#au poe dameron
moonpascal · 3 months
self insert x canon will always hold a special place in my heart
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thefinnpoefiles · 5 months
this is how it’s gonna happen in canon #trust
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Omg I saw the dinluke post with them adopting Rey
What if they both just start adopting all our favorite characters
Like every time one goes out on a mission they find someone else to adopt. Luke brings back not just Rey but Finn and Poe as well.
Din just comes back with the entire ghost crew. And Luke is all ‘whatcha got there?’
Din just shrugs and says ‘a smoothie’ whilst the crew of the ghost is just standing there awkwardly behind him. Sabine paints his armor for him.
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galactic-rhea · 22 days
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This one was for my partner! He asked this little scene from an AU we have.
Very short context for this particular scene: Anakin survives ROTJ to b come the most bonkers dad and then grandpa ever, which means the whole Sequels timeline gets a bit to the left (or more like a 180° shift), Rose builds what's basically an UFO and, accidentally, it's so dangerous and intuitive that only a force sensitive can fly it.
Luke, like usually, is pretty much amused. Poe and Ben are...confused.
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w1ldspace · 1 month
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didn’t have the time to finish the piece for today but have a wip of the cowboys :>
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mimorugk · 2 years
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Poe's pants exploded at 8pm when he was grading papers
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dailyreverie · 10 months
A/N: Kicking off the holidays with a cute snowy moment with Poe ☺️❄️ I hope you all enjoy this, and all the stories that are coming!
1. Ice skating
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Word count: 1.1K
Holiday prompts ⛄
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You walked for what felt like ages, until you could swear your joints were frozen from your feet being buried under snow for so long. But Poe wouldn’t hear your complaints, dismissing them with his usual confident smile swearing you were close to the town you were supposed to reach for supplies.
“Remind me again, why you landed so far?” You complained as he helped you jump down a snow-covered rock. 
“This place is basically hidden under the trees. Besides, the last time I came here the weather was nothing like this, I was able to land closer.” Poe defended himself and his ‘no more than a 15-minute walk’ promise he gave before you left. Your landed right in front of him after you jumped, meeting eye-to-eye with him, his hand not leaving yours in the process not letting you slip onto the cold ground; still, you glared at him. “Don’t hold it against me.” He tried one last time.
“I won’t be able to if I freeze to death.” Ever the gentleman, Poe lifted your hand to his lips and gently kissed your knuckles. “Don’t try to charm me, flyboy.”
“I promise I’ll make it up to you.” In between his rosy cheeks, hidden under the hood of his puffy jacket, you saw that cheeky sparkle in his eyes that you’ve always loved.
“You better,” after a playful push of his shoulder, you kept on walking your never-ending trail of snow.
“I promise we are close now, and we’ll stay the night in the coziest inn I can find.” Your chuckle told him everything he needed: you were not mad, you were just cold. “We only need to reach the lake, surround it, and we’ll be no more than 5 minutes away.”
“And are you sure we are not lost? If there’s a lake nearby we should at least be able to see it, and no offense honey but- woah!” The next step you took made your foot slip, almost making you fall backward if it weren’t for Poe’s hands catching your back. “What the hell?!”
With cautious feet, Poe stepped and slid his foot on the ground. “This is the lake.”
As you and Poe stood there, recovering from the unexpected slip on the ice, the sudden appearance of BB-8 added a new layer of chaos to the situation. Poe's attempt to warn the droid about the icy surface was cut short as BB-8 rushed past you both, completely unprepared for the slippery terrain. “BB, watch out! Everything in front of us is-” Poe’s words died in his throat as the droid rolled past you, not slowing down a bit and clearly not expecting to slide around the ice. The droid began to let out high-pitched beeps, screaming in surprise into the cold air. The scene in front of you sent you both into a fit of laughter as the droid kept spinning around, doubling in laughter as BB tried (and failed) to stop his round body from whirling on the ice.
In the midst of it all, Poe found your hand, warmth meeting cold, and he pulled you onto the icy surface with mischievous intent. “Hey! What do you think you are doing?”
“Come on, let’s join Beebs.” His eyebrows did a swift up and down motion, almost convincing you. 
“No way, Poe! I’m not planning on breaking a leg!” You protested as he kept pulling, and much to your dismay, he managed to successfully pull you into the ice. “KRIFF, POE!” You exclaimed between laughter as you slid, Poe’s hands on your waist steading you as he pulled you, sliding himself backward not to miss any expression on your face.
