#i have no energy to talk or do much. and not being able to make myself look hapoy enough makes me mad
pastadoughie ยท 19 hours
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i dont know how to say it or what to even do at this point
i am in an abusive housing situation. witch isnt really new info nor something i talk about often. i have learned to deal w/ shit on my own overtime, aswell as my situation getting slightly better with my distancing from certain family members. but its still bad.
my mother & my brother are both extremely abusive, my brother is phisically abusive, and my mother is a pedophile. they are the only other familial ties i have aside from my dad, and they obviously arent viable and would be worse for me.
my dad is my best option in terms of family and the only person i live with currently. when hes drunk he can be actively cruel & abusive, regularly threatening sexual abuse via forfeiting custody of me to my mother. but im still semi able to reason with him while he isnt drunk. most the times hes simply neglectful, witch is preferable to the alternative atleast. & can somewhat be manipulated into caring about me, or at the very least signing & agreeing to things if i do all of the other legwork
i have a disability of some sort, i have alot of theories but overall doctors refuse to properly test me. i smoke so, they just blame every single issue i have on that & dont listen to ANY of my concerns. somewhat similar to pots in terms of symtoms. i just call it "the slop", this sortof sludge that clouds all my thoughts and everything i do. when it gets bad i cant move properly, often knocking things over, completely losing my train of thought. it can be really hard to have conversations with me, i spend alot of time being silent, keep repeating the same simple few words, dont really listen properly. i can sometimes spend hours just staring off into space. it gets better when im laying down, but sometimes not even that helps. it takes a certain kind of determination to get literally anything done. witch is really hard given my lack of any kind of support.
if i am not extremely ontop of things, if i cant force myself to do things through the slop, then i end up getting into these sludge spirals. i dont eat. i dont drink. i just lay in bed. you get so dizzy and your mouth gets so dry, and so hungry, and the slop is just unbarable. not even really existing as a person, sleeping 18 hours a day, sort of halfheartedly & extremely badly trying to do basic tasks, like eating or drinking, and then after 4 hours i just. go back to sleep. its unbarable & dehumanizing. & its not like i have anybody that can help me. i explain this to people and then they always make suggestions on how to manage it that requires another person to help, and then they never listen when i say i do not have anybody.
i need to get some kind of treatment and i need to get some kind of testing, but doing so requires so much work so many phone calls so much effort that i HAVE to do on my own, that i just. dont have the energy for. its not that im intellectually or phisically incapable i just, im just always in slop. its just always a barrier i have to work around. and the fact that just. the entire fucking medical system is so rotten to the core w/ incompetance & malice twards queer and disabled people means that its just.. so hard to get anything done at all for treatment.
and beyond the fact i have to get meds, i also really need to work on moving out. while i dont think my dad would realistically kick me out until im 18, as that would require actually doing paperwork. i dont trust him to be nice to me beyond that point.
and incase i need to say this to some sheltered fuck who does not understand this. no i cannot go to dcs. i have dealt with dcs my entire life. dcs is not an organization made to help people. it never HAS been. any good they do is incedental. they are at their core a government organization that is supposed to sound good. they do not help children. my tharapist submitted a dcs report about my brother trying to kill me back in december, and i had a dcs worker come to my door and start defending pedophilia to me. every single encounter i have had with dcs has eaither done nothing or actively been harmful to me in having a dcs worker actively encorage my families various abusive behavior.
in summery, i need some kind of help figuring out a way to. deal with everything. ideally something that would help me with practical stuff like medical paperwork, scedualling appointments, that stuff. ideally focused on & or primarily targeted to queer autists in the 16 to mid 20s range of ages. and also that is within arizona. most of the stuff ive been reccomending is stuff like housing and independant living programs, witch while helpful what im looking for is primarily medical help & that is centered around more chronic issues & disabilities that like, need more testing & such to be diagnosed, and not really in the vein of teaching me how to do appointments & such, i know how. i just. am not super good at functioning in general.
dont dm me saying "oh im always here if u wanna talk!!" thats weird. i dont know you.
