#atobe what are you doing
spicykaraage · 2 months
A Drop of Rain Shining Through the Clouds - Story Translation
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Ryoga: Ah, of course it’s raining.
Omagari: It’s been going since this morning, y’know?
Ryoga: No, it stopped before lunch. I was hoping it’d clear up afterward.
Ochi: The forecast says it’s going to rain all afternoon again today.
Mouri: Augh~, the sky’s so dark. I probably should’ve stopped those middle schoolers.
Kimijima: Stopped them?
Mouri: Some middle schoolers decided to go out running after lunch.
Ochi: And I had told you it was going to rain again.
Byoudouin: This amount of rain is nothing to cry over.
Ryoga: It could be pouring buckets and I don’t think that would faze you.
Omagari: With all this rain we’ve been having, they’re probably sick and tired of training indoors.
Ryoga: Plus us First Stringers have priority over the facilities here.
Byoudouin: You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Ryoga: I was just stating a fact. Like what is this camp, some kinda hierarchy?
Omagari: So you were saying it like it’s a bad thing.
Ryoga: Well I overheard the middle schoolers talking about how they’re off their game ‘cause of all the rain.
Ochi: …Whether they’ve been sufficiently practicing or not is definitely a big concern.
Mouri: I wouldn’t mind giving up my training spot a little.
Byoudouin: Location isn’t a factor when it comes to building up strength. Just let them figure it out.
Kimijima: A very strict mentality. You are correct, but…
Ryoga: Y’know what, let’s have a joint practice! With the First Stringers and middle schoolers.
Byoudouin: Huh? Why would we do that.
Ryoga: Don’t sweat the details. It’ll be good to help raise the bar for the Japanese national team too.
Omagari: Well, he’s strangely optimistic, isn’t he?
Ochi: There’s probably more to it than meets the eye.
Ryoga: No, there really isn’t. We just need to have each other’s backs in times like this.
Ryoga: And the middle schoolers aren’t the only ones who want a change of pace from all this rain, are they?
Omagari: …Yeah, true. It should be interesting to play with them.
Kimijima: In that case, I will go negotiate with the coaches.
Ryoga: Alright, it’s settled!
Byoudouin: …Christ, you’re so soft.
[Episode 1]
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Atobe: Tch… It rained more than I expected.
Yuushi: Yeah, there was a moment of sun… and then it went right back to being cloudy.
Yagyuu: I had planned to keep running if the rain stayed light, but then it came down harder…
Inui: According to the forecast, the probability of it raining last hour was 50%.
Inui: Although I did see it coming, it feels as if my predictions failed.
Kaidoh: Wonder when we’ll be able to play tennis outside again…
Kirihara: Ughhh, jeez! I don’t even care if it’s raining, I still wanna play tennis outside!
Kaidoh: Not happening.
Kirihara: I know, I was just saying.
Atobe: The camp should invest in putting roofing over the outdoor courts for something like this.
Yagyuu: I think that would defeat the purpose of it being an outdoor court, though…
Kaidoh: Could they even do that to begin with?
Atobe: I was joking.
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Yuushi: It didn’t sound like a joke to me, Atobe.
Kirihara: Oh…
Yuushi: Hm?
Kirihara: Nothing, it’s just rare to see you without your glasses on, Oshitari-san.
Yuushi: No, I take them off when I take a bath too. It’s not rare.
Yuushi: …Can you not stare at me like that. It’s awkward.
Atobe: Why don’t you just keep them off while it’s raining? They’re non-prescription, anyway.
Yuushi: You wouldn’t know who I was if not for my trademark glasses, now would you?
Atobe: Are you serious?
Yuushi: I’m joking, I’m joking.
Yagyuu: But it certainly is difficult to maintain your glasses during this season.
Yagyuu: Rain is one thing, but the high humidity is constantly fogging up my glasses.
Inui: I understand. And when I try wiping it away, it becomes even more clouded.
Yuushi: There’s not much else you can do over that.
Kaidoh: …I’m gonna go do some practice swings. My jersey’s almost dry now.
Kirihara: Oh okay, then I’ll—
???: “Ahem-hem. Hey middle schoolers, can you hear me?”
???: “Anyone who wants to play with the First Stringers, head to the indoor courts right now! ‘That will be all!’ or whatever.”
Yuushi: Was that a First Stringer…?
Atobe: Heh… I don’t know what’s going on, but it sounds interesting.
[Episode 2]
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Ryoga: Whoa, there’s a whole crowd of middle schoolers now. Looks like my announcement worked.
Omagari: Well, they were wasting away ‘cause of the rain, and then you threw out some good-looking bait for them and they took it.
Ryoga: Haha, true. This is exciting.
Omagari: It hasn’t even started yet.
Atobe: Huh, from what I can see, all the middle schoolers are here aren’t they?
Yuushi: We were all tired of doing the same training regimen over and over again.
Kurobane: It looks like the whole First String’s here too.
Amane: Wonder what they plan on “playing” with us.
Amane: It’ll be hard to play tag or hide-and-seek with this amount of space and people.
Kurobane: Uh, you know they didn’t actually mean playing like that, right…?
Ryoga: ‘Kay guys, you all got your rackets? Alright then, let’s begin!
Ryoga: For starters, I want y’all to spread out onto the courts. And no need to stress, just do your own thing.
Atobe: Hm? It’s strange seeing him take charge.
Yuushi: Right. He usually just goes off and does his own thing.
Omagari: …Hey, did you hear that.
Ryoga: Kakaka! They know me pretty well, don’t they?
Omagari: So you’re aware that you do that…
Kurobane: I know you said spread out, but how exactly?
Amane: And you said “do your own thing”, but I think pairing up would be better.
Amane: Maybe you could have us play against the person we pair up with, like those pair matches we did…
Kurobane: Or have the groups in each court go up against other courts.
Atobe: You’re overstepping your bounds. He hasn’t even said if we’ll be playing matches or not.
Atobe: But, I’ll admit that would be interesting.
Yuushi: Regardless of what we think, our job right now is to do as we’re told.
Ryoga: Yup, right on.
Ryoga: Okay, those of you who are left-handed: come on over to this court!
Atobe & Yuushi: …?
[Episode 3]
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Yuushi: Hah…!
Yagyuu: Huh…!
Omagari: Each of you are gonna take turns hitting two of our shots. Once you’re done, go to the back of the line.
Tohno: Hyaahyaahyaa! And make it snappy, or I’ll execute you!
Tohno: Heehaah!
Jackal: Hah…!
Jackal: Phew… I was wondering what they’d do when they said there’d be two of them hitting the ball…
Yagyuu: It’s not just about returning the first shot, you have to be smart on how to return the second.
Yuushi: Right. They make it to where you can barely return at the second shot.
Jackal: That’s the First String for you, aiming for our weak spots.
Yagyuu: Perhaps the reason for separating the left and right-handed people is because the course of the shots are affected.
Jackal: Oh, that makes sense. Your weaknesses can be different depending on your dominant arm.
Yuushi: I was hoping I could catch my breath while waiting in line, but that’s not gonna happen.
Yagyuu: Right, it��ll be your turn again soon—
Yuushi: Oh, right as you said that, it’s my turn.
Tohno: …Tch. Those middle school brats still have time to chitchat.
Omagari: See, this is why I said in the beginning that there’d need to be three of us.
Tanegashima: Or maybe it’s ‘cause your guys’ shots aren’t that good?
Omagari: Shut up. Now hurry up and get into position already.
Tanegashima: Alright, alright.
Tanegashima: Hoi! From now on, you guys will be done after three shots!
Jackal: Wha, so there’s gonna be three of you hitting the ball now!?
Yagyuu: The two shots we had were basically back-to-back.
Yuushi: It looks like the other courts are doing three on one too, so…
Yuushi: Hm? What’s he doing over in that court…?
[Episode 4]
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Ryoga: Here I go, Chibisuke! There.
Ryoma: Huh…!
Ryoga: That last return was weak! You gotta do better, Chibisuke!
Ryoma: He’s so annoying… Just “Chibisuke” this, “Chibisuke” that…
Tezuka: Calm down, Echizen. Don’t let him provoke you.
Atobe: I’d say he really dotes on you, Echizen.
Kite: Yes, it appears that you’re the only one receiving special treatment, Echizen-kun.
Ryoma: Please… You guys think this is funny, don’t you.
Shiraishi: Well, I’d say he dotes on all of us equally.
Shiraishi: Orrr playing around with us would be a better way to put it.
Kite: Having three members of the First String practice with us does feel like a luxury, however.
Tezuka: Yes. Just the thought of the First String coaching us themselves is enough to put more effort into returning their shots.
Ryoma: But it’s kinda funny seeing the captains going around in circles on the court.
Kite: The captains going around in circles?
Ryoma: Well with them gathering all the left-handed people, there’s a lot of captains here.
Ryoma: And it’s hit, then back in line, hit, then back in line… We’re all just going around in a circle, aren’t we.
Atobe: You do make a good point— …Oh, it’s my turn now.
Tezuka: …Wait, Atobe isn’t left-handed, so why is he here at this court?
Shiraishi: He’s hitting with his right. Literally as we speak.
Atobe: Heh… I was wanting to experience the difference in response according to the dominant arm.
Atobe: And as soon as I hit my first shot, they immediately had it handled. As expected of the First String, being able to instantly identify an opponent’s dominant arm right after their first return.
Tezuka: Do not disturb the upperclassmen, Atobe. Return to your court.
Atobe: Right, I got what I came for. See you.
Shiraishi: That was surprisingly carefree of him.
Kite: I don’t consider it surprising.
Tezuka: Honestly, what on earth was he thinking…
Ryoma: Maybe Atobe-san just wanted to go around in circles with us?
Ryoga: Heyy, Chibisuke! I’m about to hit it, Chibisuke!
Ryoma: You little, you just keep it going…!
Tezuka: …Speaking of carefree, I’d say that First Stringer is too.
Shiraishi: Haha…
[Episode 5]
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Kamio: *huff*, *huff*… F-Finally, a break…
Ibu: *sigh*… Only five minutes though.
Tachibana: You guys better stay hydrated. You’re sweating a lot.
Ibu: Yes, Tachibana-san.
Yagyuu: Once they changed it to three on one, there’s been no time to catch our breath.
Yukimura: They set this rotation up to be fast-paced, from having us run back and forth to return their shots then rushing in and out of line.
Omagari: Hey, you guys. Pick up the balls while you rest.
Yukimura & Yagyuu: Huh?
Omagari: You can see the court can’t you, there’s balls scattered everywhere.
Omagari: Rehydrate, then get to it. See ya.
Ibu: Is he serious… It’s not resting if we have to pick up the balls…
Kamio: But someone does have to do it. There’s no staff here right now.
Tachibana: And the First String was kind enough to instruct us, so the least we can do is pick up the balls.
