#at least with lovely and vincent it was ‘solved’ by lovely turning
soup-scope · 1 year
But you know I'd stand on the corner
Embarrassed with a picket sign
If it meant I would see you
When I die
gavin and freelancer
avior and starlight
sam and darlin
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amaralionelli · 8 months
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About me
I go by Amara or Ghost. She/He/They.
Most of my stories include queer characters because, well, I am.
I'm an old person with a big kid job who's working towards getting a grown-up job (aka I work full time and go to college. Someone help me!)
I'm central timezone, but work overnights, so that's when I'll be most active. It's strange, I know.
While I'm not new to Tumblr, I am new to the writing and reading communities here.
I got into writing like most people I know my age, through roleplaying stories with friends back in the golden days of Gaia Online (my age is showing , huh?)
I am. Super dyslexic. Feel free to kindly point out any spelling or grammatical errors I make. I try my best, but nothing is ever perfect.
I love meeting, and talking to, new friends! Community is very important to me whether it's my local queer community, or my many online communities. Let's get to know each other! My inbox is always open 💙
The Whimsical World of Tobias James Barton.
His name was Tobias James Barton, born the 31st day of October in the year of 1830. All Hallows Eve as it was. He was turning 13 this year, though he couldn't for the life of him recall a single thing from before he was 12 years of age .
A boy with terrifying strength and a mysterious past meets a man with a book and a secret. Together, they solve mysteries, fight magical beasts, and cause general chaos wherever they go.
The Prize Fighter of Iskana (link to Wattpad)
Ferris is an untouchable. Bred for war and a life of violence. A beast who was only good for their strength and obedience. It was all they knew. When they are whisked away to the desert country of Iskana as punishment for stepping out of line, they are sure it would be the end for them. The universe, however, had much different plans. It's in the palace of Iskana where they meet the rather strange demon prince that turns all that they knew about life, and love, upside down.
War is coming to them, but the people living peacefully on the planet of Pandora can't feel it. Skye Wilder is on the cusp of adulthood. He'll be graduating high-school soon, moving into an apartment with his cousin, Karul-An, and his off and on boyfriend, Justin, while joining the engineering program at the community college just two star systems over.
Or at least he thinks he will.
Things take a turn when his estranged older brother, Vincente, shows up with some plans of his own.
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lumilasi · 3 months
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I was supposed to work on some pride month themed pieces, instead I'm out here creating a bisexual vampire, even tho I promised myself I wouldn't make more characters anytime soon.....
(random note: I don't typically make vampire characters as I find them over-utilized in fiction somewhat, but for Cornel it just felt like the ONLY thing that truly fit...)
TBF, he has an important role in the story that fills in lot of plot points. Also I meant him to be indigo themed but he ended up purple instead. *shakes fist at porple* I did have ideas for other outfits, but I kind of ran out of motivation for now and decided to just post this already; I can always draw him in those other ones later.
Anyway, more info of Cornel below(incomplete):
Name: Cornel Sala (His full name is Cornelius, but he prefers the shorter version, because his full name just reminds him of getting constantly yelled at or belittled by his parents)
Age: Unknown, he appears to be in his mid thirties physically, but has existed for at least 100 years.
Height: 189 cm
A Natural born vampire currently hiding in the human world & working for a mob family
There are 2 types of these bloodsuckers in this story; the more classic, humans-infected-and-turned-into-undead-bloodsuckers, and natural born ones like Cornel. Natural-Born originate from Ether and are generally stronger and also immune to most common vampire fighting techniques, given they aren't really the same being even if they share similarities. No waving a holy cross or garlic to their face will work, though they are weak to light based magic, provided it is powerful enough. Cursed Ones come from a curse long ago, placed onto some humans that turned them into bloodthirsty monsters. Mostly they are created by fellow cursed, but sometimes a human can be turned by a Natural born, which then makes them a human-vampire hybrid instead of an undead creature. It is theorized that the Original Curse was inspired by Ether vampires still, just with their common ailments and weaknesses (Sun & silver allergy, tendency to be overtly polite, aversion to garlic dishes (either due to, again, allergy or just not enjoying the taste due to kind of a "cilantro" gene many of them have about garlic) turned up to eleven
Role: One of the antagonists for the Sterling family, often behind whatever chaos they are trying to solve.
Love interest: He has somewhat of a physical relationship with his boss Camilla, though its purely casual, neither she or him take it very seriously. There's also sexual tension between the long-lived Barone family guardian Soul eater Samar and him....
Comrades:  Vincent DeVos (A plaque demon) Samar (A Seemingly ancient Soul Eater, who turns out to be the brother of the Soul Eater King/Deity) His boss Camilla Barone (Human mobster)
Rival: Alexander Sterling, due to their previous run-in and roles as sort of protectors for their respective bosses.
Flight: He can turn into a bunch of bats to travel, or use shadows for it thanks to his occultism skills
Physical strength: He is naturally far stronger than any human could dream of being, able to rip them apart with his bare hands. (Among the Ether citizens though, his kin are considered average or below average in raw physical strength)
Blood magic: He can utilize his own blood to form weapons or shields, and ofc infect others with it, though unlike "cursed" ones his by default doesn't turn people, just poisons them.
Occultism: He can basically summon forth dead souls to inhabit objects and things to create an army to command, or even force a possession into someone. He can also bring people back from the brink of death, but the timing for that needs to be precise.
Immortality: While not a natural trait, Cornel has used an ancient rune spell onto himself that he discovered, where he basically cannot be killed for good unless one manages to undo this spell/his soul is devoured successfully by a soul eater (hard to do, due to his occultism magic he tends to "go down" very poorly). He always reforms eventually even if his body is entirely destroyed.
Charm: He has the natural vampire charm which he can utilize for feeding or getting people to generally do what he wants.
Turning: Cornel can turn others into vampires too, but it requires a special casting spell alongside the bite, AND consent. You can't forcibly turn anyone into half-blood Ether vampire.
His kin are naturally weaker against light based magic (nothing to do with holiness, just light as an elemental energy type) though how powerful this said magic needs to be depends on the individual vampire. (Example: Diojas' biological mother is a genuine dangerous threat to him, but someone like Hayden Faylune who is more present in the story, not so much)
Cornel has some of the common ailments to his kin that are also associated with the Cursed ones, though for entirely different reasons; he's not weak to sunlight, just allergic to it.
Alongside silver allergies, It is common for Ether vampires to have sunlight allergy in varying levels of severity. In his case it is a medium level case, where he'll develop rashes and nausea after thirty minutes of exposed direct sunlight, but can counter it by just covering up, and cloudy days he can be outside during daytime mostly without problems. (Worst cases absolutely can't tolerate it at all and come out only at night, and even then may have to avoid moonlight as it is reflected sunlight)
His occultism spirit tricks can naturally be countered by exorcism abilities.
Cornel is a very calm and collected man with a somewhat clinical way of thinking, having been a doctor in the past. He has a scientist's curiosity, with somewhat lacking moral compass, though he still has some principles left; he doesn't feed from minors or pregnant women, and tends to refuse blood offers from those with mental illnesses like depression. (Now he if he doesn't know and finds out later, he tends to shrug it off though)
He is quite sadistic and enjoys toying with his targets, often terrorizing them half to death before actually killing them (he works as a personal assassin for his boss as well). That being said, if he respects you enough (like he does Camilla) he'll listen if told to knock it off.
Cornel can be quite charming and polite man to talk with, though he can also get very passive aggressive, and if he doesn't particularly care for you - but the dislike isn't strong enough for murder - his contempt will ooze out of every word, to the point his boss finds it funny.
He can hold a grudge for a long time, but is also an opportunist and a patient man, knowing when it is for the best to leave things be for now, and wait for a perfect time to strike.
BG Story
Cornel's early days are a mystery, what is known that he divulged information he shouldn't have to people in human world, and that led to him becoming a wanted fugitive, who violently dispatched his would-be-captors. (he has indicated his birth family was shit) Cornel ended up faking his death eventually to get away from the Shadowless. He ended up working with a mob family eventually in human world, the sister of the Barones family boss. (Barones were the family my MC Avane's boyfriend used to serve as well) He was eventually asked by Camilla to eliminate her brother who was going off the deep end with his obsession over his "ex boyfriend" who'd escaped his clutches two years ago, endangering the family business. He happily obliged, having never really liked the man in truth, given the curse he'd placed upon the "boyfriend" in question that Cornel had noticed. He'd never spoken out for Roman as he hadn't cared about the Grimmhound really, but had always found his essentially forced servitude rather distasteful.
Fun Facts:
His other hand is darkened and has a spiral-y pattern around his shoulder as a reference to his occultism powers & immortality rune spell.
The mob family Cornel works for was the one A Grimmhound named Roman was in, before he was rescued by his now girlfriend Ava (my mc).
DeVos initially develops an admiring crush on Cornel because he reminds Vee of his ex friend/friends-with-benefits Angus, but overtime Vee realizes that Cornel is actually really terrifying and awful, and not at all what Vee liked about Angus. (Cornel plays a role in Vee's somewhat-of-a-redemption arc before his death, by giving him this moment of enlightenment)
Cornel's boss lets him feed from her sometimes, though he doesn't really ask for it (it often leads to more intimate things too...)
Cornel and Samar don't really get along that well, but have a level of respect for each other's strength, knowing the other could seriously cause some damage to them. (Samar is also not exactly immune to his vampire charm, unfortunately...)
Cornel finds DeVos an amusing little 'child' due to his initial idolization and a level of naivety. (Cornel pretty much figures out instantly from Vee's stories why he got rejected)
Cornel and Angus are kind of parallels in general; both are doctors with feared powers that utilize blood, both had tough upbringing, and their colors are kind of complementary; Angus' main (accent) color is yellow, whereas Cornel is purple.
Cornel's style is very victorian goth inspired, though does include striking lighter colors for contrast like that light lilac coat.
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holly-louisexox · 4 months
Ribcage X Andy Biersack- Part 17
“There’s one thing you should know about me Delia Vincent, I don’t date. Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way.”
He was adamant in his choices…
…But then things changed.
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"So whilst you were at university, did you just do this? Fiddle with the soundboard and stuff?" Jake asks out of curiosity; it had become his habit to hang out with Delia before sound check to try and learn things from the talented woman he was on tour with, he found it fascinating how she was so confident and could solve pretty much anything. He could never understand half of what she was doing for the most part.
"Sadly not. It was balanced as 60% running a performance and the sound tech, and 40% a written exam. In the exam, I was given different scenarios and I would have to write what I would do and why I would choose to do it and what the outcome would be of that decision." Delia explains whilst ensuring the balance of the audio and amps were correct.
"Wow, that sounds more complicated than I thought for, no wonder you're so confident with this stuff." Jake nods; a conversation itching in the back of his head but unsure whether it should be brought to the surface.
"Yeah it was a rough 5 years but I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my job and love being able to do these things. Touring and seeing different places has by far been the best experience of them all though." Delia smiles looking back at Jake.
"Well I for one would love to have you back on tour with us, I'm sure the others would agree." Jake smiles before that conversation idea pops back into his head. "I must ask Delia, and I hope this is not an upsetting ask of me, have you been eating properly this tour? It's just that, I know touring is hard, especially when it's your first one and... All I'm saying is you gave us quite a fright when you fainted the other day."
"I've been eating Jake don't worry, but I appreciate the concern." Delia dismisses it in hopes that he drops the subject and moves on to something else.
"Is everything okay Delia? People normally don't just faint for no reason." Jake continues to ask out of worry.
"If I am to tell you something Jake, please keep this between us." Delia turns to the guy she would like to hope is her friend.
"Of course, Delia." Jake nods softly willing her to continue.
"A few years ago I was working on a local production of The Phantom of The Opera." Delia sighs, the memory of the event bringing pain and difficulty breathing to her chest. "The woman playing Christine had a sister living in Seattle. The sister went missing and... 2 weeks later they found her body... In the Seattle ferry landing pier."
"Oh shit Delia." Jake gasps placing a gentle hand on her shoulder in comfort. "And that's why you?"
"Yes." Delia nods "Guess it just freaked me out a little bit. It's silly really."
"It's not silly at all, it's completely understandable actually." Jake smiles "At least Andy was there to catch you so you didn't hurt yourself."
"Yeah, at least." Delia smiles awkwardly.
"Delia, what's going on between you and Andy?" Jake asks removing his hand from her shoulder.
"What do you mean?" Delia asks feeling herself panic slightly; surely Lonny didn't spill the gossip.
"I just mean, Andy, he seems almost happy. I've known the guy for years, I know what he went through with the divorce, and I saw how he changed. But he seems conflicted with you. This guard, this fake version of himself he has created to protect himself, it seems to disappear when he's with you." Jake explains sincerely to Delia which makes her speechless. "Delia, have you slept with him?"
"Jake!" Delia gasps before regaining her composure "No, no I have not." Lies. As soon as the lie left her mouth she could think nothing more but Andy, the way his lips were delicate on her skin, the way his fingers traced her body as if she were the finest of chinas; how he managed to make her feel as if she was on top of a pedestal as he worshipped her.
"All I'm saying is please be careful Delia." Jake sighs "As much as I would love to see Andy happy again, I can't ignore the amount of women he's slept with and dumped the next day. I don't want to see you get hurt by him."
"I won't Jake." Delia smiles.
