#attached at the hip to the point where they both get crazy anxious if they arent like within eyesight of each other and they
avvidstarion · 2 years
n and hilda im thinkin about n and hilda
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Oh friend you've so many exciting WIPs but please tell me about The Color of Corn and The Nightmare Before Christmas!! 💕✨
Wow okay so, first The Nightmare before Christmas. This one is kinda a 2x1. As it happens with some of my WIPs when I have 2 stories from the same idea I just put them in the same file. And whichever picks my interest most wins and gets written. (If I do write it that is😅). So first is a pretty standar TNBC AU because well, Jack Skellington Andrés, that's why. Here's the snippet:
The wind howled as it collided with the cold stone of the tower.
Martín shivered despite not being cold. He felt queasy and anxious, he hoped he had calculated the dose of deadly nightshade right, he didn't want a repeat of last time.
He took his bag and balanced himself on the edge of the window, looking down at the darkness below. He wouldn't die, he couldn't but the doctor had been nice enough to make him capable of feeling pain. And it hurt, it hurt like nothing else did. 
He clutched his basket tighter and took a deep breath, thinking of a crooked smile and the moon reflecting on pearly white teeth. He needed to go out, to be free for at least a while. And seeing Andrés was worth the couple minutes of debilitating pain.
He closed his eyes and let go.
The impact with the ground was hard and painful. His mind whited out, scrambling his thoughts. All he was capable of was an incoherent tidal wave of 'hurts, hurts, HURTS, holly Satan's undies, it hurtsssss!'
Slowly, after an eternity of fire that stretched into the space of a minute, he became increasingly aware of himself. Everything burned and he felt all over the place. He opened his eyes to confirm and yes it was going to take a while. 
Thankfully one of his arms has stayed attached, which would make it all easier. He put his other arm back in place, and started the long and tedious process of retightening his seams and putting everything back in place.
By the time he was done, the pain had subsided into a dull all encompassing ache that he could push to the back of his consciousness. He checked his limbs one last time and started walking towards the town center. His body heavy and aching but his heart light and fit to burst.
He didn't notice his nose and left nipple lying half visible at the bottom of the tower.
(So yes that's part of it, it's a work in very slow progress🥴)
And then the other idea is basically a cracky Christmas fic. 
So the premise is that it's post mint (and maybe post bank too, idk), and the banda plus Martín are all living in the monastery or something. It's the day before Christmas and Martín's longing for Andrés gets so bad while watching him ignoring Martín and flirting with the women that he wishes he could have a life without Andrés and those pesky feelings of his and proceeds to get black out drunk. 
So next morning he wakes up and at first everything is normal and then bam! Andrés is nowhere to be seen, he is apparently married to SERGIO and they have KIDS! While all the rest is pretty much the same, he's still a criminal mastermind. 
So he's trying to figure out what the hell's going on and how to wake up from this nightmare when Christmas day comes around. And his husband's estranged brother shows up. His raging libertine and homosexual diva of a brother shows up. A brother Martín apparently HATES with all his heart. 
Oh and said brother, Andrés by the way if you had any doubts, not only shows up in the most mind boggling and gayest outfit, he doesn't come alone. He's accompanied by his two (2) boyfriends! A tall, tall and stoic man who goes by Marsella and a twink named Aníbal (who by the way one of his and Sergio's 'kids' can't stop flirting with). 
This is Martín's worst nightmare. He wants to wake up right now. Or possibly die, he's not picky.
Here's the snippet:
Martín was going crazy. That was the only possible explanation. He had finally drank too much wine and he was currently lying in some hospital bed in an ethylic coma. No other way around it.
Waking after getting so drunk to find himself in bed with Sergio was not at all what Martín had expected. And while he started silently panicking and trying to remember at which point of last night's drunken debauchery he had decided to pay Sergio a visit, the other man had woken up and smiled at him. 
Martín's brain had short circuited when Sergio, SERGIO, Andrés' nerdy librarian of a brother had kissed him. He had kissed him and pushed his very impressive morning wood (and who the fuck knew Sergio was so well endowed, Martín would be horny if it wasn't you know, Sergio) against him while simultaneously slipping a hand into the back of his pants and between his ass cheeks. 
Martín had become so impossibly rigid it felt like he would snap like a guitar string. When he was once again capable of movement, he had Sergio's tongue halfway down his throat and an insistent pointer finger pushing against his clamped up asshole. 
He had scrambled out of bed so hastily that he had almost cracked his skull open on the bedposts. Not saying anything before running to the bathroom like a soul out of hell. 
Hours later after the weirdest breakfast of his life where he finds out he and Sergio are apparently married and Andrés is nowhere in the picture, here he is. He went to sleep in the hopes of just actually waking up.
But apparently the universe is laughing at his misery. 
Because an undeterminded amount of time later, something wakes him and he immediately knows he's still trapped in this nightmare. He stays relaxed and doesn't open his eyes, hoping whatever it was that woke him will just go away.
Martín's breath dies inside his chest. Now there are a number of things wrong with what he just heard. First 'Papi' is not a word he often hears. If he does hear it, it normally comes from his own mouth in a much breathier tone while in the middle of much more interesting activities. And secondly if for whatever reason he somehow changed his preferences and it's his current partner calling him that, well it sure as hell wouldn't be in a female voice. 
His hysteric internal monologue is interrupted by another, this time distinctly male voice.
"Papi, wake up." 
That's when he notices that he knows those voices, they are familiar. He wonders what he did to deserve ending up in a hell like this. He would greatly prefer the stereotypical flames and eternal torture over this any day. He feels sick and holds back his nausea.
Finally he opens his eyes to come face to face with Tokio and Denver looking down at him.
"Hola papi, what a grumpy face, sorry for waking you. Papá said not to do it, but aren't you going to say hi to your kids?"
This time Martín doesn't hold back anything.
As he is expelling what feels like his whole stomach, he's distantly glad that he managed to be spectacularly sick all over Tokio's ugly shirt. 
(I've really got no excuse for this😅)
And finally the Color of Corn is a thingy I talked about here.
But you can have another snippet, this one goes immediately after the other one:
The sun is burning and ruthless. The air is wet and heavy, oppressing. The dense sheen of sweat covering his skin doesn't help with the stifling atmosphere, making him feel sticky and disgusting. Finally when his uncle decides to make a pause and rest, they've worked about half of the field. Martín feels ready to throw himself into a lake of freezing water, letting it consume him, dragging him down to the bottom like a dead carcass. He lost his shirt a while ago. He couldn't take the uncomfortable feeling of cloth rubbing against drenched skin anymore. He goes to sit at the back of the tractor, wincing at the touch of the scorching metal. Relaxing slightly as he eats soggy jam sandwiches and warm beer.
"You know you can go right?" His uncle asks, sitting beside him and looking at the horizon with dead and glassy eyes. "There is nothing stopping you from taking your things and fucking off. You aren't a kid anymore."
Martín stares at him thoughtfully, then he directs his glance to the faraway line where the sky meets the earth. There is nothing to see, just miles and miles of golden corn as far as the eyes can reach. Truth is Martín doesn't know how to answer. Logically he knows this, he is aware of it and has thought of leaving more than once. He's thought exactly that, taking his things and leaving. But he also knows he is never going to do it. He is utterly incapable of it. He doesn't know what he would do. His whole life all he's known is his little town in the middle of nowhere Argentina, and the golden shine of corn. And, even if he doesn't like to admit it, if he ever left he would be completely lost. As far as he can remember corn has always been present. His constant omnipresent companion. Want it or not, it's his life and always will be.
"Yes I know,'' comes his absentminded answer.
His uncle stares at him for a minute. His tired eyes seemingly looking for something.
"What happened to that friend of yours, Andrés was it?"
"What with him?" He says sharply, his tongue cutting, mimicking the exact feeling that name evoques.
"You two used to be attached at the hip and now it's been a while since I last saw him."
Martín has been trying to forget all about that. If he's being honest, he's not doing a great job of it. But Martín has never been terribly honest, not even with himself, and he's not going to start now, so he enjoys telling himself he is forgetting.
"That's because he's going back to Spain. Haven't seen him since he told me."
"Well, he's been calling you, did you know?" His uncle scratches at his beard. "You should call him back."
"I don't want to talk about this." That's not a lie, Martín really does not want to talk about Andrés, especially not with his uncle.
"You are aware both phones are connected right?"
Martín becomes rigid. "He's getting married."
"I can respect limits, but don't fool yourself like that." The older man shrugs and gets up to keep working.
Martín feels angry. His uncle doesn't understand. Couldn't possibly understand. Life is easy for a man like him. He wants to tell him to go to hell.
When finally his anger dies down, choked and overwhelmed by the infernal heat, Martín almost laughs at the recognition of his anger towards his uncle for what it truly is. The anger and spite of an immature kid when confronted with the ugly truth.
Martín knows that he's lying to himself. He just doesn't know about what.
When night falls, they go back to the farmhouse. His uncle goes straight to bed but Martín cannot fall asleep. He's bored of himself and his own mind. He goes out and lies down in one of the cornfields, feeling gravity press down on his chest. He falls asleep imagining the sea of corn rocking him gently.
Everything is dark, there isn't a single noise, not even from insects. The corn is still, not moving one bit, consumed by the darkness.
(I'm really proud of this one😊.)
So that's it. Wow this got long. Hope you liked it and thank you for asking friend.
(P.S: Did my ask reach you? I'm severely traumatised now😑)
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belovedkingx · 5 years
Love Triangle |  (Ⅰ)
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» Pairing: Jungkook/Reader/Jimin 
» Genre: Poly!au, Fantasy!au,f2l
» Word Count: 2.6k+
✥  Summary: Careful what you wish for, cause you might just get it.
Warnings: Mention of sex, Alcohol
⁛ A\N: I’m not sure when part 2 will be up but hope you enjoyed this. sorry for any mistakes. Happy Reading ~
—  Masterlist | Next
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The alarm rings as it shows 8:30 AM. You roll over to shut the damn thing off, unhappy that you have to be up this early just to go grocery shopping with your mother as you promised her that You would. But really, who on earth goes shopping this early. You do your routine and get ready for today. You had to go shopping with your mother and pick the boys up from the airport which was about 30 minutes away.
You were very excited to see your friends, You haven’t seen them in six months because all of you live so far from each other. So a few times a year you visit each other, your visits usually last for 2 to 3 weeks. This time it was their turn to visit you but you were nervous to see one friend in particular.
The reason is simply that you made a very bad decision while drunk on one crazy night out partying. It was six months ago and it was Jimin’s turn to have all four of you at his house.
On a Friday night, Jimin suggested you guys go to a club and you strongly disagreed, “Oh come now Y\N, it will be fun.” As Jimin tries to convince you, you sat there on the couch feeling a little guilty knowing that they were always going along with what you wanted to do.
“Yeah, come with us, please,” Jungkook says with a pout, knowing you can never refuse him when he does that. “Okay okay, I’ll go, you guys better be glad I love you so much,” And with that you all got ready. 
After 20 minutes you were all in the car with Hoseok driving while you, Jungkook and Tae were in the back and Jimin in the front seat rapping his favorite song. “Gucci Gang.“Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang.”
You laugh as he continues. About 15 minutes later you arrived at the club getting out of the car and heading inside with ease. As you made your way in Jungkook grabs a hold of your hand and leads you straight to the bar, as you make a mental note not to drink too much which was no help seeing as you had about 5 drinks that you're aware of. The night goes on as you sit at the table with Jungkook and Tae, watching Jimin dance with some guy and Hoseok dancing with some girls, then that’s when you had the urge to dance as well.
So you turned to your left looking at Jungkook and it’s as if he could read your mind, knowing exactly what you wanted. He grabs your hand again for the second time tonight, leading you to the dance floor, passing by sweaty body’s grinding up against one another. The two of you started dancing to the music playing, he puts his hands on your waist and pulls you closer to him. 
You start to sway your hips side to side, feeling the alcohol catch up to you. As the music takes control you start to grind on each other. You continued this for a few minutes until you feel something poke your leg, you look down and see Jungkook’s growing bulge.
 At this point, you're far too gone to care what this leads to next. You take one of your hands that was wrapped around his neck, dragging it down his chest and abdomen till your hand was over his bulge, he leans into your neck and lets out a moan, then attaches his lips and sucks leaving a mark.
The next thing you know he was dragging you out of the club to go back home. The next morning you wake up feeling as if a truck hit you, quickly you realized that you were naked and an arm was wrapped around you. You didn't need to look to know it was Jungkook but you were still hoping that you just got too drunk and it was all a dream. After a few minutes you turned to look and it was indeed him. With the sheets barely covering his naked body, that’s when it really sets in...  you had sex with your best friend.
You two did it again that morning when he woke up which started the whole friends with benefits thing. But after a whole month, you decided that it was best if you two stopped, you didn’t want one of you to catch feelings. When you brought this decision upon him he didn’t seem to care.
It’s been six months since that all happened and both of you still talk on a regular basis and everything seems normal but your just nervous that you don’t know how to act around him. You just hope that you can be normal just like when you talk over the phone.
By the time you were done getting ready you looked at the clock and it showed that it was 8:40 and you needed to be at the airport by 10:00, which meant you had time to quickly go grocery shopping. You headed out of your room, walking into the kitchen and see your mom standing there, she turns to see you and smiles.“Are you excited,” she asks. 
“To go shopping at 9 in the morning, not really,” You say half-jokingly, knowing what she really meant. “No, I mean your friends, you haven’t seen them in a long time.” “Oh yeah, of course, I’m excited.” Which was only half true, you were also really anxious. She nods grabbing her keys as a Signal that she’s ready. 
“Okay honey we should go now if you want to make it home in enough time to go pick them up.” She says as you grab an apple with you Heading out the door. An hour and 20 minutes later you finished shopping and reached the airport 10 minutes late. As you headed towards terminal 1 arrivals directly outside of baggage claim, you see them to your right and the closer you got the more nervous you became.
You parked at the curb and opened the trunk so the boys can put their bags in, as you came around the car you were face to face with your best friends, excitement took over and your nervousness was nonexistent. “Oh my god, I missed you,” You sang. You pulled Jimin and Hoseok into a bear hug. “We’ve missed you too, sweetheart.” Jimin avows. You looked over to your right only to be faced with Taehyung. “Where’s Jungkook at?” You asked bemused. “Oh, he was still at baggage claim, he should be coming now, I’ll text him.” You hugged Taehyung, as Hoseok said answering your question.
