#at one point it was 5'5 point 5 inches
veryrealimagination · 7 months
Ope, I have been tagged. Thank ye, @scrxpz. This is a new one for me.
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
Good golly, who do I tag? @chicagomoonlight ?
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dark-orca-dynasty · 3 months
I accidentally gave myself a whole new plot bunny while talking to a mutual about something completely different and now I have an AU where Hammerhead's the one who died when the old sub sank, leading to his wife (who I'm calling Theophania - Theo for short) swearing vengeance against Proteus.
Anyway, in this AU Finn and Maddy have been raised on land by the maternal side of their family while Theo wages war against the guardians, to keep them safe. Finn gets abandonment issues and parentification issues here, so as a tradeoff I've decided he gets to have a growth spurt as a result of eating well and getting more vitamin D. This does, however, lead to the Nektons assuming he's a grown man (and a bit of a creep because of his crush on Fontaine), until his voice cracks very embarrassingly mid conversation and Will remembers that he too was once a teenager getting mistaken for a grown man.
Theo is nominally getting revenge for both her husband and her sister in law here, but is mostly just on a kind of self-destructive workaholic spiral where she sees her kids once a year. The Dark Orca under her command is a lot more put-together but a lot less close knit. It is not somewhere you'd consider raising your children.
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unitedstatesofworld · 23 days
Unveiling the Truth: Katt Williams' Height and How It Stands Tall in Hollywood
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Katt Williams—now there's a name that echoes through the corridors of comedy! With his razor-sharp wit, electric energy, and that unmistakable voice, he's left a mark on the entertainment industry that few can rival. But there's one question that pops up time and time again, and it has nothing to do with his punchlines. Instead, it revolves around something a little more... measurable: Katt Williams' height. Just how tall is this comedy giant? 
The Height of the Matter: How Tall Is Katt Williams?
If you've ever wondered about Katt Williams' height, you're not alone. It's a subject of much speculation, especially given his commanding presence on stage. So, what's the actual number?
Katt Williams' Height: 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm)
Yes, you read that right! Standing at 5'5", Katt Williams may not tower over others in a physical sense, but he sure does when it comes to talent and charisma. In a world where height often becomes a point of discussion—especially in Hollywood—Kat Williams proves that stature isn't just about inches; it's about how you carry yourself.
Why Does Height Matter in Hollywood?
You might be wondering, "Why all the fuss about height?" Well, in Hollywood, where image is everything, height can sometimes make or break a role. Tall actors often get cast in leading roles, with shorter actors being pigeonholed into specific types of characters. However, Kat Williams has managed to break the mold, using his unique stature to his advantage.
Character Versatility: Katt Williams has portrayed a wide range of characters, from the quick-talking hustler to the street-smart confidant. His height adds to his ability to blend into diverse roles, making him a versatile actor and comedian.
Stage Presence: On stage, Katt Williams is larger than life. His height becomes an asset, allowing him to engage with the audience on a more personal level, bringing them into his world of comedy.
In Hollywood, where every inch can be scrutinized, Katt Williams stands as a testament to the idea that talent trumps all. His height is just one aspect of his persona, but it's his talent, charm, and work ethic that have propelled him to stardom.
Kat Williams: Rising Above the Stereotypes
Now, let’s face it—Hollywood hasn’t always been kind to actors who don’t fit the “tall, dark, and handsome” mold. The industry can be quite unyielding when it comes to casting, often overlooking actors who don’t meet certain physical standards. But here’s where Katt Williams flips the script.
Breaking the Mold
Katt Williams has consistently challenged stereotypes, proving that height isn’t a barrier to success. How has he done it?
Embracing His Unique Image: Instead of trying to conform to Hollywood's standards, Katt Williams embraced his uniqueness. He’s known for his flamboyant style, sharp dressing, and, of course, that signature hairdo. By owning his height, he’s turned it into an integral part of his brand.
Mastering the Art of Comedy: Comedy is an arena where personality often outweighs physical attributes. Katt Williams’ height might be 5'5", but his comedic skills are sky-high. His quick wit, relatable humor, and fearless approach have made him a standout in the comedy world.
Connecting with Audiences: Katt Williams has a knack for connecting with people, whether on stage or through the screen. His height, far from being a disadvantage, helps him relate to his audience, making him seem more approachable and genuine.
The Power of Confidence
Confidence is key, and Katt Williams exudes it in spades. He’s shown that confidence isn’t about towering over others; it’s about standing tall in your own skin. His height becomes secondary when you consider the level of self-assurance he carries himself with. He’s a perfect example of how believing in yourself can take you places—even if you’re not the tallest person in the room.
The Impact of Katt Williams’ Height on His Career
Height, in many cases, can be a talking point when it comes to career trajectories in Hollywood. But how exactly has Katt Williams' height influenced his path?
Leveraging Height in Comedy
Comedy often thrives on quirks and characteristics that make a comedian stand out. Katt Williams has cleverly used his height as part of his comedic arsenal. Here’s how:
Relatable Humor: Katt often jokes about everyday situations, turning the mundane into the hilarious. His height allows him to tap into a wide range of experiences that resonate with the average person, making his comedy universally relatable.
Physical Comedy: Physicality plays a huge role in comedy, and Katt Williams uses it masterfully. His stature allows him to exaggerate movements and expressions, amplifying the humor in his performances.
Defying Typecasting
It’s no secret that shorter actors can sometimes be typecast into specific roles. However, Katt Williams has dodged this trap. How?
Diverse Roles: Despite his height, Katt Williams has taken on diverse roles that showcase his versatility. From voice acting in animated films to live-action roles in TV shows and movies, he’s proven that his talent isn’t confined by physical stature.
Commanding the Stage: On stage, Katt Williams is the master of his domain. His height doesn't limit his ability to captivate an audience; in fact, it enhances his connection with them. He uses the entire stage to his advantage, creating a dynamic performance that keeps audiences engaged.
Katt Williams’ height may be 5'5", but in the world of comedy and Hollywood, he stands taller than most. His success story is a testament to the fact that height is just a number, and it’s the size of one’s talent, confidence, and determination that truly counts. Whether he’s making you laugh until you cry or delivering a powerful performance on screen, Kat Williams proves that greatness comes in all shapes and sizes.
So, the next time you hear someone questioning Kat Williams' height, remember—he’s proof that stature isn’t about how tall you are, but how high you can rise. And Kat Williams? Well, he’s soaring.
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points. tell me about kobeni . pre-relationship 5, love 13, and domestic life 7 Pleek (oldwebselfship)
YIPPEEE TY <333 time for my special girl @oldwebselfship
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference? ough well the wiki doesn't list‏‏‎ ‎kobeni's‏‏‎ ‎height but she's short i think (i haven't seen the anime i can't say for sure i am just going off the manga) i want to say like 5'5 or thereabouts. and my s/is are pretty much always my irl height (5'8) except in dire circumstances (a man is taller than me) so they would have a few inches on her which i think is just perfect. they can lend her their jacket to keep her warm. and i'm gonna say they're a year younger than her (so 20) because i think it's a little funnier that way. i'd say of all my s/is they are the one in the most similar life position to me irl (minus the devil‏‏‎ ‎hunting).‏‏‎ ‎
13. Who remembers the little things? probably her :) kobeni‏‏‎ ‎gives me the vibes of someone who makes a lot of notes and checklists because it makes her feel more secure about the things in her life she can control. and she probably has really cute stationery or something. so she'll make notes of‏‏‎ ‎csm!nyx's likes and dislikes and special days and stuff so she can get them little presents and stuff that makes her think of them. it's also nice because she gets flustered with words easily but gifts are a way of expressing love without words!
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?‏‏‎ ‎csm!nyx‏‏‎ ‎probably but they do not kill them they just take them outside :) they do it in the way i do in real life though which is they puff out their chest and go "stand back babe i'll handle this" all chivalrous but if the bug moves too fast they shriek and jump and cling‏‏‎ ‎to‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎kobeni. but in the end the bugs get to go outside and no harm is done :) except for mosquitoes those they let izzy eat (izzy‏‏‎ ‎is the isolation devil their reluctant little contract buddy).
