... You know?" and they don't understand what she's saying but literally all the crew is like "They're still pining. Please. It's awful". Girl makes it everyone's problem so she does this kiss cam thing to get them together finally. Like I said, good ending.
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
We should talk abt Milo and Tates baby situation.
I’ve been itching to hear the outcome :)
Tate tells Milo about the baby.
Tatum had bad timing, she knew this. Why had she waited until the night before his NHL draft to tell him?
She couldn’t hold it in any longer.
They’d been out to dinner with their families in Toronto to celebrate Milo, Tate had been quiet all night which didn’t go unnoticed by her mom.
Back at the hotel, Milo was setting out his stuff for the big day while Tate sat on the bed nervously playing with the hem of her pyjama shorts.
“Hey Milo?”
“Can you c’mere a second?” She asks, the trembling in her voice not hidden well.
“Babe I’m kind of-“
“It’s important” she mumbles, bordering on tears. Milo hears this and drops what he’s doing.
When he walks in and sees her so upset his face is covered with concern “T what’s-“
She just says it, right out “I’m pregnant”
His mouth drops open “You’re what?”
Tate is shaking her head, like she’s trying to convince herself it’s not real “I’m so sorry Milo, I’m sorry I-“
“Are you serious right now, Tatum?” The use of her full name hurts her heart “I’m literally about to get drafted in the NHL, I’m first overall projected! And you spring this on me?!”
“I didn’t want to keep this in any longer! Milo I didn’t mean to ruin anything!”
He sighs, hand running over his face “Well you have! You’ve ruined this night, my draft, my life! We can’t have a baby Tate, I don’t want to have a baby with you!”
Tatum felt like she had been punched in the gut, the boy she’d been in love with since they were little just told her he didn’t want to have their baby.
“Will you just leave please? I need a minute” Milo snapped, walking away again.
“Milo we need to-“
“You need to leave, Tate!”
She didn’t reply, curling in on herself she picked up her purse and made her way out the room.
Tate called her mom for her room number and made her way up, welcomed with open arms
“What happened, babygirl?”
She sniffles into her moms chest while Ethan watches on in concern
“I messed up momma”
“There’s nothing we can’t fix, Tatertot” Ethan reminds her from the other side of the bedroom.
She lifts her head from her moms chest and looks at her parents “even if I’m pregnant?”
Both of them are rendered speechless for a moment until she adds “and the dad doesn’t want it? Or me?”
Something inside Ethan snaps, the similar feeling he had when Ryan told her mom she would be alone to raise Tatum.
Ethan growls “I’m going to kill him” and starts taking off
“Dad, no!” Tate begs “Don’t do this he’s already so angry at me”
Ethan doesn’t listen, making his way out of the room and down the hall to bang on Luke’s door.
“Hughes open up!”
Luke’s half asleep when he opens the door to face his teammate “Dude it’s-“
“Tate’s pregnant”
“What?!” Milo’s mom gasps from behind her husband.
“And Milo wants nothing to do with her he’s said, we’re taking Tatum home I suggest you speak to your son. You and I both know the lengths I will go through to make sure he takes responsibility” and walks away.
The Hughes’ look down the hallway to Tatum, still sobbing and broken hearted while she looked at Milo’s parents and cried out
“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry!”
Back in their room, Milo’s parents were mumbling back and forth about what to do.
“I’m going to kill him Luke!”
“Babe let’s just take a minute and discuss this” he tries to reason with his wife who isn’t having it.
“Our son, our son! The little boy who didn’t have a father for a whole year of his life and lived with his, also teenage mother at University has decided to do that to his girlfriend? I’m not having it Luke, we raised him better than this”
“The additional stress on this week probably clouded his judgement ok? He’s got a big day tomorrow, I’m going to go speak to Tate, i’ll get her another room and she can stay and calm down. We’ll speak to them in the morning but nobody is calm enough right now to have this discussion”
They agreed that’s what would happen, but by the time Luke got to the Edwards’ room they were gone.
When Milo woke up on his draft morning looking for Tate, his face fell to find his mom and dad telling him his girlfriend had gone home and wouldn’t be by his side tonight.
“I messed up” he admitted, his little sister now scowling at him too “but I don’t think I want this baby”
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rollercoasterwords · 6 months
genuinely thank you so much for writing thtf. it's my favourite thing to read in the whole world for so many reasons. like other than where it's obviously devastating (in SUCH a good way), idk it just makes me so happy
I think it's the first wip i followed from start to finish and I have to say that part of 2022 was not the greatest but yk, every few days there'd be a new chapter. and it was great.
