#attoye kids
xblackreader · 11 months
a mother's love: okoye's version
1.2k+ words | attoye | warnings: none, just cute
attuma x okoye fluff - ft. tadeas, xyanza, nobomi, yolotli, and kuhle...
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“The joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.” - Okoye
As children, our first experiences of love and comfort often come from the embrace of our mothers.
She was warm and safe. Her embrace was like a soft cloud that cushioned me from any worries or fears. Even as a teenager, when the challenges of life grew more complex and demanding, there were still moments when I sought solace in my mother's embrace.
Tadeas slinks onto his parent's room, all over six feet and almost two hundred pounds of him. “Umama…” he laments, uncharacteristically. He’s sixteen years old and he’s tired from training; he wants his mother. And as he slides his feet over the hardwood floor and groans, his mother kisses her teeth and shakes her head.
Okoye pulls her glasses down her nose and looks up from her book. “Yes? Are you okay?” Her son doesn’t respond just comes to stand over her as she looks him up and down. He stands there, simply watching her for a moment with half-lidded eyes and a frown. “Tad-“
WHOMPH! Suddenly her massive son flopped on top of her and envelops his mother in a full-body bear hug. “Ah! No! You’re too big for this! Too old to sit on my lap! Tadeas! Stop- ATTUMA!”
Her book and her last read pages are lost in the scuffle.
Minutes later…
Tadeas leaned into his mother's touch, feeling the warmth and love radiating from her as she pressed gentle kisses onto his cheeks and forehead. Her hands, calloused from years of battle, now softened as they caressed his face, offering comfort and solace. 
Okoye rubs her hands over his face, pressing kisses into his cheeks and forehead while her youngest daughters all crowd to ask about her day. They came to her aid since her husband was not home. But they couldn’t move their brother. “You need your sister to retwist your hair.” 
Her son huffed and pushed one of his younger sisters off the bed when she slapped him with her tiny hand. “Xyanza is mad at me.” Okoye kissed her teeth. “You are always upsetting her. Xyanza!” 
After a groan and a few moments, her oldest daughter, Xyanza, appears snickering at her brother’s antics. “I can’t move him. Sorry, mama.” 
“That’s not what I need, will you please retwist his hair?”
A mother’s look. “Pardon me?”
 Xyanza pouts and tries again. “He was rude to me today. I don’t want to.”
Okoye smacks her son's back and he groans again. “Were you rude to my daughter?” 
Sitting at the family table, Tadeas sighed and leaned back against the kitchen chair, feeling a mix of frustration and vulnerability. Being a sixteen-year-old boy was no easy task on its own, but especially when you were the son of the Warrior Okoye of the Border Tribe and the General of Talokan Attuma. 
Tadeas had always felt the weight of his mixed heritage and the expectations that came with his ancestors, struggling to find his place in both worlds. As the son of two generals in-
“Big freaking deal…” His twin sister scoffed, reading his diary over his shoulder. “Need I remind you, I am also their child?... and you make it more complicated than it needs to be.” She playfully stuck her tongue out at her brother when he glared at her.
“It’s different. I am the oldest ,” He snarked.
“By like, fourteen minutes.”
“Meaning I’m fourteen minutes smarter than you.” He snarled at his sister, turning back to his journal. “Besides I’m the one child they have that matters. I have more responsibility, dipshit.”
Xyanza put her hands on her hips and started to cut up a piece of fruit for her to eat a snack. “Whatever. Can you go be stinky somewhere else?”
“You don't own this kitchen. And I was here first, so you can leave especially since you smell like shit.”
“I smell good! You look homeless!”
He doesn’t answer so she pinches his cheek until her triplets begin to giggle and pinch him as well. He groans and flings the little triplets away from him. They complain about how fat he is until he smacks at them to go away and leave him with his mother.
“She was being stupid.” “See, Mommy?!”
Another slap is administered to his back and he tightens his arms around his mother’s waist, ignoring her entirely.
“Apologize to your sister at once. It’s ridiculous I must tell you this at sixteen years old!”
“She’s always rude to me.” Okoye kisses her teeth. 
“Not my baby girl. Apologize for being rude to her.” She runs her hands through his locs, even when they’re demons she can’t help but adore everything they do. They are fruits of her labor, how could she not love them?
“...Sorry, Xyanza.”
Okoye cooed when he hid his face in her stomach and tried to rest again. It reminded her of when he was a baby…
“Please do his hair, my lovely girl. He has a training seminar coming up that he has to lead.” She licks a thumb and straightens his eyebrows. He makes a face just like his father. “He won’t embarrass me looking like a lost tribe rapper.”
“His apology was pathetic! He didn’t even mean it.”
Okoye bit back a sigh. With five stubborn children in her home that’s all she could do. That’s what she gets for picking a stubborn man.
Or maybe this was retribution for how Okoye treated her mother as a teenager…
“How do you know he didn’t mean it?” “I didn’t.” “Tadeas!” She hisses at him, but there’s only so much to be done about his smart mouth.
Xyanza glares toward him, then walks out of the room grumbling under her breath.
The front door opens and then the cloth moves as they hear metal hit the ground with heavy footsteps.
“Daddy!” One of the triplets, Nobomi, cries. Yolotli follows suit and the three girls begin to chant and file out of the room.
As Attuma steps through the threshold of his home and sheds his armor at the entrance, he is immediately greeted by the sight of his three daughters running to embrace him with open arms. Okoye hears him grunt a few times as they undoubtedly have jumped into his arms and made him carry them. 
“Your father will come and free me,” Okoye whispers to her son, tickling his neck as he grunts annoyed. She giggles then watches the entrance of the room.
Attuma walks into their bedroom moments later with three daughters hanging off his shoulders. Tired but smiling and Okoye smiles back.