Deep down she was hoping that to be true. As much as she wanted to say she did not feel anything for Andy, she could not deny the way she was fascinated by him. She could not deny she loved the feeling of him, it was almost enchanting.
"Great show as always guys!" Shevy smiles and she and Delia bring the food into the backstage room for everyone.
"4 more shows left guys!" CC screams.
"Man I love touring but I cannot wait to spend Christmas with my wife and son." Jinxx smiles.
"Yeah, I'm excited to see my parents again, as much as I love seeing the different states, it's weird being so far from them. I've never been far from them apart from when I went to study in Italy." Delia explains with a sad smile.
"After a while, you learn to focus on yourself and ignore other's feelings." Andy states dryly. "The only person you can ever rely on is yourself."
"Dude, that's cold." Jake replies looking at his bandmate.
"I'm just saying." Andy shrugs "I'm glad your marriages have turned out well but that is never promised. So what's the point? It's just easier to rely on yourself." At this Andy looks towards Delia. 
Andy did not want to hurt Delia, he knew that feeling all too well himself, but he was running out of options. Despite his best efforts, he was continuously drawn to Delia and he wished he was not. He promised himself he would never get close to someone again, not after Juliet. He thought Juliet was his person, the love of his life and the one he was to grow old with. Instead, things got messy, things became unhappy and both of them turned to alcohol, which was ultimately their downfall. Of course, Andy blamed himself entirely, he believed he was the problem. The voice in his head reminded him of that on the daily, reminded him of all the pain he was trying so desperately to hide.
"Look all I'm saying is..." Andy trails off before shaking his head. "It doesn't matter, forget I said anything."
"Woah, Andy, where are you going?" Shevy asks as he stands and starts to walk towards the door.
"I'm going to the bus, I'm tired." Andy lies. "Boca Raton tomorrow, as CC said, 4 more shows left. Let's make them count."
"Andy..." Delia calls after him. 
"Don't, Delia." He starts. "Just don't. It was a mistake to think that we could be friends, it was a mistake to trust we could be civil and comfortable around each other. Well, guess what? I'm done with all this pretending, after this tour, I never want to see you again."
After one final glance at the sound tech girl he could not stop thinking about, he turns and walks out of the room before heading towards the busses; leaving Delia and the rest of the group staring after him. 
Delia..." Shevy starts but finds no words to bring comfort to her friend.
"I'm fine." Delia fakes a smile.
No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained. Delia knew Andy was bad for her, yet she allowed things to get this far and she didn't think she would ever understand why.
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idyllicb · 4 months
depths of dreams - one
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summary: Parker and Emily join the team after a rough start with the Unit Chief.
warnings: regular criminal minds talk, nothing too crazy
words: 2.9k
an: new fic ?? this has been in the drafts for so long that I fear it may finally be time to let her shine ! hoping for somewhat continuous updates but we shall see... this is also cross-posted on ao3 !
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 “What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”
– Vincent Van Gogh
PARKER FELT HER HEART HAMMER IN HER CHEST, the box of her belongings felt heavy in her hands. She silently cursed the world for letting the Virginia traffic be so terrible. She had less than ten minutes to be in the Unit Chief’s office before she was officially late for her first day, Parker thanked herself for not wearing heels. 
The young agent had been told to pursue the team opening in the BAU after her supervisor mentioned it. She loved working for the Criminal Investigative Division– but she wanted a challenge, something new. Parker has started some consultant work on the side and has been a big help in some cases that needed an extra push to be solved. Her professors called it dream analysis, she was actively studying someone’s dreams to find hidden meanings or secrets. Parker liked to think of it as her specialty and was often called in on cases with kids and young adults. She gave cognitive interviews to victims who underwent some sort of trauma and used her skills to unlock memories that were hidden just beneath the surface. Parker liked to think she made the right decision going into the FBI at the age of twenty-three but she was tired of the repetition. Solving the same violent crimes and narcotics trafficking was becoming her least favorite thing to do and she loved being a part of the bureau. When her boss told her about the job with the BAU team, she immediately jumped at the opening and applied, she got the job within days. 
Parker stepped out of the very slow-moving elevator and a smile made its way to her face at the sight of the crest of the glass doors in front of her. She balanced the box between her chest and one of her hands, the other slid across the cool metal handle as she pushed the door open. She tried to slow her racing heart as all the other agents in the room turned to look at her. Parker moved with ease through the room, she had asked directions from one of the academy officers on the first floor. She gripped the box tighter at the sight of the closed office door. The brunette pushed her legs up the small set of stairs and cringed at the thought of interrupting something important. She lifted an empty hand to knock softly against the wood and heard a voice answer in return, 
“Come in,” Parker twisted the knob in her hand and moved inside the room. 
“I am so incredibly sorry I’m late! Parker Moore and I promise I will never be late again sir.” The young woman moved to place her box of personal items on his desk before extending her hand out to greet her new boss, he reached over his desk and accepted it with a strong grip. 
“Aaron Hotchner and no worries, I was just greeting Agent Prentiss.” The Unit Chief pointed to the other person in the room that Parker barely even saw when entering his office. 
“Emily Prentiss, nice to meet you!” a small laugh made its way out of the raven-haired woman and Parker shook her hand meeting her eyes with a big smile.
“Parker Moore, like you just heard, but it’s so nice to meet you.” Emily nodded and let her hand fall back to her side before glancing back to Hotchner. Parker saw a box in front of Emily and looked at her with confusion written all over her face before hearing Hotchner speak.
“Now, how can I help both of you?” A small polite smile made its way to the man's face, matching the one on Agent Prentiss’. Parker tilted her head and glanced back to Emily. She noticed that it didn’t quite meet his eyes, noticed that it felt more like a professional courtesy than anything truly personal.
“It’s my first day-” Parker started but stopped as she heard the same thing come out of the other agent's mouth. Emily now eyed Parker and she felt her throat go dry, why would two new people be starting the same day? Neither woman moved as Hotchner glanced between the two, eyes glazing with caution.
“Sorry?” His own confusion was present and the three were all left speechless as they stared at one another. Emily moved first, reaching into her own box and pulling out a piece of paper. Parker soon followed and went to grab her own transfer paper.
“I’m supposed to start today, here at the BAU,” Emily smiled and straightened her posture and Hotchner glanced at the shorter girl. Practically willing her to pull the matching transfer paper.
Parker did, producing the paper for him to see. “I am too, here’s the paperwork.” Parker let him grab the sheet from her and watched as the Unit Chief glanced at both transfer papers like they insulted him.
“There must have been a mistake, I’m sorry. I never approved of any transfers.” He looked up to see both of their reactions before looking over the official paperwork again. “There’s definitely been a mistake.”
“I don’t think so, Sir-” Emily started but was interrupted when a voice broke through the awkward tension in the room. 
“Excuse me, we’re getting started.” A petite blonde woman peeked into the office and Hotchner sent a nod in her direction.
“Thank you, I’ll be right there.” The blonde left and the three were left alone again. Hotchner handed their paperwork back to the rightful owner and sighed through his nose. “I never approved of either of these transfers, I’m sorry Agent Prentiss and Agent Moore.” Both women had defeated looks on their faces and before either of them could get another word in he spoke again, “I’m sorry for the confusion, you both have been misinformed. Now if you’ll excuse me-” Hotchner moved to leave and Emily moved from her spot but Parker hadn’t budged. “It was good seeing you again Prentiss, have a great day Agents.” Before either of them could utter a response he was out the door. Parker shook off the feeling in her chest and grabbed her own box, Emily right behind her. They stood together in the doorway of Hotchner’s office and heard his conversation with an older man walking out of an office. 
“Gideon, you didn’t approve of any transfers did you?” Parker’s eyes widened at the name and she felt her shoulders tense at the thought of Gideon’s career. The two men looked over towards the other two still in Hotchner’s office. 
“No, I would have discussed it with you first.” Parker felt Emily deflate next to her as they started walking away.
“That’s what I thought. Anyways they both had the paperwork to join the team, who would’ve gone over us and transferred two agents?” The two continued chatting as they got farther from the two women who were straining to hear them. 
“Well, that’s not a good sign.” Emily let her shoulders sag, a more relaxed posture taking over.
“That’s one way to put it,” Parker wasn’t sure what to do with this information, had she not been officially transferred? Was this some joke from her coworkers or her own boss? That didn’t explain it happening to Agent Prentiss either, there had to be something else going on. 
“Well I’m not going to wait around for them to get back from a case, you want to grab a coffee? I could make a phone call and get some intel on this case to see when they get back.” Emily locked eyes with the shorter Agent, and Parker lit up the tiniest bit. 
“I’d love that, my supervisor knows Agent Hotchner so I could try him to see if he can tell us what’s going on too.” Emily smiled at her and nodded for them to leave, “This isn’t going to interrupt anything, is it? I don’t wanna intrude if you have plans!” Parker rushed to get out as they made their way through the bullpen. 
“These were my only plans, Moore, no worries here.” Emily hit the elevator button with her elbow and Parker saw a smile break out on the other Agent’s face. 
“Please Parker is fine, anything else makes me feel old - but same here.” They both stepped into the elevator.
“Oh my God you must be at least five-no, ten years younger than me! Look at you, you are not old!” Emily started laughing when a blush broke out on Parker’s face, “Where’d you go to school Parker? I want to guess Columbia or Brown!” Parker hit the ground floor button after waiting to see if anyone would join them. 
“Dartmouth,” Parker began and saw Emily smile next to her “with a bachelor in cognitive science and linguistics.” Emily laughed next to her and scoffed as they finally reached their destination. 
“Do I even wanna know what your minor was?” 
“International studies, but I was close to picking art history.” Parker watched as Emily threw her head back in a laugh.
“Now I’m embarrassed about my own college degree.” Parker felt a frown make an appearance as they walked out the front door to the academy. 
“No! I’m sure it’s impressive, let me guess over coffee! Don’t sell yourself short Prentiss.” The taller agent sighed but still held a smile on her face, 
“As long as you’re buying.” Parker nodded enthusiastically and as the two took their belongings to their cars, they continued chatting about anything and everything.
“I’m just saying there’s nothing wrong with majoring in criminology! It’s a fantastic degree program, and linguistics is great, but I may be biased.” Parker sipped her hot latte as Emily stirred some sugar into her own coffee. 
“Fair I guess but still, you’re twenty-seven and have quite the academic background to you already. You said you worked in CID right? That can be some tough stuff sometimes.” Emily brought her cup to her lips and took a small sip, the steam still rising off the hot liquid. Parker let out a hum of agreement before continuing, 
“Yeah, Criminal Investigative Division, nothing special to it. It’s practically the easiest job to get in the FBI. Plus I’m involved in some consultant work for dream analysis on the side.” She started reaching for her latte and Emily just stared at her with wide eyes. 
“Parker, you joined the FBI barely four years ago, I’d say you’re on the right track.” Emily locked eyes with the younger girl, eyeing her carefully. For the second time Parker blushed at Emily’s words and she just nodded in response, a small smile could be seen on both Agent's faces. “Hey listen, Parker, I’m sure everything will turn out okay, alright? Give me your phone number, and I’ll let you know when I hear anything.” The brunette slid her phone from her pocket and Emily put her contact information in, Parker heard a small ding go off in her new friend’s bag. They finished up their coffees and headed home after talking for two more hours. Parker was quick to lock the door to her apartment, placing her purse on the counter. She was topping off her cat's bowl with new food when she heard her phone go off later that night. 
My guy says they’ll be back in 2-3 days, I’ll let you know when I get more info.
She quickly replied, Sounds good! My boss said he got news of my transfer being approved by someone higher. Maybe the Director or someone else went over Hotchner?
Emily didn’t reply for a few minutes but it didn’t do anything to her confusion about this whole thing. 
Yeah, who knows, I don’t personally know the Director so guess we’ll have to wait and see.
A second text followed barely three seconds later, 
Get some sleep, try not to think about it all. I’ll let you know anything when I do. 
Parker didn’t feel the need to reply but responded with a quick text about how she should do the same. Both agents could hardly sleep that night but they tried their hardest to keep the BAU out of their heads for the rest of the night.
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EMILY’S GUY WAS IN FACT WRONG and the BAU hadn’t come back to Virginia for four days. They spent three of those days working on a case that was brought in, together, hoping to formulate a plan to tell the Unit Chief they were the right people for the job. The two non-official members of the unit made their way into Hotchner’s office and awaited his return. 
“You don’t think he’ll find it weird that we’re just sitting and waiting for him in his office?” Parker paced the small room and Emily watched her preparing the file with newfound confidence,
“We’re all agents it’s fine. Would you please come sit down, you’re gonna stress yourself out.” Parker cracked her fingers and took a seat next to the raven-haired woman. 
“I’m not stressed, I’m worried.” 
“Yes, I can see that. Come here and let’s go over what we know about his unsub again for the mini profile, he should be here any minute.” Emily glanced between the office blinds and the door, her eyesight never straying too long from the folder in her lap. The heavy door was finally pushed open and Parker looked up, locking eyes with the Unit Chief. 
“Please tell me you haven’t been waiting here for the last four days.” His tone was monotone and both women could see the tired look in his eyes. 
“We heard you were flying in tonight,” Parker said quickly and could see Emily nodding beside her.
