#at least doing sports made me feel smth but today it just made me feel worse
tortademaracuya · 5 months
Everyday feels exactly the same and it makes me wonder if there's even a reason to do anything
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grungelovingrat · 2 years
Random Yuurivoice Powerpuff Boys HCS
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Was in a silly goofy mood (i was bored as shit-) so I came up with some headcanons for Yuuri's powerpuff boys <3
He constantly rants on and on about how terrible black licorice is but behind closed doors he is om-nomming that shit UP same
He's Bi gender (real)
With that being said he actually wears the top from the boy toy stuff and a skirt quite often (slay king)
He's always wanted some sort of pet (mostly a cat) but the poor boy already has a bit of problems so he's just waiting at this point.
He actually needs glasses, like, needs them.
He is horribly near sighted but he's really stubborn so it took him up to his dilf years to actually wear some damn glasses-
He's a good cook, he's trash at baking and some breakfast but he has mastered other foods
But he still only makes kraft mac-n-cheese-
He has a HUGE squishmellow collection
A lot of them are set near his bed but he puts all his favorites on the bed (but don't tell them that ofc-)
This man 100% has everything you'd ever need for an at-home spa day just on hand all the time.
Like- he has a closet just dedicated to it <3
He played volleyball in middle school thru high-school that's why his ass is so thicc
At first he only played it because his parents wanted him to do a sport for at least a year and volleyball looked the easiest to him
Then he played again
And again
All the way up until he graduated hs
He's really good at it too
His attacks in vb are probably enough to turn someone into a donut- Rengoku?
Lemme just say he made fun of Al for playing volleyball just bc-
(He still went to every game)
He was a theater kid you cannot convince me otherwise
He got all the lead roles once he got good
Every single time-
Y'know those little rubber band bracelets you can make? Yeah well he made matching ones for both him and Al when they where kids and he still wears it (Al does too btw)
And if he where to get all the shit he needed he'd make one for you too <3
I swear he is the definition of a Golden Retriever Boyfriend-
He will do absolutely anything for you babes
Oh, you're feeling too sad and tired to do anything today? Suddenly he slipped and he cleaned the entire house, did all the shopping, AND made you your favorite meal 🤷
Also, c u d d l e s
As I've stated before Seth is little spoon..
But he's also really warm somehow
Like no matter how cold it is outside he's still like a fucking heating pad-
So there's really no need for a blanket w/ him
You can tell when his emotions are heightened bc his accent will begin to slip
(I'm pretty sure that's happened in a lot of the actual videos-)
He's an amazing singer i will not argue with anyone on this-
He really likes playing his instrument, when he's not at his flower shop or in his garden he's playing it
He actually doesn't have a favorite flower, if you where to ask him he'd say a new one every time because he likes them all!
Though he thinks Red Spider Lillies are really beautiful to look at
They're not his favorite favorite but still
He has a bunny named 'Marguerite' or 'Maggie'
(This is what she looks like):
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He always gets so worried when he has late nights at the shop bc like- what if his baby ran out of food or smth?
He has his attic all cleaned out so he can go up there to read or sketch in the sun/moonlight
Anyways that's all I have!
If you have any story ideas make sure you
A: Check out my pinned post and my acc intro if you haven't already
and B: Leave it in my ask box!!
Love ya <33
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nafeary · 4 years
“Family Day”
⚬ Pairing/s: Theo/Reader, Vinart undertones
⚬ Characters: The. Entire. Cast
⚬ Word Count: 5,6k
⚬ Warnings: None!
⚬ Event: Theo Route Countdown Party [D-5: Prompt - Theo and Residents] hosted by the one and only @delicateikemenmemes
✧✎ Synopsis: Free days are supposed to be spent in the company of your loved ones, yet they are all busy running around somewhere. On top of that, it had been a busy week, tiring the art dealer considerably. But never fear! His surrogate family is prepared to use every measure to cheer him up... they tried to, at least.
✧✎ A/N: ughhh finally I managed to publish smth once again! School and moving has been very hectic, but I still managed to piece this together in celebration of Theo Week hosted by the most amazing, brilliant, beautiful, stunning, and thirsty hoe @delicateikemenmemes. This is such a self-indulgent piece (I love platonic relationships almost as much as romantic ones) so I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did~ make sure to drink water y’all!
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He had thought nothing of it when King had demanded a walk at stupid’s hour. He had thought nothing of it when that golden retriever had suddenly run off. He had thought nothing of it when he had returned, accompanied by a little, and dare he even say cute, rabbit sitting atop his head.
But as soon as that thing had opened its eyes, one gleaming like gold and the other bathed in blood, Theodorus Van Gogh had wanted nothing but to scream.
The ball of hazel fluff gazed up at him, blinking it’s fatigue away (which was definitely not cute), apparent that it had been sleeping just before his dog had discovered it. Considering that the sun had barely peeked past the horizon, it was way too early for that two-faced klootzak to have visited the mansion... so why the actual fuck was his pet in their garden?
He had already made up his mind to just leave that thing there and to mind his own business, but King’s jovial shuffling and the rabbit’s unabashed manipulation—aka its not cute button eyes shining with mirth—were threatening to melt his iron resolve. Nonetheless, his folded arms remained powerful as he looked down at the two animals, his height only adding to his dominance.
“No, absolutely not. It’s my free day and I won’t entertain your incessant yapping.“ Not even his dog’s judgmental expression could waver his conviction; he took pride in his mental strength and stubbornness, after all.
“No, King.” He once heard a saying that pets always take after the owner’s personality... perhaps there was some truth to it, now that he witnessed his unwavering gaze.
“...No.” Would those two stop looking at him as if he was akin to a monster?
“Godverdomme! Alright! I’ll bring it back to that bastaard!”
As he beckoned King to follow him, Theo swore that he saw the bunny smirk in undeniable schadenfreude when his pet skipped past him in enthusiastic strides.
Truly, like owner, like pet.
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When he returned to the mansion, two hours wasted just to cater to his dog and morals, he saw the resident physicist, shuffling rather awkwardly outside the former emperor’s room, obviously in peril. Before he could slip away to mind his own business, King took it onto himself to greet him.
The jolly skipped in big strides toward the slightly build man, who was already awaiting the impact with a horrified grimace, and he would have torn him down had he not shouted, “Volg Rechts, King!”
When the retriever dutifully returned to his side, unapologetically letting his tail run slaloms, he addressed Isaac, “He’s all bark and no bite, you know?”
“That sounds terribly like yourself.” Now, he might have grown used to Arthur’s British slang and accent, but even if the Lincolnshire voice was more than a little unique, he was still pretty damn sure that he heard that right.
Just as he was about to snap, a tuck on his pants made him turn to his orange furred companion, repeatedly nudging his glistening button nose into Isaac’s direction. It almost appeared as if the door was posing as one grande formula with how much it was being stared at by the scientist.
Sighing in resignation, he glanced at King once again, who sported the same guilt tripping expression he had had before. Of course, it didn’t take an Arthur to figure out what the Brit had been tasked with, but that didn’t compel him to his support. Formula weren’t his area of expertise, after all.
...Although, Theo did technically owe him for the fright his dog had given him.
“Want me to wake him up?”
Visibly startled by his stoic tone, Isaac whirled around. “Ah— Theodorus... you don’t have to. I was just...” he trailed off, tilting his head in a habitually manner as he fumbled with the apple-shaped pin in bouts of disquiet.
Grumbling in irritation, he replied in an effort to appeal to the contrarian, “You’re right, I don’t have to.”
He made sure to turn around completely, taking a few steps to show he took the naysayer seriously. And the Brit’s voice rang out not long after. “Wait!”
Theo regarded him once again, smirking slightly at his successful tactic.
“It’s— we were supposed to visit the children early today...” he said, twisting the tips of his coral hair. “But I am not exactly keen on waking him—for obvious reasons.”
“Move aside.” He clasped the shorter man’s shoulder, who spluttered at the impact of his scabrous tone which was not unlike the strikes of a mighty church bell. Nonetheless, a tiny gratitude found its way past his lips, sounding almost amusingly brittle.
Theo couldn’t help but grumble at his notion. “Don’t thank me, I have business with him, anyway.” This wasn’t a complete lie, as Napoleon had requested a favour from him—which he hadn’t voiced so far, however.
Isaac’s torso sagged in relief, dismissing the breath he’d been holding in, yet he was unable to meet the art dealer’s eyes—aware that this was a chore no one was particular fond of. Theo was about to tell him to halt his incessant twiddling; but yet again, he was probably trying distinguish the awkward fog that clung like cobwebs to the air.
Something about the atmosphere surrounding the physicist made him feel... disgustingly soft.
Perhaps he was a lot like Vincent, albeit rather brash, and he couldn’t shake off the urge to ruffle his hair—so he did just that.
“I’ll make sure to tell him to quit his puppy nap in favour of your appointments,” he told him, not particularly caring how Isaac would respond to his uncharacteristic action of affection.
As the door closed behind the Dutch, Isaac was unsure how to feel about the oddly pleasant gesture, but he supposed that it was a lot nicer than Dazai’s and Arthur’s quips.
“...thank you, I suppose.”
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“Oy! Napoleon.”
“Wake up, you—“ He managed to keep the ravaging profanities from leaving the confinements of his mind. A different strategy wouldn’t be unwelcomed... before he really went ahead and insulted the Nightmare of Europe.
Sighing for the umpteenth time that day, Theo ripped the blanket off the sleeping emperor, subsequently wrapping it around the source of assault—his hands and head—hoping it would buy him enough time to recoil.
The restriction didn’t seem to faze his flexible attitude; despite the thick cocoon of fabric hindering his hand’s movement, Napoleon somehow still rose to capture his cheeks, pulling him closer in a forceful grip. The kiss might have been interfered with the layer of blanket in between them, but the art dealer still shrank back, face unable to hide his affronted expression.
Of course, this wasn’t his first time—they all had to share this chore after all—but it was the first since entering a relationship with his... hondje. It certainly wasn’t helping that the French man was as skilled of a kisser as he was wonted to be.
“A blanket? That’s a new one,” the aforementioned French man, fully detangled from the blankets, mused, coming to stand in front of him to tilt his head. He couldn’t help the furious blush from colouring his complexion, and Napoleon’s nonchalance—and bare torso—were not helping the matter.
“You seem flustered? Are you—“ Without much warning, his mouth formed a teasing smirk. “I do hope your amoureuse won’t be too upset when she hears about this.”
“Hou je muil!”
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There was no creature on earth that could resist Napoleon Bonaparte’s charms; indeed, even his own dog seemed to prefer the former emperor above his own owner.
“Well, thank you for letting us borrow King.” Napoleon’s typically-French adenoidal words broke through the quiet, crouching down to ruffle the golden fur “I’m sure the kids will love him, isn’t that right, bon chien? Oui, t’es un bon chien—”
Once Napoleon had ceased his agitating flirtings, he has asked him whether he could borrow King for the day. He would have asked Arthur, too, but apparently Sebastian had mentioned that Golden Retriever were especially children friendly.
The retriever barked with enthusiasm urging his tail to wag—did he just purr?
As Theo was contemplating the fall of his dog (who was being belly rubbed by Napoleon), he let his gaze drift toward the physicist sporting a rather odd expression, seemingly trapped between trepidation and uncanny interest.
Mayhaps, the perk portrayal awakened the abberant’s trust, longing to step past his walls of comfort.
“No problem, he does seem to like you a lot.” He crosses his arms, smirking slightly at his following act of shrewd scheming. “However, King’s mood does tend to deteriorate quite quickly”—a half lie—“so don’t feel pressured to take him, Isaac. Napoleon can take him for you, after all.”
Considering the fact the Isaac was probably smarter than most of them combined, he was entirely too ignorant and easy to influence, and, determination having turned the valve of unsettling panic tight, he grabbed the leash from his awaiting hand faster than his blossom orbs could perceive the starting position King went into.
“I never said I wouldn’t try to hold him—“ Before he could finish his sentence, King had already ran off, pulling the quiet physicist along; Napoleon laughed heartily before thanking him one last time and hurrying after his companion.
He was just about to push apart the heavy gates when the former emperor jogged up to him once more, halting his tracks. “Theo! It completely forwent my mind to tell you to go to the kitchens. Sebastian asked for you.”
His eyes stretched into slits. “Did he tell you why?”
But the demi vampire was already on his merry way, only turning back to grace him with one of his overly beguiling smirks.
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It smelt delicious. Utterly delicious.
While Theo wasn’t planning on eating anything that morning, Napoleon’s instructions pulled him like a magnetic force towards a familiar, albeit original scent wafting from his destination. He heard the exchange of frantic foreign words, confirming his suspicions to the cause of the heavenly scent.