Yagyuu: We were told we could take a five minute break but in reality, the only break we’ll be having is just a moment to rehydrate…
Yukimura: Yeah. Let’s start by piling up the balls on one side of the court.
Tachibana: Sure, that would be faster than putting them in the basket one by one.
Yagyuu: Right. Well then…
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Yagyuu: Hah! Let’s pick up the pace.
Kamio: Oh, the way you threw that looks familiar.
Yagyuu: Huh?
Kamio: You know how in professional matches there’s guys who wait on the side to get the ball?
Ibu: A ball boy?
Kamio: Yeah, those!
Yukimura: Were you doing that on purpose, Yagyuu?
Yagyuu: …Heh. Yes, a little I’ll admit.
Yagyuu: There’s stories of ball boys who were only children but played important roles in the events they took part in.
Tachibana: I see. And back then, tennis used to be considered a sport for the upper class.
Yukimura: Fufu… as expected of the gentleman. Very cultured of you.
Yagyuu: Thank you very much.
Omagari: You guys, the five minutes are almost up!
Yagyuu: ! I apologize, I’ll pick up these balls at once.
Omagari: There’s still plenty of room for improvement for them…
[Episode 6]
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One hour later—
Yuushi: *sigh*… It feels like we’re just gonna keep hitting balls for the rest of our lives.
Atobe: Huhh? What’s this, you’re complaining?
Yuushi: Well this is tough, plain and simple. We’ve been returning these fast balls for a while now.
Yagyuu: It’s a cycle of hitting the balls for five minutes, then taking a break for five minutes. I wonder how many shots they’ve made at this point.
Kirihara: Well plus, the fact that the breaks are only five minutes doesn’t really feel like a break at all.
Yanagi: Having to take so many short breaks in between is likely one of the reasons why it feels so tiring.
Yanagi: An hour of staying on your toes is completely different than an hour of loosening and retightening.
Yuushi: Not to mention it takes a lot of energy to tighten back up…
Atobe: It’s the same difference between running on a road that goes up and down versus a flat road.
Kirihara: I dunno what you guys are talking about but yeah, overall this is just hard.
Yagyuu: In the simplest of terms, yes…
Yanagi: And not knowing when this practice will end is going to wear us out mentally as well.
Atobe: Heh, that’s great.
Atobe: Just another way to improve my skills. I’ll keep going no matter how long it takes.
Yuushi: You sure are tough. Are you enjoying this?
Atobe: If anyone’s tough, it’s the First String you know? The accuracy of their shots hasn’t decreased not one bit.
Yagyuu: On the contrary, it feels like the rotation speed is getting faster…
Ryoga: It probably feels that way since you’re tired. We haven’t changed our pace that much.
Kirihara: Ack, a First Stringer… Is our break over already?
Ryoga: Haha, oh, no. I came over ‘cause I have a treat for you guys.
Yagyuu: A treat, you say?
Ryoga: Yup, I’m sure this is just what you guys need right now.
[Episode 7]
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Ryoga: There’s plenty to go around. Go ahead and dig in!
Kawamura: Boxes full of oranges… Man, there’s so many.
Sanada: I’ve heard that oranges are good for relieving fatigue. I will happily partake in them.
Omagari: Supposedly he had them order these oranges all the way from California.
Tanegashima: Wow, they look so good. I’ll have one too.
Tanegashima: Hm? The skin’s pretty tough.
Kawamura: Should we go get a knife from the kitchen?
Akutsu: …Tch. Gimme one.
Kawamura: Oh, Akutsu.
Akutsu: It’s fine as long as they’re edible. Just crush it and turn it into juice.
Sanada: What, you can do that?
Tanegashima: …
Omagari: Don’t even try it. It’ll be a pain if it splatters everywhere.
Kawamura: Haha… I was able to peel mine by hand, see.
Ryoga: Kakaka! They’re good no matter which way you eat ‘em.
Ryoga: Alrighty. Once you’re done recharging with the oranges, we’ll move onto the next exercise.
Akutsu: Hmph. Finally done just returning balls.
Ryoga: Wrong, sorry, but we’re still gonna be doing that.
Ryoga: But this time it’ll just be one vs. one. Once you return the shots, it’s back in line.
Sanada: So just returning a normal shot, I take it.
Tanegashima: It’ll be less people, but more balls. We’ll hit five shots, and you gotta return them all.
Sanada: Five shots…
Kawamura: So it’s gonna be even more intense now…
Omagari: Exactly. Alright, let’s begin!
Middle Schoolers: Right!
[Episode 8]
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Atobe: Hah!
Hiyoshi: Hm…!
Marui: There!
Yagyuu: Ugh…
Ryoga: Whoa, you scared me.
Ryoga: I didn’t see you laying there and almost stepped on you. You’ve got your arms and legs out too…
Yagyuu: Oh, I apologize. It’s just that the floor is nice and cold…
Ryoga: Yeah, I getcha… Just be careful not to get stepped on, okay?
Marui: You good? It’s rare to see you all tired, Yagyuu.
Yagyuu: It pains me to admit, but the heat, humidity and now this hard practice has taken a bit of a toll on me…
Yuushi: The AC should be working, but it doesn’t seem to be keeping up.
Hiyoshi: It’s really hot and humid this time of year. I can’t stop sweating…
Atobe: That just means you don’t exercise enough.
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Atobe: …Mm? I see some sunlight.
Yagyuu: Oh, it must finally be clearing up.
Hiyoshi: No, it’s still raining. It’s a sunshower.
Marui: Maybe a fox is having a wedding in the mountains nearby?
[“Sunshower” in Japanese is 狐の嫁入り which literally translates to “fox’s wedding.”]
Yuushi: By the way Atobe, it looks like there’s a spotlight on you.
Atobe: Heh, that’s right. It appears the sun is shining for me today too.
Hiyoshi: If that’s the case, then please tell the sun to clear up the rain, Captain Atobe.
Yuushi: I think the rain’s actually gonna stop. Look, it’s getting brighter.
Ryoga: Alright, back to practice! We’re gonna pick up the pace even more.
Ryoga: This’ll be a good competition, we can see if heaven shines down first or if you guys get sent to heaven first.
Marui: So meaning this’ll be over once it clears up.
Yagyuu: But there’s also a possibility that it may still rain.
Hiyoshi: It’ll be a good chance to improve our skills if we keep practicing, though.
Yuushi: A certain someone said the same thing earlier.
Atobe: Heh. Now, let’s resume practice!
[Episode 9]
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Ryoma: Hah!
Kintarou: Hoh!
Kintarou: Five balls is nothin’! Let’s start doing six or seven balls!
Ryoma: I’m fine with doing ten.
Kintarou: Okay, then I’ll do twenty!
Ryoma: By the way Kintarou, this isn’t your court. Why don’t you go back to the right-handed court?
Kintarou: My court’s taking a break right now.
Ryoga: Oh, come on, and who do you think is gonna have to serve those ten or twenty balls?
Ryoga: Most people take a break to take a break.
Omagari: Good grief. They’re causing trouble over at the next court.
Atobe: You can increase the number of balls to ten or twenty here too if you want.
Tohno: Like he said, who do you think will have to serve all those?
Omagari: …Oh, it’s gotten bright outside now.
Atobe: So it has. The rain has finally cl—
Ryoga: Finally clear!!
Ryoma & Kintarou: !?
Ryoga: Look, the rain has stopped! Joint practice is over~!
Kintarou: Huh, it’s over already?
Ryoma: He just ran outside… What.
Tohno: …The hell. And here I thought I’d be able to torture these guys even more.
Omagari: Well, at least it was good practice for us too.
Atobe: Right, and now that you’ve said that…
Atobe: This really was just practice for the First String, not you instructing us.
Tohno: Huhh? We never said a word about instructing you guys.
Tohno: You guys were just helping me practice while I mindlessly hit all my shots.
Omagari: And like we said before, no matter how you wanna spin it, it took a lot more on our part to dish out all those shots for you guys.
Atobe: I’m sure. But it was good practice for us too.
Omagari: Heh, right.
Omagari: Well now that the sun’s out, there’s no point in staying indoors. Go out and do whatever you want.
Atobe: Right. Thank you very much.
[Episode 10]
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Yuushi: Let’s continue our afternoon run, shall we? It doesn’t look like we can use the courts yet.
Yagyuu: Indeed. Surely by the time we return the courts will be ready to use, right?
Atobe: Even though the rain’s stopped, it’s still really muddy and wet.
Yuushi: There’s a lot of puddles too. Nothing we can really do to prevent getting dirty.
Yagyuu: Look over there. The hydrangeas in that puddle are beautiful.
Atobe: In the puddle?
Yagyuu: Look, from over here, you can see the blue sky with the hydrangeas.
Yuushi: You’re right. I’ll take a picture.
Atobe: Keep dawdling and it may start to rain again.
Yuushi: I’ve already taken it. Alright, let’s go.
Ryoga: …
Omagari: What’s with you, you were the first one to leave but you’re still here.
Tanegashima: Whatcha looking at?
Ryoga: Well, there’s just this one leaf here that’s moving all weird.
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Omagari: Huh? It’s probably the wind or something.
Tanegashima: But the hydrangeas are in full bloom, aren’t they? This is the best time to see them.
Omagari: I usually don’t pay attention to them when I pass by.
Omagari: Ah, there’s a snail under the leaf. That’s why it was shaking.
Tanegashima: Ryuji, if you keep glaring at the snail it’s gonna get scared☆
Omagari: I’m not glaring. I’m admiring it.
Omagari: …Hey, where’d he go?
Tanegashima: Huh? He was literally right by us a minute ago…
Omagari: …He suddenly comes up with this joint practice session, then ditches it and vanishes like that.
Omagari: Man, you never know what goes on in his head.
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Ryoga: Oh, who knew there was a path like this in the area?
Ryoga: Maybe the atmosphere’s different than normal since the flowers are in full bloom. There’s so many of them too.
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Ryoga: Mmnnnh!
Ryoga: …Looking at the flowers is nice, but now that it’s sunny outside, I’m gonna get a nap in first.
Ryoga: Work hard, play hard as they say.
Ryoga: (Well, and as for those middle schoolers… It wasn’t a bad idea to practice with Chibisuke and them.)
Ryoga: (If it ends up raining again, maybe we can give it another shot.)
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Later that day—
Yagyuu: Good grief… It rained more than I expected.
Niou: It was only sprinkling when we first started, it even looked like it was about to clear up.
Atobe: Right, it was even sunny for a moment.
Yuushi: Okay, it feels like I’m in a time loop here.
Ryoga: Haha! You’re all soaking wet.
Omagari: They never learn, do they. Here.
Yuushi: Towels… Thank you, appreciate it.
Atobe: Did you have them ready and waiting for us?
Omagari: It’s only ‘cause he said he saw you guys out in it.
Ryoga: Yep. I saw you running in that rain with my own two eyes, you guys sure are brave.
Omagari: You should’ve stopped them. You saw this coming, didn’t you?