He looks down at his son who is holding his wife hostage.
“Get off my woman.” 
Okoye laughs at them both and smacks Attuma’s hand away when he reaches to push Tadeas off. “He’s tired…”
Attuma smirked, laughing at his son grunting in displeasure from being pushed. “I am more tired than he is. And he has his own bed.”
Tadeas’ shirt is gripped in the back and he’s suddenly lifted. The girls hanging off Attuma like Barnacles ooh and ahh. 
He’s wrenched from his mother's embrace despite his scrambling to stay in place and flopped onto the foot of the bed. Grumbling about his father being unfair, he stands slowly and stretches his arms up.
They all watch with unimpressed faces as he lets out a loud yell that scared his sisters and then walks out of the room.
Okoye snorts and then sighs, picking her book back up. “Thank you, Attu-“
WHOMPH! And her even bigger husband takes his son's place on top of her. He falls asleep immediately and there’s nothing she can do.
“You massive IDIOT!”
“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. In my darkest moments, I clung to my mother.”
Her oldest triplet, Yolotli rested her ear on Mama’s stomach while the other children sank around her, stealing their mother's warmth while their father prepared them dinner.
“Mama?” She whispered.
Okoye carded her hands through her oldest daughter's hair and scratched at her only son's back, they both faded to sleep quickly in their mother's arms. They all kept her so warm, inside and out.
“Do I have to be pregnant too?”
Okoye snorted and shook her head, “You do not, my love.” Xyanza laughed from her place at her mother’s feet as well.
“How do I avoid it? It seems to always happen to you…” Tadeas wheezes in laughter then.
“Because Baba has no sense or restraint- OW!” He is pinched on his ear and his mother purses her lips. “Who taught you to be so disrespectful?” “You!”
Okoye kisses her teeth and shakes her head and her giggling children. She turned back to her daughter and rolled her eyes toward her son. Yolotli nods, though she doesn't understand why they are doing this; she just does what Mama says.
The mother of five, but soon be of six, felt the offspring in her womb kick at this conversation, a strong and powerful kick that reminded her of whom she was married to…
“Stay away from men. Especially the tall handsome ones with a sweet tongue.”
“They made you pregnant?”
“No!” Attuma huffs from the other room, deciding to intervene since her mother was giggling. “You will not even think of that for fifty years!”
Okoye rolls her eyes. “What about when they get partners?” She yelled back at him.
“No boyfriends or girlfriends. No dating until marriage.”
“You’re ridiculous! My children, you may date when we approve of the person and deem it appropriate.”
Their daughter pouted, settling in the empty space glued to her mother’s side. “Yuum will never approve… that’s why Xyanza is still single…” Xyanza whips her head around to stare incredulously at her sister. “Oh, it’s like that? Yu’um scares off all the men!”
“That’s right!”
“Attuma, be quiet!”
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This is them :3 and heres where you can learn more about ‘em
And here’s where you can read my lil domestic fic with the attoye fam
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dontruinmymorning · 1 year
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She stood at the shore clutching the custom shell, made just for her, to her chest. Her big, gleaming eyes looked out over the expanse of the water waiting impatiently for what she was looking for. She had blown into the shell like she was taught and now she waited for the inevitable.
It was late and she should be in bed, but she really needed to see him. She enjoyed the feeling of the tide washing over her small feet as her toes curled into the sand. She barely breathed as she waited for any indication that he was out there.
“You should be in bed, chan.”
She turned with a sheepish grin, “I know, but I missed you.”
He grinned and walked out of the water. He took her in his arms and planted a kiss on her forehead.
“Your na’ will not be amused, chan.”
She giggled mischievously and simply wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled into him. She knew her mother would scold her and him for being out of bed past her bedtime, but she loved her father dearly and couldn’t go too long without seeing him. He wasn’t due back until the next day, but she had missed him too much.
He held her tighter to him and inhaled her familiar child like scent. “Last time i checked that shell was for emergency purposes only.”
“This was an emergency.” came her tiny voice muffled in his shoulder.
He chuckled at her statement and shifted her more comfortably on his shoulder. Now that she was in her father’s arms she started feeling that sleep she had evaded to come see him. Her weight got heavier as she slipped deeper and deeper until she was fully asleep.
He gently took the shell from her loose grip and walked the rest of the distance to the front door. As he approached the porch, the front door flew open and he saw Okoye’s silhouette bathed in the light from the house. The outside lights came on with the movements and Okoye saw her husband walking up with their daughter fast asleep in his arms.
She wanted to be peeved, but she couldn’t help how her heart softened at the picture. She knew keeping Itzae from her father was virtually impossible, but sometimes she wishes she wasn’t so much like her. Okoye too was fearless growing up. She would always push boundaries and see how far she could go.
Attuma smiled down at her softly once he had crossed the distance. She reached out and softly ran her hand down her daughter’s back as she returned his smile. She rolled her eyes playfully then shifted so he could move past her. He brushed her feet clean, then they both padded softly over to Itzae’s bedroom.
Attuma gently lowered her weight onto the mattress and her mother gently laid her shark plushie in her arms. She immediately clutched her stuffie to her chest and curled into the pillows.
“Love you umama. Love you yuum.” she said groggily and then her breath evened out again.
Her parents lips curved into soft smiles once again as they watched her in slumber for a while longer. Okoye ran her fingers over her soft skin and chubby cheek unable to believe that they created something so beautiful. They both kissed her forehead and then silently left the room.
The light was turned off so her nightlight could do its job. It had been a gift from Shuri. It depicted Mayan and Wakandan hieroglyphs as well as rhynos and sharks. Itzae had loved it since she was a baby.