I fucking love Dorcas talking about "a butterfly in the palm of your hand" it's changed the way I think so much. like you would not expect this from a fanfic lmao but it's pretty much exactly what I needed to hear at the time. living just to live, even if it's complete shit, not caring about what they're leaving behind. ch 42 (i think) where all they're doing is just washing the dishes but it's so special and they're listening to dawn storm is so important to me I love it SO much. fucking amazing.
ngl I don't really think there's anything I don't like. every character feels so right - regulus in particular sticks out to me, like there's such a good balance between him doing pretty bad things because he's not a particularly "good person" but also not being a complete dick. also I would die for marlene mckinnon and the way you write her is just so fucking good. the way she is just so alive to make up for her shorter life is so beautiful to me. I could ramble on for a very long time about everything in this fic but I dont want this to get too long lol
the music you put on the chapters is also really good like I'm pretty sure the first time I read it I didn't listen the music and then I reread it with the music and it was like a whole different experience
yeah i would've sent this earlier (like maybe a year ago) but looks like I put it off for a really long time lol
also - really love where atwmd is going rn I'm so excited for more chapters, i love Sirius Black etc etc
ahh thank u this is so sweet! i love hearing that thtf resonated w people it definitely feels like the fic kinda took on its own life & became a little philosophical journey that i was not entirely expecting lol. i think writing a story where i knew my main characters were going 2 die the whole time really made me contemplate like. ok what do i actually want 2 say abt death, and by way of that what do i wanna say abt life? bc like. as someone who doesn't believe in an afterlife i didn't wanna write a story that says "well it's ok bc they can be happy in the afterlife" <3 bc like. that does not comfort me lol. & i also didn't wanna write a story that was like "it's ok bc there's gonna be a good future 4 others after them," bc i think life means something and matters even outside of futurity. i didn't wanna play into this narrative that u have 2 Do Something 2 make ur life meaningful by making sure u have an impact on the future, etc; i wanted 2 write abt life as meaningful outside of that. & i also specifically wanted 2 write abt life as something beautiful & meaningful even with the bad stuff mixed in, and even if death is abrupt and scary and painful and unwanted. like i purposely made both their deaths pretty brutal bc i personally find the idea of a "bad death" really scary! the idea of dying before ur ready, dying scared or alone or in pain or all three, etc...and i think part of why that's so scary is bc we place this big emphasis, again, on a linear timeline of life, where death is The End, and if The End is bad, then the story's a sad one. but death is just one moment in the sum total of billions of moments throughout your life; why should that bad cancel out all the good? why should a story be sad, just because the last page of it is sad? you can open the book to any page and find happiness, and love, and warmth, etc. & that's what i'm trying 2 say w "a story is not its end."
anyway. this got much longer than expected lol i love 2 ramble abt thtf but! again ty 4 the kind words glad u enjoyed the fic glad u enjoyed the music as well!! i love the playlist 4 that fic <3
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skybristle · 9 months
more sparks please. girl what happened to you and do i have to kill anyone
rbs > likes
Tumblr media
These two. dw shes already fucking them up. hashtag feminism! [they are also both women]
these two n what they do to her [i wont go fully into it but just elaborae since i already summarized it here in my post abt maw but]. yeah. When she was constructed she was a very ambitious iterator and very. jittery and eager to help her kind and very very radiant. probably the perfect iterator!
of course.... as ive probably heavily alluded to ash is a POS ! as her senior, and the only one in their group at the time, she looks to him for guidance and feels so terrible finding out how fucked up he is with his own colony and how he is struggling to bear it [he IS depressed and chronically ill however also just. has zero accoutnability or responsibility whatsoever and refuses to recongize his mistakes ever or consider his actions beyond what he receives from them] so of course as they fall for eachther and she helps him shoulder his burden he simply takes it for granted and does little to return the favor. its soo unbalanced and unhealthy but sparks is just trying and trying because god !! she wants to be good !! she wants to help people !!! so fucking bad!!!
but shes left bleeding alone, in an overextended structure as they operate on her while shes awake, overclocking her systems and sendinf electricity like lightning down her puppet, he basically messages maw Once to try and get her to knock it off before falling back into his patter nof laziness like welp! did what i can do ! and has the audacity to whine to sparks about feeling inadequate. and she really has no choice but to get back up and dust herself off and live with this reality, which persists quite literally forever, even if its less stressful when her colony eventually leaves. and she stays stuck in this delusion that ash couldnt have done any more and that it was just unfortunate and.. he still needs her help she cant leave him in the dust [what did he do to her again?].
especially as their local group slowly grows and he kind of refuses to accept the responsibility so sparks is also shouldering mentorship and taking care of them and etc. the only exception really is whispers who isnt allowed to speak to sparks because their colony is an asshole so they grow close to their designated senior and ash actually does take the kid kinda under his wing as much as he sucks, mainly at sparks concerns initially.
shes also. super badly traumatized by maw and a lot of that fear and paranoia echo especially later on when maw *actually hurts another iterator*. shes well aware how much maw resents her and maw is the only thing to really scare her. over time sparks loses her whimsy and just becomes very calcualted and dilligent. takes little pleasure in it anymore but if shes not working shes nothing, even as she makes her issues and overextension worse she hasnt rested in ages.
