shellshooked · 6 months
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my fav coworkers to lovers<3
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lovelylonelymoonlight · 4 months
Bruce sees tim as the best thing that happened in his life because he’s the reason he’s still has one in the first place
Just Tim is this bright light that pulled him from the darkest deepest pit that he deserved to die in and Tim didn’t let him.
Tim Drake is Bruce Wayne’s superhero
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hoekhorrorz · 4 months
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loser rizz wip 🤧
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z0mbiew00d · 7 months
Finished my Impulse life series binge so here have some Scottpulse text post memes
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cowboypoisons · 7 months
“makoto fell fir—” WRONG!!!!!!! 😹 byakuya fell first AND harder! he became strangely infatuated with makoto during the killing game around chapter 3-4 i’d say and then those feelings gradually developed into a full fledged crush around their future foundation era !!!!!!! 😡
(although makoto Did fall for byakuya around the time of goodbye despair and was a bit more accepting of it!) (they confessed some time after the hope arc)
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chronicoverthinker · 2 months
Bro why is the bar for twitter people in the st fandom literally in hell , like they make me feel smart fr.
I feel like the van’s scene is so easy to understand but some people still fail to grasp the nuances of it , like hello ????? 😭😭
No Emily , what Will said does not apply to El as well. El doesn’t need Mike like that , and that’s okay. Does it mean she loves Mike any less or that she doesn’t want him in her life ? Of course not. But s4 was literally her journey to independence , finally growing out of her insecurities of being needed and wanted by Mike only because of her powers.
And that is literally why Will lying about his feelings , disguising them as El’s for the greater good , and Mike finding out about the painting are going to be MAJOR plot lines in s5.
Like ain’t no way I got told that I’m making shit up and I’m trying to say that Will needs Mike while El doesn’t.
El definitely wants Mike in her life , but the point is that Will NEEDS Mike in the way Mike wants to be needed. And I don’t even say this with shipping in mind , but that is just a matter of fact and why the painting plot line is still so important. Will is the one seeing Mike as his protector , as a though and throughout paladin. Like the cast said many times , it’s Will who wishes to play dnd and Nintendo in Mike’s basement with him for the rest of his life. And that’s okay , that doesn’t take away anything from El’s feelings like some people make it want to seem like.
Two things can coexist at once because El and Will love Mike in two different ways , and what Mike needed to hear steams from his own depression and self worth issues.
That is why the van scene and Will’s lies are so important. Because Mike IS DEFINITELY, without any kind of doubt , going to discover that the painting is Will’s. How things will unfold after that can only be known by the duffer brothers as of now , but it is a fact that the kind of love Mike wants is the one that Will can provide him.
Does it mean that I’m trying to say that El doesn’t love Mike and Will is some damn of damsel in distress that always needs saving ??? No, and I know for a fact Will can stand his own as well and actually appreciates when he doesn’t get treated as something delicate going to fall apart any time soon.
Does this also mean that Melvin is bones ? Girl I don’t fucking know and I don’t fucking care. Does this also mean that byler is endgame and El’s feelings don’t matter ? No and I don’t fucking know how Mike will react to the truth.
But some people are watching the show without even getting the meaning of the characters’ actions and it baffles me I’m so serious rn
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aleeyenn · 1 year
something for osc ship week…
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snakeautistic · 9 months
That moment when someone posts fan content about your special interest/hyperfixation and you can tell that they have the same random headcanons as you
Or interpret the message and tone of the media like you
Or see its characters in exactly the same way as you
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angelpaperclip · 11 months
The last two interactions Tubbo & Étoiles had in canon was Étoiles warning Tubbo that the date with Fred might be a trap, and then after Fred was kidnapped, Étoiles spotted Tubbo standing alone when everyone else was crowding around, complimented him quietly, then left him alone. You could tell he wanted to ask why he was sad but also he knows Tubbo doesn't trust him enough to actually speak honestly with him.
Even if it's only as an extension of his loyalty for Philza, Étoiles genuinely wants to help Tubbo but Tubbo doesn't trust him, so their friendship has a sort of unspoken agreement that they'll stay in amicable terms as long as they both stay out of each other's business.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 3 months
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- teen regressors viktor, allison, five moodboard -
solos - teen alli moodboard & teen five moodboard & teen vik moodboard
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mainenorth · 5 months
North tackling Maine in a hug and Maine spinning him around. WHATTT
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slxshers · 6 months
i wanna do dbd imagines that i feel are more "in character" or less soft but i have no ideas . requests for killer interactions either x readers or killer/killer ships are open I Guess...
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zeroends · 1 year
I feel like I have always taken Basira's stance on everything in TMA and I never understood why. Through some thought it made me realize Basira was one of the few people who never really took sides in a sorta hidden way. She wanted to always be the "good guy" to everyone, wanted to see beyond the bad in all her people did.
It almost makes Daisy's ending more of a tragedy. The most unintentionally sympathetic person, the person who really believed she could be more than just The Hunt, ended her.
Basira killed Daisy despite everything because she is sympathetic though. Daisy was suffering, people were suffering because of Daisy, so despite what the hunt in Daisy wanted it's the only thing the "good guy" in Basira could do.
TLDR: Basira's overwhelming sympathy was Daisy's rise and downfall and that's a really relatable trait for me who tries to see good in objectively bad people
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apathyist · 27 days
that boy is a lesbian
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hearts401 · 1 year
i need to draw mike n greg. i need to. its vital to my survival.
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chronicoverthinker · 2 months
Mlvn fans keep my daughter’s El name out of your fucking mouths 😭😭
“She would kill Will if she found out he likes Mike” NO SHE WOULD NOT?? I hate how they always feel the need to make her character so centered around Mike when she’s SO much more than just her girlfriend. And same goes for Will , his only purpose isn’t to be in love with Mike.
They do not get Willel like I do because the point of their characters isn’t just to be crazy head over heels for Mike and kill whoever walks past by him.
Even tho s4 didn’t show it as much as I would’ve liked , cause I literally love their sibling bond so much , Will and El mean so much to each other. They are such perfect character foils , living the same but at the same time completely different life. Both outcasted , both feeling different and like they do not belong , but both so unimaginably kind and compassionate. What binds them together , as it was said in the scripts, is a bond out of this world that would never be broken because of a boy y’all need to be fr 😭
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