#at least my opinion here is practically the same as every other one I've read elsewhere. for what it's worth.
moons-of-dewclan · 7 months
I was curious how to get your clan really set off? I recently (LIKE EARLIER TODAY JFJSJFJ) started my own clangen blog but idk if it's worthy of Tumblr😭
How can I improve my art and improve my process? You're one of my BIGGEST inspirations ngl you're literally him (or her or they I'm so sorry I never caught your pronouns) but I was just curious on how to be better? If you wanna look, don't. It's like, rlly bad so.... save your eyes. Have a lovely nighttt <33
HELLOOOOO I'M NOT 100% SURE WHAT YOU MEAN BY SET OFF I'M SORRY :{ if you mean to get people reading it, i think it's vastly just luck also appealing to an audience by accident i posted my art online for 10 years (i started posting in 2010 as a wee ka- told you i'm an adult haahahueu) before anyone showed consistent interest and i valued those two or so commenters who occasionally had something to say about my stuff, so much LAKSNLKD. that entire decade i got between 2 and 30 favourites for every piece i posted- usually between 2 and 10- until around 2021 when a making a comic aANNND joining a wolf ARPG group exposed me to many kindred art-enjoyers that wanted to keep up with my goofy stories then for some reason, i posted Dewclan's first page on tumblr and it got way more engagement than any other piece of art i've ever posted SO LAKSDNLKDAS WE CANNOT PREDICT THESE THINGS.. at least i can't if you're looking for engagement, pLS AIM FOR ENGAGEMENT THAT FEELS MEANINGFUL over anything else IN MY OPINION, and it's just my opinion- part of being 'better' is, first and foremost, being able to enjoy your art alone. and then being excited with what you choose to share! even if you don't care about your quality of art, care about the story. if you don't care about the story, care about the process and just having fun. but you have to have fun in doing it, and do it for your own eyes primarily. like if you were alone in a room and creating only for yourself! because, until you happen to find others who like what you're liking, you are then when someone is interested and you get to share that excitement, even that ooone comment on something you care about is OOGHHH SUCH A NICE FEELIN. enter communities, comment on other artists' work, try to make friends! but make sure to remember, if you create with the hopes others will like it, without liking it yourself, you're going to be really broken down if someone doesn't like it FOR you :{ loving your own art is tough work but it's integral to your longterm relationship with drawing ON IMPROVING.. for me, nothing is more integral to improving than finding a way to practice that suits you (looking at live figures doesn't help me at all. i don't know why. it's insane), and having fun doing it. i can't grasp anatomy unless i break it down with shapes. SHAPES ARE EVERYTHING. study the shapes of what you want to draw. break em down by tracing simple shapes over your subject. see if the leg is the same length as the head from muzzle to neck and lock that info in. STUFF LIKE THAT on the technical side of things, it can be super helpful to dedicate half an hour or so to drawing a day- eventually it becomes a habit and you just default to 'oh i think i wanna draw' when you've got nothing else to do. more drawing, more improvement!
HONESTLY THO another important thing is not putting yourself down. i know it's a hard habit to break (i struggle with it outside of art myself!), but it doesn't do you any favours. the more you rag on yourself, the more it'll manifest as something that actually damages your art, AND your relationship with it. let it be fun- don't sabotage yourself! you can be critical of your work and still kind! little tip here, improving can take a while, but experimenting with styles can make an INSTANT shift in how you perceive your stuff. ALSOOO EXPERIMENT WITH DIFFERENT BRUSHES FOR SKETCHING AND LINING. I PROOMISE. PLS DO IT. IT'S LIKE A MAGIC TRICK. i cannNNNOT sketch with a hard brush. everything looks horrible. marker brush tho?? so smooth. full of character. lovely. binary brush sketches? suddenly i'm Anime. pencil brush?? i digidevolve back into baby ka who loved to crosshatch and do semi realism. airbrush??? i explode into atoms actually
i find for a lot of people, they don't need to improve or be 'better' at art, they need to learn to enjoy what they're capable of doing now, and improvement is a byproduct. from what i've seen through the years, unless you work to curb it the negative view of your art will stick with you no matter what 'skill level' you get to bc the calls' comin from inside the house, yknow what i mean 3: it can be a long process to learn to accept your art, and sometimes you just plain grow out of it over time! but in the meantime it can't hurt to make efforts to fight your d e m o n s
I'M SORRY I WROTE SO MUCH IK YOU DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS ALL IT ISN'T JUST TO YOU, ODESSY-CLAN BLOG RUNNER, IT'S AIMED AT ANYONE WITH ARTSY SELF DOUBTS. i hope i phrased everything kindly bc i meant it all kindly 3: i hate to see an artist doubt their work, but THERE IS NO SHAME IN IT. i want to encourage loving it regardless of any flaws tho, even though it takes time!
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I hate having to say this because I know the importance of what you and everyone else is doing here but sometimes I wonder if always talking about races and defending Louis/Jacob on this aspects isn't doing him a disservice?
Let me explain,sometimes myself included when I find a group of fans so annoying that I end up hating their favs and I know that they find us annoying because we bring what they are refusing to see.
For example yesterday an artist has draw louis 4-5 tones much darker than his real complexion (mind you they had Armand complexion lighter than he is ,so they can do it) rightly a group of fans came upon him demanding accountability, everyone quoting etc...
Then I read another ''artist'' say,that's why she never does fan arts with Louis and I'm wondering how many think that way and that's probably why he is the lead with the least fan arts (non ship fan arts)
*English is not my native language*
hi and thank u for asking this! if u need clarification on anything I answer here bcuz of a language barrier just lmk in my inbox again, it's no problem.
also let me say first that anyone can give feedback on this. I'm not any authority on anything and I'm an anon account. I talk about topics objectively. It's always helpful to have insight from others who feel comfortable sharing more identifying racial info on themselves and giving opinions on this stuff.
ok so to the actual question
"Then I read another ''artist'' say,that's why she never does fan arts with Louis and I'm wondering how many think that way and that's probably why he is the lead with the least fan arts (non ship fan arts)"
the short answer to all of this is that....it's all an excuse.
how many artists of color draw white ppl every day and yet we never hear about a "struggle" from that side? there is one just the same but if ppl were louder about it, nobody would take it seriously. whiteness is "the norm." ppl would laugh anyone out of the room asking how it could be "hard" to depict a white person??
well. it's literally the same for anyone else. there is no excuse to be unable to do something like this. if an artist is unfamiliar with something then they practice to get better at it. I've known plenty of white artists who can draw ppl across racial identities and don't get feedback like this bcuz they work on improving and *listen* when these conversations come up with other artists. saying u can't draw a black man bcuz the "woke mob" might come for u is doubling down on being racist. not only are u saying it's not worth even *trying* to do the art, ur also saying all criticism makes u the victim and that's the most important part of all. "these conversations don't matter bcuz they make me feel bad and that's wrong :(" that's a typical white response to literally *anything* regarding race. that's a lot of why we're still here talking about this in every space. it's not only specific to white ppl either but usually that's the largest group saying stuff like this. white ppl don't have to think about race, so these convos easily get killed in even the most progressive spaces. a lot of times it makes white ppl feel racist to notice race at all and there's usually gonna be some person of color around to back up that "logic" and say it's "right." that's all it takes to shut it all down. that's a lot of what this fandom keeps doing too.
