#at this point my arm is kinda hurting and need to rest... i can't draw him atm :(
melonimili · 8 months
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they are ready for the halloween party 🎃
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brwnicons · 2 years
Could I request Jesse with a ftm trans reader (or just male reader if you're not comfortable writing for a trans guy reader) that's got like, funky lil habits? They'll do a little jig out if nowhere or start tapping their feet like a duck when excited. Bite him when they're feeling affectionate and rub their face all over Jesse's in another affectionate manner? I think it's just cuz I'm a funky lil autistic guy but I'd love to just headbutt him and tackle him down with a hug as well.
Just kinda. Feral and quirky. I'd ask him to use his hands as my bra just out of nowhere too because I'm like that.
I hope this isn't too confusing aaaaaa 😭😭
☆ Of course I'm comfortable with it! I'm trans myself so I love seeing some representation around <3☆
Jesse x Trans!Male Reader
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-> Summary: Jesse and his boyfriend's funky little habits
Headcanons, scenarios. Male reader, Fluff. I can't remember if it's mentioned but reader is trans!
-> Warnings: If I catch you fetishizing mlm relationships or tagging this as yaoi or any homophobic slur you go blocked. Same goes with transphobic behaviour.
Please tell me if you find any mistake!
-> You have the purest soul he has ever met.
▪︎ Your habits make his heart melt
▪︎If he sees you doing a little jig while a smile is spread across your face and an improvised melody leaves your lips, he won't be able to resist the need to hug you tightly.
▪︎ "Jesse!", you squeal as his arms embrace you, "You're squeezing me!"
▪︎ The least he wants is to hurt you so he'll stop at the moment and do a quick check, he got worried.
-> Duck feet tapping
▪︎He knows you are pretty energetic so he won't suggest you to be around him when he is working in his office
▪︎But, if you want to stay there, he won't complain either. He just begs you to don't talk so he doesn't get distracted from his work.
▪︎So, when you happen to be around when he's doing paperwork (maybe you wanted to spend time with him or you are just curiously exploring the room) and you're not sat on his lap as usual, you take your time to wander around the room. You head to a dark wooden bookshelf at the side of his room, where your sight meets a silver decorative sword and a couple of gifts you gave him.
▪︎tap...tap...tap -Your taps start, they're are only a few at first and Jesse notices but, since they don't bother him, he doesn't tell you anything. As seconds pass, your sounds get faster- taptaptaptaptapta
▪︎Jesse calls your attention by knocking on the table he is working on with his knuckles and your tapping stops.
▪︎'See something you like?'
▪︎You swing your arms lightly before pointing with your head at your presents laying on the shelf.
▪︎"Those are mine" you say sheepishly
▪︎Jesse follows your gaze and finds what you were talking about. He chuckles softly and shakes his head.
▪︎His hand reaches for his desk drawer and once he opens it, he gives you a "come here" gesture.
▪︎'I carefully keep all of them. I've also go some in the glove compartment in my car for when I'm out' he signs as he shows you a bunch of drawings, little shiny rocks and tiny objects.
▪︎Your tapping starts again, making him chuckle softly. You give him a huge grin before sinking in his arms to give him a big hug, your tapping never ceasing.
-> Ñam -biting him
▪︎He is so confused the first time you do it
▪︎You were laying with him on his designer couch. Jesse was doing something on his computer and your head rested on his lap, your hands busy scrolling through some social media. His left arm was on your face, his hand stroking your cheek gently.
▪︎One time his hand got near your mouth and without thinking, you sank your fangs on his finger. He instantly retired his hand and looked up confused, worried that he might have bothered you.
▪︎"Why have you stopped?"
▪︎'You bit me...'
▪︎"Oh, sorry -Did I hurt you?"
▪︎Once you explain it to him he's completly fine with you giving him little chomps from time to time, he thinks it's cute, you look like a little puppy.
-> Rubbing your face all over his
▪︎The first you did it was probably while you were cuddling in bed, about to go to sleep.
▪︎He thinks it's very cute, and seeing your wide grin while you do it makes it totally worth it.
▪︎Honestly, I think this is his favourite little habit of yours.
▪︎He adopted your gesture and will also rub his face on yours!! He loves doing it when he is tickling you or when you're cuddling.
▪︎It always manages to make you giggle and laugh and he couldn't ask for more
-> Hugs
▪︎There's nothing he loves more than your hugs.
▪︎The moment that he hears the fast tapping on the floor approaching him, he quickly turns to your direction to catch you in his arms and receive your hug
▪︎You'll have to try hard if you want to tackle him, this man's a brick wall
▪︎Alas, if you catch him when he's having a bit less of balance and you succeed in tackling him, he will explode into giggles as he hugs you and rubs your head playfully
You really couldn't dream of a better partner.
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
Pleas we need a continuation of that one cute Arthur x sister reader but please make it a bit angstier by killing of the reader-
I know that sounds weird but i just need some angst rn wnd your writing style is just too perfekt
I accidentally got carried away and kinda went with tommy's grief as the central focus! hope you enjoy!!!
“every time grief steals my breath, i remind myself that love was worth the pain.”
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"Tommy," Arthur pokes his head into Tommy's small Heath office, "You’ll have to come out of here eventually."
Tommy wants to roll his eyes and on any normal occasion, he might have. Not today though, not this time. This time his heart aches too much, his eyes are far too dry and above all else, his heart hurts more than he has ever known. For once maybe, Tommy and Arthur are feeling something similar. Of course both men went off to fight in the trenches and both experienced extreme trauma that they've brought home with them as a result, however both felt and dealt with these things really differently.
Tommy drove himself into the ground with work as he attempted to climb a ladder that genuinely had no end point, no last step and no winners trophy so that he doesn't have to face the fact he now has no faith, no belief and an uncertain sense of where his purpose in this world lay. Arthur turned to drinking and fighting and desperately trying to void his mind of the memories of the things he's done or had to do in his past.
This time? This time is just... different.
This time, both brothers shared the exact same experience. They both watched the same tragedy unfold, playing out like the treacherous end of the most horrific movie in front of their very eyes. Like the kind of nightmare you can't wake up from no matter how terrifying.
Since Tommy had to hold the one person he loved most in the world as the life literally bled out of her body while she cried that she didn't want to die, there hadn't been a day where he would spend with anyone else. One might assume the head of the family would turn to those who loved him, those who believed in him when the rest of the world was against him, in order to somehow begin to process this scale of a loss. But to assume that would be to not know Thomas Shelby at all.
The former Sergeant Major, the man with the plan and three plans to follow if the first one didn't work - the leader - was out of ideas, drawing blanks. He couldn't find comfort in his family. One way or another, they all looked like you. The manner of Ada's speech, she taught you how to sound like the educated young lady you were. Polly's ferocious determination, John's jokes, Finn's innocence, Michael's smarts, Arthur's temper. You were in everyone, tangled throughout the existence and wrapped up in the lives of the family even though you no longer could be here tangled within their arms. You were firmly knotted into the Shelby clan, so present and yet so far away. Too far to be touched, but never far enough to not be felt.
The only place left in the world that the head of the family can feel any semblance of life is in the woods, under the tree that sheds it's orange autumn leaves around a polished marble headstone with his youngest sisters name carved into it. Kept clean, surrounded by flowers and visited every day. It's the place where he feels you most and not just because it's where you are.
Tommy used to bring you here when you were much smaller, watching Arthur throw you into piles of leaves while Ada climbed the trees in a race with John. It was probably one of the only places in the world that the Shelby family could exist together peacefully, only more so now that they had chosen it as your resting place. There, Tommy can drown out the loud bang, those cries and the last heart wrenching 'I love you' that he ever got to hear from your blood coated lips. Instead, he can hear the chirping of birds and somewhere far off in his mind; he can hear your laughter and your voice speaking through the wind, carrying warmth to the coldest parts of his heart.
Some might say he was losing his marbles, hearing his dead sister, but he knew it wasn't like that. Though, it did feel as though he was losing his mind. Not in the sense of being crazy, but in the manner that his whole world and everything he held so dear had come crumbling down at his feet again. No surprise to the Shelby man, however. That was his life, stuck on a loop of immeasurable tragedy.
Tommy barely acknowledges Arthur’s words, simply standing from his desk chair and throwing on his jacket before making his way to the door where he can push past his elder brother harshly. “Tommy where are you-”
The raven haired man cuts his wife off when he strides past her as well. “Out.” He mutters, “Don’t wait up.”
In front of the marble grey headstone, Tommy isn’t sure what he should say. He knows all the words he has in his vocabulary could never say enough to tell you how much he wishes you were here. There aren’t enough in the world to convey how much he loves you, nor enough to describe the things he would do to bring you back here to him. Thomas Shelby has lived with a weight on his shoulder for all of his life. The man has lived with agony every day of his existence. So far in that existence, he has never once felt pain like this, not felt heaviness on his shoulders so impossible to carry, nor has he ever felt it so impossible to survive, to breathe when there is no physical ailment plaguing him.
This grief feels physical. Your death is killing him from the inside out and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
"Fuck." He breathes, his word turning merely to a cloud of air against his cold winter surrounding as the only evidence any word had ever existed in such a heavy silence. "Fucking hell, (y/n). We're completely lost without you, you know that? We could've survived without me. We would be fine without me. We can't live without you? I am so fucking angry at you and you're not even fucking here to hear about it."
Tommy feels bad for swearing at your gravestone, but he feels worse about resenting you for your avoidable death. Well, suppose he doesn't resent you. He just resents that you died and he resents that you're now not here. He'll never get to see you again, feel that relief he can only feel when you were stood there in front of him cracking jokes or safe and protected right there in his arms. Tommy raised you from a child, and now he's lost you and it truly feels worse than anything he could have ever have imagined.
The man who was already poorly enough mentally before is ruined. He can't seem to catch a wink of sleep. You're in his thoughts constantly and no prayers, no thinking of you's, no sorry for your losses or sympathy cards and rooms full of flowers make anything any lighter. The flowers were actually real. Actually full of grief and people who truly will miss you. Never like Tommy does.
No one will ever miss you like Tommy does.
Because everybody loved you. From the wives of the friends he lost in the war all the way to rival politicians and frenemies he made along the way. You were one of those special ones that everybody reckoned had a scary premonition for good. You were going to do so much good in the world that it scared these bad men, but so many of them recognised you as out of bounds.
Even Alfie Solomons, who Tommy recognises has left a bouquet of flowers down by your stone. He knows it is Alfie who left those flowers because when they spoke on the phone, Alfie expressed that he was sorry for your loss. And this time he actually is sorry. He is sorry because his heart aches every time he thinks about the little Shelby girl you were when he met and the strong, powerful young woman you were when you dove in front of that bullet that was never meant for you. Alfie had nothing to do with any of the events that led to your death and if he could, he would have changed everything about that day. That's how Tommy knows who those flowers are from. They're the flowers that you gifted to Alfie as a child when you first met him with Tommy at a time when there was no one else to watch out for you and leaving you alone was not an option.
You being alone was never an option.
And now here you were. Tommy doesn't know if you're alone now. He thinks you might not be. He thinks you're probably with your mother and John. He reckons that you and your pesky older brother go around haunting the old houses of the enemies your brothers made in their lifetimes. The officers who were never in the trenches and never had to face the things that left John scarred. Tommy had this image in his head of John slamming doors in old houses and knocking vases off of window ledges to torment people while you tidy up after him like you always have done.
Tommy feels you with him here, and always. But mostly here. Here, its like you're right there in front of him if he keeps his eyes closed, he can almost hear your voice sweeping through the wind.
Or maybe he's just going completely insane, eh?
"I remember you every day, sweetheart. Everyday. Everyday I remember you and everyday I love you. But now," Tommy's voice trails off so he can clear his throat and try not to cry as he looks up to the sky coloured in every different shade of grey, just like his entire life since you left it. "Now I have to remember you for long-" He chokes up again, tears sliding down his cheeks with his jaw going slack and his lips trembling. "For longer than I got to know you."
"And I don't know how to do it, my little love I truly do not."
Thomas Shelby used to be the man with the plan who knew it all, now he feels as though there is nothing in the world that he does know.
He truly does know nothing but one single thing now.
He knows that every time grief steals his breath, he will remind himself that loving you? Well, loving you was worth the pain.
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backtoyuta · 3 years
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NCT 127: at a frat party
❁ [Taeil] Introverted confidant; Taeil is the guy you go to to seek solace in when you're not really feeling the vibe. Maybe the music sucked, the drinks weren't having an effect on you or it was too rowdy, whatever the problem was you could always sneak away or locate him somewhere a little quieter and just observe the mess from a distance. He'll laugh appreciatively if you took the initiative to sneak some snacks or drinks laid out and ruffle you hair playfully to thank you, making astute remarks about how drunk his friends are and groan about how he'll probably have to carry one of them home later. It's likely that you'll both be stuck with the task of making sure everyone gets home safe, shove bread in someone's mouth in hopes of it helping somehow even if you're not totally sober yourself. Maybe he gets really into the party once in a while, and when he does he benignly encourages you to let loose yourself and join in the fun, however it's almost always a guarantee that you'll end up taking a breather from the noise together in the garden, the part of the living room that isn't occupied, in desperate situations a random storage cupboard (Everybody got the wrong idea with that one) (No, you never quite lived it down). It's a nice feeling to see his expression perk when he finally sees you, the quick hug you always exchange, the knowing glances when your social batteries are already dying and its time to dip.
❁ [Johnny] Life of the party; Being the extroverted king he is, Johnny is the guy you might end up holding onto his sleeve for most of the night, figuratively. The guy that knows everyone, he'll happily adopt you if you look like you feel out of your depth and kindly make you a drink and usher you towards a group to try and let loose. Being with Johnny means a lot of attention, being introduced to people here and there and him playfully picking on you during drinking games, volunteering to make a fool of himself when someone dares you to do something a little too outrageous. Johnny is the comfort you need whilst simultaneously the reason for your death because drunk Johnny means a lot of shameless flirting and eye contact from across the kitchen counter, as well as keeping you close to his side and out of reach when someone else tries the same thing on you. At some heinous hour in the morning the rooms are considerably emptier, discarded cups everywhere and chiller music is humming from the bluetooth speakers, you could kid yourself that it was just you two even though you're sitting in a pool of people. His arm swung casually around your shoulders, "Did you have a good time?" Falling from his mouth slightly slurred and giving you an affectionate squeeze and a lazy kiss to the top of your head when you nod your head yes.
❁ [Taeyong] Hangover mum no. 1; We all know Taeyong has his maternal vibe going on, but lest we forget he too is a guy in his mid twenties looking for a good time. That being said, he wasn't surprised when Johnny dropped you off to his charge, the smell of alcohol radiating off of you, your appearance looking a lot more fragile from what he remembered when you first arrived that evening. He was incredibly patient, letting you rest in his bedroom while you sipped your water, salty pretzels at the ready for when you got the munchies and if disaster struck, he didn't judge when he pushed your hair back for a tactical chunder. He would assure you that you weren't keeping him from his friends when it had been a little while, and would keep a close eye on you when you rejoin the group, just a cup of lemonade in your grasp as a means of preventing a relapse. He's the guy that doesn't pressure you to join during drinking games, is perfectly content to give you his hoodie and let you sidle up to him as means of comfort and just observe everyone else admitting to disgusting truths during Never Have I Ever. At the end of the night he walks to your pace, will listen and hum attentively at any drunken musings that fall out of your mouth he knows you'll regret telling him tomorrow.
❁ [Yuta] King of the drinking games; Yuta isn't the type to shy away from a good time, and he's always front and centre when it comes to lowkey humiliating himself in Ring of Fire, truth or dare, or any of the classics. His confidence outweighs the most disgusting things he's admitted to doing, the embarrassment of what someone dared him to do and you've never seen someone chug a drink with so much gusto. Always manages to come up with the most evil questions, hitting right where it hurts and you dread when his turn rolls around again and his gaze lands on you. He's impressed when you take up his dares with dignity, or admit shamelessly to any hidden tattoos or piercings. If you caught his interest, will switch on the scorpio and keep his gaze trained on you for the rest of the night, will try and pry any information out of you by keeping you included in conversations and will 100% invite you to his room when the party is over. His demeanour reads as chaotic, he thrives being around his friends, but you somehow manage to unlock that calmer more intuitive part of him when he catches you outside the bathroom to check that he didn't go too far during one of the infamous games being played in the living room.
❁ [Doyoung] Hangover mum no.2; We've all seen the sweet and caring side of Doyoung jump out before, so if you're on your merry way towards being wasted he can't help but intervene to make sure you're ok. Don't be fooled though, he doesn't really have the patience of Taeyong, so expect a whole lotta tough love. He won't hesitate to flick you on the forehead when you get a little too in his face, though he deliberately doesn't do it too hard. Inadvertently gives off the impression that you're a nuisance as he scoffs and sighs at you weeping over a packet of crisps, has to later make a point of assuring you that "you're fine, you should just know better". There's an air of fondness that lingers when you settle down a bit and start to enjoy yourself at a more acceptable level of tipsiness and he insists that he walks you home. "Begrudgingly" hands over his jacket when you complain about being cold even though that was his plan all along, and takes mental notes of all the ridiculous drunken comments you make so he can torment you with them later.
❁ [Jaehyun] The guy who may or may not be responsible for your death; One thing about Jaehyun, he's the guy who's terrible at mixing drinks. Don't look at Johnny, he won't help you, when you asked for sex on the beach expect anal on the rocks because Jaehyun knows jack shit about ratio of alcohol to mixer. Don't worry too much, as much as it's his fault for accidentally getting you trashed, he takes as much responsibility for looking after you and making sure you have a good time. Lowkey turns into a frat boy cliche, the hat is on backwards and he's already tugging your arm to coerce you into being his partner for beer pong. He drinks most of the cups whenever you lose to make up for the terrifying concoctions he had you drink earlier and celebrates over excessively when you win by wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and lifting you in to the air slightly. His harmless nice chad vibes make for good company and there's the tingly feeling of chemistry when he laughs loudly at your jokes, eyes turning into little crescents and dimples popping, he watches proudly and thinks "that's my girl" when you make all his friends laugh with you.
❁ [Jungwoo] Level 300 clinger; whether you're moving between groups, leaving to get more food, or shifting to get a better view of the beer pong table, Jungwoo will find a way to squeeze in next to you some way some how. You can always feel an arm ghosting around your waist or around your shoulders, or hear his giggle right there beside your ear. After spending so much time on your feet, you both eventually flop on the sofa, a tangled mess of limbs whilst you try and catch your breath. People keep asking if you're together because of the excessive physical contact, and you hate how he thrives at you scrambling awkwardly for an answer to convey that wasn't the case while he just smiles innocently, making no effort to debunk the comments. There's a high chance that if either of you end up staying over in the other's house, he'll make sure he'll consensually sleep right there next to you, talking randomly about any topic that crosses his mind until you fall asleep. The mornings involve laughing at each other's bed head until you tune into your hangover's, sharing the one bottle of water while scrambling for painkillers and nagging at each other for not cutting either of you off when you went too far.
❁ [Mark] Lightweight; to keep it short and simple, Mark Lee proved himself to be a bit of a lightweight from the get-go, and now here you were, the room dim and bass thumping while Mark laughs loudly at whatever Johnny was saying and you haven't even been there for an hour yet. Mark is the guy that is kinda hard to keep track of, you thought you saw him in the kitchen but now he's messing around with Haechan in the garden and each time you regroup with him he's even more drunk than before. He always finds you eventually, maybe you were taking a load off at the snack table, munching crisps and replying to texts when a lanky arm swings over your shoulders and Mark's smily face is way too close to your line of sight asking if you're OK. If he feels he's neglected you for too long he overcompensates by ushering you to his current group and making a point of pulling a fold out chair right next to his, his laugh dominating the conversation even if the joke wasn't that funny. When the night draws to a close, he settles down, the lack of people taking a toll on his energy and that's where he engages in conversations way too deep for a frat party and way too personal for just friends, though you never worried, there was no way he would remember any of this tomorrow.