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transkeiichi · 2 years
fucking hate whp i am i wish i was someone else. im so jealous of trans ppl who love bejng trans. i cant even imagine what kind of joymust be like. i fucking hate it. i hate every single thing abt it. like even if i were get on hrt, what could it even do for me at this point? im 4'10 and thats not gonna change. even if it did, it cant change enough to matter. no amount of hormones or surgeries will ever get me to a height thats normal for an adult man. idk what hrt would do to my body hair. i dont have any right now. just like naturally i never grew any. will hrt actually change that for me or am i freak of nature? i hate it. those are the only things that truly make me dysphoric. my body shape to some degree does but i dont think all the changes in the world for my body shape or my face or my voice or my chest would fucking matter as long as im so fucking short. that that cant be changed. ive looked into surgeries but the most they can add is about 5 inches. great now im 5'3. then shoe insert or lift shoes? best they can do is 2-3 inches also. so thats what? 5'5 - 5'6 max? thats still like average height for a woman and still very short for a man. and id never be able to afford that surgery so realistically ill never hit more than 5'1. what a fucking joke. no one takes me seriously as a grown adult woman when i look like this, who the hell would treat me any different as a littlr fucking failed manlet? no one. so what would even be the point of taking hrt? ao i can look like a 18 yr old woman instead of a 14 yr old girl? cuz its not gonna make me look like a man. i know that much for sure. nothings ever going to make me look like a man. ill never pass. ill never even sort of accidently passish. its just not a possibility. whats even the point of trying? i should just give up and go back to wearing all my girl clothes again. i let myself put on some weight cuz it made me feel a little better what its not working nothing is. i dont feel any less dysphoric, i just hate myself cuz im so goddamned ugly like this. ill never pass as a man, ill never be attractive as a man, ill never look like an adult if i try to also look like a man. the best i can ever attain is like an ugly 13 yr old boy. i should just give up and go back to at the very least looking like an attractive18-19 yr old girl instead. truthfully id rathwr just not be here at all but thats not an option. whatever. fuck this shit. i hate myself amd i hate my life.
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blessedburden · 2 years
The older I've gotten, the more Father's Day has affected me. I grew up in an extremely racist, homophobic, HIGHLY abusive, southern pentecostal household. I was beaten regularly, went to school at one point telling people that I was in a car wreck because my eyes were both blackened by my dad. I became very violent in my small hometown, fighting people non stop, even hospitalizing some, literally. I became "That emo dude you don't fuck with because he'll fuck you up" and I took such pride in it, but I hate it now. I always hated hurting people unless they hurt someone I cared for. I was never allowed to be friends with gays or black people, but i did anyways because in a sense, i related heavily to then, being the black sheep of my family, silenced, ridiculed, and oppressed by my own family. Hell, I once got a blow job on a school bus by a black girl back in my teen years. It was videoed, sent around the school, to my youth leaders, and to my father. He found it, and me being a 5'5 sophomore in high school and him being a 6'5 300 pound muscle giant, I tried to fight back, even busted his nose, but I was beaten within an inch of my liHe'll, sought solace in my friends and made them my family, rebuking everything that my family had tried to teach me. Many were blessed enough to be raised on love and hope. I was raised on spite, rage, hatred, and survival, but I always made this promise, and I've said it since i was a teenager, "I'll never let them take my heart" so I've still got that after so many years. Anyways, I graduated high school in 09, I didn't go to college, and I didn't do anything that he would've done. Instead, I moved away, lived homeless, lived in a tent, lived on a park bench, literally at some points had to fight for my food, did a couple of jail stints, never addicted to drugs, just highly violent, suicidal, and a bit of an alcoholic. At one point, I had my neck slit, I was stabbed in the left side of the stomach, and stabbed in the left ear. I survived, maybe from pure spite alone, I don't know. What I do know is that I get so jealous seeing so many people my age, out with their dad's, having a bond, a close relationship, and seeing them smile with their kin. I'm not used to envy, but as I sit here at this burger joint alone, watching guys my age have fun with their old man, it makes me smile for them, but it makes me hurt so fucking bad. Like, why should I give a fuck? Why should I care? Why can't I just be happy in seeing others happy in what I don't have. I've always said, "Until it's my turn, for others I will support" but I'll never have my turn because half the time I don't want it. Other times, I get jealous of those that never knew their dad's because they could've been like mine. A gift and a curse kind of thing. Unfortunately, I don't know why, but I love that dude. I long to have my dad in my life, even though he's so fucked up and evil and prideful and hateful and violent. I love him so much and I despise that about me. Why do I want to forgive? Why do I want those who don't want me? I haven't spoken to him in 10 years. I have children of my own now. A 5 year old little boy and an eleven year old little girl and I do everything opposite of my father, but I see some things I hate of him in myself. No, I will never lay a hand on my children, nor will I stifle their dreams, nor will I make them ever believe that I won't back them 100 percent of the way, but I look just like the guy. My anger makes me walk away rather than explain things the way I need to. I'm very critical and I expect nothing but excellence leaving no room for error, believing that they have to be the absolute best at whatever they do. I'm also harshly critical on myself, but for good reason I believe. I don't know why this day is so hard for me. I hate that it is. I hate that I love despite the hatred and rage I've been shown. I'll just sit right here, have my beer, another shot, and wish everyone a happy Father's Day.
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11! Special memory for any of yall, im feeling particularly sentimental today
Well back when we were kids momma would use Bo's face as a base for my wax masks so I could go out in public with them without everyone staring at me, or talking behind my back. However we couldn't stay out for long if it was a very hot day.
So when Bo and I were in 3rd grade there was this kid Randy Wellington being just your typical bully. He always seemed to have to take out his anger on me. Since it was a hot day I had to stay inside and couldn't play with the others. Randy saw this and thought it was the perfect time to stay behind and pick on me, he stole my lil sketchbook that I got from momma and started tearing the pages out.
And I couldn't stop him because he was two inches taller than me, but before I knew it Bo saw what was happening and punched him straight on right in the nose. So hard that he knocked him over to scare him, and he didn't put his hands on me for the rest of our elementary school time.
` Vinny
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Well I gotta say senior prom I guess? There was this girl called Darlene Smith that I had a crush on, however she was a sophmore and I a senior. Oh and she was a tiny 5'5 but damn if you pissed her of she could take ya down. Darlene worked with my mom on the clothing for her wax sculptures.
But anyways she didn't had plans to go to prom, her parent's didn't like me, so they where trying to convince her not to go with me or buy a dress at all. This was still when mom was alive and next to making wax sculptures mom made the clothing at all. So I busted my ass of for the past 4 months before the prom to try convince her to go with me. And she caved in 2 weeks before prom but she didn't had a dress.
That's when my mom stepped in, the saint that she was and she made Darlene a custom dress that just fitted her so I could take her to prom. Come promight and our school decided to host it in a hotel in a town over because Ambrose was tiny as heck. So in the middle of the road my damn truck broke down and I thought. Yep dates ruined, but Darlene didn't care. We decided to walk the last few miles to the prom but ofcourse I didn't let a pretty lady walk all these miles in her dress ruining her look. So I carried her all the way to the prom, by the time we got there at the venue I was a bit worn off. And we just sat a bit and talked and I thought I had ruined the night, untill she just leaned in to kiss me and well let's just say we had something other on our minds then dancing at that moment, and a certain supply closet was locked for a while.
~ Bo
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Well before we got our current dog we had a dalmatian named Bella. I remember this all vividly because Dad took me with him when we picked her up from the shelter. I was about 5 and scared shitless of dogs, but dad just decided "Aye Lester get over it for fucks sake." So he took a 5 year old scared Lester to the dog shelter and I don't even remember how many dog were there.
And at one some point, my ass got so scared because a dog barked that I decided to run like my life depended on it. Not realizing I was seperated from dad. I cried my eyes out and was scared because youknow I was a 5 year old lil' shit. Untill I felt something licking my hand and there was a tiny dalmatian dog looking at me and giving me cups. She was calm and grabbed me by the shirt and somehow got me back to my dad. Who was pissed at me, but when he saw the dog he decided. Well atleast I got a dog that doesn't wanna eat my kid. And that's how we got our first dog Bella.
~ Les
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theapathetickat · 5 years
long post ahead. way longer than i thought it was gonna be.
So I found a bunch of official character design scans from the Soul Eater anime, and included were some height charts!
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So I chose one of the height charts to calculate with, adjusted a few characters' standing places (Crona, Soul, Maka, the Thompson sisters) to make them more even with the others, and since there was a 150 cm mark, I knew what I had to do and got to work.
After adjusting the aforementioned characters, I first made some marks for 1 meter and 50 centimeters by measuring the pixels between designated points on the 150cm/0cm lines and labeled these points. Then I determined the approximate height of a centimeter in pixels and rounded that to both the nearest whole pixel and the nearest tenth. (I used the nearest tenth to calculate with) Then I approximated tops of characters' heads, accounting for typical anime hair volume, and made multiple points for characters with super spiky hair (to see how much the spikes add) and Lord Death (because I wasn't sure which point I should use).