once mass ascension happens and ash bascialyl goes 'welp im done. see ya'll' now that nobody is literally there to make him do his job and goes into sleepmode completely disregarding all the work sparks has done for their group and for *him* not just to appease his colony on his behalf thats when she finally breaks this delusion she has and fucking snaps. she still is kidn of in the position where now shes FORCED To hold authority because hes gone but doesnt bother to try with those who dont answer to her. shes just so angry and frustrated and just workaholics it all away but its really. its not helpful long term and this anger is just building as things in their group get worse and worse as he sleeps in the distance none the wiser.
and, finally, when whisper's emergency broadcast rings true and all hell breaks loose- and he wakes up and the first thing he does is crawl back to sparks to make her do his shit again without even acknowledging his abandonment for many many kilocycles she just completely fucking loses it on him. dedicates herself to- rather than try to put ehr group back together and aid whispers, she just charges headfirst into hurting everyone whos ever hurt her. im still trying to figure out what goes on with maw but as for ash. she creates the brainiac to steal his seniority but also just hijack his structure in an incredibly painful manner. just so she can feel her pain. oh, and just like her, she wont have anyone to crawl to for sympathy [being needlessly cruel and ignoring others suffering? sounds a lot like maw. disregarding the needs of your group to chase a selfish goal as someone lay dying? sounds a lot like ash. lol. lmao even].
after she gets the seniority crown she starts having a guilt crisis. then whispers. uhm. Well. Escapes starlight's can and jumps in the void sea [ive been alluding to it this whole time but nobodies said anything so. ill just lay that here and let u guys react] she finally realizes how badly she fucked up [thats what makes her better than maw and ash] and what shes done and how much shes kind of fucked over her bridges with the people who actually cared about her [chimes and ochre especially] and. yeah. i need to piece out what happens after this still but i mean starlight and maw r still kicking around and sparks now has the responsibiltiy to do SOMETHING which would probably resul in violent retallion from at least maw and kick this bs and sparks hurt and anger up all over again. lol. lmao even.
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loopylostandfound · 6 months
For the ask game, 001- BaroRyuu and 002- Barok van Zieks! :D
will contain dgs-dgs2 spoilers so anyone reading who hasn't finished the games, DONT LOOK LOL
- when I started shipping it
oh god oh jeez. it was after I'd finished the games actually, I wasn't into it at first. I think fanfic converted me and now I'm feral LOL
- my thoughts
no but for real uhhhh I love them. there's something soooo chefs kiss abt this dynamic. I love when big scary guy is absolutely brought to his knees by a cute little weirdo who believed in him. saved him even. hhhrhrhrhhr they are special to me and I'm squeezing them
- what makes me happy abt them
well all of the above hdwjksjfjd but uhhh I love the growth of their relationship a lot, especially on barok's end like he realizes his behavior was shitty and is genuinely sorry for it, I love that he's not too proud to admit this. and ryuu is always so patient with him and insists that he's good even though he's treated him badly ouhghhgh they believe in each other!! wheeee
- what makes me sad abt them
the fact that ryuu had to leave ouhsgsgdjjdjff you mean you LEFT him ALONE??? hhfhdjskdj no I know he had to go it's important and I wouldn't change it but oouuuhh the heartbreak. i feel these long distance feels all too well ough
- things done in fanfic that annoy me
when someone makes ryuu like. too wooby. like turns him into a helpless damsel or some shit lol it is not my thing, I like him to have agency jdjwjdjd and don't like when he's made out to be like. an idiot lol. also in a similar vein don't like when barok is made into too much of an asshole, he's actually a kind person to most he's just a bit gruff and has a lot of walls up lol
- things I look for in fanfic
im a well documented dom ryuu enjoyer hdjsjskfjfj so that for sure (altho I don't mind any dynamic between them, I just prefer this lol) but also I like relationship reveal fics, love confessions, and anything where barok's softer side gets to peek through a lot <3 hehehe
- who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with besides each other
kazuma. lol he's just the other part of my ot3 tho hdjwkskfjjf
herlock with either of them is a fun time but I have a hard time seeing him w either of them longterm, I think vanlock are exes lmao and ryuulock probably was a fling at some point but I don't think they'd end up together
yeah it's basically just kazuma hfjwkqksjdkdk like as a longterm thing lol
- my happily ever after for them
as stated above my ot3 is asobaroryuu (any configuration of the ship lol) so I like the idea of them all moving to japan and doing law stuff together lol they have a big house and adopt a kid or two! as self indulgent as possible here jdskkskfjfjf
- who is the big spoon/little spoon
i think most of the time ryuu is probably the little spoon bc it's easier given the height difference lol but sometimes it's barok bc sometimes even a bad bitch needs to be held okay !!! and ryuu likes holding his big scary bf it makes him feel good too hehe
- what is their favorite non-sexual activity
self indulgent answer: cuddles
possibly more realistic answer but still self-indulgent: goin on walks together and talking about everything and nothing. while holding hands. also facing off in court, I think they'd enjoy being able to do that without any animosity between them
thank u im insane!!!!!!! anyways
barok van zieks
- how I feel about this character
[10 minutes of screaming, breaking glass noises, clown honks, car crash sounds, ripping noises, growling, whimpering, crying, insane laughter]
very normal.
