#au: channel world
alicefromwhichplanet · 5 months
WWII tfa Humanformers Headcanon: Channel World
I got this idea when I was binge watching German war films two months ago (still watching more and more now). I easily came up with a human version of Blitzwing (he’s German, anyway), and then I assigned positions/ nationalities to other tfa characters I made as the main cast in my fiction Heroic Nonsense.
Megatron/Optimus Prime
The background:
After the war, the Cybertronians became quite conceited and joked about humans’ lives being too short and easy. Sari just made a machine/game that can provide users with immersive experiences as humans in a certain era. She decided to let her friends try human life back in 1944.
The Cybertronians were assigned random roles on earth in 1944 (based on their original identities…). They have video calls once in a while in a special comm link in the game, which they later call “Channel World”, because they’re calling from different parts of the world.
Blitzwing is of course thrown into the worst case scenario. He is at the East front, retreating… as a 19-year-old German soldier. He squeaked a lot, wet his pants, ran away and was dragged back, saw many deaths and injuries and was captured by Strika’s troops and let go, because it was Strika that caught him. He cried on the phone to Bumblebee saying he missed him, but refused to stop the game, because he didn’t want to be seen as a coward.
Bumblebee is assigned to South America as a Mexican boy, 17. He was quite contented with his identity first, but after seeing Blitzwing’s situation he was desperate to go and meet his lover. He signed up for Mexican Air Forces that fought for the Allies with great efforts, only to find himself bombing Blitzwing’s side…
Strika was assigned to Soviet Union. The reason being that she reminds me of experienced Red Army women soldiers with her characterization… She is a leader of a squad, 24 or 25. Fought bravely to Berlin. Captured a German soldier (Blitzwing). But he ran away ( she let him go).
Almost no doubt Megatron was made a high ranked Soviet official, in his 30s, and in the battlefield as well. This is because in tf g1 there is an implication of Decepticons being the Soviet side of the Cold War. Megatron and Strika will be a crucial factor why Blitzwing survived in the POW camp after the war ended.
Of course. He’s an American soldier. White male, 28 or 29. Optimus is closest to the position of an observer. His humanoid character is almost like the “default mode”. He went to Europe to attend the war with his friend Lugnut.
African American soldier, only a little younger than Optimus. Also fought in the war and laughed at his best friend on Cybertron Blitzwing when he got too immersed and called him “American scum” on video call. Will join civil rights movements in US after the war.
I may put this idea into fiction, or maybe will just post random short stories under this au. It requires a lot of historic backgrounds and I’m still lacking time now. But later. Anything can happen. Let’s call it Channel World AU.
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phoenixcatch7 · 3 months
Bingqiu is so funny to me like,,, you have sexy man turned into an idea of a tumblr sexyman and uh, some guy that watches instagram reels bc “he could never be a TikTok user”
Asdfghjkl that's exactly what they are. No wonder they're so popular on tumblr XD. Sqq is that one reddit user who swears every week that he's leaving this toxic hole for good and you know you'll find him mere hours later arguing pedantry on some incredibly niche sub reddit.
And he's somehow gay married to a guy who underwent an irl sans verse swap with his evil version. Who is his 'I can fix him' blorbo. His poor little meow meow. Lbh would have an aesthetic tradwife account, you know the ones where there's some scandal about them actually being insanely rich and in some weird marriage? That's him. His recording room that looks like an offshoot of a small cosy traditional cottage is actually a renovated spare room in his palace quarters.
They're that one meme about their braincells cancelling each other out. They're so stupid I love them.
Thanks for the ask :D!
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jennjamindraws · 4 months
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listening to 3 days grace made me fell like trying a lil different style with some rouge rock branch :) uncensored finger under the cut lol
the last one was supposed to be him picking a knocked-out poppy up off the ground after the fall but it ended up being a cute moment like i just cant escape the fluff ;v ;
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pianokantzart · 9 months
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Yes. I love angst... you all know this... but I'm also a big ol' sucker for happy endings where everyone gets to talk it through and hug it out.
I think if something happened to Mario– if he was presumed dead, even for only a few moments– Luigi would take up the mantel.