Finally I took the difference between the head lines and what pixel of the image was my designated zero, and divided that by the number I calculated to be a centimeter's height in pixels to generate approximate heights. These heights were then rounded to the nearest whole centimeter. However, they seemed off.
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Approximate heights ordered left to right, using 150cm mark as reference:
Black☆Star: 150cm/4'11" (169cm/5'6" including hair spike)
Lord Death: 203cm/6'7" at Point 1, 218cm/7'1" at Point 2, 256cm/8'5" at Point 3
Tsubaki: 166cm/5'5"
Stein: Ok according to this chart he's 194 cm/6'4", but in the NOT! production note he was 210 cm (6'10"). I'm gonna chalk this inconsistency up to differing character designers for the anime adaptations (Yoshiyuki Itou for the original and Satoshi Koike for NOT!) and no known release of character heights from Ohkubo. And I'll still be going with the 210 cm number for Stein's height as it's the only one that's known to have been stated by any staff member. (I double-checked my math and it still checked out within an acceptable margin of error, but there is still the possibility that I was off somewhere in rounding)
Medusa: 172cm/5'8"
Crona: 161cm/5'3"
Soul: 142cm/4'7" (15ocm/4'11" including hair spike)
Maka: 145cm/4'9"
Spirit: 194 cm/6'4"
Death the Kid: 150cm/4'11" (note: his shoes have a slight heel to them so I feel it's reasonable to estimate this despite him being slightly above the 150cm line) (In the NOT! production note he is listed as 158cm/5'2". This can be attributed to the same reasons as the inconsistency with Stein's height)
Patty: 145cm/4'9" with heels, 139cm, 4'7" without. (The NOT! production note lists her as 160cm/5'3")
Liz: 161cm/5'3" with heels, 155cm/5'1" without. (This is also inconsistent with the NOT! production note which lists her as 170cm/5'7". This inconsistency I'll chalk up to the same reasons as Kid, Patty, and Stein)
Sid: 196 cm/6'5"
So all the kids are just absolutely TINY in the anime universe if we go by the mark on this production image.
Here are set 2's numbers, which ignores that 150cm mark and bases the heights off what's in Stein's NOT! production note files, because I was curious as to what numbers that would show: (Note: Kid, Liz, and Patty's numbers may not match that production note because this is enough of a different point in the story that they may have grown) (all heights rounded to nearest whole inch/centimeter)
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Black☆Star: 161cm/5'3"  (182cm/5'11" including hair spike)
Lord Death: 219cm/7'2" at Point 1, 237cm/7'8" at Point 2, 276cm/9'1" at Point 3
Tsubaki: 180cm/5'11"
Stein: 210 cm/ 6'10"
Medusa: 186cm/6'1"
Crona: 174cm/5'9"
Soul: 153cm/5'0" (161cm/5'3" including hair spike)
Maka: 157cm/5'2" in combat boots (because let's be real those are definitely adding an extra inch or two)
Spirit: 210 cm/ 6'10"
Death the Kid: 162cm/5'4" (the 4 centimeter difference from the NOT! info can be attributed to NOT! being a prequel and Kid having grown since then, or a really big margin of error in my calculations)
Patty: 160cm/5'3" with heels, 154cm/5'1" without heels
Liz: 174cm/5'9" with heels, 168cm/5'6" without heels (see Kid's footnote)
Sid: 212cm/6'11"
These heights feel a little more statistically accurate to (mostly) American teenagers, (some were born outside the US but a majority of the kids were), though ranging on the tall side for a few.
However, one time a while ago my brother and I tried to calculate character heights based on the manga post-timeskip using that same Stein height from NOT! as a reference. I redid the calculations using the metric system (because I used the US Imperial system before and that one has way more opportunities for conversion errors) and got this: (it only contains a few characters because Ohkubo's paneling clearly never had full height comparisons in mind)
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Transcription of heights incase my handwriting is unreadable for the characters in this image:
Stein and Spirit: 210cm/ 6'10"
Maka and Kim: 170cm/5'7" (Kim was stated to be 154 cm in NOT!, but considering the timespan and her age, it's perfectly feasible for her to have grown)
Black Star: 170cm/5'7" (177cm/5'10" with hair spike)
Kid and Azusa: 175cm/5'9"
Soul: 181 cm/5'11" (186cm/6'1" with hair spike)
Crona: 176 cm/ 5'9" (also because their neck is so long-looking, I measured that. It is roughly 13cm/5.12")
Jackie: roughly the same height as Crona, give or take a centimeter or two.
I was originally going to calculate Marie, but the proportion of characters shown wasn't enough in that panel to calculate. (with no designated zero, it's tough)
Even though the anime adapts pre-timeskip events, I was a bit suspicious of the height differences. Because there is absolutely no way Crona only grew 2 centimeters from pre-to-post-timeskip, especially if Maka grew 13cm. Look at their relative heights on both sides of the timeskip:
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So I did a quick Google search on growth rates and compared what a few different websites say, which was that on average (in America, judging by the websites' lack of metric system usage), AFAB people grow around 2.5-4.5 inches per year during puberty (often being closest to 3 inches a year), while AMAB people grow 3-5 inches per year during puberty (often being closest to 4 inches a year). The timing of when these growth spurts occur varies by individual, but considering the canon age ranges of the Soul Eater kids it's safe so say most of them are in the peak growth spurt area.
Comparing these averages to the different sets of data I calculated, and considering inconsistencies such as Stein's height when going off the 150cm mark in that height chart, Crona's relative height to Maka across continuities, and Soul potentially having a growth spurt well over twice the average, I think it's safe to say that as long as the heights relative to other characters are consistent, go nuts.
In conclusion, it's likely that Ohkubo and the anime's character designers, or for that matter, the character designers between the original and spinoff's adaptations, may not have been in close communications when it came to consistency in character heights, even factoring for time differences.
if only Ohkubo or Studio Bones had completely released official character heights then I wouldn’t have calculated this mess
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guiltiest-gear · 4 years
as somebody who has been the same height since fifth grade (5 foot nothing): pigeon is not short. the cutoff point for short is 5'5", and pigeon is exactly One(1) inch taller than that so therefore he's not short. it's very close but pigeon is on the short side of "tall"
Fine I’ll give them that
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kk095 · 5 years
Late Night Holdup
***here's my latest story. It may need some additional editing, but I hope everyone enjoys!***
Grace was a 32 year old single mother of 2. She was a pleasantly plump white woman who stood at 5'5 with straight brown hair, blue eyes, and had a small tattoo on top of her left foot. Since money was a little tight and the kid's father wasn’t in the picture, she worked 2 jobs: 1 as a housekeeping manager at a local hotel, and a 2nd part time job as an overnight cashier at a gas station convenience store.
Typically, the overnight shift at the gas station wasn’t a big deal. The crowds were pretty light, and she’d be able to be home with her kids during the day. The store owner was pretty laid back as well; he didn’t mind if Grace listened to music or played games on her phone when nobody was in the store.
The night in question started off like many others she’s worked before. It was a Thursday night into Friday morning, and weeknights like this were usually slow. She was set to work from 11pm to 7am that night, and arrived at approximately 10:50pm to start her shift.
There were a small handful of customers between 11 and 1am, but the store became a ghost town after that. To kill the silence and boredom, Grace played some games on her phone for the next little while.
Around 1:45am, a man arrived on foot and walked into the convenience store. He was a tall, thin white man who was around 6’2 or 6’3. He was wearing a gray zip up hoodie with the hood up with baggy, worn out jeans, and a pair of red Nike shoes. His complexion was rather pasty and some of his facial features appeared to be sunken in rather than chiseled, giving him the appearance of someone who partakes in hard drug use. The man browsed up and down the aisles of the store, grabbing a butterfinger and a small bottle of pepsi. When he approached the register, he put the 2 items down and asked grace for a pack of Newport red shorts. While Grace walked over to the area where cigarettes were kept, the man pulled out a short barreled Smith&Wesson 357 magnum revolver from his waistband.
When Grace turned back around, she dropped the pack of cigarettes, taken aback by the sight of a gun being pointed in her direction. “gimme what’s in the register and what’s in the safe.” The robber demanded. Grace stood still like a deer in headlights with her hands up. “listen bitch, I don’t wanna hurt you! Now get me the fuckin cash!” the robber yelled, quickly growing impatient. “um… uh… I can’t do the safe. The store owner has the key…” Grace replied, absolutely terrified. “well figure it out! Let’s hurry this shit up!” the criminal shouted. Grace fought back tears, handing the man what was in the register. She was then escorted at gunpoint to the back room where the storm’s safe was. “I… I can’t do the safe, I swear!” A teary eyed Grace said, trying to plead with the man. “Oh come on! Can’t you call the manager or some shit?!” the gunman asked impatiently. “um... I…” Grace lost her train of thought, looking at the barrel of the loaded pistol once again. The robber started to grow impatient and began screaming and berating Grace. Grace was now in tears. “Please… don’t hurt me… I have 2 kids…” grace cried, trying to appeal the man’s emotions a bit, but it was no use.