“Heard? Who would’ve told you that?” His guard was up and they could both tell, Emily stood up reaching over to hand the folder to him, and the younger agent watched his reaction. Hotchner looked between the pair and gripped the folder a bit tighter,
“This was dropped off today,” Emily rushed out.
“Listen, Agents, I appreciate your interest in this field, both of you. You’ve both got great credentials. But profiling is a specialty, not something you can just pick up in the span of a few days.” He walked around his desk, seeming to look between the women and the clutter.
Emily placed her hands together and spoke with confidence “The I-80 killer? Killing in Indiana,”
“Yes, I read it on the plane,” Hotchner interrupted.
“We know they’re not blitz attacks, he’s organized-” Parker started her part in the profile and saw the Unit Chief look at them differently. “He’s a white male in his early thirties, and he’s a smooth talker.” Parker glanced at Emily to finish it off.
“He’s killed eleven victims so far and yet he’s still able to convince educated women to get in his car fully knowing there’s a serial killer out there.”
“How would you advise police?” Hotchner crossed his arms waiting for them to respond.
“A stakeout out at the ranch house, or at the nightclub where a very popular ladies night happens every Thursday.” Emily walked around the small coffee table separating them and stood next to Hotchner.
“We looked closer at the victims and eight out of eleven of them were reported missing on a Friday morning. Meaning something gets this creep going on Thursday nights.” Parker finished and stepped closer to Agent Hotchner, the two women standing their ground. He looked between them not knowing if they had anything else to add to the profile, but Emily broke the silence. 
“This isn’t just us going out on a whirl Agent Hotchner. We put in the work and put together a profile that fits this unsub. We don’t know what happened with the paperwork, and I know I can’t speak for Agent Moore because her parents aren’t ambassadors and maybe you think my parents pulled strings. I can tell you right now that they didn’t and we both deserve a chance, the opportunity to be a part of this unit. Let us show you how we can help the team.” Emily’s voice wavered as Parker watched in awe as her new friend stood proud and tall next to the older Agent. Hotchner took his eyes off Parker’s friend and stared at her for a few seconds before speaking, 
“I will not promise anything, I still want to look into this.” He paused and Parker swallowed down her nerves, 
“Understood.” The brunette spoke first but Emily agreed with a simple nod.
“However, we do brief new cases every morning at ten. Talk to facilities management about new desks.” Parker could see the smile form on Emily’s face, she was sure her face held a similar one. Both women turned to grab their belongs left on Hotchner’s couch and as Parker held the door open for her and her friend she heard her reply,
“You won’t be sorry, thank you, Agent Hotchner.” His head turned down he pushed some files around on his desk.
“Hotch is fine,” the Unit Chief started but when he saw Parker start to close the door he cleared his throat. “Agent Moore?” The younger woman pushed the door open and stood straighter,
“Yes, sir?”
“Try not to be late tomorrow.” His voice lifted the slightest and the girl knew he was joking with her but with a promise to her new boss that she wouldn’t be late, she closed the door behind her.
“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.”
— J.P. morgan
series masterlist | next chapter
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memoria-99 · 8 months
Wizardess Heart: Personal thoughts about seasons and routes Part 1
S1 was very basic yet written very well.
Elias: At first I was like, what kind of jerk is this, but he turned out to be rather cute. But story is kinda boring. The first half is all about Elias yelling at MC and MC apologizing for how she messed up. Their relationship kinda lacks something. If it weren't for the mirror they'd never even get along I suppose. Another thing that annoyed me was MC being way too nosy. I mean why the heck would she accept Merculova's request 'for the academy's sake' when she even doesn't know whether she'd be accepted or not? Please MC mind your own business.
Luca: My favorite route in S1. I found him quite attractive, MC and him had fun chemistry, plot was interesting. There're two things that bother me though; first, he used MC, and second, I'm not so sure what was genuine and what was lie... Still, I quite enjoyed him and his story. I wonder why in the world Schuyler would lock the child in the cellar. Ofc the child would be traumatized. Anyway, I know Luca's not the likeable type for all people but still he's one of my favorites.
Yukiya: Overall good route. I was very curious about his 'curse' and this story was really interesting because everything was a mystery. I enjoyed it. Both MC and him were literally the saviors to ach other. I also liked the last part, MC solving the 'contract' issue with another contract. He's like a 'closed' person but his nature is kindest among S1 characters. I dunno about the chemistry though... Still, he makes a great pair with MC. Both gave a positive impact, more like both were saviors to each other. Oh and I won't forget that chubby rabbit either.
S2 was a decent season as well.
Klaus: Nice route, and I found "time travel" very interesting but I still don't like the guy. I just can't stand this Mr. Stickuphisass sadist. Though he's super popular(idk why) I don't see any chemistry between him and MC whatsoever. He has a sharp tongue and kinda looks down on her.
Randy: Think in MC's perspective: wouldn't it be wonderful if your role model truly respects you and loves you just as who you are? This relationship is good for him as well, since she accepts all of him and helps him overcome his trauma. This route had good plot twist, and he was literally an angel. The only one who sincerely respected MC's lousy magic. A real breath of healing air between two jerks in S2. This route was just so heartwarming to read.
Azusa: Should I even talk about this jerk? Fake flirt, deceived, used, and physically+emotionally abused MC. He was even ready to kill her when we chose the wrong answer. But he never properly apologized to her till the very end. He doesn't deserve the happy ending with the MC. ...Yet, I don't think this route itself isn't badly written. Seems like Solmare tried to make some awfully dark story but turned out to be too much.
S3 was, um... so so?
Joel: Kinda close to canon cuz he loved MC for a long time and shares special memories with young MC so... hmmm he and MC was a fine pair, him being honest and caring and all, but I should say that if Eress wasn't there to save the day it would've been rather boring.
Vincent: He's way too old to be with MC, and I don't understand how come he loves the MC and vice versa. All that happened were just him rescuing her all the time and he's awfully cringy somehow. And worst of all, MC was worse than useless. She literally did nothing in this route, even when her boyfriend was on the verge of the death. All she did was crying. And last but not least, the happy ending ends with him saying "it's adult time" or whatever and it bugs me a ton. Hey, what're you exactly gonna do to her. Don't tell me you...
Leon: Is it possible to fall in love in less than 2 weeks when he is in a completely blank state? Leon was literally a blank sheet of paper and his route was all about MC throwing all her business behind to stick around this boy she had just met and teach him very basic stuffs as if she's a kindergarten teacher. There's nothing really interesting about Leon himself either. I mean, his real identity was something that we all could notice before the revelation and that's all. The story and the romance were very bland too. He seemed to love MC because she taught him emotions, and... MC loved him because... because... why did she love him? Maybe because he loved her? Or because he's handsome? Who knows.
S4. When the plot actually started to go downfall.
Cerim: I don't remember anything besides MC shone better than him(she saved him) at this route. Not bad, but that's because nothing was very memorable. No chemistry at all.
Guy: This kind of route seems to be everywhere. Good boy with a huge friend-like vibe. Their chemistry was good, as friends. They are best friends.
S5. Slightly better than S4 but well...
Leslie: Kinda bland route. Leslie nicely supported MC, and she wasn't very pathetic but she was always busy self deprivating which annoyed me a lot. Chica did a good job putting her into senses.
Sigurd: The route with best "newbie" MC. She really shone a lot in this route. I can't think she's the same MC from Vincent or Leon's MC. And this Sigurd... though MC stole the scene most of the time, he wasn't so bad. Though he did deceive MC it wasn't because he wanted to use her or something. He never looked down on her and considering he was her pen pal their bond is quite strong too. Storyline was interesting too, considering nothing really happened in Leslie's route.
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
Vincent And The Doctor! an episode that is both bad and good! but the good outweighs the bad, because Vincent is just so good!
but there is in fact an alien in this story as well, sooo...
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 7/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored): 6/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 6/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 6/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 4/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 9/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 8/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 8/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 7/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 8/10
FULL RATING: 69/100 (if I can count….)
this episode we watch Matt Smith as a British man very seriously say "Vincent van Goffff" over and over again, but Bill Nighy did it right so that's good
and Amy screams a lot and doesn't remember the past
OBJECTIFICATION: Amy is not wearing a miniskirt! yay! she is wearing short shorts under a long jacket and scarf, so idk. not shorts-weather I guess, but at least she can run in this (although she doesn't do much running on the whole this episode)
PLOT-POINT: Soooooo I rated this one quite high, which I think is a bit generous of me, but the thing is that in this episode the reason that Amy isn't exploring what happened to her last episode is because she doesn't remember it happening!
and the Doctor is trying very hard to protect her from those feelings. but Vincent recognises them. there's a bit of "the body remembers" happening here, and so I think this is acceptable. Especially the bit where the Doctor says "Amy- Rory" out of habit and she asks "who?"
I also like that she's excited to see more Van Gogh paintings and is someone who fails to consider how mental health can have good days and bad days. Prompting this quote of all time:
"the good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. and we definitely added to his pile of good things."
COMPLEXITY: the plot is kind of two things, one of which is obviously stronger (Vincent) than the other (the Krafayis). they never quite come together, or specifically the latter is underdeveloped. I guess it has that speech at the end where Vincent is saying that it lashed out because it was afraid, like people do (the people who are terrible to him for being different), but I'm not sure that's what it should be about. especially when they discover that the Krafayis is blind, which happens right before it's killed. the Krafayis is disabled, like Vincent is
it's kind of a messed up story. right before it dies it goes "I am afraid." They just killed this being, which was abandoned for being disabled. that is the failing side of the episode
However simply as a story about Vincent van Gogh it's pretty lovely, and what it's remembered for. I don't agree with the bit where he talks about being left utterly alone and that framing, because historically he had people who cared for him, and he wasn't anti-doctors either, but I understand why it works for some of what's being said -- Amy and the Doctor are there, and Vincent is still suffering from serious mental health issues and feels alone in that
So in that sense the complexity works -- complexity of emotion
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: the underlying thing here is how Vincent recognises Amy's pain as someone who is also in pain, and Amy of course has no idea what he's on about
overall though it's meant to be -- and works as -- a standalone and doesn't need to be more than that. also as a character Thing, the Doctor's hyperactivity and of it all is a fun detail
COMPANIONS MATTER: Amy doesn't do much outside of her chat with Vincent, which isn't bad. She's ostensibly the emotional anchor to the Doctor's doing stuff. however, am noticing that this scores consistently a bit lower on most episodes and whether I should be getting harsher about it, because at this point Amy is apparently super With It, she knows time travel, she's confident, etc. So why is she still mostly just hanging around?
I do wish she had more... opinions on things. they lie there and see the night sky and she says nothing. the script struggles to make her anchoring Vincent have much to do with herself, or to tie it into the plot. Why is she not the person who suggests taking Vincent to the present, for example?
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: the Doctor is there to admire Vincent van Gogh, as is right and good!
I do think it's bold that the Doctor is so bad at relating to Vincent's issues though, considering the Doctor is the posterboy for mental health issues
I kind of wish the Doctor had been more able in this episode, specifically with the Krafayis. he's so helpless until the end and then it dies, it seems kind of odd for him
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: Hartnell and Troughton visuals! Nothing special in it, but again, it's a standalone
"SEXINESS": we almost don't have this, and it's frankly because the actor for Van Gogh is so good that he doesn't make it seem creepy that Vincent is just hitting on her from moment one. there's also some quite dorky flirting (Richard Curtis style) which is much more charming
INTERNAL WORLD: I guess this is fine. Again, some of the characterisation of what was happening around Van Gogh is shifted to suit the episode, and I don't think it needed to be, but it's suitable for purpose. also the casting is so good!
POLITICS: so the bad is as mentioned above, the alien portrayal, when we discover it's abandoned and disabled
On the flipside the things about Vincent's mental health, and how that's presented on the whole, famously, is considered pretty good
it's not about "fixing" him, or about mental illness as necessary for the sake of good art, or about covering up the fact that he committed suicide, it's simply presenting him as a man
and of course the famous scene at the end -- what if someone who wasn't convinced that they were any good or much worth in their lifetime got to experience how they were remembered? not everything is about legacy of course, but in this case it works precisely because it doesn't work as a "fixer," but it does provide some solace
so in the end it's really about moments of solace
FULL RATING: 69/100 (if I can count….)
I actually thought this story would rate higher, but where it lets us down is in everything around the admittedly wonderful portrayal of Vincent van Gogh. Especially, again... Amy doesn't do that much. And the quite unfortunate implications in the way the alien of the week is portrayed
on the flipside it's a wonderful little exploration of mental illness and a portrait of a wonderful painter!
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
107 - To Getting Elijah Back
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Part 108
Gemini Runaway
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
Shooting upright I gasped frantically looking around and seeing that we were back in our house or at least I thought so. Getting to my feet I called our daughters names. “Hope…Alina…Missy…Henrik!”
“Rae, what the hell is going on?” Turning my head I saw my twin brother running towards me.
Hayley was not long behind him where she sent me a confused look. “I can’t find Andrea anywhere. What is this place?”
“Raelyn. Jacob, Hayley. What the hell are we doing here?” I recognized my husband’s voice seeing him come over to us. He takes my hands in his searching my face. “Did you make this place, love?”
We all turned our heads seeing Elijah or whoever he claimed to be at this moment. “This is dangerous, you and I here together….Antoinette is dying from a werewolf bite.”