the only way to make progress is to normalize things more. ppl don't know how to draw different facial features, hair textures, skin tones? start practicing. look at art from black artists who draw black ppl and study how that looks. examine ur own antiblackness. learn about colorism. study the racist history of depicting black ppl in art so u don't accidentally recreate that unconsciously. know what the antiblack stereotypes are. the show literally gave us both in 2x7, ppl can even just go study *that.* a lot of ppl don't even know that is there, as blatant as it is.
this is why I said thank u for asking this bcuz it's an important thing to talk about. white fandom (a mindset, not a skin color) will use stuff like this to perpetuate the idea that talking about race *does* cause harm. it doesn't. it never will. it's the only way to make any progress. centering the feelings of an artist who doesn't want to bother drawing louis bcuz drawing black ppl is too hard / anxiety inducing is just straight up racism. idk specifically who this artist is or anything but this is stuff u see and then u stop supporting that artist. u don't coddle them about this either. it's a stupid, harmful thing to say. find artists who don't make those excuses and who can handle having these conversations, support them instead.
ppl should also always be looking for black artists in this fandom to support in the first place. none of the popular artists here are black and that's done intentionally by the fandom. everyone should feel bad about that tbh.
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anamericangirl · 4 months
I've already graduated long time ago but I was wondering what is the relationship between schools and religion in your country?
I've heard about a thing in the USA called a Sunday School but I don't know how it works. Where I'm from, Poland, we have a class called ''Religion'' where we are taught Roman Catholic religion, the most prevalent religion in Poland. There would be sometimes lessons about other religions but they usually boiled down to ''Be nice to others and let's all get along.'' We would talk about other religions in history class. Ancient Greece? Greek Gods! Ottoman Empire? Islam. Poland before its Christening? (Yes, Poland ''becomes Christian'' when our ruler, prince Mieszko I, got baptized in 966. And yes ruler of the country doesn't have to be a king. We had few rulers who's never been technically crowned.) Slavic Gods!
What about kids who aren't Christian or who are but whose parents don't want them to be taught religion in school for some reason? They go to ''ethics'' class which boils down to ''Don't kill because it's a sin bad thing.'' etc.
Perfectly serviceable, right?
But even though it's not mandatory there are still people who think religion should not be in school at all. Because in their opinion there's already enough going on in school and religion class just keeps their kids in school an extra hour (In Poland classes are only 45 minutes and breaks are only 5 - 10 minutes long, with one long one, 15 minutes.).
Most people like or at least acknowledge that it's far more convenient that way.
It's not some small village where an entire school would fit in one room. How would the priest ask and grade an entire building's worth of children? (''Religion'' isn't taught by priests, nuns or catechists. (I think that's how you translate it.) We would get grades for reciting the prayers and other stuff, our notebooks and participation during class.)
But it might be because my school is religious even by Polish standards. Our Patreon is John Paul the Second. We have his bust in front of the school, almost every class has a cross and his picture. We have some pictures and drawings (made by previous students) of him in the hallways.
What do you think?
Thanks for the message! It was interesting to read about how things are done in Poland. I think for the most part it is the same here. Publics schools here can't promote or practice a particular religion, but they can teach about different religions (which mostly would occur in a history class and there wouldn't be a whole class on religion itself. That can be the case in college/university though).
However, there are private christian/catholic schools here as well and those schools can practice/promote religion and provide religious classes.
Sunday School is not an actual school that's just what we call church for children basically lol. During Sunday church services kids are usually dismissed to go to Sunday school which is just a class that takes place during church where they go over bible stories/lessons in more kid-friendly ways.
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Hi Cas, sorry in advance for the (very long) rant but I feel like I need some reassurance that I'm not in the wrong here because it's been eating away at me for a while now.
So a about two months ago I started practicing driving in my stepmum's car due to my driving instructor going into hospital. Her car was really hard to drive and far from what I was used to and it ended up with me almost crashing into another car. I went back to my dads house and started crying because I felt like I could've killed those people.
I was in the bedroom and my dad was in the living room trying to get me to come through to him so he could talk to me. I didn't go through because all I wanted was some time to stop crying and to calm down but he kept shouting at me (he couldn't come to me as he can't walk very well due to arthritis). He ended up coming through and shouting at me and criticising me for "making him" come through to me.
When I eventually sat with him in the living room I decided I didn't want to speak to him as he wouldn't stop shouting at me so I just sat there in silence. He kept making out like I was trying to manipulate him because I was refusing to talk to him even though he was saying that he had been "hurt all his life" and other stuff to try and make me feel bad for him.
I ended up just storming out of his house and going back to my mums. He had asked me beforehand if I had my bus card (where I live you get a card that gets you on buses for free until a certain age) and thankfully I did so I looked at bus times and decided that was my cue to leave. I knew my way to the bus station and as I was walking out of his house, my stepmum tried to stop me but my dad told her not to. (I should probably add that he lives in quite a dangerous area and I am a minor and a girl)
He has been texting me since then, still trying to manipulate me (for example: this happened right before fathers day and he said I was trying to use father's day against him when he was the first to mention father's day) and say that I was in the wrong.
Now he wants me to meet up with him in a few weeks and I'm wondering if I should. I want my dad back but at the same time I don't think our relationship could ever be the same now that I've seen what kind of person he truly is. Should I meet up with him and see where things go?
Thanks for reading this if you do cas.
Hi hon! First, I'm sorry this happened to you <3
I guess I'm wondering, is this a one-time thing, or a pattern? If this is the first time something like this happened, I would give him a chance to talk about it. It could be that he was in a lot of pain and not thinking straight, you know?
But if he acts like this every day, then maybe I would at least tell him he needs to be more sympathetic about your feelings, and that you're really hurt. Cutting off a parent is a big decision, so I would give him the chance to talk before doing that, unless he's done A LOT of bad shit. But that's just my opinion!
Naming you father's day anon!
