#but after a while of watching him try to take care of the cg and keep them happy and just. doing his best to raise them
i3utterflyeffect · 7 months
considering he probably does have a lot of guilt resurface whenever he's around Chosen I am thinking abt if Chosen walked in on him having one of those crushing guilt moments. because i imagine it's while no one's there-- ESPECIALLY not the CG-- and just, he's not expecting Chosen to be there at all. so both of them are extremely caught off guard
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jjtheresidentbaby · 3 months
hi hi <3 hope you're doing okay :) can u do a cg!rafe cameron x little!reader where reader gets minorly wounded, like after falling from their bike or something, and rafe patches them up? thank you <3
˚. ❝₊˚ sunburnt ❞ ˚₊·
» rafe cameron x reader
» a/n: I have an extremely bad sunburn rn so that’s what I went with hope you don’t mind
» warnings: rafe is rubbing product on reader’s back while they’re shirtless but it’s in no way nsfw, talk of the pogues watching over reader, little!sarah mentioned, cg!kie & cg!pope mentioned, cg!barry mentioned, post canon, pet names
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You wince as Rafe helps pull your shirt over your head, revealing the worst sunburn Rafe has seen since Sarah got near second degree burns when they were kids, he winces right alongside you. Given for different reasons; you hate the feeling of the material sticking your your skin and causing even more pain to the tight skin, and Rafe because seeing just how bad things have gotten without him around pulls on his heart strings.
It was only a week. One week with the pogues, Sarah acting as your main caregiver but having to have Kie take over when Sarah slipped halfway through the trip you guys took to the mainland. It was- an eventful week, to say the least. Kie and Pope stepped up and were much better at applying sunblock regularly than Sarah in her own regressed state, but the damage was already done and both Kie and Pope looked more than worried when they handed you off to Rafe two days ago. You’re a little surprised he didn’t go off on them then and there.
“Hurts.” You mutter when Rafe runs his hands gently over your back, the way your skin is hot to the touch cause even more worry in Rafe’s mind. He really doesn’t want to have to take you to the hospital.
“I know baby, I’m sorry. I’m gonna apply some coconut oil and then we can go lay back down.” You’ve found the coconut oil works better than the aloe as it leaves your skin moisturized for longer.
“M’kay, can we watch a movie?” That’s all the two of you have been doing for the past two days.
By the time you were driving back to Rafe’s after being away from him for a week you were so homesick Jj had to keep his legs thrown atop yours so you wouldn’t try and climb to the front of the van to get John B to drive faster- it’d be an embarrassing moment to think of if it wasn’t all worth it when Rafe came into view as you rounded the corner to Tannyhill and saw Rafe sitting on the porch waiting for you. The house is technically his and Sarah’s but with Sarah spending almost all her time at the rebuilt chateau, it’s basically just Rafe’s place that acts as storage for some of Sarah’s stuff.
“Course, what do you wanna watch?” Rafe asks and rubs some more oil onto your bare back, making sure that he’s being as careful and soft with his touch as he can be.
“Moana?” A small smile creeps onto Rafe’s lips as he nods along.
“Didn’t we watch that yesterday?” You shrug.
“I like it. Can we ask Barry to come over and watch it with us?” Rafe is obviously your favorite person while you’re regressed but Barry is a close second, and the both of them together is perfect to you. They never fail to make you laugh just by the way they interact with each other and the sidebar jokes Barry shoots your way as Rafe tries to dismiss every word he says.
“Sure, sweet thing. Do you need him to pick up anything before he comes over?” You shake your head and lift your arms when Rafe comes to slip your shirt back on, it’s actually his own but it’s loose and cotton so it’s more comfortable on your skin.
“Not even some fries from The Wreck?” A quirked brow gets sent your way and you quickly scramble to climb into Rafe’s lap before he can pick up the phone to call Barry.
“Wait- wait, yeah fries, get fries.” You plead and Rafe hums along with an arm slipped around your waist to make sure you won’t fall off his lap.
“You sure? You just said you didn’t want anything… Barry will be here quicker if he doesn’t stop-.” You cut Rafe off with a serious look on your face that he finds undeniably cute.
“I lied, I want fries. I don’t care if Barry takes ten hours to get here, I want those fries.” It’ll really only add ten minutes to the route for Barry to go into The Wreck and order some food to-go.
“Okay, okay, I’ll make the call.” He soothes and grabs his phone as you lean back into his chest with a content sigh. Your back doesn’t hurt as bad as it did when you first came home and spending the day with your favorite people will help you forget just how much you missed Rafe in the first place.
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deuce-t-agere · 8 days
X-Men: Evolution CG Storm and Regressor Wolverine headcanons
When Logan comes back from a solo mission he always tries not to let himself regress because he worries the kids will see, he likes to keep his regression as private as possible and doesn’t want to lose the kids’ respect
Ororo will meet him after missions to see how he is doing, if he’s trying not to regress, she’ll use subtle language to help him slip into headspace and then walk with him back to one of their rooms for some baby time, if he’ll let her
Ororo will whisper ask Logan if he went potty before they leave because he might have an accident if he slips
Ororo tries to convince Logan to where a pull-up when they go out while he’s between headspaces, Logan begrudgingly agrees most of the time because it’s slightly less embarrassing than an accident
Kitty saw Ororo leave Logan’s room early one morning after she spent the night helping him regress, a rumor started about them dating that same day, they were extra careful for a while bc they didn’t want anyone accidentally finding out while trying catch them doing coupley things
Logan doesn’t like to eat his veggies, but he always wants whatever Ororo is eating, so Ororo has a system. O: “Do you want any veggies, Little One?” L: “No!” O: “Okay.” *Gives herself extra vegetables* L: “Mama, I have some, please?” Much easier than arguing about how he needs to eat his vegetables
Ororo has to carry a bag with her everywhere they go, not just for Logan’s baby stuff like changing supplies, sippy cup, etc, but to hold all the rocks and sticks he gives her while they’re outside
Logan has “mastered” secretly regressing, sitting silently at the breakfast table, pretending to read a news paper while playing Blue’s Clues songs in him head, most of the kids already try not to bother his so early in the morning so might as well take advantage of it if he slips
Ororo keeps little snacks and small toys on her for when Logan slips, so she can make sure he eats and give him something to do subtly until they can get somewhere safe and/or private for him to properly regress
Lots of nature walks while the kids are at school and they don’t have any x-men business to take care of
Logan love to run around the ground and climb trees
Ororo watches him play and sometimes will indulge him in making it rain so he can play in the mud and stomp in puddles
Logan and Ororo will snuggle and watch movies in the common areas sometime while the kids are at school. They don’t do it often because sometimes the kids are still in and out of the house through out the day anyway
The only other people who know are Charles and Hank. They’ve had close calls with Jean and have suspected that maybe she knows but hasn’t said anything
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nqctar · 7 months
super stressed
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이찬영 / anton lee ★
pairings: cg! anton lee x f!little reader. genre: sfw age regression, fluff. synopsis: cg!anton comforts his stressed little after they become too overwhelmed with college. warnings: nonsexual usage of 'daddy.' no major warnings apply. dni: you sexualize little space. requested by @graceslittlecorner ♥︎
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"oh my god," you mumble. "i'm losing my mind." there are homework papers scattered everywhere on your desk and the floor, textbooks stacked on top of each other lay dangerously close to the edge, and the study music you put on loop hours ago started sounding like nails on a chalkboard a few minutes ago.
you weren't usually this unorganized when studying, but midterms were scarily close. everything college related was going good so far, and you were terrified of messing it up.
it had been weeks since you regressed. you felt as if you had no time to do so, and a part of you convinced yourself that you needed to give anton a break. anton on the other hand, was concerned. he subtly tried to get you to regress by putting on cartoons while you two sat in the living room, and "accidentally" leaving your stuffie lulu on the bed with your paci next to it. unfortunately, his attempts were futile.
while lost in thought, you hear a knock and out of the corner of your eye you see anton peeking in, pushing a few books you threw by the door out of the way as he opens it.
"hi love, i brought you some fruit." his tone is sweet, you notice he's speaking to you in his caregiver voice. you smile at him and whisper a 'thank you,' as he sets the bowl on an empty spot on your desk. "how's studying going?" you look at the mess of homework and books everywhere and let out a sigh. "perfectly fine! i have everything under control."
anton can tell that you're feeling overwhelmed. even though he wants to cuddle you and help you slip, he doesn't know if now is a good time to ask.
while trying to reorganize things, you realize one of your homework papers is now missing. you start shoving things off your desk and try your best to not start crying. tears cloud your eyes and you can feel a lump in your throat. "where the hell did i just put my homework?" you whine, letting your tears fall.
anton watches you silently, wondering what's going on.
"is something wrong, bunny?" that nickname sets you off. you didn't want to be big and deal with stupid tests or homework anymore. you wanted your daddy.
tears begin falling down your face faster than you realize, and before you know it anton's cradling you in his arms. "you're okay, just breathe." he says, running his fingers through your hair. "what's wrong baby, hm?" his voice is laced with concern, he knows what’s going on but chooses to let you tell him first.
“so stressed about everything, daddy…” you mumble into his chest. he places a kiss on the top of your head and coos. “i’m sorry things have been so hard for you, babygirl.” anton runs his fingers through your hair in an attempt to soothe your sobs.
“you know you can tell daddy anything, right?” he whispers to you. “any problem big or small, and i’ll help you the best i can.” you look up at him through teary eyes, a slight blush appearing on your face.
you pout. “didn’t wanna bother you. you’re too busy.” anton shakes his head no, and smiles softly at you. “i’m never too busy to take care of my baby. daddy is always gonna be here whenever you need me.” anton wipes a few fallen tears out of your face and then in one motion, scoops you into his arms.
“don’t worry about your homework for now. let’s take a nap, hm?” you nod your head, making a babbling noise in agreement.
anton lies down in bed with you, letting you rest your head against his chest. his heartbeat is almost like a sweet melody. it lulls you to sleep almost immediately.
anton, on the other hand, stays perfectly still as to not wake you. you hadn’t gotten proper sleep in days because of your studies. he hums to you as you drift off and rocks you gently in his arms. it’s the most serene you’ve felt in weeks, all thanks to him.
through sleepy eyes and a quiet voice, you whisper an “i love you,” to anton. right before you drift off to sleep, you hear his voice.
“i love you too, baby. sleep well.”