Ryoga: Well maybe it would’ve cleared up if they powered through it or something?
Omagari: That doesn’t even make any sense…
Yagyuu: I am sorry to have caused any sort of trouble for you.
Ryoga: Nah, I get you. I’d be running outside right now too, if I could.
Ryoga: I know, why don’t we do joint practice again?
Omagari: That’s not something we can just add to the schedule.
Atobe: And on the topic of joint practice, I thought all the middle schoolers had attended…
Atobe: But I don’t recall seeing you there, Niou.
Niou: Oh, I was there alright. A certain someone almost stepped on me too.
Ryoga: Mm? Ah…
Ryoga: So wait, you were the guy in the glasses? The one who was lying on the floor all spread out?
Yagyuu: Huh, glasses?
Yagyuu: Niou-kun, I can’t believe you, you were doing it again…!
Niou: Puri.
Yuushi & Atobe: ?
Ryoga: It’s alright, it’s alright. Look, it’s getting sunny out again.
Omagari: …It’s still raining. Doesn’t look like it’s gonna stop anytime soon with the way it’s coming down.
Ryoga: Gah-lee. Wonder when I’ll be able to take another nap outside…
Omagari: You should be saying that about tennis, not napping.
Ryoga: Oh yeah, that’s what I meant. Kakaka!
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azuretl · 7 months
I am honored to announce that I was part of the fantastic localization team that's bringing Ryusei*Fantasia to the west!
With Ryusei*Fantasia announced, I thought I could write a little bit about my experiences with B-PRO and the interesting coincidences that led me to this fantastic franchise. Since I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this blog, and I'm deadly sick still, I might as well do a bit of random writing and talk a bit about the project! Weird rambling under the cut.
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So, I actually knew about B-PRO when it was first announced years ago. My sister and I are huge fans of TMR (TM Revolution, aka Takanori Nishikawa) which stemmed from our love for the Sengoku Basara franchise. (I can go on forever about that one... We did cosplays, photoshoots, nightly gaming sessions [we had all the games in Japanese], I wrote fanfics... um yeah. It was...*a time* :P ) We caught wind that TMR was producing a new virtual idol group...and that's when I learned about B-PRO.
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I didn't know the boys, but I did know that the music was going to be FIRE... And after seeing images of the characters, they didn't really have a lasting impression (except for Korekuni... At the time, I recognized him as "Kishio Daisuke's character" :'D I'm also a seiyuu fanatic, so...).
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(Ahhh...the Daisuke team for KITAKADO...)
Fast forward to a few years later, B-PRO was still in its infancy, and, being the huge seiyuu fan that I am, I listened to a lot of seiyuu music. (I-CHU, Actors franchise, i7, etc. etc...) When just playing a random song list, I ran into some B-PRO music. That's really the extent of what I knew about it... It had a great voice cast and the music is FIRE.
I also found out that Kato Kazuki is voicing in it :O (And then I was certain the music was going to be SOOOO GOOOOD). I'm also a huuuge tenipuri fan (POT head here :'D. Cosplays, fanfics, fanart, dream novels [do people even remember those?] I've done it all.) and naturally, I became a huge Tenimyu fan as well (Prince of Tennis Musicals... I even got a group of friends together to cosplay + reenact some dances from Tenimyu for cosplay contests...and won quite a few of them too ;) ). My favorite Tenimyu cast was the Dream Live 3 group. (I guess they're considered season 2 Seigaku?) with the D-boys and Yanagi Kotaro/Endou Yuya as their Ryouma. (People who don't know Tenimyu, sorry for all the terminology that probably doesn't make sense to you lol... *sweat*) And my favorite school happened to be Hyoutei.
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Now, for those who don't know, Kato Kazuki (voice of Aizome) played the captain of Hyoutei's tennis club in the musicals (Atobe Keigo) and he EMBODIED that smug, ore-sama sonuvabitch <3 aura. If you don't know PoT, Atobe is basically Aizome but younger and filthy rich. And naturally, Tenimyu being a musical, meant Kato Kazuki had to sing live... and I fell in LOVE with his voice. He is such an amazing singer! And actor! (I also started watching Kamen Rider Kabuto because of him... he plays one of the Kamen Riders and he is, again, a smug, ore-sama sonuvabitch... I guess he gets typecasted a lot...)
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All this is to say, I really really really like Kato Kazuki...as an actor, singer, performer... he excudes sexy and he has so. much. presence. Seeing him working in an idol franchise was pretty refreshing and exciting!
(Side note, Goshi's voice actor- Toyonaga Toshiyuki is also in the Prince of Tennis musical... and he shared the stage with Aizome's voice actor, Kato Kazuki, quite a lot. They also interacted a lot in the backstage behind-the-scenes videos. They're really good friends so... queue my utter surprise when I found out how Goshi and Aizome interact in the stories >>;;;; )
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So that was really the extent of my knowledge of B-PRO. Great music, great cast, great character designs. So when I was approached about joining the team, I was very eager to throw my hat into the ring. (PLUS my absolute favorite voice actor, Kakihara Tetsuya is in it... I HAD TO!!!) But boy, oh boy, was I hit with UTTER SURPRISE when I found out how much DRAMA and INTENSITY and STORY the franchise actually has!!!
What I thought might've been "just another idol game" turned out to be so full of drama... It was such a nice, pleasant surprise. I won't go too much into the process and the stories, since you'll all have to play the game to find out! But wow, all the boys were *nothing* like I thought they were at first.
Just for fun, here's what I thought at first vs what I think of them now. (Opinions are my own... and I'm sorry that some of my earlier opinions were...for lack of a better word, *dumb* )
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Goshi Typical bad boy chara -> I would love to have this character as a bigger brother. He's caring and really looks out for his kouhai... How can anyone NOT like him??? He's my second favorite...!
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Aizome It's Kato Kazuki...so the typical Ore-sama kei, smug, flirty -> Ore-sama kei, smug, (playfully) flirty, and someone with so, so much depth. I want to be his friend...just to be there for him. He needs Goshi and Ashu more than he thinks. And you'll never convince me that he and Goshi aren't an old married couple that gets into fights literally every two seconds.
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Ashu Genki boi #1 -> I remember his scenes very strongly, oddly enough. THRIVE needs him. Aizome and Goshi need him. He may act like a happy-go-lucky boyo with too much energy, but he's the water that helps keep the other Aizome and Goshi flowers alive, whether they realize that or not. He's also a really, really good senpai :')
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Kitakado Prince-kei. It's Ono Daisuke so...guessing we're gonna get something like his Starry Sky counterpart. -> Pretty much that... but he's also sooo silly whenever Korekuni is involved. Has a silly side to him, and a very loving and charming side too. He's a good guy XD and no one can convince me that he's NOT a married couple with Korekuni ._.
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Korekuni Kishio Daisuke!!!! The Daisuke combo! Pretty boy. Guess he's snobby? -> I see a lot of myself in him. He's highly professional and demands the same level of professionalism from his peers, though that can come off as strict. He's so much more than his appearance, and he's not afraid to show that.
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Masunaga (I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING THIS)I thought he looked...kinda boring...? -> He was one of the characters that I did the most research on because I wanted to grasp his character and who he really is...and when I did, boy... the tears were everywhere. I just want him to be happy. His side story is one that I remember MOST vividly. He's a good leader and a good person and I just really really really want him to be happy.
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Onzai KAKKIIIIIII *screams and flails my arms around* I thought I would love him the most because of his voice actor. (I am obsessed with Kakihara Tetsuya) -> *pats his head* You're a good boy. I wish you will love yourself and realize how much everyone loves you ;~; He's more than his pretty looks... and he's very insightful. He really understands his teammates and cares for them deeply.
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Osari The last time I heard Morikubo Shotaro voice a genki boy was GET BACKERS. [I KNOW I'M SHOWING MY AGE BY SAYING THAT...] Genki Boi #2. -> The mood-maker and a ray of sunshine. His crazy nicknames almost drove me nuts 8'D but he's such a lovable character. It's impossible to dislike him. I know one of the TLers on the team REALLY likes him and I can understand why!
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Nome I love this character design SO MUCH!!! He's so good-looking! -> He's still really good-looking...I love his hair color...his build...his everything. Character-design wise, he's still my favorite. Was funny when I found out he's a gym buff :'D makes sense... He would also make a good big brother to the boys ;u; Though I THINK he has a big brother?? If I remember one of the special events I translated right...
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Sekimura I'm usually not a fan of megane-types. He's okay. (I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING THAT...AND I HATE MYSELF FOR NOT APPRECIATING HIM MORE BEFORE) -> WOW where to start. I want him to be successful. I want him to be happy. He has SO, SO, SO much depth. He deserves SO, SO, SO much. He breaks the usual megane-type trope and he's his own self that stands out SO MUCH. I appreciate him so much for his faithful, loyal support of his friends and I just REALLY want him to be happy. And no one can convince me that he's NOT madly obsessed with Onzai. He'd date him if he got the chance. :P
First off, before diving into characters, can I say that THESE BOYS ARE THE FURTHEST THING FROM SOMETHING AS EDGY AS "KILLER KING" I expected super edgy boys in this band... ._.;;
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Haruhi Genki Boy #3. Ah, I think this will be my favorite genki boy. -> He is not my favorite genki boy :'D He's still great of course!!! But it's funny how that didn't turn out the way I thought it would. He's also a giant ray of sunshine, though a bit selfish, but that's part of his charm. The side story for him though... *Haaah* Haruhi... just...whyyyy... But I really really really liked his backstory. He admits his faults and grows to overcome them and I truly, really respect that.
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Yuduki The gloomier of the twins. Lack self-esteem? -> He does lack self-esteem, but he grows from it too. I actually really like Yuduki...I was surprised because I didn't expect that. Again, he's another boy that had way more depth than I imagined. He takes good care of Haruhi, but he's not limited to being Haruhi's shadow. His individual stories away from Haruhi are where he really shines, I think. Go for it, Yuduki! Ganbare!!!
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Akane Genki boy #4. -> MUST. PROTECC. AKANEEEE. *HISSSSS* The BIGGEST surprise for me is that Akane became my TOP. FAVORITE. BOY. His background story and his interactions in the special event stories made me empathize with him A LOT. He has INTENSE imposter syndrome and he doesn't know when to stand up for himself...so he needs his friends to help him. And in response, he LOVES his friends and will do anything to help them. He's selfless for his friends but tends to forget to care for himself. I can go ON AND ON but please, please PLEASE check out his backstory when the game comes out!!! That hit me really hard... and it resonated with me a lot. It might not with others, but it really did with me. Akane love. *sob sob sob*
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Shingari Ah, it's Egu... Egu? With that kinda character design? I guess he's the silent type then? -> There's more depth than I imagined. I remember his backstory quite well, too, because it showed a more vulnerable side to him, and I came to understand Shingari really well after it. *pats his head* He's a good boy. I hope him success. Don't worry, you'll have your friends and your senpai with you! It's okay to be a bit vulnerable sometimes!
