#at this point I'll embrace it and see how far this will go - and post some results while at it. I'm glad people enjoy those fanarts ;w;
goldsbitch · 5 months
Just don't talk--------
-and remember my coffee order.
p12 to Just don't talk
summary: First outing in public, as the two don't even try to hide that they're in love with each other.
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As far as bizarre goes, this meeting was up there at the top, yet again.
The comms team had a big chart put up in the meeting room, with timelines, platforms, twists and turns - it was like watching someone explain a plot for some movie script. This is where you'll be spotted kissing for the first time, this is when you post a photo with a family member, this is when you'll go on a vacation together (faked, obviously) and this is when you'll part on separate vacation and soft launch your break up - and this is your break up note for social media. It was funny, yet a little overwhelming.
"Obviously, this will be adapted as we move forward. As you can see here on the next slide, these are the numbers we are setting as our targets. The amount of revenue generated by this will be affecting the schedule," the assistant presenting this seemed to have a little too much fun with it, up to the point when Lando thought they were getting off on it. He saved his comments - why would he stir the pot too much? Now that he has what he wanted. This is just a charade that they will have to get through. And if all goes according to their plan, all of the people making these presentations will be very surprised one day. He was sort of looking forward to wiping their smiles off.
"talk about romance," Y/N texted Lando secretly. He chuckled and shared a look with her, as if to say "we got this".
The numbers part was where it reached the peak of weird. The pair sat, watching people calculating how much money they will make out of them sharing few kisses in public and estimating how much will this affect their marketability.
Y/N had few issues with their plan. Mainly, it seemed to avoid anything really personal. As if a relationship was only about sharing a holiday and flaunting around with family pictures. She for one hated this part and made it very clear that no family of hers will be involved. But where were the shared streams, the dinner dates and shared hotel rooms? If this was a blueprint of their relationship, then it would have been a very shit one. But then again, this was the fake dating public part - they could not control what they did in their own real relationship. But she really hoped it would not be like that.
Their first public scheduled public outing - a very simple coffee run together, no hiding, little cute chat and holding hands. Those were the instruction they'd received.
It was one of the rare free days between races. She woke up at his place after spending first stressless night with him after few hard days. They both woke up early, still processing the time difference.
"Hello, sunshine," he whispered, as they laid side by side, legs tangled together. He watched her attentively, studying her face as she let a smile out upon hearing him.
"I don't wanna get up," she mumbled and wiggled her way deeper into his embrace. "Let's just stay here, like this."
She was just too cute to resist, stuck somewhere between sleep and awake. So honest and unguarded. Lando hasn't felt this relaxed in years. He held her tightly as her breath tickled him in his chest.
"I'd love nothing more that to stay here, my dear. But we gotta go out today, remember?"
"But it's just so comfortable here, please," she set her voice higher than usual, as if to convince him to skip school with her.
"Don't be a little tease, otherwise I'll never get anything done ever again," he joked and pulled away a bit in order to give her few pecks on her cheek.
"I'm a tease? What a double standard," she remarked curiously, as she traced his morning wood with her fingers.
He took a deep breath, trying to gather all the morale he had in him. "I can't exactly control that," he said heavily.
"I like it. Can you be my breakfast?" she asked, suddenly full of life. She abruptly sat up on him and demonstratively licked her lips, morning hair all tangled up, no clothes or make up on. How was he supposed to resist that? She smirked as she saw his determination leave and went on to suck him off while holding his hand.
His moans were louder that what she used from him. It was like entering a different room this time. A very pretty one.
"Did I ever tell you that you have really beautiful eyes?" she asked all of a sudden, as they were heading towards his fridge for a premade breakfast.
He looked at her as he opened the door. "I don't think so," he answered shyly. She could melt right then and there.
Lando took out two chai bowls and put them on his table. All very casual and comfortable.
She took her first spoon and immediately noticed her favorite smell. "My chef always skips on cinnamon. He believes it's bad for the gut."
"Do you not like it?" he asked, worried he unintentionally fucked up.
She licked her spoon, reminiscing of having his cock in her mouth just moments ago. "No, I really love it. Miss it, actually."
"You need to get a different chef, what kind of a bullshit is that?"
"Life is full of bullshit, Lando."
"Well aren't you a philosopher," he teased her once again.
They made sure to be at the top of their game. Tried on few outfits, trying to find something that might fit them both, Y/N being in her full on follicular phase and focusing more on removing the outfits from him, rather than putting them on. He acted annoyed, but was over the moon she finds him attractive as well. Once they finally rolled out his apartment, they were quite sight to see.
"Do you realize we did not decide on the most important thing," she said as Lando casually walked over to the driver's seat of one of his cars.
She gave him a look instead of speaking, letting him figure it out on his own.
He was usually quite oblivious to these hints, but this one dropped fast.
"Absolutely not."
"I share your sentiment, absolutely not. I know how you drive, Lando."
"More podiums than you, so I get the driver's privileges. Stop overthinking and get it the car."
It was a matter of principles - she was not going to let them fall into relationship stereotypes automatically. And also she just did not accept other people driving, making her awfully similar to Lando.
"Have we never sat in a car together before?" he lost track a bit, trying to recall any other time they'd share a car.
It was becoming a stare down at this point. Neither of them backing down.
"My car is parked nearby. We can go separately," she bargained, waiting for him to back off. But he saw right through her, his ego not letting him get her away with that.
He replied without blinking. "Sure. Why the hell not." She wanted him to back down and he wanted the same from her. "Do you want me to drive you to your car?"
He was mocking her and she was not having it.
"Nope, just text me the location and we'll see who gets there first," she challenged, still sort of hoping for him to fold.
"Great, I'll give you a five minute head start," and he nonchalantly sat into his car.
"Fucking idiot," she mumbled under her breath. He heard her and had to bite his lips to stop himself smiling.
She tried to race there first while not breaking that many laws and not endangering anyone, but he still won. He was standing there, leaning on his car with all his glory, as he watched her park angrily.
"Hi, baby," he greeted her and took his hat off. "Better luck next time." He gave her a mocking pseudo-sad pout.
"For each speeding ticket you'll get 30 seconds penalty," she hit him back.
"Worth it and still first," he winked. "Ready?"
"I guess so." He walked over to her and took her hand in his. Already there were few bystanders noticing them.
"We'll be ok," he reassured more himself than her probably.
"I was kinda hoping for more than that," she tried to lighten up the mood, as sudden nerves washed over her.
"You just never stop, do you," he laughed as they walked over to the café and he held the door open for her.
"You wish."
As they entered, he asked about her coffee order and made sure to memorize it for the future. If he was to be a boyfriend, he would be the best one. She kept looking to the ground as he order for both of them. He saw her slight distress and hoped that she was not regretting this - being out in the open with him. Even though their teams thought this was all fake, it was more than real for him. He would not admit this to anyone, but he was also kind of nervous. But there was not a doubt in his mind about this being worth it. She stood next to him, practically glued to his side and it felt nice as they waited for their order. He had to find a way to cheer her, main reason being that he cared about her mood and the second being their first pictures had to have looking at least little bit like having fun.
"It's actually quite exciting, isn't it?" Lando asked, unsuccessfully fighting his smile. The more he thought about them, the more was starting to like this whole thing.
"What is, Lando?" she replied, coming back to reality and locking eyes with him. It worked like magic. Within seconds, she was smitten through the roof.
He held her hand as a lover would. It was like touching a life wire. Sending impulses throughout their bodies.
"Being able to do this in public," he mumbled under his breath and stepped just a little bit closer. Time to break the rules.
He licked his lips "Ready?"
She was on the same wavelength as him. "Will this be our first kiss?" she teased, shifting towards him.
He put his arm around her waist, pushing her as close as possible. "Uhm."
"But this is ahead of the schedule they'd planned," she teased, totally on board with him.
"And you can watch me try to give a damn." There was fire dancing in his eyes. She put her arms on his chest, letting herself go into his embrace and closed her eyes, as he put his lips onto hers and kissed her. It was a gentle peck, their lips slowly brushing onto each other, the way that they had many times before. Yet, it still felt special. Carefree. Bold and confident.
There weren't many people in the cafe and the kiss wasn't exactly a long one, but it was enough. They had it documented from several angles. Y/N searched for the photos and saved them all. Neither of them quite ready for the storm coming their way.
@scopeiguess @leclercsluv @sulliamour @starmanv @riverxsq @eviethetheatrefreak @chonkybonky @bicchaan @saachiep81 @chezmardybum @a-beaverhausen @tbsloneely @iamkaku @amberpanda99
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angelbaby-fics · 1 year
Attatched At The Hip
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Word Count: 660
A/N: ahh this was just some rambly thoughts about bucky that kinda turned into a fic? i don't love how i ended it so maybe i'll revisit this in a little bit when my computer is fixed but i couldn't resist posting it already because i just. guys i love bucky so much and i just wanna tlk about him all the time. lol. so yeah this is just some bucky fluff that i hope you guys enjoy 💕
That’s what Steve always teased that you and Bucky were, attached at the hip. If you could spend the rest of your life anywhere in the whole world, it would be cradled in Bucky’s left arm, held safely and firmly against his side. It wasn’t a matter of favoritism, you loved your daddy just as dearly as your Baba, and you were always eager and excited for hugs and kisses from the great Captain America. You and Bucky had a deep bond just between the two of you, one that Steve respected and understood, and being constantly held was mutually beneficial for that bond: you were always able to be soothed and cared for whenever your heart desired it, and Bucky was persistently reminded that he was loved, safe, and doing good by you. 
Plus, it helped that his metal arm never, ever got tired. 