Announcing his entrance, he was immediately greeted by the two Japanese men—and the kitchen in an utter mess. They both sported aprons; while Sebastian proved himself to be ever the skillful butler, his apron more pristine than ever (suspiciously so), Dazai’s was almost fully dressed in pure batter and oil stains. He appeared not unlike the untidy room, which practically shined with all the fat sticking to everything its path.
As unsurprising as it was (he had long since discovered that there was no such thing as a normal day in the mansion), it still perplexed him when wondering what might have rendered him and their surrounding that sullied. “...Just what are the two of you doing?”
“Well, Sebas-chan mentioned that the modern Japanese have a treat called Fluffy Pancakes, so we’ve been trying to figure out the recipe.”
As alluring as his smile was, it was blatantly conspicuous. Sebastian regarded the author’s shtick with scrutiny, his brow twitching as he perceived the chaos. “Dazai-sensei... from what I can recall, you told me I’m not allowed to help you in any way, or to show you the recipe I’ve already created.”
Well, that explained the rather clean condition of his apron, and that of the other man’s and the kitchen’s. Dazai—who was by far not as talentless as certain residents—was nevertheless a walking disaster. His reputation as the mansion’s most haphazard and arbitrary was hardly at risk (especially as his most recent scheme entailed stuffing the entirety of Isaac’s room to the brim with apples).
Nevertheless, after having acquainted the Japanese man, sharing some common interests, Theo had been able to observe that he wasn’t as disastrous as he made himself out to be, but it was simply the way he liked his persona to be portrayed. Namely, running around in an attempt to improve other’s smiles while disregarding his being unable to reach his eyes.
Why he felt the need to act the part of as klutz was beyond him, and it wasn’t his place to pry into someone else’s past.
Some of the batter resting in the pan suddenly grew in size, forming a dangerous dome threatening to explode in seconds.
And it did.
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Three hours. It had taken them three hours to clean the entire mess they (read as: Dazai) have fabricated—including the thirty minutes spent on persuading the author to drop his disastrous challenge.
Once they had finished the entire debacle, Sebastian had sent them to table, asking, begging, them to stay put while he made some actual, non-toxic pancakes. It left Theo in the companionship of the simpering klutz whom he just couldn’t seem to figure out. Many of his actions were contradicting, his mannerism a mix of contrasting impulses and reflexes. However, he was more than aware that he was no fool—not completely, at least.
Dazai could read people and situations just as well as he observed paintings.
It was nearly too convenient that Sebastian was busy making pancakes, despite having mentioned that he’d be preparing croissants the other day, when he was in a particularly bad mood after having almost submitted to the devil’s rabbit... especially if he considered that it had been Dazai’s idea and that Napoleon had ushered him there under the guise of their butler’s request (which he hadn’t feigned knowledge of).
He could have further inquired on his suspicions, or pointed out the dubious timing, but it wasn’t his battle to face. If the author did indeed go through all that trouble to hide his intentions, he probably wouldn’t want it to be remarked. For that, Dazai was much too genuine to bask in the attention of gratitude—that much he knew.
Silence reigned between them, yet he didn’t conceive it as cramped. It was akin to the humidity on a summer’s day, leaving him entirely at the mercy of the sun’s moods; in fact, it was a pondering kind of atmosphere that enveloped him, almost surprising Theo that Dazai simply closed his eyes, his everlasting smile brightening the room.
Whether his train of thought pointed toward the truth or not, he supposed that he was thankful either way.
Sebastian then joined them, carrying the two plates of fluffy goodness and an entire pitcher of maple syrup; it was a modest amount, but it should suffice.
Curiosity piqued his mind as the two Japanese clapped their hand together, wondering what their particular customs entailed. He’d noticed some of the more religious residents reciting silent prayers before their meals, but the men before him were the only ones from a more tradition-loving country. Certainly, the knowledge could help him encourage the trust of some possible foreign clients. As such he voiced his queries.
“...you want know of the protocol we perform before we eat?” At his reconfirming nod, the notebook idly resting on the table was quickly snatched by the butler’s hand, almost frantically writing into it. Dazai and Theo briefly looked at one another, knowing what the human butler was up to—most of the inhabitants were pretty much aware of the eccentric diary’s existence, but they preferred not to coexist with the idea of it.
If Sebastian had the tact not to mention their rather unpleasant first life experiences, they could let him entertain the impression of the diary’s stealth.
Chortling at his incessant scribbling, the simpering man eventually answered him, “We usually clasp our hands together and say ‘Itadakimasu’, which roughly translates to ‘I humbly receive’.” As he spoke with his tone laced with honeyed serenity, he reached into his sleeve to fetch a pen, drawing the stunning symbols onto a napkin. ”However, it isn’t meant to solely appreciate the food... we want to thank the farmers and nature for granting us the meal, too. I hope that satiates your inquiry, Theo-kun.”
It was a beautiful concept, for sure, making him wish that le Comte would have collected a larger variety of residents; he always perceived the convictions and perspectives of other cultures to be entirely too refreshing for the busy lifestyle of Europe.
Instead of answering the Japanese, he copied the joint hands of Dazai and Sebastian (who’d by then stashed the peculiar notebook away, smiling at the both of them). “Itadakimasu.”
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Once he had thanked Sebastian (and by extension, Dazai) for the passable meal—although he supposed the fluffy clouds of dough melting together with smoky syrup and nutty butter were more than slightly passable—he made his way to his brother’s room, the great meal having boosted his mood through the clouds.
On one hand, he was rather perplexed that he hadn’t come across the hardworking artist yet, but he also had to ask how the commissioned pieces were coming along.
Just as he was about to climb the staircase to his floor, a certain plummy voice resonated within the hallway. “Theo. How has your free day been so far?“
Turning around to meet the owner of the mansion, he drove his hands into his pockets, shrugging slightly. “It’s not quite living up to its expectations, Comte.”
Le Comte simply smiled. “Vincent asked me to relay to you that he is currently out in town.”
While it was off-putting, the lord of the house’s ability to interminably determine the issues plaguing their minds came in handy at times. It saved him the trouble of having to seek him out himself. “Did he tell you why exactly?”
The count’s smile stretched into a wide grin, as if knowing that this particular piece of information would aggravate the business man. “I’m afraid he didn’t, but I do know that it must have been nothing too grim as he seemed quite elated by Arthur’s side.”
It wasn’t surprising to the art dealer that his brother was spending his time with the Casanova. Considering that Vincent did occasionally tag along on their late-night shenanigans, their friendship was purely based on either annoying or calming Theo—and nothing in between.
At least, that’s how he’d preferred it to be. Recently, however, they have taken to spending their time in shared companionship more often than just seldom. It rendered him both utterly perplexed and seething; the most gentle of all beings on earth, and an infamous Casanova, and never the twain shall meet. While the crime novelist was the closest he had ever considered a friend, the thought of his behavior possibly triggering his sensitive brother were plaguing his mind, causing steam to emit from his pierced ear shells as ire within him burned ablaze.
“Would you perhaps mind joining me in organizing Leonardo’s collection of Whiskey?” le Comte interrupted his fuming, his scheme to persuade him shadowed by his polite facade. “I’ve been soliciting for him to at least discard a part of it, but he’s been stubborn with the argument that he is but a stranger when it concerns determining the quality of each, so I deemed it appropriate to bring you alone.”
His chestnut eyebrows furrowed. “And just what makes you assume that I would want to help you out?”
“There will be a considerable amount of whiskey, of course.”
“Do I look like an alcoholic to you?”
“Certainly not, but you do seem rather penurious after the news I’ve given you.”
The Dutch’s cerulean eyes flashed at the count’s insinuation, the temperature dropping several degrees. It wasn’t that hatred obstructed his vision of his sire; in contrast, he was deeply grateful for having tided his way back to his brother, letting them live together, properly this life around. Nonetheless, he had his way with fueling the ire of his residents, especially to those that weren’t gifted when it came to French.
While they’ve all learnt to speak the lovely language at some point, many of them were still obscured by fog when it came to their sire’s rather gaudy vocabulary. Thus, while he might not know the entire meaning behind his words, his expression was a telltale to what fact he was alluding to—and he wouldn’t grant him the satisfaction of assuming right when saying that the delivered news had gotten to him.
“Very well. It better not be disappointing—and I do expect that beast to be gone.” Taking a sharp pivot around to venture down the hall, the ailurophobe could say without doubt that le Comte’s orbs of molten gold had widened in surprise without sparing him a single glance, yet he was unaware of the contented glint shimmering within them.
Theo seemed to always expect the worst of him, and as such, if you were desiring to help the obstinate business man, you had to appease to his expectations without disregarding his obvious acuity. Shakespeare had sent a letter earlier this morning—speaking entire tales of gratitude for returning Puck unscathed—and he had immediately considered the possibility of the savior’s identity (and the darkening mood it might have caused a certain person). And what better way was there to a man’s tranquility than with a shared glass of amity.
Keeping to that scenario, he’d asked his dear old friend prior to ensure his feline‘s absence.
Le Comte stepped alongside the other man, and he could only simper as he was, once again, proven right. He could only hope Leonardo would keep to his end of the bargain.
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It happened too frequently that the residents forgot the polymath‘s range of expertises; his aptitude for the arts were often overlooked when he stood alongside Vincent van Gogh, his discoveries neglected when talking about Isaac Newton. Perhaps, being regarded as the jack—no, master—of all trades did not come with solely advantages.
Not like the Italian minded all that.
“Are you going to stare at the painting all day? We have plenty whiskey to consume.” Leonardo was impishly sprawled on the floor, a lazy smile gracing his face as he arranged a stack of books beneath his head.
He had asked the Italian on multiple occasions to allow the display of his artwork; alas, he’d be incessant in waving him off, despite his obvious talent. Pioneering techniques of realism through the means of the revolutionary sfumato method, it was a shame to let his works go unpublished.
Certainly, it pained him to neglect such powerful talent, but he had accepted his obvious wishes long ago.
“I’ve just been wondering why you wanted this particular piece of yours,” he inquired, rolling his eyes at the polymath’s accusing frown, confirming that he wasn’t trying to pawn it off of him.
On the floor, turned onto its side in a haphazard attempt to get it out of the way, lay the Lady with an Ermine in all her youthful glow. Even his first life self had never been able to omit his marvels of this particular artwork.
When he joined Comte, the epitome of elegance completely out of place in the junkyard, at the tea table, Theo heard him say, “You have sent me through quite the tribulation to aquire this piece, yet you’ve never indulged me in your reasoning.”
“Well, you wouldn’t like my reasoning, at any rate.”
Gracefully crossing his leg above the other, the nobleman started pouring the golden drops—not unlike his own inquisitive eyes—into some glasses. “And what made you assume so, old friend?”
“Because I am certain that you do not favour yourself being compared to 16 year old adolescents, “Comte”,” he elaborated after a booming guffaw.
As they argued—ever so politely, in his eyes—Theo couldn’t help regarding their relationship as identical to that of a bickering couple. It reminded him to heavily of those evenings, spent with some vacant residents and alcohol, cackling at the prospect of the mother hen and their resident father acting as if borne for these roles. And perchance, there was more that some truth to their fatuous, going by the intimacy reigning their relationship (a past flame, at least?).
Theo averted his gaze and grumpily snatched the water pipette resting beside the bottle of one of the dozen of bourbons, not wanting to contemplate the romance involving the two men.
Since his most fateful encounter with the time traveling woman, he’d been exposed to ideas and concepts transcending his 19th century mind (Active protests against racism, commercialized public transportation, travelling durations having been reduced to mere hours between continents...).
One particularly controversial idea was much more toilsome for him to come to terms with—the rather incomprehensible topic of same-sex marriage and the general idea of being able to love whoever you want to—but she’d been entirely too understanding of his upbringing, patiently justifying her beliefs.
As open as he was to the concept at that point, the inclination of his brother having feelings for his best friend was no snip to process (he could practically see her crossed arms at his hesitance). He really was not keen on pondering his housemates’ love lives.
Leonardo, seemingly done with their pointless banter, rose to grab one of the prepared whiskeys. “If I remember correctly, this one was gifted to me by my family.” He downed the liquid without hesitation, not even the smallest shudder becoming cognizant. “Tastes just as horrid as them.”
Le Comte truly had a bias toward men with tragic childhoods.
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...perhaps Comte wasn’t too far off with his accusation. He did really need that drink.
Mortifyingly enough, after they’ve put him through his eighths trial of whiskey, Theo had been the first one to surrender his tolerance, the two pureblood vampires still being able to converse sans any slight slurs or drawls. Were he on his quotidian bar strolls with Arthur, he’d have regulated his intake significantly more; be that as it may, the myriad of benumbing variations, and the inhuman intuition to know just the right amount of water to add made the whiskey persuasive in its case.