“We're not actually here together, are we? Not physically, at least….amd she deserves to die after what she did to my children.” My husband snapped at him with a smirk.
Lifting my head I raised a brow at him nudging his arm. “Nik, did you bite her last night?”
“Alina was right behind me until I found where she was living and I took my chance. I didn’t see any problem with slowly killing the person who took away Missy and Alina’s happiness.” He shrugs his shoulders at me not phased by what he had done.
Jacob took a hold of Hayley’s hand interrupting our conversation. “Sorry to stop murder fairness storytelling but can someone tell us where we are exactly?”
“It's called a Chambre de Chasse It's a magical mental prison designed to resemble our home. But don't worry. There's always a way out... A game or a riddle.” Klaus threw his hands away from his sides explaining to our group.
The man who looked like Elijah asked. “How do we solve this riddle?”
“We don't do anything. We're square, you and I.
You got my youngest daughter killed and then my second daughter triggered her werewolf curse, so Antoinette will die because of me.” The hybrid glared at his brother holding my hand while he threatened him, leading our group away and leaving Elijah there. “I would hate to upset that delicate balance. So I'm gonna find my way out, and you're on your own. Come on Rae, Jacob, Hayley.”
The four of us entered one of the rooms with some old Mikaelson paintings on the walls before we saw Rebekah and Kol were here too. “Suppose I'll ask the obvious: piss off any witches lately?” Kol asked, mocking.
Nik scolded him. “Actually, my current enemies are a group of hatemongers who see myself, my wife, my daughters and son as abominations to the vampire race.”
“The bigoted undead.” Rebekah spoke.
Kol suggested this was Elijah’s new girlfriend. “That's new. They must have a witch-for-hire. A witch that's spent enough time here to replicate every detail. This is Elijah's prized Cheval Blanc.”
Until we heard someone coming down the stairs and saw Freya was here too. “The culprit may be closer to home. A witch who knows the compound well and who doesn't trust you to stay away from Elijah. Someone who would risk everything to save New Orleans from plagues.”
Nik and I grumbled before Elijah showed us a door. “Vincent.”
The door was white and it had eight keys “It's representational magic. I expect there are keys, one for each of us, hidden somewhere meaningful. Somewhere connected to who we are.” Kol dropped one of the locks turning to our group.
Elijah said uneasy. “And for those of us who don't remember who we are?”
Klaus growled at him. “I'll give Antoinette your regards.”
“Door won't open unless all eight locks are released.” Freya glanced between everyone. “The only way out is together.”
Kol stepped forward giving a word of warning before we all went in search. “Elijah, if we're to get through this without bloodshed, I recommend that you go to the corner of the house furthest from Nik.”
Following my brother’s trail I paused standing in front of the Mikaelson’s crest on the garden wall. “How are we supposed to find keys that represent us here?”
“I think I might have an idea already. Do you remember the night that we first came to New Orleans and Klaus said that we officially became Mikaelson’s.” I pointed towards the crest smiling at the memory from sixteen years ago.
“Nik, where are we going? Don’t let me trip over my own feet please.” I chuckled while he walked behind me covering my eyes with one hand and his other was on my hip so that if I did fall he could catch me.
My brother had his eyes covered too where he followed us inside too. “Don’t hurt me for asking this but are you leading us into a trap?”
He whispered in my ear finally having us stop. “Don’t worry, Rae. And as for your brother's worries. You will both be fine now, open your eyes.”
He removes his hand from my eyes so that when I blinked through the light my eyes focused on a M crest on a wall of green plants behind it. “Nik, this is your former home. I…I don’t understand why are we here?” Turning to face him he was smiling at me.
“Because my heirs belong here. This was my home a thousand years ago.” He walked up to me resting a hand on my cheek where I leaned into his palm. “You and your brother are now a part of this family. You will always have a home here. This is your life, Raelyn.”
Jacob smiled in our direction staring up at the M. “I’ve never said this before, Klaus. But you are a good man for my sister. We weren’t accepted by our own family but you…”
“You gave me a love I never knew I could have. You are giving my daughters a place to know that they will always be loved.” Draping my arms over his shoulders I smiled at the hybrid kissing him softly.
He wrapped his arms around my waist nuzzling his nose against mine before he connected our lips together. “The night my father called us each abomination it broke my heart to see you believe him. From that day forward I swore that you and our daughters would never feel that pain anymore. You and your brother are always equals here.”
“I was born to be a Mikaelson. You can just say it, Nik.” I teased him leaning up, kissing him slowly.
He cupped my face in his hands kissing me back. “You have the heart of a Mikaelson.”
Raising my hand I used a bursting spell on the M crest on the wall. “Dissulta…ha I knew it. Two separate key’s with our initials on them.” Holding up two golden keys smiling.
“So I guess he considered me a Mikaelson before I thought he did.” Jacob smiled before we saw my husband and Freya stomping towards the locked door. Freya disappeared and so did one of the locks.
Klaus stomped up to me, seeing the key in my hand. “So you found your key then. Freya helped our daughters create this room while they took the Hollow magic out of us.”
“So why are we here if they’re already taken the power?” Jacob asked, confused.
My husband shrugs his shoulders in a huff. “I have no idea. I just need to find my key and get us the bloody hell out of here.”
“J, go help Hayley. I’ll help him.” Grabbing my husband’s hand I dragged him upstairs into our bedroom finally dropping his hand standing in the center of the room. “So Jacob and I had our keys in the M crest. Where in here would represent you and our kids?”
“I don’t know and this is ridiculous. Why would our daughters do this scheme? Especially when it endangers their lives!” He raised his voice, running his hands down his face in a huff.
Holding my hands up I stepped towards him putting my hands on his shoulders. “Look we can figure this all out and ground them later but we have to get out of here first ... .I can’t believe you kept this and framed it.”
Walking around him I picked up a drawing that I had done after the night he showed me his wolf form for the first time. “You said that you were never much of an artist. But I didn’t see it that way. You have always seen the light in me when I didn’t in myself.” He came behind me wrapping his arms around my waist resting his chin on my shoulder.
Laying on the bed in my room of the compound I attempted to move my pencil across the paper trying to concentrate and not mess up on it. I was focusing on the ears before someone knocked on the door making me lift my head up. “Here you are. I thought you were hiding from me on purpose.”
“Oh hey. No I’m not hiding from you, Nikky. I just needed a place to chill for a little bit.” I smiled sitting up on the bed tucking hair behind my ear looking at him.
Klaus slowly walked over making the bed dip down at his weight when he sat down. “What’s this you’re working on, Rae?”
“Oh uh nothing.” I blurted out trying to hide them half drawing from his view.
He snags my wrists seeing what I was trying to do. “What are you hiding from me, love? Come on, let me see it.” He took it from my hands holding up the drawing seeing that I was drawing his werewolf head yet I hadn’t drawn the shape of his eyes yet.
“Oh god it’s bad isn’t it. See I told you I am not good at this. Like I messed up on the ears like twice and I am not good with drawing your eyes which is really important cause they’re beautiful and…I’m rambling on too much aren’t I?” I covered my face with my hands falling back on the bed feeling embarrassed that I was so worried he wouldn’t like it.
Nik brushed hair out of my eyes crawling over to me and hovering there with his hands on either side of me. “Stop being embarrassed, Raelyn. Now look here we can finish this together you and I.”
“I just want it to be good enough. I’m not as good of an artist as you are.” I put my face in my hands when he pulls me up to sit up with him.
Nik tucked hair behind my ear then he turned my chin with his thumb and index finger so I’d look him in the eye. “You may not be able to draw like I can. Yet you are an artist in your mind, my siphon queen. For you can see the good in me that I thought was gone when I became a vampire.”
“There’s good in everyone, Klaus. But can you please help with this otherwise it will look weird.” I smiled, kissing his cheek before we laid on our stomachs and he intertwined his hand over mine moving the pencil perfectly to finish his eyes on the drawing.
Klaus turned the frame over in his hands once we separated from one another where we saw something sticking into the back of the picture frame. “The key to the man I became after the girls were born.” He tore a hole in the corner pulling out a key.
“Now let’s hope the others found their keys.” I intertwined his freehand with mine before we vamped downstairs seeing the others. Everyone put their keys and unlocked the white door only for us to enter a white hallway with a red door at the end.
“What the hell is this place. I thought we finished the maze.” Jacob questioned raising a brow at me.
Kol grumbled. “Oh, bloody hell. Now we're in Elijah's mental maze. Of all the hells I've had to endure…”
Elijah mumbles staring at the red door. “The door. What is this, Hope's revenge? Imprison me till I reclaim all of my memories, forcing me to accept accountability for all of this?”
Kol grabbed his door handle that had a K on it, opening it and leaving to the real world. “Well, as much as I love a cherry on top of a scheme......I have somewhere else to be.”
Klaus and I glanced at one another where I touched the door knob seeing a R on it right next to an N for Nik “Nik, we can't just leave him here.”
“He can find his own way out.” He raised his voice towards Rebekah’s words.
She fought back looking at me. “We made a vow….Raelyn please.”
“Bex, I once made him see himself hurting his nieces when we faced Dahlia. I wanted him to hurt so much for trying to take our daughters away from us without telling either one of us. I’m sorry but he has to face reality on his own and open the damn door!” I turned my head in Elijah’s direction hearing him just slamming into it with his body like an idiot.
Klaus agreed with me turning his head towards Elijah when he raised his index finger pointing at him. “I made a vow to my brother. That's just the man who made Missy become a heretic and then forced Alina to trigger her werewolf curse when we didn’t want her too yet!”
“I thought the same thing about you once. Do you remember our mother?” Rebekah walked over to my husband trying to reason with him. “Before all of the turmoil? Because I do. I remember when she would put flowers in my braid, and I remember when she would sing to us in the morning. And then you killed her.”
Nik shook his head confused. “Why are you bringing this up now?”
She declared to him. “Because we are capable of doing terrible things, but we are also capable of forgiveness.”
Nik rolled his eyes hearing Elijah still slamming his body into the door but he didn’t just turn the knob. “It's just a door, Elijah! Open it!”
“Do I need to hit him in the head to remember how to open a door!” I grumble wrapping my fingers around the doorknob.
Rebekah went back to her door about to leave with the both of us looking at Nik. “Go on, Rebekah, Raelyn. We'll be right behind you, both of us.” My husband said softly before we left the room.
Shooting upright I gasped seeing that Nik and Elijah were laying inside a drawn symbol on the floor. Getting to my feet slowly I saw that Hayley and Jacob had left too and we're back. “Nik….is he?” Nik gasped, lifting himself up before Elijah opened his eyes.
“Raelyn….I’m…I’m so…sorry.” Elijah sat up slowly before he just started sobbing and he didn’t stop remembering everything that he forgot and he saw what happened with the girls. Meaning that he was back to his old self.
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ness-plays-wizards · 1 year
Caesar Route Chapter 12 (11-14)
Last time on the Caesar Route, Caesar briefly becomes a mindless pig until Zett shows up and somehow reverses the process. Then Caesar is about to reveal the truth about everything, like why his last name is Raphael when he’s a well-known member of the Baroque family.
Hiro figures everything out but doesn’t care to share. Zeus figures out nothing and is mad about it. Caesar then tells the truth about how he and Zett are partners in crime and Zett meant to get caught as a distraction. Caesar defends his drastic actions with the fact that he’ll turn into a pig at any time, and for some reason, no one, not Caesar, not Liz, not any of the others, but mostly importantly, NONE OF THE WRITERS ever entertain the idea that Caesar could just fucking ask Remy or somebody to just USE the Star Sapphire. And if there’s some calamity that will happen if that happens, it literally doesn’t matter from a story standpoint because NOTHING LIKE THAT WAS EVER IMPLIED.
Anyway, Liz wonders if there’s another way to prevent the curse, and Lucious says there is. 
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Well I guess that’s why he couldn’t just ask Remy to use the Star Sapphire, but still, I feel like there was a better way that didn’t involve so much cloak and dagger. But again, EVERYONE knows that lying and manipulation is 100% the way to generate love, right? /s Jesus Christ, did Caesar go to the Azusa Kuze School of Solving Problems?
Liz grapples over whether or not her love would be strong to break the curse while Zeus gets pissed off at Caesar for lying to everyone. Zeus is about to attack him, but Liz intervenes and reveals she knew the whole time.
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Wow, I’m sure this scene will be very nice and not at all frustrating or distressing to read in the slightest /s
Anyway, Zeus finally stops losing his shit, and Caesar gives a heartfelt speech about friendship.
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Smh we’re wasting curse time here, people...
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Wow, good job! /s I don’t have any alternative suggestions for what you could have done instead because this is a real catch 22, so I’m afraid I’m just gonna have to be here, snarking unhelpfully.
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Well, at least he’s not only motivated by romantic love. And luckily, there’s little to no hard feelings between the rest of the group and they decide to stay. Then, for curse purposes, of course, Caesar asks Liz how she feels about him.
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Well, one less problem on the ol’ curse checklist I guess. 
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And at least Zeus gets to show he cares too. 
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Man, Alfonse is gonna be so upset he missed this. 
Everyone gets set to go find the Star Sapphire. Zeus and Zett start bickering because there can only be one guy with a Z name in the team, I guess, 
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So Shithead and Vincent did not come to join the friendship squad, which is predictable for Shithead and we didn’t want him anyway. How they fuck did they even get here without the Steven Universe poetry?
