#atem stays au
celepom · 1 year
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Puzzle Peaches
By Sally Vinter & Auroblaze
An Anthology of 16 comics (plus extras - 59 pages of content) based on Puzzleshipping, Peachshipping, and a little bit of Encourageshipping. Follow Yugi as he discovers his bisexuality, falls in love with his closest and oldest friends, and stumbles through the resulting fallout with comedic results!
Rated T | for sexual themes and situations (nothing graphic)
Purchase on GUMROAD or KO-FI
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Drawn to Life
by Auroblaze & Sally Vinter
Given the choice, Atem chose to live life with his Partner and friends. This Puzzleshipping Anthology contains 14 comics (2 Full Colour, 12 Ink/Greyscale) of a slice of the lives they make together.
Rated M | for sexual themes and situations (nothing graphic)
Purchase on GUMROAD or KO-FI
Noticed that people still pick these up (Thank you so much!! ToT ) so I thought I'd consolidate the two into a single post so people can more easily find them here on tumblr.
All sales are split between @auroblaze and myself. Even all these years later, we much appreciate our readers, both old and new! Thank you for enjoying our work!
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demidoodlefox · 2 years
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Jumping on the Atem stays au bandwagon with these.
I headcanon that Atem's an amazing singer. It just comes naturally to him. He wows everyone during karaoke nights.
nothing special about his dancing though. He has flexibility and coordination sure. He ain't bad. Anzu says he has potential. But it ain't really his thing.
Cooking is something he had no idea how to do at the start. Would overcook everything, or get oil splattering everywhere. But he eventually learned not to burn food.
he isn't tech illiterate, but he has an 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' mentality regarding tech. It drives Kaiba nuts.
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bakawitch · 5 months
Another funny demon/summoner tendershipping au I have is about Ryou summoning Bakura out of curiosity from a random book he found in his attic. Bakura is trying really hard to get Ryou to sell his soul to him, but somehow, Ryou tricks Bakura into selling his own soul to him. Bakura I mortified because a mortal just pulled one over him, and he's just so devastated. This also means that when Ryou dies, he will become Bakura's superior in hell and Bakura is just freaking out, because he can not let this idiot human with zero self-preservation skills get killed before he figures out how to undo the deal. Might sneak in some minor mortal Atem and incubus Yugi blindshipping for funsies.
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wisyhana · 1 year
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Destructionshipping Monster Tamer AU
So here are some of the drawings from this AU and a little summary of what is about and how is the story going (it's still a work in process so I'd probably change a few details in the future):
It's basically about Yugi (half elf), Jonou (human), Seto (elf) and Atem (human) as beast tamers all set in a fantasy world. Each of them protects their own region, they're in charge to prevent any monster from disturbing the life of people. They're not hunters, they work to take those beasts and return them back to their lands. Sometimes they keep some beasts as pets (Jonou), partners (Yugi and Atem), even trophies (Seto) 
All starts when Seto shares some information about the movement of a peculiar dragon, one of its kind that had entered Yugi's territory. No beast tamer want to deal with that dragon since it's known for its destructive power. All the tales talk about Gandora being a powerful type of dragon that even managed to bring itself to extintion, a single of its kind is enough to be considered a problem. So having the last Gandora wandering around is enought to concern a whole region.  Seto only cares about its region and doesn't want to get involve, especially when is about a dragon that can instantly kill/destroy everything, so he only 'wishes luck' to Yugi and see if he can survive Gandora's visit. Jonou feels uncapable of helping but encourage Yugi to find a way to lead Gandora out. Of course Yugi is very curious about this dragon and wants to find out more of em.   
Yugi here moves more around his own curiosity more than other thing, as the games in Duel Monster, he can't reject a new game as he can't reject a lone dragon. He investigates and travels to where Gandora is staying: a really dark and dried base of a volcano. It takes a lot for Yugi to find Gandora, he has to go through caves and burnt forests to find the lair of the dragon, who apparently is very awared of Yugi's presence. Gandora tries to kill Yugi MANY times, but Yugi always manage to escape and come back later to study em and find a way to win his trust. Yugi speaks to Gandora noticing that the dragon is capable of understand more than other dragons he knew.
Since Yugi's way too into studying Gandora's behavior he kinda let his region a little aside, so things don't go so well since he's so invested in 'his quest' as Yugi constantly talks about the dragon. Also Gandora doesn't just chill and relax, he slowly destroys the forest that goes around the volcano he's living in, causing monsters to leave and invade human territory. This concerns Jonou (and Seto as well but he's a bitch) and they try to persuade Yugi to shoo Gandora away in some way and protect his land as he should. But big hearted Yugi wants to know what makes Gandora so angry. Eventually Jonou sends a message to Atem and consults him for support.  Atem is a peacemaker and he belongs to no land, he's a traveller that helps people and monsters to keep at peace. He visit the guys in time to time but not really often.
Yugi tries to confront Gandora in some way, almost dying in the process, but he can't calm down Gandora. The boy finds himself failing to his quest, which makes him burst into tears apologizing to Gandora for not being able to help him. In all this time Gandora just acts as a furious beast, but somehow understands when Yugi apologize to him. 
