#at least jily are together in the afterlife
annabtg · 1 year
Fic stats game
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words. Originally tagged by @theresthesnitch, @mppmaraudergirl and @wearingaberetinparis, thank you girls! ❤️
Most hits: As If By Magic (5,200 hits exactly!!!!)
Lily Evans, Head Girl, is starting her seventh year at Hogwarts. Alongside her, Head Boy James Potter, who has always had a crush on her yet has given up all hope of winning her over. But between working together, sharing fun times with friends and getting through the darker moments that come with living in an era of war, things between them are bound to change... (Jily, canon compliant, 34k words-11 chapters, complete.)
Second Most Kudos: AO3 Is Down (145 kudos)
AO3 Status: Delayed emails have been sent out and the Archive is back! Thank you so much to our sysadmin james_ for interrupting his sleep to work on and monitor the situation. Inspired by this very real Tweet, an alternate universe where the sysadmin is James Potter, and Lily Evans is his supervisor who had to drag him out of bed so he could resolve the problem. (Jily, AU, 1.4k words, complete.)
Third most bookmarks: Scandalous (34 bookmarks-21 public)
Sirius Black attends Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black's wedding, with a controversial choice of a plus-one and the explicit intention of stirring up drama. (Sirius/Lily fake dating + Jily, 4.9k words, complete. Rated M.)
Fourth most comments: Two stories tied at exactly 42 comments-20 comment threads each!
Mistletoe Mishaps: Lily Evans doesn't know why James Potter keeps on pointing out the mistletoe above her every single time. Well, she does, but she likes to pretend she doesn't. (Jily, canon compliant, 1.3k words, complete.)
Start From Here: Lily Evans has every reason to hate James Potter. He is annoying, arrogant, and he bullies her best friend mercilessly. However, over the years, people change, some for the better, some for the worse; and as they do, so do Lily's feelings towards them. (Jily, canon compliant, 5.8k words, complete.)
Fifth most words: The Great James Potter (8,710 words)
Lily Evans has never held any appreciation for James Potter, even though he has always been a favourite among girls at Hogwarts. That is, until she starts paying closer attention to him... (Jily, canon compliant, oneshot, complete.)
Fewest words: A 3-way tie between three 100 word drabbles!
Afterlife: James Ships Harry/Ginny: James Potter, even in the afterlife, has strong feelings about his son's love life. 
The Candle Of Hope: James gifts Lily a special candle for Christmas.
Nirvana: Something's not so heavenly about Lily's potion.
Tagging: @kay-elle-cee @abihastastybeans @athenasparrow @celestemagnoliathewriter @evesaintyves @startanewdream, if you haven't been tagged already!
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Lily: I am Lily Evans and I will bow to NO man!
James Potter: *peacefully existing*
Lily: Oh well-
*this is only a joke, I myself am a feminist. Laughing purposes only.*
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inpizzawecrust · 3 years
Five Little Words
hi! a request on ig for how James and Lily (or wolfstar raising harry) would react to Harry telling them about Umbridge and naturally, i decided to do both :)
jily is italicized
“Sweetheart, what’re you doing?” James asked as he stood beside his wife.
Despite spending the last 14 years in the afterlife, James could never get used to being able to see everything without the power of doing anything. It was as though there was an invisible glass wall, they referred to it as The Window, that prevented them from getting too close to Harry. They tried not to spend each day staring into the The Window, but it wasn’t as though there was much else to do—they were dead.
“Shh.” Lily whispered as her brows furrowed at the scene before her.
James turned his head to find Harry entering a professor’s office. He watched as his son sat across from a woman dressed in frilly pink attire and James knew from years of watching Harry that his son was not amused by this woman.
“Is he in detention?” James asked, his head not moving, but he saw a small nod from his wife out of the corner of his eye. A smirk played on his face as he clapped his hands together. “What’d he do this time?”
“Funny Lils, what’d he do?” James chuckled.