A few minutes passed with you and the boys talking when suddenly Hoseok looks over to his left and says, “oh, there he is.” You look over as well and see Jungkook, he was wearing an all-black ensemble. A plain black t-shirt that was tucked in his black jeans with rips at the knee, black boots, a black leather jacket with black hair. It felt as if everything and everyone were in slow motion when you saw him, though you would never admit how you felt about him to yourself. 
He was breathtaking and you could tell he found out what a gym was. As you scan his body your eyes landed on his thighs and you knew you started having a thigh thing right then and there. You noticed you were staring at his thighs for way too long and you started to get flustered, you tried to save yourself by quickly looking away but when you looked up you saw him smirking at you. 
He saw me staring.. at his thighs. 
You mentally slap yourself. "Way to go Y\N, you just had to eye rape his thighs, huh?” You thought, scolding yourself. Before you looked away from him he winked at you, then that’s when you realized this would be a long 3 weeks. He finally made it to the car, making a B-line for you with open arms to pull you into a hug. “Hey, babygirl,” You all had your own pet names for each other so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to call you that. 
“Hi Jungkook,” You say with a smile “Aw, no babycakes?” He asked pouting. You laughed at his cute act, "Well I don’t think I should call you babycakes anymore, you’re more like a muscle bunny now.” You said pointing at the fact that he’s been going to the gym. “Oh is that right, well I think I like that name better,” He says smirking."Oh no, I think I might have taken it to far," You thought to yourself, he’s making it way too obvious, no one knows what happened between you two and you're trying to keep it that way. It just seemed so easy to get caught up in the flirting when it came to him. 
”Anyway, missed me?” He asked in a flirtatious way. “Actually, I think I missed Jimin more,” You said jokingly, making your way to Jimin, hugging him with your faces cheek to cheek. Jungkook puts his hand over his heart as if you wounded him.“Oh babygirl, that hurt, I’m offended.” He says then looks up with a smile, he knew you were joking, all of you laughed at his reaction.
“Okay, come on, let’s get in the car so we can go home and so we can get you guys settled in," You said, detaching yourself from Jimin then getting in the driver side, the boys nodded in agreement getting in. About 35 minutes of driving you finally arrived at the house. When the boys grabbed their bags as you told them to follow you.
“So since there are only 3 guest rooms and 4 of you, two of you are gonna have to share a room,” You said walking through the front door. “Okay, will just have to do rock, paper, scissors to see who gets their own room,” Tae said, the rest of the boys agreed.“Well let me show you guys the rooms first so you know which room you’ll play for,” You said walking towards the first room, as the boys nod following. You had got through the rooms, as you stand in the last one Jimin says “I want this room.” with excitement in his voice. 
“Alright then, let’s play,”  Hoseok said continuing. “Rock, paper, scissors,” Hoseok says throwing out rock, Jimin and Jungkook scissors, and Taehyung paper.“Oh yeah, I won I won I won,” Taehyung says Jumping around, clapping his hands. When he was done celebrating, he leaves to retrieve the suitcase he left at the Front door. 
“Okay let’s play for the first room Y\N showed us,” Jungkook said. As they played Jungkook won, which meant that Jimin and Hoseok would share the second room, You could tell that Jimin wasn’t all that happy about it but took the loss like a champ.“Alright, now that that’s settled you guys should go get your suitcases and put them away,” You spoke with a more ordering tone than intended, then looked over at Jimin with a smile acknowledging his pouty face, patting his shoulder as you walked out.
~~ 5 hours later~~
You woke up on the couch, face smashed against a pillow, you had been watching tv and didn’t realize how tired you must have been, You get up looking for your phone and saw it on the table across from you, you pick it up to see the time, it reads 4:15. You then realize that only Hoseok was on the couch with you watching tv.  "oh your awake, you must have been tired after picking us up, I’m sorry about that.”He said apologetically. 
“Oh, it’s okay, no need to apologize, anyways where are the others?” I asked. “Tae and Jimin are in the room playing games on their phones, even tho I told them they need to rest.” He said shaking his head “And Jungkook is asleep in his room I believe.” “Oh okay,” You muttered, still a bit sleepy. You got up from the couch, walking in the kitchen. "Hey, you hungry at all?” You asked. “Actually yeah, what are you planning on making?” Hoseok hopped up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.
“Nothing exciting, I was just gonna make sandwiches for everyone with some SunChips,” You answered smiling.“Or would you like something else?” You added.“No, a sandwich is great, I’ll help you make them," Hoseok says walking closer to help. 
This was why Hoseok was your favorite, he’s always up for helping someone, unlike Jimin who always tries to act cute to get out of things sometimes. After the two of you got done you see Jungkook come around the corner into the kitchen. "What are you two up too?” 
“We just got done making food, it’s on the table if you want some” You responded. “Oh really, thank you," Jungkook said rubbing his eyes from sleepiness. “But before you eat, can you get the others and tell them that there’s food?” You ask. “Yes, Ma’am,” Jungkook says with a little grin. After about 3 minutes Jungkook came back sitting next to Hoseok, along with Jimin sitting on the other side in between Hoseok and you, and Taehyung sitting to your left in between you and Jungkook, completing a full circle around the table. 
After you ate you headed to the mall as you suggested. You were walking throughout the mall until you came across an arcade, "Hey guys, let’s play air hockey," You said excitedly, “Oh you’re on,” Taehyung says with a big smile, running inside with the rest of you following in after him. All of you had split up to play different games, Taehyung and You played air hockey and Hoseok, jimin and jungkook played race cars. You were beating Taehyung but somehow he kept making the puck fly off the table and hit you. 
"Yah, be careful, you can do some serious damage,” “Sorry,” Tae says while laughing. You played for a good 2 hours before heading back home. On the way out of the mall, there was a fountain where people like to make wishes, even tho they don’t come true. You decided to do it anyway, for the fun of it.
"What are you doing?” Jimin asked curiously as you grabbed a penny from your pocket. “making a wish, you wanna do it too?” You asked handing him a penny.“Do you really believe your wish will come true?” He asked as he took the penny from you. “No not really, but it’s still fun to do.”
“So what are you gonna wish for?” Hoseok asked you while Jungkook looked at you wondering the same thing. "I can’t tell you that,” You replied closing your eyes to wish your wish, but you didn’t really know what to wish for, so you just picked the first thing that came to mind and threw the penny in. You suddenly feel a chill wash over your body yet it wasn’t even remotely cold out. 
After you and the boys were done you went home. When you arrived home you felt extremely sleepy, you check your phone to see it was only 7:30 pm. You didn’t want to go to sleep just yet but you could barely keep your eyes open. “Hey guys I think I’m going to head to bed, I’m super tired.” You said feeling drained. "Okay,” Jungkook said looking tired himself. "Goodnight." 
The boys said in unison. You walk towards your room as you said goodnight to them. When you walked in your room you fall face first into your pillow and was fast asleep.​
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gauntie-o-dimm · 5 years
Vernon Roche | Baby
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"I have to tell you something, I'm pregnant."
Word count: 2400+ Warnings: Smut, swearing, implied abortion, pregnant sex
I guess I could have seen it coming from a mile away. First I skipped my period once. Than twice, and my nipples had became sore. The morning sickness assured me of my state, and yet, I was anxious to tell my husband, Vernon Roche. How would the commander react? We had never discussed the fact of having children, so it was always a bit concerning whenever I was late with my cyclus, and the relief that often washed over me when there were finally the first drops of blood flowing from within was way too comforting than I liked to admit, but now, there was none. It had to be on the table as soon as was possible, and I decided to break the news whilst he was at work, so I could speak to him alone, no prying soldiers lurking around.
I paced back and forth in the tent that served as a temporary study to the commander nervously, the mace that was strapped to my hip hitting my thigh with every step I took. The armor I wore was way too tight all of a sudden and I dragged a hand through my (h/c) locks as the man I swore my vows to entered the room, smiling at me with that smirk that always made my knees buckle, yet now it was something else that was making me weak in the legs. The pile of parchment files Vernon was holding was plopped onto the wooden desk with a thud, making me jump slightly. My husband of course noticed that something was off, and his dark eyes flickered with concern. 'Is something the matter, (Y/n)?' My bottom lip slipped in between my teeth and I let out a hum. 'Did somebody hurt you?' Vernon walked up to me, taking my hand in his. '(Y/n), did somebody hurt you?' he repeated, searching my face for any sign of hurt. Taking a deep breath, I simply blurted it out.
"I have to tell you something, I'm pregnant." Vernon's eyes widened as the grip on my hand became a bit tighter. 'Really?' I felt my face become pale, because I could not see in his reaction if he was happy or not. A small nod and a large smile grew onto his face. 'That's fantastic!' he cheered. A relieved sigh left me, a grin tugging at the corner of my lips. Vernon swept me up in a hug, spinning me around in his arms. I laughed, holding onto him for I cherished those moments with him like nothing else. 'My dearest, that is amazing! A little Vernon or (Y/n) running around here in nine months, we...' He fell silent, putting me down on the floor as a frown had found its way onto both our faces. 'We...' I began, my breath hitching in my throat. 'We are at a camp. A bloody army camp. We cannot have a baby here!' I exclaimed, realization hitting me. Vernon rubbed his chin, looking around the room. 'Do not worry, my dear. We will figure something out...' He wrapped me into an embrace and I buried my face in his chest, inhaling the scent that lingered in his armor. 'I doubt it, Vernon...' He pulled back from the hug, cupping my cheek in his gloved hand, stroking it softly with his large thumb. '(Y/n), look at me.' he whispered, even though I was fully looking at him already. I didn't notice that a tear had escaped my eye until he wiped it away. 'Vernon, we are at war! We cannot raise a child in a war ridden camp!' 'I am positive that we can make this work, love.' 'There are swords everywhere!' 'The soldiers can look out for the child. They aren't fully stupid.' I bit on my lip, shaking my head. Vernons hand that was holding my face fell to his side. I swallowed thickly, letting out a shaky breath. 'Will it be safe to keep it, Vernon?' His cheerful expression faltered. 'Shut up. Don't say that.' 'What if we don't have a choi-' 'THAT IS MY CHILD IN THERE!' he pointed at my stomach, bewildered. I backed away, afraid of his darkened eyes. As soon as Vernon realized that he had yelled at me, he gasped. 'Fuck, (Y/n), I am so sorry, I didn't mean to do that.' He tried to grab my arm, but I turned away from him, pacing towards the exit of the tent. 'I... I need air.' '(Y/n), wait.' Before I could leave the tent, he grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me into him. 'You're right.' he whispered in my hair. 'This is not a safe place for a child.' I hummed, wrapping my arms around him. A light laugh escaped Vernon before he kissed me on the top of my head. 'You know, I already love that little thing even though it isn't even fully grown yet.' My face was pressed against him as he pulled me closer into him. 'I will protect you, my beloved (Y/n). As I promised.' I sighed lightly, turning my head so I could breathe again, my cheek now resting against his chest. 'We have to settle down somewhere.' I muttered, drawing circles on his back with my palm in a reassuring manner. Vernon released me, cupping my cheeks before pulled me into a loving kiss. 'Of course.' I frowned. 'Just like that? Is it that easy to convince you?' Vernon smiled, stroking my cheek lovingly. 'Yes, my love. I know what I signed up for when I told you I would be with you until death do us part. As for tonight, we will go to the nearest inn, I will rent you a room and you will be able to stay there, safe from battle whilst I do some unfinished business around here. I will give Ves instructions to take up my work as soon as the baby is born. I want to be the father to him or her that I never had.' 'Oh, Vernon...' 'Shhh, don't say anything, (Y/n). I will do it gladly for you. Come on, let me help you pack your things. We will leave before dusk.' ~
Novigrad was the city closest to the camp we were in, and we made our way towards the Kingfisher. Vernon had insisted that I had to be on the back of the horse whilst he walked next to it, as if I was about to be in labor already. It was kind of adorable. He rented a room, told the innkeep that I was to stay for as long as possible until he had found a proper residence for me to go, and helped me haul the bags I had packed upstairs towards the room where I had to stay. I smiled, plopping down onto the bed. 'You know, you don't have to do this for me, Vernon. I could stay at the camp for a few months at least.' He sat down next to me, putting his hand on mine, then on my stomach, which was still flat. 'It is too risky. I insist that you stay here for a while. I will try to visit daily, but I cannot abandon my men now, I hope you understand.' I nodded, kissing him on the cheek. He turned his head so I could kiss him on the lips, and he pulled me into his lap. His mouth moved against mine in sync, the stubble of his beard roughing against my skin, and I liked it. A soft moan left my throat and my cheeks flushed. Vernon's arms circled my waist, holding me close. 'I need you now more than ever.' I whispered, peppering kisses over his face whilst I spoke. 'Are you sure you aren't too tired?' 'Fucking hell, Vernon, it isn't like I am about to give birth.' A low chuckle left him and he turned to lay me down on the soft duvet. Crawling over me, he started kissing my neck, slowly peeling off all the layers of clothing we wore. He did it slow and sensually, as if I was a fragile porcelain doll that would break if he was too rough. It wasn't like the usual steamy sex that we had, and I smiled, for it was a kind of love-making that I was glad to try out. I shivered as he reached the point that he took off the wrapping around my chest that served as a bra, his fingertips stroking against my skin lightly with every inch he moved his hands. 'They've grown larger.' Vernon said, a smirk plastered on his features as he gave my breasts a firm squeeze, making me yelp. His expression faded into a concerned one. 'Are you alright?' I nodded. 'They're just a bit... Sensitive.' 'I will be careful.' he promised, bending down to lick around my nipples slowly. A heavy sigh of pleasure left me, my hands reaching for his chaperone to take it off his head so I could tangle my fingers in his hair. 'Hm, you like that?' I nodded, biting on my lip as he sucked softly. A trail of hot kisses left saliva between the mounds of flesh as he moved down, kissing my stomach a few times. 'In a few months, I will be able to feel our child move. Can you imagine that?' I giggled at Vernon's remark, blushing like crazy when he started pecking the skin around the edge of my panties. A low hum left him as I started to wiggle my hips in an attempt to make him hurry up. 'Someone is getting impatient.' he whispered, toying with the fabric that was still covering my core, that had grown damp with excitement. 'Here, let me help you have a good time.' He started undoing me of the underwear, causing me to completely lay naked underneath his shirtless form. The hairs on his chest shone lightly in the light of the candles that illuminated the room, and I arched my back to grind against his face, but to no avail, he pulled back. 'Don't want anyone coming in, do we?' he uttered, standing up to move towards the door in order to lock it. I pouted, tilting my head slightly. 'Even though I am pregnant, you never fail to tease me.' 'It is just fun to make you wait a bit. Makes the look of pleasure on your face even more rewarding.' He took place between my legs again and bent down to peck the soft (s/c) skin of my thighs. He lifted my hips, spreading my legs so I was laying there in a rather lewd way in front of his eyes. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips before he finally bent down to attach his lips to my folds. I moaned as he softly sucked on them, the sensitive lips gliding through his mouth as his saliva mixed with my own essence. He hummed lowly, smiling as he looked at me, locking eyes as his tongue started to play with my clitoris. My stomach tingled at the feeling, the vibrations of his hum rippling through my spine towards my brain, putting me into a blissful haze. I slowly exhaled, inhaling sharply again as his tongue darted across my womanhood to gather everything that he could get there, kissing it a few times before sliding the wet muscle into my core, my toes curling at the feel. 'Vernon...' I breathed, wanting to rub myself against his face, but my position prevented me from doing that. 'Just fuck me.' 'No, tonight is about you, I do not matter.' 'Of course you mat- Oh, right there!' He hit a spot I particularly liked and he continued stimulating it. I pinched my own nipples, which hurt from all the attention that they had already received. The feeling of an orgasm was approaching, making me want to moan out. 'Lay... Down... Vernon...' I grunted, making him pull back. Strings of my juices were still attached to his tongue as he pulled back, another long lick across my folds before he obeyed my orders. He laid down, smiling as I straddled his face. 'Take a deep breath, darling.' I sighed, lowering myself onto his mouth, that was eagerly awaiting the presence of my dripping core. That same feeling was tight in my stomach again, my hips being able to grind against his face now. His tongue made long, quick strokes against me as I was now directing the pace of my stimulation myself. I moaned loudly, grabbing the headboard tightly, digging my nails into it as I felt Vernon grab my ass, squeezing it. The tip of his nose hit my clitoris every few moments and it drove me wild, I wanted it to be rubbed at all times, so I re-positioned myself in a way that he could suck on it. As I looked down at him, I could see his eyes closed, his chin and cheeks slick with my essence. I smiled, quivering as his tongue darted around my clit. My husband opened his eyes, looking at me with a dark, loving gaze. 'I am going to cum...' I whined, making him slide his tongue inside me yet again, but this time he curled it to give me more pleasure. I moaned his name, my high washing over me as I sat there on his face, trembling blissfully. My juices were released onto him, his face getting more stained than it already was. He hummed, making the feeling all the more pleasurable. A few moments after my climax had finished, I lifted myself off his face, exhaustion taking pleasure's place. The commander smiled, wiping his face, making sure to lick up as many of my juices as possible. 'You seem tired, (Y/n).' he uttered after cleaning himself up, his gaze looking me up and down as I tiredly laid sprawled out on top of the duvet. I sighed, a satisfied smile crossing my features. 'I am.' 'Want to rest?' 'But I haven't pleasured you yet.' 'I just had enough pleasure of myself, dearest. You should sleep now.' He bent down to kiss my forehead. A loose strand of (h/c) hair was tucked behind my ear. My eyes fluttered shut. 'Do you need to get back to camp?' He hummed in agreement, but my grip on him tightened as soon as he was about to get up. 'Stay with me tonight.' He relaxed, laying an arm around me. 'Okay.' he said, putting his hand on my bare stomach, drawing slow circles over it. At the sound of his breath and the feel of his bare skin against mine, I fell asleep.