Three of his shirt’s unapologetic buttons had become undone in the overbearing heat the delicious tipple provided, and while stroking King’s luscious fur (when did Napoleon return with him anyway? And since when did he fit in his lap this easily), he overheard bits and pieces of the ongoing conversation.
“I believe it’s safe to assume that we’ve succeeded in relaxing him.” So his assumption was indeed correct. It wasn’t too startling that they’d all go to such lengths to please him; it was a wonted stratagem in their mansion, after all.
“...I’m afraid that won’t be perennial.” There he goes with his irritante French.
He heard some shuffling, followed by a quiet click—as tantalizing as it would have been to investigate these sounds, his eyelids were uncooperative as his lashes weighed them down with the power of a dozen horses.
“Getting the camera was an exceptional idea, it seems.”
“Cara mia proposed the idea to preserve moments like these. I can’t wait to find your vulnera—.” The chuckling brunette was interrupted by the livid Dutch, who had managed to sober up halfway only to full on glare at him. “Hey... you can’t call her that, zakkenwasser!”
A glimpse of the paper le Comte was holding made him stop, the photograph portraying a disturbing scene of himself holding Leonardo’s little demon.
He didn’t dare to check the actual identity of the animal in his lap—which was clearly not King.
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Theo may, or may not, have screamed in absolute terror once he’d had the beady slits in his sight, and he couldn’t help but shudder as he saw the onyx fur sticking to every inch of his skin and clothes. He swiftly stripped out of them, deftly wrapping a towel around his waist before approaching the tiled entrance
Leonardo had bellowed in absolute amusement as he stroked the feline’s chin, while his sire could only manage to sent the slightest of reprimands toward the other pureblood, though he was unable to hide his own chuckles from falling from his usually well-mannered lips. He’d, of course, apologised in place of the actual perpetrator, and suggested him to indulge in the streams of the thermae.
As if he needed him to tell him that.
Nonetheless, Theo followed the count’s advice. Reflective droplets, commingled by the steam emanating from the entrance, ran along his tight abdomen where his entire vexation was building up. On one hand, he truly appreciated everyone’s efforts; cheering him up is one hell of a task—that much, he was aware of—but in the end, there were only three people in his life who could truly conjure serenity from the pits of his ire, and those were all busy running errands.
This only fueled his frustration further, and it irritated him more than anything else. Godverdomme! Just why did he have to be so incredibly difficult? Perhaps if he could find release—that thought almost made him choke on his own air. No, he’d let his hondje deal with his problem when neither of them were at risk of being disturbed.
Inhaling and exhaling thrice, he entered the thermae at long last, only to be greeted by two soft voices. Whereas one of them was undeniably French in nature, the nasal, albeit graceful high-pitch, enough to indicate that, the other was an ironic amalgamation of the softest lullaby and the most thunderous of compositions.
Mozart and Jean, the only residents who hadn’t had their attempt at improving (worsening?) his day, were lounging in the water. Theo could have bet his entire collection of artworks, without letting his pinky twitch, that Comte knew exactly that those two were here (considering they were probably the only ones to either consider it more profitable for them not to get involved, or to simply not care).
With an annoyed puff, he lowered himself into the tranquilizing pool, allowing the murky mist to grant him cover to unwrap his towel. As he did so, the musician to his opposite issued a histrionically deep sigh, amethyst orbs narrowing in repulsion as he became cognizant of some minor cat fur still sticking to his skin.
“And here I was hoping that Lackaffe wouldn’t send you here,” the man sneered, brushing some alabaster strands out of his piercing glare.
“Trust me, the feeling’s mutual.”
“Keep it fortissimo, would you?”
Feigning ignorance of Mozart’s comment, he spoke to his quiet companion, “How in the world can you put up with him?”
The French man only shrugged slightly, the motion prompting the lilac bangs to shimmer in the light. “Have you considered asking that Monsieur Doyle?”
He felt a drop slide down the side of his face as he shifted his eyebrow up. “What does he have to do with that.”
“Isn’t it obvious?” the composer snarked, superciliousness guiding his lips into a full on smirk. “He’s alluding to the fact that you are just as vexing.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me just right.”
“I’d just love to know who shoved that stick up your arse.”
“While it’s relieving to know that you can accommodate enough brain cells to learn foreign phrases, it is less surprising than you turning to these juvenile scatological remarks.”
“Oh, rot op. As if you are in the position to lecture me on my shitty humour.”
“—did you seriously just jet water at me?”
Jean sighed in resignation, wishing his friend could reign his hauteur for once at least; yet, the fracas they caused let the tiniest spark of amusement twinkle in his starless eyes. Despite himself, he did nudge the Austrian in an attempt to quieten him. Mozart, who wholeheartedly disregarded his warning, only continued to smirk, winking as he did so. Without omitting to fire another insult at their frontier, he merely directed Jean’s attention back to the Dutch, stupefying himself as he perceived the witty jocularity flowing through the air in playful currents.
Perhaps Mozart had been planning from the start to abandon their placid laissez-faire attitude. It was obvious they were both thoroughly enjoying their arguing, even if it made Jean want to burn his ears off.
Later that night, aquamarine eyes shone in the moonlight’s rays, revealing a scene of absolute love an affection for the entire canopy of stars to marvel at. His pannenkoek’s arms were wound around himself in a loving embrace, her nimble hands trying their best to cradle his head as he curled into her like a clockwork. Her melodic pulse induced him to ponder the day’s occurrences.
It had left him worn out, the energy of spending some amount of time with almost the entire residency such a rare event that it rendered him as tired as a bear before winter if it did happen.
She had giggled mellifluously at his drowsy babbling (“You really are just a giant teddy bear, aren’t you?”), letting her fingers dance in featherlight strokes down his toned back as she massaged him—partially for him, and partially because she had simply wanted to “feel him up” as she had mentioned.
Natheless, even if they tired him, aggravated him, or even made him want to move to an entirely different planet, their makeshift family was a huge array of multicolored and textured patches, which all came together to form one sui generis artwork.
A scream torn from a certain defenestration-loving bastaard, and multiple curses ranging from German to English later, left him grumbling once again.
As much as he liked their aloof painting, the colours were still fucking obnoxious.
Tag List of the most amazing sweethearts (who better be drinking some water *squints*: @juminly @kisara-16 @sweetlittlemouse @thesirenwashere
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moonscngsarchive · 4 years
bitch do every single one of our ships u feel like doing for that last meme thank u
i bet u thought i forgot hoe .... u rly thought huh !
 ok. .. . . besley first. 
who hogs the duvet: beck oof
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: ummmm i feel like neither? i feel like they would eventually become big on letting the other know that they were safe somewhere when they’re apart for some reason ? the inner machinations of my mind r an enigma.... but i know blake texts him stupid shit like “today is the new moon have u set and manifested your intentions” at 3:45 on a wednesday NO ONE ASKED!!! 
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: BLAKE i’m sorry beck
who gets up first in the morning: prob beck.... blake stays up all night looking @ her real tru luv (the moon) 
who suggests new things in bed: i don’t feel like either one of them would be like “👉👈 can we....” i rly feel like they both just wing it 100% of the time
who cries at movies: blake :/ 
who gives unprompted massages: beck ?? i think. unless he had a rly rough show or smth then blake would try to be nice.  
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: this is probably a time both of them would be sweet to the other.... so i say both here. they’re the most comfortable w/ each other when one of them is weaker akdmsfaksmgadsf
who gets jealous easiest: BOTH!! but beck . it’s beck.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: i feel like beck has secret favorites. blake takes herself too seriously fmadsfmam
who collects something unusual: i feel like beckham probably collects beer tabs or broken glass idk he scares me
who takes the longest to get ready: blake. and then she’ll just decide not to go lmao.
who is the most tidy and organised: u m blake no question
who gets most excited about the holidays: neither, they both don’t believe in commercialism/pagan tradition but i know blake puts up a xmas tree
who is the big spoon/little spoon: beck is big spoon :-)
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: BOOOOOTHHHHHHHHH OF THEM. i feel like blake normally wouldn’t be competitive against anyone BUT beckham. 
who starts the most arguments: lmao..... it’s a toss up. a shit show luv xx
who suggests that they buy a pet: blake would just bring one home. it would be a stray with one eyeball and mange and she would be like “this is my grandma from a past life that is astral projecting into this dog and she lives here now”
what couple traditions they have: i imagine in my head on every anniversary (they probably don’t know an exact date, so rotate picking one day out of the year that they choose is their anniversary like the queen does w her bday fkasdmf) they go find an old abandoned road and try drive quick enough to see the other side of the moon or go see a show at the venue they met @ : ) idk i feel like they try. also their tradition is acting like they don’t like each other.
what tv shows they watch together: i thought abt this so hard. i know they watch unsolved mysteries, probably twin peaks. i also feel like blake likes to watch the crown to fact check everything and beck acts like he hates it but then starts asking her questions. 
what other couple they hang out with: is this... even a question. savannah & brooks ! 
how they spend time together as a couple: fighting or being really nice. no in between. also making fun of other ppl.
who made the first move: did we decide that? KMFDKSMGANS i feel like it was mutual. probably beckham though.
who brings flowers home: neither. lol
who is the best cook: blake ! i feel like she would rly try :( and beck probably burns jello 
who hogs the duvet: brooks and he denies it
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: i feel like both do. they’re annoying and r probably like “how are u? where are u at today? what do u need from me?” hate them
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: i feel like brooks would rly try but savannah would obliterate him. they probably have competitions every year and he continuously loses. 
who gets up first in the morning: brooks, for sure. he never sleeps. stays up too late and wakes up too early and has a coffee iv somwhere probably.
who suggests new things in bed: brooks most likely lmao they probably don’t have sex until they’re 36 tho
who cries at movies: my angel ms savannah . and brooks puts it on his instagram story
who gives unprompted massages: brooks, probably, just 2 ****
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: savannah !! i know it in my heart. brooks always thinks he’s dying.
who gets jealous easiest: BROOOOOOOOKS
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: savannah :/ i’m sry girly
who collects something unusual: i feel like savannah collected weird stuff as a kid fkasmdfasm idk where that vibe came from but i’m sticking w it
who takes the longest to get ready: savannah again..... mdmfmdfm
who is the most tidy and organised: SAVANNAH .A;D,FSKDF IM SORRY. brooks is privileged and had a maid i know he leaves his shit everywhere.
who gets most excited about the holidays: ok i do feel like this is both of them.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: brooks is a very secretive little spoon and makes savannah sign an NDA that she won’t tell beck
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: brooks !! is!! very!! competitive!!!
who starts the most arguments: um .  brooks again he’s an aries
who suggests that they buy a pet: this is savannah : - ) i love her
what couple traditions they have: idk abt traditions but i feel like they probably have a lot of rituals... like he has to play w her hair for her to fall asleep or smth. now i’m emo.
what tv shows they watch together: i know they watch gilmore girls together i kNOWWW ITTTT and brooks probably made her watch breaking bad.
what other couple they hang out with: if u know u know he heh eheh
how they spend time together as a couple: very touchy feely, a lot of affirmation, naps and watching tv, probably staying up too late playing board games or watching home movies from when they were kids
who made the first move: um literally neither and that’s the worst part
who brings flowers home: brooks ! ! !
who is the best cook: savannah bc brooks is again privileged 
ok last but not least.... brasher :/ i’m scared
who hogs the duvet: they have separate duvets like europeans to avoid conflict 🥰 but brynn probably just gets underneath asher’s anyway
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: both ! i feel like both of their days are really busy, so it probably varies but i know they both do
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: also feel like this could be both. i feel like they’re both sentimental, but brynn is probably more creative. 
who gets up first in the morning: asher for sure. brynn pulls all nighters all the time.
who suggests new things in bed: also think this is asher akmfmsadf brynn is vanilla
who cries at movies: brynn omg 
who gives unprompted massages: again i think this is brynn ? asher’s always stressed lmao
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: BOTH and they’re both big weenies
who gets jealous easiest: asher when they were younger, brynn as adults.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: dis brynn. she still loves abba ?? ?
who collects something unusual: brynn collects 100 yr old diaries of strangers from thrift shops bc she thinks they’re romantic and asher thinks they’re all haunted
who takes the longest to get ready: probably brynn bc she procrastinates 
who is the most tidy and organised: this is probably asher. brynn is unknowinging slob, she has to be really intentional abt cleaning up after herself akdsmfaskmd her mind just moves too quick ! 
who gets most excited about the holidays: brynn x29389283. she decorates and goes all out.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i feel like brynn is just always laying on asher somehow, idk abt cuddling but she’s just always koala’d on him. 