I love him a lot and I never expected to going into the games!! bc I had only seen negative things abt him and expected him to be this irredeemable asshole. but no!!! he's literally a huge softie inside actually???? and like. care about truth and justice which is more than one can say for many aa prosecutors lol like he's probably the most competent of the bunch, he's just a cunt to ryuunosuke at first but he apologizes later 😭 also I love the fact that he has bats in his office like it's both a great supplement to his goth vampire aesthetic but also seems to imply he likes animals and I love to imagine him feeding his lil fruit bats hdjskdjfjf. also he's so fucking pretty and i would climb him like a tree. im incredibly normal about his tits. and thighs. anyway let's move on
- all the people I ship romantically with this character
ryuunosuke n kazuma, at the same time preferably lol. herlock, albert, and genshin get honorable mentions as ppl i think he may have had a thing for/with in the past but i don't necessarily see as a Ship for me personally lol
- my non-romantic otp for this character
i want to see the vanlock exes to worsties agenda lmaooo they are never getting back together but they are going to make each other's lives worsebetter forever <3
- my unpopular opinion abt this character
hes a sub. like at least as a strong preference jdjwkdjfj and also even in a non-sexual way, I think it would be a great de-stressing thing for him to let someone he trusts take over for a bit and take care of him, kinda just let his worries melt away. big praise kink and worship kink on this guy I think :3
- one thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
i want uncle barok and iris interactions!!! he would be the best uncle he would spoil her rotten and she would let him lol
- my otp
asobaroryuu <3 I really think the three of them would balance out really well once they worked out their issues, baroryuu is my fav among the three pairings here n the only one that really stands on its own for me but I prefer them all together soooo much i don't like leaving kazuma out hes a little feral beast he spices up the proceedings lol
- my crossover ship
dont have one sowwy ;-;
- a headcanon fact
hes autistic. like holy shit. I saw this mans office w his constantly rearranged wine barrels and his specific custom made chalices n his whole like. aura. n was like aha. the tism. bdjskajxjdf but no fr theres more thn that that i cant think of now and i may be projecting here lol but that man is not neurotypical!!! :D
WAUGH tht was a lot lmaooooo
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wanderingpages · 11 months
Noooo chapter 5😪😪😪😪 we’re coming to a close, fellas. I cannot… and yet. I can. We move forward my sisters in god
Oh…not him spending winter break with her…in the same house… as their parents…with all this…tension…. (Ive seen this [adult] movie before)
Aww he holds the door open for her… helps her take off her socks…walks her to class/.., it really is the little things. His actions… Peach said show dont tell 😮‍💨❤️
Not Cardan being fluent enough in french to have La Chute in its original publishing bye thats so hot of him and dare i say,..timothee chalamet core…. @iknowitwontwork wya (This is rockstar anon btw i am on medication (dont worry abt it peach this a little inside comradery bby)) anyways have i mentioned you write and its like a movie?
““Is it your favorite?” I ask. I wiggle my brows, “Do you think you, too, have fallen from grace?”” – first, not babygirl being versed in Camus 😛 secondly, ohhohoo i love all the biblical references 
“His smile is Cheshire in response, “Since the day I met you, little sister.”” - u know what…. At least he honest, like its really now hitting me that hes soooooooo honest about it. Playing  a little game as jude said when he was leaving her dorm after the party… like its a game but an honest one. Like am i crazy or is he just trying to see how far he can provoke her w their situation and honesty? 
Omg wait not him CLOCKING HER the very next paragraph  (By the way i feel like u should know, i have the chapter open on one half of my split screen and the other half is your ask box lol i am literally typing as i go like this is the wattpad comments section fr)
i feel so smart and validated that cardan literally says all of that ^^^ like wow i should have held my tongue (fingers) and read the next paragraph lmao
I like that his jewelry comes up frequently because its part of him, just like her knuckles come up cus its part of her fr like both of them are so natural abt it too like her playing w his chain and him rubbing her fingers like ugjhhfh SHOW DONT TELL IS SO IMPORTANT
Whoaaa not him clocking ASHA now!! Not jude saying her mamma dead or alive she dont really care, RESPECT 
Wait not him pulling up to the gas station to get a first aid kit….like he really doesnt say a word about it at allllllll
And jude said oh, more time alone with him? In a diner? Count me in ❤️
Oh shit cardan has moneeeyyyyyy – “I guess, there really is a lot about him I had no idea of. “I'm an honorary member,” he shrugs, “It’s kind of hard not to be when Daddy funds their lifestyle.”” purrrrr
Oop!!! “ “Ghost is my best friend. It would have been a fight had it been Locke or anyone else,” he divulges, and though I shouldn't be startled by his honesty, it still makes me feel a little too warm. Then he admits, maybe selfishly considering his track record for the past few weeks, “If he had gone further, I would have buried him.”” HELLO
Lol jude got some balls to say ““That's a visceral reaction,” I come to terms with. “Your best friend?” I blush when I remind him quietly, “you’re the one who told me to open my mouth.”” cus like she right tho
Ahhh! I squeaked ! ““Plus, I think you look cute with a dick in your mouth.””