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jackiepackiee ยท 1 day
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GN! Reader expect for Tengens part
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Contrary to a lot of headcanons Iโ€™ve seen, Sanemi would be happy about this
Obviously not outwardly smiling and laughing, but a reserved and peaceful relief
He wants the best for his younger, and now only, brother
And he wishes for nothing more than his happiness and has always hoped for a lover for him to make happy
Family that Genya could have that wouldnโ€™t leave or be tainted like he was
Kind and loving
Nowโ€ฆ he wasnโ€™t expecting this lover to be a fellow demon slayer
Especially another Hashira
Sanemi and you, before all of this, get along fine
He respects the other hashira, and obviously sees your strength and drive
But heโ€™s not overly kind, heโ€™s just himself and standoffish
When he does find out about this however, donโ€™t expect a huge reaction
Because he doesnโ€™t know how to react
Itโ€™s most likely that you wouldnโ€™t tell him outwardly, and Genya doesnโ€™t speak much with him
Whatever the situation may be, he looks at the two of you for a second
Genya, having grown up with him, recognizes the look in his eyes
Itโ€™s the look heโ€™d have with their mother and younger siblings
Yet much fainter now
Sanemi is protective, and this new fire is to cradle you two with your feelings
He wants the best for his brother, and youโ€™re perfect for him
Kind, incredibly powerful, and strong willed
Another person to look out for Genya while able to give him the affection Sanemi fails to deliver
For the sake of happiness, letโ€™s say Sanemi and Genya speak more
Sanemi tells Genya to not be an idiot and treat you right
Before a date heโ€™ll sometimes silently approach Genya and fix his little arrangement of flowers with a huff
โ€œMake sure they put them in waterโ€ฆโ€
As for your relationship with Sanemi
Itโ€™s more like you two are enemies and comrades at the same time
Youโ€™re upset at his harsh behavior, talking back at him when he berates anyone
but also willing to die for Genya just like he is
Although heโ€™ll make sure that never happens
Unbeknownst to you, youโ€™re now on his protection radar too
How can Genya be at his best without you?
Lucky you! Dating Genya and getting his scary brother as your new bodyguard
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Giyuu is, like most things, indifferent
Heโ€™s happy for you, and happy that you could find love
Itโ€™s admirable how you find time to balance work and a more domestic life
Butโ€ฆ heโ€™s him
And wonโ€™t pay it too much mind
Not wanting to get into your business
To add a little more to this, letโ€™s make a scenario!
You and Giyu are on a mission
And on this mission youโ€™ve been instructed to assist at a small village
Multiple lower rank slayers have gone missing
Sooooo, you both make the journey
Only to find out Genya is a victim to a lower moon
Along with a bunch of other lower ranks of course
You and Giyu make quick work of the smaller demons, but the lower moon obviously poses a challenge
Itโ€™s relatively normal until he sees the demon go directly for Genya
It had read your feelings and went for your most important emotional connection
Just before the sharp nails reached Genya, Giyu severed the hand off
He wasnโ€™t sure what made his body move on its own, but seeing you happily embracing your boyfriend after the battle was enough to pull a small smile onto Giyuโ€™s face
Willing to do anything to assist his fellow hashira
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Despite being only slightly older than you and Genya, Rengoku acts like a big brother
Laughing (in his way, not a mocking way) while patting Genyaโ€™s back
Genya of course blushes and acts like itโ€™s something to ignore
Rengokus enthusiastic response makes him embarrassed!
Now this man is probably one of the first to know (because Mitsuri gossiped to him and his brother over lunch)
And while his energy is over the top, he wonโ€™t share the secret
Heโ€™s a smart man, and very in tune with emotions
So he knows that it canโ€™t be easy for you
Demons are enough of an issue, no more pressure trying to keep a secret as big as a relationship
Now he loves to talk just as much as he loves to listen
Youโ€™re like a little sibling and heโ€™ll listen to all your rants
โ€œThe way he wore his hair today. It curled up after the rain and..!โ€
He wonโ€™t judge you for your blushing while recounting the events
Instead heโ€™ll try his best to make that situation happen again
Genya happens to have his hair like that everyday now?
Itโ€™s because Rengoku told him that leaving his hair the way it is after air drying is healthy!
(He totally lied, he just knows you think itโ€™s cutest right after it dries)
And Genya believes him, always taking the advice
Which leads to cuter and kinder Genya and more often occasions of you swooning
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Oh boyโ€ฆ
Youโ€™re both in for a ride
Tengen is probably also one of the first people to know
The man has three wives, he knows what it looks like when two idiot teens are in love
Especially when one of them is you whoโ€™s never been distracted from training expect when Genya is with you
And with Genya who seems to train even harder to not only impress Sanemi but now you too
Speaking of his wives, theyโ€™re probably the reason you know they Tengen found out
It was some โ€œsecret flashy planโ€
It was early in you and Genyas relationship
And Suma, Hina, and Makio suddenly snuck up on you and stanched you away into the sound hashita estate
They gave you a makeover
Makio and Suma picked out a pretty outfit while Hina gently did your hair and a little bit of makeup
The entire time you four all gossiped, which ended up in your blushing while blabbering about Genya and your early stages of dating
Genyaโ€ฆ he wasnโ€™t so lucky
Tengen stole him away and was on his โ€œmake overโ€ duty
Not that Genya and Tengen are bad in their respective rights, itโ€™s justโ€ฆ
Genya is a hard around the edges boy and Tengen is Tengen
But he eventually cracked and gave him some serious advice that wasnโ€™t just โ€œI have three wives, Iโ€™m a ladies manโ€
All while helping him find an outfit that isnโ€™t his uniform
โ€œGirlsโ€ฆ theyโ€™re less complicated than you think. And that one, sheโ€™s in for the hell of it. So you have to treat her nice, and sheโ€™ll do the same. Youโ€™re both good kids, youโ€™ll be fine.โ€
This all leads to you looking like an angel by your makeover and him blushing furiously
Andโ€ฆ Tengens plan may have just set up the date when you two had your first kiss!