❁ [Haechan] Partner in crime; That one friend who you end up hanging with the whole night, even if that wasn't the intention. Haechan doesn't fear drunkenness, it doesn't seem like he fears anything, and he'll always without fail drag you down with him. He's the guy that cheers obnoxiously when you down your shot, always picks on you in the drinking games because he loves to see you embarrassed and the one you sneak away with to try cigarettes even if it turns out you don't really like them. His famous last words are always "I'll do it if you do it" and that's the story of how you both ended up jumping into a neighbour's pool completely wasted, and now hoarding the bottle of tequila. Haechan is the guy that kind of makes you make a complete fool out of yourself, but always assures you that nobody will remember by the morning and to just live in the moment. Your favourite part of these frat parties is always looking through your photos the next day and laughing at all the horrendous selfies and videos he took before you noticed he had your phone for the last 15 minutes.
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
(TW : Bullying)
Random and dark headcanons about Shuu Sakamaki
If you are not comfortable with those themes please just scroll, I don't want to make anyone uneasy, it's for fiction and fantasies only, Shuu is in NO WAY meant to be portrayed in real life, he is not a good person and none of his actions are acceptable.
In which you're a bride living in the Sakamaki manor :
- His voice is really low, much lower and raspier than his voice in the anime, it just makes more sense to me because he's always sleepy and horny, sadly he's the one who speaks the less (like, sir, just keep your mouth open and never shut up 👄🔪)
- He's just so disgusted everytime Reiji come near him that he's always scrunching his nose for a split second and then furrows his brows as if he smelled something bad but it's just Reiji (🤣🤣) and four eyes get even more mad.
- If your staring at him for too long he will stare back at you and look at you up and down. Now, there's two type of look, there is the "gtfo of my face, you're burning my eyes" (which is kinda hot in its own way 👉👈) and the "I'm horny as hell, keep staring at me I will mount you, female." And I don't know how, but he notice everything, you can try and  be unnoticeable by looking at him and then looking away but when your looking back at him again, he's staring right at your soul like 👁-👁 (sir pls stop you're scaring me)
- He have bedroom eyes like, 90 % of the times, Shuu always seems to be in his own reality with his closed eyes and earphones, he somehow look zooted (on sleep and sex uhu, anyways letmeshutup)
- He's the king of side-eye, if you bother his slumber he will give you the saltiest, hottest, coldest side-eye, it'll make you tear up. My theory is that he can make people crumble with just a look. (and that's on 💫trauma💫)
- Now that we're on the subject of tears, Shuu loves them (you monster) and try a lot of things mainly out of boredom and just to randomly see you cry because why not. And him being a teaser + dacryphilia is the worst thing you can ask for. Because when the oldest lay his interest on someone, I think that the rest of the brothers kinda back off to  not make him angry (they're not suicidal gud gud) so you're just getting bullied by him and everyone is just watching.
- For example when you walk past him, he'll pinch your thighs and it always hurts so bad and leaves red/purple spots or just grab your wrist and hold it really hard till you cry and beg him to not break it. And sometimes he'll just plainly ignore you which can be worst because it's always leaving you with the impression that something's gonna fall upon you when you least expect it. (Not mister playing as the Fates) And if you try to avoid him, he's going to catch up on it pretty fast and suddenly you're seeing him everywhere and he's not going to limit his torture to the manor, even in school he will find ways to terrorize you. He will say the lewdest, dirtiest things to you like its nothing or will just sneak up on you and touch your butt in the hall. (You need to keep an eye on him like the bogeyman). It's just a game for him, he's bored and you're the perfect prey to toy with.
- Yeah also he doesn't care about consent... just like the rest of his demonic gremlins of brothers, resisting him just makes it more fun for him. But if you are actually getting aggressive like pulling his hair, slapping him or scratching his skin he'll put out his knife (he gon look at you like dis 🔵👄🔵🔪) and will threatens to kill you really slowly. A thing about his knife, is that admin once said that he's carrying it everywhere, so he can just pull it out of idk where and rub it on your skin, threatening silently to slit your throat at any moment. There is always that one kid who like to draw on people's arms with a marker in school, Shuu does the same with his knife, you have little cuts here and there because of him.
- He's manipulative and merciless, you can pour your heart out to him and tell him how something just broke you and he's gonna look at you like "and what does it got to do with me?" or just fall asleep on you. He picks a lot on your insecurities just because he knows where it hurts (he doesn't really think it, he don't care lol) and will talk to you with such a mocking/condescending tone, as if your stupid and its not like you can complain about it.
- Shuu appears at the most random times and just ask you to do things that HE'S supposed to do. And you can either do your thing and he won't care or be bothered that you disobeyed and will punish you. Admin mentioned it often, how one of the scariest thing with Shuu is the unlimited feeling of uncertainty, you really never know. One day he's cool with you and the other he's not.
- Remember when Shuu talked about seduction ? He said that its the difference between him and Laito. Laito thrives off people's fear and disgust of him and he will force himself upon them, and with Laito, you're mainly scared of him. But with Shuu, there is something quite exciting about him being around you and just giving you his attention. (Idk how to explain it, it's the Shuu Effect 🦋) Sometimes you can even feel like you have a choice, when you really don't. He's guilt-tripping you a lot of the time and you don't realize it sometimes and think that it's your decision, but honey...
- When he starts to get use to you, use to you taking care of him and use to your presence that's when the trickiest part comes up. He can either, get bored of you so he'll probably leave you alone giving green signals to his brothers to do whatever they want (or he kills you) or he's falling in love.
- You know that he's falling in love with you when he's more around you to the point when he's the only face that you're seeing and his brothers are just avoiding you like the plague, everyone does, it's like, even humans have a gut feeling that being around you won't bring them good because of the scary demon behind you. (Well if you listen to him it's more of a "You're the one obsessed with me and not the opposite" but yk), he's going to insult you every ten seconds because you looked at an alive being "I'm not looking at you for ten seconds and you're already whoring yourself out ? Pathetic." (But really, it's the poSseSsiViTy), I can also see him as being more touchy in a way but it varies, it don't necessarily mean that Shuu would go tender on you.
- He built a wall around him (like attack on titan type of wall duh, Wall Maria I see you 🙄) to block and repulse any being who wants to be close to him, so when he realizes that he's falling in love with you (and hard because Shuu don't have the concept of limit) he will probably get scared and would try to back off, scare you, being even more brutal because he need to know, need to be sure, how willing you are to be with him. He can't handle a deception and also I feel like he is pretty aware of his mental state and he is deeply scared of losing you and losing himself completely in the same boat.
- When he starts to really care for you, I think that he will start to have nightmares again, especially about Edgar and other stuff involving you because how scared he is. Which bring me to an article that admin about Shuu mastering aftercare, it's 100% logic that he's with you and whispering sweet nothing till he sure that you are safe and asleep with him.
- When his shell starts to crack, it's when he's going to be as his probably most vulnerable state when you can just see how much the paranoia, the possessivity and all the trauma cloud his mind. He will still try to test you for some time and just kinda...still observing like a predator (but with more of a lovesick turn) till he's certain that you will not betray him. And don't take it personally, that's just how he is, everything has been taken away from him, all the happiness, all the color were sucked out of his life, and when there is a real opportunity of getting this happiness back he doesn't play. Literally, Shuu can not handle losing someone important again or he will go full-on Kanato insane. That's why he drown himself in sex and sleep, to not think, that's why he always have sound in his earbuds, to not hear the silence. Its not Shuu's fault that Edgar is dead, it's not his fault if the German shepherd got killed, it's not his fault if his mother didn't took care of his brother, but he'll still take the blame. (Well maybe not for Reiji but you get it.)
Thanks to everyone who manages to read it through and have a good day and remember that you're loved and worthy ❤😌
((I honestly LOVE how you emphasize the canon aspect that Shu has NO LIMITS. Or he LOVES you to the point of obsession, or no deal. That IS Shu... And I'm scared about the person I'm becoming but the ones about how scary he actually is while statically staring at you?... Was hot... O///O ???))
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gallickingun · 4 years
May I request a Praise kink! Dom! Mirio x Reader drabble that doesn't use Sunshine as a nickname? (My mom's name is Sunshine and I feel icky about being called it){I'm sorry if this breaks a rule in your ask system but I can't access them from mobile}
a/n: of course! i didn’t do as much size kink with this one and focused more on the praise. i hope you like it! 💕 also when did i become a mirio blog like damn this is so long lol 
tw: praise kink; soft dom!mirio; daddy kink (i’m sO SORRY I CAN’T HELP IT); sub!reader; fingering; oral; kinda a crybaby reader? idk if that’s a tw now, but i did want to just put it here!
ps, reminder that ~drabble requests~ are open! currently accepting for bnha, haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, a:tla, & dragon ball!
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“That’s it,” Mirio’s voice is like honey in your ears, dripping down your spine to pool in your stomach, settling hot and heavy against your insides. He kisses your cheek and leans back on his thighs to watch where his fingers have speared your cunt wide open, “That’s my girl, look at how pretty you are all laid out for me.”
He pauses, and then tilts his head, blue eyes swirling with something akin to frantic worry, “It is just for me, i’nnit baby?”
“Y-Yeah, yeah!” You squeeze your eyes shut so hard it pushes your tears from your ducts, and a moan is ripped from your lungs as his second knuckles push deeper into your swollen lips. When you get your bearings straight, and are able to look him in the eye again, your lower lip is wobbling but you manage to push more words out despite yourself, “J-Just for you, T-Toga-”
Mirio cuts your stuttering sentence short with a warm, firm kiss to your lips. His mouth is searing hot, and your noses bump when he presses too eagerly into you. Your jaw falls slack as his digits piston forward, thick and slick, and nearly rip another orgasm from your belly while his mouth is preoccupied with your bared neck.
You know that there will be dozens of marks littered across your body in the morning, but you don’t have the wherewithal to tell him to quit. Your skin is simmering with a wanton heat, insatiable in your need to have him closer, closer, closer. It’s concerning how no matter how many times he helps you fall apart, you’re still yearning for more. 
He huffs out a breath, releasing the cleft of skin he had captured between his teeth so he can look down at you - breathless and beautiful and begging, still - and that beautiful grin overtakes his features, stretching pink lips to bare beautiful pearlescent teeth. You reach a palm up out of instinct alone, a wobbly elbow barely able to hold you anything close to steady, “I-I love you, Togata, I l-love, I love you.”
Mirio tils his head so he can kiss you on the wrist. Your pulse point stutters underneath his mouth and he revels in the knowledge that only he has the capability to wear you down in such a way that has you pleading for another piece of his soul, as if yours might not be whole without him there to fill the gaps. He sighs, warm breath spilling down the length of your forearm and driving a shiver up your spine.
“I love you, too, sweetheart,” his voice is gravelly, like it hurts to push out the words, but he repeats them regardless, this time looking into your glassy eyes so you know he’s telling you the truth. He smiles again, turning so his cheek is pressed fully into your palm, “You’re doing so good, such a good girl. You think you’re ready for me, now?”
The nodding of your head is a mix of frantic and eager, your pupils blown wide as your mouth parts out of lascivious desire alone. His expression softens at your fervor, dimples fading as he shifts his hips so he’s positioned between your knees. Mirio’s knuckles slowly drag out of you, scissored slightly so your precious walls will not be fooled into thinking the onslaught is over. No, it has only just begun; Mirio does nothing in small measures, including the heft that is sported between his hips.
Your little hand reaches forward out of pure need and you can barely wrap your digits around him fully, but that does not stop you from trying. He hums out a laugh that sounds curiously like fondness, and then kisses your knee, pushing it further away so your cunt is butterflied open, lips slightly parted so he can see the depths of your body for himself. You grunt, bent forward at an odd angle so you can watch the sanguine cockhead bulge under your ministrations. Mirio’s chest shakes with a moan, eyelids threatening to slip closed when he feels your soft palm envelope his shaft.
“P-Princess,” he rests his forehead against your knee, hiding his sapphire irises from your gaze. You love the way the nickname tumbles from his lips, so you push the pillow under your shoulder blades to aid in your actions of leaning forward so you can wrap both hands around his dick, thumbing at the veins and the darkened shaft, watching closely as the pre drools from his tip. You lick your lips and Mirio watches your pinkened tongue part your teeth to expose itself and your intentions.
“Please?” you beg, eyes wide and fingers needy. You tongue the air in front of you, the tip of your muscle pointed with the way you flex it, “W-Wanna be good for you, make you feel good!”
His canine tooth catches the corner of his mouth, a flash of pain shown in his bright eyes, but it subsides when he sees how badly you want to prove to him that you could devour him whole if only he’d give you the chance.
“You’re being so good,” he murmurs, dipping his head down to kiss you on the mouth, thumb finding your clit as he sandwiches his thick forearm between your torsos. You mewl, kicking your feet at the newfound jolts of pleasure making their way up your body with each circling of the pad of his finger against that sweet, soft bundle of nerves you keep hidden from everyone but him. Mirio volleys teeth and tongue and lips back and forth with you while you both focus on one another’s sensitive spots, your hands flicking upward against the head of his dick before slowly shifting back down, squeezing him at different points to elicit those salacious moans from the depths of his chest. And his fingerprints drag along the soft folds that are tucked between your hips, never pushing too deep, but reminding you that he’s near and ready whenever you ask to bring forth yet another crashing wave of pleasure if only you just ask him to. 
He nips your lower lip and then kisses the corner of your mouth, blinking slowly so he can look you in the eyes, “Such a perfect little one for me, yeah? You’re so pretty and sweet and soft, fuck you’re soft. These cute lips and that adorable cunt. You’re so wet for me, sweetheart.”
All you can do is nod, words negligible at this point. You know he doesn’t need your assurances anyway. You tilt your chin so you can reach his mouth again, whining against his lips as your wrist angles to drag over the thick head of his cock one last time before you part.
“I want to taste you, Daddy,” your voice is small, mouth pulled into a pout that he pulls back to examine while he stills his fingers against your labia, slick and dripping onto the sheets beneath him. Mirio sighs, his cock twitching at the thought of your delicate mouth wrapped around whatever bit of him you’re able to swallow.
“C’mere,” he turns his body so he’s laid back on the mattress, arm tucked behind his head as he guides you with his free hand against the back of your neck. He thumbs at the skin there, rough fingers nothing but gentle while he handles you. You note each scar on his body as you trail your fingers over his skin, waiting as he settles into the plush down of the mattress. Your head finds his hip, one leg slung over his calf so your cunt is bared to his knee, if you wish to grind down on it. The heel of your hand rests on his thigh, near his balls, and your fingertips ache to reach between the thickest parts of him to touch what is usually hidden to the world, but always bared to you.
“Be careful, baby,” Mirio’s voice is a warning, “don’t hurt yourself.”
Oh, that sounds like a challenge if there ever were one. 
You part your lips and lick at the tip of his cock, drooling with a pearlescent bead of pre, saltine and delectable. Your eyelids shutter closed simultaneously with the moan that shakes Mirio’s entire body. His hand digs deeper into your neck on either side, fingers buzzing with the need to push your precious mouth down until your face is buried into the vee of his hips and your mouth is drooling around his cock. He withholds himself, though, knowing that you need to prove to yourself what you can do with whatever parts of your body you wish to use.
One hand stays wrapped around the base of him, your eyes near crossing as you watch the blushing tip of his cock tremble under your gaze. You look up for his permission, hazy eyes somehow finding him, and you wait for him to nod before you begin to suckle on the head of his dick. The corded muscles of his thighs are shuddering with each bob of your head, his abdomen muscles flexing as he restrains himself from pushing you too far.
“That’s’a good girl,” he grits his teeth with each syllable, tilting his jaw so he can watch your eyes water with how you try to take too much to start. You choke and gag when you attempt to put your nose to his blonde curls, the tip of him brushing your uvula and dragging out your gag reflex. Tears soak your cheeks and drool dribbles down either corner of your mouth, and Mirio has to guide your face away from his cock before you try to go again in spite of your reaction.
After a few more attempts to draw your mouth down to the base of his cock unsuccessfully, Mirio lets out a patronizing chuckle, dragging you by the neck so you won’t continue your assault and make yourself sick. Your thighs latch around his leg, cunt dripping on his knee, begging like a child for him to let you go so you can prove something to him.
“Stop it.”
You blink once, looking him in the eyes, “B-But-”
“What did I say?”
A fresh set of tears stain your cheeks and the sheets, and Mirio gathers you up in his arms and sits forward so you’re tucked against his lap, “Feel that?” He’s talking about the way his cock bobs against your belly, bubbling with arousal and begging to be sheathed inside of you. He noses your cheek, “You did that. All you, baby. With that pretty mouth and those sweet hands. You did such a good job. Such a good girl for me, yeah?” 
You whine, dropping your head to his shoulder but keeping your head lilted so you can look down at his dick, watching as it twitches with every move that you make. You want to reach your hands down to take him between your fingers, to push him over the edge as he’s already done for you three times tonight. You want to give him everything he’s gifted you and so much more.
“I know what you want, honey,” he’s quiet but in the emptiness of your room it feels so loud. Each word sends a shockwave to your core and you shiver at the sound, “W-Want you, Daddy. Just want you.”
“I know, baby,” and this time it is almost sad the way he says it. He takes a deep breath and tilts your head with his thumb beneath your chin, “Let me take care of you, okay? You took such good care of me, now it’s your turn.”
He wordlessly hauls you up by the waist with minimal effort, and looks you in the eyes, “I want you to guide me, okay? I want you to show me where you want me.”
You nod and reach down so your hands are wrapped around the very end of his cock, bobbing your fingers up and down just to milk what’s left of the sweet spurt of pre so his tip is drooling, and then you position his dick so it will split your cunt in two. Slowly, Mirio drops you down, watching your hands fall away so he can get an eyeful of his cock as it spreads your lips and disappears, inch by inch into your sweet, slippery pussy. 
“That’s my girl,” he grunts, allowing you to fall forward so your hands are on his chest, bracing you before you take his entire length up into your stomach. Tears surface on your lids and he’s quick to kiss the corners of your eyes until they’re gone, “Sweet girl, don’t cry. You’re doing so good for me. I can’t wait to fuck this perfect cunt, can’t wait to give you all I’ve got.”
“Want it, Daddy, want it! I-I can take it! P-Promise-” You sob as you try to roll your hips, but his palms are steady against your body, which only makes you more frustrated that he won’t let you show him that you can be a good girl, that you can take his cock and do it well. 
Mirio is a sunbeam incarnate, all light and shine, warmth and something husky that reminds you of a sunny afternoon. So when he speaks, you listen, and you take each of his words and run them through your gummy mind until you’re sure you’ve heard him right.
“I know you can, baby girl,” he rotates your hips with the heels of his palms and you gasp as he spears you wide open, “You can do anything you set your mind to. But let go, and let Daddy take care of you this time, okay?”
Your whimpering is cut short when you feel the head of his cock brush your cervix and whatever comes next you can hardly remember except the sound of his name on your lips and the way he burns you alive only to soothe the ache when it’s all over hours later into the night.
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Marcus Álvarez x Filip “Chibs” Telford sister!Reader
Anon asked: Could I maybe ask for an Alvarez x reader were the reader is chibs sister and has a very fiery attitude and her and Alvarez are always at each other throats but theres something strong there and she will no problem wandering into Mayan territory much to her brothers warnings against it until it finally boils over with her and Alvarez and super fluffy and adorable and maybe smut? It's okay if not! Thank you so much for writing so wonderfully 💖
Word Count: 2.9k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💖
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @trulysuccubus​ ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Stopping by a side of the road, you step out of your car placing the map above the hood, having a bite of the red licorice in the other hand. You could use Google to find the dog kennel, but you prefer to explore it by yourself. Oakland it's not that big to get lost, but you want to be sure about the way you have to follow. Pointing it with a pencil, you have to focus your attention in the sound of a motorbikes coming. Rolling your eyes with a heavy sigh, you throw the candy before keep the map in a pocket.