As you reluctantly found yourself on the icy surface of the lake, Poe flashed you one of his famously mischievous grins. “Why do you look like you are about to murder me?”
You stared at him standing still as a rock, not risking moving and dramatically falling on your bottom. “Because I just might do it.” If it weren’t for the tremble on your legs, Poe would’ve been sure of your threat. It didn’t help you, though, that the second you tried to move away from him your feet began to wobble on the icy surface. Poe was quick to steady you with firm hands on your hips, but that didn’t stop him from erupting in laughter, loudly and with his head thrown back, his melodic laughs echoing around the snow-covered trees that framed the lake. “I will kill you, Dameron!”
“Come on, sweetheart! It’s not that hard,” Poe expertly slid to stand behind you, his chest against your back and his grip still tight on your waist; you knew that whatever happened next, he was not gonna let you fall. “One foot in front of the other, just like walking.” He encouraged you, pushing you softly as your feet began to move.
With Poe's guidance, you reluctantly began to take cautious steps on the ice, trying your best to maintain your balance. His warm presence behind you and the reassurance in his voice eased some of your tension, and soon he let you go and stood still to watch you gracefully slide across the ice.
“Told you! You are a natural!” Poe cheered, followed by a few beeps from BB who had finally managed to slow down to a soft spin. “You did not do it better, bud, you couldn’t even stop.”
“I’m way better than you, BB!” You couldn't help but smile at Poe’s infectious enthusiasm, and soon enough, you found yourself actually enjoying the unexpected detour from the mission. You couldn’t seem to remember the cold, your hurting joints, and the mountains of snow, right then, the only thing on your mind was enjoying this little moment Poe created out of nowhere for the two of you.
Poe joined you soon after, skating quickly to catch you by surprise. His hands landed on your hips as you squealed, even more so when he pushed you across the ice to test your abilities. “Oh, you’re in for it, Dameron!” you declared, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you skated back to him, challenging him to a race.
“The winner can have the shower first.” Poe grinned, the twinkle in his eyes matching the snowy landscape around you. 
“Or…” You stood dangerously close to him, your noses almost touching. “If I win, you won’t get to shower with me.” Poe’s eyes widened, he was sure your sultry tone alone would be enough to melt the ice - if he didn’t melted before. Before he knew it you were skating away, laughing at his shocked face.
“Hey! That’s not fair!” Poe caught you and twirled you around on the ice, your laughter mingling with his as you both ran away from each other. The worries of the mission, the biting cold, and the challenges of the journey melted away; you always wondered how Poe did it, how he could make you forget everything that was wrong with such simple things. Turns out, his only mission these days was to see you smile.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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My You-niverse: Poe Dameron
Fandom: Oscar Isaac
Pairing: Poe Dameron x F!Reader, throughout the series: Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader
Summary: You and America get stuck portal jumping until you reach your universe again. In the meantime, you meet various versions of your husband.
A/N: one more chapter after this! eek!
Series Masterlist
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You gasp as your eyes shoot open. You sit up and you're in the medbay.
"Hey, honey, it's okay. It's okay, relax." you turn to the voice and see...
He smiles, "Yeah, that's me, baby. You okay?" he sits at the edge of the bed you're in, "You scared me."
"What happened?" you ask him, brows furrowed in confusion.
"I'm not sure. I brought you your afternoon caf like usual. We were just chatting and then you fainted. You hit your head on the console on the way down. Scared the fodder outta me."
You hiss in pain as your head begins to throb. Suddenly, you're getting flashes. Different versions of Poe-no. Not Poe. Someone...someone else. You see a necklace and a wedding ring.
The medbay opens and in walks Leia.
You straighten up, "General Organa."
She makes her way to you with a soft smile, "Glad to see you're awake. How are you?"
"My head still hurts. I'm-I'm getting these weird visions. I don't know what's going on," confusion and fear is laced in your tone.
The older woman sighs, "Well, oddly enough, when you fainted, some unexpected visitors appeared on base. They've been asking for you and one of them looks like your flyboy," she points to Poe.
You look at Poe and he nods, "Yeah, it-it's weird. He's me, but not me. Said he's from some other universe and they've been looking for you for some time now. They want to bring you back with them."