Anyway Shithead’s here to rearrest Zett and arrest Caesar, so look at him! Still making fucking problems for the plot even in the next route! At least he’ll be treated as an obstacle this time, right?
Queued for June 27
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stellisketches · 3 years
Stelli goes on a fucking theory rant
(fair warning, this gets kinda dark)
Ok so I was rewatching the diaries finale you see, and oh my fucking god
This line
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How the fuck have I never realized this line.
This line literally shifts the whole perspective on how I saw Laurance late season 2 onwards.
Cause we all pretty much agreed that the whole Laurance dipping for a Aphmau being pregnant was, in laymans’s terms, a dick move. His SK emotions may have been a large influence in it, but still we thought his reaction was selfish and vindictive to say the least.
But this line changes that.
Laurance isn’t answering the calling out of some rejection- fueled self-destructive temper tantrum. At least, not entirely. Truth is, we don’t know exactly how bad the calling is or what it really does. In s2 ep 84 and 96, All Vylad really told us was that the calling toys with/worsens your emotions, eats at your insides, and tries to make you open a nether portal. Which is awful, but this is fantasy and worse things have happened.
But what if it was worse than Vylad described.
One thing we have to note in the difference between Vylad and Laurance’s shadowknighthood is that Vylad was fully killed before he became a shadowknight, while Laurance is widely accepted to have not actually died in the process. Early in season 2 he says “there are other, more painful ways” to become a shadowknight when Aphmau asks him if he died in the nether. So we can basically assume that this is what probably happened to him.
I have a theory that Shadow Knights who are born through the “not actually dying” method hold on to much more emotion than those who actually die. Vylad actually died, and he likely experienced some vastly different than what Laurance goes through. As much as I love him, we don’t actually know how much of a reliable source he is in cases like Laurance. 
We both see and have Vylad confirm, however, that Laurance goes through more moodswings than a pregnant bipolar gorilla and is a large oddity compared to other shadowknights. I think that the calling has a much worse effect on shadowknights who didn’t actually die than those who did, as holding onto emotions through that transformation probably royally fucked with their heads. 
Also, It may make them revert to their “kill someone you love” urge they got when they first become shadowknights.
Vylad also say that Laurance “has a dream he wants desperately to turn into reality” that, quite obviously, being with Aphmau and having his romantic feelings fufilled. He’s been holding onto that thought of Aphmau, letting it consume him through out his Calling without even realizing it. He’s been building so much on it, and he believes that it’s keeping him sane, when in reality its the opposite. 
Also I think its safe to assume Laurance it very at war with himself, mostly his SK side against his normal human side. His normal side is trying to convince his SK side to calm down, that He doesn’t have to listen to the calling and he can stay with Aphmau and the people he cares about, while the SK side is twisting his words and thinking he has to be romantically involved with Aphmau in order to solve his problems. 
His SK side has slowly been taking over, and then the shit finally goes down in s2 ep 95, where Laurance goes full toxic ‘nice-guy’ and pressures Aphmau into revealing her relationship with Aaron, then dealing some heavy verbal hits on Garroth for pretty much no reason whatsoever just because he won’t agree with him. 
I think that’s the moment where he truly goes beyond the point of seemingly no return in terms of how much the Calling has taken hold of him (though he doesn’t know it yet).
I think after his talk with Vincent, he finally forces himself to bundle up all of his SK/Calling emotions as best he can, and return to society. I’d say he was actually going back to Aphmau’s to apologize, but then he heard the news about Aphmau being pregnant.
As terrible as it is to say, hearing that statement made his SK side want to genuinely, actually, straight-up kill her. 
His Calling emotions had been building on his dream of being with her romantically, with that being the only thing from stopping Laurance from (maybe) killing her and returning to the nether. He hearing that her being pregnant with another man’s child made that fantasy come toppling down faster than a house of cards, and there was nothing else that convince The Calling from doing what it was meant to. 
Despite that, I think his SK emotions were so confused that the last thing normal Laurance was able to tell himself was to just go straight to the nether with no time or energy spent anywhere else. That way, at least Aphmau would be safe from himself. 
Laurance tells Sasha “I have to answer the Calling.” He doesn’t say “I’m going to answer the Calling” or “I must answer the the Calling.” Answering the Calling is something he’s been dreading, obviously. He’s not even doing this with any sort of “Noble facing-your fears” attitude, he’s doing it because he’s a tired man who’s run out of options. Sasha asks him, “Has it gotten that bad?” to which he doesn’t answer. 
“I see, so she’d be dead if you saw her again.” She says.
The only part of the old Laurance left is the one who doesn’t want the people he loves to get hurt. He recognizes that the Calling would inevitably cause him to hurt the person he loves most, and if he faces her again without answering the Calling, his emotions will take hold and he will do something unforgivable. 
Laurance didn’t leave out of pettiness, or jealousy
He left as his final act of protection.  
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skinnyducky · 3 years
good in bed // v.h.
Hey...how y’all doing? I have halfway recovered from my wisdom teeth surgery and I definitely was feeling a bit sad not posting and whatnot. But, here I am now, so I hope you enjoy this one. Pt. 3 to Party at Y/n’s is most likely coming Monday. And, Pt. 2 to Maneater is coming Wednesday (hopefully). Any who, hope you enjoy! Also, this is very much inspired by Dula Peep’s “Good in Bed.”
Word Count: 1336, edited 
WARNING: mentions of sex, arguing, angst, language, and i think that’s it.
The start of yours and Vinnie’s relationship was like ice cream on hot summer day. It was sweet, it was refreshing, and it was much needed. After being cheated on by your ex, you needed to find something to bring the love back…and that’s exactly what Vinnie did. The two of you had met after accidentally buying the same car. You bickered and fought over the vintage vehicle before he ultimately decided to let you keep it…but only if you gave him your number. You happily did so and long story short, that led to a beautiful relationship…or at least what was a beautiful relationship.
As the relationship went on, you found that the so-called “honeymoon phase” was really just a phase. For you and Vinnie, it lasted for a least a good two weeks. What started as late night conversations before bed shifted into heated debates and hate-filled goodnights. The butterflies that fluttered around had died, and now your stomach was overflowed with enraged hornets. You didn’t know what was the cause of your downfall, and you weren’t even sure that there was anything that could fix it.
Well…you knew one thing that definitely fixed it: sex. The term “angry sex” seemed like a myth. You thought people were just overhyping it…until you were actually living it. You remember the first time it happened; you were pissed that he didn’t show up to dinner with your parents, while he was pissed because you hadn’t stopped yelling at him for a good hour. The two of you argued for hours, and as an attempt to get you to stop, Vinnie grabbed you by your waist and tossed you onto his bed. It was silent, the only sound being the heavy breathing from both of you. Next thing you know, the two of you are going at it.
Ever since then, that’s all you two did: fight and screw, then pretend like nothing ever happened. As nice as the sex was, it just was too toxic for you. You didn’t want to be stuck in an endless cycle and having to resort to sex to solve your problems. And also, you wanted Vinnie to know you for more than just your body. With that being said, you figured the solution to that was to communicate. Something you two did none of.
So, here you were in Vinnie’s room, sitting on his bed and waiting for him to finish streaming. While scrolling mindlessly through Instagram, you tried to figure out what the hell you were going to say. You didn’t know how to talk about your feelings, it was completely foreign to you. Ugh, this was going to be difficult.
“…I love you guys, bye chat.”
Vinnie stopped streaming and turned around in his seat to face you. You pursed his lips and started fiddling with his thumbs. “So, what did you wanna talk about?”
“I think you know.” You said, not meeting his eyes.
“Is this the talk? You’re breaking up with me aren’t you?”
You shook your head, laughing to yourself at the boy’s stupidity. “No, Vinnie…I’m not breaking up with you.”
“Then why does it feel like you are?”
“I promise, I’m not. I just wanna try to communicate, y’know. Like other couples do.”
He shrugged. “Don’t we already do that?”
“I wouldn’t necessarily call our exploration of each other’s bodies ‘communicating.’ Besides, you and I both know that our relationship isn’t the same as before. It’s like we’ve grown cold towards each other or something.”
“Is this because I forgot our anniversary?” He asked, leaning back in his chair.
You gave him a puzzled look for a minute, trying to figure out when your anniversary actually was. Had you forgot too? Damn, this relationship really was trash.
“Uhm, no…this isn’t about that. Although, we really need to mark our anniversary on our calendars.”
“Then what’s this about, Y/n?”
You sighed and stood up from your spot on his bed. You paced in front of him, trying to figure out the right words to say. “Vinnie…I’m tired. I’m tired of always arguing and then having angry sex…which is amazing, by the way.”
He squinted his eyes at you as he thought about what you said. “So…are you mad about the arguing or the sex?”
“Oh my god, why is this so hard?” you groaned. “I’m mad about all of it, Vin. I’m mad that we just can’t talk to each other. I’m mad that when we do have time together, we spend it arguing. I’m mad that the only way for us to enjoy each other’s company is to have sex. I’m just tired of it all.”
“Then, let’s just end the relationship.”
You stopped your pacing and stared at him with wide eyes. “I just told you I didn’t wanna break up.”
Vinnie chuckled, “I know that Y/n, but if you’re really feeling that way…then just leave.”
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing right now. You actually want to just break up? Aren’t you going to at least talk to me about what you’re feeling? Aren’t you gonna fight for us?”
“You wanna know what I’m feeling, Y/n?” Vinnie asked. You nodded, egging him to continue. “I’m feeling…very hungry right now. I want a fat burger and a fat fry with a fat shake to go along with it. That’s exactly what I’m feeling right now. And if the relationship is already going to hell…why fight for it? I say let it die.”
He then proceeded to hop out of his seat and dance around his room, chanting “let it die, let it die…let it shrivel up and die” while clapping.
You just stood there with nothing to say. You couldn’t believe that he was taking this all as a joke. You just poured your entire heart to him, trying to fix your relationship, and he’s sitting here quoting The Lorax and acting like a child. At this point, you were sure that there was no hope for the two of you and you were fine with that. You weren’t going to be driven mad by this anymore.
“You’re a fucking joke.” You growled, picking up your keys off his bed. “Y’know, I wish we hadn’t met each other because I’d be way better off if I didn’t even know you.”
“That’s not saying a lot, babe. You’d probably still be with the same dickhead who cheated on you.”
You scoffed, feeling the hornets in your stomach get their stingers ready. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m saying I made your life better. You wouldn’t be who you are today if it wasn’t for me.”
“You’re one to talk. You’d be stuck in here, playing video games and withering away if I hadn’t come along.”
Vinnie huffed, holding back a laugh. “At least I don’t have to deal with video games nagging at me all the time.”
“Jerk!” you yelled, rushing to his door. You stood in the doorway, turning around to look back at him. “I never want to see you again, you hear me? NEVER again, Vincent. You’re dead to me.”
Slamming the door behind you, you made your way down the hallway of the Hype House. But before you could go any further, something stopped you. A feeling of sadness washed over you and your anger subsided. The hornets that once threatened to pour out of you had now calmed down. At that moment, you felt your body tremble as sin known as lust flowed through your veins. You swallowed hard, trying to keep yourself from rushing back into Vinnie’s room and pouncing on him…but there was nothing you could do to stop yourself.
“Screw it,” you whispered.
You turned around and darted towards Vinnie’s room. Bursting through the door, you tackled him onto the bed and well…you know the rest. You knew going through this all over again was bad, that it was causing more damage to your relationship. It was definitely sad…but that’s what made you good in bed.
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caelumsnuff · 2 years
Hi, sorry this is a long ask but I really appreciated your posts! The daemon/demon allegory had been bothering me since that storyline started but I hadn't really been able to articulate why, and it brought a lot of other issues to light for me as well!
(Personally I never finished the freelancer series because the whole bridging/SA allegory really made me angry so I appreciate that someone else also saw the reasons why that decision was... poor to say the least).
And definitely agreed about the over-polarization of characters into good vs. bad!
I feel like a lot of the story decisions are based on the fact that many people are self-inserting, which unfortunately means reducing a lot of the nuance and gray aspects that would be more interesting to explore. Like with Vincent and Lovely- from a self-insert perspective, it's more 'romantic' and comforting to think that your partner would have as limited a power divide between you as possible and would take steps to ensure that, even though narratively it's not as interesting a choice. Which is also why I think the Bright Eyes storyline was axed, and why Love's obsession code was removed, and why I'm afraid that Darlin's story resolution is just going to fade into some milquetoast version of "love fixes everything!" rather than what it could have been- because people are putting themselves in the place of the listeners, it reinforces the idea that to like a character you have to endorse and agree with all their actions, so necessarily any character doing "bad" things or making darker decisions is a "bad person" and people don't want to imagine themself as a "bad person", no matter what that does to the story being told.
Honestly, Sam and Darlin' are my favorite characters which is why it pains me that their story is edging dangerously close to "I got into a relationship and it solved all my problems!" rather than two people with trust issues and unresolved trauma finding a friend when they needed one and that relationship slowly blossoming into something more as both of them come to terms with the things that are haunting them (which I agree would make more sense if Sam had either been turned more recently or if it had been clearly established that the clan is more loose-knit and not in fact a workable support system for him); honestly when the story started and it said slow burn I kind of thought they wouldn't start dating until much later, maybe even after things with Quinn came to a head, and I'm a bit disappointed we only got about 2 audios of them interacting pre-relationship. (Also I have a lot of problems with the way things between Darlin' and the pack were "resolved" in one frankly condescending and empty speech about family but I won't get into it here)
Anyway sorry again for the long message but thank you for your posts!