“Do you need help, mija?” Marcus' voice sounds funny, walking towards you and being followed by three Mayans, after parking their bikes.
“Do I look like a damsel in distress you must save?” Cross-armed, you raise an eyebrow.
“Well, you are a little far from home”.
“No kutte, no motorbi—”.
“You are still a member of Samcro. You should have made a courtesy call”.
“Do you think I'm a hot line for your pleasure, Álvarez?”
The man chuckles falsely, turning for a second to his men, before pointing your car with his gun. One shot straight to a wheel. And two bullets right to the trunk and a light. That hurts more than if he had shot you down. Your heart racing too fast. Your blood boiling. And your fist hitting his face without controlling yourself. The man doesn't move a single inch of his body, more than twisting his neck because of the punch. A wild tear running down your eye, while the other Mayans are pointing you.
“You crossed the line… and you're gonna regret it”. You spit every word, full of anger.
And Marcus knows that he already fucked up when he raise his gaze to yours, watching you cry. No one cries for a car, unless it means something important to you. He was having a rough morning and listening about your visit without a call, just make it worse. You two aren't enemies, neither friends. Mayans and Samcro have a good relationship, but the shit between you and the mexican it's kinda strange.
Taking off your phone from a pocket, you key Ratboy' number by heart, squatting next to your car and touring every hole with your fingertips while your cry takes away your breathe.
“Hey… Could you bri—bring the crane to Oakl—Oakland?” You sob, trying to control it.
“What happened? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just… I just…” Your cry get louder, and you can't help but resting your forehead against the trunk with a hand above it. “Don't tell Chibs, please… Just come. I am five miles from the entrance”.
“Ok, ok. Do you wan'me to call Álvarez? You shouldn' be alone there”.
“This… son of a bitch is already here”. You growl, hitting your head softly against the body car.
“Fuck… Give me an hour”.
Hanging up the call, knowing that the Mayans have their eyes on you and keeping the phone back to the pocket, you open the trunk to take a tweezers from the toolbox. Closing it and cursing with a strong scottish accent, you try to take off the bullets from it.
“Am sorre', athair… I'll fix it, I promise”. You mutter between some hard sobs and a knot installed inside your chest.
“Eh, I am so—”.
“Shutta' fuck up!” You shout at him, turning your body for a second. Even if he's trying to be gentle after what he did, you don't care.
When you finish your improvised task, you keep the bullets for Jax as a proof. Sitting inside the car, you decide to wait there instead of staying close to Alvarez, or you're going to end up hitting him again. And even if you asked Ratboy to come alone, you can't help but hit with both palms the steering wheel when you hear the roar of motorbikes riding closer. Stepping out of your almost dead car, you snort rubbing your eyes and cleaning the tears.
When Jax sees what happened, taking off the helmet, he raises both arms in silence looking at Marcus. Your brother runs to you, more worried about the fact of you being okay than because of the car. Chibs cups your face in his hands, leaving a kiss on your forehead before hug you.
“I'm sorry”. You just sob.
“Don' worre', lass”. He says placing an arm on your shoulders, before guiding you to both charters
“Man, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Jax looks furious facing Marcus.
“Bad morning. Knowing that a Sons' is at my territory, with n—”.
“Did you know why is she here? With no kutte, no bike, no protection?” The president interrupts him, pointing his chest once and again. “She works sometimes at the dog kennel, man”.
Marcus gives you a fleeting glance, snorting when he finds you being comforted by the older scottish. And his suspicions are confirmed by Jax's new words.
“Her father bought that car, ten years ago. Man, she loves it more than anything”. It's a whisper between them, making him see the gravity of the matter without relying on the fact that you could have been hurt.
“I'll take it to my workshop. I'm in charge, brother”.
“Don' ya' dare to touche't!” You shout full of anger then, trying to walk close to him, but being stopped by Chibs arms, and a Jax' hand raised to you on air.
“You better leave us take care of it, before I have to give her a gun to shoot your bike”. The Samcro's president shakes his head, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“Send me the bill, alrai'?”
Jax nods, before letting them go passing you away with their motorbikes. The blonde man turns at you bitting is inner lip, as he pulls away his hair to his nape.
“We'll take you to the dog kennel, and then we'll go back to Charming, okay?” He says caressing your cheek softly, while you nod.
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It's almost midnight in Charming. The town sleeps peacefully, while you continue trying to fix up the body of your car, after changing the flat tire. Finally, you have to use some putty to fill and cover both holes in it, having the perfect paint mix to finish the work. But when you're about to take the brush, the sound of a motorbike calls your attention, making you stand up on your feet to get out from the workshop. Rolling your eyes when they focus on the Mayans symbol, you turn again to go back to your main task. Yes, you feel some curiosity about what is he doing there, but you know you're not going to need to ask.
The heavy steps by the boots come closer to your ears, stopping a few meters away of your back, ignoring him completely. You've been a lot of hours trying to rebuild the holes, trying to find the perfect color by mixing the paint, and you're not in the mood to deal with Marcus. But this fact doesn't seems important for him, when he squats next to you and both dark eyes on your hands supporting the brush. Your fingers moving slowly almost like they were dancing a ballet. Hypnotizing him.
“I've brought you a truce and an apology”. He says with a low tone, not wanting to make you lose your focus. “Fifty thousands and a ‘sorry for being a pendejo’”.
“I have no price”. You reply back in a whisper, joking on him because it looks like a secret.
“It's not for you, but the dog kennel in Oaktown”. He's almost smiling, taking off from the pocket inside of the kutte a brown and improvised envelope. A bulky one.
You leave your task in the background, turning at him with both eyebrows raised.
“I have no excuse. And I'm so sorry because of what I did to your father's car”.
His words sound sincere, licking his low lip at the same time he moves his hand somewhat up making a clear gesture. Rolling your eyes, you take it standing up and leaving the brush inside the paint pot to grab the money. Your feet guide your body to the office, leaning towards the safe-box, so you can keep it inside. Once the box is closed, turning over your sneakers you find Marcus resting his left shoulder against the door frame, trying to hide that he was looking at you totally spellbound.
You're challenging him, maintaining his eyes with yours, crossing both arms on the chest covered by part of the jumpsuit. You know exactly what he wants to do, because you want it too, but you still mad at him. You two always have had that strange kind of connection like if you don't want to admit the attraction, not being only a physical game. Something stops you to be push into the other, and you don't really know why.
“You're no' a cat, and I'm no' a mouse”.
“I know”. He just replies, walking closer and taking off his kutte, to leave it on a chair. “How much are we gonna play this... stupid game?”
“I don't know, te'me, chicano”.
He chuckles, licking his lower lip and putting his gaze away for some seconds, somewhere on the white wall. You know how much he hates that name, but you love to tease him, even if you're trying not to keep in mind what he did to your car.
“Take off the jumpsuit”.
“'Am almost naked under it”.
“And the problem is...?
Drawing a naughty smile on the corner of your lips, you grab the middle of it, unzipping it so slow that he's starting to get desperate. Looking at you as if you were a piece of art, only available to his whim. When the cloth is already opened, you slide the fabric down by your legs, jumping a little from it. Marcus is enjoying the views, taking the advantage of placing a hand on your lower back, while the other travels to your nape. Your lips almost touching his, tasting that mix of cigars and mexican toast beer on them when the tip of your tongue tours them.
Your back finds the wall faster than you could think, catching you against his body, devouring your mouth hungry and anxious. Your fingers pulling up the black shirt he's wearing to throw it above the desk. His big hands taking off yours, before falling on the waistband of your panties. Uttering a soft growl full of pleasure, he walks away from you some steps, looking you from top to bottom as a hungry wolf admiring his prey.
“You like it, uh?”
“You don't know how much”.
His voice is deep, rough, hoarse, bristling your skin as soon as he catches you again on his arms slapping your ass when he turns you facing the wall. You need more. Marcus too. And the sound of the belt getting undone and his jeans being unzipped make your legs tremble. Without expecting he pushes his middle finger into you, checking how wet you are because of him, making you moan as your fingers get closed in two cuffs supported on the wall.
“You like it, mami?”
He whispers right in your ear fingering you faster and deeper, almost moving up your hips. Feeling every move as if it was the first, touching your soul with his warm breath on your neck, leaving some smooth kisses there and confusing you about the fact of his hand pushing you too angry while his lips are so gently.
“Fuck, yes…” You gasp resting your forehead between your hands, with closed eyes.
“You want me to fuck you, pequeña?”
“Yes, please, please, please, Marcus”. You beg uncontrollably once and again.
“You want my cock hitting your tight pussy ah?”
“Fuck… please…”
“You're gonna have it, mi reina”.
Pulling out the wetted finger and turning you to face him again, the Mayan puts a hand on your throat, sliding the other into your mouth. And you lick it, tasting your own flavor under his attentive black eyes burning in all the desire he has been containing. His lips crash on yours, kissing you filthy, and getting inside your mouth his tongue to find yours while his free hand throws down to the floor every thing is on the desk. You let him do with you whatever he wants, placing your chest on the table and spreading your legs to both sides ready for him. Teasing you with his needed glans rubbing your clit, you snort disappointed, hearing some laughs behind your back.
“You don't know how much I want you”.
“Fuckin' prove it”. You say desperate.
And you got it. Without expecting it, his cock pounds you so hard that your body moves somewhat forward above the desk, making you close your eyes with a heavy moan stuck in your throat and his hands nailed on your hips. Marcus moving fast, thrusting himself to you until his abdomen crashes against your ass. The dirty sound your wetness utters being hitted is like a sweet melody for your brain, feeling the pleasure running through your body, getting mixed between the gasps and the pleadings. Seems like he knows what you like, slapping harder your ass with one of his hands. The slight pain provokes you a wave of heat, asking for more.
It's been almost one year since you two met, containing the desire you were feeling for each other. The necessity for being close, alone, together. Enjoying your more animal instincts. Marcus tangles his fingers on your pony-tail, curving your back until his teeth bite your neck, licking and sucking it, wanting to mark his territory. His free arm surrounding your abdomen, thrusting you deeper reaching your g-spot as you cry out his name once and again, drying your throat, breaking your voice every time he nails his hard dick inside you with no mercy, with no wait. He loves every inch of your body. He loves every single thing he knows about you. He always wanted to show you since he met you, and know he's doing it in the most delicious way possible; fucking you as hard as you beg him.
“Mi amor, estás tan estrechita… You're driving me insane”. (My love, you're so tight).
“Cum inside me, please”. Twisting your neck enough to split it into his lips, he bites yours drowning there a soft moan.
“Of course, mi reina… This pussy is only mine, you hear me, ah?”
“Fuck, Marcus… Only yours”.
By your pulse you know how close your body is to explode because of the ecstasy, and the Mayan knows too.
“Turn, mi amor. I want to see your face”. He demands, pulling out himself, making you sob feeling the emptiness between your legs. “Sit on the desk”.
You don't need more words, doing it without complains. An arm surrounding your body, your legs on his shoulders and his free hand nailed around your throat. Then, you can see for first time his cock. Huge, wetted, needy for being inside you again. And it feels more delighted when he starts to fuck you again, in that position that makes you touch the sky with the fingertips.
His gaze maintaining yours at all times, seeing who you squirm under his grip because of the pleasure and his dick pounding you with the only mission of making you cum. Leaning towards you, Marcus kiss you again, looking for your tongue to fight it out of your mouths and leaving a small trail of saliva on air, before devour your mouth so hungry it makes race your heart.
“I'm… I'm so fuckin' clos', papi”.
Your voice is somewhat hoarse, with your knees almost touching your chest with every deep thrust into you and your legs shaking a little.
“Come on, mi reina… Cum for your papi”. He asks you with his lips on yours.
And it doesn't takes you more seconds after a lash of heat running down your spin. You cry out his name twice before you run out of air, feeling the orgasm wrapping your whole anatomy with the dirty sound of your wetted pussy being hitted without non stop. And Marcus filling you with his seed, exhausting, pounding you until he's satisfied. Your legs hurts a little when he puts them down, surrounding his waist. You push him totally inside you, with your bodies colliding, while he lies on your chest trying to recover himself. His lower abdomen pressing your crotch, finding your lips somewhat tired, but enjoying the warm of your cums getting mixed.
“It feels so good, mi reina”.
He whispers pinching your nipples, stealing you some gasps against his clavicle traveling your mouth by his neck leaving some kisses on it.
“Don' move, papi… I wan' you to fuck me again”.
He chuckles, nodding with his chin.
“Whatever you want, I'll give it to you”.
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mingishoe · 5 years
The van ride
Mingi x Fem!Reader
Smut Warning: Kinda exhibitionsim, marking, dirty talking, lil bit of degrading, thigh riding, edging, handjob in the back of the van, finger sucking??? That’s it I think- 
Fluff if you squint
Word count: ~2.1k
Summary: While going to film their latest music video you just can’t seem to get enough of Mingi’s thighs even if you are in the back of the van with the other members.
Part 1 of the kink series
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If someone asked you what your favourite part of Song Mingi’s body was you’d say it was his thighs. You have to admit, Migni has some good thick thighs that you can never not be touching.
It’s not always sexual, it could be you laying your head on them, or your feet, or just having your hand resting on one. When you sit on Mingi’s lap it’s a different story. Sure it doesn’t always end where your legs feel like jelly, but today wasn’t one of those days. 
You were in the van with Mingi and the rest of the members driving like 13 hours to film a part for their new music video. You and Mingi got the two seats in the very back just so you could lay down properly since it was already 3 in the morning. 
It started off innocent, you just resting your head on his thigh while drawing shapes on his thigh. Y’all stopped so the driver could get some rest and pretty much everyone was asleep. You had been asleep for around 6 hours and you had woken up not feeling tired anymore.
In your opinion (the right opinion ;))Mingi was the most beautiful and ethereal man you’ve ever seen. You were still laying on his legs while you were looking up at him. He was awake too, having fallen asleep with you earlier, his phone screen lighting up his face. You find yourself always staring at Mingi with the most loving look on your face. It obviously isn’t the best angles to look at someone but from where you’re laying you can see all his best features, his jawline, his plump lips, his beautiful nose, and his cute eyes(basically his whole face) Mingi could feel you staring at him and let one of his hands down to play with your hair and face. 
You grabbed onto his hands and started playing with his fingers as you sat up. You leaned against his shoulder watching him scroll through his social media, “Not tired anymore?” he whispered as to not wake up anyone. You hummed, still feeling the grogginess of having just woken up. 
He puts down his phone down and holds his arms out for you to go with him. You turn towards him and straddle his lap and put your head in his neck. He’s rubbing your back and you’re playing with the hair on the back of his neck. This is one of your favourite positions to be in, or as crazy as it might sound or look because of the size difference between you and mingi, Mingi straddling your lap.
You know how this usually ends and it cannot happen in the back of the van with everyone in it. San, Wooyoung, and Seonghwa in the seats in front of you. Two of them will never let you live it down and the other will never not look at you in disgust from this point onward. “Mingi— no…” you mumbled into his neck as he started rubbing down your back and to your thighs. 
He hummed while starting to rub up and down your ass and thighs. “They’re gonna wake up, Min-” you got cut off as he moved you to where you were only on one of his thighs. You tried to close your legs before anything started to happen but as soon as your knee touched his hard on, it was all over for you. You let yourself relax while your face was hiding in his neck. 
Mingi’s hands were moving to grip your hips and slowly started to move your bottom half against his thigh. You usually were never super quiet while doing things like this but considering there were 8 other people in the van, you had to be completely silent. 
Your breathing is starting to become labored as he starts to move you a little bit faster, “Ah~ M-Mingi-“ you whined. “Shh~ baby girl, unless you want everyone to see you grinding on my thigh like a puppy, I’d suggest you be quiet.” You nod while starting to suck and nibble on mingi’s neck. You knew his makeup artist wouldn’t be happy about it, but it was the only thing that would keep you quiet enough. “C-can't,” you whispered in his ear. 
It was too hard for you not to make any noise, you were making small whimpers while licking the marks you left on Mingi’s neck in different shades of a pretty pink. “Can’t what? Hmm? Can’t be quiet so seonghwa won’t catch you? Maybe you want him to see you, don’t you? You want Seonghwa hyung to catch you being a little slut, don’t you?” He growled in your ear. Before you and Mingi dated you had the biggest crush on Seonghwa. The one time you told Mingi, before y’all even dated, he got so Jealous. It was at times like this where he would really bring out all his jealousy on the subject. 
You heard some rustling from somewhere in the van and you stopped all movement. Your chest heaving, your conscience telling you to stop, and your own need telling you to keep moving. Mingi didn’t like that, he grabbed your hips turning you to where you were facing the rest of the van. 
You turned your head towards Mingi with a pleading look to which he returns with a a laugh and a head shake, “keep going, this time don’t stop.” Your heart slamming against your ribs begging you to stop, but you don’t you grab the seat in front of you to stabilize yourself and started moving again. 
While his hands were on your hips you moved one of your hands back to palm him. He was wearing sweats so you could feel how hard he was in your hand. You could feel him grip your hips harder while he started to move you faster. You groaned as you put your head down to rest on the seat in front of you, right behind Wooyoung. 
You gripped his length harder before you moved your hand to grab him out of his pants. He bucked his hips making you bounce on his leg. You were close, your stomach was tensing, your core was throbbing, your legs were shaking. You turned to Mingi shaking your head with tears eyes, “p-please, can’t take it.” You were sloppily jerking him off, paying close attention to the tip to make him cum faster.
He grabbed you and pulled you so you were flush against him as he stuck his hands down your shorts feeling how wet you were. “Fuck~ you’re so wet, look” he practically moaned in your ear. He pulled his hand from out your shorts, showing you his two fingers covered in your slick. He brought his fingers to your lips as you opened your mouth for him to put his fingers there. You closed your mouth around his fingers and started to suck. 
Your hand started to move faster around his length while gripping it harder. He started bucking his hips more frequently and he pulled his fingers out your mouth to stop your hand, “F-fuck, you need to stop or else Im gonna cum.” You stopped your movements and gripped the base while he slid his hand back down your stomach to dip back in your shorts. 
You were so close you could cum from a single touch. Mingi used your slick as lube to stick a finger in you. “O-Oh fuck,” you moaned a little bit too loud. “What did I tell you? Hmm? Didn’t I tell you to be quiet? If you want Seonghwa Hyung to join us why don’t you just wake him up and ask? You could show him how much of a slut you are, how much you want him to touch you” your heart was slamming in your chest, Mingi wasn't being quiet, he was above a whisper. 
He stuck a second finger into your core and started to move his wrist faster and harder helping his fingers to reach your sweet spot which made you turn your head and take mingi into a kiss. You start to move your hand that gripping Mingi slowly causing him to growl in your mouth. You pull away with glassy eyes, “Mingi, fuck, Mingi Please, I can’t hold it anymore.” He looks down at you and smiles while starting to move his hand faster making a wet noise come from your bottom half, he brings you into a kiss trying to block all the muffled moans that threaten to spill from your now swollen lips.
Both your hands are moving faster, his precum all over your palm and fingers, your cum soaking your panties. Your eyes closed, vision filled with blurry dots as you cum. Hard. Your legs are shaking and whines spilling from your lips as Mingi continues his actions on your core helping you come down your high. You calm down a little and continue to move your hand that’s around Mingi’s length and you can feel him tensing and he starts to moan quietly in your ear. 
It physically hurts you how quiet he’s being. Mingi is usually loud and vocal and his moans are so beautiful to you. Right before he cums you panic for a second wondering what you’re gonna do, you don’t want him getting all messy with him cum but you don’t have enough space to take him in your mouth. 