There's no much time to talk when Yugi notices that Atem shows up, he sees Yugi badly wounded and decides is time to take action. Of course Yugi doesn't want him to interfer, but Atem is more concern about him than peace between them. Also Atem kinda scolds Yugi for prioritizing a giant dragon than his own people. So Atem calls for Osiris that's enough to intimidate every beast, but Gandora is stupid and even tries to fight them back. Yugi begs Gandora to leave and this one finally listens to him and flee. Yugi isnt necessarily angry at Atem but his words sure hurt him and there was no more Gandora.... for the moment.
So that's all for now, I'm looking forward to turn Atem into an anti-villain type of character, I like a lot the idea of Yugi and Atem finding themselves disagreeing for the first time and seeing them defending their own ideals. 
Of course all resolves around Gandora finally trusting in Yugi, but it'll take me a few more drawings to explain it! 
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saijspellhart · 5 months
Thoughts about the Puzzlepile AU. And how it might begin.
Yugi knows about AI-tem, and has been avoiding him because he knows it’s not Atem. And he can’t bear to be reminded that a facade exists of the person he misses and wants to be with, but cannot have. Atem is Yugi’s most intimate friend, and AI-tem feels like a cruel joke to him. Yugi misses Atem so desperately, and despite knowing it was his decision to send Atem to the afterlife, he resents himself for doing it, and wasn’t prepared for the empty void inside.
Meanwhile AI-tem observes Yugi from afar via Kaiba’s network. He watches all the old recordings of Battle City and other events from when Yugi and Atem were still together. He doesn’t have all of Atem’s memories, because Kaiba didn’t have access to such intimate knowledge. What he has is surface level. Enough to make a believable pretense, guise. But he isn’t Atem, he doesn’t know what he is. But there is a part of his program that longs and yearns for Yugi. And he’s convinced it’s a remnant of the real Atem.
AI-tem sees how Yugi suffers, and it kills him seeing the way Yugi looks at him with both longing and agony. But Yugi won’t even give him a chance. Not that they could interact physically.
Then one day above Domino city, there is a blinding explosion of light. Kaiba has used his dimension hopping machine to break into the afterlife to see Atem again, (and kidnap him) after the events of DSOD. The entire city of Domino shields their eyes from the light, feels the aftershocks that shake the city.
Hours later, Yugi is walking down the street, headed into the heart of the city to meet his friends when he spots a strange person standing in the road who looks suspiciously like Atem, dressed in ancient Egyptian garb. Albeit not as opulent and rich as Atem would have worn. The man is scared out of the street by a honking car, and darts into an alley. Yugi gives chase, and when he catches up, the man turns to look at him. And it’s himself.
Yugi is staring into a frightened and terrified eqyptian mirror. The ancient Egyptian Yugi speaks to him in an ancient language, frantic and confused. Yugi tries to reach out and touch him, but the Ancient Egyptian Yugi suddenly flees.
Then Yugi hears a scream, and the city is shaken again as a massive green dragon flies overhead. He runs out into the street to see the dragon heading to Kaiba Corp, where it descends on the tower. He knows this dragon, it’s Timaeus (from season 4). He has a suspicion that something has got to be Kaiba’s doing, and starts heading that direction.
Along the way, he bumps into a what he thinks is another mirror of himself, dressed in period British royal clothing. But upon looking up he’s staring into Yami’s face. He’s bewildered at first. The man stares at him with no recognition. And this “Yami” is also terrified just like the ancient Egyptian Yugi had been. Yugi tries to call him Atem, but the man doesn’t respond to the name. He gets that same uncomfortable feeling he gets from AI-tem. That “this isn’t my Atem,” feeling. And instead of staying, he runs from this British royalty Yami.
He continues to stumble upon a few more versions of himself and Atem on his way to Kaiba corp. that feeling of intense dread growing, something is very wrong. At the base of the Kaiba Corp tower he encounters his Atem. Except it isn’t his Atem. This Atem is pale like Yugi is. And looks like Atem used to look when they still shared a body. This odd pale Atem turns to him, and actually looks upon him with recognition and reverence. This pale Atem speaks to him in a voice he’s missed so dearly, calling, “Yugi!”
Yami runs to him to pull him into a hug, the most tightest of embraces. Because the chaos unfolding in the city frightened Yami. And the last thing he remembered was getting separated from his Yugi by a flash of light and energy. So he’s thrilled to see his partner and he pulls this Yugi into a tight hug, and tells him how glad he is that Yugi’s safe.
And Yugi just short circuits. He just can’t. He hasn’t felt Atem’s touch or presence in YEARS. And this pale Atem recognizes him, sees him, looks upon him with love and adoration and reverence. This Atem is embracing him the way he’d always wanted Atem to embrace him.
And that’s when Yami realizes this isn’t his Yugi. Because he can FEEL how thin and fragile this Yugi is, in a way Yami’s Yugi never was. When he pulls away that’s when he sees the tired, defeated, despondent agony that’s wracked this Yugi for years. Because he’s realizing, this Yugi isn’t his Yugi. This Yugi looks weary, and older. Worn down by grief. This Yugi is thin like he hasn’t been feeding himself. This is not the Yugi he had been with just moments before all the chaos. This is a Yugi that spent the last few years without Atem, and dying inside.