While the gunman continued to yell and berate Grace about the safe, a 2nd customer walked in. “Hello? Anyone here?” a male voice asked. The voice caught the robber off guard. He jumped a little bit and accidentally squeezed the trigger, firing off 1 shot. Initially, Grace thought the shot missed her. But when she looked down, she saw a small, circular blood stain on her shirt in her left chest. “oh my God… did I get shot?!” she blurted out, surprised at the turn of events. The customer who just entered the store heard the gun shot and made a beeline for the exit. The man had enough common sense to pull out their phone and call 911. The call was the following:
911 operator: 911, what is your emergency?
Man: I was at the gas station and I heard a gunshot. I think there’s a robbery going on in there!
911 operator: alright sir, what is the location of your emergency?
Man: uhhh… I’m at the shell gas station on 3rd Avenue south.
911 operator: alright sir, police and EMS have been dispatched. Can you tell me if you or anyone else is hurt?
Man: I’m fine, but I don’t know what’s going on in there. I wasn’t gonna stick around!
There’s a pause in the call for a few moment. The robber sprints out of a side exit and the 911 caller witnesses this.
Man: I see a man running out of the building with a gun!
911 operator: can you tell me what he looks like?
Man: um.. tall white dude, gray hoodie. He’s got a revolver! He’s running full speed towards kings highway! Hurry!
Over the following few minutes, the 911 operator instructs the witness to remain on the line and stay a safe distance away from the convenience store as a safety precaution and so the crime scene wouldn’t be contaminated.
In the following minutes, an ambulance and what seemed like an army of police cars flooded the scene with sirens and lights on full blast. Once a police presence was established at the scene, multiple cops entered the building with guns drawn. “Lee County sheriff’s! Put your hands up and drop your weapons!” the head officer yelled out with conviction. The sheriffs received no response, so they advanced further into the store. They scanned each aisle and behind the register counter and found nobody. When they got into the back room, the found Grace laying up against the wall. She was crying and covering up her own wound with her hands. “we’ve got 1 down back here! Get EMS in here!” one of the cops ordered.
EMS entered the building with a police escort. They were taken to the back room where the sage was and began examining Grace. The paramedics snipped off her shirt and bra, revealing her large d cup breasts. “entry wound left chest, nasty exit wound left shoulderblade. Might be a hollow point bullet.” One of the medics called out. The medics then set up 2 large bore IVs (1 in each arm) and hung a bag of ringer’ lactate to begin fluid resuscitation. Pain medications and a round of valium were given for pain management and calming. A portable heart monitor with 5 lead ECG was then set up on Grace. On scene, her vital signs were: BP 78/46, Pulse 128, pulse ox 96%. The entry and exit wounds were then bandaged up with some gauze pads, and Grace was placed on a gurney. A blanket was thrown over her top half and she was whisked out of the building and into an ambulance which waited nearby.
While Grace was loaded into the ambulance, the sheriff’s department began their investigation. They took a statement from the 911 caller, and ended up finding a Smith&Wesson 357 magnum revolver with 1 missing bullet in the storm’s dumpster. The next step was to contact the store owner to notify them of the incident and to gain access to the store's security cameras to see if there’s any incriminating evidence on video and to see if the shooter can be positively identified.
During transport, EMS removed the rest of Grace’s clothes along with her socks and shoes to assess her full body for additional gunshot wounds. The medics only noticed the 1 entry and exit wound in Grace’s thorax. Grace remained hypotensive and tachycardic during the ambulance ride, and began crying hysterically. “it’s gonna be ok! You’ve got 2 kids you’ve gotta live for!” the medic told Grace in an attempt to calm her down.
It too about 10 minutes to arrive at the ER, and time wasn’t exactly on Grace’s side in this instance. She was still awake and alert upon arrival, but her complexion was fading and she had a cool, clammy skin. “Am I gonna die?!” Grace cried out, asking the ER staff as she was being wheeled into a trauma bay.
Once in the trauma room, Grace was transferred onto the table and the blanket came off. She laid nude in a room full of strangers. The trauma team quickly began barking orders to one another in regards to Grace’s treatment. 4 units of unmatched O-negative blood, 2 units of platelets, and 2 units of FFP were on standby from the blood bank since the massive transfusion protocol was suggested by EMS when the called into the ED. A chest x-ray done, showing a left sided tension pneumothorax with mediastinal shift and a slight tracheal deviation to the right side. Essentially, the loss of normal air pressure in the chest cavity shifted everything in the opposite direction. The treatment for this is a chest tube insertion on the injured side in order to re-inflate the injured lung, and get rid of air and blood trapped in the thoracic cage. While a chest tube tray was being prepped, a FAST scan was performed. The chest portion of the scan showed pericardial effusion with pericardial laceration on the anterior side. The abdominal and pelvic areas came back clean, to nobody’s surprise.
Grace was in and out of consciousness during the FAST scan and chest tube tray preparation. “stay with us miss!” a nurse said, doing a sternal rub on Grace, to which she groaned in response. Next, the left ribcage was sterilized. A 1 inch incision was made with an 11 blade scalpel in between Grace’s ribs. Grace moaned, feeling the scalpel’s every move during the quick cut. Once the underlying muscle and fatty tissue were cut through, a long, flexible tube was placed into the small incision site. Grace moaned loudly in tremendous pain, feeling the large tube being shoved into the side of her chest while she was still conscious. Air came from the tube at first, making a sound similar to a fart. After the air exited, approximately 700ML of blood shot from the tube and onto one of the doctor’s yellow trauma gowns and onto the floor below. The injuries inside of Grace’s chest appeared to be worse than originally anticipated, so more blood products were ordered and a round of vasopressors were pushed in order to maintain blood pressure. However, the sudden loss of that much blood caused Grace to pass out. The trauma team did a sternal rub on Grace, but she didn’t respond. Since she became unconscious and had unstable vitals, airway management became an immediate concern. The trauma team decided to perform rapid sequence intubation at that point. A 7.0 ET tube was navigated into the woman’s airway. Once it was in the correct place, it was held in place with a blue tube holder, and an ambu bag was attached.
Grace continued to lose blood at a faster rate than it could be replaced, so she began to deteriorate rapidly. Shortly after intubation, Grace’s BP began to take a nosedive. Since pericardial effusion was noticed on the FAST scan, the trauma team decided to perform a parasternal pericardiocentesis in an attempt to buy the young woman a few minutes to make it to the OR for emergency surgery.
As large, fine spinal needle was picked up and a small catheter drain was attached to the back of it. The needle was placed in the 6th intercostal space at the left sternal border. The needle was sent further into the chest, being navigated by the cardiac notch of the left lung, and into the lining of the heart itself. The plunger of the needle was pulled back, and the body of the needle and the attached catheter filled up with clotted blood. Her vital signs didn’t improve, so the catheter was swapped out with a new one and the procedure was repeated. This time, fresh blood filled the needle’s body rather quickly. After the needle was withdrawn, a repeat echo was performed.
While this repeat echocardiogram was being performed, Grace lost a pulse. Deep, violent chest compressions were immediately started on the woman. Her large, natural breasts bounced rhythmically while her flabby belly bounced outwards. The heart monitors showed pulseless electrical activity, so epinephrine and atropine were injected into an IV site.
The medication didn’t have an immediate effect, so chest compressions continued. Grace’s chest caved in and a few of her ribs popped, causing some bruising and redness in between her breasts. The ET tube became clogged up with blood, so suction had to be applied in order to re-establish her airway. A small, flexible plastic tube was placed into the breathing tube. A slurping sound was heard as blood was being suctioned out. Afterwards, the ambu bag was reattached and artificial respiration was restored.
At the 3 minute mark of the code, the next dose of drugs were pushed intravenously since PEA was still being displayed. After a few cycles of harsh compressions, a shockable rhythm was obtained. The defibrillator paddles were gelled and charged to 200j. Once everyone backed away, the paddles were pressed up against Grace’s bare chest, and the shock was delivered. A thunk was heard as the dose of electricity was sent into her lifeless body. With no change resulting from the first shock, a cycle of compressions were performed and the defibrillator paddles were recharged to 300j. Shock #2 caused Grace’s body to jolt abruptly on the table, with her arms flailing a bit. But once again, Grace remained in v-fib. Chest compressions were resumed and the defibs were charged to 360j. The third shock made Grace’s feet kick up into the air just above the table before crashing back down, showing off the thick, meaty wrinkles in the soles of her size 8 feet. The monitors showed no change whatsoever, so the same cycle of CPR and defibrillation was repeated to no avail.