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Shinbou is very intelligent
She knows patterns and human behavior
And sheโ€™s familiar with Genya after his demon consumption
So itโ€™s very obvious to her whatโ€™s going on
Especially after heโ€™s the first to visit you and visa versa
She remembers the day she really found out thoughโ€ฆ wasnโ€™t a good one
Genya had eaten demon flesh again, even if instructed by everyone to stop
Gyomei said it was immoral, Sanemi said it was stupid, and Shinbou said it was unhealthy
But you, you hated it the most
Seeing him become something heโ€™s not
You loved him, not a demon
And hated the danger it proved
So when this night came, hell broke loose
He had eaten demon and transformed for the night
Itโ€™s just that you saw him right before sunrise
And weโ€™re unsure if he had transformed back into a human before the sun
Leading you to leave the battlefield, covered in bruises and pushing past every slayer who tried to speak to you
When you met Shinbou, you started crying
Genuine tears one only cried after the loss of their life
Being herself, she hugged you
And tried to help by inquiring your emotions
โ€œG-Genya! Sniffle Is he here? He was still a demon minutes before sunrise.โ€
She understands and ushers you someplace
Genya is fast asleep, making a cute face as if he was dreaming
You never outwardly told her, but sheโ€™ll never forget the fear at the thought of losing him, and the relief in your eyes and you feel to the ground in tears at his survival
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Unbothered king
Now heโ€™s friends with Genya but both are rather reserved people
Not the type to share much about their lives and feelings
Letโ€™s pretend this is after his memory is restored
Muichiro is a good kid, and your friend as well
But is pretty unaware of romance and honesty not that interested
Not that he wonโ€™t listen
You could talk him ear off about anything and heโ€™d hum in acknowledgment
He just doesnโ€™t have much input
You three do hang out together sometimes
If youโ€™re more extroverted it works well
You pull them along to do fun things
You three really getting to act your age and mess around
If youโ€™re more introverted this is one of the chillest groups ever
When Genya is around people he trusts (his lover and friend who are both Hashira) he never yells or acts over the top
Heโ€™s actually rather quiet just like Muichiro, especially when in his presence
The one real involvement of Mui in romance is Genya asking if the flowers he picked are good and Mui nodding even though he knows absolutely nothing about gift giving or flowers
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Either your best dream or worst nightmare
She is more enthusiastic about this relationship than you are!
Expect weekly letters inquiring your dating status
Have you had your first kiss?
He held you hand?
You had a sleepover?!?
And the second she sees you sheโ€™s bouncing in excitement
Pulling you to the nearest place to sit and interrogating you
For being the love hashira, sheโ€™s pretty clueless
She always wants to know every cute detail
โ€œYou kissed his cheek? The scar or the other side? Did he blush? He always blushes around you!โ€
This is what I mean by dream or nightmare
Either you get embarrassed about the question or love the gossip about your lover
Sheโ€™s the more supportive, giving you amazing date ideas
Even if most of them have to do with eating
Sheโ€™s the first to know about your first kiss and this girl wants the WHOLE story
She definitely tells Obanai too (if youโ€™re okay with it)
She doesnโ€™t talk to Genya much though :(
Especially since the first and only time she tried to ask about your relationship his face lit up bright red and he seemed to freeze
โ€œAll I did was ask about your relationship and he didnโ€™t respond! The conversation was fine before that!โ€
But he is never surprised when he gets a visit from her crow with a letter of all your new favorite foods, places, and items
Sheโ€™s an excellent gift giver and wants to help him
As if he didnโ€™t already know all of that, he genuinely appreciates the effort
This girl is your biggest fan!
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Gyomei knew first
Heโ€™s a wise older man and a observant mentor
And while you may be off most of the time, Genya is always training under him
And he doesnโ€™t fail to notice Genya always hitting that much harder whenever you are gone on a long mission
Iโ€™m saying this man knew Genya had a crush before Genya knew that himself
And he was moved, brought to tears and not paying attention to Genyas huffs of embarrassment
Genya would never yell at him of course
Gyomei is a smart man
And with that he knows a lot about kids (he considers you both kids)
So heโ€™s well aware of your dancing around your feelings
And that upsets him
Your time on this earth is very likely to be short as demon slayers, so you both shouldnโ€™t be wasting it
That is why, as the oldest hashira, he gets some plans in motion
Why are you suddenly on more missions with Genya?