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icyharrington · 6 years
Caught In The Act (Michael Langdon X Mallory X Reader)
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yeah um i didnt proofread this also this is lowkey nasty so dont read this if u dont like smut lmfao. btw this is lowkey the same plot as my last smut fic but it involves mallory this time lol
plot: u and mallory decide to get adventurous. langdon decides to join in.
warnings: cunnilingus, blowjobs, fingering, threesomes, lesbian sex, fem!Reader
word count: 2.3k
“C’mon,” you said, eyes glinting mischievously as you turned over your shoulder to look at your best friend, her hand warm and clammy in yours as you pulled her through the dark hallway.
Okay, maybe “best friend” wasn’t the best term to describe Mallory. In the past few months, your innocent friendship had turned into something more, and now it wasn’t uncommon that you two would sneak off to... “hang out”. The two of you had bonded over hating that stuck-up bitch Coco, and it wasn’t before long that you were inseparable. You both were Grays at the Outpost, and immediately you’d connected with her; her normally monotone voice bubbled over with life when she was around you, and her usually vacant eyes would light up brilliantly. You were glad you had her, or else you’d surely go crazy in that shithole, involuntarily waiting on privileged assholes.
You weren’t sure what your relationship was with her, but you didn’t really care. As long as you got to see her, labels didn’t matter.
The one benefit of being a Gray was the ability to sneak off without anyone noticing for a while- sometimes even several hours. You and Mallory had begun to take advantage of this, and eventually it became a daily occurance that you’d both go somewhere alone and get your rocks off. No one had ever suspected anything, even the strict Ms. Venable who kept an eye on everyone like a hawk, which was definitely a good thing, since sexual conduct wasn’t exactly allowed there. In fact, it had been outright banned. Eventually, though, life at the Outpost had become so dull and monotonous that you had stopped caring about the rules.
So now, here you were, running off to be alone with your sort-of girlfriend, a devious plan circulating in your mind. You were far more adventurous than Mallory, but you were always able to convince her to go along with whatever you came up with. And tonight, you were about to outdo yourself.
“(Y/n), can you at least give me a hint of where we’re going?” Mallory said, and even though she seemed somewhat anxious, you could tell she was excited.
“It’s a surprise,” you sing-songed teasingly. Even you were a little bit nervous for what you had planned, but these days it took a lot to invoke any sense of excitement in you. You had to do risky things to stop yourself from dying of boredom.
“Why can’t we just go to your room?” asked Mallory, her voice hushed so as not to draw any attention to you.
You rolled your eyes. “That’s boring.”
You turned a corner and found yourself at your destination. You grinned slyly as you waited for her to react, squeezing her hand in anticipation. Her eyes widened as she realized where you were, and she turned to you sharply. “Are you insane?”
“This place tends to have that affect on people,” you said, offering a shrug.
“You want to fuck in Langdon’s office?” She said, her voice thick with disbelief. You could tell from the way her lips were turned up just slightly at the corners, though, that the idea excited her.
“Yeah. He’s meeting with Ms. Venabitch right now, so why not?”
Mallory chewed her bottom lip pensively, eyes darting from the door and back to your face. “That’s pretty hot,” she mumbled.
“Yeah, I know,” you said, reaching for the door handle. “So let’s hurry up and do this.”
She followed you reluctantly as you entered the room, dimly lit by a few candles he’d apparently left burning. What a fire hazard, you thought half-sarcastically, but you were pretty sure there were a miriad of other things far worse than a fire to worry about nowadays.
As soon as Mallory shut the door behind her, you shoved her against the door and connected your lips with hers. She let out a soft moan, your teeth gently biting and pulling at her lower lip, and you felt her hands wander up your hips greedily. The kiss was hot and intense as your tongues began to collide, and the prospect of being caught in the act only increased the ache between your legs.
You pulled off her apron, tossing it to the floor haphazardly before reaching around her to unzip the back of her gray dress. You helped her out of it, leaving her just in her shoes and underwear (there really was no point in wearing a bra during an apocalypse). You trailed a few kisses down her neck, pausing at the valley between her breasts before suddenly having an idea.
“I wanna fuck you on his desk,” you said breathlessly, pulling her over to his desk and pushing aside his belongings. You removed your apron as she perched herself on the edge, then returned to her perfect breasts. They weren’t large, but she certainly wasn’t flat-chested, and her pink nipples turned upwards in a way you found adorable. You attached your lips to her right breast, lightly running your tongue over her erect nipple, as she grasped at your back in an attempt to find the zipper to your dress.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she panted, and you smirked against her chest while snaking your arm between her legs. She wore simple cotton underwear, since nice lingerie wasn’t really an option at the Outpost, but it didn’t matter to you. You rubbed her through the thin fabric, pleased to discover how wet she was, and moved your head to suck her other nipple as you slowly massaged her covered clit.
She managed to unzip your dress, and you paused a moment to step out of it. It probably wasn’t a great idea for the both of you to get fully naked like this on the off chance that Langdon might return, but lust clouded your senses and you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“(Y/n), what if Langdon comes back?” she said worriedly, her voice hitching each time your fingers brushed over her clit.
“Shh,” you said, kneeling down now, your shaking hands reaching to slip off her underwear. You couldn’t deny the nervous butterflies that danced in your stomach, but for you it only made the sex better. You placed your hands on each of her knees and pushed them apart, coating your index finger in her wetness before pushing it inside her. Her body tensed, and she bit the heel of her hand to stop herself from moaning.
She was so cute when you were fucking her, always making soft little whines and grasping at your hair, and her added nervousness only made her actions cuter. She took a fist full of your hair in her hands, pulling you closer to her, and you knew what she wanted.
You bit her inner thigh, not hard enough to leave a mark but hard enough to sting, before moving to the other side and doing the same. She groaned, knowing you were teasing her, and in response you slid your tongue along her outer lips, ending at the clit and swirling your tongue around it. Her grip tightened on your hair and you dragged your tongue down the middle of her vagina, again meeting her swollen clit and sucking it slightly.
You were so wrapped up in pleasing Mallory that you almost missed the sound of the office door swinging open. Mallory jumped, startling you, and you whipped around in a panic to find Langdon standing in the doorway, a frighteningly blank expression across his angular face. He raised his eyebrows, tilting his head to the side, and you wrapped your arms tightly around your chest instinctively.
Your heart and mind racing, you turned to look at Mallory, whose face was stricken with horror.
“Langdon- uh-“ you said frantically, lifting your dress from the floor and holding it in front of your almost-naked body. “Please don’t tell Ms. Venable. We were just trying to be kinky.”
The blond man took a few steps closer, still not speaking as his eyes traveled over your body, which you were currently using to shield Mallory. It was obvious he didn’t know what to make of the situation; who would?
“I always suspected the two of you were fucking, but I never was quite sure,” he said, drumming his fingers on his jaw. “That’s against the rules, you know.”
“I know. I swear it won’t happen again. Please-“
You were the only one speaking between the two of you, as Mallory was too busy panicking butt-naked behind you on the desk. She couldn’t get up and retrieve her dress from where it’d been left by the door, since that would mean exposing her naked body to Langdon. You felt guilty for roping her into your recklessness, but part of you found this entire situation kind of hot.
“I suppose I could let you both out with a warning, but then you wouldn’t learn your lesson,” he said, voice smooth and confident. He was close enough to you now that he could tear your dress from your hands and toss it to the side, which was exactly what he did. You stood there, entirely bare save for your underwear, wide-eyed. But fuck, you were turned on.
“You both are going to do exactly what I want,” he continued. He pushed you to the side in order to get to Mallory, who covered her chest as best as she could. He tilted her head upwards with two fingers, his pale eyes meeting hers, and smirked when he saw the fear in them. Then he kissed her feverishly, a hand lifting up between her breasts to grip her throat.
To your surprise, Mallory did not resist; instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair, any fear within her now replaced with lust. You watched, slack-jawed, as the kiss deepened. It was clear he had full control over Mallory, one hand on her neck and the other lightly caressing the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. The sight of this caused you to grow even more wet than you already were, and soon your hand was finding its way into the front of your underwear.
Langdon stopped the kiss suddenly, turning to you. 
“Come here,” he ordered, and you obliged.
He stepped aside, allowing Mallory to stand up and embrace you, her cheeks flushed and eyes heavy-lidded. Your lips met, the chemistry between you undeniable as you melted into one another. She tugged your underwear to the side and a chill ran up your spine as her fingers brushed your aching core, her touch gentle but firm.
You watched Langdon from the corner of your eye, realizing that he had pulled out his cock, and was running his hand up and down his massive length. You slid your hands up Mallory’s stomach and onto her breasts, grabbing them roughly. This earned a soft whimper from her, and her finger entered you effortlessly. You ground your hips down onto her hand, desperate for more, and she slipped a second finger in, thrusting upwards as deeply as she could manage.
The next thing you knew, you felt two hands run up your sides from behind you, and you realized that it was Langdon. You could feel his hardness pressed against your back as he sucked on your neck, hard enough that it would probably leave a mark the next day, his hands grasping at your breasts. The cool metal of his many rings dug into your skin, adding to the many sensations you were experiencing all at once. Mallory craned her neck to kiss the other side of your neck, her fingers still working between your legs, and all at once you realized you were about to orgasm.
“Please,” you groaned, reaching behind you and feeling for Langdon’s cock, which you then wrapped your fingers around loosely. He grazed your hardened nipples with his fingertips before tugging them roughly, just as Mallory thrust inside you with her fingers one final time, the heel of her palm pressing into your clit. With this, you came, hard, head turned up to the ceiling and eyes rolled back into your head.
It took you only a few seconds to recover, and you gestured for Mallory. You laid back on the floor, too horny to care about the hard, cold texture below you. You took Mallory’s hand and pulled her towards you, and she understood what you wanted. Kneeling on either side of your head, she lowered herself down onto your face.
Now face-to-face with Langdon’s crotch, she began stroking his length as you lapped vigorously at her outer lips, eager to hear her moan. You spread her apart with your fingers, lifting your head slightly to lick between them just as Mallory began to take Langdon’s cock into her mouth.
You didn’t know if Mallory had ever given a blowjob before, but from Langdon’s guttural moans, you could tell she knew what she was doing. You held her hips to keep her steady, your mouth enveloping her vagina as your tongue entered her. You knew she liked this, because she began grinding herself down onto your face, her moans meshing with the sounds of her deepthroating.
“Good girl,” you heard Langdon say, and from Mallory came a slight choking sound as she took all of him into her mouth, the flushed head of his penis hitting the back of her throat. You pulled your tongue out of her entrance in order to suck her clit, one hand leaving her hip to thrust two fingers inside her.
You heard her gasp, and soon she was shaking as her orgasm washed over her. Moments later, Langdon grunted loudly as he released into Mallory’s mouth.
Mallory stood up and lifted her dress off the ground, to which you followed suit. Langdon had already tucked himself back into his underwear, by the time the both of you were dressed, and his his face was so stoic, it would seem as if nothing had ever happened.
“You both can leave now,” he said, walking around to the other side of his desk and sitting down. “I have a lot of work to do.”
You took Mallory’s hand and left without another word. Out in the hallway, you looked at one another in disbelief as the same phrase escaped both of your mouths.
“Holy fuck.”