Following that 4th shock, the trauma team decided to perform a left anterolateral thoracotomy in a desperate attempt to manage bleeding/injuries, and restart her heart. Betadine was splashed all over the left side of Grace’s bare chest. With CPR ongoing just a few inches away, an incision was made in the 5th intercostal space. The cut began at the sternal border, across the chest, underneath the left breast, and ending a few inches shy of the left armpit. With the first cut out of the way, the underlying tissue had to be snipped away. After the underlying tissue was dealt with, the rib spreader was placed into the fresh, crude looking cut in Grace’s chest. A popping and cracking sound filled the room as her ribs were forcefully pushed apart.
A significant amount of blood was present upon entrance to the chest cavity. The blood pooled onto Grace’s flabby torso, on the table, and on the floor below. Suction was applied to the area and surgical sponges were placed in the incision area, but that failed to ameliorate the problem. Since blood was blocking the team’s line of sight, the decided to place a 2nd chest tube for additional blood drainage. The 2nd tube was quickly placed, evacuating an additional 1200ML of blood. More blood products were hung, but Grace was as white as a ghost. The 2nd chest tube drained a sufficient amount of blood, and clamps were subsequently placed on the descending aorta and left pulmonary hilum.
The pericardium was incised, relieving tamponade to some extent, and delivering the heart. A small bullet hole was discovered in the anterior pericardium and subsequently plugged up, but the other damaged structures were yet to be identified. In the meantime, internal massage was started while the internal paddles were being readied. A wet, squishing sound was heard while Grace’s fibrillating heart was manually pumped. Her heart began to feel firm, but light from the excessive blood loss.
After a cycle of internal compressions, the internal paddles were ready for use. The large, spoon shaped paddles were lowered into the patient’s chest around her fidgeting heart. Once everyone backed away, a 20j shock was delivered directly into Grace’s heart. Her torso jolted quickly from the small dose of electricity, but her heart continued to fibrillate. Since there was no change, internal massage was resumed and the internal paddles were recharged to 30j. A dull, wet thump was heard after the next shock. The shock failed to convert Grace from v-fib, so internal compressions were resumed. Epinephrine and atropine were pushed once again, along with the first dose of bicarb in an attempt to ameliorate the situation. The internal paddles were once again ready to go, and they were lowered back into the exposed chest cavity, around her twitching heart. The 40j shock was delivered, causing Grace’s toes to curl slightly, again wrinkling the soles of her feet. Post shock, her toes relax and the code goes on.
Grace received 3 more internal defibrillator shocks, several rounds of internal compressions, and 2 more rounds of drugs, but her heart just wouldn’t restart and her pupils were fixed and dilated. Unfortunately, time of death was called on Grace at 2:29am while she was still in v-fib.
The ambu bag was detached and the chirping monitors were switched off. The EKG electrodes were plucked off and additional equipment was removed while her heart fired off its last few frantic, useless signals. Her body was covered up and a toe tag was placed before being sent off to the hospital morgue.
Her autopsy revealed she died from left atrial rupture and partial detachment of the pulmonary veins. The pulmonary veins became partially dislodged from the left atrium, bleeding out into the pericardium and chest cavity.
10 days after Grace’s tragic death, her killer was apprehended by local police. The shooter was identified as 28 year old Jason “JJ” Walton. Walton is a known drug user and has prior convictions for narcotics possession and burglary. Walton was convicted of 2nd degree murder, armed robbery, unlawful possession of a firearm, discharging a firearm on public, and a probation violation for a prior arrest. He was subsequently sentenced to 55 years in state prison for his crimes.
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secretsantasides · 5 years
Gift #8: My Universe
Gift for @enby-fander
Prompt: Analogical High School AU
My Universe
Characters: Logan, Deceit (called Daniel), Virgil, mentions of Remus, mentions of Patton
Pairings: Romantic Analogical, Platonic Loceit, Brotherly Anxciet, implied Brotherly Logicality
Warnings: Alludes to homelessness and poverty, sad boi Virgil
Summary: Thank you to the two anons who showed up on @enby-fander's account and gave me major inspiration right when I needed it. Here you go, Trans Virgil and Nonbinary Logan that starts as angst and ends as fluff.
As the rest of Kingston High School's sophomores rushed into the cafeteria, Daniel Hyde instead ducked through an out-of-the-way, yet familiar, pair of dark, wooden, though probably fake wood, double doors. His head was down as he stalked over to the Fiction section, deliberately searching. For what, bystanders had no clue.
They parted, anxious to induce the wrath of Dan, a boy rumoured to be in a gang. None of them would put such a thing past the punk boy. He wasn't someone to mess with.
He walked with such a determination that they knew he was on the hunt. His prey? Another, hidden from all but him.
Logan Jekyll was seated in the middle of the mystery section, shrouded in darkness. The junior knew these shelves well, so much so that they could traverse them without requiring sight. That way, they had no reason to flick the switches at the start of each row to the "on" position, which would illuminate the row of dim fluorescent bulbs dangling above. Logan liked it better in the dark, anyway. It hid the introvert from those pesky freshmen. The ones who liked to taunt Logan for some unknown reason.
"Oh look, it's genius Jekyll. Aren't you the one with the ridiculously high GPA? Highest in your year?"
They gave a quick, curt nod to both questions, not speaking. Instead, they continued to read their book, turning the page after a few seconds of silence.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was most definitely living up to the praise they had heard it received, primarily by the Hyde brothers. Daniel had always pressed them to read it, so they had finally began the novel.
As they read, laughs were heard. The rowdy students had become bored with the junior and had stampeded away towards the computers. Logan never understood what they seemed to find so funny.
"Hey, first chair Jekyll, heard you got the solo for the next concert."
When they nodded, quick and curt, the group started laughing yet again. All the way over to the doors. Probably after they walked out the doors, too.
Logan recognized someone in that mob as the sophomore who liked to raise hell during rehearsal, along with a few trumpet players, a bassoon, and half of percussion. He brought the baritone horn section down considerably, even with Logan there to counterbalance his pure idiocy. And to think, this kid is laughing at him. Sheer stupidity, all of it.
"Jekyll, my man, the reason our debate team isn't shit. You're captain, right? Who's second, in your book?"
At the first question, they nodded. At the second, they scowled and looked back at his book. They did have an opinion on who would fall second, but that opinion was not owed to a group of freshmen who loiter around and taunt others. Seeing the spectacle-wearing one's scowl, the boys laughed. Turning and walking away, they kept on snickering and joking about "perfect Jekyll."
'Our debate team? You mean, my debate team.' Logan recognized none of those dumbasses as members of debate, especially not the one who initiated the conversation. He would be debating things when pigs flew.
"I found Jekyll, man of the hour. Nice speech you gave, didn't realize you could do that. Thought only seniors could."
They shook their head "no" at the statement, causing them to… big surprise… laugh at them.
At least they're eloquent enough to make a speech. These people could barely string together simple sentences, let alone write with enough skill to compose a speech at the level Logan did so at.
"Hey guys, here's Dr. Jekyll. Heard you finally found your Mr. Hyde, and you're terribly in love."
They scowled, otherwise ignoring all of them. That narrative wasn't even fitting to Robert Louis Stevenson's original story. In the end, it was revealed that Dr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Edward Hyde were one and the same, a relationship they and their boyfriend do not possess.
"What, don't want to admit that you're gay as f*ck for Hyde?"
The scowl already adorning their features intensified some, but that was the only indicator of how pissed Logan truly was. Lacking a reaction, the group turned and walked away, laughing as they went.
Did they owe them an explanation of their love life? No, they should f*ck off. It's their damn significant other, not theirs. They were thinking of multiple profanities that could describe those idiots, but decidedly did not execute them aloud. Their choices would make probably Remus Kingston proud, a boy who has an alphabet of swear words, an alphabet that only skims the surface of his cursing dictionary.
As Logan sat there, reminiscing about how much of an asshole all of those freshmen were, Dan was slowly honing down his search radius.
He had visited most of Logan's normal rows, besides mystery and parts of nonfiction. As he walked to non-fiction, he stopped abruptly and turned to walk down the row of mystery novels. Logan truly adored the who-dunits covering these shelves, or so he's heard. He may have good luck looking here, as long as his brother knew Jekyll well. Dan was certain he did.
Don't fail me now, nerd, I need you, he thought, breathing deeply.