All the worries go out the window as soon as he lets out his pretty sounds it’s all you can think about. You try and catch most of his cum in your hand but some of it goes onto his sweatshirt. You feel him softening in your palm so you use your other hand that isn’t filled with cum to put him back into his boxers. He slowly opens his eyes to look at you as you take your hand and start putting your fingers in your mouth one by one licking the cum off your fingers and palm while making eye contact. 
Your heart swells at the sight of your beautiful boyfriend looking so fucked out beside you. He looks down at his sweater and laughs slightly, “S’alright, we can wash it.” You slide off his lap with a bit of a grimace because your underwear is sticking to you uncomfortably, “uncomfortable?” You see Mingi looking at you with an amused expression. You nod while he laughs at you. You look around a little bit and try and take off your underwear without taking off your shorts too. You look up at Mingi and he grabs the thin fabric and rips it, “YAH, Mingi~ you’re getting me another pair!” You whisper laugh at him while he grabs your soiled, ripped, underwear and puts them into his bag. 
Mingi takes off his sweater and opens his arms once again for you to cuddle. It doesn’t matter where you are he’s always ready to cuddle and it’s your favourite thing ever, especially after moments like this he becomes into a big teddy bear. You go back into his arms and on his lap with your back against his chest and he just holds you. “You okay, was it too much?” He questions you while resting his face into your neck. You shake your head and giggle, “no, as long as no one heard that… even tho I’m sure someone did…” you laugh while playing with Mingi’s hands. 
You’re kinda just spaced out until you see someone’s phone screen light up on the roof of the car and your heart drops. “M-Mingi-“ you turn to look at him and he has the same expression on his face. Your phone buzzes next to you and your heart sinks out your ass when you see who it is.
[Seonghwa 4:13am] why don’t you wake me up next time, hmm?
Your eyes practically burst out your skull and what your looking at, however; Mingi is laughing his ass off behind you. “Seems like you were already awake tho?” You say aloud trying your best to sound innocent as you hear a snort coming from in front of you as Seonghwa turns around and rolls his eyes at you. “Next time just let me know oppa~ I’ll be happy to help” you say in a whisper while winking at him, knowing you got his soft spot with “oppa” Mingi is still laughing behind you but actually taking your proposition into consideration on Seonghwa joining y’all.
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exclipssesss · 4 years
You're perfect, no matter what he says about you. [x reader]
Headcanons of all my current fav characters from different fandoms. This was supposed to be something just to emotionally heal me. So this does kinda based off real life experience, except the part where the bois comfort me, man why can't i buy these guys in ebay as my legal husbands?
Characters involved: Alastor [Hazbin Hotel], Lafayette [Hamilton The Musical].
Would probabpy make part two with other characters uwu
Warnings: Cursing, Physical abuse, Parental abuse, The mention of Anxiety.
Summary: S/o never had a great relationship with their dad, and after another fight (which ended horribly wrong) someone decided to comfort them.
Hazbin Hotel.
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You were in the Hotel, coolio. Basically you were chilling on the couch when suddenly you fell asleep, and after a few hours passed you woke up to find yourself in your room with blankets covering you, you were confused on how you get there.
You then get out of bed and noticed charlie calling you, probably a new demon that wanna check into the hotel.
You saw a demon that is kind of similar to you but wAy more big and looked kind of scary, he was holding a cigarette. At first you shrugged it off since having the same form of a demon can both mean you guys have made the same sin, or you are related.
You didn't really mind it at first until you asked him to sign in to the hotel, and he looked at you as if you're stupid. He laughed that everyone draws their attention to the both of you, you laughed with him to avoid being awkward.
"You do realize that i am nowhere wanting to go to this stupid ass hotel right? Pathetic, demons wanting to do some redemption just to go to heaven? They can't even take their own consequences of being a dick. Yeah no bitch, i ain't going to this hotel, especially if it filled with pussies"
You stumbled back, he was similar to you but is nothing like you. Yes you swore, a lot, but not this harsh. He basically scowls at you and you just gave him a light glare back. He didn't seem to notice it tho.
Then, it snapped inside your head. No wonder his voice was so familiar. You looked at him and took the chance to find out, if it is true, then you're probably double dead. But you convince yourself that even if he tries to hurt you, you were at the hotel, someone is bound to help you.
"Um, oh, i forgot to introduce myself.. I'm [Y/n] [L/n], nice to meet you.. Sir.."
And you were right. His eyes was wide for a second before it was replaced with disgust, he yanked your hand and you almost lost your balance.
"Of-fucking-course you are. Now wonder your voice reminds me of some bitch. No surprise seeing you here in hell tho, you were always nothing but a disappointment. Even god thinks so."
You basically trembled as eyes were sticking on both you and your "father". He then let's go of you harshly and you stumbled back before falling, demons around weren't helping either. Although some of them gave you pitiful looks, so you decided that maybe they just too scared to interfere. I mean, you would too.
"See? Pathetic. Even as a demon you're trash, and now you're trying to do this whole hotel thing? HahaA--"
Something pulled your dad back, and he was met by a pair of a sickeningly dark pair of eyes that you've known too well.
"Excuse me sir, but I'm pretty sure that that kind of behaviour is not allowed here."
Your "father" was surprised to see Hell's one of the most powerful demons defending you, he almost gives out a somewhat proud smirk, only for it to turn into a scoff. Thankfully, he was decent enough not to mess with Alastor, as he immediately got out the doors and hopefully not coming back.
"My dearest, are you alright?" oh and he comforts you throughout the day too, he almost swears to kill your dad (if that's even possible) but you immediately told him not to.
Either way, he is precious and would do anything for you. Would recommend getting yourself an Alastor, 10/10.
Marquis de Lafayette.
Hamilton: an American musical.
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(I'm changing the writing style just becuz I'm in the mood)
You just got back from a long day hanging out with the Schuyler Sisters, and also the boys of course. Funnily enough, you and Peggy get along really well, and for the boys? Lafayette's definitely your favorite. Actually he's more than just your 'favorite', you're not even sure yourself, you just felt safe and nice inside when you're around him.
"Where do you think you're going?"
A familiar deep voice that you've been scared for so long spoke up, you stopped dead on your tracks, trying to look calm. You then turned around to be met with a pair of deadly sharp and dark eyes piercing through you, in which you quietly gulped in response.
"I'm sorry i came back late, dad. I was with the Schuyler Sisters and-"
"You really think I'll believe that lying mouth of yours?"
Those words caught you off guard since you are, for a fact, not lying. You really were with Angelica and the others, and so you gave him your 'what are you talking about?' face, and he did not like that. He approached you, and you slowly but surely walked backwards, in hopes of getting away from him. When he was only a few inches from you, he spoke up again.
"Don't you fucking lie to me, who was that man with you? Who the fuck was he?" His voice low with growl as he fixed his sight to yours. You took another gulp of your own spit as he was starting to push you into a corner.
"I wasn't lying! I really was with The Sisters, that boy is just one of ou-"
You could feel the hot print on your left cheek as it was burning with pain from the sudden hit, you hold it with your arm. This time you had enough, it was enough living in a world where girls don't have any rights, and you were absolutely not gonna let this man use that against you. Even if he is your blood.
"I'll ask you again, and this time i want an answer, not a rambling about some nonsense you pulled out of your ass."
You looked at him dead in the eye before finally giving an answer.
"Marquis de Lafayette. There, you have it. May i go now?" You said with disgust and anger lacing in every word. This made your so called dad shut up, before forcefully yanked you away. You ran to your room and find yourself falling asleep while crying, at this point all you wanna do was die. With all the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, you basically almost puked, and you still can't believe your mom left you with him. When you woke up, you checked the time. 11:36. At this rate, you could barely sleep again, and you didn't want to be in a house with that jerk anyways, so a brilliant-yet-kinda-dumb idea came to mind. You got out of the house quietly, you didn't want to even try spending the night there anymore, and to be honest, you didn't know where to go.
You could visit the Schuyler Sisters, yes, but going to the Schuyler Mansion at this time of night? Maybe not. You couldn't go to one of the boys' house either, that's just weird. And you didn't want to look like slut. So your thoughts just came to that one place, the place you and the rest of the gang met. The place where you and Lafayette met. The bar. Plus it's open twenty/four hours so it's not like you'll be trespassing.
And so you did what you thought you did. You go there, at first you thought that you would probably be alone in the bar considering how late it is, and that's a good thing considering the red burning mark on your cheek haven't left yet. But nope. The bar was actually kinda noisy, you looked inside to see Alex and his friends there getting drunk, and so you tried to avoid eye contact and go back outside. Well that was your plan until a certain drunk frenchman called you out.
"Mon amie, (Y/n)! Why are you here at this time of night? A beautiful mademoiselle like you shouldn't do that~" Lafayette slurred almost every word as he is drunk. You stopped dead on your tracks and turned around to smile at them, using your hair to cover the bruises left on your cheek. As you looked closely, you could see that Alexander is probably the only sober one out of the group, and not actually drunk.
"Yeah (Y/n), why are you here? Oh, you can come join us if you want to." Alex, the only stable one at the moment continued.
"That's a great idea Al! Come, mon amie! I'll buy you a drink."
Lord tell me how to say no to this-- But seriously, you wanted to go so badly but you barely even could walk out the moment you saw that smile. And so you just had to walk back, which all the boys cheered on.
"What's wrong, (Y/n)? You're awfully quiet,"
"Yeah, most of the time you're basically the one who can't shut up."
"Yo, talk if you want a free booze."
And yet you kept silent, although a silent chuckle can be heard only by yourself did rang through your ears. The boys were starting to get worried, especially with your new hairdo that covered half of your face.
"Huh, someone's actually denying free booze, something is wrong" Hercules said as he rubbed his nonexistent beard, Laurens just tried to swipe your hair away but you quickly slapped his hands away as soon as it was near your face.
"Sheesh, no touching your new hair, i get it. No need to slap me for it." He said with almost looks like a pout, this time the frenchman was asking you questions, and you didn't want to answer. But in the same time, you don't have the heart to ignore him.
"(Y/n), please, tell me what's wrong.. Why are you covering your face?" and now, you also wanted to die. That face, that damned face, god why can't you just ignore it like anyone else's? You let out a sigh as you finally lets all those emotions loose. Tears were pouring down your face almost as fast as Hercules chugging down a beer, and you could barely took any control of them. You buried your face in Laff's shoulder, him petting your head as you realease all your burdens and tears at the same time. The others were stunned, but is confused on what to do, so they just wait for you to stop crying before saying anything that could make you more emotional, if that's even possible.
You wiped your tears, and when you go to wipe the remaining liquid on your left eyes, you unconsciously exposed the big red mark on your left cheek. Boy, little did you know that they'll immediately turn into interrogators in less than a minute.
"(Y/n). What is this?" Hercules' voice rang first with what seems like anger, second came Alex, with his voice that sounded way more than just 'worried'.
"Who the fuck did this?" He said as he tried to put your hair behind your ear, you avoided his touch and just sinks more into Lafayette's embrace, who's weirdly being quiet through this, although his gaze didn't seem to left you at all.
"(Y/n), Let us take a look. I can't believe someone actually did that to you." It's true, you never told anyone about your 'daddy issues', you didn't want to gain any pitty. Time went on and it's almost One AM now, Laff's gaze didn't seem to have left you, in fact, they were stern, it didn't helped the fact that he haven't said anything in the past hour.
You ended up getting cornered and so you told them, about everything that was happened last night. They. Were. Furious. It didn't surprise you though, if your friend were going through the same thing, you'd probably ready to murder someone too.
"(Y/n), does zis 'ave something to do with me?" You immediately flinched. The reason you were slapped was because you didn't want to tell your dad about Lafayette, and he basically could see it through you. He immediately cursed himself, blaming everything that he thought he did wrong. With a little explanation and help from Alex and the others, you got him to calm down and kissed him in his cheek. In which he responds with a blush acrossed his face.
In the end, Lafayette asked you to stay with him for a while and said it was "the least he could do." Basically you were treated like a princess, nothing major happened other than cuddles and venting, he would pat your head and hold you close when you started crying. Sometimes he would kiss your forehead and says sweet nothings to you. He insisted to sleep on the couch while you took the bed, and ever since, the guys would act like your brothers, especially Laurens and Mulligan, they would actually shower you with new dresses and act proud whenever you and Lafayette had "a step forward". (They became your personal wingmans too.)
Not long after, The schuylers took you in, or more like - dragged you in. Philip Schuyler had left the Mansion to his daughters, and so which give them the opportunity to make you their roommates. You four would just chill at night and trash talk your dad when wanted to. (courtesy of big sis Angie™).
Alex on the other hand, was determined to make your dad looked like a fool, even though you told him countless times that he didn't need to do that. He would write about your dad with headlines like "Man Treats Daughter Worse Than Slave" or something like that. In which you laughed about, somehow you still feel bad about the amount of hate your dad gives, but you also feel as if he deserves it for hitting you all those years.
The last but not least, Lafayette. The man asked you out after you moved with the Schuylers, he said he's lonely now that you're not with him and he missed you, he also said that was the time he realized he had feelings for you. You immediately said yes and have been courting with him ever since. Honestly he's just the embodiment of love and cuddles, and you love him for every support he gave you.
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dreams-of-wings · 5 years
Impossible (6/8)
Imagine Billy Hargrove with a Mixed Race/Biracial S/O
Warnings: Racism, swearing, homophobia, homophobic slurs, mild violence, you throw hands a lot, angst.
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You stay blocking the window sill for a bit cuz you enjoy seeing him squirm.
Honestly, he is bad at this whole climbing thing and he's struggling to not fall on his ass.
You finally let him in after he almost falls.
You're laughing your ass off while he's climbing through your window and simultaneously having a heart attack.
"It would have been less of a hassle if you used the door."
"I didn't think your parents would be happy if someome like me came knocking on their door asking for you."
You raise a brow at this, someone like him?
After a minute it occurs to you.
"Oh you mean a violent, racist, douchbag, with a reputation that surpasses the devil?"
He frowns.
Contrary to popular belief, Billy Hargrove is very self aware, and very self conscious about himself, his actions, and his self worth.
He doesn't like being an asshole but it's all he knows.
He low-key is afraid of growing up to be like his father.
Even though he has that nagging voice in the back of his mind that's telling him he's already as bad as his dad, if not worse.
He hides it all under a mask of confidence, booze, and cigarettes.
It still doesn't make his actions okay.
You snap him out of his thoughts.
"I said my parents are out of town."
Now that he's in your room you noticed that Billy looked shaken up.
Billy Fucking Hargove, for once didn't have a scratch on him, but he looked like hell.
You question him.
It takes a while but he finally answers.
His dad got pissed at him because Max wasn't home, and he came hoping she would be here so he could drag her home.
You convince him to let you come along, because he is pissed and you know how he can get.
He caves and lets you tag along.
The next stop was Lucas' House.
Neither Max nore her son were there, but she said the kids all loved to go to Mike's house to play games.
Next stop is the Wheelers residence.
You dont know what's being said between Mrs. Wheeler and Billy, but knowing Billy and being able to read his body language- well. It takes everything in you to refrain from rolling your eyes and honking his horn (though you fail at not rolling your eyes).
I mean come on you guys are looking for Max, this is not the time to be flirting.
Fuck he went in.
You audibly groan and contemplate jacking his car to go look for his sister yourself, unfortunately he has the keys and you dont know how to hotwire a car.
Finally, he's out.
You forgive him because he comes out with a cookie in his mouth and has another one in his hand, which he gives to you.
"Hell, yes!!"
Who the hell turns down food? And cookies at that. Home made cookies. And they're fresh.
Last stop was the the Byers house.
Fuck, Steve is there.
"Stay in the car."
"What? No!" Like hell you were going to let him beat up your friend.
"Stay in the fucking car!"
Steve seems both angry and hurt when he notices that you're in Billy's car.
You can't really hear what's being said, it's all muffled.
You panic a bit when Billy shoved Steve and you worry they'll start fighting.
You burst out the car when you see Billy storming for the door, but stop to help Steve.
"Why the hell are you driving around with him?"
"He came to my place first, looking for Max and I offered to help him. What'd you say to piss him off?"
Steve gets mad, thinking your taking his side, and for the second time that night you find yourself rolling your eyes. "Why did you tell him you didn't know her? I tutor Max and her friends, and you babysit her friends, and you and I hang out, of course you would know her?"
You both stop arguing when you here a loud crash from inside the house.
"Damn it!" "Shit!"
You both walk in just in time to hear Billy threaten Lucas.
Fucking excuse you, Billy???
Steve decks him across the face, Billy taunts him, and this time an actual fight breaks out.
You try your best to get them both to stop fighting, but neither of them will listen to you, the voice of reason.
When Billy has Steve pinned to the floor and keeps punching him over and over again you finally get physical.
You tackle Billy off him while he's oblivious to his surroundings and use your hands and knees to pin his arms to the ground.
"What the fuck is your problem, Billy?!"
You've never seen him look at you so angrily, probably because he feels a bit betrayed.
He somehow manages to roll you both over so now your stuck underneath him.
You flinch when he draws his fist back like he's going to hit you, but the next thing you know- there's a syringe sticking out the side of his neck.
"Holy shit!"
He gets up to go after Max, but promptly falls.
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Your a bit shocked by Max's outburst.
Now her, you have never seen that angry before.
When they leave, you stay behind to look after Billy and move him to couch
He isn't happy when he wakes up.
He's actually really fucking pissed.
But he's still a little groggy from sleep and the drug (mostly the drug) so it's funny.
Help this child, he thought he was getting off the couch normally, but turns out he just rolled off and onto the floor face first.
Your freaking out and laughing all at once.
Slurred, "What the fuck's so funny?!?"
He needs aspirin and water like a hangover.
He falls asleep again after you get him back onto the couch, and you fall asleep on the floor propped up against the couch in a sitting position.
You don't wake up till the kids get back (Max wakes you up).
The both of you manage to get Billy to his car. He still asleep like a log.
You go to your place, and they spend the night - Max was worried their dad would be even more angry if they woke him up, and even more so if he caught you helping Billy and Max into the house.
The next morning was very #Domestic.
With You waking up to find Max already up and looking through your cabinets for food.
Suprise, you end up making breakfast for everyone!
Max wanted chocolate chip pancakes, so chocolate chip pancakes she shall get.
No suprise, Billy wakes up while you both are making the sausages and bacon.
Full plate of eggs, bacon and sausage, and pancakes for everyone! Yay! 😀
Honestly the best morning the two of them have had for a while, but you won't catch either of them saying that outloud.
Max leaves to hang out with the others.
Billy still seems mad about the previous night.
"What, are you going to pout all morning? All day?"
"I dont pout."
"Oh I'm sorry, what would you prefer to call it- sulking? Brooding? Plotting my death?"
He tries to hide a snicker and lightly shoves you.
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Going back to school the following Monday felt weird after everything that happened over the weekend.
You tried asking Steve what was up with all the drawings in Will's house, but he wouldn't budge.
Of course you tried asking Nancy and Jonathan too, but they acted like they didn't know anything.
The next few weeks were full of practice tests and prep assignments for finals.
You saw Billy less and less because you were hitting the books.
Sure he knew you were probably in the library, but after that weekend he wasn't sure how to go about interacting with you, or if he should do so anymore at all.
He kinda feels like you picked Steve over him.
He pops buy on Wednesday and almost gives you a heart attack. He's not surprised that you've been working yourself ragged, and your not surprised he hasn't even touched a text book (let's be honest, Billy doesn't strike me at the type of person to take notes in class, just pull out a pencil and paper to look like he's interested and go about his day).
Your freaking out, because finals but he doesn't flinch because you're like the smartest person he knows.
"Oh c'mon," he's managed to take your precious notes away, "You'll be fine, you're only stressing yourself out."
"Billy, I need those!"
"No you don't," He starts acting like he's reading the notes outloud, but he's getting the facts and formulas all wrong.