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Bad End Cinderella (Visual Novel)
Created by: Hamartia
Genre: Horror/Tragedy
Bad End Cinderella is pretty good for a more horror based yandere. It's about a king who just won't let go of his love and delusionally does everything he can to be with his love after his divorce to his queen. The king is kind of a jerk honestly and it's great. It can only end in tragedy and that makes the game better.
The story starts with Claude arranging a divorce with his wife, and is very annoyed and bitter about it. He thinks about his childhood friend, Ella, as he signs the divorce papers and the past they had together. It seemed that they were very close friends until Claude ended up shunning her at a party for basically being a poor commoner. Although he writes a letter afterwards apologizing, he never gets anything back. Claude's obsession gets stronger and stronger, as he realizes that he could now marry her after his divorce, convinced that the two are meant to be together. He ends up going to Esra, a powerful prophet about what their future will be together. While reluctant, Esra ends up seeing a tragic future for the two, begging that they stop before he does something irreversible. Claude upon hearing this doesn't seem to care at all, so as long as he can be together with Ella. He decides to look for allies and ends up running into a knight named Floren, who seems to hate Claude. The two have some history together as children, and he seems annoyed that Claude is just doing all of this and trying to take Ella. The end is him contemplating about what he should do with the
It's a rather short demo, but I am a sucker for watching a yandere's spiral into madness. Claude himself is a pretty terrible person, annoyed by everything and delusional believing that Ella will be his despite having not seen her in so long. He has no idea if she has another lover and the two essentially ended on bad terms despite the fact that Claude sent an apology letter. Despite the warning Esra has for him, he keeps going, and I assume as the story goes on, he will just keep ignoring the advice of others and just pushes through until he reaches the end, which at that point he won't have any way to escape and will just have to face the consequences of his actions. Like I said, the setup for tragedy is already there and so with dramatic irony we just watch him fall into the abyss, as it were.
The artwork is by Jambee (I'd assume) considering that it looks very much like Sunny Day Jack (style wise). As per usual, the artwork looks very good and professional (though I'm not sure what's with Jambee's thing of giving everyone that swoopy front hair because it makes everyone look like Jack-whatever) and it's really cool to see all of the CGs for it.
Overall, I think it's a good start for a demo. Considering it was made in 9 hours, that's pretty impressive for a game like this. Hopefully we get to see more development of this game in the future.
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midnighmoonligh · 9 months
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Call of Duty
Y/N ; Gender Neutral ; They/Them ; little
Simon "Ghost" Riley ; He/Him ; CG
⚠Content Warnings⚠
Violence, War stuff, COD yk.
Cursing here and there.
Plot Summary
Y/N was having a hard time with your friends. You just wanted to be hugged, just for a few seconds. Simon fell victim.
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You and Ghost weren't close, but you got along well enough. You had your moments on missions you got assigned on together here and there. But otherwise, you guys didn't talk much. You had a relationship where you both agreed to tolerate each other, that's as far as it went.
Ghost was talking to a new recruit, giving them advice on hand to hand combat. He didn't even notice you come up to him. He jumped a little in surprise when you hugged him from behind and leaned against him. Though he told you to fuck off, you wouldn't let go even after he tried pushing you off.
" Fuckin' hell let go already, " he groaned, not even noticing that the recruit had left, leaving you and Ghost alone.
You had been ignored by your friends all day. There wasn't really a reason why you picked Ghost of all people to attach yourself to, but it was obvious you wouldn't be letting go anytime soon. Your eyes pooled with tears while you struggled not to regress, hands gripping onto poor Ghost's clothing.
You just wanted to be held, just for a little while. You felt so abandoned by the people you cared about right now.
The poor rookie Ghost had been talking to became extremely awkward. She looked back and forth between you two before taking a free steps back. Her eyes caught the Lieutenants, causing a yelp to escape her. She shrunk down out of anxiety.
" Excuse me sir-" she quickly excused before scrambling off. It left you and Ghost alone in the room.
Ghost grumbled and looked at you up and down before saying, " Kid, I told you to leave, " he was trying to get you off him, but you were still clinging to him. His eyes were beginning to soften a bit, although he didn't want anyone to notice.
You finally let go... sort of. You let go enough that you weren't hugging Ghost to death. However, your fingers still held onto the heme of his shirt. A few tears escaped your eyes, but you kept your head down, staring at the floor. With how hard you glared at the floor, it could've burned holes into it. You were angry, at your friends. So frustrated that they kept doing this, ignoring you, to you. Most of all you felt frustrated with yourself.
Ghost sighs and then looks down at you, his expression is a little surprised, but he still looks annoyed.
" What do you want? I thought I told you to get lost. I'm not a babysitter, " he says, crossing his arms over his chest. Although he was trying to be harsh, his tone was softer than he intended.
You didn't blame Ghost for what he said. You guys barely spoke, unless on field together. You lifted his free hand and tried to wipe away your tears while yiur bottom lip trembled. You didn't even know yourself why you came to Ghost.
Gently, you tugged on Ghost's shirt, as if he'd be able to understand somehow.
He seemed confused for a moment at what you wanted, but then he realized what you were gesturing towards. He sighs, seemingly giving in, and he bends down to pick you up. As he came back up, he glanced around to see if anyone was watching, but they're out of sight for now. As you were picked up, you arms gently wrapped around Ghost's neck, resting lazily on his shoulders. You completely slumped against him, clearly feeling better by the action. Though you let out small hiccups as you quietly cried. You were trying to stop but instead miserably failing.
" There, " he mutters, " Now you're satisfied I suppose. Now what? Get it over with then. "
Ghost seems annoyed still, but doesn't have the heart to put you back down just yet. Even if you were to be spotted like this, it would be fine. They wouldn't understand why he would let this happen, but it was clear you needed something, and he wasn't going to deny you that. Ghost sighs and he continues to stand here with you in his arms, feeling you relax against his body. He begins stroking your hair as he waits for you to finally calm down.
You only were like this, crying, for a few minutes after Ghost began to stroke his hair. It was maybe twenty minutes in total before you calmed down. You moved one of your arms to his chest, quietly sucking on his thumb as you kept completely slumped against him, practically curling into the larger man's chest.
" What's with the thumb sucking? " he asked, his tone was confused but gentle.
The instructor's weren't close enough to hear, so you didn't need to worry about that. Ghost was gently rocking you back and forth in his arms. His gaze was focused on your thumb, he was a bit confused. He's never seen someone who's not a toddler do that.
You didn't really reply. You we're so tired and the crying had made your regress. No that you could control it. You wished you could, but your regression is involuntary. You shifted a little in Ghost's arms to be closer to him, though it was literally impossible. You found himself cuddling into you, hiding even.
Your eyes flickered closed off and on sleepily as he rocked you. It only made you relax more. Even if you're an adult, you're acting like you're a young child. If Ghost was honest, seeing that was... oddly calming for a reason he hasn't ever been able to put a finger on. His eyes keep going back to your thumb, and he has a look on his face that's hard to explain. It's somewhere between curiosity and confusion.
You felt so little, falling deeper into little space. You cuddled into Ghost's chest as a small yawn escaped you. You felt so safe in his arms.
Ghost's voice was soft when he spoke in reply to your yawn, " Tired? "
You gave a small nod, you did feel tired. To you, your body felt heavy from how tired you felt. You nuzzled into his chest, fingers of your free hand gently holding his shirt. You refused to let go, as if he'd disappear. You could feel his body shift just a little, just so he could hold you comfortably. He kept rocking you back and forth, the movement seemed to keep you calm. Ghost was still confused a bit, by your thumb sucking and now the yawning. He wasn't expecting the behavior of a little child from someone who wasn't a child. He wondered what this was about.
Ghost doesn't know what to do in this situation.
You're acting like a child, and you're clinging onto him.
The only thing that makes Ghost think you're an adult still, is your height and your size. Everything else is screaming to his brain that you're probably a toddler now. His gaze goes to your thumb, you're still sucking on it. It's as if you're a toddler clinging to their security blanket. He swallowed thickly.
" Kid? Are you alright?... "
You shifted a little bit, clearly having fallen asleep for a few seconds before hearing Ghost speak. You let out a tired yawn, moving your free hand to rub his eyes childishly. Your mannerisms were so different compared to before. You gave a small nod though, reassuring Ghost that you are, indeed, okay. This seemed to sooth the older man.
A quiet chuckle escaped him. He still didn't understand what was going on. You still have your thumb in your mouth, you acted exactly how a toddler would. Ghost looks at you for a moment, and for a few seconds, this situation felt normal. There was a little child in his arms, and he felt like a father watching his child go to sleep. But then he snapped out of that, remembering that adults don't act like children.
By the time Ghost shook off that mentality, you had fallen asleep. Your thumb lightly hung from your lips while you let out soft, calm, breaths.
Ghost still felt confused by this, but you seemed perfectly fine. You were just acting like a child, there was nothing that seemed wrong.
He let out a faint sigh, and decided to take you back to your bunk. He took each step carefully, trying not to make any loud noises. He eventually made it to your bunk, and he put you on the bed, leaving your thumb in your mouth. He then sat on the edge of the lower bunk, carefully watching you, just in case anything was wrong.
Once set into the bed, you curled up on instinct. You shifted for a few minutes before settling down and falling right back to sleep. Your thumb kept in your mouth while you slept peacefully all curled up in a small ball.
Ghost was still conflicted, confused even. You didn't look sick or anything, and you weren't in any physical pain. Yet, you acted as if you were a tiny child. Your mannerisms and behavior were nothing like that of a grown adult. But then, even after he had thought that, he saw you curl up and go back to sleep, just like a little child.
" What the hell, " he muttered softly, leaning his head back against the wall behind him.
As his eyes flickered over to you, he spotted you softly chewing on your thumb. It made him smile a little. Ghost's eyes soften after as he watched you. His expression seemed a little concerned, but he didn't understand why he felt that way.
He sighed and stood, moving over to the closet in the bunk to bring out a blanket. After a moment, he covered you up with the small blanket, tucking you in so you don't get cold. Ghost then stood there watching you for a few seconds. He watched as you nuzzle into the new warmth of the blanket. He stood there unmoving until he realized he should really let you rest.
Ghost took one last look at you before he left. He made sure you were comfortable before he left the room. That's when a thought ran through his mind, and his eyes widened a bit.
Did you just regress in front of him?
He had no idea why a fully grown adult would regress, but he had a gut feeling that's what had just happened.
The next morning, you were up and doing your usual routine on base. You looked just fine and no longer was regressed, at least for now. You had gotten some amazing sleep, the best sleep you've gotten in a long time.
Currently, you were helping some rookie with cleaning their gun, giving tips and generally teaching them.