He strolled casually into the aisle, flicking the switch at the start of the row. The dim fluorescent lining the ceiling flickered on, revealing exactly what he was looking for. Exactly who he was looking for. Logan Jekyll.
Logan hissed at the sudden lights, sparking a chuckle from the sophomore stalking towards him. They looked up, blue-green eyes meeting grey.
There was an amused smirk adorning the boy's features. Logan did not mirror the expression, but they were nonetheless glad to see the sophomore.
"Didn't realize us Hyde's had made an impression on you. Not surprised, though, with how much you see my brother."
The one clad in blue blushed a deep red at the mention of their boyfriend. Daniel laughed at the sight, before offering out his hand. Logan looked down at the palm obscured by black, fingerless gloves, bewildered as to why the other was putting his hand out. Their confusion showed, causing Dan to roll his eyes and huff.
"Take my hand, Calculator Watch, I'm helping you up. That sorry excuse for carpeting is stale as f*ck, so we might as well go sit somewhere more comfortable."
Reliasition flashed before Logan's eyes as they muttered an, "Ah." Their hand took the other's gloved one, allowing the younger boy to hoist the older off of the matted, black carpet. They now were roughly at eye-level with each other, Logan with a solid height of 5'5" and Daniel being just a half or full inch shorter.
Daniel ran one hand through his slicked back black hair, shoving the other in one pocket of his faded leather jacket. The hand brushing the hair joined the other in the pocket opposite.
"Now, Jekyll, we have a pressing matter to discuss."
The two walked in silence for a while, Daniel leading them through the hallways. Suddenly, he took a left into a classroom, Logan following behind.
The classroom was abandoned, obviously having been used as a science room at one point. There were posters adorning two of the walls, saying things like "Eat, sleep, science, repeat."
"We need to talk about my brother."
Panic flashed in the eyes of Logan, who hid the emotion quickly. Dan wouldn't have noticed if Logan had not coughed directly afterwards, drawing attention to their still shell-shocked expression
The older of the two anxiously scuffed one of their NASA-themed Vans across the linoleum tiles, before looking back at the aforementioned boy.
"Go on."
"Well, he has refused to leave his room for the past 5 days, so I wanted to ask you for…"
He hesitated, but Logan pushed him on.
"For what? Spit it out, Hyde."
Daniel coughed, before regaining his composure.
"I need your help, Jeyll. I need your f*cking help. You're the only person I know that can do anything to get my brother out of his hiding space, and that's all I care about. I'm willing to put aside our indifferences if it helps my brother. Now, tell me, will you?"
"So, what am I supposed to do again?"
The two were walking to the apartment the Hyde brothers shared.
Daniel cleared his throat. "You're supposed to get that bastard to emerge from the cave he has made out of his room. This may be a habit of his, but it has gone on longer than normal, which concerns me."
Logan chuckled. "Sounds like him, alright. At least I now know for certain you and I are talking about the same person."
Dan burst out, "Finally! Someone understands how antisocial that motherf*cker can be!"
He gestured dramatically to emphasize the point.
The older's face morphed into a grin and they began to laugh.
"Hey!" they said, through their laughter, "That's my boyfriend you're talking about!"
Daniel snorted.
"He's my brother! I'm allowed to call him an antisocial bastard."
The pair's laughter tapered off as they continued their trek.
"May I ask how far away your apartment is?"
Daniel coughed, shifting a bit awkwardly.
"Um… it's still a few minutes away, but we're heading up on it."
Logan cocked an eyebrow.
"Y'all live in the downtown area?" they asked.
Dan stayed silent, but nodded.
"My apologies for pushing the subject."
The pair had arrived at the place Daniel pointed them towards, a run-down, dirty-looking, crowded apartment building. Dan stopped multiple times before they arrived, obviously completing a routine.
First, he stopped by an older woman, who was walking across the sparsely filled parking lot with a cart. In the cart, canned food resided, all of which had a small message written on them in Sharpie.
As he reached her, Daniel pressed a can of food he procured from the pocket of his black backpack into her hands.
Logan heard her murmur, "God bless you, honey. You and your brother stay safe, alright Danny?"
They saw Dan give a warm smile towards her. "We will. Stay safe, Mrs. Cunningham."
Secondly, he waved to a group of little boys running in the lot, kicking a ball around. The one who had the ball kicked it towards Daniel, grinning brightly.
"Mr. Hyde!" the other boys shouted, having just spotted the teenager.
"Now what have I always told y'all? Call me Dan."
"Okay, Mr. Dan!" the boys chorused.
Daniel rolled his eyes, ruffling the hair of one. "I give up, y'all obviously are gonna be respectful at all times."
He paused, before clearing his throat.
"That's a good thing, boys. Respect everyone, even if it doesn't seem like they deserve it. Just gotta respect everyone."
The last part was murmured.
The boys all nodded vigorously, before one shouted, "First one to the tree over there gets to pick teams!"
They all sprinted, leaving Dan and Logan to chuckle.
"Kids, right?"
Daniel gave a half-moon smile. "Yeah."
The last stop before the Hyde apartment was at the front desk of the lobby. It could barely be considered a lobby, more like a room with a desk shoved in the corner, some assorted furniture in the other, and stairs to the upper floors. Daniel stepped up to the desk, pulling a sheet of folded notebook paper out of his jacket pocket. He set it on the desk before turning around and smoothing the worn-leather of his jacket. He popped the collar, looking Logan in the eyes.
"Let's go, Jekyll."
"Apartment 7C, correct?"
The pair had just arrived at floor 7, both out of breath. Daniel hid it better, though.
"...Yes," he composed himself, looking at the junior with a look of annoyance.
They strolled down the hall, stopping just short of the end.
APARTMENT 7C read a small, dirty plaque mounted just above the doorknob.
Dan proccured an equally rusty key from his back jean pocket. He turned to Logan and said, "Let's go get my bastard of a brother out of his damn slump."
The pair walked into the mess of an apartment, Daniel shouting out a quick, "I'm home!" to ease the other Hyde's anxieties. Though, the shouting may be contradictory, as the older Hyde brother was not a fan of loud noises.
Daniel quickly dropped the key on a rickety table close by to the door. His combat boots were shed, as Logan kicked off his Vans.
Dan turned to Logan, directing him towards his brother.
"Down the hall, first door to the left. It'll be locked, so… here."
He grabbed a penny from the counter and threw it to Logan. They caught it with ease, studying the coin. They looked up, raising an eyebrow.
"Our locks are garbage, so this should get it easy. I would've done it myself earlier this week, but I believe in the sanctitiy of one's room. That is, until you're in there for almost a week."
Logan nodded, turning to follow the instructions given.
Dan stopped them.
"I don't think he wants to see me, so I'll stay back. Jekyll, get my brother. Please."
He sounded almost desperate, so Logan obliged.
They found the door indicated easily, as there was a galaxy-patterned poster in blues and purples attached to the door with Scotch tape. It just seemed… right.
They jangled the knob a bit, discovering it was unsurprisingly locked. Logan took the penny, shoved it into the flat indentation on the rusty knob, turning slowly and carefully. It worked. The door was now unlocked.
Logan turned the handle, quickly entering the dark room. They heard a hoarse voice, dull due to lack of use, emitate from the corner.
"L-eave m-e the hell alon-e."
A throat was cleared, a few coughs ringing through the silence of the room.
"I'm fine."
Logan huffed, rumbling for the light switch mounted on the wall next to them.
Their hand knocked the switch up, prompting a hiss from the figure huddled in a corner.
"I thought you would be happier to see me. I assume I was wrong."
The figure looked up, revealing messy purple hair, tired and unfocused eyes, and a miserable expression adorning the features Logan would always find beautiful.
"It's me, nebulosa."
Logan looked around the room.
It was very… Virgil.
He had a few band posters on the walls, hoodies with patches and stitching and a worn leather-jacket (much like Daniel's) hanging in the closet alongside his school-issued letterman's jacket, a black guitar propped up nicely in a corner, a chair that looked similar to those in the small dining room set with his low-quality music stand, band folder, and the large, bulky case of a euphonium put aside carefully, and a few trophies and certificates earned for track, for musical achievements, or for academic accomplishments were set on the dresser or hung on the wall above it. Everything was in black and deep purple, with subtle hints of navy.
They liked the color scheme a lot, as it was quite pleasing to the eye.
Much better than their brother's mixture of bright and pastel blues, all light in tone. Patton really didn't know how to mix colors.
Logan's attention was diverted, however, from the room surrounding them when they heard sniffles from Virgil's corner.
"Hey, hey. What's wrong?"
Virgil wiped his eyes, acting as though he wasn't just crying.