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So...that was my evaluation of the characters before and after working on the series. It's okay if you don't agree with my views on the boys, I'm not saying they're the only view and the right view...it's just *my* view, after working on the select parts of the game that I did. It was *amazing* how much my opinions changed. No one was really entirely what I thought they were like...that just shows how much depth the characters really have. They're not bound to just their trope, but there's so much more about them... and I came to appreciate them and the franchise EVEN MORE than ever.
I am so genuinely blessed to have gotten the chance to work on this series and I am so genuinely grateful to PQube and the team that was put together for this title. I can't wait for all of you to play the game and experience this yourself, whether you're new to B-PRO or a veteran fan.
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arlzuteni · 22 days
Draw to your heart's content! (part 2 translation)
About the event: Sanada helped out some artist and as a thank you, the kids have been invited to visit his studio and try out some various art forms. This is a part of that story (the one that picked my interest).
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Disclaimer: Whereas my usual focus lies on shitposting tenicrack, this translation is true to the source material, i.e. I did not make it up.
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Fuji: The staff's explanation about how to draw someone's portrait was really helpful, wasn't it.
Mukahi: If we do it how they told us to, even a beginner could draw it well.
Echizen: They said it's easier to draw when you use someone familiar as a model.
Atobe: Ahn? Should I allow you to use me as a model then?
Echizen: I'll pass.
Oshitari: Oho, it appears you were rejected, Atobe.
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Echizen: It's nothing about Atobe-san, but I'm thinking about making Tezuka-buchou my model.
Tezuka: Is that so. Why me?
Echizen: Well, if it's you, you'll be staying still while I'm drawing you, and your facial expression doesn't change all the time.
Oshitari: I see. If you put it like that, he might be an easy target to draw.
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Atobe: Heh. Shouldn't I draw Tezuka too, then.
Atobe: After all, I've been watching you for a long time. I'll show you how I can draw you exactly as you are.
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Fuji: I think I'll draw Tezuka, too, even though I will be using the same model as everybody else. He's someone familiar, after all.
Oshitari: Oh my, isn't Tezuka popular.
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Tezuka: Since I've been chosen, I will give it my best effort. I'll just sit on this chair.
Tezuka: I'll do my best not to move from now on, so do your best.
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Mukahi: I'll draw Yuushi. I'll have it done in no time, without even looking at his face!
Oshitari: You don't really need me to model for that...
Mukahi: You know, it's because I see your face almost every day.
Mukahi: The contours and hairstyle are kinda like this, and... uh, wait, what did Yushi's mouth look like again?
Oshitari: Did you get stuck already? I don't mind if you look at me.
Mukahi: No, I can do it, I can do it, it's fine! Be still and wait till I've finished my portrait!
Oshitari: Well then, I'm looking forward to it.
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Tezuka: ...
Fuji: If you look closely, there's new things to discover at every turn. So Tezuka's nose goes like this...
Atobe: It's critical to get the eyes right. I'll express the Tezuka-likeness in every part of his face!
Echizen: Heh, you’re pretty good. Although you just got started, it looks like Tezuka-buchou already...
Atobe: Of course. That's because it's me who's drawing him.
Fuji: Fufu, aren't you quite confident.
Atobe: Hey, since we're drawing him anyway, let's compete over who draws Tezuka the best.
Fuji: A Tezuka-drawing championship? That sounds interesting.
Echizen: What kind of championship is that supposed to be? But well, if it's a challenge, I'll accept it.
Echizen: I'll do my best too.
...unfortunately, we never discover who wins the contest! Although Tezuka says, at the end, that all the portraits were very well done.
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Oh my gosh I’m so happy you’re back! I hip life has been treating you well! May I request Atobe, Kaido, and Aksutsu with an artistic s/o? No pressure at all! Please have a good one 😁
Hellos and thank you for the warm welcome! Life has been treating us pretty well recently, hence why we have more energy and passion to write! But we hope you are doing well too! :) 
(Also, I wasn’t sure if you wanted artistic as in art only or other forms of being artistic, so I mixed it up a little! But if you wanted art only, feel free to drop another ask!)
Atobe x writer s/o:
At first, he wouldn��t really pay much attention to it, thinking it is not a form of art but would soon enough realise it is a way of expressing yourself, especially once he’d see how serious you are about it.
After that, he’d constantly peek over your shoulder and once you call him out on it, he’d comment he was just checking on you and not like he wants to read it or anything. 
But if you let him read, you would be able to see his face light up for a moment before he’d shrug and say ‘sure, might as well’.
Would compliment you about your work and ask you about it more and more as the time passed by, really immersing himself in your work. 
Offers his private library for you to do your research in and is all proud of himself when he sees how happy it makes you.
He believes in you so much, he’d be the one investing into your writing and publishing your book if you wanted to do that.
All he’d want in return is a signed copy and a kiss.
Kaido x painter s/o:
He’d fall in love with your work as much as he did with you.
Would love to watch you paint for hours, probably dozing off while you do so, cutely snoring away.
If you ever ask him to pose for you, he’d be very shy and insecure about it, but would try it out. As he would, he’d find a new admiration for you being able to do this for hours because even staying in the same position isn’t as simple as he assumed.
Though he is bad at it, he’d love to try it out and paint with you. Especially would love you showing him how to do little details and colour combinations.
He’d take a lot of pride coming to your exhibitions and watching others marvel at your work. Definitely would not have to go to the bathroom to wash away the small tears that prickled corners of his eyes.
As a surprise, he’d take an art class and try to make you a gift on his own. It wouldn’t be great, but it would be from the heart
Akutsu x dancer s/o:
He would think of it more as a hobby than an art, in the beginning. However, watching you practise until your legs hurt every day would slowly convince him otherwise.
Wouldn’t be as receptive if the dances are classical or ballroom ones as he would of the hip hop or modern ones. But with time, seeing your body flow to the music, he’d understand the beauty behind it.
Attends every single of your performances, even if he says he dislikes it. Deep down, you know you have his undying support.
As he opens up more to the idea, he’d ask you to teach him some moves and he’d be surprisingly good at them. 
Eventually, he’d find out about breakdancing and would instantly fall in love with it. 
From then on, his goal would be to dance on stage with you, no matter what your style is.
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rainisawriter · 11 months
Missing & Cursed – Choutarou (PSF #15)
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Genre: Fluff, supernatural, magic
Prompt: Emergency, Confession, Adventure (@flufftober)
Word Count: 6,162
Pairing: Reader x Choutarou
World: The Prince of Tennis
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You stifled a yawn as you sat behind the counter at the convenience store, trying not to fall asleep. It was pretty late at night and there weren’t many customers that came around this time which, truth be told, you were happy about. Still, it made it hard to stay awake because of how boring it was.
You were tempted to close the store early and just go home but you knew you’d get an earful from your boss if you did that. You felt confident that he wouldn’t fire you over it, but it wasn’t a risk you were willing to take. You needed the money and it had taken ages for you to get this job.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, Choutarou’s picture popping up on the screen. Seeing his smiling face instantly woke you up, a smile coming to your lips as you brought the phone to your ear. “Chou-chan~”
“Good evening, senpai,” he replied politely. “Are you busy?“
You glanced around the empty store, resisting the urge to scoff. “I’m at work, but this place is a ghost town.”
“I’m sorry!” He apologized quickly. “I didn’t realize you were working tonight.“
“Don’t worry, Chou-chan,” you told him softly, hoping to calm him down. “You’re helping me stay awake, honestly.”
“Are you sure?“
“I’m positive. What’s up? You usually don’t call me this late.” You glanced at the clock, the time reading 10:23. He was usually asleep by now because he woke up so early to attend practice. 
He was silent for a moment before speaking, his voice laced with worry. “I think Atobe-san is missing.“
“Missing?” Your brow furrowed, eyes flickering to the door when a man entered. “Why do you think that?”
“No one has heard from him since yesterday afternoon. He’s not answering his phone, either.“
“Maybe he just decided to go on vacation or something.”
“He wouldn’t leave without telling us, senpai.” He sounded completely confident in that fact.
“Well, what if he had a family emergency or something? He wouldn’t have time to tell you, right?”
“Maybe… I’m really worried, senpai.“
“I’m sure he’s fine, Chou-chan,” you reassured him, but a strange feeling had begun to settle in your gut and you didn’t like it.
The man was slowly approaching the counter, carrying an armful of energy drinks and a family-sized bag of Doritos. 
“I have to get back to work. Try to get some rest, okay? I’m sure he’s fine.”
“Okay. I’m sorry for bothering you. Good night.“
“You could never bother me, love. Good night.” You hung up the phone, offering the guy a smile. “Good evening, sir.”
He just grunted, rubbing at his tired eyes. He honestly looked more zombie than human so you assumed he was a college kid studying for a big test or something.
As the night wore on and your shift came to a close, you found yourself unable to shake the feeling of dread that had settled itself around you like an unwanted blanket. Atobe kept appearing in your mind and, though you tried to convince yourself that you were just being paranoid, a tiny voice in the back of your mind told you that something wasn’t right.
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The sun was just beginning to peer over the horizon when you entered the Hyotei school grounds, sipping a tall energy drink to keep yourself awake. You hadn’t slept yet, having spent the entire night out searching for the missing Atobe as soon as your shift ended.
There truly was no sign of him. It was as if he had just poofed out of existence. Something definitely didn’t feel right to you.
The plonk of tennis balls grew louder as you approached the tennis court where the regulars were. Despite the early morning hour, they were already covered in sweat and had no doubt been there for at least an hour. You would never get over how insanely dedicated they were to the sport.
Your eyes scanned the courts before settling on the chair where Atobe usually sat. It had a blue umbrella to block out the sun, a round table sitting beside it. Kabaji kept staring at the empty chair, paying no attention to the match he was playing with Oshitari.
If not even Kabaji knew where he was, this was more serious than you thought. Atobe didn’t go anywhere without the large male at his side.
The autumn wind picked up and your hair stood on end when you caught the whiff of something familiar. It was faint, most likely left over from several hours earlier, but you could still smell it and it made your shoulders tense up.
There was magic lingering in the air.
Atobe Keigo was no stranger to pissing people off. He seemed to have a penchant for getting under people’s skin and pushing their buttons in a way no one else could. It was certainly possible that he had crossed a mage without realizing who he was talking to.
However, there were strict laws in place against the use of magic on normal folk. Doing so not only risked jail time, but it risked said mage being stripped of their power altogether. Very few mages were willing to take that risk.
You tilted your head back, closing your eyes as the cool breeze wrapped around your body. Your fingertips tingled with magic. Every type of magic has a specific code to it, one that could be detected with proper training. You just so happened to excel at this very thing.
Though impossible to detect what spell was used, you could tell that it didn’t belong to the school of dark magic. ‘It feels like…’ your brow furrowed in concentration as you moved your fingers back and forth, almost as if trying to wake them after they fell asleep.