But all Yugi can see is the Atem he used to have. The person he wants most.
Even as Kaiba returns to the present day with having kidnapped Yugi’s Atem from the afterlife. Yugi and Yami (pale Atem) enter Kaiba Corp to find Kaiba being loaded on a stretcher, to be taken to the hospital, his little brother fretting over him. And Yugi’s true Atem is standing in the front room bewildered and raging. Screaming at Kaiba for ripping holes in time and space.
Cue all of them being tasked with combing the city to find all the Yugis and Atems that got scattered across Domino.
Anyway, the whole AU is basically most of the puzzepile gently coaxing DSOD Yugi and his Atem to reconcile, reconnect, and rekindle their relationship. And Yugi being absolutely unwilling to let his real Atem get that close, because he just CANNOT experience that heartbreak again. But it ends up starting with Yugi holding Atem at arms length, not allowing himself to get close again, because he knows Atem will have to leave again and he cannot experience that heartbreak a second time.
They start with a series of small moments that build into bigger moments. Slowly the two of them dismantling walls and rekindling the trust and devotion they once had, but with a romantic element to it now
Meanwhile all this is happening, Yugi bonds with all of the other Yugis and Atems, each of them carving a place in his heart. All of their threads of fate intertwining. Because even across time and space their different incarnations and versions are drawn to each other. A bond that defies even the gods.
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kathairoette · 1 month
You know, it's a pleasant surprise to see a work be received so well! Thank you for all the likes n reblogs 💖💖💖
In spirit of that, tell me some of your favorite Yami + Yugi headcanons. Cute ones or weird ones or messed-up ones, just have fun with it! Anon's open too if you're too shy~ (or need to keep a reputation of being a #NormalOnlinePerson, huehuehue). I'll list some of mine first!
Yami is dense not because he's an idiot, but because he genuinely doesn't register the idea that people would be into him in that way. He is so used to living in the borderline-homo zone with all his various rivalries that any flirting would be seen as a invitation to duel ("My heart beats for you." / "And mine as well! We duelists have a special connection after all!" / "sigh.")
In a Atem Stays/Atem Returns AU, Yuugi grows just tall enough to be taller than Atem, like +5 cm or so. So not tall enough to not be considered short, but tall enough to be taller than Atem. Atem is secretly infuriated by this and Yuugi lauds it over him every chance he gets XD
As shown in my art, for Yami to smile 'normally', ie.- not looking like a >:) gremlin, it has to be a conscious effort. When he tries it's usually small and somewhat unnoticeable. But every time he does, Yuugi notices that those smiles seem more genuine than his usual ones.
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shinayashipper · 4 months
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“It’s beautiful,” Yugi finally said, unable to not smile at the way Ryou beamed at him. “I really, really do like it. If- if I do start streaming, I’d be happy to use it.”
Hitbox, Headshot by @semi-jpg ( bruhkakke on AO3) - Chapter 1 FANART
I read this very fun and entertaining Puzzleshipping fic with them being game streamers!! I've been rereading them and rereading... and got Delirious so I NEEDED to Make Something for it UWAGH, I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND THIS!!!
This is an AU where they're game streamers! Atem is a pro gamer and Yugi's his fan. After some ~Events~ Yugi decided to be a streamer too but he's using an avatar (Vtuber) because he didn't want to show his face. His friends prepared everything for him! Yugi thought it's gonna be potato-shaped but they gave him a super Gorgeous elf <3
I didn't draw Atem in the fanart but this is a Puzzleshipping fic! I just found this scene of Ryou showing Yugi his vtuber very heartwarming! And I'm adding some of Yugi's existential crisis in there because CHAPTER 2 IS MAKING ME GO CRAZYYY AAAHH UWAAGHHH
I hope you like this, Ryan! Sorry if the vtuber model for Yugi didn't look like you envisioned...
Anyway some more gushings abt the fic under
maybe I'm just not in the Puzzle tag very much but this is the first time I read a streamer AU for them and it's SUPER FUN!! The idea of Ryou and Yugi being vtubers is sooo CUTE and you wrote their friendship really well AAHHH I LOVE YUGIOH I LOVE FRIENDSHIPPP!!!!!!!
Atem is such a sore loser but I'm not surprised if Kaiba's been in his circle for long HAHAH. What a gem!! You know I've been rereading the chapter 2 but specifically the part where Atem typed “Don’t think you’re that important.” IT HURTS ME SO MUCH BUT IT ALSO MADE ME SOOO EXCITED MY HEART DROPPED IM ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!
Love all the characters' interaction in the fic, it sparks such Joy in me, Beloved! <3
pls do tell me if u wanted the fanarts removed or something, take care & stay safe!!
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AU in which Atem decided to stay and go corporate 💅
Kaiba built an office for his bf
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gx-gameon · 3 months
Aside from rivalshipping and spiritshipping are there any other Yugioh ships you enjoy?
I am the worst multishipper in the galaxy. Like truly.
