winged-void · 7 months
Though they are so ingrained into our daily life we may think it impossible, the truth is, the maid as we know it is a rather modern invention, dating back only a hundred years or so.
These days, many casual employers of these strange beasts may not know much about their origins. For example, did you know that maids were originally constructed out of enchanted metal, rather than the more lightweight and practical porcelain used today?
Where they come from, none are exactly sure, but documentations of the first sighting give us some useful clues. Let us study them and see what we can find.
The Good Lady Carrion Swyft wrote of her encounter:
I was out tending my garden when first I saw it: a tall and ornate suit armor, coming straight for me. Honestly, it scared me half to death! It lumbered unevenly, like something inside it was trying to get out.
Her wife, Dyna of Atmus, had this to say:
I was on the balcony, enjoying a drink at the time. The first thing I noticed about it was the attire, which was easy to spot, even from far away. It wore dark colored mage robes, covered in some sort of patterned white smock. When it got closer I saw the pattern for what it was: detailed runes, all across it. Honestly, I'd never seen writing so small.
Their child, the gentle heir Marlyn Swyft, said only this:
It couldn't emote, of course, but when I saw it, I knew immediately that it was distressed. I knew if such a creature could feel pain it would be immense.
What does this tell us about their origins? What do YOU think?
Please proceed along the areas marked at your feet to the next station in A Maiden's Journey: brought to you by Swyft Automatons.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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“Our psyche is part of nature, and its enigma is as limitless” ― Carl Gustav Jung
The Sphinx Enigma Talon Abraxas Hail to him who at the dawn of time was Atmu, the prince of light and splendour; who having made himself, made all men live; who saileth over the celestial regions and faileth not . . . who though an aged being showeth in the form of one that is young; who leadeth the uttermost parts of eternity . . . the terrible one of the double Divine Face . . . the lion-god with the awesome eye. -The Book of the Dead
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On my worldbuilding bullshit again
And it's after midnight and I'm way too tired to let anxiety get the better of me and prevent me from posting so here's a worldbuilding ramble!! Settle in if you like worldbuilding rambles.
So this:
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is my latest attempt at making a map of The Domain, (THE GREEN IS WATER and also plant growth stick with me for a minute) a section of the larger wold map of Elewna, here:
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Which is the land of shapeshifters. There's *counts on fingers* ten overarching clans that live on this continent alone and they are:
Onisraeri (with four subclans: The Onishiki, the Arros, the Ooneloah and the Aoni)
BUT there are also two LOST clans that are aquatic in nature that disappeared a long time ago and no one knows where they went which is a given really seeing as how Elewna is an ice planet so where the hell did they go? No one knows, that's why it's a mystery. It's even more of a mystery how they came to be in the first place, but let's not talk about that right now *laughs in worldbuilding hysterics* BUT ANYWAY none of those are the ones Imma focus on right now simply because they don't live on The Domain (the original opening map); that honor belongs to these guys - The Umatoe!!
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(Early work in where I decided to take my cat and my mom's cat and play with forms)
Which, yeah. Essentially to get to an Umatoe you start with a giant (like maybe 7/8' tall) feline that can stand upright. Add in a fin around the tail that can stretch and shrink, a neck pouch that can hold extra oxygen, and variously-sized tusks, and you got yourself an Umatoe. They have a lore about how one of the early Umatoe's participated in a race with the elemental gods and the gods cheated, but the Umatoe still won because she ripped the fins and the neck-pouch from the gods' bodies and attached them to herself, using them to swim faster than the boats the gods had created for the race and she beat them to the world's end and then demanded freedom for all her kind to live without the gods' interference. One of the gods (oh right, did I mention that Elewna exists in a Polythesitic universe where there are actually two different levels of elemental gods, one of which being the ones that the Elewnai have stories about interacting with called Atmu, and the giant creator-gods which are called Masu which are essentially giant Space Dragons) decided that the Umatoe was correct in her demand and so granted her request while at the same time letting her keep her stolen bits. And that's why the Umatoe believe they were born with an affinity to water and the bodily accessories to match.