The throbbing sensation continues. You wince and close your eyes for a moment. Flashes again. You see a certificate...a wedding certificate. There's your name and another...
"Sweetheart?" Poe takes hold of your hand, the other on your shoulder to steady you.
Poe is taken back, "Huh?"
"His name is Marc, right? Marc Spector?"
"Yeah. I-Wait. Is this real? Are you actually from wherever or whatever universe he's from?"
"Yes. No. I think? I don't know," you pull your hand away from Poe's and cradle your head, "It hurts so bad. I don't know what to do." You look up at Leia with tears in your eyes, "Please, help me."
She nods, "I'll bring them here."
Poe didn't like that one bit, "What?! No! You're not bringing them here!"
"They seem to be the only people who knows what's going on, Poe," she tries to reason with him.
He shakes his head, "They're going to take her away! I just got her back!"
Leia puts a reassuring hand on Poe's shoulder, "We'll make sure that doesn't happen. But look at her, Poe. She's in pain. That Doctor Weird guy could help her. We need to take this chance."
Poe looks back at you and you're still cradling your head and you've begun mumbling things he couldn't quite hear. He sighs, "Fine."
America watches Marc pace back and forth. She and Stephen has both decided to sit down and wait for someone to come back to get them. Stephen is...meditating? She doesn't really know, but all she knows is that Marc's pacing is starting to irritate her.
"Dude, just sit down, alright? I'm sure Y/N's fine."
"We were so close. She was right there and then she ouched the necklace," he stops the pacing to face Stephen, "Why did that happen anyway?"
Stephens eyes open and he responds, "I'm not sure."
Marc rolled his eyes, "For being this almighty sorcerer, you sure don't know a lot about all this, do ya?"
"The multiverse is very complicated. There's a lot that we don't understand, masters of the mystics arts included," he floats up onto his feet, "At least we're in the same universe as Y/N."
"I hope she's okay," America says with worry, "That blast was strong, like, stronger than the one's I've done."
"Strange, can't you magic your way out of here?"
"Yes, but that could put Y/N at risk. We don't know what these people are capable of so it's best we remain here until someone comes to see us again."
Suddenly, the doors slide open and Leia walks in, eyes staring directly at Stephen, "Y/N needs your help."
Marc is suddenly chest to chest to Leia, "Where is she? Huh?! What did you do to her?!" America pulls him back with a sorry expression on her face.
Leia chuckles, "You look like Poe, you sound like Poe, you even have his temper. Interesting."
Stephen walks forward, "What's wrong with Y/N?"
Poe is laying on the bed, holding your curled up form. His cheek is resting on your head. You're still mumbling but he's catching a few things, "Marc", "Nathan", "Leto", "Bud". Names, he thinks. You name off more and then you repeat them, along with other things he can't really hear.
The doors to the medbay open again and Leia enters with Stephen, America, and Marc.
Marc frowns at the sight before him, "Get your hands off my wife."
Stephen shoots him a glare and Marc huffs, moving close to your bed, but still a distance away.
"Y/N?" Stephen says your name cautiously.
You slowly raise your head and you look at him, "Stephen?"
"Yes. That's me, do you know who they are?" He points to Marc and America.
"America and Marc. Marc's my husband. I'm-I'm from your world?"
"Our universe," Stephen corrects you.
"I don't understand," you shake your head.
Stephen sighs, "It's complicated, but we need to take you back with us."
"Like hell you are!" Poe retorts, wrapping his arm around you tighter.
Stephen rolls his eyes, "Listen, she can't stay here. This isn't her universe. The longer she's away, the worse she'll feel. She needs to get back and we're taking her."
"Listen, here, I've spent a long time without Y/N by my side. I just got her back. There's no way I'm letting you-" Stephen threw a blast of magic at Poe and he fell back onto the bed. He was completely knocked out.
"Poe!" you cried out.
"He'll be fine. Just made him sleep for a bit." Stephen says, making Marc snort.
"Serves him right," Marc mutters, arms crossed over his chest.
Stephen turns to Leia, "You must understand, for Y/N's sake, we need to take her back home with us."
"And when you do, what happens here?"
"Best case scenario, this all gets back to how everything was. You don't remember a thing or us. Worst case scenario, this Y/N never comes back."
Leia sighs and nods, "Y/N, I care about her a lot. She's like a daughter to me and all a mother ever wants is her child to be safe and happy."