When hes a feminist 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 – ““What makes you think you have any right over my body?” / “I know I don't.””
Hold on hold on hold on wait a minut wait a minute hold on, when did cardan transition from little sister/dear sister to baby? It happened so naturally how am i this far in and catching it???? I love him
Lol jude said fuck condoms we fucking raw or not fucking at allll 😤😤😤😤 
“After a while, I notice him staring. “Do you want some of my pie,” I offer. / “Is that a euphemism?” / [..]“Do you want it to be?”” – yes, i do, i wsnt it.
““What's the pipeline between mommy issues and wanting to bend your sister over the bathroom sink?” “ - HELP ME?! – ““Stepsister,” I tell him.” – emphasis on step fr okayyyyyyyyyyy 
““It makes no difference to me, Jude. Sister or not, I’d want you the same way I wanted you then, the same way I want you now.” ” - wait why is there butterflies in my tummy 🫣🥺
““I want you to copy me,” he says, huskily, startling me, my eyes growing wide. “I want you to stick your fingers in your panties and do what I do.” ” - PEACH…the gasp i gasped ….  !!!! PEACH
““I think…I want to do to you what Spring does to cherry trees,” he murmurs. “Open you up…watch you bloom.” ” – DO NOT BE QUOTING PROFOUND POETRY RIGHT NOW IM GONNA FALL IN LOVE. 
His fingers in her mouth jus - 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶PUT MY FINGER IN UR MOUTH CUS U LOVE THE TASTE 
“He pulls out of my mouth, a trail of spit losing connection when he finds his way under the jacket, following my hand, and adding his finger to my two. I whimper at his intrusion, and think, disoriented, three. Three fingers.” – no fuc me for real PEACH PEACHERLY ANNE POSSIBLE i dont care that its dirty as hell this shit is poetic
My heart racing rn 
Oh god.. The soft forehead kiss…like he didnt just rock her world in a booth in the diner… im literally and figuratively unwell
“He kisses me sweetly when we get to his car, and I kiss him back, because we can, for right now. ” – why did this hurt?!
Not is it out of your system!!!! Twk ate w that fade to black fr tho
““Cherries?” / “Me,”” - STOP hes so fucking cute 
Okay this might be the longest ask yet 💀 my sisters in god is sending me💀
I think in any fic I’ve ever written, cardan is always holding doors for her lol
Not timothee chalamet core 😭😭😭 @iknowitwontwork ur friend is here, come get her ❤️
lol that is a nice piece of info to be made aware of 💀 I was lowkey wondering if you were switching through tabs lmao meanwhile I’m scrolling up and down trying to respond 💀 lol it would be soooo much h easier if this was the Wattpad comments section. Like they ate w that…that one little thing. They ate.
You did mention the song!
I really do try so hard to show not tell cus I hatttteee reading tell not show in books😭 like don’t tell me he loves her, show me!!! Where’s the build up?? The tension??
lol if cardan is blunt, Jude is ballsy (I hope it comes across this way lol)
Actually don’t know when that transition happened I just be typing stuff 💀
Always emphasis on STEP lmao he’s not the step brother he’s the brother that STEPPED up lmao lemme stop that was uncalled for anyways yes the diner, yes infront of your salad, ues the waitress, yes that song lmao
Also you should know the first time you called me peacherly anne possible, something in me changed like the stars alined and now peacherly is my go to user name for websites and stuff cus slayyyy who tf else being called peacherly ????!!!
Two really did eat w that lmaooo
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my0vershareworld · 2 years
Chapter 1
𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕗 𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕝𝕝
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Paring: Sosuke Aizen x G/n reader.
Genre: A N G S T, Famila, separate chapter.
Word count: 1468 words
CW: Manipulative actions.
A/N: my gf request a hc but im gonna do a whole other post abt this bc i love aizen and y not
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You are the younger sibling of Sosuke Aizen. There wasn't really anything special with you except that..you're the hollowfied member. you didn't even realize you're one. it would be fine he says..it would turn out great he said. it wasn't..that bad..but it wasn't good either. you sometimes randomly get the feeling to eat someone soul..you know you can't do so..maybe you just have to simply ask your brother! he's the smartest guy you've ever known! he always knows what to do! so you then walk to your brother room and open it.
"Zenzen nee-san..I'm hungry..." you said as you slowly walk over to his side and sat beside him, putting your hand over your stomach to keep your hunger down.
Your sweet brother than put his pen down, now you know he knows and is paying attention. You honestly feel a little bad for interrupting your brother work like this..but you can't hold it anymore..you're craving for food..for soul..
