theradioghost · 4 years
any podcast recs for my dad who generally dislikes podcasts but *loved* Cabin Pressure? I think the things he liked most abt it were the formulaic sitcom structure, the clever quips, and the British accents. He also really enjoyed the humor of Death By Dying.
Wooden Overcoats!!!! I could not recommend Wooden Overcoats highly enough given those criteria. Quid Pro Euro, St. Elwick’s Neighborhood Association Newsletter Podcast, and We Fix Space Junk might also be good to look into for some British comedy/sitcom goodness.
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applesandbannas747 · 4 years
I was wondering why no one was posting abt it!!! oh man i think I did some sort of hack on the publishing company and got a secret early copy. talk about a pro gamer move
LMAO bro teach me your magic hacking skills! Did you happen to get it mid-May? Not that it really matters, I’m just curious if maybe it was a result of the release date changing several times and orders getting sent out for the wrong one. But holy shit that’s super cool that you got a secret early copy!!! And that’s kind of hilarious that you thought everyone was just not talking about it XD Not only are you a pro gamer but you are the true MVP for not posting about vol 4 and spoiling everyone for it accidentally. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for that. And I’m crazy jealous, that is insanely awesome that you got a copy early!
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ernmark · 6 years
Do you have any theories about how Nureyev is going to interact with Juno in the beginning of the next season, and what their dynamic will be like? Peter’s so hard for me to read, I can’t tell what’s going on in his head, but his line at the end didn’t seem to have any malice in it.
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Continued: Obviously peter knew juno was part of the crew but like is the job just Worth it (if juno isn’t in his good books)?
I ADORE that I have gotten multiple asks about this in the first couple of days since the episode aired– and that you’re asking me to make coherent guesses based on all of seven words of dialogue.
That just makes me really freakin’ happy.
So let’s break it down a little:
The theory goes that anytime someone experiences a loss, they’re going to go through the five stages of depression. Anger, denial, depression, bargaining, and acceptance, in whatever order, and I think Juno walking out on him was a big enough blow to count as a loss. The thing is, I have no idea where Peter is currently. So let’s look at them all. 
(Thank god for READ MOREs, because this is gonna be long.)
For being A Man Without A Past, Peter Nureyev sure as hell makes a whole lot of callbacks to his and Juno’s shared past right when Juno’s trying to move on with his life.
Let’s look at the last time Peter uttered almost those exact words, in Midnight Fox:
JUNO (NARRATOR): It’s more trouble than it’s worth. History, I mean– relationships with other people. You regret things you knew you had to do; you do things you know you shouldn’t. And why? Another warm body in your bed doesn’t help anything – it doesn’t stop killers or end hunger or make the world any better than it is. Just makes your bed a little warmer. That’s all. That’s all.
That’s why I don’t bother with all that. This is the new Juno Steel, now; the PI who doesn’t let a pretty face stop him from doing what matters. The PI whowon’t let history weigh him down. Without a past to hold him down, a guy could take on the world. And in the morning… once I get a little sleep… that’s what I’ll do.
JUNO: (MUTTERING TO HIMSELF) Can’t remember the last time I was this tired… Where’s that damn light switch?NUREYEV: Hello, Juno. It’s been a while.JUNO:  Nureyev?!NUREYEV: The very same. Don’t get too comfortable, Detective. We’re leaving immediately.JUNO: If you think I’m going anywhere with you—NUREYEV: I don’t think, Juno. I know. You called me, after all – by way of one Valles Vicky.JUNO: You’re Vicky’s… This can’t be happening.NUREYEV: It is, I’m afraid, and I’ve neither the time nor inclination to prove what’s plainly in front of you. Now, put on your coat and give me your keys. We’ve a long night ahead of us.
The reason I copied the entire scene is that I’m using it as context. 
In Midnight Fox, Juno resolves to distance himself from the past. He tells himself that he’s moving on with his life and trying to take it into a new direction… tomorrow. Seconds later, Peter shows up, posing in Juno’s apartment with the lights off.
Similarly, in Soul of the People, Juno is taking physical action to move on from the past by boarding a ship with a bunch of near-strangers (and Rita), and Peter shows up, dramatically posing on a car.
Notably, in Midnight Fox, Peter is decisively cold towards Juno. There is no flirtation, there is no banter. It’s crisp and clean and straightforward. He interrupts Juno. He gives him instructions that leave no room for argument. 
It is quite possible that this is the kind of attitude that we’re going to see from Peter, at least initially, especially considering the way Juno left. He’s got a job to do, and he intends to see it done.
The thing is, his cold tone doesn’t last long. Over the course of the hours that they spend driving to the Oasis, Peter goes back to flirting, to playing, to showing off. I suspect that he’s too mercurial to hold a grudge for very long against someone he likes. 
But let’s look again at his entrance in Soul of the People:
He repeats, verbatim, the line that he said at their last reunion: Hello, Juno. It’s been a while. He’s deliberately calling back to their last grand adventure in the Oasis Casino, the train robbery, their weeks underground in the Martian Tomb, their fight against Miasma.