"So you'll let us take her with no problem?" Marc asks hopefully.
"I will."
Marc immediately rushes to you, helping you out of the bed, "Let's go home, baby."
"Wait," you turn back to the unconscious Poe and place a kiss to his lips, "Good bye. I-I know your bond with this Y/N is strong. Continue to love her and keep her safe," you whisper, hoping he'll hear you in his slumber.
Stephen gives a nod of thanks to Leia and then looks at America, "Go ahead."
She widens her stance, holds up her fists, and closes her eyes. She takes a deep breath and when she opens them, they're a bright white. She punches forward and a bright white star shaped portal appears.
Marc, your hand in his, gives you a little tug, "Come on, baby." You let him pull you towards the portal, your other hand shielding your eyes from the bright light. When you walk through, you land in the Sanctum Sanctorum. You turn to see America and then Stephen walk through. The portal immediately closes behind them.
Your head is suddenly pounding and you stagger into Marc.
"Y/N? What's wrong?"
Your eyes flutter shut and you feel yourself falling, the last thing you hear is Marc calling your name.
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multific · 1 year
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Poe Dameron x Reader
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"Somehow, Palpatine returned." everyone was shocked, people started mumbling amongst themselves.
And you, you started laughing. Everyone looked at you in pure shock.
"Somehow." you repeated Poe as you nearly fell over. "What is even that?! 'Somehow, Palpatine returned.'" You imitated Poe, and now people around you also started to giggle a little. "Then somehow we are going to kill him so he won't come back again, somehow." you said as you laughed, many others joined you.
Poe should have been fuming, but he soon realized that your laughing helped others calm down.
Once your laughing stopped and you returned to your chambers you still couldn't help but giggle from time to time.
You were getting ready to sleep when the door behind you hissed open. BB-8 happily beeped as he entered the room, Poe followed him closely.
"Looks like, somehow you were able to find our room!" you could barely get the sentence out as it is, because of your laughing.
"Very funny."
"How could you say that?!" you were now holding your stomach.
"It's the truth! We don't know what happened! So, SOMEHOW, he is back." and you laughed again. Poe rolled his eyes but soon found himself smiling along with you. "And somehow, I love you even now..." he said and you looked at him.
"Well, there is no mystery in that." you opened your arms, expecting him to come hug you but he didn't move, instead he crossed his arms.
"No hugs for you, you laughed at me in front of everyone." you pouted and turned to BB-8.
"And you know little one, somehow, Mr Dameron went on for months without sex."
"You can't do that!" said Poe uncrossing his arms as he looked at you in disbelief.
"Somehow, I can." you grinned at him as he charged for you, grabbing you as you turned in his arms, giggling as he leaned in to bite your ear.
"When did my Wife start to disrespect me?!"
"When you blew up my favourite ship!"
"And somehow, you still said yes when I asked you to marry me."
"I did. Because somehow, I love you!"
"Enough already." he turned you around in his arms and kissed you.
Once he pulled back, he put his forehead against yours.
"I know this fight is not going to be easy. But I know we can win. And once we do, we can get that house you always wanted." you reached up and ran your fingers through his hair as you spoke.
"Then, finally, we will be able to start our family." he said as you kissed his lips once more.
Oh, just how much you loved this man.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​ @noname2246​
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minigirl87 · 8 months
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Welcome to my master list. It will almost be a year since I started writing fanfiction with help and encouragement from @melodygatesauthor, Mel's stories, and art are amazing.
I'm a bit of a quirky bohemian, witchy 30s something female.
I am currently only writing for the Oscar Isaac fandom, but I am hoping to venture further by the end of this year, so I will keep this updated.
The first movie I saw starring Oscar was Inside Llewyn Davis because I loved the ginger cat (I'm a crazy cat lady, and I sometimes include my furball in my works). Then the short movies Lighting face and Ticky tacky on Venmo. And then I was really hooked when he played Poe Dameron (I love Star Wars. My first crush was Luke Skywalker).
I hope you enjoy reading my stories as I had writing them.
P.s. Please feel free to message me, I'm a bit forgetful, so nothing personal if I don't respond right away.