Why do you both end up at the same wisteria house?
Why is it that you both happen to have the same days off?
Gyomei Himejima is why baby
He wants whatโ€™s best for the people under his care, even you can take care of yourself
And if he has to put in some forced proximity? So be it
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Obanai does care
Not some bullshit of him being uninterested with other peopleโ€™s lives
He sees you as a child (youโ€™re obviously around Genyaโ€™s age) and knows that only so many things could make a child in the demon slayer corps happy
He knows neither of you have had good lives
If you had, you wouldnโ€™t be in this damn job
That being said, with how withdrawn he is youโ€™d probably think he didnโ€™t even know you and Genya were an item
But heโ€™s observant
And cares for his fellow hashira just like everyone else
He wonโ€™t have much to do with anything
But best believe he listens to both Sanemi complain and Mitsuri babble about you two
Sanemi is trying to seem tough
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moiraimyths ยท 1 month
Before we call anon rude because letโ€™s see it from their perspective, imagine getting an entire feast to eat. That can be pretty hard to start with so much thatโ€™s going on, but if they start with one thing they know theyโ€™ll like (aka one character they like) that can be the start for them leaping to other characters to finish the story and the bigger story. I struggle the same way to start book series if I donโ€™t have at least one character that drives me to read it, itโ€™s all about what can be the hook to push them through. Sounds like the anon is neurodivergent (just a guess) so they might genuinely not see it as rude and see it as a solution to even play the game to start with.
Btw absolutely adore the game, the complex and rich characters making them all so unique is amazing. The art is so pleasing to the eyes I love it!! Iโ€™m waiting for it all to get out at once so I donโ€™t get too impatient. Shae however interests me the most, which routes will have the most lore for them? Will there be routes that give more lore in general based on decisions you make or do they all share the same amount? (I mean general lore not just Shae lore)
Apologies; we are not trying to accuse any asker of being rude! We are simply explaining our perspective as the developers / are trying to broadly encourage folks to dip their toes into other areas of the story outside of the main route(s) they're interested in, especially considering some routes will be made available sooner than others, and these other routes will likely contain additional scenes/lore of everyone's fave(s) regardless! We want to give each main cast member an equal amount of love (and lore) regardless of their overall popularity, so our goal is not to tut-tut anyone for having strong preferences for one character over the others, but rather to explain that you may be surprised by how much *more* you learn about your preferred characters in the other routes. That's all!
For Shae... Well, they were a foot soldier for one of the worst periods of the War. Lore wise, any other story that touches on the War will likely have content relevant to them and their experiences. ^^
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#ask#clotho answers#edit/final note: we got a *few* asks on this subject and will not likely answer all of them for the sake of our followers' dashboards#but we also want to note that part of our encouragements here come from the fact that Flan/Keagan are our most popular characters by a lot#and we want to do what we can to gently nudge folks who may not want to romance the fem / nb characters into checking out their stories#despite not being into them romantically. this is half of why we have platonic routes to begin with#we recognize veterans to the dating sim world may feel less inclined to romance characters that don't align with their irl orientations#this isn't a bad thing. some people steer clear of dating sims altogether because they're aro or just not interested in romance stories etc#but the unintentional side effect of this is it has a chilling effect on developers even in the indie sphere to make less diverse stories#if Flan and Keagan are our most popular characters then they will be our most *profitable* characters in the long run#and as much as we would love to not care about money and just produce the story we want to tell#we live in a society (tm) and need to eat#if at the end of ndm's development we see that 90% of our engagement went toward the boys it is hard to ignore the financial incentive#to redirect our energy toward leaning into the 'tried and true' formula that assures we can buy groceries and make rent#basically what i am candidly saying here is capitalism is pretty bad for creative liberty unless you're already rich / able to self finance#which we are not. and currently none of the core devs make *anything* from ndm#it would be nice if it does turn a profit but that isn't a guarantee - which the team has accepted as a normal risk in game development#anyway this is getting rambly but the Point is that this goes beyond us wanting to make sure all sides of our story are equally appreciated#it is *partly* that - we do want players to experience the entirety of our artwork#but it's not just for our egos - it's so we can keep making art like this#i considered including this in the body of the post but money talk suuucks man#and i don't want anyone to think we're glaring at them in a holier than thou 'ah-ha! you don't want to play maeve's route because she's a#woman!' sort of way because i think that's a reductive way to look at things#people like what they like and there's nothing intrinsically wrong with that#but if you like that we're making a diverse story#with masc routes fem routes and nb routes#even if you don't personally want to romance x or y#it would help us if y'all play the platonic routes#we are trying our very very best to make the fem/nb routes interesting for Everyone so those stories don't get sidelined#and if you don't like them for their own sake - fair enough! can't win em all and we'll deeply appreciate that you tried anyway!