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isitstraightvodka · 6 years
Sharing a bed with Harry for the first time
Anonymous said: HONEY YES GIVE IT TO ME
This turned out longer than I expected, I hope you like it!
You were anxious, you felt nervous. It was over something that was small to others but for you, it was a massive thing. You had never shared a bed with anyone before, not even siblings because you didn’t have any, not even friends because that felt too weird for you, obviously you did with your parents but that was when you were very little so that didn’t count. Sharing a bed romantically with someone was something you had never experienced in your life, especially with someone you had intense feelings for.
You had been dating Harry for about two months and they had been the best two months of your life. He was your first boyfriend, first kiss, first date, and he had been so loving and understanding, taking everything slow to make sure you were comfortable. He never forced anything upon you, always asking if you were OK first. Everything was new to you. For instance, when you had your first makeout session with him, you got so scared to the point where your whole body was shaking. You remembered every moment of it.
“Hey, hey, love, it’s OK, it’s just me.” Harry rubbed your arms and shoulders in an effort to calm you down. You could barely look at him in the eyes because you knew your cheeks were bright red and you were on the verge of crying, you didn’t look pretty right now, you didn’t want him to see you.
“I know, I know, I just…don’t know what to do. What if I suck at it?” You choked out. Harry’s expression softened and smiled a little, rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
“I promise you won’t. You’re a great kisser, you probably don’t know exactly how great you are. This is only the new step, it’ll flow just like our first kiss did, OK? Follow my lead.”
His words reassured you, his large hands resting on either side of your face, slowly leaning in just as you parted your lips. You closed your eyes and let him start it off, a sudden rush of relaxation pouring over you once his lips touched yours and from there, it was perfect and warm and wet, and it flowed just like he said it would.
“Babe, what’re you thinkin’ ‘bout over there?”
Harry’s smooth voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked over the bed to see him standing in the doorway of the bathroom, dressed in sweats and an old t-shirt, curls still a little damp from the shower he had after you came back from your fourth date. You were enraptured by him, so much that you almost forgot his question.
“Oh um, about you, about me.”
“'nything in particular?”
Your cheeks began to flush, like they always did whenever he smiled at you. You looked down for a moment, pretending to be fascinated by the bedsheets, avoiding his gaze.
“When we first made out.”
You didn’t have to look at him to know he was smirking, you could sense it. How his eyes darkened, how that dimple dented deeper in his cheek, how the corner of his pink lips turned up in that infamous smirk. He knew it got you too, he used that to his advantage. He remembered that afternoon too, which happened right there on the bed you were seated on. Your fingers moving through his hair, pulling him closer, the pressure of your lips on his, getting harder and more passionate the longer you kissed, the warmth of your tongue meeting with his, tracing his bottom lip and the curve of his jaw, the way you kissed his neck after he had kissed yours, planting kiss after kiss on his skin, along the column of his throat and on his Adam’s apple, he loved the sudden confidence you had, it’s what made him fall for you more.
“That so? You want t'do it again?”
Your head shot up, staring at him in shock.
He chuckled at the look at your face. It took everything in him to not pin you down underneath him on the bed and kiss you until his mouth was numb.
“Only if you want to.”
The first thing you thought of was the way Harry held you close whenever he kissed you. His fingers brushing your cheekbone, rubbing circles on the small of your back, his hands on your hips as you pulled you onto his lap, letting you tangle your fingers in his hair, a cheeky smile on his lips in between kisses. How could you say no to that? You were just about to answer him with a “yes” but it turned out that he knew your answer before you did, a pair of soft lips attached to your neck.
You melted into his touch as an instant reaction, a small whimper passing your lips, eyes fluttering when you felt his fingers brush along the waistband of your leggings. A fire burned deep in your mouth the more he lathered your skin with warm wet kisses, smiling against your neck when you moaned louder. By his control, you were quickly seated in his lap, his legs wide open and you were straddling his hips, hands buried in his hair when you felt his hot breath on your throat, his fingers dancing along the hem of your sweatshirt. The anticipation was too much, you couldn’t take it any longer.
“Kiss me, Harry.”
“Mmm, 'do love it when you beg f'me.” His voice cracked into a deeper octave, sending chills down your spine but good ones. He tucked his fingers beneath your chin, angling your head closer to his until your lips met.
Hot. Soft. Passionate. Addicting. It was like something came over you when you were kissing Harry. There was something about this man that drove you crazy and you couldn’t have enough of him, you wanted more and more and more. You were still in the honeymoon faze of your relationship which meant you wanted him all day every day, kissing you, touching you, hugging you, spending time with you. You understand he had a busy life, it was different to anyone else’s, you were scared of what would happen when things started to pick up for him again when the tour started, you didn’t want to feel distant from him nor did you want him to forget about you. You relished this night, this moment, you treasured the feeling of his mouth on yours and his fingers tracing patterns on your back underneath your sweatshirt. Your moans, his moans, the wet sounds of mouths separating and coming back together, giggles and laughs, it was all perfect. You never thought you would have anything of this but you were so grateful it was Harry you were experiencing it with, he was the perfect boyfriend, and the perfect kisser.
It was late and you were about to leave his apartment, yours was about a half-hour drive away so not too bad. It was that time when he suggested that you stay the night and sleep in the same bed. You gulped as you touched your neck, where Harry had left a fresh dark hickey, clearly having enjoyed himself with you. When he saw the look on your face, he asked you what was wrong.
“I’ve never…I mean, I haven’t…”
“Slept in the same bed with someone?”
All you could do was nod.
“It’s OK, baby. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, we can just sleep. I’d much rather have you in m'bed with me instead of you leaving and the two of us sleeping apart.” He whispered, tucking loose strands of hair behind your ear and rubbing your jaw; soft touches like that made you feel so relaxed.
“Please stay w'me, don’t go, not tonight.”
You looked at him, lost in his eyes, the warmest kindest green, praying that you would stay with him. You were curious, you wanted to know what it was like to sleep with someone you really really liked, and that’s how you felt for Harry. He did look soft and warm, like the best person to cuddle with, and you realised this was something you couldn’t say no to either.
The bed was comfortable and big enough for the both of you. You didn’t remove any of your clothes and neither did Harry, the warmer the both of you were, the better. You pulled the covers and were immediately pulled into Harry’s arm, wrapping around you like branches of a tree, keeping you safe in his little bubble of love. He kissed your forehead and ran his bare fingers through your hair, the contact making you close your eyes as you rested your head right over his beating heart. He was warm and soft, you knew you never wanted to leave this bed in the morning, it felt amazing. You smiled against his chest and bundled your hands up close, letting sleep take you right when he whispered the sweetest words to you, happy to have his girlfriend sleeping soundly in his arms.
“Goodnight, m'baby, I love you.”
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oh-styles · 7 years
A Little Bit of Her - Revised
Here it is, the long awaited step-dad series, also known as the reason my heart aches every waking moment of my life.
I want to first start off by apologizing that it took me so long to put this out, but I persevered and set forth on a mission to wait until I thought it was good enough to set free into the world, instead of forcing out something that would just be complete shit. So thank you for sticking with me, and I really hope you enjoy.
This is just an introduction piece, so it’s a bit shorter than what I normally put out, but never fear my little ducklings, more will be to come.
But as for now, I am pleased to introduce you to one of my favorite little duos. 
She’s 11-months-old.
He was positive he was going to get sick; he couldn’t overlook the dodgy ache pulling at his esophagus, nor the unsettling twist of his gut with each heaving breath he unsteadily took. He could envision it perfectly, swerving into oncoming traffic as he projectile vomits all over his custom interior, only setting himself up for public humiliation once more when a pair of vigilant eyes watches the scene unfold, and before he knows it, another exasperating sign gets put up in remembrance of that unfortunate day – much like those years before.
His grip on the steering wheel tightened with each memorized turn, having spent late nights and early mornings tucked between copious crowded scheduling days at your 60 square metre flat, and it’s that unwanted churning welling up in the pit of his gut to be all the reminder he needs that today wasn’t like the nights before where he’d shuffle into your entryway in the late evening and have your panties pushed to the side with his cock tucked in deep before you even managed a hello.
Those were also the nights round two would have already been started before the two of you reached your bedroom.
The mornings would include a detailed reenactment of the festivities from the previous night, where he’d find his lips plastered to every inch of your chest, where his tongue would dance with yours and his hips would rock steadily into your core, and the mixture of moans would caress the surrounding four walls, until he was pulled from bed and jumping back into his restless schedule, where’d he be counting down the days until he could crawl under your sheets and find a home between your legs.
There’s really not any other place he’d rather be.
Her first word was ‘bye’.
It was a Tuesday when you told him, your body clad in one of his shirts, as you sat on the edge of the bed watching from the bathroom door as he undressed for a shower. You knew you could have picked a better time, one where he wasn’t stark naked in just his socks, but in your defense, naked or not, you knew what the answer would be.
After three months of stumbling into your bed and staying for breakfast, three months filled with good morning texts, and the occasional I love you that just made a recent comeback into your lives, you knew as important as she was in your life, and how secure the two of you have become over the months, it was time.
As he bent over to pull his boxers down, his mussed-up hair falling forward over his eyes, it slipped from your tongue.
“I want you to meet her.”
That got his attention.
He looked back to you with an alarming stare, still hunched over with his boxers puddled at his ankles. He knew he didn’t mishear you – you couldn’t have been more clear – but if he was being truthful, now wasn’t the time he was expecting you to drop this news, maybe when he had been dressed and with his cock not out…
He could feel his dimple begin to pop as he spotted your cheeks painted in a deep red. Twice before you had told him the same exact thing, and like both times, you would call him the day before and break the news you didn’t think now was the right time, and just like each time he would reassure you that whenever you felt comfortable to introduce him to her, he would be there.
He also wasn’t sure what changed from today to four days ago, but he was humored.
“Harry, just shower and leave so I can pick her up from my mums—”
“Not even going to wait to hear my answer?” He peeked behind him as he tested the temperature of the water, arching his brow with a flirty demeanor and a wink.
“Don’t need one – you’re coming.”
“Oh, still so bossy. How about you come in here with me and teach me a lesson?” He stifled a chuckle, wiggling his butt in your direction, which you responded by gruffly standing and closing the door to the bathroom, barely making out his muffled, “Hey!”
It was too early for his jokes.
She loves listening to Bowie.
He can’t pinpoint the exact moment his nerves betrayed him, but he thinks it has something to do with the three consecutive knocks to your flat door, and the familiar shuffling from the other side. He had to take a private moment to himself upon his arrival, giving himself plenty friendly reminders that she is just a baby, a baby weighing in at 19 pounds, who hasn’t even mastered the art of walking, and therefore he has no reason to be as anxious as he was.
But he summed it down to this: you are a mother before a girlfriend; you won’t keep a guy around that your daughter doesn’t like, especially if the guy could as some point be a person she’d call a father. The guy that she chooses to keep around, would be someone her daughter feels comfortable around, and doesn’t mind spending time with.
If Harry can’t be that guy, there wouldn’t be much hope for the relationship.
He listened closely as the lock on the door clicked, and the knob slowly turned to reveal you in the shirt you had worn the night before, hair done up in a quick bun, and face wiped clean of any makeup; a look that was common for you these days, but it still made Harry just as crazy about you as he did all those years ago.
“Hey,” You half-whispered, inching the door open. “Just in time – dinners almost ready.”
He slowly inched into your foyer, the overwhelming smell of garlic wafting through the air hitting his nose like a quick punch. Cooking was never quite your forte, at least not all those years ago when you would surprise him at his house with a cheese and pickle sandwich. The two of you would sit in front of the telly, taking large bites out of your meal, while Gemma did her homework on the sofa. It was like clockwork, every Tuesday night, that’s where you would be.
“Do you…?” You inched forward, holding out your hand to retrieve his coat. You folded it over and rested it on the kitchen counter, leaning back to give him a willing grin. “You ready?”
“Now? I just—”
“You’re all I’ve been speaking of all afternoon,” you smirk, taking a hearty grip of his hand. “She’s quite excited to meet you, I must say. Was telling me all about it.”
He doesn’t know much about her, except she was born on the 11th of January of that year, and the father never showed up at the hospital to meet his daughter. You figured as much, but it still put a sting in the wound he had left. When he got word that you had given birth, through the grapevine of his mother, he was quick to send a bouquet to the hospital, attached with a note that read: “Congratulations, you have been promoted to the best position possible: a mother. Hope you’re doing well. H. x”
You never got back to him, but you kept the note stashed away with the rest of the memories you kept of him.
“Remember, she’s a baby. Don’t be so scared of a baby.”
He tried to laugh – he wanted to laugh – but god, were you right. Ever since he got word that you were expecting, with no other than that prick of a lad you dated a while after him, he felt a feverish burn in his gut, one that meant the green-eyed monster was near.
Leaving you wasn’t something he wanted, but something he felt was needed, and now he paid the price. He was just lucky you actually took him back after all this time.
You led him into the living room where you had Baby Einstein playing over the television, and inside of her little activity center, slapping and batting at a toy lion, was her. The first thing he saw was her hair, the massive curls bouncing as she clapped along to the music. Her laughter rose over the volume of the telly, and her little legs kicked and bounced her frame in her seat.
You squatted down in front of her, running a hand through her curls, and Harry noticed then a look in your eye that he had never had the chance to see before. It was the look that only one can give their child, and once again, the green-eyed monster returns with ravenous fury, because in a perfect world, that child was supposed to be his.
“Hey, lovebug. There’s someone I want to introduce you to.” She let out a yelp, slapping her hands down on the table, and out of habit, you reached down to wipe away the excess drool from the tail end of your shirt. “Does that mean ‘Yes, mummy!’?”
You peeked up with a wink, patting the floor beside you for him to join you.
There had been 216 days since the day you two began talking again, and 80 days since he, with confidence, call you his girlfriend, and now, two months later, he squats down beside you and before him, with eyes just like her mother, does he fall in love for the second time that year.
“Harry,” you lay a hand on his thigh. “This is Love.”
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sincerelycreek · 7 years
it’s cold outside but warm with you
Summary: It’s too cold outside for Tweek to wander home, and Craig wasn’t going to allow him to leave. Warnings: mean parents ig?? and terrible writing A/N: i know the song isn’t based off christmas day but whatever
❛❛i really can’t stay - ❜❜ ❛❛but baby, it’s cold outside.❜❜ ❛❛i’ve got to go away - ❜❜ ❛❛but baby, it’s cold outside.❜❜ ❛❛this evening has been -.❜❜ ❛❛been hoping you’d drop in.❜❜ ❛❛so very nice.❜❜ ❛❛i’ll hold your hands, they’re just like ice.❜❜
There were so many parts to Christmas. There was eating a large meal after thanking the God you believed in, spending time with your family, and waking up early on Christmas morning to see beautifully wrapped presidents under an even prettier decorated tree. That’s, for the most part, how Tweek and Craig’s day went. After Craig, plus Tweek, and his family finished eating a large dinner, Craig’s family left to visit their parents. Even though Tricia begged to stay home, they dragged her along, to give the two high school boys their privacy.
