#atomic force microscopy
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Atomic-resolution imaging shows why ice is so slippery
A team of physicists affiliated with several institutions in China has uncovered the reason behind the slipperiness of ice. In their study, published in the journal Nature, the group used atomic force microscopy to get a closer look at the surface of ice at different temperatures. Prior research and a lot of anecdotal evidence have shown that ice is slippery, even when temperatures are well below the freezing point. Research has suggested this is because of a pre-melt coating that develops at the surface, which serves as a lubricant. In this new study, the research team used an atomic force microscope fitted with a carbon monoxide atom on its tip to get a better look at the structure of normal ice and its pre-melt coating.
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science-sculpt · 6 months
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A Journey into the World of Microscopy: From Humble Beginnings to High-Tech Magnification
The science of looking into the hidden invisible Microscopy has transformed our understanding of the world around us. It can explore the universe beyond the reach of our naked eyes, with complex cellular structures, red blood cells, viruses and other viruses and microorganisms taking on amazing perspectives
The history of the microscope is a fascinating story of human curiosity, scientific genius, and relentless exploration. From the humble beginnings of simple magnifying glasses to the sophistication of modern electronic microscopes, the invention of microscopes has shaped our understanding of the microscopic world
In the 1600s, Dutch opticians such as Hans and Zachary Janssen are credited with inventing the first microscope. Known for this hybrid microscope, many lenses were used to magnify objects up to 30 times.At the end of the 17th century, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Dutch draper some changed our perception of thumbnails. Armed with a well-made single-lens microscope, and explored the hidden reaches of nature. In 1674, Leeuwenhoek discovered microorganisms in lake water, which he aptly named “animalcules”. His discovery laid the foundations of biology and inspired generations of scientists. This incredible feat allowed him to uncover a hidden universe – the first sightings of bacteria, red blood cells, and other microorganisms.
Formation of the scientific environment (17th-19th centuries): Leeuwenhoek’s discoveries boosted scientific research. Robert Hooke, an English scientist, established these developments. In 1665, his book "Micrographia" recorded his observations with a compound microscope. Notably, the term "cell" was coined by Hooke when he examined cork tissue, laying the foundation for cell biology.Microscope systems flourished throughout the 18th and 19th centuries Joseph Lister and other scientists addressed the limitations of the early lenses, introducing improvements that reduced image distortion.
Beyond the Limits of Light: The Beginning of the New Age (19th-20th century): As the 19th century progressed, the limitations of optical microscopy became apparent and scientists yearned for a tool which can go deeper into cells. This research culminated in the development of the electron microscope in the 1930s. The 20th century was revolutionary with the invention of the electron microscope. Unlike light microscopes, which use visible light, electron microscopes use electron beams to achieve much higher magnification.Formation of the scientific environment (17th-19th centuries): Leeuwenhoek’s discoveries boosted scientific research. Robert Hooke, an English scientist, established these developments. In 1665, his book "Micrographia" recorded his observations with a compound microscope. Notably, the term "cell" was coined by Hooke when he examined cork tissue, laying the foundation for cell biology.Microscope systems flourished throughout the 18th and 19th centuries Joseph Lister and other scientists addressed the limitations of the early lenses, introducing improvements that reduced image distortion.
Beyond the Limits of Light: The Beginning of the New Age (19th-20th century): As the 19th century progressed, the limitations of optical microscopy became apparent and scientists yearned for a tool which can go deeper into cells. This research culminated in the development of the electron microscope in the 1930s. The 20th century was revolutionary with the invention of the electron microscope. Unlike light microscopes, which use visible light, electron microscopes use electron beams to achieve much higher magnification.
In the 1930s, German experts Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska made the first electron microscope. This tool let us see tiny things like cells and even atoms by using electron beams, not light, getting images many times bigger. This cool invention showed us the tiny parts inside cells, viruses, and stuff too small to see before. The 1900s brought even more cool microscopes. New kinds like phase-contrast and confocal microscopy let scientists look at live cells without using stuff that could hurt them. Now, the world of looking at tiny things is getting even better. Today, we have high-tech microscopes that use computers and lasers. These let us see and even change tiny things in ways we never could before.
Modern Microscopy's Diverse Arsenal - Today, the field of microscopy boasts a diverse range of specialized instruments, each tailored to address specific scientific needs. Here's a glimpse into some remarkable examples:
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): Imagine a high-tech camera that captures images using a beam of electrons instead of light. That's the essence of a SEM. By scanning the surface of a sample with a focused electron beam, SEMs generate detailed information about its topography and composition. This makes them ideal for studying the intricate structures of materials like insect wings, microchips, and even pollen grains.