To the map; Elewna works on an opposite geothermal principal as ours. The higher you go and further from the ice core you get, the warmer it is and vice-versa. They don't have a whole lot of moving storms outside of the mountains so far as I've got so far, but the cluster that's at the top right of the map? All clouds. (AND I MADE THIS WHILE THINKING OF THE RAIN SHADOW but I may not have gotten it completely right, still working on my understanding of the thing, THANKS TUMBLR) That's possibly the highest mountain range on the entirety of the planet (The larger world map doesn't agree yet because I haven't changed it yet, but trust me it's Like That) and everything slopes down from there. So the big greenish looking thing is essentially one of the only spots on the world that is all free-flowing water as it's from the clouds, the storms, and it's high enough to not get frozen over. The mountains around it act like a big bowl so far as I can tell, keeping most of it stopped up with exception to the mountains at the very bottom, where the rivers start to form and sort of give freshwater for the rest of the territory of the Umatoe. Which means the Umatoe are one of the only clans to have actual fresh free-flowing water on the whole of the ice planet. I'm still thinking of what this means in terms of biome. BUT
It also means that the Umatoe culture evolved building things on mountainsides and cities that float. They're very well adapted to their environment, which is a huge mountain pool at the top and slick ice at the very bottom because it's close enough to the lower zones to have started to freeze over but is still high enough that it's more like foggy cold sludge than anything else. AND THEY STILL SWIM IN IT SOMETIMES BECAUSE THEY ARE BEASTS!!!!
I think I'm running out of ramble steam, so here. Have a poem of the race against the gods in their own language because yes I conlanged because I'm insane with translations under each section.
Mauhr-Ro-Mauha, Raistr, Sloa;bolsro Raistr;Punaek Hapro Ain;canani
Uma believe that song and music carry more than words can say They carry out beyond sight, and speak to the heart without knowing
Nheiohmauhr osc Naioh-Ro-Rahisc-Ro-Iea-Ro-Utaiar Niknipa-Ro-Acranipa Atmuad;chaakt kabnikni Bic;naniorapa Utran;Padu-naheakt Bic Rahspr;atmukaac-kabicni
We sing of the AllMother, a song of freedom, of journey, of skill and fireceness. She tricked and stole from Atmu wanting to trick her She beat the ones who made her She befriended the honorable Padu Won the race they set up to lose
Iscipa, raha;naehempra Atnabo-Ro-Boioh, urypa, atmuad Aiakbioh, kabliocalu;loiotpra Aiakbioh, kabasiahac;Iohnirahu Aiakbioh, kabracicca;micalu
Walked a path through the mountain Tore fins and breath from the Atmu to win Was the first to swim through the water Was the first to reach World’s End Was the first to come back to home
Rahspr Paruospa Liocalunai, Umatoe Atmunaini;bolsni Kabumtoaiako, Umatoe Liocalu
Her race was gifted Uma allowed to swim free  No more Atmu control Uma swim to their own destiny
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totkdaily · 8 months
Day 7: Skyview Tower Launch
Purah discards the search for Zelda with dispiriting ease. She wants to investigate the Upheaval. Zelda would approve, but it’s always been her Swordsman's job to moderate her curiosity with practicality. The priority is, must be and has always been the Princess and her safety. 
Purah and Josha have rigged some kind of scanning or navigation system into this tower, built out of old Sheikah technology. It’s a dynamic and colourful echo of the tranquil Sheikah towers I once climbed. It looks like they needed the Purah Pad to make it operational - what was their plan if Zelda - or I - didn’t bring it back? 
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Purah asks me to take it for a test run in exchange for the paraglider returned to me. The design of the tower’s systems is… startling. I hadn’t realised how ingrained it was to feel that thrumming in my veins at the sight of a Guardian’s pincer legs. And the scanning itself is more… adrenaline-inducing than the Sheikah towers used to be.
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But the paraglider is an old friend, and its familiar frame in my grip makes me feel all that more capable. The sensation of the rushing wind matches the thrumming under my skin, and I feel calmer. The landscape is, despite the debris and Purah’s towers, still familiar enough to ease my heart. I must find Zelda. But at least I’m home. 