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rinofwater ยท 2 months
I just found a clinic nearby that does gender-affirming surgeries so top surgery might actually be a feasible thing for me in the near(ish) future
I found a job that seems to have all the stuff I liked from one of my last jobs without the extra bullshit I didn't (can't apply for it currently but that kind of job exists and that's reassuring)
Things might be starting to look up for me
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icewindandboringhorror ยท 3 months
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Apparently I can meet my goal of roughly 400,000 words in 6 months if I just somehow write at least 2,200 words a day ghbjh... Almost 2,500 today... huzzah...
#Definitely not going to be able to stick with it just due to like... being realistic about my energy levels and etc. ESPECIALLY as we#enter the Evil Summer and it becomes hot all the time. But... one can attempt.. at least...#I'm also a very slow writer since I tend to re-read and edit while I write. and only move onto the next section once what I'm writing#seems okay. Which is easy for visual novel type stuff. since ''sections'' of a conversation are more clearly marked (like if you#have a menu option with 5 different dialogue choices. finish the character's response for choice 1 before moving onto 2. etc.)#Especially since when I'm done with a whole quest I always follow it up by playing through it and picking every option and making sure it#actually all works okay and etc. So I am already going to see it all a second time. Then I can go back and reorder a few words or remove#certain sentences that don't sound natural when I read them out loud (I always read it all outloud to myself since it is... just peple#talking.. it should sound like natural dialogue in their voice. etc). But my ''first draft'' is kind of not as first drafty since I pause t#edit a lot as I go along. So it also takes longer probably than it would take other people who I think treat a first draft as more#of a loose guideline or something. AANYWAY...#80F in my bedroom right now again... huzzah... I did end up finishing and recording that sims build video before the heat wave (or is#it really a heat wave if it's just summer..?? lol) came in.. but now... augh.. the editing... plus the costume photos and all else... Much#to do as always.. Often such a long todo list.. a giant scroll hung upon the walls of the evil hermit wizard tower..#Anyhow.. I hope I can finish getting ready for bed early in time to reward myself with a game of tripeaks solitaire whilst I snack on#cheddar cheese and some of those preserved artichokes in a jar. hrgm... I actually have nasturtiums (ultimate best flower) on the#deck again this year but I had to move them all into a corner today because the leaves were getting burnt by the sun lol.. Also am now more#cautiously weaving through social media to ignore all dragon age news. NOT bc of spoilers (I actually love spoilers/literally never play#any game until there's full guides on it I can read to plan my entire playthrough based on knowing exactly what I want to happen lol + mods#and etc.) but just because I'm so busy with my ownprojects I simply do not have the brainspace to dedicate... Yes I love to think#about elves and fictional universe lore. but no.. I pretend I do not see it. Does not exist to me actually. ghgj.. OHH also took som#cool pictures of flowers in the garden section of a store and I wanted to do like.. character designs based on the colors of the flowers o#something. but that might just be another unnecessary project to add to the pile.. I want to commit to the daunting task of dyeing my#hair again some time.. hrm.. this is all of the updates I can think of. As if a bunch of random tags make up for never posting anything for#weeks on end lol.. alas.. too warm to think properly I suppose.. .. I neeeeeed a long lost relative to leave me some million dollar#estate in their will so I can have the resources to move to a colder climate or something ..augh#.. but for now.. I shall toil away in my little wizard tower trying to write 2000 something words a day whilst sweating and such ghbj
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firstofficerkittycat ยท 2 months
hey. hi hello. what gave u the right to make the most gut wrenching video ive ever seen in my entire life (star trek is about the sixties). how dare you. you changed my life.