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: they’re both competitive, they’re fire signs y i k e s 
who starts the most arguments: asher :( sowwy
who suggests that they buy a pet: idk why but i feel like this is asher. brynn probably is too anxious abt giving a pet a good life akmfdkamf
what couple traditions they have: date nights r probably big and they’re probably always leaving handwritten notes to each other 🥺
what tv shows they watch together: they’re probably really into limited series documentaries and get really offended when the other watches an ep without them. i also think they rly like bbc kamdfkasdmf
what other couple they hang out with: they’re hermits prob but mabye one of asher’s clients? ? ? idk.
how they spend time together as a couple: i feel like ever since they lost time while they were apart, they just like to literally be around each other even if it’s doing nothing. that made me emo adkfmadsf. they prob like going on night drives like when they were younger.
who made the first move: back in the day ?? asher for sure.
who brings flowers home: :( i feel like they both bring home things for each other. also this question feels sexist idk why
who is the best cook: i honestly don’t know bc brynn is always moving so fast and asher is rich so ... .. . i’m stumped. neither? 
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
good evening to you buttercup!! 💫 i hope you are doing okay today!! i saw that you answered a lot of asks, i'm so proud you!! that's a lot of work, i'm glad you could motivate yourself to do it since i surely wouldn't be able to in one sitting 😅 before i get into the more light-hearted stuff, i wanted to address something of more importance, and i think you know what that is,,(1/5)
"i want you to know that you don't have to worry about me darling!! i feel bad whenever you fret!!! i assure you that i am quite used to the whole harassment thing, it's quite the daily occurrence unfortunately, so i just try to ignore it the best i can,, i am very moved that you and a lot of others are so caring about this issue, it means the world to me honestly,, i probably know you won't stop caring, but i just want you to know that i'm accustomed to it, that's all 💖 (2/5)
now then, with that out of the way, i can talk about the nice things 😊 my family made me watch a horror movie today,, but it wasn't so pleasant on my end since i am a pretty skittish person,, i had to hide under a blanket the whole time!! ahhh i watched a lot of cute cat videos afterwards to calm me down hehehe (3/5)
oh!! and i got to go to an italian market today! the sellers know me well and we talked in italian for a long time, it got very loud 😂 i did end up leaving with some torrone (italian nougat candy) and chinotto soda,, plus they gave me some fresh bread on the house!! it was such a lovely surprise 💕💕💕 oh stars, i would write something of higher quality but i have this awful headache coming on, madonna, i apologize!! (4/5)
please take some time for relaxation, you deserve it amore! - virtual hugs, waifu 💓💓💓💓💓💓💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💘💘💘💘💘💘😘😘😘😘😘😘😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😍😍😍😍😍😍😳😳😳😳😳 ps: i bet i'd be able to watch a horror movie if i was with you 😳😘✨ (5/5)"
Ok so lemme just start off by saying that harassment is obviously not normal and its only natural that ppl would react to it...its not like im worrying my ass off 25/8 and not doing anything else ofc but still ppl lowkey stalking u and saying creepy shit isnt smth to get accustomed to so me and the clown army will hunt the simps for sport no matter what👀🔪
That aside u really dont have to b proud of me for answering some asks its the least i can do considering my writing inspiration and motivation b kinda wack nowadays rip but thank u anyway dear😩✌️ i also like how ppl often give u free stuff and shit bc ur vibes r extremely clean😳😳😳😳 i c o u l d n e v e r #rancidvibeganggang
Also im really not sure if u would b able to watch horror movies w me dear....once more we are polar opposites bc i absolutely love horror movies and i do watch some pretty gross ones sometimes so🗿🗿🗿 but if we ever meet up and decide to watch smth it doesnt gotta b horror if u dont want to anyway😍😍😍😍🤪🤪🤪👊👊👊
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szopenhauer · 4 years
How are you today? not good :( What is your favorite medication that you take, and why? ... What color hair did your first crush have? my first irl (not celeb) female crush had dark brown hair similar to mine but much longer
Are you living in a dream or a nightmare? nightmare with love plot What’s something that most people don’t know about you? for example - that I might have DID? What’s one common assumption about you that isn’t true? for example - that I had to be a hoe to get STD? Would you rather do a craft project or a science experiment? depends Who was the last person who was rude to you? mom? Do you say garbage, trash, rubbish, or something else? śmieci/śmietnik Do you have any cousins who look like you? wouldn’t say so Do you have any haters who are jealous of you? jealous of what? Can you see the mountains from where you live? my house? noooo Did you ever play pranks on April Fool’s Day? nothing big because I hate pranks and still regret them tbh as most of them didn’t end well/go as planned or just made me feel uneasy in general What does your favorite pair of leggings look like? I have many leggings so hard to choose Does chronic illness keep you from doing the things you want to do? sadly Do you part your hair on the left side, right side, or in the middle? whatever Have you ever owned a succulent? sure Do you have a library card? I do Do you frequent the local library? not during covid What color is your bedroom door? white with glass, my mom painted a picture on it to cover our room from the hall light when my dad was going to work early or coming back late
Have you ever hurt yourself because of love? umm... Have you ever been in a hospital for more than 3 weeks? yes? Do you shave your arms? armpits sometimes only When is the next time you are going to take a shower/bath? tonight Do you like tap water? I boil it first Is there anything in your hair? there isn’t What’s the last game you played? Forge of Empires as there’s an event currently but also Chicken Smoothie Do you like animal print? *shrug* Have you ever cracked your head open? almost, bawiłam się z siostrą w ogrodzie i zrobiła ze mnie konia po czym pociągnęła mnie za “lejce” i upadłam do tyłu uderzając głową w kamień - nie pamiętam tego zupełnie co jest dziwne  What was your last surgery for? - Do you like sea horses? but it’s gross how males give birth :x Where were you planning on going this summer? Ełk which didn’t happen, first time in ages Does anyone in your family have an alcohol problem? not close ones Are you waiting for someone to text you back? I always wait for my gf to text me :3 Are you wearing socks? warmer already, it’s autumn
Oh look , it’s snowing outside! Do you get excited? hell no
Is your room covered in posters, or pretty bare? it’s covered in smth else
What store makes the best sweaters? dunno, I buy second hand clothes
What sport do you completely fail at? most of them?
You’re favourite store at the mall closes down, now what do you do? not surprised, that was happening plenty of times before 
Do you have a cool hat in the shape of an animal? yasss, several :D
Do you like watching the news, or do you find it too depressing? it is depressing indeed, I avoid majority of news
Insert cool song lyric here: If you can't handle a heart like mine Don't waste your time with me
Would you ever risk having a house party when you’re parents are gone? I’m not into parties and my mother never leaves the house
Are you a worrier, or more care-free? worrier
What’s one sport you really want to try at least once in your life? for example - tenis?
What are you plans for the future? I have no future...
What put you in the mood you are in today? shitload of stuff
Have you ever pretended to be someone’s friend? it’s complicated Have you ever been physically abused? a little Does it take a lot to make you feel guilty? it’s easy to make me feel guilty  Have you ever made up a false rumor to get back at someone? nah Have you ever done something bad JUST because you knew you shouldn’t? wtf Have you ever purposely hurt yourself? I have Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? accidentally Have you ever pushed someone into a pool? don’t! :o Have you ever copied someone else’s homework? obvi Have you ever kissed someone the same day you met them? nope
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? yup
Do you remember the show Bananas in Pajamas? I didn’t really watch it as a kid but I saw fragments later in life by accident here and there so... Would you rather have 1 best friend, or a large group of friends? bestie is enough Is the glass half full or half empty? half full... of shit If you could know how, when and where you’ll die, would you want to know? YES Have you completed high school? in 2011 Have you lived where you currently live all your life? yep
Do you love the last person you text? I do Is it windy outside? it isn’t for now
When’s the last time you took a bus somewhere? this week Do you think road kill is gross? sad Have you ever walked away from someone and they didn’t come after you? oh well... How many teeth do you have? I’m not missing any yet Have you ever watched someone die? just animal, not counting movies of course Who did you last dance with? my current partner Have you ever had a full body cast? luckily not Do piercings make people look ugly? might but it’s their life What do you think about age? what do you mean? Are you naked? why would I be while doing survey O.o Have you faced any of your fears lately? I face them everyday... Have you ever kissed under water? no thx Who was the last person to comfort you as you cried? no one Do a lot of people have your name? recently lots of kids get my name Do you have to plug your nose while swimming under water? I don’t swim under water Have you ever been so hungry you felt like you were going to throw up? that was happening but I’m glad I didn’t end up puking after all Have you ever choked on your own spit? who didn’t Who do you want to kiss? my fiancee How do you feel about grass? long is nice Do you live on a farm? I wanted to but it’s too hard  What’s the last thing your parents bought you? food  When was the last time you did laundry? recently Do you like playing poker? why not Do you like carrots better when they are cooked? that’s true Do you have any cartoon theme songs stuck in your head? not atm Do you know anyone who commited suicide? not personally Have you lost any close family member to cancer? I didn’t really know them Is it ever too late to apologize? it seems When was the last time you cried out in pain? I rarely cry out of pain, I’m used to it
Would you rather drink beer or whiskey? I’d rather not Would you rather be stabbed & die, or raped & live? if I was going to get pregnant then stabbed and die if not then dunno Which Spongebob character would you like to be? I’m Squidward lol Would you rather be hot or cold? hot Would you rather have your whole body tattooed or pierced? tattooed, I know that piercings you can easily take off and wait for your body to “grow back” but... still, too much piercings look disgusting to me Would you rather lose a foot or a hand? foot Do you think it’s wrong for people to get sex changes? no comment Would you rather win a million dollars or be truly happy? what if truly happy would include million dollars? hahaha Do you believe that you should really have no regrets? that’s irresponsible >.< Would you rather skydive or ride a bull? wait... real bull?
Do you watch That 70’s Show? no Is there anyone that you would take a bullet for? oh Nat definitely would lmfao 
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sechskiesatnight · 5 years
dance practice
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◇ Tags: smut, mutual masturbation, teen!Jiwon ◇ Pairing: Jiwon x You ◇ Request: SO how about Jiwon asking to help him out with his morning problem?::::) OR mutual masturbation OK i said it. i just saw it in a movie and it was....,,,hot ok u can combine them though, or choose one, or choose none, if it doesn't suit u ahah with ANY vibe, fluff, moody or smth hard like idk, its up to you! thank you anyway, u r doing great 💛 ◇ A/N: First of all, sorry for making you wait;; you were my first request and your ask made me really excited because mutual masturbation is like the sexiest thing and I rarely see fics with it?? anywayy I felt like this is my chance to write about teen Jiwon. I remember he mentioned that along with other members, they would sneak out DSP and hide in his (or other member) parent’s basement or something like that? Sooo I can imagine he brought girls over same way too keke And thank you for your kind words and encouragement in the message I really appreciate it~~ Hope you enjoy the fic noonie. 💛 
You have known Jiwon for very long time. He used to be your classmate, but even when you had to change schools and move out, you still kept in contact with him. You were close friends so visits at his house wasn’t anything new. Usually you would spend all evening over to help him practice dancing. It was the thing that really connected you two - passion for dancing. For you it was just a hobby you loved, but Jiwon wanted to achieve more. So you gladly helped him to practice to become an idol. You seemed to be the only person whose advice he would listen to anyway. You really saw a talent in him so you encouraged him to keep going, to keep practicing. And maybe deep down you had a crush on him. A teeny-tiny crush (at least you said that to yourself).
You didn’t have a fancy place or studio to practice in, sadly. So you did it in Jiwon’s parent’s house basement. It was really small and with poor ventilation so it was quite a nightmare to practice the whole evening. But you did it anyway, because you had no other place. And you really wanted to help.
Jiwon was preparing for audition that will be held after just two days, so you worked extra hard today. You have been repeating the same dance moves over and over again because he wasn’t satisfied with the result. He was trying to get every step perfectly but today wasn’t his lucky day. Or at least it looked like it so far.
You two spent so long practicing that you weren’t sure if it’s night already or not. Totally lost the track of time dancing, because you love it so much. And you like his company. At this point you are so sweaty and hot from moving that you take off your oversized hoodie, exposing your slim and slightly muscular torso. You were left wearing only a sports bra and shorts. He has seen you in a bra only before, so you never think twice about removing your clothes. Especially when practicing. You grab a piece of cardboard and try to fan yourself to cool down. 
Jiwon, on the other hand, stopped moving and glued his eyes on you. He always saw you as a friend, but tonight… You looked very hot to him. He gulped and shivers came down his body. His eyes went down from your sweaty forehead, that had some hair stuck on it; along your glistening from sweat neck; gaze resting on your breast now. He was wishing to see what’s behind your bra, and to touch it with his hand. 