No need to apologize for the long message, i appreciate them You’re welcome for the posts, im happy to know that some people really enjoy them and that they’re making people think a little. Apparently a handful of people have dropped the Freelancer series because of the choices that were made in it, which is valid. I’m not exactly happy that its so bad that so many of us see issue with it, but i am glad to know im not the only person who feels it was wrong. I’m not neccesarily concerned about people self-inserting into listener characters, that is what they are for, Redacted made all content gender neutral and as inclusive as possible for this exact purpose. I think some of the issues with story-telling and overpolarization with characters does stim from Redacted’s desire to write content as inclusive as possible though. I respect this decision and desire, but i don’t think you can ever please everyone when it comes to the type of content you make without sanitizing a lot of it. Maybe this opinion stims from my general ‘doesn’t give a fuck’ attitude about creation, but he really could have just gone for it and made characters grayer (especially ones the listeners have romantic relationships with), regardless of whether or not it brings in a larger audience and pleases the most amount of people. It would be generally better from a story telling perspective. We already have ASMR content (from other creators) that caters specifically to a certain audience that excludes a lot of people (content that is very gendered, content that is racially specific with blushing and hair, etc etc), I think making content that is gender-neutral with some more complicated and grayer characters is a good middle ground, a niche that Redacted can fill. Maybe with Redacted leaving the discord server, he’ll be seeing a lot less of peoples opinions personally, and will start writing content that better fits his writing style and his characters again. It’s something that i would be really happy to see again, genuinely. Because i love Darlin’ and Sam so much is definitely the reason im concerned about where their story is going. But again, maybe Redacted distancing himself from the fanbase will save some storylines. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows tho Thanks again for the ask 💖
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for the meet uglies, sternclay 60 sfw? OwO
Here you go!
60 Sterncly SFW. we’re both on a reality show (like the queer bachelor) where we’re told to be friends but the first time we met, you were incredibly rude and judgmental and I don’t know if I can do this for the damn cameras
“So, Barclay, now that we’re a few days in, what’s your impression of the other contestants?”
“They, uh, they all seem like great guys. We come from a lot of different backgrounds, so that’s kind of interesting to be around but, uh, I live in a place that’s like a big, chosen family, so being in a house with a bunch of types of personalities is kinda, uh, homey.”
“There’s no one you think you’ll struggle with?”
“Uh. Well. I, uh, I don’t like Joseph too much. He came in and he’s so, like, phony from all the years in the FBI. It’s like he’s trying to be polite and charming but really he thinks we’re all idiots for being here. Which, like, buddy, last I checked you signed up for this the same as the rest of us.”
“Joseph, any worries about the other contestants?”
“No. I mean, we’re competitors on a dating show, not enemies. I think we’re all trying to show Vincent the best versions of ourselves.”
“There’s no one you’ve had conflicts with?”
“........I, um, Barclay and I got into a small argument earlier about the house rules. But I’m sure if we both stick around long enough we’ll come to an understanding.”
“Gentlemen, this cannot continue.” Ned, the producer, sits on the couch across from them. Barclay glares at Joseph, but the other man keeps a cool demeanor. Great, he’s making Barclay look like the big, angry mountain even off camera.
“I thought reality shows needed conflict to thrive.” Joseph cocks an eyebrow.
“They do, but about big things, like love and rivalry. Not how to properly load a dishwasher.”
“I’m just trying to be efficient.”
“My way is perfectly fine.” Barclay snaps, “jesus, I worked in kitchens for years, I know how to get clean plates.”
“That doesn’t make it optimal.”
“Do you have to be right about everything?”
“Gentlemen, you recall we have a housekeeping staff, right?”
“It doesn’t matter” Barclay doesn’t take his eyes off Ned, “we’re supposed to all get along, not all try and prove we’re the smartest guy in the room.”
“See, this is your problem, you need everyone to like you, to see you like a big brother, but you’re missing the fact that at least three of them have decided your gentle giant persona is a threat and they’re trying to oust you.”
“It’s not a persona, it’s just how I am. We aren’t all government shams disguised as men.”
Joseph’s facade cracks for a moment, blue eyes trying to light Barclay on fire.
“Enough.” Ned shakes his head, “you may despise each other as much as you please behind the scenes. In front of the cameras, please try to act as if you’re not ten seconds away from coming to blows. Agreed?”
They trade a final, furious look.
They’re a little over three weeks in; Vincent is still doing lots and lots of short, individual dates between the group outings, so the contestants have ample time to hang around the house and get on each others nerves.
Case in point: Joseph was right when he warned Barclay that others saw him as a threat. Chad, Alex, Nico, and Rich have all decided to go after him. Just this morning he’s been told he’s not man enough for Vincent (he shooed a wolf spider out of the kitchen with a broom instead of squishing it), too girly (he offered to make cupcakes if people wanted), and too big (who'd want to fuck a six foot tall puppy).
His mood is not helped by Joseph chatting away on the couch about his former job with the FBI. Barclay swears it’s all the asshole knows how to talk about. Maybe it’s time for Barclay to play a game of his own.
“Hey, Joseph.”
The other man turns, black hair perfectly slicked back like he thinks he’s some kind of movie star.
“I bet you ten bucks you can’t make it until eight tonight without talking about your job.”
The other contestants in the room snicker, several even giving Barclay a thumbs up.
Joseph adjusts his shirt sleeves, “You’re on.”
Ten hours later, Barclay is forced to get his wallet. The other man never mentioned the FBI once. In fact, he did Barclay an even bigger favor; he didn’t talk at all.
He finds the agent sitting on the back steps leading into the garden. Stays standing as he holds out the cash, “you win fair and square.”
Joseph looks at the money, then looks away, “I did it to show I could, not for the bet.”
“I mean, you didn’t have to go, uh, quite so hard on the silence thing.”
“I didn’t mean to. But, um, every time I was going to open my mouth, I realized it was somehow related to work. So I kept quiet.” He sighs, stretches out his legs. He’s in slacks, because of course he is, “I must have been so tedious to listen to, no wonder I was driving you up the wall.”
“I really am married to my career. I guess it’s not surprising my last chance for love is on a T.V show.”
“Hey, I get it.” Barclay sits down next to him, “when I was first working in commercial kitchens my hours were crazy; I barely saw my apartment, my friends, my boyfriend who pretty quickly became my ex. But it was what I needed to do to build the career I wanted for myself. To do what I loved.”
Only the crickets and the distant waves reply. Then, “You said you were a private chef now, right? Along with writing cookbooks?”
“Yeah. Kinda surprised you remembered.”
“Listening is a major skill in my profession. Besides, it’s polite to pay attention to what people tell you.”
“What’s your job now? You only ever talk about the FBI stuff?”
“Paranormal investigation. I never bring it up because people assume I’m out chasing Bigfoot with a shaky-cam or trying to communicate with haunted dolls.”
“So...what is it instead?”
“Helping people figure out they’re homes aren’t haunted or the monster on their property is just some owls. I like the challenge of solving the mystery, and I like helping people feel safe in they’re homes.”
Loud voices form inside; the caterers must have refilled the bar. He doesn’t really want to go in. It’s too nice out here.
“You wanna hear about the restaurant my coworkers swore was haunted?”
Joseph perks up, turning to face him, “Yes, please.”
He’d been really looking forward to beach day. Six guys are already gone, and Vincent has taken his fleet of suitors to the sunny San Diego shores. Barclay is dismayed to find all but three of the other guys have waxed their chests. Joseph hasn’t, but his happy trail is nothing compared to fucking black forest on Barclays torso. Nico’s gotten half the guys to call Barclay “bigfoot.”It makes him feel like he’s back in high school P.E freshman year, and his body image is rapidly sliding into that of a shy fourteen year old.
“Barclay!” Joseph comes jogging out of the surf towards the towels they lay down side by side when they arrived, “you should come in, it’s really the perfect weather for swimming.” He drops onto his towel, black hair a bit mussed. The swim-shorts that he thought were blue with green spots turn out to have not dots, but tiny UFOs on them.
“I, uh, I’m good. I, uh, I burn easily and I don’t think anyone wants to rub sunscreen on my hairy back.”
“Hey, Bigfoot, what’s wrong? Scared of what’ll happen if the cameras get a load of your gut?”
Barclay growls, stares at his toes. Joseph tracks Nico as he finishes jogging by. Then he calmly picks up a frisbee, aims a throw, and knocks his snapback off his head. He’s sitting down before the other man can work out who threw it. Barclay chuckles, but doesn’t get up.
“Bigfoot’s my favorite cryptid.”
“Uh, thanks?”
“And who gives a shit if you have a stomach.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re cut.”
Joseph grabs his sunglasses, “because I like that for my body. I happen to like yours just as much. Um I, I mean, it seems like Vincent likes it.” He tips his head towards the Bachelor, who gives them both a long once-over.
“...Will you do my back?”
“Of course, big guy.” The nickname sounds so right on his tongue it makes Barclay want to set his head in his lap and ask him to pet it.
It’s late afternoon when Ned herds them all onto a boat which promptly steers towards some cliffs. Joseph stays close to Barclay, pleasant expression noticeably tightening the closer they get to the rocks.
“I’ve been dreading this. Cliff diving is not something I’d pick to do on my own.”
He shakes his head, “Deep water. I know it’s not rational, and I even checked to be sure there hadn’t been large shark sightings in the area, but I can never shake the feeling there’s something waiting just out of sight, ready to surge up and eat me.”
They all climb up together, Vincent staying on the boat to watch them jump (this is technically a friendly competition to show off how brave they are). As they’re turns get closer, Barclay sees Joseph doing deep breathing exercises.
They hit the edge. The agent freezes.
“Shit. I don’t think I can do this.”
“C’mon, where’s my daring special agent?”
Joseph still doesn’t move.
“You, uh, you wanna jump together? Maybe the megaladon or whatever will eat me instead.”
“Megalodons are extinct; we’d know if they weren’t, same as we know Whale Sharks aren’t.”
“They you are.” Barclay murmurs, smiling.
Joseph manages a smile back, “On three?”
“Yep. One, two” he grabs Joseph’s hand “three”
The water rises to swallow them with terrifying speed, but nothing is waiting for them except one very startled fish. They surface together, Joseph laughing triumphantly, hair plaster to his head and sun shining in his ocean eyes.
If Vincent doesn’t pick him, he’s out of his mind.
“Ohmylord, we have to play this.” Joseph cannot believe his luck; he figured the barcade group date would mean a lot of solo time, but here’s his favorite game in the whole wide world.
“Monster Hunt?” Barclay laughs as he lets himself be lovingly shoved down into the seat of a cut-out Jeep, “very on brand.”
“They had this at the bowling alley near my house. I’d play when my parents had league night but couldn't get a sitter. I never could beat the Mothman level without a player two.”
He doesn’t have that problem tonight, even with Barclay distractingly delighted and handsome in the seat beside him. After that, they make it their mission to find every two-player game in the thrum of flashing colors and tinny music. He finds they both like the Bowser Bourbon Smash, and somewhere around their fourth, heated game of air hockey they each polish of one too many of them to stay upright without the support of a game, a helpful show staff member, or each other.
When they get back to the house (their fellow contestants all in a similar state to themselves) they manage to make it to Joseph’s room before collapsing into a giggling heap on the bed.
“That, hic, that was fun. Games are, hic, fun.” Barclay blinks at him, “what’re you laughing, hic, at.”
“You, you got the hiccups. S’funny because you’re so big, like, like watching a, a pitbull with a, um, a” he makes a squeezing motion that his sober self would recognize as “squeaky toy.”
“M’not big” Barclay pouts, “I, hic, maybe everyone else is, hic, just small. Ever think of th--hic--at.”
“S’not a bad thing.” Joseph shifts so they’re facing each other, “like how big you are. Makes you sexy.”
Barclay blushes, “you’re, hic, one to, to talk. You’re hot, so, hic, so fucking out. Got, got those eyes. That, hic, that face” He touches Joseph’s cheek, “love your face.”
“Love yours too.” Joseph says, stroking his beard. Then they’re moving in inelegant tandem, grabbing at each others shoulders and faces as their mouths find each other. Barclay is so warm, whimpering when Joseph rolls him on top, nipping his lips and pawing at him like a puppy hoping for a treat. Joseph is going to hold him close and let him have it.
A clatter from below, one of the other men knocking something over in the kitchen, breaks the spell.
“Wait, wait” Joseph reluctantly slides his hands of Barclays ass, “we, drunk, we’re drunk, too drunk.”
Barclay blinks down at him, pouting a little even as he groans “fuck, you’re, you’re right. Wanna, gotta remember this. Don’t wanna” he yawns, “regret it.” The instant he flops onto his back Joseph climbs into his arms and falls asleep to the slow rhythm of his breathing.
After that night, they agree to be more careful; they’re here for Vincent, to see if one of them is his true love. That’s what the contract they signed says.