That’s how you found yourself now, cradled into Bucky’s side and perched upon his muscular thigh in the Avengers compound briefing room. Usually when a meeting was called, you’d be left with whichever caregiver didn’t have to attend that day, or you got to go to daycare if both were recruited that day. This time, however, you were still fast asleep on Bucky’s chest where you’d decided to take your nap that day when he got the meeting alert. Steve was off that day and offered to take care of you while Bucky was busy, but the thought of rousing you from your most peaceful state made both their hearts ache, so along you came. 
Coos of adoration had echoed through the meeting room when Bucky entered with you, but he politely shushed his coworkers. The goal was to keep you asleep for as much of the meeting as possible, knowing that as soon as you woke up you’d want a bottle, and that waking up in a strange room would probably send you into a tantrum anyways. Fortunately, with Bucky’s enhanced hearing, he was able to sit in the far back of the room with you and still hear everything being said. 
The change in location from the couch all the way to the briefing room only caused you to stir the tiniest bit, Bucky’s even breaths keeping you rooted in your slumber as the meeting commenced. At one point, Thor let out a raucous laugh, and you seemed to react in your sleep, flexing your fingers at the sound of your friend, but not even the excitement at the thought of playtime could outweigh the comfort you felt in Bucky’s arms. He ran his right hand across your back, soothing you back into dreamland for the rest of the meeting, and you only finally awoke as everybody was saying their goodbyes and Bucky stood up to leave.
Maybe it was because you’d already napped for over two hours, maybe it was the shift of energy in the room as all the Avengers were now free to shake off work mode and socialize with each other. You lifted your heavy head from Bucky’s shoulder and blearily looked around, half open eyes taking in the fact that you were not at home and instead in an area of the compound you rarely had reason to visit. Seeing all your Avenger friends together in this location, you put two and two together, grabbing tightly onto Bucky’s shirt as you looked up at him with worry. 
“Baba gotta go to a meeting now?” You asked, still fragile from your nap and not wanting to give up the comfort of your caretaker’s embrace. But Bucky only chuckled. 
“Doll, I already went to the meeting, you slept through it!”
“I did?” You questioned with genuine surprise, in disbelief that you’d done such a thing.
“Sure did, angel. Did you have a good nap?” “Uh huh!” You nodded. “I had a dream… I was playin’ wif Thor.” 
You smiled to yourself, recalling the way you’d heard him laugh even in your slumber. 
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fawnfictions · 6 months
i know there’s a lot of this same prompt on this app but i love your writing and i would love to see it from you <33
OK!! Macaque and Wukong with a gender natural reader which simply LOVES their fur and gets really clingy on their tail and ear(s for macaque :3), treating them like a literal plushie
monkie plush!
— wukong & macaque, gn!reader
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i feel the need to personally apologise for how many months it took for me to post this <//3 i've been SO SLOW recently,, i can't guarantee i'll be getting any faster, either
heheuwudhhey!! none of u should worry about sending me an ask with a 'common' prompt—just because someone else has done it before, doesn't mean i won't want to write it!!! i like giving ppl my own opinion on these sorts of headcanons LOL
;; fluff, fluff, and more fluff!! (+mention of something more spicy, but nothing explicit)...
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- he RELISHES in any affection you give him, and he isn't afraid to show it.
- you'll come up behind him, embrace him while rubbing your face in his fur, and he will MELT.
- leans back into your arms, wrapping his tail around you to pull you even closer; and, if you're listening closely, you might hear quiet purring.
- honestly, he'll do the same to you — compared to monkey hair, human hair is VERY soft and feels very nice :3
- cuddles between you two are just constantly rubbing your faces in each others hair.
- i can also imagine that his tail would be sensitive, as most monkey's tails are...
- be careful, though, because certain areas of his tail are more sensitive than others — you may run into a situation you didn't mean to...
- while i can imagine him being the big spoon a majority of the time, he could TOTALLY be a little spoon.
- he enjoys being able to hold YOU, since he likes feeling in control, and as if he's protecting you, but he'll happily sit back and let you cuddle him.
- play with his hair, twirl his tail, brush him...
- tbh, the other monkeys would probably join you a lot, interpreting it as a grooming session.
- me and the boys [monkeys], grooming each other on a sunday morning.
- he will complain, though, if you don't let him cuddle YOU sometimes.
- you two are almost sickening with the amount of PDA you show; cue MK pretending to puke in the background, but Wukong does have SOME decency, and will get a little embarrassed if you take it too far.
- if you're both out in public, chilling in Megapolis or something, and you start rubbing your face in his fur and cooing at him? he'll go red pretty quickly, and shyly respond with small affections in an attempt to sate your clinginess for now.
- this especially goes for being around people he feels the need to keep a reputation up with — like, the brotherhood, although most of them would laugh it off, they'll tease him for it at some point, or anyone from the celestial realm.
- he'll make it up to you later with plenty of cuddles, but for now? he's gotta look cool and tough in front of lil' old Nezha /j
- hes touch starved as hell (we all know it).
- BUT he gets shy when it comes to affection, but he's hypocritical about it...
- constantly drapes himself over your shoulders, resting his head on top of your own when he gets the chance, etc etc.
- however, if you DARE even try to hug him, he's gonna get real nervous.
- doesn't know how to properly relax at your touch; he may not exactly move away from you, but he won't lean into it (at first).
- this especially goes for PDA – he loves you, but not now; he's gotta look cool and mysterious at all times.
- if you're with people that he lets his guard down around, he'll be a bit more playful with you.
- he notices you attempting to sneak behind him for a cuddle attack? next thing you know, theres a familiar cape-covered arm thrown over your shoulder, blocking your affection with his own with a teasing smile.
- he IS different when in private, though !!
- more willing to give in to your touches, but it is clear that he's unsure how to feel about it.
- after a while, though, i feel that he would learn to find a lot of comfort in your hands ?
- like, if he's had a rough day, he'll probably seek you out to be showered in affection,, in a way, it makes him feel very loved and worthy.
- he's such a little spoon too, i'm sorry LOL
- but he has his confident days, just ask and he'll be happy to be the one holding you instead.
- it took a while for him to be comfortable with normal affection, yeah? well, it's gonna take even LONGER for him to be comfortable with touching his ears, let alone losing the glamour on them.
- the day he lets his glamour down around you, is the day he's decided that you're stuck with him forever, sorry to break it to you...
- his ears are VERY sensitive, so please be careful, he's very cautious with you touching them.
- but he'll never admit how nice it feels for you to massages his ears, especially with how much stress they give him from the loud noises in the city (not that you can't tell, he's practically melted into your lap and would ABSOLUTELY be purring if he could).
- overall, it takes time, and he won't ever be fully comfortable with PDA, but he's a big softie in private <3
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
this post aaaa!! i just think about reader who tries to run away from jing yuan- but gets caught by blade. blade is given the choice to watch jing yuan spank you and play with your body for returning you unharmed. i feel like he might like to watch that ;////;
Wren thanks for giving me ideas!! I've been thinking about this since you sent it to me. How do you keep being so creative😣😫❤️‍🔥💕 And, finally, I can write about being spanked by Jing Yuan...
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CW: afab reader, yandere, non-con, kidnapping, failed escape, spanking without consent, edging, humiliation
Blade glanced at you once, far away. At that time, you stood beside Jing Yuan, lowered your head, and clasped your fingers tightly with him. He really couldn't see your expression clearly, but according to the rumors, General Jing Yuan spoiled his wife, so he guessed that you might be bowing your head shyly, with loving words on your lips and a slight smile.
His reason for remembering you is - you are standing in front of him now, gasping for breath, with tears on your eyelashes, your legs trembling like autumn leaves after running and evading capture (as if you have been pampered for hundreds of years). You put your hands on his arms, but without using any force, beg him to send you to another planet. A submissive gesture. Pleading, like it's your forte. Blade thought.
"Why should I help you?" He sneered.
"Jing- Jing Yuan- He's not what you think- I want to leave. He won't allow it." Hearing the indifferent response from the member of Stellaron Hunters, your heart dropped into freezing point. "I remember you. I've seen you. I'll give you money- or anything you want- if you'll help me."
"It's ridiculous to bargain with a prey that can't even escape the hunt. But…" For some reason, Blade's heart itched at the fact that you still remembered him, but shook his head. He has more interesting things to do. Jing Yuan. How precious are you to him?
"Oh baby, I'm worried about you!!" Dragged into the master bedroom of the general's mansion by this member of Stellaron Hunters, the tears on your cheeks are still wet, and your other hand is desperately grabbing the door frame like a kitty grab. Jing Yuan, who was pacing back and forth, stood up immediately, and embraced you with open arms. "Are you okay? Are you hungry? Where did you go? You…"
"Payment." Blade interrupted his affectionate chatter, holding his sword, reminding. "Jing Yuan, remember your promise."
"Hmm…" The general glanced at him with his glowing golden eyes, his frown loosened, and gradually, it turned into a condescending mockery, mocking you for falling into such a situation. yet like misses the time hundreds of years ago. "Interesting. It's been a long time. You and I, who would have thought that this meeting would happen under such circumstances? Don't worry, I always value promises. Now that you have sent her back unscathed, redeem the promise."
After speaking, he turned to you again. "Strip naked."
Like being struck by lightning, your mind swoons and you can't believe what your ears are hearing. "what? What?"
"This is the reward that guy asked for." The general took your hand and led you to the sofa. He smiled. "You think I don't know you're trying to escape? Come on. Baby, strip for a show. Or, shall I help you?"
Knowing him, you can't escape fate. Slowly and reluctantly, you unbuttoned your clothes, and lifted your top…and then took off half of the fabric…the underwear trembled and folded, and put them on the sofa. Jing Yuan waited with a smile on his chin, then reached out and pulled you onto his lap. You just suddenly realize that it's not, it's…
Slap on your left buttock. The loud sound is accompanied by a warning of pain. The tears you have been holding back welled up in your eyes. Spanking! He spanked you in front of Blade?