He suddenly felt throbbing in his pants which made him panic. He sat down on the sofa nearby and grabbed a pillow to put on his lap. 
'Uhhh maybe lets rest for today,’ he says.
“Thank god finally” you think to yourself, letting out a deep sigh and sitting down next to him. Somehow closer than usual.
Jiwon was breathing heavily due to hotness in the room. Even his skin felt like it was burning. Probably from the hotness outside and inside.
Jiwon slightly bite his lip looking directly at you, breathing heavily. You keep looking at him slightly puzzled when suddenly he leans in closer to you, looking at your lips. He softly kisses you and parts away quickly, looking unsure and shy. Soft redness creeping up his cheeks as he looks away.
You are shocked by his action, but the voice inside you were just screaming to kiss him back. So you do. After a second of hesitation, you cupped his cheek to make him face you again and pecked his lips. The moment he parted his lips and your tongue slipped inside to meet his, you got completely lost yourself in him. His scent drove you crazy. It didn’t take long until the kiss became hungry and messy. He kissed you so well that you wanted it to never end. 
Your hands meet each other and you clasp them together, while your other hand is resting on his chest. You take a fistful of his shirt and pull it closer to you, which makes him deepen the kiss even more.
You make an attempt to grab the pillow that is on Jiwon’s lap and throw it away so you can sit on his lap. But suddenly he breaks up the kiss quickly repeating ‘wait wait wait’. But your hand was quicker and the pillow was off his lap, which exposed his shameful buldge in his loose sweatpants. 
Your mind was so hazy with the scent and taste of him, that without much hesitation you say ‘touch yourself,’ quietly whispering into his ear. Jiwon gave you a small, slightly embarrassed smile and placed his hand on his crotch. 
‘You too,’ he said with his hand slowly moving to get ready to slide off his pants. You grinned and nodded slightly while leaning back to sit next to him on the couch. Your hands traveled down your own body to slide inside your shorts. You flinch when your fingers touch your already wet folds. You don’t think that anyone else has made you so wet just by kissing.
When both of you take off your pants and underwear, you both sit on each end of the sofa facing each other, slowly touching yourselves while looking at each other. You suddenly lean closer towards Jiwon and put your hand under his shirt, to feel his toned chest. You reach his nipple and tweak it just to hear him moan loudly. As you continue to play with it, your other hand lifts up his shirt and you place your tongue on the other one and you can feel him shake a little from the sensation. He groans and decides to take off his shirt, so it’s not in the way anymore. You smirk at him while licking, biting and playing with his nipple as he looks at you with furrowed brows, slowly pumping himself.
You feel his free hand travel to cup your chest and massage it. You understood his silent request and decided to lean back. Looking at him, you slowly lifted up your bra and took it off. His eyes widen at the sight and his grip around his cock tightened. You proceed to touch your own breast, squeezing it and then playing with the already hard nipple. Your other hand travels down to glide along your wet folds. The sensations were so pleasurable that you just closed your eyes enjoying it, your body relaxing a bit more which made your legs open up even more, to present a view that Jiwon enjoyed very much. He moaned at the mere sight of you touching yourself in such pleasure. His hand picked up its pace as he watched your fingers after they left your clit and moved down to your entrance to disappear into your wetness. 
Jiwon’s eyes were glued on you when you began fingering yourself, his tongue wetting his lips every now and then. He brought his hand up to the head of his cock and ran his thumb over the tip, which made him grunt and hips buck up into his fist. The sight made you clench around your own fingers and moan loudly because you also hit your sweet spot at the same time. Listening to his soft yet needy moans, your eyes never left Jiwon.
‘Damn you look so beautiful like that,’ Jiwon says, looking at you with such loving eyes you never seen before. 
His sudden compliment made you shudder and you reached your climax while your hand going - now - at very high speed. “Ah, Jiwon-ah…”
He grunted, his own hand moving faster on his length, making his moans even more loud and needy. His body shivered hearing you scream his name like. His eyes fell shut and he jerked himself off desperately, soon his arm and chest covered in cum as his hand continues moving on his length for a while longer.
As you came down from your high, you watched him cover himself in his own liquid and you swear it must have been the sexiest thing you have ever seen. 
‘We should do this more often after practice…’ Jiwon says finally breaking the silence in the room and both of you giggle, still a little panting. You thought he was joking until you saw those loving eyes appear again while he reached to hold your hand, smiling. 
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thefudge · 5 years
scattered thoughts on sanditon so far 
this is a fun romp from andrew davies and there’s a lot to like and be invested in
but i do have some observations/ gripes
obviously davies is going for a modern/sexed up adaptation of austen and i have mixed thoughts on that, cuz there’s a lot of interesting stuff you can do with that, but you can also botch it up big time (i’m glad he didn’t do this to p&p back in 1995...i wonder what that adaptation would’ve looked like today. probably full monty darcy, lol). so i think some elements verge on the ridiculous, for instance having almost every dude in this show strip naked in front of a crowded beach several times in a row. ditto for theo james. i don’t mind the view (hehe) but i think it’s inserted awkwardly at times. like okay, we get it, it’s a beach resort and we’re trying to make austen edgy in 2019.... just maybe indulge a little less and literally keep it in your pants. 
this being a more modern adaptation i don’t mind hair and make-up anachronisms, but i DO mind the fact that rose williams sports this really weird shade of fuchsia lipstick in almost every single scene. stop iiiit
speaking of which, rose williams is a cutie and i loved her on reign, but i don’t understand what she’s doing with her face in this series. don’t get me wrong, she does a good job of making charlotte very likable, but the only way she can express...anything, really, is by making these confused faces, like a child practicing frowning in the mirror. it’s...really awkward. and she does this all the time, whether she’s happy or sulky or nervous, she just always looks like she’s trying to figure out the fibonacci sequence.  i mean it’s hilarious when u have theo james going all gruff to her about his feelings and rose williams is that gif of the blond lady doing math in her head. her acting is pretty good otherwise, but those faceeeees.
esther denham is my goddamn FAVE, gosh i love a Disappointed Queen and i’m glad she’s getting away from that boring skeevy brother. for once the incestuous siblings didn’t do it for me at all (which is pretty much the point lol). there’s nary a dude more uninteresting than edward whatshisface, my gaaaawd (also, davies trying to ramp up the sexiness with those scenes of edward brushing her hair or doing her stays...lol, sir, this rly isn’t your strength i’m sorry)
but i have to say that i thought esther and clara would be a thing. because my gosh, the chemistry during their scenes! the way they’d glide past each other with utmost contempt, while being disquieted by each other @___@. i mean it’s an austen adaptation, so i guess they’d never go there but!!! i need fic (would’ve made clara more bearable at least. i appreciate her character objectively cuz she’s an interesting pseudo-antagonist and you don’t get many of those, but blerghh. she was insufferable)
i was kinda (actually very) disappointed that the relationship between sidney and his ward, georgiana, wasn’t really developed. like there’s one more episode to go (as far as i know?) and they’ve barely scratched the surface with them. i mean he’s halfway decent to her now.... but ehh. i feel like this was a missed opportunity. after all, this was austen’s unfinished novel, so andrew davies & co could have added more material between these two. this, to me, should have been the real heart of the series. 
i like otis as a character, but georgiana/otis was zzzzzz. i suppose that they’ll end up together? zzzzzzzzzz (i frankly ship her way more with arthur! she finds him infuriating! he’s a sweetheart! the shenanigans!)
that German doctor is the real MVP, i feel like he should be sanditon’s no. 1 bachelor. i mean the shower rod??? providing pleasure to all the ladies in town, what a hero 
the soundtrack is rly rad! and the cinematography
i love how the show captures austen’s growing interest in the industrialized modern world which was emerging in the twilight years of the regency and i feel like maybe the show should’ve invested more time in that modern aesthetic (steampunk!) rather the awkward sexual shenanigans 
so....i can’t delay the inevitable anymore, can i? sigghh okay here i go
sidney/charlotte...annoys me. 
 u know that i love LOVE “enemies to lovers” and hate/love stories, i LIVE FOR THIS SHIT. 
and i was ready to gorge on this dynamic because it looked delish 
 but i felt like michael bluth finding the dead pigeon in the paper bag. 
from what i can gather, sidney is supposed to be a mixture of darcy and capt wentworth, “haughty” and proud, with a history of romantic disappointment, a brooding sexy hero with a heart of gold. but to me this dude just comes off as weird. 
there’s legit no reason for him to be THIS mean to this young girl he just met. he is not just an asshole, he is ridiculously over the top about it, to the point where he makes a fool of himself. i am FINE with a man telling a woman off, believe me, but it has to have some kind of motivation, some kind of reasoning behind it. here, it just feels like the plot needs him to be utterly shitty to charlotte so that “sparks will fly”. that first ep convo on the balcony??? wtf???? it was genuinely bizarre. i got weird incel vibes. and every time he lashes out at charlotte (at least in the first 4 episodes) it’s fucking silly, because it’s not like he lashes out because she’s scratching the surface of his innermost painful memories. no!!! many of their arguments revolve around basic things that he could easily clarify!!! which he does eventually, so like whyyyyyyyyyy. charlotte keeps telling him he’s being vague for no good reason and he still does it. it doesn’t make sense he’d be this guarded and outspoken at the same time. like, fine, keep that shit to yourself, don’t tell ppl, but don’t also get pissed at them when they don’t guess your mind. again, i love an antagonist dynamic when it’s done right, but here many times it’s just pointless bullying, it’s not sexy or fun or challenging. the writers keep making charlotte apologize to him about how “wrong” she got him and how he makes her doubt her judgement but it sounds fake to me. like a) this dude went out of his way to be a total assface to you from day one, b) none of that bullying was him trying to coax you into having a more complicated view of the world. when darcy rebukes elizabeth, he is hinting at her limited point of view. he’s not blatantly negging her or calling her stupid as this dude does. AND U KNO WHAT.
i’d be absolutely fine with him calling her stupid IF IT MADE SENSE WITHIN THE STORY 
like if charlotte had truly done smth stupid during the first episode, sure, fine, it’s somewhat warranted 
but for him to decide she’s an idiot for no other reason than her making some honestly super nice remarks about his brothers when he asked for her opinion is THE HEIGHT OF NONSENSE 
it’s even more nonsense when 2 episodes later he decides maybe she’s not that dumb after all FUCK U MR. EDGELORD
and it makes me pity charlotte cuz she’ll probably marry this dude and have to deal with him in his old age when he’ll be even more insufferable. 
and i totally get the appeal. i do! i mean their scenes are manufactured to make you want more of them, i see the chemistry, it’s there (and we’re already at a point in the series where he’s trying to make amends) but at the same time i’m put off by this dude’s intensity, cuz it’s not the hot kind of intensity...it’s more like he’s a giant dumb baby who breaks things. meh. theo james is very pretty tho, and he is doing the most with his character (that voice def helps!). but i wish this antagonistic relationship had been written better, because it could’ve been glorious
this is why i think sidney/georgiana should’ve been so much more present. just like darcy has his georgiana we need the humanizing element, we need to see more variety from this dude than just “guy who clearly needs anger management classes”. 
i’m pretty sure i’m in the minority or possibly one of two ppl not won over by this romance, and i can’t lie and say i don’t root for them. too much of this show is predicated on their clashes for them not to work it out and get together, but boyyyy do i wish they’d done it a bit better
i almost feel like a reylo anti lol, but at least kylo ren doesn’t neg rey every single time they talk 
also, i go back to rose williams’ faces because they just rly enhance how clumsy this dynamic is. theo james is doing byronic asshole 2.0 and charlotte looks at him like he’s developed a smell lmao. i mean the scene where she catches him naked? she turns around and FROWNS in this rly bizarre way, almost like she noticed a growth on his dick lmao it’s that bad 
anyway i totally get the appeal, but i also know what i want from this kind of dynamic and...this ain’t quite it 
honestly i think i prefer charlotte/cute architect guy whose name i don’t remember right now! 
that being said, my fave moments of this show are the most austen-esque, where ppl don’t take themselves so seriously. i mean the adventures of the perennially-ailing parker siblings (arthur & diana)? deeeelightful. the pineapple scene? glorious
also it makes me sad that sanditon was left unfinished because to see austen tackling georgiana’s character in depth would have been so, so interesting 
in conclusion, the show’s a lot of fun but also frustrating in many ways
i hope davies doesn’t set his eyes on re-adapting p&p or other austen classics because ermmm i know i’m trash but i am kind of tired of these sexed-up “look how scandalous we are behind closed doors” adaptations. you can make the regency era feel modern and relatable without “shocking hand job in the estate park” pls and thank u. sure, the regency era was the inheritor of the sexually relaxed 18th-century, but it wasn’t that relaxed yall. ppl still kept their wits and bonnets about them.