Ghost kept an eye on you, but he didn't want to interfere. He was honestly still confused by why you had regressed like that, but he figured it probably wasn't the best idea to ask just yet. He was also still a little surprised to see you acting your age and no longer in that childish state from last night, not that he knew that much about age regression.
After about an hour, the rookie thanked you and left, leaving you by yourself. You still felt odd considering the new recruits as rookies, given just tow years ago you were one too. You gathered a few things, making sure everything got placed back where it needed to go while trying to clear your mind for you next task of the day.
Ghost had been watching the rookie leave, but he looked at you when you were about to place everything in its correct spots. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, looming over you unintentionally from afar. He didn't know how to approach you right now. He was awful at this, emotions and bonding with people. It was so much easier when the other person was an extrovert.
" You going to keep staring at me like I grew two heads or-? " you joked as you slipped some things into place again. You glanced over to him as a playful smile crossed your lips.
Thank god you said something.
" No, " he bluntly replied. His cool demeanor back at full force. Not that he was all that warm the other day. Ghost pushed himself off his heels and walked towards you, standing beside you but keeping an arms length away.
" Last night..." he muttered, his tone was gentle, "...Were you regressed?...."
You took a moment to process what Ghost had said, however when you did he looked away with shame. Your head lowered, slightly hiding behind your messy hair.
" Yeah, " you admitted awkwardly, anxiously even.
He was a bit surprised by your quick answer, but he is very gentle about this information.
" Why?..." he asked, not in a condescending or questioning tone of voice, just out of curiosity. His tone is still gentle and calm, he even sounds slightly concerned.
" If I knew that I wouldn't regress at all, " you chuckled with a playful smile, though a weak one. You were trying to make the conversation less awkward. Your gaze practically burned into the floor.
" I'm sorry, " you whispered.
Ghost let's out a small sigh, " Don't be, I'm just curious. And you don't need to apologize. It was just... really strange to see. "
He doesn't mention the word 'cute' but when he was saying strange, he meant it in a good way. He couldn't deny how cute you looked while you were regressed last night. However he felt that it would only add to the tension in the air right now.
" It's not that, I'm sorry I did it, " you clarified with a small shake of your head.
You fidgeted with your hands, picking at your gloves with nothing but pure guilt showing on your expression.
" How long does this last? When you regress, I mean, " he added after a few moments.
You lifted your head a bit at the question. It surprised you with how much interest Ghost was showing in your regression. With a deep breath, you looked away and gently swung your hands back and forth at your sides a few times. Then they settled down. You shifted your weight to be more on your heels.
" I mean, it depends. The shortest I've gone is an hour. The longest I've regressed was... a year, " he hesitantly spoke.
Ghost's head raises a bit in surprise, " A year? " He cleared his throat before gathering his thoughts again. " Wait...a year? As in 365 days...that long?..." He is speechless by that, he wasn't expecting to hear that the longest regression you've had was a full year.
You stared at the floor, giving a nod to confirm Ghost had heard you correctly. You gently leaned back against the table behind you. Your heart was racing in your chest. You didn't remember much about that year, but every time someone reacted like this it always made you feel so guilty about it. You couldn't even control it, but people managed to make you feel this way.
Ghost was speechless for a few moments. He just stared at you in disbelief, and you could tell he wasn't expecting that at all.
" Are you...you're not joking right?... You're serious?... " his voice was quiet, still processing the information you gave him. You were regressed for a full year? How is that even possible?
" I wouldn't joke about something like this, " you mumbled as you gently rubbed one of your arms in an attempt of self comfort. You didn't know what to think of Ghost asking you so many questions about your regression.
Ghost's mind had gone completely blank. A full year, what could make someone regress for a year? He didn't know what to think. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to ask, but he didn't want to be rude or hurtful if this was something sensitive.
" A year...did something happen? "
You only gave a small shrug. You didn't reply for a long while, maybe about thirty minutes in the least before you sighed in defeat.
" I was having a hard time in high school. I don't really remember that year, but I remember the beginning of it. I don't know what triggered it, but it just felt better to be that way. "
Ghost's eyes widened a bit when you finally told him *why* you regressed for that long.
" You don't remember a whole year because you regressed? " he asked, a genuine and gentle look on his face. He seemed a bit confused, but he understood the reason behind it. High school definitely wasn't the easiest period of time for anyone. " Did you need anything to end it? Or did it just end on its own? "
You gave a small shrug at the first question. You weren't really sure how to reply, so that's what you settled for. The next you could answer, at least.
" I don't know, I guess it ended on its own. Eventually I just started regressing less and less. "
" Did you have anyone to help you while you were regressed for that year? Or a way to make sure you were safe? " he was now a little worried about what you went through, he still couldn't believe that a person could regress that long. " Were you ever in danger? "
" Yeah I did have someone, " you reassured quickly.
" Did they know how to help and take care of you? "
The question surprised you a little. It was the past, so you weren't sure why he was focusing on it so much. Obviously you ended out just fine, you were still here living. Ghost seemed really focused on what you just said, he was just making sure you were alright when you regressed that much.
" If you don't mind me asking, who was the person that helped you during that time? "
" Yes they did, " you sighed, looking visibly uncomfortable by the topic. " And I rather not talk in depth about this, please. "
Ghost nods, letting you know he understands that. He doesn't want to pry any further.... but he does have one last question, " I know you don't want to talk about it in depth, but can you at least tell me how the person who helped you during that time was related to you? Family, close friend, significant other, etc? "
" Ghost, " you warned in a low tone.
He sighed, he didn't want to push you to talk about something so sensitive. He knew he should've held his tongue, " Right, sorry. I understand. "
As he finally dropped it, you felt the tension drop from your shoulders.
" I apologize, I shouldn't have asked that, " he gave a more clear apology.
You can tell his tone is sincere, he really was just apologizing for pushing the question that far when it was obviously causing some emotional pain for you. Either way, you weren't really upset with him. You just wanted him to stop pushing.
" Alright, I won't ask about it again. Can I ask an unrelated question though? " Ghost offered. The offer made you raise an eyebrow.
" Yes you can, just be respectful. "
" Do you like me? " he randomly asked.
He isn't asking that question in a romantic or inappropriate manner. He has noticed more and more how your mannerisms and personality seemed to change depending on who you're interacting with. He was honestly just curious as to your true thoughts of him.
You blinked in surprise by the question. You weren't really sure how to answer. You guy's weren't close, hardly could call each other friends. Honestly, this is the first time they've ever really talked one on one that didn't involve a mission.
" Well I don't hate you, " you chuckled.
Ghost gave a small chuckle, " Well yeah, I kind of figured. But I meant in a more personal sense. Like, you know, do you see me as a friend, or you feel neutral about me? "
He wanted to get a grasp on where you stood concerning your relationship with him. He may not be your closest friend, but he wasn't your enemy either.
You hummed in thought, looking away from him as you placed an item back where it went. " I guess neutral then. "
Ghost nods, he's fine with the answer he received. He didn't need you to outright say you were his friend. This would leave him content. Besides, it made sense. He wasn't entirely sure why he was concerning himself with this, with your opinion of him. After seeing you regressed yesterday, he guessed he felt the need to feed that curiosity of your relationship.
" Can I be honest with you about something? " he asked, his tone was genuine.
" Only if you want, " you replied with a soft shrug, not really caring what Ghost did and didn't share with him. Regardless, he'd cherish it.
While waiting for his reply, you finally finish up putting everything back where it went. With the task now done, you stood facing the older man with your arms crossed over your chest. You remained patient for him. However, much to your surprise, he spoke fairly quickly.
" I think you're cute. "
Ghost hadn't meant it in a romantic sense, but the sincerity in his tone is sincere. Your regressed behavior was the most adorable thing he saw in a long time, and he couldn't help but be drawn to it.
" I mean, uh, I didn't mean it like in a romantic sense, " he awkwardly clarified.
You were surprised by the complement. You blinked a few times before your expression softened at Ghost's awkward clarification. It was funny to him, though appreciated. Out of little space you weren't interested in romantics, besides books and movies. You're aromantic, to put it simply.
" Thank you, that's sweet, " you chuckled out with a rare smile.
" You really were cute though, I had no idea you acted like that. It was..." Ghost's words trail off, but his gentle smile on his face remains. You were really adorable when you regressed. Something about that was...comforting for him, it was soothing in a way.
You gave a small nod, gently fidgeting with your hands in front of yourself. You chewed the inside of your cheek as a for seconds silence fell between them. It was comfortable.
" If... if you're comfortable with it, you can see me like that again. Regressed, I mean. "
Ghost's eyes widen a bit. He had never expected you to offer such a thing. Frankly, he didn't think he would ever see you regressed like that again. Surprise over took his excitement, at least for now.
" You...would let me see that again? Are...are you sure? Are you comfortable with me seeing you like that? " He sounded a bit nervous, but also excited to see you in that state. It had caught his attention and he loved the way you acted in that regressed state.
You inhaled slowly and deeply to rid yourself of your nerves. " I am, but it's 100% your decision. I understand if you don't want to. "
Ghost's mind was going through a lot of different thoughts about this. Does it change anything to our relationship? Is it weird to be comfortable with seeing someone regress? But at the same time...
" I...I guess I'm comfortable seeing you regress again...if you're really sure about this...that it's okay for me to see you like that again..." His voice is quiet, he's still unsure if it's the right decision to agree to this. What if it turns out wrong?
" I have things to take care of still, but I'm free tomorrow if you are, " you offered.
Ghost nodded, " Sure, I think tomorrow sounds good...I can stop by after you finish your regular tasks for the day. Would that be alright with you? "
He's still a bit nervous but he's getting more comfortable with this choice. He had really enjoyed seeing you regressed, and if you were comfortable with agreeing to this, he felt the same way. It would be a nice way to unwind.
" Mm, my room probably wouldn't work. My bunk mates are always around, " you sighed and shook your head. " Lazy ass's, " you grumbled.
* Hm...maybe you could come stay with me in my room? I don't have any issues there. It would be a bit more private anyway, " Ghost offered the solution with ease.
It made you nervous. You never expected to see Ghost's room. Frankly, you never thought you'd share a conversation with him. This felt awkward, yet you were glad to form a bond with him. Maybe it would be useful in the future.
" If you're sure then okay, " you replied with a small nod.
Ghost was sure about this decision. He felt comfortable with seeing you regress, and felt comfortable with you being able to relax around him and be your true self. It'll be wonderful for him to watch you go through that again, and to be able to be a part of it all once more.