I grew up loving Joey and Mai but now that I’m older and I know the actual age gap it’s hard to still be for it. If it does happen it happens way later in life. Right now they are just really good friends
The DM crew is so friendship based it’s hard for me. I’ll dabble in wishshipping or puzzleshipping (I get where they are coming from and when done right it’s done right) but I set this au as rivalshipping and rivalshipping it will stay.
I could see Tristian and Miho.
Atem is different because I think he’s just interested in games here. Or pinning over Mana or Mahad which ever way you want it to go.
Now the Gx cast…
I can go anyway.
Chazz x Alexis or Chazz x Atticus is always fun
But then again so is
Zane x Atticus of Zane x Aster (when their grown up)
Jim x Alexis is cute and then you have the Dino duo is Jim x Hasselberry.
Bastion is down bad for Tanya but I would like to know her age please and thank you.
And while I’m a hard Spiritshipper Yusei x Jaden when done right is done right. And I can understand where Jaden x Alexis are coming from even if it’s not my favorite.
Honestly they are a group of teenagers on an island who are just figuring themselves out. Thank goodness the writers didn’t do romance because the amount of break up and different relationships you could have is wild.
I’m focusing on Rivalshipping and Spiritshipping here because I prefer them.
Anyone else will probably be in passing. The story is Jaden focused and I don’t think Jaden paid much attention to dating at duel academy. I can absolutely see his friends being in a relationship flying right over his head until they break up and he’s like “woh why is X sad all the sudden?”
He’s emotionally smart but also very focused on friendship and dueling.
I haven’t made and decisions on side pairing because I like to leave options open. If you think these two people should be together that’s great and if you want to see that in this story even better. I probably will keep most of the relationship age for that reason.
I have my to main ships and if I feel like adding another pairing I will but right now the DM crew are young adults raising a child (18 year olds raising a 4 year old) they have pleanty of time to figure out their lives.
And when Jaden goes to school his friends are all teens. There are messy crushes and relationship but it’s rare for any of them to stick. (Example Chazz and Alexis might go on one date and decide to be friends afterwards. Zane and Atticus might have had a thing their first year before Atticus went missing and it takes them a while to find their groove again or they date other people) it’s all fluid right now.
I have options
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kujakumai · 1 year
Atem-lives puzzleshipping AU where obviously Atem's going to stay at the shop with them but no one was really expecting Yugi to bring a second guy home so there's not exactly an extra room lying around and a newly brave Yugi subtly tries to bring up the fact that There's Only One Bed and so Atem nods sagely and says in his most serious voice that he understands what Yugi means and he knows that this is somewhat of an imposition on his part and that he is eternally grateful for any of the hospitality that the Mutos can provide. And promptly leaves the room to go sleep on the couch
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resuri-art · 1 year
Hi! I'm new to the yugioh fandom and have been asking around, do you have any fic recs you could share with us? I always love hearing what other people recommend ❤️
Hello anon, and welcome to the ygo fandom! 💖 I hope you're having a great time here. (We are a little weird but we are nice I promise.)
I have a lot of recs, it depends of what you're searching for, but I'll make a little selection:
Canon verse fics:
The last puzzle by @tenderwulf
11 years after the Ceremonial Duel, Atem and Bakura inexplicably find themselves back in Domino. When they meet their previous hosts, they realize how much things have changed: Yuugi, the now world-renowned King of Games, is going through a marriage crisis, Ryou is struggling to balance studies, work, and his brittle mental health, and Malik... well, Malik is living his best life—and his own yami is nowhere to be seen. They soon realize they all have to work together in order to solve the mystery of the yamis' return: some to make sure that they stay, and some to make sure that they don't.
- Philosophy of a knife by @crush3dmary
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Ryou learns this the hard way when he becomes the vessel for Zorc's power. A canon rewrite where Bakura wins.
The HoURGLASS serie by @worldendercharles
Two character studies of Marik Ishtar and his darker half, meant to parallel each other and explore the cross-contamination between them.
Chained to you by @saijspellhart
Taking place after the events of Season Zero, all the shadow games happened but Yugi never found out he was possessed by the spirit of the puzzle. Now he's an adult, living on his own, and he starts to notice strange and spooky things happening around his apartment. When he sees his own shadow moving Yugi begins to suspect his new place is haunted. But is this shadow spirit malicious or... kinda sweet? Yami does a bunch of stupidly sweet domestic shit for Yugi to help take care of him. Expect romance, fluff, self-care, and Puzzleshipping shenanigans.
Our Scars remind Us that the Past was Real by @sesshy380
Imagine waking up, and everyone is trying to convince you that the things you 'remember’ never happened, and that those 'memories’ exist only in YOUR head. The Thief King doesn’t have to imagine…because that’s exactly what happened. -or- The Thief King get’s a second chance at life.
Yami Bakura’s Got A Crush by @justapalspal
Yami Bakura’s got a crush, and it ends up being Bakura Ryou’s problem. Diva’s even more so.
AU fics:
To Balance the Scales by @sadistikitteh
Fleeing from being killed by his uncle's knights, Atem is saved by Bakura; the mate of the naga he'd helped years before. After healing from wounds and bonding with the couple, Atem's love and desire to help the creatures grows stronger.