"I'm just over-emotional, I guess. Damn it, peri-"
He stopped himself, a look of shock adorning his features. Logan looked upon him with a look of pity, sad-smile creeping onto their features.
"Is that why you've been isolating yourself, babe? Hey, hey, come here."
Virgil shook his head. "I'm fine," he said stubbornly.
Logan walked over to him, wrapping their arms around him.
"It's okay, stella. ...I love you."
Virgil gave a weak smile.
"I love you too, Logan."
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cynicaljapanophile · 5 years
hphm characters heights headcanons p. i
rowan khanna-5'4"-5'5"(5'6")
162.5 cm-165 cm(167.5 cm)
i feel like rowan was actually rather short during her first and second year. 
that was until she hit a growth spurt a few months before the start of her third year at hogwarts. 
i like to think that in her first year she was really smol
she was 4'9" to 4'10"
and then she had a f*cking huge growth spurt where she went from 4′11″ to 5′4″-5′5″
ben copper-5'7"-5'8"(5'11"-6'0")
170 cm-172.5cm(180 cm-183 cm)
ben is just really tall and lanky.
he is basically that kid in your class or school that is nervous all the time that had that huge growth spurt and is basically a flag pole by the time you see him again on your first day of high school
he was average height(for an 11 year old) during his first year
he was probably 4'9" or 4'10"
and he was a little taller during his second year
about 5'2" or 5'3"
and then his growth spurt happened and the moment that hana saw him he was like 5'7" or 5'8" 
penny haywood-5'2"-5'3"(5'4")
157.5 cm-160 cm(162.5 cm)
penny is just pretty average in height
i like to think that in hana and rowan's eyes she was pretty tall
after her third year penny doesn't really grow that much 
she'll probably grow to 5'4" at the most 
merula snyde-5'2"-5'4"(5'4")
157.5 cm-162.5 cm(162.5 cm)
i've never seen merula as a tall character
she'll probably stop growing by her fourth year
she will probably grow to be 5'4" at the most 
bill weasley-5'10"-5'11"(6'2")
177.5 cm-180 cm(188 cm)
this was actually really easy considering the fact that bill and most of the weasleys are canonically tall 
and bill is one of tallest of the weasleys 
bill is still a student during hogwarts mystery so i see him as being tall but he's still not his "full" height 
after graduating from hogwarts he'll probably grow a few more inches until he's done growing 
nymphadora tonks-5'4"-5'5"(5'6")
162.5 cm-165 cm(167.5)
tonks is a character where i can't put a finger on her height 
so because of that i just put her around 5'4" and 5'5" 
and as for her final height, i see her being 5'6" 
i just made her slightly taller than her actress in the movies, natalia tena 
tulip karasu-5'4"-5'5"(5'6")
162.5 cm-165 cm(167.5)
like tonks, i don't know what her height could be 
her personality makes her seem like she could be tall but at the same time i don't see her being that tall
she is probably just average height and the same height as tonks 
ismelda murk-5'7"-5'8"(5'9")
170 cm-172.5 cm(175 cm)
ismelda is a tol 
out of all the characters, ismelda is one of the characters that i know their height for sure. 
she is around the same height as barnaby for their first four years at hogwarts 
stops growing during her fourth or fifth year when she hits 5'9"
barnaby lee-5'8"-5'9"(6'0")
172.5 cm-175 cm(183 cm)
barnaby isn't that tall
at least he isn't that tall during his first couple years at hogwarts 
he has a growth spurt before his fourth year and he just keeps on growing
i see him growing to be 6'0" at the most and 5'10" at the minimum
andre egwu-5'6"-5'7"(5'9")
167.5 cm-170 cm(175 cm)
is on the short side 
probably has a growth spurt during his fifth year 
grows to 5'9" at most 
maybe 5'9 1/2"
charlie weasley-5'7"-5'8"(5'10")
170 cm-172.5 cm(177.5 cm)
this is really easy because charlie is canonically shorter than most of the weasleys and is canonically the shortest of all the weasleys other than ginny 
charlie is also still a growing boy during hphm so he's not at his full height 
was average height 
5'7" to 5'8"
grew about an inch a year or so 
like i said before charlie is canonically the shortest weasley(other than ginny) so i see him growing to be 5'10" at the most 
jae kim-5'2"-5'4"(5'9"-5'11")
157 cm-162.5 cm(175 cm-180 cm)
jae is a smol 
jae is pretty small for his age 
jae doesn't really grow that much in between his years at hogwarts 
though i like to think there was a certain point in his life where he shocked every and just had a major growth spurt and shot up to like 5'9" or 5'11" 
diego caplan-5'7"-5'8"(5'9") 
170 cm-172.5 cm(175 cm)
diego, like tonks and tulip, is a character whose height i can't put my finger on 
i don't think he's tall 
but i don't think he's that short 
i see him being a little taller than andre and maybe slightly shorter than charlie 
grows a little more in his fifth year 
is at most 5'9" when he finishes growing 
i can't see him growing any more than that 
badeea ali-5'2"-5'2 1/2"(5'2 1/2"-5'3")
157 cm-158.2 cm(158.2 cm-160 cm)
badeea is small
i haven't met badeea yet and i'm not even close to meeting her yet
but one thing i know is that badeea isn't tall 
she is probably 5'2", 5'2 1/2" at the most
doesn't grow much 
if she does grow she will probably grow to be 5'3" at the most and that's if she's lucky or if there's a spell to make her taller
other than that badeea doesn't grow 
liz tuttle-5'4"(5'5")
162.5 cm(165 cm)
liz is pretty average 
liz grows a few centimeters more until she hits 5'5" then she's done growing 
hana kim[mc]-4'11"(5'0"-5'1")[150 cm](153 cm-155 cm)
150 cm(153 cm-155 cm)
if you didn't know hana kim is my mc 
hana's height is one of the only things i based off of myself 
and even when it comes to her height she is slightly taller than me 
hana will probably never grow any more 
if she does grow anymore it will probably be a few more inches 
if she does grow more she will probably be 5'0" or 5'1" at most
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mishimalovemail · 5 years
I originally started out headcanoning Mishima around 5'5, but just had the thought "mishima is 5 foot nothing" and I think eventually I'm going to get to the point of "mishima is one inch tall and can fit in your pocket for safekeeping"
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Find Bespoke Mens Suits That Fit Your Personality
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Whether purchasing a mens suit at a department store or online, it is always critical to get correct fitment and measurements. You might be wondering which terms related to mens suit measurements you'll need to be familiar with in getting sized and measured for a mens suit. Suit measurements should be taken by a tailor either at a store or wherever a customer is able to locate a tailor. In a pinch, you can have a friend use a cloth tape to very carefully measure some of the suit measurements listed below. However, it is usually better to have your mens suit measurements taken by a tailor or a salesperson.
Oftentimes while being measured it may be disconcerting to hear unfamiliar terms such as "40 short" or "32-inch inseam" bandied about, it can be very confusing. Not to worry, we will demystify all these mens suit measurements for you. Following are some conventional suit measurement terms and definitions that you should be familiar with when being fitted for a dress suit.
Commonly Used Mens Suit Measurements:
Chest- Measurement is taken around chest, just under arms, across shoulder blades, with arms relaxed down at the sides. This is usually the number referenced when sizing a suit, which is a suit with a 40-inch chest and regular jacket length.
Jacket Length- Measurement from the highest point of the shoulder down. Typically, S, M, or L, for Short, Medium, and Long. Short corresponds to a height of 5'5" to 5'7". Regular corresponds to a height of 5'8"-5'10". Long corresponds to a height of 5'11" to 6'2".
Waist- Mens suit measurements that go around the natural waistline which will appear as a crease when bending to the side.
Drop- Suit drop is the difference between the number given in a suit size and the waist size.
Suits in sizes 36-42 subtract 6 for the corresponding waist size.
Suits in sizes 44-46 subtract 5.
Suits in sizes 48+ subtract 4. For example, a size 40 suit would have a corresponding pants waist size of 40-6=34. These are industry mens suit measurement standards, so typically, waist sizes may need to be increased or decreased to fit.
Height- Measurement from the top of the head down standing barefoot on a hard flat surface with normal posture.
Inseam- Measurement from the inside crotch seam to the hem of well-fitting pants
Neck- Measurement around the fullest part of the neck.
Cuffs & Breaks- Mens suit measurements for pants.
Sleeve- Measurement from the center of the back of the neck, over the point of the shoulder, and down the outside of the arm past the elbow, to the wrist with arm relaxed at the side.
Full Break- Pants are hemmed to hit the top of the shoes' heels, the front of the hem breaks over the shoes naturally. This is a trendier look.
