chechula · 6 months
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Tadeáš, character from my and @yonetee comic that was published this year ♡ Also trashy collage experiment ×_×
( comic was published only in czech, so here is more czech descriptions:
Rok jsem stravila kreslením prašinového komiksu, spolu s @yonetee Tolik prace a nervů nám to dalo a my si ani neuděláme reklamu. Takže tady je Tadeáš, který je přes reklamu. Jeho byznys je vodit turisty za tajemstvím, duchy a mystiky Prašiny. )
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xblackreader · 4 months
Overwhelmed (Attuma x Okoye Fluff)
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Attuma and Okoye have six children in my universe… here’s a peek at life with six fucking kids. “We need a break.”
word count: 18k + rating: G [fluff but w/ cursing] - enjoy :) tags below
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Dinner for such a large family is no small feat. 
"Do not fight me on this, Tadeas. Why are you so against this?” Attuma said finally, exasperated and quickly losing patience with his son.
“He’s scared to go to the party,” Xyanza said, smiling deviously.
"No, I am not. Shut up." Tadeas growled, warning his twin sister with a fist to the table.
"Then by the gods, what is it?" Attuma asked.
"It’s- It’s nothing!"
"It can not be nothing.” Okoye pressed, scooting Yolotli away from the table leg.
“None of the recruits like him."
"They respect me."
"They fear you. And when he leaves the room, they talk shit." Xyanza insisted and Attuma absorbed this, looking between his two eldest, "Because he’s so freaking stuck up and rude."
"Xyanza!" Tadeas snapped. “What the fuck is your problem?!”
“Yu’um, can I bite them both?”
Kick. Kick. Kick,
"They call him the prince. A stuck-up, royal, bratty prince. No one wants to train with him." Xyanza needled, meeting his eye as he glared at her in disbelief.
"You are such a bitch!” Tadeas yelled, rising from his seat. 
His twin sister rose on the other side and slammed her fists on the table. “You’re the whiny fucking bitch.”
"Enough!" Attuma shouted, and the kicking ceased.
Read the rest here ;)
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madcat-world · 1 year
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Tadeas: Juniper Ascendant - Alexander Mokhov
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kat-and-their-cats · 2 months
Day 10 of my favourite Avatar polls, each poll will run for 1 week and will release daily in alphabetical order of entities.
Please repost for larger sample size.
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demolina · 2 years
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→ history + the mistresses of charles v and their children
requested by anonymous
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 months
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Ilo Battigelli
Catalogo a cura di Antonio Giusa
Forum Ed., Udine 2005, 128 pagine, 24x22cm, ISBN 978884202765
euro 15,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Mostra Spilinbergo, palazzo Tadea 16 luglio - 2 ottobre 2005
Il volume, in versione italiana e inglese, presenta una significativa selezione del vasto patrimonio iconografico del fotografo Ilo Battigelli. Il suo destino avrebbe potuto essere simile a quello di tanti altri emigranti friulani, costretti a fare le valigie in cerca di lavoro e fortuna. Due circostanze, tuttavia, hanno fatto sì che la sua storia fosse diversa: lo zio Ernesto che lo avvia alla fotografia, gli insegna a gestire uno studio e a cercare le condizioni migliori per fermare nell'obiettivo architetture e paesaggi; e poi la strada dichiaratamente avventurosa che lo porta a trasformarsi in "Ilo il pirata", pseudonimo scelto nel deserto saudita. Una rigorosa padronanza del mestiere di fotografo si assomma, in lui, al desiderio di andare alla ricerca di nuove esperienze, attraversando i cinque continenti e ritraendo i paesaggi e la vita delle popolazioni locali.
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cranberrybogmummy · 7 months
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus/Peter Lukas Characters: Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus, Peter Lukas, OCs, Mikaele Salesa, Tadeas Dahl, Simon Fairchild, Tom Haan, Annabelle Cane, Jude Perry, Arthur Nolan Additional Tags: Lonelyeyes Wedding planning and wedding fic, Humor, crackfic, Elias being a bastard, the poor wedding planner, LonelyEyes, groomzilla!Elias Bouchard Summary:
2013 was the last wedding of Elias Bouchard and Peter Lukas. It was an event, from start to finish and a major headache.