He'd do it with quivering hands and tears in his eyes, but he'd do it determined to honor his brother's memory in every way possible, even it means pushing himself beyond his limitations.
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false-savior · 3 days
excuse me WHAT
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rosaacicularis · 1 year
au where grian and scar are a news anchoring duo and they fall in love <3
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 2 months
Maybe this will be the year I finish writing my vampire fic that is going to have such niche appeal but I’m obsessed with
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cephalog0d · 10 months
Batfic - "Finders Keepers"
(For @dangerousdan-dan! I hope you enjoy! <3)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Characters/Relationships: Stephanie Brown & Selina Kyle, mentioned Bruce Wayne, mentioned Tim Drake, mentioned Arthur Brown
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Stephanie Brown is Spoiler, (specifically 90's Spoiler), Selina Kyle is Catwoman, (specifically 90's Catwoman which is actually relevant), very lightly implied TimSteph (in an "early mutual crushes" sort of way), Stephanie Brown-centric, POV Stephanie Brown
Stephanie Brown just wanted to stop her dumb dad from successfully carrying off his dumb heist. If Batman won't so much as listen to her, she's willing to consider other offers. Or: If Batman doesn't want this perfectly good sidekick, Catwoman will take her instead.
Steph watched the chunk of concrete sail out into the darkness and hit the harbor with a tiny, silver splash. It was not nearly as cathartic as actually hitting something solid would be, but she absolutely did not need to add “getting arrested in costume” to her Humiliation Bingo card tonight, so it beat breaking windows or going home and punching a hole in her wall.
She ought to be making a new plan. Just because her first one hadn’t quite worked out the way she wanted didn’t mean she could just give up. Besides, it had halfway worked, at least. She’d gotten Batman’s attention with all the clues and things. She just hadn’t managed to convince him she had anything to say worth listening to.
And she’d lost whatever secret identity she might have had.
So one step forward two steps back, really.
What else was there to do, though? That had been her best idea, and all it had gotten her was a dismissive and condescending lecture (plus some serious suspicion that she was part of her dad’s crew) that made her deeply glad her mask covered her whole face so no one could see how humiliated she was. Maybe Batman would figure things out in time to actually stop her asshole father’s asshole plan, but she wasn’t willing to just assume that was true and do nothing.
Of course, the only other plan she had was stopping her father’s plan herself, and if she thought that was a good idea she wouldn’t have bothered with stupid Batman and his stupid sidekick in the first place.
Steph hurled another concrete chunk out over the water and let out an inarticulate shout of frustration before collapsing back on her ass with her knees pulled up and her arms wrapped around her head. All she had wanted was to stop her dad from being a fucking criminal and getting people killed. Why did that have to be so hard?
“What did the harbor ever do to you?” asked an amused voice behind her. Steph startled wildly and flailed her way upright, raising her arms in some approximation of a defensive position before she realized that someone who had managed to sneak up on her could have already attacked her if that was their intention.
It still took a couple of seconds for her brain to fully process what she was seeing. Not so much because she didn’t know who she was looking at (the purple bodysuit, thigh high boots and large cat ears were pretty distinctive, even in Gotham), but because there was no universe in which she had anticipated Catwoman showing up to say hi while Steph had a mini-meltdown over what a shitshow her evening had been.
“That was a joke,” Catwoman said when Steph just gaped at her for several long seconds (once again grateful for the full face cover of her mask; who knew what her expression was doing).
Catwoman straightened from where she had been lounging against the wall and prowled closer. (Steph was maybe a little bit deeply jealous of how she could move like that, all pure grace and confidence. No amount of gymnastics lessons or clandestine costume practice ever seemed to get Steph to anything better than “mostly not tripping over her own feet”.)
“It’s the boots,” Catwoman said with a grin and a wink, which is how Steph learned she had said some part of that out loud. A full face mask was truly the best decision she had ever made, good grief. “Well, that and some practice.”
“I know! Uh. That that was a joke, I mean. I know. I just. What are you doing out here?” Steph finally pulled her brain together enough to form sentences on purpose, although she also immediately regretted it. How many costumed badasses could she thoroughly embarrass herself in front of in one evening?