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bogkeep · 4 months
last year i wrote my opinions on all the movies i watched on my Very Long Flights to australia, since long flights are a great opportunity to watch some movies i probably wouldn't have bothered to seek out otherwise. here's the stuff i watched this time around
the first 13 episodes of rurouni kenshin: okay so back when i watched demon slayer for the first time i asked around like "does anyone know any other Good Sword Animes. i'm in a big mood for Sword Anime" and a friend told me that they were going to tell me about THE sword anime, but with a BIG caveat. and the caveat was such that i went "ah yeah maybe i won't look into that one". i've since heard more about this series and been very curious about the story, because it sounds like My Shit. i figured in-flight entertainment is probably one of the more ethical ways to watch it, and i have confirmed that it is indeed My Shit. extremely skilled swordsman torn between his bloody past and a new life? he can win any fight, but at the cost of his soul? yeah. yeah. will say that the subtitles left in a lot of japanese terms and words that i think i would've greatly benefited to know the meaning of - like i figured it out from context eventually, but yeah. so Now I Know. at least my curiosity is sated.
the new wonka movie - it was Fine! i appreciated the sincere efforts of whimsy and trying to stick to a roald dahl-esque tone, though in hindsight it's ENTIRELY too magical and sugary sweet (hah). could definitely have done without the fatphobia - something that is very present in the source material, so i shouldn't have been surprised that it features in the prequel, too... it just made me go "nooo noooOooooo don't do that uuughhh noooooooooooooooooooo" a lot. honestly, as far as vibes go, this movie reminded me the most of the first f*ntastical beasts movie (you know, the one that came out in 2016, when we were still young and innocent) - like, decently charming, very cgi.
the old willy wonka movie - i had never seen this one before, and it provided me a lot of context for the New movie :') now THIS really hits the Unhinged Dangerous vibes the new movie lacked. easily the best played willy wonka. a grand old time. i <3 practical effects.
3/4ths of the barbie movie rewatch - is the barbie movie still fun to watch, even after a year of Essays and Takes? i think so. i was in a practical effects mood and had less than two hours left of my flight. like, it's The Barbie Movie. it will never be That Deep because it cannot escape its corporate mainstreamness, but i love the actual play-pretend whimsy and exorbitant amount of pink paint and funky outfits.
killers of the flower moon - i'd considered watching this on my previous flight, i had heard of the movie and put it on my to-watch list, but the THREE HOURS AND TWENTY SIX MINUTES runtime scared me off. not because i didn't have time (my flights were 12 hours and 7,5 hours respectively), but because i knew it was gonna be Heavy and Depressing and you gotta have the right mood for three hours of That. both of my flights had the exact same entertainment catalogues i gave it a try first thing on flight #2, knowing i don't have to finish it if i don't want. it was very good but oh boy heavy and depressing was correct! really good buildup of dread and despair as the web of murder closes in like water circling the sink. very good period piece, and everything i've read about it after indicates that martin scorsese worked very closely with the osage people to create this movie.
the lego movie rewatch - this is one of my favourite movies that i've seen many times but haven't in a while, and after the Three Hours And Twenty Six Minutes of indigenous people getting poisoned and murdered i REALLY needed something light-hearted. i was also severely sleep deprived at this point. all this to say that i was almost overwhelmed by how fun this movie is and kept tearing up at almost every scene. it's just such a good time!!!! my critique of this movie has always been that it has two tropes that annoy me - the "highly competent girl is reduced to an assistant for the clueless 'chosen one' dude" and "person who has changed their name goes back to use their ~*real name*~ because it's more valid than whatever they picked" - that only annoy me because of how prevalent they used to be at the time when this movie came out. in isolation, the story works really well and i still like it so so much. everything is awesome!!!!!!
anyway those are my movie thoughts
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valyrfia · 1 year
I really like some of the takes and overall people sharing their opinions in a safe sort of way/space.
I also love how I can trace your point of view not only on lestappen topic but on shipping in general and rpf specifically.
I think sometimes people forget (maybe due to their age or inexperience) that Max and Charles are real life human beings with high stress level jobs and who are public personas as well. If people think about themselves as nuanced individuals they should think the same way about these two too.
Like don’t get me wrong I enjoy analyzing their interactions, I do read fanfiction and always reblog a good gifset or post but I also realize that what I spent my time on is not a true reflection of reality.
Thus I don’t expect them to be publicly smooching every race weekend on camera.
They are just guys doing their job, they seem to have some type of feelings towards each other and they might as well be aware of it but even if it is so we are not gonna know about it probably. Not while they are active F1 drivers at least. And honestly? We are not supposed to know about it. It’s called private life for a reason.
So yeah I’m kinda glad to know that there are other tumblr users with similar opinions on sexuality, personal stuff and shipping and I hope the majority of the fanbase is sharing them.
First of all let me just say this is one of the kindest asks I've gotten, thank you so much <3 I love that you feel I'm curating a safe space for everyone involved
But yeah, I'm an old hat at rpf so I'm pretty good at the cognitive dissonance required to distinguish between the Max and Charles the super famous F1 drivers and the Max and Charles that we cackle about here, which is why I'm pretty straightforward about the fact that I don't like talking about their irl partners or speculating on their sexualities. It does take practice, but I think it's a really vital skill to have if we're going to talk about them. I've been involved with 3 or 4 rpf ships in my time and they get sour quickly unless we explicitly set some boundaries for ourselves.
Also let me play devil's advocate for a moment, let's say either of them are anything not straight. Imagine how absolutely terrifying that is, in an extremely high-stress sport that's had no high-profile non-straight people that competes in countries where being gay can get you killed by law. A grand majority of the fans would change the way they see you, probably some of the higher ups would too. Tabloids would hound you relentlessly and it's likely some people or their families in your circle would shun you. There is no way you would even think about the possibility of being openly queer in an environment like that. Whatever their sexualities are is their own private business, which is why I explicitly refuse to speculate. It's important to distinguish feelings from sexuality here. You can speculate on someone's feelings without speculating on their sexuality or how they identify.
That being said, fic plays by different rules (apart from the partners bit). I think fic can use these characters of Max and Charles to explore some really interesting theses on sexuality and how it would fit into the sport. It's still important to keep in mind that these aren't the Max and Charles that exist here in the real world though, they're characters based off of them.
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
"#(i'm gonna be sooooo disappointed if their nokia arena setlist is practically the exact same as their tour setlist but with more pyros 🙄)" YES EXACTLY! I'm going to be mad if the only special thing at Nokia Arena will be the supports and a ton of pyros and flashing lights 🙈 Sure I guess they kinda have to play the Exit Emotions songs (🙄) but please let there be a good amount of older songs too 😭
You get it 😭 Like, naturally the focus will be on their new songs, but from what I've understood, the Nokia Arena show will also be a sort of celebration of their 10-year anniversary, so I'm totally gonna expect it to be at least a little more special also in terms of the songs they play, even though I know it might be in vain 😔
I have sooooooo many opinions of their setlists anyway, gonna put them under a read-more in case someone's not up for seeing (minor) criticism lol (not even that tbh, just some constructive feedback / ideas, as if I know anything about how the music business works and how setlist for rock shows/tours are built)
I feel like they've for the past 2 years been playing pretty much the same setlist at shows, which is a huge shame imo because they have sooooooo many great songs in the catalogue, which would allow more frequent rotation in setlist. Obviously I understand they can't make a new setlist for every show, and that's not what I mean to say anyway, but it would be nice to hear different songs from time to time, you know? Sure, some songs get dropped when brand new ones are taken in, but I think the "base" setlist has stayed pretty much intact for two years now. I do understand why they keep such songs as Over My Dead Body and Died Enough For You in their setlists, because hey, they are fan favourites and solid live songs, and also in a way "prototype examples" of Violent Pop, right?