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fogandblackcoffee · 2 years
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James Wright was an... interesting time for Peter and Jonah.
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gxst · 8 months
CLOSED STARTER : tadeas & meabh ( @cfdepths )
it was not necessarily a most worthy look, running across the courtyard to escape the rain to what extent it was possible, but what else was he to do? tadeas had not foreseen the change of weather, yet suddenly it was as if the skies had opened up and released months worth of rain - as if they had not already had enough of it as it was.
stepping inside the castle finally, a hand pushed back now dripping curls of previously neatly combed now more so unruly strands of hair. then, hands were brought up to rub at his face. cold, he was very cold. scotland would never fail to leave him unimpressed, it seemed. his gaze met that of a stranger, and he offered her a charming smile upon taking notice of her. the weather was not the most interesting topic of conversation, but he felt perhaps a need to explain his unplanned sprint. "a few more seconds and i fear i might have drowned."
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p1nkwitch · 7 months
I know it’s been a hot minute but i got a new little idea for you~ I’m doing a gift exchange and one of the prompts I got was for Lonelyeyes as dnd characters. So consider Peter as a elf grave cleric and Elias as a human onomancy wizard who is secretly a litch. Also wouldn’t it be funny if Elias tricked Jon into becoming a warlock with Elias as his patron. Lastly Martin should be a paladin. Anyway all that’s to say, what are your tma dnd head canons? 😉💕
OHHHH first of all I am now waiting to see that lonelyeyes fic cause ohoho. Secondly all those ideas are so goooood.
Fun thing is a have a few ideas. Cause of a few conversations with some friends. So!!!
Peter was a paladin like his family wanted, but he got tired and jaded of having to go around "helping" and ended up becoming a druid so he could live alone in the forest. Either he is a human or an aasimar because fluffy wings. His family is a bit cultish so you know. Regular Lukas.
Elias/Jonah is a warlock, he started as a wizard but ended up as a warlock while trying to figure out ways to cheat death. He is a shapeshifter.
Tadeas is a human paladin. Rosie is a tiefling ranger.
Jon thought he was a cleric but he ended up as a warlock. I think it would be funny if he is a tabaxi or a Kenku.
Martin is a half dwarf. However he got his dad's normal height which is why his mom doesn't like him after he left. He is probably a rougue. Cause sneaky sneaky stabby stabby.
Tim is a half elven bard. Because he is charming and actually being a bard means you gotta get a degree and Tim is smart and will cast vicious mockery to fuck with you.
Sasha is a human wizard with very low wisdom I assure you.
Melanie is a half orc barbarian
Georgie an elf necromancer.
Daisy a werewolf monk and basira a human ranger.
Gerry is a half elf fighter and a sorcerer.
Also simon is an air genasi magician.
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xblackreader · 11 months
a mother's love: okoye's version
1.2k+ words | attoye | warnings: none, just cute
attuma x okoye fluff - ft. tadeas, xyanza, nobomi, yolotli, and kuhle...
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“The joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.” - Okoye
As children, our first experiences of love and comfort often come from the embrace of our mothers.
She was warm and safe. Her embrace was like a soft cloud that cushioned me from any worries or fears. Even as a teenager, when the challenges of life grew more complex and demanding, there were still moments when I sought solace in my mother's embrace.
Tadeas slinks onto his parent's room, all over six feet and almost two hundred pounds of him. “Umama…” he laments, uncharacteristically. He’s sixteen years old and he’s tired from training; he wants his mother. And as he slides his feet over the hardwood floor and groans, his mother kisses her teeth and shakes her head.
Okoye pulls her glasses down her nose and looks up from her book. “Yes? Are you okay?” Her son doesn’t respond just comes to stand over her as she looks him up and down. He stands there, simply watching her for a moment with half-lidded eyes and a frown. “Tad-“
WHOMPH! Suddenly her massive son flopped on top of her and envelops his mother in a full-body bear hug. “Ah! No! You’re too big for this! Too old to sit on my lap! Tadeas! Stop- ATTUMA!”