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM): While SEMs provide exceptional surface detail, TEMs take us a step further. They function by transmitting a beam of electrons through a very thin sample, allowing us to observe its internal structure. TEMs are the go-to instruments for visualizing the intricate world of viruses, organelles within cells, and macromolecules like proteins.
Confocal Microscopy: Ever wished to focus on a specific layer within a thick biological sample and blur out the rest? Confocal microscopy makes this possible. It utilizes a laser beam to precisely illuminate a chosen plane within the sample, effectively eliminating information from out-of-focus regions. This allows researchers to create sharp, three-dimensional images of cells, tissues, and even small organisms.
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): This technique takes a completely different approach, venturing into the realm of physical interaction. AFM employs a tiny cantilever, akin to a microscopic feeler, to physically scan the surface of a sample. By measuring the minute forces between the cantilever and the sample's surface, AFM can map its topography at an atomic level. This provides invaluable insights into the properties of materials at an unimaginable scale, making it crucial for research in fields like nanotechnology and surface science.
Fluorescence Microscopy: Imagine illuminating a sample with specific wavelengths of light and observing it glowing in response. That's the essence of fluorescence microscopy. This technique utilizes fluorescent molecules or tags that bind to specific structures within a cell or tissue. When excited by light, these tags emit their own light, highlighting the target structures with remarkable clarity. This allows researchers to visualize specific proteins, DNA, or even pathogens within biological samples.
Super-resolution Microscopy (SRM): Overcoming the limitations imposed by the wavelength of light, SRM techniques like STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion) and PALM (Photoactivated Localization Microscopy) achieve resolutions surpassing the diffraction limit. This allows researchers to visualize structures as small as 20 nanometers, enabling the observation of intricate cellular machinery and the dynamics of individual molecules within living cells.
Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM): This powerful technique takes a snapshot of biological samples in their near-life state. Samples are rapidly frozen at ultra-low temperatures, preserving their native structure and minimizing damage caused by traditional fixation methods. Cryo-EM has been instrumental in determining the three-dimensional structures of complex molecules like proteins and viruses, providing crucial insights into their function and potential drug targets.
Correlative Microscopy: Combining the strengths of multiple microscopy techniques, correlative microscopy offers a comprehensive view of biological samples. For instance, researchers can utilize fluorescence microscopy to identify specific structures within a cell and then switch to electron microscopy to examine those structures in high detail. This integrated approach provides a deeper understanding of cellular processes and their underlying mechanisms.
Light Sheet Microscopy (LSM): Imagine illuminating a thin slice of a sample within a living organism. LSM achieves this feat by focusing a laser beam into a thin sheet of light, minimizing photobleaching and phototoxicity – damaging effects caused by prolonged exposure to light. This allows researchers to observe dynamic processes within living organisms over extended periods, providing valuable insights into cellular behavior and development.
Expansion Microscopy (ExM): This innovative technique physically expands biological samples by several folds while preserving their structural integrity. This expansion allows for better resolution and visualization of intricate cellular structures that would otherwise be difficult to distinguish using traditional microscopy methods. ExM holds immense potential for studying the organization and function of organelles within cells.
Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy (SNOM): This innovative technique pushes the boundaries of resolution by utilizing a tiny probe that interacts with the sample at an extremely close range. SNOM can not only image the surface features of a sample with exceptional detail but also probe its optical properties at the nanoscale. This opens doors for research in areas like material science and photonics, allowing scientists to study the behavior of light at the interface between materials.
X-ray Microscopy: Stepping outside the realm of light and electrons, X-ray microscopy offers unique capabilities. By utilizing high-energy X-rays, this technique can penetrate deep into samples, making it ideal for studying the internal structure of dense materials like bones and minerals. Additionally, it allows for the visualization of elements within a sample, providing valuable information about their distribution and composition.
From revealing the building blocks of life to aiding in the development of new medicines, the microscope has played an undeniable role in shaping our scientific understanding. As technology continues to evolve, one can only imagine the future breakthroughs this remarkable invention holds in unveiling the secrets of our universe, both seen and unseen. These advancements hold the potential to revolutionize our understanding of biological processes, develop new materials with extraordinary properties, and ultimately pave the way for breakthroughs in medicine, nanotechnology, and countless other fields. As we continue to refine and develop novel microscopy techniques and the future holds immense promise for further groundbreaking discoveries that will undoubtedly revolutionize our perception of the world around us.
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miss-biophys · 2 years
Seeing antibiotics in action
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Unveiling the activity of some antibiotics in development using high-speed atomic force microscope. With this machine, I observe interactions between individual molecules in real time.