“She is too much like you.” Okoye said to her husband as they made their way to their own bedroom.
Attuma chuckled again and shook his head in disagreement.
“Last time i checked stubbornness was your trait.”
She turned to him with a huff but he only grinned in response.
When they entered their bedroom he pulled her into his arms and asked, “Did you miss me too?”
She slapped him with a pillow, rolled her eyes and walked away. He laughed at her antics and she couldn’t help smiling at the sound. She had missed him.
chan - little one
na’ - mother
yuum - father
umama - mother
@theemfingmenace I hope you don’t mind me
using Itzae in this 🙏🏾
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attoye · 5 months
Attuma when he saw Okoye: 😍😍😍👀👀👀😘😘😘🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️
also Alex when he met Danai: 😍😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥🔥👀👀👀❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽😘😘😘😘😘
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theeblackmedusa · 1 year
okoye thinking that the thing attuma would look forward to the most about her being pregnant would be her boobs but turns out as much as he loves them, he loves her stomach even more. man is just constantly coming up behind her and putting his hands on her stomach and kissing on her stomach and when she does have the babies he goes even crazier and kisses her tummy any chance he gets. he constantly tells her that he's turned on by it and how he wants to just keep pumping babies into her so he can keep seeing her stomach swell up idk. idk
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tvreadsandsleep · 1 year
» Domestic!Attoye || Attoye Prompt Drabbles || Master List « » Domestic Establishment #2 — Continuation of We need more room «
The scan Okoye had performed with her Kimoyo Beads had informed her that none of the bones in her foot had been broken, but the throbbing, which had just begun to settle down after five minutes of icing, had her doubting those results. On a positive note, her ears had finally stopped ringing. Instead of crying and shrieking at deafening decibels, her boys both sat happily in their highchairs. They babbled at one another as they ate the food, she’d hobbled back and forth in the kitchen to prepare for them.
They were the only babies she’d ever seen who ate everything placed in front of them without fuss or delay. They inherited their father’s appetite, she thought to herself, smiling as she remembered the antics she’d witnessed, as a teen, when her younger cousins had fought and cried, throwing food about because they didn’t want to eat. That could never be her boys. The most they did was bang their little plates, demanding more.
Her amusement with her sons’ stomachs was interrupted with the entrance of her husband and daughter. Uproarious laughter came from the pair, Attuma tickling Naleli as the girl snorted and begged him to stop, that was until he took note of the ice pack Okoye had placed on her foot, the limb elevated on the seat in front of her. Naleli, following her father’s eyes, also glanced at her, cackle stopping short.
“What has happened, my love?” Attuma asked over their daughter’s, “Are you okay, mom?” Attuma unhanded the girl, and she promptly made her way to her mother, engulfing Okoye in a hug.
“I’m okay, sweetie. My foot just had a run in with your brother’s highchair. It hurts, but the pain is fading.”
“Oh, okay,” Naleli smiled, “Should I kiss it to make it better,” the preteen joked, eyes bright in good humor.
As always, Okoye’s heart melted, everything within her chest turning to mush, when confronted with the adorableness of one of her children. Naleli had taken after her father, his dimples carved into each of her cheeks and creating the sweetest, most charming expression whenever she smiled. Okoye was hard-pressed to deny that face anything, but had learned early on that allowing her daughter’s every whim would lead to ruin.  
“That won’t be necessary,” she answered, wiggling her fingers into Naleli’s abdomen. The girl giggled then jumped back out of Okoye’s reach.
“What you can do for me is take your brothers into the living room so that your father and I can talk.”
That piqued Attuma’s curiosity—drawing his attention from his sons, who both had begun gurgling and vying for his focus, while attempting to climb from their highchairs, from the moment he’d arrived. Placing the boys, who’d been climbing all over his person, on the ground, to their loud protests, he sat in a chair he moved adjacent to Okoye.
“Let’s go Eloy and Taavi. It sounds like dad might be in trouble,” Naleli threw over her shoulder as she dragged her toddling brothers out of the room.
Attuma snorted, but turned soft eyes on Okoye, faking a pout when he asked, “Am I in trouble, my love? What can I do to win your favor?”
Okoye gave him a hard look, glaring briefly and crossing her arms before sighing deeply to relax her face and limbs. She rolled her eyes, sighing again, unhappily.
“You were right,” she finally admitted. “We need more room. We have to move now, sooner rather than later.”
“I was right? It is not often that I hear such from your lips.” He leaned back in his seat, smug as he moved her foot from its perch on the chair to rest on his lap. He removed the ice pack to scrutinize the damage that had been done. He noticed several of her toes were swollen, but was satisfied that she was able to move them without difficulty.
“It doesn’t hurt as much,” she supplied, watching while he began to massage the rest of her foot.
“Does this have something to do with your sudden acceptance?”
“Yes, that and having to climb over your gigantic furniture and all the kids’ stuff in order to get across a room. The house is always a mess, and I can’t organize anything because there isn’t room for everything! We just need more space!”
Attuma increased the strength of his kneading, silently urging Okoye to calm.
“While I never want you hurt, I am pleased that you have finally agreed with me, especially as I have commissioned architects from both our nations to collaborate on the design of our new home.”
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s0lam33y · 10 months
attoye HCS [new and updated]
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attuma is the cockiest man, he loves to show Okoye off and brag that he’s bagged the best warrior.
they give off golden retriever x black cat
“I love You.”
“Shut up.”
“I do.”
“Be quiet.”
“Say it back.”
“Then I challenge you to a duel.”
attuma is so romantic. she loves to act like she hates it and he knows she doesn’t.
He’s always kissing her back because she has so many scars there from battle.
“I don’t like them.”
“Well…i love them. You look like a real warrior, ko.”