Swan Lake by @kitsunefaux
A twist of fate leaves Bakura under the care of the fae Ryou, who thinks he would be so much cuter as a swan. What can you do against a creature who holds your choices in their hands? Who can you be in the belly of the beast?
The Kill Shot serie by @apathetic-theme-song
A modern/magic assassin AU. Two unstoppable forces collide as Bakura, one of the best assassins in the world, finds himself a target of an up-and-coming rival named Qadir in a plot to destroy them both. In teaming up to get revenge, they find that they make much better partners than enemies in more ways than one.
If you're into smut (and of age to read it of course), I would heavily recommend the whole work of Fat-Butch-Dyke (@fat-butch-dyke) and Sitabethel (@sitabethel). Fair warning with Sita: they do the best character developments. You think you will go for a fun pwp but be prepared to be a crying mess at some point.
Also Rochelle Echidna (@rochelle-echidna), Ninjam117 (@ninjam117), RelaySoul (@pandabaozi) and DisposableVillain works are to check too. <3 (I couldn't decide for a fic to recommend more than another.)
There are a lot more I'm probably forgetting but I think that will give you some reading material. Also I recommend to look at the other works of all the authors I mentionned, they are great. ♥
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teatitty · 5 months
New Mutou family headcanon is that their family can be traced all the way back to ancient china and every single relative was named after some kind of game. They were the official Gamers of the ancient world. You needed a new game made you went to the Mutou's. You wanted a game imported from another country? Mutou's gotcher back. They were like a tight knit smuggling operation but for games and this only stopped during the Edo era or thereabouts but the naming convention stayed which is why we have Sugoroku and Yugi now
Yugi's mum is called "Karuta" which are japanese playing cards. Now if I ever do AU's that take place in Atem's pharaoh years I can just have Yugi be his foreign game trader. I'm a genius as you can see
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bakawitch · 5 months
Au, where on a journey to visit Atem, the Yu-gang and Ryou somehow end up in the shadow realm. They get rounded up by a furious Zorc who goes on about a monologue featuring the horrible acts of atrocities he's going to commit against them until he's suddenly interrupted by a very angry tkb.
They get into an argument that gives the Yu-gang enough of a leeway to make an escape back into the shadows. After some time, tkb finds them and explains that due to a technicality, he was able to take some power away from Zorc and make it his own because he went to Hathor and he was able to get his and Zorc's deal recognised as a marriage contract. Hathor overwrote the terms a little, and basically, as long as tkb stays "married" to Zorc, he is considered a minor deity, and Zorc can not raise a harming hand against him. After a brief discussion, he helps them get back to the duat.
Stuff happens, it turns out that Atem isn't in the afterlife and Yugi freaks out. They get back to the world of the living, and Ryou recruits tkb to help them find the pharaoh in exchange for his worship.
Did I mention that this is a gravityshipping au, and Zorc gets cucked? XD
Malik eventually enters the picture, and he is basically the catalyst that kicks off the relationship. There's also a thing where tkb can't really leave the shadow realm, so they have to get creative with their dates.
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antaresr · 5 months
Casteshipping Cat cafe (but not totally a Cat cafe) Au, Egyptologist!Atem Cursed demi God!Bakura.
Bakura, the son of Anubis, a protective Demi-God who lives in the mountains that eat Ra during the night, is hunted by some humans who want to obtain Ra's favor to have power and wealth. Anubis, worried about his son, decides that the only way to protect him is to turn him into something that no human would dare to hurt. Anubis gives him agility to escape from dangerous situations and impressive hearing to know when to run away. Anubis turns his little son into a cat and leaves him in a temple where it will be protected and worshiped as it should be.
It works, Bakura is safe and protected by the temple priests, Anubis also gave him the ability to turn into a human at will, so when no one is looking he likes to stretch out in his human form and get up to some mischief.
For years Bakura does not worry about being caught or hurt, he enjoys the life that his father has given him, until things begin to change in Egypt, some gods are no longer worshiped, there are strange people on the streets, the royal family changed and they are not natives of Khemet, there are invaders who destroy temples and sacred figures.
Bakura fights with the invaders, one of them recognizes his divine condition and cuts his face "you are no longer a beautiful god, and no one will worship you anymore", Bakura, furious, kills him and flees to his temple to be cured and a priest finds him, the priest takes him to a chamber so that he is not found.
Bakura and the priest become friends, however one day soldiers look for Bakura, then he turns into a cat, Anubis observes everything and worried, takes away his power to become human at will, Bakura gets angry and Anubis explains to him that when the invasion ends he will let him return to his human form when Egypt wins, but Egypt loses and the gods lose presence and power.
In his last spark of presence Anubis decrees "my only son will become human once a month, when the moon illuminates him with its brightness, and will remain human when another sacrifices himself for him."
Bakura and the last priest remain together, traveling through the desert to escape from the soldiers, once a month Bakura is able to walk on his own feet during the night, after years and with time weighing on the bones of the old priest, writes the legend of the demigod, in his last breath he keeps the scroll in a vessel and hopes that it will last and someone will be able to sacrifice themselves to free Bakura from his curse.