"No!" you struggle, "This hurts!"
"Shhhhh, hold back, baby. This is just the beginning." The general's tone was still gentle, but you knew it meant irresistible. He stroked your buttocks and cheeks to ease the pain, and the stormy slaps began. His palm hits your burning skin. Loud, continuous slapping, accompanied by sobbing and moaning, echoed through the master bedroom.
Recognize that there is one person watching all this. Your cheeks are burning, kicking your legs. "Stop this…please…"
"Look at him." The hand that was originally holding your waist turned to your hair, hesitated for a while, didn't grab your hair, but pinched your chin, forcing you to look at that Stellaron Hunter. The immortal swordsman folded his arms, with an obscure smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth slightly curved like a crescent moon, obviously getting a kind of satisfaction - knowing that these Xianzhou people, especially Jing Yuan, have such a side. Rotten from the inside. Sanctimonious.
You, looking back at him in tears and slaps. This is so embarrassing. Why did Jing Yuan treat you like this? You thought that, like the previous escape, there would be no terrible consequences. While heating up your ass, Jing Yuan didn't forget to run his fingers over your slit and draw circles on your clit. Pain and pleasure emerge, jockeying for position. Realizing the orgasm is building, you poke your ass out involuntarily, but in that momentous moment, like pressing the brake button. The caresses suddenly stopped. Only leaving a new round of spanking to begin. Didn't get the expected orgasm. Your lips quiver and whine, unable to hold a decent sob, instead wailing and turning into a mess.
Not only Jing Yuan squinted his eyes with a smile, Blade took pleasure in your reaction. You are so pathetic. Lovely. Fragile. Sweet. He kind of understands why Jing Yuan is addicted to you. You deserve to be in this predicament.
Jing Yuan does another two or three rounds like this, you wriggling on his legs, not getting any orgasms, sniffling. Even more frightening, you find that Blade has unzipped his trousers and is stroking himself in front of you.
"You-you...!!" You were dumbfounded.
The general snorted. A harsh slap calls your attention back to punishment. You gasped and screamed, another stream of tears fell on the couch, promised. "I'm sorry...!! I will never run away again...!!" However, this time there was no waiting for the caress. Jing Yuan also untied the pants chain, pinched your ass with one hand, and the thick cock sank into your tight vagina until it reached the cervix.
You start to lose sense of order or logic, and just open your mouth to bear the pounding from behind. Unlike spanking, this time there is the sound of wet liquid dripping on the sofa. "Jing- Jing Yuan...!!" While calling his name, your upper body is lying on the sofa, and the walls are tightened to receive those seeds. Almost at the same time, that load is also sprayed on your face, forcing your eyes to not fully open. It's from Blade.
Totally, insulted.
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ghostlyforxst · 1 year
Hi sorry to bother but if your requests are open I’m hoping you can read this? I was wondering if you can write a reaction of the hashiras finding out that y/n was an assassin before becoming a hashira? Like what are their thoughts, are they ok with her, do they still like her, are they afraid of her? Please take your time and no rush :) I hope you have fun with this.
(Ps: her being an assassin is a family thing kinda like Killua from HXH.)
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GENDER: Gender Neutral Reader
WARNINGS: Assassin Reader, Slight! Metions of Family Trouble, and Slight! Angst
CHARACTERS: Gyomei Himejima, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Obanai Iguro, Muichiro Tokito, Giyuu Tomioka, Kyojuro Rengoku, Mitsuri kanroji. Uzui Tengen, and Shinobu Kacho
A/N- I am still taking request, and I'll make post if I weren't! and of course I can write this for you, so enjoy!
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     Startled, with a few being slightly more alarmed than shocked, but they are interested and curious—I'm sure quite a few questions are itching to be answered. 
     If you are currently a hashira and gave brief information about your past to them, then I really doubt they’ll dislike you if all of you were on friendly terms before. But you’ve got people like Obanai and Sanemi, debbie-downers of the hashiras, skeptical and concerned if you would still end in those troublesome behaviors for a quick buck. Within enough time they’ll forget it and notice it wasn’t your fault for being forced by your parents to continue that trade. The rest would simply be the phrase “The past is in the past.” They’ll continue on as before, feeling apologetic and compassion for you after you disclose your story of being ushered into that work by your parents, offering you some comfort as much as they can give.  
     Tears wettened the hefty man's checks, bowing his head and hands clapped together to pray for your well-being. “You poor soul, I hope that now you can find some peace being amongst us and release yourself from the past.” 
    He frowned and scoffed, “how do we not know you’ll not go back to your old ways!?” 
But then expresses his apologies after putting some thought to it, “forgive me for being insensitive.” 
     He scowled and pointed his finger at you, “and you're a hashira? Hashira defend people, not murder them for payment!” 
     Obanai won't apologize verbally, but in a way his gaze softens and his actions seem less hostile once you told more about your past. 
     Externally unbothered but shocked, then forgets. “The clouds are pretty.” 
     Unperturbed, though his eyes soften. “I’m sorry to hear that.” 
     The time a smile never comes to his face, beside the sympathetic one as he rests a hand on your shoulder. “That must've been hard for you, Y/N. But I'm proud of you and how far you have come. Remember to set your heart ablaze!”  
     Her eyes widen, a mouth hiding her quivering lip, before rushing and embracing you into her arms. “It okay, Y/N. I promise that we see you no different than before, I am happy that you were comfortable to share that with us.” 
    He nods his head and pats your head, “that was very flamboyant of you, but no matter what don’t let the past hold your back!” 
She smiled softly and rubs your back, “well at least you are out of that situation and are coming into a more stable life with us.”
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megamett44-lover · 1 year
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Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Summary: Based off “Never Say Never” by The Fray
Warnings/Notes: She/her pronouns, profanity, online bullying
Requested? No! (I have been re-watching The Vampire Diaries and forgot how good the soundtrack is. So prepare for more fics based off of songs<3)
Don’t Let Me Go
“Some things we don't talk about
Rather do without and just hold the smile”
Chris and I had a…complicated relationship, to say the least. Growing up together, he had become my best friend, my safe place. The only one I trusted completely with my heart. I guess that was my first mistake.
As we grew older, so did my feelings. They grew into something I couldn’t ever understand. I had thought my feelings had been one sided, but I was wrong. Both of us scared to lose our friendship, neither of us said anything.
“Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of, together all the while”
It was Sophomore year when we had both confessed our feeling for each other. Both delirious at 3:00am, watching some stupid comedy, when his hand slipped into mine under the blanket we shared. Looking up to be met with his blue eyes boring into mine, he smiled.
“I love you, Y/n.” He had whispered softly.
Something we had often said to each other, somehow felt different; this statement from him had the weight of his whole heart on the line. And with all of the courage in my body, I threw my heart into the deep end with his, not caring where it would take us.
“And I love you, Chris.” I whispered, watching his eyes for any glimmer of doubt. Instead, I found the childlike innocence of pure, true love. The kind’ve look someone only has once in their lifetime; first to love, and to be loved.
From then on, we were one. Maybe to our own fault. When we were good, things were great. But…when things were bad, they were awful. Loving each other too much to the point of not loving each other at all; it had become too much.
“You can never say never
While we don't know when
But time and time again
Younger now, than we were before”
“I never want to see you again.” I said through the tears burning my eyes.
“Never say that again, Y/n L/n.” Chris said. “I don’t care if you’re not mine, I will always be yours. No matter what, I can promise you that.”
I was silent, my heart aching from the pain of crying. My knees threatening to buckle from beneath me at any moment, to fall back into Chris’ arms because as much as I hated to admit it, I had felt the same for him, no matter what I said.
But I stood strong, and watched as he walked toward my front door. Before closing it behind him, he turned to look at me one last time.
“My heart is yours, Y/n.” Chris said softly. “It always has been, and always will be.”
“Picture, you're the queen of everything
Far as the eye can see, under your command”
At 19, I had moved with Chris and his brothers to L.A. to pursue a YouTube channel of my own. Having pretty much overnight success, I felt as if I was on top of the world. I had truly made something of myself.
“I’m so proud of you, baby.” Chris said, wrapping me in his arms. “You deserve it all, and I will be there with you every step of the way.”
Pulling back from his embrace, I looked into his eyes; the same eyes that looked back at me when we were just 16, confessing our teenage crushes. Now older, they resembled the pride he had, the admiration he held for me; the love we had shared for years, only growing stronger.
“I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling, I'll steady your hand”
“God why did he chose her?”
“She’s just using him for her own gain lmao”
“Idk I think it’s kinda sweet that Chris is doing some charity work”
Reading the comments of Chris’ most recent Instagram post announcing our relationship, had my eyes watering. I was no stranger to the hate, I had been dealing with it since I was featured in one of the Triplets YouTube videos. The speculation that I might be dating one of them, the hate had spread all over my social medias; but this time was ten times worse.
With the confirmation of our love, the internet responded with hate. Burying my face into my knees, I let the tears flow freely, something I had never done. I knew it was pointless to cry, but I couldn’t help it; everyone has their breaking points, and this one was mine.
“Y/n! I’m back from the st-” Chris stops at the sight of me crying on his bedroom floor. “Oh, baby what’s wrong?” He asks, putting a finger under my chin so I revealed my face to him.
“It’s stupid.” I said, wiping my eyes. “Really, I’m fine, just stressed.”
Chris looked at me quizzically before eyeing the phone beside me, Instagram comments still open.
“Oh Y/n,” He said, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. He grabbed my phone, scanning the comments himself, scoffing to himself. “I hope you aren’t actually taking these to heart.”