"What do you want me to cook for today then {Name}-kun?" your brother replied with the kindest and sweetest smile.
You seems hesitant to ask and tell your brother that your stomach is craving for souls..you weren't this hesitant when you come here..but now you are. You were scared he won't like you anymore. You were scared he will left you in the darkness because you're a soul reaper how can you crave to eat human soul? You cruel being.
You were deep in your thoughts until your brother voice finally reach to you and have awaken you from your daydream. You then spoke up with a feared voice. "I-...anything nee-san make is good for me!" you hesitantly smile.
Sosuke did taken notice to your unusual behavior. But he still smiles at you and put his cold hand over your head and pat you. "Thank you! I might as well cook some fried rice! Would that be okay?" your brother said with a closed mouth smile.
You hesitantly answered him "y-yeah of course!" yet again another hesitant smile. You feel like he taken notice to your weird behavior today..but you deeply hope he didn't..he means everything to you..you rather die than have him dying on you.
"I'm really glad you like my cooking! But I have to take care of some stuff at the world of the living first!" he then got up from sitting on the ground and grab his captain robe then wear it then grab his zankaputo and put it on his waist. "You can sleep here while waiting for me to come back" he said turning his head over to look at you with one last smile then he completely left the room. Leaving you alone in his room. You might as well just get some rest..perhaps it can calm down your hunger more too! You then goes over to his bed and fall face flat on your brother bed. You didn't realize you have fallen into your deep sleep.
you then wake up again due to the sweet and nice smell of a fried rice..this familiar smells. it must be your brother cooking. your eyes slowly open up and got off from your brother's bed and sleepily try and walk over to your brother. you then saw the food sitting the table clearly cooked only a few moments ago. you then sat down staring at the food. your brother then turn his head over to sees you keep staring at the food with a craving and hungry eyes. he then only smiled and spoke up. "you can dig in already! the food will get cold if you don't!"
your eyes perks up from looking at the food your brother cooked. you were a bit worried..is he not hungry? "nee-san are you not hungry?..you should eat something before me! you were out working and I was just only sleeping in your room!" said as you looked worried over him. Sosuke noticed your worryness for him. he was glad to have such a kind little sibling like yourself.
"no I already ate something before I got back here! thank you for caring {Name}-kun! you're very sweet!" he look over his shoulder and smiled as he then goes back to working on his paperwork.
you then gulp and take the spoon and take one spoon full of fried rice. it wasn't a surprise your brother are a very good cook. he never ruins any food ever. but this time..the food taste more delicious. this wasn't your favorite dish from your brother cooking..but this taste better than the others food you have tasted from your brother's cooking. you then started to eat more aggressively and devouring the food like a wild animal until the dish was left clean. it feels like you just lose yourself in Sosuke's cooking. you don't even know why..but before you even realize the hunger for the soul was already left gone.
Sosuke can only smile at how much you enjoyed his food.
it wasn't after a few days until Rukia Kuchiki was ordered to be executed and then the soul society was under attack.
you were running around looking for Ryokas with Hinamori. you weren't expecting anything except to ran into the Ryokas. but then you run past one of the tall white building. you started to notice a blood trail as your eyes keep going up..to see..your brother. stabbed in the chest. you dropped your zanpakuto then fallen to the ground as Hinamori screamed "AIZEN-TAICHOU!" you didn't hear any of her screaming. you were lost in thoughts. why was he murdered? who could possibly be cruel enough to did this to him? why. he is a good taichou and good brother..who is cruel enough to do this to your brother. you don't even know what to do. you have completely lost yourself. your tears then started to fall down your cheeks. as Hinamori started to go crazy and attacking people. you weren't sure since when did you faint and was bought to squad 4 barrack. you have already found yourself laying on the bed.
Hinamori was imprisoned. you can't believe what did you just saw. and you know..so did Hinamori. you knows Hinamori loves your brother a lot. but everything is over now. your brother is long gone. and there will be no coming back from him. you could only excuse yourself out of the squad 4 barracks and goes over to see Hinamori.
but then Hinamori wasn't there. and there was only a note left on the ground in front of where Hinamori was imprisoned. you wanted to tell the others that Hinamori somehow escaped the prison, but yo ufeel like you have to pick up the note first. and so you did..
"meet me at Central 46 Compound :)" you weren't sure who wrote this. you feel like you needed to inform the other this. but who cares at this point? you lost your brother, and there's nothing to lose no more. you then followed what the note exactly said and head to the Central 46 Compound. you weren't sure why are you doing this..but you are now. and when you realize again you were already standing in front of the Central 46 Compound. you were hesitate to walk into the restricted place. but then you gulp and goes for it. and you are now inside of the Central 46 Compound. Hinamori was there..she seems she just got here a few moments ago too. but then you saw your brother..and Gin Ichimaru standing right beside each other. you were fast to go in and hug your brother since you have missed him a lot..and so did Hinamori. your brother did hug both of you back. he started to explain how this was really needed and he didn't knew it would hurt both of you this badly. but then he suddenly pull out his zanpakuto and stab Hinamori. your eyes turn into horror but you didn't get the time to react and you were already knock-out by Gin from behind. you were confused what was going on. you were scared what is going to happen to you and your brother.
the next think you know you were already in a white room..with nothing but couch to sit on and a window to look through.