Bakura like a cat, hides in cities and towns, sometimes kind people feed him, others try to scare him away, others try to capture him to sell him because he is very pretty to look at, sometimes he trusts enough with a human to show himself to them on the moon full, some try to kill him, others get scared and abandon him, a few others and the most fucked up try to rape him.
Bakura loses hope and remains like a surly and distrustful cat, once a month he looks for a place to hide as a human and continues with his life, many years have passed but he is still young.
One day he is caught while he was feeding, and they take him to a market to sell him, a strange man buys him and takes him, they put him in a machine and when they take him out he is in a place very different from the desert that he has always known and considered his home.
The man gives his cage to a younger man, he doesn't understand what they are saying, but the younger one screams angrily, but he still stays with him, feeds him and takes care of him, Bakura is not sick, just a little skinny, the young man takes him to a place where there are other cats.
In the place where he is with the other cats, people come in, eat and drink, some cats snuggle with those humans and allow themselves to be petted, Bakura stays far away and if anyone tries to touch him, he hisses and scratches them.
One day a man comes in, sits down and drinks something, Bakura observes his skin, it is like that of the native Egyptians, he begins to be curious and when he speaks, Bakura can understand him! He gets off what he has considered his little cat throne and runs towards that human, he meows at him hoping that he understands him but he is disappointed when he doesn't, even so he is the only human that he has liked because he treats him as an independent being and not something to put in his lap, he talks to him and tells him things.
The young man he was given to is surprised that "snow" has decided to interact with a client, he talks to him and then the Egyptian man looks at Bakura and says "He says I could adopt you, I don't know if that's a good idea." " Bakura meows in agreement, bumping his small head against the pleasant human.
The nice human leaves, but returns every day and continues talking to him, the one that the human called his last day does paperwork with the other human, and at the end of his drink he returns with a box where he puts it in and takes it out of the building, they go to another place and they put it back in the machine that brought it to this place, when it comes out again, it's back in Egypt!
The nice human takes him home and lets him out, there he tells him his name "I am Atem and I live here, now you will live here with me".
Atem treats him well, Atem always gives him delicious food and talks to him and lets him do whatever he wants and doesn't invade his personal space, on full days Bakura hides and then continues as if nothing had happened, you think he could live like this for always if it is with Atem.
One night Bakura falls asleep on the couch and Aten wakes up and goes to get a glass of water, he finds Bakura on the couch and shouts waking up Bakura, who looks at him bewildered, "Gods Atem, shut up."
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" is what Atem says to the unknown man, Bakura realizes that he is human, in front of Atem and curses himself for being so careless, Atem notices that his cat is not there and scolds him "where is my cat? If you hurt him, I swear I'm going to kill you"
And now Bakura is torn between explaining what the hell is happening or running away again.
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laquilasse · 1 year
I'm so super glad you're into Yugioh now!! I've loved your art forever and seeing you draw the Kaiba bros is a dream come true, you draw them so well! I'm curious though, do you have any ships??
I’m glad you’re liking the yugioh stuff!!! Kaiba bros were meant for me I swear lmao. And in terms of ships, not particularly? To me yugioh is a show about siblings. Seto and Mokuba (and Noa). Ishizu Marik and Odion. Trinity and Joey. And I know not everyone sees it this way but I also see Yugi and Atem as like… siblings isn’t entirely the right word even though I think their interactions give SOOO much older and younger brother energy. But more like they’re two halves of the same soul that were separated and then grew in different ways if that makes sense. But regardless their interactions are more familial to me than anything (though I realize that’s not everyone’s take). (This is also just me playing in the space but I loooooove the idea of Seto and Kisara having the same kind of deal. They’re part of the same soul but her soul is sealed in a stone tablet, and even then she found her way back. Then Kaiba pulls out his 3 blue eyes and it’s like ✌️😜 me n the girliepoos!!!)
The only thing I could say for ships personally is that I’m living in an au in my head where Atem refuses the afterlife and gets to stay in a body of his own, and him and Kaiba have a thing. And then at some point there’s a failed marriage proposal Pride and Prejudice style where kaiba’s like “I am SICK I am ILL I can’t stop thinking about you, I’ve tried, I can’t, it makes me so fucking pissed that I’m obsessed with some broke dweeb that was living in the brain of the dweeb in chief, so just MARRY ME.” And Atem just kind of looks at him like uh huh….ok….and….you thought this phrasing would make me say yes. Well I can’t say I’m surprised that you are once again back on your bullshit.
I also think it’s very funny if Kaiba and Ishizu have a thing specifically because my friend sent me a manga panel of Ishizu saying she was prepared to die if she couldn’t save her younger brother and kaiba’s like “holy shit she’s just like me fr….” But again that exists in a mind palace where Ishizu and Atem are like. Friends with benefits who are both dating Kaiba and he schedules quarterly reviews with both of them wrt The Relationship. So all the shippy stuff to me is purely for comedic effect essentially. Also if all disagreements between the three of them are handled immediately with a duel and smartass comments which I think would be particularly fun to see with Ishizu, because it’s a crime we only got to see her duel once (though she did make Kaiba sweat which was so real of her). I also think that Kaiba deserves to be smacked in the mouth but I like mean people so I wouldn’t want anyone to do it—EXCEPT Ishizu because of all the shit he talked about Marik (even though he was yami Marik at the time). He knows the rules about messing with younger siblings so if she smacks him in the mouth he had it coming.