It was definitely a curse, you concluded, but not a dark one. The stench of death certainly didn’t permeate the school. An invisibility curse, perhaps? It seemed a fitting one for someone as pretty and self-centered as Atobe. A woman scorned, perhaps?
No student at Hyotei possessed magic, though. You had made sure of that multiple times after you started to date Choutarou because you wanted to ensure his safety. Then again, girls from all over the area often snuck in to watch them practice. It could be one of them.
That certainly didn’t make your job any easier.
Choutarou jogged over to you, calling out your name. He still looked worried, but he offered you a smile nonetheless. “What are you doing here, senpai?”
“I missed you,” you told him honestly. While you had come to inspect the area, you also did miss him and wanted to make sure he was okay.
“I missed you, too,” he smiled brightly, but it fell a bit as he inspected you. His large hand rested against your cheek. “You look tired. Did you not sleep well?”
You took a large gulp of the energy drink, not wanting to tell him that you hadn’t even gone home. “It was a rough night.”
His eyes flickered to the drink, sending you a disapproving look. “You really shouldn’t drink those, senpai. They’re bad for you.”
“I know,” you chuckled, letting your eyes scan the courts. “I’m guessing there’s still no sign of Atobe?”
He shook his head. “No… his parents called the police last night but they haven’t found any sign of him.”
You nodded, not surprised by this information. You had seen the multiple cop cars at the Atobe property when you stopped by last night to do a little sleuthing. There had been no signs of magic used there.
“You don’t think…” Choutarou bit his bottom lip as if scared to speak the words lest they somehow make them come true. “Do you think he’s okay?”
‘If he pissed off a mage, there’s no way in hell he’s okay.’ You sure as hell weren’t going to tell him that, though. Instead, you offered him a reassuring smile, taking his hand in your own. “This is Atobe we’re talking about. He’s going to be fine.”
He squeezed your hand for comfort, slowly nodding. “I really hope you’re right, senpai.”
“I’m always right,” you smirked playfully, earning a soft laugh from him.
There was a sudden yelp of pain from the courts and you both exchanged a look before rushing over. Gakuto was on his ass, finger raised accusingly.
“That cat just bit me!” He cried. “What if it has rabies?!”
You frowned at the feline sitting on the bench. It was fat as hell, more closely resembling a balloon than a feline, with dark purple fur and a white patch on its nose. He turned his head, navy eyes meeting yours. It was as if a shockwave coursed through your body, a strangled sound escaping your lips.
Choutarou looked at you with concern. “What’s wrong?”
“At -” you started before biting your tongue. The feline’s eyes narrowed at you.
“At?” repeated Choutarou with a frown. “Senpai?”
You had attracted the attention of all the regulars, the boys staring at you with a mixture of concern and confusion. You forced a smile, rushing forward to pick up the feline. He was just as heavy as he looked and your words came out strained because of the effort it took to hold him.
“M-My cat… Atoy…”
The feline tilted his head back, glaring at you.
“You got a new cat?” Choutarou put his hand on his hip, looking curiously at him. “You didn’t tell me that.”
“If someone has one secret, they probably have a lot of secrets,” commented Shishido with a scoff, arms folded over his chest. He had never liked you but it got worse when you started dating his best friend. “Really makes you wonder, doesn’t it?”
“Shishido-san,” scolded the silverette with a frown. He hated the fact that the two of you didn’t get along. You were the person he loves and Shishido is his best friend. Both of you were very important to him and all he wanted was for you both to be friends.
You forced a smile to hide your annoyance. “I just got him this morning. Why do you think I came here, huh?”
Gakuto pulled himself to his feet before stomping his foot against the ground like a child. “He bit me! What are you going to do about that, huh? What if he gave me rabies?! What if I die?!”
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics. 
“You sat on his tail,” exposed Hiyoshi before drinking from his water bottle.
“It was an accident!”
“He doesn’t know that.”
“Who’s side are you on, huh?!”
Hiyoshi shrugged, sending you a soft smile before turning and stepping back onto the court. 
“Right, well, I better get him home. See ya!” Before anyone could reply, you turned on your heel and ran away from the group, ignoring your boyfriend’s calls.
You barely made it out of the school before you were huffing and puffing, your back hurting from the weight of the cat in your arms. “Christ, you’re so fat.”
He growled at you, attempting to swipe at your arm but he couldn’t get a good angle.
“Will you knock it off before I drop you?” you scowled, readjusting your grip before continuing down the street. “Honestly, Atobe. You’re the only person who could piss off a mage enough to be turned into an animal. Do you have any idea how much trouble it’s going to be to fix this?”
He growled again, making you sigh.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Kai blinked at you a few times as his brain processed the story you had told him. Then he burst out laughing, clutching his stomach. Atobe growled in annoyance, the fur on his back raised. He waited until your brother was leaning over before he hopped onto the coffee table, barely getting enough air to rake his claws across the male’s face.
“Shit!” Kai winced, bringing his hand to his face. “You brat! I hope you never get turned back!”
“Kai,” you scolded, sending him a scowl. “No matter how much you dislike Atobe, you know we can’t leave him like this. We have to help him.”
He clicked his tongue. “You’re only saying that because of Choutarou.”
“I won’t deny that.”
Atobe growled again but you glared at him, taking a step back.
“Don’t you even think about it!”
Kai sighed, holding out his hand and focusing his power. “Cursed you may be, cursed you will remain. Alter this curse, grant him the power offered by these words. Speak!”
White light shot out from his palm, engulfing the feline. It pulsed and expanded before disappearing with a bright flash. You and your brother leaned closer, staring at him.
His tail twitched angrily as his navy eyes shifted between the two of you. “Stop staring at me!”
“Holy shit, it worked,” the two of you chorused before exchanging a look.
Kai scowled at you. “What’s that supposed to mean? You had no faith in me?”
You snorted. “You didn’t even have faith in yourself. You totally pulled that spell out of your ass.”
His lips parted to protest but then he closed them, looking away with a scoff, knowing you were right. 
You shook your head, settling down on the couch. “What happened, Atobe?”
He turned around to face you, whiskers twitching. “I was getting ready to leave the school. It was late so I was alone.”
“No Kabaji?”
“I sent him ahead because his sister was waiting for him.”
You hummed, nodding. 
“As I exited the game, a woman was standing there waiting for me. She spoke another language and her eyes started to glow purple. I was hit by a purple light and, when I woke up, I was a damn cat.”
‘Another language? A purple glow? Good lord…’
Kai snorted, amusement dancing in his brown eyes. “You got cursed… by a damn fairy.”
“Fairies don’t exist.”
“You were turned into a cat, but you refuse to accept the existence of fairies? Aren’t you supposed to be smart?”
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Fairy magic is super potent and hard to counteract. They’re on a whole ‘nother level.”
“What are you saying?” demanded Atobe, a hint of fear in his eyes. “You can’t cure me?”
“No.” “Yes.”
You sent your brother a glare, throwing a pillow at his face before addressing the cat. “You can be cured, but… it won’t be easy. Breaking fairy magic is quite tedious and I certainly don’t have any experience with it. I didn’t even know there were any fairy mages in the area…”
Kai hummed as he approached the bookshelf, eyes scanning the spines. “Fairy mages are notoriously good at hiding themselves. You could be staring one in the face and have no idea what they are. With all other mages, you can sense the magical lines within them but that doesn’t work in fairy mages. It’s pretty annoying, really.”
Your phone vibrated from your pocket and you didn’t have to check it to know who it was. You did anyway, frowning at the new message from Choutarou. He was worried, both about you and Atobe. You knew that but you weren’t sure how to appease him.
You hated lying to him and keeping secrets from him, but you were afraid to tell him the truth. Your biggest fear was losing him because you loved him so deeply. You knew it was wrong and you felt guilty about it, but you also didn’t know how to tell him.
Kai glanced at you over his shoulder before returning his attention to the bookcase. He finally found what he was looking for, tugging the book free. “Did you know the woman?”
“No. I’ve never seen her before.”
“Strange,” you mused thoughtfully, bringing your hand to your chin. “Mages rarely attack humans for no reason. It’s even less common for fairy mages.”
“Leave it to Atobe to piss off someone he’s never even met,” snorted Kai, the book resting against his forearm as he tugged it open. “This is gonna take some time to look into. You better get comfortable in that body.”
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. The thought of living with Atobe was bad enough, but living with grumpy cat Atobe? You knew you were in for one hell of a ride.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Your eyes scanned the crowds of people as they passed by the café, looking for any traces of magic. You were sitting at one of the outdoor tables with Atobe beside you, sitting in his own chair because you didn’t want him sitting on the table.
The two of you had been there for the better part of two hours without seeing anyone that even resembled the woman. Despite how many people lived in Tokyo, there was a surprisingly small number of mages. From your studies, you knew that they tended to avoid overpopulated areas simply because it increased the risk of them being exposed.
The world of normal folk was simply not ready to accept the existence of mages. They had proved that time and time again.
“This is useless,” snapped Atobe, slapping his paw against the table.
You quickly glanced around to ensure that no one was paying attention before you hissed, “Will you shut up? If people see a talking cat, they’ll freak.”
He huffed in annoyance, navy eyes narrowed. “Order me some warm chamomile tea. I’m thirsty.”
You sighed at how he completely ignored you. You waved the waitress over and she smiled politely at you. “Can I order a warm chamomile tea, please? In a saucer…”
“A… saucer?” She repeated as if worried she had heard you incorrectly.
You sent her a sheepish smile, motioning toward the feline. “My cat is, uh… he has very refined tastes…”
“Oh… I see.” She sent you an obviously forced smile before bowing and heading back inside. She returned a few minutes later, setting the steaming saucer down in front of Atobe. “Please be careful, it’s hot.” And then she patted him gently on the head and walked away.
“I am tired of being treated like an animal,” growled Atobe angrily. He placed his front paws on either side of the cup, pushing his upper body up so he could reach the contents inside.
“I mean, you are technically an animal, so…”
“I may be in the body of an animal, but I am no animal!”
You subconsciously glanced around, feeling thankful that you were the only one willing to sit at the outdoor tables due to the cold autumn air. Still, you felt anxious every time he spoke and your mind was constantly weaving excuses you could use should someone catch him.
“Ack!” He cried out, shaking his head in disgust. “I asked for chamomile tea, this is mint tea.”
You sent him an exasperated look. “It’s still tea, just deal with it.”
“They’re completely different flavors!”
“They’re both herbs, aren’t they?”
“I don’t know how Choutarou deals with someone so uncultured,” he huffed, shaking his head.
“Excuse me for not being able to name and distinguish all 842 tea flavors, half of which are more expensive than my entire house,” you snapped back, feeling annoyed by the comment.
“What a ridiculous number.”
“I was exaggerating for -“
“There are over 20,000 different types of tea in the world.”