"....what is this place...where am I?!- where's nee-san!-" said you, half asleep and panicking looking around. the door was suddenly opened. then there was..revealed the man with menacing eyes looking to you. he looks almost like your brother but with a very different hairstyle, his hair was swept back, with a strand hanging down his face. but then the man suddenly smiled. you remember this soft and kind smile too well..Sosuke Aizen, your sweet and kind brother.
"you have awoken from your slumber hm? {Name}"
To Be Continued...
CH.2 what is this place..
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watanabes-cum-dump · 9 months
I feel kinda bad bc my WoLMeric ship is actually kinda toxic lmao
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Like, Elysia kinda looses her shit post Heavensward after loosing Haurchefant and Ysale. It’s her villain origin story, if you will.
Haurchefant was her first love and everyone knew it, but Aymeric still fell for her. He still pursues her after he dies and basically becomes the home wrecker lmao. Elysia, because she’s kinda like ARR Thancred, fucking sleeps with him and things get real awkward real quick. It fucks both of them up big time.
Aymeric def deserves better than this train wreck, but I’ve decided that it’s funny AND angsty so I’m keeping it. I mean, how can he not fall for her? Elysia is the Warrior of Light- she is nothing but selfless and brave. Not to mention pretty but that is a whole other can of worms lmao.
Jk I am dealing with it here. sO-
Elysia is from a noble family in Hingashi, obviously she left but we’ll come back to that later. Basically, before leaving she was kinda only known and valued for her beauty. Which does wonders to someone’s self esteem y’know? On the one hand, she is confident, and some might even say a little vain. On the other, she knows how people see her, how men see her. She figures Aymeric is just another guys who’s Down Bad TM for her and he is but it goes deeper than she thinks. But also Ishgard is y’know… Catholic, so Aymeric also feels guilty for thinking about her like that.
Elysia is well aware that she’s being puppeted by the Alliance and the Scions. (in a way) Obvs she does it willingly and believes in their cause, but she mostly does it out of duty. She is the only one strong enough to save everyone, she has to.
(Even if she really can’t save everyone… I really miss Haurchefant and Ysale okay)
And this is where I think she parallels pretty well with Aymeric, in how they both deal with their respective duties.
I see a lot of people bringing it up and yeah, Aymeric is lonely. He loves his nation, make no mistake, but he is so lonely. Estinien leaves Ishgard, apparently Lucia does too, and WoL can’t be around all the time. But still, he is a politician and will do anything for his nation. But he literally says in the dinner scene that he does want to travel and I- ueueueuehjahskhwiuiloveyousmiwannatakeyouonvacationwithme-
But yeah despite all that, despite wanting to resign post uhhh Nidhog final fight (I think) - he remains steadfast for his nation which is super fucking admirable. Like sir you’re 32 you should be doing other things lmao. You are way too noble (and hot) to be a politician.
Elysia on the other hand, well- I’mma be honest she’s kind of selfish. She runs away from her original duties in Hingashi, and she’s only playing hero now because nobody else can. In a way though, nobody can really hold her down. That’s why she became an adventurer, because she knew she was meant for much more than some arranged marriage.
So it’s kinda juicy because Aymeric is lonely but devoted, and Elysia is burned by her duty. Idk where the line is from but it’s smth like “There is no greater burden, but also no greater honour” yeah that’s Elysia.
Having said that Aymeric is devoted, he is HOPELESSLY Devoted to her
But noooww there’s noooooowhere to hide since you pushed my love asiiiiiide I’m ouuuutt of my head, Hopelessly Devoted to youuuuuuuuu- oh wait that kinda fits their dynamic. Huh. Oh, I’m gonna think abt this now-
Yeah anyways you thought Haurchefant was down bad? Well, he definitely was but so is Aymeric. Bro is ready to walk into hell and be seen as a sinner for some Au Raussy. Okay no but he is hopelessly in love with her. It is very easy to see. I mean bro literally invites her to his house for dinner??? Alone??? The rumours are rumouring.
Aymeric makes it very clear that he is in love with her and will remain so even if she doesn’t return his feelings. Honestly, it’s more of a weird situationship than anything. Elysia won’t flat out reject him and they do find some comfort in the other’s company, but at the same time, Elysia isn’t really reciprocating so much as she is just there. It’s weird she teases and kinda flirts with him (in private) but y’know she wont say she loves him or anything.
I do believe there is some capacity for this to turn out as a healthy relationship, but not right now lmao. Elysia def deserves a reality check and I don’t want to keep bullying Aymeric. I do think they’re cute together, Elysia being kind of a tease x Catholic white boy Aymeric.