" Alright, it's settled then. I'll see you tomorrow then, right? "
Before you could reply, the same rookie from before popped in an asked for your help. You flashed Ghost a sheepish smile before giving a quick wave of goodbye and following the person out of the room. The plans were made, you were just a bit busy still.
Ghost looked a bit disappointed that you were called away suddenly, but he understood. And besides, you were going to see each other tomorrow anyway. He just nods, knowing that at this point, you'll be seeing each other in roughly a day, so he decides it would just be best to wait it out and not take up more of your time.
" See you tomorrow then, " he said, giving you a wave of goodbye.
He then stepped out of your room as well, leaving you to take care of your duties and tasks for the day.
Alarms blared through your system. Your body shot awake, releasing you from the nightmare it had previously trapped you inside of. While your body shook, you struggled to get your hands on your alarm clock. Even after you managed that, it took several tries to get it off.
Six A.M.
That's what the time showed. A groan escaped your lips as you rolled over onto your side. Your roommates were already lecturing you about your alarm, complaining that you are always slow to even reply to it, let alone turn it off. You couldn't really help it. Most of the time, the noise was the only thing that ever let you escape the torture your mind pushed your through.
You pulled your blanket over your head after hearing the door shut. Silence, finally. Your body slowly began to calm before you were reminded of your plans. Apart of you wanted to cancel. You were severely needing rest, in many ways. However you knew regressing would also help you rest well.
After twenty minutes you finally peeled yourself from the nest you had made in such a short amount of time. You weren't shaking as terribly, but it was still there. As you got up, you quickly got yourself ready. You threw on comfortable clothing, clothing that you could leave the room in without turning heads... which was just a sweater and sweatpants. The sweater was a lighter grey then your sweatpants, not your choice, but they're warm as fuck.
It's cold today.
You noticed the cool breeze creeping through the window in your room. The damn thing never shut all the way, leaving the room freezing cold at night. Especially in the winter.
Now dressed you decide that maybe you should bring a few things, just in case. You grab this work backpack from under your bed, an ugly green shade, then open it. You begin to decide what you'll bring.
Your favorite stuffie, a friend for your favorite stuffie, a small case of Pacifiers (it held two) that were clean, a sippy cup, then a change of clothes.
You never really know, frankly. Things happened and it was never a bad thing that those things happened. Chewing on your bottom lip, you make sure that's everything you could think of needing. Maybe you should bring some things to do?
With a quick glance, you notice it's already almost seven. A curse escapes you, one you quickly wince at. This nightmare had been bad enough that you were starting to slip... plus packing these things was making you a little excited, as nervous as you were. Did Ghost even have experience with littles?
Crap, right, don't need to be there late.
Though neither of you set a time for you to be there, it tended to be an unspoken rule that you always arrived to plans fairly early. Besides you didn't want to stay in your room. Otherwise you'll 100% go back to sleep. Zipping up your back, you tossed your shoes on. You slung a strap of it over your shoulder before quickly leaving. At least this time you remembered to check for your keys too...
It was very little time before you reached Ghost's room. It was pretty far from yours. You're only a private, in all fairness. Plus he didn't have to share his room like you did. He had his own space...
Man you're anxious.
Taking some deep breaths, your shaking hands knocked on the door. The opposite held onto the strap on your shoulder to keep the bag from falling off. You, once again, began to chew on your bottom lip whole waiting for the older man to answer.
Apart of you worried that he wasn't awake. However, as the door slipped open, that worry poofed into none existence. Out of habit you did your best to hide your shaking hands. Though you knew you really shouldn't do such a thing when a caregiver was right there in front of you, available and willing to bring comfort.
" Hey, nice to see you. Ready for the day? "
Ghost takes a step to the side, letting you into his room. His room is nicely decorated, very clean, although it's nothing too special. The decor can be best described as simple, yet cozy. It looked like no one lived there, yet had so much personality. His desk scattered with paper work and books, on top rested some disguarded gloves. His bed had an interesting collection of blankets and pillows. They looked soft, comfortable.
You kept chewing on your bottom lip as you were greeted by Ghost. One hand calmly rested by your side while the other fidgeted with your bag.
" I guess, " you nervously replied, though your hands were shaking softly while the remnants of the nightmare you had woken up from remained.
Once you had felt you had taken in enough of his room, you slowly walked into it. You were careful not to bump into him when doing so. It wasn't a large space, but it had enough room for the both of you. As the door clicked shut, your anxiety worsened. You felt the familiar fear of allowing someone to care for you. What if he wasn't a good caregiver? What if he'd do something bad? All these questions and more began to file through your mind.
" Come here, " Ghost suddenly said. He gently, stepping a bit closer to you and taking your hand to lead you up onto his bed. It didn't have to be anything more than just to sit beside him.
You blinked in surprise. His touch ripped you out of the dark crevice of your mind. He held your forearm so gently, so much more than he has ever before. You stumbled while he pulled you, having a hard time with mobility simply because you hadn't expected his actions. You didn't really feel little still, but you could definitely feel it creeping up on your mind.
Ghost noticed that you were stumbling, so he sat on the edge of his bed. Once settling onto the bed, you struggled to suppress a yawn while setting the bad down on the floor by your feet that hung off of it. You were right, his bed is comfy.
" Is it okay if I ask you something? "
" Ummm... okay, I guess, " you replied with anxiety lacing thick in your tone.
He pulled you into his lap, and just sat you there. He tried to comfort you as he stroked your back. You chewed the inside of your cheek, but didn't argue to being tugged into Ghost's lap. You slowly relaxed into the older, just leaning against him.
" You okay? You seem a bit nervous, and a bit little. Did you have a hard time sleeping last night? " his tone is gentle as he tries to get you to relax a bit more in his embrace.
" Mm, had a bad dream, " you mumbled out in defeat.
Ghost's eyes widened a bit, "Oh no, what was it about?" he asks curiously, keeping his tone soft in an effort to being you comfort. If he didn't know better, he'd think you were only just a few years old. " Do you want to share it with me? "
You sank into him a little more, picking at your hands while thinking about it. Now that you thought about it, you didn't really remember. However you still couldn't shake the sense of dread and fear.
" 'm don remember, " you mumbled, your regression beginning to show through your speech.
(I don't remember)
Ghost notices your speech change a bit, and you acting very little, so he immediately understood that you were regressed. He stroked your hair with one hand and just held you close with the other. Your little mannerisms made him smile, it was so cute to see.
" Well, if you don't remember the dream, then how about we play a game? " he offered.
You seemed hesitant at first about the idea of playing right now, but after thinking about it you realized it would probably help you feel better. You nodded softly and looked up to Ghost as you stopped picking at your hands.
" mm, wa game? " he asked, wondering what game he had in mind.
(Mm, what game?)
Ghost smiled, "Well, how about we play pretend? You remember how to pretend, right?"
He has a little mischievous grin in his voice when he said that. He wanted to see how little you could regress to. He really is curious about you and your little self. You hummed a little before nodding so quickly it made you a little dizzy. You wiggled a little in your spot, feeling a bit lighter at the idea of getting to play with Ghost.
Ghost chuckles in response the the sudden shift in your mood, " Alright. What should we pretend to be? Or... do you want me to choose? "
" 'm wan.. " you paused, seemingly struggling with what to call him for a moment. " 'm wan yous to picks, " you pouted and rested your head against his chest.
(I want... I want you to pick)
" Alright, little one, " he gently replied. " I'll be the Daddy, and you're going to play the little one. Do you think you can do that for me? "
You were surprised by this, honestly. You sort of realized Ghost wasn't wanting to play, but rather doing things to help you be little.
" You... Daddy? " you asked quietly, looking nervous about it.
" Yeah, I'm going to be your daddy for now. How's that sound? "
He continues to stroke your hair, he knows you're nervous about this situation, but you're beginning to settle into your regressed state. He's trying to keep you in it.
" Do you like being my little one? "
You chewed on your thumb for a little while before nodding. It made you happy that Ghost wanted to be your caregiver so much. You rubbed your cheek against him as you let yourself relax finally. You felt so little as a result.
Ghost chuckles, " You seem pleased with this, little one. You're being a good baby for me. I'm very proud of how well you're being for me right now. "
He then starts to pat you on the head and he just gently plays with you like you're his little child. He really enjoys the feeling of holding you close. You were trying to suck on your thumb, feeling the familiar need to do so.
" Can Daddy have a hug? "
You blinked a few times before tugging yourself up and hugging him. You leaned against him happily as you did so. Ghost holds you tightly and he keeps patting your head, you're being so good for him, he loves the feeling.
" You like being in Daddy's arms, don't you? " he asks in a quiet whisper. You're being so good, and he wants to let you know how proud he is. You've been a good little one.
" mm, likes it cause 'm comfy, " you huffed quietly. You we're really clingy when you were little.
(Mm, I like it 'cause it's / I'm comfy)
Ghost can't help the huge smile that grows on his face when you tell him you're comfy in his arms, it just makes him want to make you happy even more.
" Good boy, " Ghost praises you, " You like being daddy's clingy baby, don't you? " His tone becomes slightly lower, and he keeps petting your head.
You squirmed away a little. You tried to reach for your bag you had brought with you that fell onto the floor. You let out a small whine, having a hard time getting it without getting off of Ghost's lap. He listens to your little whines as you try to reach your bag, and when you get frustrated he chuckles a bit.
" You want that bag? Maybe Daddy can help you get it, if you ask nicely. "
You stopped trying to grab the bag, chewing on you bottom lip for a few moments.
" Pease Daddy, " you asked shyly.
Ghost smiles as he notices you making little noises, " Very good asking nicely. Come on then, Daddy will help his baby. "
He then stands up from the bed, still holding you in his arms and he picks up your bag for you. You squealed as Ghost picked you up while getting off the bed. You wrapped your arms around him as you giggled, holding onto him.
" Here, I got it. It's all for you, my little baby. "
While he held the bag, you opened it and tugged out on of your pacifers. You wiggled happily before putting it into your mouth, chewing on it. Seeing you look so happy, and being as adorable as you are, makes Ghost's heart melt. He's loving every minute of this.
You rubbed at your eyes. Now that you were feeling better, you felt really tired. You didn't get that good of sleep from the nightmare. After a few rubs you wrapped your arms around Ghost again, clinging to him sleepily.
"Aww, there's my boy. You're getting sleepy again, aren't you... you must be very tired, " he chuckled. " Should Daddy put his little one to bed for a nap? " he asked, but more to himself than to you.
You whined softly at the idea of going to sleep. While you were really, really, tired. You didn't want to waist the day away getting the rest you needed. You wanted to keep playing with Ghost. Ghost understands you very much want to stay up, but he can tell you also need a little more sleep.