still, i’m glad this show exists and that it tries to take risks, i just wish it took different kinds of risks, if that makes sense. like i am SO bummed i didn’t get into sidney/charlotte, u have no idea 
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explcsivcs · 5 years
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––––– ( jacob elordi, cismale, he/him ) i just saw CASEY O'NEILL walking down the street’s of provincetown the other day playing WATCH ME by JADEN out loud. rumor has it that the TWENTY-TWO year old is +CHARISMATIC, but can also be -RECKLESS — overall they’re a CRIMSON. they remind me of THE SOUND OF A REVVING CAR ENGINE, BOTTLE ROCKETS AT MIDNIGHT, NEUTRAL COLOR SCHEMES, and EMPTY MOVIE THEATERS.  –– it’s your local idiot, here with a new child! he’s a mess, but aren’t they all ?? like this or whatevaaaa and i’ll come to u for PLOTS !
casey boiiii was born in london to a couple’a rich folk. dad, sean, is the ceo of a massive pharmaceutical company, and mom, emma, is from old money but spends most of her time bein’ a lil socialite and doing heavy charity work. they were good for a long long time. like casey grew up wanting for nothing, attending elite private schools and just all around living The Dream™
his dad is stern and driven by logic and money. if it were up to him, he woulda been working 24/7 and leaving his son in the hands of a nanny until he was old enough to inherit the company lmao. his mama is the one who really ... held the family together. she stayed home with case, she made sure sean regularly spent time with the family. queen of holidays and sunday dinners. casey was absolutely a mama’s boy
all was well! until casey turned 12 and his mom fell terminally ill. she passed away within like six months of her diagnosis and yessir this is.. when shit hit the fan. sean became absolutely miserable and threw himself into work, thus throwing casey into the hands of house staff. he was rarely ever home and really... kind of just stopped dad duties and wallowed in his own grief.
casey tried desperately to get his dad’s attention back. he was making stellar grades, perfect grades even. he was in sports year around, and he was fucking good at them esp lacrosse. he ... fuckin learned to cook in hopes of taking after his mom and being able to keep sunday dinners going. he joined student council and even faked an interest in business. lil dude grew the fuck up at such a young age. and it! didn’t! work!
when he ... got into high school ... he got frustrated with his situation and started leaning into his unresolved anger because let me tell you he was ... pissed. about all of it. this is when he fell into the wrong crowd. he made friends who were rowdy and rude and violent, and he found that the most fervent things he felt was when he was doing something wrong. he ,.... dabbled in vandalism but also really started to get in trouble for fighting akdjfh
and it worked. his dad was halfway paying attention, being called into school after school as casey was suspended and occasionally even expelled for.. fighting. .. he was woken up in the middle of the night when casey was escorted home for being too drunk at a party or for getting caught street racing. every time they saw each other, his dad was screaming at him, but at least he was seeing him ya know??
casey really got into a lot of trouble when he got his license and began street racing. the adrenaline from racing kinda.... solved all of his problems?? like it dulled the anger and numbed the pain while also ... bringing him all the excitement and joy ya know. 
when he was sixteen he uhhh got kicked outta the last private school in london that would take him for shitty attendance and fighting. the same week, he completely totaled his car, damn near killing himself in the process, by racing in a new housing development and uhhhh literally taking out an unfinished house (it’s ok all that was standing was like the wooden support beams aight) BUT it was either... spendin time in a juvenile detention center...... or being shipped off to stay with someone else and hopefully start over
so that’s what happened! good old sean o’neill said “nope” and sent his son to live with his brother in a tiny town in a tiny state in america. that’s right bois... when he was seventeen, case moved from london to provincetown. casey kinda saw this as... his dad giving up on him and got... angrier. but it’s better than prison so!
he was kind of... a brat when he got to provincetown. didn’t want to be there. didn’t want to be anywhere really. just broody and mad all the time. participated in sports solely to get some of the angry energy out but didn’t do much else. he’s really only a part of snackpack because his cousin (hiiiii bronny) is.... and he loves her tons so he was obligated to at least be civil to her friends
he ,... got his grades on track, for the most part... and stopped fighting, for the most part. but this dumb bitch can’t stop doing reckless shit. like i’m surprised he still has a license bc the number of speeding tickets is borderline not livable.
he never really felt like he... fit... in provincetown. he still doesn’t really know where he fits in the grand scheme of life. his grades and his dad’s bank account were the only reason he got into a decent college. he went for business, bc that’s all his dad would pay for, and his heart just wasn’t fuckin’ in it at all. he graduated in may but has no fuckin idea what he wants to do. at this rate though, if he keeps fucking around, he’s going to end up being :) a nothing :) just like good old dad expects :)
very dude bro. like you look at him and you’re like ‘idk if i wanna fuck with that’ bc he is large and stupid confident ... sometimes arrogant. definitely one of those cocky smirk lookin, backwards hat wearin, lemme take u out types of assholes idk like he’s not broody ya know. 
he doesn’t really initiate conversation. like he’s not one for small talk, kinda thinks its a lil bit of a waste of time. he’s not unapproachable.. he just values good, interesting conversation
think ... jess mariano from gilmore girls, ronan lynch from trc, and a lil sprinkle of brian o’conner from fast and furious kAJSDAHFA
his moral compass is outta whack ok! like life is not black and white in his mind. everything is grey
very clever boy. consciously makes bad decisions, but he’s clever as fuck. quick witted. he doesn’t look it but... ya boy is smart. just doesn’t fuckin’ apply himself
charming! but like ... into the woods charming, not cinderella charming. charming with an ulterior motive. charming to get what he wants. very rarely charming just for the hell of makin someone feel nice. selfish lil shit
fearless as hell, always down for adventure and a good time
a lot nicer to his close friends than he is to everyone else like akdfhas sorry @ everyone who isn’t in the snack pack ur automatically a lil bit worse in his mind
a massive flaw of his is that he truly doesn’t know how to handle his own emotions,. he’s become a pro at repressing them. even when they’re good . feelings, he has a hard time showing it?? that’s why he... acts out dude. he’s pissed
would die for his lil cuzzo y’all should know this now to prepare urself
fiercely loyal to his people
still luvs to fsu when he has the chance,,... loves a good adrenaline rush
surprisingly good at cheering people up. not great at comforting them! he’s workin’ on that... but he is good turning that frown upside down!
literally just needs someone to kick his ass. 
a best friend... obvi. someone he clicked with as soon as he moved to ptown
frenemies bro... like they rag on each other all the time, they’re always competitive as hell, but in the end... they’ve got each other’s back type of frenemies
i have a plot in mind based on billie eilish’s ‘i love you’ that could be interesting aksdjfh specifically the ‘say you were tyrna make me laugh, and nothing has to change today you didn’t mean to say i love you’ line lol angsty
a mom friend! someone to kinda... keep an eye on him
partners in crime bro the kinda person that just..... when they’re together it’s next level . and borderline dangerous because they just continue to hype each other up and play off of each other
a bit of a hookup .. situation like kajsdf basically the type of shit you see in friends with benefits and no strings attached before they catch feelings. smth like a fling idk
college roommatesr
flirtationships or just generally flirty frienships those are s ofun 
exes and unrequited loves and slowburns y’all know i’m a slut for that shit 
ok that’s all!! this is so shitty lmao aksjfh ok like this and i’ll come to u for plotzzzzzz 
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dykexion · 5 years
tagged by @minatodilf ty Ash 👌👌
What was your last
Drink: just plain water
Last phone call: my dad (I'm not big on phone calls so only my parents really call me normally)
Last text: telling @vulturousculturalist to go to sleep because it was 1am and I'm the responsible friend uwu. if discord messages don't count then I was texting one of my friends calling Zero from megaman a himbo at like 5am
Last song you listened to: Kansas by Gorillaz
Last time you cried: a few days ago I think
Have you ever dated someone: nope! being a small town dyke that goes to a catholic school unfortunately doesn't give me many dating prospects 😅
Been cheated on: nah
Kissed someone and regretted it: I don't think so actually, I once kissed a friend and it was,,,,a lil weird and we're not actually friends anymore (unrelated) and I don't like her but,,,,it was just something that happened I guess
Lost someone special: not really
Been drunk and thrown up: never been drunk! I never drink enough to make me more than just a lil tipsy
List three fave colors: black green and purple
In the last year have you…
Made a new friend: yeah!
Fallen out of love: nope
Laughed until you cried: many times, I laugh at things really easily
Met someone that changed you: I have no sense of self so maybe lmao
Found out who your true friends are: haha yeah. it was fun having an "intervention" staged about me being "unnecessarily rude to everyone and unable to make friends" when I reported a kid for harassing my other friend and making sexist and racist comments. needless to say the person who did that's not my fuckin friend anymore
Found out someone was talking about you: hahaha.
Kissed someone on your FB friends list: don't have facebook
How many people on your FB friends list do you know irl: don't have facebook
Do you have any pets: unfortunately no though I adore all kinds of animals. I do lay somewhat of a claim to my friend's cat because she actually apparently likes me better than the people who live with her lmao (take that Lorna!)
Do you want to change your name: hmmm i don't think so tbh, I was thinking of going by a shortening of my middle name (Louise -> Lou) occasionally but idk lmao
What did you do for your last birthday: I don't think I've actually done anything for my birthday since I was like 10. I was gonna meet up with a few friends last year but coincidentally there was a school trip the same day and we got stuck in traffic on the way back so I couldn't do that :/
What time did you wake up today: about 4am. I went to sleep just after midnight and woke up four hours later unable to go back to sleep. I'm out of school for the summer but I've still been instinctively waking up at around the time I'd get up for school anyway but today just took the biscuit and woke me two hours before that
What were you doing at midnight last night: watching the snapcube Sonic 06 fandub
Name something you CANNOT wait for: uhhhhhhhh idk tbh. something will probably come to me immediately after I post this though
Last time you saw your mother: saw her like an hour ago
What is one thing you wish you could change about life: not to be stereotypical but money probably. my family's kinda in deep shit atm because we're paying out our arses to keep my grandma in the care home she's at bc we can't take care of her but that costs a serious amount of money so we don't have too much left for other stuff and it's just a tad Worrying
What are you listening to right now: I've got Gorillaz on shuffle on spotify and I can also kinda hear the rain outside
Have you ever talked to a person with the name Tom: unfortunately yes.
What’s getting on your nerves: thinking about my exam results that I'm not gonna get back until the end of August that decide my academic path for at least the next two years
Most visited website: YouTube and Tumblr
Nickname: not too many people call me nicknames anymore but cookie and amy-lou are what people used to call me (still do occasionally)
Relationship status: single
Zodiac sign: libra (+ aquarius moon and rising)
Pronouns: she/her or they/them + I also go by he/him in my head sometimes.....indecisive
Fave tv shows: I don't watch too much TV but uhhh recently I watched good omens and lucifer they were alright
Hair color: brown but I used to be super blonde when I was little. I'm also hopefully dyeing it soon, probably purple
Long or short: I prefer having my hair short and I've gone through cycles of long hair to short hair through my life lmao. the current short hair has stayed for three years so far though so thats A New Record
Height: 5'3
Do you have a crush on someone: idk tbh
What do you like about yourself: uh. despite being a major dumbass I'm actually quite clever and I like that I can help people with that. when I'm not hiding them behind my glasses or fringe I get complimented on my eyes occasionally so that's a nice physical thing. oh and also being gay as hell yeehaw
Tattoos: I don't have any but I'd kinda maybe want a simple one in the future
Righty or Lefty: righty
First surgery: never had one. I've never even fractured a bone somehow
First piercing: not actually got any piercings yet....my mum always said no piercings until I was 18 but I'm working on getting my ears pierced this summer
First best friend: this (only) girl I was friends with in like year 1 and 2. she left school after that and I never saw her again, Elizabeth if you're out there....
First sport you joined: ballet! I've been doing it for over a decade now lmao I'm almost at the point where I could become a qualified teacher if I wanted to (cue identity crisis over what I want out of life)
First pair of trainers: why??