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Back on the ground, Purah asks me to visit Rito Village, Gerudo Town, Goron City and Zora’s Domain to investigate some strange phenomena - as well as Kakariko Village and its new Ring Ruins. She thinks they might reveal something in the search for the Princess. I wonder if she’s just saying that to invest me in the missions. But I don’t have any better ideas. And Josha says someone saw Zelda at Rito Village recently. I suppose it’s a start. 
I follow Josha downstairs to find her arguing with Robbie about going to the Depths. She wants to investigate a statue found down there, but Robbie says she’s too young. The compromise is that I go instead. It doesn’t feel like it’ll lead me to Zelda, but the Depths do intrigue me. And Robbie will show me how to use the camera on the Purah Pad in exchange. 
I take a walk around Lookout Landing before I head out. There are some people I know here, some I don’t. Karson is a familiar face - he seems to have split up with Bolson, and is building a mini stable here with old Lester’s aid. There are a few people here on the monster-control crews - it seems Captain Hoz’s team has been reassigned from the search for Zelda to taking down monsters. Just because we’ve seen the Princess, doesn’t mean she’s fine. I shouldn’t have carried that report of her sighting. They should still be looking for her.
Gralens seems to be the point person for these crews - Captain Hoz is in Hyrule Field, and two others - Captain Toren and Captain Flaxel - are at Lake Darman by Death Mountain and at the Menoat River in Faron respectively. Their colleague Atmus says there’s been an increase in unusual monsters since the Upheaval - presumably like those odd bokoblin I met when I landed. 
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I head out and catch a horse to get to the chasm faster, but he’s gorgeous - dark blue-black with a white nose and socks. I gallop him over to Wetland Stable to register Blackberry, and then we race together through the night back to this chasm in Hyrule Field.
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
Finding Her - Chapter 2
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until does.     [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ]
Log date 18:00. 5th month 17th day 104AC Location: Unknown, please upload SkyView data. Weather: Mild. Clouds clearing.
Can’t stop flexing my sword hand. Another thing gone — this time the Master Sword. There was a shining light, just outside the Temple of Time, and it seemed like the Sword wanted to go. So I let it go.
Still feel stripped bare without it, without them both. Am I a guy with a magic hand attached or a magic hand with a guy hanging off of it?
On solid ground now at least. Cooking up herbed chicken and mushroom stew in these village ruins I found. With some wheat, could have made pie, then maybe some honey apples, and roasted tree nuts—
Getting distracted. Just glad to be home. Zelda’s voice called out from that research camp that Dr. Purah set up. Lookout something? Heading over at first light tomorrow. Sleep, search, eat, repeat.
A photograph from below of Great Sky Island, hovering high in the distance.
Caption: Please don’t fall
Log date: 05:00. 5th month, 20th day 104AC Location: Lookout Landing Emergency Shelter Weather: Cool. Sunny weather forecast.
Where to start. Didn’t even have time to do one of these yesterday or the day before. Got back to this bed and passed out. It’s still early, someone is snoring in the bed just over from this one. (Atmus? He mumbles about his son in his sleep). Got time to write before sun up.
In summary: No one here has seen Zelda. Except, some of us did. At the Castle. Hylia help us — the Castle. It’s not looking good. Zelda’s gonna be so mad, she spent ages planning the refurbishments for it.
But she was there. Just for a second. Near the First Gatehouse. Went there with Hoz — good guy, loud voice. Zelda was standing on those floating rocks up above and then she just… I don’t know. The way the stars go out just before sun up, twinkling and shining and then, nothing.
Didn’t she see us? (see me…?)
Anyway. We came back here, rested, rice balls for dinner, and the next morning they … launched me into the sky. Can’t sum it up any other way. (Dr. Purah scares me a little) But, got my paraglider back. Now a new generation of Sheikah SkyView Towers peppers the landscape, waiting to send a skydiving-certified Hylian high into the air.