“Not kidding. Harry didn’t do anything earlier—”
“Is this the same kid who stole a car and crashed it into the Whomping Willow?” James raised a brow, the smirk still on his face. “Surely he did something—”
“James, I’ve been watching him all day. He didn’t do anything.” Lily cut him off. At this, James snapped his head to his left and sure enough, Lily was gnawing at her bottom lip with her arms tightly crossed over her chest. Her head briefly turned to his and she let out a sigh before turning back to The Window. “Just watch, alright?”
He barely nodded before turning back. A huge disadvantage to being dead, along with the mere fact of being dead, was that The Window wasn’t an amphitheater and half the time, they’d have to press their ears to the invisible wall blocking the dead from the living in order to hear most conversations. But as James watched his son’s expression turn sour as he reached for one of the quills the professor passed over, James didn’t need to hear the exchange of words to know something was wrong.
The moment Harry lifted the quill and looked around for an inkwell, causing a sinister smile to form on the professor’s face, James’ heart raced. Something was terribly wrong. He watched as his son brought the quill to the parchment and began to write the words, his heart plummeting with each stroke his son made. Each second felt like hours and when Harry had finally finished his first line, James couldn’t take it anymore.
“James!” Lily hissed as he immediately pulled her into his arms and turned them away from The Window. “Stop, I don’t understand—”
“Lily, I love you and I’m not letting you see that—”
“Lily, no.”
“But James—”
“Lily, we didn’t die to watch our son get butchered by that lunatic!” He harshly cut her off, tightening his arms around her. He felt the redhead stiffen at the words and try to squirm her way out of his arms, but he wouldn’t let her—he couldn’t let her. If anyone were to find a way to break The Window, it would be Lily watching her son being tortured.
“Well if you won’t let me see, will you at least tell me?” She huffed and pulled away just enough to gaze up at James’ eyes.
He pulled a hand away from her back and gently brought it through her hair as tears began to form in his eyes. Every part of this was sure to break her heart.
“Remember when we were in school and Sirius would come back from holidays all jumpy? He’d flinch and jump whenever we’d accidentally brush against him, but especially when his hand would brush up against anything—do you remember that?” James softly spoke, his hand continuing to slowly work through the fiery red hair. She slowly nodded, clearly trying to work through how something that occurred over two decades prior had any relevance to the present. “Walburga always used different old pureblood punishments on him. One of the ones she’d use was a quill that didn’t need any ink because it was magicked to use the blood of the person using it—”
“No.” Lily whispered with a gasp. He slightly nodded and gently pulled his wife back to his chest as they cried into each other’s arms. The worst part about everything was being able to watch Harry endure such traumatic events and not be able to do anything.
“Remus and Sirius—” She barely choked out, but he understood what she was trying to say.
“They’ll take care of him,” James whispered as he rubbed her back, tears silently falling from his own eyes. He tightened his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “They’ll take care of him, just like they have for the past 14 years.”
“Love, there’s something wrong with him,” Sirius whispered one night as he waited for Remus to join him in their bed. Harry had been home for Christmas for two days and had barely spoken a word to either of his godparents.
“Normally I’d say you’re crazy since you usually are—”
“You are! You’re incredibly overprotective of him sometimes!” Remus chuckled as he climbed into the bed, easily pulling his partner into his arms. His smile faded as Sirius’ big eyes stared back at him, the pools of grey becoming more glossy with each blink. “But you’re right. He’s never this quiet.”
“I know it sucks being here,” Sirius softly spoke, referring to being in Grimmauld Place, as Remus grabbed his hand and began to rub small circles into his palm, “But it’s safer than the cottage—d’ya think he knows that?”
“Knows what?”
“That it’s safer being here,” Sirius whispered, his eyes not leaving Remus’, “I know he’s 15 and thinks he knows everything, but he doesn’t and as his guardians, we need to put his safety first—Why’re you crying?”