Right now
Eating: toast
Drinking: woter
Listening to: this question has been asked three times now lmao, Gorillaz on Spotify
Want kids: probably not
Career: I want to be a translator or smth like that
Which is better:
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kissed: hugs
Shorter or taller: don't mind
Romantic or spontaneous: romantic
Nice stomach or nice arms: Arms For Hugging
Sensitive or loud: sensitive probably
Hook up or relationship: relationship definitely
Troublemaker or hesitant: hmmmm idk
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger: nope
Drank hard liquor: nope
Lost glasses/contacts: fuckin constantly
Sex on a first date: nope
Broke someone’s heart: uh maybe? there was this one kid that seemed to have been really into me for a while that I turned down when we were like 14 (sorry Jamie lmao but you were instrumental in me figuring out I didn't like dudes so thanks mate)
Had your own heart broken: nah
Been arrested: never
Turned someone down: yea
Cried when someone died: yea
Fallen for a friend: unfortunately lol potentially multiple times but I'm still a disaster who can't differentiate between strong romantic and platonic feelings wassup
Do you believe in:
Yourself: eh they're alright occasionally
Miracles: nope
Love at first sight: not really
Santa Claus: nope. not sure if my parents ever bothered that much keeping it secret that he wasn't real
Kiss on the first date: sure why not
Angels: nah
i tag: (only if you wanna do it since this is super long) @vulturousculturalist @jothriku @comicsansisasin + anyone who wants to do it. I'm not tagging too many people since this is A Lot and it seems like other people are already doing this stuff atm, have a fun tuesday
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writing-freestyle · 6 years
i haven’t updated in so long, i’m so sorry!
when she first became a model, people were like… that face can't be real. it's photoshop or smth, it's so perfect
irene is literally just that beautiful
models for cosmetics, not really clothes too much
but when she does model for clothing lines, whatever she wore sold out in under five minutes
no one believes she’s a day over 20 when they first see her, they're always like…. ur either drinking straight outta the fountain of youth or ur really just that young
but they stop saying that when they see her with newbie model!yeri, because….. she's a whole mom
babies the hell outta yeri, and even though yeri is like… irene, pls…. i’m an adult
she still eats the crust-free, dinosaur shaped sandwhiches irene brings her with the biggest smile on her face
and that smile is the reason irene babies her so much
irene lives to make other people happy, and it's this trait that makes you fall super hard for her
ur an employ at the company irene is signed with, and it's not like ur in her immediate team or anything like that
u just recieve requests from people that want to work with the agency’s models, and it's ur job to sort out the request and either assign them a model if they haven't specified, or make sure the requests reach the desk of the specific model’s team
and it's a really good job! u like it, especially since an organized environment is what you love most in the world, and that's basically what ur doing for a living
but sometimes it gets stressful
bc the agency is so huge, it requires everyone to be on their a game at all times, and since it's basically just you doing the sorting, it can be…. overwhelming
and especially in the few months or so before spring is when it gets real hectic
because everyone wants models for photoshoots with blooming flowers and falling cherry blossoms
which you’ve handled before, it should be no big deal, and this year should be no different
but for some reason
when you go to work one day
you just….. can't
it's not like you sit at your desk and do nothing, but it's more like you're trying to do things, but keep making mistakes you’ve never made before
when it's an hour before your lunch break, you send out two stacks of requests, one for irene’s team, and one for seulgi’s team, because those two usually are more opinionated on which jobs they take on, and they'll probably need more time than yeri, joy, and wendy combined to decide
and ur like ‘cool, the requests are on their way, i need to stop stressing and chill a little, i got this.’
but right as you say this, an intern walks into ur office and looks kinda…. concerned?
and u know it's the intern from seulgi’s team, so ur like…. what happened with the requests, is something wrong?
and the intern kinda mumbles at first cause they don't want you to be upset, but eventually you make out that they're trying to tell you that…. irene and seulgi’s request still haven't been recieved
“what do you mean they weren't recieved?”
“like… we got the message that we’d be recieving them today at 11:00 am, but….. we never got it.”
and you just snap because
oh my god
this is a major mistake, and you're going to be the one to take the blame
you tell the intern that you're going to fix it, and to go tell both seulgi’s and irene’s teams that it’ll be there soon
they nod and leave, and you begin to scavenge through all the scrunched up and tossed away notes to try and decipher which brand wanted who and what day and time and the benefits they offer with each job
and it's literal hell, because all your notes are so vague, because you immediately wrote them down on the official request forms for irene and seulgi so you wouldn't have to rewrite it later and waste time
without even realizing, lunch is long gone and it's nearing time for you to get off work
but there are at least ¼ of the requests missing from each girls’ pile and you're full on sobbing bc….. this sucks
and you're so stressed that you don't even realize someone entered your office until they timidly knock on the surface of your desk
you're somewhere between shocked and scared when you see it's irene, because a) you didn't even know she knew where your office was? and b) was she there to yell at you or fire you? because you will cry even harder if that's the case
but nah
before you can do anything, irene sets down a plastic container on your desk and pulls out a fork and a bottle of water from her purse and puts those in front of you as well
and that's when she really gets on ur fucking uwus, because she opens the container to reveal some crust-less, dinosaur shaped sandwiches with a fruit cup in the shape of stars on the side
“you didn't come out of your office all day, and the delivery guy didn't have your usual order when he stopped by the office earlier, so i….”
she kinda motions to the food, and looks down sheepishly, and ur all sorts of “wat” on the inside bc????
is irene a literal angel? probably
you thank her profusely and tell her she didn't have to do this, but she just gives you the softest smile and goes:
“i heard about what happened today. it's not your fault, but you're probably kicking yourself like it is. i just wanted to make sure you're not beating yourself up over this, because it makes me sad when you're stressed like that.”
irene has to leave shortly after that because she has a night shoot for this brand that came out with a new line of evening gown’s and irene was begged to model for it
but she makes sure to leave her number on your desk and tells you to text her if you're ever stressed and need someone to talk to
or if you wanna go on a taco date with her, but she says that part in her head bc she's like…. it's too soon for me to be this forward with them
sure enough, you do text irene a few days later, but it's not cause you're stressed
you actually ask her out to dinner to repay her for her kindness earlier
irene, in a meeting with her team, recieving ur text asking her out on saturday
manager: “what about this quick photoshoot for armani on saturday bc they're a top brand, and we really shouldn't say no to that??”
irene, feeling her heart ready to burst out of her chest: “no, i’m going to be living my dreams on saturday, k, bye :)”
you let irene pick the restaurant, and you thought it was gonna be fancy and expensive, bc, hello, super famous model??
but instead she goes “i know this taco truck”
if you weren't already in love with her at that point, YOU SURE AS HELL ARE NOW
so, you guys are sitting on this park bench at 11 pm
with four plates of tacos between the two of you
and you guys are telling stories and cracking jokes, and it’s honestly the best date either of you have ever been on
and at the end, irene just kinda lays her head on your shoulder and sighs so happily
“thank you for this, it’s been awhile since i’ve had this much fun.”
“maybe we could do this again sometime, then?”
irene suddenly snaps her head up to look at you with wide eyes, and is like “SERIOUSLY? OMG, CAUSE I HAD SUCH A GREAT TIME BUT I DIDN’T KNOW IF YOU HAD FUN TOO!”
“irene.... ur literally the human embodiment of happiness, i can’t be anything but in a good mood when i’m around u.”
something in irene just melts, and she’s like so happy that she pulls you in this giant hug and just starts to ramble about how happy she is and
and then she’s just like “i’m so happy you had fun, because i really like you, like a lot, and i would’ve been real sad if you didn’t have fun”
you just giggle and go “i like you too, okay? you can stop being so nervous now.”
and she relaxes and smiles, grabs your hand, entwine it with hers, and the two of you continue to talk and get to know each other even more
and that’s how you two start dating
y’all are the mom couple, y’all already knew this was coming
cutting fun shapes into yeri’s food so she thinks it's more exciting to ear her fruits and vegetables? check.
making sure joy doesn't break that vvv expensive vase while y’all are visiting locations for potential photoshoot’s? check.
helping wendy translate her thoughts properly when she’s too flustered to do so? check.
putting bandaids onto seulgi’s scrapes when she attempts to do some sport and takes it a little too seriously? check.
you two are just the resident angels, and everyone looks up to you two?? aspiring to be as great as you and irene are?
you two are really making the world a better place, bless
and you two take really good care of each other too! always making sure the other is eating properly and if the other is stressed that they have a shoulder to cry on or a person to love them unconditionally
it's gr8, and the rv members are so happy that irene has found someone with just as much love in their heart as she does, and isn't afraid to tell irene she's the love of their life every day
concept: irene has now taken a habit to eating lunch in your office. occasionally, the other rv members join too, but irene comes every day at noon with two sets of food and the biggest smile on her face. she always says that you're the best part about coming to work now.
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chasingpegasus · 6 years
There is smth that tells me that its not over yet . Well its quite obvious if u think coolheaded that its over but smth will happen . 🤞🏻 And I feel so sorry for seb, they put too much pressure at him and ferrari ( i used to love them, but they r not treating him well , he needs to be reminded that he is the best and not everything its his responsibility but seb is way too involved with the team. he should have focused more on himself than carrying the whole team on his shoulders )
I think he knows he should be focused on driving. Maurizio told him that one time. But he just can’t help himself. Especially since a few times he saved the situation with his suggestions.
He knows how to win championships. And he knows how a championship winning team should look like and work. How many people from today’s Ferrari team can say the same? Those who worked there in 2007 with Kimi? Not that many.
Nobody is putting pressure on Seb and Ferrari. They put it on themselves by not winning more races. The key is to learn from mistakes (assuming they know what’s wrong and I really hope they do, at least partially).
The problem with this season is that people actually believe that Ferrari has a huge advantage over Mercedes and it’s not true. It got a bit messy, I agree, both from Seb’s and the team’s side, but it’s not that easy when you’re against a team who keeps winning since 2014 and Lewis Hamilton who’s one of the best drivers in history.
Mercedes made some silly mistakes this season as well, but not as many as Ferrari and Seb. But that’s how this sport works. The best driver and the best team will win.
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urdearestmom · 6 years
Airport Ballrooms | Sylvia Is Bae
Here’s part 2!
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13332432
(part 1)
Hey :)
Mike has sent the same text every afternoon for the past year. It’s after his last student leaves at five o’clock, and it’s when the clinic El works at closes. She’ll undoubtedly respond within minutes.
Hey loverboy :)
It never fails to make him smile. Everything she does makes him smile, even when she’s not there. Tonight, however, he has plans.
Do you wanna see a movie later
The greatest showman is still in theatres and I know you wanted to see it so
If she says yes, they can go see the movie and then come back to one of their houses and order a pizza or something. Then he’ll have to work up the courage to ask her about a thing he’s been considering for a while.
Ya def
What time
There’s a showing at the Greenwood cinemark at 7 is that enough time
Then we can come back here or to yours and get a pizza or smth
Sounds good
I’ll go home and shower then meet you there at 6:30
Love you <3
Love you too <3
He turns off his phone and puts it down with a smile, getting up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. He almost trips on his cat, who is sitting in the doorway. She does this at least once a day, refusing to let him pass. When Mike tries to step over her she hisses and throws up a paw to claw at his pants, or if he’s very unlucky, his bare legs.
“No- come on, Sylvia! I just want some water,” he says, looking down at the fluffy mass of grey fur on the floor. She looks up, and he notes that she looks deeply unimpressed (she always looks like that). She gives a satisfied meow when he huffs and walks into his bedroom instead.
Stupid cat, he thinks. But then he feels bad. Sylvia has been with him for the last five years since he brought her home from the shelter. He’d originally gone in to look at the dogs, but he had to walk past the cats first and something about Sylvia had spoken to him. He never realized it, but it was probably the very same deeply unimpressed look that he sported himself quite often that he noticed on the cat. They have made use of the same living space since.
Most days she’s like any regular cat, minding her business and sleeping, only coming to bother him when she’s hungry and doesn’t have food. Other days all she does is be bothersome, meowing at Mike’s feet every three seconds for no discernible reason. But the days that really count are the days she can tell he’s upset.
Those are usually days he talks to family or friends, hearing from his older sister about the state of their parents’ marriage, his younger sister about the latest idiot she dumped, his friend Will or cousin Richie about someone who’s told them they deserve to go to hell for being who they are. Sometimes it’s when he himself is having a bad day, either a student isn’t putting in enough effort or he’s frustrating himself with his own shoddy practice. Somehow, Sylvia always knows, and that’s when she comes to curl up on his stomach while he couch surfs at night.
Now that he has El in his life, though, he has a human to confide his deepest secrets in instead of his cat. Still, because his girlfriend doesn’t live with him, Sylvia gets to hear the most. It’s nice to know that she’s judging him but won’t talk back.
Mike flops onto his bed and promptly registers that he hadn’t made it that morning. Gross, how am I gonna convince El that it’s a good idea to move in together if I can’t even make my own bed?
Considering this, he thinks about the rest of his apartment. He lives on the second floor of a duplex, the upright piano he gives lessons on sitting in the room right off the staircase. At the end of the hall is his bedroom, which has a large window in it and is, objectively, the best room in the house. In front of the stairs is a tiny bathroom, and beside that is a doorless doorway that leads to the kitchen, which is open to the living room and back porch. It’s small and cozy, and he likes living there. The problem now is that he’s considering all the flaws. It’s narrow, the shower will boil you alive if a faucet gets turned on somewhere else, the window frames are chipping, and the entire apartment is banana yellow. The floors are also quite hideous, a combination of old linoleum and old wood, as are the pink tiled walls and floor of the bathroom.