When she gets home from battle, he preps up a bath and learns to cook her favorite wakandan dish.
she braids his hair so often and begins to put shells in his hair so he looks good.
He always brings back something from the sea, a pretty shell, sometimes pearls, or books in his language.
“Weren’t these expensive?”
“No, I found them easily, I wish I could’ve gotten you more.”
“Tuma, these are PEARLS?”
“They really aren’t all that special.”
He’s a great artist and has painted her many times before.
She loves doing his hair, she loves doing it so much that she’ll tell him to sit down and it helps her calm down.
He has huge hands, hands so big, he can hold her waist with no struggle.
When they first became a thing, he always used too much force by accident.
example 1: he accidentally pulled on her waist and ended up damn near pulling him into her, they were so close to kissing.
Attuma loves the tattoos on her head and has traced them before, she always slaps his hand away.
“They’re so pretty.”
“My friend, move your hand.”
She always cooks seafood because she knows that’s what he likes.
He’s helped Wakanda a lot ever since the war. Did it cause problems with Namor and namora? Yes, but he didn’t care.
He didn’t really want kids for the longest time. Then he saw her interact with village children and he couldn’t not think of having kids with her.
They don’t really believe in marriage at least not at first, especially since they’re both busy warriors.
Aneka is literally their cockblocker. (So is M’Baku)
They go on missions together and when they do, he’s always making sure she enjoys them.
He’s very much the big spoon despite how tough she likes to acc.
He’s very affectionate and it eventually rubs off on her. She loves hugging him after a long day of work.
She said I love you first and immediately took it back because of the shook on his face.
She hates his wet hair in her bed but tolerates it because she loves him.
“Attuma! The least you could do is dry it!”
They always take baths together because it’s the easiest way he can breathe without his mask on.
He joins her when she meditates even though he sucks at it.
“You look strained, You alright?”
“How do You even get your leg up that high?”
They always walks to the market together because when he goes by himself, he gets the wrong thing.
“Tuma, this is sweet potato, that is yam.”
“Are they not the same?”
He’s always trying to hit on her during training and it makes her want to roll her eyes.
“You’re so beaut-“
“Please, put your weapon up and skip the sweet talk.”
She’s been to Talokan once and she thought it was beautiful.
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if you want to be tagged in attoye content, let me know in the comment section.
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siancore · 10 months
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After the Smoke Settles | Attoye | E | 2.4k words | AO3 Link
For Attoye Week 2023 @attoye-week
Day 2: Alternate Universe - Biker!Attuma and Party Girl Okoye
Summary: Attuma is the Sergeant-at-Arms for the Talokanil War Gods M.C. There is a tentative alliance between his M.C. and local Wakandan crime boss M'Kathu AKA The Chief. Both organizations are celebrating a year of successful partnership with one another. Attuma, new to the local chapter, sees Okoye at a party at his M.C's clubhouse. He wants to get to know her, but she is The Chief's daughter. Namor warns him not to go near Okoye because her father is overprotective and it would surely sour their alliance, but Attuma won't say no if the Wakandan beauty is interested in him -- even if it is just for one night.
Content: Unprotected sex; oral sex; hooking up; recreational drug use; drinking; drunk sex; dirty talk; language; minor violence.
The sounds of laughter and clinking drinks filled the space of the club room. Attuma stood next to his friend and new President, Namor. Ever since Attuma had come over and joined that chapter of the Talokanil War Gods Motorcycle Club as their Sergeant-at-Arms almost two months prior, he had been fitting in well. Namor ran a tight ship. They were working on forming alliances with other outfits in order to continue their operations. Having grown up together, Attuma and Namor knew and trusted one another. It was the reason why Attuma came to work with him.
They glanced around the club room, watching their brothers enjoy the party. Namor did not often throw parties, but they were celebrating a year of an alliance with the Wakandans. A year of prosperous partnerships for both outfits.
Both parties were having fun. The mood was light. Drinks were flowing, the music was good, and a few people were dancing. Attuma’s eyes fell on a group of young women at the edge of the makeshift dancefloor. A couple were Sweet Butts, and the rest were Wakandan. He watched them dance and laugh, enjoying themselves, until another young woman from the Wakandan group ambled over – scratch that – glided over.
Attuma was certain his jaw dropped at the sight of her. Big doe eyes; long braids; dark skin; and a blinding smile. She was breathtaking. She danced her way into the center of the circle of girls, twirling as she went. The yellow form-fitting dress drawing attention to her slender body and round ass. Attuma was practically salivating.
“Sakun winik,” said Attuma to Namor. “Who’s that?”
“Who?” Namor replied.
“That goddess in the yellow dress.”
Namor looked over at the dancefloor and then back to Attuma.
“Don’t go there, itz’in winik.”
“Why not? Is she someone’s Ol’ Lady? I’ve never seen her before. What’s her name?”
“Okoye,” Attuma repeated, enjoying the way her name felt on his lips.
“And she’s off limits. That’s the Chief’s daughter. He’d probably bury anyone who even looks at her.”
“I’m serious. You know Long John Silver over at the shop?”
“Yeah, that white boy with the eyepatch? Wait, you tellin’ me the Chief knocked that kid’s eye out for lookin’ at his daughter?”
“Nah, he got into a hunting accident or some shit and lost it. But, the Chief cut off his trigger finger ‘cause he was in the club and tried to touch Okoye’s hair without her permission.”
“Fuck,” said Attuma before laughing. “Silly prick deserved that.”
“Right,” Namor replied. “No more hunting for his ass.”
Attuma laughed once more and then said, “If he even looks at my future wife, I’ll take his other fuckin’ eye.”
“Attuma,” Namor warned. “Leave her alone. We’re celebrating a year of peace with the Wakandans. Don’t fuck it up over a pretty girl.”