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⚠️🔞 I can not state this enough. Most of my work is NSFW and is 18+. 🔞⚠️
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Marc Spector
Peaches and Cream
My Favourite Study Buddy
Happy Anniversary Marc
Steven Grant
I see you, I’ve always seen you with Steven Grant
Lavender & Mint
Ice is the only hard thing (MK bingo)
Jake Lockley
Third times, the charm
Layla el Faouly
Sugar & Spice
Marc, Steven & Jake
It's ok, love, we're here
We love you, and as such, we take care of you
Richard Muñoz
The push broom (Halloween)
I'm always here for you
Llewyn Davis
MoonRiver and Me
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Steven Grant
MINE prt 1
Mine prt 2
Damaged goods & no returns Chp.1
Laird Leto
The Laird & The Lassie Prt 1 Au
FO Poe Dameron
New Toy part one
New Toy part two
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FO Poe Dameron
New Toy part three (Coming soon)
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Please feel free to send an ask or message if you are interested in a request. Please send the characters' names and details you want put in. More details help me to build they story better. I write for most Oscar Isaac fandom.
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Please feel free to add your user name to my taglist to keep updated.
Banner by me and deviders by @cafekitsune
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thefinnpoefiles · 4 months
Anyone want to write this fic? I’d pay you but I’m a broke uni student.
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after all of the different AU of Miguel x reader, or Oscar Isaac characters x reader ,non of them try to do a WICKED AU (musical) where the reader is elphaba and Miguel/or other Oscar characters are fiyero type characters in the au fic…but who knows that’s just probably me excited to see the WICKED movie musical coming out this year (part one)
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msuolo · 1 year
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You must have a thousand questions.
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Kylux iwanttospeaktoyourmanager AU where Hux is a Karen a Kylo is a manager.
"Is that so?.." Hux snorted "Then i want to speak to your manager. Right. Now."
Poe smiled amused.
"As you wish. Ben! A customer to you! Now. Good luck. I have work to do."
"Outrageous." Hux hissed on him.
"Well. What seems to be a problem?" He heard a deep voice behind him.
"A problem? You staff is a problem! Their attitude is..." He cut himself. The man before him was taller. Broader. Younger. Had Tattoos
"Well how can i help you?" Hux caught a gimps of a tongue piercing. " and please remember that without my staff you wound't be able to buy anything here. And i have work to do, so speak or leave. I don't have time for customers who can't even respect my workers."
"You insolent brat!"
"At your service." Kylo shoot him his best smile. And it left Hux speechless with his mouth open in a wide O. Poe snorted behind the counter.
"My foot will never step in this shop again!" Hux hissed and marched out. Kylo leaned on the counter watching him.
"Don't worry. He will be back tomorrow."
"Why would i worry about some... "
"He is your type. Hot. Red. Bossy." Kylo snorted. "He is here every day. Always promising that he won't come back again. Sometimes i just annoy him for fun. We are the only café that sales tarine in the city."
Ren laughed amused but it ended abruptly.
"Dameron. "
"Annoy clients for fun one more time and you will be the one who will never come back here."
"Yeah. Alright. Noted. "
"Ring me when he will be back. "
"Ha! He IS your type!"
"Get back to work!"
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lincolndjarin · 10 months
All I Ask of You
[phantom of the opera au]
phantom!din djarin x soprano!reader & viscount!poe dameron x soprano!reader
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[ postponed indefinitely ]
Summary : You are a gifted soprano brought into the spotlight of the most popular opera house on Coruscant. After reconnecting with a childhood friend he can’t help but ask where you learned to sing, after all, you never showed much interest in it when you were young. You see no reason to lie, telling him of the angel who visits you, giving you vocal lessons in the dark of the night. He laughs it off, insisting you join him for dinner but you don’t find the situation to be funny at all. Your angel has strict rules, and the last thing you want to do is upset him.
Content Warnings, etc : 18+ mdni, language, angst, smut, dubcon, graphic violence, manipulation, extreme canon divergence
to be updated on the release of this fic follow @lincolndjarinnotifs !!
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
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regarding the dubcon waring :
for anyone unfamiliar with the phantom of the opera, the phantom essentially convinces christine that he is the ghost of her father and manipulates and lies to her to convince her to obey him.
im gonna completely cut out a lot of the fathers ghost stuff bc i dont love it. that being said im going mostly off of my favorite version of this show (the royal albert hall version) and there is also a sort of hypnosis situation? its never really verified on whats actually happening but based on my interpretation of the source material, the phantom is controlling christine to a certain extent. in my version that aspect will still exist but all sex scenes will be consensual from both parties.