Hero of Hyrule? Legendary Swordsman? Appointed Knight? Yeah, along with every other job you might need.
Shouldn’t complain. It was fun. Josha asked me to check out one of the nearby Chasms with Robbie today. More fun? We’ll see.
Photograph taken of Central Hyrule from high in the air, a floating Zonai archipelago visible in the foreground.
Caption: Contact Link of Hateno Village for all your land survey needs
Log date: 14:00. 5th month, 20th day 104AC Location: !! ERROR ERROR ERROR !! Weather: !! ERROR ERROR ERROR !!
A blurry, hastily taken photograph of a large statue located in the Depths underneath Hyrule, a gloom aerocuda advancing on the camera
Caption (applied via voice commands): no don’t open the camera i just need to get out of no no stop why does this thing even have voice commands open the map just open the damn
Log date: 20:00 5th month, 21st day 104AC Location: Lookout Landing, Research Lab Weather: Mild. Rain clearing
Zelda — did you know about the Depths? Because if not, you’re never gonna believe what’s down there. The caverns below the castle were just the start.
They’re calling all this the Upheaval. Seems about right. Everything has changed; a blizzard in Hebra, gloom over Eldin, mud in Lanayru and who knows what in Gerudo. Monsters and Yiga and Chasms all over the place.
There are so many people here at Lookout Landing ready to fight and do their part. Now it’s my turn.
Do you remember what you said, after we defeated Ganon? Went something like — the old Hyrule may be lost, but it’s the people of today that will rebuild, and I look forward to meeting them all.
Well they’re here, Zelda. So where are you? We need you. I…
Anyway. Starting with Hebra. See you there?
A photograph of a soft brown mare, saddled and ready for travel. Link is sitting in the saddle, smiling at the camera. The immediate next photo is a self-portrait taken by a Hylian Guard, Scorpis, the camera too-close to his face as he tries to snap a picture of himself and Link, who is waving to the camera from his horse.
Caption: Setting off. Hope to be back soon.
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gltzgghln · 1 year
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some species i designed based on lost episode creepypastas and other things I fixate on
nectarinae is a subfamily of terrestrial, eusocial mehdepulan sponges. they are found in moist, humid regions with lots of trees to stay moist. nectarine soldiers are neotonic, free-living organisms that take pollen, nectar, and juice from the plants in their habitat and bring them back to their queen, which is colonial and sessile. nectarine soldiers give nectar and pollen back to the queen and keep some in themselves. a healthy supply of nectar keeps the colonial queen healthy and consistently fertile to produce more soldiers
when soldier nectarines r threatened, they can concentrate the water in their surroundings or stomachs and shoot them out at a predator. one water shot from a nectarine can shatter bone. nectarines use magic to absorb as much water into their bodies as possible to shoot out again without dying or using up all the water around their hive
atmi, singular "atmus", are beasts from mehdepulah. they are essentially giant hooved rats. they live in the forests and eat mainly fruits and bugs. the atmus secretes magic oil from their thick skin that can induce frightening hallucinations and illusions to predators and foes. the magic in their secretions comes from the fruit they eat, which are similar to jackfruits and durians. atmi have wings for mating and threat displays, but can fly a short distance close to the ground
common atmi produce nightmare-like hallucinations. the icky-tongued atmus produces fever dream, psychedelic hallucinations
the bootpawed atmus is a species in a commensalistic relationship with the bootpawed nectarine. these nectarines use a paralyzing magic when they spit water. bootpawed nectarines produce a waxy, fatty, bitter honey. they are farmed for this nectar which can be turned into soap
bootpawed atmi can get the soap on their own by eating the nectarines. the atmus uses its fur, wings, and hallucinogenic magic to draw nectarines away from their queen and lap them up. this does not harm the nectarine colony, as the queen can produce more soldiers and helpers
their "antlers" are usually used in fights for mating, but pores close to the stem of the "antlers" secrete a mixture of hallucinogenic oil and nectarine wax that is specifically used in scentmarking
bootpawed atmi have been used in carrying wagons, carriages, and soap production in mehdepulah for millennia
Must Rosa is the name of the man on the back of the atmus. he is a very VERY old character who's role in the world of chonar and story of bright shadows is still being worked on
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badlydrawnmanic · 1 year
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hey everyone, little internet game for you: any idea what company made this dinosaur / dragon toy, what it’s called, or what this logo is? it was received as a gift as a request for a baby shower (so like 2001) and all my mom could remember was that it was probably from babies r us (like a baby focused offshoot of toys r us). he’s gotta be like 2.5 feet long (not quite 3) and his tags were cut off a long time ago. no idea what the thing on his flipper says. i think it’s A4MU or AtMU but I can’t tell because of the wonky kanji looking font and the internet’s not showing me anything. we call him bob ginger and he needs a bath, planning to wash him, brush him, and restuff him later
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elik4 · 8 months
Yil 2024 5 subat oldu bile. Durumu ben biliyorum beeelki iki sene sonra gelir guncellerim burayi.