He picked me up, holding me in his arms. “You, Y/n L/n, are the most beautiful girl in the world, with the most infectious laugh I’ve ever heard. You are everything to me, no matter what anyone says or thinks. I love you so much, more than I’ve ever loved anyone. So don’t let that bullshit get to you, because that’s all it is, bullshit.”
By this point I’m laughing, my arms wrapped around his neck. “You done?” I asked.
“Do you believe me?” Chris asked. “Because if not, I’m gonna be forced to keep reminding you how much I love you.”
“We're growing apart…”
Navigating our relationship since we had gone public had been hard. With all the retaliation from his fans pouring in, it became hard for me to listen to Chris, opposed to the thousands of others who wanted to see our relationship to break.
“Chris,” I say, standing in the doorway of his room. “I think we need to take a break.”
Looking up from his phone, his eyes wide. He approaches me. “What, why?” He asks, bewildered.
I sigh, fighting the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. “I just…I need time.” I whisper. “This is all so much, it’s taking a toll on me.”
I look up to see a tears in Chris’ eyes. Placing a hand on my cheek, he pulls me closer. “I never want to hurt you.” He says. “Take all the time you need, I’ll be right here waiting, whenever you’re ready.”
“…but we pull it together
Pull it together, together again”
A month later, and I wish I could’ve said I was doing better. Truthfully, I felt as though I was missing a piece of myself, my other half, my best friend.
Typing out a simple: “I need you.” and hitting send was probably one of the best decisions I had ever made in my entire life. In 5 minutes flat, there was a rapid knocking on my door.
Opening the door, I see Chris, soaking wet from the rain that was beating down on my house. Throwing myself outside into his arms, I couldn’t care less about the rain; I was home.
“Don’t let me go.” I whisper.
“Don’t let me go.” He whispered back, holding me tightly.
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frokenkeke · 4 months
Making of Ashes to Ashley
Recently I posted my comic Ashes to Ashley, and got such a tremendously kind and loving response that I felt like sharing a little bit more about where it came from.
The story is about a transgender awakening, where the quiet and somber Ash explodes out of the closet as the loud and colorful Ashley. This was always the plan, however the details changed along the way. Quite quickly I realized that I was writing about myself and my own trans journey. I never played in a band and I don't imagine I'll ever grow bunny ears (sadly), but still Ashley is undoubtedly a reflection of myself. I just allowed life to become a stage and gender performance a rock concert.
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Above are the first idea doodles I drew late at night in early April. I quite enjoyed giving Ashley lipstick and prominent eye shadow, since I hadn't ever done a character like that before. The idea was a bit of exaggerated femininity that accidentally becomes raw punk expression. One or two people have pointed out the Um Jammer Lammy similarities, and they are absolutely not coincidental. Initially I imagined Ashley would've been more reluctant about her transformation, which is why she looks a bit more annoyed in some of my sketches, but the story became more bright and funny if it was made immediately clear that this all happens off of her own volition.
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Some method and color tests. My girlfriend suggested I instead go a lot more raw with it, which is why I ended up adamantly using an ugly sponge brush built into Photoshop. Sapphic Disaster are some form of punk-shoegaze band, so combining rough pencil linework with crunchy texture coloring felt like a fitting visual representation of them. This also side-stepped the biggest problems I've always had with drawing comics – dealing with inking is a boring waste of time, and working digitally always makes me fixate on perfection. By just using pencil on paper I had to stick with whatever errors couldn't be saved by a regular eraser, in fact I dedicated myself to only using an old worn down Bic mechanical pencil and embraced the idea that the comic would consistently look a bit off and amateurish. Of course I allowed myself the luxury of cleaning up my drawings digitally before coloring, but that can only take you so far. This way of working helped me make fast progress and kept each step engaging, I've never had as much fun drawing a comic as I had with Ashes to Ashley.
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Here's a before and after from initial scan to finished panel. I often only tidy up around focal points like faces or hands, and allow the rest to remain as it is, usually parts like the legs or Ashley's ears.
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Character references and my initial color picks, they went through small changes as I went along. I liked giving all the band members different sorts of rabbit ears to make them all look distinct from each other.
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Here's some ideas for the Sapphic Disaster band logo and the comic's color palette, notice how Ashley is more vibrant than Ash.
While working I filled up numerous papers with doodles trying to workshop panels and layouts. It's too much to show all of them here, so I composed a few collages of my favorites.
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It was pivotal for me that Ash would always look painfully cute. The sketch of the table scene with Floyd shows a rare out-of-character confident and laid-back Ash. In the presence of Floyd?! Never!
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I was very concerned about the reader recognizing the old Ash when first seeing Ashley. She may be all excited about being a girl, but her nervous cluelessness remains. I ended up going back and redrawing two panels in Ashley's introduction to strengthen this impression.
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For those not in the know, shoegaze is a rock subgenre that centers around noisey guitar textures, typically achieved through heavy use of effect pedals at the musicians feet; hence the name. When Ashley plays her guitar she produces a cacophony of strange sounds, the reader will have to imagine what they actually sound like, but I always imagined their opening number "I Wanna Be a Girl" to sound like a couple of amateurs trying to recreate Lush's Blackout.
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The page where the band go around looking for Ashley while she's receiving her makeover was shoehorned in at a later stage for pacing purposes. That's why Gabriel is suddenly back to pulling cords after previously claiming they're all set, oops!
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One of the core rules to this story is that everyone is always overly supportive of Ashley's transition no matter what. This is what makes the otherwise stern and serious Floyd especially funny, my girlfriend was pivotal in sprucing up his dialogue, adding bits like "have you seen the health care waiting lists?, "I know an endocrinologist who owes me a favor or two" and "give me 35% more danger"
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Towards the end I discovered that Ashley and Debbie dancing was apparently the most important panel in the entire comic, judging by how much I tried to perfect it. (For the record, my favorite panel is when Ashley screams into the microphone that she wants to be a girl.) Maybe Ashley and Debbie dancing should've replaced the final full-page panel? Well, we got a lot of cute doodles out of it regardless. Just kiss already!
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Initially I imagined Ashley to be standing alone in the "could this be the real me" final panel, but I realized her odd family of friends was equally a part of the real her. She was always right where she needed to be, she just needed to find herself within that place. (I ended up giving Ashley a cigarette because otherwise it looked like she was praying.)
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Here are some ideas for the cover illustration, of course in 1:1 format to look like an album cover. Up until last minute I planned for the comic to have You Made Me Realize as its subtitle to distinguish it from eventual follow-ups, which is why the You Made Me Realize EP cover art is paraphrased in the top-middle. I ended up just going with Ashes to Ashley to keep it clean and simple. The title Ashes to Ashley was blurted out immediately by my girlfriend when I first showed her my concepts for the story. It's perfect, she's perfect.
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I drew two Ashes and two Ashleys for the cover art and let my fingers smudge all over the latter. While most obviously riffing on the cover for My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, it's equally taking from the Ecstasy of Saint Theresa's Pigment.
And there you have it.
However I never intended this to be the full extent of Ashley's story, just a satisfying and complete end of a chapter. I've already finished writing the next story, Today Forever, and I hope I can get it out to you all soon enough. Your love for Ashley keeps me going.
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stellasolaris · 1 year
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What does canon suggest about Riven and his background? I will share some of my thoughts about Riven's background and potential socioeconomic status in this post. As always, these are just my opinions. (If anyone's wondering: no, this is not the meta post that I was talking about in one of my other posts.)
I'll start by saying that my following thoughts are based on the RAI dub and the first four seasons (S1-4) as I don't consider anything past season four canon. However, I'm mainly going to focus on seasons one and two in this post.
As pointed out by many, the one-on-one scene between Sky and Riven in 2.08 is the closest we get to Riven directly confessing that he is (or has been at some point in his life) from lower-class origins.
Riven: Must be nice being a prince. You spend your whole life learning from the best.
I agree that this does give us some indication of his social class, mostly because this line fits with the rest of his characterization that's established in the earliest seasons, but even on its own, it does imply that Riven isn't nearly as privileged as Sky. He wouldn't make a comment specifically about Sky's access to highly qualified teachers if he didn't feel like he lacked them in some capacity. In other words, when we take into consideration his character as a whole, it's implied that Riven has not had as many resources growing up. This hints at him being from the lower class or relating to the struggles of someone from the lower class.
It's important to note here that this isn't the first instance Riven has expressed distaste or a mocking attitude toward privilege. It is also equally important to understand why he reacts so strongly to it. It's not that he hates or dislikes anyone who's above him in wealth or opportunity. I think he primarily has an issue with the injustice of being looked down on, of not being treated fairly, of not performing well enough. He's sensitive to people being ignorant of their privileges, which is why he often calls it out, but it's not necessarily out of resentment toward the person or their social class, but rather an indicator of his roots and how he feels about privilege in general. 2.21 is a good example of this, which I will get into later.
The reason Riven is so aggressive and abrasive in the first season has to do with a myriad of things, but it makes the most logical sense that he's likely had a bad childhood (aka trauma) and experienced being treated unfairly by either the system or people above his status. Riven wouldn't otherwise feel so strongly about privilege in season two or make patronizing remarks that are directly about one's social class in season one.
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Sky (Brandon): What Riven means is that perhaps it would be best for you to go back to Alfea while we try to capture that animal. Riven: We don't need your editorial comments, Your Highness.
Brandon (Sky): Riven, you've gone too far! Riven: You're just Prince Sky's yes-man, Brandon. Why don't you go clean up his stables?
In season one, Riven likely projected a lot of his personal issues and insecurities on Brandon and Sky and their class dynamic as a whole—primarily his trust issues and feelings of inferiority—but after the infamous monster scene in 1.22, he goes through a ton of humbling and character development. He grows as a person and learns to trust and appreciate the boys, and most importantly, he starts to embrace himself. He also finally feels accepted by the group, which makes him want to clean up his act even more.