“Because I love you and the fact that you’ve made up your mind about the reason Harry’s resenting us has to do with us bringing him here, when we both know there’s something else going on because that kid,” Remus whispered as he jerked his head in the direction of Harry’s room down the hall, more tears falling, “Has never cared where we live, as long as the three of us are together.”
Sirius nodded as tears silently fell from his own eyes. He immediately brought his face to his partner’s chest and the moment Remus readjusted his arms to better wrap around him, Sirius sucked in a shaky breath and exhaled a loud cry. It was difficult to keep his mind from racing at the possibilities of what was going on in Harry’s life when Sirius had done this before. He lived through this war once before and exactly 20 years prior was when he was disowned. He knew firsthand just how bad things can get and the tricks a mind can play on a person.
“Do you want to talk to him now or in the morning?” Remus whispered as Sirius’ chest still heaved, but only faint sounds of his irregular breathing was the only noise to be heard. He gently rubbed the smaller man’s back and kissed his head, trying to calm him, really both of them, down.
“Now.” Sirius whispered as he slowly pulled himself away from Remus’ arms. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, his body still visibly shaking, but when Sirius’ mind was made up, there was no use in trying to change it. “Neither of us will sleep if we wait until morning.”
Remus nodded and rose from the bed, quickly reaching for Sirius’ hand. He wiped the tears from their eyes before leaning down and gently kissing his partner, hoping it’d give them both the motivation they needed to have the conversation.
Hand in hand, they quietly left their room and walked down the hall to Harry’s room that the boy was sharing with Ron. Sirius closed his eyes and knocked on the door, his heart loudly beating in his ears as waited for what felt like hours for both of the teenage boys to say ‘come in.’ He opened his eyes as he turned the doorknob, using up until the last moment to mentally brace him for whatever Harry was hiding from them. The boys were playing chess on one of the beds, both of their heads turned the moment the door creaked open. Sirius forced a smile and a slight nod to Ron before looking directly at Harry.
“Harry, can we talk to you for a moment?” He softly spoke, Remus squeezing his hand in reassurance. Harry quickly picked up on his godparents disheveled states and nodded as he muttered an excuse to Ron and rose, crossing the room with ease.
They walked in silence down the hall and down the stairs until they reached the only empty room, which naturally was the one with the family tree on the wall. The door shut behind them and Remus muttered silencing charms as Sirius sat on the larger sofa while Harry sat on the smaller one.
“Harry, we want you to know that we love you and would do anything to keep you safe,” Sirius slowly began as Remus sat beside him. “And that you can trust us when you’re going through something. We’re in the middle of a war, but we can still lean on each other when we need help.”
Harry nodded and began to uncomfortably shift on the sofa, his hands picking at the threading. Remus’ eyes carefully raked over his godson in hopes of finding whatever it was the boy was hiding. As Harry slowly began to explain his scar hurting more than ever since the events with Arthur Weasley, Remus drowned out his voice, and rather focused on the boy’s body language. Ever since they had entered the room, Harry had clasped and unclasped his hands, always keeping his right hand at an awkward angle. His brown eyes curiously watched as Harry momentarily unclasped his hands and as he brought his hands back together, Remus barely caught a glimpse of something on Harry’s hand. His eyes narrowed, completely fixed on the boy’s hand as he waited for the boy to nervously move his left hand away again. The moment came and this time, Remus saw it, not clearly, but he knew his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him this time.
He reached across, his long arms easily grabbing hold of Harry’s right hand, and he felt the boy’s body stiffen at the touch.
“Harry, what’s on your hand?” Remus gently asked, his eyes flicking up to meet Harry’s green ones as his thumb grazed across the boy’s hand. The feeling of words etched into his child’s hand caused a panic to wash over him like no other. He was practically taken back two decades when he found a similar feeling on Sirius’ hand. Remus pulled away and rose, muttering the words, “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
“Remus, what’re you talking about?” Sirius whispered as he looked up and grabbed Remus’ hand. Remus shakily brought his free hand through his hair before leaning down to reach his partner’s ear.