“Christ, brother. I’m not gonna fuck anything up. It’s cool. I won’t go near her.”
The party was in full swing and Attuma needed some time on his own away from the revellers. He stood out in the high-walled yard and lit a joint. A bike’s engine revved outside the gate before it opened and let someone in. A girl shrieked and then laughed off in the distance. A beer bottle smashed nearby.
Attuma took a long pull at his joint and then leaned his head against the wall of the clubhouse. The door nearest to him flung open and two people stepped out. The sound of footfalls on gravel caused him to look over in their direction.
“You need to stop!” said a young man.
“Fuck you,” the woman replied.
Attuma straightened up and narrowed his gaze. It was the Chief’s daughter, Okoye. She was being followed by some guy, who then reached out and gabbed her by the arm.
“Don’t touch me, W’Kabi!”
“We’re leaving, now,” said W’Kabi firmly as he tried to drag Okoye away.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Stop being such a brat and move your ass!”
Attuma eyes narrowed even more, he flicked his joint to the ground, and then walked towards the pair.
“Hey, Okoye, right?” he asked when he got close. “Are you okay? This asshole giving you trouble?”
She turned her head, then looked up at Attuma’s face. Before she could answer, W’Kabi spoke up.
“Fuck off and mind your business,” he spat, tugging on Okoye’s arm once more.
Attuma stared him down and then looked back at Okoye.
“You wanna take your hand off o’ the young lady?” said Attuma, inching closer.
W’Kabi let go of Okoye’s arm and poked Attuma in the chest.
“I told you to fuck off –”
Before he could finish his sentence, Attuma grabbed W’Kabi’s wrist and twisted it, causing him to groan loudly in pain.
W’Kabi bent over as Attuma leaned down and said, “Nah, I think you need to fuck off before I break your arm and your face, lil’ bitch.”
Attuma then pushed W’Kabi away, causing him to stumble, before he righted himself, threw Attuma an unimpressed look, and walked away. Attuma watched him leave, before turning to Okoye.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice softer than before.
“Yeah. I mean, yeah. Thank you.”
“I don’t usually step in when couples are arguing –”
“I’m not with him,” she replied quickly. “He’s just some asshole who works for my father.”
“Why was he putting his hands on you?”
“Because he thinks he has the right to as my bodyguard.”
“That bitch made motherfucker is your bodyguard?” asked an incredulous Attuma.
“Not anymore,” Okoye replied as she grabbed her phone and started to dial a number. “Hey, what’s your name?”
“Hi, Attuma. Sorry, excuse me a sec. Hello?” she said into the phone. “Baba? Yes. Everything’s fine. I don’t want W’Kabi on my security detail anymore. He put his hands on me. Yes. Yes, I’m okay.”
She looked down at the small patch on Attuma’s vest and then said, “The Sergeant-at-Arms of the TWG stepped in and helped me. New guy. Attuma. Yes. Baba, I’m okay, really. Attuma’s going to look after me. Sure.”
Okoye removed the phone from her ear and then looked at Attuma.
“My father would like to speak with you,” she said handing the phone over.
Attuma knit his brow but answered.
“Hello, sir? Yes. Well, the guy was yelling at your daughter and tried to forcibly drag her away. Yes. Yes, sir. I stepped in, roughed him up a little, and made him leave. No need to thank me, anyone would help like that. Yes. I appreciate you saying so. That’s fine. Happy to help. Thank you, sir. Goodnight.”
Attuma handed the phone back to Okoye. She bid her father goodnight after reassuring him she was safe and well.  She looked at Attuma who stared back at her. He ran his fingers through his hair and gave her a small smile, which she returned.
“My father asked if you would wait with me until his driver picks me up. Is that okay?”
“Of course,” said Attuma.
He gestured for her to follow him to one of the picnic tables that stood over near the high wall. Okoye walked beside Attuma, and they both took a seat beside one another.
“So, how did you know my name?” she asked while positioning her body so that she was facing him.
Attuma placed both of his legs astride the bench seating. He licked his lips absently and said, “A lady like you steps in the room and a man like me finds out your name pretty quickly.”
“Alright then,” Okoye replied with a nod and a smile. “Thanks again for what you did.”
“It was nothin’. I hope these guys who work for your father all don’t think they can treat you like that.”
“They don’t,” she proffered sincerely. “Just W’Kabi. He thinks because we grew up together that things are different between us. They’re not. He’s still one of my father’s shit kickers.”
“Yeah, well, fuck him,” said Attuma, as he reached in his pocket to get another joint and his lighter. “I’m done talkin’ about that asshole.”
He lit his joint and took a deep drag before holding out to offer Okoye some. She gave him a crooked, devilish sort of smile and leaned forward. Okoye placed both hands to Attuma’s thick thighs and shifted closer. Their faces were close, and heat was radiating from both of their bodies. When Okoye’s lips neared Attuma’s, she licked them and said, “Shotgun me.”
Attuma placed his hand to Okoye’s slim waist to hold her in place. He then released the smoke from his mouth and blew it between Okoye’s lips. She closed her eyes and drew the smoke in. The effects of the drug and the headiness of being in such proximity to Okoye made Attuma’s head spin. He didn’t know how long he had been staring at her, but suddenly realized the young woman had climbed into his lap, with her legs wrapped around his hips and her arms draped over his shoulders.
“You’re pretty,” said Okoye as she ran her fingers through his long tresses.
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” Attuma replied, staring into the darkness of her obsidian eyes.
“We don’t have much time.”
“For what?” he asked, tightening his grip on her hips.
Okoye leaned forward and pressed her lips to Attuma’s. He deepened the kiss immediately. She pulled away slightly, and he followed her, craving more.