You correct him several times, and have actually started to chase him around the library.
Finally he closes the book after your sure you must have chased him around at least twice, "See, I told you. You don't need to study, you know this shit."
You both got kicked out of the library, again.
Billy is banned, but the librarian gives you one last chance...starting tomorrow.
You sigh in defeat, "Alright you proved your point, now give me my notebook back."
You reach for it.
"Nah," He raises it above his head so you can't reach it. Asshole.
Tommy and Carol show up and they think he's picking on you.
Neither of you sees them.
Tommy manages to snag the notebook, gives you an obnoxious laugh when you reach for it, and tosses it to Carol
"Give it back, shit face," Your mood went from playful to pissed in point zero seconds.
"What are you going to do about it, Heinz?"
Lord help you, you're about to throw hands again.
Billy snatches the book back and hands it to you, before looking at Tommy and Carol with a very stern expression.
"You idiots got anything better to do, huh?" He takes a few steps towards Tommy and for every step he takes, Tommy backs away.
Carol is distracted, which allows you to snatch your notebook back. She reaches for it again but you slap her hand away.
The message was very clear for them, so they take their leave and retreat back to wherever they came from.
Billy has lunch with you and manages to get you to skip the rest of school with him.
You don't want to miss during dead week, but the whole fiasco during your study period in the Library got you thinking- you need a break.
You also don't want the absent strike.
"You're such a goodie-two-shoes."
Peer pressure sucks.
You convince him to give you 30 minutes after the late bell rings to show up.
You go to class, set up your desk, the late bell rings, teacher calls role and marks you present. 7 minutes have passed.
You feign being ill.
It really wasn't hard. You just acted more tired than normal, threw in a couple "I have to stop what I'm doing because I have a headache," gestures. You even put your head down for a minute. You sit in the front so your body language is easy to pick up on and the teacher allows you to go to the nurses office when you ask. 12 minutes have passed.
When you get to the nurses office you throw the pass on the desk and storm into the private bathroom - closing the door behind you, before forcing yourself to dry heave. 27 minutes have passed.
You convince the nurse that it must be something you ate that's making you sick.
She gives you a pass and let's your teachers know you're sick and have gone home.
You meet Billy outside the school 30 minutes on the dot, he's surprised you actually came, and even more surprised that you lied well enough to get the teachers to excuse you for the rest of the day.
Of course you're upset when you see Tommy and Carol in the back seat, but you just roll your eyes and brush it off before climbing in shot gun.
Tommy and Carol are mocking you before you even get in.
"We didn't know the, mutt was coming along."
"How nice of you to bring something to entertain us, Billy."
Your looking at Billy through the corner of your eyes as he starts the car.
He waves you off, "Dont mind them."
You have no idea where you're going, or how long it will take so you pull out a book to read.
Before you can even open it, Carol snatches it from you, "What's the Nerd reading?!"
You roll your eyes again.
Tommy snatches it from the red head, "Stephan King. Christine."
"What's it?" Carol pipes up again, "Sappy romance novel?!"
"Wow, you both are actually uncultured, " you snatch the book away from Tommmy, "I'm impressed," and keep it out of his reach by out stretching your arm towards the dash, "Did it take all three of your brain cells to read that?"
Tommy tries to get his hands on you now, but you smack them away.
"Alright, alright!"
The three of you look surprised at Billy, "If you two don't quit your shit," he looks to the rearview mirror, "I'm kicking you out."
The rest of your ride was uneventful.
You arrive at Tommy's house.
His parents are also out of town.
But he lives in a large house with a pool and bar.
They're having an end of the year party and whoops you got dragged along.
You hadn't planned to be doing this with your time so you resort to studying more, much to Billy's behest, and Tommy and Carol's attempts to distract you.
You sit outside on a lawn chair next to the pool while they get everything prepped for the night.
Not much happens till it starts turning dark out, Billy calls you for help with something and when you leave you don't notice Carol and Tommy going for your stuff.
You can imagine your suprise when you find you stuff had been emptied into the pool.
Notebooks, text books, pencils, pens, erasers, even the book you were trying to read on the way.
You look up when you hear Carol laughing as she rounds the pool in your direction, and you see Tommy throw your bag in the pool.
"Are you fucking serious? What are you twelve?!"
Before you can react, Carol shoves you into the pool.
"And that's how you get a book worm to swim!"
You somehow manage to keep your cool, gathering your stuff and putting them on the edge of the pool away from Tommy and Carol. Though you didn't know why you bother, you can tell the ink is smeared and the pencil is faded now, only thing possibly salvageable was your pencils and your reading book, but even that was debatable.
You climb out and sit at the edge.
You feel physically uncomfortable
Your clothing is sticking to you.
And it's basically summer already so the air is hot and a little damp. You look up to see Billy storming out of the house.
"What the hell is going on?!"
"Relax, Billy, we were all just having a little fun, right?" Tommy looks at you like you're afraid of him so you're going to agree with him.
Yeah, no.
"Fuck off," you chuck your biggest text book at him.
None of them knew how well a text book could fly till it hits Tommy in the gut.
Go you! Bonus points for nailing him with the corner.
Your trying to wring the bottom of your clothes out when Tommy comes up from behind you and tries to grab you by the back of your head.
"Hey!" Billy is quickly making his way over to the both of you.
Carol tries to stop him, but she is poetically shoved to the side and subsequently falls into the pool.
You manage to elbow Tommy in the balls but the pain only makes him hold on harder.
"You little-"
He doesn't get to finish because he's promptly punched in the side of the face. You quickly back away from the edge incase Carol gets anymore funny ideas.
Billy helps you up and ushers you into the house.
"Sorry..." He sounds awkward, "About them."
You look at him with a deadpan expression, "Billy Hargrove, apologizing," you sigh with attitude, "pinch me. I must be dreaming."
He grits his jaw, "Don't you start being a smart ass with me- it's them who keep giving you crap!" He started raising his voice.
"Yeah, yet you still keep them around," you make your way over to the sink to keep wringing out your shirt and shoulder check him on the way, "Honestly, I don't even know why you keep them around- at least you have your reasons for being an asshole." You take off your shirt -much to Billy's suprise- so you can properly get rid of the water. Let's face it, a soaked shirt sticking to you like a second skin doesn't leave much to the imagination anyways, "Reasons," you turn to look at him for emphasis, "Not excuses," you turn back to the sink, "but understandable reasons nonetheless." You lay your shirt out flat on the kitchen's large counter to air dry (it's too dark and humid outside for it to dry any better outside anyways), "But they're just assholes because....because...." You sputter and shake your head, "I don't know, probably because they know they won't ever amount to anything better in their lives, so they figure they might as well tear down as many people as they can on their way to fucking nowhere."
You turn and look at him with an aggravated huff and cross your arms. Unfortunately Carol and Tommy walk in at that moment.
"You trashy mutt!"
"Stupid whore!"
"You really think, Billy's that desprit?!"
For a second you were confused. Then you remembered you didn't have a shirt on.
You roll your eyes again before throwing your still wet shirt back on.
"And what the hell Billy?! You really gonna' side with this half-breed?!"
Fuck this.
Fuck Carol.
Fuck Tommy.
And you know what? If this doesn't change, fuck Billy too. You dont need or deserve this.
You storm out the back door, gathering your things and shoving them in your dripping bag before walking around the side towards the front. Billy quickly runs out the front door to meet you outside.
"I'll take you home."
Billy calls your name and he almost sounds tired.
His tone is what makes you pause and turn around.
You raise a brow and swallow your pride as well as your snarky comments, "Fine."
The party commences and goes on without the both of you.
Billy isn't quite sure what he enjoys more, being out and partying or enjoying a relaxing evening indoors, heavens knows he can't relax at home.
Max surprises the both of you by stopping by to visit.
The three of you hang out in your living room flipping through channels and eating popcorn.
Billy eats the least pop corn out off the three of you and opted to have some carrots and grapes less than half way through the first movie.
Billy is totally a health buff.
"Are Carol and Tommy really that bad?" Max mistakenly asked about your day.
"They have absolutely no redeeming qualities."
Max doesn't hide how she shoots a glance at her brother, 'And that fool does?' Is basically what her expression asked.
Billy glares at her from the couch opposite to hers and bites a carrot like it's her head.
You're covering your laughter with your hand.
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From now on all my Imagines will be tagged by their titles, series, and parts! Hopefully this will make it easier to find a specific imagine if your looking for it. For example, anything relating to this series is tagged with "impossible", the series itself is tagged as "impossible series" and each individual part is tagged as "impossible pt.[1/2/3/etc.]"
Another example: part one is tagged as "impossible pt.1"
150 notes · View notes
forkanna · 5 years
NOTE: HAPPY FROZEN II DEBUT! Enjoy the last chapter for a bit! We promise, you'll have part 3 (the final arc of this continual storyline) soon as we can get it edited properly! Until then, see ya and enjoy the new movie!
Jessica X and Fruipit
                                              CHAPTER 11
After dinner, they tried to just hang out and be comfortable with each other again, and they did succeed. To a degree. It wasn't completely the same, but at least they could talk and laugh, enjoy each other's company. That was the most important thing.
Still… something was missing, and it couldn't be denied. Anna knew, deep in her heart, that it was the Elsa-Tori component to their relationship. They had tried ignoring it, and it almost worked; they were able to share small moments, talk about their days. And that part was great! But that desire always rose to the surface again at some point.
Elsa might have been older, but this version of her was glamorous and attractive. Anna had never had a 'thing' for older women, either; this was completely new territory. In fact, she didn't develop crushes beyond simply thinking someone was cute on a regular basis. Apparently, it had to be giving her own mother a simple massage that forced her to admit her feelings.
Then there was Punz. How would she feel about this? That she still had these feelings, that they weren't all left behind in the 80s? What a minefield she had stumbled into!
When bedtime came close, she waited for Elsa to announce that she was going. Then Anna followed her into the bedroom. She was silent as she watched Elsa unbutton her shirt. Then, as she was unzipping the side of her skirt, she turned… and saw her there.
"Yes?" she asked as mildly as she could. When Anna only shrugged, she said, "I really don't know if it's very smart for you to stand there while I change."
But Anna didn't reply. After a few seconds, Elsa opened her mouth as if to speak further. But instead, she closed it again and finished unzipping the pencil skirt, letting it drop to around her ankles.
Anna had to swallow a couple of times. Sure, Elsa's body wasn't 17 years old, and there were signs of it. Subtle stretch marks and cellulite was present – perhaps Elsa thought the sight would run Anna off. Make her realise that she was thirty years older and Anna wasn't interested.
If that was her intention, it had the opposite effect.
Talking would have ruined it, Anna felt, so she said nothing as she stepped forward. Elsa had crossed her legs where she stood, and she didn't keep going. Waiting for a reaction. Still, she seemed mildly surprised when Anna bent down to pick the skirt up. Elsa had to move so she was no longer standing in it, and while she kept her eyes trained on her daughter, Anna actually kept hers lowered. She didn't want to see what was on her mother's face. Not yet. So she picked the skirt up and set it on the duchess.
Then, she approached her mother. Before Elsa had a chance to back away further, Anna's nimble fingers were at the hem of her blouse, fingers slowly undoing the bottom buttons. There was a gasp, but no complaint.
When she slid the shirt back and off, Elsa began to whisper, "Listen… Anna, I don't think you realise what-"
"No," Anna whispered, raising a single finger to rest against her lips. Her mother's eyes widened a fraction of an inch. "Not 'Anna' tonight."
"We can't. Please, I don't want…" But Anna was fixing her with a pointed stare. And for the first time since she had arrived in this alternate present, Elsa looked just as scared and confused as the Elsa she had left behind in the past. "Tori, I don't know if I could live with myself afterward. And you know why."
At least she respected Anna's wish. That deserved Anna respecting one of hers in return. "I know. And I get that, but… I don't know if I can handle dancing around it."
"What dancing?" Her lips quivered, and she raised a hand to cup Anna's cheek… and she felt gooseflesh burst out all over her arms and legs. "I know what I want. But I can't have it. Don't you understand that? We have a hard time resisting this pull, but I can't… I still don't want to hurt my little girl!"
The tears were coming. Trying to head them off, she whispered, "I'm not a little girl anymore. Maybe I'm your daughter, but I'm no child. We are both old enough to know what we want – and we are both crazy about each other. What else matters?"
"Only everything!" As the moisture collected at the corners of her eyes, Elsa chanced a weak little smile. "Crazy about me, huh?"
"Yeah. I don't really get it, either; I mean, I still like Punz just as much as I did before, but you are so…" Her words ran out, so instead she only pressed a hand into the one cupping her cheek, holding it there while she let her eyes fall closed. Basking in this closeness that they could only so rarely enjoy.
"I may have exaggerated how over Tori… over you, I was," Elsa admitted, and it was clear to Anna that it had been a struggle for her to say. Still, progress, she thought. "I still want you. But I don't know if I can handle the repercussions."
"I know I could." Anna slipped into a sitting position on the bed, pulling Elsa around to face her, burying her nose in her stomach, planting feather light kisses on her abdomen.
Elsa exhaled sharply, the sheer eroticism of the moment not lost on her. "Wait. Stop." Anna complied, although she looked mildly hurt. "I don't want to do this to you," she started before Anna cut her off.
"Do what, Elsa? I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions and I'm telling you I want this!"
"You want to cheat on Jennifer?" Elsa shot back, a brief flash of anger in her voice. "You want to become some kind of heart breaking monster? With your own mother, is that what you want?"
The guilt hit Anna like a freight train and she felt herself coming apart a little. Elsa pulled her close, the hug turning more platonic as her voice turned gentler again.
"You want to do this, Tori? Lets do it right, or not at all. Heaven knows I'm going to struggle with this madness enough as it is." Elsa stroked Anna's hair as she reflected that never before in her life had getting something she wanted hurt so very, very much.
"Elsa…" She let that much slip. Just enough, the amount needed to show that she still saw her that way. Then she hugged back harder. "Okay. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so pushy… just… wh-when I want you so much…"
She could feel her mother nodding. "You haven't had thirty years to figure out your feelings like I have. Everything's so fresh and new, especially sexuality… I tried to tell you that was the difference. Why I'm trying to navigate this for both of us. Not because it's impossible for you, but because it's… harder without as much experience. That's all."
"I know, Mom. I know. Maybe at first I thought you were kind of… treating me like a kid, and you still kinda are, but I know you're not doing it to be mean! God!"
"Of course not. I love you so much… I never would want to hurt you, even the slightest amount!"
Drawing back, Anna kissed her lips very briefly, and she felt Elsa's shock. But she drew back right after. "You wouldn't be. And if I thought you really don't want to… be with me like that, I'd back off. But between you waking me up like that, and that foot massage… and how good you look right now…"
"I look old," Elsa tried to correct her, cupping her cheek. "And I am. You should be with someone your own age. Even if it wasn't Jennifer, someone a little closer…"
But Anna couldn't focus on the latter part of that. She could only focus on the former. "You think you look 'old'? And that's it, not 'good for your age', or 'DAMN what a hot mom'? Bullshit. You're amazing."
"Anna, that's not… normal," she said, cheeks turning darker. "You shouldn't be attr- like older women. You shouldn't want to be with… me…"
"But I want to!" Anna cried. And yeah she really felt like crying because Elsa was half-naked next to her and she was craving. So. Bad. The peaks of Elsa's nipples still stood out against her chest, though not so much as before. Good. That was for the best. It reminded Anna of that moment on Doc's couch, testing the waters with Elsa. Testing herself, too.
She knew how upset Punz would be about this development. And it wasn't one of those 'too-late-to-turn-back-now' kinds of things. They absolutely could recover from this; choices were involved. Deliberate choices.
Closing her eyes, Anna surged forward, pressing her lips solidly against Elsa's. They stayed there, kneading softly, before she backed away. Swallowing her tears, she stood from the bed. Elsa looked exactly how she felt: flushed, aroused. Sad. But she at least still managed a soft smile, gentle even though it didn't quite reach her eyes.
"I think… it's time for bed, Anna."
"I'm sorry, Mom… I'm really, really sorry."
"Goodnight," she croaked. Anna just nodded and retreated to her room.
It took a very long time to fall asleep that night.
                                                         ~ o ~
The next few days were awkward. Anna hadn't had a chance to talk to Punz, and each moment that passed just made it hard to bring up what was on her mind. Jennifer, bless her soul, didn't pry, even though she knew something was up.
And Anna didn't push her mother any further. The morning after, she woke up horrified to remember how forward she was. With all they had discussed before that! She knew that she was right about how strong their attraction was, but at the same time… Elsa was right, too. They couldn't be together. No one would ever accept a mother and daughter dating; not a biological pair like they were. Between that and the part where they also still wanted that mother-daughter relationship at the same time, it was a huge problem all around. Telling herself that didn't help as much as it should, though.
Finally, she did break down and tell Jennifer on their way home from school Thursday. And she was upset, and did try to reprimand Anna a few times, but with all the sobbing Anna was doing she eventually gave it up as useless. Not to mention adding insult to injury.
"Guess it was too much to hope that you could just say 'the past is in the past' and the feelings would go away," she finally whispered into Anna's hair after twenty minutes of gross feelings being expunged.
"I'm sorry!" she growled into Punz's jacket lapel. "I tried, I really did, I thought I could do it, but she's just… I can't forget, I can't!"
Hands caressed up and down her back for a few seconds. "You don't have to forget. You just have to move on. That is possible, you know. So… maybe it's time to really think about… seeing someone. Professionally."
Anna nodded pathetically. "I know," she said softly. "It's… been mentioned…"
Punz made a soft noise, her hands gently scratching through Anna's hair. She was silent for a moment, but at least this silence wasn't judgmental at all. When finally she did speak, it was to say something so entirely unexpected that, had Anna still been crying, it would have been enough to shut her up.
"What if… we went to see Doc Pabbie?"
"Um…" Anna began as she stared at her. The idea was so ludicrous that at first she had no idea what to say. "Punz…you know he's not like… that kind of doctor, don't you?"
Punz nodded, a quick jerky movement that had her looking more excited than anything. "I know, but he's a genius!" she said, leaning back enough so she could see Anna proper. "He's got a time machine. He's probably been to the future! Why don't we just ask him for some… y'know… help?"
"Well…" Anna didn't know what to follow that up with. "Well, I… guess it couldn't hurt. But I still don't know what you think he could do for us."
"Has to be better than feeling like a weird mother-lover all the time." Patting her knee, she nodded at the steering wheel. "Come on. Let's go see what he has to say."
                                                        ~ o ~
"Great Scott."
Sighing, Anna flopped back into the couch. That had been about what she expected from him: a muttered oath of surprise and no true answers. "Yeah."
"Hmm. For some reason, I had not suspected it would continue to grow more wildly out of control in such a fashion, especially once you had been returned to your original time period… but apparently, this inexorable pull of yours can't be held back with a few choice words."
"It's kind of freaking me out by this point. Like, we both have been actually trying to just be… family, and then this. And I do love Punz!" Here, she picked up Jennifer's hand and squeezed it, and got a squeeze in return. Not an enthusiastic one, but she was there, being supportive. It counted for a lot. "So… is there anything you know from the future that could help me figure this out?"
"Oh, no no no, my dear girl," he said with a nervous chuckle as he went back to sketching something on his writing desk. It was some kind of design that looked like a train, but Anna was too preoccupied to take a closer look. "No relevant information to mother-daughter relations, I'm afraid."
Jennifer leaned in a little. "What about something to block unwanted thoughts? Like, for both of them. Some kind of future technology?"
Again, he shook his head. "Do you know the side effects should anyone uncover future technology here?" he asked. "It would be disastrous!" When both Anna and Punz just cocked an eyebrow and looked at the DeLorean, he relented. "Well, fine, it does exist. It was ruled unconscionable by the International Human Rights Services – very dangerous, and it could permanently hinder your ability to learn new information. Imagine being stuck with only your current knowledge from 2015 and before for the rest of your lives! Sorry girls, you're going to have to do this the hard way."