"I know you know you're very tired. If we play too long, you're going to get very cranky. So how about sleep now, and when you wake up, Daddy will play with you all night. How does that sound? " he offered.
It sounds like a very fair deal for both of you. The offer did sound really appealing. You rubbed at your eyes again, pouting quietly but nodding. You already felt cranky, a feeling you heavily disliked. He couldn't help but chuckle as you pouted.
" Aww, don't give me such a pouty face, Little one. You know that won't work on me. You already agreed to sleep, so don't try to get out of sleeping now, it won't work. "
You huffed, but nodded. You did already agree. You slumped against Ghost, only to tug your paci from your mouth so you could speak.
" 'm wan a story, Pease Daddy, " you asked, feeling a bit shy to ask for a story. After toh had done so, you stuffed the pacifier back into your mouth to chew on. It helped calm you down again.
(I want a story, please daddy)
Ghost sighed heavily in defeat. He couldn't say no to you being polite when asking. He gently placed you onto his bed, soon joining you before he pulled the covers up. He set your bag by the bed. Once every thing was settled, he wrapped his arms around you all over again. He watched as you slumped right back against him, quickly curling up and clinging to him without him even having to ask.
" You know just how to get me to do what you want, don't you? Alright, little one. If you ask so sweetly, I guess I can tell you a story. "
You lit up as he agreed to tell you a story. You couldn't help but giggle and wiggle happily from excitement. You couldn't wait to hear the story he had for you. As he held you in his arms, he began to tell you a cute, happy, story. You did your best to listen to every second of it, but you were struggling to stay awake at this point. You were so cozy and warm, it was hard to not just given in and get some rest.
You gently nuzzled into his chest, tugging yourself impossibly closer to him. He didn't stop his story, even after your eyes flickered closed. Ghost didn't say a word about you falling asleep, rather he rubbed your back gently to help encourage you to let yourself sleep. He would protect you from all the bad dreams, and hoped you would know that. By the time the story came to an end, you had fallen asleep within the safety of his grasp.
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lttl3babybug · 8 months
OMG I LUV UR HEADCANNONS THEYRE SO CUTEE 🩷🩷💕💕 u are a godsent 🥹🥹 woth like the headcannon of ramona watching scott maybe like a fic or hcs abt ramona babysitting scott??
Course I can sweetie!!
Regressor!Scott & Babysitter!Ramona
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🎸Wallace dropped Scott off at Roamona’s house after he’d been crying for her
🛼Ramona was happy to watch him, of course she was! She loved that little guy!
🛼🎸Ramona babysitting Scott mainly involved a lot of watching tv and babbling
🛼🎸Scott would bring a few of his favourite toys with him and a blankie so he could snuggle up with his mama and watch cars or sonic boom
🛼🎸He’d toddle in through the door and immediately wrap himself in her embrace while Wallace handed Ramona a few things like his coat and a stuffed animal he’d left in the car
“Alright little guy, you gotta be good for Ramona okay?” Wallace reminded the younger man who just nodded rapidly mumbling a soft, “always good for mama” from behind his paci
🛼🎸Scott loves snacks. Apple slices and peanut butter (which I’m yet to try, is that even any good??) is his favourite snack. But only when Ramona makes it. Apparently it just doesn’t taste as good when Wallace does it
🛼🎸Ramona is very happy to make him these, she’ll also give him a plastic cup of milk and let him babble on while he eats, reminding him of his manners
“Don’t speak with food in your mouth scotty”, “Chew with your mouth closed sweetie”, “you don’t have to eat so fast, no one is taking it away from you, silly goose”
🛼🎸Ramona is a very loving babysitter/cg, takes care of fussy Scott and wipes his face of any excess milk or food from the sides of his mouth
🛼🎸One of Scott’s favourite parts of Ramona’s house is her cat. He loves her cat. They’re best friends
🛼🎸If Scott is getting fussy or having a tantrum immediately there’s a cat in his lap and his paci back in his moth and he’s calm.
🛼🎸Stroking the cats soft fur while Ramona strokes Scott’s hair and kissed his forehead while trying to keep him calm
🛼🎸Overall she’s s top tier babysitter! 10/10 would recommend…unless you’ve got a cat allergy
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densengrsk · 5 days
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Caregiver!wilson headcanons
(been obsessed with him sm lately, he is my cg and I won’t let you say otherwise :(
⭐️A very empathetic caregiver! He is already sensitive and caring when he is not on full caregiver mode, but whenever his little cries or feels overwhelmed he just can’t help but be overprotective and feel a lot for his little, he might even cry just like his little is doing
⭐️Loves to watch the cartoons or movies you watch when you’re regressed with you! At the start he just wanted to accompany you while you watched your cartoons and keep an eye on you, but he can’t deny that he has grown to love them too!
⭐️Very worried! Wilson has an eye on you almost 24/7 whenever you regress, making sure you don’t do stuff that might hurt you, and making sure you don’t do stuff that you’re too little to do, and if you ever do get hurt he panics and makes sure it isn’t serious, if you guys are at his home then he will go over to his bathroom where he keeps the med kit immediately after.
⭐️Serious about bedtimes! He can be a little strict about what time you go to bed but it’s only because he cares about your well being and doesn’t want you to fuss when you have to wake up.
⭐️On the same note, he also makes sure you do the things you’re supposed to do everyday, like brushing your teeth, bathing and eating, if you’re big enough to do them yourself he will gently remind you to do these until you to do (he won’t stop insisting until you do, and no, he will not give up) but if you’re feeling too little he will help you through them or do the activities himself (he will brush your teeth and feed you)
⭐️As he is a doctor, he always gets worried whenever you present any symptoms of getting sick, a slight cough? He will worry, little headache? Tell him all about it. If you were to actually get sick enough to have to go to the hospital he will try to be by your side all of the time, holding your hand and helping you through the hard parts of it (for me needles!)
⭐️He tries to avoid taking care of a little while House is around, but it ends up being inevitable and he will just warn him a concerning amount of times to be nice to you (uncle house can actually be very fun, but he is also a big prankster, and if one of his pranks gets out of control you better believe Wilson will completely scold him for it)
⭐️Loves the nickname “kiddo!” One of his to-go nicknames for his little whenever he has to take care of one (not for a regressed house of course, he doesn’t like nicknames much)
⭐️PLUSHIES! It is canon that he has a cute doctor bear plushie in his office and he always lets you play with it as well as buying you new ones whenever he has the chance!
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curtsycream · 8 months
Cg ushijima x little reader where she is like 2 and tendou knows that she Regressed. Some day tendou is at ushijimas place with small reader and she is very very very clingy that day so she is always in her dada's arms and everytime he get up and put her down she start crying and make grabby handy at ushijima and is like "d-dada" and when he need the toilet he gives her to tendou and she cries for her dada and when he gets back and put her back on his lap while hugging her she immediately stops crying and tendou is like "wow u have magic Powers" and they watch a movie after that
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Daddy’s Touch
Ushijima x Reader
I hope this did your request justice my mind is scattered.
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Y/N enjoyed days like this where she could relax in the arms of Ushijima while hanging out their friends. Today was a day like that as they watched Tangled for the fourth time that week this time with Tendou. Each time something happened on the screen Y/N would point at it just for Tendou to actively indulge her.
“Look,” she says pointing at a scene with Flynn Rider on screen as she looks at Tendou.
“I know, that’s so cool right!” He exclaimed as he sat on the recliner while she was comfortable in Ushijima’s arms.
A small squeal leaves her lips as she keeps her hold on him while talking to Tendou. Though she mostly spewed one word at a time due to her headspace.
Though the second she felt Ushijima shift to stand up she let out a small whine. Her arms wrapping around his neck as she holds on.
She had been like that all day clinging to him from the second she woke up in her headspace. So he allowed it holding her as he cooked breakfast, as they showered, even as he opened the door to let Tendou in. But he knew he couldn’t allow her to do so every waking second especially now.
“It’s okay pretty baby, I’m just going to the bathroom…don’t you want to stay and watch Tangled with Tendou?” He said softly trying to get her to calm down.
She shook her head hiding her face in the crook of his neck, “no! Don’t leave me, daddy.”
He couldn’t deny the way her eyes watered and how her bottom lip warbled tempted him to cave. Yet he knew if he didn’t do this now she would continue to be clingy until she decided she was satisfied. “Not leaving you, just going to the bathroom. I promise I’ll be right back,” he reassured her as he kissed the side of her head.
Ushijima was careful to remove her hands from around his neck as he set her down beside Tendou. The two seemed to communicate silently as Ushijima walked towards the bathroom. Tendou had a smile on his face, “hey Y/N look!” He said pointing at the lantern scene playing on the screen.
Y/N wasn’t amused by the scene she typically adored as she let out a small cry. Her eyes closed as she cried shaking her head, “left me.” She whimpered out the words as she continued to cry.
Tendou didn’t know what to do as he pulled her into a hug as she wailed about her daddy not coming back. “It’s okay Y/N don’t worry he’s coming back,” he said in an attempt to console her.
It felt like hours for both Y/N and Tendou as she didn’t stop crying and he failed at his attempts at calming her down. But the second Ushijima stepped back into the living room he picked up the crying girl. He held her close to his chest as his hand rubbed up and down her back, “told you I wouldn’t leave you, could never leave you.” He whispered to her.
It didn’t take much as being near him was enough to have her stop crying. As she clung to him she let out small noises of delight.
Tendou blinked with furrowed eyebrows at the scene unfolding before him, “what kind of sorcery is this?” He asked Ushijima.
“It’s called a daddy’s touch,” he joked with a straight face as Y/N goes back to watching Tangled.
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starsurface · 2 months
Hi can I request caregiver kenshi and Johnny taking care of a sick little Tomas plz I loved that valentine’s Day fanfic with them a lot I’m also the one who requested part 2 of that fic 😊you don’t have to if you don’t want to I know you already have a lot of requests also don’t forget to take care of yourself 😁
Oh my gosh this was you?? I loved writing that piece!!! It was so fun!! :D
And please, make as many as you want!! I'll get to them all eventually . . . one day. <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kenshi & Johnny w/ Sick Regressor Tomas Hcs
❤️ Sickness, everyone’s worst enemy’s >:(
⭐ Actually, out of the three of them, Tomas is the least likely to get sick!!
💨 He grew up in the Lin Kuei, a very, very, cold environment, and also trained with Kuai Liang, which constantly had his system in battle mode growing up
❤️ But it doesn’t make him immune!!