Half Break- Pants are hemmed to reach approximately halfway down the backs of the shoes. This is a pretty typical choice.
No Break- The hem ends right before the shoes, with a bit of sock showing. This is a casual look.
Important Notes on Mens Suit Measurements
The actual chest measurement of a mens dress suit is typically 2 inches greater than the size of the suit to allow room for adequate range of movement.
European measurements are typically 10 greater than US sizes. A size 48 European is equivalent to a size 38 US.
There are limits to how much a tailor can add or subtract from pants. Typically, slacks are not able to be let out past 2 inches. On the other hand, if slacks must be taken in past 2 inches, a tailor will likely charge more to remove material for better fitment.
Pant bottoms usually come unfinished and unhemmed, it is best to check to make sure whether pants are already hemmed when purchased or if a professional tailor will be altering the length for you.
A measuring tape should be held flat against the body, snug, and not droopy, but not restrictive.
Men’s suit measurements should be taken to the nearest .25 inch.
Mens suit measurements do not need to be daunting, in fact, armed with the information in this article, you should feel more than confident when getting sized for a dress suit or trying to find a mens suit that fits well.
Knightsman Bespoke Tailors is one of the leading retailers of mens suits Adelaide due to the high quality suits they offer at discount prices. Everything from dress suits to tailored tuxedo in Adelaide, neckties to dress pants can be found at knightsman.com.au at affordable prices.
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killmekiszka · 7 years
i was tagged by @foxholecourtes
rules: tag ten followers you want to get know better.
name: anastasia but my friends call me stacy
gender: female
star sign: scorpio
height: 5'5"
age: 16
sexuality: bicurious
house: slytherin
what image do you have as your wallpaper? my lockscreen is a pic of me and my boyfriend and my home screen is a picture of finn
have you ever had a crush on a teacher? nah
where do you see yourself in ten years? this is gross but my boyfriend and i. I'm 26 and he's 27. we have a shitty studio but we fixed it up a little and added some personal touches to it and we love it so much. just us, married for 2 or so years. everything is so serene and beautiful. I'm an author because i went to school for creative writing. he's playing guitar and singing softly to our baby daughter who we love deeply. she loves music. everything is good. we're still in love. we're finally happy.
if you could be anywhere else right now, where? with him, far away from here.
what was your favourite 90′s show? first one i thought of was rugrats but does spongebob count
last kiss? today as a goodbye
have you ever been stood up? nah
have you ever been to las vegas? no
favourite pair of shoes? my black heels they have strings that tie around my ankels and they're like 5 inches and are so cute and have a pointed toe i lost them though lmfao
favourite fruit? strawberry
favourite book? I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson
the stupidest thing you’ve ever done: idk I've done a lot of stupid shit
all-time favourite tv shows: stranger things, shameless, eyewitness, LOTS MORE
the last movie you saw at the theatre: the greatest showman
i tag @dorky-hufflepuff @sleepykaspbrak @gayjackmerridew @richietoaster @ginniewheezie @sourpiixels @gorillaz-imagines @musclekittysenpai @reddie-to-go @richiestoziers
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bikesandaccessories · 5 years
Anticipate your everyday drives and Mountain Bicycle Trips with the Addmotor HITHOT Electric Mountain Bike. It's furnished with the correct segments to give you a splendidly smooth ride on a wide range of territories, including unpleasant mountain street, shorelines, and smooth landing area.
Specifications and Features of Addmotor HITHOT Electric Mountain Bike
The HITHOT electric Mountain Bicycle is one of the most engaging models from the Addmotor's scope of Reasonable Electric Mountain Bikes. It's accessible in blue, green, orange, and yellow hues.
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Be that as it may, it's not simply outwardly engaging. It likewise has these highlights that make it an incredible electric trailblazing bicycle at the cost:
Front and Rear Shocks
The suspension framework is a significant thought when purchasing electric trailblazing bicycles. Addmotor fitted the HITHOT H1 Mountain Electric Addmotor Bike  with front stuns and back loop stuns to improve its soundness and responsiveness to various landscapes. Thus, you'll have more control and trust in exploring through uneven and soak streets—all while remaining agreeable the entire time.
500W Motor and 48V Lithium Battery
This model has a 500-watt brushless back center engine that has a most extreme speed of 25 miles for each hour (mph). It likewise has a 48V*10.4Ah lithium battery that gives loads of capacity to long separation riding and mountain biking. On a solitary charge, this model can cover 60 miles (generally 96.5 kilometers) utilizing the level one help.
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The battery is removable, so it's simpler for you to store or charge it. The evaluated charging time of the battery is 3 to 4 hours, contingent upon the power level.
Two Working Modes
The HITHOT H1 electric Mountain Bike has two fundamental sorts of controllers: the manual mode and the pedal help mode. The pedal help mode has five degrees of help to give the bicycle more range and achieve velocities of 25 mph. What's more, in the event that you have to back off or stop quick, simply hit the Tektro HD-E710 mechanical compound plate brakes.
Solid Aluminum Frame
The edge of the HITHOT H1 Addmotor Electric Mountain Bike is produced using firm and hardcore 6061 aluminum-composite, which is enhanced for mountain sport. It utilizes 27.5-inch by 2.35-inch Kendra mountain tires, which when combined with the pedal help mode and the Shimano TX55 7-speed gears, offer solace and dependability as you travel on dubious landscapes.
This electric mountain bike weighs 54 lbs and can bolster an absolute load of 300 lbs. It's ideal for riders with tallness of 5'5" to 6'6".
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Different subtleties:
·         A snappy discharge 30cm Seatpost
·         A U.S. standard charger (5A DC)
·         Variable speed half-turn throttle
·         Front and back headlights joined with reflectors to expand your permeability at whatever point you're out and about
·         A 5-inch LCD multi-work show that plainly demonstrates the battery status, biking mode, light status, miles, speed, and temperature
The Pros of HITHOT
It's a Pleasure to Ride
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The HITHOT H1 Electric Mountain Bike isn't "a definitive electric off-road bicycle." However, it's outfitted with the correct segments that are normal from electric trailblazing bicycles in its class. Its 7-speed gears, full suspension framework, and engine adjust well to harsh conditions and give great control and development going downhill.
Contingent upon the degree of help and battery status, it could go similar to 60 miles at 25 mph. That is riding the bicycle for around 2 hours and 24 minutes.
It's Easy to Put Together
This is transported to you halfway gathered. In this way, you should simply append a portion of the parts, for example, the handlebars, Kendra tires, and pedals. You'd presumably wrap up this between 20 to 30 minutes max.
It's Relatively Safe
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It has reflectors on the front and back wheels to caution different riders of your quality when you're driving promptly in the first part of the day or later during the evening. You can likewise rely on the mechanical plate brakes to stop at the accurate minute you need them, particularly when you're riding downhill.
The Cons of Addmotor HITHOT
Low quality Headlights
The headlights are somewhat diminishing, so they make it hard to see the street at evening. In the event that you don't much of the time travel during the evening, this probably won't be a major issue. In any case, it is smarter to supplant them with headlights that are best for night riding—if its all the same to you the additional expense.
Awful Instruction Manual
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It's not by any means that hard to get it. It simply should be progressively definite. You should need to exploit the provider's free bicycle gathering administration.
It Could Use a Better Seat
The seat could get awkward, particularly when you're voyaging long separations or riding on rough streets. On the off chance that you utilize this practically regular, you should need to think about purchasing an increasingly agreeable seat.
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Who Is It For?
The Addmotor  Electric HITHOT Mountain Bike is both for individuals who need to cut their expense of driving and love mountain biking. Be that as it may, this could be somewhat tall and huge for individuals who are short, as underneath 5'5".
At 54 lbs, this is viewed as substantial. In this way, on the off chance that you need a lighter and simpler to ship electric bicycle, you should need to consider the SwagCycle EB-5 Pro Lightweight and Aluminum Folding Ebike.
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On the off chance that you need to travel serenely and effectively on whatever landscape—asphalt, sandy, slope, wet streets, and so forth.— without paying the cost of a top of the line electric trailblazing bicycle, this is an incredible choice for you.
The Addmotor HITHOT Electric Mountain Bike is a quality bicycle at the cost. In spite of the fact that it could utilize a couple of changes, such as changing the headlights and seat as a begin. It's very overwhelming, however, you'll before long become acclimated to it.
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On the off chance that you need a less expensive alternative, the Merax 26" Aluminum Electric Mountain Bike or the Kemanner 26-inch Electric Mountain Bike may accommodate your spending limit. Generally speaking, the engine, full suspension, and lithium battery of the HITHOT H1 make it definitely justified even despite the cash.
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