After swapping their presents for one another, they laid back on the couch together and were watching Elf. Craig laid back, and Tweek was over him, with his ear pressed to his boyfriend’s chest and listening to the beat of his heart. Craig felt warm, like a heater underneath the pressure of Tweek and the blanket. Tweek took advantage of that, digging himself closer, and pressing his ice like hands and feet to Craig’s warm skin. He was surprised that the other hadn’t flinched at the hot skin to cold skin contact.
They were silent, the movie being watched yet ignored, as the couple enjoyed each other’s company. The pair were usually always together, attached to the hip since fourth grade, but this was a special holiday to them both.
One the movie ended, and the childish winter credits started rolling, Craig felt Tweek began moving out of the heavy arm Craig had around him. His eyes flickered to him in confusion as he moved the blanket off the two of them. “Where are you going? It’s snowing like crazy out there,” he spoke, his voice nasally but almost worried like.
“Home,” Tweek answered like it was plain simple. He sat up on the couch, grabbing his boots on the floor and slipping them on before lacing them up, a sudden twitch taking over as he tried to tie a perfect knot with his hands starting to shake from the focus.
“Babe, no,” Craig practically groaned. He sat up two, before leaning heavily on Tweek’s side to keep him from getting up and getting his jacket. He was ready to hang on Tweek with all of his body weight and keep him from walking out the door. “Don’t leave. It’s cold.”
“Honey,” Tweek mocked, copying Craig’s tone. “I have to go home. I don’t live that far, and you know I don’t get cold that easy.”
Before Craig could respond,Tweek was quick to pull away. Unexpecting it, Craig almost fell face forward on the couch. Tweek smiled to himself at the sight, picking his jacket off the arm of the couch. “Thank you, for dinner.”
When Tweek leaned down to give Craig a goodbye kiss, Craig dodged it and grabbed Tweek by his unzipped jacket before pulling him down on top of him once more. Tweek, now the surprised one, let out a squeak as he fell. “You’re cold now,” Craig murmured under his breath in argument, when Tweek protested and tried to squirm out of the tight grip. “I’ll hold you.”
“You’re so stupid.”
❛❛my mother will start to worry - ❜❜ ❛❛beautiful, what’s your hurry?❜❜ ❛❛father will be pacing the floor - ❜❜ ❛❛listen to the fireplace roar.❜❜ ❛❛so really, i’d better scurry -.❜❜ ❛❛beautiful, please don’t hurry.❜❜ ❛❛maybe just half a drink more - ❜❜ ❛❛put some records on while i pour.❜❜
After twenty minutes, of Craig and Tweek back in their position from before with Tweek still wearing his boots and jacket, Tweek rolled his eyes and began to protest against being held once more. “You know how my mom and dad are, man,” he argued, with a well point. Tweek didn’t love his parents, not a lot for how they treated him as a kid, but they’d still be worried if he wasn’t home in the time they gave him.
Craig didn’t tear his gaze away from Tweek’s hazel eyes. He felt warmer than before, as it was finally quiet, and he could really hear the crackle of the fireplace that was the reason for their warmth of the house. “You don’t have to leave, not now,” he offered.
Tweek still hadn’t look convinced about staying for awhile longer, anxious by the idea of his parents upset still lingering in the back of his head, so Craig tried something else. “What about a drink? Dad still keeps it locked away poorly.”
That had certainly caught Tweek’s attention. He drummed his fingers against Craig’s chest to the beat of his heart pumping, thinking in silence before nodding in agreement. “Half,” he finally said. “If I show up to dinner - ngh - hiccuping, mom and dad will kill me.”
Nodding back, Craig eased Tweek off his chest and sat up, eager to get a drink even if it was small and keep Tweek there as long as he could. It wasn’t just the fact that it was snowing heavily, and Tweek who insisted on walking could get cold, but it was the meaning of seeing his love longer on a special holiday about spending time with the ones you love. “Take off your jacket and put on some music, babe.”
“You hate holiday music,” Tweek argued, watching as Craig walked off to what he assumed to be where his father hid their alcohol. He didn’t miss how Craig smiled over his shoulder, and couldn’t help but smile back fondly.
❛❛the neighbors might think - ❜❜ ❛❛baby, it’s bad out there.❜❜ ❛❛say, what’s in this drink?❜❜ ❛❛no cabs to be had out there.❜❜ ❛❛i wish i knew how -.❜❜ ❛❛your eyes are like starlight now.❜❜ ❛❛to break this spell - ❜❜ ❛❛i’ll take your hat, you hair looks swell.❜❜
With the soft holiday music Tweek chose on the radio playing in the background, they were back to sitting on the couch. Instead of laying on top of Craig, Tweek had his head lolled onto the other’s shoulder in comfort. He wasn’t drunk, not even tipsy, but he felt nice. Better than he has in a long time. Tweek wasn’t even the slightest bit anxious, as he usually felt with Craig. “I need to go,” he finally whispered. “But I don’t want to.”
“Hm,” Craig hummed in agreement. “You shouldn’t. It’s going to get worse out there.” He nudged Tweek until he picked his head up, this time, looking at each other.
Craig saw his eyes in an entirely different light now, maybe it was the drink they shared but if it was possible, they looked even better. It was as if the fire somehow was illuminating them, making them shine brighter and making Craig’s heart skip a beat in his chest. “Fuck. I love your eyes, honey.”
Tweek couldn’t bite the smile back, nor fight the tinted red that crept up his neck and nestled into his cheeks. “You’re such a loser,” he teased, despite the fluttering in his chest. “I love you, so much. How do I get out of that?” He asked, still joking, as he cupped the side of Craig’s face and leaned in to kiss him.
It lasted for a second, before Craig pulled back, but not far. His breath was still hot on Tweek’s mouth. “You don’t,” he spoke honestly. “Want to take your jacket off now? Please?”
❛❛i ought to say no, no, no - ❜❜ ❛❛mind if i move in closer?❜❜ ❛❛at least i’m gonna say that i tried - ❜❜ ❛❛what’s the sense in hurting my pride?❜❜ ❛❛i really can’t stay -.❜❜ ❛❛baby, don’t hold out.❜❜
Hesitantly, Tweek brought his hand up to play with the zipper of the jacket he already zipped up. He should flat out say no and leave, he knew that. His parents were already probably upset with him, but Tweek wasn’t ready to leave. Not yet.
Craig hadn’t bothered asking, leaning closer and closing the gap between them as he kissed Tweek again. “Please?” He asked again, softer and more affectionate. “I want to be with you longer.”
Well, when he puts it like that.
Tweek slowly caved. He started unzipping his jacket, believing that he tried and his parents would have to try and understand. He’d rather be with Craig, honestly. On a holiday that was about spending time with the people you love, it made more sense to stay. He’d feel a longing at home anyways, so let his parents be mad. Tweek shrugged off the rest of his jacket and threw it carelessly.
The jacket was thrown away along with all of Tweek’s morals. It was such a nice feeling, not to care, for once, all for Craig. He picked up his cup that still had some in the bottom and finished it off, before curling up next to Craig again.
“How can you do this to me?” Tweek whispered, his voice almost muffled from being buried in Craig’s Nasa shirt. Craig hummed in confusion, asking for more of an explanation. “How do you have this much effect on me? How do I stay so calm with you?”
Tweek felt Craig lean down and kiss the top of his head. “Because you love me, baby. And I’ll keep you safe.”
❛❛there’s bound to be talk tomorrow - ❜❜ ❛❛think of my lifelong sorrow.❜❜ ❛❛at least there will be plenty implied - ❜❜ ❛❛if you caught pneumonia and died.❜❜ ❛❛i really can’t stay - ❜❜ ❛❛get over that hold out.❜❜
“You know, my parents are going to be pissed at me,” Tweek announced after a beat of silence. “That I-I missed dinner and all.”
“Sucks for them,” Craig retorted. Tweek felt his hand lift and run through the soft knots of his blonde hair. Tweek was warmer than Craig, the heat keeping him warmer than any heater in the house ever had. Maybe it was the coffee, or maybe Tweek was happy. Actually, there was no maybe. Craig knew Tweek was. He was too.
Tweek grinned to himself. Craig was right. It did suck for them. Tweek left his phone in his jacket’s pocket, for all he knew it was dead, so if they were trying to get ahold of them - which he doubted - it wasn’t easy. He wouldn’t leave now even if they somehow managed to get ahold of him. They probably had the table set, complete with coffee, but Tweek was the one who was in a winning position because he was with someone who made his heart full of adoration.
“Can you imagine if you actually went out?” Craig asked, his voice still nasal but more monotone than normal. “What if you.. Like.. Got really cold?” He continued, pausing in between words as if he was thinking them through.
“You sound like me,” Tweek responded, slightly mumbling in reply, but not annoyed. “I wouldn’t have died. I’m not always cold.”
“You were earlier,” Craig pointed out. “Your hands were like fucking ice.” He craned his neck to look at Tweek to continue speaking. “What if you left then, and you like, froze to death?”
Tweek hummed, thinking about it. If this was a conversation under any other circumstance, such as at school or not on a calming holiday, he would have started panicking about what could have been. If the snow and wind outside was really enough to make him cold enough to die in on the way home. “Do you really think it’s that cold?” Tweek asked, much more curious than he was anxious.
“Fine, do you want to know? Put on your jacket. Let’s go.”
❛❛baby, it’s cold outside.❜❜
“Fucking.. Forget it.” Tweek stood on Craig’s porch steps, his hands were gloveless and tucked under his armpits, crossed over his chest. Craig was having more fun, rolling snow that has already fallen into a ball with a smile. He wasn’t one to swear, especially on a day about love, but Craig really did have a different effect on him. “Let’s go back inside before we both d-die.”
Tweek watched as Craig lifted his hand, a perfect sculpted sphere being shown in his palm. “If you fucking do it, I’ll - “ Tweek started, warning Craig, who didn’t hesitate in interrupting him and throwing the snowball. Everyone could think Craig was this tough asshole, but Tweek knew his boyfriend was really a dork that pressed his buttons well.
The snow Craig threw, with well aim, hit Tweek in the cheek. He squeaked and stumbled back, the cold leaving a sting on his cheek. He looked up and glared, despite thinking Craig looked very cute standing in the middle of snow falling over him, with a stupid smile. “Fine, you want to see how cold it is?!” Tweek exclaimed, stomping down the porch steps and feeling the snow crunch beneath his feet.
Without hesitating, Tweek raced through the bundles of snow. He used all his body weight to slam into Craig, knocking them both down, with a surprised shout onto the soft pillow of snow beneath them. Tweek couldn’t help but start laughing.
Unexpectedly, Craig began laughing too. “Get off!” He exclaimed, loudly and happily in between his laughs. “You’re right! It’s freezing! I give up!”
“We’ll go back inside,” Tweek promised. “In a second.”
It was absolutely freezing outside. The cold seeped through their winter clothing, and the snow melted against Tweek bear hands, making them red, and having him curl his fingers inward into the sleeves of his jacket.
However, the chill of winter didn’t matter. Tweek had leaned down and pressed his mouth to Craig’s in a kiss full of warmth. It sent heat down both of them; but not in a sexual way. It was as if their souls warmed against each other despite the nipping cold biting at the both of them.
They did go back inside after that. After the cold really began to settle in and took over the warm adoration love. And no, Tweek didn’t go home that night. He sent his parents a simple message that he wasn’t, and chose to spend Christmas night curled into the side of Craig’s chest underneath a blanket, warm and happy.
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kpopsinning · 7 years
After Hours - Teacher AU
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“Trying to leave so soon?” he mused, raising an eyebrow. “I just got here! I could give you something even better to put in between those pretty lips of yours if you’d like,” he hummed.
word count: 5.3k
genre: smut (dom/sub, face fucking, dirty talk, really rough)
“Fuck Jake, settle down,” you hissed as you were slammed against the lockers, the loud sound of your body hitting the metal echoing through the empty locker room. “There still might be someone in the school!”
Jake, your fuck buddy, just chuckled in response as his hands ran over your waist and hips, then came back up and began roughly groping your breasts.
“Come on Y/N, loosen up,” he insisted, leaning down to catch one of your nipples in between his teeth and causing you to moan. “Practice ended almost an hour ago, I think we’re the only two people crazy enough to still be here,” he winked, mumbling the words around your breast still in his mouth. You sighed a little bit and felt compelled to roll your eyes at him, but the warm lips wrapped around your nipple were enough to make you start to relax. As terrified as you were at the idea of getting caught, you couldn’t possibly be tense or anxious with someone so attractive causing you so much pleasure.
If you were looking for more than just a good fuck, Jake wouldn’t be your type of guy at all. Sure he was good looking, but he was a jock on the football team, arrogant, and in all honestly, a bit of an airhead. You two met in a bio class the year before and were paired together for an assignment. He invited you over to his house to do the work, one thing led to another, and you two started having weekly ‘study’ sessions. Those quickly turned into weekly fuck sessions, and weekly soon became daily. Before you knew it all it took was a text message or phone call to get what you needed any time you were horny.
On this day in particular, you had stayed after school because you knew the library would be completely empty and a good place to study for your history exam. Jake however had other ideas, and texted you as soon as his last teammate left the locker room post-practice.
Jake [6:45pm] - everyone is gone, please tell me you’re still here
You [6:46pm] - i actually am, but was planning on leaving soon
You [6:46pm] - …
You [6:46pm] - what did you have in mind?
Jake [6:46pm] - (Image Attached)
It was a selfie of Jake’s lower body. He was standing in the middle of the locker room, completely naked with just his hand covering his crotch.
Jake [6:47pm] - come to the locker room and find out ;)
It was as simple as that.
You didn’t need to be told anything else, you were always down for some good sex. You convinced yourself you deserved to unwind after studying for so long anyway. You made quick work of packing your books, leaving the library, and rushing to the other side of the school where the locker room was located. You felt weird going into the boys locker room, but the second you pushed open the heavy door and saw Jake stark naked, leaning against the lockers awaiting your arrival, everything felt right.
So that was how you found yourself naked in the middle of the boys locker room, sandwiched in between your fuck buddy’s still sweaty from practice body, and the cool metal of the lockers— it felt like fire and ice.