He’s sitting on the Ruby 7– the car they stole together, the car they drove back to Hyperion City after it all ended. And he’s sitting on the hood (as Sophie, Kevin and Joshua said non-canonically, “knee up, booty popped”) posing dramatically. Vain as he is, he’s not putting on that show for Rita.
All of these little callbacks communicate very clearly that he wants Juno to remember what they had, and that at least on some level, he wants Juno back.
He could easily be thinking, “I got you into bed once and I can do it again,” and just be constantly throwing himself at his favorite grumpy lady, which would be a delight. 
On the other, there is a not-insignificant chance that he’ll be far more closed off and less flirty than he was before. The first–and last– time they were intimate, Juno was only halfway reciprocating. He was traumatized and numb and still halfway considering suicide, and honestly? Sex probably was not the best thing for him right then. There’s a strong chance that Peter decided that he was wrong to push it the way he did, and then overcompensate by trying to remain entirely platonic out of guilt, despite his own wishes. 
You could actually get some really good drama with that– with both of them thinking that the other one wouldn’t want to pick up the relationship again, and both of them miserably pining for the other while everyone else in the ship collectively facepalms. (Honestly, I’m kinda hoping a little bit for that one.)
(It’s not an official stage of grief, but bear with me)
Even before Juno left, Peter had trouble keeping up with Juno’s changing moods– largely because they tended to be steered by Juno’s depression than by any external logic (and it wasn’t like Peter could research a formal diagnosis, because Juno’s gone out of his way to avoid anyone who could give him one). 
Juno started to warm up to him– particularly when they were in danger– and then suddenly would go cold and mean when things seemed to be going well. They won a card game, and then Juno accused him of trying to kill him. They beat Engstrom and successfully stole the Egg, and Juno demanded that he give up the Ruby 7. They defeated Miasma, and Juno started talking way too enthusiastically about mass suicide. They slept together, and in the morning he was gone. 
Knowing what we know about the inside of Juno’s head, that makes sense– he’s scared to trust, scared to have loved ones who could leave him, scared to have anything good in his life that he could potentially ruin, and so he’d lash out and isolate himself. 
Without that context, though, it paints a confusing picture– so confusing that it’s really hard to guess exactly how Peter interpreted Juno’s leaving in the first place. 
And that’s going to get even more confusing now that Juno’s trying so hard to be better. 
Peter knew a very specific incarnation of Juno, and the Juno we have now is a very different person. He’s going to have to get reacquainted with this new Juno Steel, who acknowledges his mistakes and apologizes when he hurts people and lets go of the past, who isn’t nearly as grumpy or surly as he used to be and is maybe still figuring himself out after all this time. A lot of the things that Peter used to do to get under his skin will just glance off him now– and maybe the little flirtations that Peter expected to just bounce off might actually be openly reciprocated.
And that’s gonna be weird. 
What I’m saying is that Peter’s going to have to internally recalibrate, and that’s gonna be weird, and I don’t know how much of it we’re going to see on the surface. 
Maybe he’ll see it as a game, but he may just as easily get frustrated and upset at Juno for being so difficult to figure out. 
Let’s not forget: Peter Nureyev compartmentalizes like a champ. 
He could be 100% in the same mode that he was in when he and Juno were working together against Engstrom for quite some time, and only later admit to Juno (or even himself) that he was hurt by the way Juno left.
Alternatively, he could deny to himself, at least) that he ever actually loved Juno in the first place. He’d still play and flirt with Juno, but only in the way he does with everybody, without the sincerity and vulnerability he expressed before. 
I’ve mentioned it several times as part of the other stages, but there’s a lot of room for anger.
The fact that Peter is lounging on the Ruby 7 takes on a slightly different meaning when you remember that Juno made Peter promise to turn it into the police, and now he’s flagrantly showing off that he still has it. In the same vein, Peter promised that if Juno didn’t want him, he’d leave Mars and never return– now here he is in all his glory. There is something defiant and vindictive about that kind of display.
If he struggles to keep up with Juno’s latest change of heart, there’s room for him to get frustrated and angry– for a lot of reasons, really. I could never see him getting violent with Juno, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Peter responding to a relatively minor slight with a cold and cutting remark, as an expression of the anger from everything that happened before. 
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elftwink · 5 years
🎁Happy birthday!!🎁
Thank you!!!! 
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actualbird · 6 years
just finished re-watching dghda s1!! thanks for reminding me of it, i loved it so much like last year but then completely forgot about it. My favorite thing about it is how many gotdam characters there are, and how they manage to make you care about almost every single one!! And how the characters you think are going to be the villains in episode 1 (rowdy 3, bart) actually end up being lovable and fun. God this show is (was? :( was.) so different than any other I’ve ever watched, in the best way
the answer to the question “who’s your favorite dghda character?” is more often than not “yes” because i love them all so fuckin much. (even the villains are villains i love to hate). it’s so good!! my only regret is not having watched it earlier D: 
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pepgold · 7 years
Ooh! How about Taako 11?