Her book and her last read pages are lost in the scuffle.
Minutes later…
Tadeas leaned into his mother's touch, feeling the warmth and love radiating from her as she pressed gentle kisses onto his cheeks and forehead. Her hands, calloused from years of battle, now softened as they caressed his face, offering comfort and solace. 
Okoye rubs her hands over his face, pressing kisses into his cheeks and forehead while her youngest daughters all crowd to ask about her day. They came to her aid since her husband was not home. But they couldn’t move their brother. “You need your sister to retwist your hair.” 
Her son huffed and pushed one of his younger sisters off the bed when she slapped him with her tiny hand. “Xyanza is mad at me.” Okoye kissed her teeth. “You are always upsetting her. Xyanza!” 
After a groan and a few moments, her oldest daughter, Xyanza, appears snickering at her brother’s antics. “I can’t move him. Sorry, mama.” 
“That’s not what I need, will you please retwist his hair?”
A mother’s look. “Pardon me?”
 Xyanza pouts and tries again. “He was rude to me today. I don’t want to.”
Okoye smacks her son's back and he groans again. “Were you rude to my daughter?” 
Sitting at the family table, Tadeas sighed and leaned back against the kitchen chair, feeling a mix of frustration and vulnerability. Being a sixteen-year-old boy was no easy task on its own, but especially when you were the son of the Warrior Okoye of the Border Tribe and the General of Talokan Attuma. 
Tadeas had always felt the weight of his mixed heritage and the expectations that came with his ancestors, struggling to find his place in both worlds. As the son of two generals in-
“Big freaking deal…” His twin sister scoffed, reading his diary over his shoulder. “Need I remind you, I am also their child?... and you make it more complicated than it needs to be.” She playfully stuck her tongue out at her brother when he glared at her.
“It’s different. I am the oldest ,” He snarked.
“By like, fourteen minutes.”
“Meaning I’m fourteen minutes smarter than you.” He snarled at his sister, turning back to his journal. “Besides I’m the one child they have that matters. I have more responsibility, dipshit.”
Xyanza put her hands on her hips and started to cut up a piece of fruit for her to eat a snack. “Whatever. Can you go be stinky somewhere else?”
“You don't own this kitchen. And I was here first, so you can leave especially since you smell like shit.”
“I smell good! You look homeless!”
He doesn’t answer so she pinches his cheek until her triplets begin to giggle and pinch him as well. He groans and flings the little triplets away from him. They complain about how fat he is until he smacks at them to go away and leave him with his mother.
“She was being stupid.” “See, Mommy?!”
Another slap is administered to his back and he tightens his arms around his mother’s waist, ignoring her entirely.
“Apologize to your sister at once. It’s ridiculous I must tell you this at sixteen years old!”
“She’s always rude to me.” Okoye kisses her teeth. 
“Not my baby girl. Apologize for being rude to her.” She runs her hands through his locs, even when they’re demons she can’t help but adore everything they do. They are fruits of her labor, how could she not love them?
“...Sorry, Xyanza.”
Okoye cooed when he hid his face in her stomach and tried to rest again. It reminded her of when he was a baby…
“Please do his hair, my lovely girl. He has a training seminar coming up that he has to lead.” She licks a thumb and straightens his eyebrows. He makes a face just like his father. “He won’t embarrass me looking like a lost tribe rapper.”
“His apology was pathetic! He didn’t even mean it.”
Okoye bit back a sigh. With five stubborn children in her home that’s all she could do. That’s what she gets for picking a stubborn man.
Or maybe this was retribution for how Okoye treated her mother as a teenager…
“How do you know he didn’t mean it?” “I didn’t.” “Tadeas!” She hisses at him, but there’s only so much to be done about his smart mouth.
Xyanza glares toward him, then walks out of the room grumbling under her breath.
The front door opens and then the cloth moves as they hear metal hit the ground with heavy footsteps.
“Daddy!” One of the triplets, Nobomi, cries. Yolotli follows suit and the three girls begin to chant and file out of the room.
As Attuma steps through the threshold of his home and sheds his armor at the entrance, he is immediately greeted by the sight of his three daughters running to embrace him with open arms. Okoye hears him grunt a few times as they undoubtedly have jumped into his arms and made him carry them. 