“For me to show you how grateful I am for you stepping in to help me.”
Attuma brought his hand up to cup Okoye’s face before he said, “You don’t have to do anything to thank me, Sweetness.”
“Can I tell you a secret?” she asked, a conspirative expression crossing her beautiful face.
“Hmm,” Attuma nodded.
“I don’t do anything I don’t want to do,” she whispered close to Attuma’s ear. “And I really wanna do you.”
As far as bad ideas went, the one that had found Attuma and Okoye in the small office felt way too fucking good. After shoving most of the papers from the desktop, Attuma laid Okoye down and sunk to his knees. She hiked her dress up and placed her legs over his shoulders.
Attuma ran his hand over the lace panties Okoye was wearing and she shivered. He stuck his fingers under the garment and then tore them from Okoye. She let out a little welp.
“I’m keepin’ these,” he said as he shoved the torn panties into the back pocket of his jeans.
Before Okoye could reply with a smart answer, Attuma had began to suck kisses to her inner thigh as he toyed with her clit. He hummed against her skin as he peppered biting kisses there. Okoye let out a moan when his lips made their way to her glistening pussy. Attuma ran his tongue over her slit and up to her sensitive nub. He sucked her clit into his mouth and hummed once more. A wave of pleasure washed over Okoye. She laced her fingers through Attuma’s hair as he ate her out. She came moments later with a shudder and his name on her lips.
“Fuck – Ma, this pussy so tight,” said Attuma as he sheathed his impressive length inside of Okoye.
He had her bent over the desk with his raw dick deep between her swollen folds.
“You gonna do something about it or just stand there looking pretty?”
“You got a smart mouth on you, Sweetness,” he said sharply, as his hips snapped forward. “Won’t be so smart with this dick in it.”
He thrust forward again with more fervor, causing Okoye to whimper and curse.
“Shit – shit.”
“Wish we had time for that,” said Okoye as she threw her ass back, drawing a loud moan from Attuma’s lips. “Really wanna choke on it.”
“Fuck,” said Attuma as he grabbed at Okoye’s throat and pulled her head back while he rammed his cock into her again and again. He lifted her leg so that it was rested on the desktop as he wrapped a hand around her chest to draw her back to him. Attuma kissed Okoye’s neck and then bit down onto her shoulder, all the while he kept driving himself into her.
His orgasm was drawing nearer, and he could feel that Okoye’s was, too. She was almost crying out in pleasure as her walls clenched around his dick. Soon, she was creaming over his length and coming hard. Her well-fucked cunt drew Attuma’s aching cock deeper inside and he finally came. He didn’t pull out, but both of them were too fuck-drunk to care.
After a moment, Attuma withdrew himself and found something to clean them both up with. Okoye was still bent over the desk as Attuma fixed her clothing, and then his.
“Damn,” she said, all breathless and beautiful. “I don’t think I’ll be able to walk.”
Attuma let out a little laugh and then wrapped his arms around Okoye. He turned her so that she was standing and facing him. He captured her lips in a slow, sensuous kiss before running his hand up and down her back.
“That was fun,” she said, threading her fingers through his hair again.
“You were amazing,” Attuma replied.
“We should do this again some time,” said Okoye as she rested her hands on his firm chest.
“Definitely,” Attuma offered as he dipped down to kiss Okoye again. “Let me know when and where, and I’ll be there.”
The meeting was almost at its conclusion when Namor poured himself another drink and said, “One last order of business.”
The brothers around the table gave him their attention even though some were watching the clock.
“The Chief wanted to give his formal thanks to our brother Attuma for lookin’ out for his daughter last weekend at the party.”
Some of the men patted Attuma’s shoulders.
“You did a good thing, Attuma,” said Namor. “His girl is his pride and joy. You did both of them a solid by takin’ care of her when she was on our property.”
“Any of us would’ve done the same thing,” Attuma said, leaving out the part where he had fucked Okoye within an inch of her life. “Just glad we’re in their good books.”
“You definitely are,” Namor replied. “The Chief wants to hire you as his daughter’s bodyguard. Interim bodyguard, actually.”
“What?” asked Attuma, genuinely shocked.
“Apparently you made a real impression on her,” Namor explained. “She asked her father for you specifically to look out for her until they hire someone else. You up for it?”
Attuma thought about the offer for less than a beat before her said, quite enthusiastically, “Yeah. Fuck yeah. I’m up for it. Sign me up.”
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yennaaworld · 1 year
smutty + children + conflicted feelings 
This Idea pop up in my head during a test and I have to share it with you.
Okoye had decided to get her tubes tide after the betrayal of wasabi because she didn’t think she will love again let alone trust someone enough to have a family with
When Okoye starting seeing attuma, building a family with him was not something she was on board with immediately because she entered this relationship with caution. Slow and steady was her idea
On the contrary, Attuma wanted to wed and have a LARGE family after properly meeting  Okoye. He knows what he wants.
After months of being together , the conversation of kids was brought up when attuma made a comment to Okoye that he wants a big family after they went to visit his family
This brought Okoye a sense of dread and sadness because she loves him but she can’t fully commit to that idea. Okoye views herself in a negative light and undeserving.
One day she breaks down and tells attuma of her feelings and her tied tubes.
attuma felt his heart shattered because he made her feel this way and he hated the idea he made his sun cry. While the idea of a family is what he wants he will not force her and will love her regardless or not she will bear his children. 
More time passes and Okoye get to shower in his love.
She hates to admit it but when she saw attuma playing with the local children she wondered how their children would look Like.
Their wedding was the MAIN event. Both countries celebrated and rejoiced.
After taking their leave to their chambers they began getting handsy. Before anything hot and heavy can happen Okoye stops making attuma baffled.