By the time we get to season two, Riven is relatively calmer and significantly lacking in condescension. The comments he continues to make about privilege are mostly a nod to his background and how he feels about unfair advantages. This is why we see a much more mature and open version of Riven in season two where he continues to make remarks about privilege on several occasions, but he's much more reasonable about it.
I want to thank @skylaryozora for mentioning the following scene in 2.21 because it ties in perfectly with what I've been explaining so far.
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Riven: Well, I think it's high time you girls get a taste of what life's like where you don't have magic powers, and all you can count on are your wits and your muscles.
In this episode, Bloom says she finds it hard to get used to not having magic powers, which leads to Riven making the aforementioned comment. Similar to 2.08, he indirectly calls out the privilege (albeit a different kind) but doesn't make a big deal out of it. He's most likely talking from personal experience and having had to count on his "wits and muscles" as a kid. He isn't angry or insulting in this scene, but he does acutely notice the difference between himself and others when it comes to having unearned advantages or a better upbringing or better circumstances, and again, he wouldn't continue making these types of remarks if it wasn't deeply personal to him.
Riven's comments based on 2.08 and 2.21 alone suggest that he's had to work hard on his own to get to where he is. It's blatantly obvious he knows what a lack of privileges (and likely economic instability) feels like, probably more than anyone else because the writers make it a pattern to have Riven point out these things.
Let's talk about Riven's skills and what they mean for his character
I don't think it's a coincidence that Riven is good at creating lock picks from scratch . . .
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. . . or that his stealth and wilderness survival skills are impeccable compared to others
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. . . or that he's exceptionally resourceful and adaptable
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. . . or that he's good at spying
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These are generally not skills someone randomly picks up or excels in after a year or two of training. These are skills usually associated with people who've had to look after themselves, watch their backs, and protect themselves—people who are more likely to come from the lower class than the upper class. These "street smarts" skills might not hold a lot of weight on their own but together they form a bigger picture as to what Riven has possibly gone through to obtain these skills. (Yes, I'm sure they teach all these skills at Red Fountain, but what I'm getting at here is that Riven's expertise lies in these skills, and I think it was an intentional decision on the writers' part to showcase these particular skills.)
It's also important to consider Riven's fighting style in season one. It's not very polished. It's rushed. It's rough. It's very direct and brutal. He's not afraid to play dirty. Riven almost seems inexperienced compared to the other guys when it comes to technique and formal training, which suggests that Riven has likely been self-taught for the most part or lacks some private or selective education.
Incidentally, and this is more of a personal note, I think one of the primary reasons why Riven seems to always lose to Sky in one-on-one combat is because Sky has an edge over Riven when it comes to technique. But when it comes to other skills, like racing and wilderness survival instincts, Riven is better than Sky—the former being canon, as witnessed in 2.01. In spite of this, Riven feels a little insecure and bitter about not being as good as Sky. That lack of technique, coupled with a lack of opportunities, might be what he thinks is holding him back from being one of the best students in Red Fountain. The balcony scene in 2.04 is interesting in that regard because Riven appears to feel some type of way about the fact that Brandon and Sky were chosen to accompany the girls to a mission instead of him. He doesn't express it outright, per se, but you can tell by his tone and posture that he wishes he was included.
While the show deservedly gets a lot of criticism for its bad writing, season one is mostly decent in terms of character portrayals and has some of the best writing in the series. As I mentioned before, I think the writers were intentional with their decisions to paint Riven in a certain way, to have him say certain things, to give him certain skills that set him apart from the other characters, and in several ways, the narrative of his story gives us many details hinting at his background.
All in all, it's not strictly canon that Riven grew up financially lower class as we don't have any direct statements in the show about his background. However, I think there are more than enough allusions pointing to Riven having had to be independent and live in less-than-ideal circumstances with limited resources, so the idea of him having had a rough childhood (economically and otherwise) or being from the lower class at some point or another in his life is not unfounded. Personally, I think it's heavily implied.
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theres-a-body-here · 1 year
Scumtober- Day 4 (Distractions)
Reader x Polar Patroller
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You let out a sigh as you went through your inventory, rearranging your things over and over for no real reason. You felt a bit nauseous at the thought of being so high up, even if you were far away from the windows. Your squadmate was posted at the window, peering through his DMR's scope.
You hated heights, and you knew he knew that. Which is why you suspected Polar intentionally dragged you along to the tallest skyscraper at Tilted Towers. And the top floor, no less. "Vantage point" he called it.
With nothing better to do, you watch as Polar scans for any other duos. He has such a serious and determined look on his face as he holds the grip tightly. You decide to pay him back for bringing you here. You stand up and walk over to him before kneeling beside him. Without hesitating, you lazily hug him from behind.
At first, he's startled by your unexpected move, but Polar quickly relaxes into the embrace. His heart rate slows down as he leans back against you, enjoying the contact despite wanting to stay focused.
"What's gotten into you?" he mutters under his breath. "Trying to distract me from our mission?"
Despite his playful grumble, there's a hint of fondness in his voice.
"Just stay on the lookout, big guy" You mutter back in a mischievous tone that doesn't go unnoticed by him. Your hands begin to wander south. You smile when you hear his breath hitch in his throat as the grip on his gun becomes even tighter.
"Hey!" Polar patroller exclaims in surprise as your hands wander towards his crotch. Despite being caught off guard, he doesn't push you away immediately. Instead, he lets out a low growl deep within his chest.
"Focus," he warns sternly. "Or I swear I'll make you regret it later."
"You always say that," You say as you chuckle softly.
There's a long, comfortable silence as you rub his thighs soothingly from behind as he continues scoping the streets. After a few minutes pass you decide to up the ante. Your hand goes for his zipper and you pull it down. You feel Polar stiffen as you play with his bulge.
"You see anything," You whisper in an almost innocent way as you feel him start to shake a bit.
"Don't... don't do that," he manages to whisper hoarsely. "Not now..."
His words are shaky with desire, betraying how much he's enjoying the touch. As his erection grows harder, he struggles to concentrate on the surroundings through his scope. You shift a bit as you move to lie down in front of him as he tries to keep focused.
A sudden surge of heat fills Polar Patroller's body as you scoot closer to his groin, positioning yourself perfectly in front of his throbbing erection.
Without further ado, you take his cock into your mouth. Polar groans as he realizes he's wasting his breath asking you to stay focused on winning. Polar decides to let things play out and he takes your advice to multitask.
As your lips encircle his thick shaft, Polar Patroller grits his teeth, trying to suppress any loud sounds that may attract unwanted attention from other players. Despite his best efforts, moans escape his throat involuntarily.
"Fuck!" he curses under his breath, fighting the urge to buck his hips against your eager mouth.
Through it all, he continues to survey their surroundings, his gaze never wavering from the scope.
A low growl rumbles in Polar Patroller's chest as you deepen the blowjob, taking him as far down your throat as possible. His fingers clench tighter around the DMR, knuckles turning white from the force. Though he tries desperately to ignore the pleasure as he scans the streets below, the effort begins to show in his strained features.
Before he could say anything, Polar finally spots a player running through the streets. It looks like they don't have their squadmate. Polar makes a grunt and tries to push you gently off of him. But you don't care right now. You're busy with bear dick.
Without breaking the rhythm of your blowjob, Polar Patroller slowly follows the lone player with his aim. His other hand remains firmly planted on the windowsill for support as he lines up the shot. With a steady aim, he takes careful aim at the distant figure below and fires.
The sound of the gunshot echoes through the air, drawing instant attention from both parties involved. Through the scope, Polar watches as the bullet hits its target squarely in the head, causing their items to "explode" out of them as they become light and data.
As the aftermath fades away, he feels your sucking intensify once more, drawing another groan from his throat. Reluctantly, he removes his hand from the trigger and returns it to steady himself against your head movements.
As he watches you work his cock out like a champ, he begins to think. Maybe if he cums you'll take the game seriously again? He really wants the dub.
He puts his DMR down to the floor as he gently holds your head. You make a confused sound but before you can get off his dick to speak, Polar begins to fuck your face.
Your eyes roll back in your head as Polar Patroller loses control, thrusting deeper into your willing mouth with each passing second. The musky scent of sex fills the small space between you two.
Polar's mind goes blank; all he can think about is getting off and forgetting everything else around him.
"That's it…" he whispers gravelly, grasping at your hair for purchase. "Just take it all…"
After several minutes of nonstop thrusting, Polar finally reaches his climax. With a long groan, he erupts inside your mouth, filling it with hot cum. Shaking violently, he forces himself to withdraw from your throat and collapses onto the ground beside you. You swallow his cum nonchalantly as you scoot closer and lay your head on his shoulder. You watch as he stuffs his dick back inside his zipper. He turns his head to look at you
Feeling guilty for being a bit rough with you, Polar Patroller hesitates before pulling you into a gentle embrace. He buries his face in your neck, inhaling deeply as if to calm down.
"I'm sorry..." he murmurs softly against your skin.
"It's fine," You say softly as you stand up. Your GPS makes a ding sound, notifying you the storm is approaching. "we should head out, big guy".