Okay !๐Ÿ’–yay
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natugood ยท 11 months
Iโ€™ve been tired and laying in bed all day and I finally have the energy and desire to get up and go for a walk by roommate has people visiting and I donโ€™t have the social energy to talk to people (especially meet a new person) right now so I am just trapped in my room
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opens-up-4-nobody ยท 1 year
#im just gonna complain abt it here bc i just have to accept that i can't irl bc no one else gets it#its hard to b a dyslexic grad student. u have to read so much. and its good. lots of reading is good. u just have to contend with a soul#crushing amout of discouragement at the fact u just kinda cant read while ur peers r like sure i can read this in class and have things to#say abt it. if u make me read in my head in class i literally cannot fucking tell u what i just read. not a god damn thing and if i try to#let my computer read to me i cant fucking pay attention for long enough so i just have to accept that from here on out ill have to#physically read papers aloud which i hate so much. its the only way i can fucking understand things and it still makes me feel dumb bc ill#somehow still space out while reading and have to reread like 4 times before i understand wtf is being said. it takes forever and it takes#energy and i dont like talking very much and it also restricts me to only being able to read at home which is frustrating#and im like i need to stop my brain from distracting myself with things that dont matter and my counselor is like: ur ocd is trying to make#work ur whole life and im like yeah thats how i got it. its the only way i can keep swimming with the non dyslexics#so its like wtf do i do? i kinda have to take the hit and make work my whole life rn. morn the loss of other things for a while#i dunno im still a bummer rn. like im probably coming off as more an asocial freak than normal bc its hard to talk ans maintain conversation#rn. but whatever. sometimes things just suck and theres nothing u can do abt it but accept it and move on. ill learn lots of things with all#the reading i have to do and that's never a bad thing ...no matter how much i dont give a fuck abt animals#like jesus. i could not even begin to give a fuck about like 95% of mammals. fish r cool tho. plants too#but microbes is where its at. i dont understand y ppl dont understand how cool they r. oh well ill just have to tell them#if i can find my fucking enthusiasm. ugh i have to make one of my classes read a paper and i have to work with someone abt find it. she#works with like rabbits. i refuse to assign a mammal paper. i fucking refuse. we will do plants or microbes or fucking paleontology#i will fight her on this. ugh. light filtering or orchid speciation would b perfect. annoying#at least i get to work with some culturs this week#unrelated
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savethepinecones ยท 1 year
so so sick of being yelled at for being depressed
#my sister offered to let me move in with her and her spouse and my mom insisted i stay here til the end of the year#because shes worried about my mental health#but she keeps freaking out whenever i have Symptoms#like yeah i dont have any energy so sometimes it takes an extra day or two to get chores done#ive made it clear that im trying my best but it never meets her standards so it doesnt matter#and she wont even fucking let me leave#i told her months ago i wouldnt be able to contribute to groceries much longer because i havent worked in six months and have no money#and she was super understanding at the time but as soon as i make any food requests when someone goes shopping she gets pissed at me#says im asking for too much when im keeping it to the bare minimum#and when my sister heard about this she offered to send me some grocery money and my mom got pissed about that too#i woke up to a huge paragraph of text lecturing me and she called it a 'roommate intervention' like she hasnt been very clear that#she doesnt consider us roommates#and she refuses to actually talk about it she just sends me messages freaking out about how im not good enough#and then she says if i respond shell freak out so shes refusing to have an actual discussion#like if shes so fucking sick of me being here she should just let me move jfc#i havent been able to eat at the table for years because its covered in a bunch of her shit but if i ask her to do something about that#shed just freak out#like how dare my living here inconvenience her in any way but also what i want doesnt matter at all#i dont have any of my stuff in the living room or dining room and i only have some stuff for coffee in the kitchen#and even then she moves that shit without checking with me beforehand#im doing everything i can to reduce my impact here and its still not fucking good enough#god im just so sick of living here#brb gotta go do a million chores while i have a migraine because otherwise there will be 'consequences'#like im a fucking child#and not a full grown adult whos dealing with serious mental health shit but still trying their best#god i want to cry rn im just so sick of this
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apollo-just-ice ยท 1 year
Love that I had the thought โ€œhmm well some of this stuff in my fic might not be completely accurate :/โ€œ
But then I reminded myself itโ€™s like a totally self indulgent written for *me* thing,,, like yeah! It doesnโ€™t have to be perfect, I am writing what makes my heart happy! That is all that should matter really!! And so now I feel okay, honestly. Good job, me.