This is why I think they should, instead of using pretty much the same exact setlist for their shows both in Europe/Finland as well as in the US, they could very easily, with the fanbase they already have in Europe, include more older/unknown/non-single songs in their own headline shows, vs. the supporting act slots they play in the States (or at random heavy metal festivals in Europe) to audiences of which only a few have ever even heard of them, in which they could focus on new-ish singles as well as these "prototype Violen Pop" ones such as OMDB and DEFY. Because there's definitely a difference in between playing a show in front of an audience who only just heard about the band five seconds ago (to put it bluntly lol) vs. playing a show in front of an audience who knows the lyrics to ALL their songs, not just the few singles they've maybe heard on the radio/tv. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious here lol, I don't mean to assume y'all haven't already thought about this yourselves, I'm just writing down my own thoughts 😅
That being said, of course I don't know what it takes to rotate multiple different setlists instead of using just one setlist tour after tour 🤔 I don't know how much they have to practice their setlists before the go on tour? Naively I assume they know how to play their own songs (not counting the brand new ones they've never played live 😅). In any case, the reason I was low-key disappointed with the ice hall show was very much because of the setlist, which was the exact same as at the cruise the day before and at Pakkahuone the day after. Pakkahuone, in my opinion, was "just" a regular club show, i.e. not a special one like one expects a goddamn ice hall one to be, so the ice hall one didn't really feel as special as it could've been. Sure, the visual effects were cool and Robin was there which was definitely not expected lol, but in therms of the songs they played it was more or less like any other BC show. But idk, I wonder if the hassle with the bankruptcy of their booking agency maybe had some effect on how the show turned out? 🤷‍♀️
The Nokia Arena show is said to last for about 1½ hours. Now, if their headline shows on the spring tour last about 60 minutes, I really hope that the extra half an hour at the Nokia Arena show will not be filled with just some more light shows, pyros and other visual effects, but instead with actual music! I'm not expecting them to play some of their reaaaaaaaally old songs like Naysayers or whatever (unpopular opinion: not a huge fan of their super older stuff lol sorry), but even some less-played songs from Violent Pop? One of their recent setlist decisions I really can't understand is that Timebomb was dropped to give room to newer songs, because not only in my own humble opinion but also objectively speaking I think that song is one of their best ever. It's such a fucking masterpiece and definitely among the top 5 best songs they've ever made. Obviously any artist/band is in love with their newest songs and thinks that every new song they drop is the "best song we've ever made!!" but honestly I doubt that the 12 songs on Exit Emotions are going to be the best 12 songs they've ever written 😶 (because, again, in my extremely subjective opinion, all of the singles from LOTSAD alone have been better than any single from the new album, excluding maybe Die Another Day. not saying I hate the new songs, but none of them are going to my personal top 10 of BC songs. but yeah, obviously BC's not making music with my personal preferences in mind lol, just stating my opinion again 😂 I have more opinions on their new music, but that's another post entirely)
Still, I'm excited for the Nokia Arena show and I'm sure it'll be fun 🥺 the Irish pub we went to after the Pakkahuone show is right next to it btw, so maybe that's our afterparty location settled, eh? 🥰
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nomoreusername · 1 year
Good For Her
Tumblr media
Pairing Brenda x female reader
Summary:You and Brenda are getting serious but don't know how to tell Jorge.
I know that Jorge sees Brenda as his little girl. At the end of the day he is truly her dad because he chose to be. I may not be a parent, or even have one anymore thanks to the Scorch, but it's clearly a difficult yet fulfilling role. So I understand why he would be protective of her even if it comes to dating while we live in an absolute hell.
That's why we didn't know how to tell him we were together. We just didn't know how he'd react. It wasn't because I was a girl, but he was clearly protective of her. There's no knowing how he'd react to the news.
Despite being together for half a year we were just as lost as we had been on our first date. Now we're laying next to each other under the stars as we keep trying to come up with any plan.
"He's not dumb Y/N. He's going to realize we're always gone together,"She pointed out.
"I know,"I sighed.
"Then, why don't we just come out and say it?"
I fiddled with the hem of my sleeves, not knowing how exactly to put it into words. I knew why, but at the same time I didn't know how to explain why my reason was so important to me.
"Just tell me. Sitting here in silence won't help,"She spoke up.
"I don't know. I want him to approve of me as your girlfriend. I want him to think that I'm good enough to deserve you. If he didn't I'd be crushed,"I admitted.
"He loves you though. He's always so happy when you're around. How much could that change?"
"He thinks I'm around as your friend. Not as your girlfriend. There's a difference."
"You're right. There is a difference,"A male voice said. To be more specific it was Jorge.
My heart stopped beating as we looked at him standing in the doorway. His face was impossible to read which wasn't made any better by the dark night sky. I averted my gaze to the ground.
"Brenda, can you go inside for a minute?"He asked.
"How come?"She asked, seeming defensive.
"I'd like to speak to Y/N."
She gently squeezed my shoulder before walking off. I kept my eyes fixated on a rock on the ground. The rock couldn't give me any untrustworthy or hurtful looks. Jorge could.
I heard his footsteps before he took a seat next to me. I subconsciously held my breath in anticipation for what he was going to say.
"It's a nice night, isn't it?"He said after a while. It wasn't what I expected at all. The tone, the casual words, or any of it. So far it was in a good way. I hope.
"Yeah,"I agreed, still nervously playing with my sleeves.
"Do you and Brenda come out here a lot?"
"Yeah,"I mumbled.
"I had a feeling about you two. A parent usually knows."
"You did?"I asked, looking at him. He merely nodded.
"Of course. I had an idea you two at least liked each other about a year ago."
"Really? We've only been together for half of that,"I confessed.
"Why didn't you tell me kiddo?"
While a lot of things weren't expected that question certainly was. So I repeated exactly what I had told Brenda but I far more detail. I admitted just how much his opinion truly meant to me. He didn't interrupt me once as I explained every worry I had. Only when I finished did I glance up at him.
"You're a great kid Y/N. I've known you since you were a little girl still losing her baby teeth. You and Brenda were practically inseparable the day you met. You're more than good for her."
"So, I have your blessing?"I asked hopefully.
"Yeah kiddo. You have my blessing,"He assured me, ruffling my hair. I grinned at the fact that all I had wanted truly came true. He truly thought I was good for her.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
I have seen you repeatedly talk as if you are sure that it is Tae in Paris wherein there is absolutely no sure proof of it.