“More careful” turns out to mean watching their alcohol intake around each other and only touching platonically (including falling asleep on the couch together. They wake up to cameras recording their nap. Barclay isn’t sure what Joseph threatens Ned with, but the footage never sees the light of day).
But unless they’re on a solo date with Vincent, they’re by each others side. Barclay teaches Joseph dominoes and how to make biscuits. Joseph introduces him to terrible old horror movies that they watch on his laptop and compliments his cooking every chance he gets.
They must be doing something right, because they move to the next round week after week, Vincent clearly enamored with both of them. Barclay certainly understands the feeling. Just not for the person who he’s supposed to.
“Joseph? If, uh, if neither of us win, what are you gonna do after this.”
“Go back to work. Maybe pitch my book about U.S cryptids.” Joseph’s smile goes shy for a moment before recovering, “but I wouldn’t worry, big guy; I think you’re the front runner for sure.”
Barclay knows for a fact that Joseph is a fan favorite and the suitor most people think will win. Which is why, when Vincent selects his final four, he’s not surprised Joseph gets the first rose. Then everyone but Barclay is holding one and Vincent is touching his shoulder.
“Barclay, please don’t take this as a sign I’m not deeply fond of you. This wasn’t an easy choice but I, well, I feel like your heart may not be in this anymore.”
He takes Vincent’s hand and squeezes it, “It’s okay. It was wonderful just to get to know you. All of you.” He looks at the final four, at Joseph’s calm, polite expression. He meets blue eyes as he says, “I hope you find someone who makes you happy.”
With that he turns, all too aware of the cameras tracking his exit, his face, how he’ll have to do a final interview and not reveal that he’ll hate Vincent forever but not blame him in the slightest if he marries Joseph.
Every eye, lensed or no, turns back to the gazebo. Joseph is at the edge of the steps, poised to run. When he sees Barclay stop, he turns to Vincent.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t accept this.” He hands the bachelor the rose, “I hope you understand.”
There’s no soundtrack on set, but strings swell in his ears all the same as Joseph descends the stairs and leaps into his arms, kissing him so hard he still has stars in his eyes when he opens them.
“It’s not a marriage proposal” Joseph whispers, kissing his cheek, “but I do have a question for you.” He pulls back, all cameras on them but his attention for Barclay alone, “would you like to be my boyfriend, big guy?”
Barclay rests their foreheads together, “Yeah, babe, I really, really would.”
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themightyaliendwarf · 4 years
TPN s02e08
Maaan, what an rollercoaster! We literally go from amazing to fine to incredible. Which kinda makes me angry because this is how this season SHOULD look like. Okay, fine, let’s skip Goldy Pond, but let’s make it equally amazing as this. Just in an anime original way. And this episode proves they COULD do it. It’s a pity that it took them over a half of the season to reach this point. But let’s start from the beginning.
1. So, Peter Ratri is voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya. I was joking with my friend that it might be the reason why the quality of the animation isn’t always the best - because he took a half of the budget. Anyway, I think he is doing a good job with voicing this character right now, but I will wait with the final judgement for the Peter’s meltdown scene. 
2. Just a fun fact I read in the manga: apparently when Isabella tells Norman that he is going to a new home, Shirai used the kanji that can also mean ‘cage’. 
3. Another thing I loved: they showed how Norman found about Vincent. It’s shown in the extra pages for one of the volumes (I don’t remember in which one right now).
4. Again, I like that the first 7-8 minutes were fully focused on Lambda. I think that this is something that anime-only people really needed (without the context, it’s difficult understand how MUCH those guys hate the demons and why). And for manga readers it was cool to see it in colour. But on the other hand, I’m kinda disappointed that they just showed us the images of the experiments. I think adding movement and sound would make those scenes absolutely terrifying. But hey, at least they showed it!
5. So, we found out a little bit about the escape, buuuut it was nearly as much as I was hoping for. Based on the panels in the manga, we could have already guessed that they used some kind of explosives. I guess we still need to wait for another special chapter/light novel.
6. Annnd after the amazing lambda part we jump to the search... Now, do you know why this whole thing was more engaging in the manga?
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Because we got her. I don’t think it will be controversial if I say that the search for Mujika was really boring. Just a bunch of pictures and building up suspense by showing us that CGI demon. Speaking of that demon!
7. You know what pains a lot in this episode? SO MANY reused animations. I mean, the test solving animation, the demon, the chase, later the demons degenerating and demons eating other demons... look, I know they want to save money, but there are some limits!
8. Apparently Ray, a guy who has been living in the wilderness for months, needs a watch to tell that sun is setting. Just a minor nitpick that I had to point out. 
9. Okay, I think we can official crown Norman as our new edge lord. I mean that monologue on the top of the rock... I know that words are from the manga, but when it’s shown like that, it looks more silly than serious. Also, the quote ‘I will gladly become a God or a devil’, doesn’t make THAT much sense here, because we didn’t get this scene:
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To me it felt like unnecessary fan service towards manga readers, but I’m happy for you if you liked this scene. Norman is allowed to become our tiny edge lord.
10. You know what made me angry? Don and Ray shooting the demon, but Emma and Gilda not. Yes, Emma does it a second later, but it became a trend to give her badass scenes to boys. The next scene, however, made me furious.
11. Ray shoots the demon and then he and Emma share a sigh of relief. But then it turns out that the wild demon is still alive and it’s going to eat Emma. Wait a minute... I have seen it somewhere... OH, RIGHT!
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Of course, there are situations where Emma is the one who is being saved. The problem is that in the anime she is always being saved by someone - never the other way around. I’m happy that Ray is given stuff to do, but why is it that he is given Emma’s stuff. Come on!
12. Also, how did they know that it was Norman who caused the explosion? How far did they actually went? Are you going to tell me that they were in practically the same location for months and nobody found them? Again, those are nitpicks, but they bother me a lot!
13. Also, apparently the drug is now spread through the air, and Norman’s whole gang is made out of edge lords who need to stand dramatically on the chimneys. I can imagine that during planning they had a conversation similar to: - Boss, do you know what ever genocide needs? - What? - Dramatic JoJo posing over the burning villages.  - Good, good... write that down!
14. Okay, enough ranting, let’s move to the incredible stuff. First of all, the music in those last scenes really reminded me of the Witcher Soundtrack and I LOVE the Witcher soundtrack. So epic! 
15. I actually stopped taking notes at this point, because I was so immersed in everything that was happening on the screen. The music, the tone, the colours, the expressions - THIS! This is what this anime should be from the very beginning. Making us care about the demons, and showing that they are also the victims of this system. The actual dread and thriller, the moral issues, engaging plot lines.
16. The scene with the old demon and Norman? Good anime original content? How is it possible? When the old demon asks Norman whether he is a human and he doesn’t answer - because at this point he himself isn’t sure. Yes, give me more of that!
17. Norman being terrified after seeing blood on his hands? That’s a good change from the manga Norman, because it makes narrative sense. Really, CloverWorks, how can you make such an amazing scene after those 6 mediocre and one good episode? 
Anyway, it’s difficult for me to add anything right now because I don’t feel like I have enough words to describe how much I loved that last scene. Does it mean I have forgiven this season its previous sins? No, but I’m a happier person right now, and I’m REALLY looking forward into the next episode. 
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some kind of loud, attention grabbing noise that lets you know ITS FIC TIME, BABYYYYY you could start here, but the context... the build up.. the hours of worldcrafting, you'd miss it all... so start here, instead, then circle back.
These last two weeks have actually been nice. She and Adam had both mutually agreed that, despite not being the kind of person either of them would intentionally seek out on their own, Beetlejuice (she still has a hard time believing that’s what BJ stands for, but okay,) is fun. Not just fun, but funny, and seemingly often in the mood to laugh, in that overblown, Vincent Price horror movie way he does, which earns him multiple shushes in the library.
Drama club has gotten better. Barbara has a private theory that what most people need is to just get used to BJ, to spend enough time with him that he stops looking like an outsider, and it’s coming true, slowly, but finally. BJ had mentioned off-handedly he played ukulele, and when the other kids had expressed interest, he’d brought it with him the next day... Though she’s not quite sure where he kept it, the entire day. She’s seen that mess of a locker he’s got. She doubts it fits in there. And it can’t have been in his backpack, either, because every time he sets it down, she can hear what sounds like glass and rocks settling. She’s even seen him, after school, pick up a rock and shove it in one of the pockets. She has to assume his bag weighs a hundred pounds, or so.
His instrument, almost predictably, was painted with black and white stripes, but he’d played the little thing like a pro. She had never taken him for someone who enjoyed the mellow, soft sounds the ukulele was known for, but clearly, she doesn’t know enough about the boy. Miss Larson, the drama instructor, had clapped, and learned that BJ could read music, too. “Maybe while we’re practicing, you can accompany us?” She’d asked, clearly trying to work a way into getting more participation out of their newest member. BJ had been flustered, but had agreed, easily.
The wildest thing had been hearing him sing. They’d moved from being in the drama room, most days, to being in the auditorium, working on lines and practicing their singing. No one’s been officially cast, yet, but it’s mostly to get used to being on stage. Miss Larson had insisted that BJ sing a few lines for them, and he’d sort of made a face, ducked backstage, and had appeared with his ukulele in hand. Barbara didn’t even know he’d put it back there.
“Uh, so, sing what?” He’d shuffled awkwardly, and Miss Larson had smiled. “Whatever you feel,” to which BJ just snorted, and rolled his eyes, but then he plucked a few notes on his ukulele, and started to sing.
“There’s a camp, there’s a camp, by the frozen lake, wa wa ooh. With every belly starving and every finger numb, but up on the hill there’s a red, red rum, somebody’s always cooking something in the lean-to.”
It wasn't a song she’d recognized, but it was clearly morbid. She shouldn’t have expected anything different. The real focal point was his voice, his strange, scratchy pitch, because despite sounding like he gargles sandpaper and nails, he’s got a strong, clear tone, one that carries well, and as he sings, he doesn’t hit a single sour note. She also noted that his enunciation is much clearer when he’s singing, oddly enough. He sang as much as he decided he needed to, and clung to his ukelele as he finished, like a lifeline. “So. Yeah.” He’d said, and then flinched when the clapping started, from all members present, but especially her and Adam. He’d stood looking around at them all, utterly baffled.
“You didn’t tell us you would sing!” Jeremiah, the student director, was the one who looked the most enthused, and BJ balked. “Didn’t think it mattered. M’just gonna be a stagehand.. Right?”
“Maybe he could play the dentist?” Miss Larson had looked at Jeremiah, and they’d begun talking amongst themselves, ignoring him, as he strummed nervously at his instrument.
“Oh, wait, check this out!”
And he sings again, another verse from that same, oddly morbid song, which she’d started to pick up is definitely about cannibals, but his voice is.. Different. The grit is gone. It’s like he’d ran his vocal cords under some hot soapy water, and washed all the grime and gravel out of them, because he sang like an angel, like a normal person, and then, suddenly, devolved into a hacking cough, doubled over.
“Sorry, can only do that so long. Hurts my throat,” he said, after a moment, all the grit back in his voice. He waited. There had been a soft laugh, and then it grew louder, coming from each of the members watching him in turn, because the idea that speaking like THAT somehow hurts, and his normal tone doesn’t, is just so outrageous and silly, and he’d stood there proudly, grinning in that way he does, because his joke had landed, and he might, for the first time since he was forced into their club, be enjoying himself.
So, yes. The last few weeks have been good. Very good.
All that club progress aside, looking back makes her a little flustered, because at this point, she’s gotten the hint that he’s not gay. What he is, is incredibly flirty, not only with Adam but with her, and she finds herself... enjoying it. He keeps his ukulele tucked into the bottom of the cart in the library, and sometimes, when he’s certain he won’t be interrupted, he grabs it and sings little songs about them, laying on top of the cart like a drunk lounge singer on a piano, as she or Adam wheel it along. The songs are made up on the spot tunes that often start dirty, and end sincere, like he can’t even help it. It’s embarrassing, and endearing, and just very… Beetlejuice.
There’s just the problem lingering overhead, the one she’s desperate to solve, of Kevin. BJ doesn’t talk about him, abruptly changes the subject when she tries, or just goes silent, and gives her a hard glare with those amber eyes, which is the worst of the three options, because silence on him is unnerving. He can do this thing where he goes deathly still, and she swears he doesn’t even breathe, just stands there, totally unmoving, like a corpse.
She thinks if she could just go to his house, and talk to his mother, she might get a better understanding of the entire situation, but despite him inviting them, he’s never followed up, and both Adam and herself are too polite to push.. Directly. But then, he doesn’t show up that day, not for library duty and not for drama club, and she makes the decision for him, that today is the day they’ll be coming over. She gets his address out of the guidance counselor, easily. “It’s so sweet you two want to go check up on him,” Mrs. Birch says, sliding his address across her desk to Barbara. “I knew the drama club would be a good fit for him! He’s already making friends!”
Adam’s mom is nice enough to drop them off, and Adam, adorable, sweet Adam, stares delighted at the house, as they walk up the front steps. “It’s a tudor!” he tells her, and she sort of nods, not really knowing exactly what that means. “I’ve never seen one painted black and white, before. Usually those accents are a natural wood color,” and she rings the bell, as he goes on. The outside of the house matches BJ’s stripes, and she wonders if that’s coincidence, or if his parents just really, really love him. The door swings open, and then a chubby blur jumps away from their line of sight, startling her from her thoughts. “Beetlejuice?” Adam calls, concerned, and it takes a moment for their friend to reappear in the doorway, with a croaked out, “Sup?”