“I want a family. I had my surgery for versed” Okoye blurted out 
This left attuma speechless and this made Okoye nervous. Not a moment later attuma deeply kiss her and laughed. This brought joy to the newlyweds. Attuma promised to cherish the gift he will be given from Okoye.
Attuma was delighted that Okoye found him worthy and trusted enough to have a family with him.
That night will be the night Okoye will convive his child. Because he was on top, below, side ways of Okoye. And vise versa. From the bed too the water. Table surfaces to the ground. They showed the whole house their love.
Attuma make love ( or fucked in this case ) the way he fights. With passion and strength.
Okoye makes love with grace and firmness
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karisomk · 1 year
Attuma in Attoye and I love it sm.
This is why Okoye got all those kids in fics. Bahaha 🤣🩵💙
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dasphinxone · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons and thoughts for Attoye babies (either bio and/or adopted)?
I always thought they adopt one Wakandan kid and one Talokanil kid to make it fair, a boy and a girl. But as they're going through the process of adoption, they find out Okoye is pregnant. Attuma LOSES HIS MIND in the best of ways and is super protective of Okoye. She's pretty much like "I'm pregnant, not dead, CHILL," lol. They have a girl and Attuma is totally a girl dad. Okoye is a little overprotective because she's been out and about in the world. The adopted kids fall in love with their baby sister of course and they are all equal siblings. Their daughter can live on both land and sea. But she does have to stay more hydrated on land and can't go super deep all the way down to Talokan on her own because she can't hold her breath indefinitely and take the full water pressure. However, Shuri develops a suit for their daughter and their fully Wakandan child so that the whole family can visit Talokan together (it's based on the same design Shuri did for Okoye as a wedding gift so Okoye can spend time in Talokan too).
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xblackreader · 1 year
Attuma talking to his son after he has a hard day of training:
Attuma (patching up his battered son) : Tadeas, do not ever let anyone beat you and live to tell the tale.
Tadeas: Yes sir.
Xyanza (listening from the family room): Yuum, you don’t even take your own advice.
Attuma: 🤨 Eel, what do you mean by this? No man has ever beaten me.
Xyanza: maybe not a man…
Okoye, from the kitchen: My nose itches.
Attuma: I see… Tadeas, Xyanza.
Twins: yes, Yuum?
Attuma: if you are beaten, and they live to tell the tale. Marry them. Keep your enemies closer.
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dontruinmymorning · 1 year
Not a single soul:
Me: What if when Attuma was on the rooftop in Wakanda and he saw Okoye with the wakandan child, it wasn’t some random child, but their love child he didn’t know about instead? And what if it was a little girl?
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12daysofattoye · 6 months
12 Days of Attoye Christmas Fic! 🫶🏽
Runaway Gingerbread by Queen_Oval on AO3
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Summary: Kid! Riri Williams, Mama! Okoye, Christmas Fluff 😭😭 (Attuma the dad who stepped up 🥹💖)
100/10!! So cute and thank you Queen Oval for writing it! 🍪🥛👀❤️
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theeblackmedusa · 11 months
Got anymore of that Cowboy Attuma layin around?
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Cuz that was… mhmm 💕🥰
before you go {attoye}
a/n: cowboy attuma has made his return at the request of the one and only @pilesofpillows!!🥳
summary: a night out before she leaves again.
warnings: minors dni, smut mentioned, wasabi (you all deserve to be warned about him), mechanical bulls
wc: 879 (i went a bit overboard i was going to cap it at 650ish)
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When he asked her if she wanted to have a bit of fun before she left, a number of scenarios ran through her mind. Maybe they’d go skinny dipping like they used to during the summers when she was home from college, or maybe they would ride their horses down to the lake and have a picnic. Either way, she'd expected to be naked and alone with him. What she hadn't expected was for him to take her to the town bar. They were neither naked or alone and it disappointed her a bit.
As soon as she’d stepped in the building, people were all over her, eager to ask questions about the life she's creating for herself in the city. Attuma very quickly disappeared from her line of sight as family friends gathered around her.
Yes, she loved her community and loved socializing with them when she was home, but she also loved getting time alone with Attuma. She never felt more special than she did with him, and she wanted to soak up all the time they would have together before she had to leave again.
Eventually, the crowd thinned out and she was able to breathe her own air again, but just as Attuma came back to her, he was being pulled away again.
“Okoye, you mind if I borrow Cowboy Cassanova for a minute? I just bet on him holding onto his bull riding record, and I need him to pull through for me.”
Okoye’s brows furrowed as she attempted to ignore the nickname Namora used.
“Take him!” she replied, allowing false cheer to seep into her tone.
Attuma frowned, momentarily wishing that he hadn't brought her in the first place. He wanted privacy with her just as bad as she wanted with him.
“You sure?” he asked her. “I can stay here. That record doesn't mean that much to me.”
She smiled softly, knowing he was lying. That record was one of his biggest bragging points. He’d been talking about being the record holder since they were kids, and when he finally did break it, he never let it go. He’d be butthurt forever if it was broken.
“Go, Attuma. I’m a tough girl, I can handle myself.”
He hesitated before nodding and returning a smile, bringing a hand up to take the hat off of his head.
“Well, hold onto this for me, tough girl,” he told her with a smirk, placing the large hat over the top of her head. “I’ll be back in about ten minutes.”
As he walked away, she heard him scold Namora. You had to pick tonight to bet on me, really?
The way Okoye’s face heated up when she noticed the eyes on her due to her new headwear was something that she felt should be considered criminal. Attuma had staked his claim. According to the cowboy rules, she was his. At least until that hat came off her head.