It surely is a media play. His manager may have been there but the person they are calling Tae - no absolute proof that it was him. Every photo/video they released of him of that day has some level of ambiguity to it.
Add to this, the OP was shady. The timings mentioned were off, 5.00 pm mentioned when sunset was at 9ish. The narratives of how they were spotted were off. They kept adding to the original story to make it look credible but with each addition, there were inconsistencies. The two of them and their teams were dressed for winter in summer. She had schedules so tight she practically could not have travelled 20+hours one way only to go back within a few hours to make it back in time for her concert. Her own behind-the-scenes videos kind of indicate these tight timelines.
If it was absolutely them and not cosplayers, then they may have shot it in November where there was an 'alleged' sighting of her with her manager. Again no confirmation that they were both there at the same time. This entire sequence is shady at best.
You have a decent following. When you talk of these things that are not proven as they are one way or the other, it lends to a fake narrative. Would request you to probably read some neutral articles and not just take my word for it.
I know this is your blog, your opinion yada yada, but I sent this request because of what I have seen your responses, you are largely fair and call a spade spade. It would be great if you form a more informed opinion on the walk too before talking as if it were true. Or at least a disclaimer would be good that it is how you see it and not the absolute truth.
Hi anon!
With all due respect, I am not going to talk in a way I think suits fandom best. If I do that, I feel I am no longer credible. It would feel for me as though I have to perform for fandom, and that is just not what I want. I've been struggling with that side of having a well visited blog, because people have started to want me to adopt certain narratives. I talk about my opinions on here, it's what i've done from the start and what I will continue to do. There's always different narratives going around, most of my followers are well aware of that and are very capable of thinking for themselves. I don't dictate what people should believe, I'm always open to discussing different opinions and I think I have made that clear.
It's definitely mediaplay and yes, I believe it was Tae and Jennie. I've talked about this often, I have also stated that I do believe the footage could have been older. You say there's no proof it was them, but there's also no proof it wasn't. Celebs do these things in person all the time. Tae was in Paris at the time. I also don't see what the problem is with it actually being him. From his posture, the way he walked, their managers being there. I feel it was them. It wasn't summer/warm in Paris in May, so their clothing wasn't that off for me. I'm fine with people thinking it wasn't, doesn't really make a difference in what the purpose of the whole thing was.. which is that we are supposed to think it's them.
I'm not going to be using disclaimers or anything, this isn't my job and I trust people are able to think for themselves.
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staliamazing · 7 months
tag game TEHEH
name: sarah !!!! c'est moi
age: twenty, to be twenty-one soon-ish. i am planning a party. will i go through with it? who's to say.
star sign: taurus sun, capricorn rising, gemini moon. i have beef with geminis so the last one deeply upsets me.
first language: english
second language: je parle français !!
i was near fluent and have my B2 but don't practice anymore. i am considering getting back into it because i feel i need more hobbies and highly regret throwing out all my textbooks and notes. (that's a whole other story i LOVED school and threw out all my damn notes and stuff?!?!? sarah you dumb dumb)
favorite lip product: that lush lip scrub! i've lost my peppermint tub but anticipate it turning up when i least expect it. my lips always has excess skin peeling off for some reason so its great to feel exfoliated!
the best food dish you can make without a recipe? um. pizza bread! pizza, pizza sauce, cheese. eat up friends!
if you drink tea, what kind? none, get away from me. SOMETIMES lipton peach iced tea but only if im at mad mex.
if you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? see last answer. i get the jitters.
favorite thing to watch on youtube right now: THE BALD AND THE BEAUTIFUL. i;ve been watching upwards of two episodes every night in bed.
favorite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: for sure mormon family vloggers. pick a channel i probably watched them. i have no fucking clue why!
favorite item of clothing right now: new graphic tee! the alice oseman x everpress collab with this gorg patchwork design and all little queer and trans doodles over it! the proceeds went to LGBTQIA+ refugees <3 i fucking love graphic tees holy shit
favorite item of clothing in 2012: some form of graphic leggings im certain.
fandom -
three movies you recommend: the half of it on netflix - watched recently and was confused but pleasantly surprised
your favorite concert: either one i went to with my gf! they were both great experiences even though i was shitting myself before both because i have a lot of sound and crowd sensitiivities ( # actually autistic). i loved being in the pit for ATL despite not knowing any songs and i like how you can feel the music inside you.
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? no i've actually followed someone because i love getting mad <3 over time i have grown to really respect them and where their views come from which im proud of because i can be a bit close-minded.
the best tv show you watched last year: i watch a lot of shows! recently though i watched euphoria and understood the hype. couldn't rewatch though. it felt like a disservice to the shock factor i feel like the show really feeds off.
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? don't pay much attention to fancasts!
a ship you’ve abandoned: im so sorry amy and rory from doctor who... i legit met them too. it just doesnt hit the same and im glad they divorced. amy was too swept up in the doctor and rory is a damn sweetheart who honestly deserves better. ALSO maya and lucas from girl meets world - bit random honestly why did they do that. lucas and riley from day one. maya and zay!
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? 7? depends on who to! anyone on here sure. not real people they'd be like "what do you mean you like fics where that little thug man wears short skirts" they just wouldnt UNDERSTAND
what fandom do you wish was bigger? tori spring fandom! maybe it is and i just dont know but.
do you have a fandom tattoo? yah, the fandom of my high school english teacher! most of my tats are literary inspired and specifically books i read in school for the curriculum.
my others are - phoebe bridgers related
gf related (she tattooed me) (fave fandom) (she's the best)
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? definitely i just can't remember which lmao im sorry
have you…
swam in an ocean? yep! swam is a strong word though. i've been in and bobbed up and down! i usually run from the tide.
been vegan/vegetarian? both! at different times. it was very much part of my friend and family culture growing up.
gone skinny dipping? yes, in my exs best friends dads girlfriends dead uncles pool :) honestly 10/10 swimming with clothes on is so random? i think its so beautiful how people look under the blue wavy water of the pool.
gone skiing? no i am scared of the snow since learning about crevasses in year 4 and almost falling off a ski lift at a very young age. i do love the cold and the ski lodge episode of gmw though.
thanks for the tag @iansw0rld, these are fun :)
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Sucks to be Me But I'm built Different Now
My work got accepted in a Litmag (technically a Zine, CoinOperated Press to be precise) for the first time today, and outside of being thoroughly excited to announce that my humble flier will be included in their next Zine, Dungeons and Dragons Part 2. (Learn more about it on the following link)
I just want to say that looking back, I think a lot of my opinions about my own creative work is based off of like, no one really praising me for my writing. Like I didn't keep writing because people said that I was doing great or good or was talented or whatever, I kept writing because I wanted to get to that point, in spite of the lack of praise not because of it.
Hell, my mother was basically radio silent on my writing after noting that my very first work, the weird fugue state nanowrimo novel that's lost to the sands of time was, and I'm quoting here, "At least he has good grammar." Admittedly I kinda avoided showing her stuff after that, but still.