You wove your fingers through Jake’s damp hair and tugged gently, moaning as his mouth continued to cover your chest in light purple marks. He knew how much you loved to have your nipples bit, and used that to his advantage every chance he got. You could feel his hard cock against your stomach, and you grabbed it to give it a few strokes.
“I can’t believe I’m gonna fuck you right against these lockers,” he grunted, moving up to press his lips against your own. You could feel your stomach jump slightly as his words. You never pictured yourself in a situation like this, and there was a part of you that knew how wrong it was. The part of you ready to have sex however, overrode those worrisome thoughts. You had to squeeze your thighs together in anticipation from how turned on you were becoming, able to feel the wetness between your legs. You two sloppily made out for a few moments as you pumped his cock to full hardness with a lazy hand.
“Let me suck you off first,” you mumbled, a slight smirk tugging at the corners of your lips.  Jake could never turn down a blowjob from you of all people and he grinned, one of his hands raking through your hair as you eagerly fell to your knees. You were practically craving the taste of his cock.
He wasn’t the biggest you’d ever been with, but he was certainly big enough to get the job done. He was nice and thick too, always stretching you out in just the right way. You two had been together for so long at that point that you knew exactly what the other liked, and could make each other come in a matter of minutes if needed. Plus, since his cock wasn’t overwhelmingly huge, you could pleasure him perfectly without gagging to the point of tears.
Once on the ground you automatically licked your lips, just taking a moment to enjoy the sight of Jake’s erection standing up straight towards his stomach. You loosely held onto the base of his shaft with one hand, sticking your tongue out to tease his tip and lick up some of the precum forming there. He hissed, lightly pulling at your hair.
“Come on Y/N, don’t make me beg,” he groaned. In any other location you may have actually made him do just that, but for now you just gave him a sly smile, and then did exactly what he wanted. You slowly started to take his whole length, not even bothering to bob your head. You just sunk your mouth all the way down until your nose brushed against his trimmed pubic hair and his cock grazed against the back of your throat. If you forced yourself down a bit further, you definitely would gag, but he didn’t deserve that satisfaction quite yet.
You pulled back and started bobbing your head a few times, relishing in the way his head leaned back and he let out throaty moans. You loved knowing you were causing him to feel this good.
“Hey!” a deep voice bellowed from the locker room entrance, scaring you so suddenly you almost choked on his cock by accident. “What the fuck is going on in here?!”
You immediately pushed away from Jake, a string of spit still hanging from your lip, and he took a step back as well in shock. You glanced over to see Jake’s football coach standing on the other side of the room, and your blood ran cold. You both immediately tried to cover yourselves up, and you felt like your cheeks were on fire as you quickly scrambled to find your clothes.
“Coach Kim I can ex-“
“Get the fuck out of here Jake before I pull you from the game tomorrow,” his coach spat, venom lacing the words. Jake didn’t hesitate another second, throwing on his shorts and running out of the locker room, leaving you petrified and alone with Coach Kim. You couldn’t believe he would just ditch you like that, but at the same time you knew when it came down to it, football came before you for him.
You weren’t very familiar with Coach Kim. You had never had him as your own gym teacher, but he did instruct another gym class during the same class period yours was held. That meant that once in awhile when the weather was nice and gym class was outside, your gym teacher and Coach Kim would make their classes verse each other in soccer or softball. You couldn’t deny that he was absolutely gorgeous. Every girl in the whole school practically drooled over him during gym classes, hiking up their shorts a little extra when he was nearby. His wavy brown hair was always stuck up in different directions or tucked away under a baseball cap, and his eyes lit up any time he laughed at something a student said or he was joking around with another teacher. There was also something very attractive about how aggressive he got when he was coaching or got upset with his football team. You went to a football game once in a while, and watching Coach Kim scream from the sidelines was terrifying and intriguing both at the same time. You found yourself sometimes wondering what he’d be like in bed…
You could feel tears welling in your eyes. Your bra was nowhere to be found, and you were shaking as you tried to collect your clothes. You couldn’t believe this was happening, you couldn’t believe you two had been caught.
You noticed Coach Kim wasn’t moving. He wasn’t moving, he wasn’t leaving, and he wasn’t saying anything either. He was just standing there, watching you…
You could feel his eyes all over you.
You nervously looked up, only to meet his own eyes which were filled with lust. He was taking in every inch of your naked body with a hungered look on his face. His tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip.
He began sauntering over you as if he was the very epitome of confidence. You had just stood up and began trying to tug your clothes on, but once he was close enough he reached out and grabbed your wrists. He chuckled lowly, taking the clothes out of your hands and throwing them aside.
“Trying to leave so soon?” he mused, raising an eyebrow. “I just got here! I could give you something even better to put in between those pretty lips of yours if you’d like,” he hummed. He reached up to cup your cheek and run his thumb over your bottom lip, which was slightly swollen from kissing Jake so roughly. You could feel the blush that formed from his words and you quickly looked down to avert his gaze, but he just tightened his grip on your face and forced you to look at him.
“Why so shy?” he pouted, his demeanor completely different from how angry he was at Jake mere moments ago. “You seemed to enjoy sucking on his cock from what I saw,” he shrugged.
“Oh my god he must have been watching us before he spoke up!” you thought to yourself.
“And I promise I have… more to offer,” he snorted, smiling with his tongue bit between his teeth. He wasn’t that much taller than you, but his close proximity and the way he presented himself made it feel like he was towering over you. He was just as intimidating as he was enticing. The way he smelled was just further clouding your senses- an oddly appealing mixture of expensive cologne and sweat from hours outside with his football team.
“My name is Taehyung, by the way,” he shrugged, speaking as if the whole situation were casual. “You’re already naked, so let’s make things a little more even,” he suggested, pulling off his shirt in one swift motion. You could have moaned at just the sight of his wonderfully toned body, and had to use all your willpower to not stare.
Your head was spinning. You couldn't believe a school instructor was behaving this way with you, and he was just so cocky about it on top of that. Something about such self-confidence was turning you on beyond belief.
One of his large hands reached out and rested on your shoulder, starting to push you towards the ground. You willingly kneeled on the tile floor, which felt much colder than it had a few minutes ago, in a position you were all too familiar with. You were still trying to wrap your head around what was happening, but the sudden movement as he guided you down to your knees shook you out of your trance.
The sight before you from this angle gave a whole new meaning to the word ‘intimidating'. He still wore his baggy athletic shorts from practice, and the size of the erection straining through the fabric was enough to make your eyes widen and your mouth water. He noticed and chuckled.
“Like what you see?” he purred, running his fingers though your slightly sweaty hair. You nodded a bit, trying to swallow the lump that had formed in your throat. “Go on then,” he crooned, petting your hair as if to help relax you.
You licked your lips and smirked a bit, causing him to raise an eyebrow. As flustered as you were from the initial shock of the whole situation, there was never a time when you didn’t get excited at the thought of sucking cock, and you wanted to show Taehyung what you were capable of.
You looked up at him with the most innocent doe-eyes you could muster, reaching a tentative hand up to palm him through his shorts. He bit down on his bottom lip, watching you lustfully. You ran your hand over the length a few times, groaning quietly. He probably had the biggest cock you’d even seen; it had to be at least nine inches and you could tell he was girthy as well. You could feel a wave of arousal go straight to your crotch.
“You’re huge Taehyung,” you groaned, hanging your mouth open a bit as you watched his expression closely. You could tell he didn’t expect this out of you, but was loving every second of it nonetheless.
“Call me ‘sir,'” he instructed, tightening his grip on your hair. You let out a quiet moan, eyes falling shut.
“Yes, sir,” you replied. You opened your eyes back up and focused on his cock instead of his face now. You hooked your fingers under his waistband and slowly pulled down his shorts and boxers in one shot.
“No fucking teasing, or you’ll regret it,” he growled, giving your hair a harsh tug. You hissed but found the pain enjoyable. Once his clothing was out of the way his erection was finally able to stand up straight, and you needed a moment to take in the sight. It stood up almost all the way to his bellybutton, absolutely beautiful as it contrasted against his well shaped abs. God, now he seemed even bigger than you thought previously. You noticed some details like few large protruding veins, but mostly fixated on the swollen pink tip that was already starting to leak precum.
“Look at you,” he chuckled, amusement evident in his tone. “Look at the way you’re admiring my cock, what a good little slut,” he praised, his words sending a rush of wetness you could feel dripping between your thighs.
He didn’t have to say anything else as you eagerly wrapped your hand around the base of his cock, your fingers barely able to fit around the whole thing. You were too excited to wait any longer, bringing his tip right to your lips and swirling your tongue around it a few times. You lapped up the precum that was there, then sucking on just the tip for a moment. You pulled back and let it audibly pop out from between your lips. Taehyung pulled your hair again, causing you to whine.
“What did I just say about teasing?” he spat, shoving your face closer to his cock. You couldn’t help it; teasing just came naturally to you and you were a firm believer that it was the secret to a good blowjob.
“I’m sorry sir,” you choked out, parting your lips to take his length into your mouth more generously. You kept your motions smooth as you moved his cock in and out, loving how hot it felt between your lips. You tried to make your mouth reach your hand that was still gripping the base of his cock with each bob of your head, and eventually worked up a steady pace.
“There we go,” he moaned, pleased with how well you were doing. You pulled off completely for a moment and grinned, using your hand to give him a few good pumps over his full length. You pushed his cock up and leaned back in, running your tongue flat over one of the most prominent veins and earning a throaty moan. You repeated this action a few more times before taking him back in between your lips.
“Fuck you’re so good at this,” he praised lowly, using the hand wound in your hair to push you further down on his cock. “Show me how much you can take, I can tell how much you love having a big cock in your mouth.” You moaned at his words, very well knowing it would send vibrations through his length. His hips bucked and he pushed in further, causing his tip to slam into the back of your throat. You gagged and immediately felt tears welling in your eyes. You tried to pull your head back but he made a sound of disapproval.
“Stay like that for a minute, choke on my cock,” he grunted, guiding his cock impossibly further down your throat. You had never deep throated someone like this before, let alone blown someone this big in general. Your jaw was already aching since he was much thicker than you were used to and tears were streaming down your cheeks from gagging so much.
“You look so pretty like this baby,” he groaned quietly, pulling back out just long enough for you to breathe before roughly fucking your throat once again. He held the position after a few thrusts and just let you choke around his cock. He kept up that pattern: holding still and forcing you to gag on his cock for a bit before moving back just long enough you could catch your breath. He'd then go right back to pulling your hair and fucking your face until mascara was visibly running down your tear stained cheeks.
You started to feel his cock twitching in your mouth and mentally prepared to swallow his load, but that’s when he finally let up. He pulled you off his cock and groaned at the loss, looking down at your spit covered, mascara-tear stained face.
“I could fuck your pretty face like that for hours,” he sighed, reaching to wipe your cheeks off a bit with his thumb. “But I think now I’d rather fuck you a little differently,” he added with a grin. He motioned for you to stand, and when you did so he immediately put his hands on your sides and shoved you into the lockers. The sudden action shocked you and you gasped, and he took the opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth and sloppily kiss you. You kissed back right away, the two of you just going at each other with open mouths and tangled tongues.
“Alright,” he pulled back after a few minutes, eyes scanning over your face and body briefly. “It’s your turn.”
You raised a questioning eyebrow, not understanding what he meant. Before you could even open your mouth to ask he was moving down to his knees, which you certainly didn’t expect. He ran his large hands over your thighs as his eyes took in every inch of you from that angle, and you suddenly felt exposed. You clenched your thighs together, able to feel the wetness that was seeping from your entrance.
“Tsk tsk tsk,” he chastised, shaking his head as you attempted to conceal what he wanted to see most. He wedged his hands in between your legs and forced them apart, and you could feel a rush of cool air hit your wetness. You bit your lip as you nervously looked down at him, but he was completely captivated by the sight before him.
“All this? For me?” he purred, reaching two fingers up and swirling them through your juices. You bit back a moan from finally receiving some sort of friction, starting to realize you were literally throbbing from being so turned on.
He used one hand to lift your leg, putting your knee over his shoulder so he was face to face with your dripping slit.
“You look so pretty Y/N, why would you try to hide yourself?,” he breathed, and you shivered when his breath washed over your wetness. He leaned in and flattened his tongue against your slit, and you tilted your head back and groaned. He dragged his tongue up painfully slow, finally wrapping his luscious lips around your clit and sucking it gently. The moan you let out was obscene, and you could feel him smiling into your crotch. One of his hands wandered up between your legs and he shoved a finger all the way inside of you without warning.
“Fuck!” you gasped, reaching down and tangling your fingers through his soft, curly hair. He hummed in response, and the vibrations it sent through your clit were enough to make your head spin. He pulled back a bit, licking his lips and glancing up at you.
“Fuck baby, you taste so good,” he groaned, adding a second finger and pumping them in and out slowly. Your grip in his hair tightened as he leaned back in between your legs, licking his tongue around his fingers and then going back to focus on your clit. He rolled his tongue around the sensitive bud a few times before taking it back between his lips, this time sucking harder than before. You let out a high pitched moan, feeling the muscles in your stomach start to tense up.
“S-Sir I’m getting close,” you barely managed to choke out, and he sped up the pace of his fingers a bit. He let his teeth graze against your clit and you yelled out in pleasure, but he just smiled and pulled back to look up at you.
“You wanna come? You wanna come all over my fingers and face like the dirty slut you are?” he challenged, adding a third finger and pumping them impossibly faster.
“Y-yes sir please!” you begged, head falling back again against the lockers. The metal felt so cool against the hot skin of your back.
He leaned back in to lick at your clit a few more times, and you could feel your release building up even more. He felt your walls start to clench around his fingers, and suddenly you were deprived off all the wonderful sensations he had been giving you. You lifted your head back up and gasped.
“What the fuck Taehyung I was so-“ he cut you off by standing back up and delivering a sharp smack to your cheek. Your hand flew up to your face, mouth hanging open slightly as you looked up into his dark eyes.
“Don’t talk to me like that, only good sluts get to finish,” he growled, his behavior once again taking another drastic shift. It threw you off guard, but also just turned you on even more. One of his hands reached up and wrapped around your neck, the other, which was just inside of you, reached up to your lips. He presented you with the three fingers that he had used to fuck you.
“Suck,” he commanded. “Clean my fingers off.” You parted your lips and he pushed the fingers inside, and you began swirling your tongue around them. You sucked on them in a way that elicited grossly lewd sounds, but you could tell he was loving every second of it.