Nodding slowly, Polar Patroller stands up, grabbing his DMR and holstering it across his body. He gives you a sheepish smile as he brushes past you towards the exit. "Let's hope our little detour doesn't draw unnecessary attention," he mutters under his breath, glancing nervously outside. You laugh as you follow him
Scumtober 2023 Masterlist
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hothammies · 6 months
just wanted to say I'm really liking this au so far, mike's character breakdown is so fun and I just wanted to thank you for a part of it! when I first read that he wasn't good with guns I deflated a little because I thought oh, it's another incompetent mike and macho will situation 😞 but the fact he's not good with guns because that's a NERF, and he's otherwise actually competent, respectable, intelligent, commanding, just - mike wheeler himself - made me really happy! that's a fun take, and I appreciated the effort in how you used the dnd charts etc too it's so cool!
it makes me look forward to the other character intros, and I already loved how sweet will looked in the party line up art even while holding a gun 😂 idk if you plan to have him only embrace the skill because it's necessary and not entirely what he likes, or something else, but I just liked that kinda contrast in the art regardless it made me giggle
oh also: "would never hesitate to do something deplorable to protect the party: family first" <- iconic. I can see the ruthlessness already I love you mike that's our leader, kind badass boy
this ask made me squeal and kick my feet like five times so thank you for that LMAO
i'm so happy that you (and others) have been enjoying the mike characterization i've put out for this au :"D i put a ton of thought into all of them and i'm having a lot of fun! mike in canon seems to be one of the most intelligent characters in the show, closely rivaled to dustin in making plans and having them go right, so him being incompetent is like an oxymoron.
there's a reason he's the leader of the group, and when people paint him as incompetent and / or babygirlified (in the "damsel, innocent, weak, must protect" sense) because he's played by finn or because he has terrible physical capabilities, it kinda makes me annoyed. so what if he's weak physically? he's still the one who actively squares up to people even when he knows he's about to get his ass beat :P he is the one who puts everything into action. his intuition and plans are correct most, if not all the time, and it pisses me off when people undermine that to try to fit him into someone who needs to be saved.
of course, in this au, his weaknesses more lie in his emotional incapabilities rather than survival. he isn't the best physically either, but that doesn't mean he can't do anything (its the apocalypse - he had to have learned something at some point).
the pressure that bears down on him in this au isn't based on society, and more related to the fact that he sees himself as the sole "caretaker" for the group. being put in charge of the lives of five other people followed by your own is scary as hell, and he doesn't really have an outlet for the pressure he faces until he enters that fwb relationship with will. that's an entirely different can of worms though so i'll stop with that for now!
i'm actually so happy that you mentioned how sweet i drew will in his design <3 will's character sheet will be posted tmrw so hopefully it will make sense why i drew him the way i did. i hope that my explanation regarding the rifle makes sense and does his character justice! him being good with guns was also a way for him to bond with lucas and explore his character a bit - it'll be explained later :O
and abt that last line regarding his ruthlessness... in all of the group's backstories, they all had people outside of the party that very much helped shape their identity and how they act. all i'll say is that mike is very much influenced by nancy in the moral compass department >:)
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yumeka-sxf · 2 years
A chronological analysis on Twilight and Yor - Part 2
*This is part of an ongoing post series. If you missed the Introduction/Part 1, click here*
The Forgers' first family outing is when we start to get an idea of how well they complement each other. When he realizes that Anya and Yor aren't exactly Eden tier citizens, Twilight is understandably upset. He even goes so far as to think he may have chosen the wrong child and wife for the job (also the last time he ever thinks this).
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As for Yor, we see that she has a noticeable liking for weapons, which makes sense considering her job as an assassin. She stares almost longingly at a painting of a guillotine at the museum, and fondles her knife at the restaurant, much to Twilight's confusion.
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But what's interesting is that this is the only time we ever see her exhibit this behavior, and I think it's because she's since found more important things to feel deeply about, like motherly love for Anya and tenderness for Loid (she's always had Yuri, but she's not together interacting with and observing him as often as she will be with Anya and Loid). Whether this was an intentional tidbit of character development from Endo, I can't say, but from a narrative perspective, it definitely fits.
This episode also shows the first of many eventual times where Yor has just the right words of comfort for an exasperated Twilight. Despite the fact that, at this point, she hadn't fully embraced her mother/wife role yet, she takes notice of how worked up he had gotten at the restaurant and suggests that they go outside for some air.
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When they see the old lady being robbed, Twilight shows no intention of getting involved – spies aren't supposed to attract attention to themselves with showy heroic acts after all. But once Yor rushes over to help, he decides to follow her lead because, again, he's a decent guy who wants to help people even though he prefers doing it secretively. There was no benefit to Yor for helping the old lady except for the fact that, like Twilight, she's a good person who wants to help others, but isn't inhibited by having to keep up a spy persona like he is. But as for why Yor is so quick to react when others need help, but is at a loss when she herself is a target, like when her coworkers were insufferably rude to her at the party, is a part of her personality that I'll discuss more later down the line.
This is also the first of a few scenes where Anya insists that Loid and Yor are flirting/going to kiss, and they immediately deny it, in an almost uncharacteristically abrupt way.
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While it's a very short scene, it's especially strange for the calm and collected Twilight to get worked up about some silly thing Anya says. I don't think Twilight and Yor are romantically in love this early in the series, but the fact that they reacted like this does hint at the possibility that they know the other is not a typical man/woman (in a good way) and they're not sure how they feel about it. Hence the exaggerated reactions when confronted with those ambiguous feelings.
Later that day, as an exhausted Twilight tries once more to go over the interview questions, we get a scene from his POV of Anya and Yor happily sitting on the couch with their teacups. This causes Twilight to think back to the old lady's words about what a nice family they are, to which he tells himself that means they must have made some progress. There are several scenes like this throughout the series that show something from his perspective that is, what I like to call, "softly emphasized." The scene itself doesn't seem like anything major, and Twilight isn't making a big deal about it, yet the scene covers a decently sized panel in the manga and has a sort of "fuzziness" to its shading, conveying a warm, gentle feeling (the anime usually lingers on the scene for a few moments and/or may add fuzzy, warm filtering to the colors and sound).
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While other characters do occasionally get scenes like this too, I think the reason Twilight has more of them is because of the kind of character he is, namely, an unreliable narrator. For most characters, even if they lie out loud, we as the audience get insight into their thoughts, and typically that's where we know what they're really feeling. But because Twilight is such a competent liar, and has spent much of his life donning one false identity after another, he insists on deceiving not only others, but himself as well. As a result, even his thoughts are not a reliable source for his true feelings. So to me, Endo includes scenes like this – something that seems mundane, but for Twilight, it's triggering feelings of warmth and comfort, despite whatever his expression, words, or thoughts might tell us – as a subtle yet more sure way of knowing what he's really feeling. In this case, despite his sour expression, he's slowly starting to feel comfortable with Anya and Yor, especially when he recalls that someone saw them as a lovely family.
Continue to Part 3 ->
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turbulenthandholding · 9 months
The Bear Season 3 Musical Speculation: Sydcarmy Edition
After all of the discussion of what songs from Monster could end up in The Bear season 3 last week, I have been inspired to take a look at R.E.M.'s other albums to speculate which song (or songs) might pop up in The Bear season 3.
I'm going to do it in three parts: this one, which is focused on Sydcarmy (and extrapolating what song could pick up where Strange Currencies leaves off), followed by two additional parts - general songs and a totally unserious third part.
There has been a lot of excellent meta about how, with the panic attack scene in s2e9, Strange Currencies actually ends up being a Sydcarmy song.  (This post by @myloveismineallminee is a great example, as are this post by @chansoooo1-blog, this post by @bellassima, and others)
In thinking about season 3 and the importance that R.E.M. songs have played in the show so far, it makes sense to me that they will carry forward what they have been indicating about Carmy and Sydney’s relationship:
these words, you will be mine
these words, you will me mine, all the time
But using another R.E.M. song that is an emotional sequel to Strange Currencies.  Strange Currencies is, as @thoughtfulchaos773 says here, a song about wooing (see tags especially). These are the songs that I think could be that and make (at least some) sense to continue and expand upon that in a season 3 arc.
My seven song ideas follow - definitely interested in hearing what people think!
Be Mine (New Adventures in Hi-Fi)
@thoughtfulchaos773 has posted about this one before here and I agree.
Mike on Bus version from 25 year anniversary edition (this one is even lovelier than the original Album version)
It’s a little obsessive, and totally focused (I need your focus like you need mine), and fits a potential deepening of their relationship.  The lyrics of the whole song apply, but to choose a section:
you and me, you and me
you and me, you and me
and if you make me your religion
I'll give you all the room you need
I'll be the drawing of your breath
I'll be the cup if you should bleed
Hairshirt (Green)
Album version
A hairshirt is a very uncomfortable shirt made of animal hair that would be worn as a self-imposed form of penitence to self-punish or repent something, for religious reasons.  To me, Hairshirt is a song about letting go of the things that you have used to punish yourself (or held over yourself or others’ expectations or any number of other things) to be able to embrace a relationship with someone.  This fits their story to me in that both are working through grief and past trauma; they likely will need to let some of it go to be able to fully embrace each other.
And hang your hairshirt on the lowest rung
It’s a beautiful life
And I can hang my hairshirt
Away up high in the attic of the wrong dog’s life chest
Or bury it at sea
All my life, I’ve searched for this
Here I am, here I am
In your life, it’s a beautiful life
My life, it’s a beautiful life
Your life
You’re In The Air (Up)
Album version
The lyrics of this one are a little more generic, but it does feel like something of a follow-on thought to Strange Currencies.
Key lyrics:
You wanted a challenge that’s calling you higher
I landed on my feet by crawling
I remember standing alone trying to forget you, idling
I hate to admit that that’s my reference point
But there it is, you say you want me
I’m what you found, I’m upside down
You’re in the air, you're in the air, and I am breathing…
You Are The Everything (Green)
Album version
I have posted about this before - and it’s kind of a nice call back to the line in s1e3 Brigade when Carmy tells Syd, “you, you are everything else.”
I interpret this song a bunch of different ways, not all of them romantic, but I think it does make sense in a romantic context here, especially with the kitchen lyric (especially knowing the way that Storer and Senior have no qualms about cutting songs at the points where the lyrics make the most sense to the story they are trying to tell - see also: In Too Deep by Genesis in s1e3 Brigade as well as Strange Currencies, in the panic attack scene in s2e9.