Outside of her and my even less present father there was my brother who was barely present in my teenage years, and so I basically had jack all for validation outside of an RPing community I immediately antagonized by being an attention seeking edgy teenager who fired out a self insert the GM immediately recognized somehow.
So while it gave me an easy way to keep writing and a sense of community which genuinely helped me practice and learn the craft among other things, it also meant that I didn't really get praise? Or when I did it was from someone close enough to me personally that my brain could immediately dismiss them and their opinions as being invalid as they are tainted by other people's impressions of me as a person.
I think the one bit of praise I registered as genuine was when people said they had fun in the complete mess of a Shadowrun world plot I ran in that RP which is really just a high I've been chasing ever since with every tabletop game I have ever run.
And I couldn't rely on internal validation either because I spent literal years thinking that I was somehow getting worse over time because for some fucking reason I measured that shit based off of output as in the amount of words and paragraphs written down on (virtual) paper as opposed to like, actual quality.
And how hard it was to write, which uhhh, honestly writing has never really gotten easier for me, like I am far more aware of what constitutes 'good' writing now, but it's not like the actual process has gotten much easier, and honestly as the years went on I ended up constraining my own creativity more in vague pursuit of 'better, more respectable and praiseworthy writing'.
Which meant that on top of the tyranny of time eating away at my ability to remember how difficult it was to write in the first place, I had a growing list of hangups and fears that meant that I could always refer back to some past paragraphs I think are real zingers and go, "Damn, where did I go wrong? How am I worse than I use to be?" while ignoring the veritable sea of word vomit, every little thing I did to piss other people off, and the fact that I unironically just naturally obtained more responsibilities as I grew up and obtained a job that slowly crushed my will to live that just made it harder to sit down and write LMAO.
Now I'd love to say that I've thrown of all of my chains, learned to write the proper way, and focused my life entirely towards mastering the craft without interruptions, or that this one acceptance has fulfilled my lifelong desire for validation from a complete stranger once and for all.
Really all I have to say about all this is what you read at the top, "man it sucks to be me but I'm built different," I am in more ways than one no longer the same man who started writing just to have something to do in November, nor am I the man who sat down and chose to make himself when told to make absolutely anything he could want to be.
But then again I am the woman who started whooping and whollering and going, "OLE OLE OLE" and praising God after reading this so like, maybe I'm not that different after all.
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slutneto · 1 year
Bfmfjfnfj for REAL like. I think part of it is bc Shiv took a really huge blow with Logan's death so everyone's like how can Tom be an asshole now of all times. But here's the thing. Her dad dying doesn't erase the shit she put Tom through, which is more than just cheating on him (already horrible), and it irks me so much that they downplay Shiv's abuse towards him. Like yes he's an asshole and selfish, but you don't need to pretend like Shiv has done nothing wrong to justify your anger. Like. Shiv's abuse is so layered and constant especially during the first season, practically every scene between the two she's dismissive and mocking with him. And it's not like we're saying Tom isn't equally fucked up in how he behaves with her especially in how he's so pushy about getting her pregnant. And that's the thing, they're both horrible towards each other and we don't need to water these characters down to Victim Woman and Evil Man to enjoy them. Please stop!!!! Also I feel like people jump to Shiv's defense over made up arguments from made up people??? At least here on tumblr I've never seen the "tomgregs who hate Shiv" everyone's always whining about. At most I see posts saying she's not perfect and then people complaining about sexism in fandom LOL. Also also, last ep with the ear flick scene made a lot of people uncomfortable and rightfully so imo, it was meant to, but the virtue signaling is getting a bit too much gjmdjdk and equating an ear flick with domestic violence is a BIT fucked up in my opinion.
In any case I hope the writers aren't planning on escalating this and that it was meant to read as Tom just reacting to Shiv not backing off, bc if they take the Tom-Logan parallels to the extreme I might have to check out lol. I'm scared bc they have shown us Tom's violent side with Greg, and with the dynamics shifting... Idk.
This is going to get me cancelled for sure but fuck it, right?
I like Shiv, but only when she is without Tom? They are just fucking terrible with each other. Shiv uses her sexuality as a weapon, or perhaps a tool to hurt Tom. Perpetually. With cheating, with the open marriage, and trying tom to participate in it, etc., in early season one and late season three by hurting him during sex the first physically, the other mentally. I don’t think it as refreshing and ground-breaking or even entertaining as some fans, but hey, to each their own, tomgreg also has mental and physical abuse in there, to some extent.
I don’t want to defend Tom in anyway, because you are right, he is no saint, but we talk used (before season 4) talk about the pyramid of abuse in succ, where Logan’s abuse of his children was getting passed on to other people via his children, and just how fucked up that was, and how this needs to change, why are we suddenly so against Tom calling Shiv out on her insecurities and pointing out he has been hurt by Shiv? It’s true? Yes, she has just lost her father, but you are right, their issues started way before that.
To me, the ear flick was did not equal to domestic abuse but stayed on the same level of childishness as Shiv relentlessly trying to step on his shoes because she was feeling bad for herself. Tom deciding to take direct action against the source instead of this usual move of weathering through abuse and then taking it out on Greg in most insane ways imaginable is, at least to me, quite interesting. We don’t talk about it and what it might mean enough.
The fandom seeing any critique directed at a female character and saying it borders on fans being sexist is nothing new, but it is worrying here, where, textually, the point of this character is to be flawed and fucked up? We joke about them all being our poor little meow meows but surely critical thinking has not been lost along the way? The whole point of this show is to question how much of the kid’s actions can be blamed on Logan, and how much of it is the kid’s fault. If we decided everything is Logan’s fault, then the kids are nothing but his reflections, his agency in the world, with no autonomy, all of their actions can be traced back to Logan.
I am not sure I enjoy this season at all, which is super odd, because we are now halfway done? The writers did say we will get to find out if tomshiv were ever anything real in the second art of the season, which is good because my POV on this changes daily. Yeah, Tom used his relationship with Shiv to breeze through the ranks, but he also seemed genuinely in love and therefore hurt by Shiv’s actions too? Yes, Shiv has been historically abusive, cold, and dismissive, but she seems to care about Tom from time to time. But is it enough? Idk.
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sera-wasnever · 2 years
nerd shit that no one here cares about but I really hate how much I like the actual mechanical and character creation changes we know about in this 'one dnd' shit given how much I detest the announcement overall with its focus on moving towards digital (video game industry-ification of dnd ahoy with microtransactions and all) and the general resentment of all attempts to squeeze more money out of republishing core books etc
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bemylord · 3 years
ꜱ/ᴏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴄʟɪɴɢʏ
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characters: satoru, itadori, megumi, toji, nanamin, sukuna.
warnings: it's not an angst, but it has triggers because they screamed at you :( [toji and sukuna parts bc yall know those man] + grammar issues. [aged up?]
butler's remark: it was hard to write yuuji, megumi and gojou parts bc they are good and sweet boys and i practically cry. i also had decided to do as a hdc not in the fake text. i did a reader with a strong character.
apologies part.