⭐ The only ‘problem’ is how sick Tomas acts 😮‍💨
💨 Johnny’s whiney, Kenshi’s clingy, but Tomas? Complete ‘independence’! He can get his own medicine! And do his laundry, or make his own meals, he’ll be just fine!
❤️ ^ Spoiler alert, most times he can’t, and especially little sick Tomas can’t, but it won’t stop him from trying-
⭐ But oh no, not under Johnny’s roof, there’s no way that Tomas will even lift a FINGER while he’s sick! >:(
💨 It’s half being sick, and half the constant babying that Kenshi and Johnny give him, that make him feel tiny
❤️ Sometimes it’s bad enough to regress to babyspace, other times it’s toddlerspace
⭐ Either way, this man is BRATTY
💨 Most times it’s not his fault!! He feels really icky, and if they just let him get up, he could grab the right bottle/sippy cup instead of having to hide his face every time they brought him the WRONG thing!!
❤️ No screaming or throwing, but a lot of hiding, huffing, and tucking himself away from whatever they try to give him
⭐ In between the mix of wanting to be swadddled, and everythings too hot to wear right now
💨And whose fault is it? Kenshi and Johnny, obviously!! >:(
❤️ . . . Well, not really, but it is! It totally is! Why would Kenshi try to swaddle him when it’s 100 degrees in here? Why would he not swaddle him when it’s so cold?!
⭐ As much as Kenshi and Johnny love him, it can get a bit (lot) frustrating
💨 ^ Especially if Tomas is borderline nonverbal, normally they can get what he wants but Tomas is refusing any kind of communication and it’s really hard
❤️ Kenshi, as much as he loves Tomas, does get irritated quickly, and decides it’s time for Tomas to take a small nap to feel better
⭐ And Johnny, as much as he loves dotting on his baby, is also a bit exhausted from running around trying to make Tomas happy
💨 It does make Tomas sad, especially because he knows he’s being a bit frustrating to deal with, and him deciding everything was wrong might not be the best thing to do
❤️ After a small (desperately needed) nap, he quietly asks if he can snuggle with them and watch tv
⭐ He still feels icky, and upset over how he’s acted, but Johnny and Kenshi do understand it’s never fun being sick
💨 This time they try a slightly different approach, like Johnny carrying Tomas to the kitchen to choose his bottle/sippy instead of just running back and forth
❤️ And Kenshi swaddling Tomas with the air conditioner on and a ice pack on stand by (and a trash can, it’s never the best to have dairy while sick . . . or Oreos, Johnny fell into the puppy eyes trick . . again)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Ngl, I actually get so scared writing Tomas sometimes. :( 
Like, someone got really pissy at me for babying him (and I do think the fandom Infantilizes him, Raiden, and Syzoth a lot) but like . . . it was a babyspace request . . .
I think it’s why I try to make him a little menace, so that I don’t baby baby him, because I did see their side, they were just being really mean about it :/
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mystarsohee · 3 months
Hi! What are your thoughts on XDH as caregivers?
xdiz as caregivers !
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genre: fluff
!!! non sexual agere, no cg names used
cg!xdinary, gn!reader
goo gunil 🐹
hes doing his best ok!!
very cautious and careful with you,
because the last thing he wants is for you to get hurt!!!
when you do get hurt, he feels like the worst person alive
immediately panics, and rushes to help you 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
hes the sweetest though,
it takes him a bit to figure out the caregiver thing but he'll get there
he'll do literally anything if its for you
after you sleep he watches videos on things like how to braid hair, how to make cookies, etc
he literally goes down rabbit holes for you
you love it so much so the lack of sleep is worth it for him
kim jungsu 🐱
you think hes the coolest person in the world
only because he can play the piano
whenever he finds out you have a new favorite song, his mission is to learn it on the piano
will definitely give you personal concerts
WITH choreo too ♪( ´θ`)
you'll play along too, trying to get him to complete your hand heart, making signs, etc
and your plushies will also join the fun!!
tried to teach you piano but you just like pressing whatever keys you want
loves holding your hand
loves it even more when you swing your arms back and forth while holding hands
kwak jiseok 🐥
i see him more like an older brother rather than a parental figure (idk how to word this pls understand)
like he'd get so competitive playing video games with you but he'll let you win anyways
he also gets super excited when you open a new toy he forgets its yours LMAO
but yeah he gives total older brother, like hes just playful all the time
(lovingly) teases you (^o^)
sometimes he goes too far by accident but he'll make it up to you with some ice cream and cuddles
he definitely loves to play pretend with you
again hes just super silly, and loves it when you follow along and be silly with him
your ipad is filled to the brim with selfies of the both of you making funny faces
kim seungmin 🦊
idk how you did it but he is absolutely whipped for you
has cuteness aggression because of you
like its bad
he just wants to cuddle you all the time
hugs hugs hugs
he just loves you so bad
you'll catch him staring at you and you just look at him like (-.-) wut
whenever the members are hanging out with you guys,
he gets all serious and makes sure they behave!!
he doesn't want them to be too loud or anything around you thats why
you could get him to buy whatever toy you want
only if you give him plenty of hugs of course
doesn't like letting you do anything for yourself
in a good way, you're just a little baby anyways
han hyeongjun 🐰
he loves to color with you
one time you got sad because his coloring was very neat, unlike yours
after that he made sure to never color inside the lines again
loves to read you bedtime stories
sometimes he'll make up stories too,
he'll get too invested and won't realize that you're asleep already
so patient with you
if you can't decide what you want to eat
he'll stay in the kitchen with you going through the fridge and pantry and coming up with ideas for you to choose from
paints your nails!!! (i wrote abt this btw hehe)
you two try to have movie nights, but your attention span isnt very high..
just ends up with you falling asleep tbh
its okay he'll carry you to your room of course (^ν^ )
lee jooyeon 🐺
takes playing pretend SO seriously
like the both of you will have foam swords in your hands,
and you guys are crawling around the house together so you don't get caught by the broccoli monster (≧∀≦)
you love it tho
he LOVES making you laugh
like he'll do whatever it takes
silly dances, dressing up in a funny outfit
accidentally turned you into a mega prankster
when he pranks his own members, you're usually around so you take from him
obviously since you learned from him he knows its coming
but he will 'fall for it' just for you
the two of you will team up against his members you will die of laughter everytime
he would definitely sing you to sleep
you end up not being able to sleep without him singing,
so he'll record a bunch of lullabies for you, even making songs for you whenever hes away!
authors note: HI ANON!! thank you for sending this in, i lowkey rushed it :< this is my first time doing bulletpoints or anything thats not a full fic so im kind of nervous!! pls send feedback!! i have another request waiting.. i feel bad because it was sent in a few days ago :(( but its also xdiz related so i guess this helped brainstorm!
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jjtheresidentbaby · 11 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Night In ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| mike schmidt x vanessa shelly
warnings: little!vanessa, cg!mike, established mike/vanessa both romantic & regrssor/caregiver, they live together, slight angst, vanessa’s insecure about her regression, nicknames
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Mike chews the inside of his cheek as he drives down the long stretch of empty road back towards the Schmidt house, it’s far too quiet in the car, and while the car is usually a little quieter without Abby in the backseat, this is almost eerie. They’re driving forty minutes home from the hotel Abby is staying with Ness at- he’s become a trusted babysitter and had offered to take the girl to an upcoming convention for some show they both watch - Mike honestly doesn’t know how a nine year old and a twenty something year old waiter can be this excited about the same show but he was happy to get the alone time with Vanessa.
After everything that’s happened it’s been hard to find time for just them, Mike’s working a new job, Vanessa’s been doing double time since getting out of the hospital, they’ve all been going to therapy- life has been busy. Thankfully much more settled, but some time for tlc is always appreciated, and the longer this car ride goes on the more Mike thinks Vanessa really needs it.
She’s been shifting in her seat every five seconds with a twisted up look on her face as though she can’t get comfortable and her eyes have been looking anywhere but at Mike. It’s worrying him to the point he contemplates pulling over to figure out what’s wrong- but he’ll hold off and start with just asking, trying to remind himself that jumping to conclusions only leads to him getting anxious which is the last thing he needs if Vanessa’s already having a bad time.
“Nessa? You okay?” He drops his voice soft and caring, glancing at the blonde girl only to be turned away from.
“I’m fine.” The response is quick and pitchy, almost nervous sounding, she’s chewing on her thumb nail and staring out the window like she’s never seen anything more interesting in the whole world.
“Are you….feeling small?” Mike hesitates as he asks it. While he’s always eager to take care of Vanessa when she’s little and he loves to be able to help her heal from her horrid childhood; he knows Vanessa isn’t always keen on going small or even admitting she may need to/already is.
“I’m sorry…” The girl mumbles back and Mike swears his heart shatters to nothing. Screw it- he’s pulling over.
“Mike? What are you doing?” A surprised squeak leaves Vanessa when Mike swerves over to the side of the road, a little more chaotically than he thought it’d be.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. But, Nessa, you don’t have to apologize for going small.” A saddened look falls to Vanessa’s face as Mike turns in his seat to face her, reaching to take her hand carefully.
“We’re supposed to be having a romantic night to ourselves, not-.” Her eye flick away from Mike, a wetness to her lashes and her teeth dug into her bottom lip as if she’s keeping back sobs.
They have reservations for a nicer restaurant that’s a few towns over, Mike ironed his dress shirt before they left and he knows Vanessa was going to wear one of her dresses, but none of that is more important than her being comfortable. Not to Mike anyways.
“That’s not true, we’re having a night to ourselves, romantic or not. We could go home and clean the entire house if we wanted to, or drive around until I run out of gas, or hell- we could go running through the woods in the pitch black if we really wanted to. The only thing that matters is that we’re together, okay?”
“And I’d hate to miss a chance to see my best girl.” Mike moves his free hand to brush his thumb against Vanessa’s cheek, smiling when she blushes and giggles at the touch. The nickname ‘best girl’ started after Abby realized Vanessa didn’t have a version of her own nickname ‘sweet girl’ that Mike’s been calling her since she was still a baby.
“You sure? Don’t wanna ruin the night.”
“You’d never ruin the night, ever.”
Eventually the two make it home in much better spirits, Vanessa had started to sing along to the radio loudly while Mike was driving and she’s still humming as she bounces up the walkway to the front door. Mike’s more than relieved that Vanessa seems to be enjoying her regression, he always hates to see when she’s upset and small, it’s a different type of hurt.