He pulled his fingers out, and the hand around your neck tightened slightly.
“Do you like tasting yourself?” he asked, and you nodded. “That’s what I thought, sluts always love the way they taste," he smirked. The hand on your neck slid down to grope one of your breasts, and he leaned in to bring your lips together. This time he kissed you much less aggressively than before, but at the same time there was still a certain passion behind it that made your entire body feel like it was on fire wherever he was pressed against you.
“Ready for me to fuck you?” he grunted into the kiss, not bothering to pull away to speak. “I’m gonna fuck you until I make you scream my name so loud it’ll still be echoing through this locker room tomorrow morning,” he growled, his words sending shivers through your entire body.
“Yes sir, I’m ready,” you breathed when he broke the kiss, and he grinned.
“Turn around,” he huffed, and you obeyed. He leaned into you from behind and you moaned, able to feel his huge cock slide against your ass. As his sweaty torso pressed into your back your own chest was squished against the lockers, and your nipples hardened from the coldness of the metal. He guided his cock to your entrance, running his head over your dripping wet slit a few times and groaning.
“Hands behind your back," he instructed, gripping both of your wrists with his free hand once you did so. When he felt your wrists were properly secured, he didn’t hesitate any longer. He pushed inside of you at an almost painfully slow pace, and even after being opened up by his fingers his cock was still so thick the stretch hurt. You squeezed your eyes shut and bit your lip, trying to relax and adjust to his size.
“Holy shit, Taehyung,” you groaned, resting your sweaty forehead on the the lockers. He chuckled a little, using the hand not binding your wrists to rub your shoulder a bit.
“What Y/N? Jake doesn’t fill you up like this?” he teased, pulling out about halfway and then immediately slamming back in and causing you to cry out in pleasure.
“N-No sir,” you responded. He grunted and gave you another shallow, sharp thrust, being at least considerate enough to space them out a bit since you still weren’t adjusted to his large size. He tangled his fingers through your hair and wrapped it around his hand, abruptly yanking it back. You hissed in pain, bending your back more to lessen the tension on your hair.
“That’s a good girl,” he hummed, loving the way you arched your back. “Ready for me to start actually fucking you? Because once I start, I’m not holding back,” he warned, and you clenched your walls around him just from his words.
“I’m ready sir, please fuck me sir,” you panted, already breathing heavily. He grinned, ready to go at it now that he knew he had your permission.
The position he held you in was enough to drive you crazy, different than anything you were ever used to before. Being pressed up against the cold lockers, hands behind your back, your hair gripped tightly in one of his fists as he held you at the exact angle he wanted you, and his huge cock filling you up in a way you’d never experienced before. Everything felt unreal.
That’s when he began fucking you relentlessly, and relentlessly was an understatement. You had never been fucked so hard in your entire life, each thrust pulled out almost all the way and then slammed right back into you with such force you didn’t think you’d be able to walk the next day. You’d never been fucked like this, and never wanted to be fucked any other way ever again.
“Holy fuck, Taehyung!” you cried, barely able to get out the words in between each hard thrust. He shifted his angle just slightly and you saw stars. He perfectly nailed you g-spot, each hit feeling more brutal than the last.
“Say my name louder,” he grunted, emphasizing each word with a thrust.
“Taehyung!” you almost screamed this time, your delicious moans like music to his ears.
“You like getting fucked from behind like this?” he hissed. “You like having someone treat you like the slut you are?” He pulled your hair harder, forcing you to arch back enough to look at him. “Tell me how much you like this.”
“Fuck Taehyung,” you moaned, barely able to keep your eyes open enough to maintain eye contact. “No one’s ever fucked me this good, I’ve never taken a cock this big. You fill me up so much I feel like I’m about to rip in half.” You could tell he was cocky, and knew he would enjoy the boosting of his ego from your words. He grunted in response, fucking you impossibly harder.
“Are you gonna come around my cock? I want to feel you come on my dick,” he panted. He had been going at this pace for several minutes now, and you were impressed by his stamina.
“Yes Taehyung fuck you’re fucking me right where I need it, please don’t stop,” it almost sounded like you were whining, but he loved that you were begging.
“Scream my name when you finish,” he added, then went back to focusing on the motion of his hips. He rammed into you with as much force as he possibly could, the sound of his hips making contact with your ass with each complete, full thrust just added to the simulation.
“I-I’m so close,” you barely managed to get out, and he pulled your hair harder.
“Come Y/N, fucking come all over me you slut,” he grunted, and his words were what finally brought you over the edge. You screamed his name as you felt every muscle in your core tighten, your walls clenching around his cock as you released all over him. He kept up the rough thrusts a bit longer as you rode out your orgasm before he let up slightly.
“Please,” you choked out. “Please finish in my mouth. I want to taste you since you didn’t finish earlier,” you huffed, and he almost came right then and there just from your request. He quickly pulled out of you and let you turn and get on your knees, and you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out.
“Holy shit,” he groaned, leaning his head back as he continued to jerk himself off, putting the tip of his cock on your flattened out tongue. “You look so fucking good, begging for my come like the fucking slut you are,” he continued, and with that he started to come. You closed your eyes as you could feel his load shooting into the back of your throat, moaning quietly at the feeling. You did really feel so dirty doing this, but you loved every second of it. He groaned loudly as he continued to milk the last of his come out of his cock and onto your tongue. You wrapped your lips around him and sucked gently, using your tongue to clean him off. He continued to moan at the sight, petting though your ruined hair.
“I don’t think I’ve seen anything so beautiful in my entire life,” he mumbled. You pulled off his cock and smiled up at him.
“Thank you sir,” you breathed, finally standing up. You immediately realized how sore you already were, but you certainly didn’t mind it. You would like having the reminder of this event when you woke up the next morning.
Taehyung slid his hand behind your neck and pulled you in for another kiss, an unfamiliarly sweet one compared to everything that had just happened.
“You know,” he began, pulling back a bit to look into your eyes. “Next time you stay after school this late, just keep in mind I’m always at the school until 7 o’clock." he smiled, biting down on his bottom lip to suppress the cocky smirk threatening to show through.
You decided you would have to stay after school to study more often.
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soaimagines · 7 years
Drunk Dialling
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 Imagine your away on business and Chibs calls you because Juice is having an anxiety attack and wants you & 
Imagine being away on business and Chibs calls you to come home cause Juice is drunk and only wants you.
I combined these two requests cause they were so similar, I hope y’all don't mind x also sorry these ones took me so long 
Also I am having total mind blanks when it comes to naming these so I apologise for the shitty titles lol
Text in bold is text messages x
‘I miss you babe. 😔’ You smiled at the message on your screen and quickly typed back. ‘I miss you more, Juan Carlos x’ Maybe it was attachment issues, maybe you were both ridiculously needy or maybe you were just two kids in love. Either way, neither of you were coping well with the sudden distance between you. Ever since you had met Juice seven months ago you had been practically inseperable. It had started with countless nights spent in each others arms and eventually grown into a solid relationship. He had been warned by his brothers not to rush into anything, especially asking you to be his old lady. But when the boys had seen you two together they knew they had nothing to worry about. You were perfect for each other. You were his old lady and he was crazy about you. So crazy, in fact, that the second you had gotten into the cab to head for your business trip he was already sending you messages. But it was only for two more days. Two down, two to go. And you would be home. Juice hadn't been very pleased when you had arrived home from the office and told him about your business trip. Four days in the city. That was all. You could do it. ‘Impossible. Come home baby x’ You slid into the hotel bed and pulled the covers up around your neck as you typed back a message. ‘I wish, Juicy. Not long to go tho babe. I love you’ You curled your body into a ball and pulled the covers over your head. The hotel was nice, the company had really gone all out. But it wasn't home, and seeing the pristine room with the decorative cushions and generic paintings on the walls, and the sounds of the bustling nightlife below was a constant reminder that you weren't in Charming. It had been a big day, your boss had managed to cram eight meetings in and you were drained. You came out of your blanket cocoon only to grab the remote and turn on the television mounted on the wall. But you didn't watch the images flickering on the tv, you buried your head back under the sheets. You fell asleep to the muffled sounds of traffic and a soap opera, oblivious to the text messages from Juice blowing up your phone.
The loud ringing of your phone woke you up and you groaned, your eyes squinting shut as the bright light of the screen in the dark room nearly blinded you. Incoming call from Juice. “You better have a good reason for waking me up, Ortiz.” “Baaaaabyyyyy!!!” You raised an eyebrow and stifled a yawn as you rolled over. The alarm clock on the bedside table read 3.47am. “Are you drunk Juicy?” You grumbled into the phone. “Nope!” “Really?” “I mean I might have had a couple of drinks. Two. Maybe three.” You rolled your eyes but a grin came on your face. You could never stay mad at Juice for long and drunk Juice was always adorable, “Is that why you calling me at 3.47 in the morning?” “I missed you.” He slurred. “I miss you too, Juice.” “Come home.” You laughed and rolled on to your back and stared at the ceiling and the patterns dancing across it from the tv you had failed to turn off. “I’ll be home tomorrow night babe.” “Okay.” Juice said loudly. “Okay?” “I’ll come to you baby I’ll be there soon.” “Juice.” “Please babygirl, I need you.” You sighed and chewed your lip. “I know baby.” You could practically hear him pouting through the phone and it took another half hour before you finally convinced him to get some rest. Eventually he said goodnight and you hung up the phone. It was 4.15am now and you knew you wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, so you threw the covers back and headed for the shower. One more sleep, and you could go back to Charming.
“And so, going off the data we gathered it seems that bringing more business back to Charming could benefit not only us, but the entire state of California.” Your boss nodded approvingly at your words before taking over and addressing the rest of the people in the meeting. You shuffled the papers in front of you when you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. You ignored it, knowing without checking that it would be Juice. He had already called you twice this morning and you had been forced to put your phone on vibrate so that his calls wouldn't disturb any more meetings. The phone went through to voicemail and you cleared your throat, trying to focus on the words your boss was saying. The vibrating began again and you took a deep breath. Juan fucking Carlos. But a quick glance down to the screen proved you wrong. Chibs’ name appeared at the top of the screen and worry instantly filled your heart. Your boss had finished talking when you stood. “I’m sorry, Ive got to take this.” Your boss nodded and you excused yourself, shooting down your pencil skirt as you left the office. As soon as the door was closed behind you you lifted the phone to your ear. “Chibs? Whats wrong? Is Juice okay? Whats happened? Is he-“ “Calm down, lass.” You took a deep breath. “Is he okay?” “Aye, physically he's fine, love.” You could sense the ‘but’ in his tone of voice. “He needs you back here, (y/n). I’m sorry to call ye like this but you've gotta come home. We cant take anymore of this.” You leant against the wall, a sense of relief rushing through you. So he wasn't hurt. But you knew Juice suffered from severe anxiety attacks and by the way Chibs was speaking you knew things must be bad. “I cant come home yet, Chibby.” “Look, sweetheart. He’s rearranged everything in the clubhouse and I’m worried if he doesn't stop whistling soon Jackie boy might send him unprotected into Mayan territory.” You smirked into the phone. Whistling was a habit anxious Juice had picked up a while back and even though you loved him dearly, his whistling drove you mad. “Keep him safe a little while longer? I’ll leave soon.” “Aye. Hurry, love. I don't think Happys too impressed with his whistling either.” You laughed and thanked the Scot before hanging up the phone. You had just slid it into your pocket when your boss walked out of the office. “Everything okay?” “Not really.” You put your years of drama lessons in high school to work, and within seconds you had fake tears running down your cheeks. “Its my dog, umm..Tiggy. He's sick.”  It wasn't really a lie. Your boss wrapped an arm around your shoulders and squeezed you comfortingly. “I need to get her to the vet.” “Of course, (y/n). Take all the time you need.” “Thank you.” “I hope Tiggy gets better soon.” “Me too.” You wiped the tears away with the back of your hand and turned away, heading for your hotel room. “Me too.” You repeated, smirking to yourself.
The cab pulled up in front of your house and the driver turned to you. You could tell by the expression on his face that he was questioning why a woman dressed all in a business suit would be stopping at a house that was blasting 90’s rap music, but he accepted your payment and helped you get your bags out of the boot. It was mid afternoon and the sun was still beaming down on you as you hauled your bags to the front door. The music was so loud that Juice didn't hear the front door open and you ditched your bags in the living room before kicking off your high heels. You pulled your hair out of the slick bun you had been wearing all day and treaded across the carpet. Following the strong smell of bleach that was drifting through the house you made your way to the bathroom. Juice was shirtless, wearing sweatpants and yellow rubber gloves. The bathroom was spotless and sparkling, and you wondered how many times in the last three days had he cleaned this room. He was scrubbing the tiles in the shower, his back turned and you smiled to yourself as you studied his back muscles tensing as he worked. A bucket of water sat in the centre of the room and you crept inane dipped your hands in the hot water. “What the fuck?” Juice practically yelled as he felt drips of water being flicked onto his bare skin. He turned and when he saw you he nearly kicked the bucket across the room. “Babe!” He wrapped his arms tightly around you, pulling you tight against his body and burying your face in his chest. “Cant. Breathe!” “Sorry.” He smiled at you sheepishly and released his grip on you. “You missed a spot.” You said, pointing to a spot on the wall behind him. “Where?” There was panic in his voice and he turned to the wall with wide eyes. You instantly felt guilty but you tore your shirt from your body, exposing your bra. He turned back to you, his brows furrowed but when he saw your half naked body he licked his lips. “I missed you.” “I missed you, baby.” He whispered, his hands grabbing hold of your hips. “Why don't you show me how much, Juicy?” You reached on your tiptoes and pulled his lips to yours. Juice leant forward, reaching down and lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. He growled and you squealed as he arrived you to the bedroom and threw you onto the bed.
“Please don't leave me again.” You looked up at him, from your spot in the nook of his arm while the two of you were curled up together, naked in the sheets. “i won’t, baby.” He kissed the top of your head and traced patterns on your shoulder with his fingers. “Im not.. good on my own.” You sat up and took hold of his face, forcing him to look at you. “Juan Carlos Ortiz, you ,listen to me. I am here. I will always be here.” “But what if your boss wants to take you on another trip? Or you get sick of me? Or-“ You pressed your lips against his, silencing him. You left them there till you felt him relax and you pulled away. “I’m not going anywhere. And if my boss wants to go away I’ll just tell him that our dog is sick and I cant leave him.” “We don't have a dog.” You smiled. “Not yet.”