Anna could have cried. Why was this so impossible? She felt Punz squeeze her hand again, this one far more sympathetic than before. Looked like a ridgy-didge mind-doctor was the only way to go. Surely the confidentiality clause meant they wouldn't go to the cops for incestuous liaisons – or time travel. Hopefully they also wouldn't share stories at yearly Shrink Festivals or anything like that, either.
"Also, tell your mother the same thing. She's likely forgotten if she didn't tell you."
Wait, what? Anna turned to Punz, only to find her girlfriend already looking at her. Okay, so she didn't misunderstand that.
"Doctor Pabbie…" Punz hedged, "Are you… are you saying that Mrs McFly has come to see you?"
He just looked at the two of them. "Why, of course she has! Where else would she have gone when she realised?"
"Literally anywhere else but here!" Anna cried. "What did she want?"
Suddenly, for the very first time since she'd met him, Doc looked quite unsure of himself. "I think… perhaps… you should talk to your mother…"
"That's not very easy right now, Doc! Haven't you been listening? I'm going out of my head here, I…"
"Talk to her. Just… sit down, keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourselves, and speak to each other with unflinching honesty. There's always a way forward if you keep looking for it. Do you know who taught me that?"
Sighing, she rubbed her forehead, not ready for some history lesson. "Who?"
Gesturing to his desk, he smiled over at her. "Coming to me from the future, telling me that my efforts would pay off? It gave me a glimpse of a brighter path. Evidently, one that I didn't need or I would never have invented the time machine in the first place, which would cause a chain reac-"
"Yeah, yeah, paradox thing." Then she allowed herself a slight smile. "Some good things did come out of me fucking everything up, I guess."
"You didn't ruin the future, Anna. Don't worry."
As she got up and Punz went along with her, she paused by the door to look over her shoulder. The old man looked like he had a thousand things on his mind. "You know… even though I had to go back in time and hit on Elsa to get the mother I always wanted, weirdness or no weirdness… I didn't have to do that to find a good dad." And that was as direct as she felt like she could be with him.
                                                        ~ o ~
Punz offered to stick around for the talk, but Anna wouldn't hear of it. This wasn't her fight, and it wasn't the kind of potential ugliness she wanted her girlfriend to have to deal with. Not when the whole reason behind it rested squarely on her own shoulders. So they left each other on the front doorstop, Punz giving Anna a sound, yet chaste, kiss on her lips.
"Good luck," she whispered. Anna appreciated the sentiment more than she could say. So, she simply offered a smile, and hung about on the step until Punz had returned to her car and driven out of sight. She needed the extra time to mentally prepare herself, anyway.
Time for some answers, she supposed. Taking a breath, she unlocked the door and stepped through.
No answer. A quick glance at her phone told Anna that it was peak 'mom should be home' time, so where was she? Great, all of Anna's mental preparation, wasted.
Sighing, she stepped into the kitchen. Pulling the milk from the fridge, she didn't bother to grab a glass, instead uncapping the bottle and drinking straight from it. All the while, she was thinking, running a list through her mind of all the places Elsa might be. It was entirely possible that she jumped right on ahead and found a shrink. Especially after the previous night. But even if she had, and if she wanted Anna to go – either individually or together – Doc's words still rang in her ears.
Honesty. Perhaps it was a good thing that Elsa wasn't here because she still needed to get her thoughts in order. She needed to be honest with Elsa. Truthful. Even if… even if the truth was painful and her mother didn't want to hear it, she had to.
But Elsa never returned that night. Anna tried to busy herself, actually cleaning up her room, doing homework. Puttering. But never did her mother poke her head back in.
Someone else did, however…
"Hey, girls!" Kristoff called out when he got in the door. "Sorry I didn't wait, honey, but you didn't reply to my text so I just got an Uber. Anybody home?"
"DAD!" Anna called out, flying at him from the living room. He dropped his shoulderbag and quickly caught her up in a hug, one that threatened to melt away all of her unease. It didn't quite accomplish that, but it made a good attempt.
"Booger!" He pet over her hair and back for a moment, but when she didn't let go, he drew concerned and pushed her backward slightly. "Hey, hey… what's the matter?"
"Mom's gone! I don't know… she won't answer her phone, and I think I really fucked up!"
Frowning at her, she could really see the lines in his face now, slight as they were compared with the ones of her old father. Again, this was more like the Kristoff she had met in the 80s, only aged a bit, instead of the totally different person her old father had been.
"What's wrong?"
She told him. Over the course of an hour, she told her father everything, and he listened with far more patience than anyone else would have, sitting with her and eventually giving her a beer from the fridge.
"But I'm not old enough," she blubbered.
"I won't tell if you won't. Besides, I think this counts as a special emergency." Twisting off the cap, he set it down in front of her then plopped down at the kitchen table. "I'm so sorry, honey… I thought the best plan was to continue my tour and give you two time to do… whatever it was you would do. Should have known Elsa wouldn't be able to let go of her hangups that easily."
"You don't care that your daughter wants to bang your wife?"
"Of course I care. Like with that beer, this isn't the average situation; time travel is involved. You two met when you were both the same age, and both more or less strangers to each other. Even if you knew who Elsa was, you didn't know her the way you knew her in the present day, right?"
Anna was stunned. How did he understand everything so well? "I… what… y-yeah, that's it. That's it exactly. And my old present-mom was way different from this present-mom, too. This one's just the one from back then grown up. The mom I lost… she was a whole other person. That's Mom, and this is Elsa."
"Right. So even though it does make me a little uneasy, not nearly as much as if it were Wendy, or another family member who never time travelled. You just have to think about these things fourth-dimensionally; strange attractors theories. Imagining that you exchanged your actual mother for an alternate reality version really takes away from the yuck factor. Almost could write a story about it, if it wouldn't bring too much light on our family."
"Guess I forgot what you do for a living," she laughed weakly. His chuckle was a lot heartier, and he reached over to clap her on the shoulder. "So… do you think maybe Mom checked into a hotel or something? Just to get away from the situation?"
"Probably all it is, Anna." With a shrug, he took the beer from her once he saw she wasn't going to touch it and took a swig. "But I've been able to tell that she wasn't over you as much as she thought. There were plenty of signs along the way. Just… wouldn't have done much good to take that security blanket away from her, when all she would do is fight with me about that."
"You two still fight, huh?"
"Only about that. And financial things, but those are more like 'stern discussions'." Anna smiled slightly. "Nothing major, and we try to never go to bed angry. Hash it out first and get to a solution."
"Okay, good. So…" Stretching, she stood up and rubbed her face. "I… want to try to go find Mom, but I also don't want to crowd her. Should I wait until tomorrow?"
Her father nodded, setting the bottle down. "Probably for the best. Considering how clear you made your feelings, I'd say time to think it over is a bare minimum."
"Thanks, Dad. I… I think I'll just…" She had been about to say 'go to my room', but thought better of it. "Do you want some help unpacking?"
His smile was a lot wider than she would have expected. "Sure, kiddo. We have plenty of time."
                                                        ~ o ~
So they did. And he spent the rest of the night hanging out with his daughter, getting to know her a little better. It was a completely different experience from getting to know Elsa again, since Kristoff really was just a father to her. The love was actually not all that different from her old father, who had always clearly been able to show it, even if mostly just with words rather than actions since he had been too spineless to discipline her, or do much of anything else.
But Anna couldn't stop thinking about her mother the entire time. Wanting to be with her, even if she turned down her advances. She tried to be satisfied with her father, and Wendy and John when they got home, and texting Jennifer to keep her informed. But beneath those surface comforts, all she wanted was her mommy.
Elsa didn't return that night. Nor did she return the next morning. Eventually, Anna did go to school with Punz, but she really began to worry. Where the hell was she?
Or perhaps the question she should have asked…
When the hell was she?
                                                        NOT THE END!
                                                        TO BE CONCLUDED… IN PART III
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lukasmcsbr · 5 years
MCSM Season 3 Chapter 10:Standoff
Please share,@mulberrycheeseburger ,@haysnazzi and @silversilence14
Total lenghtness,a climatic scene where Jesse is shocked upon seeing Aiden jumping from the plataform only because of an weird purple glowing pearl,at those seconds,he realized how insane Aiden was,willing to risk his own life at any cost to ressurect the Admin,Jesse just watched Aiden falling to a supposed cliff,however,he hears an clingy noise coming from the hole,before spoting Aiden,who managed to grab the pearl in time and hanging onto the cliffside with his sword,Jesse extends his arm to help Aiden,but the latter maliciously laughs,and procceds to place the pearl in his shoulder,Aiden's eyes begin to glow purple,and a purple smoke coming out of the pearl covers him entirely,blinding Jesse for a split second,enough time for Aiden to jump back to the plataform,yelling with a demonic(or heavy)voice,and still holding his sword
Jesse:[sees Aiden putting on the pearl]Okay,so that didn't go as planned...
Aiden:[jumps back to the plataform,with a demonic voice]RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHGG!!![lands in the plataform,holding his sword]This ins't going to be a fair fight![he tosses his sword to Jesse]
Jesse was frightened,seeing Aiden covered in an apparently invulnerable magma stone armor,his clothes and skin were all made out of stone,with purple cracks in a few places and a scar in the right side of his forehead,and his eyes were glowing purple,the only normal thing on him now was his hair,which was at it's normal color and state
Aiden:[in a loud voice]The Pearl of Hatred,a taste of invincibility.Too bad for YOU!!![he runs at Jesse,who rolls to take the sword and strike it on Aiden,but the blade simply brokes]Aaaahhhh!!!!
Scene changes to the Ender Temple's entrance,where Gill and a few Blaze Rods members are waiting for Aiden,all of sudden,the stone wall begins to crack and crumbles,revealing to be Aiden,who used his invincibility to easily break trought the wall,as he leaves,he takes the pearl off his shoulder
Jesse:[frightened]What did the pearl do to you...?
Scene changes to the New Order of The Stone,which were still chained in their ship by the Blaze Rods
(My art,i've drawed a long time ago,please do not use it without my permission)
Radar:[whispers to Olivia]So,what do we do know?
Olivia:[Whispers back to Radar]I don't know,they took our weapons,and guarded them in the cabin
Petra:[whispers]Well,were still chained so having weapons wouldn't be useful right now...
Maya:What are guys doing?
Radar:Umm,no--nothing,were just...doing nothing...
Maya:[gives sword to an biker]Watch them for me,will ya?
Maya leaves the ship,meanwhile,Gill and a few BL bikers are trying to get into the Ender Temple,but the stone wall won't fall even with Gill's strong punches
Gill:I can't break trought,it looks like we wait!
BL Biker:Uh,what if the Wither's slayer gets the pearl first?
Gill:[stares and aproaches the biker]The Quiet One will not fail!
Scene changes to Aiden throwing Jesse to the Pearl's pedestal,while evily laughing
Aiden:[demonic voice]hehehe
Jesse:You can hurt me all you want,but i'm never gonna let you get away with this!
Aiden:[demonic voice]Physical pain can only hurt so much,i intend far worse[he walks around Jesse]
Jesse:[picks up the rest of Aiden's broken sword,while frightened]Then what do you want??
Jesse:[shouts]You're a monster!!!I'll never feel what you feel!
Aiden:[Walks away,while turning his head a little]We will see!
Jesse:Fight me!Let's end it here!
Aiden:[Turns back at Jesse]I'm already two steps ahead![he turns and runs away]
Jesse:[realizes what Aiden is about to do]No...[drops his broken sword]DON'T!!!
Aiden leaves the chamber,but before he leaves the temple,he uses his invincibility to crack a wall near a waterfall inside the temple,knowing that it woud flud all the temple and drown Jesse
Aiden:[running,before spoting the wall]Huh?Yaaaaaaaaaa!!![hits the wall with his stone body,causing it to crack]
Jesse:[notices chamber is getting fulled with water]Where's a boat when i need one???!!!
Scene changes to the ship,were the New Order of The Stone is still chained under vigilance of a random biker
Olivia:[Blinks at Axel]
Axel:[Starts singing]🎵charm little glow worm,glamour,glamour🎵
Biker:Ugh,i hate this song,stop it!
Axel:Well,maybe i just want to sing it![keeps singing]
BL Biker:Ugh![blocks his ears]
Olivia:[whispers to Ivor]Now Ivor!
Ivor:[Reveals an metal rusting potion]Boya!
He uses the potion at the chains,which gets rusted and crumbles,before the biker could notice,Petra jumps at him and knocks him councious
Petra:[jumps at BL member]HAYA!
Lukas:Let's get our weapons at the cabin and go after Jesse...before it's too late!
Tumblr media
Gill:The Quiet One has the pearl!We have all three!!!
They all shout of joy
Aiden:Now i believe we have a ceremony to attend to!
Aiden:[walks by them]Take the ship!
Scene changes briefly to Jesse swiming through the temple,before being dragged by an up current,meanwhile,the Blaze Rods and Aiden are all leaving the Temple's entrance,but they stop when Radar appears out of nowhere and points his swords at Aiden
Radar:[points his swords to Aiden,while talking on a loud voice]Not so fast!
A female Blaze Rods biker takes off a knife and points it at Radar,while Gill takes off the Ender Pearl of Deception,intending to use it,but he is stopped by Axel,while the rest of New Order of The Stone arrives with their respective weapons
Axel:Careful!I wouldn't want you to upset your friends!
The Blaze Rods are out numbered,as they had split up early in small groups to patrol the island
Ivor:Hah!Looks like WE have the upper han-
He stops talking when he notices that more members were behind him and his friends,pointing swords and knifes to them,while Maya appears out of nowhere holding two sais and pointing them to Lukas,the White Pumpkin appears from up,and points his diamond axes at Ivor
Ivor:Ugh!Olivia,you said we had them out-numbered!
Olivia:Um,that was before i knew how many of them they were![points her bow and arrow to Aiden]
White Pumpkin:[tries to put on the Ender Pearl of Vengeance,but is stopped by Olivia]
Olivia:[staring at WP]Don't.even.think about it!
Radar:This can end in one of two ways[points one of his swords to and upcoming female biker with a knife,stopping her]either you hand over the pearls peacefully...
Ivor:[Sees biker aproaching him]Hehe,i don't even have to know the rest of the choices,i like that one...
Aiden:[shouts]Or what?
Radar:Or we're gonna have to get on heroes on y'a
Aiden:What does that even mean?[he annoingly asks]
Radar:Uh...[shouts]I don't know.Usually Jesse does the talking but he ins't here so...WHERE IS JESSE????!!!!
They all hear someone screaming, revealing to be Jesse,who was launched out of the temple to the air by a blast of water,before landing in the middle of everyone
Axel:[Sees Jesse in the skyes]Oh there he is!Oh...
Jesse:[falling]AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!![Lands hardly in the middle of the New Order]Ugh...
Lukas:Jesse!!You're okay?
Jesse:Ugh,guys,Aiden is the Quiet One!
Radar:Yeah,we kinda got that much...
The Blaze Rods laughs and aproaches them to attack,but they stop when they hear an groan that appears to be familiar to Jesse and Aiden
Aiden:[spots sea creature,revealing it to be a crab-like monster] Aaaahhhh!!!
They all run away,the monster follows them and attack,forcing the New Order of The Stone and the Blaze Rods to work together in order to defeat it,while Gill and WP used the Ender Pearls,the New Order of the Stone used their weapons to fend off the beast,Jesse even had to use his powers,revealing them to his friends and the rest of the Blaze Rods
Petra:[while attacking the beast]Jesse!!You have powers?
Jesse:[summoning his energy to attack the giant crab]Long story,short time,can we focus on that now??!
While they were distracting the monster,Lukas climbed in a few rocks and jumped at the beast,using his spear to encrave it in the beast's head,killing it instantly,and the creature explodes in a puff of smoke
Maya:We have to get you out of here,Quiet One!
Aiden:[shouts]Not without the pearls!
He whistles to Gill and WP,who were using the Ender Pearls to hold off against the now-deceased beast.The Blaze Rods group up and steal the New Order of the Stone's ship
Ivor:Hey,they're getting away!
Jesse:I got this!
Jesse leaps through the Temple's roof,climbing in the ancient stone constructions to jump at the ship,however,once he lands in the ship,Gill appears out of nowhere and grabs him,holding him to the air,while the New Order of the Stone were left behind
Radar:They have Jesse!
Axel:They have the pearls!
Olivia:[spots a lizard like creature aproaching them]And we have trouble...
The creature roars
~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter~~~~~~~~~~
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stonefreeak · 7 years
I just found your Chancellor Kenobi verse and I love it. Especially how Obi-wan and Anakin are fixing their relationship while Palpatine keeps trying to tear it apart. Howewver, I can't help but wonder how Anakin, Ahsoka, Cody, Rex, and the 501st and the 212th Battalions will react when they hear about the bombing of the Senate.
Anonymous said:Please I must know how Anakin reacted to being told about Obi-Wan I love this story so much
HERE WE GO! Here we go! I’ve done edits and research, and tried hard and I sure as fuck hope that my portrayal of a panic attack is okay, and respectful. If I’ve fucked up, just let me know and I’ll do my best to fix it!
Thanks to @dendral for helping me look it over!
I could likely have filed even more on it, but at some point you kinda need to stop. Also, my birthday’s coming up and I don’t want to stress about this too when it hits, hahaha.
So here we go, anons, and everyone else! Anakin gets the news!
WARNING: a character has a panic attack, so descriptions thereof will be found within. Said character also has trouble breathing. 
“General Skywalker, we have an incoming transmission from Coruscant,” Rex says, standing straight and with his arms crossed behind his back—stiff and formal. Anakin’s eyes narrow; that kind of posture generally means a transmission from the Council…
There’s a churning in the pit of Anakin’s stomach and he still feels the echoes of the Force screaming. He’s tried not to think about it, but now he can’t help the thought that keeps spinning in his mind: has something happened?
“I’ll come immediately, Captain.” He nods to Rex and turns to his Padawan. “Ahsoka, you take over the attack-coordination. I should be back soon.”
“Yes, Master,” she says and nods in return before she turns back to the holomaps of the star system and closest planets.
Anakin sets a fast pace toward the communication centre, but Rex, as always, keeps up.
“Rex, who can I expect?” Might as well have as much information as possible before he takes the comm. Preparation is key, as Obi-Wan likes to say.
“It’s General Windu, Sir. From how he looked it appears to be both very urgent and extremely important.”
Anakin blinks, and his stomach drops. Well, that doesn’t sound good. Master Windu being wound up enough to not be the picture of—sometimes grumpy—stoicism? Something must be very wrong. Could it actually be something to do with the Force crying out?
The walk to the communication hub isn’t long and it barely takes them a minute to get there. The door slides open and Anakin immediately sees Master Windu’s holo, arms crossed and with a grave expression on his face; there seems to be an almost grim edge to his facial expression that Anakin has very rarely seen before—and only in the most serious situations.
“Master Windu, I came as fast as I could,” Anakin says with a nod as soon as he steps within holocam range. “Captain Rex said it was urgent.” He tilts his head slightly towards Rex on his right.
“Knight Skywalker,” Master Windu says, inclining his head. “The Captain is correct. We could not delay this comm and risk you hearing these news from any other source.”
Anakin’s stomach drops further. That… that can’t be good at all.
“Has something happened?” Anakin crosses his arms behind his back to make sure Master Windu can’t see the way his fingers clench on his arms, a nervous tic.
Master Windu’s eyes close and he nods. “Several bombs went off in the office of Senator Biwa of the moon Illi-hian.” He looks, if possible, even grimmer.
“There was an attack on the Senate? When—” Before Anakin can continue, Master Windu cuts him off—swiftly, but not rudely.