You blinked dumbly, your brain taking a moment to process that number. “You’re… you’re joking…”
Atobe just sent you a look before returning to his tea.
“Damn rich people,” you muttered under your breath.
Your body tensed up at the familiar voice behind you, hoping you had just imagined it. No such luck.
Choutarou appeared beside you, a worried frown on his lips. “I’ve been calling you for days! I thought… I thought you had been taken, too…”
You took one look at his watery brown eyes and a wave of guilt washed over you like a tidal wave. “I’m really sorry, Choutarou. I’ve just been super busy dealing with…” your eyes flickered to the feline and you bit your lip. “Family stuff.”
The tall male frowned, not missing the hesitation or the way you had glanced at the cat. He knew you were hiding something and he felt torn. If you didn’t want him to know, if you didn’t trust him, he didn’t want to force it out of you. At the same time, he was terrified because of Atobe’s disappearance and the way you were suddenly acting so cold to him.
You stood up, resting your hand on his arm. “I promise I’ll explain everything, just… not right now.”
“I was really worried,” he stated softly, struggling to hold back his tears. “I thought I had lost you, too…”
Your heart felt like it was cracking at his pain. You quickly pulled him into a hug, wishing you were taller so you could rest your head against his. You settled for his shoulder, rubbing his back soothingly. “I’m really sorry, Choutarou. I… I should have made time to answer you.”
He held you tightly, fingers digging into the back of your shirt.
You considered asking him if he wanted to join you, but you couldn’t trust Atobe not to –
“This isn’t even good mint tea. It’s clearly cheap and not freshly made. You should have listened to me when I told you I wanted to visit La Villa instead!”
Your body tensed up, cursing under your breath when Choutarou slowly pulled away, looking around in confusion.
“Senpai, did you hear that? It sounded like -“
“Nope, I didn’t hear anything!” You replied quickly, patting his arm. “I really need to get going because I have to get to work -“
“You can’t hide it forever.” Atobe narrowed his eyes at you, front legs crossed over his chest. “He deserves to know the truth.”
Choutarou’s eyes widened, a soft gasp passing his lips. “Did Atoy just… speak?”
“My name is not Atoy! What a stupid name.”
“I am going to murder you, Atobe,” you growled angrily, fists clenched at your sides. 
“Atobe?” Choutarou looked at you in confusion, his brow furrowed. “Senpai, please tell me what’s going on!”
You exhaled sharply through your nose, trying not to snap at him because it wasn’t his fault. “Grab the damn cat so I don’t strangle him.” And then you tossed some cash on the table and started walking away.
Choutarou carefully picked him up before jogging after you, his long legs allowing him to catch up easily. The tension in the air made him bite his lip, not wanting to push you when you were clearly annoyed. 
You threw open the front door of your house harder than you meant to, muttering under your breath as you kicked your shoes off. 
Kai quirked a brow at you when you rounded the corner. “The hell is your problem?” His eyes flickered to the tall male that appeared a few seconds later. “Oh.”
Choutarou carefully set the cat on the ground before bowing to your brother. “Sorry for the intrusion, Kai-san.”
The older male pouted. “I told you not to be so formal. You’ll be my brother-in-law one day!”
His cheeks darkened at the thought. You scowled, hitting your brother upside the back of his head before heading down the hall toward your room. Choutarou bowed to him again before following you. He found you sitting on the side of your bed, head in your hands.
He sat beside you, rubbing his hand across your back. You were waiting for him to ask you what was happening, to demand answers from you, but you knew he wasn’t that type of person.
You sighed deeply, letting your hands fall from your face. “I’m sorry… I… I’ve been lying to you since the day we met.”
“About what?” he questioned softly.
You took a deep breath, trying to focus on the warm hand against your back. “I… I’m scared to tell you.”
“Why? Do you… not trust me?”
“Of course, I do!” You replied quickly, turning to face him. “I trust you with my life, Choutarou. That’s why it’s so hard to tell you, because I’m scared to lose you.”
He gently cupped your face, a loving smile on his lips. “No matter what you tell me, I’m not going anywhere. I love you.”
You exhaled shakily, your hand resting over his. “The truth is… I’m a mage. My father’s side of the family have been mages for generations.”
“Mage?” His brow furrowed in confusion.
You tugged his hand from your cheek, resting your fingers above his palm. You focused on your power, a tiny spark coming from your fingertips. He watched with wonder as it grew into a ball of flame, morphing and shifting until it looked like a tiny, flaming bird.
“Magical folk. Wizards. Witches. Warlocks. We have many names, but we are mages, users of magic.”
“It’s warm,” he spoke softly, cupping the bird as if it were real. “It doesn’t hurt, though.”
“I specialize in fire magic so I have pretty good control over the temperature. It won’t hurt you unless I want it to and I would never, ever hurt you.”
“I know you wouldn’t.” When his brown eyes met yours, there was no fear within their depths, just warmth, love and, most importantly, trust.
You threw your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “Thank you, love.”
“You don’t have to thank me. It’s the least I can do as your future husband,” he teased, sounding embarrassed that he had brought it up. “If that’s what you want, I mean.”
You laughed, pulling back to rest your forehead against his. “I would be honored to have you as my husband one day.” Your lips met his in a soft embrace that lasted only a few seconds.
“What happened to Atobe-san?”
“We’re still trying to figure out the whole story,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair. “So far, we know that he was cursed by a fairy mage but we don’t know why. Kai has been trying to find a counterculture while Atobe and I have been trying to find the woman who cursed him.”
“I can’t believe Atobe-san is a cat…” 
“Not even a cute one, either.”
“Senpai,” he sent you a scolding look. “That’s mean.”
“After what he did today, he’s lucky that’s all I’m doing.”
He hummed softly, slipping his hand into yours. “I’m grateful to Atobe-san for it. I’ve always known you were hiding something and I’m happy that you don’t have to feel as if you have to hide who you are from me.”
“I feel stupid for worrying so much. I should have known you would be the last person to judge.”
“It’s a valid thing to be afraid of,” he smiled reassuringly, pecking your cheek. “It may sound strange, but… knowing that you didn’t want to tell me because you were scared of losing me makes me really happy.”
“Really? Why?”
“Because it tells me how much you love me.”
Before you could reply, Kai burst into the room, the door smacking against the desk before bouncing back and hitting him in the face. He cried out, holding his nose. “We have a problem!”
“Yeah,” you scowled, standing up to check the door. “There’s a hole in my door now, you ass!”
“Are you okay, Kai-san?” asked Choutarou with worry.
Kai smiled warmly at him before scowling at you. “My brother-in-law cares more about me than you do. That’s so messed up!”
“Because he doesn’t have to live with you,” you scoffed, sending him an annoyed look. “What’s your problem?”
“Oh, right!” His eyes widened again as he grabbed you by the shoulders, shaking you. “We have a problem!”
“You said that already.” You shoved his hands away. “Spit it out.”
“We found the woman who cursed him and you’re not going to believe it.”
Your brow furrowed, sending your boyfriend a look before the two of you followed Kai from the room.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“You have got to be kidding me…” you muttered, looking wearily at the black house you stood in front of. 
Kai shifted nervously from one foot to the other, nearly shrinking into himself. “We shouldn’t be doing this. If dad finds out, he’s going to freak. Assuming we even make it out of this alive,” he muttered the last bit under his breath, jumping in surprise when a raven cawed loudly.
You took a deep breath, glancing over your shoulder. Choutarou was looking around nervously, clutching Atobe to his chest. You hit your brother’s arm to get his attention. “If you take Choutarou away from here, I’ll go in alone.”
“Absolutely not!” replied Choutarou firmly. “If she’s dangerous, I’m not letting you go alone.”
“My love,” you sent him a stern look. “I appreciate your bravery, but I’m not letting you face down a mage. Especially not this mage.”
He shook his head, stepping closer and slipping his hand into yours. “No matter how dangerous it is, we do it together or we don’t do it at all.”
Kai looked between the two of you. “Welp, have fun, kids!” And then he turned on his heel and darted down the path, jumping through the portal that led out of the mage’s deadlands. 
The sky in the deadlands remained black no matter what time it was. Orange lanterns lit the pathway but they were spread pretty far apart, keeping the land dark. The area around the house was nothing but hard desert, with no trees or buildings in sight.
The house itself looked as if it had been made for a horror movie.
Choutarou squeezed your hand while simultaneously hugging Atobe tighter.
“Choutarou -“
“I’ve made up my mind.”
You were surprised by the determination in his eyes. He wasn’t a stubborn guy by any means, but he was loyal and cared deeply for his friends. You knew he was scared, but he couldn’t leave you and Atobe. Your eyes flickered to his hand, feeling a bit better to see the protection ring secured around his finger.
Taking a deep breath, you started toward the house. “This should be a fun adventure,” you muttered.
The wrought iron gate squealed loudly when you pushed it open, lightning streaking across the sky as if to announce your presence. 
“Stay behind me,” you ordered him before reaching up to knock on the heavy wooden door. 
A moment of silence passed before the door was pulled open, revealing Maira Aarons. She was a tall woman with long black hair that practically melted into the tight black robe she wore. Ruby eyes narrowed at you with recognition, purple lips pursed.
“You better have a good reason for appearing on my doorstep, child.”
You straightened your back and lifted your head. “I’d say you using magic against non-magic folk is a pretty good reason.”
Her eyes flashed and she quickly tried to slam the door in your face but you were quicker, sliding your foot between the door and the frame. “I don’t have time for your games,” she hissed, eyes glowing. “Move, child, before I curse you into -“
“Mom? Who is it?” came a female voice from within the house.
Atobe’s ears twitched at the sound, brow furrowed. You sent him a look as if to ask ‘do you recognize her?’ and he nodded, squirming in the younger male’s grip. This caught the attention of Maira, whose eyes grew wide. She cursed, trying harder to shut the door but you shoved your body against it, pushing with all of your strength.
“Mom? What’s happening?”
“Go back to your room!”
“What? No! What’s going on?”
“I’ll explain later, just please -“
With the older woman occupied, you were able to wrap your magic around your body, increasing your physical strength for a short period of time. It was enough to overpower her, shoving the door open and stumbling forward. Choutarou grabbed the back of your hoodie to keep you on your feet.
A young girl stood at the bottom of the stairs, magic encasing her fists as she took a defensive stance. “Who the hell are you?! What do you want?!”
Before you could answer, Atobe jumped from Choutarou’s grip, landing on the ground in front of you. A gasp passed her lips when she saw him, the light fading as she straightened up.
“Atobe?” she breathed out, eyes wide. “What happened?”
“Ask your mom,” you scoffed, feeling a bit lightheaded as the enhancement magic left your body. It wasn’t your strongest magic type so it always left you feeling drained when you used them and they didn’t last very long, either.
Her eyes snapped to the older woman. “Mom? What did you do?”
Maira huffed, brushing invisible dust from her robe. “I did what any mother would to someone who broke their daughter’s heart.”