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heaven-one · 11 months
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This is an actual photograph of a molecule taken by IBM created by using a technique called Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).
Photo: IBM
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wfxue · 1 year
20230612_F0001: AFM probe holder closeup by Wei-Feng Xue Via Flickr: - Scientific equipment seen over #10YearsAgo. This is the closeup of a probe holder for the classic MultiMode SPM/AFM microscope with a probe inserted.
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diksha234 · 6 hours
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mindblowingscience · 7 months
Atomic force microscopy, or AFM, is a widely used technique that can quantitatively map material surfaces in three dimensions, but its accuracy is limited by the size of the microscope's probe. A new AI technique overcomes this limitation and allows microscopes to resolve material features smaller than the probe's tip. The deep learning algorithm developed by researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is trained to remove the effects of the probe's width from AFM microscope images. As reported in the journal Nano Letters, the algorithm surpasses other methods in giving the first true three-dimensional surface profiles at resolutions below the width of the microscope probe tip.
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logorrhea5mip · 1 year
How lovecraftian would we seem to machine life
Imagine that there exists a planet populated entirely by mechanical life, where "plants" are power stations and ore harvesters, where creatures have motors for muscles and iron rods for bones.
Imagine then an intelligent alien of this world coming to Earth. When analyzing our life, they think of discrete components, parts doing their jobs in obvious ways. And there are some, bones obviously provide support and joints act like hinges and...
What the f are all those bags of slime doing in the center of the body? Where is the motor, the wires, the sensors? WHY IS IT SO WET?
Our alien scientist might then pull out a microscope to examine a piece of tissue. First they see the larger structure, the blood vessels, the nerves, the blobs of fat. This doesn't explain anything. Then they may see cells, and this is where the horror starts. Cells are small, unbelivably small. The smallest component in an average electromotor is a wire which forms the armature. The average wire is 30 cells wide. What could a thing that small possibly do?
At the current zoom level the cell just has some stuff floating in it, moves a bit, and thats about it. And then, one of them starts twitching, moving about, and splits.
How? Why? What? After many hours of high power microscopy and chemical analysis, the alien figures out what the cells do and how: they are a bag of goop, with other smaller bags of goop in it. It lives, and grows, and does its job as long as the surrounding fluid has the right chemicals and gasses and temperature. And in it, lives The Dance.
The Dancers are myriad. Their shapes are more diverse than entire ecosystems back home, their form ever changing. There are small dancers, of mere dozen or so atoms. They run and spin and collide wildly, their moves ruled only by the mad forces of entropy and chance.
Then the larger dancers assemble. They form and break and form constantly, mostly in special places when many come to become one, where form and shape are copied and translated and changed. The dance of the larger dancers is still wild, the tumblings of a hot solution slamming them into each other many tines a second, and only sometimes do they actually merge, or change one another, or split apart like a dandelion being blown apart in the wind.
Tens of thousands of dancers dance, and they in the dance build and move and change, playing with chemistry itself as a hyperactive toddler plays with his toys. And all this madness, guides the wet, pulsating blobs of hot goo, and they form structures ever larger, until a bird takes flight, or a plant opens its flower.
The life of this world is a dance, one designed by madmen, one which can move and think and see and hear and live...
And the dancers dance into the dark, ever more chaotic, until all form and rules are forgotten and the music stops and the last dancer turns off the lights, to wait until they are eaten or drunk or breathed in, and the dance once more returns.
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noosphe-re · 2 years
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High-resolution images of terminals in water chains.
Shiotari, A., Sugimoto, Y. Ultrahigh-resolution imaging of water networks by atomic force microscopy. Nat Commun 8, 14313 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms14313
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forensicfield · 5 months
Types of Microscopes
1. Simple Microscope
2. Compound Microscope
3. Phase Contrast Microscope
4. Fluorescence Microscope
5. Electron Microscope
6. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
7. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
8. Dark Field Microscope
9. Dissecting Microscope (Stereo Microscope)
10. Digital Microscope
11. Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM)
12. Atomic Force Microscope (ATM)
13. Inverted Microscope
14. Acoustic Microscope
15. X-Ray Microscope
16. Polarizing Microscope
17. Metallurgical Microscope
18. Pocket Microscope
19. USB Microscope
20. Confocal Microscope
21. Laser Scanning Microscope
22. Differential Interference Contrast Microscope (DIC)
23. Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope (NSOM)
24. Raman Microscope
25. Super-resolution Microscope
26. Cryo-electron Microscope
27. Time-lapse Microscope
There is a wide range of microscopy techniques and instruments used in various fields of science and research.