“It happen just about one standard hour ago. So far, the only confirmed casualties are Senator Biwa himself and Senator Himesh of Cyllian III, beyond them, six people were injured. However…” Master Windu pauses briefly—Anakin’s thoughts are already running wild. What about Padmé? Is she safe? Has she been hurt? And what about Obi-Wan? He’s there too, is he safe?
Master Windu seems to almost steel himself. “Master Kenobi—Obi-Wan—was in that office,” he says softly, gently.
Anakin’s thoughts grind to a halt. What?
No. No, he can’t have… he can’t be—! Only two confirmed casualties, neither of them Obi-Wan, he reminds himself.
“Is he… is he okay?” Anakin tries to keep the urgency out of his voice, tries to keep calm, but he can feel his heartbeat pick up. Obi-Wan is on Coruscant, he should be safe there.
“His condition is critical.” Master Windu’s words hits Anakin like a sledgehammer to the head. “The healers don’t know if he will make it or not yet, but they got to him quickly, thanks to the troopers he brought with him to the meeting.”
Anakin tries to keep it together, tries to remind himself to breathe, but it suddenly feels almost impossibly hard. He has to breathe. He has to calm down and breathe.
He gets jolted out of his fixating thoughts by Rex’s shoulder suddenly connecting with his, and he manages to draw a deep, shuddering breath in through his nose. He glances to his captain slightly, and nods his thanks. The panic is not gone, but it has abated slightly. He is not alone.
He quickly realises that Master Windu has been waiting—silent—while Anakin collected himself.
“What… what are my orders?” he chokes out. He wants to rush back to Coruscant immediately, he needs to be with Obi-Wan. He can’t lose him like this. He can’t. Not now.
But Obi-Wan… Obi-Wan would want him to at least ask what his orders are first. And what if they want him to investigate the attempt? And he fucks it up by rushing ahead and they never find out who did this? He can’t. He can’t.
“If you think you can keep your mind on the battle ahead of you without distraction, stay where you are and complete your mission. However, if you do not think you can do so, withdraw your troops and return to Coruscant. Either path is open to you.” Master Windu’s eyes open and stare into Anakin’s. “The only thing you absolutely may not do, is leave your troops behind and return to Coruscant alone.”
Is… is this a test?
“And… it’s… my choice?” If he returns to Coruscant, will he fail whatever test this is? Are they lying about what happened to test him? Is that what this is? Some form of test to see if he will let his attachments interfere with his missions? Palpatine has always said the Council doesn’t trust Anakin as they should…. have they decided to test him?
“The mission you’re on is not time sensitive enough that re-routing a different part of the army would be unfeasible. We would lose more if you fail because you pushed yourself than if you retreat and let someone else take over. Master Unduli and her troops are in a nearby system awaiting orders, moving them to your position would not cause a significant delay.”
Anakin nods slowly. That… that makes sense. But… What should he do? If Obi-Wan is… Is… Then Anakin should be there, shouldn’t he?
As if sensing Anakin’s hesitation, despite the incredible distance between them, Master Windu speaks up again, “You do not have to answer immediately. Take a few hours to gather your thoughts, and discuss the situation with your Padawan and Captain.” He pauses and sighs. “If there’s any change in the situation, we’ll get in contact with you again.”
Anakin nods mutely. Take time to think. Yes. Good.
“And… Anakin.” Master Windu’s tone is gentle, his face worried. “Consider your feelings and your state of mind carefully, but don’t forget to consider your Padawan’s situations as well.”
Anakin blinks. Breathes. Tries to remember the last time Master Windu called him by his first name.
The silence stretches, and Anakin realises with a twitch that Master Windu might be waiting for a vocal confirmation.
“I’ll get back to you within three hours, Master Windu,” he croaks and clears his throat. “May the Force be with you.”
Master Windu’s eyes look a million stars away. “May the Force be with us all, Knight Skywalker.”
His holo disappears, and Anakin stands there, staring where the hologram once was and tries to keep breathing.
Without Master Windu’s holo in front of him, Anakin finds himself anchorless. Obi-Wan might die. Anakin could lose him.
It’s not fair. He can’t lose Obi-Wan now. Not now when Anakin finally knows for sure that Obi-Wan cares, has always cared. If he didn’t know… he’d take it better. But now… now…
The air seems thick, hard to breathe. He recognises the feeling from another time he received news that turned everything upside down.
The sounds of the hub seem far away, or distorted, as if Anakin were underwater.
He clutches at his face and gasps for breath.
He feels uncountably vulnerable, with his back bare as it is. There’s no Obi-Wan to have his back, no Master to place a warm palm on his back and give a small smile. There’s no best friend-brother-father-everything to help him this time.
His back hits the wall, and he slides down to a sitting position.
He can’t breathe.
Obi-Wan isn’t here.
Obi-Wan can’t help.
Anakin can’t breathe.
The news hit like a blaster bolt to the chest, and Rex can see his general’s face drain of blood and turn almost ashen. Rex keeps a close eye on him the rest of the holocall, but luckily he only needs to get his mind back to the present with a gentle shoulder nudge once.
Rex grits his teeth and tries to keep calm, but his thoughts keep turning to his brother, his brother who had to leave his Jedi behind and go into the field alone… and now said Jedi might die. Cody will be devastated, he’ll blame himself…
Rex closes his eyes and breathes deeply. He wishes he could be there when Cody gets the news, if only to be a shoulder for him to lean on, a grounding familiar presence.
Rex has seen many brothers lose their Jedi over the course of this war, has seen them get crushed in a way Rex can’t really explain. It’s as if they see their Jedi’s death as their personal failure and crack like the dry earth under the heat of an unforgiving sun.
But there’s more than just Cody, that weighs on Rex’s mind. It’s the knowledge that General Kenobi’s state will have far spread consequences on the troops, not just in the 212th, but throughout the whole army, and on Rex’s own General and Commander.
If General Kenobi dies…
Rex doesn’t want to consider it.
Cody isn’t here. Rex cannot be there for his brother. But he can be there for his General and his Commander… And knowing his General, he will need it. If only as a calming influence to keep him from flying off the handle to go hunting for whoever planted those bombs.
The call ends, and Rex awaits orders. No doubt will General Skywalker leap into action, either to find the Commander to tell her the news or to tell Rex about his decision…
To Rex’s surprise, however, the General doesn’t move at first. Instead, he stands still, his hands slowly creeping up toward his face—until they clutch at it with a grip so harsh the skin around his fingers turn white—as his breathing grows heavy and ragged.
Rex watches as he staggers backwards until his back hits the wall of the command centre, and he slides down to the floor.
What in all the Core Worlds…?
Rex has seen this behaviour before, in some brothers who suddenly couldn’t cope with the battle field before. It has been whispered through the army, because telling someone other than clone medics is unthinkable. If the Kaminoans ever heard of it… Well… Those brothers would be considered defective, and that’s something no other trooper wants to even think about.
Rex moves slowly to his general’s side, unwilling to startle him. He glances around the room, but the command centre had been mostly empty before Rex took his post, and none of the brothers working are looking this way, so at least the General has some privacy.
“General. Is there anything I can do to help?” he says, speaking softly enough that the words shouldn’t carry across the room. Rex is pretty sure that the last thing General Skywalker needs is to be crowded right now.
General Skywalker shakes his head jerkily, almost as if he barely has control of the motion.
“Obi-Wan is… Obi-Wan is…” he gasps, breath hitching.
While Rex would have expected the news to hit hard, he hadn’t expected this. He’d expected his general’s anger to search for a fitting target. He’d expected his general’s fierce determination to search for whoever was responsible.
But he hadn’t expected a panic attack.
“Is there anything I can do, General?” Rex murmurs, deliberately keeping his face smooth to avoid wincing in sympathy for his general’s harsh, fitful breaths. Rex wishes Kix was here; the medic would probably know what to do, how to help.
“B-breathe,” the General gasps, one hand now clawing at his chest, the other still clutching at his face with a white-knuckled grip.
Breathe? Rex isn’t sure what that means. He can tell that the general’s breathing is harsh and erratic, that much is obvious, but in the context of if there’s something Rex can do for him…?
“Yes, General, I can see you’re having trouble breathing,” Rex says, creeping slightly closer to his General.
For a brief moment, Rex wishes the Commander was here. Maybe she would know what to do, and maybe she’s seen the General like this before—!
His train of thought is cut off as General Skywalker’s hand, the one that isn’t clutching at his face, reaches out and almost slaps against his chestplate in a movement so fast Rex’s eyes can’t track it. He looks down at the hand lying flat against his chest—fingers splayed—as it twitches slightly, before he looks back at General Skywalker.
However… he isn’t looking at Rex at all. In fact, his eyes seem fixed on his own hand. Rex frowns and makes an aborted attempt to scratch his head, deciding instead that perhaps it’s best if he remains still and exactly where he is.
The general’s breathing starts slowing down, and the whites around his eyes become less prominent. Slowly his fingers relax and stop gouging into his cheek.
That’s when it clicks. Rex looks down at the hand on his chest again, and the slight way it moves with Rex’s own breathing. Is the general using his hand as a focus to match his breathing to Rex’s own?
Deciding to test his theory, Rex allows his own breathing to slow and deepen—making the slight movement of his chestplate more pronounced. The general’s breathing patterns start to follow.
So that was what he was trying to ask of Rex when he said “breathe” before. He wanted to create a focus to help him calm his breathing—which makes Rex wonder if the General has previous experience with this… And why he hasn’t told Rex about it.
While he respects his general’s need for privacy, this is the kind of important information that could be the difference between life and death on a battlefield.
Rex purses his lips and decides he’ll talk to General Skywalker about it later. Right now, there are other things that require their immediate attention.
However, as soon as General Skywalker has calmed down and made his decision regarding the mission…
(Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi masterpost)
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bmongmong · 3 years
Chapter 3 - New Emotions
Blue pill or red pill - Jungkook
Description: You're a young girl, who's a little bit introverted and afraid to be under everybody's eyes. You only have your best friend, but it's ok for you. You don't want to be popular and believe in minimal things. One day you meet a guy. Or two?
Jungkook x Reader
The imagines I used are not mine Credit to the owners
Y/n pov
Another week has passed and it seems like me, Rosé and Jungkook have become a great trio.
As I walk towards school I receive a message from Rosé:
Y/n sorry but today I won't come to school. I feel very sick ☹
That's ok I guess. If she's ill, she needs some rest and-WHAT?! OH MY GOD, I'LL BE ALONE!! WHO'S GOING TO PROTECT ME?! I BET EVERYONE WILL LOOK AT ME. WHAT IF THOSE BULLIES COME TO ME BECAUSE SHE'S NOT WITH ME?! Ok y/n. You have to calm down.
I feel my heart pounding very fast and the palms of my hands sweating. This weird sensation is pervading all parts of my body. From my feet to my head. I feel my legs strangely weak, but somehow I can walk without any problems.
I find myself at the entrance of my class. I take a deep breath, but I cannot move. I just want to run away from here. I feel really pathetic right now. I'm all grown up and I can't even go to school by myself, without my friend. Then...
"Are you going to go in or stay here all day?" I turn around and it's Jungwook.
I don't answer, I just look away and try to find an excuse, but it seems like my lips are sewn. Nothing comes out, a part form little indescribable noises.
"Move" he says scoffing and entering the class.
I just stand there, embarrassed of what just happened. I'm still not used to people talking to me, except if it's Rosé or Jungkook. That's right. The good twin. We talk a lot actually and I feel comfortable around him. Of course, there are still lots of things that we both don't know about each other, but I think that now, I can really consider him a friend of mine.
As I'm thinking about the people I know, still on the edge of the door, I hear a voice speaking to me:
"Y/n don't pay attention to him" it's Jungkook. For some reasons I feel calm now. My legs are no longer shaking and my mind is free from bad thoughts. He then continues:
"Come on, let's go inside together!" as he smiles, he grabs my hand and drags me inside. At that very moment, I felt like I died for a couple of seconds and then I resurrected. But then I realize that it was just my heart skipping a beat, or maybe two or three.
Now I'm seated at my spot, still thinking about the two Jeons. Wow, they're really different. The kind one, Jungkook, can make my heart flutter with just a single move, while the other one, Jungwook, is just a bully. As I find myself drawing on the desk, still thinking about those two boys, I hear a voice talking to me. To my surprise is Jimin:
"Y/n. Since today Rosé won't come at school, why don't you stay with us?" as he invites me, I see his hands pointing at him and the two brothers. I nod in response and I see Jungkook smiling. I guess it's not going to be that bad, but wait. How does he know about Rosé?
"Umh...Jimin...sorry for bothering" I say at a very low voice "How do you know about Rosé?"
"Oh didn't she tell you?" he asks surprised and I shake my head. Then I see him blushing a bit and smiling "she texted me this morning. She said, she didn't feel well. And she asked me to take care of you"
My heart melts. Rosé. I really can do noting without you. I feel my eyes a bit teary, thinking about her love towards me. She's like a second mum to me.
In order to not leave me alone, Jungkook sat beside me, at Rosé's spot. I honestly felt a bit better. During the lesson me and him would write on the desk to have some fun. He then helped me with a math problem I couldn't solve. As he leaned close to me, I felt my heart popping out of my chest. His face was so close and once he noticed he quickly turned away blushing.
During other classes I kept scolding myself. Too much is happening in my life. But as I think about Jungkook I start smiling. As much as I want to be emotionless, I really like the feeling when I'm close to him. I guess I'll just allow this new emotion. But what type of feeling is this? Friendship? I honestly don't know, but for sure I know it's not the same emotion I feel when I'm with Rosé.
By now I've known Jungkook for a couple of weeks, or maybe three.
I think I'm too strict to myself.
As another lesson ends I can see Jungwook walking towards us and talking:
"Can you two stop being all lovely dovely? It's honestly annoying"
Me and Jungkook look at each other and start blushing. Then the kind guy next to me talks back to his brother:
"We're not...like...just stop it Jungwook" I feel him nervous. He's kinda transmitting me his anxiety.
As I look at the two twins, I notice their little diversities. For example, Jungkook has a little spot under his lower lip, and I actually find this cute. Then I notice that he also has pretty long hair. Not as long as Jungwook's, but they're pretty long too. Regard the bad guy, I notice the many tattoos on his arm. They're so many!! But it's kinda attractive. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING Y/N?! SERIOUSLY STOP!!
As I'm internally debating with myself, Jungwook gets closer to my face. He's just a few inches away from me. WHAT IS HE DOING? I'm seriously about to explode. I'm feeling too many emotions. My body doesn't know how to react to this. It's actually a mix of excitement and anxiety.
"Stop acting so innocent y/n" the bad boy says as he stares into my eyes. Honestly, his gaze is so piercing. I feel like he can see my soul sailing inside my body.
Now I can hear all my classmates whispering. Jungkook notices how uncomfortable I look and he pushes away his brother saying:
"Leave her alone" he's not nervous. He rather seems calm and serious.
As the gangster walks away, I notice a group of girls looking at me. I know Jungwook is pretty famous, but I didn't expect such reactions.
"Y/n just ignore that" I hear Jimin saying as he handles me a bottle of fresh water. "Calm down, I'll talk to him later"
I guess Rosé told Jimin that I'm easily conditioned. I'm talking about my emotions. Now I feel nervous, I'm afraid Jimin will tell everybody about this.
"Don't worry y/n" this one says "I won't tell anybody" he says winking at me.
I blush a little and look away. He then continues:
"But I need to ask you a favour"
"What is it Jimin?" I ask curious, still flustered, due to what happened.
"Rosé. Convince her to go out with me"
I just nod and he leaves. So I was right!! Jimin has feelings for her! Yess, I'm so happy. Wow my mood is like a roller coaster. At first I feel nervous and scared, then right after I feel very happy. So many mood swings.
Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I flinch a bit, not expecting this type of skin ship, and turn around to face Jungkook, who's now talking to me:
"Y/n are you alright?" he asks. I can see that he's trying to look calm, but he's actually nervous.
"Yes, I think. Thank you Jungkook....for saving me earlier ahah..." I say a bit awkward.
"Don't worry. Even though he's tough, I know him really well and I know how to handle this type of situations" he seems a bit sad as he says this. "Do you need something?"
"O-Oh don't worry, I'll just go and get some fresh hair" I say and quickly stand up, leaving the room.
Now I'm walking down the empty hallway and stop at some point, leaning on the wall. I need some support since I feel my whole body trembling and shaking. As I turn around I see those girls that were looking at me earlier.
"So you're y/n? never heard of you" one of them says as the others start laughing at her lame joke. I'm just embarrassed and look down. I mean, that's what I wanted, not to be known. As I play with my fingernails due to nervousness, I feel one of those girls, grabbing my hair and making me fall on the ground. I put my hand in my hair to prevent her from pulling my hair even more, but she's really strong and eventually ends up pulling them a lot.
"How pathetic!" she says scoffing "I feel pity for you" and they start laughing.
I'm about to cry. I feel alone and helpless. I feel like I'm about to throw up all of my emotions. They're too many. And too heavy to handle. I feel my heart breaking into pieces as they keep making fun of me and pulling my hair. That's it. The end of a movie, where the main character gets beaten up and ends up dying alone. That's what I thought, until...
"Leave her alone" it's a male voice. He seems bossy and steady.
"Jungwook. What are you doing here?" one of those girls asks him "we just wanted to make sure she would never disturb you again. We saw what happened earlier"
"How many times do I have to tell you girls, that I will never date one of you? Now leave her alone and go away. And if I see you bothering her again, something bad will happen" he says threatening. Wow, he' really scary.
As I see those girls going away, I look up and see Jungwook looking at me from above.
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His body looks so good. He has really long and muscular legs and wide shoulders. I see his black belt hugging his tiny waist and his tattoos moving in sync with his muscles as he cracks his fingers.
"Stand up" he orders me.
I'm so scared right now. I feel like I could die, if I don't listen to this man. I quickly stand up facing him, but my eyes are looking away.
"Look at me" he says.
I just widen my eyes and tense up my body. I'm sweating again, I can feel the heat invading my body. He then repeats himself and I obey. As I look at him I feel kinda hypnotized. Like if my life was an actual movie and I'm just an actress, who's acting.
He gets closer to my face and asks me:
"Did they hurt you?"
I look away and shake my head. I'm too embarrassed to look at him, but he grabs my chin with his fingers and turns my head to his. I feel my heart in my throat and I can hear every beat. My breath gets heavy and I feel a drop of sweat slowly going down from my neck to my chest. It goes really slow and it actually gives me thrills.
I see him scoffing and asking at a really low voice:
"Why you?"
Is he referring to me? Did I do or say something wrong? Am I going to die?
I see him getting closer and closer and I instinctively shout my eyes. But then I hear Jimin:
"Y/n are you ok? We heard some noises so we came to check"
What is he doing here? And he's with Jungkook!!
As the boy that's holding my chin hears Jimin and Jungkook arriving, he lets go of me and steps away snorting. I'm actually relieved that nothing happened. I couldn't stand another scandal. Then I hear Jungkook voice:
"Y/n! Did he hurt you?" he says concerned.
"No, not at all. He actually helped me..."
As I finish explaining them what happened, I see Jungkook's face changing expression. He looks disappointed. Don't know why.
As we go back to the classroom, I feel a mix of emotions, but I cannot distinguish them. It feels so strange. I try to feel sad, but I can't. Then I try to feel angry, but the anger doesn't come out. It's really really weird.
Now that all classes ended, I stand up and make my way to leave the room, but I hear Jungkook voice from behind calling my name:
"Y/n!" he says. I can feel the tension building up. "I-I wondered if I-I could walk you home..." he says rubbing the back of his head.
My head feels peace after that question. I know I can go home safely with him. I nod and smile brightly and I see his face lighting up.
As we walk down the street I see him a bit nervous. I'm too shy to ask if there's something wrong. But I guess that's what good friends do, so I decide to question him. But before I could say something, he speaks:
"Y/n...do you like him?" I see him blushing.
"Umh? Who?" I'm a bit confused. Who is he talking about?