“You cursed him! Are you kidding me?” She cried, throwing her hands up in exasperation. “Fix him right now!”
“I will,” started Maira, her eyes narrowed at the feline. “As soon as he agrees to date you, Maki.”
Her face burned with embarrassment, mouth opening and closing.
You scoffed, folding your arms over your chest. “Why would you want that? Forcing someone to date your daughter who doesn’t want to date her… that’s so much worse than being rejected because you know he doesn’t want to be there. All you’re doing is hurting her more.”
“Silence!” snapped Maira, eyes flashing. “This is a family issue.”
“It stopped being a family issue when you cursed an innocent non-magic!”
“He deserved it! He only rejected her because she doesn’t come from a wealthy family like he does, because she isn’t a student at that dreadful school! He broke her heart and he’s lucky he’s still breathing!”
Atobe growled at her, his fur raised. “I am not such an asshole to reject someone based on their social status. I don’t have time to date and I don’t even know her, of course I would reject her.”
“You arrogant little -” her eyes started to glow red, a ball of red magic appearing in her hand. You darted forward, conjuring a shield at the very last second.
Her magic was more powerful and it sent you flying backward, hitting the wall hard. The wind was knocked from your lungs, vision blurring for a moment. Choutarou cried out your name, rushing over to you with worry in his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you winced, putting your arm across his chest and pushing him behind you as you forced yourself to step forward.
“Mom!” snapped Maki, her own eyes flashing red. “You’ve gone too far! You can’t just curse everyone I come into contact with! Turn him back or… or… I’ll go live with dad!”
Maira gasped, her eyes wide and hand covering her mouth. She looked as if someone had just threatened her unborn child. “You wouldn’t…”
“Try me!”
She scowled, glaring at the feline. “What has been done must now be undone, the curse you bear will be lifted, I declare!” She clapped her hands together and purple smoke engulfed Atobe, swirling around him like a tornado.
You could only see glimpses of him through the smoke, his body glowing and shifting as he returned to his original form. The smoke exploded outward before dissipating.
Atobe put his hand on his hip, running his other hand through his hair as he scowled. 
“I am so sorry, Atobe-san!” Maki bowed low despite her mother’s protests. 
You put your hand on his shoulder, tugging him toward the door. “Let’s get out of here before you say something dumb and get your ass cursed again.” You kept your gaze on the woman until both boys were out of the house.
“Are you okay?” Choutarou sent you a worried look, reaching for your hand. 
You offered him a tired smile. “Yeah.”
“I was the one who was turned into a cat for a week,” scowled Atobe, shaking his head. 
Choutarou sent him an apologetic look. “Are you okay, Atobe-san?”
“He’ll be hacking up hairballs for the next week, I bet,” you snickered, earning a glare from the male.
“That sounds terrible,” Choutarou covered his mouth, trying to hide his laughter.
Atobe just huffed, muttering under his breath as he walked down the path toward the portal. 
“Everyone is going to be confused. What are we going to tell them?”
“Kai will handle that, don’t worry.” You brought his hand to your lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “Right now, all I care about is getting you home safely and going to bed.”
“Do you mind if I join you instead?”
A smile tugged at your lips. “I’d love that, future husband of mine~”
His cheeks turned pink as he smiled brightly at you, brown eyes closed.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
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incorrectpot · 2 years
Oshitari teaching Shishido how to drive: okay, now, you're driving and Atobe and Ootori walk into the road. What do you hit, Shishido?
Shishido: Atobe, obviously, why would I want to hit Choutarou?
Oshitari: *getting annoyed* the brakes, Shishido. You hit the brakes
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hetamyuist · 1 year
also you know what im not done being a hater. like okay im glad they didn't make miura hiroki perform sexiness because i don't condone sexualizing actual human minors who exist in the real world but answer me this, tenimyu 3rd casting agents. who the fuck thought it was a good idea to cast a minor to play a character whose sensuality is such a major part of their characterization!! Like whether you like it or not sensuality and his utter shamelessness about it is a HUGE part of what makes atobe atobe. why would you cast a performer who literally cannot do that. its like casting a shiraishi and telling him to perform ecstasy but not make it sexy. like what.
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kingheld · 1 year
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what does your muse smell like?
mostly earthy scents, with a hint of herbs blended in. lavender mist on his pillow before bed, clothes like pine and perfumes are normally sandalwood or rosewood on off days.
what does your muse's hands feel like?
despite what many may assume, he has soft hands. they normally smell nice due to the hand cream he often applies to them. 
what does your muse usually eat in a day?
whatever his chef makes for him. all top tier food made by a top chef, though normally on sundays he gets to enjoy his favourite of roast beef, baked potatoes with a creamy gravy, non-alcoholic champange at the side, along with a good yorkshire pudding. majority of the dishes he eats are all westernised, while he can eat with chopsticks, normally he dines with a spoon and fork at home. 
does your muse have a good singing voice?
yes, he also loves the hear himself sing when he does karaoke. other times he is willing to sing for others when he feels like. (atobe has multiple songs his seiyu has sung, this is one of them)
does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
not really, he’s always radiating with confidence. he’s learned to not have any, knowing it would be bad if he shamed his family name in any. 
what does your muse usually look like/wear?
other than the school uniform and sport uniform at hyotei, atobe has a unique style of clothes. sometimes he likes to wear pink shirts, others being a little more flamboyant. suits, although majority of these clothes are all designer brands. it doesn’t bother him if they get dirty, he can always buy another. 
is your muse affectionate? how so?
only when he’s in a relationship. though he won’t always show it in public, mostly because of his fangirls who see other girls who get too close to him as a threat. though he usually prefers to show his affectionate side in private, hand holding, hand over the other, cheek kisses, lip kisses, hand on thigh...
what position does your muse sleep in?
normally on his back, sometimes he shifts to his side if he’s a bit restless, though laying on his back is the most comfortable for him and he can fall asleep easier that way. 
could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
if you hear his arrogant laugh, then yeah. though he doesn’t really make noise while he walks
tagged by: talentbloomed​ (thankyou ^^ i had fun doing this) tagging: legendreign​ (kasa or mido), steal from me
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mikumanogi-blog · 2 years
2023-02-02 “Imagination” Ikeda Teresa Blog 2 [ENG]
Hello, it’s Teresa.
Nice to meet you for the second time? Thank you very much for opening up this blog today. Thank yo-yo ー( ・_・)/-------◎
A picture of me and Kubo-san ‘click’
She has such white skin, her cheeks and my cheeks together, hers were so smooth I felt like mine were going to melt.. Cute (important) kind (significant) amazing senior member. Every time I appear a long side the snior members I think ‘Nogizaka is amaaaaazing and awesome”
 Did you see the previous LINELIVE!
Ioki, Ikeda, Okamoto,Ogawa were the members that participated from the 5th generation 😳
Ikeda was the second! My stream was from 8 and those 30 seconds just went by in the blink of an eye.
 You really did have the image that I’m a glutton didn’t you.. I want to go eat yakiniku with Kubo-san one day. Next time I’m going to bring my recommended manga to show (I wonder what genre Kubo-san likes, those in the know please let me know  ahhhhh(///>-<///))
 💌Speaking of which, right after this on a quiz…did you really talk about Kuroko’s Basketball? It seemed like it was just an egg quiz…? If not could you please tell me what kind of quiz you were planning to do🧸
(blog name: Hinata)
 🤍You’re very sharp to notice that just by watching the live stream, too sharp ‘sweats’
The quiz was actually two surveys, one was
Q. What club did Ikeda devote herself to in school? (A. Basketball club)
If I talked about Kuroko’s basketball it would be too easy to guess wouldn’t it`
💌Which makes you more nervous, live streaming or recording?
(blog name: Atobe)
🤍Probably Live streaming!
Recently the 5th generation members appeared on a tiktokLIVE and even then I was really nervous :( ;´꒳`;):
Please protect me from the rain
The MV for the first ever 5th generation song “Zetsubou no ichi byou mae” is now on the Nogizaka46 OFFICIAL YouTube CHANNEL📽
“Nogizaka46 “Zetsubou no ichi byou mae”
Saku-tan and my voice are in there.
We participated in the recording with everyone, in the song we each have our parts and names, I remember being so happy.
The MV that we took from this rooftop, we were really there.
Please find me, even if you can’t see me, I’m there.
Apparently the time between the sun setting and complete darkness is known as the ‘magic hour’
Our scene was shot around that time.
 I really live the shading and the look of the MV. Please look at the sky during the ‘magic hour’ (○´ー`○)
 On the previously blog I didn’t mention anything about it but I have some wonderful and happy news!
 The 5th generation’s Nogizaka46 mail, Nogizaka46 message service will start (●︎´▽︎`●︎)
Changing from the continuous blog relay to sending things off on my own…for a shy person like me this takes a lot of courage but I’m going to do my best.
 Right now I’m doing the individual blog, but I’m also looking forward to doing Nogimail! I’m especially glad that I can send video and voice messages now. I’m thinking about sending a good morning everyday ( ・´ー・`)
Let’s make the hashtag #terepantalk.
I need it to match the blog which is currently and will continue to be #Tereblog #Terepanblog, please and thank you🫶🏻
 I’m going to continue to work hard to help you get to know me even more.
 February 1st marked the anniversary of the formation of the 5th generation. It went by so fast, but I can remember how much work we put into it this past year.
 Recently at work the staff and the other members have said things about how much we’ve improved, that makes me really happy, I think ‘doing my best’ has become my source of motivation and I’ve come to know how much those words can boost others.
I’m looking forward to see how I evolve over the course of this year, I want to become even better than my expectations!
Please continue to look after me in my second year. <(_ _)>
 For me, February 1st will always be a special day. When I was a student studying for my entrance exams Nogizaka46 really supported me, and so I want to become the strength for other people taking and preparing for their entrance exams. I’m cheering for you
With the knowledge of both sweet and sour tastes these two oldest 5th generation members are cheering for you ✊🏻 ̖́-
Don’t eat a yukhoe before the real thing
 Thank you for reading this far.
 Bye byee(○´ー`○)
#Tereblog #2
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rikkaidaily · 5 years
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Be like Atobe. Stay home if you can, and please stay safe. We’ll get over this ♥
Original post by tetsup-blog
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softerbean · 4 years
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irie → forget-me-not : true love / don’t forget me fuji → gardenia : secret love / purity atobe → edelweiss : deep love / devotion / courage
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spicykaraage · 10 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Kazuya Tokugawa
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Birthday: July 27th (Leo)
Blood Type: AB
Birthplace: Ehime
Relatives: Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother, Older Sister
Father’s Occupation: Diplomat
High School: Unknown
Grade: Second Year
Committee: Student Council (President)
Strong Subjects: Physics, Geology
Weak Subjects: Art
U-17 Training Camp Position & Rank: Second String | Court 1
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives
Favorite Motto: “To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage.”