“What do you want for dinner? We just went shopping so we still have options.” A grin breaks over Mikes lips when Vanessa comes to wrap around his waist where he’s bent to look into the fridge. There’s still leftovers from last nights dinner but there’s still plenty of fresh ingredients for Mikes to cook something new.
“Pizza? That’s the one thing I can’t make!” Vanessa giggles as Mike comes to scoop her into his arms, placing her on his hip with a playful squint when she pokes at his nose with her pointer finger.
“Pizza. With pepperoni.” He pretends to think it over for a moment- they both know he’ll cave- but he still likes to watch Vanessa’s eyes go big and puppy dog like as she waits.
“Okay, okay, enough with the eyes. We can get pizza.” Both Vanessa and Abby know giving Mike puppy dog eyes will get them just about anything they want, and judging by the smug smile on Vanessa’s face she definitely knew it’d work with this.
“With pepperoni.”
“With pepperoni.” He confirms with a kiss to the side of Vanessa’s head.
A night of pizza and cartoons honestly sounds better than going to some fancy restaurant where he’d have to wear uncomfortable clothes and eat overpriced food while pretending he didn’t feel completely out of place in the restaurant. Holding Vanessa to his chest as she steadily chews on her hoodie strings is also better than seeing her wearing a tight dress - which she looks absolutely stunning in- but he knows bothers her with how stiff it is. They don’t need some expensive dinner or anything like that, they just need each other.
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kitty-agere-fics · 3 months
little!ot5 with caregiver reader where hueningkai is a headspace on 2-3 while the other boys are 4 and up but hueningkai refuses to except this and tries to act older but ultimately hurts himself in someway so reader and ot4 have show him that it’s ok to be younger
Here! Enjoy! ~ KITTY
It's Okay
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
CG!Reader, Little!OT5
(Reader is called CeeGee as a nickname for CareGiver)
TW: blood (only mentioned)
"I wanna too!" Kai whines as he see the craft the others are working on. He crosses his arms and pouts. "Pwease?"
"Kai-Kai, you can't," Yeonjun looks at the maknae, "CeeGee said not let you because you to small today."
"Can color with us! Here!" Taehyun smiles and hands Kai some paper and crayons.
Kai pouts, but accepts the paper and crayons. He colors for a bit, but the bright colored handles of the scissors catch his attention. When the other boys go into the kitchen, where you're preparing a snack, Kai is momentarily left alone.
All of the other boys are clamoring to show you what they mad. You laugh at their energy.
"Set them on the table and go clean up real fast, okay? Then you can have your snack."
They all agree and run back to the living room. A moment of quiet. And it doesn't last long.
You run into the living room as you hear Beomgyu shout. You see the boys having started to clean up except Yeonjun and Kai. Yeonjun is holding a pair of kids scissors in his hand. Kai has a cut on his arm.
"What happened?" You frown, highly doubting that any of the boys would have done this to Kai, but preparing for anything.
"Kai-Kai had da scissors when we came out!" Taehyun replies, "Junnie told him you say no, but he didn't listen!"
You nod. That sounded right. You sigh, "Give me the scissors, Junnie."
Yeonjun carefully hands you the scissors and you go to put them on the kitchen. You come back to the living room.
"Finish cleaning up. Be careful," you instruct. The boys nod. You gently half drag, half lead Kai down the hall into the bathroom to clean up the cut.
"Why were you playing with the scissors, Kiddo?" You frown.
"Wanna do da craft too!" Kai pouts and looks down at his lap. "No mean to cut myself."
"You can't use the scissors by yourself when you're this little, Kai. If you'd have asked me, I would've come and helped you do the craft after I was finished getting the snack ready."
"Da others get to do it alone!" He tries to cross his arms but can't since you have a grip on his wrist.
"Don't move. This will take longer if you move," I caution. "And the others get to do it alone because they aren't as little as you are."
"I not little! I big!"
I bandage his hand and shake my head. "Sweetheart, you're acting really little right now."
"I'm not," he pouts stubbornly. He crosses his arms across his chest and tries to get up to leave the room. "Wanna go play, CeeGee."
"Go play, then, Kiddo." You watch him run out of the room.
Kai goes out to play with the other boys and asks to play with them.
"Can't play, Kai-Kai. I sorry." Tahyun gives Kai a sympathetic look, but the younger just pouts.
Kai runs off, closing his door while crying. You enter the room right at that point.
"Boys…" You sigh.
"He's too small for the game CeeGee." Soobin explains with a small pout. "Didn't wanna make him cry."
"I know you didn't. He's just having a hard day." Your voice is gentle. You want them to know what's going on, but you don't want to upset any of the boys.
"Will paci and pushie help?" Beomgyu looks up at you.
You think a moment. "You can try, but he might not like that."
Beomgyu nods and runs off. When you here more crying, you instruct the other boys to stay put.
You go down the hall and hear Kai vehemently denying that he's "that little," you sigh and enter the room. You go over to Kai and Beomgyu.
"Whats wrong, you two?"
"Gyu-Gyu think I in babyspace!" Kai pouts.
"Kai, Gyu just wants to help you. Come here." You gently coax him into a hug. He nuzzles into you.
"It's okay if you're in babyspace Kai."
Beomgyu chimes in, trying to help, "Uh huh! I do babyspace sometimes! An CeeGee an Junnie an Binnie an Tyunnie an you all fine wit it!"
"Not in babyspace! I kidspace!" He puts his thumb into his mouth as he pouts.
You gently pull his thumb from his mouth. "Don't do that. You don't wanna hurt yourself on accident."
He pouts, but let's you put the paci in his mouth. He cuddles into you. Beomgyu hugs Kai.
"We can play different game so you can play, Kai-Kai!"
Kai nods after a bit and let's Beomgyu pull him out of the room to go convince the others to play a simpler game. You follow and watch the other boys all fussing over Kai, not wanting him to be sad.
The other boys all spend the rest of the day playing with Kai and encouraging him to ask you for help when he needs it. Each time you see this, it causes you to smile.
Towards the end of the day, Kai comes up to you.
"Hm, what's up?"
"CeeGee, I sorry. I bein difficult today," he pouts a bit.
You shake your head and embrace him. "You don't need to say sorry for that, Kai. You just need to remember that it's okay if you aren't as big as the other boys are. Okay? Oh, and you need to be careful. No more accidents because you're trying to act older than you are."
"I know, CeeGee. I will."
"Good. That's good." You smile. "C'mon, let's go get you ready for bed."
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cosmic-c-kiddo · 10 months
Cg! Lucifer Morningstar headcanons (pt2)
These are some more headcanons <3
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⭐- his Cg nickname is papa!
⭐- he would be a chaos cg! Who cares about rules! He doesn't! The only rules would be there to keep you safe!
⭐- your his prince(ss) so he will treat you with royalty!
⭐- he carries your drawings with him in his pockets.
⭐- he's old fashioned and has a wallet photo album and he would definitely show it off to praise you/show how adorable you are! (All filled with discrete pictures to be safe)
⭐- he is really dramatic! And it would always make you giggle
⭐- he's way to protective it's actually cute! He would make sure nothing sharp is near you and his heart always jumps whenever you trip a little or gets little to close to sharp corners
⭐-he would never talk you down when you get hurt and is always gentle. After he patches you up he would carry you (even if you feel all better)
⭐- when you babble he always responds with flare.
⭐-when you tell him drama from your stuff animals. He acts all offended like "how dare Mr. Sniffles push Mrs. Bunny!"and would ask if you wanted him to show them a lesson (which makes you giggle)
⭐- idk if I put this is part 1 but he spoils you.
⭐- he now sports painted nails thanks to you and he loves it!
⭐- in public he allows you to hold his hand(or finger) and finds its adorable
⭐- if someone is being mean to you he fiercely protests you then takes you out for ice cream
⭐- he would spoon feed you if you say please and don't stop asking him! (He rolls his eyes when he does so but has a tiny smile because he feels needed)
⭐- he would make sure you are always drinking water
⭐-if hes at work while you are small he would text you a lot! And he would tell you to do things! Like get dressed, eat, drink, and watch tv or color or play!
⭐- he would allow you to join him in pranking Dan (or if it's season 3 Marcus) but takes all the credit so you don't get any heat from it!
⭐- he would wear any friendship bracelets you make him even if it doesn't match his outfit because he knows it would make you sad if he doesnt
⭐- he loves to tell dad jokes and puns!
⭐- if he really needed someone to babysit you the people he would most prefer in order would be: Ella, Chloe, Linda, Maze, Amenadel
⭐- he gives out sticker rewards! Rewards for what? Whatever he deemed good! Finished your food? Sticker! Finished your water? Sticker! Wasn't being a brat? Sticker! Was being a brat but apologies? Sticker! Being adorable? Sticker!
⭐- he starts trying his best for you.
⭐- he would remember every stuff animal/toy you have
⭐-loves to play pretend with you
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haleyhunwritess · 2 years
could you write something with cg!bucky and him being mean to reader because he's stressed with work or something and she ends up upsetting him even more by not following some of his rules like using a knife or trying to make her own bottle and making a mess, but then he feels guilty at the end and like its just all fluff after she forgives him really quickly and he promises to make it up to her 🤎🤎
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Sharp objects are not for little ones
A/N: Sorry it took me a while to get to this!! I hope you like it though <3 Could definitely use some angst and fluff right now myself hahah
Warnings: DD/LG themes, daddy!bucky x reader, reader accidentally gets hurt a little bit, yelling, mention of spanking, FLUFF AT THE END I SWEAR
You quietly made your way over to Bucky's office for the third time today, knocking on the door while holding your favourite stuffed animal in your other hand. He had been working all day long and every time you went into his office to try and get him to spend some time with you, you were scolded for not listening to him and told to leave. You knew he was busy working but he'd been in office all week long, and now you were getting frustrated.
He opened the door with an unamused expression on his face, “Princess, I said not now.”
“Please Daddy…you’ve been working all day!” His facial expression remained unchanged, making you sigh and give up.
“F-fine…” You turned around and started to walk back downstairs, clutching onto your stuffie while pouting. Bucky sighed and slammed his door shut once again.
An hour later, you decided to put away your toys, getting bored of them after playing with them all day long. You quietly made your way into the kitchen and opened the fridge to find something to eat. You grabbed the milk out of the fridge and carefully placed it onto the counter. As you were about to pour the milk your bottle, you noticed there was a bowl of strawberries right behind the milk. You grabbed the bowl of strawberries, and placed it next to the cutting board before grabbing one of the big sharp knives that Bucky usually uses to cut strawberries for you. You knew you weren't allowed to make yourself food without Bucky there to make sure you weren't using any sharp tools such as knives, but it wasn't your fault he was too busy to take care of you right now. You placed one of the sweet berries onto the cutting board, gripping onto it tightly, before using the knife to carefully slice the top off. You continued to carefully cut them up, smiling down at the sweet treat and admiring your work. How proud would Bucky be right now if he could see that his little girl was able to take care of herself?