@i-want-to-be-watered-by-roger @daniehelene27 @hellsmurf96 @thejulietfarciertlove @blustar02 @homicidalteenagedream @sons-of-anarchy-fan @trinasoftballgirl 
If you want to be added to the tag list for any or all Sons please let me know.x
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treebitchevan-blog · 7 years
I Could Be Jewish For You {Ben Platt imagine}
hiya, the more i wrote this the more anxious i got that people would get mad at me?? dear god if i got something wrong in this don’t hesitate to fight me. I've never been religious whatsoever so?? idk please don’t hate me i thought this was cute and i HOPE i’m the first one to do this. funny story this was going to be a Jared fic but i changed my mind because boy oh boy i love ben platt. anyway. i hope you enjoy this, i got the idea for it from this so!!
Warnings: swears, deals w religion?? kinda shit writing
word count: 889
Y/n and Ben had always been distant friends, They’d met while back at some audition, and every few months they’d catch up over coffee. Over the years, the two of them may have developed slight crushes on each other. Okay, slight is a bit of an understatement. Needless to say, After endless egging on from all of your mutual friends, you two quickly became an official item. In practically every interview, Ben would find someway to bring you up, along with how proud he was to be Jewish.
Everyone in the DEH cast knew you two had were head over heels for each other. They’d make jokes about how you two were inseparable, attached at the hip practically. Will would always call ‘’dibs’’ on being Ben’s best man at the “inevitable” wedding. Over the years, Friends and family would question whether or not that would actually happen.
You weren’t going to lie, you and Ben had talked briefly about it, You’d been together for roughly 4 years at this point, so it wasn’t so out of the ordinary to think about. Both of you were at turning points in your careers, so you decided to put the whole “marriage” thing on the backburner for a bit. You loved Ben, and he obviously loved you.
He’d obviously told you over the past years how passionate he was about his religion, how proud he was of it. His face always lit up when he’d talk about it, he’d probably go on for hours if you let him. Lately, you’ve been trying to figure out some way to show Ben you were committed to him and only him. To show him that you loved him.
It was a summer morning when the idea hit you, and it would be 3 months until you actually acted upon said idea. During those 3 months, you’d nonchalantly bring up Judaism with Ben, slowly learning more about it. You did research, granted not as much as you should have, but you were sure of yourself. You loved Ben, and you were going to prove it to him.  
Sitting in your shared living room, you bounced your leg anxiously, toying with the idea back and forth, one last time before you made your final decision. “Ben? Can you come here?” you call, anxiety pooling in your stomach. Will he be happy? Will he be mad? Upset? Oh god.
He walks into the room, a slight smile tugs at his cheeks, plopping himself next to you. His smile disappears once he notices the sick look on your face. His brow furrows, placing a hand to your cheek. “Y/n, What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You grab both of his hands, rubbing your thumbs over his knuckles. You take a deep breath to try to calm yourself, but as soon as you opened your mouth to talk, you couldn’t stop.
“Ben, I love you. So much. Which is why i’m telling you this. Shit, this sounds really bad. It’s nothing bad. I don’t think Damn it, i’m making it worse.”
You laugh out of embarrassment, while Ben’s confused as ever, trying to figure out what’s going on
“So-Y’know how you’re- Dammit, UGH” You’re trying to figure out a way to just get the words out, but it’s becoming increasingly hard with Ben staring at you like you’re insane.
“Breathe, babe. What’s going on? You’re kinda freaking me out.” Ben chuckles, still concerned.
You look down at his hands.
His eyes go wide, and he’s opening his mouth like he’s trying to say something, but can’t
“I know this is crazy, trust me. I just-I love you. I want this.” Ben stayed silent, his face unreadable.
You started to become more and more nervous by the second. “I’ve thought about this, babe, hey, when Hanukkah comes, i’ll light the mandal-MENORAH, sorry.” You’re looking down, bouncing your leg again. “I’ll go with you to temple, i’ll eat kosher, I’ll even try to learn yiddish”
Ben’s brow is still furrowed, you wondered if he thought you were crazy.
“Yeah, i’m going to need some help figuring out everything, but Ben-” you sighed “i want this. And it’s killing me not knowing what you’re thinking. Please, trust me on this. You know me. I wouldn’t do this on some whim .Just- tell me you’re nervous, tell me where you stand tell me I need you. Tell me in Hebrew.” You were getting emotional, thinking about how Ben thought you were insane, thinking how he would probably end it
You take a moment to breathe again. “i’ll read through the Torah from cover to cover
Until even Moses can see we were meant for each other.” He giggled, looking up at you.
You both sat for a moment, taking in everything that had just been said, when he spoke up.
“That-That was not where i thought that was going to go.” He says, his smile returning. “And honestly, it’s a big deal, to you know-” You nod. “But you doing this? For me? It’s insane. But the good kind you know?” You smile as he pulls you in close, kissing your forehead.
“Hey, Ben, promise me one thing, though.”
“Of course, What?”
“If we have sons, they’ll have bar matzvahs?” You giggled, looking up at him.
“Bar Mitzvahs, Y/n” Ben laughs.
“Wait, What?”
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halestil24 · 7 years
Spend Forever
Pairing: Stiles x OC Rating: Cute Warning: Fluff, slight mentions of depression, loneliness. Words: 2,028.
A/N. This just kind of popped up in my head and I ran with it.
Living in Beacon Hills was never easy. Especially if you were involved in the supernatural part of Beacon Hills. Isabelle, or Izzy, Tanner knew that all too well. She was born and raised in Beacon Hills, her family was close with the Hale’s and when they died she was crushed.
Derek was like an older brother to Izzy, so when tragedy struck again and claimed her parents in a car accident she lived with him in the remodeled Hale home. By looking at them you would never know they weren't related. Izzy had long jet black hair, and the same olive skin. But her eyes were grey and she wasn't a werewolf.
Izzy hadn't really been surprised when her best friends got involved in the supernatural world. Scott had gotten bitten by crazy Peter and everything changed after that. Literally leaving Stiles and Izzy the only humans in the mix matched pack.
They had managed everything up until this point really well. Scott and Allison made up, Lydia got over Jackson's kanima issue, they all fought anything that came their way. The biggest struggle was starting junior year and Izzy’s ever growing crush on Stiles.
The two flirted a lot. To the point that Derek always made fun of her for being “Stilinski’s girlfriend” but she wasn’t. God not that she didn’t want to be. Izzy knew Stiles still had a thing for Lydia but that wasn’t the issue.  The issue was Malia.
Malia Tate, or rather Hale. Werecoyote. And suddenly attached to Stiles’s hip. Izzy couldn’t blame her, the boy had this charm that anyone in their right mind would fall for. That wasn’t even the problem. The problem was that Stiles started to spend less and less time with Izzy and more time “helping” Malia.
Over the summer Izzy had seen Stiles maybe 10 times and half of that he was with Malia. Everyone knew what they were doing, or at least they could guess.
So when school started Izzy told herself that she was just going to work on school and her friendship with Allison and Lydia. Stiles had scored a spot on first line after his help winning the lacrosse championship last year so he was busier than usual. Izzy could see him separating from Malia more and more.
She was sitting on Lydia’s bed thinking about Stiles. “Hello… Earth to Izzy.” Izzy snapped out of her vacant stare to find a concerned Allison and a slightly annoyed Lydia looked at her. “What?”
“We were talking about the lacrosse game tomorrow. We are going to coordinate what to wear. You still have Stiles’s lacrosse hoodie right?” Lydia spoke unphased. Izzy just nodded and listened to Lydia’s plan of wearing their boyfriend's lacrosse hoodies to the game. Izzy played along laughing and joking, but she was realizing the separation from her best friend in the world was taking it's toll and she could tell that Allison was noticing too.
Allison offered to drive Izzy home instead of calling Derek. She wouldn't let Derek buy her a car, so he always said to call and he would pick her up. But she took Allison’s offer. “So... are you okay?” Izzy stopped staring out of the window and looked at Allison. “I’m fine.” it was a lie and they both knew it. Izzy also knew that Allison wouldn’t leave it there. “It's Stiles isn't it.”
Izzy sighed. “Yeah. I don’t know what to do. He is my best friend aside from you and Lydia. He has been my best friend through this whole thing and now. He doesn't talk to me. I have been replaced by Malia.” there was a sadness in her voice and Allison frowned. “You need to talk to him.” Izzy nodded in response. Allison was right. She always was. The two hugged before Izzy got out of the car and walked into the house.
She thanked god that Derek wasn’t home. She couldn’t deal with the questions he would ask on why she smells depressed. It was bad enough that he shot her knowing looks. She busied herself by getting stuff ready for tomorrow, thinking about how she was happy that Malia being a Hale didn’t put a wrench in her relationship with Derek. Frankly, Derek didn’t trust the werecoyote so if there was any safe haven it was here. Where she was home.
Izzy hadn't felt fully comfortable wearing Stiles’s hoodie during school, so it sat folded in her locker but she dawned the school colors with her black shorts, maroon tank top and black vans. Lydia surely had something to say about it but Allison kept her quiet. Thank god for small favors.
She was sitting with Allison and Scott at lunch when Stiles came over and sat down next to her for the first time this year. And her heart jumped, earning a look from Scott. “Hey Iz.” His nickname for her made it worse. “Hey.” Her short response earned her a weird look from Scott and Stiles. “Are you coming to the game tonight?” Stiles sounded eager, and anxious. He was jiggling his leg and staring at her.
“Yeah. Wouldn’t miss it.” Izzy watched as Stiles lit up like the fourth of July, spurring hope in her chest. But it was short lived. Malia soon joined their table and Stiles turned to say something to her. Izzy couldn't take it, she got up and left.
“So, Iz..” Stiles turned back around to find her gone. He looked up at Allison and Scott. The wolf looked confused but Allison gave him a sad look. “Where did she go?” No one answered, but Malia tried her best to regain Stiles’s attention and showed blatant irritation when he was no longer interested in what she was saying.
Izzy kept to herself most of the day, but she could see that Stiles noticed her sudden absence at lunch. But there was Malia, taking up the space the once belonged to Izzy. At the end of the day when Izzy stood at her locker she told herself that she would give Stiles his hoodie back after the game. She didn’t have the right to keep it. She wasn’t his. But she would wear it to the game, like she promised Lydia. Maybe she would get the chance to talk to him after.
Stiles played the whole game, and Izzy had forgotten the separation between them as she cheered and yelled for Stiles every time he got the ball or scored. They won the game, and Izzy was among the crowd that jumped down onto the field. She hadn't realized that she was making a beeline for Stiles until someone stepped in front of her and stopped Stiles. Malia.
Izzy paused for a second, then came back to reality. Before she could regain her confidence she turned and almost ran from the field. In her haste she couldn't hear Stiles yelling for her. “IZZY WAIT!” Stiles watched as Izzy left the field, and he tried to go after her but Malia stopped him. “Stiles…” He tore his helmet from his head. “Malia this… this is done. I don’t even know what I was thinking. You are a great person but we are not dating. We never were. I'm sorry.” Stiles stormed passed her to the locker room so he could shower and change.
Meanwhile Izzy kept walking. Tears formed in her eyes, and she just kept walking. She didn’t really know where she was going until she found herself on the Stilinski doorstep. Grabbing her keys she unlocked the door and locked it behind her. She headed up to Stiles’s room.
She really shouldn't be here, honestly she should give her key back. Stiles was sure to come home with Malia but she didn't want to go home and have Derek ask her what was wrong. Izzy felt exhausted. All of the emotions coursing through her the last few days drained her. So she flopped down face first onto Stiles’s bed, breathing in his scent from his pillows.
Her heart clenched. This will probably be the last time she steps into his room so she might as well make the most of it. But before she knew it she was asleep.
Stiles left the locker room and climbed into his jeep. He wasn’t into celebrating tonight, and he didn't want to see Malia. All he wanted to do was talk to Izzy. She wasn’t answering her phone, and Derek said she wasn't home. Stiles called Allison who said she wasn’t with her.
There were hundreds of places Izzy could be, so Stiles started driving trying to find his best friend.
When he came up empty he headed home. Silently he walked up the stairs to his room, running his hands over his face. When he walked into his room his heart stopped.
There was Izzy, laying in his bed cuddling his pillow. In his sweatshirt. She looked good. Stiles realized how much he missed her, how much he cared for her. He kicked off his shoes and gently removed Izzy’s from her feet.
He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand over her hair. “Hey, wake up Iz.” his voice was soft, so soft he wondered if she heard him but she shuffled a little opening her eyes. “Stiles.” Izzy sat up and looked almost ashamed. “Sorry, I… I came to give you your hoodie back.” Stiles felt like someone punched him in the stomach.
It didn’t make it any better seeing the redness of her eyes. He knew she had been crying. “Why would you give it back. I don’t want it back.” His voice was shaky. He felt like he was being broken up with, but they weren't dating. “I want you to have it. Whatever’s mine is yours remember. Like always.”
Izzy let out a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding. “What about Malia?” She didn’t want to look at Stiles but she could hear him sigh heavily. “Malia is not… Malia and I are not dating. We were never dating. I was trying to help her and I made a huge mistake.”
She finally looked at him. His whiskey eyes staring into hers. “We all make mistakes.” Stiles shook his head, reaching out and rubbing her cheek with his thumb. “I wanted it to be you. When it happened I felt horrible Iz. Can you ever forgive me for being such a shitty friend?”
Izzy just sat there, processing what she had heard. “Yeah. I can.” her voice was quiet. Stiles let out a breath and grabbed her, pulling her body to his. They stayed like that for a few moments, until Stiles shuffled them so they were laying on his bed. “When we won the game, all I saw was you. It was like no one else was there, and then she blocked me and I felt so angry. I only wanted you.”
Stiles confession made Izzy’s heart swell, she turned so he couldn't see the tears forming in her eyes. He responded with turning toward her, pulling her back to his chest and nestling his nose in her hair. Securing his arms around her waist. “Stay with me tonight.”
“What?” Izzy hadn't expected that, but more than anything she didn't want to leave his embrace. It was like he was holding her as if she would disappear if he let go. She rolled over to her back so she could look at him.
“Stay Iz.” his breath washed over her face, and her heart was racing. Stiles’s lips pressed to hers gently, and his hand found its way into her hair. Izzy felt like electricity was pulsing through her. They were both breathless when they parted. “I think I love you Iz. Can… can I be your shitty friend that is now your shitty boyfriend? And spend forever making it up to you?”
“Yes. Stiles, I love you too.” Stiles leaned down to kiss her again. When he pulled away he sighed. “Shit, Derek might just kill me now.” Izzy laughed and pulled her boyfriend closer to her. She was never leaving this bed.
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