#at least it was painless
simply-starryeyed · 1 year
here’s the thing. do i feel bad that the billionaires died thousands of feet below the surface? yeah, yeah i do. do i think it was on them? absolutely.
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thebibliosphere · 4 months
I need this current EDS flareup to end. I just sneezed, braced myself to try and avoid damaging my collarbone/ribs, and subluxated my tailbone instead.
Why am I more noodly than usual? What is happening?!
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bunnihearted · 7 months
soooo if i never post again it's bc the anesthesia got me </3 it's been real love u guys 🫶🏻
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Would you rather spend a whole day with gortash or with zeke
is killing myself an option
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crimescrimson · 3 months
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Chloe Price in Life Is Strange (2015)
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acek20 · 1 year
Ugh I’m sad about what happened to the titan, sure I hate billionaires but that’s an awful way to die
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real-life-cloud · 10 days
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Would you rather be captured in a series of escape rooms by the Phantom (of the opera) or Oscar?
Oscar. Not even a COMPETITION.
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kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
Another old cat health ramble. Just cause sometimes I need to write things out
She’s still doing surprisingly well considering how increasingly unsettling she looks (if you follow me on twitter and open the sensitive content warnings, you know what she looks like - it’s spooky. I don’t post pics here cause there’s no real easy way to censor so it’s an opt in if you want to see her current state or not). And I think the cancer has definitely spread to her inner ear, as her balance problems are getting worse. She wobbled so bad she just about did a somersault yesterday when licking the hairball goo I give them every night off her front leg. Sometimes she rubs the area and it’s not great but it’s still manageable and it seems more like it just feels uncomfy sometimes (which I try to alleviate with the lubricant, but she doesn’t love that either so. Delicate balance)
But despite all that, she’s still so full of life and seemingly pain free. She still plays, eats, snuggles - if you covered up the affected part of her face and chocked the occasional wobble up to her being old or something, you’d never know there was anything wrong with her. She’s still so happy and tbh it. Doesn’t really make sense that she’s doing so well
Like I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth here but. It is strange. I expected her to be worse by now and I figured her even living to see october was a 50/50 shot. I had been hoping she’d last until this weekend, as it’s a long weekend, and unless anything goes downhill super quickly (which is absolutely possible), she’s going to sail right through without an issue. November? I don’t think it’ll happen based on the historical rate of growth from month to month but. She’s also really barely declined. The tumour is notably bigger and her balance is off but. That’s it
Idk I should be happy she’s doing so well but I can’t help but like. Feel on edge about it. Like whatever’s going to happen is going to be a really quick decline. She could pass suddenly in her sleep at any time too, or her heart could just stop or a blot clot or so many other things that would be sudden and instant. And while a long, slow deterioration is it’s own hell, so is a quick one that you don’t have the chance to prepare for. There’s no good way for it to happen but. Idk. It just makes me nervous that she’s still doing so well even though I know I should be grateful and cherishing it
Idk. There’s no real point here, it’s mostly a ramble. I feel like I’ve been preparing for it to happen any day for months, have been already mourning her for all this time. But she’s still kicking and is basically the same as she always is. And I’m happy for that, I truly truly am, but idk, I can’t help but think it’s a sign that when the time does come, there will be little to no warning. And while it sucks no matter how it happens, idk, I just can’t help being on edge about that because it still sucks, but there is at least some comfort in having at least some warning
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mantisgodsdomain · 2 months
On the rare occasions when we talk about the spectre of veganism you can probably physically tell the amount of psychic damage that we take from seeing people throw out any part of a carcass.