That rly is an important thing to remember when creating things, is that foremost it should be making you happy, no matter inaccuracies or popularity or anything else
Also an essay of my thoughts about writing a pmd fic below in the tags hahah oops:
#lol yes I have been working on a pmd fic that I may or may not post when itโ€™s done#itโ€™s like such a conglomeration of different points in my life when I played the game and thoughts and feelings from throughout those times#something that can be. so personal#I wanna make a mark of having some pmd content shared I think so!#but yk so maybe there is some wavy logic in the human (before they became a Pokรฉmon) being able to talk to Pokรฉmon#but that is always how I imagined it mustโ€™ve been as a kid without question#and that I know Grovyle and the mc arenโ€™t the main relationship the game wants focus on#but for me over the years I more and more find it fascinating to think about#especially just with the context of a friendship that now only has memories remaining with one person#and stuff like that#but I donโ€™t super delve into angst bc I also rly just want this to be cozy at the end of the day#happy warm soft fuzzy cozy vibes#which I probably get from nostalgia alone here but writing it I feel those energies in it#but while the partner character doesnโ€™t get as much of a focus she is still so dear to me methinks#idk this rambling has been going on so long rn lol#I hope all that I have been putting into this fic shows through in the end#Iโ€™m not even done writing it yet it has been a challenge at times but I sure do want to complete it#okay thanks and thanks like sm if you read the tags hahah <3#now we are going to do proper tags so maybe people will see thisโ€ฆ#pmd#pmd explorers#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokemon#fanfic#writing#content creating#? idk what to tag bc the advice/whatever u would call it can apply to more than just writers I thinkโ€ฆ#pmd2#pmd eos#pmd sky
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the-jam-to-the-unicorn ยท 2 years
CNN Interview Zelenskyy and Olena
(Snippet 6)
#i really wanna know what olena thought the question was about and what she misunderstood ๐Ÿ˜‚#the face was just ๐ŸคŒ๐Ÿ˜#also ze was reeeeeeally quick to stop her from saying more and helping her with the translation ๐Ÿ˜‚#olena! ๐Ÿ˜„ why do i have the feeling her mind was really dirty for a second?! ๐Ÿ˜#also the whole i know what you have from me had also a really interesting undertone ๐Ÿ˜„#and felt like an inside joke between these two... ๐Ÿ˜#besides that this part was the cutest ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ#my love my best friend my energy#๐Ÿฅฒโค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฒโค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฒโค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฒโค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฒโค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฒโค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฒโค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฒโค๏ธ#also him talking about not being able to spend time with his fam and having the everyday normal family life ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ#he misses his fam so much ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ#and how that turned into no one makes me or brings me breakfast ๐Ÿ˜‚#olena was ready to kick his ass ๐Ÿ˜„#excuse me mr mister we are married for 19 years! who do you think makes you breakfast every morning?! ๐Ÿคจ#also poor poor President has to make his own breakfast every morning oh no pooooor vova ๐Ÿ˜#wait until andriy hears this and then you really can get your breakfast on your own every morning#volodymyr zelensky#volodymyr zelenskyy#wolodymyr selenskyj#president zelensky#president zelenskyy#selenskyj#volodomir zelensky#president volodymyr zelenskyy#vladimir zelensky#olena zelenska#volodimir zelenski#zelensky#selenski
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tittysuckersworld ยท 1 year
just went back through all my old art posts, and just, wow. i have inproved. like yeah, i still fumble and draw some stuff silly or bad. but its all mine. i made that. its less cringe at the bad art and more "wow i did that once." like i used to know where my very first sewing projects were, and whenever i looked at them i would laugh a little cause the stiches were inches long(like 3 cms) and the fabric was horible and the lil details i tryed to add looked like shit. plus the tiny pillows wernt even stuffed right, but it was mine. i made that. i took some fabric i liked from the fabric store and some extra stuff i had on hand and made it. i even worked really hard so no raw edges would be showing. they sucked and were some of the worst things ive ever made, but i made them. it was my start. now gotta gonna hopefully find all my old sketch books and find the drawings i was proud of to wonder at and redraw because gosh darn it i love art sooooo much. creation is just the best
#<3<3<3#froggo gets got emotional again#what a suproze lieing#but im still just#wow. i did that at one point.#i started and i suckef horibly#but i got better#wish i could pick up sewing and knitting again as hobbies but judt dont have time or energy anymore#may find lil ball and my needles but honestly would probs just do more harm than good#i cant knit anything i need rn and my hands already ache enough from just writing and being put through so much#but still i wish i had the time and energy to just#create again. i miss it. i miss having to not worry about my studies and just focus on my crafts because thats what i was good at#i miss the nice jobs and smiles from being a talented art kid#even if it was in an art most wouldnt appreciate much#i miss when i had more origional ideas#or when i would draft up patterns and make lil clothes for my toys#i miss being able to talk to others#gosh sry dark stuff but i miss when i thought having to yell at teachers was my worst problems#i miss when i was ignorant of the pains of my childhood#i miss not having a dibilitating eating disorder. or sosial anxiety because when i talked i didnt think about if i was doing it wrong#i miss having friends i could talk to in real life the most i think tho#i love all friends online dont get me wrong#but for the past 2 years of highschool its just been sad#only one relationship that ended badly and one sorta friendship i couldnt handle becaude i didnt matter in it.#and thats it for my amazing high school stuffs. all my childhood heard that this is best part of my life.#but i keep hitting all time lows. took a fucking mental health day today and dont feel better. nothing will change.#every year i think it will get better finally and is just worse. im sorry this all too vent and sad#i know it dosent matter much. im fine. i dont even have any harsh expectations put on me. my dad dosent care when i move out and#im not expected to go to collage. much less finnish my high school diploma. i probably dont need to care about fully getting it together#til im like 40. but sont want that i guess. fuck i dont know. i miss when i was expected to go to collage