"My brother..." he says almost whispering.
"WHAT?! Of course no!! I'm just grateful that he helped me earlier, but there's nothing more!" I shout instinctively and nervously.
I see his face muscles relaxing and his big smile appears.
"Good to know"
That smile makes me blush so hard, that I have to look away so that he doesn't see my red face. But I guess he noticed it anyway as I can hear him giggle.
Now we're in front of my house.
"Goodbye Jungkook! Thanks for taking me home. See you tomorrow!" I say turning around, but before I could walk away he grabs my wrist and I freeze.
"Y/n..." he says with his calm voice. I don't turn around. I just can't move my body. I feel his hand tightening the grip on my wrist and in just a blink I feel Jungkook back hugging me.
After a couple of seconds he lets go and I hear him stuttering:
"I-I'm sorry y-y/n! I-I didn't m-mean to..." as he says so I turn around as see him looking at the ground. It doesn't look like he's regretting his decision. I think he's daydreaming right now, like he's here in front of me, but his mind is on another dimension.
He's actually handsome. I don't know what I'm doing, but I think I'm looking at him under another prospective. Not as my classmate. Nether as my friend. Could it be...? No way, I'm not that type of girl that dreams these sort of things.
I just want to nod and get inside, but instead I say:
"Don't worry" and my body starts moving on its own and does something I would have never expected.
Then I slowly let go and look at him smiling. He seems surprised but he shows me his bunny smile right after. I don't want him to see me flustered and nervous, so I just keep smiling. Then I greet him, still smiling, and go inside. After closing the door behind me, I look through the window and see him going away.
Then my smile disappears and I just...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream as loud as I can.
"What's wrong y/n?!" my mum is running to me worried. She keeps asking me and shaking me, but I'm frozen. I have to admit it, that scream helped me. I feel so much lighter now.
As both my mum and dad are shaking me, I smile at the memory of a few moments ago. As I smile I realize. I'm doomed.
0 notes
tamingthegods-blog · 7 years
Chapter 3: Let’s Go On A Tour...Maybe??
“Tell me about yourself, since you know all about me,” Anubis smiled at me as he laid on his bed with his head propped up on his hand so he could look at me.
“I don’t know everything about you. I only know what I’ve read. So, pretty much the important role that you play in the afterlife and how you had the most important role as god of the dead in the old kingdom until the middle kingdom came around and replaced your high-ranking role with Osiris and a bunch of other tales of how you became a god,” I explain as I push up my glasses and turn around so I was facing him.
"That didn't answer my question, Samuel," He states.
"Call me Sam, Please," I ask with a small smile.
“Okay Sam, now answer my question before I start getting physical with you, ow,” Anubis twitched. He must have gotten shocked again. What was he thinking exactly?
“R-Right, sorry,” I look away from him. “I’m twenty-four years old, six foot. I went to college for art and have my bachelor's degree in fine arts. And I'm a freelancing artist who sells merchandise based off shows and video games," I explain quickly.
“Care to explain that with more details?” He asked looking very confused.
"Yes, sorry, a bachelor's degree means that I studied four years in a college, which is where humans go to continue their education in order to get a piece of paper that says that I can do art ultimately. But since I didn’t want to attempt to get a job at a museum or continue with school to go into being a school teacher or a therapist, I decided to start drawing this thing that us humans call fan art and sell it at conventions. Fan art is where when you’re a fan of a show or a video game and you draw characters from the show or video game. A convention is a huge gathering of people who all like the same type of video games or shows and they dress up as characters from said video games or shows. That’s where I would sell my fan art that I’ve drawn to others so they can hang them on their walls back at home or gift them to other people,” I explain, but at the same time I feel like I probably just confused him a hell of a lot more. “If there was a way that I could show you what exactly it is I’m talking about it would be easier. But I don’t know how to do that considering I don’t know if we’re allowed to leave or what is it that we’re supposed to be doing.”
Anubis’s eyes widened at my explanation and he stared at me, “Is it like a worshiping thing?”
“Um…well, in a way it is, but there are also people who take things too far and worship characters from shows like a god…um…so you have paper and a pen or pencil that I can kinda draw it for you? Or draw you something to try to help? I can get it if you tell me where it is,” I ask starting to talk with my hands because I’m getting nervous.
Anubis snapped his fingers and out of thin air, a small ball of light appeared and then formed into a larger ball before floating off somewhere in the room. He comes floating back with some papyrus and a pen. “Fair enough,” I mumble as it floats over to me with the modern-day pen and the papyrus. I take them from the small ball, “Thank you.” The ball bounces slightly before disappearing.  “Did you know the modern-day word paper actually came from the word papyrus?” I ask Anubis as I feel papyrus for the first time and with my hands examine the thickness of it.
“No,” He answered simply as I set the papyrus down on the bed and begin drawing with it. Instead of drawing someone from Overwatch or some anime I choose to draw an anime version of Anubis to help.
"Well, just like how Papyrus is papyrus weed weaved and mashed together paper is about the same. Paper is just weaving fibers of cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags, or grasses and then pressed into flexible sheets once they're dry," I finish a quick chibi of Anubis when I saw him in his god form and then begin to work on a full body image of him. "But, the word paper is a mixture between papyrus and the Anglo-Norman French word Papir. Somehow the word paper came from both those words, but papyrus was first," I chuckle as I continue to work. Anubis kept quiet as I worked and talked to him. I finish his full body and then take off my shoes and get onto my knees and walk over to him over the mattress on my knees over to him and set the papyrus down. “This is you, and this is also you. There are different types of styles in drawing. But, what I just did is also call fan art, because I’m also a fan of yours. This style is my main style in drawing, it’s called an anime style.”
He pointed at the chibi and his pointed ears perked up, “What is this called and why am I so tiny with a large head?”
I can’t help but chuckle at his reaction, “This is called a chibi. It’s a Japanese slang word describing something short. The original word is chibiru, which means to wear out and become short. Through it being used it’s meaning got sort of warped and turned into a style where the character is chibi when they are drawn with oversized heads and small bodies, kinda making them into a child like version of the real thing.” I answer with a smile. I’m happy that he’s so interested in this.
He sat up and it looks like he was thinking about it then he rose his right hand and snapped his fingers and a large cloud exploded from him I started coughing and waving the smoke away. When all of it cleared a small very adorable version of Anubis, ears, tail, and all like how we first met was now sitting on the bed looking up at me, “Like this?” He questioned.
I stared at him without answering him. Not even thinking I reached out for him and picked him up. Holding him out at arm’s length and staring at him in amazement I then brought him into my chest and started hugging him, “You’re so cute!!” I laugh and rub my cheek on his head, “I didn’t know you could do this! I just wanna hug you all day now,” I laugh as I continue to hold onto him.
He put his hands on my chest and pushed away from me, “Aaaaahh!! Too much attention in a way I don’t want it!!” He fussed in my arms.
“But you’re too cute!!” I laugh as he struggles to get out of my grasp. Suddenly, another huge cloud of smoke overs both of us and I start coughing as I feel my arms spread apart. I feel a hot breath brush against my lips as deep blue and gold eyes stare at me as I look over my glasses. Anubis poofed back into his human form with his pointed ears and his firm chest rested against my shoulders, he's looking down at me and I feel my face heat up as I can't break eye contact with him.
“How about now?” He questioned in a love sexual voice. It feels like my heart is going to pound out of my chest with how close he is to me.
“I-I um… I-I don’t know…” I can’t even form a full sentence.
“Don’t wanna give me that same affection when I’m bigger?” He smirked down at me and I didn’t know how to respond.
"I-I-I can't…r-really do the same thing…when you're big…" My face feels like a raging inferno and I can't get myself to let go of him in fear I might fall off the bed from panicking and spazzing because I'm so close to an actual god.
He growled a bit in a playful manner as he licks his lips, "I won't hurt you, I'll be good to you," He spoke sweetly and then he jerked away from me and I fell backward off the bed from the sudden movement. Landed on my shoulders and neck with a thud and my feet up in the air and against the bed I groan a bit from the growing pain in the back of my head.
“Ow,” I mumble as I sit there in that position for a moment before pulling my legs away from the bed and flipping myself over so I’m on my knees. I rub the back of my head and roll my shoulders to try to get the pain to go away.
“Son of a fuck, cock sucking, mother fucker, get this god damn thing off me, for fuck's sake!" Anubis shouted as I stood back up and look at him. He was on his bed and trying to pull at the collar that was placed around his neck.
“A-Anubis, it’s not coming off, please stop before you hurt yourself,” I crawl back on the bed to attempt to get him to stop. I grab his arm that's closest to me and attempt to pull it away from his collar, but he tightens the muscles in his arm so I can't move it, "Come on, stop being such a brat and just let go, waa," He let go and I was pulling too hard and I end up falling back, but luckily this time I didn't fall off the bed. I sit back up and look at him, "It's not coming off and you know that" I pick up the charm to my own necklace and show it to him, "These are not coming off until you learn what you need to. I don't know how I'm supposed to help you with that, but gods damn it I'm going to do it,” I let the charm fall again and then sit back on my legs and sigh. “If we were given more information as to what I’m supposed to do to help that collar come off faster for you I would. I don’t like seeing you get shocked as much as you don’t like getting shocked.
He seemed to calm down, but still looks frustrated, “Do you want me to draw for you more? Would that help you relax a bit?”
“No, I can’t get it off so you try,” He pointed at his collar and I sigh a little before crawling over to him and reaching out for his collar. Turning my hand around so my palm was up and attempt to slip my fingers under his collar. Not getting anywhere like that I flip my hand back over again try to get my fingers under his collar that way. I manage to slip my pointer and middle finger under the collar and then I get a stupid high voltage shock through my body. My ark jerks and I pull Anubis into me as I fall back onto the bed from the sock. The wind is knocked out of me when he falls on top of me.
“Oooowwwww,” I groan loudly as I get back breath back. Slowly shaking my arm, it hurts and stings.
“I don’t know what exactly hurts worse. That second shock or your knee in my crotch,” Anubis chuckles and I feel my face heat up and I realize that I feel the fabric against the side of my leg and my knee is against the sleek fabric that feels like compression shorts.
“I-I-I-I’m so sorry,” I panic and try to pull my leg away and end up kneeing him more and he lets out a loud and sexual groan which only makes my heart pound even more from embarrassment.
“You’re so thin and delicate,” And then he twitched a bit making my knee shift another loud moan came from him.
“I’m sorry,” I pull at his blankets and manage to pull myself out from under him. Clutching at my shirt I press my fist into my chest to somehow attempt to slow down my pounding heart.
Anubis chuckled at my reaction as he continued to lay there on the bed. He smirked up at me and I’m sure if he had his tail right now it would be slowly wagging, “You’re quite interesting I’ll give you that Sam. Most humans that I find and want to have some fun with me can’t resist me and yet you had your leg right up against my crotch and it didn’t seem to make you aroused in any way. Are you straight?”
I look away from him embarrassed, “N-No, I’m not straight,” I mean his body is gorgeous and I've wanted to touch him to make sure he's actually real and this all isn't just some figment of my imagination or something. But, at the same time, his punishment is because he's too sexual so as much as he wants it, then that defeats the purpose of this who thing right? I have to be strong and not let his sexual drive over take me.
“Then what’s the problem, just a quick one, I’ll be gentle with you since you seem to be nervous.” I felt my face heat up even more and then quickly shake my head declining his offer, “Come on Sam, it’ll be something that you’ll never forget.” He twitched again. Obviously, he’s thinking of something lewd.
I look down at my lap completely embarrassed, “I’ve never had sex before.” I mumble low enough to pray that he didn’t actually hear me.
Anubis starts laughing at my embarrassment and I started fidgeting with the bottom of my shirt, “I’m sorry, it is rude of me to laugh. You’re just so intriguing. You also seem to have quite a bit of knowledge for someone so young.” The smile that was on his lips fell and his expression turned serious, “I’ll be back.”
“What’s wrong?” I ask watching him sit up and make his way off the bed and make his way over to the door.
"I have to go and perform one of my duties. You just stay here and don't worry, I'll return as soon as it's over to continue our conversation." He opened the door and looked back at me.
“Oh, okay,” I lock eyes with him again and I can see that he’s smiling in his eyes.
“I want to watch you draw when I get back,” I nod at his request and then he leaves the room, closing the door behind him as he left.
Now I sit here, alone, in a god’s room. I look around the room that’s very Egyptian themed. His bed is plush and fit for a king. “This room is really nice,” I mutter and then look at the door. “If I don’t go far…maybe I can get back before he’s done,” I mumble to myself and get off his bed. The stone floor is cold even through my socks. I put my shoes back on and head over to the door. Turning the handle and pulling it open I have to put my weight into it to get it opened enough to slip my body between it and the door frame so I could push it open the rest of the way. "Okay," I sigh happily as I finally get the door all the way open. "It shouldn't be that bad I'll just go a couple doors down and then come back." I go to take a step and it feels like my foot hits an invisible wall. "Hua?" I pull my foot back and swing my foot at the opening again. And once again my foot is stopped before it can get past the threshold of the room. I put my hands out and they hit the same wall, "What's going on?" I pound on the air in front of me like it's a wall, but it doesn't make a sound.  
I see a familiar head of black hair come into my view, “Hey Sam!!” James waved as he broke away from his god I think he said his name was Jabari.
"Hey Jay," I smiled putting my hands down.
“What’s up?” He asked coming over to me.
“Not too much, Anubis had to leave and do one of his duties, I wanted to explore just a little but I can’t get out of the room,” I comment and Jay looks at me confused.
He sticks his hand into the room like there was nothing there, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but come with us! Jabari is showing me around the place!!” Jay grabbed my hand and pulled.
“James, I wouldn’t,” It was too late I had slammed into the invisible wall. “Do that…”
“What the hell?” Jay asked trying to pull my hand through but it wasn’t going anywhere.
"It's the power of a command of a god. When thy God has given someone a command and the other agrees to it then the command is set until the god releases that command," Jabari explained for us and crossed his arms over his chest, "I'm assuming he told you to not leave the room correct?"
“Well, he told me to stay here and that he would be back, but I was only going to go two doors down and then come right back,” I answer and press my body against the invisible wall.
Jabari shifted his weight to his right and crossed his arms, "That's kinda shitty of Anubis to do. He's keeping you to himself."
“We have Jaeger and Shane down the hall. We came to come find you to come with us,” Jay said a bit disappointed that I literally couldn’t leave the room.
“Hey Jay, come here for a moment please,” Jabari said and Jay turns around.
“Yeah sure,” He walks back over to Jabari and Jabari put a hand on his head before walking away from him.
“Sam, I really need your help Jay can’t move from his spot can you come here please?” Jabari asked and smirks at me.
"Uh, yeah, I can help," I agree and then suddenly the wall disappeared and I came stumbling out of the room.
“There we go,” He smiled happily, “Jay you can come here now. I just needed you to stay put to make it look like you couldn’t move.”
“Not a problem, how did ya do that though?” Jay asked as Jabari patted my head and then he started walking away from us. I look at Jay and we catch up to him.
“It’s simple, if another god makes a pressing matter where we need someone who’s under the command of a gods help, we can break that command in order for that being that’s under it to help us.” He explained.
Jaeger and Shane came into view as they were looking out a window, “Good now that we’re all together, let’s get this tour started!!! You four might as well know where you’re going to be living and get used to it.”
“Jabari, question,” I speak up.
“Call me Jab,” I smile before spinning on his heels to lead us around.
“Alright, what’s going to happen back on earth then?”
“What do you mean by that?” He asks wanting more of a clarification.
“What I mean is, are people going to realize that we’re gone?”
“Oh, no, being brought here you’ve been erased from existence,” He answered like it was a simple thing. But his words hang heavy in the air around us. “No one remembers you. If you ever choose to go back then we’ll rewrite you into the world and give you memories to replace the ones you could have had there instead of being here.” His voice sounds a bit sad by having to explain this.
“What about our memories from here?” I ask in a softer voice.
“That’s up to you and your god. If you would like to keep your memories you’re more than welcome to. If not then we can erase those as well,” I took a deep breath and I watched his shoulders go up and then he spun around and smiled at the four of us, “But I know that I wish for all of you to stay. You’re all quite interesting and I enjoy hearing more about how the four of you became just good friends.”
“Why were we called here exactly? Aphrodite didn’t give the best explanation,” Shane spoke up.
“Well, it’s because we have issues that she feels you can help us with and you all have your issues that we can help you with,” Jab answered and I tipped my head as I looked at him. What does he mean by that?
“I mean, we all have issues, that shit happens,” Jaeger points out.
Jab just smiled at us before turning back around once more and we continue with the tour. He showed us where we can get food if we’re hungry, where the library was, where everyone was staying. Then we were shown the very large garden and green house and a couple of other places before he took us back to the dining hall because Jaeger’s stomach made a very large growl. Whatever we ask for the spirits there bring the food out to us. I just asked for a garden salad, Jay gets a chicken Caesar wrap on a spinach tortilla, Shane joins me in the salad department and gets a Greek salad, and Jaeger couldn’t pick so Jab ordered a stake for him. As we eat Jab explains that it's best for all of us to be out of the rooms anyway because the spirits are making rooms that will attach to their god's room that fits us.
“So, like Sam’s room will be a studio or something, because he’s an artist?” Jay comments with a mouth full of wrap.
Jab chuckles, “Exactly, you’re will be a sports type room I’m assuming.”
I look up as my fork is in my mouth and see a very displeased Anubis standing behind Jabari. I watch him place a hand on the back of Jabari's chair and then another on his hip, "So, Jabari, why have you stolen all of the humans for yourself? Oh, and why did you break my command on Sam hmmm?" He asked and Jab's ears went back and he looked up as Anubis looked down at him.
"I was giving them a tour since this is their new home and all. Besides, I didn't steal all of them, just Sam," He chuckled.
“And why exactly did you break my command?” Anubis sounded very serious.
“Because Jay wanted Sam too for the tour, also you can’t just keep him locked up in your room. That’s not letting him enjoy his time. Let him live a little, besides the spirits work faster when there’s no one into the rooms anyway," Jab said kind of avoiding completely answering Anubis's question.
Anubis grumbled and let go of Jab and his chair. He then proceeds to walk over to me and take a seat on my left. He crossed his legs, crossed his arms over his chest and then tipped his head up ever so slightly and stared at Jabari. I just continued to look at Anubis as he stared at Jab. He then turned to me and looked down to meet my gaze, “If you wanted a tour, I could have shown you around myself if you had asked.”
“We can still go for another one. I don’t mind,” I mumble with my fork near my mouth.
"Keeping Sam trapped in a room isn't the best for him anyway," Jay spoke up and I looked over at everyone else.
“And why is that? He draws yes?” Anubis asks.
“The kid can run,” Jaeger comments.
“Yeah, he runs more than five miles in a day then he’ll normally work out,” Shane adds in.
“It’s because I sit for so long, I need to get up and move somehow,” I speak up quickly.
"That's not to count the fact that when you need a break there are times where you'll go for another mile run or so," I sink more into my chair when Jaeger makes the comment.
"Do you have some strange condition that does not allow you to sit still for long periods of time?" Anubis asked and Jay snorted.
“Yeah, it’s called he was a track and field player along with cross country all throughout high school and college,” Jay comments.
“It’s just been ground into me that it’s hard to stay still, so when I don’t really have anything to do I kinda get a bit antsy,” I answer truthfully.
“There are plenty of places in the garden to run. There’s even a trail that goes around the entire thing if you need it,” Jab points out to me.
“I’ll have to check it out,” I mumble setting my fork down on an empty plate, “But, what do you want to do Anubis?”
“You should totally hang out with us, Jab was gonna show us the gym and pool after this!” Jay states sounding really excited about it.
“It’s up to you Anubis,” I comment, “If we hang out with my friends a bit longer I’ll draw whatever you want me to draw for you.” I offer and wait for his response.
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