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dailyreverie · 9 months
Santa baby
A/N: Requested by @rositxespinosa. This is completely unhinged, I don't know what came over me, and I'm not sorry about that. Hope you all like it!
Holiday prompts ⛄ 10. Naughty
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader | Modern!AU (just because Santa's not a thing in SW)
CW: 18+ MINORS DNI. Nudity, implicit sex.
Word count: 813
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The day had dragged on in the most mundane way possible, each passing seeming like it lasted longer than the last. Working in an empty office due to the Holiday break around the corner tired you out of boredom, leaving you yearning for the comforting embrace of home, of Poe, of being able to talk to him more than just a “I’m going to die from boredom” text. 
As you stepped into the apartment, the weariness of the day began to vanish, replaced by the anticipation of familiar warmth. “Poe?” You call into the apartment, kicking off your shoes and tossing off your coat.
“Hi, sweetheart!” You heard Poe calling from your bedroom, instantly making you smile. “How was your day?”
“Fine,” You replied without much of a thought, the sign of an uneventful day. “What are you up to?” It wasn’t normal for Poe not to jump to the door to greet you, welcoming you with a kiss that makes you forget about your day, bringing you home in every aspect of the word.
“Just waitin’ for you.” He was always great at making you smile right of the bat.
“Good, because all day I’ve been wanting nothing but to watch one of those stupid movies from our queue. I had such a boring day, you have no idea,” your venting began as you start your walk to your shared bedroom, already craving the feeling of Poe’s arms around you. “The only interesting thing that happened today was that the coffee machine broke down and it spilled all over Finn’s shirt, that poor guy, we couldn’t stop laughing about it and he was so mad! At one point I really thought he was going to-”
Your train of thought is abruptly interrupted when, as you enter your room, you notice Poe is completely naked. He is wearing absolutely nothing, except for a Santa hat right on top of his- “Poe! Oh my God!”
The noise you let out is somewhere between a laugh and a gasp, all while your face turns 100 different shades of pink and red.
“Yes, my love?” His eyebrows move up his face, fake innocence all over his features, doe eyes and all as he keeps his eyes fakely interested in whatever the phone in his hand is showing. “You were saying?”
Your eyes travel up and down his body, taking in the sight that welcomes you home. “What are you doing?” You speak after a couple of seconds of silence, chuckling, breaking his fake naiveness and making him smile.
“Waiting for you.” His smirk, though, is a clear sign of why he was waiting for you. “I think someone forgot to check if you were naughty or nice this year.”
“Oh my God, you are unbelievable” You let out an airy laugh, not able to keep your eyes away from him.
“Are you saying you don’t believe in Santa? ‘Cause he might forget to give you a gift if you keep this attitude.
You giggle at him, at the whole situation he probably came up with when you texted how boring your day was. Not able to resist him anymore your fingers start to undo your clothes. Poe tosses his phone aside when you start walking towards him, his turn to look you up and down as you begin to unbutton your shirt. “Santa’s just here to check if you've been naughty or nice."
You playfully roll your eyes, still blushing but unable to suppress your laughter. "Is that so?" you tease, crawling across the bed. As Poe moves to get into a more comfortable position, the Santa hat that rests on top of him wiggles a bit, adding to the absurdity of the situation. You reach him, straddling his waist and resting your hands on his chest.
Poe stops in front of you, his gaze filled with a mix of affection and lust. "Well, sweetheart, have you been naughty?" he asks, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on your lips.
You respond with a playful smile. "Maybe a little bit naughty," you admit, running your fingers along the bare skin of his chest. "But I think I deserve a special gift from Santa.” Your tongue licks languidly over his lips, asking for permission to enter as your hand expertly removes the hat from his cock, wrapping around it and making him let out a delicious moan against your lips.
He grins, his hands moving to your waist to guide you to grind on him. "Oh, you'll get a special gift, alright," he murmurs, his lips trailing down your neck.
The two of you share a moment of laughter and passion, the Santa hat long forgotten on the floor. As you both collapse onto the bed, tangled in each other's arms, you can't help but feel grateful for the way he always turns your day around, in the most unexpected ways, in the most uneventful days; no matter what, you can count on Poe to make your day feel whole.
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