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴜᴊɪ:
pls no. i can't even imagine that yuuji would scream to you or say you're bothering him.
but, okay, that's why you're reading this.
you just wanted a piece, a little bit, some, of yuuji's attention while he was training.
you came to him from behind, wrapping hands around his neck.
you were happy to finally see and hug your boyfriend, planning to spend an evening watching some tv-shows.
suddenly, yuuji turned to you, and instead of the usual: 'sweetie, i'm so happy to see you let's watch the tv or eat ramen!'
he answered: 'i'm busy, y/n, let's talk later.'
being busy by doing something is totally normal.
but he could at least said you not cold as that. he turned around his body, continuing to do the same thing.
'but i missed you, yuuujiii~' you stretched out [?] his name in a smile, clinging to his shoulders again.
'can you not being clingy y/n, i'm trying to train. give me some space, you're starting to annoy me!'
you were standing there with doe eyes - he had never screamed at you.
'yeah? whatever, itadori. i'm gonna cuddle with megumi-kun, good training.'
you left the room with tears in the corner of your eyes. you'll give the space that yuuji had mentioned - you won't be talking with him for some days or weeks, therefore he'll know he should watch his mouth. [to follow what he says]
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ:
he came back to the dorm late after training with satoru.
you, being the lovely girlfriend ever, wanted to help megumi: you filled the bathtub with water, made delicious dinner, and find a good movie to watch after bath. maybe, it isn't a romantic thing, but it'll help him to release the tension in the muscle.
'megumi, you finally here!' you had green your boyfriend with a warm hug, as you always do, cupped his face to kiss him.
you were about to give a kiss, when 'gumi intercepted your hands, looking at you tiredly.
'how was the train? you must be tired, that's why i made for you bath and dinner.'
you walked into the living room as you heard him muttering.
'you always being so annoying and so mommy [i mean, hyper custody], i am not a child, y/n, i can help myself.'
'gomen-gomen, megumi, i just wanted to help you relax.'
'stop being like that! that's annoying, i'll take a bath alone, without you.'
you saw bruises and abrasions on his face - he must be angry about that. you have known how megumi hates to be beaten gojou or todou.
you decided not to answer, only waiting till his fury will calm down and he will apologize.
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴛᴏᴊɪ:
i want to confess right away - i'm already afraid of him.
toji should be about to return home from a mission any minute now.
you had baked apple pie and made dinner, anticipating for your husband to arrive.
you only overheard heavy footsteps in the living room, immediately run to see him.
'my love, you back home.' you were about to kiss him, when he turned his head, pronouncing:
'don't touch me.'
his obnoxious nature. over the years of living with him you have taught him to be more gentle with you.
'use better words, toji.'
'i will talk to you as i want, woman. the fact you are my wife doesn't mean i'll be docile.'
'don't talk to me like that, i'm yo-'
'shut up, you're just a wife who comes when i need her. don't exalt yourself. don't be clingy.'
notwithstanding your strong character, tears start to roll down on cheeks.
'i have no intention of being your servant, toji. find another 'wife', i'm leaving.'
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ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ:
as you know, gojou satoru is a playful guy, who wants to tease you like 24/7.
you never thought that gojou would scream at you due to you being clingy. it happened, tho.
you are basically just like him, naughty and agile, waiting for him after work so you could take gojou in your arms and kiss him.
when you heard as the door opened, you ran to hug him. however, when you were anticipating to him to do the same, he uttered: 'let go of me.'
you thought he wanted to hug you first, so you've wrapped your arms around your neck tighter.
'did i not make myself clear? get off me. you being so clingy and intrusive.'
'i missed you, 'toru.'
'we see each other every single day, let me spend a few days alone, don't act like a child, stop being sticky'
when you heard the last word, you get off your boyfriend, watching as he slowly walking into the living room, not look at you.
'a few days alone? fine, gojo, whatever. all you want, i'm leaving.'
you grabbed your phone, leaving the house.
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
you had mentioned that you might be clingy or sticky, demanding a lot of attention, when you on the period.
he agreed, laughed at your words. 'i always be with you anywhen, angel.'
as silly as it may sound, you wrapped your arms on a pillow, which was smelling like him, imagining it was kento.
you heard as a door opened, cheerfully coming down to greet your boyfriend.
'welcome home, darling, i was waiting for you to have some.. cuddles!' you straighten arms on him, expecting kento hugs you.
'it seems as you need me only for that, y/n.'
'no, darling, of course not. how was your day? tell me while we're gonna have a bath.'
'that's what i'm talking about. can it be only one day when you stop being sticky like that? i'm tired from work i want to be alone.'
you were speechless. you mumbled something illegible, step backward.
'y-yeah, s-sure..'
you walk in the bathroom, hiding your tears from him. as soon as you found yourself in the room, you sob.
'he just tired. i-i won't cry.'
you let your boyfriend spend an evening on his own, trying not to cry.
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ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ:
disclaimer: the king was really mad today, exactly today when you wanted to cuddle him.
you came to his domain, happy and shine like the sun - you've moved up in the ranks, isn't that a success?
you baked muffins, the kind that the king likes - with chocolate, and garnished with nuts on top. [it's only my opinion]
so, when you stood in front of a pile of skulls, sukuna unexpectedly said: 'you should leave. now.'
'huh?' you turned your head on the left, in a curious gesture, waiting for him to explain.
you did a step forward, thought you misunderstood him.
he didn't even look at you, sitting on the throne like you ain't here like you're sort of a slave, not a girlfriend.
'i've got so good news, sukuna. the first i had baked muff-'
before you could've finished the sentence, he used cursed energy to stop you, knocking the treats out of your hands.
'i fucking said you to leave my domain, woman. are you that stupid? and stop being clingy, it's irritating me.'
you knew his nature, you knew he might indicate something offensive, but, that one - above hurtful.
'what's wrong, the king?' you said his position mockingly, going down the skulls, looking at his back. 'go to hell, i'll tell it itadori. be here alone, sukuna.'
well, shall i do a part two with apologies? also sorry for kinda sad post.
[?] - pls corrent me if i used the wrong word.
↳ back to the main master list.
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ninak803 · 2 years
Letters (XVII)
Okaaay here is the next one! I hope you enjoy it! Maybe it makes your Monday even a little better.
I know, by now you all know that @whataboutmyfries is checking everything for me & I love every comment she leaves on my little writing.
& as always, characters by @lumosinlove
Dear Kasey,
Thanks for having me over in Gryffindor. It was good to finally see you again and spend some time with you. You haven’t changed at all, you know that? And that's good because I like who you are.