Key lyrics:
I think about this world a lot and I cry
And I've seen the films and the eyes
But I'm in this kitchen 
Everything is beautiful
You are here with me
You are here with me
You have been here and you are everything
Perfect Circle (Murmur)
Album version; this live version has me by the freaking throat
Perfect Circle is a gorgeous love-ish song; Michael Stipe has said the song is about longing in a relationship but that it could mean lots of different things. a perfect circle of acquaintances and friends speaks to the found family aspect of The Bear. It’s about the vibes to me for this one; depending on how it could be used it could mean many, many different things, including love.
Key lyrics:
Put your hair back, we get to leave
Eleven gallows on your sleeve
Shallow figured winner's paid
Eleven shadows way out of place
Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room
Me, Marlon Brando, Marlon Brando and I (Collapse Into Now)
Album version
Me, Marlon Brando, Marlon Brando and I is a song about heroes and idolization.  I’m not exactly sure that it’s relevant for season 3 but it does feel like it is a song relevant to Sydney and Carmy.  Certainly by this point in their personal and professional relationships, any blinders she had about him as someone followed his career, are gone.  He’s very much a real person to her and she definitely sees him in his entirety rather than someone to be held up on a pedestal.  It’s probably not super likely for season 3, but I feel like there’s a least a little bit of a through line here and wanted to mention it.
Key lyrics:
Sift through the annals of our flavored times
Our heroes and all their fatal flaws
Me, Marlon Brando, Marlon Brando and I, sing
Lay me down, down, down, down
Lay me down, down, down, down, down
Help me off to sleep
Take me deep again
Animal (In Time)
Album Version 
This one is admittedly a little out there as a suggestion.  But there's something to me about Carmy’s mental state at the end of s2e10 (“I'm a fucking psycho.  That's why, that's why I'm good at what I do.”) that really speaks to his inner animal, but then adding into that the way that the table scene in S2E9 sets his and Syd’s relationship (in all of its facets) apart and as something that helps instead of hurts his focus…it feels like this song brings both of those elements together.  
Key lyrics:
Hey, what's the big deal?
Tell me how to feel?
I know where we boomeranged and fell from grace
Point me to the stars
I'm up for the chase
I know where we fell on our face
Jump with me, you jump with me
I am vibrating at the speed of light
Take my hand, we'll wind up the night
Spin me, win me, lift me, kiss me
Trip me, trust me, cuss me, judge me
Touch me now, you take my hand
You trust me now, you understand
So, what's the big deal-
I'm an animal
(The answer landed on my rooftop. Whoa.)
I'm an animal
(The future and the truth, on my rooftop. Whoa.)
I'm an animal
(It's calling me to work it out.) (Whoa)
I am vibrating at the speed of light
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zanysmurf · 2 months
Sorry if this has been asked before but what is Zany's Smurf gimmick?
see, you think this would be an easy question to answer and by all means it should be! so get ready for a disjointed one. multiple, even. i just kind of say things here:
my original idea was that he'd have a gimmick similar to flighty (always doing various "zany" activities when he's not helping greedy) or jokey (annoying misc. mischief). "zany" is a word people use to describe like any cartoony nonsense, basically interchangable with "wacky", OR a noun to mean an eccentric person (which he was supposed to be) so it's hard to narrow that down. that was supposed to work to my advantage but at the same time it really didn't LOL
one of zany's activities is taking dares when he's bored and he'll do the dumbest things. jokey likes taking advantage of that and smurfs such as smurfette are like "oh for smurfs sake leave him alone. stop daring him to stick his head in dirt for hours" and greedy would say something like "you shouldn't do that type of stuff you need self control." [a smurf dares him to eat 30 cookies] "30???? i can do more than that"
the thing is: i created zany in 2019 for the sole purpose of interacting with my favorite smurfs / shipping him with greedy. i didn't want to use jokey for that stuff, i wanted something that felt more like me at the time. i was like. having a lot of trouble figuring all this out because i usually just wanted to focus on his dynamic with greedy. in older posts you might see him in scene gear with a patterned bandana because i was generally embracing my younger self back then and self-expression / having fun. he fell under 'smurfs if it was modern' or 'what if a modern day smurf was in the show's canon like a time traveler' au imaginings whenever i wasn't picturing him in the show canon, but i think i've drifted away from that (though i still completely get the appeal of the scene zany design)
speaking of him and jokey, i figured maybe they'd pull pranks together or something and when i learned the historical definition of a zany i was like *JAWDROP*
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anyway: i'd say zany's gimmick was meant to be unpredictable by nature, but he could also be a vehicle for lighthearted poking at the show itself. ie. he'd be in a cage and notice the bars are tall and wide enough apart so he'd just slip right out. greedy/another smurf would say "how did you do that". and he'd shrug. that's more self-aware than i usually go for but if i was making a joke like that i'd want it to be silly
overall zany is a lot of things the show wouldn't allow: peyo hated when hb made new smurfs so a bunch of them never made it into the show / only lasted a while. his design is very simple but says nothing about his gimmick in a way that i feel would piss off both hb AND peyo. (which tbh i was thinking about redesigning him in some way at some point). there was also a bit of dissonance in terms of "i want this character to be more fleshed out than the show would allow, but i treat the other characters a similar way so it's fine" and making jokes like he's just some minor smurf who by all means shouldn't exist in-universe, ie. "omg remember zany he was in scampering smurfs in the background at 5:06". at one point he had a backstory and stuff that really honed in on the latter idea of "he's too different/not supposed to be here" ie. he used to be something other than a smurf or created artificially but i don't think i even like those ideas anymore
in comparison to fan characters/sonas i've made recently, zany is not one i'm particularly proud of. i love him and greedy but everything was suuuuch a mess. as the above demonstrates, i had far too many conflicting ideas. maybe that's part of the joke of who zany is. or maybe one of these days i'll try and give him something more cohesive. we'll see
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maydayissleepy · 5 months
With the semester ending I've got more free time but not more free energy,,, so I've been thinking about music again can't you tell
Anyway. Here's that Starset lyrics I relate to the twins post I promised like a month ago. Most of it is based on my own thoughts about them and my au tbh
And these won't include Every song in each album obviously but I do reccomend listening to them all anyway if rock is your genre
ALBUM- Transmissions
Down with the fallen- (listen recommended)
- includes guttural scream
No particular lyrics I'd like to point out, however because the lyrics suggest the singer is seeking some sort of support for uncertainty, has fallen to a low point in life, has themes of identity in war/death, I will deem it Acronix core
While majority of the song is not stuff I'd totally associate with either of the twins, I do enjoy a few sets of lyrics for Acronix
[If it means the death of me, I won't let go]
[If you just say the word
I'll be there by your side]
. Morro song actually
It has begun-
[But everyone knows by now
Fairy tales are not found
They're written in the walls]
[But nothing could ever stop us
From stealing our own place in the sun
We will face the odds against us
And run into the fear we run from]
My demons-
Acronix core just by the name. I mean c'mon.
Krux core just a touch, mainly because of the beginning  verse
[The more I fight, the more I work
The more I dig into the dirt
To be fed up, to be let down
To somehow turn it all around
But then fate knocks me to my knees
And sets new heights beyond my reach]
The future is now-
Just this one lyric for Krux. As a treat
[I have half a life to rewrite]
Point of no Return- (listen reccommended)
!! Acronix core fr !! A song about being drawn to fight? Absolutely
[There's a memory of how we used to be
That I can see through the flames]
[Embracing the fear, chasing the fight
The glow of the fire will light up the night
The bridges are burning, the heat's on my face
Making the past an unreachable place
Pouring the fuel, fanning the flames
I know, this is the point of no return
It's uncontrollable
Such a beautiful desire
There's something sinister about the way it hurts
When I watch it burn
Because I can't go back
The ashes call my name]
Not included in what I relate to the twins, but I still highly reccomend listening to- Let it die & Telescope
ALBUM- Vessels
Satellite- (listen reccommended)
Okay for this one I'll drag my ocs into the mix, because for these specific lyrics I'd associate with Krux/Roya
[Far across the emptiness I walk the night
And search the silence in the dark you left behind]
[And I won't suppose to know why you walked away]
And. These lyrics I don't relate to anything but they're some of my favorite ever so perceive them anyway
[I seek the stars above the world to be the guides
But they all pale against the light in your eyes]
Frequency- (listen reccommended)
-Includes guttural scream
Actually. More Krux/Roya stuff
[I was scanning through the skies
And missed the static in your eyes]
[And now the silence screams that you are gone
You've tuned me out, I've lost your frequency]
[These memories
They never leave]
Into the unknown-
-includes guttural scream
The beginning verse is actually Acronix in the time vortex guys
Self is fading
Falling back from what I was
Flying through existence
Tumbling towards a burning sun
Something screaming in the distance
Telling me to come
It's calling me]
Gravity of you- (! LISTEN RECCOMMENDED !)
Intro verse? Time twins and the iron doom.
[There's a silencing
As the machine arrives here
I feel it pulling me
I feel the past that's died here
I hear it calling me
"You can come alive here"
I hear it beckoning
Until I am inside]
[A new world is breaking]
Noww the rest of this is Acronix and Cyrus stuff for my au. Because Ow
[I feel you here with me
When all the hope has died here
It's boring holes in me
Enough to get inside]
[To fall in the star is to be nothingness
To escape is to be empty
Fall into the star and then we won't exist
Or escape into the nothing
Your sky
The beauty alone is worth it
I will risk it all to own it]
Back to the Earth-
Not much here because its mainly a song for the instrumentals, but I always associated it with Acronix in the time vortex. The end is so GOOD though. Goddamn can Starset can make a cinematic song
Last to fall-
Krux lryics? Krux lyrics.