atmu,street 150c,house
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cad-iksodas-tsenre · 9 months
senoTeulB setoNeulB abmU atmU ddsse
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vinayras-blog · 10 months
Atmus Filtration Technologies Inaugurates its World-Class Global Capability Center in India
Atmus Filtration Technologies Inc. (Atmus; NYSE: ATMU), a global leader in filtration and media solutions, has announced the inauguration of its state-of-the-art Global Capability Center in Pune, India. Avani Shah – Atmus India Global Capability Center Leader, Steph Disher – Atmus CEO, and Greg Hoverson – Atmus CTO attend inauguration, cutting the ribbon to signify the occasion The opening of…
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desertdragon · 1 year
Ok i'm grinding for Excalibur and Holy Shield Atmus too and it's fucked up how many of these ARR Fates are you mass murdering several beast races and they're all conveniently irredeemably bad or gross in some way while Alliance forces are good and just want order
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saibhaktabrasill · 2 years
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#Croatian 15.mar.23 15. ožujka 2023. Koja je to istina o ovom životu koju moramo imati na umu i nastaviti s našim životom? Bhagavan nam danas objašnjava s ljubavlju. Znate li da je svijet snova fantastičan svijet gluposti, gdje je pedeset godina sažeto u pet minuta i gdje se čudni događaji i stvari prihvaćaju kao stvarne i doživljene. Ali dopustite Mi da vam kažem iz stanja spoznaje, čak i budno stanje je jednako bez vrijednosti. Stoga imajte osjećaj za vrijednosti, ili bolje skalu vrijednosti; dajte svemu i svakome ono što zaslužuju, niti mrvicu više. Pet omotača obavija atmu i skriva njen sjaj da se ne razotkrije. Držite ih sve čistima i sjajnima. Fizički omotač (annamaya kosa) mora se pročistiti dobrom, svježom, čistom hranom; vitalni omotač (pranamaya kosa) mirnim, postojanim disanjem i staloženom naravi; mentalni omotač (manomaya kosa) svetim mislima i emocijama, nedirnut vezanošću za osjetila, tugom ili radošću; plašt mudrosti (vijnanamaya kosa) kontemplacijom o stvarnosti; plašt blaženstva (anandamaya kosa) uranjanjem u ekstazu spoznaje Boga. Božanski govor, 26. veljače 1961. Život je san, ostvarite ga. - BABA #sathyasai #saibhakta #sathyasaibaba #saibaba https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp01rt2uZ3L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Wip Files tag
Was tagged by @sleepyowlwrites in this post! Thanks!!
Real quick tagging @squarebracket-trick @words-after-midnight @winterandwords
Mine is going to be far less comprehensive then Sleepy's, lol and like walking into a giant mess
Pretty sure the rules are something about looking at the file names or folder names of your WIPs and I can't remember if it has to be one specifically or not so...here's file/folder names for stuff in my writing-related GDrive.