I really liked Gryffindor! It felt a bit like New York with its skyscrapers, the parks and all the people just had that typical New York energy and vibe. It isn't New York though, so it's just not that good. But we already discussed that over a beer and I know you have a different opinion on that. I also know you miss New York, even though you won't admit it. How could you not? I missed it and I've been away for what? Two weeks? But then, the city is my home and I know it like I know my own heartbeat.
This turned into a New York love letter somehow, I didn't intend to do that. Sorry, Kase.
Honestly, Gryffindor is great and I can see why you like it so much. I can also say the same thing about Natalie! That woman is amazing and I totally get why you love her. She's perfect for you and I'm really happy that you found each other. But please, stop looking at her with these huge puppy eyes. I know you're head over heels for her, but stop the puppy eyes. I'm just teasing you, it's cute actually. You're cute with her. She's good for you. And the way she looks at you and smiles, I just know she definitely feels the same as you do. I'm so happy for you, I really am.
I wish I could have taken some of the chocolate cake with me. When you two come to visit me, Nat has to teach me how to make it. It was the best chocolate cake I ever had.
I thought you didn't like running? Has that changed since you moved? When we went on a run, you didn't even complain once. You were in such a good mood, it was almost scary. Back at home, you complained at least twice per run about how much you hate doing that. But maybe you just appreciated my company more than you did back in New York. That's it, isn't it? Whatever it was, I'm glad we went for a run. I really enjoyed it. I miss our runs. Sometimes. Like, when I'm really bored.
I know you're leaving for Canada tomorrow, so you won't get to read this until you get back. So how was your time at home? How is your family? What great things did you do? I hope you had a good time (or will have a good time because you're not even there yet. Time's a mess).
I'm going to meet Inés later today. You know, I haven't seen her in two weeks and I missed her. She really grew on me, though I don't even know her that long, isn't that weird? We're going out for lunch and then we’re watching a movie at her place or maybe better mine because her room is tiny and I think her roommates are around, so we can't really hang out in the shared living room and have some alone time. One of her roommates, I forgot her name, shame on me, is super nosy. She's nice, really, but she doesn't leave us alone even when she's told to. Privacy is a concept she doesn't understand. I really should suggest that we go back to my place.
Having so much time for myself feels weird. It always does after the season. You know, there's usually just so much going on with practice and the games and roadies… And now I have time to do literally nothing. Nothing! I think I'll take a nap now, Kasey. Then I'll go for a run and then I have to get ready for my date. Sounds like a good plan to me.
I'm going to meet Finn later this week. He's back at home for a week and I'm going to spend as much time with him as possible, if he likes it or not.
So, call me when you're back from Canada, Kasey!
See you,
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kiss-this · 2 years
have absolutely nothing against giorgia but the past couple of days italian twitter (not even her haters literally locals 💀) has been having an absolute blast making fun of her poetry and after seeing a bunch of it… um 😶 if her publisher and editors genuinely saw potential in her work they should’ve told her to keep working on her craft. it being bad is literally fixable by practicing, reading, learning and researching, good poetry is very rarely something that comes completely naturally, instead they saw a big number of potential sales because of her following and went along with it. some of the poems even ending up there has me questioning her friends, like girl has not one person that loves you told you that some of this stuff is just… not good? i feel really bad for her because obviously the book is very personal to her and its probably difficult for her to accept criticism on it because she feels so connected to it so it feels like she is being criticized herself but criticism is a part of being a published author. also someone please get her a social media advisor or something because she’s been tweeting things and even though i get the need to defend oneself, she is literally escalating it and ppl are making fun of her even more. sorry for the long message its just that I remember you posting a sort of review of her book and i think you were one of the first people in the fandom on here to say its not good, and now having seen a big chunk of it i definitely agree with some of the things you brought up and as a poetry lover i guess i just wanted to add my two cents lmao 😂
Hi Anon, feel free to add all the cents you want. I know I have millions to add on this😅
I agree with everything you said, especially the social media advisor part😂 I've seen the shitstorm and I'm not happy about it. As usual some people go way too far and Giorgia didn't deserve it. Still, I've felt disappointed by her a few times too many recently, and I've been disappointed by the lack of meritocracy affecting Italy since forever so I'll take advantage of your ask to vent a little here. Forgive me, I don't have to work today and it's rainy outside😅
Let me start with this. I like/don't like Gio's book is an opinion. Poor lexicon is a fact, so is the immaturity with which some subjects are treated, so are the same three metaphors repeated again and again and the blatant incapability of using even just that one rhetorical device that's so common in poetry. This is important to explain why so many people are pissed.
Now, Italy (but probably every other country) is full of people who somehow become famous on internet (good for them, really!), make millions, and not satisfied yet, soon after start to act, or direct movies, or even get into politics and more than anything else publish books. For some reason writing books is always an influencer's first choice.
Italy is also full of people who studies literature for years and have to leave the country or accept to work part-time, with a temporary contract, for 600€/month. Then people without merits and experince come with their thousands of followers and just like this, a publishing house, a tour book, thousands of copies sold. Am I jelous? No. I am mad and I'll always be mad when stuff like this happens a) because it's so fucking unfair, b) because they're even arrogant about it, but I'll explain later.
BTW Giorgia now claims she's studied and been a photographer for years. Ok but where did she study? Where are her works? She clearly stated that she dislike cinema which is at least odd for a phographer, and never even showed a real camera so I think we're all allowed to doubt. What influencers refuse to understand if that followers don't equal talent.
Now, about the lack of humility. What really disappointed me is the way she's been answering to criticism, which proves that she's actually as immature as her poems and also a bit too arrogant.
Let alone the Alda Merini thing, already a few weeks ago the only time she deigned to answer criticism, she did it in a story where she claimed that those who don't like her poetry are, and I quote (yes, I took a screencap because I couldn't believe it, back then): live in posh living rooms (she has an house with a terrace in Rome), hate themselves and each-other (god knows how she came to the conclusion), are passive-aggressive and the funniest one? They apparently are too busy to care about first words problems. Now. NOW. How rich is this??? Coming from a person who makes money sponsoring cosmetics and clothes and luxury brand champagne? A woman who calls herself anticapitalist but works into fashion industry and owns a 700 € cat litter? Damn, I lived most of my life with less than 700€ a f*cking month!
And last but not least, now if you don't like her poetry about sex it's because you're misoginystic? For me this was literally the last strow. Hiding behind feminism because she cannot take criticism harms the whole feminism cause. But sure, wear a cap with "fuck the patriarchy" written on it and all is good 🤦‍♀️
I want to be extra clear that she still didn't deserve all the hate, that's just sick and wrong. But I cannot help it, I'm definitely disappointed and I like her less than before. I'll still follow her for her activism because for me this is what makes her interesting (and the kittens!), not her hair product, not her lipsticks and sure as hell not her books. I still think she and Dami make a cute couple btw and I wish them all the best.
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