[This world is changing
But I'm still the same]
Bringing it down- (listen reccommended)
-includes guttural scream
Ooh okay so Roya lyrics. About Krux
[There's something inside you that isn't right
There's something that haunts your dreams at night
There's something that you have lost
And you're bringing it down
You're bringing it down
On top of us]
In a shocking turn of events, song named Monster has. Krux associated lyrics??
[I've made an art of digging shallow holes
I'll drop the darkness in and watch it grow
My heart's an artifice, a decoy soul
Who knew the emptiness could be so cold?
I've lost the parts of me that make me whole]
Telepathic- (Listen Reccommended)
Pov Acronix has a crush on Cyrus but he doesn't know what the hell that feeling IS and he thinks he just wants to be Really Good Friends with Cyrus because he's Smart
[You had me under spell right from the start
I don't have a telepathic heart]
[But I don't ever know just what we are
I don't have a telepathic heart]
[Give me the words to say to make it enough]
[Should've never felt this way
Cause you're the sun and I'm just a moon
I'm in the dark 'till you light the way]
Everglow- (you already KNOW listen reccommended)
-30. Second. Long. Scream. What more can I say
I dont even relate the lyrics to either of the twins but the scream holy hell. Immediately Acronix core
Not included in what I relate to the twins, but I still highly reccomend listening to- RICOCHET!!!!!
(Btw this is when they started giving each of their songs individual symbols. GOOD SOUP)
I'm finding many more sets of lyrics for Krux rather than than whole songs like with Acronix. Probably because Starset is more themed with futuristic/Space stuff. Anyway. Specific lyrics for Krux again. And Roya. They've been on my mind alot recently ok
[I know life is a journey
So what happened to me?]
[I know life is a journey
But you gave up on me early
Tell me, why were you in such a hurry?
I don't know, I don't know]
*skips basically the entire album*
Diving Bell- (! Listen Reccommended !)
Oooooh ow wait okay Actually. Actually. Krux core. Breaking news this hits closer to how I imagine him dealing with his problems more than I ever imagined
Just. The entire song ok (except for versions with the "wake me when the new day comes" bit at the end. Ignore that)
Songs I don't particularly relate to the twins but I still recommend listening to- Other worlds than these, Faultline, Telekinetic
Devolution- (listen reccommended :) )
-includes guttural scream
Krux lyrics yippee!
[We've been burying the pages
We've been trying to erase this
Built a wall between the truth and us
And it's not enough]
Symbiotic- (listen reccommended)
I have no good reason to call this one Acronix core but I will and you can't stop me
Dreamcatcher- (listen reccommended)
Cyrus song Actually. I relate it to how the Overlord stuff in season 3 effected him, it likely making him much more cautious about how he's developing his technology and keeping it out of the wrong hands, likely feeling a sort of duty or obligation to do so and work even harder because of the trouble it had already caused ninjago.
[I know I can't fix what's broken
If I just pretend to try
I'll follow the path I've chosen
Searching in the endless night]
Something Wicked-
-includes guttural scream
For Krux, It was mostly here for some stuff for an early draft of my au but there's still alot about it that I love
[I've been digging through the dirt that was left behind
I've been dredging through the mud for it]
[How can I tell if the sky is falling?
How can I fix what there is no mending?
How can I tell if I am not well?
I've lost myself
I have come undone]
[And all of the horses
And all of the men
Won't put it back in place
Or bury it where it had been
When all of the forces
Have been overrun
You'll whisper, serpent tongue
What you fear you have become]
Songs I don't relate to the twins but still reccommend listening to- Icarus, Infected, The Breach, and Otherworldly.
And a NOTE about Otherworldly, Has one of the song bits ever, 2:57 to 4:10. Good Soup.
I'm not gonna go into their singles or MNQN for now but perhaps in the future
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dotthings · 1 year
Want to add to the Hunter discourse that I don't consider this bad writing. It’s fine to be frustrated by Hunter—that’s kind of part of the point of the arc. I love Hunter, he’s one of my favorite clones, and in my meta posts on TBB I’ve more than once commented on his micro focus on his familial circle only, while Echo represents caring for a bigger picture as well. And how Hunter seems very locked down emotionally.
Echo isn’t either/or about what he cares for. Echo cares a lot about his brothers too, it’s that Echo has embraced caring for a greater good along with that. Hunter is trying to stay locked down so hard, and if you watch him closely, this has been going on a while. He feels deeply, and consciously tries to keep his feelings in check, to think and act like a soldier, to keep it together to keep his family safe. And he does care about more than just that. (Which I'll get back to later in this post)
Quick review, first they lost Crosshair, and Hunter cared. He always cared. They got some hope of getting Crosshair back so they go to save Crosshair, and because of that mission, Tech dies. So now they’ve lost Tech, trying to save Crosshair, and suddenly Hunter is ready to give up and go live on Pabu. He wants to quit fighting. Because as far as they know Tech is dead*--from Hunter's pov Tech is dead, gone, not coming back. Then the empire captures Omega, and that galvanizes Hunter again, because she’s captured and alive.
*Tech Lives truther. Hemlock used Tech's goggles to taunt Hunter. We haven't seen the body. There are support towers for that tram system, Tech could have slowed his fall. That's my story I'm sticking with it.
It’s not that he no longer wants to save Crosshair. He does. But losing Tech yanked the ground out from under him, again, very hard. He needed yet another immediate, rescueable crisis in front of him to get him moving again--which is saving Omega. It's not that he cares about Omega and not Crosshair.
Hunter's been mourning Crosshair, and showed that if there is a chance to get him back, he'll take it. He took it, and it cost him another brother. Add it up.
Look at Wrecker and how openly expressive he is. Wrecker doesn’t self-regulate much. He feels and he shows how he feels, he groans and stomps and slumps his shoulders and if he's sad or happy you hear about it. Wrecker looked so defeated in the season finale, it was heartbreaking to see. Yet Wrecker, who isn’t hiding his feelings, doesn't seem nearly as defeated as Hunter, who tries to keep it all together at all times and regulates his emotionally expression carefully.
It’s a character arc. And TBB is slowly unpacking, and doing a character study, on Hunter.
Hunter needs to express the pain he’s in. He needs to let that out, but the current circumstances, with crisis piled on crisis and losing more of his family, doesn't seem like the time yet. The arc isn't finished.
His caring about his immediate family unit is admirable. It’s also a way to hide. Do the missions to make the money so that family unit can survive, period. Save family, don’t think about all the families in the galaxy who are in pain. If they incidentally harm the interests of the bad guys, fine. But Hunter doesn’t think outside his own bubble.
It’s because he cares. If he lets in how much it hurts losing loved ones, if he starts thinking too much about what the empire is doing to so many families, to so many people. It’ll be unbearable.
It's fine to be frustrated, but it’s not bad writing. It’s the character’s arc. It’s Hunter.
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risustravelogue · 2 years
Performance's End
Tartaglia saved Lumine from a deadly ambush, but at what cost?
Childe, Lumine
My very first Genshin fic! TW: Character death. Happy ending? What's that? Original post here.
🔗 AO3 | masterlist 🔗
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“Hah. That was good. Really good.”
The Delusion stopped shining. She rushed to his side, embracing him before his feet touched the ground. Gently, she let him down, cradling his head in her arms.
“Did you enjoy the show?” he said, grinning from ear to ear.
Before she had the chance to retort, blood started to trickle from his nose. Her eyes widened in horror. 
“Ah,” he sighed. His expression turned solemn. “Looks like this is it for me.”
A sharp pain went through her chest. She gritted her teeth. 
“Tar—no, Ajax, you liar.”
“Lumi, I—”
“You—you said you’re going to beat me…” She shook her head. “We could have taken them down together. There was no need for you to use—”
His battle-scarred hand rose to her cheek, wiping her tears to no avail.
“You know that only I am allowed to defeat you in battle,” he said, the corners of his mouth forming the best cocky grin he could muster. “There’s no way I’m going to let them get you, no matter how minute the possibility was.”
“You idiot,” she sobbed. “You’ve fought me countless times. You know I’m not that fragile.”
He chuckled weakly.
“Those huge claws were about to tear your gut to pieces. I—” he choked. His eyes turned dark. “I couldn’t let that happen to you.”
“And you think I can let this happen to you?” Her voice broke. “You’re a cruel, twisted bastard, you know that?”
“I know.”
“This is by far the evilest thing you’ve done to me.”
“Really now.”
She pulled his face closer to hers. He tugged at her hair, softly asking her to close the distance between them. She obliged, pressing her lips onto his.  When she pulled away, his baby blue eyes were drenched with silent tears.
“You are the light of my life, you know that?”
She could only let out a bawl as she nodded. With the last of his strength, he put his hand behind her head, pulling her into another kiss. She only pulled away when his arms fell with a soft thud.
She buried her face in the nook of his neck, savoring the last of his warmth. And as his breathing slowed to a stop, it went away, never to return.
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Original end note:
So… I wrote a really short Chilumi fic.
I’ve had this (probably already overused) plot bunny ever since I unlocked Tartaglia's "About Us: Survival" voice line and played through his story quest, but I just got around to actually writing it yesterday. It's actually a short angsty fancomic concept (which I’ll draw… someday), but @nire-the-mithridatist told me I should post it anyway :)
Hope you enjoyed it! :)
Additional end note:
I still haven't gotten around to working on the comic because I'm busy being an Alhaitham simp doing other things haha... ahahahaha... At this point, I don't know if I'll ever do it. I guess we'll see.
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© @risustravelogue 2023 • no to reposting, yes to reblogging. feel free to send an ask to suggest, chat, etc. :)
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