(Cont. on AO3)
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urwendii · 11 months
Currently thinking of an AU in which Ossë — who always is on the fence of chaotic relapse — upon witnessing the cataclysmic destruction of Númenor (and Elenna-Norë in its whole...you know ... the island HE sung to the surface) by Eru has a violent crisis of Faith and ends up leaving the Valar (again). Basically an AU in which Ossë and Sauron pair up for Most Evil Maia in Middle Earth.
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WIP Whenever!
Been tagged in a few WIP Wednesdays that I missed, so thank you @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @inafieldofdaisies @jillvalentinesday @marivenah @simplegenius042 @g0dspeeed for keeping me in the loop!
Tagging @clicheantagonist @henbased @nonfunctioning-queer @purplehairsecretlair @adelaidedrubman and anyone else who feels like it! (Or don’t, totally up to you)
First up is part one of Willa’s dark au, They Watch From The Pews
Another day gone by, another hostage saved, another person she’s helped that weren’t her people.
She'd been stuck in Fall’s End for nearly a week now, recovering from her concussion, helping out when needed, rescuing anyone who needed rescuing. Most everyone she’d rescued had made their way to Fall’s End, some even decided to form a group: The Resistance. Or at least that’s what they started calling themselves. It wasn’t very creative, but it didn’t need to be when it was getting the job done, which was to push back against the cult. So far, it’d been working relatively well and every day their numbers grew in strength. What she couldn’t stomach, though, was the fact that everyone looked to her like a de facto leader.
She was no leader.
What normally would elate someone else only made her infuriated. What right did they have to delegate such a role to her? Every day it was something new: Deputy, take out this group of peggies and rescue these hostages! Deputy, the cult stole all our gas, bring us some tanker trucks! Deputy, someone from the cult defected, you need to save them! Deputy, pick up a big rig you’ve never driven in your life because it was my dads! Never once did anyone ever ask about her needs. For days she'd been waiting for news, from anyone, and yet all they had to tell her was more shit that needed to be done! For all she knew, her people were dead already and here she was, playing a glorified errand runner for people who couldn't give two shits about her! Not unless she could do something for them first. The rage that had nestled in her chest before—a hot ember kept ignited by every slight she’d suffered—grew, and grew, until it was nearly consuming her.
Then, during one of the long, long days she’d been sitting in Fall’s End, she’d snapped.
“I don’t give a damn, Jerome! I’m goin' whether you 'er any a'yer little Resistance like it 'er not. And tell Mary May not to close my goddamn tab!”
They’d recently gotten word from the cult defector that Hudson was being kept in John’s bunker. Their only problem was that he kept the only key to the place tied around his neck and rarely ever left. When he did leave, it was with a whole entourage of peggies, keeping him more secure than the president themselves. It wasn’t that she couldn’t take them all down—especially with the help of the Resistance—but they had machine guns and grenade launchers, all things she very much lacked. So, her only course of action was to draw his ire, get herself kidnapped, and figure things out from there. If she played her cards right, she could get into the bunker and get Hudson out. Jerome and Mary May, however? Well, they weren't keen on the idea. What would happen if they lost their biggest asset against the cult? It led to an argument that carried over into the next morning, until finally, she threw her arms up and told them where the sun don't shine.
Fast Forward to when Willa rescues Hudson
“I know your sin. It drives you. Every thought, every action.” He lets out a breath. “Your sin is Wrath.” On the final word, he places his hand to his chest with a small laugh. “So I’ll indulge you: Become Wrath. Let it fill your body and consume your soul. Because in the end, you’ll still be empty. And I’ll be waiting right here.” John gives her a pitying look before throwing a glance behind him, at Hudson. “We both will.”
“No, John. I’m taking Hudson and we’re leaving or so help me I will cave your goddamn fuckin’ head in!” Swinging at him—something he evidently hadn’t expected—she smashes the pipe against his shoulder, ignoring his cry of pain. Dropping the pipe, she lunges for him, sending them both toppling to the ground in a tangle of limbs. Her fist launches forward, sending his head snapping to the side in a daze when it connects. “That’s for drowning me, you bastard.” Standing to her feet, she quickly rushes over to Hudson, who was struggling and yelling. “I gotcha.” Gently peeling the tap off, she quickly begins working on her ropes, ignoring the groaning John on the floor, who was recovering from her assault quicker than she'd expected.