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Hobbies: Snowboarding, yachting, watching dolphins [TP]
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Favorite Color: Ultramarine
Favorite Book: The Analects of Confucius
Favorite Food: Japanese food (especially natto), protein, tomatoes [TP], chicken breast [TP]
Favorite Anniversary: The day he won his first trophy
Preferred Type: He doesn’t think about it
Ideal Date Spot: Yachting in Auckland Harbour
His Gift for a Special Person: “I would like to discuss and decide it with you.”
Where He Wants to Travel: Marina del Rey
What He Wants Most Right Now: A new snowboard ➜ A wetsuit [23.5]
Dislikes: Carbonated drinks, popping candy ice cream [TP]
Skills Outside of Tennis: Waking up early, fingertip handstands
Routine During the World Cup: Early morning running
Height: 189cm
Weight: 79kg ➜ 71kg [23.5]
Dominant Arm: Left
Vision: 1.2 Left & Right
Play Style: All-Rounder
Signature Moves: 10 Ball Strike, Black Hole, Premonition (not a technique), Howling, Sixth Sense, Divine Path of the Asura
Favorite Brands:
Overall Rating: Speed: 4.5 / Power: 4.5 / Stamina: 4.5 / Mental: 4.5 / Technique: 4.5 / Total: 22.5
Kurobe Memo: “After suffering a major setback, he rapidly improved to the point where he’s able to hit his 10 Ball Strike with ease. The biggest concern right now is if he’s severely injured after taking a blow in the abdomen from Byoudouin…”
What’s in His Locker at the U-17 Training Camp:
Wristband // He has a white and black one
Snowboarding magazine // He is so skilled at snowboarding that he will spend whole winters just in the mountains. He buys a magazine every month during the season
Sports drink // He made it himself
Supplements // They change each day depending on his condition
What’s in His Travel Bag:
Laundry detergent // He washes everyone’s clothes and will neatly fold them
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 8 | Publication Date: 08/04/2011
He plays practice matches with Oni during his free time
He has a large motorcycle license and his own motorcycle
The Prince of Tennis II 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 09/04/2013
He is on bad terms with Byoudouin
He has taken a liking to Ryoma since he’s always wanted a younger brother. He’s lately been feeling a sense of rivalry with Ryoga since he feels as if he’s taking Ryoma, a favorite person of his, away from him
He was not aware of Ryoma or Atobe while he was abroad
The Prince of Tennis II 23.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 05/02/2018
The girl he had picked up on the beach is still in touch with him. He was forced to give his contact info and she messages him often, while he messages her back every now and then
He was in Paris before being invited to the training camp
The Prince of Tennis 20th Anniversary Book: Tenipuri Party | Publication Date: 08/02/2019
His ideal relationship is one where he and his partner are practically married
When he tries thinking of his ideal type, he gives up and states it’s too much of a bother
He, Oni and Irie spend their vacations together. The previous summer, they had went camping together and discussed their thoughts and feelings about the World Cup around a campfire
He is the only person who will go along with Irie’s performances due to him being so serious that he cannot tell it’s an act
One of His Off Days at the Training Camp:
5:00am - Wakes up, stretches, then goes on a run
6:00am - Does laundry, cleans his and Irie’s room and tries not to wake Irie up
7:30am - Breakfast (a Japanese meal with natto and grilled fish)
8:30am - Voluntary strength training
12:00pm - Lunch (including a large quantity of bread that Irie baked)
1:00pm - Voluntary stamina training
2:30pm - Rests, puts a towel over a sleeping Ryoma
4:00pm - Bathes, looks after an overheated Inui
6:00pm - Dinner (sautéed chicken breast and tomato salad)
8:30pm - Gets a massage
9:00pm - Relaxes while reading yacht magazines
10:30pm - Prepares for tomorrow, then goes to bed
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nuisancehelicopter · 7 years
Atobe and Tezuka similarities as I remember them
third years
love tennis with unbelievable passion
bullied at some point in time in their lives
student council presidents
tennis club team captains
like fishing
like mountains
have interest in german language and culture
considered “perfect”
went skiing in switzerland 
goes to school on sundays
most popular teniboys
pls add more
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🐇 Easter Candy (Ryoma Echizen)
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Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 947 
Pairing: Reader x Ryoma 
World: Prince of Tennis
Table of Contents
You sat under a tree near the tennis courts, playing a game on your Vita. Honestly, you weren’t all that interested in tennis but, since your boyfriend was a tennis freak, you often found yourself near the tennis courts more often than you’d like. Ryoma was a good boyfriend, though, and knows that you’re not interested, so he uses his allowance to buy new games for your Vita to keep you occupied while you wait on him.
Today was different, though.
Ryoma approached you, placing his hat on top of your head to get your attention. “Let’s go, senpai.”
You looked up at him in confusion. “Practice is over already?”
“Buchou is sending me to run an errand.” He frowned, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “You’re coming with me.”
You rolled your eyes, placing your vita into its case and into your bag. “Thanks for giving me a choice.”
He smirked, grabbing your hand and pulling you toward the school gate. You shifted your hand to lace your fingers together. His smirk changed into a smile and he looked away since he couldn’t hide it beneath his cap.
“Where are we going, anyway?”
“To buy candy.”
“Candy?” You glanced at him curiously. “What for?”
“Atobe’s Easter festival.”
You frowned. “Atobe is hosting an Easter festival? We’re not going, are we?” You could feel anxiety bubbling in your stomach just from the thought of attending the festival. There would be so many people there… you shivered without even realizing it, but Ryoma caught it easily.
He knew about your anxiety disorder and how freaked you get when you’re around a lot of people. That was how the two of you met, actually – he found you during a panic attack and, although he had no idea what he was doing, he did his best to calm you down.
He squeezed your hand to show he understood. “No, it’ll be too much of a pain. Buchou said that he’d cover for us if I bought the candy, so I agreed.”
You bit your lip, feeling a bit guilty. “It’s okay if you want to go. You should hang out with your friends~”
He stopped walking, narrowing his cat-like eyes at you. “I see them every day. I’d rather spend time with you, senpai.”
Your cheeks warmed up a bit, your heart fluttering with happiness. You pressed your lips to his cheek. “Thank you, Ryoma.”
His cheeks burned and he quickly reached up to tug his cap down only to pout when he remembered that you had it. He glared at you when you started laughing so you decided to return the cap to its rightful owner.
“Let’s just get this over with.”
It didn’t take long to reach the grocery store. You headed straight for the candy aisle and to your favorite holiday treat – peeps. Before you could grab them, though, Ryoma stopped you.
“Someone else is in charge of getting peeps. We’re here to get everything else.”
You frowned, sending a longing look at the peeps before turning toward the rest of the candy. “So we just get… everything?”
He nodded as he started carelessly throwing bags upon bags of candy into the shopping cart. You chuckled at his attitude before giving him a hand. Once the cart was overflowing with candy, you decided to stop and head for the check-out counter. Ryoma had other plans, though, and disappeared before you arrived there.
The cashier looked at you with wide eyes as you started to dump the bags onto the belt. You could only smile sheepishly at him as he started to ring them up. Ryoma returned a few minutes later, his arms full of Ponta. He dumped the cans onto the belt and grinned at you.
“That’s not candy.” You grinned, patting his head.
He smacked your hand away. “He’ll get over it.”
It took a full twenty minutes for the guy to ring up all of the items, and you had to use the cart to bring them outside. Your brow furrowed.
“How are we supposed to get this stuff home?”
He pointed at a slick, black limo sitting off to the side. “Atobe sent a limo to collect all the items.”
You followed the younger male to the limo, where the driver bowed at you before loading the bags into the backseat.
“Can I bring you home?” The driver questioned with a soft smile.
Ryoma shook his head and you thanked the man before following after your boyfriend. He was carrying the bag full of Ponta, but you noticed a separate bag.
“Did you take that by accident?” you questioned, pointing to the second bag.
He pulled his cap down before handing it over to you.
You blinked at the bag. Inside was a single box of sky blue peeps in the shape of little chicks.
“They’re your favorite, right?” he questioned, still refusing to look at you.
“Ryoma…” You smiled brightly, throwing your arms around his neck, bringing his back flush against your chest. “I love you, chibi-chan~”
“Don’t call me that.” He scowled, feeling his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “It’s not that big of a deal.” In truth, he knew that it would be nearly impossible to find a store selling peeps after tomorrow, so he wanted to make sure that you got a box before they disappeared.
You kissed his cheek and smiled brightly. “Let’s hurry home, okay? We can share them~!”
Despite himself, he couldn’t stop the smile that grew on his face when he saw your happy expression. He would never admit it out loud, but he always felt pride when he was able to make you feel happy.
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haljathefangirlcat · 2 years
uhm. hi hello i might've stumbled across your tenimyu posts and i have recently fallen into the tenimyu hole and looking for a comrade to scream about it with so..... this is an invitation to talk about tenimyu 🙏
Hey! Sorry for the late answer. It's always a joy to meet other Tenipuri and Tenimyu fans. <33
Unfortunately most of what I know about Tenimyu dates back to the days of First Generation and Second Generation Seigaku -- and even there, I never got to watch all the shows and backstages. I have seen a couple of clips from later shows, and I do plan on catching up one day (hopefully there are still comms -- or some less dead equivalent of LJ comms, lol -- where people put up videos with English subs, right?) but this is the situation for now.
That said... have I already said it's a JOY to find other Tenimyu fans?! Because I meant it. Tenimyu is so, SO good. Taking one of the most beautifully insane sports manga and anime and making it into a series of musicals?! Which are full of fanservice, fandom in-jokes, and even in-jokes about the cast and crew of the musicals themselves and their relationships with the audience?! Which all flow seamlessly into the Dream Live concerts?! Amazing. Brilliant. God tier idea. Why is everything connect to Tenipuri so wonderful and also something no normal human being could ever come up with. Every time I read something about Tenimyu being what really made manga/anime musicals become A Thing in their own right I feel SO proud but also inevitably thrown for a loop anyway.
... also: Kazuki Kato as Atobe. Can we talk about that. And also the entirety of Imperial Match Hyotei: Winter Version. *chef's kiss* I used to have Katsu no wa Hyotei as my phone alarm way back when, and I've probably listened to Koori no Emperor and Ore-sama no Bigi ni Boogie-Woogie more times than it's healthy. And the interactions between Seigaku and Hyotei in Dream Live 3d--!!! And now all of China knows which overdramatic, overpowered fictional middle school tennis team is my fave, lol.
Anyway, please feel free to come here to scream about Tenimyu any time you want!! I always appreciate it, even when I don't know exactly what's going on. <3333
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incorrectpot · 2 years
Oshitari Y.: What are you doing? Gakuto: Speed reading this book. Oshitari: What’s it about? Gakuto: No idea. (Later.) Gakuto: They didn’t believe the boy who cried wolf. Atobe: The boy who cried wolf lied. Gakuto: I’ve got to stop speed reading books. (Source ALF.)
Or…reading at all?
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