A few men that had been staring her down all night averted their gazes from her to avoid any potential conflict with Attuma. Okoye knew it wasn't necessary. Attuma wasn't going to start a bar fight over other men looking at her, but she did appreciate the lack of unwanted attention.
“Alright! Alright!” the bar owner’s voice came over the speakers. “Attuma’s previous record was four minutes and seven seconds! W’Kabi just beat that record by fifteen seconds!”
The bar cheered at the breaking of the record, but Okoye let her eyes fall to Attuma, who was smirking over at her and using his hand to mock all the chatter.
“Can the champion redeem himself?”
Attuma wasted no time hopping up onto the mechanical beast, gripping onto it tightly and making Okoye’s eyes nearly pop from her head at the sight of the veins in his thick forearms.
She watched as he bucked on the bull, holding on for dear life. His hips moved with the machine, rolling smoothly as he rode and making her core ache. Okoye began to forget any ill feelings she had about being there as she watched his strong thighs squeeze against the sides of the bull.
He’d been up there for four minutes so far according to the timer on the wall. One minute later, he was still up there, winking down at Okoye because of course he noticed how this was affecting her. That cocky grin on his face because the record was still his mixed with the way he was grinding down on that bull was enough to make her knees weak, and he could tell.
Thirty seconds later, he was being proclaimed the reigning champion and being offered free drinks for a year.
Three minutes after that, he was in the bathroom with Okoye bent over the sink as he rolled his hips into her, grunting for her to take him like the tough girl she said she was.
She knew that when they came out of the bathroom, everyone would double down on the belief that she belonged to Attuma and that he belonged to her, and it was partially true. But, for now, she would revel in the fact that she got to be naked and alone with him just like she'd wanted from the start.
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tvreadsandsleep · 1 year
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» Domestic!Attoye || Attoye Prompt Drabbles || Master List « » Domestic Establishment #1 + I had this post in mind while writing this. «
The house was a mess. This wasn’t an unusual occurrence with having three rambunctious children—two of whom were learning to walk and had taken to grabbing and pulling down everything their new reach afforded them—occupying the premises. What was different was Okoye’s increasing annoyance at having to, not only, negotiate the chaos created by her kids, but also squeeze around the overly large furniture (needed to accommodate her husband’s colossal frame) and dodge all of the paraphernalia that they’d accumulated for the care of their little ones.
Her modestly sized house, which had previously only sheltered her and her daughter, was now filled to capacity with the addition of her husband and twin boys.
They needed more room. Attuma had introduced the idea, but she’d been resistant—unwilling to leave the place where they’d rediscovered one another and fallen back in love, or rather continued their love as it had never died. It was also where she’d given birth to their sons. She remembered laboring in the living room, her lower half submerged in a pool of warm water which had been arranged for her waterbirth. At the time, she’d begun planning how, while the boys were growing up, she would point to the spot, as she used the pain she’d experienced, to guilt them into acting as they should.
Despite her resistance, Okoye had always known, on some level, that they would eventually have to move. The house only had three bedrooms, including theirs. They already had three children, and the gleam in Attuma’s eye led her to believe that he would soon be campaigning for more. Also, while their abode was near the river, she knew it would be much more convenient for her husband if they were even closer—possibly in a dwelling partially immersed in the waterway.
Sighing at life’s difficult choices, she made her way into the kitchen. Her youngest son sat on her hip, clinging to her shirt, while his older brother toddled behind her. She’d meant to carry them both to their highchairs, but he’d refused, fussing when she’d attempted to pick him up. On her way, she edged past Attuma’s massive recliner and stepped over one of her daughter’s many stuffed animals.  
This being part of their daily routine, Okoye thought she had the layout of the kitchen memorized. She found she was sorely mistaken when, instead of an empty space, her foot made forceful contact with the leg of one of the highchairs.
“Shit!” She exclaimed, flinching so hard she nearly dropped her son. Fortunately, she regained her hold on him while she caught herself, using the palm of her free hand against the table. The small boy screamed in response; his chubby arms clenched tight around her neck as he cried in her ear. A soft thump sounded behind her and an accompanying cry came from his brother.
Both children wailing and her foot throbbing, Okoye’s mind was made up. They would, most definitely, be moving, and into the most spacious house possible.
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formyloveoflove · 1 year
Final Chapter of Know You Inside and Out [ATTOYE College AU]
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RATING: Explicit [Minors DNI]
SUMMARY: Attuma gets some tough loving, and Okoye the finish that she needs. Apologizes are in order in this thrilling and steamy conclusion.
WORDS: 6325 (of angst, fluff, and filth)
Read on AO3 HERE!
And read a little preview below:
“You look pitiful,” a voice gritted.
“How was class, Namora,” he didn’t even need to look down. Only she would greet someone with some much venom. Yet, she would always speak the truth. He was pitiful, standing on the tip of his toes, like a kid fighting the urge to run. The bags under his eyes were getting darker by the day, and his tan-skinned paled in saturation. Lovesick, by definition.
“Fine,” she hummed in their native tongue. “If you are going to stare at her like that, you might as well talk to her.”
“She does not want to see me.”
“No. You’re lying. You don’t want to see her,” Namora took his arm, and guided him from the quad. “You don’t want to face the repercussions of what you did.”
He was silent. Lips pursed in a scowl. The deep lines in his forehead told her that she was right. Even though, she needed no confirmation. Venomous truth, she spits.
“She could leave. Find someone new. Someone who will actually communicate with her. Someone who will meet her head-on. Not run with his tail between his legs.”
“I don’t run from shit,” he gritted, and once he released the dorm hall that they stood in front off, his blood boil. “And I don’t want to be here.”
“You are hiding,” Namora sighed. “Like a coward. This is not who you are, Attuma. I will not let you become a man who cowers.”
Read the rest on A03!
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