“You came… I-I thought…” Hudson sobs, taking in deep breaths that weren’t restricted by the tape over her mouth.
“Of course I did.” She moves to the front of her and crouches down, working on getting the restraints off her feet next. “I know it took me a while, I had to… Well, I was preoccupied.” She looks up at Hudson, gently wiping away the fresh tears that’d fallen. “But I never stopped looking. Now let’s get the hell outta here, huh?”
“You’ll never get out of here, Deputy.” John coughs, standing and shaking his head with a bruise beginning to form around his eye.
“Like hell we will.” She growls, grabbing Hudson’s hand and pulling her toward the door. Yanking on the handle, she slips out the small crack of the door and closes it behind her, sealing John in the room by himself.
Next is my beloved Valerie Morgan, from my Clash of Worlds AU
The wind rushes through her hair, the motorcycles engine purrs beneath her, and the neon lights turn into blurs overhead.
God, she hates to admit how much she missed Night City, but it truly feels like coming home, even if it’s not actually her city. It won’t be long until it is. Until all the little ants are trembling beneath her feet, eager to get out of her way or to throw their lot in with her in hopes of being spared. It’s a thought that tugs a wicked smile onto her face, pulling at the freshly healed scars marring the left side of her face, a courteous reminder from a name she no longer cares to remember.
She wouldn’t want to ruin such a good mood, after all.
She’s buzzing with an energy that could transcend time, if she let it. She feels unstoppable, like there’s nothing that can stand in her way. Nothing, except the asshole in front of her that causes her to roll to a stop. Her teeth grind together with a ferocity that nearly shatters the pearly whites inside her mouth, but she settles for a simple honk of the horn instead. And by simple, she naturally means laying on the horn until the person in front of her has the audacity to look behind them.
“Fuck you! Go around!”
Her eye twitches and her nostrils flare. “Fuck… me?”
“Yeah, you heard me!”
She looks around to check her surroundings before pointing at herself, repeating, “Me?”
“Yes! YOU!”
She puts the kickstand on the bike down and turns off the purring engine, giving the man one last chance “Are you sure you mean me?” She questions with a tilt of her head.
“Who the fuck else could I mean? You’re the only fuck nut honkin’ their horn for a minute straight! Can’t you see I’m talkin’ here?” He jabs a thumb to his right, where another person stands by the passenger door.
She gets off the bike and walks up to him with a skip in her step, stopping right next to his door. Flashing a slightly manic smile, she bends at the waist and leans her arms against the open window. “What I want to know is who stops in the middle of the road?”
“You some type of gonk or somethin’? I said I'm talkin'!”
She stops, stares for a few uncomfortable seconds, then starts to laugh. The driver begins to laugh as well, and pretty soon, everyone’s laughing together, like they’re all in on the same joke. What joke that is, they’re still not sure, but the whole situation was beginning to seem downright silly.
It really was just utterly absurd! How could she not have noticed this man was talking to someone? How dare she have the gall to bring attention to that fact? How dare she think that she was above him? That she didn’t know she could just go around him this whole time! It was all just so. Damn. Laughable. She reaches in the window, grabs ahold of his shirt, and yanks him out. With a strength nobody could know she possessed, she tosses him over his car and onto the sidewalk, barely missing the idiot standing by the passenger door.
“Y-you’re fuckin’ whack lady!” They shout before taking off at a full sprint, glancing back to see if she was coming after them.
Before they can look back a second time, she’s right in front of them. “I’m whack? You’re the one who’s running!” Lashing out, she aims for their knees, sending them falling to the ground like a rag doll. “But not for long!” She taunts in a singsong voice, leaving them to tend to their shattered knees. “Now where was I? Oh right!” With a cheery smile, she turns and heads back toward the driver stumbling to his feet, ignoring the pained cries and pleas for help behind her.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’d be more worried about how you’re eating tonight.” The wicked gleam in her eye and smile that matches is the last thing the man sees.