Anyways tl;dr - all of this to say that the ships aren’t too serious to me, it’s the family relationships that really hooked me on yugioh!!!
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bastetwastaken · 1 year
I'd like puzzleshipping #2 and hope you're doing wonderfully!
Hey! Hi!
I'm so sorry this has taken so long for me to get around to and I really hope it was worth the wait. I'm doing good, getting through, I've just been struggling to find any time to write properly since work has been so busy but anyway!!
I hope this little Ancient Egypt AU, a little fill in your own plot type thing, finds you well <3 <3
2- "Stay your hand soldier, I'd like to keep this one."
Usually his days as Pharaoh were dull, endless issue after issue with seemingly no end in sight but today….today was shaping up to be very different indeed and that was all because of the man kneeling on the floor of his hall restrained by two of his guards. 
He shifted on his throne, leaning on one arm, hand propped under his chin as he looked over the situation he’d been presented with. The case was clear…or it should be. The man was caught trying to gain access to the palace, it should be assumed he meant Atem harm and he should be dealt with accordingly. 
Yet he was struggling to shake the feeling that something about the man before him was familiar. 
There was an energy around him which Atem felt he knew, and he looked closely at him. He took in the wild unkempt dark hair, the clothes which fit him so poorly, a face weathered by sun and sand… then he saw it. 
Those eyes. He could never mistake them. 
He brought a hand to his mouth in an effort to hide his amused smirk by looking thoughtful. He even hummed and forced a frown to add to the act. 
The man on the floor shifted and the guard to his right raised his hand as if to strike him but Atem reacted first. 
"Stay your hand soldier, I think I'll keep this one." He said, making sure his voice was strong. 
The guard shot him a worried look but quickly bowed his head in agreement when Atem glared at him. He didn’t care what his men thought he wanted with the supposed assassin, all he cared was that he got him away from them as fast as possible. 
He knew the man on his knees had caught his intention when their eyes met and he saw the smugness in them, the subtle change in him. 
It took every ounce of restraint to refrain from laughing in front of his guards but he managed a command to have the man taken to his chambers.   
He couldn’t follow immediately, but it wouldn’t be long before he would be satisfied with the knowledge that he was right about his identity. He caught the smile on the man's face as he was pulled to his feet and escorted from the room though and for now, that would have to do. 
He wasn’t surprised to find him standing freely in his room when he opened the door, not surprised to see the chains which had held him sitting uselessly in a pile on the floor, not surprised that he seemed so comfortable in this space rather than fearful of what may happen next. 
The man turned to him as he stepped into the room, a smirk on his borrowed face and Atem fought the urge to laugh just long enough to dismiss his guard. 
“You can drop the act.” Atem said as the door closed behind him. “It’s just you and me now.” 
The glamour fell away before his eyes, leaving Yugi’s familiar face looking back at him, a smile tugged at full looking lips and Atems breath caught in his throat. How long had it been this time? Too long, that was for certain. 
“One of these days I’ll manage to trick you as easily as I do your guard.” Yugi teased. 
He laughed and shook his head. 
"You know, if you wanted to see me so badly, you should have used the amulet I gave you." He said with a sly smile. “No need to get yourself arrested to gain an audience with me.”
Yugi shrugged and casually leaned back against the table behind him. 
"I wanted to test the security of this pretty cage they keep you in." Yugi told him. 
He ignored the term Yugi used. He knew the others' thoughts well enough by now. Knew how he viewed his lifestyle and everything that came along with it, even though he had once been a part of it. 
The worst part was that he didn't disagree. 
“How many of my guards did you harm this time?” He asked with a sigh as he walked over to the smaller table between them, peering into the jug there and thankfully finding it full. 
“None.” Yugi shrugged and threw him a wink when he glanced up. “I know you don’t like me hurting them, and as much as I hate to admit it, they do keep you safe.” 
“Wait, you actually did as I asked?” He said, feigning shock as he poured the liquid into two gilded cups. 
“You say that as if I never took orders from you before.” Yugi laughed. “You forget that you always outranked me.” 
He hummed as he picked up the now full cups. 
"One of these days my guards may not be so kind to you." He said as he walked closer, holding out a cup to his lover. 
"Why would I be afraid of that…" Yugi paused and took a cup, smiling sweetly at him. "When I know you'll protect me." 
He sighed quietly then sipped his wine. He knew he would never truly get Yugi to understand the risks of their…relationship, even if the words he was speaking were true. 
"I would try to, yes." He said softly. “But you know the position you put me in each time you attempt one of these stunts.” 
Yugi laughed, shooting him a confident smile as his eyes sparkled with mischief. 
“I could put you in more fun positions, I’m sure.” Yugi told him, eyes dropping to move over his body. 
“I don’t doubt that.” He replied, laughing softly as he stepped closer. 