Nanowrimo -HollyPine
Rod AbracadabraONLINEEDIT The Three Copy of Abracadabra RODATT#2 ROD CH13 POS Quet prophetic ROD Rod happenings
Manuscripts&StoryStuff Kashi halfblood Kashi HalfBlood Ipob2 Kashi -- FINAL COPY Breakdowns- Elewna WIP Layla's Moment Two moons (revised 2012) (1) Two moons (revised 2012)
(Imma use a Readmore here because it's about to get LONG)
The Purple World SketchesDocs -Elewna --There is a folder for each of the ten clans of Elewna plus a folder titled 'AGeneral Planet&Clans' and under each one the exact same set of subfolders: Mythology//Playthrough//Stories//Rules&Regs//Linguistics//Environment alongside concept sketches. The ones that are different are: AGeneral Planet&Clans - There are six cycles in the system that count as 'seasons' and each cycle has a folder dedicated to it The Clan Folders are titled: BAHAAT(TK)//UMATOE(SABER)//FAROAE(LMD)//ORIEIIFIO(FOX)//KAMARE(EQUINE)//ONISRAERI(WOLF)//DEVEOL(AVIAN)//Nainona[Ubli](HYENA)//SATI(BEAR)//MUAGJIA(MOOSE)
And in all honesty if you want the file names of anything in those folders just ask me and I'll do a seperate post of them, lol
List of attributes for Light and Dark -FiveChildren -Elkien Elkien; Earth and Order -Phoric --FAE --WEATHER -Elemental Ecconi Atmu Fusions and Denizens WolfWRITING Rules2 Notes2 (1) Physics_nature Notes2 Weather Brainstorming morality Universes2 2019 universe history_background Cards Brainstorming_Keystones Untitled document ELEMENTAL NOTES_NEXT GEN _Air_Light, Fun, Trickster, Amoral; Passion & Instinct Story engine idea Water is the universal currency FAUNA; Silke Spider CATEGORY CHANGE-IDEA LayviaATT1 Gemstones and Representational meanings Game Notes_Order Game Notes_Knowledge Game Notes; Air Worldbuilding Wensday Water; Magic&Skills Class_Profession Game Notes_Fire Game Notes_Chaos Game Notes_Magic The StarCrash Event NATURAL RESOURCES_MATERIALS; PONDERA NATURAL RESOURCES_MATERIALS;PHORIC NATURAL RESOURCES_MATERIALS; ELKIEN (1) NATURAL RESOURCES_MATERIALS; ELKIEN WORLDBUILDING POEM_Three to Eight Game Notes_Earth Basic Dreconai_ Worldbuilding notes on temples and artifacts Maps Music Fonts Elewnai world dynamics and events Domain Supply Lists1 StarCrash Event Elewna Sati overview Hyena overview Elkien overview Planentary Worldbuilding Notes Domain Supply Lists Braindump - Clans and Metaphores Fox fighting styles: RESOURCES OF DOMAIN Elk overall resources Elkish brainstorming (various images of maps all zoomed in to specific regions with various info) DomainStory Veil Resources Frostfall_ManedWolf Collection of Kamare prophecies ShadowHollow_AfricanWildDog Underhoard_DireWolf BaHaat Resources Skybirth Resources HangingEdge_Jackal (more concept art of various elemental gods and a rotoscope I was playing around with) Story of Anri, The Branded (clump of creature concept art) (clump of linguistic symbols and corresponding letters for each of the Elewnai clans) ElewnisWorldTheme(a sound recording)
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invetsmentsandmore · 2 years
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wealthofgeeks · 2 years
Engine Play: Cummins Cranks Up Carbon Filter Spin-off Atmus in $100 million IPO
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tropylium · 3 years
I have now read Kill Six Billion Demons
and I'm now not sure if I want to discuss the comic's obsessive focus on iron/bronze age tech as the pinnacle of power (kings and swords and souls atmu yadda yadda) despite being set in the ~present day; or just start rolling out indirect commentaries like sketching an angel OC (as people in the comments seem to be fond of doing). mine is the chemical weaponry dev 1207 Radical Fluorine Dissolvent of Most Reticient Filth; yes 1207, he gets blown up a lot
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