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
just uploaded my new fic titled tumbling in the hay on AO3, a little Midsummer treat for y'all, I hope you like it <3 🌿
(please read the tags (both on AO3 and here below) as well as the author's notes <3)
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calkale · 1 year
Hey, i was wondering how your slimav mw2 au was going, if you lost interest no worries!
Omgomgomg i was thinking about this earlier today!!! ill admit i did lose interest for a little bit but i do really wanna do more with it. Ill post what i have of the fic here cause knowing me itll be months before i finish it since i havent worked on it in months and im still working on the character designs i like giving them scars and giving those scars meaning and I wanna make up little backstories for them too
ill post what I have under the cut and if you have any ideas id love to hear them too
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this is like the outline I made while playing the mission so I wouldn't forget lmao plus some little details about them
this is all I have of the fic so far:
“Its kinda beautiful isnt it?”
Slider turned away from the view of the snowy, Russian mountains to look at Maverick. They had been sent here to this russian air base to retrieve **idk think of something** and decided to stop for a break just before reaching the base.
“Yeah, but theres a prettier view right next to me.” Slider winked at Mav.
“Oh shut up!” Mav playfully slapped him on the shoulder. “Come on lets get going before another MiG takes off and knocks us off this cliff.”
They both stood up from where they had been crouched down and Mav made his way towards the ice wall they were about to climb. They both had their ice climbing gear attached to their boots and wrists, they were bundled up in white winter gear to blend in with the snow storm that was rapidly approaching. Mav had a M24 sniper rifle and his ACR, both white in colour, strapped to his back along with a pistol and a few knives attached to his thighs. Slider had the same but with a pistol on each thigh and a heartbeat sensor attached to his ACR. They both carried small backpacks, in Sliders he had a few packs of C4 which they planned on using as a distraction if needed, and it would most likely be needed knowing them.
They were an efficient team, they worked together more often than not and got along really well. Thats part of what lead them to their relationship.
Maverick swung his icepick into the ice and jabbed his left foot into the ice.
“Watch my six.” He winked at Slider.
“Yeah im watchin it alright.” Slider said, mostly to himself while staring at Mav’s ass, which still looked amazing even under a layer of snow pants.
Mav laughed and started to climb up the wall, swinging his icepicks into the ice and digging his feet in with every step. He was almost at the top when they heard the roar of a jet engine overhead.
The only way up this part of the mountain was near the runway, they had tried to time it so they could get up in between take offs but apparently there had been a change in the schedule.
The snow started blowing off the edge of the mountain, right above Mav, and the ledge slider was standing on started to shake.
“SHIT!” Mav yelled as the jet passed right above their heads.
Slider looked back up and Mav was only holding on by one icepick, both his feet had come off the wall along with the other pick in the seconds Slider was looking down.
“Shit, Mav, dont fall!”
“I dont really have much of a say in that Slider!”
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duckapus · 1 year
Monitor's Duty
For the past few weeks, Hal has been investigating the Haltmann Works Company in his downtime due to their involvement in the release of the Goomba Who Sold the World, though he's had to be rather sneaky about it. Partly because, as the whole thing was technically above board, there's no legal precedent to investigate, partly because going up against a company as powerful as Haltmann is a dangerous prospect, but mostly because the Chief's been keeping him on a short leash following his involvement in the Estrella case.
The leads he's following in this episode eventually lead him to a file of video logs labeled "Project HMG," which show Susie preparing to research the God Box fragments she received from TV Adware, and then her slow descent into madness as she realizes what she's been given, starts coming up with "her" plan to usurp the SM64 universe's Meme Cycle (which will prove she's a better mad scientist than E. Gadd...somehow (again, she's not in her right mind at all here)), recruits A.S.Swipe, the tax evasion Yoshis and the Goomba (also she notes that beyond his usefulness as a source of information she's also given him a job as the head of Accounting. Haltmann does not waste resources, no matter how traditional a "you have outlived your usefulness" betrayal is for evil mad scientists), and makes headway on perfecting the cloning tech and figuring out how to generate Meme Energy. She notes that the Noids are an important step in both directions, and that an "Experient DST-19" has shown a surprising amount of promise for the former, given the condition the donor was in.