None of this is even considering the fact that the place is a mess. Mike has books all over, never quite being able to organize them by level (or by who uses them, really). When a student needs one he always spends about five minutes looking for it because it’s never where he last left it. Their stuff frequently gets mixed up with his, and he’s always surprised he hasn’t managed to forget a recital or competition.
This, coupled with the anxiety he’s felt since morning when he decided that today will be the day he asks El to move in together, catapults him out of his bed and into the bathroom, taking his dirty clothes with him to the hamper. Mike takes the quickest shower he’s ever taken, totalling a whopping three minutes under the water, then rushes back to make his bed the neatest he’s ever made it. He shoots into the piano room and does his best to pick up after his teaching method, although the room looks almost the same after he leaves it. He then makes a running jump over Sylvia, who hisses angrily and turns to look at him as he starts furiously washing dishes.
“Stop looking at me like that,” he says. “I’m cleaning up so if we come back here it’ll be good to ask El to move in.”
Sylvia turns away, and Mike thinks that if cats could snort, she would have. It’s a very derisive head turn.
After the dishes are in the second sink drying, Mike makes his best attempt to fold the pile of blankets that he left on the couch the night before. He’s just grabbing a wet cloth to scrub at a cup stain on the table when Sylvia comes over and sits on his feet.
“Are you serious?” He groans, looking down at her. “I’m trying to make this place look half-decent!”
His cat gives him a look as if to say, you’re an idiot. It’s then that he remembers that El has actually been to his apartment before, so he’s stressing over nothing. This is another of the good things about Sylvia; she knows when he’s being stupid, too. She moves off his feet when she decides that he’s calmed down enough, and he sits on the floor with his legs crossed. She comes to sit in the space created, and petting her fluffy body calms him further.
“Thanks, Sylvie. You’re a good cat, you know?” She purrs in response, as if she comprehends what he’s saying. “Do you like El? I think you like her. Would you like it if she lived with us?”
Sometimes he feels stupid talking to a cat, but there’s something about Sylvia that makes him feel like she understands. She purrs again. In fact, Sylvia likes El more than she likes him, Mike thinks. She’s never an asshole when El is over, and never even once has she accidentally scratched the woman. It’s unfair. Maybe she’ll be nicer when El moves in. If! Don’t get ahead of yourself, here.
After a few minutes, Mike realizes he has to go if he doesn’t want to be late, so he puts Sylvia gently on the floor outside of the cradle of his legs and gets up before pouring some food for her. “I’ll be back later, okay?”
Sylvia meows and pads over to her favourite spot, the middle of the couch.
Leaving now! Sylvia sat on my feet lol
Mike gets to the theatre around six-forty to find that El is in line to buy their tickets. “Hey,” he says, pressing a kiss to her cheek and grabbing a hold of her hand.
“Hey,” she says back, smiling. “I love your cat so much, by the way.”
“Hmph. I’m pretty sure she likes you more than she likes me,” he answers.
“It’s okay, at least I like you more than I like her.”
“I’ll be sure to tell her you said so.”
They start to laugh, but quickly shut up before attracting too much attention.
The movie turns out to be pretty interesting, but Mike likes the soundtrack best because he’s a music nerd (as is made blatantly obvious by his profession). It’s phenomenal!
El definitely agrees, but her favourite thing is the love story between P.T. and Charity. “Come on,” she says, tugging on his arm as they walk down the street to where her car is parked. “You can’t look me in the eyes and tell me that that was not the cutest love story you’ve ever seen! They fell in love as kids and they stayed together even through all the shit they went through!”
“I don’t know,” he laughs as they reach the car. “I feel like meeting the love of your life in an airport at three in the morning because you decided to play some Chopin is pretty cute, too.”
She grins at him over the roof. “Yeah. That’s pretty special.”
Getting in, she turns to him. “Yours okay?”
Mike rolls his eyes. “Yeah, Sylvie’s probably dying to see you.”
“Again, I love your cat.”
“Yeah, yeah, Hopper, just drive.”
“COME ALIVE! COME ALIVE!” El is screeching and Sylvia isn’t even hissing or anything. It makes Mike more bitter than he should be, to be honest. Like, he gets that El is literally the most wonderful human to ever grace the planet Earth with her existence, but Mike’s the one who feeds the goddamn cat and lets her live in his house. It’s shameful.
“GO AND LIGHT YOUR LIGHT, LET IT BURN SO BRIGHT!” She’s doing karaoke and dancing across the carpet from the table to the TV and back. She’s not a bad singer if she tries to sing, but what she’s doing right now is exactly the opposite. She’s trying to get her boyfriend to sing with her, but there’s a reason he’s a piano and not voice teacher, as he always says. El finishes the song with an exaggerated bow. “Thank you, thank you!”
Sylvia meows from her place on top of Mike’s slippers. El glares at him. “Jesus, Wheeler, even your cat appreciates me more than you do.”
“I’m eating and my hands are full,” he says, picking up another slice of pizza from the box next to him. “Bite me.”
El laughs. “I would, but you always go off about not letting your students see inappropriate things like hickeys.”
“It was huge and it was visible! She was seven!” He drops the slice on his shirt, leaving a nice grease stain. He groans. “Look what you made me do.”
“Whoa, there, Taylor Swift,” she giggles, dropping onto the couch next to him and grabbing the last slice.
Mike throws her an irritated look. “We may both be musicians, but I am not Taylor Swift. And now my shirt is dirty.”
“So?” She bites into the pizza in her hand. “It’s not like it was gonna stay on you anyway.”
It comes out garbled because of the pizza she’s eating, but he still understands and he flushes. He’s gotten somewhat used to her bluntness over the course of the year they’ve been dating, but sometimes she still says things that make him feel hot all over. However, it means he’s mastered the art of answering her with a straight face.
“You are disgusting.”
She shrugs as he gets up to throw the box out, shoving the last of the slice in her mouth and following. “You love me, so… I’d say that sounds like a you problem.”
He doesn’t turn around for a second, bracing himself on the lip of the sink before whipping around and pulling her up onto the counter, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. She breaks it a few moments later, breathless. “God, I love you,” she says.
Then she hops down and drags him away to his bedroom, ignoring Sylvia hissing in the background.
It’s after, when they lie tangled in his sheets, still ignoring Sylvia who is now scratching at the closed door, that Mike remembers what he’d meant to ask.
“Hey, El?”
“Yeah?” She murmurs. Her hands are cupping his face as she runs her thumbs softly over his lightly freckled cheeks.
“I have a question.”
“What is it?” She presses a tender kiss to the tip of his nose and pulls back, smiling.
“Do you- um- would you, maybe… want to move in together?” There, I’ve said it. God.
She looks into his eyes, and he thinks he’s about to get a yes when she turns over and says, “Good night, Mike.”
“El- what-” He splutters, heart sinking. Fuck, was I too soon?
El flips back, starting to laugh, but then sobers up at the look on his face. “Sorry, that was a little mean. I’d love to. I love you, and I love Sylvia, so getting to see you both all the time doesn’t look like it has any negatives.” She snuggles into the crook of his neck and kisses his collarbone. “But we can talk about that tomorrow. Good night,” she yawns.
Mike feels warm all over, and sighs contentedly before shutting his eyes.
Outside the room, Sylvia purrs. She’s excited too.
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auroralynne · 7 years
Tag Game
Tag Game
Tagged by @powerdragonmoon
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
@giada-luna @liarbelacqua @sourlander @carolgpr @lunian @emmaleewhittaker @queen-busybee @panda-capuccino @katie-skylie
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
(putting it under the read more =3=)
- I am 5'7 or taller (I think I just 5′7″…170cm?)
- I wear glasses
- I have at least one tattoo
- I have at least one piercing
- I have blonde hair (not naturally but definitely blonde)
- I have brown eyes
- I have short hair
- My abs are at least somewhat defined (LMAOOO I WISH! >O<’)
- I have or had braces
- I love meeting new people (online: yes, irl: don’t touch me)
- People tell me I am funny
- Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine
- I enjoy physical challenges (only if it’s like, a hike or smth)
- I enjoy mental challenges
- I am playfully rude to people I know
- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
- There is something I would change about my personality
- I can sing well (...kinda)
- I can play an instrument (I wish)
- I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping (my special ability is not being able to do ONE good push-up)
- I am a fast runner
- I can draw well
- I have a good memory
- I am good at doing math in my head
- I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
- I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling
- I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch
- I know how to throw a proper punch 
- I enjoy sports
- I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
- I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
- I have learned a new song in the past week
- I exercise at least once a week
- I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months
- I have drawn something in the past month
- I enjoy writing
- Fandoms are my #1 priority
- I do some form of Martial arts
- I have had my first kiss
- I have had alcohol (always in small amounts and rarely ever, but sure)
- I have scored a winning point in a sport
- I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting
- I have been at an overnight event
- I have been in a taxi
- I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
- I have beaten a video game in one day
- I have visited another country
- I have been to one of my favorite bands’ concerts
- I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend
- I live close to my school/work
- My parents are still together
- I have at least one sibling
- I live in the United States
- There is snow where I live right now (more like never)
- I have hung out with a friend in the past month
- I have a smart phone
- I own at least 15 CDs
- I share my room with someone.
- I am in a Relationship.
- I have a crush on a celebrity
- I have a crush on someone I know
- I’ve been in at least 3 relationships
- I have never been in a Relationship
- I have admitted my feelings to a crush
- I get crushes easily
- I have had a crush for over a year
- I have been in a relationship for over a year (kind of.)
- I have had feelings for a friend
- I have break-danced
- I know a person named Jamie
- I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce
- I have dyed my hair
- I’m listening to a song on repeat right now
- I have punched someone in the past week
- I know someone who has gone to jail
- I have broken a bone
- I have eaten a waffle today
- I know what I want to do in life
- I speak at least two languages
- I have made a new friend in the past year
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tvheadfalls · 7 years
i got tagged for a thing by @cosmetreee and im doing it bc if theres one thing i love and love talking abt....its myself
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maerinah · 7 years
get to know me!
i was tagged by my loveliest bubu @hallarina​ to do this game, gracias!! ily<3
and i tag the same ones sara did lmao: @haengah @citrusomi @taesyeon + @reueluv and @juhhyeon AND @ayoshidae <3
you have to bold the ones you do and stuff idk you already know how it works!! and tag people too if you want lmao
i am 5'7" or taller
i wear glasses (sometimes, but i mostly wear lenses)
i have at least one tattoo
i have at least one piercing
i have blonde hair (ish, now its kinda an ombre)
i have brown eyes
i have short hair
my abs are at least somewhat defined
i have or have had braces
i love meeting new people (sometimes tho when im not exhausted)
people tell me that i‘m funny (sometimes)
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
i enjoy physical challenges
i enjoy mental challenges
i’m playfully rude with people i know well
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it (everything i say)
i can sing well (i dont think im that bad tho dfgkjnd but not amazing)
i can play an instrument (i know how to slam some chords on the guitar rip lmaoasfkjn)
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping
i’m a fast runner
i can draw well (depends)
i have a good memory
i’m good at doing math in my head
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (i love cooking yoo)
i know how to throw a proper punch (i hope lmao)
i enjoy playing sports
i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
i have learned a new song in the past week (just some chords on guitar)
i work out at least once a week (nOOoOo askjf i only started working out last week after half a year or smth)
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
i have drawn something in the past month
fandoms are my #1 passion
i do or have done martial arts
i have had alcohol
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game 
i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting
i have been at an overnight event
i have been in a taxi
i have been in the hospital or er in the past year (just visiting though)
i have beaten a video game in one day
i have visited another country
i have been to one of my favorite bands concerts (when i was a green day fan)
i’m in a relationship
i have a crush on a celebrity
i have a crush on someone i know
i have been in at least 3 relationships
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
i get crushes easily
i have had a crush on someone for over a year
i have been in a relationship for at least a year
i have had feelings for a friend
my life:
i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” (not anymore rip)
i live close to my school
my parents are still together
i have at least one sibling
i live in the united states
there is snow right now where i live
i have hung out with a friend in the past month
i have a smartphone
i have at least 15 cds
i share my room with someone
random shit:
i have breakdanced
i have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce 
i have dyed my hair
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now
i have punched someone in the past week
i know someone who has gone to jail
i have broken a bone
i have eaten a waffle today
i know what i want to do with my life
i speak at least 2 languages (the third is the language of love asjknf)
i have made a new friend in the past year
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