#we speak#hey man you can use that for stuff. there is a use for that. you can use that for things that aren't just letting it rot. sir.#this is maybe part of why we have so many fur scraps but like. you can use that stuff. please use that stuff. we are begging you.#did you know that sinew is useful and can be used for cordage? it's true! you should use it!#do you think that a given part is Useless? you're probably wrong! give it to us. please. we are begging you. please.#we are a very specific type of person and that very specific type of person is the type of guy where improper corpse handling harms us#personally and physically. every time. at least put it in the freezer or something if youre killing it you better be ready to process it#we have very strong and extraordinarily specific opinions on things that have been known to make us disagree with people#the animal will die at some point regardless of whether or not you were the one to kill it#and because you have a big brain and the luxury of most likely not needing to do this to survive#you can grant that animal a relatively swift and painless death and then bring its body to as much use as possible#USE IT. FOR THINGS. PLEASE. WE ARE DYING.#we understand viscerally why failing to field dress an animal in assassins creed kicks you out of the simulation as Out Of Character#we are the same way and every time a piece of media has the protagonists kill a bear or whatever and just Leave The Body There#we are taking large amounts of psychic damage from every single frame#you cannot imagine how much hatred we hold for the existence of prion diseases and the fact that you can't eat meat from CWD deer#killing an animal does not have to be animal cruelty if you're not an idiot#we think that wasting parts of the body SHOULD count as animal cruelty though#not legally for obvious “that would open a legal can of worms that should stay closed” reasons but like. in terms of avoiding it#animals kill and eat each other all the time. its natural. you are an animal and you can kill and eat other animals and they will be tasty#however for the love of whatever god you worship PLEASE put the effort in to actually put the whole carcass to use#it will not make the animal suffer less to refuse to partake in its remains. it only means that those things will go to waste.#a body is not a sacred thing. it should not be treated as specialer than anything else but we think it's disrespectful to not make use of i#for related reasons we have a deep and abiding hatred for the laws that mean we can't choose what to do with our own body after our death
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iolypse · 1 year
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clarabowmp3 · 2 months
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jupitersflytrap · 4 months
okay i finally finished listening to the tribute album it was actually better than i was expecting it to be
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most people with my bodily setup can catch on what is going on when they get sudden mood swings and a weird sense of being annoyed at everything, so they do the math that they're getting their period. It's never that much of a surprise.
I, however, adhd and autistic, am constantly annoyed at everything (sensory issues) and I reside at the mood swings on a daily basis, so every time i get my period i make the same surprised pikachu face
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mothram · 7 months
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highlifeboat · 8 months
In swap au, are dau... (wait, how do we call them now collectivly? Siblings?) are they aware of how they all came to be, since they were transformed at different points in time?
I've been calling them Children or Siblings.
I think Mia was always very secretive when making a new kid.
Elena and Max were created fairly close together, though. As in, there's maybe a year or two of separation between them, where Mia was trying to perfect using the Cadou (because she kind of butchered Elena's face her first attempt. She still feels bad about that).
For Elena, Max just kind of showed up one day and Mia said "This is your new sister." and she never questioned it.
Melony has a much bigger age gap between her siblings. Like, at least 20 years, if not more, since Mia didn't turn her until she was an adult. Of course Elena and Max could recognize her, and of course that brought up questions they hadn't considered before. So, of course, they ask Mia about it.
And she tells them... a truth. They had been very ill people, looking for some form of salvation from their suffering. Ethan provided her with the Cadou to save their lives, and while it worked, it was not without a consequence. And that was all there was to it. She tells them Melony was no different. She wanted freedom from her pain, and Ethan provided, as he always does.
And neither Elena or Max really questioned it. After all, why would their mother lie to them? They have no memories of their previous lives anyway, so they're happy to believe this eternal life is some form of salvation. A gift from Father Ethan.
(Mia thought it was best they not know Ethan had basically gifted her Elena's corpse for experimentation. Or that she had dragged Max's dying body from the Village streets. Or... The entire mess that happened with Melony. They don't need to know any of that. And she hates to imaging the reaction they would have. She can't risk it.)
Melony is the only one of them that's completely unaware about how they were created. It's never been brought up around her, and as far as she knows this existence as human eating bug creature is all she's ever been.
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