Oh yeah also have this fun relationship chart which summarizes everything I just said except for the duty part
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radio-ghost-cooks · 8 months
oc lore: Hajime had a bad day
hello, and welcome to the very first oc story! i've had brainworms abt it all night so please excuse me if it isn't the most well-written thing in the world
tags: implied smut, crying, misunderstandings, kinda?, hurt/comfort, cuddling/snuggling, touch as a love language, Hajitarou, Hajime-centric, breaking news! tough guy is also the sweetest lover!, read the tags at the bottom for the tws summary: Hajime's been having a bad day. A really bad day. He bottles it up for the most part, until Tarou's thing for degrading takes the bottle and smashes it over his head.
Hajime curled up into a ball at the head of the bed, tears rolling down his cheeks as he panted. he wrapped his arms over his head and buried his face in his knees, almost feeling like he was going to vomit. really, he knew he was overreacting a bit. or maybe he wasn't. whatever. he just wanted the situation to be over. Tarou never really meant the things they said in bed. but today it hurt. it really hurt. he couldn't handle being called "pathetic" and shit. and now he just wanted to be alone.
"Haji, I-" "please just... leave me alone," Hajime forced out. "i want to be alone right now." Tarou pulled away to the other end of the bed, seeming torn between trying to touch him and hiding away. they sighed, rubbing their neck in an attempt to soothe themself. "are you su-" "yes." they nodded to themself and slipped off the bed, tugging on a pair of boxers and an oversized hoodie. Hajime couldn't make out their expression with their back turned to him. Tarou, with an audible lump in their throat, mumbled, "i'll be in the common room downstairs," before trudging out the door. Hajime just whimpered in response and began to sob the instant the door shut behind them.
he felt so stupid. Tarou never meant what they said when they were this kind of horny. it was all part of their little act. and normally, he was really into it! but today... today he couldn't. he just couldn't. first he nearly chokes on a boba pearl, then he stabs himself with a pair of fabric scissors and gets blood all over the fabric, then he vomits in the middle of a fight after getting punched in the stomach, then he burns himself on a pot lid, and then this. Hajime was entirely unhappy. here he was, this big, tough, undefeated fighter, and he was crying like a fucking child. honestly, Tarou was right. how much more pathetic could he get? it was a good thing they left. he didn't want them to see him like this. wailing like a big baby.
he cried for a good long while, not stopping for about an hour. by the time he was done his throat was sore and his eyes felt all dry and scratchy. great. just great. somehow he was more miserable now than he had been when he started sobbing. he just sat there for a minute, chest shaking from hyperventilation. eventually, Hajime got tired of being alone. as much as he hated the thought of Tarou seeing him in this state, he hated the idea of being alone for much longer even more. and he was sick of being naked. the room was weirdly cold. he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a flannel, not bothering to button it. looking in the mirror, he took note of just how awful he looked. red eyes. tear stains. snotty nose. ew. he looked ew. eventually Hajime tore his eyes away from his face and spotted something else in the mirror. sitting there, just behind him on the shelf, was Jagarico. not the snack, the lion.
Hajime's childhood plushie. this silly little plush lion he named after his mom's favorite snack. it was floppy and threadbare and the leathery fabric that once covered the nose had worn away. a row of black stitches connected the body to a leg that had fallen off once. all the stuffing in its legs had been pushed down into its little feet. he felt sort of childish for keeping it for so long, but it meant a lot to him. little Jagarico.
he took Jagarico down off the shelf and hugged it to his chest for a moment, rubbing his cheek on its somewhat matted mane. eventually, holding it by the paw, Hajime plodded out the door and downstairs to the common room to find Tarou on the couch, biting his nails. anxious.
"hey Tarou?" he squeaked, sounding very very small, "i'm done being alone now." Tarou took a double take before leaping up off the couch and yanking him into a hug. they felt so warm. Hajime nuzzled into Tarou's neck and whined, hugging back even tighter. eventually, Tarou pulled away a bit and maneuvered them back over to the couch, where they flopped down on top of each other, sort of in a tangle. they laced their fingers in Hajime's hair and rubbed at his scalp a bit, making the taller boy melt like putty on top of them. they whispered, "feel a little better now?" Hajime nodded, gently pulling a hand off his head and guiding it to rest on his cheek. "m' throat's sore though," he mumbled. "m' eyes too." he kept his hand over Tarou's, craving the contact. with a thoughtful hum, they brought their other hand to his cheek. "close your eyes for me, sweetheart?"
Hajime shut his eyes, jumping a little when he felt something press ever so gently against his eyelids. it started rubbing circles, so, so softly, into them, and he swore that if humans could purr, he would be purring. when it drifted down to under his eyes, he blinked them open a little just to see what it was. he could just make out Tarou's thumbs rubbing under his eyes and he sighed, relaxed as can be. he let his eyes drift shut once more and pet Jagarico's (somewhat) soft fur, finally smiling for what was probably the first time all day.
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