“Someone used one of those quills Walburga used to use on him.” Remus whispered and could just barely hear Sirius’ quickening heartbeat over his own.
“Love, I wouldn’t lie about it in a million years.” Remus whispered again.
He pulled away and now was Sirius’ turn to bring a hand through his hair. The room was silent as Sirius rubbed his chin and patted at the cushion beside him for Harry to sit down. On shaky knees, Harry sat beside Sirius and waited for an explosive reaction. But Sirius vowed to himself years ago that he’d never react in a way that even barely resembled the way Walburga used to react. Instead, he gently took Harry’s hand, his thumb tracing over the five little words.
I must not tell lies
He quickly pulled Harry into his arms, the 15 year old immediately letting out a loud sob once his head met his godfather’s shoulder. Sirius closed his own tear filled eyes and did his best to comfort his child, mentally beating himself up for letting this happen, not that he had much control over such a thing.
Eventually Remus sat on the other side of Sirius and hooked his chin over Sirius’ shoulder and did his best to comfort his partner, who was comforting their child. The two adults silently cried, their hearts breaking the louder Harry’s sobs became, wishing there was a way for them to protect Harry from all of this. They naively wished they could shield him from it all, but they knew the prophecy—they couldn’t. They could protect him for the night, so that’s what they did, no matter how much it broke their own hearts to do so.
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jilyarchive · 8 years
Hi guys thanks for everything you do! Do you have any other good fics of jily in the afterlife watching Harry and welcoming Sirius and Remus and stuff?
We recommended these in the past, but here are some new ones we found but haven’t read yet:
Title: It's Always Quicker Than You ThinkAuthor: apliddellRating: GGenre(s): FriendshipChapters: 1Word Count: 737Summary: Sirius boards a train.
Title: The Next Great AdventureAuthor: thirty2flavorsRating: GGenre(s): AngstChapters: 1Word Count: 1,436Summary:   Unlike everything else in this place, she feels mercifully, wonderfully real; her hair gets caught in his smile, her elbow knocks his shoulder as she throws her arms around his neck, and the arm of his glasses digs hard into his temple as her hot, heavy breath tickles his ear. James and Lily Potter, after.
Title: A Mother's RegrestAuthor: AndyHoodRating: GGenre(s): Angst, FamilyChapters: 1Word Count: 515Summary: Lily's thoughts during the final battle at Hogwarts when she appears in front of Harry, set in the Deathly Hallows. Sequel to A Mother's thoughts and A Mother's Love
Title: Waiting RoomAuthor: cambangstRating: Teen and UpGenre(s): Grief/MourningChapters: 1Word Count: 4,952Summary: It all started with a blinding flash of green. At least that’s the last thing I remember. Everything was bathed in green light and then I blinked and it was all gone. Now everything is white...
Title: ReunionsAuthor: cougarlipsRating: GGenre(s): Friendship, FamilyChapters: 5Word Count: 2,860Summary: When they open their eyes, they don't remember the last moments of their lives. They find themselves at their beloved Hogwarts, trying to piece together the story of what happened, to figure out why they're there, and learn what was going on in the world below.
Title: keeping vigilAuthor: poppunkpadfoot (StormVandal)Rating: MatureGenre(s): DramaChapters: 1Word Count: 1,179Summary: The first month in James and Lily Potter's heaven feels more like a month in hell.
This one is a collection of one shots that eventually gets to afterlife stuff:
Title: AlwaysAuthor: paupotter_4869Rating: GGenre(s): Friendship, AfterlifeChapters: 37 [WIP]Word Count: 121,801Summary: Because this word means a world in our universe. A collection of some (happy) moments where it meant just as much. Mostly canon. Chronologically ordered, starting back at the Marauders Era. Every chapter one-shot.
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I cried over James and Lily two times already, and it’s not even 1:30 am yet.
Happy Halloween everyone.🥲
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