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icewindandboringhorror ยท 1 year
me everytime I am preparing a meal with multiple elements I have to balance so they all finish cooking at the same time: Wow this is just like the 2009 hit Nintendo Wii game 'Food Network: Cook Or Be Cooked'
#or like if I'm making two things and one finishes cooking before the other and has to sit there and get cold#in my brain it's always like 'tsk tsk.. they would deduct points from my score for that' hjhjb#one of those instances of game mechanics imprinting onto your brain. kind of like imagining sims interaction moodlets in irl conversations#i LOVE the game though it's so fun. I've never even heard of it before I just found it by the dumpster in a box of other old wii#games someone was apparently discarding and picked it up due to my interest in cooking shows and stuff#I like having to time things and all the little actions you can do. though sad that there's so little recipes#you can unlock the whole game in like a day or something. I think if I had more time and social energy to actually talk in forums or be par#of a 'community' - I think looking into the type of stuff where people mod wii games and etc. would be very very cool#Wii is my favorite console and so much of the time I am always like 'grrr.. they dont make new games.. and this one game is very cool#but imagine if these 5 improvments were made to it! it would be SO much cooler!' etc.#Like being able to download new custom recipes/levels for Cook or Be Cooked lol#Modding wii sports resort the same way that some people mod skyrim and build entirely new games out of it#with new quests and etc. Like just.. create your own sports.. RPG mode.. use the already existing archery assets and etc. to have a mode#where you can just free roam around the map shooting at enemies and stuff ghhjbjh#WHICH I WOULD LOVE DEARLY..#I dont realyl like combat in games but idk I'd make an exception.. whatever.. I just want to play more in the Wii World#I have the soul of one of those people who builds all their own computers and 3D prints custom frames to transplant their 3DS into and#has like all special 'hacked' phones and wii mods and customizes everything and etc. etc. like.. 100% my exact personality and preferences#HOWEVER I just simply do not have the money or physical energy/time to get onto projects like that#The best I can hope for is one day having a close friend who does that so I can maybe use their 3D printer every once in a while or we both#collaborate on some wii modding project or etc. but I just couldn't on my own.. I already have too much stuff going on.. Have to make#compromises due to lack of money + low energy + busy. Like I could never build my own phone. I could save up for a teracube phone#or something so it's better and more repairable than all these dumbass modern phones you cant even take the backs off of. but that's probab#y the best I could do lol. ANYWAY.. Especially wii customization. I could get really into that.. I saw a picture one time of someone who#made like a semi transparent case for theirs kind of like the famous purplish see through gameboy color case but for a wii.. which is.. aAA#yearning crying sobbing etc. etc. so on and so forth
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steampoweredskeleton ยท 9 days
#delete later#its always fascinating when i get distressed eniugh for my brain to switch off all wants and cares#like i know i care bc i am anxious. but 90% of my emotional capacity is currently non accessible and i am running on pure autopilot#its also nice to see that my autopilot has responded to the amount of work i put into it. it includes physio exercises and meals#and some self care. turns out hsving a crisis plan embedded into your brain is a good thing#sure im the most suicidal ive been in a long time but im also the most functional ive ever been and i have things to do#so everything else can wait until i have the enrgy to sort through it#ive been setting things up for more viewings and pestering ppl for things i need and taking care of ny piercing#as the stress has caused a lot of irritation and swelling so it needs extra care. i even showered today.#go me. its wild what some mental stability does. when it gives way im gonna have an interesting couple weeks but shit will be externally#more stable then so the usual things will help#it is making personal relationships more difficult though. the poor person ive been talking seriously to is flirting and i am#currently not able to access any form of romantic interest or care. previously i would have ghosted but im trying to be better#ny new friend is also getting less than i should be giving her. but i send her cute fox pictures abd that helps.#we shall see how it goes. im lying down a lot and that is helpful. my brain being like this requires a LOT of energy and i cant sleep#so its all a lot. but ill be fine#im very good at being fine with all of this. ahd much better about coming out the other side safely
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tortademaracuya ยท 5 months
Everyday feels exactly the same and it makes me wonder if there's even a reason to do anything
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swagging-back-to ยท 6 months
nothing i hate more than when you are using every single ounce of energy and strength to talk to someone bc you don't want to ghost them or go without talking to them and they feel the need to ask for more in passive aggressive ways even wen you LITERALLY cannot message them (during a power outage)
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