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Researchers explain the imaging mechanisms of atomic force microscopy in 3D
Researchers at Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University report the 3D imaging of a suspended nanostructure. The technique used is an extension of atomic force microscopy and is a promising approach for visualizing various 3D biological systems. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was originally invented for visualizing surfaces with nanoscale resolution. Its basic working principle is to move an ultrathin tip over a sample's surface. During this xy-scanning motion, the tip's position in the direction perpendicular to the xy-plane follows the sample's height profile, resulting in a height map of the surface.
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miss-biophys · 2 years
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So there’s this bug in the software of the atomic force microscope (AFM) that I use.
You image your sample - cellular membrane here - and than you can indent it with a tiny tip to measure its stiffness and elasticity. Sometimes, the image dissapears the moment you switch to the indentations so you are blind on where to push and indent. This is the best solution I thought of today to mark where the membrane was. 😆
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kandrakelsier · 1 year
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
Fun answer: woodworking! I'm working on building myself a bench so I can start building myself some simple furniture and boxes. So far it mostly seems to boil down to "sharpen your chisel", but its a lot of fun!
Boring answer: mortgages. Might be buying a house soon.
Extremely specific technical answer: photo-induced atomic force microscopy; I'm potentially starting on a project for a conference next year, so I need to figure out the key differences between PIAFM and scanning probe microscopy.
Thanks for the ask!
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omarfor-orchestra · 9 months
@ people asking questions on the group chat at 9pm causing me to jump off the bed to check the answer because I get anxious can you please stop. It's not the time to check atomic force microscopy techniques to study biopolimer's bending stiffness
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wfxue · 1 year
20230611_F0001: AFM probe holder by Wei-Feng Xue Via Flickr: - Scientific equipment seen over #10YearsAgo. This is a probe holder the classic MultiMode SPM/AFM microscope.
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penisman420-69 · 1 year
So on the whole nano vehicles thing!
This is something people are researching in the field of nanotechnology! It's a field that combines chemistry, biology, physics (and maths/computer science in some ways but that makes it even more complicated) on the nano scale! Now first what even is nano? Nano refers to the scale of something of 10^-9 in this case it's about sizes but nano is a prefix so eh.
Regardless nanotech is a relatively new field (if you're interested in it there's a lecture called "there's plenty of room at the bottom" by Richard P. Feynman who is often considered the parent of nanotechnology) having only been brought up by the previously mentioned, R. Feynman in 1959 and only really sparking the research field to start in the 1980s.
Anyways so yay small scale science! So nanovehicles: nanovehicles are often bottom up (see: bottom-up = using bricks to build a house vs. top down = carving a house out of rock) produced small "vehicles". They came about because we're looking for ways to transport cargos in a more controlled method than we've been able to mimicking certain biological functions. But the way we've being going about it is by making tiny little car shaped molecules. As you can see in the image below just car shaped with Buckminster fullerene (not actually buckminster fullerene but spherical carbon structures) type wheels.
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So basically just like cars work, movement is perpendicular to the axle(usually), however you cannot change the positioning of the axles so this thing can only move forwards and backwards.
Oh quick little side note to even analyse the motion of these things, we have to put them on a surface and depending on the type of motor that can lead to either a caterpillar like motion or just increasingly long tails. But what we can also do is use the tips AFM (atomic force microscopy)or SPM (scanning probe microscopy) and move them with that however that's incredibly expensive Sheesh. We have to do this on a surface because of Brownian motion because these things are so small they'll just move around and about randomly in solution.
Okay back to vehicles. So before I showed a 2 directional transverse moving nanocar. But in the previous ask I said there's nanovehicles that can only spin around themselves. And that's because the Axel's are thusly oriented that any transverse motion it wants to make would be obstructed by another axle. So then it can only do the spinny thing.
See below:
a) shows translational motion such as a nanocar can make.
b) shows rotational motion, such as the nanovehicle I was so excited about.
As well as these images having microscopy which shows how they have moved and where the vehicles are and it's very cool.
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And below you can see different types of nanovehicles, 22 & 23 can do translational motion forwards and backwards. 24 can move in a slight circle around a middle point that is not its own center point.
And then you have 25, my beloved, it can only spin in circles <3 its sole purpose is to just spin around and around and around and I think that's somehow so very poetic, the fact you've been made in such a way that your sole purpose cannot be fulfilled but you did prove that yes we can move nanovehicles in more than just the two directions. Also that molecule is a blorbo to me.
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i forgot all about this and i have still never been so interested in something i understood next to nothing about thank you for infodumping lulu i heart you
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