Wardrobe Headcanon
Taako, unashamedly, has so many clothes. That’s fine. in his room at the BoB, a lot of it was strewn about but he had room for it. But before, when he was on the road, and when he was in a goddamn bunkbed? He didn’t have a lot.
He was constantly trying to figure out if having a wardrobe to speak of was worth having to carry it, and he didn’t have the levels in him to be making dimensional boxes and whatnot to hide clothes in. So he had a few cute shirts, his hat, one skirt, one pair of sturdy pants. Enough for a change of clothes when he desperately needed one, to have something to change into when he was washing an outfit, but not... not enough to feel good about what he was wearing, a lot of the time.
Later, after the Bureau, he’s been coerced into wrangling his clothes into a closet and drawers, because Taako might be able to live like that, and Kravitz loves him, but. Kravitz Cannot Abide the clothes on the floor, or living in baskets forever. Eventually, Taako thinks he’s trained or tricked Kravitz into just putting all of the clothes away for him. Privately, Kravitz doesn’t mind doing that chore, because Taako does all of the cooking. It all evens out.
send me a number and a character for headcanons
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talesandfluff · 7 years
The new chapter of Gal Pals was a gift tbh. I've been subscribed to that story for months but it had been so long I kind of thought it was abandoned. So a surprise update was amazing. Just what I needed to brighten my spirits after a long week. Your writing gives me life.
Thank you so much!!! Yeah yesterday I was just taken by it, I pretty much wrote the whole thing in one afternoon. I already have the rough plan for the rest of the fic, I hope to finish it within the month at the latest.
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jonaslights · 8 years
Is that what those messages were about?? I should have figured he was drunk, jeez......
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fairskyabove · 8 years
not-callipygian replied to your post “my new life plan is to be college roommates with auli'i cravalho and...”
Same :/
atleastthisusernamewasnttaken replied to your post “my new life plan is to be college roommates with auli'i cravalho and...”
Sorry didn't realize it said not to reblog I just deleted it
don’t worry about it i kind of hid that in the tags i just didn’t want the post to get a lot of notes 
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thundercaya · 8 years
Hi I just read all of workplace warzone and I just want to say that I love how you characterize everyone and you're an amazing writer.
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know.
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theradioghost · 4 years
I just listened to all of Alba Salix after seeing it on one of your recommendation lists and I’ve gotta say... I REALLY did not expect to cry during any of it. I didn’t think the show was capable of making me feel sad. I almost made it too, but the season 2 finale...... the twist... the tonal shift... the hug....... yeah. some tears were shed. thank you for recommending it!
Oh completely agreed. Everything seems fine and silly and lighthearted and then THAT’S when Sean and Eli get you with your guard down. I’m glad you enjoyed it! :D
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eurojank-moved · 8 years
Do your homework
i will............ eventually 
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ernmark · 5 years
What Do I Need With Love from Thoroughly Modern Millie is a Peter song during Murderous Mask
Although I hardly know you
What do I need with love?
I got it good
Got it good
But now I got it bad! 
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elftwink · 6 years
1, 14, 15, 18, and 21 for the new year fic ask prompt!! :3
1. favourite fic you wrote this year
i said heads/tails already but my second favourite is probably anything for a quiet life; i’m sure it’s been jossed since i’m very behind on amnesty but i had fun writing it. duck newton trans still tho im right about that
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
uhhh probably stranger in the stars tbh!!! just cos it’s out of my normal fic wheelhouse
15. something you learned this year
i feel like i learned how foreshadowing works more; usually my shit is too short for much of it and the last long thing i wrote is like, entirely devoid of foreshadowing because i was 15 and that was hard cos i didn’t even know how it was going to end but i think i’m getting better at it now. it’s a work in progress
18. current number of wips
six atm, but like 30 if you count all the times i started and outlined a vague idea of something and abandoned it jdhjsghkjhj
21. most memorable comment/review
i know this is meant to be from 2018 but it’s still this one from 2015 check it i love this person and their comment
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[id: an ao3 comment by princess_prince that reads “congrats i am...sad. ver y sad. oh god im so. horatio is my tiny, tiny son and all i want is for him to be happy! lmao why couldn’t hamlet live and date horatio and ophelia and just not die, u know, just stay alive, be happy, why did willy shakes DO THIS TO US
thank you for writing this, i love it a lot!!!!!!!!” /end id]
also from this year no spoilers so i won’t point out which one but one of the comments on stranger in the stars directly brought up a future plot point and i was like.... ah yes.... the foreshadowing.... :3. i mean a lot of ppl do that and nobody’s been way off because it’s not like a mystery or a thriller or anything where i attempt to keep you from figuring out the ending or whatever but sometimes ppl hit the nail on the head and i’m like !, you know? anyway
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actualbird · 7 years
Okay that movie star au was beautiful but honestly IM GONNA YEET is the most iconic line I've heard all day
list of iconic lines by me
be still my beating meat
thanks im here all month fhfhfhfhgg
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theninthmember · 4 years
atleastthisusernamewasnttaken >>>> theninthmember
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