Suddenly, the knife slipped away from your hand, and you let out a yelp as you felt a sharp stinging pain in your hand. You look down, holding your hand tightly, and noticed it was bleeding profusely, dripping down onto the cutting board. You panicked, not knowing what to do next, and you could feel yourself going more and more into little headspace. You reached over for the tea towel that was under the milk, knocking over the carton and watching it spill all over the floor. You couldn't help but let out a loud sob at that, knowing Bucky would be furious that he was going to have to clean all this up.
Suddenly, you heard his loud footsteps making their way down to the kitchen. You knew there was no way out of this. He was gonna find out what happened, and there was no way he'd let you go without a punishment.
"What happened here?" You looked behind you and noticed he was standing right there, a furious look on his face and yet oddly his voice was somehow still calm.
"I-I...I was j-just-"
"You know what? I don't wanna hear it. Go upstairs to your room." He pushed you out of his way, starting to clean up the milk off the floor, not paying attention to your small injury and how blood was still dripping down from it. You turned around and decided it was best to listen to him and go to your room. You couldn't help but continue to sob loudly, mainly at the sight of the blood that was getting all over your clothes now as you tried to stop the bleeding with your top.
"Stop fucking crying, I have enough to deal with here, I don't need to listen to your pathetic crying as well."
You quickly put your hand over your mouth, trying your best to hold in the cries until you got to your room. You felt hurt that Bucky would yell at you for crying over this, he knew you didn't do well with blood and he knew you were sensitive to loud noises. Why would he purposely hurt you and yell at you? Maybe he'd had enough of you. Maybe he finally realized you were no good to him.
You reached the top of the stairs and decided you should try to clean the cut up by yourself instead of bothering Bucky. You slowly peeled your finger away from your shirt but some of the blood had dried up and it almost felt like your shirt was stuck to your finger.
You decided to quickly rip it off your finger as you noticed it was starting to bleed again, however, you didn't realize just how much it would hurt.
"Ow! Fuck!" you cried loudly at the stinging sensation.
Your eyes widened when you realized that Bucky had probably heard you. He wasn't the biggest fan of naughty words like that and only used them when he was really upset. However, you weren't allowed to use them no matter how upset you were. He had punished you numerous times for using them, and each time the punishment got worse. You quickly started walking over to the bathroom, as you heard Bucky making his way upstairs already.
"Stop right there." You knew it was too late, he already had a rough grip on your arm as he dragged you over to the playroom.
"No, no, no! Stop it! Stop it!"
"You're in enough trouble, don't make this any worse." He shut the door behind him and threw you onto the rug that was infront of the big leather chair. You quickly sat up, wincing slightly, and crawled over to the chair. He made no effort to check and see if you were alright. Instead, he just took his watch off and placed it on the nearby table before making his way over to the chair and taking a seat.
"Come here."
"N-no...No...I wanna leave."
"I-I-I wanna l-leave. I wanna go to my room." He rolled his eyes and patted his lap before motioning for you to go to him.
"No I wanna go! Y-you're being so mean! I-I wanna leave! It h-hurts..."
Bucky frowned and got up from his seat, moving closer to you to pick you up. You thrashed around in his arms, starting to cry uncontrollably as he led you over to the bed. Eventually, you stopped fighting and continued to cry your little heart out in his arms. He sat down on the bed, with you in his lap, and lifted your chin up with his index finger to look into your eyes.
"What's going on with you today, love? What hurts, pretty girl, what happened?" You shook your head, not wanting to tell him what happened, you didn't wanna risk getting into any more trouble. Instead of answering him, you continued to cry in his arms, not wanting to let go anymore. He gently rubbed your back, still confused as to why you were behaving this way. You were never this fussy during a punishment, and you always obeyed him. He wasn't used to hearing you say no, especially to a punishment.
"You said it hurts, what hurts love? Did you hurt yourself by accident, baby?" You hesitantly nodded and lifted your hand up to show him the big cut on your finger. His eyes widened slightly, taking your hand in his to take a closer look at it. His hand gently brushed against the cut, making you wince in pain.
"Oh I'm so sorry, baby," he quickly apologized, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your forehead. 'I'm so sorry, love. I didn't know you got hurt."
"I-It's okay I-I should've told you w-what happened." You hugged him back, with your head resting on his shoulder while quietly sniffling.
"No, no, love, this is all my fault. I was stressed out with work and I took it all out on you. I'm so sorry. I didn't even give you a chance to explain yourself, I'm so sorry, baby. Daddy is very sorry, will you please forgive me, pretty girl?" He pulled away from the embrace and looked down at you with a sad smile. You quickly nodded and hugged him again, "It's okay, Daddy. I forgive you."
"You're too nice to Daddy, babygirl…I promise I'll make it up to you. Before we do anything though, I've gotta get this cut cleaned up, but then we can do anything you want. We can go to the park, we can go get some ice cream, whatever you want, love. How does that sound, pretty girl?"
"It sounds good, Daddy! I wanna get ice cream and go to the park please!"
"Whatever you want, babygirl, but you have to promise me you won't disobey me again and use the sharp knives without my permission. Do we have a deal, princess?"
"Hmmmmm, okay fine, Daddy. I won't ever disobey you like that again!"
"That's my good girl." He kissed her once again before carrying her to the bathroom to clean up the cut.
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midnighmoonligh · 7 months
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Call of Duty
König ;; 40 ;; He/They ;; Little/Kid
Horangi ;; 34 ;; He/Him ;; CG
⚠Content Warnings⚠
N/A. CW for military base & lightning storm tho!
Plot Summary
König is enjoying the weather when it starts to rain!
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With rumbles of the clouds above, König was out watching as it began to rain. It was light drops, one by one that fell onto his hood and casual clothing. He still stood out there in the parking lot, however. It was nice weather. The air was warm while the rain was a refreshing coolness. It was difficult to not want to be out there.
“ König are you coming?”
The voice startled him. He hadn’t realized he had been out there for so long. It had been an hour, just him standing there zoning out and watching the rain. His clothing, and mask, were completely soaked. They stuck uncomfortably to his skin, but he wasn’t sure he minded right now. Normally it would make him heavily uncomfortable. It was a breath of fresh air, to put it simply. When he turned to look behind him, Horangi was standing at the heavy iron door to their base. He blinked tiredly at him, wearing casual clothes much like he did.
“ But it’s nice out,” König decided to reply without even thinking.
His tone was soft and quiet. It mirrored the way his mind felt like it was blurring together. It felt so strange but welcomed. He’s felt this way before, regressing often within the safe space of his room or office. However, this would be one of the few times he did so outside of that space. Even more rare, it was positive. He felt light and happy. His body thrummed with a happy feeling that made him wear a hidden smile under his layered masks.
“ It’s pouring König, and the weather app said it’s only meant to get worse,” Horangi argued. The shorter man stepped out through the door some more. His foot keeps the door open. He still stood under the overhang of the roof so he would stay dry.
“ Please,” König found himself almost begging. “ Just nice out,” he spoke quieter. The evidence of his regression beginning to show through.
Hornagi either didn’t notice or didn’t care enough to ask. He simply sighed and leaned against the framing of the metal door. He crossed his arms over his chest as a tired parent's appearance seemed to settle onto him.
“ Only if you take a warm shower as soon as we come inside, got it? We don’t need you sick.”
König practically lit up as Horangi caved. He smiled so hard under his mask that his cheeks were starting to hurt. He peeked around, walking around to check around the building's walls and even the vehicles that were parked outside. After confirming it was just them out there, he let himself relax. He stomped through the puddles, laughing to himself as they splashed. He jumped over into the next, a larger one. It splashed so high that it splattered across his soaked clothing. He burst out laughing and then hopped to the next puddle. He hopped into each puddle as they formed, scattering the water across the concrete happily. It went okay until he tripped.
He tripped right onto his knees, gloved hands catching him in a more childish instinct. His adult mind knew not to know that, but of course, right now he’s just a sweet little boy. He wasn’t regressed very far, more a child headspace. It stung, knees scraped a bit. When he looked up he spotted Horangi walking over to him with a worried expression. It made his heart swell. As soon as Horangi was close enough, he was trying to help him up to his feet again.
“ Are you alright?”
The gentle tone made König melt. He nodded. Although the fall had startled him, he didn’t feel upset or hurt. It was a nice refresher. With Horangi’s help, he got up onto his feet again. His eyes watched his friend quickly become soaked by the rain. It made him laugh.
“ Don’t laugh!” he complained.
“ You’re all wet!” König giggled as he tried to stop his laughing as he was asked.
“ I was worried about you! You fell!” Horangi huffed at him while moving his arms to cross over his chest.
The rain was falling harder and faster than before. The clouds rumbled, but there was no lightning in sight. Once König managed to get his laughter under control, Horangi cupped his hands and threw the water they gathered at him. He gasped dramatically. Soon he was trying to do the same. He wasn’t able to gather as much water as Horangi, but the battle of tossing the water they caught at each other. Laughter filled the space as they did so.
“ Can’t get enough,” König whined after Horangi had dodged the small amount he had gathered.
“ Okay okay, I’ll show you,” he decided.
He walked closer to his larger, and older, friend. Once he stood in front of him, he held his hands out for his hands.
“ Give me your hands,” he asked.
Quickly, König did as he was asked. He held his gloved hands out and gently placed them into his smaller ones. He excitedly watched as his hands were guided to cup together better. He listened as Horangi ranted and taught him how to catch it better. With a few adjustments to his hands, they caught so much more water very quickly. His eyes lit up in reply. When he moved to pull his touch away proudly, König tossed the water right into his face.
“ Oh my god,” Horangi complained but laughed and rubbed some of the water from his face so it wouldn’t be dripping. “ You’re lucky you’re cute and sweet,” he sighed in defeat, getting laughter in reply.
Suddenly, a loud crackle of lightning sounded in the place. It echoed off the walls of the building as it reached them. The loud sound made König flinch and whimper.
“It's okay,” Horangi reassured, raising his hands to help soothe him. “Let's head inside now,” he instructed.
With an agreeing nod, König trailed behind his shorter friend as the heavy iron door was opened again. They walked inside and were met with the warmth of the inside. At least the rain was fun while it lasted.
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