Unfortunately, Hal never gets the chance to tell anyone about this, because he ends up getting captured by Susie personally. And she could just get rid of him, but again, Haltmann doesn't waste resources, so she decides to reprogram and...upgrade him instead.
I mean, come on, he's a robot named HAL! He's practically asking for it!
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hezuart · 1 year
Hey, you recently reblogged the first page of my ‘Rewind’ comic, which is the continuation/fix-it I asked you months ago if I could make and in your reblog you wondered where I’ll take it.
I actually finished the whole comic months ago and even made an animatic video of it (you can easily find it on YouTube), so you can see how the rest of the comic goes. Plus I’m making a midquel comic for it too.
Plus I’m thinking that if anyone continues to ask you about what happened to Six in your ‘Channel change’ comic, perhaps point them in the direction of my ‘Rewind’ comic. That way the boys can still have their happy ending in your comic, but Six and someone who was left out entirely of Channel change aren’t left in the dark.
Though I do find it your explanations pretty biased with how you mentioned how Six ruined Mono’s life but neglect to mention that he ruined hers too by releasing the Thin Man and cursing her with the hunger that ended up costing Six’s innocence and humanity. And given that he is the one who cursed her with the hunger in the first place, RK’s death is partially on him.
Oh im very excited to see the animatic for it!!! I noticed there were more pages with links, I'll have to go and read and reblog those too.
I don't recall if I said Six ruined Mono's life. But Six purposefully dropped him, while Mono didn't know the Thin Man was behind the door until he opened it, and he also didn't know the Thin Man would capture Six and cause her hunger pains. (which aren't really explained even now) I don't think Mono knew he WAS the Thin Man either.
We don't know why Six dropped Mono, we just know that she came to hate him after he destroyed her music box.
I will say, I adore Raincoat Girl and Six's relationship you portrayed in the comic! But in the actual game, Six and the Raincoat girl sadly don't have much of a relationship. They assist each other, but not more than necessary. Raincoat Girl is being chased by the Butler. She runs straight past Six (who was collapsed on the ground) without helping her up. Someone bangs on the door of the shed, highly likely to be Six. Raincoat girl locks it, refusing her entry. (and potentially leaving her for dead; or as bait)
At the end of the story, Raincoat girl dies, and the game suggests that Six goes down to a boat and snatches her raincoat to wear for herself. (What kind of person wears a dead friend's clothing?)
and also I don't know if the mobile game is canon or not since it seems like Tarsier studios had a different backstory in mind for Six (growing up in the city instead of lost at sea hopping from ship to ship)
But the point is we don't have any explanation for why Six is the way she is. She has a malicious side to her, she is untrusting, she's a lone wolf, but she also knows kindness, she also knows when she needs help, she also finds comfort in soothing music, and she's best known for fleeing from situations and usually only harming people when absolutely necessary.
Her ending being ambiguous in my Channel Change comic is only to let the viewers know she's not part of Mono and Seven's story because intentional or not, bad things have happened to them when Six is involved.
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scramble-crossing · 10 months
sho/coco for that duo bingo
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ShoCoco siblingry is absolutely fantastic and makes SO much sense to me. Like I see them and think "Oh yeah that's just what siblings are like." They can't get through a single on-screen interaction without arguing. Coco won't let him live down a favour from three years ago. Sho will always be there to protect her when she needs him...but not without spouting some math bullshit he knows will piss her off. I'm eat shit. And I'm die. The fuck you brothers.
Also it's made even BETTER by the fact that there's no clear canonical opportunity for them to have developed this relationship. Sho scuttled his ass out of hell via her sigil and then they locked eyes and sibling-imprinted on each other or something. I saw that cutscene he looked ready to punt her into the sun. My best guess is that she mentioned getting shot by Joshua and they instantly recognized each other as kindred spirits <3
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diathadevil · 2 years
My post canon HC for Princess Tutu is that after Gold Crown is restored the main cast just ends up reforming themselves through a bunch of modern music. Fakir goes from listening to MCR to switching it over to The Killers. Maybe even Paramore (something him and Rue would eventually bond over).
Meanwhile Ahiru ends up learning about Carly Rae Jepsen’s discography.
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