He looks terrible. He always looks a little terrible, as mean as that is to say, too pale and with purple spots under his eyes she chalks up to exhaustion, but he looks worse, today. It hadn’t occurred to her that he’d actually be sick.
“We just wanted to come by and see if you were okay,” she tells him, and BJ cocks his head so far to the side, he looks like he might fall over. “Why?” “Because.. We’re your friends,” Adam says, cautiously, which causes BJ to stare down at the checkered entryway tile.
“Oh.” He packs a lot of emotion into that little noise.
“Can we come in?” She asks, and he doesn’t look sure, rubbing at the back of his neck, but then next to him, in the doorway, appears what must be Mrs. Deetz. She’s on the tall side, slim, with blonde hair past her shoulders, and she’s wearing all black with lace accents. Even her stud earrings and the rings on her fingers are that same dark hue.
“Well, hello! BJ, invite your friends in!” She urges him, and then, to them asks, “You kids hungry? We’re just sitting down to dinner. It’s grilled cheese tower night,” and then she turns, and leaves them there, like that needs no explanation.
BJ fidgets a moment, but relents. “Come in, I guess,” he moves aside, and Adam and Barbara take a collective step into the Deetz household. The house is dark, not for lack of light, but for lack of color. The walls are paneling which Adam, delighted, says must be original, but they’ve been stained a dark shade of coffee, and it takes a moment for her eyes to adjust. When she does, she takes in how strangely eerie the place is. It’s less like someone’s home and more like a haunted house ride.
“Oh, you guys haven't taken down the Halloween décor, yet?” Adam asks, noting a cracked vase full of black roses on a side table as they follow BJ further in, and BJ snorts. “That crap? It's up in th’ attack. This is what passes for normal around here.” Barbara stops to stare at a picture of a distorted figure cannibalizing a smaller one. “Saturn Devouring His Son,” BJ says, briefly putting on a voice like a tour guide, high pitched and peppy, and both she and Adam wince. “What’s with you and cannibalism?” she asks, which only earns her that haunted laugh in response.
The kitchen, at least, looks a little more normal and bright, but Barbara learns quickly that’s not to be trusted, because sitting on the counter is what looks to be a lasagna made from sandwiches and sauce. “You guys are here on a night Emily had to cook. Bad luck,” BJ tells them, and it takes her a moment to realize he’s talking about his mother. Does he use her first name?
Emily, or, Mrs. Deetz, her mind corrects politely, busies herself with dishing them both a plate. “So, you kids must be.. Adam and Barbara,” she says, knowingly, and BJ, perhaps embarrassed, shuffles his bare feet at nothing. He’s been talking to his mom about them… aww. She notices then that he’s in his pajamas, which are, like everything else he wears, eccentric. He looks cute. She realizes she’s staring, and BJ catches her eye, and wiggles his eyebrows at her. Oh, god.
“We’re sorry for dropping by unannounced, Mrs. Deetz,” Adam says, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and Mrs. Deetz waives that off. “It’s totally fine. BJ’s never taken a sick day, before, I bet you probably thought he was faking. You kids can call me Emily. And that, of course, is Lydia.” She gestures to the nine year old scrutinizing them from the kitchen table.
“Hello again,” Barbara says, and Lydia gives her a smile, at least, but it's wary, it’s very, “I’ve got my eyes on you.” It’s strange to see from a little kid.
They all sit down to eat, all five of them, at the kitchen table, she and Adam settled across from BJ and Lydia. Adam squints, trying to read what’s on the other boy’s shirt. “What does that say?” he asks, and BJ glances down, and pulls the top taught, to make it easier to read. “Least exciting hole I’ve ever been in,” both boys say, at the same time. “Grand Canyon National Park.” Barbara and Adam both blush at that, and Mrs.. Emily, Emily just laughs. Lydia looks annoyed. “No one will explain to me what that means,” she tells Barbara, leaning closer to her, and almost looking hopeful. Barbara avoids that look. “It’s a dirty joke,” is all she says, and Lydia, clearly not satisfied, just takes a bite of her grilled cheese abomination. “Chuck hates this shirt,” BJ tells them. “Chuck?” “Chuck, Chuckster, Chuckles, Charles.. My dad,” he grates out. Barbara can’t imagine calling her father by his first name. She’d be in a world of trouble for being “disrespectful,” if she tried. “Is Mr. Deetz home?” Adam asks, and Lydia is the one to reply, mouth still a little too full.
“He’s at the office. He’s always working so fucking late,” Lydia says, and then lets it settle in the air, like she’s waiting for something. Barbara balks, and it feels like her eyes are bulging out of her head, because she’s never heard that kind of language from a nine year old. She glances at Emily nervously, waiting for her to blow up, to be angry, but Emily just seems to be in deep thought.
“I dunno about that one, Lyds,” Mrs. Deetz finally says, and Lydia puffs up her chest and tries again. “He’s always working so god damn late?” She looks to her mother, and Emily, finger on her chin, nods. “Yeah, alright. I hereby decree that Lydia Deetz, at the age of nine and a half, is allowed to say god damn.” Lydia pumps her fist and then takes another huge mouthful of grilled cheese casserole. “Bout fuckin’ time,” BJ grunts. Barbara thinks the Deetz family might all be whack jobs. there's more, a lot more, but tumblr can't handle it all, so read this chapter in full over on Ao3!
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Petty Revenge pt1
Note: I started playing Mozart's route, and boy, does he know how to push my buttons (I know I'll probably fall for him eventually, though). MC being her sweet and innocent self, is all like "I'll get him to like me", while I just wish I could punch him. So it got me thinking: what if instead of forgiving ball of sunshine, our MC was someone who was not above messing with the boys to get some payback. Also, let me know in comments if you’d like a part 2.
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Traveling through time to 19th century, only to find herself trapped in a mansion full of prominent historical figures, who also happen to be vampires, MC was not exactly having a good time.
Well, seeing as there was no going home for a whole month, she offered her help around the mansion, which is how she came to be responsible for delivering a breakfast next morning to one Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, AKA His Royal Rudeness.He used every opportunity to remind her how annoyed he was that she was even here, which is something she had no control over.
After exhausting all her energy on trying to talk to him only to get showered with insults, she finally gives up. If he wants to hate her, she will give him a good reason for that.
The hardest part was finding the right moment to carry out her plan. He rarely left the mansion and spent most of his time in the music room. Finally, after being asked by le Comte, he leaves one night to perform at the ball. She picks up tools that she managed to “borrow” without Sebastian noticing, and with a smile on her face heads to the music room.
Next morning, after setting down his cup of coffee and music sheets, Mozart sat down in front of his piano, only for the bench to let out a laud creak. He froze up, then moved slightly, as if to make sure that really happened. And sure enough, there was that sound again.
Not wanting to deal with it at the moment, he tried playing while sitting stiff as a board, making sure to only move his hands, but even that was followed by that annoying noise, so he marched out of room, frustration written all over his face.
He got Leonardo to fix it for him, only for the bench to start creaking again a few days later. He found himself in a never-ending cycle, fix the problem, only to have it reappear, sometimes even later the same day. One day, he stormed out of music room, red faced and eyebrows scrunched up with anger, and went to the town to buy a new one, hoping to finally put the matter to rest. It didn’t work.
Maybe it’s telling you that you’re fat attitude should go on a diet. MC stood at the door, gazing at Mozart leaning defeated over piano. He turns, seeing her smirk, realization finally dawns on him. But as she walks away, he simply stands there, mouth open, having to many things to say, but being too exhausted to voice them.
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She didn’t think that he ever used her name, sometimes she doubted that he even knew it. No, to him she was Hondje, a dog. And when he wasn’t busy calling her one, he was busy comparing her or treating her as one. That he claimed to like dogs did little to make her feel okay with it.
No amount of polite asking did anything to change this. Fine. There were other ways to get the message across. It was Sebastian who gave her a perfect idea, letting her know an interesting little detail about Theo. Honestly, the amount of information that guy had on the residents was frightening.
It was a long day for Theo. After spending it running across town, selling paintings, trying to butter up stuck up nobles, and then getting into a fight with those assholes from L’ Academie, he was really looking forward to seeing his bed.
After he checked up on Vincent, who was still painting despite the late hour, he headed to his room, only to run into MC in hallway. Hondje, you’re still up? He expected her to pout, as she always does when he calls her that, but instead she greets him with a smile. Just finished my chores. I was on my way to my room. And as she passed by him, her smile growing even bigger, she adds Good Night, Theo. Something in the tone of her voice told him she was up to something, but he was too tired to deal with it tonight.
Finally arriving at his door, he opens them, light from the hallway spilling into his room, and he freezes. It’s a miracle how he managed not to let out a scream, or how he was even able to lift his hand and pinch his cheek to insure that what he was seeing was real.
His room was filled with cats. Not a cat, which was terrifying enough. Cats. Ten, he thinks, though it’s difficult to count them due to them jumping all over the place.
Somehow managing to close the door, he practically runs back to Vincent’s room. He grabs him by the sleeve, like a little boy, and stuttering explains to his brother what’s wrong. Vincent enlisted Arthur to help, and between the two of them, they soon got all the cats out into the garden.
After he cautiously walked into his room, Theo found a note on his bed. 
Just letting you know, I’m more of a cat person.
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To put it simply, Arthur was a walking, talking, breathing sexual harassment. MC could deal with his flirting; him trying to bite her, however, was another matter entirely. He gave her some kind of apology, saying how he did it because he wanted to warn her about vampires, because words are apparently overrated. 
He continued to flirt, seemingly unaware of what personal space means, and well, it was quite exhausting. She wanted to punch him so many times, but she knew that would do little to solve the problem, it might even encourage him.
Watching his interaction with Dazai, who seems to be the only person capable of getting under his skin, gave her an idea, something very simple.
Arthur was heading to the library, intent on doing some research for the book he was working on; only to find it occupied by one very pretty skirt. She had her head in the book and didn’t appear to have noticed him walk in.
Smirk on his face, he slowly approached her, already picturing her little gasp of surprise that was sure to be followed by a glare, as he set next to her and threw his arm around her shoulder. But her reaction wasn’t what he expected, in fact there was no reaction, she simply turned her head and looked at him. 
He was taken aback for a second, but than flirt mode was back on. He went on and on, teasing her and complimenting her, yet she didn’t blush or said anything. She just kept looking at him, eyes narrowed in concentration, as if she forgot something, and was trying hard to remember it. Noticing this, he too fell silent, and for a moment they simply stared at each other. Suddenly, her eyes went wide, she snapped her fingers, smile appearing on her face. It’s Sherlock, right? I’m sorry, I’m not very good with names. 
From then on every time he talked to her, she referred to him as Sherlock or that guy who wrote Sherlock. To make matters worse, Dazai joined in on the game.
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He is a perfectionist and very strict, understandable considering his occupation. She didn’t mind that; after all she volunteered to help around the mansion, which quickly proved to be a not so easy task. She understood that she needed to learn the ropes as quickly as possible, otherwise she’d just make things more difficult for Sebastian, so his constructive criticism didn’t bother her too much.
What did bother her, however, was his passive-aggressiveness. He would always make some snide remark, delivering it in a way that left her unable to reply lest she end up being the rude one. Add to that his habit of flicking her forehead, as if she was a little child, and well... He had it coming.
 So one night, after diner she was volunteered into cleaning up the kitchen by herself, after being flicked again, because a single spoon wasn’t polished to Sebastian’s standards.
 The next morning, Sebastian walked into the kitchen, part of him expecting to find something out of the ordinary, after all we are talking about MC. The kitchen was spotless and nothing appeared to be unusual, at least not at first glance. Feeling relieved, he went on to start preparing breakfast and make coffee for the residents.
He opened the first cupboard to take out coffee cups, and stared at it in shock. Gone were the cups, as well as all glasses that were supposed to be there as well. Instead he was greeted by plates that should be in a different cabinet. And not only were they misplaced, they were stacked completely out of order, piled in one disorganized mess, rim soup bowl on top of a salad plate, on top of a dinner plate, on top of a bread and butter plate, and so on.
He proceeded to the other cupboards and drawers, his horror growing with each one opened. He found saucers in the drawer where utensils were supposed to be, cups and glasses where plates used to be kept, spoons, forks and knives all mixed together, frying pans, cooking pots, spices, all piled in one giant nightmare.
It is a miracle how he managed not to have a heart attack. He started pacing, hands running through his hair in frustration, desperate to figure out how to begin putting kitchen back in order. It was at this point that MC walked in with a cheery Good morning!, soon to be followed by the rest of the residents.
What happened here?, asked le Comte. Looks like Sebas loves cleaning so much, he does it in his sleep, only not as successfully as when awake, MC said, and before he could deny it, the boys were already cracking jokes about it, while he was left desperate to try and maintain his cool.
Later she was left alone to clean up her mess, which was fine, she wasn’t trying to make Sebastian’s job more difficult, she simply wanted to get a reaction out of him. She paused for a moment to rub a red mark on her forehead. He flicked her so hard, she was sure her brain did a flip. Worth it, she grinned, Wait until he finds out I changed the order of keys on his key chain.
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