"Seriously though, you act as if anyone would dare speak against a living god." Yugi said. "The embodiment of Horus himself. The figurehead of society. The man who drove away the army from the South with the power of the gods themselves. The man we all owe our lives to." 
"You speak against me." He said curiously, watching as Yugi rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the table behind him so they were even closer. 
"No." Yugi shook his head and downed the rest of the cup Atem had given him, placing it gently behind him. "I speak against what you stand for. I do not speak against you." 
"But what I stand for is all I am." Atem said. 
"For someone so educated, you can be frustratingly dim." Yugi laughed. 
"Well then, wise one, feel free to enlighten me."
"You may wear the crown, carry the symbols of the dynasty on your person and have your name carved on stone among the Pharaohs before you but you are not just this." Yugi said. "You may have the title of Pharaoh, but that is not all you are." 
He said nothing but stepped closer, their chests almost touching as he moved to place his cup with Yugis on the table. 
"How about the man who loves cats more than people? The man who hates spiders. Who is ticklish under his arms. Who has the voice of an angel but never sings loud enough for anyone but me to hear...who loves so loudly it is a wonder no one has noticed yet that you have fallen for a common outlaw." 
"I would hardly call you that." He said with a smirk, Yugi's words brought butterflies to his stomach.
"Ah, well." Yugi waved a hand at him. "Perhaps notorious is better?" 
"You're the most wanted man in all of Egypt." Atem laughed. "I think legendary would suit." 
"Legends are what we become once we leave this world." Yugi said, placing a hand against his chest and smiling sadly. "We can't all be gods after all." 
"Would you want to be?" He asked, leaning closer, his eyes moving down to kissable lips. 
"Oh, most definitely not." Yugi laughed, the hand on his chest moved to cup his cheek. "I see how you suffer." 
"You know me." He said quietly. He felt Yugi's hand push up into his hair, taking the crown he wore with it as it left him. "Me. Not the Pharaoh, not the man I have to be for the people." 
"I do know you." Yugi said softly, tossing the crown onto the table behind them. "And I know what we can never be." 
"I-" A finger was pressed to his lips as Yugi looked back at him sadly. 
"We both know that we can't." Yugi said. "It doesn't matter what you tell them, what you say or do…they will not accept me." 
"I wish it were different." He sighed. Yugi's hands moved to the back of his neck, easily unclasping the golden collar he wore and gently pulling it away, taking the various amulets attached to it off his collarbones and leaving his chest feeling lighter. 
Yugi smiled sadly as the jewellery joined his crown behind them. Atem knew he missed his old life, although he would never admit it. He knew he wished that the events of the past never happened…that a certain item had never come into their lives. 
"As do I." Yugi whispered. 
He took the hint, followed the pull of Yugi's hands in his hair and pressed their lips together in a sweet kiss he’d dreamed about ever since their last meeting. Their complicated history never seemed to matter when Yugi pulled him closer, when his hands found their way under weathered clothing to rest against soft skin warmed by the heat of the day, when they fell into his bed and lost themselves…
"One day you will be caught for real." He said, rolling onto his side to look at his lover laying on his back next to him. "Then what will you do?" 
"I'll know when the moment arrives." Yugi shrugged. 
"Spoken like a true rogue." He teased. 
"My ways have served me well thus far." Yugi said, then he smirked and held up the pendant he always wore around his neck. "I suppose carrying the power of a god helps matters." 
"You'd better not be using that for nefarious purposes." He said as he moved closer, wrapping an arm around Yugi and pulling him closer. 
"Me?" Yugi laughed. "Now would I do that?" 
"Do not take me for a fool." He said, dipping his head to place a kiss on Yugi's shoulder. 
"Never." Yugi sighed happily and melted into his hold. 
"The guards are none the wiser yet?" He asked.  
"No." Yugi’s voice was full of pride. "I must admit, I thought you kept better staff, but they seem completely unaware of even the simplest enchantment…" 
"Magic is not their strong point." He said dismissively. “But I thought you would be glad of that.” 
He listened to Yugi's soft laugh as he placed more kisses on his skin. 
He may be a noble turned outlaw, possibly the most wanted man in the entirety of his kingdom, but he was no threat to him. They’d known each other for way too long, they were too close. 
Only he understood the reasons Yugi had left his previous life, only he knew just how that escape went because he was there. 
He’d been the one who fought off the people who wanted to hurt Yugi, the one who had hidden Yugi from sight, the one who had helped him make a place for himself away from the city and those who wished him dead. 
Atem would have joined him had he not been thrown into power so soon afterwards. 
He knew Yugi wanted him to join him, to run away with him and leave this life behind…but he also understood just why Atem had to stay. 
They both did. 
The darkness which loomed over their world wouldn’t ever be defeated if Atem left. He was pretty sure that his secret rituals were the only thing keeping the monster at bay. 
Yugi knew that too. 
Just as he knew that Yugi would have to leave shortly, Atem would have to let his guards take him to the cells below the palace, and he’d have to act just as shocked as he always did when the report came of Yugi's escape. 
Then he’d have to wait with the uncertainty of not knowing when Yugi would return…if he’d return…but that was a problem for the future. 
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