“Your father will come and free me,” Okoye whispers to her son, tickling his neck as he grunts annoyed. She giggles then watches the entrance of the room.
Attuma walks into their bedroom moments later with three daughters hanging off his shoulders. Tired but smiling and Okoye smiles back.
He looks down at his son who is holding his wife hostage.
“Get off my woman.” 
Okoye laughs at them both and smacks Attuma’s hand away when he reaches to push Tadeas off. “He’s tired…”
Attuma smirked, laughing at his son grunting in displeasure from being pushed. “I am more tired than he is. And he has his own bed.”
Tadeas’ shirt is gripped in the back and he’s suddenly lifted. The girls hanging off Attuma like Barnacles ooh and ahh. 
He’s wrenched from his mother's embrace despite his scrambling to stay in place and flopped onto the foot of the bed. Grumbling about his father being unfair, he stands slowly and stretches his arms up.
They all watch with unimpressed faces as he lets out a loud yell that scared his sisters and then walks out of the room.
Okoye snorts and then sighs, picking her book back up. “Thank you, Attu-“
WHOMPH! And her even bigger husband takes his son's place on top of her. He falls asleep immediately and there’s nothing she can do.
“You massive IDIOT!”
“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. In my darkest moments, I clung to my mother.”
Her oldest triplet, Yolotli rested her ear on Mama’s stomach while the other children sank around her, stealing their mother's warmth while their father prepared them dinner.
“Mama?” She whispered.
Okoye carded her hands through her oldest daughter's hair and scratched at her only son's back, they both faded to sleep quickly in their mother's arms. They all kept her so warm, inside and out.
“Do I have to be pregnant too?”
Okoye snorted and shook her head, “You do not, my love.” Xyanza laughed from her place at her mother’s feet as well.
“How do I avoid it? It seems to always happen to you…” Tadeas wheezes in laughter then.
“Because Baba has no sense or restraint- OW!” He is pinched on his ear and his mother purses her lips. “Who taught you to be so disrespectful?” “You!”
Okoye kisses her teeth and shakes her head and her giggling children. She turned back to her daughter and rolled her eyes toward her son. Yolotli nods, though she doesn't understand why they are doing this; she just does what Mama says.
The mother of five, but soon be of six, felt the offspring in her womb kick at this conversation, a strong and powerful kick that reminded her of whom she was married to…
“Stay away from men. Especially the tall handsome ones with a sweet tongue.”
“They made you pregnant?”
“No!” Attuma huffs from the other room, deciding to intervene since her mother was giggling. “You will not even think of that for fifty years!”
Okoye rolls her eyes. “What about when they get partners?” She yelled back at him.
“No boyfriends or girlfriends. No dating until marriage.”
“You’re ridiculous! My children, you may date when we approve of the person and deem it appropriate.”
Their daughter pouted, settling in the empty space glued to her mother’s side. “Yuum will never approve… that’s why Xyanza is still single…” Xyanza whips her head around to stare incredulously at her sister. “Oh, it’s like that? Yu’um scares off all the men!”
“That’s right!”
“Attuma, be quiet!”
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This is them :3 and heres where you can learn more about ‘em
And here’s where you can read my lil domestic fic with the attoye fam
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
In 1550, after the death of her mother and husband, Tadea went to Rome and became a nun, but on hearing that Charles [V] had abidcated and moved to Yuste she wrote to ask his permission to come to Spain. In 1562, having received no reply, she sent a messenger to Philip II bearing the same request, together with documents that proved her august paternity. With characteristic insensitivity, Charles had failed to inform Philip II that he had another half-sister, so this was probably the first the king knew about her existence. With similar insensitivity, Philip archived her plea and did nothing for Tadea.
Parker G. Emperor : A New Life of Charles V. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2019.
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thehermitavatar · 11 months
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More TMA Doodles!
Basira and Daisy
Rosie and Tadeas
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lonelysa1lor · 2 years
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When your Captain finds a random man on the beach and falls inlove immediately.
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silvaris · 1 year
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Way to the winter by Tadeas Pesek
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